27/01/2021 HSK 3 Vocabulary List 600 words - burningvocabulary.com https://burningvocabulary.com/blog/hsk-3-vocabulary-list/ 1/23 - Chinese Pinyin English Level 301 a showing approval 3 302 阿姨 ā yí aunt 3 303 ǎi low, short 3 304 爱好 ài hào hobby, interest, to like 3 305 安静 ān jìng quiet, peaceful 3 306 handle, to grasp, to hold, for ba-sentences Measure, for a bunch or objects with handle 3 307 bàn half 3 308 bān to move, to shift 3 309 bān class, team, squad Measure, for groups, rankings, etc. 3 310 办法 bàn fǎ method, way, means 3 311 办公室 bàn gōng shì office, bureau 3 312 帮忙 bāng máng to help, to do a favour 3 313 bǎo full (from eating) 3 314 bāo bag, package, to cover, to wrap, to hold, to include 3 315 bèi by (for passive sentence) 3 316 北⽅ běi fāng north, northern part of a country 3 317 ⽐较 bǐ jiào quite, rather, fairly, comparatively 3 318 ⽐赛 bǐ sài competition, match, to compete 3 319 必须 bì xū Auxiliary, to have to, to must 3 320 ⿐⼦ bí zi nose 3 321 变化 biàn huà change, variation, to change, to vary 3 322 表⽰ biǎo shì to express, to show, to indicate 3 323 表演 biǎo yǎn performance, to perform, to act 3 324 别⼈ bié ren others, other people 3 325 宾馆 bīn guǎn hotel 3 326 冰箱 bīng xiāng fridge, icebox 3 327 cái ability, talent, just, only if 3

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- Chinese Pinyin English Level301 啊 a showing approval 3302 阿姨 ā yí aunt 3303 矮 ǎi low, short 3304 爱好 ài hào hobby, interest, to like 3305 安静 ān jìng quiet, peaceful 3306 把 bǎ handle, to grasp, to hold, for ba-sentences Measure, for a bunch or objects with handle 3307 半 bàn half 3308 搬 bān to move, to shift 3309 班 bān class, team, squad Measure, for groups, rankings, etc. 3310 办法 bàn fǎ method, way, means 3311 办公室 bàn gōng shì office, bureau 3312 帮忙 bāng máng to help, to do a favour 3313 饱 bǎo full (from eating) 3314 包 bāo bag, package, to cover, to wrap, to hold, to include 3315 被 bèi by (for passive sentence) 3316 北⽅ běi fāng north, northern part of a country 3317 ⽐较 bǐ jiào quite, rather, fairly, comparatively 3318 ⽐赛 bǐ sài competition, match, to compete 3319 必须 bì xū Auxiliary, to have to, to must 3320 ⿐⼦ bí zi nose 3321 变化 biàn huà change, variation, to change, to vary 3322 表⽰ biǎo shì to express, to show, to indicate 3323 表演 biǎo yǎn performance, to perform, to act 3324 别⼈ bié ren others, other people 3325 宾馆 bīn guǎn hotel 3326 冰箱 bīng xiāng fridge, icebox 3327 才 cái ability, talent, just, only if 3

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- Chinese Pinyin English Level328 菜单 cài dān menu 3329 参加 cān jiā to attend, to take part, to join 3330 草 cǎo grass, straw 3331 层 céng layer, floor Measure, for layer, story, floor 3332 差 chà to lack, short of, poor 3333 超市 chāo shì supermarket 3334 衬衫 chèn shān shirt, blouse 3335 成绩 chéng jì score, achievement, grades 3336 城市 chéng shì city, town 3337 迟到 chí dào to be late 3338 厨房 chú fáng kitchen 3339 除了 chú le except for, apart from, besides 3340 出现 chū xiàn to appear, to arise 3341 春 chūn spring 3342 词语 cí yǔ word, expression 3343 聪明 cōng ming clever, intelligent, smart 3344 打扫 dǎ sǎo to clean 3345 打算 dǎ suàn plan, intention, to plan, to think of, to calculate 3346 带 dài band, belt, area, region, to wear, to carry, to bring, to lead 3347 蛋糕 dàn gāo cake 3348 担⼼ dān xīn to worry, worried, anxious 3349 当然 dāng rán certainly, of course 3350 地 de used before a verb 3351 灯 dēng lamp, light 3352 低 dī low 3353 地⽅ dì fang region, place, location 3354 地铁 dì tiě subway 3

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- Chinese Pinyin English Level355 地图 dì tú map 3356 电梯 diàn tī elevator 3357 电⼦邮件 diàn zǐ yóu jiàn email 3358 东 dōng east 3359 冬 dōng winter 3360 动物 dòng wù animal 3361 段 duàn Measure, for paragraphs, segments, periods, stories 3362 短 duǎn short, brief 3363 锻炼 duàn liàn to exercise, to engage in physical exercise 3364 多么 duō me how, what 3365 饿 è hungry 3366 ⽿朵 ěr duo ear 3367 ⽽且 ér qiě moreover, in addition, furthermore 3368 发烧 fā shāo to have fever 3369 发现 fā xiàn to discover, to find 3370 放 fàng to let go, to put, have a vacation 3371 ⽅便 fāng biàn convenient 3372 放⼼ fàng xīn to rest, to be at ease 3373 分 fēn minute, point, 0.01 yuan, to divide, to distinguish 3374 附近 fù jìn vicinity, nearby, next to 3375 复习 fù xí revision, to revise 3376 敢 gǎn Auxiliary, to dare 3377 ⼲净 gān jìng clean, tidy 3378 感冒 gǎn mào common cold, to catch a cold 3379 刚才 gāng cái just a moment ago 3380 跟 gēn to follow, with, and 3381 根据 gēn jù basis, foundation, to base on, according to, based on 3

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- Chinese Pinyin English Level382 更 gèng even more 3383 公园 gōng yuán park 3384 故事 gù shi story, tale 3385 刮风 guā fēng to be windy 3386 关 guān mountain pass, barrier, to close, to shut, to turn off 3387 关系 guān xì relationship, relation, to affect, to have to do with 3388 关⼼ guān xīn concern, to care for 3389 关于 guān yú concerning, with regards to, about 3390 国家 guó jiā country, state, nation 3391 过去 guò qù to go over, to pass by, past, former 3392 果汁 guǒ zhī fruit juice 3393 害怕 hài pà to be afraid, to fear 3394 还是 hái shì still, nevertheless, or 3395 河 hé river 3396 ⿊板 hēi bǎn blackboard 3397 护照 hù zhào passport 3398 画 huà picture, painting, to draw, to paint 3399 花 huā flower, to spend 3400 花园 huā yuán garden 3401 坏 huài bad, broken, spoiled 3402 还 huán to give back, to return 3403 换 huàn to change, to exchange 3404 环境 huán jìng environment, surroundings 3405 黄 huáng to fall through, yellow, pornographic 3406 会议 huì yì meeting, conference 3407 或者 huò zhě or, possibly 3408 极 jí pole, extremely, highly 3

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- Chinese Pinyin English Level409 记得 jì de to remember 3410 ⼏乎 jī hū almost, nearly 3411 机会 jī huì opportunity, chance 3412 季节 jì jié season, period 3413 检查 jiǎn chá inspection, to check, to inspect, to examine 3414 简单 jiǎn dān simple, uncomplicated 3415 健康 jiàn kāng health, healthy 3416 见⾯ jiàn miàn to meet, to see sb. 3417 讲 jiǎng speech, lecture, to speak, to explain, to negotiate 3418 脚 jiǎo foot 3419 ⾓ jiǎo angle, corner, horn Measure, for 0.1 yuan 3420 教 jiāo to teach, to instruct 3421 借 jiè to lend, to borrow, to make use of (an opportunity) 3422 接 jiē to receive, to meet, to connect, to catch 3423 街道 jiē dào street 3424 结婚 jié hūn marriage, wedding, to marry 3425 解决 jiě jué to settle (dispute), to resolve, to solve 3426 节⽬ jié mù program, item 3427 节⽇ jié rì holiday, festival 3428 结束 jié shù termination, end, to finish, to end, to conclude 3429 经常 jīng cháng often, frequently 3430 经过 jīng guò to pass, to go through, after, as a result of 3431 经理 jīng lǐ manager, director 3432 旧 jiù old, used, worn 3433 久 jiǔ long (time) 3434 举⾏ jǔ xíng to hold (meeting, etc.) 3435 句⼦ jù zi sentence 3

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- Chinese Pinyin English Level436 决定 jué dìng decision, to decide 3437 刻 kè to cut, to carve Measure, for quarter of an hour 3438 渴 kě thirsty 3439 可爱 kě ài cute, lovely 3440 客⼈ kè rén guest, customer, visitor 3441 空调 kōng tiáo air conditioning 3442 ⼜ kǒu mouth Measure, for things with mouths or a mouth full of 3443 哭 kū to cry, to weep 3444 裤⼦ kù zi trousers 3445 筷⼦ kuài zi chopsticks 3446 蓝 lán blue 3447 ⽼ lǎo old, always 3448 离开 lí kāi to depart, to leave 3449 历史 lì shǐ history 3450 礼物 lǐ wù gift, present 3451 脸 liǎn face 3452 练习 liàn xí exercise, practice, to practice 3453 辆 liàng Measure, for vehicles 3454 了解 liǎo jiě to understand 3455 邻居 lín jū neighbor 3456 楼 lóu storied building Measure, for floor 3457 绿 lǜ green 3458 马 mǎ horse 3459 马上 mǎ shàng immediately, at once 3460 满意 mǎn yì to satisfy, satisfied 3461 帽⼦ mào zi hat, cap 3462 ⽶ mǐ rice Measure, for meter 3

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- Chinese Pinyin English Level463 ⾯包 miàn bāo bread 3464 ⾯条 miàn tiáo noodles 3465 明⽩ míng bai to understand, clear, obvious 3466 拿 ná to hold, to seize 3467 奶奶 nǎi nai grandmother (father's mother) 3468 南 nán south 3469 难 nán difficult 3470 难过 nán guò to feel sorry, sad 3471 年级 nián jí grade, year 3472 年轻 nián qīng young 3473 鸟 niǎo bird 3474 努⼒ nǔ lì great effort, to strive, to work/study hard, hard, hardworking 3475 爬⼭ pá shān hiking, to climb a mountain 3476 盘⼦ pán zi tray, plate, dish 3477 胖 pàng fat, plump 3478 啤酒 pí jiǔ beer 3479 葡萄 pú tao grape 3480 普通话 pǔ tōng huà Mandarin 3481 骑 qí to ride (animal or bike) 3482 奇怪 qí guài strange 3483 其实 qí shí actually, in fact 3484 其他 qí tā other, others 3485 铅笔 qiān bǐ pencil 3486 清楚 qīng chu clear, distinct 3487 秋 qiū autumn, fall 3488 裙⼦ qún zi skirt 3489 然后 rán hòu then, afterwards 3

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- Chinese Pinyin English Level490 热情 rè qíng enthusiasm, passion, enthusiastic, passionate, cordial 3491 认为 rèn wéi to think, to believe, to consider 3492 认真 rèn zhēn conscientious, earnest, serious 3493 容易 róng yì easy 3494 如果 rú guǒ if 3495 伞 sǎn umbrella 3496 上⽹ shàng wǎng to be on the internet 3497 ⽣⽓ shēng qì to be/get angry, angry, mad 3498 声⾳ shēng yīn voice, sound 3499 使 shǐ envoy, messenger, to make, to cause, to use, to employ 3500 世界 shì jiè world 3501 瘦 shòu thin, slim 3502 树 shù tree 3503 舒服 shū fu comfortable 3504 叔叔 shū shu uncle 3505 数学 shù xué mathematics 3506 刷⽛ shuā yá to brush teeth 3507 双 shuāng two, pair, both Measure, for a pair (of shoes, etc.) 3508 ⽔平 shuǐ píng level, standard, horizontal 3509 司机 sī jī driver 3510 虽然 suī rán although 3511 太阳 tài yáng sun 3512 糖 táng sugar, sweets, candy 3513 特别 tè bié special, particular 3514 疼 téng pain, to ache, to hurt 3515 提⾼ tí gāo to raise, to increase 3516 体育 tǐ yù sports 3

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- Chinese Pinyin English Level517 甜 tián sweet 3518 条 tiáo strip, clause Measure, for long thin things 3519 同事 tóng shì colleague 3520 同意 tóng yì to agree, to consent, to approve 3521 头发 tóu fa hair (on the head) 3522 突然 tū rán sudden, abrupt, suddenly, unexpectedly 3523 图书馆 tú shū guǎn library 3524 腿 tuǐ leg 3525 万 wàn 10000 3526 碗 wǎn bowl 3527 完成 wán chéng to complete, to accomplish 3528 忘记 wàng jì to forget 3529 为 wèi to do, to act, to be, to become, for (sb.) 3530 位 wèi position, place, seat Measure, for people 3531 为了 wèi le for, in order to 3532 ⽂化 wén huà culture 3533 西 xī west 3534 习惯 xí guàn habit, usual practice, custom, to be/get used to 3535 洗⼿间 xǐ shǒu jiān toilet 3536 洗澡 xǐ zǎo to take a shower, to have a bath 3537 夏 xià summer 3538 先 xiān early, former, first, before 3539 像 xiàng picture, portrait, be/look like, to appear, to seem 3540 ⾹蕉 xiāng jiāo banana 3541 相同 xiāng tóng identical, same 3542 相信 xiāng xìn to believe in, have faith in 3543 ⼩⼼ xiǎo xīn to be careful, careful, Take care! 3

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- Chinese Pinyin English Level544 校长 xiào zhǎng headmaster, president (university) 3545 鞋 xié shoe 3546 信 xìn letter, trust, to believe, to trust 3547 新闻 xīn wén news 3548 新鲜 xīn xiān fresh (food, experience, etc.) 3549 ⾏李箱 xíng li xiāng suitcase 3550 兴趣 xìng qù interest 3551 熊猫 xióng māo panda 3552 需要 xū yào needs, to need, to want 3553 选择 xuǎn zé choice, option, to choose, to select 3554 眼镜 yǎn jìng eyeglasses 3555 要求 yāo qiú demand, requirement, to require, to demand 3556 爷爷 yé ye grandfather (father's father) 3557 ⼀般 yì bān ordinary, general, common, in general, generally 3558 ⼀边 yì biān one side, on the one hand 3559 ⼀定 yí dìng definite, fixed, given, surely, certainly 3560 ⼀共 yí gòng althogether 3561 以后 yǐ hòu after, afterwards 3562 ⼀会⼉ yí huì r a while, in a moment, a little while 3563 以前 yǐ qián before, previous, formerly 3564 以为 yǐ wéi to think (wrongly), to be under the (wrong) impression 3565 ⼀样 yí yàng alike, equal to 3566 ⼀直 yī zhí always, continuously, straight 3567 银⾏ yín háng bank (for money) 3568 ⾳乐 yīn yuè music 3569 应该 yīng gāi Auxiliary, should, ought to 3570 影响 yǐng xiǎng influence, effect, to influence, to affect 3

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- Chinese Pinyin English Level571 ⽤ yòng to use, to employ, to apply 3572 又 yòu again 3573 有名 yǒu míng famous, well known 3574 游戏 yóu xì game, play 3575 遇到 yù dào to meet, to run into 3576 愿意 yuàn yì Auxiliary, to be willing, be ready, to wish, to want 3577 越 yuè to exceed, to climb over, to surpass 3578 ⽉亮 yuè liang moon 3579 云 yún cloud 3580 站 zhàn station, stop, to stand, to stop, to halt 3581 长 zhǎng chief, head, to grow, to develop 3582 照顾 zhào gù to take care of, to look after 3583 着急 zháo jí to worry 3584 照⽚ zhào piàn photo, picture 3585 照相机 zhào xiàng jī camera 3586 只 zhǐ only, just, merely 3587 种 zhǒng species, race, breed Measure, type, kind, sort or for languages 3588 中间 zhōng jiān between, in the middle, mid 3589 重要 zhòng yào important 3590 终于 zhōng yú at last, finally, eventually 3591 周末 zhōu mò weekend 3592 祝 zhù to wish, to express good wishes 3593 主要 zhǔ yào main, principal, major 3594 注意 zhù yì to pay attention to 3595 字典 zì diǎn dictionary, character book 3596 ⾃⼰ zì jǐ oneself, self 3597 总是 zǒng shì always 3

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- Chinese Pinyin English Level598 最近 zuì jìn recently, lately, soon 3599 作业 zuò yè homework, task, work 3600 作⽤ zuò yòng action, function, impact, effect, to affect 3

- Chinese Pinyin English Level1 爱 ài to love 12 ⼋ bā 8 13 爸爸 bà ba dad 14 北京 Běi jīng Beijing 15 杯⼦ bēi zi cup, glass 16 本 běn root, basis, foundation, origin, capital Measure, for books, files, etc. 17 不 bù no, not 18 不客⽓ bú kè qi you are welcome 19 菜 cài dish, vegetable 1

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- Chinese Pinyin English Level10 茶 chá tea 111 吃 chī to eat 112 出租车 chū zū chē taxi 113 ⼤ dà big, great 114 打电话 dǎ diàn huà to make a phone call 115 的 de to form an attribute 116 点 diǎn point, dot, to nod, to click Measure, a little, a bit 117 电脑 diàn nǎo computer 118 电视 diàn shì TV(-set) 119 电影 diàn yǐng movie, film 120 东西 dōng xi thing 121 都 dōu all, both, all, both 122 读 dú to read aloud 123 对不起 duì bu qǐ sorry, I'm sorry 124 多 duō much, many 125 多少 duō shao how many, how much 126 ⼆ èr 2 127 ⼉⼦ ér zi son 128 饭馆 fàn guǎn restaurant 129 飞机 fēi jī airplane 130 分钟 fēn zhōng minute 131 ⾼兴 gāo xìng happy, glad, cheerful 132 个 gè Measure, for almost everything 133 ⼯作 gōng zuò job, to work 134 狗 gǒu dog 135 汉语 hàn yǔ Chinese language 136 好 hǎo good, nice 1

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- Chinese Pinyin English Level37 和 hé with, and 138 喝 hē to drink 139 很 hěn very, quite 140 后⾯ hòu miàn rear, back, behind 141 回 huí to return, to answer, to reply Measure, for events of action 142 会 huì meeting, conference Auxiliary, can, to be able to 143 ⽕车站 huǒ chē zhàn train station 144 ⼏ jǐ how many, several 145 家 jiā family, home, houshold Measure, for businesses, families 146 叫 jiào to be called, to call, to shout 147 今天 jīn tiān today 148 九 jiǔ 9 149 开 kāi to open, to start, to drive (car, etc.) 150 看 kàn to see, to watch, to look at 151 看见 kàn jiàn to see, to catch sight of 152 块 kuài Measure, for a piece 153 来 lái to come, to arrive, ever since 154 ⽼师 lǎo shī teacher 155 了 le indicating past or change 156 冷 lěng cold 157 ⾥ lǐ in, inside Measure, for 0.5 km 158 零 líng 0 159 六 liù 6 160 吗 ma to form a question 161 妈妈 mā ma mother 162 买 mǎi to buy 163 猫 māo cat 1

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- Chinese Pinyin English Level64 没 méi not 165 没关系 méi guān xi it doesn't matter 166 ⽶饭 mǐ fàn (cooked) rice 167 明天 míng tiān tomorrow 168 名字 míng zi name 169 那 nà that 170 哪 nǎ which 171 呢 ne to build a question based on already mentioned subjects 172 能 néng Auxiliary, to be able to 173 你 nǐ you (singular) 174 年 nián year 175 ⼥⼉ nǚ ér daughter 176 朋友 péng you friend 177 漂亮 piào liang pretty, beautiful 178 苹果 píng guǒ apple 179 七 qī 7 180 钱 qián money 181 前⾯ qián miàn ahead, in front 182 请 qǐng to ask, to invite, please 183 去 qù to go 184 热 rè hot, warm 185 ⼈ rén person, people 186 认识 rèn shi understanding, knowledge, awareness, to know, to recognize, to understand, to be familiar with 187 ⽇ rì day, sun 188 三 sān 3 189 上 shàng to go up, to attend, to climb, on, upon, previous, upper 190 商店 shāng diàn shop, store 1

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- Chinese Pinyin English Level91 上午 shàng wǔ morning 192 少 shǎo few, little 193 谁 shéi who 194 什么 shén me what 195 ⼗ shí 10 196 是 shì is, to be 197 时候 shí hou time, moment, period 198 书 shū book 199 ⽔ shuǐ Water 1100 ⽔果 shuǐ guǒ fruit 1101 睡觉 shuì jiào to sleep, to go to bed 1102 说话 shuō huà to speak, to talk, to gossip 1103 四 sì 4 1104 岁 suì Measure, "years old" 1105 他 tā he 1106 她 tā she 1107 太 tài too, extremely 1108 天⽓ tiān qì weather 1109 听 tīng to listen, to hear, to obey Measure, for canned beverages 1110 同学 tóng xué classmate 1111 喂 wèi to feed, to breed, hello 1112 我 wǒ I 1113 我们 wǒ men we 1114 五 wǔ 5 1115 喜欢 xǐ huan to like 1116 下 xià descend, fall Measure, for times of action, below, down, under 1117 下午 xià wǔ afternoon 1

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- Chinese Pinyin English Level118 下⾬ xià yǔ to rain 1119 先⽣ xiān sheng Mister (Mr.), teacher 1120 现在 xiàn zài now 1121 想 xiǎng to think, to miss Auxiliary, to want 1122 ⼩ xiǎo small 1123 ⼩姐 xiǎo jiě Miss, young lady 1124 写 xiě to write 1125 些 xiē Measure, some, few, several 1126 谢谢 xiè xie thanks! 1127 星期 xīng qī week 1128 学⽣ xué sheng student, pupil 1129 学习 xué xí to study, to learn 1130 学校 xué xiào school 1131 ⼀ yī 1 1132 ⾐服 yī fu clothes 1133 医⽣ yī shēng doctor 1134 医院 yī yuàn hospital 1135 椅⼦ yǐ zi chair 1136 有 yǒu to have, to exist, to be 1137 ⽉ yuè month, moon 1138 在 zài at, on, in, for action in progress 1139 再见 zài jiàn goodbye, see you 1140 怎么 zěn me how 1141 怎么样 zěn me yàng how is/are, how about that? 1142 这 zhè this 1143 中国 Zhōng guó China 1144 中午 zhōng wǔ noon, midday 1

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- Chinese Pinyin English Level145 住 zhù to live, to stay, to reside 1146 桌⼦ zhuō zi table 1147 字 zì word, character 1148 做 zuò to do, to make 1149 坐 zuò to sit, to take (bus, train, etc.) 1150 昨天 zuó tiān yesterday 1151 吧 ba indicating suggestion 2152 ⽩ bái white, blank, free of charge, for nothing 2153 百 bǎi 100 2154 帮助 bāng zhù assistance, help, to help, to assist 2155 报纸 bào zhǐ newspaper 2156 ⽐ bǐ than, used for comparison 2157 别 bié to leave, to distinguish, other, another, don't 2158 长 cháng length, long 2159 唱歌 chàng gē to sing 2160 出 chū to go out, to exceed, to happen Measure, for dramas, plays, operas 2161 船 chuán boat, ship 2162 穿 chuān to wear 2163 次 cì order, sequence Measure, "time(s)" 2164 从 cóng from 2165 错 cuò mistake, error, wrong 2166 ⼤家 dà jiā everybody, all 2167 打篮球 dǎ lán qiú play basketball 2168 但是 dàn shì but, however 2169 到 dào to arrive, to reach, to, until, up to 2170 得 de used to link verb with adjective 2171 等 děng to wait 2

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- Chinese Pinyin English Level172 弟弟 dì di younger brother 2173 第⼀ dì yī first, number one 2174 懂 dǒng to understand, to know 2175 对 duì right, correct 2176 房间 fáng jiān room 2177 ⾮常 fēi cháng very 2178 服务员 fú wù yuán waiter, service personnel 2179 ⾼ gāo high, tall 2180 告诉 gào su to tell 2181 哥哥 gē ge older brother 2182 给 gěi to give 2183 公共汽车 gōng gòng qì chē bus 2184 公⽄ gōng jīn kilogram Measure, kg 2185 公司 gōng sī company 2186 贵 guì expensive 2187 过 guo indicating action in the past 2188 还 hái still 2189 孩⼦ hái zi child 2190 号 hào number, day of month 2191 好吃 hǎo chī tasty, delicious 2192 ⿊ hēi black, dark 2193 红 hóng dividend, red, popular, revlutionary 2194 欢迎 huān yíng welcome! 2195 回答 huí dá answer, to answer, to reply 2196 机场 jī chǎng airport 2197 鸡蛋 jī dàn (chicken) egg 2198 件 jiàn Measure, for events, things, clothes, etc. 2

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- Chinese Pinyin English Level199 教室 jiào shì classroom 2200 姐姐 jiě jie older sister 2201 介绍 jiè shào to introduce, to recommend 2202 进 jìn to advance, to enter 2203 近 jìn near, close 2204 就 jiù only, already, with regard to, as soon as, right away, even if 2205 觉得 jué de to think, to feel 2206 咖啡 kā fēi coffee 2207 开始 kāi shǐ beginning, to begin 2208 考试 kǎo shì exam 2209 课 kè class, lesson, course 2210 可能 kě néng might, maybe Auxiliary, can 2211 可以 kě yǐ Auxiliary, can, may, able to 2212 快 kuài quick, rapid, soon, almost 2213 快乐 kuài lè happy 2214 累 lèi tired 2215 离 lí to leave, to be away from 2216 两 liǎng two, some Measure, 50 gram 2217 路 lù road, path 2218 旅游 lǚ yóu trip, jorney, to travel 2219 卖 mài to sell 2220 慢 màn slow 2221 忙 máng busy 2222 每 měi each, per, all, each, every 2223 妹妹 mèi mei younger sister 2224 门 mén door Measure, for lessons 2225 男⼈ nán rén man, men 2

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- Chinese Pinyin English Level226 您 nín you (singular, polite) 2227 ⽜奶 niú nǎi cow milk 2228 ⼥⼈ nǚ rén woman 2229 旁边 páng biān beside, aside 2230 跑步 pǎo bù to run 2231 便宜 pián yi cheap, inexpensive 2232 票 piào ticket 2233 起床 qǐ chuáng to get up (from bed) 2234 妻⼦ qī zi wife 2235 千 qiān 1000 2236 晴 qíng clear, sunny 2237 去年 qù nián last year 2238 让 ràng to permit, to let sb. do sth. 2239 上班 shàng bān to go to work, to start work 2240 ⾝体 shēn tǐ body, health 2241 ⽣病 shēng bìng to get sick 2242 ⽣⽇ shēng rì birthday 2243 时间 shí jiān time, period 2244 事情 shì qing thing, affair, matter 2245 ⼿表 shǒu biǎo wrist watch 2246 ⼿机 shǒu jī mobile phone 2247 送 sòng to deliver, to escort, to give, to send 2248 所以 suǒ yǐ therefore, as a result, so 2249 它 tā it 2250 题 tí topic, problem, to inscribe, to mention 2251 踢⾜球 tī zú qiú to play football 2252 跳舞 tiào wǔ to dance 2

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- Chinese Pinyin English Level253 外 wài foreign, external, outside 2254 完 wán to finish 2255 玩 wán to play, to have fun 2256 晚上 wǎn shang evening 2257 为什么 wèi shén me why 2258 问 wèn to ask 2259 问题 wèn tí problem, question 2260 洗 xǐ to wash 2261 西⽠ xī guā watermelon 2262 希望 xī wàng hope, to hope, to wish 2263 向 xiàng direction, to face, to turn towards, formerly, all along, towards 2264 笑 xiào smile, to smile, to laugh 2265 ⼩时 xiǎo shí hour 2266 新 xīn new 2267 姓 xìng surname 2268 休息 xiū xi rest, to rest 2269 雪 xuě snow 2270 眼睛 yǎn jing eye 2271 颜⾊ yán sè colour 2272 ⽺⾁ yáng ròu mutton 2273 药 yào medicine, drug 2274 要 yào Auxiliary, to want to, going to 2275 也 yě also 2276 已经 yǐ jīng already 2277 ⼀起 yì qǐ together 2278 意思 yì si meaning, opinion, idea 2279 阴 yīn cloudy, overcast 2

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- Chinese Pinyin English Level280 因为 yīn wèi because 2281 右边 yòu bian right, right side 2282 游泳 yóu yǒng swimming, to swim 2283 鱼 yú fish 2284 元 yuán Measure, for money (Yuan, RMB) 2285 远 yuǎn far, distant 2286 运动 yùn dòng movement, sports, to move about 2287 再 zài again, once more 2288 早上 zǎo shang early morning 2289 张 zhāng to open up, to spread Measure, for pieces, flat objects 2290 丈夫 zhàng fu husband 2291 找 zhǎo to look for, to seek 2292 着 zhe indicating action in progress 2293 真 zhēn real, true, genuine 2294 正在 zhèng zài in the process of, in course of 2295 知道 zhī dào to know, to be aware of 2296 准备 zhǔn bèi to prepare 2297 ⾃⾏车 zì xíng chē bicycle, bike 2298 ⾛ zǒu to walk 2299 最 zuì most 2300 左边 zuǒ bian left, left side 2