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  • 8/13/2019 24-ProblemSolvingTechniques


    24 Creative Problem Solving Techniques

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    Copyright 2005 Steve Gillman

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    The Best Problem Solving Techniques

    hat are the best problem solving techniques?

    he ones that work for you.

    ry any or all of the techniques explained here, and you'll probably fin

    hat two or three of them work really well for you again and again. I mi

    ind different ones that work better for me. That's natural, as we are a


    ne problem solving method Albert Einstein used was to "sleep on it." He

    hen often had his creative inspirations while shaving in the morning. Hlso used the "change of perspective" technique with some success when h

    magined riding on a beam of light and came up with his theory of


    y Own Favorites?

    or myself, I have the most fun with "random presentation," a technique

    hat has you select any object to see what it can show you about a probl

    nd "concept combination," which involves combining ideas, objects and

    arious factors. These two techniques can give you an endless stream of

    deas. They are a couple of the best for coming up with new inventions a

    usiness ideas.

    y best ideas however, come with "assumption challenging." Challenging t

    ssumption that a book has to be sold lead to this e-book. I consider th

    o be the most powerful and creative problem solving technique, but that

    ay be because it works for me. You may find that "metaphorical analysis

    s more your style.

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    ome Techniques Are Just New Ways To Do The Same Thing

    ne thing you will notice as you read through these techniques is that s

    f them are very similar. Certainly, the technique of "assuming the

    bsurd," in which you ask questions like, What if customers made their

    roducts? can be seen as another way of "assumption challenging." That

    kay. In fact, sometimes a slightly different way of expressing an idea,

    slight twist on an existing method, is all it takes to make it

    nteresting and usable for you, or for me. We all operate a bit


    ombining Techniques

    ombining two or more techniques will become natural as you learn more.

    s a powerful way to get truly innovative ideas that work. You certainly

    an brainstorm, while changing perspectives and challenging assumptions

    ou can also use ten different techniques on the same problem, and thenombine the ideas you come up with to arrive at the best solution.

    ow, before you start using the techniques explained here, you should

    ecome familiar with the three basic rules of creative problem solving.


    Three Steps To Effective Problem Solving

    Suspend Critical Judgement

    et anything go in the initial stages.

    hink it's a stupid thought? Write it down or say it anyhow. "Bad ideas"

    ften trigger better ones. At one time, I'm sure that the idea "Hey, let

    et rid of the cashiers," would have seemed useless and silly to grocery

    tore owners. Somebody worked with it, though, and now you see self-

    heckout lanes in many stores.

    part from the possibility of a bad idea leading to a good one, there is

    he issue of how we function. Tell yourself or others "That's stupid" a

    imes, and any good ideas you or they have aren't likely to be spoken.

    othing shuts down a good brainstorming session faster than an environme

    here people are afraid to throw "crazy" ideas out for consideration.

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    et the ideas flow. If they are useless in the end, drop them. They will

    ave taken only a few seconds of your time, while keeping the wheels of

    our creative imagination turning.

    Have Many Ideas

    his is really easier than it sounds. For example, if you are a musician

    et in the habit of using a few of these techniques, and you'll be able ome up with a dozen new ways to make music in an hour. If you are a

    riter, you can have 30 new story ideas in an afternoon. You'll be able

    hink of forty new ways to make money in a day. If you dont believe thi

    ow, you will as soon as you spend a little time applying the techniques

    ound in this book. Having many new ideas is easy.

    ome of your ideas will even be good ones. Some of them. Maybe only a sm

    ercentage. Thats okay. One good idea can sometimes make all the

    ifference, right? The point of having many ideas is that it increases t

    dds of good ones appearing. It also increases the opportunities forroductive combinations of ideas.

    ust be sure to produce lots of ideas when you are working on a problem

    t helps to quickly move on once you write an idea down. You can come ba

    o it later to develop it more, or to see where it might take you. In th

    eantime, just work the techniques and keep pumping out ideas.

    Choose The Best Solutions

    ime to invite your critical judgement back into the process. Only after

    ou have many creative ideas should you start the evaluation process. Yo

    lso should clearly separate this part of the process from the idea-

    enerating part. Finish the non-judgmental, creative part first.

    hen you do start critically analyzing possible solutions, you need to b

    ery clear on the criteria. Ask the following questions about your ideas

    ow does it solve the problem?

    o answer this, you may have to redefine or clarify the problem. This ca

    e a good problem solving technique in itself, by the way. There can als

    e a lot of back and forth between the creative and analytical parts of

    rocess. While the analysis part of the process shouldnt intrude on the

    reative part, in order not to stifle the creativity, you can certainly

    llow as much creativity as you want into your critical analysis of your


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    n what ways is it better or worse than the other possible solutions?

    his is where you start weeding out the less useful ideas. This may also

    ead to combining the more useful ones. It may help to actually use two

    olumns on a piece of paper, labeled better, and worse.

    n what ways is it better or worse than existing solutions?

    ou may have to start all over if none of the possible solutions you cam

    p with are better than what exists. On the other hand, it may be someth

    ou can use withwhat exists, instead of replacing it.

    ow could it be implemented, and is it worth the work or investment


    ime to apply real world estimates of the benefit versus the cost, and t

    robability of it working. Maybe a new medicine could cure a disease, be

    etter than any other solution, and almost certainly work as intended.

    till, if only three hundred people in the world have the disease, a

    ompany couldn't justify a ten million dollar investment to produce it.

    kay, maybe creating new ideas is more fun than implementing them. Let's

    et started with that part. It's time to learn and use the specific

    echniques for solving problems.


    The 24 Problem Solving Techniques

    Assumption Challenging



    Assume The Absurd

    Cause A Problem To Solve It


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    Change Of Perspective

    Knowledge Gathering

    Imaginary Friends

    0. Mind Preparation

    1. Walk With It

    2. Sleep On It

    3. Concept Combination

    4. Random Presentation

    5. Idea Generating Word List

    6. Solve The Parts

    7. Let It Incubate

    8. Google It

    9. Ask People

    0. Simplify - Complicate

    1. Do What Others Have Done

    2. Metaphorical Analysis

    3. Redefine It

    4. Mind Mapping


    #1 - Assumption Challenging

    he hardest part about challenging assumptions is identifying all the

    ssumptions that we so easily and subtly make. Learn to do this, though,

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    nd you'll have some truly creative ideas. Start with pen and paper. Let

    se an example to go through the process. You own a bicycle manufacturin

    ompany, and you want to create a new product. How do you get some new a

    eally creative ideas to explore? Write down those assumptions. They may


    Bicycles need wheels.

    People buy bicycles to get from here to there.

    Bicycles need two wheels.

    They have to be powered by a persons legs

    We have to sell them.

    They need to be made of metal.

    We need a new product.

    hen you are done you should have a list much longer than this one. Then

    ou can begin challenging each assumption on the list.

    Does a bicycle need wheels? You imagine a "bike" with skis thatydroplanes on water when you pedal fast enough. You jot the idea down.

    Does the rider have to go somewhere? A bike that goes nowhere? Maybe

    xercise bike that runs a TV set? You only get to watch TV when you are

    edaling. A video game that is controlled by riding a stationary bicycle

    Four wheels? What are the advantages? Where is the market? You write

    own anything that comes to mind.

    Why only leg power? A pedaling device for use with the hands? A new m

    otor for bikes?

    Not sell them? Maybe rent them. Maybe the water-bike from above would

    good beach rental. Sell to vendors, who rent to the ultimate consumer.

    What are the alternatives to metal? What are the advantages of

    iberglass or plastic?

    Do you really need a new product? What if you drop the whole idea of

    ew product? Maybe there is more money to be made marketing the existing

    roducts in new ways. That would save the cost of re-tooling. You write

    own some new ideas on marketing your existing bikes.

    otice that number seven challenges the problem itself. Challenging the

    rimary assumption, or the definition of the problem, can often yield th

    ost useful ideas. It can be tough to identify these "hidden" assumption

    ould you normally think to add to your list the assumption "I have to

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    olve this?" Doing so could lead you to the realization that delegating

    o the engineers would be the best way to go. Look for all the assumptio

    o get the widest variety and the most solutions.

    #2 - Add-Subtract-Change

    his is good systematic technique that's easy to use. It is particularly

    ood for use in redesigning things, but can be used for any type of

    roblem. You just start with the existing "solution" and ask what you ca

    dd, subtract or change. I'm going to use the bicycle example from

    assumption challenging," just to show how different techniques will

    uggest very different solutions.

    sing the add-subtract-change technique to come up with our new produc

    e would look at an existing bicycle and ask:

    What could we add?

    aybe a radio could be built into the handle bars? Perhaps a map holder

    hat attaches to the handle bars? A pet-carrier up front, so you can bri

    our cat along for the ride? (Okay, Ill stop looking at the handle bars

    write this.) A built-in retractable lock?

    What could we subtract?

    ake away some of the gears? Ive always thought that for casual users, peeds is enough. Subtract some of the weight? Lighter is better. Lower


    What could we change?

    e could make the tires reflective for safety. We could put a hole in th

    eat for mens comfort, or find a new type of padding. Could we make the

    ears shift automatically?


    s you can see, looking for things to add can require a bit of imaginati


    n the other hand, looking for things to subtract can be very systematic

    ust look at everything, item by item, and ask what would happen if it w

    emoved or lessened.

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    he last question - What could we change? - is where you get to be very

    ystematic and imaginative. Item by item you look at every aspect of the

    xisting solution to imagine ways in which you could alter it, replace i

    r redesign it.

    his is an easy problem solving technique to use (all of them are really

    ou can see that it produces different ideas than the "assumption

    hallenging" technique. At least it did for me as I wrote this.

    mportant Lesson:Try several techniques on the same problem, and I thin

    ou'll find that each gets your mind working in a different way, and

    herefore gives you different ideas.

    #3 - Brainstormingrainstorming is using the power of many minds. A group is presented wit

    roblem or problems to solve, and everyone freely contributes ideas, and

    uilds on the ideas of others. At least that is the idea.

    ften in a brainstorming session each person just defends their own idea

    ven worse is when participants don't suggest ideas at all, for fear

    hey'll be attacked or ridiculed. That's no way to brainstorm. Ideas sho

    low freely and trigger other ideas. How do you make that happen?

    ave A Good Leader

    good leader will stop any criticisms, arguments, and even strong

    pinions, at least in the first part of the session. A brainstorming

    ession needs to be spontaneous, open and uncritical. Bad or silly

    deas can lead to helpful ones, so suggestions have to be left un-judged

    irst. Otherwise, you stifle the creative process. The leaders job, then

    s to make everyone feel free to suggest any ideas.

    ood Brainstorming - An Example

    company needs to cut delivery costs. The brainstorming participants st

    o suggest ideas and solutions. "Let's not deliver," one suggests, and w

    nother criticizes this, he is reminded of the rules. "Negotiate lower

    hipping rates," is suggested, "Or just find a company with lower rates,

    nother adds. Reducing package weight and charging customers more are

    uggested, and lead to other ideas.

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    he leader keeps it civil, take notes, and eventually calls a halt to th

    ree-for-all part of the session. Now it's time to further develop the

    deas for whatever usefulness they may have. To keep the creativity

    lowing, the leader has participants defend or develop ideas that are no

    heir own. This brings new insight to the ideas, and prevents the proble

    f people getting "stuck in a rut" with their own ideas. (This is a real

    seful technique to try at your next brainstorming session.)

    or example, he asks the man who criticized the idea of not delivering t

    ork with that idea. "We have to deliver," he starts with, but then he

    hinks about it and says, "We could deliver in bulk to central distribut

    oints instead of to the individual customers. The customers could pick

    heir orders there. I suppose that might save us money on shipping."

    omeone suggests that the customers may like the arrangement. They could

    eturn the product immediately if they were dissatisfied, with no need t

    ack and ship it. (It worked for Sears for years.) The leader assigns aouple people to look into it, and moves on to the other ideas.

    ood leadership keeps the whole process working. In the last example, a

    bad" idea was used to come to a possible solution. That's good


    mportant Note:

    brainstorming session can be especially productive if the group isntroduced to a few new problem solving techniques. A few good technique

    nd a good leader, and any group can come up with dozens of new ideas.

    #4 - Assume The Absurd

    he technique of "assuming the absurd" is really just a twist on the bas

    ssumption-challenging technique. It's advantage is that it tends to get

    ou thinking more imaginatively. At least it will if you play along. The

    asiest way to start with this technique is with "what if" questions.

    ome Examples Of Absurd Assumptions

    ired of carrying that heavy backpack in the wilderness? Ask the absurd

    uestion, "What if the backpack carried itself?" A helium balloon comes

    ind, or wheels that can handle rough trails. Actually, that last one ju

    it the market. The "Wheelpacker" attaches to your back and lets you pul

    he pack down the trail behind you, using a modified bicycle wheel.

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    What if we sold our cereal below cost?"

    hat's absurd! Then again, if the revenue was made up by selling

    dvertising space on the box, it might be even more profitable. "Raisin-

    ds: Now with more advertising!" (Feel free to steal these ideas.)

    What if I just quit my job and didn't look for another?"

    ey, this question gave me the time and motivation to write this book, a

    o develop an internet business that pays the bills. Maybe you could put

    d in the paper and let the jobs look for you?

    What if lights produced sound instead of light?"

    his might be a nifty product for people who are blind. Using the sounds

    hey could orient themselves in a room, or follow a hallway easily.

    f You Cant Think Absurdly

    f it is difficult to come up with absurd "what ifs," start with opposit

    f you need to increase sales, for example, just say how could decreasi

    ales be better? That might lead to the idea of dropping non-profitable

    ustomers and squeezing more profit out of good customers.

    f course, increasing sales and getting more profit per sale is even

    etter. That brings up an important point: There's no need to prove thatour absurd assumption is better than existing ones.

    ou use these techniques to trigger your imagination, and give you new

    deas. If an absurd "what if" question, or any other technique gets you

    owhere, just drop it after a minute and move on. It's absurd to think y

    an get good ideas from every question. But then again...

    #5 - Cause A Problem To Solve It

    kay, you don't have to actually cause a problem. Instead, you ask the

    uestion:"How can I make this problem worse?" Then you systematically gl

    hat lessons you can from each of these anti-solutions to arrive at idea

    or real solutions.

    ersonal Problems

    his can be a great technique for dealing with personal problems. For

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    #6 - Creactivity

    his isn't really a problem solving technique as much as a good habit to

    evelop. Of course "creactivity" is invented, so don't look for it in th

    ictionary. It is the concept of creativity coming from activity. You ha

    o do something to create something. Obvious, perhaps, but nonetheless

    here are probably thousands of writers out there right now, staring at

    lank piece of paper, waiting for ideas to come.

    on't Wait!

    hether you are trying to start that novel or looking for a new

    athematical algorithm, start working on it. Graham Green, the famous

    nglish writer, credits a simple habit for much of his success: He force

    imself to write at least 500 words every day, whether or not he felt li

    t. Yes, creative inspiration can strike at any time, but it sure strike

    ore often when there is work instead of waiting.

    o build a house you need tools, materials, and work. To come up with gr

    deas and creative solutions to problems, you need the same. The tools a

    he techniques here and whatever else is in your brain. The materials ar

    he things you know about the problem to be solved. The work, which can

    lay as well, is what brings it all together.

    he Creactivity Technique

    kay, how do you put this obvious principle into practice as a "techniqu

    ike this: when you are having difficulty coming up with good ideas and

    orkable solutions, start producing bad ideas and unworkable solutions.

    hat's it. Just start playing with the problem, and eventually the ideas

    ill get better.

    et me repeat that:

    ust Do it!

    o it badly until you can do it better. Do a minor part of the work. Get

    he work ready to work on later. Write anything on a piece of paper. The

    rite something more relevant. Write an explanation of why you cant fin

    ny solutions, and then find a solution to that.

    reactivity is my new word for the day. Creation begins with activity. A

    ctor will be more creative after the first job than before it. A builde

    an build more innovative homes after the first ten than before. Just ge

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    o work in the area where you want creative inspiration, and it will com

    Invention is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration. - Thomas Edison

    #7 - Change Of Perspective

    tories can be great for providing a change of perspective. There is a

    tory about a man sitting on a dock fishing. A busy executive, having ju

    inished entertaining clients on his boat, saw the man and realized he w

    lways there. He stopped to ask him why he didn't get a job.

    Why should I?" the man asked in return.

    he executive explained that he could make some money, and build up a

    etirement fund even. The man asked why he'd want to do that. The execut

    mpatiently replied that the money would give him the freedom to do what

    anted in life.

    But I'm already doing what I want," the man replied.

    ow To Change Your Perspective

    o use a change of perspective for problem solving, we need to create

    ittle stories in our minds. We need to ask how a child would view the

    roblem, for example, or even imagine looking at the problem from anothe

    lace, like the top of a building.

    change of perspective can be looking from another place, other eyes, a

    ifferent point in time, or with a wider or narrower view of the problem

    s a child I noticed that things which happened months or years ago didn

    other me much, so I used that knowledge. When bad things happened, and

    elt hurt, I imagined how the event would seem five years from now. That

    ew perspective took a lot of the sting away.

    ore Examples

    o design a new line of clothing: Imagine how a logical machine would vi

    he problem. A line of clothing based entirely on function, with no rega

    or style? Functionality might become the new style. Shoes that give you

    he maximum performance and foot protection, with no "extras." Shirts th

    hange color, turning darker to absorb heat when you are cold, and light

    o reflect the sun when you're hot.

    o further your career: How would your boss see the job you are doing? H

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    ould a customer see it? How would a disinterested outsider see it? Taki

    wider perspective, you might think about how important your role would

    ppear to someone looking at the whole organization. That might give you

    deas on increasing your profile.

    o be a better negotiator: Looking at the issues from the perspective of

    he other side is a great way to arrive at a win-win solution. What woul

    hey like to hear?

    o come up with radical new ideas: Don't forget that a new perspective c

    e as crazy as your imagination will allow. Einstein really did imagine

    iding that beam of light to arrive at his theory of relativity.

    #8 - Knowledge Gathering

    his is more of a preparatory step than a problem solving technique. If

    now nothing about construction, you probably won't get many good ideas ew roofing tools with any technique, until you learn more of the basics

    he point?

    e sure to gather the information and knowledge necessary before working


    he reason I include this as a technique, is that you can often come u

    olutions for problems just by getting more knowledge and information. F

    xample, when you see that grocery stores are starting to use self-check

    anes, you might immediately adapt the idea to your bookstore. Discoveri

    hat other stores like yours have higher profit margins can change the

    ocus of your make more money problem from increasing sales to looking

    osts and prices.

    ere are a few of the things youll want to look for and do when you are

    athering knowledge and information to solve a problem:

    Jot down any information you think may be relevant.

    Write an outline of the current situation.

    List any potential solutions you've already thought about.

    List solutions that others have used for similar problems.

    lways Take Notes

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    nce you've done this, look at each item and make a note of anything els

    ou may need to learn to effectively solve the problem. In the example

    bove, for example, the solution others are using is self-checkout

    egisters. In that case, you would want to make a note to find out how m

    hese machines cost initially, and maybe how they are maintained.

    t some point, you have to decide whether to gather more knowledge and

    nformation, or start working on the problem. If you dont get any good

    deas when you try, it may mean you need to do more information-gatherin

    gain. Sometimes it can be beneficial to go back and forth between

    athering information and brainstorming or using other creative problem

    olving techniques.

    ontinuing Education

    f the problem or problems you are working on are recurring issues, or p

    f your job or business, you should keep your head full of the latest

    nformation and relevant knowledge. In other words, if you have aonstruction company, and you want to more easily solve your regular

    roblems, subscribe to the relevant trade magazines, and spend time with

    thers in the business. The more you know, the more creative your potent

    olutions can be - as long as you maintain an open mind.

    #9 - Imaginary Friends

    ometimes we're at our most creative when interacting with others. We si

    alking to friends and each feeds off the other's ideas. Plus, a discuss

    an really clarify things. But what about when you're alone, or don't wa

    o share your ideas yet? How can you stimulate creativity and find elega

    olutions to problems?

    ry talking to Albert Einstein.

    alk to Andrew Carnegie or Lee Iacocca if your problem has to do with

    aking a factory more productive. Questions about love can be addressed

    he Dalai Lama. The idea is to have conversations in your head with anyoho can help. Why do this?

    magination Needs Form To Function

    ou already have a powerful imagination, whether you know it or not. Wha

    ou may not have, is enough powerful ways to use it. That's what you get

    ith a conversation in your head - access to the creative power of your

    ind - a way to use your imagination.

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    tart by imagining someone you respect and know something about. This is

    ou can easily imagine what they might say. It can even be a fictional

    haracter. Explain your problem to this person, and listen to what they

    ave to say.

    ou'll be surprised how often an imaginary Einstein comes up with an

    nteresting idea, or a question that produces something useful. Just ask

    nything you want. If that is too difficult, just imagine two other peopaving a conversation about the problem you want to solve.

    ll the ideas they come up with are yours, of course, but youll notice

    ight away that what one imaginary person says will be very different fr

    hat another says. Thats the whole point - these other voices are other

    ays for your imagination to produce good ideas.

    hat Would Jesus Do?

    ave you ever seen those "WWJD" pins and stickers? The WWJD stands for

    What Would Jesus Do?" Some young people wear these pins as a source of

    uidance. Whether or not you are a Christian, you can see how, in times

    onfusion, this simple question can immediately clarify things and allow

    ight decision. The information necessary may be there in a young man's

    ead, yet there is confusion. Then, he imagines what Jesus would do or s

    nd he quickly "sees" the answer.

    ust Try It!

    tart talking with your imaginary friends (in your head please). You can

    se this technique for help with personal, business, moral and any other

    roblems. It's a powerful way to draw on the power of your unconscious

    ind, and it will work if you give it a chance.

    #10 - Mind Preparation

    his is another preparation technique. Gathering all the information andnowledge you need is a great preparatory step, but what if there is too

    uch "brain fog" for you to process it? The solution is to get your mind

    eady for a problem solving session. Here are ten ways:

    ips For Clear Thinking

    Have a place that is conducive to good thinking. This can be a clean

    esk, a conference room, or even a coffee shop, if that works for you.

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    Gather mental materials you'll need. This can include a list of probl

    olving techniques, especially if they havent become a habit for you ye

    his can also include a list of ways to get motivated, and other persona

    eminders that help you.

    Think about why you want to solve this problem. Imagine how things wi

    e better when youve succeeded. Building your anticipation and enthusia

    reates physical changes that speed up your thought processes.

    If you have no inherent interest in the project, try talking about

    omething that is interesting to you just before you start working on th

    roblem. The enthusiasm won't directly transfer, but the increased energ

    nd enhanced brain function it created will continue for a while.

    It may help to clear your mind with a basic mindfulness exercise. Clo

    our eyes, pay attention to your breathing, and relax for three minutes.

    ust watch your breathing, and start to identify all the little "mind

    rritations" you notice while doing this. Make notes afterwards, put thi

    n to-do lists - do whatever you have to do to set these distractions


    Have a cup of coffee or other beverage with caffeine if this helps yo

    n my experience, caffeine is better for analytical thinking than for

    reative problem solving.

    Ginkgo Biloba may help. In studies, it has been shown to increase blo

    low to the brain. You can buy it in capsules, tea, or just eat a coupleeaves if there is a Ginkgo tree nearby (common in parks).

    Have water, and maybe light protein snacks available (nuts are good).

    his is just to keep from being distracted by thirst or hunger.

    Avoid sugar. If you really don't understand the concept of brain fog,

    at sugary cake on an empty stomach and try to do math problems twenty

    inutes later. You'll get the point. (This is called the "sugar blues.")

    0. Stop occasionally to stand up, stretch, and sigh. This relaxes your

    ody and mind. There is some evidence that tension in the shoulders, nec

    nd head can decrease blood flow to the brain.

    ou probably won't want to take the time to do all of these things befor

    ou sit down to solve a problem (then again, maybe you will). In any cas

    eep this list available so you have some quick remedies when your brain

    eeling sluggish.

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    #11 - Walk With It

    alking gets the blood pumping, but without the effort and stress of

    eavier exercise. More blood pumping through your brain means more oxyge

    nd better function. There is also something about the rhythmic nature o

    t that makes walking very conducive to clear thinking. Many people repo

    hat they get their best ideas when taking a walk.

    arry A Recording Device

    lways walk with a tape recorder or other recording device if you want t

    olve problems and generate new ideas. Smaller is better. It is ideal if

    ou can put it in your shirt pocket, even though much of the time you wi

    ant to hold it in your hand. The point is to have a device that is ligh

    nd easy to use when walking. Of course, be sure there is a tape and

    atteries in it before you leave.

    Gentle, Non-Distracting Walk

    alk in a park if you can, or alongside a road that isn't too busy. If y

    re self conscious about talking to your recorder, it is best to find

    omeplace more isolated to walk. Walk where it is fairly level, so you

    on't exert yourself too much or get out of breath. You want your focus

    e on your problem solving, not on catching your breath.

    nce you start walking, dictate into the recorder what the problem is thou are working on. Redefine it and re-state it a few different ways, an

    ust start thinking of ideas as you walk. It normally takes several minu

    o get into your rhythm. Because of this, you'll probably want to walk f

    wenty minutes or more, so you have at least ten minutes of "optimal

    hinking" time.

    ecord Everything

    ust record whatever comes to mind. Later, at home or at the office, you

    an listen and take notes if anything useful comes from it. For an

    nteresting twist, and to get more creative ideas, use the "random

    resentation" technique on your problem as you walk, using objects you s

    round you. (There will be an explanation of that technique coming up.)

    ou'll at least get some good exercise, and hopefully some great ideas.

    hen I used to write short stories, a walk around a nearby pond, with my

    ape recorder in hand, was a sure way to get at least a dozen good ideas

    or new stories. Walking really works for some of us.

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    #12 - Sleep On It

    Sleeping on it" has been a proven problem solving technique for thousan

    f years. It doesn't always work, but its one more way to get the

    nconscious mind working for you. Even when you don't get an answer in t

    ight, or in the morning, it can help you disengage from any unproductiv

    fforts or "thinking ruts" and start fresh.


    he technique of "incubating" ideas in the subconscious mind is used in

    ther ways too. You can drop a problem for a while, for example, and if

    ave been working hard on it, the wheels will still be turning below

    onsciousness. Days later you might have an "aha" moment at any time, or

    esponse to some stimulus.

    o incubate an idea or problem overnight, so you can hopefully get an

    nswer by morning, you should work on it consciously at some point durin

    he day. Intense or concentrated effort for a short time is better than

    taring at your notes groggily for hours.

    hen you are about to go to sleep, remind yourself that you are looking

    olutions. Define the problem in your mind, preferably in a couple

    ifferent ways. Review what ideas youve already had, but only for a min

    r two. Then consciously drop the problem, so you can sleep.

    ave Pen and Paper Ready

    ave a notebook and a pen next to your bed, for use in the morning, or i

    ase of a middle-of-the-night idea. Alternately, keep a small tape recor

    vailable. This may be better, because you won't need to turn on the lig

    o leave a quick message if an idea wakes you in the middle of the night

    ust quickly dictate your thoughts into the recorder. You can more easil

    o back to sleep if you dont turn the light on.

    oes it work?

    ometimes. While working on this e-book, I woke up from a dream in which

    as explaining the "add-subtract-change" problem solving technique (#2)

    omebody. I am sure that it has been thought of by many people in one fo

    r another, but it was unknown to me until that moment, and I've found i

    ery useful.

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    ucid Dreaming

    nother way to solve problems while sleeping is to work on them

    onsciously, in your dreams. Can you be conscious in your dreams? Many

    wear by it. Lucid dreaming is beyond the scope of this book, but I

    hought Id mention it briefly, as it could be useful to creative work o

    any types.

    ou may have had the experience of dreaming and realizing you were in a

    ream. Lucid dreamers can make this happen more or less at will. One

    echnique to train yourself for this, is to have trigger objects. If,

    hile awake, you ask yourself, Am I dreaming? every time you see a clo

    ntil it is an automatic question, then when you see a clock in a dream,

    ou will be prompted to ask, and to become aware that you are dreaming.

    hen, with practice, you can control the course of the dream to some

    xtent. You could even put this time to good use working on creative

    olutions to problems.

    #13 - Concept Combination

    ere's a fun one. It may not be one of the most productive ways to solve

    ell-defined problems, but the "concept combination" technique can be us

    o create endless new ideas. The basic idea is to just put any two thing

    ogether to see what results.

    reat For New Inventions and Businesses

    otorcycle plus ski will make most of us think of a "motor-ski" of some

    ort. The concept of "delivery" combined with "pets" could lead to a doo

    o-door pet supply store, or the delivery of goldfish and small pets.

    Phone" and "alarm clock" makes me wonder if people might pay for wake-u

    alls, like they have in hotels. Radio and phone could lead to a headset

    hat is also a phone. The music stops when a call comes in, and you don

    ven have to reach for your phone.

    he initial ideas are just the start. Then you can work with them, expann them, and change them. As I write this, my mind is running with the

    phone-alarm clock" combination, and I'm imagining an automated service

    hat wakes you up with a phone call, which delivers a recording of a

    ifferent motivational and energizing thought each day.

    s you can see, this technique is ideally suited to creating new product

    ervices and inventions. It is also just great fun to play with when you

    re driving a long distance, or waiting for a dentist appointment. How d

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    ou use it for particular problems though?

    oncept Combination For Specific Problems

    ombine the elements of the problem with other concepts. For example, I

    nce bought a roll of polyester batting to make a sleeping bag. I was

    itting there thinking of ways to lighten the weight of my other

    ackpacking gear, so I started combining things in my mind.

    hen I combined the polyester insulation with the concept of "vest," I

    ealized I could make a very light vest using the batting. A 2-foot by 6

    oot piece with a hole for my head, worn like a tunic. Done. It's fragil

    ut since I wear it under a rain jacket, it doesn't need it's own shell

    aterial. By the way, it weighed four ounces, and kept me warm for years

    ncluding at the top of a 20,600 foot glacier-covered mountain.

    took the idea of separating shell fabrics from insulation, and combine

    t with "sleeping bag." I realized that just a shell would keep me warm

    used a pile of leaves over and under it as insulation. That was the

    rigin of my 5-ounce sleeping bag.

    f your problem was to make an original movie, you would start combining

    he genres, stories, settings, techniques, actors and anything else that

    elevant. Maybe you would come up with a movie set in space and filmed i

    he style of "The Blair Witch Project." Or a western comedy done as a

    artoon. (Aren't you glad I'm not in the movie business?)

    ry this technique. Its one of the easiest techniques to learn and use.

    ou get nothing else from it, you can bring it out at parties, as a game

    ee who can use it to come up with the wildest new invention.

    #14 - Random Presentation

    his is another fun one to use while you are driving or sitting in a

    aiting room. You just randomly pick an object, and ask what it can teac

    ou about your problem. It is similar to the concept-combination techniqut it's more open-ended. You aren't trying to necessarily combine the

    bject with your problem, but to use it to trigger any ideas that can he

    o demonstrate the process, we'll pretend you're a city planner trying t

    ind ways to get people to use the bus system. Until it reaches a certai

    evel of use, it can't be self-sustaining, and tax payers complain about

    he cost. Its important to the city; it's needed by non-drivers, reduce

    ollution by reducing the cars on the roads.

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    ou start with a tape recorder ready, perhaps as you drive to work. The

    irst object you choose is a tree. What can a tree teach you about the

    roblem? Hmm... a tree has a strong trunk... branches can be lost, but t

    ree survives. This gives you the idea that you could concentrate on the

    ain routes (the trunk), maybe even put up signs that say "This route

    rosses town every fifteen minutes." It might be more efficient to

    oncentrate on the primary routes and grow the others (the branches) lat

    fter recording your idea, you see a swimming pool. Hmm... swimming pool

    re fun... could riding the bus be fun somehow? Play music? Have a TV? Y

    ecord a few ideas, and move on. A house, a cat and a cloud give you no

    deas, so you let them each go after a minute.

    ou see a parking ticket on a windshield. Hmm... What if instead of a fi

    he ticket gave the driver the option of buying a monthly bus pass? It

    olves their parking problem, and hopefully gets them in the habit of us

    he bus. You note the idea and make a note to explore the general idea ounishments and incentives further.

    billboard for the lottery makes you think of having a bus-pass lottery

    very month a couple random lucky riders win a hundred dollars when they

    wipe their pass through the automatic reader. The other riders see this

    nd are encouraged to buy the passes instead of paying by the ride. (You

    an only win with the pass.)

    cloud of smoke makes you think of ads with "before and after" photos o

    ity with fewer cars. The air will be clearer in the "after" photo, whic

    ill make the non-riding taxpayers feel better about the money spent.

    ou next choose a restaurant, and ask what it can teach you about the

    roblem. You get a few ideas and record them, then you remember your

    discount card" you paid for that you use at area businesses, including

    estaurants. Maybe you could talk area businesses into giving a discount

    hen patrons show their bus passes.

    ow Well Does It Work?

    ry it and see. All of the ideas above came to me in fifteen minutes, as

    rote this. I chose the objects by imagining what I would see if driving

    hey may not be great solutions, but then I don't know a thing about

    unning a bus service. The important point is the quantity of ideas this

    an produce. Quality comes when you develop them further, and when you k

    ore about the problem.

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    s you use this problem solving technique, you'll have silly ideas pop i

    our head. Don't dismiss them too quickly, as they'll sometimes trigger

    hought that's more useful. You can use this creative technique anywhere

    nd it's great for putting driving time to good use.

    #15 - Idea Generating Word List

    or more creative solutions to problems we need to get our minds looking

    ew directions. A systematic way to do this is to use a list of idea-

    enerating words - primarily adjectives - to create "what if?" scenarios

    egin with the question, "What if it was..." and insert a word from the

    ist. "It" can the problem you're trying to solve, or the situation or

    olution that exists at the moment.

    or an example of the technique in action, we'll pretend you want a bett

    ob, and that you are a clerk at a bookstore. You aren't satisfied with

    ork, and it also doesn't pay well. You pull out the word list and askWhat if it was..."

    arger.That makes you think of a better position perhaps. It also makes

    ou think of a larger store, where you might be paid more, or have more

    pportunity for advancement.

    maller.The problem could be smaller if you got a raise, and found a fe

    ays to make the work more interesting. Maybe a smaller store would pay

    ven less per hour, but be open to your ideas for increasing sales, and

    ou a percentage of profits.

    arther away.This make you realize that you have been too narrow in you

    earch. It could be worth driving a little to get a better higher-paying

    ob. Maybe it's even time to move to another town.

    loser. Could you get a job nearby and sell your car? The money saved wo

    e like a large raise.

    ore difficult.Selling magazines by phone like your friend does would bore difficult, but he makes $5 an hour more than you. If you hate the j

    nyway, why not make more money?

    ake notes as you do this exercise, and develop the ideas later. Most wo

    on't give you useful ideas, but don't dismiss them without a few second

    f thought. Creative solutions can begin with unrelated thoughts. "What

    t was hopeless?" may seem useless, but it could also bring you to the

    seful realization that you need a business instead of a job.

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    he "What If" Word List

    he list here is a basic one. Use it as is, but remember that there are

    undreds of idea-generating words you could add to it. Any adjectives,

    escriptive phrases, or words that can change your perspective can be

    otentially useful.

    What if it was...



    farther away





    more difficultsofter




    wetter drier











    more exciting



    more casual

    more serious





    more common

    less common


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    better worse



    added to

    subtracted from

    left alone







    more expensive


    #16 - Solve The Parts

    roblems are often really collections of smaller problems. One of the

    urest way to solve them without getting overwhelmed, is to solve these

    maller problems - the "parts." This is as simple as listing all the

    arious elements of your problem, and then applying any of the technique

    ere to find solutions for each of these.

    o demonstrate this technique, we'll pretend you're a builder and

    eveloper. You have a large company, and you want to put up a developmen

    ith the cheapest housing ever seen, so anyone can afford to buy a homeou also want to make a lot of money doing it.

    ou start with a list of all the factors involved. Some of these might b

    aterial costs, interest rates, down payments, labor costs, land costs,

    aving costs, and closing costs when selling the homes. You work on idea

    or each of these, then assign tasks to yourself and others.

    or material costs, you make a note to research cheap building materials

    ou consider cutting waste with more efficient procedures, which means lpent on materials and on hauling away the waste. Interest rates seem to

    ut of your control, but you make a note to see if a bank will reduce th

    nterest rates if you send most of the buyers to them. Maybe you can pay

    he mortgage insurance or "points" for buyers to get the rates lower.

    he down payment problem and the labor problems might be helped by letti

    uyers work on their new homes. Their wages could be paid at closing,

    owards the down payment. You note the idea, and also make a note to che

    nto FHA "gifting" rules, to see how much a foundation funded by your

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    ompany can give a buyer towards a down payment.

    or land, you decide to look into the cheapest useable land, setting asi

    lmost all other criteria. You also make a note to check into the smalle

    ot size allowed by the township.

    aving driveways, you decide, isn't necessary. Buyers can pave them late

    hen they have the money. You make a note to look into these later add-os another profit source.

    o reduce closing costs, you note that your lawyer might discount for a

    arge volume of easy and similar closings. You also make a note to see i

    he bank providing the financing will forgo the appraisal on most of the

    omes if they are all almost identical.

    n the end, finding ways to solve a hundred parts of the problem can be

    ore productive than looking for a "big" or "radical" solution. This

    echnique is ideally suited to personal problems, by the way. Imagine wh

    ou would be if you "solved" one bad habit every month for a couple year

    #17 - Let It Incubate

    his is just the "sleep on it" technique on a longer time scale. Our min

    ork on things below consciousness all the time. To make them work more

    roductively, try the following: (As an example, we'll assume you are a

    awmaker, and you want to work on the problem of reducing crime.)

    Gather lots of information.

    ry to get all the facts and figures necessary to understand and solve t

    roblem you're working on. Which crimes are most common? Where are they

    ost common? Which crimes are most

    estructive of civil society? What do most criminals have in common? Wha

    easures have previously reduced crime?

    Work on the problem intensely.

    ven if it isn't for a long time, try to really concentrate on the probl

    his clues the subconscious in to the fact that this is an important

    atter. Think of several new ideas for preventing crime. Consider how

    ndividuals can be prevented from becoming criminals. List the most

    ffective police forces and what they do.

    Explain the problem to yourself.

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    efine it in your mind as you do this, and redefine it, so it can be

    pproached from different perspectives. "Preventing crime," might also b

    een as "protecting individuals for criminals," and "getting rid of


    Tell your mind to go to work.

    iterally, say to yourself, "Okay, go to work on this problem now. I nee

    olution soon."

    Do something else.

    ust drop the whole thing for a few days or even a few weeks.

    f you follow this routine, you may get ideas popping into your head as

    ays go by. Even if you don't, you'll often find that when you do start

    orking on the idea again, you'll have new ideas. Things you have seen o

    eard about in the meantime have been making connections with the ideas

    our unconscious mind. A documentary you saw about a summer camp might

    esurface as an idea for a "penal camp," where thieves are trained for

    ivil life, with a doubled jail sentence awaiting if they fail.

    ccasionally, you may even get that "AHA!" inspiration.

    18 - Google Ithis is a quick way to gather information, but it has become so useful t

    t deserves consideration as it's own technique. To "google it," means t

    ook for information on something using the Google search engine. Use ot

    earch engines too, of course. MSN will display quite a few different

    esults than Google.

    or an example of how to use Google to find new solutions, we'll start w

    he problem of expensive medical care. How do we spend less? I just type

    cheap medical care" into Google.

    irst Browse For Ideas

    he first result was an article, "Westerners Seek Cheap Medical Care in

    sia." It reminds me that dental care is 70% cheaper in Mexico, less tha

    wo hours from where we live. In a larger context, it makes me want to s

    hy it is so cheap. Maybe there is something to be learned there.

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    nother result is for a medical supply company. I recall selling some

    rutches at a rummage sale once, and wonder where things like wheelchair

    an be bought used. That could be a real money saver. An ad for low cost

    nsurance plans makes me wonder how many ways there are to save on medic


    hen Dig Deeper

    fter you get a few ideas, dig deeper. When I actually click through to

    rticle on medical care in Asia, I find that it's about a retired Oregon

    pple farmer who doesnt have insurance. He was told it would be $35,000

    nd a six- month wait for surgery on his torn knee ligaments. Instead, h

    ad it done in India for a third of that, including airfare to Bombay.

    ow that's a solution! Save over $20,000 and have it done sooner. Right

    way, I start to think of a business based on charter flights to the bes

    urgical centers of India. Would you like a seat on the heart surgery

    xpress? Half price for heart surgery!

    se the search engines for information on how others have solved your

    roblem, and for new ideas.

    fter the initial search, I clicked through to the article, but I also

    ould have explored "insurance." The ad for prescriptions and supplement

    ad me thinking about how much I could save if I ate well and never need

    edical care.

    se search engines as personal brainstorming tools.

    #19 - Ask People

    his is in some ways an obvious technique. Just ask several people for

    heir ideas about your problem. You might think that you have to ask peo

    ho know something about the topic, but this isn't necessarily true.

    uch of the value of asking others is in getting a new perspective, and

    etting you clarify the problem.

    used to ask people what type of business they would start if they were

    eady to start one. I was never thrilled by the businesses they told me

    bout, but the reasons they chose this or that business were instructive

    t always helped me to refine my own criteria. In the end, that helped m

    hoose an internet business.

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    n Example

    uppose you are developing a new video game. Talking to regular players

    ne place to start, but don't limit yourself to that. Ask people who don

    lay video games why they don't, and what would motivate them to. That i

    ore likely to get you some new ideas.

    find video games to be boring, tedious, and a waste of time, by the wave never thought about what would motivate me to buy a video game unti

    ow. I think I would have to learn something from it or feel that it was

    ruly good for my brainpower. Any ideas?

    asically, you get three things when you talk about your problem with


    You clarify your own thinking by explaining it.

    You get other perspectives.

    You possibly get solutions and ideas.

    nother benefit of asking others, is that they will be more helpful to y

    n the future. You see, people love to be asked for their opinions and

    deas. Doing so can also help you if your ego is getting in the way of

    olving the problem, as when we cling to solutions just because they are


    #20 - Simplify-Complicate

    implify a problem and it is easier to find solutions. Complicate a

    roblem, or rather recognize the true complexity already there, and you

    ind more workable solutions. Do both, and you get the best of both.


    he shortest distance between two points is a straight line. It's easy t

    nderstand this rule from mathematics, but we sometimes forget to apply

    n our problem solving. NASA, for example, spent years and millions of

    ollars to develop a pen that would function in zero-gravity. The soviet

    ust used pencils - the straight line approach.


    t is common to over-simplify solutions to problems too, though. The

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    traight-line simple solution to losing weight is to eat less, for examp

    hat will fail as a solution for most people, though, if they don't also

    onsider the complicating factors of body-type, nutrition, motivation an

    nconscious thoughts.

    ow To Simplify and Complicate Your Way To A Solution

    o use the simplify-complicate technique, then, you want to define aroblem in simple terms and also define it more fully. Then work it both

    ays, to see what ideas you get. You can also simplify it, and then adap

    he "simple" solution to the more complex reality afterwards.

    or an example, we'll say that Jack wants to use his Saturdays to make m

    ncome. He's tired of living paycheck-to-paycheck. There are, of course

    ther factors that are involved, which we will get to in a moment.

    he simple solution is to work at his present job on Saturdays. He likes

    he idea of getting paid time-and-a-half, and he can get a Saturday shif

    ost weeks. This solves the simplified problem.

    hen he looks at the problem again, and realizes that he not only wants

    ore income, but he wants to eventually be less dependent on his job. Th

    olution fails in this respect. In fact, he hopes to someday have enough

    ncome from other sources to leave the job altogether. He realizes that

    hat he needs is some type of investment or business income.

    e had thought about a business or real estate investing before, but theime and money just weren't there. Now it occurs to him that he can use

    imple solution to arrive at a better long-term solution. He decides to

    ork Saturdays when he can, and set aside the income from those days for

    uture business or investment. In the meantime, the Saturdays he doesn't

    ork will be devoted to researching those income possibilities.

    implify, complicate, and get the best of both.

    #21 - Do What Others Have Doneerhaps this is the most obvious and easiest way to solve problems. Just

    hat others have done with a similar problem. Obvious, sometimes easy, a

    lso very effective.

    opy The Success Of Others

    f you want to open the first vegetarian self-serve restaurant in your

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    own, it might be tough to find another in the entire state that you can

    earn from. However, you can find other "new concept" restaurants that h

    pened in town. Find out how they marketed their new idea, how they knew

    here was a market, how much rent they pay, and anything else relevant.

    ranchises are so consistently successful because each new owner is copy

    formula that has worked many times before. This idea isn't limited to

    tores and restaurants, of course. You can do the same with anything fro

    roblems of theoretical physics to relationship issues. Just find what h

    orked for others, and modify it only as much as you need to for your

    articular circumstances.

    or another example, suppose that Mary can't get her children to do thei

    omework. Books about child rearing may help, but she could also just ta

    o friends with kids that do their homework, to see what they are doing

    ight. She can ask them how they have raised their kids, but more

    mportantly, she can watch to see what they actually do.

    o improve your chess game, you could read books, but which ones? Find t

    earest chess master and ask him which ones he has read. Watch him to se

    hat he actually does to prepare for a game. If he'll review one or more

    is games with you, ask about what he was thinking when he made certain

    oves, so you can learn to think the same way.

    e careful about advice from successful people in any field. Often, peop

    eally dont know what the true reasons for their success is. Watch what

    hey DO, and not what they SAY.

    opy - Then Modify

    ant more creative solutions? Modify what you learn from others. Startin

    ith what has worked is a good start, but doesn't have to be the end of

    rocess. It just increases the probabilities that your solution will be

    ood one. Albert Einstein started out learning how to add and subtract,

    ust like everyone else.

    opy at first. Once you understand better why something works, you can

    solate those elements that are necessary, and those that are not. At th

    oint you can take a good idea and make it even better and more creative

    #22 - Metaphorical Analysis

    etaphors are powerful tools for understanding things. "Tools," of cours

    s a metaphor. I could have said "way of understanding things," or

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    method." Each word or expression conveys a slightly different meaning,

    ets you thinking in different ways. Use this power of metaphors to solv

    roblems more creatively.

    f youre an "employee," you'll think about your job in a certain way. A

    associate," might feel more important and think differently about his

    uties. If youre a "business," selling your labor, then your "boss"

    ecomes just a "customer." You can raise your prices, change your servic

    r look for other customers to contract with.

    he Power Of Metaphors

    se a metaphor to solve a problem, and you'll get some ideas. Use anothe

    nd you'll get different ideas. Why not use as many as you can think of,

    et the widest, most creative selection of ideas?

    n example. Mike wants to design, build and sell a new type of swimming

    ool. He starts with his pen and paper, and writes down as many metaphor

    s he can.

    A swimming pool is a toy. A pool is a status symbol. A pool is a

    layground. It is a park. It's a job. It's entertainment. It's an aquati

    ym. It's a decoration. It's a deathtrap. It's a personal lake. It's an


    hen he lists some metaphors for the activity of swimming. Swimming is

    xercising. It's vacationing. It's playing. It's therapy.

    hen he lists some metaphors for selling. Selling is a business. It is

    eaching. It's showing. It's a contest. It's talking. It's advertising.

    t's sharing."

    inally, Mike works with each metaphor, to see what ideas they produce:

    s a "toy," pools for kids come to mind. As a "status symbol," Mike

    onsiders brass railings, liquor bars and other ways to make a pool seem

    rich." "Deathtrap" reminds him to make it safe, and he imagines an alar

    ystem triggered if a child enters the pool without supervision. "Oasis

    ives him ideas for creating a tropical environment as part of the pool.

    wimming as "exercising" has him thinking of pools with a current.

    Vacationing" Makes him wonder if more visual separation from the house

    ould make the swimming "vacation" more relaxing. "Therapy" gives him so

    arketing ideas for older customers.

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    elling the pools is a business, of course, but "teaching" has Mike

    hinking of ways to educate customers about the benefits of swimming.

    Talking" makes him ask "Who will do the talking?" and leads to the idea

    istributing videos to sell his pools. "Showing" generates several ideas

    or ways to display his pools, like free "pool parties" during summer.

    s you can see, the application of new metaphors isn't limited to the

    riginal concept. It can be used on any part of the problem as well. Bre

    problem into a few components (the pool, swimming and selling, in the

    bove example), find as many metaphors as you can for each, and note the

    deas you get when using each.

    #23 - Redefine It

    his is a powerful problem solving technique. It helps you to challenge

    ssumptions, and gives you new perspectives. You just have to keep

    edefining the problem, to see what ideas come from each new definition.se pen and paper for this one.

    e'll use a common "life" problem to demonstrate the technique. We'll

    retend that John is tired of his expensive apartment rent and wants a

    olution. He doesn't have much money saved, but he's willing to do what

    as to.

    Rent is too high," is the first definition he writes on the paper. Movi

    o a smaller apartment or one further away comes to mind, because these

    ight be cheaper. He jots down some possibilities.

    Apartments are expensive" is his second definition. He remembers that a

    riend is renting out a room in his house. He wonders if mobile homes re

    or less. After a few notes he moves on.

    I don't want to be a renter" makes him think of buying a house, of cour

    e also remembers seeing an RV for sale cheap. He makes a note to explor

    ow down payment housing options.

    Rent takes too big a percentage of my income." This makes him realize t

    e really wouldn't mind the rent if he made more money. Maybe he could

    ocus his efforts there.

    I just don't want to pay for a place to live!" Now he's getting creativ

    ome hotels and apartment buildings give free rent in exchange for

    anagement, maintenance or other duties, he notes. He also remembers his

    riend mentioning that the rooms he rents in his house pay all the

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    xpenses. Maybe he could do the same.

    My rent is too much for me to handle" makes him realize that the landlo

    nce said it was okay to have two people live in the apartment. He could

    plit the rent.

    hree Simple Steps

    Define the problem as many ways as you can.

    Work with each definition a little.

    Develop you ideas further and follow up on them.

    #24 - Mind Mapping

    ind mapping organizes our thoughts on paper in a way that is closer to

    atural thinking process. We speak in a very linear fashion, with one wo

    t a time leading logically from one thought to the next. We make outlin

    ith "Item number 1, followed by a, b, and c."

    orking The Way Our Minds Do

    ur minds, however jump all over, gathering input from the analytical le

    ide of the brain, and the more creative right side. Our thinking goes o

    n tangents when there is reason to. Our thinking is in pictures, words,nd even sensations.

    ind mapping recognizes and uses this natural way of thinking.

    o use mind mapping for problem solving, write the main problem or conce

    n the middle of a sheet of paper. As you think about the components of

    roblem, you write these down, radiating out from the center. Connect

    hings with lines wherever you want, depending on the relationship betwe

    wo components.

    e Playful

    s ideas come to you, just write them near the most appropriate componen

    he connections will mean that there will eventually be lines going all

    ver. Thats okay. This exercise isnt about neatness.

    ake doodles and drawings too. Add colors and you may remember ideas

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    etter. You can use different colors to indicate the importance of each

    dea too. Use stars, or underline, or do anything else that feels righ

    f an idea starts to produce many thoughts and other ideas, put a note,

    ike "see page 2" next to it. Then start another mind map for that idea

    e very open to silly ideas and thoughts. Just write them down. The whol

    ind mapping process should be somewhat playful. Later, you can get morenalytical about digging out the gems and polishing them.

    Finding The Best Technique For The Problem

    ow do you know which technique is best for your problem? You could just

    ry them all. That will certainly give you a lot of new ideas. However,

    ome techniques really are better suited to certain types of problems th

    thers. Here are what I consider to be the top three techniques for vari

    ypes of problems:


    Creating New Services And Products

    #1 Assumption Challenging

    #2 Add-Subtract-Change

    #13 Concept Combination


    Personal Problems

    #11 Walk With It

    #1 Assumption Challenging

    #9 Imaginary Friends


    Business Ideas

    #1 Assumption Challenging

    #13 Concept Combination

    #21 Do What Others Have Done


    Personal Money Problems

    #1 Assumption Challenging

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    #21 Do What Others Have Done

    #4 Assume The Absurd


    Scientific Questions

    #7 Change Of Perspective

    #8 Knowledge Gathering#22 Metaphorical Analysis


    Logic And Mathematics

    #10 Mind Preparation

    #23 Redefine It

    #12 Sleep On It



    #1 Assumption Challenging

    #6 Creactivity

    #23 Redefine It


    Relationship Problems

    #7 Change Of Perspective

    #19 Ask People

    #20 Simplify-Complicate


    Philosophical Questions

    #1 Assumption Challenging

    #22 Metaphorical Analysis#7 Change Of Perspective


    Poorly Defined Problems

    #23 Redefine It

    #24 Mind Mapping

    #6 Creactivity

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    hatever "type" of problem you are working on, with an open mind you can

    se almost any technique to get some new insight or idea. Use the best o

    or the type of problem you have then, but don't forget the others.

    emember too, that the best technique for solving any problem is the one

    hat works best for you.

    s you use a given technique often enough, it will become a habit. You'l

    e using it unconsciously and automatically. Train your mind to use

    everal, and you'll have a powerful creative problem solving machine.

    24 Creative Problem Solving Techniques

    Copyright 2005 Steve Gillman

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    (The End)
