ករេធ សក ក រៈ Adoration Page 1 of 6 ករេធើសក ក រៈ Adoration មនមនុសƞជេច នអះǕងថេគសǎញ់ពះ តេគគួរែតតួតព តយខ នឯងេម បនេធ ខះ បញជក់ថសǎញ់ពះ។ យ៉ងេǓចǁស់ គមនចំនុចមួយចំនួន បញជក់ថេគសǎញ់ពះ មនដូច ខងេកមេនះ៖ 1. ករសǎញ់ពះ គគួរែតេតȣមខ នរួចជេសច ងេតȣមបូជថយពះ មនែតេធ បបេនះǕច នំេគេទេកៀកងពះ ងជកររួចផុតព ករឃតឆងយព ពះ។ កមមែដលមនុសƞមនក់មសំេǮថមកព គម នសǎញ់ពះេទ តបញជក់ថ គេនះេនទន់សǎញ់ពះអស់ព បះ ដូង នទន់សǎញ់ពះអស់ព ពះ(អស់ព )2. កន ងន័យេនះករសǎញ់ពះ មនុសƞមនក់ កេឃ ញពះេƽយឯកឯង ƽយម នចំបច់ប កេឃ ញពះេចញព បះដូង គជមនុសƞន កេឃ ញពះជន នេគជអនកសǎញ់ពះ ƽយេǒមះែមន គមនៃថងǁេភចពះេឡ យ។ 3. កន ងន័យេនះ ករសǎញ់ពះ គព តជសǎញ់ពះេពញេបះដូង គន ងបនេធ សមធ រហូត យប់េជ បបេនះគ គេនមុខពះជទ សǎញ់េƽយគម នកររ ំខន ƽយគមនករបង ក់។ នជេគេធ ករេពលៃថង ងេដកេពលយប់ ƽយម នបនន ករល កដល់ពះេទ ដូេចនះករ សǎញ់ពះរបស់េគគ នលេឡ យ។ ដូចែដលពះមនបនទ លេទ David ថៈ ចូរកុំសន តǒនលេពកជមួយមនុសƞព របេភទ ដលតូវកុំេពលេយ ងេនមុខពះ។ មួយអនកែដល សុំសគុណតបសនងវ ពលǁបនដូចបំណង គទមទរែថមេទៀត ងមនុសƞទ អនកែដល ថេគន កដល់ពះ។ អងគអញម នរ កǍយជមួយមនុសƞែបបេនះេឡ អងគអញចកេចញព ពួក 4. ពះសǎញ់អនកែដលមនករសǎញ់ពះ ពះន ងរកេម លអនកǁេនេកៀកជងេគ ពះ សǎញ់អនកេនះ អនកេនះេគរពពះ អនកǁគម នចំនុចែបបេនះន ងតូវដកេចញ។ កន ងន័យព តបកដ នជមនករសǎញ់ពះេចញព បះដូង ករសǎញ់េផƞងៗ ពះគ គមនេឡ យ។ កលមួយេន ដលអនកនំពះ Ǎជǒរថទូលសួរពះថ ពះេអ ខញ មចស់តូវសǎញ់ អនកǁេទ?” ពះទង់តបវ ញថ អនកǁមករកអងគអញ ƽយជេកមងលូនមករកមយ អនកǁញដល់អងគអញគប់េពលេវǎ ដូចជបកƞ កសំបុក អនកǁែដលពុះពរមនកំǎំងខំងកដូចជ ǂេឡ ងករម នខចអ ទំងអស់ ពកយថសǎញ់ (Love) មកព ពកយ សំសក (lobh) មនន័យថ បថន ចង់។ សǎញ់ កន ងន័យេផƞងǕចសំេǮថ បថនសǎញ់បន។ ដូេចនះ បនជករសេមចបនǂមករសǎញ់ ( realization of love) ជវតថ បំណងែតមួយគត់សមប់គបអងគពល ងន មួយៗ។ សចក សǎញ់កន ងន័យេនះមនកតែបកៗគនǂមករេគេȄេឈមះ ដូចជ ករប៉ង ករបថន ករចង់ ករណ តេមǂ ករចូលច ងក Ǖសូរ ។ល។ ។ល។ កន ងក សǎញ់គ មនផទ កនូវធតុទំង

30 Adoration

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Page 1: 30 Adoration

ករេធវើសកក រៈ Adoration

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ករេធវើសកក រៈ Adoration

មនមនស ជេរចើនអះ ងថេគរស ញរពះ ែតេគគរែតរតតពនតយខលនឯងេមើល េតើបនេធវើអវខលះ បញជ កថរស ញរពះ។ យងេ ច ស េគមនចនចមយចនន បញជ កថេគរស ញរពះ មនដច ខងេរកមេនះ៖

1. កររស ញរពះ េគគរែតេរត មខលនរចជេរសច នងេរត មបជថវ យរពះ មនែតេធវើែបបេនះ ច នេគេទេកៀកនងរពះ នងជកររចផតពករឃល តឆង យពរពះ។ កមមែដលមនស មន កមន មន សេ ថមកពេគមនរស ញរពះេទ ែតបញជ កថ េគេនះេនទនរស ញរពះអសពេបះ ដង មនទនរស ញរពះអសពេពះ(អសពចតត)។

2. កនងនយេនះកររស ញរពះ គមនស មន កនកេឃើញរពះេ យឯកឯង េ យមនចបចរបង គនកេឃើញរពះេចញពេបះដង េគជមនស នកេឃើញរពះជនចច េបើសនេគជអនករស ញរពះ េ យេ ម ះែមន េគគម នៃថង េភលចរពះេឡើយ។

3. កនងនយេនះ កររស ញរពះ េបើេគពតជរស ញរពះេពញេបះដង េគនងបនតេធវើសមធរហត យបេរជ ែបបេនះគេគេនមខរពះជទរស ញេ យគម នកររខន េ យគម នករបងអ ក។ េបើ សនជេគេធវើករេពលៃថង នងេដកេពលយប េ យមនបននករលកដលរពះេទ ដេចនះកររស ញរពះរបសេគគមនលអេឡើយ។

ដចែដលរពះមនបនទលេទ David ថៈ “ចរកសនត ន លេពកជមយមនស ពររបេភទ ែដលរតវកេពលេយើងេនមខរពះ។ ទមយអនកែដល សសគណតបសនងវញ េពល បនដចបណង េគទមទរែថមេទៀត នងមនស ទពគអនកែដល គតថេគនកដលរពះ។ អងគអញមនរក យជមយមនស ែបបេនះេឡើង អងគអញចកេចញពពក េគ”។

4. រពះរស ញអនកែដលមនកររស ញរពះ រពះនងរកេមើលអនក េនេកៀកជងេគ រពះរស ញអនកេនះ អនកេនះេគរពរពះ អនក គម នចនចែបបេនះនងរតវដកេចញ។

កនងនយពតរបកដ េបើសនជមនកររស ញរពះេចញពេបះដង គថ កររស ញេផ ងៗពរពះគគម នេឡើយ។ កលមយេន ែដលអនកនរពះ ជ រថទលសររពះថ “ ឪ រពះេអើយ េតើខញមច សរតវរស ញអនក េទ?” រពះរទងតបវញថ “ អនក មករកអងគអញ េ យជេកមងលនមករកមត យ អនក នក េឃើញដលអងគអញរគបេពលេវ ដចជបក នកសបក អនក ែដលពះពរមនក ងខល ងកល ដចជ េ េឡើងករមនខល ចអវទងអស”។ ពកយថរស ញ (Love) មកពពកយ សរសកត (lobh) គមននយថ របថន ឬ ចង។ រស ញ កនងនយេផ ង ចសេ ថ របថន រស ញបន។ ដេចនះ បនជករសេរមចបន មកររស ញ( realization of love) គជវតថបណងែតមយគតសរមបរគបអងគរពលងនមយៗ។ េសចកតរស ញកនងនយេនះមនករមតែបលកៗគន មករេគេ េឈម ះ ដចជ ករបង កររបថន ករចង ករណតេម ត ករចលចតត នងកត សរ ។ល។ នង ។ល។ កនងកតរស ញគមនផទកនវធតទង

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ករេធវើសកក រៈ Adoration

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អសេនះ។ េសចកតរស ញគជមនកររស ញចលចតត ករមនច ប រមមណរបសមនស េ ក សរមបវតថរបស មយ កររស ញមន កទកកនងចតត ងពេពល មយ ែដលេគមនបនដង មនស េ កដងពកររតវេធវើែបប រតវអភវឌឈនកររស ញែបបេនះ កររគបរគងែបប នងករ េរបើរបសែបប ។ គម នអនក មន កដងចបសពន មន កេទៀតចបស សេឡើយ មនថេគចងដងប ណ េទ េលើក ែលងែតអនកែដលមនេសចកតរស ញ េ យ រែតគម នេសចកតរស ញ គែភនកខងកនងេទជខវ ក េបើ េទះជែភនកខងេរកេបើកកត គ ឆលះជមយនងែភនកខងកនង។ ដេចនះបនជេយើងឲយតៃមលដលអនក ែដលេគមនេសចកតរស ញ ជជងអនក ែដលគម ន េសចកតរស ញកនងខលន។ លសតវេ កទងអស ែដលរតវបនបេងកើតមកគេដើមប េសចកតរស ញ។ មនស េ កគជ សតវេ កែដលមនលកខណសមរសបជងេគបផត េបើសនជេយើងមនដថមមយដ េយើងរស ញដថមេនះ គដថម មនបនដងថ េយើងរស ញ េឡើយ ែដលខសពេដើមេឈើគ ចមនករដងខលះ។ េ យ មនេសចកតរស ញ េ យមនករែថទ េដើមេឈើដះលត ស នងមនែផលផក ។ សតវតរចឆ នកមនករ េឆលើយតបដចជរកខជតផងែដរ។ មនសតវែឆករបសេ ក Joseph ែដលបនជយ មច ស កលែដលមច ស ធល កកនងអណត ង រគែដលមនអនកដេណើ រេគឆលងកតទេនះ។

មនេគដ លថ សតវេសះមយកបលរបសទព ប េនឈរយមេខម ចមច ស រយៈេពល ៣ៃថងកនងសមរភមករពរកឲយសតវ ម ត មកសេខម ច ទរមែតមតតរម វធេគមកដល។ មនស េ កមនករខសែបលកពេគេរចើនបផត គមនស មនករេសចកតរស ញ ងពធមមជត មកេមលះ។ រពះេពធសតវ ទលថ “រពះគេសចកតរស ញ នងថ រពះគជអងគជទរស ញ”។ េសចកតរស ញគជរពះ ជវថែតមយគតនេយើងសេ េទថរពះ(The Royal Road of God Realization) មនែតេសចកតរស ញែដល ចជយ នង ដកនរពលងេយើងេចញពគកកនងែផនដសេ េទ នរពះ ដមនបរមសខ នងពទធពរ ែដលជ នកេណើ តៃនរពលង។ គម នេសចកតរស ញ េរកពេនះេទ កគម ន វធ េធវើឲយែផនដេនះេទជដមសទងរសងបនែដរ។ ែបបេនះគជទកមនតសរមបេរ ចរពលង េពលេនះរពះនងឪបរពលងេ យេសចកតរស ញេពញេដើមរទង។ េសចកតរស ញគជរបភពៃនករមនកេណើ តសតវេ ក នងជរបភពៃនកររក ករពរសតវេ កផងែដរ ដេចនះេពល មនស ដងពកររស ញ ករមនចតតលអជមយនងសតវេ កជវញខលន ដងពករបេរមើសតវេ ក េនះមនស នងផតលចណ រដលរពលងសតវេ កទង យ ែដលេរសចឃល ន។ េសចកតរស ញមនកនងរគបរពលងសតវេ កទងអស រគបជវត េទះជសខន មនសខន េទះជេសចកតរស ញែបប គម នអនក មយែដលគម នេសចកតរស ញេ ះេនះេឡើយ។ េសចកតរស ញគជអងគែតមយគតែដល លរគបរពលងនចះមកកនភពែផនដ( នក ត ល) មនស អតបតបងឬខវះខតេសចកតរស ញគេនេពលេរកយមកេទៀត។ ទរក គម នករសអបេខពើម ។ ទរករគនែតេកើតមកភល មែតពរឬបនទ រស េ បមត យ ។ រគបជវតសទធែតមនក ងៃនេសចកតរស ញ។ េបើសនជមនករពរ មយេលើេ កេនះ គគម នអវេរក

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ករេធវើសកក រៈ Adoration

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ពេសចកតរស ញេឡើយ។ មនថឆកជវតែបប េទ េពល េគរកេឃើញករករពរ គករករពរេនះជរមញេ យេសចកតរស ញ។ គម នអនក មយេជឿជកេលើករករពរ េលើកែលងែតករករពរ េ យមរនតែដលមនេសចកតរស ញ។ ជថមមតងេទៀត េបើសនជមនអនក យេទេលើេកមង េកមង នង យ នងែរសកថ “ចេមើលខញេទរបបែមខញ ” ក ង នង ថមពលរបសមនស គមនទហតច ច ស េធៀបជមយនងវ លភពៃនករករពរេ យេសចកតរស ញរបសមត យចេពះកនៗ។ កនងឆកជវត ករផចង រមមណ គជចនច ឋកបងៃនជវត កជចនចសនលៃនផលវរពះធមផងែដរ (Spiritual Path) ករផចង រមមណគជធមមជតមនកនងេសចកតរស ញ។ អនកមនសវមនេសចកតរស ញ េគរតវច យេពល បសបឆន កនងដេណើ រេធវើធម េគនងជបែត េរឿងប ជយកនងចតត ែតអនកែដលេគមនេសចកតរស ញេពញេបះដង េគេធវើអវសទធែតមនរពះជទរស ញ មជយ បងហ ញផលវ។ ដេចនះ អនកែដលមនេសចកតរស ញេគមនសវជរបងខល ងកល កនងករផចងរមមណេទ េ យ រែតេបើេសចកតរស ញជយ របបេគព ឋកបងយកឈនះ លបញហ ។

មនេរឿងទកទងនងករផចង រមមណដចខងេរកមេនះ៖ កនងភមមយ មនរសតរកមមន កេដើរេទជបសង រនង។ នងរកមេដើរកតមខ Mullah ែដលកពង ែតសរតធម។ នងរកមេដើរធមម េធវើមនដង ពមខបរសេនះ េនះជករខសឆគងសរមបចបប

សន។ Mullah ខងជខល ង េពលនងរកមេដើរមកវញ នងេដើរែកបរបរសេនះេទៀត។ បរសេនះេជរ បេញច នងរកមែដលមន កបបករយមនលអ។ បរសេនះនយយថ “ែននងរកម នងឯង ង បបកមមធងន ស ែដលេដើរកតមខេយើងកពងសរតធម”។ នងរកមតបវញថ “ សរតធមមននយថេមចេទេ ក?” បរសេនះតបថ “ េយើងកពងែត គត ដលរពះ រពះេន នសរគ រពះេន នក ត ល”។ នងរកមថ “ អ សេទសផងចះ នងខញមន ក លរពះេទ នងខញកមនដងពអនកសរតធមែដរ ែតនងខញ េដើរេទជបអនកែដលនងខញ រស ញ នងខញគតែតពអនកែដលនងខញរស ញែតបេ ណ ះ នងខញមនបនេឃើញេ កសរតធមបងសងអវេទ ខញឆងលែដរ េមចបនជេ កគតដលរពះ ែបរជេឃើញនងខញ េដើរេទវញ?”

មនថមនករខសែបលកគន េរចើនប ណ កនងចេ ម សនេទ ក ត ជរមញគមនែតមយដចគន -- េនះគជ ង នងជករេរត មេរៀបចកនងេបះដងមនស េ កសរមបេសចកតរស ញចេពះរពះ។ ករ ប នមតតភពទងអសកនង ចរកគមន ចនេគេទ ឆង យ ចងេរកយនងរតវបញចប។ ករេធវើ

ធមគរតវេធវើេពញមយជវតរសេពល ល ប េបើសនជមនករ ប នមតតភព មយែដលមនរហតមន ចជអននត េនះគជករចងសមពនធមតតជមយនងរពះែដលគម នករែរបរបល ែដលមនជអននត ែដល

មនជអមតៈ។ េតើសនជេយើងមន ចរសៃមបនអពរប ងរពះ ដេចនះករចងសមពនធជមយរពះគមន ច

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េធវើេទបនេទ។ សរមបករចងសមពនធជមយរពះ គេយើងរតវចងមតតជមយនងអនក មន កេនែកបរេយើង រសេលើែផនដេនះ ែដល ចែណនេយើងេទកន នរពះជទរស ញ។

េពល េ កអនកទទលយករពះរគ េពលេនះរពះនង រពះរគបងហ ញរពះកយេចញមកេលើែផន ដមកទទលយកេយើងជ វគគេ យសវយរបវតត។ េបើសនជេ កអនកសលងេមើលរពះរគ ទកដចជករសមលងេមើលអនកេផ ង មនែមនជរពះ េនះអនកនងបតបងពភពសចចៈៃនរពះ។ េបើសនជអនកែសវងរកភពសចចៈៃនរពះ ចរអនកសលងេមើលមខរពះរគចះ េ យករសលងេមើល រពះ េ យករសមលងេទថង សរពះរគ អនកនងលងរស ញរពះ។

Rumi (Philosohpy of The Master II) ករចងសមពនធមតតជមយរពះរគគគម ននយអវែដលធេធងជងករចងបនករែណនសរមបជបរពះ េឡើយ។ ករចងមតតជមយមនស េ កធមម នងរតវបញចបនវនទចងេរកយ។ ករចងមតតជមយរពះ េនះនងមន យជអននត ករែណនែដលេយើងរតវករេនះកនងមន យកលជអននតផងែដរ។ កល

វគគទទលដងថករចងមតតជមយរពះវញញ ណ(Spiritual) មនតៃមលជងអវៗទងអសេលើែផនដ េពលេនះគជឪកសសរមបជបជមយនងរពះសចចៈ។ ករចងមតតជមយរពះរគែដលរពះរគមនរបកយ េនះគរបកយរពះរគ ចរ យេទបត ែត វញញ ណរពះរគនវឋតេថរជរហត- េឈម ះរពះរគ នង ករែណនរពះរគេនជធរមន េបើេទះជភពែផនដ េនះរ យេទបតកត។ េយើងទងអសគន មយចននបនដងពេរឿងេនះរចមកេហើយ រពះរគមយចននកបន បន លទកនវដងវ យដម របៃព-ដចជអនកសនងមរតែដរ។ រពះរគជអងគែដលមនបញញ េញ ន ជពនលសរមបែណនដល វគគ ឲយរសបជមយនងករវវតតន ៃនទស នៈវសយ។ ករបងសងដលរពះរគ គជជ នដបង សរមបកររស ញរពះ។សរមប វគគ ករបងសង ដលរពះរគ គជសក រេរៀនសរតពេសចកតរស ញចេពះរពះ។ ដចជកនេកមងែដរ គេ នលេទន េ យកតេគរព េគ ចេឃើញៃផទមខរពះរគ លរបសទធែតជ រពះ។ កល អនកេនះរស ញខលនឯង េគនងរស ញរពះេ យសវយរបវតត ជរបភពៃនេសចកត រស ញ។ ករគតែបបេនះ នងកល យជករសកមមភពៃនេសចកតរស ញចេពះរពះ េយើងរស ញខលន ឯង រស ញរពះផង ជអនករស ញផង ជអនកគរជទរស ញផង។

មនែតេសចកតរស ញមយមខគត ែដលជរគះៃនធម រគះៃនសលដរបៃព (moral perfection and spiritual knowledge). េសចកតរស ញគជករថវ យខលនេ យេ ម ះចេពះរពះជទរស ញ េ យគម នកររបថន ជសរគណតបវញេឡើយ។

េសចកតរស ញគថន ទពវ ជរមះេចល លអណត ជរមះកតេកងកច ជរមះអវែដលមន អ តេចញ ព ងកយេយើង។ េយើងរស ញរពះរគករមត ករជរមះេចលភពអវជជមនកមនករមតេនះែដរ

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ករេធវើសកក រៈ Adoration

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សរមប វគគែដលរស ញរពះបរមរគ គេគេឃើញរពះរគមនេនកនងរគបសតវេ កទងអស។ ករ បេពញទន ករេធវើអវៗ េផ ងគម នរបេយជនេទ គមនេសចកតរស ញរពះែដលមនរបេយជន។

មនស រស ញរពះ េគេឃើញ មរយៈេបះដងជនេនះ ែដលជ វគគរគបរប ពកេគរបងែរបង បេពញរពះទពរពះជទរស ញ ពកេគ ង តេសង ម គម នករបងរបថន ។ ពកេគមន ចេនជមយអនក

េផ ងេរកពរពះរគេឡើយ ពកេគរបមលទកនវរគបរបភពរពះរគ ពកេគមនរក ទករបភពេផ ងៗកនង េបះដងេឡើយ។ អនកែដលមនេសចកតរស ញែបបខងេលើមនជេនឿមតម មនែត នៃនេសចកតរស ញ នងមនែតករថវ យនវពទធវនយសរមបេសចកតរស ញ។

ករមនេសចកតរស ញចេពះរពះ េកើតមនមក គមន រសយេលើករែវកែញកេឡើយ គេចញមក ពកេណើ តផទ លរបសមនស មន កៗ ។ អនក េគធល បមនេសចកតរស ញេគដងពករពត គម នអវ បេងកើតេសចកតរស ញេចញមកេឡើយ កគម នអវមកកតេសចកតរស ញបនែដរ។

ក ពយខងេរកមេនះ នពនធេ យ “ Rabia” ែដលជរពះេពធសតវសញជ ត Moslem មននយ ដចខងេរកម

អរពះជមច ស អវៗមនេលើែផនដេនះរពះថវ យដលខញមច ស ខញមច សរកបថវ យបងគរពះជមច ស មតតកល យជរពះ ខញមច សនងបនអវៗ សពវយងដចរពះបនេរៀបចជេរសចេនជតខងមខ រពះជអងគមតតៃនខញ មច ស មនរពះជមច ស ខញមនរពយភយេរឿង ននរក េគមនដតខញ មច សកនង ននរក ខញមច សេគរពបជរពះ នងបនេឡើង នសរគ កនង នសរគមនមនខញមច ស រកមថវ យបងគរពះជមច សមនគណរបេយជន េរកពរពះេចះ អវៗ នងរ យវនសអសេ ង។ េសចកតរស ញគជធតមនគេណើ តសរមបរពលង សរមបជអងគនរពលង គ លពរបភពៃន

កេណើ តវញ សរមបជអងគរ យចលេទកនងរបភពកេណើ តវញ។ មនេពលមកយកកេណើ តជសតវេ ក េនះ រពលងគជែផនកៃនអងគរពះ រពលងេនជមយរពះ កនងេពលេនេលើភពែផនដ រពលងេទជអងគចែឡក េចះែតចងរតឡបេទ នជកេណើ តេដើមេឡើងវញ។ េសចកតរស ញគជរពះដងវ យ មនែមនជរបសែដល ចទមទររកបនេឡើយ។ េបើសនជ អនកទងអេសើគន របថន ចងបន កមន ចបនែដរ េបើសនជអនកទងេនះ ខរបង ងេសចកតរស ញ កមន ចបនែដរ។ អនក ែដលរស ញ គជជន ែដលរពះរស ញអនកេនះែដរ ជអនកែដលមន ែតេសចកតរស ញរពះ គម នកររស ញ េផ ងេទៀតេឡើយ។ កនងនយពតរបកដេសចកតរស ញពតសេ កររស ញេចញពបគគលមន កៗ ។ េសចកតរស ញគជរពះេម ត ធមែដលរពះបញជ នមកឲយ េគ ចបន មករមនបណយ នងករ ងសមធែដលមនរពះរគដពតជយ ែណនបងហ តបងហ ញ។៚

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ករេធវើសកក រៈ Adoration

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កណាពយេសចកតរសលាញ ខញមនេសចកតរស ញេពញមយជវត ខញមនរពះរស ញេពញមយជវត ខញផកទកពលជទកេចញពៃដៃនេសចកតរស ញ គដចជទកអរមត ខញរក យមនអណរជពនលក គម នករេ កេ កបលៃនខញមច សេពញេ យេសចកតរស ញ មនេពញេបះដង មនេពញបរបរណ ជដ បេរៀងេទ គម នេឡើយកររស ញ េរកពរពះ

ល ប បពនដង ឆលងកតរចអស អរគណរពះេសនហ េនែតមន ល ប

ខញដល ននរកែរបត បនេឃើញនងែភនក រពះេសនហឆលងកតដេភលើង ខញចលេទែដរ េនឯ នសរគ ដមនរសមពនលៃនរពះេសនហ ខញមនេសចកតរស ញេពញកនងេបះដង រចេរកើនរលក មនរពះេសនហជយនត សរមបជះឆលង ករពរ ធល កចះេលើែផនដថម ស កល យេឆះជអ ត តេភលើង េ កកយទងមលកល យជ គរៃនទកេនរ ែហលឆលងទកែភនកកនង នេ កយ ខញមច សែរសកេ រពះេសនហៃនខញមកជជនយ រពះនៃនខញេឡើងេទ នសរគននគររពះ ខញមច សសមរកបថវ យបងគ ទទលចលសនវកតរស ញ សមរពះរបទន ខញមច សបងសង សរមងដលអងគរទងដងសងត រពះេសនហៃនខញរតកងបមប សទយផតែផនដ រពះេសនហទលខ បដលេ ខញ ញតេញមៃនអញ មនកតេមរត រស ញអងគអញកនងរពះហរទយ អងគអញេនះៃន រស ញផងេគវញេ ង” Enayat Khan

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Many claim to love God, but each should examine himself as to the genuineness of the love he professes. There are however, a few signs that point out to the true lovers of God,

1. In this love, a n1an should be prepared and willing to sacrifice his own will to the will of God and should only perform that which brings him nearer to God and avoid what places him at a distance from Him. The fact of a man's sinning is not at all proof that he does not love God; but it proves that he still does not 1 ove Him entirely and totally with his whole heart.

2. In this love, the remembrance of God ought to always remain without effort fresh in a man's heart; for what a man loves he constantly remembers, and if his love is perfect he never forgets it.

3. In this love, if the devotee cherishes privacy for the purpose of his meditation, he will long for the approach of night, so that he may be in the presence o f the Beloved without interruption or hindrance. If he prefers conversation by day and sleeps at night rather that remembering God, then his love is imperfect.

As God said to David:

"Be not too intimate with men; for two kinds of persons are excluded from MY presence: those who ask for reward and when they obtain it they are slack in applying it, and those who prefer their own thoughts to the remembrance of Me. The sign of my displeasure is that I leave such persons to themselves."

4. The lovers of God will seek the nearness of those who love and obey God and keep away from those who do not.

In truth, if the love of God really takes possession of the heart, all other "loves" are excluded.

When God was asked by his messengers, "Oh Lord, who are Thy lovers?" the answer came: "Those who cling to Me as a: child to its mother, take refuge in the remembrance of Me as a bird seeks the shelter of its nest, and are angry at · the sight of sin as an angry lion who fears nothing."

The word love is derived from the Sanskrit word lobh which means desire or wish. Love· may in other words be called the_ desire to· be conscious of the


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object of love. Therefore, the realization of love, is the only objective of every soul.

It is love in different aspects which is known by all such names as will, wish, desire, kindness, favor, compassion etc. etc. In love abides all knowledge. It is the love and intense interest of mankind in things and their mysteries which in time reveal their secrets; and then man knows how to develop, control and utilize them.

No one can truly know anybody, however much he may profess to know, except the lover; because in the absence of love, the inner eye is blind, the outer eyes although open are merely the spectacles of the inner eye.

It is therefore that we admire all those whom we love and are blind to the qualities of those whom we do not love.

The whole creation is made for love. Man is the most capable of it. If you have a stone and you love it, the stone will not be aware of your love to the degree to which a plant would be conscious of it. With care and love the plants respond and flourish. Animals also feel affection and love. It was the dog of Joseph that fed him while in the well until he was found by travelers on the way.

It is said that the horse of an Arab who had fallen in the battlefield, kept watch over him for three days, guarding his body from vultures, until his comrades came.

Man having within himself the largest share of discrimination, has the most love in his nature.

The Saints say "God is love and God is the beloved". Love is the only Path leading to the Royal road of God Realization. Only the wings of love cal) emancipate and transport the soul from the confines of this earthly prison to the realms of joy and bliss where it was originally abiding. There is no substitute for love nor can it be bought by all the gold of the world. It -is·the shower of the Divine Mercy on the soul, when the Lord wills to embrace the soul within himself.

As love is the source of the ·creation and the real sustenance of all beings, so, if man knows how to give it to the world around him q.s kiridn.ess and service,. he supplies to all t~e food for which every soul hungers.


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Love is inherent in every soul. All the occupations of life, important or unimportant, in some way or other tend towards love; therefore, no one can be called entirely devoid of love.

Love is the only thing every soul brings on earth with it, only later on in life man acquires the defects of the lack of love.

The infant has no hatred. A littl~ child that has just been scolded will come in a few minutes to embrace you.

The power of love accomplishes all things in life. If there is any protecting influence in the world, it is no other than that-of love. In all aspects of life, whenever protection is found, its motive is always love. No one can trust in a protection, however great, except the protection that love offers. If a giant were to frighten a child, the child would say "I will tell my mother". The strength and power of the man are too small in comparison to love's protection the mother affords the child.

Concentration, which is the secret of every attainment in life, and the chief element in all aspects of the Spiritual Path, is a natural thing in love.

The loveless will strive for years on the Path and will always fail to centre their mind on one object; but love compels the lover, ·holding before his admiring view the vision of the Beloved. Thus the lover needs no great effort to concentrate his mind; his love itself is his concentration which gives him mastery over all things - he attains the object of his love by the power of concentration.

Story on Concentration:

There was a simple village maiden on her way to see her lover, she passed by a Mullah who was performing his prayers. In her ignorance and simplicity she walked in front of him, which is absolutely forbidden by religiou~ law. .

The· Mullah was very angry, and when on. her way back she again passed near him, ·he started to~ scold her for her misbehavior. He said, "0~ girl; how sinful is for you to pass in front of me while I was offering my prayers ".

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She replied "What does prayer mean?" He said "I was thinking of God. the Lord of Heaven and Earth".

She said "Forgive me, I know not of God and his prayers, but 1 was on my way to my beloved and thinking only of him, 1 did not see you pray and I wonder how you, who were in the thought of God could see me? "

Whatever diversity may exist among religions, the motive of all is one -- that is to cultivate and prepare the human heart to divine love. Every friendship on earth will go so far and then will stop. Our journey being through death; if there is any friendship that wiil last through this journey, it is the friendship with God who is unchangeable, everlasting and eternal. But if we cannot perceive His being, such a friendship becomes impossible. For this need, the wise first ~eek the friendship of someone on earth who can guide them to the Divine beloved.

When you have accepted the personality of your Master, then God and His manifestation on earth are also automatically accepted.

If you look at your Master as a different entity from God, you will lose the reality of God also.

If you are searching for the reality of God, look at the face of the Master, and by looking at God, through the luster of the Master's forehead; you will fall in love with Him.

· Rumi (Philosophy of the Masters II)

The friendship with the Master has no other interest than the guidance in seeking God. As long as your individuality lasts it will last; as long as you are seeking God it will last; as long as guidance is needed it will last. When the disciple realizes the existence of the Spiritual qualities beyond the earthy being of the Master, that is the time when he is ready for the Truth.

At the physical level of the friendship with the Master is the friendship with a form, and the form may disappear but_ the idealized impression of the Master in· the disciple's mind remains -- his name and qualities remain even though the .eart4y form i_s no more. Some of us in the audience have experienced first hand

. this fact. However in our particular .case the Master has left us with his most . · preciQus gift - as successor.


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The Master is the personification of the light of guidance which the disciple according to his evolution idealizes.

Devotion to the Master is a first step in any attainment of Divine Love. A disciple, by devotion to the Master learns the manner of love. Standing with childlike wonder and humility, he sees in the face of every being his Master's image reflected. Then the lover himself becomes the source of love, his thoughts, his actions become the thoughts and actions of God and he himself becomes love, lover and beloved.

Love is the only basis of moral perfection and spiritual knowledge. It is a complete surrender to the Beloved without any thought of reward.

Love is the remedy for all pride and self-conceit and the physician of all our infirmities. In proportion as the disciple loves his Guru, he sees him in all creatures. All pious and charitable works are nothing but love.

Man's love of God is a quality which manifests itself in the heart of all true disciples, they seek to satisfy the Beloved and become restless in their desire to see him. They cannot rest with anyone except with Him and strive to recollyct his image and reject all other recollections. S uch a 1 over renounces sensual passions and turns towards the court of love, submitting to the law of love.

Love brings with it, not reasoned belief, but the intense conviction arising from personal experience. He who experiences it has real knowledge and nothing can increase or diminish his certainty . .

This poem by "Rabia", a Moslem Saint explains the nature of love:

Oh God, whatever share of this world Thou has allotted to me, bestow it on Thine enemies, and whatever share of the next world Thou has allotted to me, bestow it on Thy friends. Thou are enough for me. . Oh God, if I worship Thee in fear of hell, burn me in hell, and if I worship Thee in hope of paradise, exclude me from paradise. But if I worship Thee for Thine own sake, withhold not Thin~ everlasting beauty.


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Love is the divine instinct of the soul, impelling it to realize its nature and merge into its source. Before the creation the soul was part of God and had its being in Him; during its earthly manifestation it is a stranger in exile, ever pining to return to its home.

Love is in its essence a divine gift, not a commodity that can be acquired. If all the men in the world wished to attract love, they could not, and if they made the utmost efforts to repel love, they could not. Those who love God are those whom God loves; and it truly could be said that love substitutes the qualities of the Beloved for the qualities of the lover. In other words, true love is the annihilation of the individual self. Love is a God-sent-Grace which could be sought and realized by meditation of the disciple of a perfect Saint.

************************************************ Poem on Love

I have loved in life and I have been loved. I have drunk the bowl of poison from the hands of love as nectar, And have been raised above life's joy and sorrow. My heart aflame with love set afire every heart that came in touch with it. My heart hath been torn and joined.again. My heart hath been wounded and healed again.

A thousand deaths my hearth hath died, and thanks to Love, it liveth yet. I went through Hell and saw there; Love's raging fire, And I entered, Heaven illumined with the light of Love. I wept in love and made all weep with me. I mourned in love and pierced the hearts of men, and when my fiery glance fell on the rocks, the rocks burst forth as volcanoes. The whole world sank in the flood caused by my one _tear. With my deep sigh the earth trembled and when I cried aloud the name of my beloved, I shook the throne of God in Heaven.

I bowed my head low in humility, and on my knees I begged of love. "Disclose to me, I pray thee, Oh Love, thy secret". She took me gently by my arms, and lifted me above the earth, and spoke softly in my ear. "My dear one, thou thyself art love, art lover, and thyself art the beloved whom thou hast ador.ed ". ·

. Enayat Khan ·
