4 A. M. EdiUon. : SMK- NO"m~" " H—flltflr. li t 11 I I fti ' lT?ltr 1HI0HI1HMIES ilflliw i i^raeiiMiiETg Premier. Brings About Most Vitrorous Fascist M inis- hu ^ I • - ihroui t e r i a 1 K e organization: ' Since Summer of 1928 iDy The AKoclfltcd P rm i ^ =C a] —vtKormuuEaxcUl-uilulilerljiUcorRauLa-- 2 ?-% “ lioiislncrvitly. imrrcltevlnz himseM-bt wmu moiit oMhc ixMtk wlilch >t« Uirn auum.: rd. Iiujfad ol cicfit cai;lfnrJ alltces. SU- nor Miiwollni will no*' hold otily otje. ' l.siry of llip Intfrlor. but conUniirs of coui^'U) be projnlcr. • ' --onii i. The revamped cabluci Is noteworthy Jor tlie fnct that ihrtc of ihe famoun 11 riimariimvlRite who led the hbtoric Ifl march on Rome October 39. 1032. have UH now achieved tiill mliibierinl mnk. Oen* _ eral Itul Balbo Iwrornc.^ nilnlsler of ftVla* R tion hi the new Kovcrnmi;iit: MIclieJe F Blanchl. mlnlxtcr ot public works; atid I -<»enerol Del>oiio.j^iilnl!it*r for the colo» TIfe dilcc divested liliiuvK of these y | tlii'pft porttollos among the seven he « • * *''' • ItnqiiUhed toduy.-- - . - ------------- -- — :f -------------- KFerTlwd g-Qf n -VoleH— ------------- -L After the 1928 reorganlzaUon Iie.hcld _ rlx portfolios, those or foreign affairs. L the Interior, war. aviation, corporotloat u»d marine. AftenK'ardii he usiimed u'Hlclj gave him 8 out b r i3 voicTln tiie ij^t cabinet council. cxcee Today's jcontantzatlon. announced in H. Jt g_rnyji «i5~luL5^-iiirT.TliMn.. UcIm ' hnl's principle ol rotating through thi On various mlnbitcrlal postH the best men eight in the Fascisi party, in order to build up x'.'ouli -11 goreming elite.-........• - — — f»“cl - - - The-j>nb' conciusion.drawn.ln Rome_ h«no fromlnspectlonof the new ministry was "Uiai the same forces predomlnat® in ‘j' FascLim at the outlet arc still In power. The fourth leader of the march on >‘5i Rome, who Is not In the cabinet, Is Count DevccchI Ui Val Clsmon. tlie ChMiKca Nomenclature , —^Thc-royal-decrw . tli tuflionncUtg the — r shiru cljonged Uic nomencUturo of two . posts. Tlie- ministry of public Instruct i _ , tinn wnftu‘ia,ai ttn nilnlitrv-of zsnc ■ ^ O n ii’educaUon'.' and- th rm in lstrj' oi' national economy as the ministry of ag- ym-' __rlcuUure and forest^ JBartelll, jjujjj who hdd t}ie~hatl6iial economy port- 700.fr folio, and SiBiior Belluzzo. of the public lOOO Igfilructlon portfolio, arc both dlsap- ■ An nearing from Uie cabinet, but Uie Rome 13.77 lien.Mllllll’rB Iwlg^iTmntTnmnly trln iicti bute to iiicm and'prcdlcted' Uiil'Uiey cast, would surely be used by the regime In Th —wmv-otlicr-capaclty.-------------- —r~r- In dddlUon to giving up his tuU min- lsterlal-portfoIl(a.-MUiMllnI also'turn* *2? ed over the under-secretarysliip of the "• interior, which lie had held, to Deputy l"*;* Lenndrti Ardlnatl. MEAT PACKER'S SON DIES CHICAOO. BepL 13 — John R. '"Cudahy, tiiclutc Jcihu cuilu* ^ j hy. millionaire meat pocker, died o( w li. —'.heart - disease- -Wednesday—nlght-at ^75:1; Dwight. Illinois. It. was learned here lo- ercci day upon the Issuance of a burial per* ()]|t Masonic Grand Lodge of |..|» ^==Idaho^Selects^Officera NAMPA. Sept, 13 m -F ra n k Mum- - U ford.treasurerotthecolleseofIdtboM , || Caldwell. «-u today elected ?rand m u- ter oT thcldaho-MJaonlrgnindiodge-at the close of Its annual convention here^ „ Mumford sen-ed os deputy grand mas- 1' e< — ter-durlng-Uie-last-yoor. ------------------- Olher officers elected were: J. 0. . < Eldrldge, Moscow; dean; Percy Jones. Blackfoot, grand senior warden; Dr, ^A. { — 1 5 , 0 Q 0 _ I m m i g r a n t f t - W i l L --------- Settle On Mexican Coast H^d _____ ups« SEATTLE, Sept. 13 m-A plan for ^he settlement of 16.000 O e r m a n Imml- , Rrant* on SSOMO acres of land near Acapifleo/ en Uie west coast of Mex- „,Ti ICO. w as announced here today by Charles M. Thomsen. SeatUe caplUlUt. X?^' 7 -president or tl^ The company. Incor^rated under Woslilngton laws, b planned u a 113.- 500.000 concern. Thomsen saW .iboul ■* * — «i0-<8alll«^abouv-3000-pcr»cmsr«j.^ ready have advised the company-of Uielr IntenUon to migrate from Ocr- -V - many t<! tUe company's holdlni*,--' “ ^Y o u n g Portland S layer- — —^—7—Goes to Prison'for --i^POBTUOTJi'-sepi^ari^ ~ '«hool girt.,was'senten^ to life im-ielp praonm nji- on - ■- w crotl-ae*rw^«UT^*“ * -dtr-chirge.livclicultcourttfldv-—____ IjOJ -------Oil MiyTM^^Tliito-MnlrooiM-'BieWHJ®* . three ibott loto hU.bbdr. kUUnf blm, anil then tunml tha m> :_Z»r.merti:dinJlatoUfc^«:texnS ts ' .^niued Itom a o n ^ . cU nu. ............. . tba Upm Flaked reoemjr b« wms indict- por - ed, for flnt dffnewuTdor. . wt: tiu ............ , ~ !!H iiadian A irm an LdajLin_ fllU =Wlldei-neaB for 18 llF PA s T Manltolja78epi."ia [jy I Manltotja' after his plane fore- iT down by lack of fuel. C. P.-Mrwsr “ |\|1 ithtul airniun. wnLi'reRlng sufcly In Hi: L j n M t .1 .wwiu»»-w iilnl»li I ' ie tvtts rcliUH IMl .IIHIll"BUOUl'J(r---------- le.»jfMt of Oxford U ouit for hlilcli headln«,.by V. Rurtrldge, a feU T hrC ' r aviator. !U Clothes In tatters from scrambiinn Q ,, ough thick brush. Mews had rovered reahaiiJOO.mUu.Jklng.ljr^ll^!»JJ^ •berries, ............. an Jind W oman Burn to , - J J e a t h - i n - A i r p l a n e - C r a s l t .— _ uiHed a'nd'cauKlil flre'near'thc air-Itjonal; rlhere. Knoiher Dawnafr, -James- Farrell, i ” ffebon, was tlmmn from Ui? iilillffT'''*’^ '" ’ ‘V ln j u r e d _ _ _ ^ ™ ---------------- iO'SSBBEEI g PiyClilillSl ______ . . . Stoics icUl. Pi'omise.s fo Excecd :L»st:Yoai-^s-by-C2 Pci-|cg Cen!;, Says Statistician 5“ ,,’ cause _ . . . : _|»b;e;d i et urodiietion~tliu year proiniaM to' tliai'l ceed last year's by 02 per crhl, JuUu* wide h , Jacobson. Boise, fi'deral crop stalls- offli •la^jepotgdpflm'z: “ T1m=?<S On-Uic baS«n)flhU he Mtimuted Jht of the nine factories In tlie state juld operote and alreody tlierj* is- _____ uch ..activity. In netting, renily to.|_, _,c. tndie the crop. Dvlivery will siart In The ‘crop was estimated at 480,000 C Q jp ns. compared wltli 297.000 tcai last ^(]Ui lar and a three-year nvcraitc up to n of 305,000 tons. The United Stales - HI op has also Increased, this year be- liB /es^at^^^ttt^JM .W | W ctorles at Paul tuitl Twin F^alU - ijy^j •c preparing for extenslTe runs. Newsi ' ■ Onion Crop Ilecrcsses Uken A marked drop in the estimated on- at the tcobson, federal erop stutlstlclan. This •ar's yield was e.stlmated at 550.000 ijhels from UOO o?res compared with 0.000 bushels harvested last year from OO acres, nhAnt An increase from the 1928 yield of 1.Tr5.00(LbushclU<Ll8.30J-«>tf th ^ ruin nlrii Inrt The bean crop In Idaho will sliow.,ar. i icruaMf of-3C-pcr-c<mt~over-lust-year.}.durlni le re'iiort said. The tc - was ‘ lo Oil H) bu.ihbls lant year. The national rway 1 ' irccast shows a. sUkIii IncrcaNC over of ore fit year..' . doy, WILL BU1L0 S3M,000 PLANT UTI rl^X^W nc?presldenfof the Paperj lakers’ 'Chemical 'coriioratlon, an-|— ^ 6unced‘ UKlara"«300,t)00 plant-wiii-be ------ x>cled In Portland. Oregon, to supply! 16 pacific coast trode. .............| ia H B ^ iTWIllDl i'ederal"Court-in-Same De- Vcisioii “UpHolds" Statute as Applied in Two.Casw 8 u\"ppHed*to "the NaUuiiaPM nd Loan - Association. Spokane, was ' ipsct by federal-courV here today in he same decision In 'which the acl ^aa upheld In lU application to two ther companies. ' The other companies were the New Vorld Life Insurance company and the Vermont Loan and Trust company. All hree-companlea-broughV-atUons — _ iBainst-WrD.-aHltsr-Maho-*^®™*^------- lenersl. seeking restraining orders. ' In granting Uie order for the NaUon- II Savings and Loan, the court found . ><itt thi» ifttt In discriminate wtween local and foreign corporatloKs *“ lolng buslneu In'the state and ,w»s hue uncoiuUtuUonal.-: .• - - - 1- AtUek BUtule , . ■The two other companies-attacked he statute on'the ^rounds'Uiat It wis Usoflmlnatory-tnd-ftirther-UiBlr-llrat-*------- cmpted to'tax shares'of stock held by lon-resldtnts-of-tht state. --------------- _ -In-dealing ^ trlaw Bttt mptcd to tax iaUrrtherftff*- r F " flgri and domestic comoratlona on -^e - - BBffFbasU tod Us«<rtHT~BuneT7ntthoa- - ttt Q t^lvrrlfiirsn~c<iult« b ie jia ^ .^ t« ^ ”S ^toS ^ i $ f f i gsllty:of't»«lhg ihfTcsrlicld'lJr-non^reildentsriho^urt solntM out .(bst useasmenl ol the tbft stune-bul-«'t«i M>lnit.t|U''cor> . lionttlon Ar iU IMW snd other prop- wty to'ldtbo.•• • • - •> i c r ~— i— 'B e W IfP. m m . MBBPp lim iiffK R^nnn\/-*nr Tn niim ii uhase lit lui 11 n KlliyBl ^ ' - , todoy. - . , “ lloWh hree,-.\Ien Enter Pleas of ma^e! Guilty-to- F i rs^i)egi*ec c^hwe Miird6ii;Ghargesalid:Gdurt S!mi Tin J'l.xes D ate For TW«I for n "~~T_________________j coaiti 'By The Awocloiod Prff^).— m r'i'iii.u i'° :.K.!!!;. " I H r ry.aiul-kldnapiUK.- tliw-intm be»“o t^ --« e iranirthat-h*-lilHii)-Uii‘--lfir<i. N a.V « inal-bank hrrr In-May,- iwa. imloy - - f l rew-riieiiifc'IycK ti|jun n,,. „„.rcv or ' {• !• couri. Their trial »!!.•» .n-i ior Oc-‘ « wr-l*Untler-<v>lm-u<l,HBw-~i(i<*-}tiilm-l-— /"O ; .miMt_aMi-Ks 111,- iiirnalty. d r u iif t bclns compulsorj-: --- ------- Fliilph FleaRlo, OeorKC J . Ali-.hler and ;ward Royston w.-r,- i),p fjrl.wirrv J,'’ 10 entered Un- plra.s, Tlicy were ar- ’ ' 'ted ns Q rr.Mili of a Dniioji.wldel sr<:h._iitid I al enole. still U ut lurnf, i- ---------------- rour , men w m rm pd* in ‘connection - 11) the lioJdiip in which ihf robbers ’ . HO lie 5200,000 and i;1tliiuiwd tlirtc men. News 0 of whom )i»i,T vcn- jJih io denjh. Presb Hraile Not to lUf iVhile thP prlMner:^-wefc-belnf-ar* ceeil Wicd,.wortLfHme trom auUioriilw jjoJJJj at therstotc-vouia^HHTErfo-^-li? S am penalty for Ralj.li Plen«k.. be-' jn j i use It was his confewion that en- Z h i f c ' h t m . ^ ^icfiT i htnllQncd MJra guards In si?<5UHHKim=jo^5K-vrni=finy=«emtmc ration but Uie sniail crowd wfclch On; lUiertd showed no reseiitmi-nt toward dudf ----- ------------------------------------------------Rev. -(Continued on Paice 5, column 3) repot i twrKniiiEi= --------------------- ,. -■ ' I Af HAILBV. Sept, 12 fSpclcal to The : the North SUr property near here in M ai ij'COiistriic»onofttiw^ amway, contract, for which let • Uie Broderlck-Bsscom company, st, Bc puis.-w«l-cxtend from Uie.mlne.pro- 67, » brty to Uie Oregon Short Line railroad a wai » u t eight miles, north ot Hailey and buslr December 1. yesle Ordinarily, the traii.iportailon of ore DfvU urlng.tliej'liilcr,momiisJrom.tlitiulne hoiai ) Oliulot. a dUtonce of six mUcs. Is a Oreg ay It ix said that as high as 750 tons fin L f ore can be moved lo Uic rbllway each Ing \ _ Iboth - ' ' ' ' . , The4 'p ^ ^ i ’EW^PAPER ISTWI v y u iiiAV liTn r n m - rn - R E g ^ :;Airpoct=Ai|JSininttXily p ijji nORLEV, Bept. 13 iSpcciul to The U llil :^T5rd -W C ii A.Mjonwsalpf'*'i'f tMnds hasteen ' JJe^>W vcment-«ark will so for- I S'on IM >«'■ ™ '*■ i,l„, lasc Brtcerlt-hS'; own announced. I*; I>iai L5M B K trlc ii«hts will be iMMalled I mark Ul« OiUhne ill imMlllOT" '. . _ICL- 'S -V a S e y i>ir nuil-^eivlcr. « « iStftood. plan-' “Tl^t \>i\r\ If regulaf stop* and t' rontemplnllnirl (Wtructlon of huiiiiur.'. ^ --------- - IF® iilSTi" CifflDMfe ------ ------------------i-Tlie-fl. _______- __________— -— l-nions,-N Scwimi >. f Twin Falls Pi-fsl'yk'vy dos® „t Hollister With Election -------------------------—~ Pi . -------- attacu'o HOLLISTER, nn« 12 rSpccinl lo T w bccn.hei ,g me last iMhc'vMancrc'ri’a U l*y ‘bf rciiiitna-[Corollnu on'iff JUi? I-' I'.m.'-iiii, ulU. • , inoiu w Delegates aecepii-d «n proi»«« ,^lri the t\extjnw:^uuy»j:^ > ^la= = = = fW icrl o a h rS ^ ‘>''V u iiided the vwlous conimiUec tx|wrui. •V wmism Barrett. Wendell, gave o ----------- tpirl on the.8cncT8\.ftvnmb\i'.W St. .^tCoiv il '"M 'lilM p S ' ----------- Ijht & Mtmon dflivprcd by ------------1??^ jan-W ho Came to Idalto . , . . " I iwctlng Mlerdoy af.er un lllncM of soerai, yuc / « > i .Oth of Boise- . _____ , / A It. o|^Pif 1 ^ 1 w 3 . from 3ut '0 Pai'ticlpants of I^'g- •=:lative B a t t l o s - o f - Q u a r - :cii.Cciitur,v. A go,:K esunie. P-;tniiliar Statids-Qn Issue ------------------------------ I T w o I __Dji.07lUROLD^LIVBft=^^=—rl— lAMoclalcd PreM Staff Writer) lASlUMOl'ON-iScpt 1^’ i'^par.-| uowJ.5_and Sept'.'13 oilier C7 yoa\ol ugo.'rwujiicd.lhclc “•“ITT'.? Illiir ftiitids m l|ie ifrnair uxlay in convlctfi met over Ihe tariff, _ iL liencRprSeiiaior r-urTilfald MrSIiii- is,-Norlli-OBlorlla7-belibor«i-Uie lereiislbltf bill," Ulh 13.000-word ;ch ua.i made as senior Democrat . ,.| llie finance commlltee. Republicans M III thteli revltf<r'the house mea-iure. ii Ul tter llslhiiiiK two hours Senator ■' tLSuuKil. UtalCaiiswcrcd a.s chair- . I ol Uiat committee., He said me IM ick'of Simmons and_oll others had •• • II. [v.lieard be{orc,_ Hltnmttn* IteailH Address ' -- linmoivs loc Uie first thne In his- r jv n v . llic cari-er read hl.'i s|>eech. going lUHli li-wlUi-tlie-ald of. a-clcrk.-Hc ~0f~ ils pliyjlca^ condition._____________ g rnooiTDOK coKiiizim(.'ti u n > n n iy T ) b -i ions to the bill made by .the. North oUiia veteran, who,, was chalrniaii . iiK riiiai.vt~v'uVuaiiHv^r..~ii.v *jnr adminlilmllon. He contended Sim- IU was fallacious In claiming the _ IwW tarllfA would nrfd billions of federac] :acrhi:UiFconsiimera‘ftoaU:r.r. '“ ■•'afoinW efore the senate meeting ended Hie posed r iff debate was well on ita way. Sen- North s iContlnued on Page 3, Column.6)— of-the-i yaoPHlSTiK-ls INILOEEMSMMIEi ___ -• __ M lnn ta ,018E, ^ p t. 13 (fl’>-Posalblllty Uiat of the oldttC , ^ o t , oi« Ume oMj^noved I TIirrl£l»*rt“«ily?r-nilnerHn-Jtoho -T ire^ lid U' developed anew, appearefl to- oi ' in reiiorts from several sourcrs. t'liig supplies have been shipped ,to »UPP0« ama In charge of M. O, Jones, en- *er from Oolden, Colorado, who rc- «Plr ted ted hVls“not"aL liberty to dUclosc st Ume at company he is reprcKnUng. * •he Atlanta lode on whleh the work i|,urs.nny | .^r iliat'vicinity and was once-tapped oiiurovc several' outfit* when silver 'prices :c.morc.favorablcJuhas noi been norlty- Ive for more than 10 years and | winthn thern ldatio mining men were Inter- u,j rci. L-d lo learn whether the new devel- ma, ncnt would 'approach the scale on -rhc icli the lode wa.*i once worked. Frank ' -• whleh : ........ ■■-1 ommll when i: ____ - - ______ — tTsrm __________ __________________ —» "Let _____________ ____________1 ' the ila -- ---------------------------------- T . ----------- OldTlI L - nil th . . 1 ^ ^ ' ______________ ; _________________ -Newsi ------------------------------------- Ithe^ --------------------------------------------- raayTo arrani ***^1 tl» b \ ( L IS^-, ./ a i ===== iniri ,. /i' - _ il m ':.:.' .wd.i ! 2 Z!;i^!HZZZ!IZ^ *»'! inun S, kv TiM lfM Totk THbuae: Iso. . Tuetc iW tfiritecau'He^ . 2 O pposes -IIse o T ^ m iff Y fl fl AWj^EB. OklB,, Srpt.Ji: i'T''_^!f. _ .U_'U ler waJ'.^lcr~liiurrlSiTi' ifte. render- IIII ormy by u pinch nl Miuff.-i^i be^ , jHyH iutlUd..:miUo^>w'n-h^^^ her when slicVki'il him for» pinch PariUe luffamonthaxo. Si^lth wns fined onvlctlon of an uswiuU cniirge,, Pi'fiv e liad $20 worUi .of '-Tnuff. 'she ' fled lit Ills trlel. "and wouldn't ,t •m*.u«y. He bcuL and cliok«l-nw- :... -Stl-il 0 M en I’nv W itii L iw 6^ ------------- irK -cntncIi)' I’c nitcntimT ~ n 'a i r m i n f n r 3 7 r o m h a m ~ eounty.-- i<><uiy - j iftfd (jfiiilir3i'r, were executed ear- o<lay in the electric chair at the tlic sir lucky-Mui».}Mnli4)nUary-li««^uU Ti7,ri-to- *em to hi.', drath at 13;lTand H o ^ m ^ ’iS'''mlnutcs''uIt'erwardr“ ' «Portst 1 iiiai 1 JI 81 PPRllVEIIiN= ' ..............., - , .................... UTOUp Of- av-Haired Men—Soldiers third, co petition I )f~Sixdc5=^ODnose~Joint-| -West ! 3 e R s i o n 4 V i t h T i ^ o i 4 n e i ^ P e e s - r ^ “ =°J f)BTt,Awr>—Msinf-B.Mii— y-halred mi'll, who tts- iads «i tne" les batUed- with those of the South ser\ed under the fli'g of the Con- «« racy, surged to ihelr feet today ond * > 1 nwntigrr^oppMmuir r p-tiip pro- 1finn'orij ■d reunion of the soldiers of the \ th and Soutli, Tlie slxly-Uilrd n a -, unusui al encampment of the Grand Army he-Republlc "disapproved" and re- Coffey * td a resolution favoring such a Joint cnrriM i itn[imi»nt ~ iWCight.J Iwln~JrT04MrrW0rce«er,- Maasa- ti^ lp ij »etts. was elected commander-ln-1 wlUi.lU I f to suooMd John Reese. Broktn 1ft feet Nebraska. Hls'clecUon came on -Approi third ballot afler Silas H. Towler. tended I neapolls:-.Jam«r E. Jewell. Fort tUe teai:i pii, cmitfmu, aim sslllu^]^ p. [ >a-bti«w ■n. PhUaddphi*,, withdrew (tnd roWi »l t d the elecUoa lK.miilVjminlmiHt^ljnpfeW he- encamjkl}iai‘W HnW -,yuuia-r,.-**p5. . Ohto. for next yeir'svneeirng, m il. i._ ' ii. J »ort of President Hoover and tbe ler. was ;rnors of 31 states, brought forth I tolds of Itcd debate from Uie aged men. who: was said Imes Utrew the clty-lull-atKmorlttm-ftafactorj re they were meeting Into a bedlam complica they shouted for the privilege of I ■king.------ ------------- CRAW he-commUlee-«n-r«oluik)ns-KdU--{— BOISI roved" the-Resolution and rccom- grand j idpd that It be tabled but a ml- 3 o'clock Ity-rcport by LcRoy ’T. Carletonriiiircc d* ithrop. Maine, favoring adopUon_tiU-the-«aM reulutlun. wunded Uie battle call aitornev many of the-500 delegates. - - ^ rhey were wrong back In 1501," said . k in n e nk O. Coje, New Jersey, In a voice I boiS! eh broke at times, In favoring the {ernor W imlUee's recommendation, "and ■tr'aditlor m ihrv admit ihev were wrons. and lrj.«.|«tn» untii tiicn, will we join wllh them. 1he Is wa Let Uioni.fold'up Uielr battle flags, (or stea ilag wc fought against and carried rQioi'rftCTiirtB-viciory.-wnen iiicm Sm T^ these flags in museums Uieii_wc I believe the/w ant reunion." — -, - K iEESlPfiOGWl - __________________________ _____ JLR99U here, ta irectors Adopt Tentative P'ubTicit7 ~ ^ r Financing -Pjan^-to^Name'Secretary atmiJ!y-:-.:fii'pt__n_t.«jpi.gla| tn Tho . r >wsi—Seven of the nine directors of " e-ldah^ wato-bureau-met-here-to- — range to select a- fleltf secretary for » bureau. A tentative proram was ^v,.*, :reed on. Including a method of fin- , icing the bureau through Voluntary 1 id Indlvlduals-who have pledged fln- icial support.: tbelr-w u ib ulloos- to 1 a small car le^'on cafTihlppe'dnr .i_- », u also decided to Issue a ne«\-s let- ! r to bc sent all enrolled members id to banks, cliamber of commerce ductloi idles'and-dealers-who-hare-not yel burden nnaleHwinrUieTjirreoir^B-namli^ the field,secretary waa left for a ' . ................T^egi President Irel Oudmundsen. Burley. ** i»Ued..#n4.CjitWoho«iiuMfthaJEiillai ited.as-ucretary. Cbarlei J. Johnson 't - at present acting as field .ucrelsry nev tlie bureau. Bmer.RIgby, presldent^ soapib -the-Idaho-PiaUs PoUto Dealm* as- a»ain« iClttiou^waa.Dresent at •thP-meetlngT inglln GToiienHOon conslsu of chambers dlsiurt id.Bolne.-.;' , •• •feioiif -SHIP-<>VBBDUB-AT-CinfiW*-^ ( ^ | CHIOAOO. Sept. » .f/R-W iih Uie ordufc r»v>l iemberso{tb»,erew.t«Mrb>v«.p«rlalud tthiit«nn«hleh4irepM ateUiohlite «wUjll ueidsy.. • . ' WH issiiail! ilBXIIME mers’ Day Draws-Large-, rowd -to PifteenttrJAnT^' iial F*air ..Replete^'With-:^ triking Line of Exhibits : — t«pwlaM<v^*e-New#<--------------- ^ JRLEY, Sopt. 12—Furmor’R l g - a a . - ftbMor v >)d nt C a*!* !**' ‘ y -nntl-«ver^OOO'- perMns’ vroiriiirUfoifi-oiinilrf. to’vhiw ~ slrikiijtr nrrny of exhibits' Isevenlrt-nnd-vatifktillo-nctH— te race track. ' ! imorrow. s|>ccinl racing tlay. Ihc fair will conic to a close, at- .nee records will pr6bably be shat-’ - . according to L. H, Sweetser, sec- y. A lorccaaLBlvca-promUt-oLex.-— ~ it weather conditions. •Twin Falli Was Flrtt - ----- In Falls won first place In the lof-county Jersey'herds. wiUi'Ada hg jecond'flnd'Miniaok# county . Cassia county was without com- . on in Uic Hotawln herd dWWon.—^ st~ End Orange-won highest-hon—^ jrrommimityTiyricuituntmhnjltT^ I cnmmunlty-wai secondj nd-Mlnt— thifdr^ThercwerThulWpolnlir- ren the high and low-scores Jot^r~ itemenLdLcoi^untty c»htblft~r i ded lianiess and running races ;>erformances by the Drlggs fam -. nd the Napoclon acrobatic trio. A Team-Pulling Contest ' . . usual Interest, centered In the> -pulling contests in which P. L.. !y’A-entry. weighing 393S ..pounds.__ ed off honors Ifi both tbe light- .- 11. and heavyweight classes. Tbe piilli.fl H- tinnf tw<^t •• lU load. 8300 pounds, a d Ut^of pr««imately-6W<hpB»bo*-h»ye^t----^ K) Ute fair during U» two days. eai:rtanr announced' tonlgbt,' vblehr l.uifnUnc. .»m ,. ras operated on tmlghl.for-iais*--'- of the'rlght car. Late tonlgbt it. - said that the operation was sot- tory-and-therf-appeared-to-be no- - illcatlons. __1.1 /TH /IQU. Mjrfj 'Mf d Jiiry: nied. InlUils laflMnooiirfltT.t lock to_make lu final rtPOrt; after : days df sinnudiis viii hearing oa^lu-suntfd-U^t-by^lM-dUMot—1 rney. ^ »NE APPROVES EXTRADmON™' )ISE, Sept. 12 (>?>—Lieutenant OoV- r W, B, Klnne today approved tx- ■ Itlon of H, L. Hardwick: held in I wanted on a grand larceny charge . steallng.»S3 from B. O. WhiUiey. iunded~IdaHo~Offi£^ ^ -Kills’Suspected Bandit ; m^STONr-ldaho<-8^>tr43-M>H^r>—- nlnrshoHn-th>abdomen.by-njilfln___ vna attemtitlng to arrest.. Deputy. : he suspected bandit before he'felL dead man VOS wanted for robbing ^ I j ^ l at WlncheitterreontheBat-of-~:^ iie deputy sheriff was In a hoiipltal.— ?._but-attachea-8ald-hl«.condltioa,— not critical. he alleged robbor-had notbeen4den«— . lion-ofPrinterp Qtit "T".- ■^To^et^|i^^^nay;jy;eekr ^Tnjt~BepC^:«s=rorg^sg^ ilacetheproposalforaflve-dayveek' ort tlie American Newspaper Pub-* <*' lers' association was unanlm^sly' ed here late today byfUie XauniM'; lal Typographical Onion in ^ v e ii-- 1 here. i _ . '.B rhe 300 deleflates also approved rJr'K nmiinleftHpn-tQ thg ^bllshtw.-set* y t g forth that "Journeymen and ap* s{ ntlces have.a Jtut claim, upoa the^'K nagcmcnt wlUt respect U> tbaJntN7,;.» Hlon of policies that will lighten the-,'-f rdens of_those employed in oiir .:in- :(:i|! 5‘0 '" cgro SoatnBox Oriatbr ^EW YORKT Sepit. iptbox orator «ho-laun^ted M tnde^ litubanM ouryh»<oBi^6»3Bp(l^^ »dtopwkadl4BCTW

4 A. M . EdiUon. : SMK- W Hnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · 4 A. M . EdiUon. : SMK-N O "m ~" "1HI0HI1HMIESH—flltflr.li t 11 I I fti ' lT?ltr ilf l l iw i i^raeiiMiiETg

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Page 1: 4 A. M . EdiUon. : SMK- W Hnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · 4 A. M . EdiUon. : SMK-N O "m ~" "1HI0HI1HMIESH—flltflr.li t 11 I I fti ' lT?ltr ilf l l iw i i^raeiiMiiETg

4 A . M . EdiUon. :

SMK-N O " m ~ " "

H —f l l t f l r . l i t 11 I I f t i ' lT?lt r1HI0HI1HMIESi l f l l i w i

i raeiiMiiETgP r e m i e r . B r i n g s A b o u t M o s t

V i t r o r o u s F a s c i s t M i n i s - h u• ^ I ■ • - ihroui

t e r i a 1 K e o r g a n i z a t i o n :

' S i n c e S u m m e r o f 1 9 2 8

iDy The AKoclfltcd P r m i ^

= C a]—vtKormuuEaxcUl-uilulilerljiUcorRauLa-- 2 ?-% “ lio iislncrv itly . im rrc ltev ln z himseM-bt w m u

moiit oM hc ixMtk wlilch >t« Uirn auum .: rd . Iiu jfad ol cicfit cai;lfnrJ alltces. SU - nor Miiwollni will no*' hold otily otje. '

l.siry of llip Intfrlor. b u t conUniirs of co u i^ 'U ) be projnlcr. • ' - - o n i i i.

The revamped cabluci Is noteworthy Jor tlie fnct th a t ih rtc of ihe famoun 11 riimariimvlRite who led the hb toric I fl m arch on Rome October 39. 1032. have U H now achieved tiill mliibierinl m nk. Oen* _ e ra l Itul Balbo Iwrornc.^ nilnlsler o f ftVla* R tion hi the new Kovcrnmi;iit: MIclieJe F Blanchl. mlnlxtcr ot public works; atid I

-<»enerol Del>oiio.j^iilnl!it*r for th e colo»

TIfe dilcc divested liliiuvK of these y |tlii'pft porttollos among th e seven he « • * *'''

• ItnqiiUhed toduy.-- - . - --------------- — :f-------------- KFerTlwd g-Qf n -VoleH— ------------- -L

A fter the 1928 reorganlzaUon Iie.hc ld _rlx portfolios, those or foreign affairs. L the Interior, war. aviation, corporotloat u»d marine. AftenK'ardii he usiim ed

u'Hlclj gave him 8 out b r i 3 voicTln tiie i j^ t cabinet council. cxcee

Today's jcontantzatlon. announced in H. Jt■ g_rny ji « i5~ luL 5^-iiirT.TliMn.. UcIm

' hnl's principle ol rotating through th i On various mlnbitcrlal postH the best men eight in the Fascisi party, in order to build up x'.'ouli

-11 gorem ing elite.-........• - — — f»“ cl- - - The-j>nb' conciusion.draw n.ln Rome_ h«no

from lnspectlonof the new ministry was "U iai the same forces predomlnat® in ‘ j '

FascLim a t the outlet a rc still In power.The fourth leader of the m arch on >‘5 i Rome, who Is no t In the cabinet, Is Count DevccchI Ui Val Clsmon. tlie

ChMiKca Nomenclature , —^T hc-roya l-dec rw . tli tuflionncUtg th e — r

shiru cljonged Uic nomencUturo of two .posts. Tlie- ministry of public Instruct i _ ,tinn wnftu‘ia,ai t t n niln litrv -of z sn c

■ ^ O n i i ’educaUon'.' and- th r m in l s tr j ' oi'national economy as the m inistry of a g - ym -'

__rlcuUure and fo rest^ JBartelll, jjujjjwho h d d t}ie~hatl6iial economy port- 700.frfolio, and SiBiior Belluzzo. of th e public lOOOIgfilructlon portfolio, a rc both dlsap- ■ An nearing from Uie cabinet, but Uie Rom e 13.77 lien.Mllllll’rB Iwlg^iTmntTnmnly tr ln i i c t ibute to iiicm and 'prcd lc ted ' U iil'U iey cast,would surely be used by the regime In Th

—wmv-otlicr-capaclty.-------------- —r ~ r -In dddlUon to giving up his tuU m in-

lsterlal-portfoIl(a.-MUiMllnI a lso 'tu rn * *2?ed over the under-secretarysliip of the " •interior, which lie had held, to Deputy l"*;* Lenndrti Ardlnatl.


'"Cudahy, ti ic lu tc Jcihu cuilu* ^ jhy. millionaire m eat pocker, died o( w li.

—'.heart - disease- -Wednesday—n lg h t-a t 75:1;Dwight. Illinois. It. was learned here lo- ercciday upon the Issuance of a burial per* ()]|t

M a s o n i c G r a n d L o d g e o f |. . |»

^ = = I d a h o ^ S e l e c t s ^ O f f i c e r a ■

NAMPA. Sept, 13 m - F r a n k M um- - U f o rd .t re a su re ro tth e c o lle se o f Id tb o M , | | Caldwell. « -u today elected ? ra n d m u -

— ter oT th c ld aho -M Jaon lrgn ind iodge-a t th e close of Its annual convention here^ „

Mumford sen-ed os deputy grand m as- 1' e<— ter-du rlng -U ie-las t-yoo r.------------------- —

Olher officers elected were: J . 0 . . < Eldrldge, Moscow; dean ; Percy Jones. Blackfoot, grand senior w arden; Dr, A. {

— 1 5 ,0 Q 0 _ I m m ig r a n t f t - W i lL ---------

S e t t l e O n M e x i c a n C o a s t H^d_____ ups«

SEATTLE, Sept. 13 m - A plan for ^he settlem ent of 16.000 O erm an Imml-

, Rrant* on SSOMO acres of land near Acapifleo/ en Uie west coast o f Mex- „,Ti ICO. was announced here today by Charles M. Thomsen. SeatUe caplU lU t. X?^'

7 -p residen t or t l ^

The company. In co r^ ra ted under Woslilngton laws, b planned u a 113.- 500.000 concern. Thomsen s a W .ib o u l ■* *

— «i0-< 8alll«^abouv -3000 -pcr»cm sr« j.^ ready have advised th e com pany-of Uielr IntenUon to m igrate from O cr-

-V - many t<! tUe company's h o ld ln i* ,-- ' “

^ Y o u n g P o r t l a n d S l a y e r - —

— — 7—G o e s t o P r i s o n ' f o r

- - i ^ P O B T U O T J i ' - s e p i^ a r i ^

~ '« h o o l g i r t . ,w a s 's e n te n ^ to life im - ie lp— p rao n m n ji- on - ■- w cro tl-a e* rw ^ « U T ^ * “ *

■ -d tr -c h irg e .liv c lic u ltc o u r ttf ld v -—____ IjO J-------Oil MiyTM^^Tliito-MnlrooiM-'BieW HJ®*

. three ib o tt lo to hU .bbdr. kUUnf blm ,anil then tu n m l tha m >

: _ Z » r . m e r t i : d i n J l a t o U f c ^ « : t e x n S

t s' .^ n iu e d Itom a o n ^ . c U n u . ............. . tba

U pm F laked reoem jr b« wms ind ic t- por- ed, for f l n t d ffn e w u T d o r. . • w t:


............ , ~

! ! H i i a d i a n A i r m a n L d a j L i n _ f l l U

= W l l d e i - n e a B f o r 18llF PAsT M anlto lja78epi."ia [jyI Manltotja' after his plane fore- i T down by lack of fuel. C. P.-M rw sr “ |\|1 ith tu l airniun. wnLi'reRlng sufcly In Hi: Lj n M t .1 .wwiu»»-w iilnl»li I 'ie tvtts rcliU H IMl .IIHIll"BUOUl'J(r----------le.»jfMt of Oxford U o u it for hlilcli

headln«,.by V. Rurtrldge, a feU T h r C ' r aviator.!U Clothes In ta tte rs from scrambiinn Q , , ough thick brush. Mews had rovered reahaiiJO O .m U u .Jk lng .ljr^ ll^!» JJ^•berries, .............

a n J i n d W o m a n B u r n t o ,

- J J e a t h - i n - A i r p l a n e - C r a s l t .— _

uiHed a'nd'cauKlil f lr e 'n e a r 'th c air-Itjonal; r lh e re .Knoiher Daw n a f r , - Jam es- Farrell, i ” ffebon, was tlm m n from Ui? iilillffT'''*’ '" ’ ‘V l n j u r e d _ _ _ ^ ™ ----------------

iO'SSBBEEI g P iyC lilillS l

______ . . . S to ics

ic U l. P i 'o m i s e . s f o E x c e c d

: L » s t : Y o a i - ^ s - b y - C 2 P c i - |c g

C e n ! ; , S a y s S t a t i s t i c i a n 5“ ,,’cause

• — _ . . . : _|»b;e;d i

e t urodiietion~tliu year proiniaM to' t l i a i ' l ceed last year's by 02 per crh l, JuUu* wide h , Jacobson. Boise, fi'deral crop stalls- offli • l a ^ j e p o tg d p f lm 'z : “ T1m=?<SO n-U ic b a S « n ) f lh U he Mtimuted Jh t of the nine factories In tlie statejuld operote and alreody tlierj* i s - _____uch ..activity. In netting, renily to.|_, _ ,c . tndie the crop. Dvlivery will s ia r t In

T he ‘crop was estimated at 480,000 C Q jp ns. compared wltli 297.000 tc a i last ^ (]U i lar and a three-year nvcraitc up to n of 305,000 tons. The United Stales - H I op h as also Increased, th is year be- liB / e s ^ a t ^ ^ ^ t t t ^ J M . W |

W ctorles a t Paul tuitl Twin F^alU - ijy^j •c preparing for extenslTe runs. Newsi

' ■ Onion Crop Ilecrcsses U kenA m arked drop in the estimated on- a t the

tcobson, federal erop stutlstlclan. This •ar's yield was e.stlmated a t 550.000 ijhe ls from UOO o?res compared with0.000 bushels harvested last year fromOO acres, nhAntA n increase from the 1928 yield of1.Tr5.00(LbushclU<Ll8.30J-«>tf th ^

ruin nlrii Inrt

T he bean crop In Idaho will sliow.,ar. i icruaMf of-3C-pcr-c<mt~over-lust-year.}.durlni le re'iiort said. The tc - was ‘ lo Oil

H) bu.ihbls lant year. The national rway 1' irccast shows a. sUkIi i IncrcaNC over of ore fit y e a r . . ' . doy,


r l^ X ^ W n c ? p r e s ld e n f o f the Paperj lakers’ 'Chemical 'coriioratlon, a n - |— ^6unced‘ UKlara"«300,t)00 p la n t-w iii-b e ------x>cled In Portland. Oregon, to supply!16 pacific coast trode. .............|

i a H B ^iTWIllDl

i ' e d e r a l " C o u r t - i n - S a m e D e -

V c i s i o i i “ U p H o ld s " S t a t u t e

a s A p p l i e d i n T w o . C a s w

8 u\"ppH ed*to "the NaUuiiaPM nd Loan - Association. Spokane, was ' ipsct by federal-courV here today in he same decision In 'which th e acl ^aa upheld In lU application to two ther companies. 'T he other companies were the New

Vorld Life Insurance company and the Vermont Loan and Trust company. Allh re e -c o m p a n le a -b ro u g h V -a tU o n s — _iB ainst-W rD .-aH ltsr-M aho-*^® ™ *^-------lenersl. seeking restraining orders. '

In granting Uie order for the NaUon- •II Savings and Loan, the court found .><itt thi» ifttt In discriminatewtween local and foreign corporatloKs *“ lolng buslneu In 'th e state and ,w»shue uncoiuUtuUonal.-: .• - - - 1-

AtUek BUtule , .■ T he two other com panies-attacked h e sta tu te o n 'th e ^rounds'U iat I t w isUsoflmlnatory-tnd-ftirther-UiBlr-llrat-*-------cmpted to 'tax shares'of stock held bylo n -res ld tn ts -o f- th t s ta te .--------------- _-In -d e a lin g

^ t r l aw Bttt mptcd t o ta x iaU rrtherftff*- r F " flgri an d domestic comoratlona on - ^ e - - BBffFbasU to d Us«<rtHT~BuneT7ntthoa- -ttt Q t^ lv rrlfiirsn~c<iult« b i e j i a ^ . ^ t « ^

” S ^ t o S ^ i $ f f i gsllty :o f't»« lhgihfT csrlic ld 'lJr-non^re ilden tsriho^u rt solntM out . (b s t useasm enl o l the

tbft s tu n e - b u l - « 't« i M >ln it.t|U ''cor> . lionttlon A r iU IMW snd other prop-wty to 'ld tb o .•• • • - •>

i c r ~ — i— —

'B e W I f P .

m m .

M B B P pl i m i i f f KR ^ n n n \ / - * n r T n n i i m i i u h a se

l i t l u i 11 n K l l i y B l^ ' — - , todoy.

- ■ . ‘ , • “ lloW h

h r e e , - . \ I e n E n t e r P l e a s o f ma^e!

G u i l t y - t o - F i r s ^ i ) e g i * e c c^hwe

M i i r d 6 i i ; G h a r g e s a l i d : G d u r t S ! m i■ ■ Tin

J 'l .x e s D a t e F o r T W « I for n■ ■ "~~T_________________j coaiti

'B y The Awocloiod P rff^ ) .—

m r ' i ' i i i . u i ' ° : .K .! !! ; . " I H rry.aiul-kldnapiUK.- tl iw - in tm b e » “ o t ^ - - « e iranirthat-h*-lilH ii)-Uii‘--lfir<i. N a .V « inal-bank h r rr In-May,- iw a. imloy - - f l rew-riieiiifc'IycK ti|jun n,,. „„.rcv or ' {• !• couri. Their trial »!!.•» .n-i ior O c-‘ « wr-l*Untler-<v>lm-u<l,HBw-~i(i<*-}tiilm-l-— /"O; .miMt_aMi-Ks 111,- iiirnalty. d ru iift bclns compulsorj-: --- -------Fliilph FleaRlo, OeorKC J . Ali-.hler and ;ward Royston w.-r,- i),p fjrl.w irrv J,'’ 10 entered Un- plra.s, Tlicy were a r- ’ ' 'ted ns Q rr.Mili of a Dniioji.wldelsr<:h._iitid I a lenole. still U u t lurnf, i- ----------------ro u r , men w m rm p d * i n ‘connection -11) th e lioJdiip in which ih f robbers ’ . HO lie 5200,000 and i;1tliiuiwd tlirtc men. News 0 of whom )i»i,T vcn- jJih io denjh. Presb

H ra ile Not to lUf iVhile thP prlM ner:^-wefc-belnf-ar* c e e il W icd,.w ortLfH m e trom auUioriilw jjoJJJj a t th e rs to tc -v o u ia ^ H H T E rfo -^ - li? S am penalty for Ralj.li Plen«k.. be-' j n j i use It was his confewion th a t en- Z h i

f c ' h t m . ^ ^ i c f iT i htnllQncd M Jra guards In si?<5UHHKim=jo^5K-vrni=finy=«emtmcration bu t Uie sniail crowd wfclch On; lUiertd showed no reseiitmi-nt toward d u d f----- ------------------------------------------------Rev.-(C ontinued on Paice 5, colum n 3) repotitwrKniiiEi=

--------------------- , . -■ ' I AfHAILBV. Sept, 12 fSpclcal to The

: the North S U r property near here in M a i ij'CO iistriic»onofttiw ^

amway, contract, fo r which let • Uie Broderlck-Bsscom company, s t, Bc puis.-w«l-cxtend from U ie .m lne.pro- 67, » brty to Uie Oregon Short Line railroad a wai » u t eight miles, north o t Hailey and buslr

Decembe r 1. yesle

Ordinarily, the traii.iportailon of ore DfvUurlng .tliej'liilcr,m om iisJrom .tlitiu lne hoiai) Oliulot. a dUtonce of six mUcs. Is a Oreg

a y It ix said th a t as high as 750 tons fin L f ore can be moved lo Uic rbllway each Ing \

_ Iboth

- ' ' ' ' . , T h e 4

' p ^ ^ i ’E W ^ P A P E R I S T W I

v y u i i i A V liTn r n m - r n - R E g ^

: ; A i r p o c t = A i | J S i n i n t t X i l y p i j j i

nORLEV, Bept. 13 iSpcciul to T he U l l i l

: ^ T 5 r d - W C i i

A .M jo n w sa lp f '* 'i 'f tMnds h a s te e n ' J J e ^ > W v c m e n t-« a rk will so for- IS ' o n IM > « '■ ™ '* ■ i , l „ ,lasc Brtcerlt-hS '; own announced. I*; I> iai L5M B K tr lc ii«hts will be iMMalledI m ark Ul« OiUhne ill imMlllOT" '. . _IC L - ' S - V a S e y i>ir nu il-^eiv lcr. « «iS tf to o d . plan-' “T l ^ t \>i\r\ If regulaf stop* and t ' rontem plnllnirl(Wtructlon of huiiiiur.'. ^ --------- -

IF ® iilS T i"CifflDMfe

• ------ ------------------i-T lie -fl._______- __________— -— l-nions,-N

S c w im i >. f T w i n

F a l l s P i - f s l 'y k 'v y d o s ®

„ t H o l l i s t e r W i t h E l e c t i o n— -------------------------— ~ Pi

. -------- attacu 'oHOLLISTER, n n « 12 rSpccinl lo T w bccn.hei

,g m e last

iM hc 'vM ancrc 'ri’a U l*y ‘bf rciiiitna-[Corollnu on 'iff JUi? I-' I'.m.'-iiii,ulU. • , inoiu wDelegates aecepii-d «n proi»««

, lri th e t\extjnw:^uuy»j:^ > ^ l a = = = = f W i c r l o a h r S ^ ‘>''V u •iiided the vwlous conimiUec tx|wrui.•V w m ism Barrett. Wendell, gave o -----------tp i r l o n the.8cncT8\.ftvnm b\i'.W St. .^ tC o iv

il' " M ' l i l M p S ' -----------I jh t & M tm on dflivprcd by

------------1 ? ? ^j a n - W h o C a m e t o I d a l t o

. , ■ . — . " I iwctlng

Mlerdoy af.er un lllncM of so e ra i , yuc /

« > i ™

.Oth of Boise- • ‘ .


, ■ /

A It.


1 ^ 1 w 3. from 3ut

'0 P a i ' t i c l p a n t s o f I ^ ' g -

•= :lative B a t t l o s - o f - Q u a r -

:c i i .C c i i tu r ,v . A g o , : K e s u n i e .

P - ; t n i i l ia r S t a t i d s - Q n I s s u e

------------------------------ I T w o I__D ji.07lU R OLD ^LIV Bft=^^=— rl— lAMoclalcd PreM S taff W riter) lASlUMOl'ON-iScpt 1 ’ i ' ^ p a r . - |

uow J.5_and Sept'.'13 oilier C7 y o a \o l ugo.'rw ujiicd.lhclc “ •“ ITT'.? Illiir ftiitids m l|ie ifrnair uxlay in convlctfi met over Ihe tariff, _ i LliencRprSeiiaior r-urTilfald M rSIiii- is,-N orlli-O B lorlla7-belibor« i-U ie lereiislbltf bill," Ulh 13.000-word ;ch ua.i made as senior Dem ocrat . , . | llie finance commlltee. Republicans M III thteli revltf<r'the house mea-iure. i i U l tter llslhiiiiK two hours Senator ■ ' tLSuuKil. U talCaiiswcrcd a.s chair- .I ol Uiat com m ittee., He said m e IM ick'of Simmons and_oll o thers had •• • I I . [v.lieard be{orc,_

Hltnmttn* IteailH Address ' --linmoivs loc Uie first thne In his- r j v n v . llic cari-er read hl.'i s|>eech. going lUHli li-wlUi-tlie-ald of. a -c lcrk .-H c ~ 0 f ~

ils pliyjlca^ condition._____________ grnooiTDOK coKiiizim(.'ti un> nniyT )b-i ions to the bill made by .the . North oUiia veteran, who,, was chalrniaii „ . iiK riiiai.vt~v'uVuaiiHv^r..~ii.v *jnr adminlilmllon. He contended Sim-

IU was fallacious In claim ing th e _ Iw W tarllfA would nrfd billions of federac] :acrhi:UiFconsiimera‘fto aU :r .r . '“ ■•'afoinW efore the senate meeting ended Hie posed r iff debate was well on ita way. Sen- North s

iContlnued on Page 3, Column.6)— of-the-i

yaoPHlSTiK-lsINILOEEMSMMIEi___ -• ■__ — Mlnnta,018E, ^ p t . 13 (fl’>-Posalblllty Uiat

of the oldttC , ^ o t , o i« Ume oM j^noved ITIirrl£l»*rt“ « ily? r-n ilnerH n-Jtoho - T i r e ^ lid U' developed anew, appearefl to - o i ' in reiiorts from several sourcrs. ■

t'liig supplies have been shipped ,to »UPP0« ama In charge of M. O, Jones, en- *er from Oolden, Colorado, who rc - «Plr ted ted hV ls“not"aL liberty to dUclosc s t Ume at company he is reprcKnUng. *•he Atlanta lode on whleh the work i|,u rs .n n y | . riliat'v icinity and was once-tapped oiiurovc several' outfit* when silver 'p r ic e s

:c .m o rc .fa v o ra b lc Ju h a s n o i been no rlty - Ive for more than 10 years and | w inthn thern ldatio mining men were In ter- u ,j rci. L-d lo learn w hether the new devel- ma, ncnt would 'approach the scale on - r h c icli the lode wa.*i once worked. Frank '

■ ■ -• whleh :■........ ■■ ■ -1 ommll

when i:____ - ■ - ______ — t T s r m__________ __________________ — » "Let_____________ ____________1 ' the ila-- ---------------------------------- T .----------- OldTlI

L - nil th

. . 1 ^ ^ ' ______________ ;

_________________ -Newsi------------------------------------- I t h e ^

--------------------------------------------- raayToarrani

***^1 t l» b

\ ( L

IS ^ -, . / — ai = = = = = i n i r i

,. / i ' - _ i l m ' : . : . ' .w d .i

!2 Z ! ; i ^ ! H Z Z Z ! I Z ^■

*»'! ■ in u nS, kv T iM lfM T o tk THbuae: Iso . . Tuetc

i W t f i r i t e c a u ' H e ^ . 2

O p p o s e s - I I s e o T ^ m i f f Y f l f l

AWj^EB. OklB,, S rp t.J i : i 'T ''_ ^ ! f. _ .U_'Uler waJ'.^lcr~liiurrlSiTi' ifte. render- I I I I ormy by u pinch nl M iuff.-i^i be , jHyH

iu t l U d . . : m iU o ^ > w 'n - h ^ ^ ^ —

her when slicVki'il him fo r» pinch P a r i U e lu ffam o n th ax o . Si^lth wns fined onvlctlon of an uswiuU cniirge,, P i 'f ive liad $20 worUi .o f '-Tnuff. 's h e ' fled lit Ills trlel. "and wouldn't , t•m*.u«y. He bcuL and cliok«l-nw-

: . . . - S t l - i l

0 M e n I’ n v W i t i i L i w 6 ^ -------------

i r K - c n t n c I i ) ' I ’ c n i t c n t i m T

~ n 'a irm in fn r3 7 ro m h a m ~ eounty.-- i<><uiy - j if tfd (jfiiilir3i'r, were executed ear- o<lay in the electric chair a t the t l i c s i r lucky-M ui».}M nli4)nUary-li««^uU Ti7,r i - to - *em to hi.', d rath a t 13;lTand H o ^ m ^ ’ iS '''m lnutcs''uIt'erwardr“ ' « P o r t s t1 iiiai 1

JI81PPRllVEIIiN='..............., ■ - ,.................... UTOUp Of-

a v - H a i r e d M e n — S o l d i e r s third, copetition I

) f ~ S i x d c 5= ^ O D n o s e ~ J o i n t - | -W est !

3 e R s i o n 4 V i t h T i ^ o i 4 n e i ^ P e e s - r ^ “ =°J

f)BTt,Awr>—Msinf-B.Mii—y-halred mi'll, who tts- iads «i tne" • les batUed- with those of the South ser\ed under the fli'g of the Con- « «

racy, surged to ihelr feet today ond * > 1 nw n tigrr^oppM m uir r p- t i ip pro- 1 f in n 'orij ■d reunion of the soldiers of the \ th and Soutli, Tlie slxly-Uilrd n a - , unusui al encampment of the G rand Army he-Republlc "disapproved" and re- Coffey * td a resolution favoring such a Joint cnrriM iitn[imi»nt ~ iW Cight.JIw ln~JrT04M rrW 0rce«er,- Maasa- t i ^ l p i j »etts. was elected commander-ln-1 wlUi.lU I f to suooMd John Reese. B roktn 1ft feet

Nebraska. Hls'clecUon came on -Approi third ballot a fle r S ilas H. Towler. tended I

neapolls :-.Jam «r E. Jewell. F ort tUe teai:i p i i , cm itfm u, aim sslllu^]^ p. [ >a-bti«w ■n. PhUaddphi*,, withdrew ( tn d roW i »l t d the elecUoa lK .m iilV jm in lm iH t^ ljnpfeW he- encam jkl}iai‘W H n W -,y u u ia - r , .- * * p 5. . Ohto. fo r next yeir'svneeirng, m i l .

i._ ' i i. J»ort of President Hoover and tbe le r. was ;rnors of 31 states, brought forth I tolds of Itcd debate from Uie aged m en. w ho : was said Imes Utrew the clty-lull-atKm orlttm-ftafactorj re they were meeting Into a bedlam complica they shouted for th e privilege of I ■king.------ ------------- CRAWhe-commUlee-«n-r«oluik)ns-KdU--{— BOISI roved" the-Resolution and rccom- grand j idpd th a t It be tabled bu t a ml- 3 o'clock Ity-rcport by LcRoy ’T . Carletonriiiircc d* ithrop. Maine, favoring adopUon_tiU-the-«aM reulutlun. w unded Uie battle call aitornev many of the-500 delegates. - - ^ rhey were wrong back In 1501," said . k i n n e nk O. Coje, New Jersey, In a voice I b o iS ! eh broke a t times, In favoring the {ernor W imlUee's rec o m m e n d a tio n , "and ■ tr'aditlor m ihrv admit ihev were wrons. and lrj.«.|«tn» untii tiicn, will we join w llh them. 1 he Is wa

Let Uioni.fold'up Uielr ba ttle flags, (or stea ilag wc fought against and carried

rQioi'rftCTiirtB -viciory.-w nen i i i c m S m T ^ these flags in museums Uieii_wc

I believe th e /w a n t reunion." — -, - K

iEESlPfiOGWl- __________________________ _____ JLR99U

here, tai r e c t o r s A d o p t T e n t a t i v e

P 'u b T ic it7 ~ ^ r F i n a n c i n g

- P j a n ^ - t o ^ N a m e 'S e c r e t a r y

atmiJ!y-:-.:fii'pt__n_t.«jpi.gla| tn T ho . r >wsi—Seven of the nine directors of " e-ldah^ w a to -b u rea u -m et-h e re -to - —

range to select a- fleltf secretary for» bureau. A ten tative proram was ^ v ,.* ,:reed on. Including a m ethod of fin - ,icing the bureau through Voluntary 1

id Indlvlduals-who have pledged f ln - icial support.: tb e lr -w u i b ulloos- to 1 a small car le ^ 'o n c a f T ih lp p e 'd n r .i_ - »,

u also decided to Issue a ne«\-s le t- ! r to bc sent a ll enrolled members “ id to banks, cliam ber of commerce ductloi id le s 'an d -d ea lers-w h o -h a re -n o t ye l burden nna leH w inrU ieT jirreo ir^B -nam li^

the field ,secre tary waa left for a

' . ................• T ^ e g iPresident Irel O udmundsen. Burley. ** i»Ued..#n4.CjitW oho«iiuM fthaJEiillai ited.as-ucre tary. C barlei J . Johnson ' t - a t present acting as field .u c re ls ry n e v tlie bureau. Bm er.RIgby, presldent^ soapib

-the-Idaho-PiaUs P o U to D ealm * a s - a»ain« iClttiou^ w aa .Dresent a t •thP-meetlngT in g lln G T o iienH O on conslsu of cham bers dlsiurt

id.Bolne.-.;' , •• •feioiif

-SH IP-< > V B B D U B -A T -C in fiW *-^ ( ^ | CHIOAOO. Sept. » .f /R -W iih Uie ordufcr»v>l

iemberso{tb»,erew.t«M rb>v«.p«rlalud t th i i t« n n « h le h 4 ir e p M a te U io h li te «wUjll ueidsy.. • . '


i s s i i a i l !ilBXIIMEm ers’ Day D raw s-L arg e -,

rowd -to P ifteen ttrJAnT^'

iial F*air ..Replete^'With-:^

trik ing Line of Exhibits :

— t«pwlaM<v^*e-New#<--------------- ^JR L E Y , Sopt. 12— F urm or’R l g-aa . - ftbMor v >)d n t C a*!*!**' ‘

y -n n tl-« v e r^ O O O '- perM n s’ v ro ir iiirU fo if i-o iin i lr f . to ’ vh iw ~ slrik iijtr n rrn y o f e x h ib its '

Isevenlrt-nnd-vatifktillo-nctH — te race track . ' !im orrow . s|>ccinl rac in g tlay.

Ihc fair will conic to a close, a t- .nee records will pr6bably be sh a t-’ - . according to L. H, Sweetser, sec- y. A lorccaaLBlvca-promUt-oLex.-— ~ it w eather conditions.

• T w in Falli W as F lrt t - -----In Falls won first place In the lof-county Jersey 'herds. wiUi'Ada hg jecond 'flnd 'M in iaok# county . Cassia county was w ithout com- . on in Uic Hotawln herd dWWon.—^ st~ End Orange-won highest-hon— jr ro m m im ity T iy r icu i tu n tm h n jl tT ^I cnmmun lty-wai secondj nd-M lnt—

th if d r ^ T h e rc w e r T h u lW p o ln l ir - ren the high and low-scores Jot^r~ i te m e n L d L c o i^ u n tty c » h tb lf t~ r i

ded lianiess and running races ;>erformances by the Drlggs f a m - . nd the Napoclon acrobatic trio. A

Team-Pulling Contest ' . . usual In terest, centered In the> -pulling contests in which P. L ..!y’A-entry. weighing 393S ..pounds.__ed off honors Ifi both tb e ligh t- .- 11. and heavyweight classes. Tbe

piilli.fl H- tinnf tw< t ••lU load. 8300 pounds, a d U t ^ o f

pr««imately-6W <hpB»bo*-h»ye^t----^K) Ute fa ir during U » two days. eai:rtanr announced' tonlgbt,' v b le h r

l . u i f n U n c . .»m ,.

ras operated on tm lg h l.fo r- ia is* -- '- of th e 'r lg h t car. Late tonlgbt i t . -

said th a t th e operation was sot- to ry -and-therf-appea red-to -be no- - illcatlons.

__1.1 /TH/IQU. Mjrfj 'M fd J ii ry : n ie d . InlU ils laflM nooiirfltT .t lock to_make l u final rtPOrt; after : days df sin n u d iis v i i i hearing oa^lu -su n tfd -U ^ t-b y ^ lM -d U M o t—1 rney. ^

»NE APPROVES E X T R A D m O N ™ ' )ISE, Sept. 12 (>?>—L ieutenant OoV- r W, B, K lnne today approved tx- ■ Itlon of H, L. Hardwick: held in

I wanted on a grand larceny charge . steallng.»S3 from B. O. WhiUiey.

iunded~IdaH o~O ffi£^ ^ -K ills’ Suspected B and it ;

m^STONr-ldaho<-8^>tr43-M>H^r>— -nlnrshoH n-th>abdom en.by-n jilfln___vna attemtitlng to a rrest.. D eputy. :

he suspected bandit before he 'felL dead m an VOS wanted fo r robbing ■

^ I j ^ l a t WlncheitterreontheBat-of-~:^

iie deputy sheriff was In a hoiiplta l.— ? ._but-a ttachea-8ald-h l« .condltioa,— not critical.

he alleged robbor-had notbeen4den«— .

l io n -o fP rin te rp Q tit " T " .- ■ ^ T o ^ e t^ |i^ ^ ^ n a y ;jy ;e ek r

^ T n j t ~ B e p C ^ : « s = r o r g ^ s g ^ ila ce th e p ro p o sa lfo raflv e-d a y v ee k ' o rt tlie American Newspaper Pub-* <*' lers' association was u n a n lm ^ s ly ' ed here la te tod a y byfUie X au n iM '; la l Typographical Onion in ^ v e i i - - 1 here. i _ . '.Brhe 300 deleflates also approved r J r 'KnmiinleftHpn-tQ thg ^ b llsh tw .- s e t* y tg fo rth th a t "Journeymen and ap* s{ ntlces h a v e .a J tu t claim , u p o a the^ 'K nagcmcnt wlUt respect U> tb a Jn tN 7 ,;.» Hlon of policies th a t will lighten the-,'-f rdens of_those employed in oii r .:in- :(:i|! 5‘0 '"

cgro SoatnBox Oriatbr

^EW YORKT Sepit.iptbox o rator « ho -laun^ ted M t n d e ^


o u r y h » < o B i^ 6 » 3 B p ( l^ ^

» d to p w k a d l4 B C T W

Page 2: 4 A. M . EdiUon. : SMK- W Hnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · 4 A. M . EdiUon. : SMK-N O "m ~" "1HI0HI1HMIESH—flltflr.li t 11 I I fti ' lT?ltr ilf l l iw i i^raeiiMiiETg

a a 5ic it . j ] j

• - ■ ■- " T T ^ and t tJU M B E R L \rS epu ' 13’— Nine jncm- wlncdt

b o n o l Kimberly BrldBC club were , unlvcr -BU«l*-Bt-U»e-licini* o i-M r».-J>L.flhO >^i_Y trl :*ftra.oa W ciifttsaajT iiticniw iv.M ” ^ W jiih E iss

•A.- U 816V0 ai)d J . m i l k Henry week, ~>K )irhien~w or<.a«w <U - n ie h M te M ; Thrc

y a i *Mlstc<i by her 0ftui[mer,-^lll!5HrtUj,aFnw I= q>P lW liti^« tr a thmBni’r - - - ------— r.lniy d-

jilrs.*jQc Laughtfnwlll ciilertnln m ciii-1 t-'-’' " befs of the Calendur T*a club a i licr hrrU-«i Jiome.MUth ofrKlmbcriy n e « Wedne*- .llW d w aflernoon. The prograni. whleli u '■ Mr.

'T t r tW ln clmrBc of Mr*. R. JI. D tiilon ., Weune wm include aiiT d a fe b to' M1T T .- r . * h e ^ ^ t C T O K ^ i r W l a r a nd-in tdcai

m n Adkliii ciuerlaliicd^a

b r - a alumber-pflrt)- n l her home n ear,*^ RockCreclc.TlJundny, NlliwAdkiiawm ‘' ' J ? ' ' Aasltted by her m oU w r'ln Mr'lng a

-w a u c t nt-inlrini»ht7 -Qut>Uj»«fcM M i : v ! ^ ^

_Iayln^_C harlo tle .U uton.»n4. Bcatrtco.-MUMfan.--------------------------------- ----------

M iu Knle H um and M rsrnerbcrt K Sibei

4a*l-woek-«»d utr«-l>ouM RUCiUoI.Mf- tr lD -tt and Mrs. Ell Fisher fo r several day*.Mrs. Holmes relum ed lo ner home .Tbutidfty. . i i n p r

Miss H elm H lllb (In TiicMlay Icfl lo en ter Oregon sltile ctjllcge a l Corvallb.

EllrAbelJi Plcieher nnd Helm Turner - Im vgjoft for Alblotvia attend Stale NoCiJ—i ! ” !’’

m » r Khool. " J * " ' ;i ! r . and Mr*. Phillip Obcnrturf W t ; « " ' .’

fo r UiclrJioaJC .arrarnuTM onday ufier. vlflU ng-M r*.-O bcndorr5-moUjef.-Mrs. / C am e Chpprn.*• Mr. and M n . Emery DobboU. while re- .^onthi

J u mi,ngJromjCa.lHornla_tojhcirhom e_Ji'<^ h

-';M rsrA lfrcd Prttygrovc a n d T ro V m d r returned home Sunday from the county i " " “ 7gfinornl hrwpltnl | Ttt'lr

J . McKmll, Scftttfe, arrived here Mon- Palt'C ' day evening 'for a v u ii a t ilie liome ol noble 1 M r. nnd Mrs. H arry West. ir . Mr*. '

jJ4flKraltr-Mr«h-W M :ft-ftw>Uwf.-tfUUft.-L-EfllU m nln for nn IndefE ltc visit, Mr.' ailU b e n -o Mr*. Palrbalrn left for llwlr home M r. V. W edniaday. . La»»uc

Mr. and M n , L, E. P rn ll and son. who hnrd <have been r l5lttn j-M r3.-Cnrr)e Chnptn)---------

- lo t- l t f o weeks.■lctt:Tc?enUy for the lri

C. J . ^ ra u g ln i relum ed from _ b rftll)M »^ln ]c o t Rochester. Mlnneao- la . l u t week. HH health IsTepoHc'd a* ,iy n p Improved. ' tween

Harwood Slowe left bv bus for Qg- tn th den Wednesday lo visit his aum. uncle , throug

^ ?-° || | : - i i | U

J— ^

— t 7

____^ Use 1-5 less than 0------- — j i )us{nrd-coni«Tns- • > Icys-britn—TaH except______ . T h c re 'i t i s rem oved —2” ---------- t-hr-TTcfa—nrom a tiC 'in

and o i l s . And w l i n t i____________ Yo u r ^»oney back J i

~ lT lc c “ S c h i l i i n

■ “ ‘ c i i x T s 'A v r r ;—^

of the

= s s s : ® f i f i e 9 E 3 i i d i » j > t c l w

■ V B u U d j n g , K i i q b ^ i

____ i 'M - . . .

. T W I N F A L L S ' D A H

i0RSCA9T Foa TODAV 4ND T O -. ‘ ,n m )W -4 'a lr -a n 4 m U a.-- - . I*

T -

I t 9p.iln before leavmg lor .Muaigm: C T ^ rW T ta im ir n u T tP f lH'ii iii i l ie ; •p | t;Tr vcnliy, ■ Pred Kfriin MfJnrp Iim been a j in t t e i i l j i l Ih a t h i -T ountT T enm H hospiw l'W ncFlo«l1o ta)r“ tli r — --------------- --------- "Wrca-B:hnm t eulm res were taken ‘of s tu - .

fA nnttl Iv^t-M onjov, - __ __ ' — lO tCllK

.i-cd_bmJPednc*day for a visit wlUi 'w ere 8n broUier. E ll Fisher. - a t Uielr. and Mr#, John Hardin rcliirncd R. EllU Inesday from Ihe Wood river region Mr, \ •n-ifay closed Utelr cabin nenr E o i- : MonUtn hotfcpring* ror xfie year. . . . . t^ e .h o n re. f . B, K o k t Long^Beach. C«IL* John .S l ila. nnd Mrs, M E, Swenrlngen and ' •t'fexi .■Junn-RrWllswi ue rr(llnncr“i{uesu his pan ne home of Mr. and M n . W , 8, M ar- fen'chlniD n - T q f M a y r = = : - ~ '- = -------:r. and Mr*. Olio Slelnberg arrived T he 1 ' the firm part of ihe week from Chi- th is yoi f ? a r .-8 lc ln b c r f is buying inT5HIJ>=«VttilDJfpolatWir^^------ ■•'■ ,................--------TmnwRe:iM -01arU-M a«-.W ett-spent-a-week.chard*. [InF D etiy S hepn rd 'B t'H crhom e-tn“ M!M • Iberly. --------------------------------------th e wee

to H n,ennnn vallcy-BHlurdwy.

prcsaive I.4»st K ites '. F o r P ioneer lics id cn l

— — Mc.Miil.1npre.v^ve tr ibu te was paid o t funT - n i ilje rrvlcr.’i rctc '‘ycslcrdf»y aflcrnaon for' Iwich'cri I Vnnee, T w in Palls .re s id en t, for. .M Im . rly 20 years. who»e_death-occurred Tiiesda! "T uw day a t' h is late re-ildfncp! fTobci ;hea*t of Tw in Falls following many Pil«r R jths fllnejw. Rev. C. C. CurtI** al ‘w kftr ChrLttUn ehiirch 'condticled .serv- a t the

•^hfld '—In- thB---Orosamttn -ehnp<il,-y^'“ \ ^ eh Included voeal numbers ljv~K frr:^“ * ^ ^

‘S S p“ —win F.II.. O dd Poll.)... loik g ™ - f S ' P

n t Ihl. gruvfildf.lli T^’lll - Ls cemetery in which T. J . Uovd, pa*t le grand, w as aaslsied by o ther of- Z i u rs of Ihe lodge,itllbeareriLChoscn from among mem- , i-oT 'lhe -lodgc-ond 'O ld -fc lcnds ol tnt(vii

Vance were O, W. Carter. M. C, .T hey f lue. C, H. Lowe. J . T. Wlndle, O cr- ne pro d Osterloh. Jo h n McNelsli. ■ LndU----------------------- ------------- . cliurch

T R A N pK K R .rK ItM tT ...........

O I S E _ S w tJ I L je = P « M t J ! ! ! l l l i l _ ! ! S m 'im lfi lo n . gran lcd i h e Colunibln ■sc-fitageJUie.auUiarlty-lOiU 'aiuIer— ^ : t pn rt of l u trans-Idaho perm it be- f i 1 en Tw in F alla and tha, U tah line,

Ihf. Plekwlck Btaces, nnrrntltig________augh Ball U k e City,

• ■V i " . . . . V ■{t- t - C ob • • • ------------ ------------------- Uv

a M i i

m _ ] - j

'.•rf^ - ^ : r X 7 T ---------o f a n y o t h e r . _______f i

i)S H af, flav d r- Vp t-S c h illii ig 's ! * _____ 2•— leav ing only *' ' " 1* mtis'larrf""mcal'“ ' " . ' ’ S' t a diffcM-enccl Qif you’ flqn i t__ ________ i---- ft.

j ^ b c s t - . ---------- ----------- --------- •'— W-

• T ^ r 's i n i c , " g^ 'C o f f r c ^

Il«Litig_Pi.i..lrr ' ■ _ _ s.^5.Kxl4',..cU - : - ^ j *

f (JpenmgiC ■ . ! _

sion Companyj o S ! ^ s ^ M 9 t i 9 n = E : ; ;n r

l e r l y , I d a h o ^ _

: : =

9 ^ A p p l e s :

i e r f u i i ^ g i v c n a t a l t ^ Z

, y - I " ; , , ; ;


iiftH iU E -im sa illf l:;;

; sons

e ' ^ g e - P r o m ^ B r o t h e r ^ n ^ ^

‘d 'K Iaa s . « 'h ’) h In-ScaU lc. slate*.1 hi* brother.-Henry Klnns. ls'*erl- Jy m " n in ir r K l6 M w U l - b r i r m e n v - ™ ^ canrrT T fld tT trD f-n ie r-fo r-n -num * jjf.yenr*. having left here abou t five

celiirn home for y m e time, ___Dan

e SatUrdny nlglU im d S u n d n y iu c * ^ ^Uie hom e .o f-thc lr mother. M/®-J-.-a*!® „

Ir, Ray and Mr, Rnynold*. D arby .' niana. are here VUlllng relatives a t .home aLL.Ji.EUls acH Jim lly find * n .B l ^ ie jn d family—

parent* over Ihe woek-end. He Is- :hlng n l Orcenwood school cast of -^ wi,', te»km=»iliv-y*»r. - ‘ — —— -iiardt; he elRhwenth lond 'of pearhen of , I year's Cfgp J i l c r W ednc i^ay , )„ry ,

im i t e i ^ f - t h c - ^ ^ H f e p r l n B S o r-i

tl!* 'b ra e e - Hieltt V f l lhe ^ week for AlWoji, wh?re she w llfen—

ohii.Dflrnnll.rciurni'il.t3 Cfi|[|wpll.pnj._.j.,,piirdiiy 10 rc.'iime tjudlc.s n. n se n io r. the Collrge o( lilnhn, : Dicnic*1 ,1 Olariys Kelwy Is room ing a l ,

Clyde Jliiwklns Imnie w hile en- :c(l In tenchlng lirre thl.s year, Ml.'.s . . , Miil.ttr nnd Mi.ss Lowe iirL> rcKiinliig i,,„ , , the Dillingham home. T hey iire fn ,.

ch'crs'liV llie rural hlgh schonl;- lias Dta'niec Parlsh-lefl-fo r S p o k u u c -^ •' 'r ' •Nloy to visit i r l e n i l t i . . - •inn-i.foberl H oiidfrleh,-_n-m rm bcr-of-thc::r R iira l'lilgh school judging tftnnr.-;-,.,^ kfJMi ;))nre In xJjfcj) fo r JndJvldual* ■ „ „ „ the judging contesi* held n t th e :? . . , , „ lnu i'alla-C ouuiy-P alr..H e. uU o-W on.;_^ij_ r t t r r l n i ; r i n n j tn i i f l ( ; l n i : r T n i r T l l c r - ^ ^ m™wT7tT"four* pltiee whl^h t \ 'u a .ve ry ! iir'i.liiiwiiTirTfcir'llic'locurboy.'ii co n - ' erlhg the liuie trn ln ins 'they h n v f H h to ■•.uiiiuiii-' ------- •

'sbyicry nl Holllslcr nlul were guriii.s Mr. and Mrs. John Funner n l t lm l .

ivn rooms m the' Heffnrr*^lionK\ | ey formerly resided on ihe Duqiies- ■ " properly,

.,ndlc.s' Aid member.--, m et In lh? d urch-bM rm pni 'h iesday for Ihelr* iiilur mouihly meeting. M rs. Car t - . f~ rcslKii'ed oa u i’nMircr nm i ivTb. ' ■ llc r -w a * -a p p o liiicd - io -flll-h c r-u n --------- 1

- — T w j e k — ------------ ----

_h earin g s____C o m p l tr e - h to c K - 01 T im k e n ,~N o w Dffp n r t t i r o n n d H y a tl . 1.

, L m D .Iu-Aiitomobila-Cor— —js.' _______________L!_‘ t

L - - " T B ,

2 ' Eitiicr hoi-.so'-di'iuvi . | . - ^ _ a J a m c U u u f i £ _ £ Q i u i

S t o l o s e a n y o f t h e m

. S ’= ^ ^ Y e s t ~ ? 5 n r - e i ' & T r l T e t i

E lb e i““ SatWMayani

" " ' i7 5 i C p e r i b u s l i e l , b r i n g y .(

a t d u r T w i n - F a l l s . S'

T h o s e W h o h a v e b e e n ’ w

^ 0 n ly ; .c l i a » < -'e ;t h i s s e » s 9

S e r y s t ^= E B l l i 5 f f i i l i 0 3 e i l a e T i { ^ t e

L j I ' , ■' ' f e n o ^ r j i lw


R. K . D iu infham U -ln Nam pa'w here ! is KteadlnB llie aixiy-iecond com* u n lcam it-o f-the r*nm d-lod |» -o f 'M #------- - tOc

ivf rem rncd u> f i iw from KHiK.HUl. ‘0 lere ihey have re*iOea th t la « few ” OiiLiu. T h ey ^ U)nd . . t o - .m a k e ^ e r . tiiU im n«J-ao iln_w uL J4n .D u tiue«« i

r g e d " « « a n i ^D anleJ^nd^ohn^^^^^

icBieUo SunM y w here ihey m et larles Sleber. who w n re lum ing from vacation tr ip In M lnneaoU . T hey .r t- rned MomJiiy.Ory L<*ler, Loveland, Colorado, left a week for hi* hom? a f le r ' vlslUng rc n t Ihe home of-hia-brother.-Z,- M. sler: This was th e « r* t lime the tw o J ^ ° “^ ^

,m „ ,oTO, lo itw ic r lor ov tr ,

w m iam -H iflgtnbotham .-O corge-E r-i-^^*«-*^ r d tn r ro r M u n y o n 'B n d T rD .-C o n i r, Filer, have been summoned for “

‘N R * T T 3 W B rX to ilm f6 '- f lu ie rT h Y f v e n - t t )therrM r.-and-M r». j .-W ^ ew ..6 a c* .L P ieM 0 l. menio.TCBllfomtn.' are* 1favlrts"U ilsl ' - “it - e i irning for the ir ho m e .aftc r v ls i i ln g |o n u In

rh e -h lg h -M h o o )-n n d -g ra d o -* c )iao I; cle*-lm] ichers arc holding a-i'gci-nrqunlnled’' ' countrk ;nlc In Melon vnlky T hursday c v c - ' "By I iig of thi* week. ' , provlsloRom Mo.ilcy. Jr.. hud the m isfortune rii*crctlihiivliig n h o n e fall «n lils leg, criifli- nllownl

It his nnkle lost Suturtlay. of addliT li»_JlK:icai::oW ..bon_D f_M r._iinjLD andedin ^ L , a , Dcboftrd r c c c .c d n i^ v c r c .* ^ ,™ )und Insl M onday..w heiuho ran nrKc..‘p lin icrJ iL h la .V j\cc .r . . .. ......... -T he W omert'B-Home-Missionary *o- - ? /“ '"»7; ;iy will meet w llh Mr*. H nrry Mus- ‘T"Bve on sep icm ber 10. w ith Mrs. Me- , >y n.t n*jt*lnni hoitew . ‘KU ss- Doroth y —H n r e r —r r t ttm rd f ^ ■I'tlilffdny. mornliig,, frnm n yM[■hcouvcr,—B rltU h -C o lu m b U .- iw id ------------irUnnd. SUBS

~ E S S Y "T X rS E R V E = $ A 8

SHRED3 B M__W^ IUlieJitan |

of the whole wheat’

With Shredded Wheat in the I - for cy i^ emergency—a quick hi

w d childfea witE ho work or _Jiiiicli=ra_aati8fyin^upper=e -------- — - I r e r t t t r B r f i l t t i R t - h

Se New 2?niichP o taE trD ijwii or with the New-W ay enj potatoes th is y ear , vou cam

im. And th is new Pugh Digge e tter^^T C T T otrm orc-potate

^ ' -•'--1----- ------ -o o o e o o c f ® o s J C M » « ? «

r t a P eachnd Sunday piiMic at the ranch

your own containers,jar $ l J i ^tore.IV lain^streot,"opposite

vraifirig7l’(F ile a a ”fi'pe peac son :atthc o rchard and is .the

Springs QrcFilerH^feo—?hway--West^ - ^ g i l e r r l a r ge'


n o c i t i i a d S ^ n a t o r . . ^

r 5 t e n n r a i r f t o l t f e : = i | t : N e w B i i r O i t T M l f f H . -

- tOprm p u ea -ftO T P ace^O w ) ^ ^ U ~

'O e ^ T O V e H f ir io o n ip lf ic 'D e h T tp f f f

Mafyi*naj nuJt f i f l ;

1 ^ 1 . ' - i - f l— i ; t t a v e n l 'a t t f r T T [ m i T l l ^ r Z !L«.l<n ll,"gm 6otReplied.___________ | l |ilmmon* iu ie ti nine Mxciiic o u jc c - .p Jn m rth n m m rT D Jiiiw ir------------------It contain* many mics and I n e r e a x c s J l . . ^ ^ g r ^ u n i L u roducla iahaiL are .: | j —

rrTrrepicM r w itn^ xo rb itiin fT atcH in W — ic lo .w w ch.fanncra bu^r, . i | | . K Tcunuuns iiuinenjiu im u i ic c n jT T y |“ ~ ' her rale* .on nrllctes used by. th o .^

purchased i ^ c lp a l ty by persons of I] . illh o r of m oK ihan.a^erivic.m eaiu. Q------Ciaih«*"\VlurRcquc»i’ “ -------t f -------l l does n o t conform to President I I over'* request for Increases'on I n - 'H r{rt«»jiroducCB_onfaiwtifn_chere.lia*f|rf 'n a alackenlng o t employment due I I ___-Jm porU r:r In ,- maoy <t4ca ~lnt!rca«'M~l l __ jfe oeen gri^hted lo Industries which ^ ( le been verv prtMprrom imrler thp.'-i| __

I t Is full of Inconsislcnclcs'and u n - i iH ;‘ dUcrlmlnbtlons. i M 'l O n w i S f e H e F S F ^ ^ n “ thou8h’ th e im portn iT iaer U ic I I — «cnt.larirf.ftcl.hn»-been-negilglble.- j 5 5 i f e n c o u r a B t t ih e rf lc i tn c y 'b y m a n y llJ :U Increase* In rate*. . : J J

i- lm perlls-Q ur-tra(lc -w ltii.E u ropcan :l| _ .. n tr lc s ;.nnd finally. * ' ' I JD y.lU liberalization of the f le x ib le ! ^ ivlsions, enlarging the iiowcr.s nnd , 1 1 ;rcllon of Uie prcRldcni. the In tllude , 1 1w n l llic .president in 'th r lrn p o .'l llp n ;JJ__nddllloiml duties Is dnngcrou.^ly c x - ;M,rtcd,ii-— -------- .. t i l —> h a x £ in tL _ lh a t w ctlonal fon-cs’U '1 kroups of Jh tem auonaii^l.i -w ere iM in ir.ihe D em ocrau to. b r c a r d o w n ; | l .

Republican policy of protection. 1I I oot saJd prosperity "wJll Jnev ltab ly jp^ ow (hd readjustm ent of ta riff o r |M B.M ,»asU iec aa e .io U Q « lin t.U ie .l9 U JI _ .


i E fIJ

jifL I I> ______I I

_H ^^^31 ■ I i_c h o m e y o u a r e r e a d y H Y k l ] r < B a k f a s t . f 9 t b u « b a n d . . . i | l _ u

o r w o r r y — a d e l i c i o u s • ' { J si— i f w i r h r m l lc a n d l O

\ b a iia i i u i ; . — ^ ..........H ^

i f g e r f j -e n g i n e . W i t h I I

a n n o t _ a i ! | o i . d _ _ _ Q _ .

; g e r w i l l l i a r - ; v f l . r t e e s r € a t i - a t - ............ K — H —

« M - -11-.._ 1 LCSOOSM300004J • n:

T T .T T "lS hes i ■c picking ^ | ■

I J a b u s h o l b a s k e t s , H

l i t e p o s t o f f i c e I ]

■ a c l i e i r t h i s ” l s y o u r .

: h e l a s t o f t h e m . ~ " j l j r

■ m J s 2 ts im /£ jS K z

B K a g i B a i a ' E a

' i l ft l f T l ” ” ” n i ' 'i^®*nlnnnl“ __ H jjl l I ■ and f ro n t 1

\7Z I I I ^ i n g wiHi^ I | i though ffx

\. oJ.so achic^B ct bccom inely

— - and-lw ttom____ ____l h c .J ^ c s l .

— . . S p “ _ ccilcdi ’

$ ]

f j \ Coat.s fo r~ --------------" Y fn -rc f lS tfi:

F o r Women-of^ nistinrtivp.- - - -

Y ou really m u st sec Ihcm . . . .- I h c s c ado rab le s ty l e s .^ ,J l i f iS g ___

sm a r l lu stro u s s ilk and .clo th

~ m a tr r ia l» . . . th c sc~ n c \v trim » — iRinK .cfrccls. lo re a lly , appr.ccl-

- a t e —s n ta r tn c s s ^ S u —u ia n > '^ lo S ichoosc from and all so l i t t e r l y jS


. _ _ $ . 5 . Q 5 . t „ J . 3 M 5 j

• F A L L M Irichness o f Am

VM i r . o tirjpew M illinery ’s—------------------------- h \'^ the-bcauU fu l fa -------- — orfl-Bnd-faBclnalinn

200 Pairs I---------------^

T hese a r c a lt pc rfcc l hose of “ u .n a tio n a iiy ad v e rtised p a n y in b roken llhea. F^ft.cen, ^ ^ color s . to j hooac J r f l in .____ _

" l9 G ^ iS |lIteg . SI.OO H cg .$ 1 .5 0 fl ^

$1.79 '...... ,ltcg. gt .Hij- - i = g

■'iV ~ ' ” • * - ■* •

i3E3IEISSK'1iSSK3ES^E^' ESSB^^^^ ^

y K f K r l V O V U . I I '

^ L L ^ I I^

n t - f o r - F a l l 'n r c - l h c - s i d c ~ | | - ^nt f la re s th a l g race fu lly Mlllr^PC Tj'T tfovcm icm ^ ------ 'th e s t r a i ^ th n C m odes I I

lleve p o p u la rity . L arg e | |g ly fu rred co llars, c u ffs Hto m s.-T h eJab rita i a r e o f I I?al. -tJic ta ilu r in g unc.x- ^ _____

8 ip s;^7 To r k idd ies a n d m isses • M f f l a a l i ly - p r i c c t l .— : — H --------

t l l L L l N E R ^ HA utum n is p o rtray ed in gy 'show in 'g .as esJdcnccd___ 1 1

f a b r i c s . '- d c l ig h t fu l - < o l^ - - l l ^ ^ ing-triros.^------------------- :— M — -

Hosiery n- eed- I

Page 3: 4 A. M . EdiUon. : SMK- W Hnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · 4 A. M . EdiUon. : SMK-N O "m ~" "1HI0HI1HMIESH—flltflr.li t 11 I I fti ' lT?ltr ilf l l iw i i^raeiiMiiETg

ZiStilEiilM :_________ ;____ _______ - • _ U

-----ticrca tour mllca.aouth »n(i.onB.mllii eatt ,,Z ;" tiL.XwIO 'alli..aiu i-aa-buth>U-Qnr;h< k

' jiloct! Where he live* threr m llfii itoiilh ...------ ;-ttn<H»iif»fo(ifHhjflM-~ot-H>wi>T-*ni8i cooL- — .irocLgardgn b8ani-ina<l».73.liuUiaU per

Vlreii .Mduscrt ima..iio)' lu iu thon. . ^ - ^ Q a ^ ^ ^ e rL » u c a tjL f lL U ie .C - l^ l lie c ti . Jj

_■ _Mounn>ln VtKtt- nnrt qh,immrlf.«f HnnM ] T op<-i)Pd Monday mpmlna' w llh a large p

.. ..ii'.lrnilnnrr in-.ntmfHUlLClMaea.—Mrs. ir - %U.Tnftrd Pf5 T actcd rta »Ub«lUltr! HCn.

cr 111 Ihe Shainrock.»chool for two dayy > tliirlns iitk- U llie r ’it absence In l l l lu o ls . j l

• Monninln' View *ehoo) opened wlih 38 iJ i»upU8, , • .

Rev. I^cwl*. asilJlcd by Rev. Wllbuf__ ao«., prcsented.nn hiteres;jnK.ond. In -1..

.sUuclUT*plcnirp“ JhoiviiiK iii s ii t j -p ic ^ ^• • - tiirT .vthe-A rlo iw-!icenwfrom -thc'[*ns'!—

Itlon i»lay SundnV mnrninx nt Uic Com-! '-------im iim jnstn iKhi-------- • ■' ’ . —

~ . m Us Rnumond AsKiidrui) and. 'Charlolta Itledeman entered th r u ln ic ll)

■inrrrml }-^nill_jwo_>'ear coiiire l ii (enclK 'rjjrnln*

* ;i i i ig r~ M u e ^ il lk e iiv -K iin c dIm) (■nier-*'--------u Lau iic -sam c. i lm cJu r-u .iiifida l-iix - {_

L JHOJIIJW coursc } ji i>rJ»iiar.i- U-acJtlHtc i t i ! 5he has Qlmidy tnkcii dir^p yean at:

-------- th r-im lvcn lly -o t-M tn rp v r-^ rC r'K lm rr—.......- tC fliL Uie-lhr£C-8irU-io-Albloti_Sundiiy-;_

nflrrnnon. .1Mr, and Mrs. J. W. McDov.ell Teimn- '.

(d Tiii'idav noon frum SiirUmonoji, lU ! . Ilnols. whi'ie they hud accain]>anled Ihc!

• bcKly or Mr. McDowell's lalher. Daniel!_ MrDo\vt.ll. 10 Us tliittl reslhiK nlnce nti

lii.H former'home. Mrs. Nrllie Mav.*;,!-------- JtuiHTt. itay<ul-at- th (>-McDott«-ll -home - -

lor >tverflLdav8._ - __ ! ___Mr. nnd Mm. Edward Printzen, (laii|:h- j

ler Edill). am! nclcc, M iu AvIji Moore, RUtwrl, and Mr. nnd Mrs. L. U. Sullivan: were giie.slA nl tlie H. W. Rledeman.

-------- Iiwue-Sunday.— — ________________ U

DEATHS ^ ITO U PIN -M rs. Corrtolla'^Tou'nln. c a .i.

______v j fi‘ -Of 'I'ui.nf T uumtr n n a motnpi- uf ,10 children, rour Mn.% nnd alx (iuiiKh-| !iT«, died nt i P. M. Thur»day evcnlnu 111 Twin Fiills couniy Hfrneml ho.^pltal;

--------- irhere-she-had-brcn-n-patlMit-alMce-la.’itT -Moiidny.'Mr*. Toupln'hfld beeYi a rc.ii-i rteni here for nboul 20 ycnra. hvinn n u ' the family homo lour mllc« M u th m l ol Twin Falls, The body now rests nt n il ’ e While Morutnry. «

F T T N t i ; i^ A T S ^ '

PATRICK—Funeral .'.er>lce.i lo r Mrs. Aiin.-v H. Patrick, former Tw in F n lU 'j

dauKhter. Mrn. Slunn Brown, Tracey.. i • callfoniia. ln«t Tueidair,- wiU bc held In ,

:_____IK vyiillt iw rm iry i t o t t u i t i c j i i t e ^— 'n t 10 ArM.v ftiia w iliW e fi i f f l lc ie d ^ v ^

Rev, 0 , C. CnrtI* of the ChrUilaii ,

.of her htiHbnnd. ihc late O. W, p i i i r lc k ^ 'who-se death occurred here nbnut 10 yeavf ai!t>._________ _-■ -t

Sleam baths. Dr. Foner. Phone 8M.

m* t Now HltoNvinjf th e m ost complet

in M iH ingi!y..CnpiPB_Qf_thP l ^ i

^ = 5 = jm t t^ a : ih o a e i t J r f l i J t ! ^ a t i e a a

— ‘-X—v e t» rc r6 p e s ,-8 ilk B r0 tc .r - iu 8 t4 W -

- ~f it te d .'P r i c e d f r o m - |3 ;9 6 to $5.

^ n d '¥ 2 ; ? ^ B e s t* ^ lu e s -w e -h ^

K I t e s : 8 } i G r a v < s i i t o f o r ^ ^

- - J ^ o r m e p ^ T v v i n T i n i f f i l a n 1 =- W lh a_brlef .service m h f Rmveslde. I -

ihe body of D, C. Burton, former Twin I rt»l}i , r w tdcn t-ffh '6-dled a t: Pomercy; I - Woshlnglon. iM t Tnendny. will be la id jjl

1 -W -P -M -R fy ,/r jid U M U U fl« .M U U U S

O T c n n r w rv ic c r T n e t»ayrnuuiiipiiii'- l.^oi t«J by the widow, i* to arrive her# a t i ^ fioon and u lll be received n t- th r w u i tc r ^ m ortuftty; Tlirce daughters are drlvlnn;

• throuRW roni l»omcroy:------^' Hu

ilKKTW5CGlW^n^K'!lVAFFILIATl6.'rh=ici *-OK8-MO!WES',‘'8 C p tn2^«T ^’Afnila--‘-\vi

;:Iionzct::tht:iihcn:cdrlorm*Die.'-Moltt*-i>ri;- Nnlloniil Unnk & Trust couipany w ith ." '"

panli-x Jn the NorihwMt wa< aniiomir''d Atl

iHealth NorBe stjrli

iJiiIea]ffiJie5ays|P "" It"H C c m H ~ iiln io ‘'Hr like ' i r t t i i r - ' wo -{ -a c le -n v h n t-S a rim n -h ris -i ln n c f n r • Tv ! m c . . ! ’m ,a tro n K c rriin n i« t '> ‘-:>it(l;in I b l i t t e r h c u lth tlm ii I hav o hcoii ” j


' ' nk' imi

1 'em' ■ / . ’•V ’ • a i i w y ’ Ithi

....■j. — ----- --------

I I. — .........

■hi------■ i..;i . . . V . iI i MRS. H ELEN A WILCOX w

-i ’ Ever Btncc~tlir~lliTr"Of ■ tny■ t h rrcT w L.children wo.'i born. I've been In u run- jwII tlown condition. 1 felt tired all thp:,v{ t -lime, hnd no appetUe lo siKttk «l und i

suffered nlmcAt conxiani^' from Indl-i^.^ - ‘ m tlo n -a n d -b n d - hentlnehes.-BB-wi'll-n* j-^u

nervousnesh. Almost ns long ns I c u n , irem einber'T Iinve' U-m siibjcci to cuii-1 — >.ll|iallon aud bllluii,ini-M.

, ■ "Four bottles ol Sarnon niadr me •* feel like an entirely different iw.-mjii, 1 • fhuvciiT T iitn 11 iw uduuit Miiei' my iir*t■ ‘ boltle. Iny up|)cUle L sgiieildlil and I'm] never troubled with IndlKcsitoii. I'm not ^

'■ 'uK e nn lnlerc^t In lili-, Alti-r the r e - i ' mnrliuble results 1 have recrivi-d f ro m !

■' endonic ll Jusi ns hlKhly n^ I can."9 TlH' 'remnrkuble stnlfm eni abort U I

- tlm t or Mrs, Helena Wilcox. 815 East |■ ;so u tu Temple." Salt •L a k e ...................... :I. SarKcn mny bc obinlneU n t ' the

'tkhm lnm -John to ii UfuiTStfin^. " " '

l e t e l in e o f u ll t h e ncw cst'iil(>a.s 3

s a 3 t t n ^ d i ? » o t i t e n n l i n c 5 r A J _ i ! 0 3

M -car«fu]iy-8e)M ted-6rid-(U (-v{usll—

F 6 .9 6 ra n d > m g -a p e c fa lB a t ^1 .95

y ^ v e r :;8 h w n :.a n d j^ ^ ^ ^

I .11 I’l i t iM '" " ' '' ‘ ' I


!'n H H B M B B s a e = = B = s a a f s s s | ' . l t u

--.-A N D .C I.U n 8_ ^ , : . , ^

. tir t .- B. B. W IU Iuu (la/P ii6 o e 8 » 8 ‘ -

I ................. . I■j— jif r i i .- -M i^ Y |, Nrnion li.i.i

I ..jm'llB. d fm ih lir M r a n . Harry Robert 8 mt;h, Norili Canyon ih

' n rlv(‘. Monrovlftr^ ' ^ ***'* ******' **!'. '' Humphrey R e«ixokW Tin‘1K“ Tlto ^ ; ^ c T r a s - T e a d ^ l - - f o \ j r - o 'r 2 - x ^ f .n - |^ "wed’nes'day.:Sei«cmbpf l tn i r t h , a t IhOj •home o f .th e •brides ,I ? rm rrs : -A ._ W .jj, |

'fnm iiTlv Ml«r J iilln Smith, n t I nr Annhelm. Cwlifomln, Dr. TiionOs W^lk- jio

^oJilclatlnK. Only the immcdlule rein-]o,', ' lives and a lew close friend.' ot th e ^ w brIdiKroom wlines.^ed ihc ceremony. T h e ; ri:

■ t>fidKe~wIia ‘urtallenili'd iiiiU ner; wns olhluechlffon-vvlvct, made princess l„ j ■style. W lth 'lfil's she wore n .iJioulder|W -bnnf,n^t~nf red r w t , Capialn and Mrs. m, • Reed wlU make their hoinr a t Holly- 'wood' Mrs. Reed Ls a j:r.idimle of llie •1Vln-Palls“ Wirh-«l«5(>l.-elnf!i o f-n lne- it t rn . hundred lhlrle<‘fl[-«ml'-llK‘ Rlnl«/(j, 'nr.rmnl■school n t Albtcn, also cnmpleled

^teiM tUfW rtttriiiuai^^tt^tfascUntTmllncl::^

=-KlmlXurly nnd_Twln_i-All:— H h t-u ls a .^ , studied volce-wHh H:*ti-Ht-jriu,kler)ra;ln

"T o rtlnnd 'tw o iT an r-c irp ta in 'liP ca i-^ 'n " ,.! twied scientist and li-ruitiTund fi)iin:le«l,

■ the i’aclilc.O e3yniilil‘M l,!3 iic liliL ln J5 i;_'.vn -^ '- .-:---------------- -----------p

■ Mrs, H. E. Luiiiti am l-M rs. Fr.in l;;|,' Hi'w«mi>n f iit/ ru ii ir il «nh a be.iulltully j,,, nppolnted brldKe j.upiht Wrdm-MlnyVve-1

. nillK «JJ;iie. Holel ltr.yi>nj)u. Tho din - ! jj, ini! room was lovely v,ith bmitiueis

ln-tt vai'li'ly Iit-Iinfmc In -janll—i'n leres and baskets. Hand d eco rated ;,| :m!nlat_i]rc wooden boi»Jbimr!>-rnnlolnlnK-;rti

■'cariillcs and'nul^rbennnK the names 61 L j 1 Ihe gnesu on the covers, disclosed Ihc 5] Itnllles inside the llil.i, Mrs. J . A, Keefer j, jwOn th e fovor for hli;h scorc. Mrs. ^ : Qeorse Sprnuue. sccond. and Mrs. Allcc

~: Abt. low. O i i ro f tOftH'tnicstsivt-erp-M rsd-, A .-J,-rm i«rD uhI ana Mrs. Bert corco- "»

■ ran, Eden. Ono hundn-d Kuesta were- -Hriddeii to th ly t^arm int-nH alr:---------------

>'. A nn'W ndnrr planned n deliglit- - fill surprise pnrly in honpr of Ml.w Fern HulL who leaves StniUny for. .Seattle. W nslilnglon. where she will en ter t h e 'J

— W agrtcfVhomc' o n 'S ix th ’Avcnue E a s r " ' ' I Wednesday evenlnj .and from Ihere ‘ : went to the home of Miss Hull on Ninth '] Avenue East where dancing nnd'cardR v ■ I were enjoyed,’ At mldnlitht n two-course 1 b I |&upi>er~w n.rM >rt'ca 'D y~^trsrorcrH allUtt

[ I

I j

|j — rpi^g

I i r i t h e i r n e w h f l

n r — d r a w - t h e k i m :

F ■ = S ^ \ 3 i ! p p ^ - c ^ ) m p

I r d o l l a r s m o r e .

X ’ * .________ - .■ '

\ T . T . . q ; I D 'A ’H O . P R I D A V M O

m other of the llOnQtC^^n» i ^ .l lv Mi^s ■ T.UIirl Attrora Hall. ■■■: __________________ iZagcI

, ■ — -• I ____ . . . . - ------- leatJli• *l^eW om(ni'R 'Uhimri!nJ‘lK 'rhrl> iinn i ‘.'''I '' Churcli m etio l infTliniui.- uf Mr;;. \V. E, B5iui«'r«nTnDirtakcrU3u;.-varii;TnurK-:U'.^''^;d a y .ttf tcn 'w x L -Jj!^ ’- '’:’'! ^ , '! m ccllnu l" i ’,;wfts culled toofder bu pi.> piv-iiicnr. Mrs. j .

■ wan in-charge ot .Mrs, j . n. \v:i;io''u'h3[a"„’,i''. 8ttVC.a8tl(HLH»l*L''»-l'^-j;'Tc:.iarx it K ijnaki'

Ihnl rocretles^oa well ii-i .riii^ idii.ilr, l!iko!,.L:ii.i.

the county fair and u i;;!!;;,! of ;.oio;i by i.sia 'i'

oln>-lif.ur-.Mrt.-Wlilli;:—J.;,;:^u^--.rvi;d l ic J .Imh i n ’iresiimehl.‘..~ ' _______________• '~ ' i h

_________ • • ....... • - -- __I Mrs .a n ir t ie P m li ir ■ .■• ii> t1»'. ]n iu h la n d 'v lc w c iu i' v.-iciii.Tii.n 'i i i u T - r r " .. 'n ro n , Mrs, Rlchanl .. Mi.v Nev.-

l io n , Mr», Wo.lh'lJJ!' „1.. [I.. 'I iliU'V- S/,',;;! 4M rar^.il«-ynd>-lfU.,<}....,-^

lone n iem bep wer.' u\ .i;'.'i.’,i , in n - .^ lr ;; . ; , ',W lllm m KcJbush mi\. .1 ;i.» l;iu ".Mar- .ACI' ;na(!e and Aflcr,” A iimu' w.i;, i-n-

‘ 'J6 y ia ru n d ‘ t1i£'.nt'~------" a - . r iV i i . - . l i r -------iinicni.^. The club .i:;; m wun m v ..'IW , C, Petxoldt. Wc(!;i"v;.i'. iM-jitnnbrr* .n,u. tu iiictuU L____________' - --------- T ~ '- ' 'ku.;(|!

O n Tue.^ay n lH 'n r .^ i* riitv -t'^.Vm,rv1

I 'th e h.ime” of Mis. iv .r.ir KruU n-ttith \ Mrs, Sonner aK-i.s;iii’ !•,•■- i- . ■ ; . i n ' f i •!

’ urain gave nn aui- ,,, u„>. I . . ' '-^ !p e m i-O u r- Ix'Imu i- •• 11, , . - — i n— ir |ip*_mi\lmlcr.-.of Uie «lirn io ::i -r;L'. xprnr-M -^invr ' rlnlly nnd the l»oi;r.., . ., , v, | ;'n ,is [imi'ni.i, ' tthli:

— . ............. ............ ..................

i . Ascension EplsfO|);ii _f;.ui,i i i i ir lr icnsoii’s 'a i'tiv iiiif ii 'ii.s iiliV ,

'^ ilii ' home ol Mr*, llv.;!!;! , IIdIkti.-.oii. ■' oii Ninth Avenue Nv.iih Tiii'iivolilctii, i t t i• Mrs. Mury Y. Norton, im iilc'ii over the rim-' :ibu,slness.a'sslon nl wliici: .Mr;;_J), 1 ilur; ‘ H, A lkinw n. clmlrii;.iii c r -n.' p r ." ;ra u i' T iin |^;cominiltM-ntiiiounrrrt-'ii*‘-nw n(lnrT Jvr’- im?* 'th e year. Plans fos:(,r,u! 1 vrni;, uiiil u ! por: ^ aa tc^ 0^~ a-n lm n^ ac^-:a l^-a l'rl■^.^m^^g7a=lll ‘ the nubjccla for coniiclmiion. Al liie be h• clMc of Ihe nftcrnoon ilu' liasin,:; u!;sl:;t- ■him '■ ed byvM^ra. Ocorae Pimuii.''iuu! M lvi'oldiv ^ Eliitnbellf Sm ith m-i vciI rclri'shmi'uin, i Ilob;

e!.kahne Eagcls Starring r^- •- In P'icturcd- Stajrce ■■ : Ills I« A piny which wns a .••rti- .ui'.n Ui N;-v:; ferli* York la.1t seri.v)n7'Tiir I.i'Ci'v," lia.-, ;hl?H e ib c ti i Uniisplanlcd w tit" n;rn.n am ![sour l„w iia}CtnicifM turv-f.finiH K -H ?^?-{h-'‘ ;und-

\ » d aiippe ts have a rr iv e d and ( lom ea t 209 S. Shoshone S1f f t Bi i n o y i n r n i i n l i,i V 'P C C ^ T C O C 'o y p c _ r T O t _ i | u o t i

^ J i^ n c h is m n & a s jo jh e r^npaE ed-w ith -o the tcarsxbJ , ' .

S e e T h eT T T l ' ' ® '

T o d a j ^

UORNTNG, SEPTIHMBER 1■l.lm n>v. •ft'inrinv Jffihnelnnd .;aiBU. well kitfiVLii.,.itog&,tiar>.)\n» .UE4£i'3 ” I'atJinit ruU>, . • . -r • jktaifd

tliiiiinil'Jii nn Uto ntii.iklrl.i'-uf Hnt«ii-' Trtn'n lure. .M lw liigeh iftririly.V IJKTVttK-^f L ^ '..,. I iilaii!' r.“ ^ h ~ ra lr i 'I— la -r^ .n tii-n - . . . rn'^tn'l, Irrplnir iin th'*‘a!lalr{nr-l«*v- -j L | ■iul.'Mi.is. rindlitB, lii»tttM.'r;. i h i t r h r 1 L u tX IBIjiai-O fUll.Hir JlLl—m a~k!l'i . J i iiii. - - ■- " T-. j i iii II ■•'iii'-t, n i,.i'i*«.' ll ....... -{ IIilltl niiink fui-"~n!nr nKiilii’* ^ j |ttak i'.iu i-•lue .o f ilniant;:.! in 'xrt^liiiit - 'I* ,Lji!i^iilavs .'.vrT.JUuicd -A ll iiiL;;ibi;.--.[- ;[ ilui 1,-1 'iiL-inr ii'’-!: „'la- •• ;':,.u'vs, ini'luiliim O. I‘. ■! ,,1, „

_'i.hc !ilm ’^:iU!lj;:-Uri'-'i iiU'<niN nit alV- ’

liiA iv^i'cUu-'. i>iihil,7v iiitd' Mmtday,iHnL— n . .)>•.,• I'f ' ' I '

I,111',- ain-tliir line i>l ilic l ',irnn iount. i\ll-Tai;;iiiir, .SIiiLlnK.amI Uantliii;. N ew , sitiiw v.->iiii s lll’iiiii; i ia - 'im . i , ! - ™grpir ii^n' .' ir ' " .. K.'"iri

.Acriiil I-'ilm al Orpheum jc lio i

— O ffers ThrilUnir Clinmx j i t t :. _____ Ju

• The •firiiiiniisl n'.r suttis p-rlnrm ed -

l>ii:ilU('i;oit ‘•MKlti'otii.’n l n ith tr.itr nnd mu'ncT-v.h'';ii-t>iv'iV':l ill tU'.^Ori)lteum tiu’ittVi- l;;',t it :;li', Jinitt-tii't! llu ' uu*i diiiici^ uilli' ilnilU In iiUdllion"la ; l f .luiuui; iu,a .;i:- r ,-c f-u u --a f.= la li

;u |riai.ll" : iilc tMlllllli'ttl I’ni' (Ute fllrlt'irc.' i r | i p i j 'r * :t mrrrrpntTnrnt rtramai^f tl i r ; Invr-bf ‘v.-o:iir:>!!irr!;-rrriiir‘ :'..i!ii” lft-';'I'ltis ' itttnttnn rr.-.tilt,-. In iiiirnM' cnitlllel * whli^h Ull- IcidlUK chaiac.iTs, Ben l.j.n i, i nhlrli'v Mn’ ^n aiiil .la rm Kobn nlT po r* > ira \ \v‘,:ii ;i iiti'ai dpnl o ra rlls iry . T he | r iT trx e r fl ir t i i:h r th fn n ts 'n 'ir r rn r 'p l r- - j

Tltc' itlot iinil;Tlylni: "The FlyliiR M a - } rli!i‘" H a treiiii'udoui humnn Inlere.sH ilury .uJ bruilii-ily love nnd Mirlflec,} r i i in r d awiiy by tin- romance nurround-1 im? - tli t^ 'o iin t’o r-tirnm gr^ j n - a v ta tcfr . •loi-.ira.M'd by l)cn_I,.von,_MoJly. ihc.rol.e « sum cd -by ahirley Masan. promUex io be his wile, Hrfa;i' lone she dl.'.covcrR him to be lrre.s|Km.',llile and tha t i t Ix Ihe. iiIdiT brnihrr Mllcit. eiw.'leil by Jason Ilobanls, ultcm »lv' really loves, Abniii' to bfi'ak lier eiucani'i'ti'ul. Mollv r<-cci\vs jutfd-Lluiir-liyr-llunes-iinnrb^n-bi>d{yi injured-In an nliplnne wreck nnd th a t j death Uueatcivi him. T he news ranse.s .Molly and .Nliicli lo sncrlfic'e tlicIFIovcj hrrniisc :he dl'cnvery of Ils cxislcnce • utlKliLiutpi-'iiniie youmt nvlaW V nJriH The vouiii'.er brntlipr's dl.scovery of'th lS] sacrlllco n-.sidt-'i In one of the most ih ril- Ilm; cllinuxcs ever filmed.

HciT-bynnrn5-the'dsiTdCYil'3tunt~fiyct^ who eusuaUy w ins'tlic girl away frum |Ills brother, unaware of the Intter's suf> | fering, gives a splendidly sincere nnd hmnirT:Kurut"PCTfprmimcP7“ n i.i voice • sQun;Is as i;o:d as he looks.. Tht: petite 1 und-ejttrem flratlraellrp-ehlrlfyM iiSfn-'

i j !i d a r e l o c a t e d I

i S t . T h e p u b - .

j v - v a l u f t . n f - t l i e , . ]

j M s i i n g J t i a n j L — .

.............. •


± 4 —

; • ' ' -

Id Jason RobardA li) featured rolea. at!iek* lara c te f l tc jh eir u g r ^ j i ' ltli u h d « » ,a i^ aifillilk Mld'.flliinfy. T lie d ia lo g u e ^ ^ t t i a n flvar 'm n l u alt- te pn^unfu. 1 heart'llj ’ stifflde commend ihLs picture to all., . . wosllK

_________ ' '— ----------of/lcen

----,i------------------------- ,,.-jnBrtW-Under the foniiiK.ii Uie owner -or prewiv

liureVi'f nml wlT,ii,'v<'r 11 iiiiiy'bi’ found,'

vienljHn w lient«M iier'm ttnan!ttw 'siiro» • - I'ioiw in this TPi:ard mav not be for-I'ited wh'clV u\U\f — u i(r^W cf.n T e« jrl j ------0 proceedings timlrr M'aroli wnrriint. 1j:i»U.niir-illiiii.,aas r iitn l(»irt here v»-<irr«liiv lor Jmtge. Ik : A .'IIIRIT 'III Iiii 't-Iiikiii iiM » n -!ivii lir M r.’i.' f i n t i uinc.-i While und her sun. U rgy Wilkins, | ulorcd. chuninl with Kraiid Urcenv of |Ive sheep froi;t I.. H. llronn ir. Ito;;cr-. I>Ott laal Jllly-iO.--^— r-----. - j

Judge Hulii'r iri.ervtxl decision, f ■The guf.T.loii an mi;*tro_«jh of nn 1

i i y i M i i i i i i i i i w i i i w w

- Q M t i o n s - ^ j g

______ ^

” O n r = ^ : r

W hen you take a ha t fi'om tlie-lt m i'ntnlly nsk th ree qiic.stions: I)i

= :itH n< U upV -lK il-» 'o rtlv4h (^ -m oney7

- — Ihree-lH-lflside i f th e t

- $3.451„$KEITH ]

_ —SaturdajrSiMen’s S ilk ______________

5E w S n55^ « B < n 1 u i r n------------------------- *U W IN-FA1:


PKAfO vcr-ripc ix*nch'c.H nm l sccond.'t ft

tliii^w ock. C rop nnd qmilfty

................. - 7 — A lso i>cnrfi,-wlino

~ T i r c i i F ^ . I ^ 5 = I '~ m i lc -w ca t - f ro m -.

W IT iF SY our lnterc.4f tw ice each y e a r , i Ju ly i. A ll in vestm en t, w ith evefj

....a ihlff b flhtflin ..— - - i -


> Ute baiU tor the u ^ h 'w d n W U b t ^ ^ iceni hid when-tbey u ln d tlw ih'eep --- qu tttlo n r^ irw aT ad m ltt^ -th a tM irr^ r Mr*. Whlt* nor tier Mn wtr* on-

prisoner* la the county Jail in d f ' ' ill of bond, .pas been aMlirieJ -fd r •rr ny in,l __w nU touttterm .-- - -. 1 ;

r D a h l l a j i x l i i t a i ^ ^ S

____ n e r r i n e J H a t e l _ l _ _ _

SAT., SEPT. 14U ili'i ymii iiiTii t yL'iu ’n lu lm 'il ' —

from th e bI(Msom«. ' ' • Benn.clt Dnhlin ( ia rdcns

HaKcrman, Id n lio - - . ' '•

e -hunds of u salesm an' you 'Dnex it look well? W ill l l

i>y^ho-ri)(ht'anitw«r-to-Q}l-*^ ^ ,e bb c l-ia lCcith____ ________ ______

$4.95 -HATS ^

^ S p w i a l ---------------------- ------ ”

.....J9 c |' -

I f H T P P p ^ ^W a i i J 1 U R I i r ~

A fc fes— - - ' ■...........- —

; r t a h

M Bt fo r sale in th e o rch a rd all

irty 'cxccptionally"R ood.

ik« they lant. ' •

TffV FIlFffimvUryrttSl-Spring^BnnlSiiJdfiC “

r , pnyablo o n - J a n u f l r j r l ' a n d s ^ ef'y fac to r o f s a f e ty - l t i s pos*.: 1 :J

Page 4: 4 A. M . EdiUon. : SMK- W Hnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · 4 A. M . EdiUon. : SMK-N O "m ~" "1HI0HI1HMIESH—flltflr.li t 11 I I fti ' lT?ltr ilf l l iw i i^raeiiMiiETg

A l i l l 6 l l € S i

: \ _ f \ ' ' " • . ^ ^■

" W h U ^ S ^ V V i j i g 'O 'u t TCiiYly “

I ^ a d o f O p p o n e n t liv ' J - o f - T T a

c in K W a l b c r g f r o m -M fju n < l; 6

B u t S irtg ic* a n d S t e a l W in '

? ^ x i ^ B E S ™ o v r m N D f s « * - 4 ^ ^

tiB b * - _fh lU 4flphU '. •"ir.C '-CT»| _ 7^ui

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«., . ' '~ -a - r* '---- ------- t i l . 1riuL\r<d>ffrX'"^Pi3T?~TTr-;v...'2j^*l.r/"F"T7

-w.'-.«.-'»»r>~^;r,;f. -.i. i^ v .t tr»ni rnu::.'7 t«« ttirrw .u >n ris( i.Jm ;, .w .irr.i i t-« ;,o t .x - ;- i '^ ^ , ^au,,.Whll* iv.t u, »J1 *'Wr.'f.-iM.ir.«- tt'-i. « w 1 UKTI

BUrtrrifn* • Jol<n«o: M»'r »K'T. U.-» i

v .i 'in «i|M l^ ''e U '" '.' aim’.VV/tieU.a Al Tt-'/fr.t* f'/f • iifix.' .v.i*.•'••- m „ ,

- «n4 -«r«*r »ioH>» t'.itlii, iiir-.-.*r. •'.'vrr Afrn,CIUCAOO • *” ” *• '2 „ ,

.■ « t l lg g .. .! « _ _ . •. . J, ' » •■“ ; Jtrmnicu«fii. •• ........................ 5 ? I 2 ; ? -■

I ™i a a A . i • « - r ; ; r , :

CtWM», c .1 'I 0 I 0 O ,j l .o n u » . p __ J " ° ° T'K ii^

• ." M 5 .H H -S < {{j?'’*

niiin.p, lit - . ‘ A a 1 I 4 u _’ **“ • ' 1 i i L i n • ll«li

' 1 . i S r. n fJ'Uolt_B.ff|tmm.. H------------------- i> »

, IVwnmfl p_____ _ * •' ” f f __: ■ T ouu • ■ 13 1 V a iIWWJWO-Sl f f l l

l|'.imin«rT 'I»i>-l«i«'- mu-miirV'.. nm . '. "I m u C-K-I.t.t.r, IMIIIIXII. Ktrr;’ I, tionia ruH -t^K n. •lulru »»<■• I, r i i ic ^ K '" . _ J' tl.KVi;l,»SI».J. WA*IIINOTC)S I '


h t uS = » i£ j3 ‘ »nV^^ W u l• ot Un a-tu 1.

MllJTT hUrt Ui« H»ii«t<jfa 10 it«»Ti UU" },Tliomw tun Il»itl-y wn» itrtjrtn troni lUn

' U)i.l>r llir liKtlan*' r l jKVIQ.AHII All U H 0 A K ___ ^

‘ TiTrnon tB ----— ............3- 0 t 3 -J- 0 --------

' I., »«WI-U. r n 1 ' I S II U liiiitu; MiiUf. p . < 1 I Unlvi• Tut«l«-^ • ^ -H B 'lT iTH 1— r-rW A tm m cfT O T rrrT a» h h o^ a B'>e«r* . juiiiifl. Ill 4 0 1 1 i* '0 ‘ JnnriiS -i ■ . 'iiiiss:;™!I Cronin. M 1 (I u 3 a O ' cIbm ,• y " ‘- " i I i ? i ?, Bpcnctr. c ^ “ S ! ?• ,V her 1Hu»l, c • J u I « t O;ocr I

,, n*rM.- at) , . , 4 0 I 0 t Ot 8oi^ i f T T ^ r i T i l b—• OlHKll • t 0 0 0 0 ^ f«lj I

• '-Tnul. ■ . . I H ' T n ip**i Im h' ; > lUUnt lor l(*rll«r III (Ur >««rlilh.— •.Qvkaiaiiil . . . . _____ OUO-U<l-UX>- lur-U:

WuIlltiRlUlI . ______ ' .. 000 UW) lUO-l Ully. Hiimmufy:. Twii-lmup lilu-Avrrlll, .i,.,.,

, , Mjfr. Uoulile pliy—llufl lo gon I

J ___ NEW _XOIlK_tepiLJ».(il-i^'ri«i-I»nktEai^*• IMiy cfilililifrfd llix )lnx wlilrli h*i lo l> |w lli

: } ' « ; ! ? " ' ” “ U ' », lUiy Hti<irl(l «M wllit Iml wrll ■iipvort' nut , nl,-|>uU culu]r—l)«-Cuiuln..uiU .(><kiiIi(. aai,„

Tlir >linrtiilii|i «Uilc<1 llirfp flmilil^ I’'*’'*' in n _L_Cuiiit«i »II««>.1 imor wlUi lli tr" i|'J "I (Ml III III' fillli, «iiuvr III iwv ntll* »iia iM t

ffntrd niiiitlirr. l*rui\ lilt n lioniff f 'ii '|jn ;ip '. “ I jtI 'ia Iu ih ' ah II 11 0 A k1»PIB

j - f e y ; : , ,;— .....- : f . ^ =:! 4 S i £

. - Kif»*; « - ......... ............- . 4 ii il 3 1 U to rU'tlmirX" 111 . 1 u 2 u I u 2taoi

.j:rT:MiniaJi U . 11 U U UlLhlC

T - E T T ------------ 5’ ! ' ! S . ; ; i S. V lUllUIU . I • 11 (I U 0 '» By

Tiiiii'iii........... .. 13 i ' i i ' : i l 10 ' I Call: . : i ; : ; ; ^ ; i r r { i : ; r i i . ' i 'u y ‘i ^ i i ^ r ’‘' '

I Ury, 3b 3 0 1 3 3 . 1 . ,I Sittui. rf - 4 0 0 0 0 0 .

tilckpy.-c______________ *_U. n n III iff.I LkOirrl. 3b .........;..... . . . 4 . 3 3 3 4.U. OtlirlB. Ill . . . 4 0 I » 3 0 VI KwiVb.‘m . . . 3 1 3 a 4 0 Wli'

I I B ig S a le o f E4 ^ ____Moiiclny, Sciilrinbcr Ifltli, l» tlio duy i-;■■ - Pc-*urj'flit~niiOin n n io n oT riirTOr-faTm;<

• - . buU errat Is lillili a iul labor, nna Umc j j : -

^ ’o(*Mlif?t*you deSl«^^

g r o B o i n r T i t r P A T I ^

l ~ :v : ---------


And Cub:

,u i . ■ - ' --------r f s u n n ' t ' frWeaic... -___________• ir)i, in ^7 ■ I'litsbw

rjr '.TU '-I '.»».»•» J. KmiiI£7i™'>*?*^"^ ! ^ lu V i!

m.T.Hinr I. >w»Tov i \ n « lo i.■j'lT'jJl I 't . : w » i

i l.r;0 II,- I'xnl eltilJ Vi »;«lil. »»ll . ir.rr.'rt Ix’l t i liv .vi»imuA-r An ii H o a i; | ihr--- n

' 4 0 1 3 1 .0 - / r r t ' t '

?n .-- V O '» 0n ,- I . ' ■ ‘ 4 0 -t t : 3lrrrl«rr.-••irui. r « 0 II 3 * o;r,iM>ii.rn i .-p --------- -- i 1 i - i - i - O iK iw n . i

.-.•^ . ------------------ --------- iWlilinnj UI. . . .a a a » 3 7 .ll 3.H iir.l, 1

:t z ■ " “ V 1 ' ‘ J J ' " " ”-------------- -------4-0 -U . 0 0. I Wllloli!!!'m iT i,V,V, 0 0 0 U 0 0 MrMllU1 in 4 0 I 14 0 n r.imiiOi.

-- -j vlTT.'"

^in'''or Il<-i;«ri In Uir iiUiili' I" '!" '-mn- __ • . ......... ....... . JJ’ -®*®-®,'®:.* qv,'!l-|;rf

r Vi'iKVn, 7yKit!*m^)f. t 'I. iliiiiUlp. olAy* -(J«Iiiliit''r 10 jUicni lu ' , , ^ t l r r , IlhtiP to Tortt , ToW:

andalsDropintcnii__________________ S ______________ ii'^irvr|^

Lightweight Class- . ' •' ' iinfrno

t o U a n k j i s H e i iv i c . s t o f

T»rry.M oar n w . 13 iH ntclnl to Tli< _ ,wa(_Wlillii mutt. uf..Uic C om l-caii- -

iitiuuu 111 llic lOin riici! Ihiiii iiMiHl llic iilveMUy of^Idalin. whicli I m lend llie

nrConctvLro Callnntl.-lnnemiiiinrt 'oaiwcUvi! 1020 Miimd. nnlc.'i..jui iiU;Jiiil «lirirlii(ir of mrn:im tir> 2l)0-imiiml iM. Onlr twii Viiii(I.i!)i' win tip 'ilip nlp!i lit tills fiRiiri'. tlic ttmallc.st mim*:r ill year*..H a u t ^ i i Ciiliromlu will c iilfr the

21. Callloriilii liiiK iiinrr tuiiiiniic this ,1] ItiDii libiiiil. Mont of l»io oiilMiiiul- i2 catidldB(r:i froiii tlio Qoldcit Dinr tjfl fr.cAliiiiiiii Miund um 200-i«>iiii'l<'” '-U icreabauld.. Wuslilimlua.atiit(i-Va]:^ ly nls(> Imn liilirrlicd ii conhldarnWc i|H>ly.Ol brcf ffdiii Ita. Inst t rcshiimii inno. “WiitililiiKiniT'Oipjiun imd ore*- - m sta le arc iiUn cxjiKteii lo be henvl- ' Ihan Inut j rn r . »T hg-ldah o tcam i Mi> year-te-Hkely to riIibnikliim 'iliIcc 'lD 23aiun0237U lien

cTK ia~nrihc«)iifcrcnce. B iil- Id a h o ms rcciill-llio^i’ llnlitw rlslit Vnndnli lit tlie skills iiiulrr angicualloiin nvcr^ lliiK us iiuicli as 10 Btid 13 ixiiiiids jnore I (h r mnii. AlMi-Idaliu teaiii.^ of the. ml fow ynirs niitfem l decent a t tho iiiinrrirTiiiW Thritirrihcy"Brciiiiy 'oiit- elBhetl,Idaho’s .mo.’,ftiivnrjiblc in'fiircMifni In

/M tcni teotiinll liu-rhw tnnadc by llgllt

orTliUs rcni.on .H icrcJi.no-BBriicurar tcorn ^I'noim ItliilKi tollowpm * ^ y

U.V|iuund .tciuii."Wc.knoff.UiMfnm.ffm.bc llabi,'Isays

;ullniirl. And Irii'iids.or th e ailvcr iinil it)l(l liopc ll \tlll bc'.prcportluiiately asl. ,

ArchM hnriT Phone M». Or. t m ---------------------------- ------- - —

N ovi W ant Ads rcuch tlie pcopto yoa vlMi to u ttru c l..'

D airy Cow sy my I'litlrc lipril «J oi) Jerw ys will n ; th ree iiillp»-WfM-«rKiiiwrl.,'------ ^

lie^Ti'fi'll'j'iiL'^oV c' buiio^fcra o r tiirlimiiiR cowa <rom'unilBli.

itaF ^IP^M 'i»»A H V -w iM u>t»-^

e. . ' ' ,iM Ot<DAyr8 t!PTtiMHKIi->Oth--------- j

I L Y i r a W S ; T W I N F A L L S

______ ___ • • BfWBj ^ Y o r i p T r o u n c c s - ■ P i t t s - :

i j u i u i l . Ti u j ' u , ' t u A l l w j - j ^

W i n f l v G i t y T e a m! S'ltw

w a y in H a c e f o r P e n n a n t ,

^ A T IO N A JrL K A < ; tiK k w n tS C S ;_ ^ ^

ieaio CINOIsbtrrih_________________ j ” ; nm -bii» Vork . - M fiJ M S'io l. ,

iM \ t ' ' ^5 (J7

ssr.■ turned

iBv Ti.r AAV<li.’> ^ ln w )^ ^ ^

IU 'nTiKLri ^ ' V . M f }<t*'v,;:k l « t Mlliimlriili ,*»T, » |iierm.i r-r ttwt.. >lrl.it1«. Wlll.rilni-li ir.» fU r ■|«i;|r WIII.|..Jil.'.r l.l.ll«1 JllMl i«llr t ,1.^ r.iM 11" »llo»«l .rtffll.- -,f »i;i.t. r,m - III llir lytl tlir«

■ ‘ I.' I. o ;•mlVin.-J*? J^VCBCr;l«Tr.-rf - " 2 i , 4 X S " "•>*'S " , , ” ........................ - • - S - i - l - 5 - S - ! * “ “

l b ------------s i s , ™ «I f f ; ; ; JfiVc

''*• ? i . 2 i 2 8»»n*<ilolisimy^l. 4 0 1 0 0 0 criir.----------------------- l i - n i - n - i i - ; ! JS 5 "

JIICAOO AH a H O A rMIIUll. Jli ° . i i I B'lHrfo. . 3 0 II 3 4 II vma. I

.. fri'j •Iviii. 11/ ■ . • 3 0 3.11 0 Ojjifooil

s r , ; J - j I f s

- . i_ o o i n o ^ ^ I I m p ^ru u ii “ • --------IlnllrO I'lr Oriii-t(i< IM lli<- rlrXtll. coilliliimiMphi,. ' W<5 UIO a io -ijcaco-i__ Oiiii wiO in') -l f*jil , .m .t . ; .M Tr,0-l)Mr HIM - Knull-li.Duiil l “ ‘l- t"”*"- niin-lVlliun. Kl»m. __ts ; .U.l'rn'ilAx.-. Hm.l Sriliil.l.l- pU>. [- VOC} t e l . to T1...'ii.riTWl.UI|PV 10 Tlininii-1 fiianyi I. 1.1 IMrx. , , • .If Ihc

. si:w viiiiK «, I 'irfaiiL 'luill J • n i i« l‘ [■irrUHUIMUl, Mi'l, 12 OI»llU tlcd Ifrlr ll llitr. UiiiliiM ov. r llir I*lr|.lr« llil. iftnooii l-t miiiiii.i; ii iirr.iiHtiini K»m<. *

t tor inn rirnili. . 'NKW vuiiK' All n It o A r natloiniK. n 3 2 3 0 0 icduyiirtMrom-3n^^----------- - !»»<-rrry. Ill' I 0 0 13 0 OjCaCll.

“ T h e r e ’s U e a l E n t e r t i

d ir c c lv d b y ^

• ,4riilM Ih o n e o f tW IM IO- ;( J I lA M jU lh tt tJ V K - rH K C .- - ----------O M M E N l) . Y K S ! I T 'S 100 P E R C E N T T A L K r *I N tJ . K U M A ltt lN N J - N l j . .

* ( p j ! n o p c f t t a h 1 F o d u d i « l ^ ! S

r --------' A D U E

■ ■■ -...." i i o i n i ^ - M i i A i i d

LS, I D A H O . F R I D A Y M Q B ls s ^ ^ s s ^ ^ s s s ^ s s s s s s s s s ^ s a s

' v H i i i j^flllg t•M am ons..p_________ t B 8- 0. 4 t l —r t " . * ]4' I M T7 i r " #!

w lc " ‘ r t '— -------------4 - | •}- ”t tt /ta . i r 3 0 1 3 ’ « 0 _ , ;

?i,'' hiTrrsps®^ j ^ r _ — r o ~ i ~ ^ ^ g |— R ^ n

c S S !u n u u a , flio 100i'itrm»rjr ,T*i»'b«rt MU - • uniuifom .'Tt!i. 1'. 'Mmtt; tA rM -bu' n it^ -U M li.:|jia to B . rrl»; homt reo*-L»«en Oil. ••CTlflCW , ^ MfBMtf. Hh»*ir. Ur.«f.fom J.efacti: ^ ^

ib lt plM i_- Tfajrnof lo to 8br*- **» Frmi jK U on v> T n rr, nu*iniinoii* la Jkck> portlAwl

'ciVCTHMAfi J. tlK«OKLV-^S~ SMfiBKI riNCiiiHATf. 8«pt. i» I t ' -A ff»»k bom* S n t tl« .', i_bT. uat»f» »twl h r . ' n * n i V«nc». 3 ,2. >nd Cincinnati w«i ih- f»in« _If* flmokljrti •n it* hpr* "■«»> _ _ . SAN 7 >arii mt w tijh t In in> I'lufihTrmlm elsht»rur

liiT M T B sto llm n V iV ^ ^ r.»-KmTUtAd &fni>itmg in* r titn r l«ey eair ttnsn-nn im Srt-JiS nK T -iT i'-T rnn t-itt ov trU ie.til at th« rlcbt.fUlil .i*nrt *nd-lh tn -rjie Id •nrt < am pU U /Ilp-flop rnta tUr t*au ‘ ‘‘= lie the Mil rollrd iiirrrll) i>*iy knd tlieiLoS AtlC< 3 r v n n w ^ f M . - ... 'S a n Prai

rm*n. rf _ 3 1 1 1 1 1 . and H avnOrick. rl i. o o 0 0 0-..ifr. If < » 2 3 J l 0

Ib j o o # 0 0hrri, Jb . : 0 0 u 1 .0 OAKLirirrilt. u 1 0 0 1 2 0 0 ] m n,.

K ’- i - ---------------------niifil -.- -I u o -o Q o^Psrtknd .Uoorf. p , 0 (I 0 I 0 Ojtoolc fttlroisi. • - ‘j l 2 S 31 .« 3 J<«“ 'U ll« l for 'V snei'ln ’tli* rliW h: I The »C;IHCI»MAT1 All » II O A I! Porllindr . r 3 b " 4 ? s g Oakland

_________ ^ 1 . i . !■ '! .J < -.D «»aHr. Ill J 0 I '* 0 0 '

/ - - ■ i i i ' l i ?! ■x.y.'.p ..................... 1 ',0 s tr

ooiiyii . . loi'ooo OOO—3-trounclni"ummV '-TWJ MW11. tn rp f hs**- h iu —E Mwr. j i r« il tr ; |'n * A

rlpp. rtyillil* pl»r—IlrriiiAii lo U»n«otl, ’ ^ji^jona il'^^ T o M ^n iu iilim i i.m t^IiH-ou .eVmi II r a n .--------------- m ftir 'jo 'CHESS a iA M P S^E :T^* W{t’A ^ '

WIFiJJJADEN, Ocrmai;) . ar:it. 12 a ' r ATc;<nllgW— Tncvninc:— irontl' c titw ~ 'sfo C T UTHTflloii. tiiQBy^tHtr^fii''Miirtli c a n re i ' ' ■■ — Ihc series for Ihe lllle to Honoljiiboa'.

.uulun challenBcr. 'JK nmvrs. This ■d the Aco^, each .liavlnu «un one nie and drawn one.

i iiilllnit by Iar the b fs trac p «i tin- live* icp contest (or the Scawunhakii liilcr- illonal Clip, the Scottish 1'm>ii. Cnryl.<tay won the fourth duel ot ilii- .vrlcsgC ^ cil.iU c - w rleg a t f o ri«i«ne*X --------icll. ........— — r

r t a i n m c n t - ’H e r e S ^ ^ ------------ “

J a i l * b r e a k ! T h e s c rc n m in jr s l r c i i ! T h e fliK h t t o c o v c r ! T h e

__ _ _ _ i* n ic k _ o f |fu n H !_ n tv * s _____fiN ir! m n jc s t lc .

_______ H.vmnh o b v o f l i f e nn il j ___love! O iu io fcue t h a t ^tlnR lcH w i th te n s e n e s s . £

\ ---------- U j a m n „ t .h . i i l l _ n l c n k K _----------- w llh “ lK P l!l ln K ~ v o lc c !— -------^------------H c a r ^ i t —« l l - o h - t h e — -------

w o n d ro u s T a i K i n g .H crccn l'

r iC T t r i t ^ r r ; -

F ^

9U E I l-----------------

— ^ l- '-F o y H -f u f JoyH - " • "

............— ^ i i c r ^ g y ^ r — "

i lO U N 'T - P lC T U l tE a ” -' -■ “

p j ^ r


i s _ | > r u i i o t

r a k l n g j ^ a d 3 ? i l h J ! ! s ! ! E z ; | g

t ^ n s - ' i n - T h i r d I ^ n i n g j _ B

.•OAST L B A oije 6 f AWDINBT’~ r ~ ^ B i b ^ W .U - r e fnreed ....... .......... ....a U JI15:l o a ______ :_____________ U 3 1 .S t7 : ■ ■A n f e k s . .................. t f S t J O I . B BrrmoclM* .. . M M JM ! ^

l u a ______ ' . U M 4 U .

M M n io T : '" — .:.:.-.'.—ll« ., ........ SO-M iS6 - H S

H TTlANClfiCO.'Sept. 13 i/lw A n . ^ 5

e a m r th ro u sh 'fo r i n n« lo^ t-^ iri The f5*n y rtncU co 'S cati . . .. - le icore— ' n . H. E. JA n ce lc s ............. II IQ 3PranclM o . ............ B 14 3 i- .U c f ia :__ 'jn it..^ o f{ > A iatid tam a-* —, H annah: O omet. Olynn. Couch ■ Haworth. M elsaacs. > ''-

0A K 8 9. DUCKS 8 ' - JkKLAND. Bept. 13 U V -Slavlns otI — a m inute rally th a t was clo^e bul■quite .caoim lu-O akUuid de fe a te d ._______lin d .b y 9 tp_8_today. Tlie Oaks t k a i )

an early lead wUh' lour ^ l i j Infourth. .................^ - - b a i t .18 s c o re - - R, H, & ‘"Kland ‘.......................... a IS 6 B ro fa n d .................... * . . . 0 19 1 be en

STARS 11, M is s to .v s '4 w ent Int W -T% NO ELE8r8cptrl?-T/n=H o»r' b r » h in t strelched Its lead orcr the Mis* a Rome I to on« BiH t- o - h nir pamet by 1 - Ttiff f. nclng the Reds again today. II to 8eal^c_. >hlnd-lhe enecUvc-M nthpaw hurl-1 Sa'cramt of AUsle Johns. ) Baiici»e-Jcore~------------------------ R, ,H ..Z. JJochlCI■Ions...................... . 4 1 1 0 ,ywooa — ' i i ' n oitterles: C0At«r. McQuald and HoII- ■ p n T !

J o h t^ a n d Sevcrlcd. Syphers. fornla J

— JH IUA5(flJt..8ENAIOJtS 0 ____ p a h lo .J irOCKTON. Sent, 12 uV. - S putllH O nns w

A ccep ted“S u t------------------------I J l l a j ( ! £ S S r ^ y o u i-------------------h tgh»gn>rfe.— s l i i n d a r u ^ I

p r o d u c t a n d h n v c h im r e o I h i n s to y o u . w h ic h , in h

• m u c h h e t l c r ? * Y p ti-h n d T "■ I h a t 'p j i r t i c u l a r b r a n d , bu

iitm oH t c o n fid e n c e In h in H ubH litu te . A f l c r y o u o]

t :-----------------u n d - f o u n d - iL s - c o n l e n l s - — yt)u - w c r e k e en ly -d lB a p p o i-------------------- t T n r f i a c . i m r t n - y o n r ^ o c t

V uu d e c id e d .vou w o u ld n<...... ......... -■ r g p n m m p n d a t lo n = a g a in -

i - - m u H l^ b a v c ■know n. s o m o lh in K in f e r io r , d itIn

l io i i^ T a k © # ?............ . : ^ i -

H E R* • b r a n d a t a n 0 . V . S k aK g i

------------------ T h o m e r c h a n d l M - t e - b e f: : z z . r z : — p Ju ln ly m a r k e d . ' E v e V y 'c

• n c t ^ a . M ^ h ^ g m f l c ^ w e l_____ f a c t u r c r . Y o u .a r c a s a u r

f a c t io n > \licn y o u s e lc c l— a « ................. ■ -

w m m

.3.;lfl29> ' \ ■

i t n n a I I H i u j- t l i l i f j i i u 1 . . T:.?!

— l*T l? !V r' ' '


---------TTTfTT:;H M f W g J I g lf M -Inff-th:


n s v r i n

.1 -

-j “ W h ci

Lj* ' l l M / 7 ^ ^ Rudy ■ l i ITV I___ .V-.

W T - ■ ~~

ilioNaKd I'ltn riiQlt' '

A D IN G t h e N a t io n a l Ii’iikiic a l t e r s w i th n o s ign iJ o f r Iv- ^ - r = ifi- g r o u n d ia B a b u I le r m iin , . i ro b k ly n o u t f ie ld e r , w h o h a s e e n s o c k in g th e m iit a .‘100 I l iT — ----------------- ----------------

, Into Uic fron t o t the prrsent .sprlcs- ^ ,rhinlns-frofn-Bacnimeiilo'-loduy.lii • W • Jm e played n l Stockton. 2 to .0. i [ l ^ JIO . r n r p - p H y I J m Hyc_.____ ... ___________ 2- i - O . j - | U Ham enlo ..................... U ll 1 B m Wilicrlc.s: fimiUi and Cok; Fcrrll and g P UhlCL ■ • ■■, ■_________________

t- JOF. OAN8 WINS - • T rSD U R O II. 8cp t.' 12 i/l'i-C iill- | T lu Ji*c Gans, Gary. Iiidlnn.u. wnn « 'r i‘ l'J(L?''cr Rav Ncwtflii. Maiisllcld. 'n in ! r rQ - .-5 n 5 a T ^ -lirnT-trn!r;htr ' | | r \IS wclahrd 134 3*4 mill Newttin 135.

-____________ ■ ^ ■ Brn

------------------------------------------------ • ttfftiy-inJjK i

^ licr nai \ ' th a t w

I B ® L _____________________ _ Z t 'l

i j f i

iM tTtutl^s? Uo u r g r o c c r f o r a _________ ~ ■ ■T j jn in a . j_ € a n n o 't l — - ; tqflfcl r e c o m m e n d , som e* I i.aun hlK o p in io n w aa_____________ Id - n e v c H r e h r d «>l

b u t y o u h u d I h c *' • b ik inh im a n d lo o k th e . a ,

o p e n e d th u c a n •i l s - w e r e - i n f e r i o r , -------------------- - r c n i,p o ln le d r -¥ o u :i4 * < ----------------- ^ ^’o c o r r d i< ln ‘t-y o « -> --------------------1| ■:»—i n e v e r n c c e p i h iw , . 'in— Y o U -r fc ! l— h c n r r r r r r : r =-AvaB .seiltnK y o u . _______

dn*^! ^ t i v { T ^

^o^Chances ^

Kgs Svslcm store. ' " 3 . 1-bctorc^j'our_cjc» ,, . : .................Ally-ran-la the prod- — --------- — -w e l lrk n o w n m a n u - . ‘ju fc f t 'O H U iu N iliM ■— :---------- -tlrtr;M t 'y o U f f t)o tt3 ~ a t — .......

• . • liUw

B roH P^Ri?r 12

^ 6 =

i ^ i u u f ^ i u r r r .Init lilni ilowti im l>i« average o l : _

' IF ^ —-v -iT n '.-tn " 'Jnnm rn -n? -a ttfT rf' -------.-ihs.-:(ii?!iU«mblf ------ --ly'r, iilclit rliib. Ill'll Ihl^n to th tt ;il ~ ^ ■ -

mr)[i tn Hii'J Mi-ar ,'^ tjn . .■‘I 're lc m lin c r’'

'h e r e A re Y ou D re a m ( l i r rvllUl

ly Vollcb and U tvC rrT frttc tK j ■-------

T O D A Y A N I )


T h r i l i r n g A i r R o d e o

________ -

I ' A N K N (JR O S S .

^ C L O U D S ! K

«rn L>r.ii tivcs a KplcniHU perfor- • - nre as llir' lU iiiliii. liUIIE ' ail* ,

•ily-li'M)hi»-»«>a-J»Min-n*»l>arU» 4 UK<s«k^^ Ihc oMcr brolher. rrn -■ na tura l performnncw. A pictureII win Jhrlll and en lrrtaln .

-------- O th e r F e n tn r r s -------- -------------- --

’ ^ A L K l N C g ^■ .c o m e d Y _

; t o l o t ^ 8toionjrt£KM[^toW^^ l^ughH e a l o r c — sWc*njillUinsnn»cmcDt~-roar» of merriment— ____j i r - i f r - n H r ^ r - t a tk in i r - c n m r a y r -------iVliat a lU yl"—llie season's blesettl k W f i l C '“ “ ____A e s o p s F a b le s nn t! I’u lh u

N e w s . -f H u a r i ’r i c e } T l O e r 3 0 c r 4 0 p■ Multtniu-uiid -1'lvciiiim ■ —

C 0 M IN (J i l . I C K W H IT K iN “ ltR f)A l> . ■— - r : : \ r A T : i r A i « n s ’^ - — : —

' .* * T n l ^ f ip." — - — = —

M Coupe■ . i w i a i c u T i ^ i x , . -

M O D E L '101)' ____

Ml iii .tix lr iiI in t:.H lia i> i.‘. .k -u lli- . :___

r iii)lu>l.sli;iy , liuw G n u ily e u r •

I rc iv H ttin ff .* \n(llfinlw } iH-TTtt(»(l- — ‘■-

m w . - , ......------------------------------------------r>

Page 5: 4 A. M . EdiUon. : SMK- W Hnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · 4 A. M . EdiUon. : SMK-N O "m ~" "1HI0HI1HMIESH—flltflr.li t 11 I I fti ' lT?ltr ilf l l iw i i^raeiiMiiETg

~ T A M V T n l ^ ~ i r ^


i ' ' i |r i i t i i i i r H r a r t ~ o f ~ G n i 'i r t ~ l g !

~ i ^ h T im |i io n - R i s e 3 T tO T 0 c c a f i ^ u ~

- liio li a n ,fl C n rW g i '. 'B ig - F .'

, B ill" {o 'R acq u o t- V ic to r ,V J

— ■ I "-■---------- rDyme"Aa*DCtnlftl-Prcta>. - ; !n,______E O R E S L I U y ^ . , N . .Y„ S»| . ^ ;- —TTC:^Pnr~fl^fg«'~tcnsc~momcnts:;«;

Ih^aflcrnoon^-iJip u ia c n .T ^ — iVrav"cir'fftccrriripptnfr-wHb-pcr*;‘'*i

splrallon and ohvlouHly worried. i ■ stnod"fBcH w -fnc»-w ltM ef€ftt-liv^

^ ^ th c -q u a cu r» fin n l ■Tounfl.ot-tnc,:^l r t nntlonal sinclcsiichampionHhip_ jourJiamcnt,-on_llic_svinnlnr-of:p(.

' which he has scl his hcnrt. ' Imi~ '■ Wnfn~frrim~ch7r«lng~Uit‘ ~tt;pll-Dlric(‘fl ‘ Pn

*hol.i of younB Johnny Vnn Ilj-n. Enstl v. Oran«, New Jersey? Ttlilen founrt him- R(

. Kcif trnlUnR nl two Romcs to five In th__(In' third *fl nrwr hnvlng won lhe:j.

first "Rcl ot 7-5 nnd lost liie MCond al i Se 2-6 (15 {lm Sonner Prlticcloii IvtitiL'i cop - . Sji luln ilruvc home hla earnc.it challenge., w

------------l>hiplaccn-Fith«lnr-Kplril - -TJwn. wiUi tho fWulnB hcorl of the;8oi

=ri_Brcftt-.chamBlou-hc_nlJ!LQil5J3l'*J?.''^P-4 •■niK Blir row to Iho occMlon. brouchliR. liU wavcrlnR nmi imcler rigid control,IT.

-----tcok-lhe-Mt-at-M-lhcn-^'ent-on lo-J.out-|)lQy nml finally master Ills youih-IM

___ful adversary by Mores'of 7*5, 2-0. 0»7.' w;Another fnrmldnblc younij Amcrleun'iW

clmlleuBcr must bs'nici nnd beaten to t; morrow If Tllfjen U lo enter the final ■ -

_ rcund-_ot_i)lWJpr.lhe J^ h n n y j^

-----vmuyrmi^cd^iVcwny/ Austin, m cJand. i>y OH, 6-4, 6 0 ,In another of ihe {iiiarter-flnals. In ihe| lower hnlf Frlu Mrrcur.,'thc jwlL'shi'il;

tnine ihrouRh nl 8-6, 10-0. 0-1 nRalnsU , Wllmer Alllscn, Ihc hard flKhlln« Tex- ■

an. TlUlcn’s friend, tYanqls T. Hunter,; New noclicllf-. Ne^ York, downed; Richard-N. Wlllla'ias IT. PJilladdphin.-

— . Ttic—Old' cx-champlnn:—In—«—third Mi'iitghl &el cngaRtmrnt.' 0»0r<>*9. '

Thus bolh of Ihe j.cml-fhials will find; the old Runrd filioollnR ll out wllh. young, Anxerlca. • i

~ C o u n t E y - C h t b ' l ? l a n & - - r -

■“ ^ e c o i r f f T t f u r n a m e n t p

Tw in n ilU Country,club lo u m u m c n lj^___ CQmmltW, in arranRlng tor a ^econdl

handicap toumameni Ior new mem-:___ Lcri.lo.bc held .on tlic club sroundi next i---WiHtrfa;-• li'.iwllrinm fori.

__playera. who .participated.in..last. Sun-j.

dcr which J. J. Wntcrholcr won last ■ _S;inday'fl event. been cul to 12.r“'

urirt ollicrs have bten reduced accord-! — — nglytff-otf9et-fldvBiUH«ei»-ot-<)onsUu-^

The'elub’s'criiirw wils nc\'enirbet^'^' Icr condition (han It i.f rlslu now. iho ^ commlltee announced Inst-evenlnK.

On account of a liirRc miml>er of con- i }.g -teffltnoi ' W M l-io-cntLi iiii »iOiin i,y(,j .daV.s tonrnimipiil. Ihe commltteti

. • RC.VJ thal the iilay be tn loursomc*.. in Players may rcRlsler'ni nny time be-:.j;|; tween 8 A. M. nnd 2 P. M. Players may | st

.-ficlect.Uiclr.own jarlncrs. and piny moy ;vc bcRln a.s early us desired alter rcRis-

= \ 4 C T ; g B^ m e S r^ ti

po*— v)cT pi'iX & <6’e o ?a 6 ta ~ ~ tP C

Copipletu .

' —

• S U I U a t - A l H

tr i i iQ r i r ^ ^ V p i» y « .w in ; t^

•m « m .w * j» a uiTtd,ic pay th it tfc: , — -'■Merc l i the K in3e#pt llsi;

D r, D, Ij. A leiarderj 18; c . M- iis f . ir w T a rp r T O .-W .B u r R ty . _<«: » u : r y r ' ' B tM li. 3 0 : l {enneth K .^ i tc l i . 2a . l . i I ' w rrf;'"M. J . Browning, a i T . C; Dacoii 4". ; ^ H ugh E. Qoonc. 16: C. A. oallcy, 1C. U r a . W. B lftCkhunt/.M r.Carl O . » 'n -^ t-.i '

J . a . Dradlej’. « ; i t : C. Bcnch. 23, . ' jam M -R r-co thw B iirW r'A -a -co iT irtr-:— j 28; I . CJPJ,JO; Ed cooper. M. Dr. J . • ' P ^ ^ U R l U l ^ : ^ . q o ^ ^ > 0 8 ;^L.;___ ,

R. ^ D i ! l l n 8ham” S ;^A T ^. Dlck'pjf^B-; N

W. O raham , « ; P . J . Orossmaii. <8; ; ing keiiyon Green. 48; WUbtir S. Hill, uhiMimi Alvin H arbour. 48; O. K. Hunt, 3G; F .'b y s E. Hnasch. 36; Elmer HolllnRsworth, mai Dr. R. o ; j o « i ; " « : D frjrF ra< m n?rcn :’ it»., .30;lDuncHn»4fthmton. 20;_J. A^_KwfprJ jjcn 48: J. p . Klnner. SO: E. D. Kinnry. Mr - hnri J , ‘B. Reel. 4tf:' lvan G .' Lincoln. ■ttf,-T: : ro.„J ^ o y d .-4 f l- .___________________ __H

D, K, MbrpI. 23; Ralph H. M-.wcr.: ,i,,. 14; R, J , Macktn,_48; Lclatid -V.” ' I will

T31ure,'3tt:'W : l ! McParland! 4o r* c ^ A .^ ||^ "Norih... 40;-E .. J.“ b i i ia n Q e r .- ^ ; I .3 .- D :r , O rr, _3fl; E, E. Osirandor. 3C: A. Pe«wr.-3ff; R. P. Parry. SC-i O. C ..P auJ--'"*■ son. 36; O ram O, PidRCt, 48; W.Puliiiim. 18: a : Wilton ;P cck.~4S; c . I 0 V . Parlw; 4 8 :'R. P .R obliuon . C rn .‘ 'AT-i Reynolds. 4fl; Roy A. Read, 30: Ar-1H»J th u r L. Swim. IH; c . R. Shipman. i' H J . A. Sinclair. 30; Dr, Charles R .;hea Scott. 48; L. E, Salladay. 48; GeorRc P Sioi Sjirftjfue. 4S; OeorKP E, SnntHjoJi*, 40; Sur W, O . Shipm an, ;!8; E. M. Sweeley. 8; .Mp Fra:iJc.L. Stephan. 23; W. .0 . Swcml- ed ■ son, 14; P. H. Siowcll. 40; W. Zenns p Sm ith. 40: Oiiy HuSheart f . *8 ; - Paul mit

i r T o W ? r3 4 r J r P a u i THomanrso; Joint m-j T . ThOmct*" 48: J . - n . Umbnugh. 40; ^ J . J . W lntrrliokr. 12; C. J . Weatcott ,,yH 24:. Dr. S. C. Wynlt. 30; Asher D, Wll- son, 43; Rupert Williamson. 18; OcorB<r

. C^WUcy._4Q:_L._T._WrlBtlL.«;. .P.JVv

. Wilklson, 48. p

: ------- :--------------------------------------— ' c it|. - M ino r Loagiio ClubB—

• AMERICAN AS-.SOCfATIO.V Ihillanapolln O. Toledo 4. .

I OniT Rame.i tichrdultd. __^

WKSTEUN 1.EAGI;E if®"; O kW ioma City 13. T ulw 8. . n,g: Only eaiiic kclirtlulrd. car

-------- for---------INTKUN,VT10\.VL-LE.\CL-EL-_1'— ^Jern7 -<*Hy-lSr»»Hlmorc-ll;-------------The; Toronto 4, R orlirstrr 1. wll

Only B<un« srlirdulrd. In


— UtnwnBnamHi«1,“i;hauanooca-t"(J .-^ ~—.Mt«pliU.12,.3Iiiblle.,2.. . .------- -

I O utlaw s In Lam ar ! Rnhhery Depend On |«e I M ercy o f T ribunal I Ul

j. .(Conllnucd From One> . ^ '1 ~=

■the prftoner.i, .and appeared lo b e L .draw n 5olcly by'curioslty. , J ■ The InfonnnllonR to which ihc three + .. Ivlem lnl Riilliy eliatRCd murder of A. I ! Newion

' bery wKh a Run and ^tdnnplnR of E. ! ^ X .•KfMijiRw nnd^E; A :xu))ii«ii. b a n t cm- U , iploye-v Kc«lni{cr,.-'X-iu killed by the J Irobbcrs In fllRht, and I.utiurrn was I , r liim rd loose; Tlie bank robber^i : .l .r lr flt,')'f n bd iiP tw lJr W. W. Wln>--I* ilnRcr a t Dlphton. Kan^n^. and he wa.^ j •tlnln a fte r treathiR the woimd.vof Roy- r I.Mon. The WlneliiRcr murder U no t In- J. ;volvcd in the present ca.v . j j

P b a t V t h c 'B U p r c m c t c s t * ^ --------- i | 5

vHat you*re really buy-| j t pg:inj-iaiowEot,tEc3r8t^ A7.TjS: im ^ ‘-y k to £ j!ii/i:ro :« ’«-' ^ ' ~r|A m n o u s l R a d i o - m a k c a ^ ---------- j.?j o s a i b i c ^ ‘ a c o u s t i c s y m - ' i |

nctr7^.*‘ 'cxact=inu»ical~ p r o d u c t i o n t h r o p g h t h e . , | -

a i t i r c B c a J c l | J

!oBtantanoo'u6 tuning*;. t loyply, up;to-’date cabi-| iicts—sroall and im p a c t . ' ..... +

grcatcstrygluo!-— I- rc 'v e cver.offercd ,' • ' - 1

k ^m ^k 0 ^ ^ tth n ■TPtt^tras J l: ~ [r

___ I.lL • X.


_ j i■ ■ ^ 8io

'HfT LtKiw'ig HHyiiuinn,.HitA‘

— ■ e m i v a s ^ m ^ l ^ y ^ ^ f J J

T in, l- 'ou rth 'o f ExlTlb'itioff __," :_______ _ *»t

N E \y ,- V o f l l t * 'P r^ » '‘i'*r_=r-T««y :Q riiiitji, tw »-futc3 sluRRcr frum Sioux n f

!ing the current foreign mennee In 1 ! American heavyV.xighl.elrcle« (onlgbi Ln ' by stopping Dr. Ludwti; Htiymann. O er- tIo ! many. In the fourth round of the tr ] ! 10-round bout at'M ndL son 'Square^ar* oui !.dc^u_-5 i^ e i id -M m c _ ;^ itt :a .m in u te s .in>

■ round. . .. ' •• ola;— HnymnniirWho hold* tho-hoavywelshl ; lllle of Oermany. never had n chancc a. iw lih the hard-hlttliiR G riffith , T tiffy ml rn borcd-hivtn«n-toranlhii--eggn n n -M n[s n U ltkfm lnuta o l-the fourth round. Hay* ./ ^nm in'H ol'upU hd'w 'cnvruhl back down: ih< ‘ enishlnj; rlRht ftiuh to the chin and Bu iihe 'rcferec called a hall. leyI OrUflth Ravo-awfty-Ii-jwuiuU-to-hU —

illaym ann 's IDS.I' Harold Mays, Bayonne, New Jersey,; heavyweight, outpointed Ted Stmdwlna, Sioux City. In the 10-round scml-flnnl. Siindwlnn. who camc here w ith th rco ' .Mralghl knockouts to h u credit, fall- . ed to I'ake n round,

Paul Cavalier. Paier.wn, New Jersey.' 3 ^w it-pointfd—C harile—Sm l t h ;^ g ln n d . ;jg,in 'a 10-round p r^ lm tn aw ’er.

Larry Johnson. ChlcaRO negro, s top-'M i ped Leo Mitchell. Sim Diego, In the »cc-'.gi, Olid rotind of a 10-round boul. John r 'xji son weighed 117'.' nnd NUtchell 178 id .iwunds,----------------------------------------------'L ;

Raul Blachl, Argentine heavyweight, tn outpointed S trn lcy—Perrn tia,- Jersey-Df City, In n rour-round bout.------- ------ -— 4U

Women’s Scorc-Cards----------g?T ournam ent Necessity


. Tivin Falli iniifniunpnl wecmmltlee w anu to hold a handicap g,;

: tournam ent"for women- members. In ^ Ihe near future, but women's score cards arc lacking so there Is no basis , j j for fixing handicaiw, H, C, E dm unds.j,, <>{-Ui»-commmce_suld.latl .c v a tln g ..I t ._ .

Will make use of ihe Krounds and tu rn p, in Ihelr score cards, he added, we w ill, ^ bc in .position lo arranRc a w o m e n s .„ handicap tournam ent, and wilt do s o , , , a t Uic_earllcst opiwrtimlty. t ,


—County officials, a fte r reopenlnR an Investigation In lo the d e a th of Con- r i

j gtessman a ^J^ Kvalft who d led Tues- ”

T u k e burned, decided la te 'to d a y th a t « Jio Inquest would bc held. O'

!’ t -Timi in on ific Voice of beauty

V at >>:jo


j t-t

J Wc w ould .no t allow them 1 •.] -----------T hoy -m i» t-n o l-w « ar-B etm -i T ----- t jnmrirv-'tt-iihi>» rlnthes a w

1 ? B u t coaU. sw eaters. jack«ts,• I nre'.lbcy J i t to wear?

------- Oj I . 'Il J w f !

i S S n j f f i i - i

i u u h i i i j p r i i r i i T C " p n " n i i T ~ ^ l ‘” ’“ °n H n l l i l l l l i r l l i r l i I u n i l 11^ '^ iJordai

:-_AnnoimeenitnV.of..i!ir.Aincrk^ Ig lo ii-P U m -iW rlft— n in v rm to n - to -b e tU tldin-T*lnyalU .nt>.i-W «lnM aay.«v«»r“ ^

m strlcl. Dr. J . N. UuvH. Kimberly, dbi- u lc t eammandetu>'lakiU iuLcKniil« ,-A |.‘ banquet jneeWng Ior convention dele- ; g a t» and vu iw rt. lor wtiich thu TUlii ~ j VaUsAuxiUanfJijPAkiiiiuuniiAcm.enu, ,TTgT>r h a r > t r ^ w : g iw y8 :»Hu^icTir

FleijlT h tte a lK r K pnrate sosslons of th e • ‘ ,

L ^ io n and Auxiliary d lilrlct orgaiiUa- tlons will be held simultaneously.

In ilddlllon to aniuiuncements sent lqi out to Le*lon post* and Auxiliary units, ,jju j, lnvlaU onil‘h a « , . ^ te n d e d Jo _ tt

Dias JHl. Pocatello. cunini:inder: Lester mop^ bcrt^S o lic ..B dJuu in i._nm L rrrtiiH 4_talu!. A. Estabroolc. Nampa, national com*] . , mltteeman for the. Idaho departm ent, gy.

Amxriftnn L ^ lo n s Pft t a tflllalcd with __lhc“ dU inct"0r»anir-iti0n-arc-th03e-0! wuii,-|Buhl. Filer. Twln.Falls. Kimberly.. B u r- ___ ^ley. Rupert. Paul, ftdi'ii' and Har.eIton. —7—

t l i e y o t e i s

PA R K -E . W. I’ahmr, A. H, Pell, I •EvDrn 8 , Savllle. E. 11. U cucluC arl D .j Banc. Mr. and Mrs. L,Ci, HuRRan and ,

rfamlly. T hom as.?. lU ky .w illlam H om -i - - .’er. Mr. and-M ri. J.^M,-Mann. D orothy. — Mann, Mr. and Mrs. llaruld L. Stur*.

iglss, Tom Macuy. Joe Fullerton, S a lt | , Lake City; Mr. ami Mr.".. R. M iindell/ I

ID. E. M c L n u g h lln ,- ll-D r tm ^ « llw ,^ ii — •>L;-FW inlaln*,-Hcnr.v-J_4tciU >-^B cr.' —

tra'm C.. Davis and .•on, Mr. and Mrs. Delberl-6 . Palm er.-»oi»p;- H. L ;-Fu rd .. ___

■■inMn..Mr.,.ftaq.Mr?, Tii'Jimi-' and family. Frank o . Warner, u u ito ; ;

'C T C nioB cfU O n. A. D. Flnner. Mr.-nnd r • ’Mrs. Norm an V. Hall, ChlcaKo; c . O .' Dunn, Mr, and Mrs. \V, B H art. M rl nnd Mrs, Perry T. Yak', -Denver; C, I

‘-M .-C hlnnt-P^O . Mjirtm, Hjnt-tnip; Mr ' — ' and Mrs, R .U . Plerec. Milncle. Imlliiiiftf|

Mr; and Mr«,- W. L. Davis, San D kgq: 1 ' 'M r . and Mrs, J . W. Uulllday, PortlantI; i ' Jack G erard. Seatile; Milton F. D o r-‘ i 'las , San Francisco.

\ M rl h '.'w ."^ iw w U■ den, Charles Laurcn.>ion. F. C. Jolinj-nn.

! IN. B. Meagher. C. R. Hiimnlirey, O. H. 'iL uU ls,-E . P . Rinehart, UoIms G, \W

fii ?i;rr =I laday, Pocatello’ H, C. E*all, U ouldor.;

-• Cokw «Joj-H ,-K pjtt#.-8 ^ A _llrftiu lo ji„S a lt Lake City; Mr.v Al Barton. M_rs.;J . W. Buroth. M n, J. W, Sails, JarblSgc:M r. and Mrs. E. W, W hitmore, M os-,

,.cow ; Mr. and Mrs. 0 . W. Derr. C h ly ■' cago; M a rtin ' JuwKeiicy.' amlilinuiu'.

U tah; O . C, Conger, H. Bergman, Voi-1

TY ■MAKE.u T I '___ J J -_________ _____I- _

hzj3hT(SpMo'C._ z:X ~YofanTudividiMlist |

^ .H i i iN A lt 'i .T O n n t« i is « w w L --

■ illty.Dtllllam .jynatnlc.orneU ' <.t f s l, calm —they fla t te r and J .

.......Indlvlduflitre w ithoDt b h a rre - Jeff«ttBndiK lJtheiinal.np«eof ____ Zbeauty t1i«>»n'pl'm enoyo'u'th- - +" “ fulcolotins. X

three lovtly tone*—Red Ra»j>- • J beny -U cd C eran lum -R ruh- ♦

------- tne ,------------

juty^fTOfum 7

i:jo /A. W.-E?Jfrti StamSni time.” J

) R U d C O . _ J : .NE16 $,

i s t l i c T w i n F u D b ; =

- . C o u n t y S l o g a n - ^ j : ^

i l a r e a r i x i o u s i f c o t ] : \

p e r a t i n g f o r t l i e w c l - |

i r e o f t t i e c h i l d r e n . - ■ ' } ^

n i (0 eat contA:»lnalnl lo o tl . fim-laden.-cloUiltittl.-. — ^ ------- — . 1 ...

| -

ianitfough~nn!i^~i»~y 'C ” * *— ' — t

: 0 E t j I N G , ; S E C T E M M R r U 3

i ro i '^ w irK ^ ^ ^ R rM c K mardan. Payette; Mf . and Mra. 9 - C >4M ||G

PERR1MEj= -H .. 5--Do41t:._JV‘Ul“n‘i _ « - lffd “ O gflenrM r;T B nd 'M rs-John W:----------ffietorirS[iii*Trnnet*nr-H rKoppellrTr---;u^ i..K iiiff.-M r.:and :M rsrT Jr-A r-P enn tJ!.-tr~ iolse; lien P. Rupp. H. 0.< Jenkins. I g»»^rrR«lp>r»tf»kfe 'M lflT : B ,-W aH , ^Ivd... C lark ,-P oc4l*illo ;-C ,-4 i-W ut»tu .u .:" I g g m o tirL rV . ^M^n8e. -l*l»»burKh! tar Jorle Calhoun. Ideal. South D a k o - . ,X ^ nrD rrand-M rs.-drO .-K in*.- T seo m a:! fr. and Mrs C .,0 . A lliai.^W RlLJElAUS.:^f,“ llir, Hiawatha: E d ' Burko,. V irginia-, ^ L iia iu e n . R, O, Hsnwn, Twin Falls: ! ' “ 5S ir . and.- M rs .'T J rw i^ ro b e l,-= O w « n ! le lther. Mr.v Atina • ^n « t

lushton, Dave O'Aceney. Rlrle, ,•


Bulil Montnna. former Wrestler and, »« P' lO j^ft-m m liieavy^and-M ary-PouUon, I a 3, (nMnUoj»-i£i_tt(^’ tci3«y. ' o r j” :

Montana nald the wedding vfoiild wUi Akc-Dlncc.:aiwl-\vttl;.inni'J)c". .■•! men]

, • ____ — , who.S.UUtfUt^Uir^i:>m THK NEWS ■

N f W n n t Ari« fPflffh HiB neonle vou I ^TQlU ir to -a it ra c tr— -— ;— ---------------

People Oftei Hardware C

the Oift

— ^ W i > - a d v e r t i 8 e - w h a t - ^ v <

3 — f H e ‘ p e o p l c _ c o f S t e ; a n d

4 ^ T K e p e o p l e b u y o u r g

T T T T T r g u a n n i t e e - w e r m a k e r ;

5 — t h e p e o p l e i i r c s a t i a f

t h e y l e a v e w i t h u s a n

S(‘I> Ib p iic w 110 G nu ifc U c ijcu lin •.Mi'i r U » ‘S !nn '-’t ! im ......... .’......

A - 'k p Ie tu li tl fi-U). „

fu l ly R u u r a n tc e d , E:

K » c n KiiYlcr .'^hrars o r c F. k n jn v n . t h e w o rld o v e r , f n r o r

I h c l r I l f P l lm c (|Uiilil.v. A s loiv ■ ..... . » 1 .5 0

m a i k i c l ^I f - y o i i a r c t i r e d o f t h a l old -

~ l i u i o h c r l t n t / c - b t i j ‘i r K e e n - K u t - ».I c r . A s low a s ............ . .$ 1 .0 0

' --------- ^--------!— i..^:___f i M i i .

, '|!

(1 ...........0 ■

^ i r - y o u ^ w n n t ’ th c - m o s t - r g a u ^ "

-- f # c l6 r y = h c a lc r -m a d c _ J ) i iy _ a . " d i f A i t t E i r ^ A K - i H T ^ i t

' ^ A n M E I t \>M t h a t i tp m a tle

^ - p { h y r . \ h c ^ | ^ i ^ ^ I

i i i i i i i f l

lered by Otto Vi lka, Kimberly. maR- few am

•meaner pracirting a healing a r t ' for 1 two In ilhpcnsatlon without lirsi obtaining! t paint Btate~llcetue. {teamm

-Vaslkn wa.i below the courl under and H abea* corpus proceedings'to Rrotciii whilc’C I<tmMt*fr-|>n)MtniUDirorHtMeMmnindiH nne l iBt the sta te had not provided Ior 11* Rajah >nstng~of practltloiiern gf.hls particular■ n i ( ^ ;liooi! - ’ 'T l icHe explained hU.methods,- denying o'Ubul

liat any siwclal tnlcni on his part wa.% iicrmn [ivotved, - He said In effect th a t wliep Hornsl e placed.hls hands on a pa tlcnfs body, Poxx., circuit was formed and thai.cxccsslaimnn f-rnatnWlam^^Cw^ne-th^hcnHnir ttReiiT I RulhT Judge H. A. DaVer look under advlae-1

lent tlic (iu_Mllons raised by the healer, j piR ho was'7pcrmIHca*lo go on nis-fiwiij'_;URE

eeognlzahcc. ' ' ,Flre I

hrough his attorneys. Sweeley'and I alrplai )ww»ley."-^=^^^^"—-"-:7r_rz-L'-L__idalto:

Co. Is Alwa s-Busy tiier-Stores Are Qujf f i l R J S jw ^have-fo f- sale.— —l i n t 'v n - a d v p r i i s f : -----------

id see th a t i t^ SO. . 1- --------

goods becausc . th ey - a re -pc._ i 1- _ _— r ------------------iafied th a t tFcy g e t fiill val and they come again, and s

i W l ' i l f * ^ '- ^ ' ' ^

E x tra H eavy U can . .C u ller F iles. $ l.a5 value, only .. 6 5 < I B

This' Biilcnditl~$2.ttft- Oxford U W Four Tmc Fork. Spccbil fo r v l

91 JK L _

A H |ilc n d lJ J 2

' v - I t t S liUxc Food 1 a -Chfipper." Spe-

I . *Thl8~whccl us- W h(ually 89W _for Si|.5

, ? w J l 9 5 s'l'o!

l i r B i i - B i x - M t i m r T i v e r u a - t o o c r rdgwnwtird - ■ .>^t*hl>y~.t_«cgptj. - -

and fnr between, with SIm m onf t h e '* ' tf. p in m nhift in g B ra .i a t f . . g a i i y .V~I in four tim et a t ba t raised hla m a n '-'. o lnt to J87, only 3 paints behlnd-hls ' mmatc and rivair JJJimy Fp^x, RuUl"'1 Hornsby w ent hiUess fo r tho-ilayt •- i1c’o;Dou1. H c n n ^ a n d ^X X f e t 't t U p "

ja h lost 3 points a ^eec In the aver-

ni(?‘biaii’j t u « r '’‘ A J i ' i t '~ n ". iff.” :3bul. PhllUea 136 B88J30 M l JM rm an. Robins ..132 810 •rnsby. Cubs .....130 841 138 203 J73XX. Athletics ...137.4M •

FIRE DESTROYS PLANE PtANT, ' •mEitEN.-0crn«mjr;:sepc3a;[0::=zr: •e last night destroyed th e Poeke-—

•planes Including new models, wcro ' i l toycd . : ~

i ~ _

^-hrliiamond ”!jy-When——^ -i i : 5

....• ” ■ • _____ __ ^

-picased-^w i t h-the.:" ...

'a lue fo r 'tfie mbiicy” ~ 1 send the ir friends.

............... -r r r - ^ T h - e - h a B b4 ^ ™

E . \ ' t r a h c a ’ v r ^^ b a 8 k ct ^

irlD F o o tb a ll'sV B led, [ a tc J D -f lo lc ^ p e c la L .J ie i5 ^

nhhcriitrc[1.7 ^ r t i^ i t^ » ^ w ^ g ^

V holesalc‘'l*ric<« on' RiuJtdU. I. 1:j.30 Tennis Uackcts.. $ 2 ,4 8 -o ;(iD 'T enn trnnckct8 -$2 .95 -r '/10.01) Tennis Hhckcla $ 6 .4 8 .- "J:

Page 6: 4 A. M . EdiUon. : SMK- W Hnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · 4 A. M . EdiUon. : SMK-N O "m ~" "1HI0HI1HMIESH—flltflr.li t 11 I I fti ' lT?ltr ilf l l iw i i^raeiiMiiETg

W w m U5--:D A ilJ fe ^ B tf5 ^r‘ ' ‘r^ ~ l O B a c n i m o K HATM - I prwonei

' o n i ~Ti i T*‘* ^ “ * p i

1 ! n S * p ^ M •:•J im m m iy tL - ----------- — --------- — Untni■ i w - m w a w c u u d rwM.---------_ _ j iL 'jm - :

■fuPtJl*! loctlly-Upon-twmMt' . ' ....... .

o f M Kattup efluuiliutea m»tlrr. Atllflr^ >iitiHll- Htl'i«(l'‘l i*a for puBlle»Uon will b« ii»M o: nut ne .ta« <U*er«:lot) of Jh» miwr. onU Jio nuuu. H' itcnpu win U rttiuoed uaJtw «ecouipui- „j t 1.py p»e«i«>ry_po^.l».

PRCDDIN. KWO ANU raVDDEN. Ne* .,,,; f„r ll, t e r f c ^ i e r o M j ^ < U M


— Wnrniiw w un d cd iy p r .E . siin. Nr»- V M k/«orlil luuWr'. >'«!ncu- lor.iirfd m ujtoiiary. vilu' i lmjflahn.Cniilcrfiu-y mEpiscopal cliurch Saairtlaj ni^lii (u.-an li Siindnylj> i!hl7ih'u l^Tivrr-rrcal-aarfTi--,-^,:uaA tlini clvlllzailoa iipy bi- i!im«ioiu‘tl l)v .,.,y. 'i, llolslifvlJ'm. ’iL%'i> rtMiU ot fiiJUfcrnicr ■ cnr,the purl ol ClirlsHai) llutlnn^•l(> m ]n,„ „ eoiidiilflns williln U inr lwrikT»._Iur* nldhcs food lor Uioimlii In vii-vv of dc- ,]|u^.e |,i_, VciopnifntrinTnrTTtt‘-EH«T«Rnivt‘iM5c. j tm-kiiiis

Dr, Fulkcrjoii 5lrcs.sod'ilVc fac C llia t'Chlim mnnds wlllrll»i back aunliwl U ie ' ,|„ . suo ' wnll.ilghtliiR Bolslicvlsni. nnij Unit o r-i[i,i ii mni [lerly Bovcrnmcm moy give ““'ay li* tlw t i sunrl, 1 comury undvr » \t i irc m rc of .Uie Riis* imieh “ i uian meiiaee. Hf ulso rrfcrm l to con- vj-fon;!* I dltlona In Indlu. wlicre-UintH<’r-and-li;>..jpavlng-j

Ipfllnn of unrest and d lss i ills fu c 'io n ^ " -

ronceniedrbrV K ilkerson le ll.il ie *’'**1^ 1 , p rf« l6n th a t the danuerls more rrmotc. ■ and by Irtplication ihu t It U nilll Uier ftway ln tlie United Slates. So f a r ; ”

tlon o t more remote dungrr. of course, u ■corrcel. B u f li docs not m'CM&rlly foi- i‘ piifiuruiilow tha t U Is remote in Eiirope. . .

drivea « as dftngerous^-filUl clojcr.lo.thc j J”' ttbyw was Ituly nfler a deboctc ot »« > ,.,7 1 1 armlet, ond also for a brief petfod aflcf

Mmn^uiiiOT.ntjcM^ Auairla a n d ! , Hungary arc taliow tlcld* otiil

^ e rc ll Uttlc danger of Immediate« r e BoUlievUt trouble in Europc uiilc“ i~ u .! . i .!Ihe coninct tn A-Hu atinll resu lt~ln

tlons fear today more than anything. B oL ihcvlm > cckn t o , f p r c ad . ^U;rough-dlKonlent nnd misunderstand* !■Ings between nations outside o t Riusla. i tm i BlIll muf’e U>fwitf>-«wtM>in}fwt«n<i-^ - |w r - Ings among people Inside national boun- ] U i i rinriM- .In.case-Ot another general u n r . : . I l l | defeat to r Uie arm y of any nation in ' Europc.u'ould almost Inevllabiy th row ! , tliAt nation Into the hands ot the C om -; ihrcc omuntots. ________ ; thO’T ^’l

U ls iwsslble. ot course, lha l thecnLQl-Ru»5la.i«lBj'jjrt,iwJP!iiK'rjno.vz,hcia-Uj<r t - b y - th e - tunaUcUm-whleh-BSltinted- Itmteri-: LetTln. Tliey arc, rulers tu r more dc-,.'^‘“ F p o n B -in n n - th m c z n n m d - ttic 'B n in a r The I dukes ever were, and unless moved by den i bt real, ra the r than slmulnfed. hatred f o r ; O' other economic systems (hon the . one g^'crc they arequieiiy lo ! |ig -to abandonT they ‘ Moritnn mny hesitate to fh ro v the world Into | Wjllln'iii turmojt.-which might re»u(i overthrow.. _ _ ___ ; ' ; r h c f

pluuc.of-Uic siluuUon but laid cmpliasU.j- o n n 6 <r^tilgeTO ce-olT)copic-toMy ;-|,i^Tii^ ot religion, government and econom ics.'juniors n d lo th e ploallc rondlilonot th e m inds jjo r Thu of-contem i»rary himjanliy In- Euro|)c|g,'„{‘,“* epd'A merlca. ns Invitliuc Inlfoducllon of [^ jtu rc .i ufhe&flc'cbthVmnTsm'wIJh'ulfimalc d is- itullowln ftstrous eftcct.^ i It Is air

In tho long run, the dang^from * IhCM! Trncf sources Is probably ureai^ than a nyllilijli _« liinl may exist lu tlia present struggle in™ - « - • . ] S ? m ,

• _________• ' • Iwichc-V;------------- ----------------------- N, served.

------------- -FRISOX COLORS* '■ . Helen 1

^ .T he_bulld lngs,al. Sing 51n*..Ncw ' Vorli'a taihbus state ^rteon, a re to be ” The p i t t e d red. So there Is an a rtistic d ls- met.yes c ^ o n . --gom er.of-thg-. oftlc tato -dona P l« i» I W M tT ^ ^ o m e t of “lJie 'T nm atf»-aont wimt ttT l ie r e are aulhorltlei who thlnlc I

^ R edr pcychologlsis say, i» an exciting ip lo r . 'a nd Slug fling. y^iiritr~B iaw y;

H i t ' b u l l s . ;^ e d t r i l w i^ p & e d F to aiimiuatQ tha

irn & tbe ’m y Uie sin g

n E m r a ^ w r 'M P # M * o - b e t n i i d * - V v- m i

l ! i j j l l | l l l l |l l ! i |i i l I

• ■ T W a JF A u S ^ b M L ^>thlnggreen. - ................... ■ j-.


ihaFdcesn 'f •dd nnybotfy any- ■blitf.nniilil be hUDftul. nn**miv.up».._______•...


b J i i r n r ilc^b'fnm r.. n tirn.'

1 ju d —m adL -’dlplrniiaLlcUiamiifciaiulH-tl . I— T- r - '-=P -- -i bur felt:taiii rtrtt-m iirr t)f

<>111 <'f niTtn;inv. :md <irvMir< srt Ipvs. 'I 'hr niinii’y Mtil lii'ifi ][,. L;-llillaln':.,AiiiiTir:in ilrlil, lii'Jjilt.iniM hjjJV

irrli. 1't»‘ inahi Uilti::''tltTii iiinkr.s him tn Kn (l<-ii II imtloiial licto ''■’■'’I'’'’

. . . .» ct)lcct!ot'.-i Odd up and told ih r (iiln r M)tT-; ii- ,,roJtct;v s or Kuniji" wlii-i,- to lil': on. and \viUl_a trn rw tr—------^ --------- ^ ""C a lT fo rn ln

r Ilia;, 'juliik Uull'piit.i liluw lf onriC’= l^tlr-|inrgninrO -m TO CTl‘>=°nrfutrUi7:T

r“ l.l VlndintrTl‘.''~'~^^^^^^ ^ ------- No-othiur ;.-on.T iss- roopcr

.y-)i>-i‘nij>b*Jd.v~lf-lusavcd-llrUhh-ui-palllot cirnm lak im o n ii jiafjonal '‘prpvr" s in tr Jiiid liat aliicli llto Into Oemianv'.s m il iL^icUVoiUt-War,' - I ; It :ioU ia c d ^ (to n i;n ^ 1 liidlvliluiil or u imtlon lu acquire traffic ro: fditc- lTEnin<;rothen:------------- — --------------• (liins-or 1.S thnt. flushcd*wlth UUn •

v.lll UsplW id Why i; 1 in lh.- Mime field, luui ti.n i tiii.

J'wiulcr-MacUonuia-wlll'Jut liim 'TnjiT '^A r lil-i w ay ..'» Is no time tor saa.^li- 'iinlnccd o m s in interualloniil councils, iJiUiK^^v en iiir.'i .said and done. I: In miirr iiiowd^n m anner than Ills mntter uvoidrd ll ninkcs other str.tesmcu bristle u n d ' But Ihi

Better m anners m ight avail ns to ri-dress any international

{S un tu ln mny su iter from, without 01111 ig so -m anrstings—B\en M"'“ '>l‘n > 'b n l l f l l l l

P e r f e c t r i ,A N E ^ SUITIn lu.n>markttbtc iru iucantU icntul •BccaiL*:! .. w ys "the p^odll^ .'l^ of iilrcfiifl, gaged ns neared the jwln’. of iilrplnm- j>er*; volved. C n In motors ns well tis'plane.i." ‘*‘® V“ | “ l(H-s »wm .to. In view oL lhc-iiUiny! t triumphs. Planes nnd dlr^Klbles action In have proved tlielr >lnblUiy a n d ,C an a l cc

runcc. Often n o r it l.i .Uii;. m an .. le machlnc. Uiut wenr.s out. ,. mere ure~slllJ otiviouN i)|n»iruini- oiiior UnroT-nin^^r a iVflt r - TrTiBmi ta • u ny-i am crr in ver. There Is loo much dnnRcr n n d ' Prc.'enlet :ulty still urtnk lim off and n o J


•al uise for Individuals, they nnu t here. Th pable of ■'Inndlim on a dime." They

lake up llllle room.' They niu.il'.jliJp itralght up. or drop slra liih l dow n.’K>Tk5 to iLse-iit-f-numtm inirW rd:------ ;-------- thp-cminIs evldently-nunins-tlie-nddltlon-oi iBuUnvdl.U u llon -o f-th r-heilcop ten5rtn«ple:^“^ [ ^ j j a d -o t-koUi- dwp>nd«iiBy oii / lH.lil - ^t'.Menms s:“ 5}ome proitress has been m ade In • tiif! m-St direction, but the problem l.vstlli rom solution. Nniwiei

' 1. 1»10.

ligh School News, iHs- - Clinrlei

:o more ctindmatc.rTor-cacli of thr-y*-'*'' ''"**' : offlce.s In the Mnderit body, of unry. • rwin TalU high ulibol, making 'fIVe- sic irpositro iirw erirnom frin trd • « - - 6 t . Pat• yesterday. The election will be Rlios. n l/Mliiy r i i i . i nfllr^r. '.■Ill Iw nnm . vrnr m:i

•rf-and-clectfd-enflj-nsxt-w eekr'lt--------------nnnouiiced .b s l evenliic.by U: N. St. Pa

ic tollnwiiii! Ll Uie tull list of rIu- nnd Com body cuiiilldntc's: President.. Hur.* ..

I'liiilMKB. Auburn K yle.U lll Ur'nlh- 's a n lo r, Olyde^Dawm,-C«rald-,Waliucc.____j i o , . adicrclui'i^-TMlrimu__BoUantj^nc.—Bill--------------jn^j. ^vloii W b u rg , Hnrtley Meigs. SUBSC

easurer—Jim Maxwell, Rov Orny, ■— -'—rl»eltrR rx-U nkrn .-K d-T iim cr.— -------------IC first two nnmcd In each cn.se nre

ir{ ii t~ m ~ ih V ~ h i^ . .>r h lc h -h a s been tentatlvely-'set —rhu rsday -aiu irrlday -o fncx l. w e e k . : ______us .ntated last evening bV __h. .Miiwrimcndrm, O rn o e ' sch<)ol_ ires will' bt' tnken on week ?ndsylng~nccorfltnir ' t u' 'present, p la ro r :---------stntcd.

nchers o f-th e Junior nnd senior- Mhools held a picnic a l Oreat^ —

Ifone Falls' W ednesdayvevenlnp.' ^< was a program o t stunts. Re* iments consisting of wienies, sand*C.V and roasted marshmallows w»re !d. Mis* Juanita SuU lltf. Miss D or*, . 3helf6ii. Miss Leah Timm and M iss' n Mlnler conjiiliuted the commit* I u charge. Jolm E«tes had chltrge! •Bnsiwrlntloh; - - .10 Seta Sigmn honorary ' society yesterUay'durliiB the first ndvlsory,:s for affiliation with the n a t i o n n l '__• • 't>i.were con»ldered. There will be '

[ L Y N E W S , T W - I N - F A L L S ,

Iiili.\nri''f<fl'elavy <-mo >Tar< aitn .' t ^ n r l w

lntt-K.ni-fe*<ttftouJ;a!;-wu»Ul-<;ry«>~tiutmo!»- l:i(<j nctlnn. -v lll hnve

py°v.-prr '~tlL 'ippainr ? a r - ^ i! '- 'B y -"‘**'**‘“*‘” ifr 'n'H Wii—CQUld -eu felt pjrsonallv- abnul naval ob* “ ir» in liiiL'riiailnv’ biiduM boLT.'pru aoUiVn' I.ini' ihl' H u n ie r.r^ ''! /;p . '^ -drydacki;____________ ___________ - 1 - i i -

v 'w 'i-'^vem lm lltil^

■my ifnliilii'ii, ultliouKh tu r back In ■

t) KO <;t.iiiUrr to advice ol ULs n a v vie- r;.uii'.-.'lor,-.. At any ralv. ih rlr^,,,,,,.. i!oi;.n .•.tootl and blocKcd th r bridge,

• ' . - 'K lrip e n l:li a iicw.-dmL J io n ’cvcr. nnd .r>.antLlhe irn ln ir 'i 'l rUiliiui eiliiraiiiMi ,;ii«„GHU‘_lin liii>Criiii<l-tiuiiuiiaiuicr*l<>*chlof—u{~4iorll)-(ir rmy nnd navy, not iiifrely naval clearly I :ary. th liits seenx lo.lie iMkhm up .c lal «ro\

•oth9r-niPnninR-can-fftMlrbe--~at'.d_to Mr. U xvcr'i-am ujuiim l-plaji.!__It-fa-a:lopcraliim liiO r C .um 'nor youiiB pay lov i illloriiiai.lii a -im u.iptfciul-fidcr'al^ffnM vli- jiiid rJi.v nf the ,,cr,a■r. Ulan tha t llii- l»ieMdem set-. ,,s n n s i

imf: San-^TT^nctT.rt)nh^^-fn7^I-n^ • w[‘r.~fWi c roiiKr.viliin veliPl. ■ ‘ a ,,,) |j

l.uglral ’deiitlnl (IV nm? That the bay corialiily

b . a kiy IU a n y .nava l dvl.iu^e Involvlm; the wf,u cow . b dl>. * . I,,.,

-AIv»ra<:~Urn<-iol J n d « ln - f n c r ^ l ^ ’’iri^,’i ed out. It Klvea pruml.-o of bdnu !“ , i ' i .. Tnfii'-in 'Qsrtonfiircrdui' port, l i v : ' V r . .." New York pprhr.ps. and iH'ri)inir-Mfti,,|..'rv.

truciiirr.s In It.s clianncl.'; are lo bei,.Q, f,,,,.

I lHcnu.ie of Its locution und of of the pt auue luiccrtulntles ot poi'.Ible' iu - >£eKj>onsll

iiifl[iF i[5ir piEfls

caifip-hr-had prevlbuslyTJeeireil” " l ^ U L d ns :in attorney in m aitcrs In- school t :d. C, C, Cavniiah, Boise. Judi;e nf enrollmc Jnlted Stall;. dLsir.ci court o t Ida-' Isterlng csterdny dbqualiiieo n in w lt from 22 In the ingnnnuaiic inuiiirdim iicM iiu-iiiL _ m .- n liiNtltuU^d by the Twin . Pulls Mrs. JolII company pciiiUiiK before him bam. an erning owi,ii'rsliip ul return How the ham rk Into the Snake river. The m at- hott.:y il be set tor hearing before nu- Mrs. i r United Stiite,'< dl'itiiot Judge. An cuest ati r iiiwiinjiii-Mnimrr u w « - wiii•nted before the dl>trlct court nt Mr. a;5ln county In Slio,thr^e today. Tlic nnd Mr now before the fcili'riil court wa^, tiie honnally InsUtuted bv the Twin FalLn dick at.l,_n!nn<]\i»i'U_l.. H'l, i-.ilj,! ^T ii

The United States dcparlm cnl oL duuiihio Interior Inti-rveiu-d and had the Mr*'- Kn

Twin Palls Canal company now MnrJo ! to have It reiurued for tria l In lo c/iter caiirt.i-of-Idfiho.—iIiitlnr-Oames-Rr — K.cjieij .wi:ll.aUoriicy..J.ohii.K.Ihocs..nian.-.

.qhnrn, d lii-rinr,.ropr*- Ml the Twin P«ll.s canal rompnny■rnnyana'.nre'rm anciia iiicn-ShoshonctodaT:------------— —----------Cwlo;

iwieon married Mnrla Loiilsn April

i s . , “ '; : ;

..ui ....i i i' iHl- v.id »t iiiL ;!i fentiTry'thut ••April foollnK" be- L iL C om m on.cualunL .__------------ -----------

inrles IX , decrced In 1504. th a t the " " ' •hltould bfg lm vltli th e Ilrst of J a n - i • ( ■ ■ ! i

. Patrick «as-bom - In-the-V ale of-|». m Pembrokeshire-, u b o ii t . th e i

= A f f l. Patrick, the Aiwslle of Ireland. |

‘be 'th e .*0n*'0f~Ctilphurnht!f-T Cai'.clm, ]

inloni b n n f Fbooe Dr. F « t« r. | • •


| f u l l -o f -H e a '



z f c r :

z E ig lg i jg ^

S o B lI im - 'ia iA o ~ ru tr l6 iitm r o r i r a n z n r a'^ ' i . j i a K e s r T r r


i^tanctei= g. p a o n - l 1 - ^

:iwo-.to-bC--Uolatcd forever Irom n p m rn n n -im.itiiiu itf to iiortff-niiit r r s t?---------nitfritirftirsBli:J,Vibe—ro iu th jti 'u d iri^ iir^ lfie to: osauiae. - tanAhc.Haomr^youiin.c.T.minhsion UiiioiHPaolj uive ld>xplore. AiH l i r n arliliii,' c lo i moileru

y liite^ff^ iricraeL lliiluu^Ipn has been ■-.irl.vini: i» lunke _

n t-^ ih e '_ ^b je c iiv r_ ( i( j]u '_navu l ^ largo ni 'tion conversations iii'.- pre,slc>nr operatcd on lurated. T hu t .w as-the underlyliiK

.which'he siirroundijl formal pi’oc- of travel faitluii of the KelloiHFi^'iifi' liaet. i,m m t-.'n 'UK wun hL% pence tL'iii 'iu iv r iF e truhiMrvlci

of Mr. Hoover's eiiiiUi-i'i- trained iri,,3_ ^ will 10 abhCr cconomli: wibie. And so inivel revo

a i.th f .lU U siuddfd . mu und bay commercial iienliusula which. Is ..Siin m nc lsco .^ e ^ i i th e r n portal nf ili>' C older Ylifircftn-.

ty Ils opportimltle.s Ic:- commer- “Browtli and exi>nii-;..n I'.int;


lov.ard th e cause u! iiuiioual d i- i„ ,r l t mu»uiH>*n>-t«,-M r-H.-.v.rJu^i

‘I'-' ''“ 'latl.iUj;, ,^1'^ 'n

table check upon ih r Imiiie of tliT i f / '" '" ' ' ' '■njHircomnnnnn’----------------------_;.iiui-rcvouuod It Is but reflsyn;.i>;- t.> «.iin)o.-,e)'''’" ‘' '” f’*'

nl comml.'islon to imi; a .\olutun. •'y to 'rcconcllo lotal imil n(itli>nolll’«'' 0 ‘ esis, .liowever. they nuiv :i|j|ii'nr i:i]btlleve ll Is let. , jcured moreJVesUlcnt. M r.' H-ov.t ' nr-C;ilifor- reports-om n i i in ik dlliuotl Is lo havi- !asrsiiy ;an nvcraiic

vy-o b jfctlo n s -to -ih '—brtdi;rs-cer*iimMCiigera ' y would be wlthilrawn If he did i resent over, find them to bo ^ouml. a|I things' idcrcd. T hnflS 'one ..flliu l/rivi!eKe.srw 7“ hiTvo

inS bm ita" '’' ' " " ' -■ ■■ "movertient.i ----------------- , ^ alcoliolfc El

im ifs-sGioi^girUQ UUITII/i / l^llillLIUrC tr lba ldanc i

'L l l t J III I n - t / t U rUULll I U ' pcd'iu-Uic-:------------------------- ----- -— rr- rn -------r«lonr-Tlte-l

lULU ' s'eptT’ r2-l>k";iv'inr" Vl'e vj1 oiwned Monday wiih a total i ^ H illmcnt of 47 pupils. 2.'> eliildreii reg-ing in the primary- ilivhtau and HI the npiwr grade.v______________ , ___•.-and Mrs., H arv» !i^C ffrg in^i.cr —

Jo lm Dalle and dnnimii'r. Bar* ' H j . arrived here Friday lur a ilsit a t • H :iame Cf .Mr. and Mi,'< KImut tx>»* H I

'S. G ertrude P ra ti. 'S ;'.iiil i '. 'U a '. ■ ■t n t the home o t h ir ul^ri'. .Mrs. _ _ _ |HrColbcrt. - • • - " ' -'" ' I = = ■r. nnd Mrs. A. C. Victor aiul M r.! HMrs. W. S. Ellsworth v i . 'i t r d j i^ H

home o t Mr. nnd Mrs 'WiM n i i r 'at Wendell Sunday. H

?■ ullrl \ f r t fl.fifU c f > i - r ■■. ,|1ihter, M ary Rllcn. - nnd .Mr. a n d : T I M K auffm an -and daughter. Kvc-lyn,. t

^rjorle Neale is leaving foriller lUc-Unlvtu'sliy ot Idaho. . . _ _______m iU l-K cU L jX pecla -lu Ivavi' fnr! ______emont. Cnllfornia. Sunday u> m - l ’omuiiircmii-ne:— — — -—j r7am l Kira. Ambrose TLsh nre ihe ' iiU nf n liii;',,Jtnm.Sffpi<uib«r,.7»— -------—

<IO.N HEJKCT.S 8 e T T I .^ l M V r ~ ' ”

!W ORI.EANS. Sept. 12 U-—Aftei; ill-dny bnllotlng. members of the i : street car motormen’s uiUcn le* ' d-taL,W ‘:w.O rleiiiis trnn lm i '.irikd I lement term s d rafted a t'tl ie ‘ '.Newi t conference by a vote of.inOfl to 87. [

C O M P L E T E 'S T O G K ^ — * A M E R IC A N B O S C H I

. MAGNETO------. ■ — ^. ^..-.,p.ARTS------ '

V N n = -R E P A re ® S E R V I C E ! - 1

E r l l S r D ^ j On

Btqmobile-Co.- ^

R f ^

g ^ g ] g f | . a '

■S X 1 ’ j J ’3 A L o r ; L ! : T;O M E . I —

I -—

W l ' t i TP H O N E '


(lcors.:..Mol^ n l on O u ttfh t CondlUonTIn

• 1 1 » 0 c m Stnt*. . . . .

I B F T d U i r FLFJiNER-------- ^ ^ ^ m 'a y n.------------ ■ !tll he mft-fA-H.NO T KAVr t . - y t t m T O l t o : w lf nmond

n ty i i ju ic iiu p a n' mBfut-ki agv^i*-Tn-mot'or bus. iran .':pon iiom re7 ‘ .* ‘‘* “ °' •Ttirwe tm iJroportlons i t i s nbO ur^ N oH m ly n e:-W fti«>uM. not^ iraw tiw ^M .flltuociallK Pflolflc.^6r^H^tinceHl>vn!>)it£lnrr^(9nn=wat Jcru.buA£u at. tuX C O xacli.iliat.^£aU oii-r£t: i^ m e n t-o f .m orP'thaft-$1.200.00.;»llh Idnlw MltT U flllf{^ fgj-' ^[|y CVef_h)« uhl=4Jnlon-Pnelflo - m o u jr -v p h ls lifd lih s SJC:

■_______ __________________ • pursuits IIIgo number o f'the^ebusses will be I ' “ rtulge .in d-on-thc-Sait-Lakr-C ttj-Poniand-j-^^.^

Uirough .southeAi Idnho .. ' terpslchore • ~ ~ 1 ,. .' ~~ West.-~~ ~ - •

irvlcn th a t can be used tor longer I . will undoubtedly stim ulate local i “revolu.lonlr.e trniiMxirtatlon f o r i ^ ^ ' y g rclui-represenlnllves.and mnter- ncrease tourist, travel. . red or wh : atl'.thoMsand so f eivsterners*lto laa [gnt iis i

lid aboul drlvlnii Uieir own cais ikiiown terrilorv. 'out where the ' iir f u iitt j iniiiiRiN'- t n u r s-TtniFrp r ^ ---------- ;

M uny-'^ Ihew w llli'"*'" IWI1.-1H1. _ ______tlic combination triiln nnd mo-

1 service The'lr ' rcnorts o n - r r ^ W abtnnnh' ; I'lome will liifluen r - otfiers lo J''” '- •pst. miih>‘ in-TT?err-o-srn-ea».-eo .H'nrli_a}il PfTlrfl th r ncL. ruMili ii-!ll la -lfl- _ r th irtou rliit b iislne«rand ndd to “ jJJi ,

I therefrom! 'liliin upon .tmiri.'.t pxnenditures. _ L \ ’ e read c.s'tlmulcs' o'f ‘j io u car „ f. O ur lnvestlgailon.s lend us to " " ‘ J I l ls more. T he lar.t time we fC- iiore o r le;ji acciirnte r'.'HlMnilou -nnd Olher d a ta - ih c y Khowed •age per day of »5,1!> l«‘*' l>-‘ -''Cii- 'l*-»n-over«BMf-ti>r««4.nd.a-miKt I n H a ^ i j :er» to the cnr. Thi.t would rep.

_ 1 D A H 0 INDIANS by th e m lnliavo bcei\ liivltt>d. via nnminl u xr life membership, to Join In a tlianent. centering In the cultured and uot-lcgWuifc East, hnviiig In view th e sal- ,nop.of Ihe Indian. II seems wsme fiQwinc frcreform atory nnd inllam m atury -------- 1—i(l-womf‘n b^ck Uiere have heard 'VK'll

lanceS a ll o t which must be wop- I d a h u ^ i Ujc-liitercsl of a hlKhiic-clvlllia-. t im t.a t iy j riie-iirform-fflovcmeiit'lia'^dov«>l- Gtiy-huK-li

H * 1 ■ ^

-' ' A ■

z z d e t e a ^

— l a o c a l - J u m b o ----------- ^

N r c e a n d C r i s p

■ 9 c ® t a l k

3 £ Q r . . .2 5 i

! : : = r . = r e r a c k c d W h e a t ^ -

____________ H p n i t h B r e a d

O u r C u s t o m e r s h a v e n a m e d

D e l i c i o u s

i l O a f c T l i. l l A n V F : S T - T l M K _

4 lb. Bag..;28D E L M O N T E

J u m b o R i p e 0 1 i v (

T a l l C a n . . . 2 3

p r e c i o u s - m i n o t :

8 o S 5 « n - S a v e T i m e ~ n F E i ^

l i e l D r v m i r s e i f r a n ^ n v o i i r = '

-White-Staf^rai— G t i i c k e f t p f - t h e ^ ^ a — ^

2 " i f ^ x r % C a n s 3 J

t r l 9 2 & r ^ : - - ^ - : ' ' ......... •- ' -

slrong cnou»Jt-to e n lb l “. ' nnd syihpalhy of SccrcUiry Wc appre , th e boss ot-Iridla'n rrtorvatlonsr ly never have i«:cn an Ind lan iin - friends.

CiirUs.^hl^^ " ' ...-

;tlon n» Vico jireskionl,— ^ •■ ■■— - m ly -a n rw tn r ttu e u cd to plulTge itllK,und'inoraU>’'lu (o -U us-4u iv -J U b a tl lc J =waVfcliufcrtiHur»laluthe-ot8Mw &U)»(iCS3C -ttooaa-O U-U ic-progrcsR made Hum any a nlw D idlans. .A bout a ll xiTshnU • D ul Imme able to n 'jw rl 13 th a l Idurio In* A U bK tcnll

a irjB o sn yr r n c fln a In |w «W fakUte>vergtt^ s mid what llttlo dancing l lii-v Irom the i .In is m v e decently execuletf evftciint'lilK•

iucl»-w»4uu;»-4iot4(t-ln-pBlafac« waU'C- loau:i lorenii palace.V.eUhiT East, or causesaifei- - - -- ’-------------- ' —jm rn t wllliounyiMiy, l u i i tw is t io r im if w r o r UAfeiiisintn non* reform. , Idaho citlxena are s to p suf

r to ~ ^ ro i i^ tiie. nnlmositles u t day bright, ovliig hundreds .of Uiousands In nearest Rex ilbV Interest of compnnitlvc-hun* Co. adv f toob und toiigli neck.*!, whether WhlJe. ,u;lio, are. being.retorm efl . as may lie UiroURh the_demands _

■.'jiiire of millions of docent pec- /

nnhcaus. nlLrilzsy-v.'lth-satlsfac—itterfnt will show un Increo.w otSian.&OO for th e ycnr. m im ing n _ _ V j |B |n

doU ari_\'ihcn_v.-e_ndd chCMC \ V j l j n ler dairy products wo may c re d - [, ow wllh irtniTTfbn'flollnrlniTi'ii.M!,'

\ ^ Htiirn b o u t-th e -d a lry ln d iis tr j '- re - ------nn Idaho editor declared thiil re to have home mdustrlen thrive - :ild have cerlnin wili'guai iU and ! lonTm m in r nnnmd~fflcm." T n cT ™ ™ ' — cc w w to il'ieranti-olcomnrRar*; ’

iiphel'd by Ihc courU rcceptly.jTrirKi'tflcnrTerwrll-nslcgnl-pro-r; ■ |-Vi l rtquircd fcr all our industries; 'r every clement ih a i Is utilized ■ • g f | Jn In actlvc operollon. We cannot i ----------lex Ihem without lo.*ilnB m uch: ^

lian the Incrcuicd tux. We cnn-1 Isluiivcly liarmwi them witliouv- - F n i more than any'pos,slble bi'netil:i ^.from 111-onsldercd cjiacim cnts.|

K 'l iF c lA i) T 0 0 ,’F it.\S 'k“ '■ j N 'c x l J o

Pumcer: ••We'iire ccrtalniy glan j 'H c r r i tU-.J^lcniiC'r_l?.on.lilfl^l^ again. ( . ,

- ■ ' ‘ ''' - , i v o c a i x o

C a i i f o i

K ___________________ U e d M a

- — T l i o m s o n ’s

^ C h e s t e r f i e l d

l e d i t . L u c i f r S t r i k c

tc^ =6arton

^ i ? U R N I T l I R

■ i : . P i n t ......................

0 - « — - • I ' P i n f ^ ^ . T , ^

1 Q u a r t ' ......................

GOLir ^ e s S c o u r i n g

3 c 3 C a n s . .

g ^ l T W T F f f i ^ J i l o ^ l e r k s t o ^

i r = w a y . - ; — — =

r t f t - — - J — C a l o - D o ]- . I — _________ 1 - - . F o r Y o u r . D

- ' • . ", ^' " G j Y € ^ o u r ~ l >

I h n . n,iwl# a eoufogcoui'flaht. . . ■ n{)»_ali over the suite wll^ * _ _

w w 'a l e llini and Mmllflr-e*-- - . r h v ;_nnifr _ M aho edltorlnl

i ^ 0 f = e o n 9 t i p a t i p n ^ ;

l lc x ttc lu jn y s w ia n ja y s , „‘'C o n ._ _ _ _n r7.»Trn"«tV|f mnrx ml^frv _y oUicr.'cmuc.” ' . ’ ............... - ........ .—nme<ltale relief lio.-, been found.called Rexall Orderllen has b e e n .............^ . . ThLi -lBbiet.JillracU w a le r -----------:JC 8y sfc m ~ ln » r tb e - l>»yi-<lry.— _ U , ng .bo w re aire in h e coion. “ The •Ki'.rp»_t3»>-dfy_faod-w asic-and--------((eiitle. thorougli jm tum linovc- ------

miout tormlng a J ia m t.o r ever. . . .

s u l t e r ln ^ / fo m "cdnstipatlon,---

■ht. a e i2 4 'fo r 25c today o t Iho • : • Rexall Drug Store. W ileyD rug •-v^_ . ■ _____ _

f 9ap*rAhu(h«al \ . r tdyuaoE unA iN * m \ ■CtltatWtWHftlKfACR-^fc-T---------------

— - J

T H E a t F A b L S — - r r —

H I I N E P A R L O P •


O R B U S I N E S S ■ - -

i F K a i l '^ T V n - l i^ S H f ^ i r T

i r r in c H o te l. lluildinK *

l ; p e s ^ =

: j o n c o r d s _ - ^________

f o r n i a

M a g a ______ ^

’s S e e d l e s s -

p ^ t t e s — —

i i d s T G a m e l i ; .

k e , O l d G o l d ■ I

m ite — ^i R E T O t l S H * ^ = =

...... ........................... ' ^ S c .

.................. :■.............. 6 4 c

I D u s r ^ 7 ^

g P o w d e r

. . 2 5 c

0 w a i f f o r —

^ E o o d — -D o g ’ s S a k e _ : ^ ■ • _

" P o g ~ g ; T ^ g t ^ -

. 1 8 C r - 7 - -

Page 7: 4 A. M . EdiUon. : SMK- W Hnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · 4 A. M . EdiUon. : SMK-N O "m ~" "1HI0HI1HMIESH—flltflr.li t 11 I I fti ' lT?ltr ilf l l iw i i^raeiiMiiETg

___n i D D - f i h n i f i l l n r n ^ I R H - Q «■ rnilTFr illlllltr f t - li~ ~ ; ~ L u n U U U y |^ U L t j |f jH : iiudfi

~ ^ in rT lV KQAP HT flUl U1frn:i~flwuUUIn11iili g

I C ; g / M c C l a i n , T w i n ' F a l l s T ^

O w n e r o f H i i l f r a t T r o t l u c -

e r u m l i G r c tu p i n L a i p

. - - f f A > .f i - ^ n t v i s i o n -- - i n - - Y e a v

----- An umwmcd Brade HoUtcIn cow ow i-

•th t hlghe»t pfoduefr-om oiy ■»

Herd Improvement iiMOclnUdn ‘l u f l f t iU . th e year endln» ! « t July l . W. j . B yrnes,

• te jiw . cmnounced In Uic dLiiricl’a ihlrM^ :Je«nth -an n u f tl- rep o r l- lh u t-w ft made jhbu„j,, -public last evcnln*. Thi* cow produccdp

d u r ln j tlio yonr. occordlnK to. assocla-1 .„ d | -n g iry w o ra r tw O -pm indrof-m lllc-gna=Bgrpcunflg3rf:ia tt« fn t— '■------------ - i w ii.-a

Thc-b6>oclatloa's avcrane bu tlcrIa t||n i> ~ F nroductlon for the year wns 340.0 pounds, fight ' ond of milk S710 pounds, tne report r

,al>Qwa.... ;_________ __________ _____ i_ jt9 n !:^^ptiim5T:M g.03-for-<iach.tL.exngDdf fl | .trn v r• fo r feed were shown.- feed cost to talhw MLm J

22's cenU per poUnd of buttecfat nnd i from £“ W c ii iu per 100 pounds of mllfc' Aver^KOvera:“nucvnlue ot the p roduct of cnch c o r r ; -------.wasllS9.73, A w rasccost of fccdpercow i snbi _tlurliig the vpnr wan 878,IO. co.'it of rouglt- Atc6 R' .nue belnR flKurcd a t »53.87, iind of c rn iiriw ndic -J26i03. .Each cow «Ti)S f« l nn-nvm K c o l-^nn^ y J700 |).jund!i of Rrnln. lion Is

Tlie ' r.ejMrt aliow:; an iivcriicp priw -TTt-ym-iD.cenLi net pcimd iwitl fi)r.i)iil-_i^WHi.

icrlHi diirlni; llu- ycur. fl. Ati- ■ ■Plfltm iH crd 'H onnrr — — — -tliwiru

III Ilddlllon If) ownership of the hiKh- lia.i «|_ ts t-ptQdiiglin: cctf. Mr. MrCla lu Ja - thc.l.willJ'C

owner of-thc herd ■of-sp-Rmde Hal.ilcln i - nnd Jersey cows th n t k d the aMocln-! Heai tlon'* "over 20 cow*" dlvUilon for pro- of bca ductloii honor* for ilie ycnr.- T his herd • Soutiii wn* credited with nn nvcrijtie production , tlon &l

■ of 11.05 pounds ofjnilk nnd «0 .8 poundJil.ourr” ' of biitlrrfal. I

. J . R. Crawford. Uuhl. look flrsl hopor* ' Alle ^ io r.'ihv j'cn r ln_.0iP_nK'"=ln:ipn’s_^IO to__DwJgh

20 CDWK" divWon, wlQi n-herd'of IJ um de • Iflcnt, H flL T O inim l aVcfoac

. 12.138 iKiunds of milk and 440 pound.-, of ter th tJ m ltrr fn i, -------------------- :— ^■~CcorBc E\'nnr..-EriHfHpil!>-H-hcrtl n f ----------llirec rpBLiiercd-Holslfln-s. Ihnt .a v o r- ' Rett u2cd-12.791_i»uinls of .iiUlH. nnU_44D..«)n_5j ])3unds of buttcrfjit production. led the 'w ho n.">M»)Bll5n‘s "one lo 10 cow*” division Amerl for the j-cur. • • sorcit

— Ijfyou-kad-toj -^-chickens you

f " ' _ * ■ /

■ co jf i'i'iijnvpom idsftl - R l

(] iim c iu sU iu l o f i u , S j l

l>\oc(SS--C(j)ilrolU d - K flffj)//;; ', produces a w iiieh /css, in i i jo rm ■ . .

--------- - jU tv u r . ........... , -------------------

■ " ~ S t ' i - K ) S i : ' y n u - d i d i r ) ; . i

■ t l i c m ;ij l a t t m c . \ V h a t ;i

m e a t e v e n ly !

' . . I ' l ' - l ' l i i : r i g h t \ v a y to . f r y

e ^ h t c U q i i s - i s - o b v i o u s i y <

a t i m e . T h a t ’s i u s t . th e

. H i l l 9 - l i r o 3 r f o a a M W f i n c

• • - . o f c o f f e c . B y t h e i r p a t ;

c o n t i n u o u s p r o c c s s — C o n i

•.— ^ - i l o a s t i n g > - N c v . c r i n b u l k ,

a f e w p o v j n d s u t a t u n c

r ; t h c r u u s t e r s - a j u l - t h e - f l a v

’ , ■ ■ c o i u r o l)c d b 'c c 4 U s e c V e V y ,l

............. .- - s c y c i r l y ^ ’ ..'m .l.............■-

- u . . ..... ■ IS n l i u l k i r n t u i t i n s p r o i

_ ' ; ( ! n c c n c .h « r m a t c h tw

- _ I ' J i l l s 3 r p s . j i ) j j f r e e . A ^

- H J LL ^


T ^ ^ f T ^ T m ^ <173101I V I I .1 p y m centttt-

— .................... ■ ■ funlorQau.(a.CaldweU-..UU»-M iurli)e4M*^^t»:p7n

Jfro m tidfea lo Uie ColGSToi itoJio. - l o y m

------ — .— 1_. fluic ur tu t j - l i j Olen Jenkins, tlonal <

a . ; o i i a t t f e M n ^ c l i r t : r a u n t a u - M ! ! : 3 Vn. Warwick, lefl ye.verday for a t r i n '" ‘Pfnmi Jk>l3e.and'-Caiageil.~gnd-to-NvM.n n fr* d •egon. " " ■ ■■■ 'iw licre 1

w m VWt {'oloradd-M r“ nnd Mr*. • 'S e lf will liflvo S u n a a y for'Pucb:3. : - : f ‘tw i: lorn<Jo.J)i--wni'.of Dcuverr to bc auUlwo-ii-cckx_________ I mi*rclmi

VUend Cttllpie of Idalii»-M l» H fin i ' .rn (r .and .MUu U n w ft-0 ^ a » > 4 |f .F f .H -^ " ^ H‘ fo-lenve-todny to-nttetH i-the-Col-■ • "0-orTflah-5. CaldaVII' - . _______------------

,rr,Ives'from Ire land-T liom as Uavis.Durn, Ireland.'arrived here Wrdiies- IrvrnUiK, ' cvcnlnc ami I* the guest oM ii^.ugjjuiy_| ighter. Mrs. Jack Eirip'y. T , ^lye.Wci

udIU Fllff Afro u n t« -C , U; P,ivt^.;>i‘,in . of fflat«d-wtiU-i};;mi-Dclcn)>nch antiinnti'-nrir i;^5lWUmAhi*.-if»-t'nKnKe^ln-ntidii--niim8cr- —F lie r - vlllftsr accounts coverinRI I j-n ts perio d ,--------------------- ;------

lomp from CaHfornU—Mrs. Am?lla • ttiKi’im M-n. ticcomii.iiilcd .byJicc-dnuglilcr-lturncd . t Ruth JeawnrrctuTTieJT=Slrraif>‘ ‘ hbma.'“ f n Sacramento where they had .M>cnt brey lire jraJ 'm onths vLMtliigr fuiieriir— r r ? : . - - - . - ' MllsburlnbmlU lo O pernllon-M rs. F, F.M<^-Mr,-uiKl e Riibmttlcd to an operation for mi- Mr.'. Tn dlcltls'■•niiiYHia;'— iiro rn in trn m n r-w h iie-o r n*y gencn>l-hoaiutahnnd-her-condr—I Is reported sattfU'-tory.

. llhli'li. I

.•m -U eU irn -lu -iiL -iV n lh -n y u 'p l'u JllS 'rAult, prcibiilliin dtlicrr <il tiu- i n . ^ t n t r r irial-school nl S t.A n lh tu iv . whu Ih cm i^

*ppnt several days m Twin FnlL-T^*'';j c l u r n 10 SI. Aiitliony loda)'---------

- - ‘J . a t Pocaipan Movpmpnl In c rra iip i^ lx carN 5ca a i were billed out yeslcrdayrTlic ithcm 'Idaho Brnn Orowers’ axHwlii-' >'C‘"rii«j i ihlpped two rani, the first it sei.il , r - O th c m c c r c Mil|i|«(l by

itlenrt* U t a h r n l v r t ' l t y '^Jght. Jcjome. fnruiprj'* :'” f•'■I-'' nrnhsw. i t , jiuv'ted lft« pvenlnR ihn t he would f-ml'V iii; . .111 ni;ii> L iiy iii'.'i u a 'k in i!ii-’ 'hcmc.-‘!' the Unlvrrsliy of U uh, for first i^-iir chorbott

le tunu From Chirico—jatJrD w Ii-liir 'iirT w iii ,_g_f .Dr^.atid, M rf, .n.Wlglil... Jetuimi..<luy4-wli 3 represented Idaho in the All In T\vln .erleati Cadel baml la Chicago, sixiti- Kt by lljc Apollo cl'ub, a* a re.Mih o f : '^Vill \

-jr-y-a-deze-rh ~~ u w ouldn 't 4 ^ - f r y P i e m "i

I I I l i y J lt : t t im i : _

1 - l« n d e r ^ —

r y a l o t

:h e w a y

a t c n t e d , t

m ti 'o U e d

I k ^ O n l j L , _____________ J______________

lie p a s s t h r o u g h d e l ic i o u s g o o d i iw o c r is - r p e K f ^ r iy — C o f f c c - i s - s c a l ^

v . b i r f V i s r o a s t o d t i m e o f r o a s t i n

^ - - - : r „ Z : a s U 5 E ; H [ i

i n t n r n r t i a v o r - o h — t r a d w i w ^

i- C o fF c c ' i s s o l d c

£-aSD§^.... ...........................^

cE G S niin iiM i lii liic tU le m u£!«[ r a lU i U st gprlaf. w»» to Mpscei

ilor In Uia T w lnrK i»i[rhljl\.8chM l rtal tra

'om eJbls >-ear.~IU 'wft54honm« » • ' 'w itsen ;( In the all*'Amerlean band, and also le lolou t in the Fourth Conirrjga* Cora' i nal aw reh -ttf Chicnao, -*hlle m ete. K afjo t ------------------i-J emi a

Hackn^at!. ^‘HK^paTe thl^ . ' — rnlnu ^ r D9iM'*w1iprp |u*-wlll vIrIi -'Leaf

cre*he~wlll"cirt« tlit University of moniiii

•. • . . ' V s a r t l CppfiahM eiTb«nU >lpftli)c — TlKrf_V.'«U.>Ll.bc.a.^KUBLdl^f)^t.m^flllllLfif-Ult. ----rclmni.t hflreau of the Twln'Fall.% 'u iiiicf-~ot L'6mnierei!-~a m n r n < w fr> ‘—

lioiPl a t 6:iS.o'clock ilii^ rvpiilnR. DUC: wlj\ch m ailers r elnilvp to !hp full —Pi«vpi n:»g ■and'litheb Vjm uc:* v.iii camp nua)y t

J - ‘ [peeled 'I I H __ IIfflppnt tie lu rn—Ral|ih K. Lc-iiihlon. ij,„n ip I n FalU poilce chief. ipttiriKd la i l ln p a r P i iiniK,- nnd S)icrlff R. F. Fratvr a n d , iuiy-S horU f-V V ^S _U otian-r« luriied-,-"^^ Weihiesday from noUi- whrre th e y ;

■•bpJn since'Sunday Blti'iidlni; se#-: . _ 1* of Uie federal dlstrlcl court aod . . . J ? ,

i8cr"orcrtmiirnl“caii;'C ^ ^ —r—■■ • . ■ 18-roc

Pli:rn \<t>r K unfra l-M r Pt-.l M r « . ------I. TrollMRcr, Mr. mul Mr.s. W llllnm: miTNlua_aud_M)4S_AulJtci'_Drowu_r£iJ Tht»-r icd_ .ycm rd^--froMi Tubm.

' ilrow-n, where thry wont after th e ' i r a r of Mr. Brown. In Caiivllle.? y'bu 1 i'jutl.” Mrs. Drown a daughter of '•-uiid<Mr». llusKiD-aiul 'a -* k ic r lb tl . ----------. TrollhiKpr. Mr. Brown died here: !e-on'a-rlslt-frem -Tii!.ia. ..........

-.■\vp for (.'hlcAeo .HMr...^T .CirorHe I — ~ nji. iii'coMipanlrd by hCr non Toni.j ' ' ■ I- ti) Pocnlpllo yoipr-lay wUh herh tr r -H —fh-U rirjr!~Chl<'H iio,-M idi -----U Jm aaJ'auxiCtl. CM1c;iKL'...v.'li[>_vl:(ltcd ___

HWop fnmllles ilil'i .wpck. M r.i iii.s ond Mr. t'aui.sru look, the train PocatCIIoT Jo lu rM nilfilrti), lomltfl. foriria, bfoUier of Mr. IIW op,-mel . ilislop.iind Tom at Pocatello and iriic<l-wlU»-thcm to vLslt-hwp.— | -P ra c

III R e turn.In.N orw ny-K rik 8 iinde | •Tonnen Bande. SlavanKcr. Nor- «nai)

. who arrived Ikti- July 23 to visit yn ii r broifi^T A 'T M rS n n irr hikI thflr-hew. -Am e—R om m cvrdtr-am l—hbi *yI'Kllv. will leave lh ‘» niornlmc for tlw lr trrttC'ic'. - ' i W w’lll »all Ir6m NcT VOI kUl --------rbottrti. France, amf will vlult that mrv flwl n prnumy b rfo rr return-

10 Norway. Tonucn Bnndi- lived B rTwin F a Jli 'fo r a l ! n u - n irp K 'l '< ' ': r --------i.w hoa there werc-cii'.y two housc i, . —> ln FnlU. . I .

.’ill Atlend U nlr’R.lty~Scvcral Twin j — —

a i l ■

€ l t =S B

^ J

A ' ,

) o d n c s s b e c a u s c H i l l s H r o s . :a l a l ^ n - v a c W m ^ t i u s ; ^ ^

> tin g . ___________■ '■■ .'

31 l l s -U r o s . C o f fc y . -b v ^ n a m c r^

i . l o o k f o r t l i e A r a b - r - t h e ^

I d c v w y w l w K r ' l; ■ J

- ^ k . - ^ u / y o p h i e d w l i h l ^ ^

lU itudonU Save alreotii- sons i o ' isces?'t« alUSftd the Unlvendly o f J l ' " * * '

I tra ln ’fomorrow. AmonR.tho'o who ^ t - ' .___l'.8»fnri-trcny-iteie=M e-,ft1!’,r,-WTtt'y j j c [»n . yivlan.Wlhon,.(rm&n: MUs Helolse .Miller. :^n«* I £ ra' Jeiiaen, M iu Violet E\atUi. MW IX fjo rte lfcH e . MLM viBipt K \nni. M i» -12 ^

u_nciM_w^d,s. c i m i ' " S i V B M r

« v lh ? fo r M otenw -M r n m lM r. W. j | SMl(tiw«r»-.leavl>w-{ur.'MoM!t>WTtiU&- riiinR'SMompaii:eJ by tlu ir duiiRlUcr, f

t l Owen*. wlio-*;lU iitifuii the Uni- ■ * . 'Ilty of Idaho, . .__ .. . .. ■ •.•j,rrr X ~ W

- ' » "' j■^S£VEN, MEN l.ll.->i: I.IVKS j | ______lUCHABBST. Ruuuiuia. Spin, 12 i.ll ■ ?pyri) men were kllli'd nnd la a5 I _ ____)y bunifd th n t tlu 'v. u r tp not ex- 4 t - ted to snr\-iv<rln rt;iin’ilon%lil]c j T 'y.*-dk floiHB yn iim aiifil Ml Ml till j s ---------np In the RuAku .S;-3rr.'Uil oil field J j r Prnhova Wcdncsd,iy. 2 1

i i ^ r S a l e o r T r ; i d 5 " I ~

•room npnrlmci'.t. lioiiM' lu ! lau - ; t “•

ri: y .nrrgOTH8' iut' :.ir,!vrr!i-. : rtnm. | ---------

na-pla cH ^ pftrliy-frn-whrti-N^ lh '^ - ? ---------

B B8»lioCinc”proii?riy. WjwiThave' —

lU T o t." traa tr7 Ph-!'nr li>:'i: Twin - — -

___ Ffllbi, o r P- O..Jiyi. ; i l . 4

_____- J _ .

= = = i 1- W - I t L Y S - K N I ( ; H T - _

“ s iiU A N '” . j: t ’

:O U E L 'm .S lX CYI.INIJEK ; | .

r a c t i a i l l y n e .\v _ l i ix i . i i a in l J 111 u p h o ls t e r y i ' \ t r : i i;(K)tl %injn*. A c a r - t ! i u l w ill J ______3U e x t r a u o titl si-rv ice f o r a *

r------------------------- I - !

B R e W N I M t 4 - A W ^ Q - i S —

■ - j l .

- • }' <•

~ I^N____ _________ v<-

■ — — ' i t — = *' • I «•

....................................... '

■ I ------------------------- • . \ n

. " 1 ^

t ■ Oj---------------- ^ — I — iw

'•V ■ “ ■ i '

- n

■ ... I | _ J

.... • . II -s

----------- -------- ± { . . 0


i f rm,' . - 'r r .. - .-r - y — ■ —

i S i f c

w M m

StylcTis wi'ittoiv all r ;r th a t soft-silkjLShecn ■■-" finlpilg'Kavp won tho

’ tmB a ffa irs with lot — — M > m in g = ^ a i'.t off tl

loiiKei- oil the side, models appealing to

_____ l i X l ' E C ' f X i;) K I N D s


; ' IN FA N T

filmi) Xor Uiu litilo oiif. I f i t is. sliDu.s, h o s e , [iliinla-l.s. i l r 0SHt!S.

i lA in ' ( ; i i -T s ,

One-cun fiiu i llic ilifflc iilt j j if i :

E E fflJPD resi

-From J:lie land o f-the mo

m ust b.e stylish, chic an


sm art. One really.inugt try

. . offect.-Come-and-do-itr—

I r l 9 2 9 r — . .

A-DisplaVQVJuSniRfiyea® ________

B Smartest styles in ’

m & m

« D # S 0 ia iro v ^ 'tlie n f—Ah w lialfthi on,ju)d so-lightjvnd pliable fe-feminlne a i)i;i'o \^ . LittleL long draped backs so youth f the fall nfodel’s with new cu c. Then tliere a reT ak ish 'li ' :o sm art dressers.


^ , N e w ":

. A r.'c— li l t e d 111 U m w . a iu 'iu 'i is*~llie. f in ii— w n.-iliK b le r-L ovely -« lnH l(M r-^ ie rl> re

- — ; $ 2 .5 0 n 4 ^

novies-r.w hera.styles- “_ .H |

and new. These a re ' J

ils. jjnd- vvonderfulljL.,..

;ry therfi on to g r f tl).e

^ j j f c - B

— ± i _—— ]

@ S |


g E #

;hie!=:\yith i t )le. French j i 1 le Jig lit fit:^ ithfiilly he- j i curves, and "" iittle= B n n F -------

i N M E R J l : : : r b : u z J | = \N I ) HUNTER’S 7 l | ~

r L e a t h e r | p

C h a r m i n g

r h m H \* o r t l7 - fe v e p jH w lP ^ = S - “l>relt4e«l-t«»lor«d-tiul8.— —

7 . 5 0 ..

— \ 'X ;

Page 8: 4 A. M . EdiUon. : SMK- W Hnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · 4 A. M . EdiUon. : SMK-N O "m ~" "1HI0HI1HMIESH—flltflr.li t 11 I I fti ' lT?ltr ilf l l iw i i^raeiiMiiETg

l i ^ P a S a - E ig M . -------------- '- :

$ 1 0 f i ’

— — m e n t ^ i ' - ^ e l > H ’ ii"^n-Yi*(Vi-riJ—

V. — T a iC T « l i r r ») n i ^ i r r r ' r ! tirtrniirtn i"H li for lhL>, yh ir a iii.x Ifvy «I }I 37 cm r»cli SlOO of JiMCMcd proprriy-.«»liiiii|(m , " whtch Js th e larsM t levy Umt will li„vp « ‘i 10 be matl«> lit nny ycur.lo iCUre lliiLtlM- _ _ _

. trlc fii 11,255.000 boirtl l.'>iir (liirlni; :(.c ^ ■ n F i r iO “ >>ari— tJ n a e r- jn r-ji ro itn .jii u«o-

ndopl^l, «m ,000 iKiiids ft lll bp rcilrDd of bt --.-rCQchieor aud UnLrccluciiQiUn.niiLri-st ^lie I

Uip firct ycnr will umoimi to JVOOfl.Tlirse |)olti rM uclloni' will b t rcfllTifd In r o / r f coun

~ « n u i id ln g Tcdncttwn-4i>->.H<:«:.-BaUuuu.x Jli?_

' ' Of vcarV len-. H o-jiN h Ior Jh- t» W l rHtuiri'nir;it.’!:-aiirt-7l"-r''ii‘* rer

■ ^ luy -in rirrdnT H ncT |ia run rrbnn t1 obll- *« “ '

HrrrlMori* Uic (IlM'rirl'sTrvy'/or In- icrr.n r c q u lrm ^ s 'io iiO in i! SCS.iM im- ‘"•'‘r

-— nimlljvhn?.-to«-im-cfnMHM‘r-tlQa-vulii..

- ^Prttv td frl^rR tn rt-W orir-T --------__ _ I n addition lo levy' fm bond and in-— tprpst-m nilrfinfiiis llils yj'sr. llift lilcli-.. . .— wnv Iii,nrict bPiinl M u

ci-nts pcr »IOO for iw roail and brldsjp lunil. TIils Ls 15 cpitts Icr.i lhan tlif levyfor tills pur|K>.w liwi. yt-ar, Tlie lovy . .

— thls-year v lll brine Into Uw di»lflcl up- . Ai:Iiraxlninltoly U9.000 for roud and bridiie lias

—piirposM,— T t^-m u-oinoiini -ilia-board for <1planf to pu t sao.ooo from llie 1030 motor h r vvclitclc llcciue money, lo mnkc a totAl 18, Iof opproxlniatcly *00.000 ovallable lo r loy.road m alntenancr uud coiwtnicilon, juVti

T h b Mini. oi-cordlnK to the dLMrlcl's trbi-i— cstim atN rw lll-m alntulu ull ruiuti..lu.ili£ o m i■ distric t and pr&vldf for umvcllnj ap-

^pK ixl_m at«ly » inllM of rM^^

-ccnUi over lasi y*ar's 84 cent Ifvy.------- HunniTjink’ay 'd te lf lcn ia s certUlM to -— m e i-uiiiiiy uiidiiui U-i 1Q30 la ii-l(v)M o- . . i ’;

■ UiJJna ^jJO .'im d ]-’J)er J)Ii!hA‘ay dlnlrlct • '* „ — K’nrcoiiectTJininrDnBirom^Jcrtax-icvy-

th is .year. ■ •U nder agreement n*. Uie lime Twin

Falla highway district's Sl.3i0.000 bond ••'•tsroc .w as sold ln-1919. the bunds are — payable' iwria% . 6llg- tcmH. 01' * ia ;pW ^

on April 1 each yeor beginning April 1. M,ld 1029. • • to H<

- —T he-prew nl T^i'ln Pall# hlHhway dL-i- Faltf— tr le tr^ u r tn u R h hlRhwnj-dt.'rtTlct-nnd--------— TWcrCTOCtrdtstTictTWhleh-eOiniiflwd.Uw.------

Ttt'ln Fttll.-i dlstrlcl a t th e time Uip bonds Di tt t rc sold, pgrllcliiate lu the naynpuv ol R. V these 'bonds- The corhblh /pK vy-'Oied- Holii viiiiiaiton Df tlicscnh re i d l ^ i r t s Itjt'in? w n - year 1628 was $10,810,300. A nhort time dlstl

. ■ L ______ —___________ _______

- p C T~ L a v i s h F u r---------------------------------------------^

C(= a n d f l a r e

^ ^

_ J . C . P E i m E Y C a S E

- - - - I f f i p - T H A N - A f

W. ' ■ ■■ •/ . .

- - W B ^ P A H & O A t

a r u o n i a n Q unuw - _ f

I .laiii'i I iifm i-li.-lii-lm »iiil-t. . U ' l i V g p ; Kkril tbp preacJier if I t «3« rumiln' «‘i- I u lot H hrn hp w ai IllUV Uul madfi » him lonn.w lndfd Ilke-I'a iu « ld .-_ V £ n U o

{o.il,^<lltU'lct-pakl.oIl_SlOiXiU-y-iJrL'>..■ bwul'i.Irom ll surplus occtimiilit'.'.cl m 'IC bond Xuiid. so there l» iicliiHlIv-io ilt iire x rA p rll I.-()in^'-|115.000 ;;ii »c- luni uf the principal of th f obllKullon. li?jojHl uniiiun: 10 bn ralw'd n> pay o i l ' ^

iiniuil ni'<'r<'h! due Jam m ry 1 aiid July ‘ .

cUiin caiia iinil New Yoil. , " 2nrm».slcitllU>.000.- . - ' ■ ~Ar-tn&- |»i r r rn t- rtm r- th P 'T w in FnlK i

a /im d of MO.OOO <m h|i;nl lor • ' “'J''" IP iis ji ii-volvjiitj fimjl lo awurp Milfl- em c;islf on Itand’A iirirfT b rnrri Ih e ' •iud_i]uuuiuiL.3iui:u.lhe tiu t.lialU >L!t)C-Suit.xi's Is iioi collectiid until late ip June.

D g s e r t io f C 77^ In l*c(ition fo r JM vort'cW i

Alli«lni:-dcMa'llou.-mchHrd-llPii'-1.‘>J-Bi^»t as lu itliu ted .Mill In dLHrlct lourt hen- >r divorco from Mllllo HoiuTuy Ukwliom »«kc(] p wax inurrled- In Twin FnlU on June J, 1927. and who. accordlii« to Heiw- .'V. iibimdoiidcd Ihelr home wi'Jiout i iViUlublr cftii-ne on the folliiwltiK Or?- ±pr I. T h e milt wa.i broUKhl thrmmh O " C:uni(fiL-tt.TvlnU- n tln rii«.v ’ IJel

_________________ volvei

daho Masonic Griind

Three hundred deli'Kaici .will ntieijd M'Aiilona o(-Uic Idulio Grand Ludtic: .

■ Muwii*. w htch will be In sf n io n fjpcc u - a- mr dajT H n B w c in b er. lOilO, ll wns ' a ied 'la s rV v cn ln u by sm a r t Severna. nnsen. um sicr of the Twin Putts Dim- cd iie .and . sole reiircscuiailvt fromfi'P u t llio ■ lo w coiivpiUloti which NcUl 5 b i ;H E a i7 i lT l i m i . .7 m 7 B e v in i P r lid he worked steadily furl)' and late 1°^ S. I Ket ilicuoiivcnU on to come lo 'r^^-lnl' alt*. ' e. • ^

___DlVQRClLDECKKIiJilGNEI)_____ SlioslDecree awnrdliiK divorce la .Mn. Alice frnlu

.. Whpclluit from Jam es \V. Whcellnc. ccrlcJ l6lit«7 fw m « rT tt 'ln Fnll!i phoioifT apH er.-----

Istrlct court here yesterday. kdv

r T r i n r i m i n g fi- I ) i s f

M F a s h i o n s i n

0 A 1e s a r e ^ v e n p r o i r

. W M r y i n a a i ^ T

.......“ ;^dew ble~im p6rtai___ ,- _ s m a rT e s iL C 0 9 ^ fp r .<

P I P ^ M lo'ff^pbced flares ai decidedly sm

^ te ria ls are favoi ^ ^ ^ ■ ^ ^ b a ir e d 'fu rs r -D p 'c

chafmipg versioiu this fall a ^ wintex

1 3 2 ^


V T ? (yORLD! — -------

A f f i - t - N f c W a J W T N F A L l

Miiiiiiifeiy p g a g l

- t o H _ ^ o 1 r ^ - O o v o r n Q r » W ^ ^


-»ffilvHwp«Hpy wofr«‘M on tm 4ar.dU W il r j p rlATnuir ul Ull? U lah 'Idaho dl.strlci «1 K . IB lCiwnn ir 'rh itj .-n fn ~ dtnnp r '^ 'p rtin fr ' f Uif Twin K.ifls dill) Ul th e noKrrsnii ® glwl li/ .l.iiVi.n lnn, - TlHLdtoq;lst^egtinlt:III be hPld .ln Dofsp Si-pt«mbpr 33 und ^I. 't)p|pnatp.i from Twin FhUn hnro not k ct bpeii. hnttiPd. S<r. Mweplpy li 'c Y6r« ™

nd foriiu-r dck-i'utp lo th e niiilona! I'on*, J l c n U o n . ^ . T • _ • ■I t l,s Idaho’s tu rn to have the sovpru- ^

rshlp-of'ihP dLMrlct. nccordliig to club « lombers. TwIn.Full.s liiw never offered ^ ■man for-theipasitton nritl thc incm bfrs ere now consider Ihclr cjnims .nroiig! W :ThP.-mccnri: vatcd lo c h ange 'tncn ir:' i tu - o ! . ihi? local urgaiilzattun to Uie A xtent th a t the annual el«:tlon will be pUI on 'Ih r KPcnnd T hursday In Ne-

/ly III V feim iier a.') Iw eioforo. ^T ipirori.s 'w rti'iiuH .'T jrcrD rTtio iH fu .: a hnihtiBn-nr-Tnp-cDmniltiw-on•p'ubll'’ t tn t r s r C u n t r r n m iT r c h a j r m n ir o n w k “ ommlttfp on fliiiinre.^nnd J^W . Whtlp, ^

J iiits-to -Q uictJritleJo - ^ l x ) ( s HoujflU u t T ax Sale ^

I'^rJiiTiiii-on.'TwIirPiilh, In dhtrlcV ^ ouri iK'.rp yi'sUTdiiy ImrtUutwl 10 lailtr. k u-miipt ilt lc .to iiropcrty-liV-Twiu Pall^. ^ j i ik a iu l-J iU k iv fo i^ n c in ii!" liu i-p u t- . J t ha.‘cd tax deed'.- Iu n iio ilitr ncilnn hp W akciTjuamMou.in.iL'i.'icrLIiia.clnlm to iropcrty In Filer in .which ihe Twin W ''alLi Oakland coijipnny. In rpcclvpr^hlIl. ^ ’lalnu au lutcrcsl. T h e suU.i were k iroiiKhi ihniUKh J. U, Dolhwell aud W.Jrr Chapiiian. iitioriiey.s., , , , «

Uelendiuil.s and Uip p roperlk s In- ^ •olVKl.uri; ux'follows: W ilimnrScfiropa- T ond others, lots 9 and in, bloct_-ll. m - Pwln Falls: Marcus J . Warp an d o then.. ^

ind'oihfr.s, lot 12, block DO. D uhU i'rank ^ ,3. Kliiiball und others, lo u 2U and J i ^ jlocfc m uuhl: c . T. U rackni and olh- ^ • rn : lot-f 23 and block-S7r'tVln Falls; ^ IrA r.M omr and others: lo: 37, ciocC 57.- K - rwln h-alb.; C, S. Peek and oUiers, lut ^ r. block 101. buhl: Pllcr Investment t t :ompany, lots 'il and 23, block 30. Pllerr <cUlc J. Weber imd othera. lot 23. block % i5r-Buhl:-AlberW r-M II«ep-nnd others. W-- ot 5.~blo'ck~l01, D u lil" ---------------, '

T have purctuisi'd F. M. Prlbblc'* stocK N m-Mi«th-MAti>-aiul-hikw>~«nov<>4Miwn- iho<;ltrilli- slN'Pt lirirtli I.Ini. nf tiiv;h 1^ rnlt.5 nnd vetipuililes. tobacco and nro- ^ cries, D. K. Fiom. r.dv . ' .

-A M -toot-tw nblfi . l ‘Uo i» Jlf ._ E c tIti_ i

gCg! Is d n g u i s h ~

i m i n e i S e e - ^ ^ ^ f

f e line ij ftin 'b£ am^*: ■rtahce, ■ many of th e ' W or the new season show3 and tunic e ffc c Q i^ t ' 5smart. • Smooth'finisK o

iTored . « ; andJong . S_)o'cozne in. to see'these —^ ^MU of f aJuDM. for feQter. Ik

t-raoge-mchides— ----- ^it Wotaeot fat ^


, L L S . ' I D A H O , E R I D A ~ m O ]


L Z _ S T i a

2 - - : ______ H | L ! - J l


It * :\ | |______ .MKN’S .JILU12 COHIH;-.

w W arinth prolectlon and com- V fori combined wllh Iron like

vCearlng qtialllles. Kxira heavy-

S* ull iwlut-1 of-slrftin with lealh-• — ~g r;~ I 'in rx t-q u a lUy-fcliee|>-»JcUiL_ ^

' and big bt‘hvcrlif(l"ci)llur.' Cul ; f e lull and roomy. OUutr priced

^ - S6.90j’lTn50“ "

% IIE R E IS V A L U E lt i : ^ : » i O . 0 Y f f : n i ( ; i i r ^ ::::

5 ----------- w i a d S h k e i *s k i n ----k - A t A L O W -P U IC I5 O P 'V -

J ----- Akc<i-6 to JB (Bll on o -p rlcc i.------; ^ = = i.M adfc-QLIduniblc high itr a d p ;:-—

.- 'm o le a k ln d o U C T h O W jo y Q_^ - used In Uic lin ing and beav-hZ_______arU td coH gr...trc fm ni upll_____^ - u n n e d p«1U. Y our boy w itlUt W well protected from th e bit-'J _iQ t.w ladJn :oaM >l-U ieae:caia:i;.


- l l — .! ■ -

l O R N I I v i C i . SE P-T E M E E lii

M BndQuaii]^ Selected Fo

: . f ' O R F A L L W I

_ ~ ■■ ; O U R N E W B R .

p t o a g j ) t^ f e ; J n p , . f o a i

100% Pure Viiffii

- H — — J u . = : t - t h e _ t h i n s ' f

U • mid wiiitci- wear,

" ~ i i i i i i l L ‘ u f ~ i ^ E K n ^

- '- - th a n - p u r e _virgir j H - a - i v c l - e i i o i ' i n g : ^

~ \ t h e m f i r j u s t r i g h

o f b i ’o w i

tji'cy ju s t in fror

ijic.^scd iit th .ff — - -_--iauks^.ailtLJi.igh- ^ — '------- iif'.TLaiTy Biigai:

= =llSglT i(m V N eW 53r|H

----- — lir e o a ts - fo r— : r ~Ladies ^

C o jits ! C o : i ts ! r i i j i l s ! A

n io sl co m |ilo t« ‘ luisiirt-' .

m e n t to • -jilcn.'io o v e ry _ r

~ * T i! m j ; r - n K 'l i - ln i5 k ln f r n > a - ~ h

li'i'iiil.-i iiic liK iin jr t h e n e w

_ —i ^ Kiii i i thcf E n!*t._BlircT r _

. is t i l t ' I f ju lin jr c o lo r th l«

~ - -f a I I " - U 'lU r 'l ) i 'f tw n “ n o x t :

S 'n u u a r e t r im n iu d w i th

— ■-lii.d i-um > -fu i^—W c—in v lt f i______1

■— f 9;90uir~

7 T T a v ^ lTe~largestr —

___stock of ch ildren’s ^“ -coa ts m -S o u lh V rE jM

Idaho. V e r y r e a - H sonably p r ic e ^ j^ t^ H

$3.90 L p g

r r ^ T ^ T O iT c in rT O

T hb Mioc fea tures Uie sm artlfow '

able- In the E u t . T h is shoe U . ^ i)tnllar {to Uw one lllu s tr a te d .H ---------- ^ n ly -U w i^ lt-h « s-# p !lie -h ee l-M id ^

- K)me» In paw n t. A*k to see i h l s ^_ thoe. _____________.

.'13,1929. . ; ___ __

^YaurHomer’Store-J e r A a i T d i g i ior You

' • ' . • »> ' ...............

K .E A R I ' y « l O

I R .A N D - , .

! K ' = e I

= N e w S h i n

J — _____ I ' 'a m o i i s A r t i s

[ n “ t ^ l r i n g t h c ; ^

1 . G o l l a i

(J (■ .11 Kvciv Oil;' kllow.s of tlO r _ i l l l J ------- --- 111 iii’i-AtUuic »hlit-ai

mil v.'parmi; tiuullticf Mr 1 ' ni-v.- Siu-RUe collard l . l^ l.m it,

j f i u s i r i t v -

? in _ w .o o l ________ ijid it.s ' I ’u ic

g h t . N e w lio s e OSc, NbthliiM iMit

w n a n d p u re ibwu-v;............. ............................. vIlt-l'.-IIH-ii-Ill—----:-om N e w i S , ■

- 4 v f ^ i f l v ------ ^ --------. dciiu found 111.

h - ( l u a l i t ,V 7 7 —

■ an. —• ' srrvlrc wpIkIii.

• — - - “ ~ - Mnln'Floor-

\ |>|/ M V


! I 3 m H | r a | | | p L _ _ S B . ^ . i.jciiojv- .. . \ J ___ V l I P ^ __ Deautl

\ \ \ ^

M lOA 111

^ . . .

■_____ Heavyr ~ I ^ Urlal

1 - tc n u g. ~ _ i5Uc-.a

j ^ iv e s 4 o u ^ - ^'sonallv


lipm ent of Our —tis ti^S h ir ts Fea-! N c w “s t a - R i f e

lar S1.98........: .. ......^f thP high Rrndp'luatprlnl ' ' f e 't-aiid -iljj »uptilor_uaxhlnn........ 1 ^ -------------l!ii-s, and now couiri. iIip V liar—two cslhilnld ■ nlecc.i V . oin wrlnklliiK aud hold.^ It

s — . P —

r M

lor-Ur^-O oods-t)ept. —


n ^ l . r1- 4 -46 - 3 1 3 4 ^ 8 - fe? I T 1~X-:

a m e t h i n g ' N 6 w ~ ~ ?

...........^---------------i n ---------------------^ - 5 ” “

■'\ N l ) E M in iO I D E R E I) ^

■ S C A R F S . P H iL O W — —

= O A S E R T A T V D *

-IM -U N D U -Y -U A C R ,------------^ “ j

♦hirtw ^rfT ’tulirilltlPi'Sreoii, ”low, iveach' a n d yellow. ■ ... 'ftutlftif dci^lgiis In embrold. .. ---------jI work. Very suitable for •. ^ 7 '

undry bags I f l 1 0 J 'I Illustrated) . .. d i . i J . % - -

> n r ( ^ o o h B a l h - R « l . e : : — ^ ~

-----------M n te r ln l -

avy uTlck'flualliy W’ann nm-'lal th a t carries arBood pern .. ^i tjg e oC wool. New modem- " J i ___

Ic-a iio rtcd -patH m i.— — ~t 5 “ ^

Page 9: 4 A. M . EdiUon. : SMK- W Hnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · 4 A. M . EdiUon. : SMK-N O "m ~" "1HI0HI1HMIESH—flltflr.li t 11 I I fti ' lT?ltr ilf l l iw i i^raeiiMiiETg

T ^ iM an o f t h e H p u r ” " R c t t r m s ' — -

U h d c rG re a U il^ U _ ^ J '- - ^ --------

> 'w l . G o n d i t i o n s

JljieJlm e Leader Col m l u _

Itenem Old Aeso^iaiit^ ~ ~

T h v o c N a t a l D a y s -

in o n t itl M e m o ry o f . .___• •••

- ^ C o m m aiu k M ---------— ___. ny KIRKK StMrSON*

rAM iw lainrPrfsjrTfSU irf WrilTTI - - 'W A S H I N G T O N - S e p t . i : i— | '

Som ew lic i'L -• in . i 'n in c c iiffiiin .j .Iiiliii .1. r c i 's l i l i j j t in c e lo l i rn t in ir '

-A tia iii if Im I’riciay, S c p tO m lio r - - ■lu . lJu t lunv ( i l f f f iv i i t i t nu iH lih c _ _ _

u u i i - t h c K eiieriilL N .ow , ____■ n ie n tly D ie cu lm ru n u w a l o f olilJissocifttloni*. -wliilo - Frlclny t)ic -------

- n T i i i ? c m } i - » r - n " r i n m - n w ----------tu»rk»l Ihe niKliis victory »r St. MItilH.

Whof a 'd irfe re iice .'a lso , liaji tln ir i_ made frnm llio Sciitomber-13 of 1917. when Kombcr shaOpvi’s had fallen on D'B nlllfil I*ni»>» (Sr frnm th ttl 8 en» HUIIW lumber n , tlie .la iro n n S 'k t 'C a o a v e ii^ ^ l i h l ' lures tn FrUnec. whcn he reported to , ;lip.M-nr .lenartment th a t h b_mlMlDn had berh ncebmpllshftl,-

O t a ll hts recolleclcd birthdays, the P « “J f .three -of lO n.-lO U - and._lD19.-Mirely '[■«*

—fcUiid-oiil lit Per»lilii8'A_mcmQO-wllh trl-coi.niiiji;ln8 vlvli|nra». ____ .

~Throiigli tfie wlioie two years cncom- Ii.-i»pd by ihoM dates he wax America'* The

. ••man of llic hour." Under llie weight He w of hU rrsponjlbllUyi each day miisl have ber t eiclied lt« own furrow.s In the slolcal him s

-fa re of. Amcrlra*H'lentler."over there." He Yet lliev le tU iM carre th th c -h tg iriaF rC T n ce

—fllfrly heart of ihe man. ^nv:M»ny Oli^Uclcs . ‘

XOOU back io Ills own terse r e i i d r n i r ' ®‘ 1D17. shortly aflcr his fUty-seventh blrlhday rolled nround. He wa« toll- ing apulim every obsta cle to create a tlicat Anierlcun army, Intrlyiie iw n h e ,i,in„ Hciiiaiid Him A»tedtaJtn ijoJ_oA iy_her_ ‘" ” y

— weulr tw o - ih e enuf»ft-bui-lw-y«Hiim *",7^ manhood to till t h e .a c i \a n nn'^ 'a i .u a -'--'; *h;r rank.*i of the allied reglmcnt-i met him • .

■; came Pcnhlng'x challenRc to defraitnm. ^ . I ll a rlnKliig-public xu t^m eni Octobei ,5, 1017. he denounced the whispered " ”

— nplnlnn that war nn th r »M tcrn triint;" iji i i j t .u ia .m a jin iu m ic, . -'-----------»j»u .

A year later, a* his flfty-elshth b i r th - '. day dawned amid the dyliiK grumble of miivs th a t blasted a wav to a t . Mllilel for ' the flrot American army, under his own

— coiiiniaiid,-)i«<:AA>^tUjuboUU-word«^re^ = nllr.ed.

Tliat birthday he spent Walking with

.-A g a iitj =



lF F f 5 n e r m n r p e iV « f u lT B i jn u r n -T io w ; s c n ’c s h i s s ix ty -n in lh -b i r llK lH y F i ld ; t i « d a y a n d d iilc 1 1 .y e a r s i ^ o . h i s 'A:hlc1~frOhi tiic (ik'i liitiiin.

aln of Prance ihroiiRh the v i^ rb n t-j A C C fd. lowii ot St. MilileU'rc.ntore(l to the 1 n U U ■color by American arms after fo u r 'IIS iti QciiiiTn limiils. • ~ T I f l---------^lueu 1n-WaUtlnfton-------- ^ 1— t I'h en Per.nhlng'fl fifty*nlnth birihdny.: I U

was back In WashinKton Septem- 1 • 12, the country^ first BrcOtlnn to] n sMll deafening hw ears. ;

ice to report. • tit;nvlatlons deluitwl him, bul he hod ly oxie desire. Tlml was lo see asaln _ elede-MlaaDiirLllie-tQWlLJitLlnri>;_lil.H' _b_eS me. - ; - '.Vhat would he do Uicre?— = -------- [-----------•I /iliould like,'* he said .slowly, " to :. BUHl r£;cyeatiQdy-t.oruvCLl™;-W_an>::^Llnnd.-nInB but-a MlMourl boy. I -io u ld like

lUirtDr John .1. t'cr«ninp..” Al'iHiiivui : i rm 'r:! is. He beloiiKs to history 'iiinv as u n ; en t 'to t lerlcuiU lK liLbiiuiiM l;-....___ iJTtlUUlt-

i=‘rlday Is the dicii Venerb.-and t l s h 'th e Rc r own symbol. Is regarded n.s nn ap> , bulUlln jprlnte food tor tha t day.' lover by

nest 6

— yduever-

— ----/ ----------

: .- V — c o s t s - ^ n u K

y - " V F « t e r ------------ ------------------- r ^ id e c t h

— ------------ ------- — — Y r t t h ^ ^ — T s n

m oden

AtwaK w hy 01

' - ' - m ik e I1 price; 1

^ ‘ -

proof <

--------- ---- ............. • - - C o m

:.:. d e p e n d a b i .& m e r g h a : . j u L L . ; Y A i j y r

............ .__ J , __• Ihe.coil^ servft-Ci

iowrrtcneral-J«hr»'J.'Pt*rrthlfiK- — j J 'i ld a y , S e p t t 'm l i e r - U ^ n . l h f ‘ f s 'A m erican 'iirfity w rt's led S l. fU

i S ™ Iis s C la r a L a n ire l a iu L a t id . t

M is s H e le n F la c k A f to iu l 1 1

S e s s io n in W e s t E n d C i ty ( J

SUHL. Scpl. 13-M lst C lara LanRC* [ fr id,-nG w^dlsir|ck^cTcU ry^ot.Q lrnZt'. — |w

Ti's^ehrlatktMii»<wlftUwtr-y«tfl. p f f u . J - l U / t o r the first meeting of the Buhl n [UUK—W u ii^ u ■CIlltSlilUl-JUALUlUtlon ^ J Utnctl'hcld 'h i'u ' Tiiesiluy urt4.'riiujii Irr — j o ! Reserve room a t the high school UF lUllni;, The meeilng was presided J [ r by Mrs. C. .M. Merrick, chairm an or [ u

set- J i^heard^— J

Z Z ^ 'ZT l~o d e r a t e s u m l — j _ [ |

JO.aOT,»t*iiy.piio«,.Trffl._____ l . rgiTc you morg pow er— ■■ j _ L

* t e r i s n g e ; . B o i e r i i i D m . ^ f ' jB C tit« tlM « isao .fin« rtooe .--------•-ulit th is w onderfu l A tW iU r — ' 'H f i n r M o a a '6 0 " c ^ " « f l y * »td e n te p r ie e . ' m

w aterE en lR ad io .yoak& ow ' ^tf mljf A tw tU r E f f i t d m - fctk e a » e t I Ik e U u s ,> t« a d i« . ' ' qice; o r, if yoa’re n o t n ^ . Ir t .y o u a n U l c e onfW B rt* .-------^itt-M iJ A i wi t g K a t t r i ro o f o ! U » ’f » lu e ._ ,^ J

lome today and Uttanl— ------- [— 1[

B A N b B E O N p Y ^ - j : ' . ~ - ( ( :V E R Y D OLLAR *■ - i - | 3

■» ( , . i 1 I

j a ^ i b A H O T T ^ R I D A y - I v t Q R j ^

cotmcll. ond ihe renon of ih e ’f le - jB u h l cabl :» /■ftiit«ircn'cc-hEM -jt:-Tai;«iio-.lakei-;nec:nami] I sum ^K wtts’mirdrbYViniipitt,. iBii.iH -'t'k* '-J jk r.iou|i I,,.he. BlrLs who auend» |1. n a n s were a t dinner. ic during llie. w-.^icii'Tm th e lall j l i u u r a i r

hcldrherc Octobrr.19 ;o JO, a n d for u.'isocinilo tl'nincfl camimiBu .tHT!iniii«9 - 8 »p»- p in * p rn

ihwHio-»tUv<4m iia te iuiUt-'v>!liUfalU- p^Ujfu-----i . closing. Ocl6l ) f m T O i - a '- d ln i» iv — jr ,v - 3a upalgn i will be coi»h.f;.-d .Mmultaiie. ) pr<-,bwrr

ijberly, H u ix n . t.i!rn und Hw elton. a ,j„nai r3tlsrta tiffh in tf-« !f»rr-)«H ht^lio i>^ .i.i,,ii Li~n11 Quotas will b«- tiliitl tx-fnre the s liij date^ Meiiibt'.-s ol ini- •«iri re- .,j j ve 'cabinet met Tiirvi.iy evpnlng for najio,, m > first cabinet supi;rr of iiic year m .I home of MtM-Loi-r itnuv. advlsol- «x , i , i ■• local g roup- Miui Anna Walker,■.sldent ot the club, lyrt i-iilnl imd plaii^ ,5■_m eniber8hlp_w utk.-ncfi;..dbcuixd________h MlSJi linngeland. .Members o t the ■ Hev. Cl

' 1

f #

I K fi^ » |= K ^ S f


I j ] P e a sN o. 2 C a n S w m -l W rin k lo ii

| j | P i n f e a p p l e

t t I________ y , , .0 1 ', g 1 i] r h t l \u n r n k e i i

I 5c « r-z ::.:$ tO aI t I N l). 10 C un .s C ru .shcd

^ A m a i z o O i l( I - A m a x in p ly jjo o d f o r Kulnd; I 1 ■ .a n d cook inK '

j G a llo n C n n ,,

I V Shredded Wheat

- j — l "

-1In F r e s ih ly G ro u n d

- • . 3 ;P i r a n 'd « .......1 . $ 1 . 0 (

j = ^ = = W a l n u t : M e a t 8 -

. :... ..

” j | [ . 2 ~ P m in d H ..- = ^ f m

i = g ^ i n d f a a r l g

I 8 ra c k a n u ......... W l- j— -Nor29i:filJH L - "

• ■ ■"

R f f i N G . - S E P ’T E M B E R 1 3 , 1

cabinet will mee< wllh olher »b l> t year pA*t< cembers.ot-.thrtliairict to r VselUng .chu !a\r«rnnw:aPKtPrS3ttmltt>''altcr-il«r l«-;tJiiiJr.“^'Mlu n a ck 'S iT iT ^ S r^ n f te —w iirm e tf liere-TJinr iw . tn i f - 'c a m r - '^ ^ r r n

ism tiiiLyoum .W onifH 'ft c h jM s g .L 4 .» ^ » ^ t■in:ion council llmr.^day to c o m - ^ .” ! ^ prn»rntjon«-|or.tl)eM mJ>ii>,cy^

r.-3 a m p sA fiiia r .p is td ro rth r iJ iu ii; i 'o ~ i

“. i S l J t n S l L S “ ‘J J S u - i S , ' ! ' ;lal Southern . Idaho . Presby tery . n coiivfUrM »i :n o iig i f r: rom gn t' iv ';' Q^^7*^

iddres.-i. usiiu us his lople, "Ineiir- m." The dUirlctliieliide* ull towns I Uelli'vup on the north to Uurley ip m ^ h i- ;e i;av.aiid Buhl oii'the we. l. RC«- . f a l t e r I and Ilolllsler member* arc Jolnln? ijji^-broU M ito thedeie jaies. :Creii«yv

Charles D. F le ic n ^ ro T U ie laV llleresla 'li

m m mp i . t h d n . ”j

' T ill S . ( . i n V « . i . i™ r <£ , C - th a n 'iu s t; ,M 9 « in a i7 jf r« c n M

food dislributing organiiation, a ■ ^ T O le d io brifigifjg you dcpe

■ satafBCtory and economical m i ^ « ittta n t-« u d y < a n deviafc-By-

^ . to offer m any advanUtgeik co ' no t iM a b le e b e w b m

id Saturday,

Sugar_lod I 'in o G ra n u lu tu d 1

) 0 • 1 6 l ^ i l n ( l s . ..... $

~ | BaconJVi'll R t rc n k iid S u K a r

.-. . 4 I’OUIKln ........... <Kta- ■ ...■. '■-I’lU N C E .AI.IlE lt'l

V K I.V E T 'rO IlA (

RiceI 'uncy lIUic Ho

0 0 “ . ~ “ 7 r l ' 6 r r o i m i r r x r $

Z — : . — - - B r e a a :

a t Full size loiif m ilk -bread.' \ — -------- . . . q v o g . A T w in T u i i s - i

0 0 1 6 L o a v e s ..............................------------------- _ _ .(4 if0J‘- 2 5 < )

— ------------------ ----= ^ShrimpF i n e f o r Salai

0 0 ' - ■ $

8 : - ^ - “ - N e w € r p p H (

■„ „ . - ---------i - A T ’( i u n 4 ^ : r r : ( E

R g f l ‘ = ^ F o 6 m 8

^ - I . - ^ R o i i i W ; ® 5 S


----- ;---------- ■ -

,1929/ z ; T— ^ -

uu to r ot the nuW M ethodL it-B pls-fpgY * ||AJljw ch^ has befn j V z '^ - . "

--------------------- --------- ----------j .. ^ p ,w y,

lall wtlli M ^F ra^ lk^ lliu ion . M

a T i ic e y is B ccflm pa^fngT groljp nnd*lho^P( rebred-Jer»ey-Mttt*-from-ih*-a-'wla gemiral-** ’flha U tm t •BUtTlctn o -fa lr T l reu tty hem ctr-mv ain g -B la ck fo o t.-S h o sh o n e and i.the vnhie . Mr. U c ty u.cxhlbithnc tiiw e ' e f-hh 'w t> ^ w lH rn hm >oMt>» J U i m u i x-tuni to Buhl about October 1. . ;„„(i t, ». E. M. Worley wx. hostess to the 1 :ble club_Wedne!'<l(ii'oveiiiiig. ; jusUfv .su liter Creasey. Seattle. Is the Kui'st o f 'i n ihe mi irolhtrs. Fred Crcasey'ttt'd CTeorEe' bi- m tle 1 »y^ while lookin'} after properly ln» .on iionula (ji'here. curren t d

l i u s t g j p

ir community is inucti more ' V m to r t* Iris part of a Rrca t -)n. >yiih vaisV resources, wholly :lependable foods tn the most - 5minnec tnodera method* *od .1

.ByiwmpMiwn-lt-trilltefa md — M l coovtpiencei to i tfx m m a

at Salewc _ __________________ P o w d e n

:d B e e l T 7 I T T "

^ , O f l _ l f l - P n u m i » —

n ; SoKur Cured ' L unn LtiU

$ 1 . 0 0 . . 3 2 B a r , . . . ._T O I

•......K irk 's I I•:UT O il • • Croamit

. 1 2 n . . .

! BuH d.'fc ............ '■ , F ro ftli C

: $ ~ 1 ~ ; Q 0 " - — ' ' 2 - r i .u iin ! r : 3

a~— --Qy

...........S 1 . 0 0 - 6 ^ c a , . :...K ) --------------------------- —

liailH ; ■ T a ll C a n s ,

^ . 0 0 : 6 c a ; „ ......

H 6 n e y = - = i - - — = = ^ l 3 S l u

F r - - —


f yORtEr8.pi-.-19-.fl^^fttycrml.T—[Ucs-as-Uw bu u o iM t.ro r-tu ee eu « .. - !ty.»yxtradliiE..i ,^ , , ............... - . ,n rm aticanntl cconi'imlfi r f t ta ln .n .. . le tm srenm w onotice. Eam lnga. a ny'n poaition m a (n v e n -m o u x u r;^10 paaltlon of th a t Industry In th* '

ihie-ot.B seeiirUy,-------------- --------- ^w ith m any'popular-stocltt *elN

mn r n r 'SO' tiin u ru n iu M m , ' 'le benl. econonila ot t h r country ced on whether the future will • ' .such .priccs. succualuL-tratUnx— .

I most active Issues'has come to Ie more tUOif M iM JaruiiU esiln*— [lular pr_i)CMlQnal_reacUPWJPIt ([^•clopinen'ii. • _

M b X

s A v e . I nw e w A V ^ ' j j t

%m=wered Sugar 1 1

Soap IHI ;-tiUndry.Soap' . S -

- = r W O - - j 1—’OILET—

IlealthKlow *Soap (S , '

S I M E r

S i t t e r

it Creamery ..............I ■

^ $ t O O : , : : : | g

L y s t e r a - : sJ

Ainedcan,Beuuty____ 1 h . i_

^ - 1 -

almon ' |H| - -IW Alivaku Pink r ih ^ •

iliinailows -om Our Factory . , •

Page 10: 4 A. M . EdiUon. : SMK- W Hnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · 4 A. M . EdiUon. : SMK-N O "m ~" "1HI0HI1HMIESH—flltflr.li t 11 I I fti ' lT?ltr ilf l l iw i i^raeiiMiiETg

...— ---------— ----- -------------

Austria an: ' ■ .... . ‘___>

'C io c o ^ ^ ■^J - '■ii.iy■ ‘nri, T w »

G o v L 'r n m o n l s ^ A r r a n g o ,

L o c a t i o n s ' f o r - C o l o n i o t ^

by OKOnCE HALAUJMN TAMucblf-d- I'rirM'CunTipontlrMU— — ■ V I E > I N A : S t - | ) i n 2 - • A itK trin —


to '-w o w ld -b c im m iK ra iiU . h a v e ■■‘“ luT-ned n r S m i n ^ r e v l c n - n s - n -^ jj :— 1jtt.veii f o r t h e i r s u r p lu s inh»l)i* |

_r~CO nclu(iO li. .spOCItlCw i th P e r i l m id in to m l W lOr- {

:— p ro ac U o lh e r — r e p u b l i c o f th i ' , , comliiciil which muy b« In ncpil ot

------ MrtmB-»rHU,-Uaii«:d-U»-aKriculUirttl. ^■ tn.'ki). rcii

____ JT hL acrctm ciits wlili P m i rc.Milinl•Irnin Irlp'- liy EiiraiK-im uovrrnmrnta i

■“""■offtclntir-Jn-encli-oai.e-ihotor Mlaljllshincnt of foloiilcr,,


- fo rm Syndicate : ■ . 1 ™

■ ■■ ' A'»ytitllcflU >-w U t>-»-ai|X U loI-«im -itl.t OGO linii been rormcd to carry nut. t in inti AUitro-PtTu'nKrcemeni, whicli whs ne- , wll (talliiU'd by th e A iutrlaii inlnUlfr u fim u cttiicntlon. Peru wJU-Brniit the *>ndl-j

____ catc.JiOO.COO.ncrcs mul oii ih ls biti-------iMWfc-IHb-liojjcitUittfciOW-AiiKlrlfliiT —

fumltlM will bc MlUett, Tlicy nm»t n il, • R bc farmen or calllc breeder*.

. K! o c re s rT h e r—*r*-Ji]5() lo rcccivc ~ • traiisportfltloii to ' Peru b'iir'm usl—r«*.

fund thLs Hi ihp f lr« opiiorinnlty. Afl- t r a luimbiT of ycora Ihc land U la t —

iz m K C o m c .U ick iJ ii-Ic c aim ply-afltr Ih ry lJ . Imvc rclmbumed thi* nyiidlcaie for the! \

. cost of haiwrs ami olhiT biilldlHRs as T.v nc lt n!i (or nny c(|Ul|>inciii ili^l may lie NE bJUKhl.________ _____________________ j

l»roiiiolers of Hi? whcme w y U ul thp h m l rdcc trd Is fcrUlc and capablc ■'•i of jiroducKiK wlieat. coffcc. collon' and. 'o ih rr erojM.' The settlers will be free

AccordliiR to word w c lv fil here ni»• sim ilar aKrccmi'nt lm* been rumiiletwli_____between Pnlanil nnd Peru, Count Dtli;-] .

tliiscyclty. n lormc'r Polish niliil»tfr,.lias;

I H e g a rt

itememberthii excessive trad< new Model A i t)^production-s

„ jn^or unreasotml

When Yol

— — — -1S29 Chevrolet ' . 1927Chevrolet

I I ~-~~1926 Chevrolet J • 1926 CheVrolel

- 1926 Ford Roa ^ —“ ~1926'?icknpr;- 1926FordTpn

—Rubber,-i92^ -^ :u 4 9 2 5 Ford^rui ^ - 192f ^ t o r ^ 1926'PontiacT

g'= TT T ^ i rT1i" jr \ L w

‘ M a y S u c c e e d T a S w i r i j j j |

L p r c' i Iio d


— — <iiuoi

' u-oro

, .n r’ iiioelatrtf rrcii.C 'iolo chan

UIfr07iT5TKF"GENERA‘L- H c r - " Sb e r t D e a k y n e la m e n tio n e d n s h ^

(Ii 'n o r jil -E d B u r - J n d w ii l . , r e - |n o t .■ t i r e d . ................... ........ ............ ................Ipreii

____ ________ ______ ______ faru.......................................... .... ------ - “ irarvrciurnrd Irom Llmu wlUi n d rafi con- prep tr.ict iirh iji j jx k c l. ' 'v e ,;i

TliU iirovldcr. for the cmtcrn’lon o f 'ii ip tcvcral llioiiAniTda of r o if^ o rm 'w o rk * 'bom crft—1 iip- P<*ruvl«n-«ovefnmPHW-Ji-U-Btm undm iood, will ( tr tin t-fw -to iid -to lhc-|,„rt- Bcltlfrfc whllP a »yndlcnle coini»>r(l ol keen Polra nnd Aiiicricniu< wllh n.cn|iltul u r:^ ,,n »UOO.COO- win • * hou lc lcr-U ift^ i« i»o r-1 nd intlon co«l* of the cmljtrBnl*. The farr . g j win l>e refunded la te r on wlUi a Muall inlcrcjl. ' . - —


~ PurnUhed t y Uw r o l e i m n t ^-T llle »B d.O n»n»iiT Comp*i»y ■ ’

_■ — ■ S E P IE M nE R 11 - ■ -Wnrnrnly D. Tliomii.H C. Cox tii .

T .in«y June Cox. SI. SE. SW NE. NB GNE M U 17. '

-BU BSCRIBB -P0B-W B -N BW & -*--------- ^

i m g J L h u :

la riP rice !

ie in allowances,-for the . FprH is sn l o w — sn clnst

M T t ^ e in conCessioni

m Buy a Used CsVou Pay Ju st W

I t Is Worth!R lo tS eatfnT ....et-Six-Sedan . . . . . . . .^ ^ a c h . . . . . \ . . . . . . . . ;BtT o u rm g . r . .. :W....et Sedan .......................FadsterT .T77T7“ ; TTTT

m tru ck Ruckstell axel, 928rMotori^.uck,-RuckstelI^New^Riir—;G o u p e : i ^ n . '■ . . . .TrT

p i W

) A I L Y N E W S . T W I N F A L

~TTl~T* y~f~~CT 1 7 ^ "

l E i l E E E L l^ n i l T t n n l i H n ^ n l l n T ^ ' ^ ^

ifv tauii n‘i‘"r . .

I n d i c a t e s ' T f a c l r ~ C r o p s « g j

....... .......... ;___, . . i n t-n o rf lP . Ri-nc, I t <8pecM lo The-NewSi ~ 3 I -F rc* t a t many pslnU In southern Idu- 10 did noi c«u»6 exteniJve d«na#e to lUple commercial crops, accordlni hp summary of w ealher nnd crop con- ^

etnbcf lO'by-CTlnwn-E. N orqm ntrm c. i-orotogUt ot the Unlled S lates depart- M nl-of.agrlcultiirtjEealll? ''.*” *^'^''''' ' . - , 1, . . Thc-follow liu reports.o f eondfllons u c included In the sum m ary; . _,an trn iW E .ST ID A » (^T h e ^» u d d e n ;tur( chan iV to dccldcdly .cooler w ^ J i c r a t nim the beginning ot the week broug h t w c l- . come relief from the intense Keai t n n r r = had ptrsLiled for so loni^-Froal-occiir- fM .in .m a n y lPcMmi ^ n n 0 1 1 -aP.»ngJ—flRmaw-lo"lender-|taJden-rTHCJfT«[«|i^--=rnii nil MiijM .......... . crops w e « ; •n o t.mnlerlttlly dam aB tO .-'r h f o ti 'm r 1^,— preliy. well done hi ihls district and | farmers are busy hnyiiiTrhiillliw fllovor_j-_. irarvfsU nrbfansrrtiire tn irpo in iofs-nnd-.preparluR for prune and apple h a r - 1 v n '.m . Tin- Mrmlns dlsirlcl u iider.Hip Music r .^cr •olr n verj- dry, croivi ‘ boinz mucn-curnii!Td-forwant-of-wnfcr. ■ -BtiMiici.: <j-Uir UrlaaUHl-KcUom.haic-------hnrt-amplc-water to -m aiuro croiwMMi^* ^ keep imf.turc» Kro»'»R-Mill iidcqiiute for ilic.scBSon’s - nacd i------and conliniic to do well. • - ..SOUTHEAST ID A H O -T lie loilj hOl

E 3 =

r Used ]

i g ’ l o c a r e l o r ~

h e p r i M o f t h e

D s e J t o i h f c - c a s t _

m s .

Car From What - ;

= = s m o 8 = = ^ f. . T T : . $ 6 . 5 0 . 0 0

. . . . . ^ . $ 2 6 0 . 0 0

...................... $ m o o: - . 7 r . T 7 S l 2 5 , 0 0

. . . . . j5 .95 ;oa - e l , n e w .

. . . , . : . . $ 2 5 0 . 0 0 . - - ,

R u b b e r - - ~

, ^ ^ a s ^ n n r r : — :

L / i V

I L L S . I D A i a ! 0 , ' F K I D A Y . M 0 ]B s a a s E s e B B S B S B s s B S s : ; B a « *

■pfll r n •hrwttM 'tft 11 * i UddwiUMtIfr. c h u in to wiKh cooler w eaih«r‘w Jtfrft*w vi

gufferr t - m a - f ? d : ^W U l iM 'i **« maptii flm ns'Perni oam- f w .^ Z r Ve ^ tapMlyJ»nj;~6>Z T i t c ^ i n ^ i u u u ^ H n c Z ^ ^ c E M n M S ^ I E

rPtl.^T-for-«»^>^n^^-ln-ll>«Uly Iw allttci . U bovcj T lie’ tlilrd c u ttln j of n llulU l» ttcnic wsfTVJ tocurcd In extellem cond»loni-.r. . de*loI - J i c id ■ — • ■ '• of «u«~ jg * y j g g p W ii.cfciH

I re n d a m a ie . • iT W f- S H O S H O N B -U st week u irned veryrV ” *'

J . , ^ . n . Intiirrii bv trost; « I | | ihreshlnu i»'tlnUhcd;..cvel-yihlng_driea! | ' | j l | up on farnu. ' ' I

P IL E R -A -fine week- for farm work, b u l a liltle cool for m uiurlna crops:] - fanners busy cutU n ^ b ra iU ! - g w in l - -q .q c threshlnB preUy weU flnW ird: some News), clover >eed belna huiltd : third crop RUIoba lW fa-loo idns-flner-siK ar bcaU -m a-rM w hotu r in f In good shape.-------- ---------- ber-lS

B U H b-A Jon« cold te m p n a- In j cclure dropped U> 33 deurees Sunday mor- Jn t iiing ; In some locamic-ilo ihe souili »*iJ *«.» L

/W I J Ijj -V ^

~ • M '■ I J r E - J

! \ ( &i ' .

I'lin.'idor llie r Kitclii'n. Compnr

' ............. ' n r< ~ y iiuou17 ''l lr» ' «imrt from Uif* ;

room tlm t yields

------------------------------------- D e e i d e - 4 ^

Cooking,----------------------------------- --------- ---------W llU-a

tb r e o m a jc- ■ houH pkeepi

o p e n itlo ii f— - f ------------------------------ :— r H jr lo H n s I

k itc lie n n n

r - Y o u r - G h o i c c

_ _ _ _ _ A n y Mpd(

Electric Ra: $ ^ D O V

■., ■, ' ■ lliJs iif p'*irrSnVeniMonlhly I’a)mcn1

E lecti’__ •••_____ :____ .-7 In l¥ i

. . . . ■ . -------- o r-oIcV lric


^ g J l ■■■'

l U u l w ^ a c ^ c T as^bCMgYnd po»;ClKte<f » vine* h « w b « n nJp^TW rnflBB 'TDU nr- beans light, aa tliey arc nearly T tp tjto the « tUaasUy-cnt; w m r fJovtt«ted t i i r c i f t - . j^ ^

[■UCA'l'KLU ^-^iftfllT lIUi-^ A jlll llll ir 'p lW iila 6 u n d i iy " ^ in J r t ; 'a r ^ ^ ^

^ l^ e 'id y ^ g to I e r T - y U to ^ ^ ^ avf w iK T tn ttcM ulioB tn .o t o th c r ji f r w r jn w n n n f l srouiw u . i U j ; . i u o d n fj. a lo L h a ;.U -U lo g made, third cu ltln i a l t a l t a , . , ■ U ho.

H i i n h r f t r .n n n n u m f ln n i lB ’

mflnbturbUUUmiJbllUllr in V w- . . :. LOId0t

-------- 'e n t ofq g o D iN O rse p i: • i2 'fsp c c ia r to T n s ‘i"WHy' ew's)—In Ihe absence ot Rev. Cecil P .; The mow. Uie 'aen'lces nt the T a in Falls iofter 1 w hodlsl th u r th on O i^ a y . Seplem- [ plaiuw if.lS , WlU bo-ln-charao oru»<atR K l- rRuper Ig college facully nnd alumni. I Jn tlie m orning, vocal solos will bCj Feel my b r f nifeasor i TBr Olt<ntgtartH>ewly-r«d»—

V o 0 fl 0 1 ' ! ^ =

b w I |B m j u

Tiast Word Irlip many hmir- ymi sppnd in ynui npnrr tlK-ni with thn lu'iU’s |M'llt hi kir-vour-lam c__ Il..-U.c_kilijii^!i_li3ura nr■'IlivifiiSo o f U ii.-riii'tlie kitPhrii - :to ihp rPKt-of your hotno a s a work ...uv elds Jew joys?


Water Heatto n in k o ^ -o i ir -k ilc h e n -im -A

i ia jo u h o m e a p p lia n c e s ^ A n A ll-K lo( Jep iiijt Olf a tnoc lern b a s is , r e d u c e s hi Oil n n d fo o d c o s ts . N o te th e S p e c ia l ( • in s ta ll n -c o m p le lc -e le c tr ie -k i te h c n o m

n n A H -H Iec^ 'ic K ik h e i i .

icc of— - — A-Compi

>dei Water Htl a i r g e I n s t a l l a

T O - : -

tVenlpnr'^ ' Ih lm ff.-f irC onm cnis’ .> Monthly I’ayi

= = = = J S - . i= ^ = := i=

■ A N N U A L C L E A I

I lliiii : ia u n v ( ; a rc T c lc a f iT ig lM ir Btoirks I r i ^ r a n c c j i . ’ T n ^ o r t b l ? f f c c t ti ' g rijF th p fw q iltm p 'iH T » n R (W 'a M H a ^ l)b re i

n o W N « jid -U ic -b a l

j^ d ipe .■ "“g;■ -fh*. t f Ik of the ■«»»'^in»r-»rili-bet ■ - --—, . iil.Mk«.»r.iim.FiQfenct P a r - , _ • : = = :

ut women r ’ <‘n»eflP.•RTtVctitug DingT*"^ iwHWb» .g iveO-. ■ ' ■ 7 ? ir^ rn tw ~ fl f 'C ^ a > g ^ » « ^ '- .» '” ^ - wli^m are-teacnmg m T »ln r i l l i or 7 ■ |

• 1Jors'Rilboi'irortiw t i ia a ui n u " ‘. t h t . en,;in>trln; departm en; o f jw . . ..tho POWCT _____ '

.in» vncal salog^Oraee^UBitfr '

i n Palis Jimlor filtin Khool will de-- i»)2 •r n 'r e a d f iu r Harold Roberts ol-ihe.-

1 Days" and D. A. Hlles. superintend- f i r s t t of .schools n t U ansci^w lll tarn o n ; .ccaLI ^ y rA iic n d fc rO o o d ln g College. i m e fall term Ibeglna September 23.;;er wliIcluUmc*8lmllar,progrojnsj«T5_ _ p uum ed iobeglvenlnM ie’churchesfrom !>*« ipert to atountfllB. nbm e. ............^ -------

re e t h tir tr Phone Jif. Pveter, M» ; ____ _

/ f ^ I I H g

S B '»i_

n Home Plamkitohpn hnu>^!"'’Vt'win*mak^^ l^ n 'h o u rs Vl- KnP.ul In th q kUchen nlen»rfnt oney. U t o - th e '« m r n r t , cnnvcnlenee uiiU cnjoyn

. every mem ber o f Ihc family.

e. T h r e e E l e c t r i c S e r v

itmg/ Refrigei-'A ll'Iilloctnc K itcheii by-iiuUllinR.Uii i lo c tr ic K itchen place.s. rt*~buhiiies»; liibor, preservcH health ,-w ifl m inimi; ai O ffe rs d escribed below. S«&h0W'W orad^he«pptiM ncctthutrtW ill-innko-yc

i p i c t e ------------A n y . R

[lfiatiDg„ - J k Ll a t i o i i . " R e f r i g l

o m ; . TJOConvenieni— — - — — U«1anc*-in- -aynicnls • , . Monthly I

t R A N C E ^ S A L E _ _ _ J l

It^argainjB EiilRs o r a n udd m o d e lc iu ^ iiH C o m p W ^ • ?p'cedy arid com plete .cleaiirice , w c

am «iiil cleetHe talhii. MDWB aad'. e((endaBt-VkeM-DfrFe*(w,-N».^^^--------^

C o u p e ^ - —1 027 F O U R C Y L I N D E R

m th w iinhnl.Hterv. ’ a ll, in ' • s t clas.H s h a p e . A ( g C O r aLLiuy_foi:------------w ) . t l A i J L ----------

5 R 0 W N I N G - A U T 0 - - -

k iL ^ -- ■'' '

m in g _ft th a t you It will u<l(lo y m w t-o r— ---------------------------- -—


e ra tio n ~-Uicse _ — ........ _ ------- ':j>» u f : ; ;m izes .................. .r c a s y ------------------------------- -— -j - y o u r - ----------------- --------^

M o d e l , ' '

I Eleciricg e r a t o r —

I D O W J J - 1

.ih-C onrenlent . - - . . _ __> _ly Paym enla

ricesw c T B re " ^ !" --------------special - .. , •-

- . I z :

Page 11: 4 A. M . EdiUon. : SMK- W Hnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · 4 A. M . EdiUon. : SMK-N O "m ~" "1HI0HI1HMIESH—flltflr.li t 11 I I fti ' lT?ltr ilf l l iw i i^raeiiMiiETg

n ^ - A r - W i l ' p s ^ u i i e r m t c n d e n C - ^

^ ’f p n r t s - R e g i a H 'a t i o n - o f - =

' • n g i ~ C l i i l f l ' l 'C i i ^ T r ~ G r a d ^ ^

D .-A T ltU csrcporuasehoolreg te irtU on . - in 'tlic armies of l8 l pupils. - r* '— -fLiran p r n r^T -—T ir ra r ^ o n iiT r tn tn id e rn r< m « ih ;« r« d ^ -------]3 0 :llfiU gradd .ifl:» l* ih itn i(Jc . 1 0 ^ ' - •cn ih Krode. 18: eighth grade.

i*n^i?l*Mhwl enrollmtnt } | J ine of 253. T he tcich^Jiumos for Ute'fJrewni. M ia Ames aiid

•^ Ili« T 3 ru n o rrM ln rw ‘'h-Mn^M«rMifc-U— Byram: Mis* PoTterlleld ftrta MIs!< Dar-llnu are o r th e C. E. Durk* home: MImNotU»rWRc nn<t^■^»FArnstln restflc with--------U,c E , h “ w alkers: M r/T O Jt.rQ nd M r Summermnn roon» M ^ m . j . . .sav homp. a nd '.M lyahajJ-'L tfy t»’.linJie_ of i l T B n d ^ ^ E l m o Kerr, Blckel

<)]»ncri Monday' moniliK , Mr>.Charles Prior having clwrge, Tuvniy- :

I\'lcr'3JliV r tn te , bacterlologlsi. ni)d. tt jumLOt-tlie-COUinyJitnlth-» n l t . . ^ e i!»_ -. ■ -

'rH nurM 'iron i'^hc tluon tr.o f pupils ol •UiB .publiC-SChQQls.'- Tliereafipr wliool «U'» dlxmiwed for ihe rcM ot U«- w e f R ------Twmn« U l f . ------------- — I ._ T lic _ O lrls Ok’P clulj. was organl/ril Mrlj- lt» th c -wrck tintler the Icndm M p' _ V

h;, }l,'Fo-.ic r ot Hie h.lgli scUpfll. Tlicre ji will be about 20 members In the ctub. | U ts exiKCied. Mr, Poster Is leader ol • llie school orchcstrfl which also oritntil- •'

LciLtlie f in t 'd a y oC sclibol. ~ place.Improvemeni* a t the school include

rubber m atting o»„ the;s tn lrii,,a room.Mi oslde-lor-JIbrery purposes unlls »ml' felling calolmlncU otid n number.of new Mnl8 for the nudltorliim ond one room. f ‘

Ucv. O. L, K endall and family left . ? „ ? laduy for Ihclr new home in. Jerome " “ J™; u'licre Mr. KfndnH wlU Imve chnrgi' ol IJie Methodist Epl.scopal cluircli as wdl M the Shoshone charge. Monday eve- “" “ 7 iilng Uie family wa* tendered a puriy a i ^ ^he-ehurelt-bv-lhe-vouiw -folkj. o f - t l i M - ^ church OJjd commnnliy. For iwn yenrs f ” '*" llevT K e'ndajnuiniecn-ISBalor-' of -llic- Community church here. A gift book Was presented to the Kendalls by the i r i lC IjrmtprW«di)c»doy nlRhM-recepllojirwasr J t i l t ] vlvcn In the ir honor o t the church by the older members of the.congregatlon - p i ' ami ft framed picture given as a fare- ' • l i l

~weil~remcmbrahce.~S^O. Mont^^m^ry ' * ”** ^naklnK the pre.-k'niation: Oamex were played and a t the closc of the evening a The lunch was served. Rev, and Mrs, U. F, . selectc Meredith will move into the parsonage Kenda early.ne'xl weckjind.Rev, Meredith will, a n d ,^ condnci services Sunday n t the church, counly

The first meeting of tliendullbonrd 0! n l , Bu tllf! Yonng Women's C h rln lan assocla- lion waK held Wednesday evenltu; a l the home of Mrs. H. L. Walker. ^ f S Helen . Flack, regional dlrect«r. and Mite Clara - l^ m la n d t^ w -d lU rlc L ^ c re la rv -a l-U u . 1 2 ^ Muglc Volley confcrence of the Olrl

the coming ye a r wa* d lm iajed and plaiu made for r i s in g lhp~Trtfi^ffn~B»nm~Br

-UKMwagw. - f tia - nBKt-m M tln g -o M h ^ CTnntl- hourd will be-hg ld-Frldav_afternoan, ijccn'C September 37. a l the church nnd every* Shoshi one Interested In the work Is Invited to

^^n rew n tr-M lM -H ftck -and-MlM-Lant— ^ 3 3 land cxpcct to be tlicre and o detail from The

..lim n ir l - n n m r i f t U'lH n1.m ntli-nrt In p , ■ Rive 0 report of,the Payette lakes con- isi pii ference as well as other Inlerestlng tea- nflnric

“ turcs, '^hc “yjint cablnct meeting o f lT jie re the various groups of the Mnglo Valley jebh , confcrencM rtH be held in FU cr-em iir- day next a t which ll ts ho|>cd the Han- s , J sen group will be represented. A cabl- net m net meeting of the Hansen R csebes was _____hi»M WoflnMftnv nnrt Mitnrti. t.iiv.cock was c h w n president to succeed I '

J>flM..Margorcl.Cowah_who ls .a tifnd lt«_ |_ ^ _, high school In Twin FalU this year. Mlsa PiH Fern M cFarland was appointed sccre- Tax C tary. nfsew;

- Atra. B verc ti-W cbb-^nrnR c-g iiciroF - ^ '1 -honor-o^-n pori)>;glven'by-her mother, - - ’ -M nrto lp lT -B ea iirn rho rln jm rW cdn ts '-- - r —

day afternoon. Refreshments were acr\-- ‘ No._cd .by .tluU i68teaiJiiicJo-tht.afterii(Jon.. 2 i___

Tlie honorec waa Uie recmlent of a hupi», a.s«' 'iK r of d iln ^ o n ~ d useful gifts from the

Riiesu among whom were Mrs; corn 390 ■' Vonderpool, Mrs. J . F . Qoodwlll. Mra, 47S -

Stella HughesrMrsrEx-erett Bailey, M o, 470-B Rm s Calico,- Mrs. Harold Hull. Mra.Fred Kopp. Mrs. Albert Harris, Mra. Foy 511Cox. Miss R oberta- WoodhouM, Mrs. 670Frank. W right. M h . T iank Vau E a t o n .--------Mra. Clarcpce Oedow. Mrs, Cleb Calico. 570'

\ and M is, W alter Bean. 73< 1

aro visiting Mr, and Mrs, Locke Kelly. .. Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Stanger and two BOl daughters left Wednesday Xor their

—hom»->ln-LBncoiterrCallfomlar:aIter'A'_ tw 9 .weeks’ .^vlslt _w-lth’ reloUveaJii_antL 1M2

neor Hansen, • lOM"Syrlnga cam p of. Royal Ifelghbore met ' .

_ T \ie sd a r tv e n tn g rn it— WoodmaiTTlBU ™ about as members and three guw ts be-Ing p resen t Mrs. Bffle Watkins. Twin Falls, d istric t deputy, w u present and f j ; l

„ liis truc ted ,ln drill, w ork.ior.the.com lng distric t convention of Royal- Neighbors

-10 be held a t Rupert September 24. By- i , . - rlnga camp drill team U to g lv e 'lh e inlatory work of the order a t Uie eon- vcntlqiu T he cveping lunch w ar served ■ by Mcsdames H attie Ifouchlns. J , R.

._ Biincli_«nd M arv T ^ n k v ______- -B ea n -c u tllB g -ls . progressing steadily « ;;• Jn this region. T he frosty nighta do no t

_ o p p c a r_ to _ h av e .In ju re d .th e crop -aU —though-Uto-vin#s-«Te-turnliif brown‘a« - . i S -

the result of being nlppcttr Some CloverIs being hulled. _______ ■

— ^^lju lle i.o (-thc .arandA m yof U ieR e- jS S ^ public, met .a t the cffiirch Tues3ay aN

" l i e s s .R T u n c h 'w a s - l e i ^ l i f ^-tn ido-H U es and M rs,-Uulae K oinedr.---------r -

B : « r Frahm . oldest, son nf M r «n.< ____Mrs. J .'W . FraKmTarrived home Tues*

u d v to spend about t w ?lto ' v iM tlbn; ,M em tftffr t u a tftllnr Ih th» Binfc jW h

i ^ o ^ o ^ o r n l a l a l t e t h ^ 5 5 5 5 i - i - ^ _-L^,Tbe_M odenUVoodmto:tield a 'daac«' IM81• • w eanw riiiy Ktfimlng tn th a 3030.

/ W a « h o u B U i8 :^ S

i^H E i- - C T T O . F A T X , < i n C T

T N j i w S y i l . C r i i l s e i L L

T n n C H T C K L 'l S K l t - H m t . 'i tn n r r n n s t n - u n i ic r t h e lin i i ln t i im of- m n m n n 'n t.s ■ u l !sc‘W |io r r N f \v s , V ir jr ln la . E lFzab

lld i i. 'i to n , T e x a s , w a s .siH nisnr.

;br"Aiiolhcr dauci- ttlll be held tiLKl ■ ' lnc.Miay n ig h t,- - • - ' i t pIr.-and Uti*. L . F . Clark. Mndlson. H I* consln. arrived Sniurday,.calle<l by IIL a ncrldeiri of Mr, Clnrk's mother. Mrs. • irgla Clark, 'rH ln Falls,Itinrt Sevem s Is In Noiupa this week ; ndlng the seulons oL the grand 16d-.;(!'>1o.vons which Li being iield therc^Ir, and Mrs. M. ArRoblhson nnd'M r.*;' T h e r

Mrs, J . S. WLicmun a ttended the ■ i j j a t Burley-Thumaiiy, i),

om K endall received a broken flii-To^ Ucci r ii n u i li l l hflTTJ taufcht .1. -----j t r ln g c tio l -a wnalilm; machlnc. ____

ffilm O lE flS

— _ . he Twin Fulls Coum v Jersey h c rii, cted from Mock owned by Koyli-t,idall and Shoiwell of Tw in Fiilb 1 fouLacy of.Diihl,.w on.llr4t placc a.% 4 - Ai.t^i

iiiy herd a t iho Cbkmh County Fiiii'- <iT<ctBuriuy on WMlnfiriny. defontmir - ^■uy herds frnm C».v>ln, Ado nnd - Uo:ildoka counties. 1 nny th e .ihoi4- L5 described as ime'nf hie tcI held In thl« paTt of the slate. O ver; Ih-Iiijhead of Jersey Ciittle were 1111 the Ki'lluiin08-wlth'~i D'’‘lica3—tn ~ tn r UIIU u i l »o —

time. ________ •__________ clmu)r . n o e a r hi-rd-'nlw stfn” f r I i r s t : A U ^

n-cntercct and will bu exhlUiu-d in : Ho Mhone,. Dtilse ond Blackfooi, Also---- ------------------------------------------------- — lltaul

PA tJitfST - -------- ; mend•he famous American palmLM. Prol, |

park.id i-> 'ou r-i«u i^ » rM elit-nnd -fitn irr-:----------ere is no price. Yon pay whal you '■lU^dv . . i

!. JENSENI.US, Carpem er nnd cabl-', maker,' 135 8th ave east, adv j


hibllc nollcFis'hereby ' given tlia i" the record X Collector of the Counly of 'I'wln Falls, Slii *Ksed for the year 1835 were nelln(|ucnt 01 ^-liai^uMd. tlm t-detlnqiinicv »ntr4i^aw.iniiiii- y, 10;!«.,.on,.rcal properiyjtU ualw i.ln »ald..Cou

No. --------- Ntime- ,, ' ------- •-----------W..T. SciUci-______ S E .S O Jec l_ _ _ _«• ■■ n M ----- -----------

I • • Cora C. Richey .......................i ‘ E, A. Belleville . — -r .:. l-B - Carrie B. Real .....................

1 J, W. C. D ea k c .......................I___ ^ Arthur. C reasey.........................

OcorKC M. Terree ..............I _ . . ' ,W „D , U ^ i te n c e ..................... . . _I t f . y tVm-1.111 gcl^nl.. ------------

I _ a . W. T n r r ....... . . .. - ............

>3 Jo h n C, Savage ■ .. ..A---------Ch~ rirs~ Laraen .,--------- ^ ------—

004- — Port»r-A; Simmons . !. -------

12 — T om 'K oto ...........................•rJ7 E. Herbst .........104- -P ran k B lniskew ick ............. ...H ---------P. iT B u h h .....

s w a i ' r - f a t of NB fi W . H attie Hsndrlck*', .J8 E. P. Knojw ............. ............. — -

3o' June B. Van Ausdclu

M ' ' W, Zenos S m rtii': ',........... ^)S ~ — n e lc i r p r B a i ie y : ;— r-rr-^-:^--------IQ '. Bertie P . Lee - - -

. N W S :

•• Robert Shonkcr-,...-.......... .—ro. P au lck OanavBD.....................)3_ _ ■

: : . r r f r : i r p . - io - g - R - » 7 B -B , M., lytng— ^ ■ South of O .S ,L .R ,R .exccp tT ftx .

■ ' No T M r io ^ i in c r f lH ir T iixiH g r r i :

Bock-Creek Brtdge^.^ ;;!;:-..;;--B lC K E t ADDITI'

101--------P.-fl;.-A.'Blckd-.v..-— ------------ ;------U . - . -O. A.' Perr& i*'.................... .... ••,. ,*0------->0-U -M uikcii-«ti^^v.ji-S-— ____

T.Y.NBW S. n V I N ’J A L E S ,


' 118M

' 22RI

. nnr.4

is tn ic l e t l l»y th '! I 'n i t c i l S t a t e s -ijjjg 'i i js iiK n 'o n io n t, ivns l a u n c h e d . ^ p j rziib i'lli IFo lconjlie ( iT i i l i 'r ) i'll" ''

__ V 3«5


----- ------- '37C3r h e n A L I ^ B R A N B r o u B h tR u - -sow

l ie f il l 2 . M o n th s — D o c to r -“® " K cc o m n ie n d cd I t ’

Constipation is dreaded no l only or ils own tnflidlou* Mif, Imt bo- ausL* of the many serious conditioiw X ind disoases U causcs, Mr. Lin<l L-tts-a-sugercrT-i-tut.-rcuU-iiow-ho— ouml'rcircf.‘“ " I .’Tvr Uw p u t 10 K in I hk>« lulTtml *^ 8

lom rllrl. Al tirnr* 1 h itr Urn un*lil»

’Two nion!h»«ronixBrocfrMlleJtn» n>tl<«i to KflloBi'i ALI^llltAS. I t^riii .■Vine It nnUrly. Immtaiicrir lh« i»lii 378B' nd >niIorin« from th* plln »a< rrijtvrJ. 3789

fouhO th»t ll r«|Olrca v.-rr llllla . nvnn it.tyllltAK la (Irc tiat<jr« « fair ctiarro li> 'IT<ct a curt."—Waltu J . UNO, ](. li. Uos 3:,-Appl«loa. WU.

Don’t, iiffglcct constipation. A t , 2708 my timo Its.poisons nmy ta k e te r r l - 382S lie loil from yuutriieiiUh and vrcll- leliii;. I’r iite c t yo iirn e lf, E u t 2S;7 U'lluKg'H ALL-BRAN fcKtilnrly— . tt'*—uibtiiiijKwnfutir^BUyf=5>f—lu - • lumuii^XeUj^s^^wltli—4ivflry-. iU8Uil^— oQ5l— VLI/-BRAN b rln in sure, j in f i i ro i~ ^ J |_ _ |.]||.f It jl ti u t yood. i t swx-ep.1 tho In testine cleanind.aLlmulaLmjiprm nl action.____ .'Heady?lo-cat'\vilU-milk o r crcuni. . VIso'try tlio rccipes on thu packuKc.Ills ullJL Kuarttiiltic d.—DoclocJU cco nend-it'becnusc’ I l ' Is 1007I r b r i i i i .~ r 7^ r ilirdS- L yT cllo^g in U attlu Creeic. ’ >'° ” ' HTVod-hi hotols, restaurant;*, und

|V * ^ L L . B R A N ;3 io2

' 1^ SALE ______^

fconis of the Comity Treasurer nnd ' 3228 , S late of Idaho, .show th a t taxes .3229 m on the foiiiih Monday of D ecesi- 3235 itiiilc fill Illf wro'>idAtonday'»of \>imu» j • ..County as f o l l o w s : . ............

l i i Block * Am ount i - •------- 1.7----------------3 -------

B 34 . ,.G 02i3 ;B 37 33't-81

10 , . ■■ . <3" ■ . ,120.72 ;3572

IC 43 ' 1211.45 •3 4B 30.30 3&80

■'T- . .In ■ ■■ V io4;o4

• 13 . . 55 43.70 ' 3805 — __ ______ • - 1P2.40 ! ,

30 70 '124.77 'MC917 3873n ' *;4 238.32

T7T-re------- T— B T — « 9 ,4 a " « 8 5 -* • 89 - ■ 77J 2

_ ,8 89_______ _ 143.|_j^4t00_

10 89 .«83811 03 83.73 4236

30 . . 101 ' * ' 29.67 «1822 - -104 ----- ---- 2 7 .6 0 -^ 1 7 -

■ 30 •■■ ■ 104 . ■ 20.579 107 15.46-5 108 - 134,31 4333

■ ll '. . 8 . - : ......— : <38j;i 120. , 11BJ3 '4381-

29 . ' _ _ '..M l___ _________ J_________________ _

------- 31------ ' ------------- - - - ' 442033, 129, 133.90 « «

39 133 08.44* -------— llOM

ff 134 46A6 --------- < IfiO' - -:7T—: ------- a ......... .. '. 150'" ■- ■■.r ; - 11.47: 7 ^■ . fl. . 1S9. B33

> m o N • . . ' r '

' ir-• 'IU u - ^ - T

^SyjPAHO. FRIDAY. MOR^. . 'b it i ! iA K E .s'A D nif i(

i--------- E h ie s l - ix x t r r - r -- 3 1

I -W llllrtm t . S an rer • " lo----------------------------------- ------------- - 11

125 W. W, PitrWi ....... 1«

\ ...------------:--------------------------- --------- -------r n ull E.-M «!L-.rr — - - «fI '" - - Gall E. Mus.-cr- • 4i

■Tz \y m ff ln im y n i» — - -434<

- ............................... ' 4!«-L'.^-_-BUth:W=AurtTll

■ . _________ ■ ■ ■ ’ • ii ' • Olof Nebnn .............................. • <• 1 :-TT-------- -------------------------------------- 41

W Pwens • __ \ _____ ' ' - 21

' . \ - 2'

. ' i t t .r i : r,.\Kt;.s , \ n r » i f i 6 sISO 'M rs, Jrnnii' »ilHii"i-r

Jl ,). D- Pence ’. 1

------- -- t.tiriirL-i7S---»!t!7ri10 • C. A, Todd ^1.12 J. T. nnd LoiiKi ,\f,)iM. 1 )r.4 Helen M. UmiMinn .................. - |i

, i:,»sT i!.v w n A tiniTTi59 w ; W. Parker irs w . u , Ho-m— . . . - 3

i:t,.M IVUIK ADf)ITI(15 ' J.- n . ouou13 U. C. LcRovy . . . 2

-----------------------------VIVK PO IN T-A nD ITIro - ■ C.D. Oallciitlito . ....... ...™ _

Tfl ■ -Howard R. Stnithprs ...............

’ . ‘ c o M i r v i t t iL K A n n n02 Lucrllla Qllberl ......................... iIKI- — J , S. B o ren— ..........................22 . Wliite and Calln iiau ............................... :33 White and Callnlun- . I

V • • - 1-=— ' ----------------------------------------- :—

_____ - 1

' ■ . 135 Wlilte and Callflhiin ......... ...... ;

r^-. : r-o38 White and Criibhan ................ -i

__________________Ml^KTAl'filf.S SKCOND AlB5. . Elisabeth'F , MurtauKh .. I to 12 In,07 Elisabeth P. Murtantfh ' “1 to 18 In 8B ElUnbeth P. MnrtauKh . I t o 12 In 89 Elluibeth P. MuriniiKh .. .13 to 18 In DO Elizabeth F. Murtaugh -------i to 12 In

MIllVrAl'CIIS ORCIIARn A08 G. S. Price'i2C Twin Pali-H Bank and Trii-<i Com-

Company . ..................... ' I27 M. M. MurtaiiKli... : . . . 1

----------------------------------— x * n r ? p t p n r r T fTlai ___ TtAnftH)l-I..-»^d»n . . . . I _ r-T-

i40______ Nlblcy .Cli.iiincl Lumber Com­pany ............ ................... 1

43---- -Amflinlii J ll i lm-11 - ----------------- 1


----------- *--------------------- H iiT r.nti.in s i ’n o m ti7B’; tJnknowii-i() feet betwgen_2^ o______________ a .-R ..S u b .- be tw een . Lot. ,21

Block I ntid-Rock Creek Bridge -

TERRACE PAItK PL. 02 Arthur Crca.vy ......... v .............

— ^----------------------------- i vo o u s ' s' f m m 'i s i!2J____ _Guy M. Woods _ ,,128 Guy M. Woods ........................!29 ' Nichol Carsriid ..........................:35 Nichol Carsnid ..........................................

' ‘ -1 ' T m o o r m a n -s . k i u s t . a d130!- —r-C harlf-s U rs e n ...........................

NORTHVIEW ADDITidSI_____P'.IJ.IOrournalu.rar^-^— ----------!

' * SNYDER TRACT172 • . 0 . M.--Aciiff . ........ ' '

TW IN FALLS IlE IG ItT 'f80 S. L, Eller . .. ..................... 88 and

................................................""BUIIL TO ^V iraiTl105 Mrs. Addle Miller, e t a l ...........

CO C harleiiX 'B cniie lt........... - ..... i173 Fred Reed ....

I185--------- c ioyd -conw m tio tf ',:.................. ..............[94 Sterling Dairy ProducU Com-— p a n r- “v-';....100 . -K ate S t o t t .............. ;--------------------- --[QQ------ ^ o l in -P , Melhven-.T,.:...r7.,--r-....:...

138 Horry Metcoll no Bert SchwnrtJ »7— - Peler Shark ,

» 3 O. 0 . Brooks ,W i ;D - - - 0 , M. Hardin* --------- i;'.:;-...To3{-NoaW l-E Je&s Eastman....... ........ ............Tax No. 3

, ______ l^ B T M A trs rH P D IT l120 E. ir . Tomllnabn ._.v................ .. • - 'I32” :- E.‘M .'fo m llo so n ............ ...........

~ ' ~ i ; ' " _______ rE D E R A L .P A R K JlE lllO M -r------ WrA.-OrBy-„.,.....mm.,LoU-4l-to-6»-lr

- ' I t o M J r ____ ••■' • _______________ M l to

iw ^ w . A, o i^y .7.:...--.----;,..;.::...17 to S t l r

K = = W P p n i = F S S ^ ^ f i

----- ------------------------ --------------- r - l - to .3 l . I r- U e .

m M arySeheoler--------------1.— •

lWV i:B TO Ifa_8E C O N D ^W l,-------Photbe.FuU ehw feder^ ...--,'-:...-_ ,::.^

R N IN ^ SEPj£MBER 13, ]ITION • .- I- '


1 - - ■ ■■ 117:M -^ ^ > • ——30----------------- ------------ --- ' '“ 31 1 ••‘ S3,Cl <’77 .

1?12 2 ' ■ 4f)7,40 ‘‘“ 4 -

. i . . .

' ■'________ . . :4mio-"..34 ^ ..-3 ...

-j '■ -4J~----------------- ---------------- :_~W 43.C—;

' i----4B------ ----------7---------------- 3TC1":------------

- ^ ■ ........... ............ 4972 ___;t) ■ ■ ■

-••3 0 — -:---------- ------------------------------------------31 .. C -..aa-:” J.I08

io N _ w rs T ________;. .1

........ ' — <^i>-MG34d

' 0 n 7.ii,N H r.'.i

_ i < i ___________n ____________t7i_5ca2

UTTOS , , .III . 3 38,78211 ' 3 45.00 • , . •

: - - — rr.72i—iITION '5123

I • '3 0 2 J7 '

>ITIO;>’— -■ ---------- - = : ^ — ------------- -------------

~ 8 ~ r r BM3^500(r1 . ’ 2 • 38.08,

m iT IO N . 16” ’II ■ - 8 0.871 7 18.30,

22 7 5.B01 : 1 ----------------------------—..................14 .

~ . l b - -— ------------------- UtW-----1C . C062 ■17

' IB . 8 34.U220

— -21 “T— ( J - ------------- , j :4 7 - - - —24 B . 5.9U 60C4

D ADDITION___________ .2 1 'nc, ^ 9 _ 41 .13 _______,8 Inc, ~ -10 Cl'Oy-6007- 2 Inc. iO 'j '41.13 .8 Inc. 10 ': 20,(M ,2 I n c . . ..............- n ----------- -— 4 1 ,13 ----------

ID ADDITION ”0 , . 0 - . 7.M ■

.. . ' .0120■ IS ''’.. . . . 8'-i U.Oir

14^ ■■' n 'i n."o

M - I • ' 39.45 j 6192

10 . ' 2 S' OS 0103 •— 12 ■ ' - 3 ..............— 8.73 [-----------

>D1TI0N i7l04' ' . . I . \ ---------- 3-:— — 58.46':

~ ~ ~ ; - - j i iw i - A - 1W.38

; r M C E . , 3. ,

1 - ■ |«3M>

. ,. 7 , . 2, . • 25:48;

e rs io T r-^ -------------------------------------;-----------2 ' 1 ’ 38J3 >5 1 38.84.0 ' 1 41.671

■ ■ .12___________ 1 ___________i® ° l l i 3 5 3 _.ADDITION*............... - .........;_____________

~ I S

,M J B J O j S

■ 'S■ I ■ J7.18j““ "

n r s FIR.ST . j7j'32»nd 89 200,07

SITF. ; ........... ■7 ' - 7270

8 • 51 138.31 7277

- 3 . ................. 57 ■ - ,• • . '39^ 3 7 3 3 0 ~ ^ 7504

8 - -.............57 122J5 7881 -----17-........— ; 0S_------------ 283,93-8217-----

- - 4 ................ 1 0 1 - ............... 141.09 8810—-------fl- ..........-101 - - - 94.48

" H ? —3 112 • 17.68 0. 124 4 0 80 0

' 7 ' ' ' ' " 927'86 124 244.34 9340

13 • 125 38J)lN o a a » -: ■ 65M 03flgNo. 339 . , , 07M 11020


13 13 - : 40A7

iiE iG ir r a 07«iO-lno.----------------- B--------- ' -----— 1 -8 7 4 5 =14 Jnc, . 3 * 0773I to 47 3: - ^ - J t . ; i - A i i , a n _______ , i n 9 W ~

u Ib^ '

. 1 4 . _ - 4- ' 7 8 il

B ^ D I T I Q N _______ ___________le g ii___------------------------- . i ,

' . ■>- : ..............'- — ■ . '

[ , 1 9 2 9 . - 1 / ' - ^ - -

— — ! ^ n L P .R - W £ M < lR ~ '

irZ w .-p ^D o g o w iu s 'ii- .', /„ '------------------- -----------— ■ - 1)

Nibley Channel Lumber Com-- M n y .............. ......................._.„l to 3 7no,-

- W. T.-Higginbotham, et ., 39 ,Arlhtti..CrcaPcy ' — - ' 3

4. . . . '5

Jolm Padnott ........................... 17

-------Lmib A.-amnt l ’.v ...' .'.."'. . ' ,:— .---------- n r\ H. p . HttmnimiuiM. 30-3_L.lL-K_Jlamm««tuU«----------- .................. sa-

10H. E; liammcriiuL.t ___ -..-'....J , ,. . ._ 3 J

• . J .- lL 9110 ' ~

' II, E. M n w r . T.I-. of 4 -------- ------------ -- ---------------------------- ■ .5.

I•__H. S, .P laner , : •„ • 4

____ H._E, M u^er • •',• . '' 1

.MUNYON’S ADDITIOIL. R, Kiilfoni' i ; ______ ________ 43

--------------- ' ----- KIMI)t:iit,-Y TOU’NftIT.Vlliimc of Klinlk'rly . . • 7N. W. .Sftcarliwlon nH annah II. IJIIU ' 7

_____ F, MfOoiUule ' ____ _p___ .W r ir T u n ierTR a i~ ~ ~ ' __ i'

AUTE.SIAN r iT V ” ---------- ■ 5I'B t'« lJA N TRACT NO

• T r n i i ''l lm i r i r l i - f j t i i ~ r• S ' i H

M»nJlonro_ih,_E<lnt(.'............. ............ H

■ .SUIHIItlUNTUACT N(1 R- J- Dny Lor.-i 1 to 10 Inc. It. J. Day . . ............. Vi

MILNER TOWNKIT—— Clarii II. Rlchard.-rfin — 3!j-of-Uioclr34

77;---- 7-----— STANahU lir .S A D D IT IMiirVfl Stansbiiry. e t nt ......... . 2

ilOLLLSTER TOWNSllA. F . C ra v e n .................... 30Twin Falls North Side Invest­

ment Company All of Blocks

ROGERRON T O W N sr-------- ..LoU Irto i - \m

-Jilbiey.C ivam iM -Lum ber Com--------- -. i 'a n y .............................Lots 9 lo 16 Inc

Lots 1 to 10 Inc ' ____________ LoisXitLSOJnc

' ■ ............... - ■— 1John M a clU e ..................Lois 1 lo 8 Inc

-A John MacRae .................. ......... 1JJ ------nnmliifk Inrllniia___________________ :

Bank of Ronerson ____ Eajit 25 feet ]East 25 feet :

.................Easl 25 fe e t:------------------------- ---------------------East 25 f e e f

Twin FalU Bank anil Trust Company ................................... ;

W. M. H ines ' ...................... .........S 's IAll- 11

CASTLEFORD TOWNS Pergiiw ii— Fruit— and— Loml

FcrRUtoii Fru it and L and ' C om iw ny....................-Lots 3 lo 10 Inc

• Ca.'-.tleford Investment Com- ^ pany ______ 1

_____ Ferguson Fruit onil Land_ _ — -Com pany............... :, Lota 13 to fo Inc

9-C Perguson F ru it ond - Land '.............. c qmpuiry ...^ ......................t t ::----------r

l-A Foi^usooAajnfll. a n d ' Land • ■>-Company , . .•................. ...... i

D an Murphy .... ................ SW ’iA :8EDuhl.Holding Company....... SW fi'N E

SB!i NW.......... . . . MB'; SW

---------------------------------- , , BWr. BWSE 't SW


NW>i SE;______BubUIoldlnB-Conwany-i,____ _— NE_........... • _ NW

' E’i-S fi----- l-M -J-ojul-E_M _Sw eclcv--------- NW

Chnrles-Duvaii :.B ',iN »i8E ‘JNE_____ O .JL Harre l ............ ..E 30 A BWU SW

• _ -Emcsl~E. G reen ......................dBfTSE-,H. M. K ln tcr .....;......... ,.....E‘i NW

i Peter Shark .................... ........... Lot :Emil Maag ...............................NEfi NE

' N E ii NW >..ExW 7>i Eva M, Saiiger and Wm. L.

Groham ..............................S ’i N’j NE_____ - N .7 'iA S > iN E

~ ■ E 'i NE‘. N E 'i NEjlachel H obson.............. . NWU SEEd. ond WlU Hobson .......’.. SWU BE

r==I>r^BT»BMrk*y-m™-------- :-------8 W,t,-S«tI Buhl Stoic B o n k ............. - -BE1 Charles H arm on „ .................... • Lot

Ray ond'A . B. P o n d .............. E 'i SE------- HrC.-Van-Ausdelo-------- --------------------

N E ii SW !i InRockCI ....... .F a i 'w .- 8heesl6y-.--v.,'...„:..-..- - N P r g w

E>^ SB 'iSW K N, U le i '.T Z r^Jllilnc tzK nC -fc lftrJn lgn tlon

D l j t r lc f ..........;......... ................ N'.i NENEU NW

...... ....................SWU NW----------- W U BW

I ilenry L u t i .............-'.T.!..........V LotSalmon River Conol Compony,

I Francis Humphrie# SW « SWfl ' C . J t J m l t h ................______ RF'.i-NWr 1..- H ermon G riff ond Thomos 8.------- ^ H a y e s ----------------— 10-Ar-E,-RM«rv(

. -10A.E.Rescrvi ■ - In BWU NE

• H. T . W est ........................... .S E f; NE'-------- .................................................. :."::"'E irflE

. E. L, ’Armstrong .....SGU. NE_________• . • . . . EH SE

- Helni of W ayne O. Hosklns t o J ^ J .a n d

liiom M H oeklna ';n :naa ..~ ----------Lot................................... .. • * • 8W K NW

__________ »' ‘ NW ^ SWAmy d . Fream an d M n. E. R

----------- Jo rdajw -_____ _____________ K !4 J K: .• . W « '8 l6

i . l& w tR t L. w ert4)fe tJtl» ;'rr>

■' ' ...

/j-"; o' ■ u r " 7 T ^

no,- ..• : i i - '• ~

' 4 ’ ^•5 ■ .13 ‘ ■33.85 ; *

7--------------- IS— — — SMS— ^n __________ 13 laaM ■

-30-------------sa ------- - - - 1 4 --------------- aoj a ........10, . 15 . J I J W . . . .

_ _ :z z 3 i— — —3 . . •. :____4 r , 22 . •■ 14J2 '

f 4.............

7---------- . 1 1 ..............• 4 .20 37.70 •

2- . - . . --------80. ;-------- . - - 7 0 3 3 - “

*ION , ' . . •4 S 4 J L 1 . . ..

f tlT r-----------------T- * -----------------------7 1 2 .- 3l'i3

^7 •' 2a ,- w . i i - .— _

_-C________ 29__________ 45.73_____1.1

I ii I ■ — ■■ '■—

V rNO. I — ------

'!• H 29.15.11. ____ UM_____

NO. 4 _ _ _ _ _Inc. . . Kf.C3 , •

12 . , 2 i tKITK - " .it-34 ~ ---------- ’ : B:ira---------:

i m o v --------- ' : / r r r2 5 3.lfl

WITK ,,20 7B M.BS--

•: 3334 . . * ,

JSITE_________ ;________Inc. • - 1 ---------------- -303 -------

Inc. 1 •Inc. - 3 •

1- - -4 — - • T4.75'Inc. s 23.91

1 i r -

~ 3 - ! i r n i i ' x i r . . ......—•et 1 ;et 2 set 3

--------- j2 --------------- „Q 7 5 --------

1 ' - •2 21 37.44 ,

Is 0 22l - l t r - 22 • 456


Thli, - . ■ ■— i r a r ^

Inc. ' ,15 ' 15M _

“ ‘n T T ” "

~lhc.-' ' -~ ^—2 t--------------- Iti-------------------338-------

— n - -----------— ■-

_• 10------- "G-------- ---------3.17— -Sec, Twp. Rng.

:SE>i 20. 9- 12 -, 37.20N E '. .13 9 13 '

NW’i - SW 'iBwi^— :________________________a w 'iBE-; • - - -S E '. ........................SE'.i 13 0 13 M6.70

NW'.iB fi'i 34 0 1 3 ' ' —

N W 'i «____ 0 14 M*-?*[WE'5 ■ - I t r ----- 0----- 14 2 5 O T - .

N W 'l r - 1 0 - ' 9 - IB 137.77------- ;-ot 1 30 9 IS 263.40N E 'i ----------

7fi A. '-34 0 15 ' -11334

N E 'i • - J------...LN E 'i - " _ . .N E 'i 30. 10 13 07 i0 -S E '. 13 10 14- 47.448 E !u 13 10'^ 14 117.72

-BEii ^10 10 14 V M M i =— Lot 3 7 10 15 \ 100.89 SEU f> 10 16 \J38 .78

c k Cr. 7 ' - 1 0 ~ ' l 7 3,48 ■

«leraf 24 1 0 1 8 - .137J7

'N E!i ■ ........NW,'iN w ;BWU 3 B “ 10;— 20------«3,*8 —l i t 4: , ~5— I f 11~ •■'1fl,74“ ,“"

SW 'i 13 11 . 10 6.Ms w i i '1 6 ~ i r ^ a

*rvolr- - - — — .....'—NEt; 33 -11 10. ' 8.40 -NE!i J 2 0 .....11 -.18 ; 13.il

l a E i r r r 2 0 T - i i n r w r r - i 8aa » —.NE>;-, ■■ -------r

s s u . ._ .a 3 i i '~ ~ i 8 .' i»7 J»

w w tt—V -8 - - I t r r T - i a r ^ W M T r i a a Lot_4— - .■■■

OTtS ■...... -

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Page 12: 4 A. M . EdiUon. : SMK- W Hnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · 4 A. M . EdiUon. : SMK-N O "m ~" "1HI0HI1HMIESH—flltflr.li t 11 I I fti ' lT?ltr ilf l l iw i i^raeiiMiiETg

----------------------------------------- r ------------------------•'

i B i n i i F g

• - -tn -15 Priints l.WV{i; ■_

~ ~MARKETS_^ A "B m C E " v

— — >ICT.- Ynpy o^llTroclxinote {— '- - thnn M sI'fT f»''V II**’.

Fotrlsn rtchsligr'l'lin* !•••"• •IWl'Uy. ■ ‘ ................ !-■■■

Colton unultifrii Mlllne.

'■ ■ '^1vh^^^“ mrtrty;'lmptovtlI Piiwtl

'"corn; K*»y;___ -Portj. . _____________ _

CotelFPttlyhrr.- " 'IloijiilnfBUlCT.— - j ;

_____ ! J__Ity A.*J,liilil.ll. . . . I

.........lidn . tcnnvrsnil

W«»"ii'»ucn"v1uiuc (lie imal irmiiliftlnm »H«I» cr^»«ril Uic S.UIXI.- I ^

Tlir lirnvliifM of tUr uiM>:rl »M BnnT»l- ly mirlDiilMj IO ili<- tiiicrrl»milr« ut tlif-nfwiil Wiill.air«rilittV admlulBlniUim r i f _■clr< lit WMliUiKKiii rtiiunl Ilir miiKl In- rrptsr 111 Drolrni- 1ubii« ilurllii! thr liuil mv- (•ml ui'fli" “ llil rt ,1 Anlifplily inrrllm: nf lUf Nrw York IVdi-rnl ^ Ilr.rrtT liaiik till' iidrriioon rau<r<l run-

____ f.ld«*blc.lifrv‘’'i"'''»’' ■' -Altrd Iiml Ilir /rtll»coutil tnlf «oilId -Kftln

•• 1K1 Jnciw rrt.------ -- • -----------------------------______vvu»c.uic.lttn;e-jumiuut nf iinr lm aL-,, Aii

mriii. irtiit flnnnclnit. Iiirluaiiii that Ol Ari "■ ' uiiio' RidKO'enrijnration, atirtni ih» l« t ah

vcfK llS<i lU'brd hnpn, uf kliy lIltMUn- |ullui rtMlliie. iliriHti* llir lirnty lli|UUIutloil n , tilt llip innflK'l iliitlnK ''innUi''

'IlirtV)^?’'’' 'n i r lii’"tri.Jc^)?.|7^^ wo. Cnctrtuliily n blow. , ' Cj»

■' AH'Crl l .f 'j (ilniimyA lf*\Bloomir Bipfcuuu-Uui liwn £.*

nlloii»t»M the <ll-.cli»urr thal Nrwli«iik". whkh hKil l>i»ii Io».«l ii. liicrviuv ^thrlr fptlrt*! m f r f r IxirroMlUlB lo I'lU- Ih" J:j;

»n!l ■\nd57wu«ir'£??r O n '-tnnrkrl, liMliiB llictMtnl ihr Ionii« for

llip-rrxrrn-fnnilltlon »l(ilrmp't5ti»-»li«w- pU Utul Ivoltlmti of firrrptitni-n-M'iRht »>- -f>, thr oDrii iiittrkrl hail l)rcn lucrrMrtl almtil p , HO.OUO.ODO .10 a 1-itui niuhiiy lofsrr ui»n n t

__ ^ I m l tor tliPnlhiMtl «CtintIP«, IinwrTrr.-^rcmorr-tti«n I y.r

ullncl hy H lln-lllir •<( nlKXil t74.IXXI.IXXI In: }.■) ^ rr<ll>^niiiilnK, anU thr ir-.ritc nillo Un* o,

iimvM >li|ihtl]r. ' V ■' CIi___ TUe nliiiK of KnulnilO lUiilit mnilr Jitf ul

rlialigr In II* ilUcOuitl ralr. ulld thU In- q , fliiciifnl n hrlcf biilll-li ilrinuinlrallon dur- ai liiK llic iiiornliiv. Aiimul f«|iprr Mati»lle« urrr not nllOKclbrr iilrai>lii|!. Iir.wevrr. .= •liowliiR tiiul wltlle iircKlucuon wm cur* _ tailed, ituclu liicirMPil a Illiir. I ;

N<i Kurport «0f Uartrr*Uick of mippoft for »ucU IMUera u

United HUle* Mieri wm i>ivikii1atly tiu- L coiirnBln«- Uietl cctnnigit >old eft abom.T

TWIN FALLS MARKETS ^No cliaiiK^ sppeort'd on ili« lofal markrt JJ‘

u lo »8.10 on bi-sii* anil (ur ibr jwlato w inralkfl itMn.1 of ilTO fur luial* aiiil IT for —.

_____r<»«ri* wrte aiinoutiepd. Wheat rrmaliicd aat il.oJ lof'dickiuw umi w c c n » f«r-fHr--

S ^ ' i . ' s l k r fprteefr-W h«*e»U lndeil»f»lor»b»it ". Ji

a * » : i " s v r r K « * ‘i 3 • u;tkDsld so t b* MMjiWd u nnKUa« « • M tiM U i At UUltr b U ^ arlcM. ' '

. r i id M r rn ia e m 'Iu ^ UlL ^ r *** m

Heavy bu icliem .-........ - ...... :-------- ,IIOJO „

Rtetn MBB to tlO.M |J v*4l C41W------------------------WJO c

_^ ^ ^ bH|t ^Llilsl b#n*.'under 4\k lb»a ih Oi

- ......" ' - : - g 11" ■ ^ S?^li» S ru g ? in ir V V £ r------------------iw 71

L ift T n n * n _ ”TOUDI Tdiu —.............. W

. No. I b«Df — I -------- ■ - ,■ • , , . , ^ B. --z=is ■

- npTipr?ai ; 'U iiiT '.-...—.11—____ ■ - w 7---------m itirn ac so u r ..... ................- - ..*— 4l«

. EkUu Hocal I.IWPI ........ ................. -..2M •

. . . ... ia fa r-W M im ti * ^--------- i S - : ------------------------------------- — u b ? -

•Uii'^l MorlluTii 2 1 ^ '.....M Wn-10 ^

Seed ■ ®ItixI’c l i^ f^ . . . ............ ........-.............

— - - - ro iitow ...............

, . R r u - . :-... --,::::±...'::::r.:.r::«^ .

_ . DlkJl. MO. ll). lO U---------- -— ......■=HW>ck laod. 100 ^b. low ----- -------------II J i 1

------- r-Htoclr-lt»fl.-6<» ll>, low. .-----------------'I_____ Ulcklow, Ho J .ir.urtlrr •

J-tidWBlloii. Ho. 2 ur beU cr._^--------- 99C

---------- _ ^ K t u a M t m ^ ......... ........ .— „. ,'ifiiiiin i iiitf; ...............

’ w<w pouiopii. s iwuntii _t.___.—.....^ I■ “ ('nUhain . I .' ................. I *

■ . ------ to I


t w in FALLS d a :

.— _ ^ - o u - v o i J - i s - s a r -A - ,• ^WLTKlJttiej=IA.lR_D9f

- : N EW Y(

. .____________ Oloalng Bl'

Al Clirm A: n>c J2n ' , .A11N Clisl M(K ril‘. ’ll!iml’.!"rM!'.t Am * \ o r I'oncr — 18IH. ' ilim t »uriii Uv KAm lx» > - I2i llnpi. M-li.r f-r

-Atn-auieiu*. iic i.,— r.ii* .,iim i'V <Ain Trl & T r l ' , li» <<i'>rnl‘AiirTon.------------------ iw ‘r-iin-Hiirw-v-co. —

_______ IJil .UllL_KlCK .Armour Del pf n ' i ; Int Trl Ar TrlAicniwn T A ft - m : Kninrroit Haldwllt U eo pf i n , KoMrf HadU. narnKlall A . 37 ; Krafl I'brii Clirr.rnnlilelietn 8lrel . IM i Krr>i:r (H8» Co Durroush)! Adil M.irh 73 ' Ijunlirtt Cci CnlHorola I'ark n ' i ' l.luu A Ml'rr. Tol.

8 S * « r r r ..J W i S S - —CaM .TJir>«li -w*rl» « .1 - -MmmrX’nnpri---Crrni <1e rnaro 1*0t:br.al>r«Ui- Ai Olilo' V«l . ' MI.-.«iiti I'arKlr nil Cltlc Mil SI P Ar I’.c Vf O ’i : Ml-oiirl I^rl Mr pr Chic ru 1- ft 1-.C

Cont rrtxltieu . U5 s ‘w‘'v"tk CrnlinlrSudahT-l'aefc---------"Divltoir Cbrmtr>l - U - . .Nurdt Auu'dran LVrDrlaware^at llitd . Jl« N"'""'';'* '■“‘ i'l':nrtll! me • IK Mol.irDtil<uiil Ur Hem : i l ‘j l‘‘i" Amrfi.mi

ir .r i i> m r — --------------w ; i-mirn-firr-Hii.*I t.1rl»clnilallli H' 1!"',',"“''* !"? '(Inirriil Aaplt«ll r,|i. lUillii l.OtH i>T Am

Cifitriiil Hrc -V.U', , llriimul, Tob»rn. IUritrral J'ot>d l‘n>tl f.ui 1 ;U l.»iii|.i Jmi KraiiQwirriil M O f - 7» Hclilllle Hrl HU>ir>aUddiii Co . W i.'S enn lloeUtick

S t o c k M a r k e t A v e r a g e s• • I'hrc

-NBW-VOttK.-Bet»I^U-‘'»'" . ‘y‘' 'i>i ..........' JOIllU'l. ll«llil' U ll'" i>,

JS??Low.'lW# . ■ mrTD- lMW 103.10 Snrt ■ _Totai.»LalO-S.0n.31P-«bBrM. _________ 0 „

r ^ t . iUitmnit Kodak, Ucaeral nectrie. ami falNorfolk and Wfalerii. loal from j to fl O point* 'We.ilnKbflii»e tiimblftt aboni I?, biii rr- »I Jdlicnl ll» low 10 a »»■ tbe- clMr. Jolm«- Itf IManrlllo .liMl 7 rolnn. Cominrrclal Sol- INvritla-«',i.. ftlld Allbtirn Aulo IJ. , e j t . ThP inarkri .nj»pnc<l '•-lili a niir»l nlHtrenBib. and pool. hurlMl iil> »nmp of ibe rvoimilp l»tir» m vl6lPitl fa.bl»n a i I Ur lu .n ..,k ri l,T|j..t i.o .gg III a|> etfojl lo .U y ttic, _

lhan N iioliil. Ilpavy tniilinit cletrloprtl In Cal .Uit-olU;-but_flumiJanl.of .Kc*LJeiei;y_Mi-. J», .counlerc<LLe»'IUn|( on Its »liar(> advance m ing y«lrrd™rcI5.-in« off aboul 2 polllti. ' AI- thoiiili !br Uillllira were npnrrally hmv>, CojumPia^Ou-elo«lns near llie lop. 2^

CommwUilf* wptp Irrrinilar. C yn Itxt tw>

on Ix-ttrr fnrrldi il'eiitantl. Cotton fii> II ttire. fUicliialeU widely.'tnu. cj9w<l-a-UU nm

year, M.HI 11 10. and rrcnclt (ninr<i nixl lot H|miil>h pr»fti.i wrrt> nmtcr priiv.iirr. Olb- Irai r r • roiillilrfital.ciirrcnclCB. howevrr. tirro I’.ctBciirniiy-ilim, ...................... -.,. „ , , ‘iJlj

MKT. l.H ‘ . . ■ . I"': Nr.W. VOIIK- f>ei»l 13 .-f.-Ctj|il)fr; Sl.aily;

clnlrulyllr »ix)l aud future I8c.Iron: t>tcadT: tuxiuuiaeii. t ^

‘ ‘'’liid-'p iraiiy; rporNpwYorS id*);I airl/)iil« Mil) to M.7J.. ..' ■ Zinc; Bli-*ily; Bu.t tit . Uvils -pot midt. flltUTP itgQ. ----- I _

Anlimon> J^7J.r — --------- s f u M r -------------------

. iao trrrff p tr c*nr»;rtii»r“ • • • ■ roilJ TiniP loan-: tilemly; Ju tlaya S ', lo !). GO rr:

(<) W ii>;> D>, to four >ii inoiiihs sot- iVme coinmcreial paiw 0 lo 6 'I * W.:

IJanV.eri- acrcptancei: Uiicltanard., ilfl. “ <;fni;>tr/.'i»:sT.iiosi)s : n , NEW YOUK. 8ept. li i.V,-Unlled male» iili

- i s i i S0 l.ibrriy fuiirlll 4i«« . i t !>8.22 ahi1 TreMtiry <• « .J4 - ' « .« II03IO (of i Trra^iry 4 '.- 47-M . - ; »I0<.1« «Ji 1 Trrtutirr-a>|f«*47.^ ^ - ....... .•-*•97:18 gu

Ni:\v ¥OIll^ a\u*.' U tli^ 'un f silver IH ---------- do

s ~T rew T on tF g i)r~ ia 'i.r r =TiiV~tfw~niBar n .c iimrU? wti. milet. early loUay and aa no cU

: I< or rrtflii-inB. coiiibmrt w th-*em iuL jix ,tt « h<r;^*^tn--jH jrepTurnninniw n c«j?rarc' to « tlona nml pntei cafnt on wllh tbe Hat a t _

m ia -flayrj-painuT ifrtow .—TTimtlHnt w promoie^ t»y‘* rtj* U

T ot iliowen a&road «hrr« Hie growlnf btetihl: 10 sugar crop «aa aiiftermit from aroiiBtit. ( t r

»^u ! ' t l

)A ILY K EW & jI3glK 7ii£

Y O R K ' - pj j a i n t f ■ - M

• B id _____________ __ ^1 ^ — in._. . ,nj,------------cTl'-, .rlimiioiiYCo I73iy liie

1;;1 H3'j Souihrrn I’ori'l'L J” ‘*_!l0'

rJl ntanannl Clas As Flrr . IDj’. • mnt J . __ —130;». .auiuLOiLCnl--------- . ;£Jd jec t

,s '-;,|.or . a#lj SleWarU-lVatn BjireU M '. cow

J« Hindrbaker Corp ^ tflJ05»i Truaa Corp « . |IJ.

0 JO Te»a» Oulf Hlllph'ir W . u, J • 13«', Tlmkrn lUill Urarlnii 109 81

Toll II 03 Union Carbide • • ,133 jfj,SB Union Oil of Cal J i i , t„<|

all • ~ S B '; Uiiloir I'aelflP. -.____ :t0_, j i i— . i r a nuijitrr 5u to i

31 UHUlrel . 3TJ JJJiir nun ('U'l Vanadium .iH 'j imlir pr 131'', VlrK Crtn Chrm • U

I2rt Wr.IUli:llOll*r n rP irlr I|W ptry. T-|.^ «JU— ^

itinl J31 '■ t l 'l l l l M.tllKKT •iJl,, iLlIUjl__ivii,____ Hfw-vtwK- -'jy-s,"" }S!f

■ S ' - s,i.k'. -.-IJl. I Kin: Iiilpnl . 271 '----------- ,^,4^+H U -otucorp ui-i’fl__ m {” ".tlir. . r.o>. i itcU Mlniiu: — 17. ir». fkv’ jNiit I'ow & U s pf , IIW ‘“J

.rn"'ll ‘S ’l i m"<iii'I OU o( Ind 50‘‘ ‘y*

k IC3 * Tran*umerlctt ISOij— - ------- a

i.<i!i .vsiiru:.s i>k o ih ’Ck t uI.O;i AMUKI.r-' . «< l'l. 13-1,I’l—l>ro<liirc ex-

cbiinn'- in-pipl- limier 154.100 iKJiinrta; rhrr.1- W.lOO lK),niil.; f«B» 100 CMl-n. B

lliilirr in hulk lu;. . „ ll*—rOTr~CTra<"We;-rir*t'tfpan « c ; mip no, jjSTOcaWf immiiiiiu «au r i niall»TWlri iiM |

* liiillry; lliollrr- I lo H i pouml* 3Jc;0TPr-I!VT'0'ii'''s^"^'“ T«>KtinrJ3crlPlinnrn-frycfa 3'.4 W 3 l>iiuml. 23c; rt»lore<l JUc: ,o , i(Hi>lrni 3 poundi and up 39C1 Irgliorn hena {jq

ovtr ^and tip 33>-. Iiurk*^ Voung-ItcNoId i k . m Oec«c i ie. Tiirkem; .Vomiii—toiua_saci•ilrr>.. d ' 35?r7Ti'n^i;nirpqw ~geT-itnttrp t.|wund» IV, Iiiaaoim ac;.iltcstc<L30c^.. ,f j

« \s ' |-|I.\NI-I.sr0 PIlOnUCE Ca

fal J4c 10 J4*.?. ' * <Onion*: Uri*.|i KJp lo II Itig: Siockton IlohUlnii nrd tllobr.. tl.SJ lo 13; ycllowa 47211 U to 1140 CW1-. Aii'trallaii brownt II.M Ini

I^)Uloe»; Joblilni: <I.K■klon t i l l lo |3iO dri CKI.I poorrr low an t3: WMlilngton Oema til12.40 to I3.0U. *01

I'niiltry; Urolkr^ 3Jr to 37c; hena 30o palu 32c; turkeyi 2Hc lo lit. »lj


CallSrula a . Coloraim M. Irta^ J27MaIlie]39, M lni>CM)ln.P0_l«ns.lsUlia.32_^uU:.^ington « . Wi»rob>in,!^_,________ - .

l-|IIC.\no I'ltODUCK -CIIICAOO-Sept. « 'I« -P 0 U 1 W : AllVf. —fivr rurm. (nia.1« -prlngw I21c 10 IBc: .pilniii Nn, 'J lOc: brollrn I8c; Ci joo.lrni 31c: t nrke)-a 30c to 30c; diicka 16c >ec

nutter: Blrady: ipcelpln 40J7 Itilja. prlcen lanncuauetil------------------ . . . »

Blrod); recelpLi 4WJI cw.m :-prlCM er

lol’il Unlleil au ilr. ;lilpmrn(« TIU car». '«iradlng alow, niarkn Ju-l aboul «leady; leiKCOiwln Ntekid round wliilrt itoriltcrn >rr- 03lion 13.70 lo tJ.OO: iiio-lly around 13.7J: li pentral apction l5 * 4 jo «.0S: Mlnnrvita«aeketl nJiinU w itlln « « u lo «.79; .acked .»aftiriy. ObiO" 12.00.___

i n t i K u n i n r tc^ KKW^JfOnK.^Bqil: 12 t.ri-D nnl fruit "


-------------- a itL ’Atiu

— .g ) rr: lllIlc!tcra■«fO^Ir^^•IO^:;m8l1rr:-pa t* tnr t i1 sow. loe 10 IJc higher; top 110.40; OiilK 17u w

10 230 pouillla IIO to til) 40; packing »ow» 81 U U 10 101 bUUbrrt mrdlum lo eholcc ii So io W ^ u n d . 19 to til) 15; 100 lo 3J0 u poiindf W .» u> 11040: 131) 10 leo pourub ... I n o lo 110.70; . paekinit ,7j’” '

J “ ca'tuc; Itpeelpu N>u0. f»Ufa.3000; mar- 1 keVon-w eU hly al~ .r..3 it-hiB h«i-U atlc _ J .hMpU UlBhW t W early In ntftk: l l j Mid .

- ! ' IIS,Wi‘iieUer» C ^ ' Ob'l ehulca fUO poiinda 0

So«n «I3 10 I13J}; C*>»> sooa aiiU cltolcoF S S S ? .7 > 5 5 3 '^ S ? a ' i 3 ^ '- 3 :> CIWICB 418 10 »lfl; r V f^ r ■ ii> 'jSyL ySSE » f good-anil-enolP*. alHWPtitnl^.^ lp .Bj lo iia? -p

it^hUbvr tb»ii Wedncndayla avense: n td lum Itn tl bMvy'.btiiciten )iP BfiKt n p

a | i ^ k |W Me_ loWer; lop tiofl;!bulk^d^ 1

1.1 Caiilo: necplpu SSOO, caUrt:iO0: laiRely ■

O J ^ - T h A H Q / F R I D A Y ^ a

^ s B 3 9 ^ a B V B a s ^ S i K a ; r :

rW O V sl-M U C W - H E L P - ^ O U t i - Q : ^

T Q Mf>.V/E ti P A D T V ?

^ T S 6 L ?


s . ’,IIH tl

ntodem u-aupptrnntftTrttealpTiirlniniPtTr--------i i a ^ 2 llJJJ;.«CTcfal_load!t good y eltolre ;___jin l ]v r . 'tn Krttt.Wl: liood h»avy f« rK an - = = l | '»a|i-|r>»«m-tti»r^.-"m**'"lnt»rMl »iid (»>> -" ' If gra«>en eligible lo trll around 111 to tl3iO; I MicrtJ loUt cotnatoit Miuihxraunu flM ■

in. l»e,higher; nb«p about aieady;..«irU . . . i ,lop weat^rnt IU.35; oiJiera IIJ.U; few na- ___.liio . »IJ,74; it)0«t,aalca t ia to IIJJO. D]

OSI.tlU LIVJ-.STOCK • T,n^nHA. bept. 'U 1.11-Catlle: Rpcrlpu i l

3:0(). calvn 300; (td aleem and yrarllno jlow. alpafly W_t(iiy; »lie iloek aijrt bull. _ mn»Uy iieitdy: vealu itrongT itoekcr* nnd

Jecdia»_Iully_aieady:_IetLjilccr»_»rul »caf;_____ *miM llU O -to .lllJO ; light.aie«t.-*rsja; icw-r««l.heUcn-ll2J0 to $11.75: bulk beef ciH cowi I7..I0 WM; bulk all enttera U.SO to tualK UJO: medium bull* 17 to t8.3):‘top vnw ; tine i tlJ.JO: itockera and feeder ateera $«.M,drauB to i l l . lupwai

Sheep; Recalpu 15.000; M lo 03 per cent thla ■ fredpr lam ^ a\rady to Uc lilghrr; aheep able l and femlcra ateady; nlntigbtrr range lainhti liiin < ll2i)U.10-113.351 iop-*l3.25;-naiiTrR tllJO 'iiTera to 112.73; red eitpprd lamM tl2.«o; ewe top t mont: tJJU. re«tln« lainta .downward rrom ll3; ni6Wei bulk of e*en teeden a t »4.2i to H.7S; ni>l Iilttbe

lT*«ini o*e< Included.- * ' - | a nuI llaja: HecelpU 7500; ateady to lOe hlBlirr; ■ aha ' tt»i lllkM nn fihaiM >8> nB»,mHlghi«rtniilqr-:a.ttt i ISO to 230 pound w fignuj_t»j» ia iio :^ ned,

j io 2C0 pound bulehrra l050'Ci“ tt.7 ir3® ] 10 M I tiT'TWf'poiintla I t to tOJO: packing rlae b^ iio lly IS.IS to U.2S; aitioolli light m « i Drii


OODKN. Bept. 13 i.Pi-lIor*: IlrfclpU 101;'.K-.dy 10 allglttlv lowor lo|til 8i>od poima butdterTL tlOJJt,^ni«wni^ j

lotXJO. ■CatUr; Ilecelpla 23*. »lo»; part load (air-! '

ly good 077 potlnd «lrrr^ 110; |>art loud nd«-! “J,’‘® wl inpdluin srailr .terrn HJO wllh iwo oul at tt: leveral >itiall Inis and odd brad' tne«llum and gowl »lccr^ 11.50.lo IIO; re* oil: vral ealve* tin downrvnrd. vhsnl

Sheep: necnipla 10C7: Innil llA |ioiiiid undri ewea (5; Ale ynlerday load 7J iwund lamln lannc 111; deck 54 pound feeder lamba 110.40. ket I

------- . . foreeiKAN rRANCIBCO UVKSTOCK mOP?

BAN KBANCISCO. Uept 12 r/11-IIoip; IU- UlKat cclpw 35; t h r « loarta trporied-due .laler; tmlia jolliliiahere^^tt^M tiibUjl^^ look

Catllo: liceclpla 300; -arllve, Cfnetilly Sphei3lc#dy;JiM{_lwi?L«n Oregon aieen Na‘111.6J; *ever«l loa^ BfiS la lOaS'pouita Calli telUn(ornloH 11135 lo IIIJO; mrdlum—trade nctiintlO.M lo 110,75; no good eoai. on offer; few 0“ »rf JO. CalTen: Raeclpt* 30; tteadyf parkagg l Pon»li 1B7 pound vealera llfiiO; writhly ealvci* III, er in —t»lieep;-Beo«lpU-MOi-«loT<i—weakt-good l |* ^

Callfonita ewM I3J0 to UJO.POUTUSD LIVKSTOCK ~ »*rlcei

PORTLAND. Sept. 13 lA*i-Ilogv Receliitr reeor475; inriudins Ilo on,conirnrt>; >iow; kill* OailiiB rlivMrii 25e lover than Inir Wrdneiday. ‘embor 50c under Tutaday-a. rirty talca; all K>p Idrivr.ui;i; beat lightibuialirm IlliO ; bulk •'™ll l J J 10 tllJO ; aOme'»ln.iig wpighu III; «>' *nornr 270 pound butchen lio.Jo; odd head ,,,, ‘ patklne t o n MX); (ew .laii«hter pita*10.75: lit) fepdrra of/ereil rarly; iwo dou* •'ef hie drfk« good 10 choice lUbt liulchera not

C jtllc ;'neeelpu M.'«ulir% 15; market _ »'» (|iioi«blv iieatty; no eariy iradinc to

rail arrival* all (oatal

sw tr tr tiiK m aiaiH T H 52li!iH H iL ,-.: , ^ ---------—J)BI*VKR-l.tVI«lTOCK------------------- W"

frrdcn and fnt ahv atock tlrady lo atrong; . •|N)U-lil«lifp;-oHd-fr»a*-lie)trrT-|*no-|t«Or •— toad 10 t-owa 17 lo M; low cuilrn. 1450 lo TO •1325: fuller* 15.75 to 1025; rew alock. ll.K)

'-S .'; ■ s :veairii!"b?iijriir 'doV n^ —ny'

; fed atriT. 834 pound* 113 24: other 7C to Clr:, OJO |K>und loads 111,50 lo II2 7J; plain 1100 Al<. |K>nnd.| cioM •jeera tO.75. cenil:1 Kofti: (tecelpli 2000; . u . loud* dirret. .I lalrly aciivc: aUadyT tuJOc.bioliar; .ino>lly

alrady; palreme lop *10.00 on few-around OV 200 puiindi: bulk 170 10 240 |ionnd>.tl0.15 haidto 110.50. 250 lu 2«}.pounds tSJO lo 110; 2 ba

t two load. 311 to 3«,pouiinii « ; parkinu M’flu

■ lljl.HTON tVOOI.UOaTuN. U«pi. 13 <-11 - Maniifaettirrra

conllnuc to i-how a dnlro lo iradr oit do- Cll ’me^ld'aiid medium woola bul- th e uradn bard« ■ o r o n V V niodMaie «nanllly^ i **Co

" ported. Price* a'to.fcuomi.-wlih fuioiatlonr - Oj on-citrrmt-cffermw-ahowlnn-a-tiirrngth- i*c i

r Tumif irndcntT." 'Avrnfp nnciireom hltic 'Hv u wool ol 5di are aniling Ul i )if r^nge n[ lo il » Ue 10 o:c ucciired tutsu. Siricily combing )ia chw rltory wool* Brlnd aboul Wc .coured Tit0 IlMln. ^ _ CIO


c ---------------1 —(Coullni icd Fronj'Piii

J . . " g w rin s m ------L w illlu it A^Cluudiii ..S 10 A1 1._____ __________ S i i i ila OBIO Jolm R. Jones ^ P 9 U ._ . I le n iy _ a Scott _ ............. f . 'i owo-------- i ;»t*i(Fp;=3oiiis=piH;;rr ? ^ ■

M7Q n -Vflfltmrti . ' , ...*

U 10067 r ^ r g e . . A:. Decker............: n E‘BTindl: oi Urj

j : ■ ■ •' •'■ ' NE'.i S E 'l Nortli olJs JOlOO-------Mllnci— L o w -L lf t- lr tp i t lo n '—ra D fa tric t------ * .......................5W 'if ' IQIOO- '■ M lln ^ . . Lift. Irrlgnllon - S . ■ • IlfT fffr ' ■ r = = NW^ 1? non- •■•-Mnpcri-Xow . ^itt- imcMidn;.:--iJ! 40137. . ' H .E.Powcrs,B»iaic..W !.j d r , be ti 10139 .TiYlu : Falls. Bopurltto Cou4 .

n o m i m . S E ^ E M B E R j

1 • ' " - i a a B

. ' ^ B u i W M 6 N . I T _ C Q i^ E S r T O ^ I - E A K l l N r u P - N E X - .

____ • -• "l'i(r.*3a

t e p o r t a 6 i h e a v y u a m a g e l i o a s o-------------------- - ....... — • - - ........ — I'lOYii~ b y ~ D r o u g h t " i n A r g e n t m e ; n n s

I n f l u e n c e s P r i c e T r e n d Jw is

J___ :10Q0I

CmOAOO, Sept. 13 -A-erllon« Ihal vlr- 1M01 uallo half of th r ID30 prixpecilve Argen- IW3D

ipward asalii today. Kor- tli« llr»l time , hla ««»aon. No, 2 red winter wheat avail ; ible to t>« uaed at oner. i«ld brre at a prcni- . um over Ihe prlcc of «1mllnr .wlicat tie- iTeraOlP-nny time -during . tbe-currenl lumi' nontli. Attpr todav-s uiilnrn in valuej ioWevrr. had gone lo al-iut 5c n bU.bel 1045,, ilttber than llgurr* rurrnit 48 houn. ago.. null of .elllnR to irall:-*- profll* led 10 i w - ‘ »>'»n) wictback- . ........ I

:o '‘" c ’o f^ i? B protutonrtnrnimiied to-n-H lae ut 13c. ]05(J.|Drl«k European btiilni: o( Chicago future

lellvcrlm of wheat logrthrr with Iniprov- ____=<rir»ii?^iinH r-atm nnin tn t3 'tin r™ jn- — ^ :nr;il« from North Ainrrica, wrnt band In :iand lo<lay with relwriji ttiat the Argentine iHieat cron l» going o.ick fa»l..wu then •lianeea of recuprralliHf afe t » p l^ « l« p . lOOlC >earlng,, Even with roploui ralni by Sep- ]070: lemwi 2D.- iu im rY;mir I'lt.imw-^^H uxarifi— :— Ihe maximum virld o r ArRrnilnP wlital tl not nioie than lwu-tinnl> or la«l yetir’i iuiput. 1070:

.tcrpagp Under NormalOirielal announcement that, thr IWJ -----

rheat acreage of Argenllna i> « 'i per crni indrr laat year-.i loial was alao a nllmn* allns Infliiencr today In Ihe wheat mar- (ct here .'ind ao too wm an Arceniine 10701 foreeiut of hliiher lemperattire* and of T»or<?-dryn(aa r.hrad.- l>e«1de^ per»l»teni iiltfatDraole moUturr eondlllnn* In Ai»-1 . ;ntl|a were reported, maklnit tlio crtip out- 10711

laphere.NalwlUiaUndlng Liverpool dlipa'.cltes

lelling or abaence of demand there ror ict^inl wlieal. Uverpool quolallona lotlay >D wheat future dellverlea closed ul 2 panca to 7at-penep-«<iT«nt«v-<>-taln-fff y)n»ld«rablrmor«^than*e*»feletf;—Anoift*'‘T7jfli rr mtermllng clrctimaunce waa ibat prl>, iuaiT~T»cW|Ka—of - ' j

ili^'pricea'had mualKd the aeanon hlgh-prlcel record. . ' . I

Oaia angiitd with corn but not tinlll 3ep-1 lember and May oala fiad readied a new top level for ihe ttaM>n. | 1007.

I'rovl.loni were reaponalve to upturni In tnM the value Pf,llo«».____

" S - w IS” i r , i S - . a ' ' iX: lift 1!;;: -=

Way IJ3 IJJ '. 53‘, 1131,ioiu~i83i- .p .v .^Q 7s

'i * c . i r a l i i t n j , 101 * m if; | . .

« W " • 13% -53 ', a*-, - -n trL — _ g ^ ,,. ” ‘' ' - « ' »_J082;r f f i y 001,

— m r.n>o-cn ,\is* --------■--------‘ 1M8| l ’» ' ' ’’i " l H 9‘ ' '* *'<’• 2 IfU , •

Curil: Nu, 3 yellow 11.071, to 11081,. I |n55 ' Corn: No. 3 yellow II.U7', lu jli)8(,.

lurlfv No. 2 70e. ' ' IjOS?—Ryri S .r a ir07.-------------------------------- 1------

Clovrr .rrd- Decemher ehiilec Ill'iiJ.Alslkr: <:«.li 11030; Ocu>1irr IIOIU; Uc-'

cemiwr 110.75, , 10B7

- o.MAriX7ru.uxOMAHA.'Wpt, JJ l,l^-Wltc«t; No,'2 dark!

h a id tU K ,; No, 1 hard ll,W to 11 Jo: .No, -2 bard tl.M i, lo IIJOi.',; Ho. I norlh-rn **’ci!'iu .fl.^ hOrUirrn »prlniI lL24 ! 1^7

-O aur.N o. 2 while I9c; No. 3 wlillu'47!ic. * 1087

i-iHCAco” c \s ir f i tt .v i} r“ ^~— T *?’, CIHCAtlO aL.pt _ i ; y,. . ^hard t l J 6' , lo *1,37; No, J norlbrrn Kiiriiip ■ i

Corlt; No 2 mlaed 11.04'; No, 0 >-clIow.»l,03, i — ,• • O-u; W. 3 .*hlle 4Bc 10 JOc; No, 4 w-hlle • •!* fto „ - iv ic ,-ip ; - - t z — rf iC 8810 iTbl^" ‘ * ' ■* “* ^ *'•“* 1088

Mariryi Qnol)iblc range ®Ie to 74c.Timotiir «ed *4,84 10 *5,CO, lOBt Clotcr »rr<l 113 to |20^____ L


J-Piigp-Klgvcn)--------- lOO:

wVi NVV. H - u 19 0,62'loo :’iW >,-Nf5H~................— -------^ h O K

___ 13___ u___ ifl____ a ia i l___SEli H 11 10 30,01*®**'

_ .K i .a i : u — 10— u — 10 - - — n . i 4 i ~ r - T ^ N g ’. a ■ 11-;— ta

.• N K '. 20 11 10 ,• - « j w . _ w - - i v r i n n ........i i b y i i m H ' 30 JI 19 ' aT-M |

N W 4 ,iW 4 ~ r-n ii= u -H —NE‘i NEU • ....... l i ^

‘ ~ " Zt.UolCnnttl ID I f • 'JO : ~ ‘ la J W

5w ;iN W !i a i ’ n 20 4i s '■

p n n y .........:.,..,'^,.._...Z ..Tr.‘'0M8 -E ^W .-M llle r-.......................... . -£JlJO C ,L .K n o x .................................N W i; I

1100'-•■:--^Ht!Ttcrt-ArainU»' ,— .t l f l l — H,-R:-Powfw:-F>i{ji{o.......J^ios-U M urray BroolcmBU ..__SW ',; JJ2()7*S M a rra r flroofcman-. ___:8 K 'i Nir.*3a , Fred P . Bates ............. g w n ~ l

T — ■ “tiE'T NW50 Albert E, Lnrsen ................... Sir / iJ - -~ jr i r .-T ro o iid tc y .- J r ; - . : r r r : r3 W > r-rU-22 II. J . Swiiln ,.-.............................

------ W S ;D355 Ell, Clinpmnn ........................... £

DQOI_____ Rnlpli U, Ppr«linll..-..... I5353 H erbert A, Sm ith . ' ' I 'T '" ” !! ]MOIV-------Jo h n -0 :-nelchers— — --------1M07 Chester O. Cornwall ................ 1M3D John Koaier ......................... •-^M12 T . M; W hite -..:..-......... ......... 8 E i; .S

«a. 8 E ‘J £.....................8W U i

E>-i ;OISO . Elia-Niccuin ........................ t

_ . ------------ 1 . -E 34 -A ]0 4 5 1 1 - Elsa N lc cu m ........................ S E 'i 105-J3 Joe Bowers - ...............NW!5 I0&63 __._^ntltCW.Rni;crioa-#niJ-.©r-Kri---------:

M fifl,-- Atidrc»-nagBrMMV-apd-C.-R------^------—WT7T«cr. T n frtw d ...-------------- .... — ^osm Morion R. Wyscr , I....... -. . i

• V - ■ ' S ' i ^—----------------------------------------- --— ^ N E ‘r t

W 'i

0010 F r tt l T, ifeiitlrlcks . .. . Lois 4. 5 n 0702 Joe TiiVlor. et al .................. W'.;. :

0707 Owyliee, Sheep imd Land Com-I'ltiiy ...................................... S W 'j :

S E 'i I . E ’i £

pVOB . H arry .Wf P earson ...................8EH iB\i

s\T';'i0710 John S k l l tc rn .................v . . .«

' ■ 8 W 'i •S E T I

---------- r r , — - ' ' • - NE'.; I__________________ . w :

i n i a ' Joscpli A. E rlck io n .................NEIi

(L,7^ n ,i,i„y .........- ■

SW ’i W 'i 1

i007S Oiiklpy State Bank ....... ........NW’i:0678 Alice DavU ........................... -E'-i

E 's;060l . Mrs. Jorry A. E m ery ...... ... BW‘i:07(a 'Edw in Urfer-. g p c _ i

N E -; J S 'j- i

IQ7S3 Joscnii A. Erickson .........-...S B n i. . . - , * ' ' _NE‘i_;

I0a2_0_. ■ A gnesE B urm ...^,..;........ ....N 'i 1............. ............. — ........... N W i;..0827- Fred LOft'C.......... hw i_i_)

W U 'lI080T 3 6 i r i r s i ( i i l c r i » - . . . ................ i10888--------irnrry w.Tcaf8on-',::::;:;.".v,::N w fri

S ' j I108CD H erbert E. Carr ..... E 'i :10870 lln rrj' W. Pcnraon ............N E!i10871 • • Joaeilii W ^.Taylor .................... •

....... e t :N'-i

lOBTJ Wmiiiiti_R. Ultch_ ^ ............ E'.i10873 ' WilHnra R i'L cltch ............. .....E '.i .

• . . . •• N ii- .. . v - i . ........................... ........ 8 E 4 -

SW ’.f10B74' H c r tw l R -C iirr F.1;.

10877 • ' Jiilin A /nuiiK ale Lciniox ;.. ..NW?t^10678--------W etc licc-lL -ak lllC tn ............ N ’-j

______________ . . ... . . - — S W li'^ -------- ---------------— '

_______, . . . a i i .. _ . , ---------------

10880-— rOhnri«st-ff.-r8Jclllem'.i;.;--....-.... 8E H10881' a m rle s S. B klU cm ..................

. , W '.i10B02 OTiTiicc Shccp'ttnil Land Com-

1088?- m iiirles'10910 Charles H. W arner.............. - W ’i ■

W'.i10030 .Lee Clinrlcj.M iller ............................

. SW li..10038 Lee Charles Miller .....Lots 11 0 5» -------Lee CharlcrM lllcrr--,:;;r:r:7:rLbl* 3

10042*A Union .Central' U to liisurunco__________ Company..,,.......................®

m n n Diinit oLJlQUMr r ..................8EU, • - .aW ii

40a0Q— :_l>niiK .oU lpllU ler.„.;.......... -..gE.!.L

___ iC bOrlctJV JPIahtlcr, cl

■ ; ' - - e s u

'— ---------- . ---------------------

^ a : : |

':M '.... . 'a.


^ 'n w u ■ 23■■ ' i J i3 2o,oa ~. -8 W ^ -.- .3 4 -T ? ' -16 - 68.48^-----!i NWK •‘t-N W ^ ----- 25----- 12----- 15--------^3!r>*-----^"N W if------!f& ••'ill IA » !tl.

nri ,12___ U L _ - 2 9 J I i ..NE'h . 1 5 J2 - IG • !i3,0J.l^

S W '. 33 1 2 '■ 'IC- •■2Q1.C21irN W '.;— 35 12 •• l0 - .- : - - . : in 3 a — \-j SW ’i I” 3 S E ’. - - 1 7 . 12 n ICO.81I

SW ’; 9SE ’. 13 13 -12 37.21: \1

N E '. 34 13 12 ia.73s n T 13 -. 15 20.3T i7

— tiRK------n ----- 13----- 16--------S0.n4 jSE ’; 11 13 10 1(1,171

•-N W i; 33- 13. 1C 18.17 Jli .R w ii____________:— _ J -‘J SW ’. 3

S E '; • ! •J*-! SEU ... 24---13 10 -22.CC1 '

Lot I . ’|-A L ot5 -— 3— 14-----12I’i NF.'; ■ S' M 12 -4.8:1 I .

SE ’i 24 14 _13 r H j- r - .

• •* . i l . . ' . ll.(*t*.

— 6 W l r - - « - - H - 15—Lot 4 _ ,.1 - ......... - . —1-

■i NWl'i‘r s w . - —— ---------------------------------f.i S E 'i --------------- -— -------r—'■■i NK'..' 2 U IB . 40.03 i 5 and (I 1C 14 10 . 24.03 J

~= --------- ----------- L -r\i S E 'i la .15 13 - CD.tii

' 'i N E 'I' i N W 'i - '

S W 'i ----------- --S E ’i 29 15 13 40,03

H SW ’.i .3 4 8K S - . 33 -15- 13 . ••’r S W 'i 34 15 13 2 0 .U /:_ .8W U 3^ . 15 ' 13 '2Q.13i -

M l”NEi.i ' . ’’ i 'N W ’; • — : : '

S W 'i •! •/ ’i S E 'i .' i T S E '; ------- 2— T3— nr— ^ j o r l T "Eli S E 'i 1 IS 16 - t-

------- 1------13----- Itt-------- 17111, .'fti.-N f iij____12____IS------I f i - n n t - a -

Wt.it ' • '— ^__'_NW’i- 17 ‘l i 17 37 ja

S E 'iV’i SE ’i 0 11 17 ’» NW’i 20 U Iff. K 74 W : NE 30 14 17 !!-i N E 'iE ’s S E 'i 34 . '1 4 17 ' 1873

N E’i 12 .1 5 12 10,10 _

S W 'i» ;jS W ‘i 2 J5 17 , 18.73

;■! sw i-^ : •

l i NW !i ' • — _ ^/ i ;-NSli----- 3 < - ^ 5 _ l_ U - J l_ 4 4 - I O -u .N w i^ ---------------^

; ' j N W 'i 3 -1 6 13 14.14 i ' i S W 'i - 3 10 13 10,10 e ' i N H y ' 4 -.. 16 - 1 3 . 5,IB'

: ’r -N w i;— ^ -— ------------- —N'-i S E 'i 5 Itl, 1:1 40.11.'.

m' ’ n W{- '- ^ *’ ■i 'li s w t i•:<i-sw^4—m'K S E 'l . A ,10 111 3o.m^ E i;_ N E tl_ — n tr. -fl

(V|^ETT t t -t J TrcrV .V N E !i_ :._____ ___________ ___

.... ........... —E'-i S W 'i 17 in 13 40.0.-.iEii.-SE>i - a o — Hi— 43 - .____ sjia-

NW ’iV'.i SW ’.i • J l 10 13 30.03

.V'i N E |i 21 10 -"“ 13 • 'io.16-20 10 • 13 3.81

/ ' i J4W 'i ,.V'.i SW '.l 1? , IC 10 ll,a4 ...... Lot 4 ■sr ii .J IW ll.- -4.,_1B . 18 . . _ 0.llj'-s l a n d 2 5 W ,B o.Wt* 3 and 4--------- ' - -3'ji NWIi S 16 — llT--— ni.7J-

)ts 01111(17 ■

Einawim—w j i . e s i i . . . 7 to . IS ' . o.w s‘;L§w'v____ ___

W’i NE’.i.E irsw tr“ - — • -[ t r r a n tn r — m - i c— ig — 'm tr

g i h l j i —E 'i .N W ’,i ■ . . ■

iw u e ^b y M i u M li^ C o w l^ l J a . j i f f i

- - -^ a r o r r tM a N .- v i - - , v ^ : County Urcawnr oul Tilx.

Page 13: 4 A. M . EdiUon. : SMK- W Hnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · 4 A. M . EdiUon. : SMK-N O "m ~" "1HI0HI1HMIESH—flltflr.li t 11 I I fti ' lT?ltr ilf l l iw i i^raeiiMiiETg

, T w in -P » lU ..M ibo , Au*u»t » . _____

— ^ l ^ a n U c B i c t l o n — .- otJtULliM Scaaion U w » , th e B o v ^ p ^ ; — • -

-ttken-un»H O t<»-W cloeIr\\.--M rA uguit• 10 .1K9. •■ ■• - •

W. P ; DRECKON. C la lm iB n ..Attefct; H A ltBY-<^-PARaewe. Olerk. ' i -

Twln Pnlls.'W »ho. Augiut lO. lOM. '10:00 o'cl(?eli A. M.^.

'TKp Board met n t ihU tline. pu rw an t 'to a recess horototore U ken. t l l - m r m - --------b e n and the a e r k present.

___ Con»ident(lono(.T«nta(l*c nu d c rl__ ______;At th is time consldcrntlohlif'th 'c ten-

■ tifUve budget resumed. »nmc nol-M W n«.l«S iii-c6 lhp!cW _nt.thc .rpur_of _____~ Jtv co -cIo ^ K'Tir u u t eM m u ta fc c im n ^ --------

till 10’00 o'clock A. M. AuRHSt 17. lOlS; ’ W. P . BREPKON. Chnlrmoii.-. ^

-AttestT-HARRV-C^PARSONSnCUrk— -H);00

T w ln '’Fnll». WnI«>. Aususl Iv i 'o M . A tlei1D:00 ocloek A, M.__________ ;__________

- ^ K K O V l A R ^ V U V - ^ iM i in s . - . 1 T k___ XlicJJourd mcL'-uLuiLj.Unic-numLmt- .15.'®®

lo u rcccss hw ^ o r c lokcn. n il'm em -

Con«ldfratlon ot Tc'nUtJvc^Dudjet | lo n — ♦>' « ten u ttv e b t id - ; b e n i

net was n t tlil-i time rcsUmtd UllU Ull I m ; T cnancta-and .ftlteratlcnrtigrc td i ip o n -b r ifo r - t

Ilip Board. hiivluK been noted In tlielr ; Aiiru lirniwr columns, llie Mid loiitntlvr bud*

j e t wiiK (Itrd wltli llir Clerk or the Uufird, I Alte& u'Kl) liutnieiloiL-i ihitl nollee l>c in ibllnli-; i-d lo tlic effect tlm t the iirrhmlii.iry j t *

■mnaifCt r e r t l i e cn sw tn irT cn rivon -ftlc^io^oofur ln.MiPcllmi In tlie office of the Clerk und 'lhu t tho-Oourd wm;mecl oii the f ln t Mondny hi 6ei«cinbcr for the purjwsc

^oflf lx in iU hcJlna l.budgc ijm c t-m aK lnB .. 0 " n |ipro|irlnlloai. " ! 7

Nn further biislnesjt comln# bcWffl tlJC Uoiird Ht thlJi lime, u recess »,tw Uiken ,

• lit the Iftur or five o’clock P. M. until 10:00 o'clock A. M. August 10.10». ' _

— W .-T.~BRECK O N rChnlnnonr -AUcht: H »RRY C, PARSONS, Clerk.

- ts,-<n-p-.ii- to in-"i tract10:00 o'clock-A.'M;- - ' ^

T he Board met a t Ihls time pursuant "men lo 11 rcCL'Wt hiTfioforo tnkeii. nil tncm- Lo

■' bers nnct‘<h ^ Glpfk-pre»f n t . . "ST;” !-------A fUT-lr»nsnelloiu«Uroulliip bu.slnevi Bloc

for the . d ay 'f t nxes.vw a5 taken, until nil 1 in ;00 o'clock A. M r Ait«ust 20. 1029. . ”n". Atte.st; HARRY C, PARSONS, Clerk, n7, '

-------------- w _ R jR P :r K Q N . Clmlrmim. s i;

. Tw in Knlls. Idaho','AuguM 20. 1029. joo. 10:00 o’clock A .M . Fnll

KKGULAIt JULY SESSION TlT he Bo.ird met a t th is time, pursuant “J{°'

lo n recess heretofore taken, a ll mcm- bers nnd the Clerk present.

A fter iraiiMctlon of routlno business **l“ for th e day n taken until

A ttest: HARRY C. PARs’oN sV cierk!

. TWlll_Fnll'-._l<lnho. August 21. 1023710:00 o'clock A. M. .....................

REGULAR JL'1A'"SE5SI0N----------

lo II recesfi heretofore taken, all niciiuI u»r»i ■ ..... = =

•After ;rniv>nctlon of routine bvi.slnr.i-i x _J,or_thc_flH X ji_reS£M m - l i 'k c n j m t l l _con]

10:00 o'clock A. kL. August 22, 1020.W. P. DRECKON. Chairman. m

Atte s t: HAR:r y C. PARSONS. Clerk.

22, 1»1S,10:00 o'clock A, M. T

REGULAR JULY SESSION 10:CT lie Board met u t this time, pu^^uanl ,

tQ u reccs.1 iicretofore taken, ull mcm- ~ bers nnd the Clerk present. f" ‘

Afle r traiisnctlon oL rom inc.busliiCM j y j ' for tn e day a reces.i w-n.s tukTn uiilil

— lOTOOTtrtlock-A.-Mrn^iiRHsV^aa.-lOaOt-^ — ^ ^V. F . RREGKON. Clmlrmiin.

— Tw in Fall*. I<iaUo.-AuBU»l 23. 1020, S - - .--'rR EGU LA ttrJU LXrliEaSIO N -^___ ‘. . a

T he Board met n t Uils time, pursuant lo a reces.s heretofore taken; all mem-bcra aud the Clerk jirescnt.____I ' ■ r r

After Iruiuacllon of routliie bUilnoM — frtr-lli«-day-ft-rocm -w «#-U koM -unU l. -H!

10:00 o'clock A. M. August 34. 1020. , ^ W. P . BRECKOn ; Chalrmnn.

A ltcht: HARRY C. PARSONS, a e r k ______J

I'vkln Pulls. Idaho. August 31. 1020.10;00 o'clock A. M.


hen»tnfnn» talt[»p-nH-niem- *-ber« and the Clerk prcsen'. .

A fler IrnnRacllon of.routlnr bui.iiiess . — fo r-th e -d a y -n -re ccss WM-taken -un tll -,77.-

10:00 o'clock A..M.. AubusL-26. 1023. - rter W. P. BRECRON. Clmlrman. ‘

___Alte.it: HARRY C. PARSONS. Clerk. ‘ |J|,

. Tw in' FiilU, Idnliq, AtiguiTl ac. 10:0. I’®’ 10:00 o'clock A; M .. .

' R E G U M B JULY SESSION foil- . Tlio Bonrd m et a t thl3 41nlerpununnt • /

In A t'eccB Iicretofore taken, a ll mem- lan-bers and the 'C lerk present. eta:

A fter tran iae llon o t routine buslnc.u___ lor-U ic day a .reccM w ai t tt c n n m tll- " - g

10:00 o'clock. A. M.. August 37, 1029. |c i -----------^ W .-P .-aR E C K O N .- Chairm an. Tfii

■ Attest;' HARRY C. PARgQNS. Clerk.

. T^^’lu Pnlls, Idaho, August ‘aTTlOK^r- — lii:00-o'cloclc-fr.-M— ------- — --------nne------------ REG ULAR JU L Y llE W I O ff - r — belt

.T ho Boar«I met a t thUt-Unic, purauanl aili to it-TecesB heretofore tnkcn. nU.mem- of i)fr» BHd-iiio-ci«rk-}»rc#cui..................— !735

■ "lOiOO'O'otoclrA. M --A uauatJB .:iO W ...: 6 f i W. P . BRECKON, C hnlrn ian .' insi

• A TtestrH A nRY -C. PARSONB; Clerk.- • ;ui6

--------Twin Iduhff. A u g M U -g .JS a - i t_ lOroo tfMoc t.A . M. - . . j h i

^ - i^ T h o S w in J ^ o r i iH lS l—^to-tt-reoea-tieretofor»-lak«A,:KU-m en^4oilJ -Jt-bei i M d i hft-Olerk 'preeienL | — ^ • ^ A f W r lT B u a c y o n ef rtuUtle btalncss mw . • 't e _ th 8 W • - n i o c i - w i i * te k c s ^ jm ta jw i

__ WMEKl

! u E TOUD Mg

;00-ocloek-A r-M :r-A oi?uat^-lM 0.—-------^W.-Fr-BREOKONrOhairmnn. % ■teat: HARRY C. PARSONS. Cicrk. W

T? n r y ^ i ~ i H a h o . . AUBuHisiTfga): .:00 o'cjock A ._M ._______ • ______

REGULAR JULY SESSIO N ___TJie Board met~a{ tS Ii tl/w . nursiinnt' | Q" a reccR shcretofore taken, ull mem- I

n nnd the Clerk present.

r~ttie-TlB7-n-rccTO~TOS~iakcn un n r iBU«'30.1029;'ut 10:00 o’clock ATM. — -r,v ,

W. p. BRF-CKON. Clinlrmim. ‘ * .test: HARRY C, PARSONS. Clerk.

Twin PalU. Idaho, August 30, 1029, | ^I»o' cl ockA: ^r — I I— R R W IrA R -JV IA ^K S S lO N --------j- ^The B w rd m et a l this time, ^m^^ullut

a reccKs heretofore uken;-o il mcm- - nim in rn h d - tlie C lcrlrpreM nt; . Ordrr-CanrellInK nellnqnenl Taxrs DAVE Pursuant lo Section 3423 us umeudcd snlc ,’ th e 1037 Session Laws, It Is licrebv •dered th a l th e Tox Collector M inllifO R mccl olLCaxcs outstanding and dclln-1 s^ v lent fw ^the

■act or parcel o t land which wm sold }L oubllc auction on May 4, I O , nnd | “-

-lan d TT flrirrihrfl n i,ln llt i y ^ M ^ j r C ^

tents and locnl lmprtiTCchf taxrsi L q, Lota 23 and 34. niock 57: lot 27. Block r ”' **

T r I» tr 2 2 - a n d - S9r Block-6»r-Lrt- a"rfp iA N ,lock-73: LoU 13 nnd 14. Block 107; . ly II li< 'tw in Pnlls Townslte: Lots'"C '.'.lsticc. n " . ' T ' L.ivcrlnc’Subtilvlslou of Block .t w o 7, Twin Pnll.'i Townslte: Lot .1, Block iL h l; Lol 3. Block S7: Lot 20, Block 81:Ot 12. 'B!6CrOTrTnt3rt3-nnd*S4.-Block- 5 ^00. a ll In Buhl Townslte; all In T w i n -----'nils County. Idaho.T hn t said cancellation shall tie noted

pon each Tax. recclpt and where Jan«i*J r r r n ther th a n thow wld appears u|X)n Uie 1 ame T ax receipt, th e same shall b e t eparatcd so th a t proper cancellation nny be mnde.

I t Is _

letcrm lnc'the am ount of wld cnncella-1- . Ions made affecting cnch w xing’un it ,nd c red iU hc^T ax CollKjor * j t \ t h e j % ”

illnute Book o t the Procccdmga of t h i s ;

August 30th. 1020, I o n n— r^W T-j^-»ttBO K O N .' Ohalm uiw i'-i - p u

There being no further business to l ajm cJi9rou:.th(!J)w rcI^)*U hi».tlm c,.a •cccss was U ken un til 10:00 o'clock A.i \l.. AuKum 31, 1920. ‘

W. P. BRECKON; Chairman. • ' Mlcst: HARRY C. PARSONS, Clerk,

Twin Fnlls, Idaho. August 31. 1020.; On inrtH)i.'clockA.M. . • 9!'!' -------IlKtiULAH J U H -S E 5 .STDV - -----

The Board m et a( thla .time, pursuant ni d 10 a rcccss-heretofore taken. Wl m c m -i« llljcrs and the C lerk present,_________

r r ^ b r c e n r f m ia * ---------- - | H -

Ncws W ant Ads reach. thc” people you I

SUB50RIBE P p a TOE HEWaB 3 = s = s = i> B a B c s B a s s s = = » ^ » : ; P 0 l l l l

L c B a l A d v e r t i s e m e n t s I j j j l j

f S f w i r S M i A l B O F T nr*L .E ST A ll!:J”In the Probate C ourt of Twin Falls.“ C o u n L y 'S W tm n d a h Jr--------------------r rIn the M atter.o t the Estate ot Ccphns;„oUj

D, Wclch. Deceased. ; . bIc|Notlcc Ci hereby given-tlml the

dcnigncd Jo h n lro n 7 '«(1n>lnlMrator ot|„p^.^ Ihe e s u ie of Cephas U Wclch^dcccased.iTwH; will, on or a fte r th e \ ^ { | ‘ i

liluheat lind-bcRt bldder. inwu.tlic tcrina: ,,m,n D^iri~nlTHtnonflnier~ein»flfr .W . - f o r t h r i ^ and subject to.UiB conliriinlllun L,Mwve named probate court, all the r l g h t ^ ^ ^ Utle. in terest and csU ^ 6 r ^ th r d c e e - r ^ flcnt Tk'hlch th e decedciii'TrnttTat— time of hlJ death , as well as a i r i h c rlglR, title ,4n lerc5 t..nnd estate has since accrued, by oiicmilon of U * 1 ^ t r or otherwGeTto the csiute of. Pflld de-l f i t redcnt since hla death, In and W following described real.proi>erl>-? •

AH lh a l c c ru in lot. p iy c Pr land sluiate Jn the county of T?,'ln Falls ., Horn state of Idaho, ahd.boiiniled and P f ' T h j llcularly described as tollo'*'s. to * l t . .1 " S o u th Half of tlie B o u t l ic w rQ u a r t^ JM <S',4 SE'.i^ of SecUon Nineteen («> . Vo

at th e Untied

tr '" --" ,- ' _ A -.* ':’! ; - ' '- . '" . ■■ ;

L Y N ^ , . ^ ^ F A i m

>y N - j s — - .- .- -— — -

III ilW fcT/ 7 ^ ■ ■ ^

z ± t ---------/•> 4 t-W O R K E D ' - • -.' ( . '•w ^ i: g 7 r o o.“ \ — ^ U V ' VNEBT - “ ^

~ - - —

W a n t i ^ i" O n e C e n t P c F - W o r a ^ [ ____

_ _ _ P e r J n s « t i o i i _ _ jo n w

AU W ifil Ad* a llie and acllte and—' : LOS' tfaey brlns the buyer. - !

Phene a , ' _ — ^ l i O S -

F o r S a l e — F u r n i t u r e

O R ^ S A L E - MONARCH RAnV e" b Phono 480W. - - . - - - =


O R S A L E -4.HOLE WINDSOR OIL sw v e a n d o v e n .n o . Phone731W. j

OR SALE - ^ C o K j l A N O E ^ m l l C - j ^ ^ no rth '/i west ot. Ha^i>ltal. Phone 537- {^ P “

e ft-flA L g— - 3 ^ i E ^

•IANO-POR BA bE >-^-PnA C TlO A L - .-A ^ ly your own terms. Write _Oordon 1 ■

tlcc. Box 885. 'T«1n Falls. I d a ^ ■ ^ a a •WO'BURNBfV OIL STOVE. l I S Y B . K ) I baby cart, nursery chair, and baby , ro

aa ln c tU . ' 336 3rd ave iiorUi.' Phone Elm

F o r R e n t — F a r m s : »i'__ ________________ ________________ ; soot

VANTED - RENTER W ITH SU F Pl- [ 82°- c lem help, equipped to farm 120 acres. 1

idjolnlnR Jerome; good house, electrlcl-1 y. Referencej reniilrcd. K rT ansm an ' io r th Side Inn. Jerome.------ --^-y

! C ■ I ' ' . i j w ,it said court above named, a t any time 1 ,i', Kfore m a k ln n h e sale. . . ...! m -

D aU d Uils 30th day of August, 1029.1 ^------------------ JOHN TR ON. • ' 1^

^ d m ln i5 t^ lto ^ -o H h ^ -a ta te -o ^ C e p h a » ^ ^D. Welch. D fc o se d .________________ EQI

' '—"■■I ■ ■" ■■■ ■"j 12 3RDKR .APPOINTING TIMF. F O R 'u o T K B B m r DI-' W ll.t>ANU » IK t^ »TgfTOi . ING APPLICATION OF N O 'nCE OP! Jerc

------- ------------ f —In the Probftle Courl of Twin Falls i

County. State of Idalio. | »>tn th e M atter of the Estate of Nellie

Oldeji. deceased.On reading and filing the petition of

Slava Rcndalil to have the Will of Nell.le . a iJ cn- p iu v ^ mill adiiilt ted m iiid th a t Letters ot Admliilslrutlon with 1 *111 annexed be Issued to Qlava R e n - ; PCI Jahl nnd said Will having.been produced i In m d filed in tills couh. !

j'clock A. M. of ealtf day! at’ tiie Court{o* ® Room-ot «nldjC?ourti»trthc Cuuiu.v Ciru r t ' tj-,i House In T »ln Falls. Couiity ot Twin I w Frills, be. and the same U hereby, ap-1w iiiied.ihe-ilm ijD T JIichcarln2j}LMl!U__ _l«tltlon ;'und nny penon Interested mny I UNI iippcar and contest the said .Will, and ; m (jiay file objections In writing to the id lso r n n t ln i; of sald-lett^ra-to-sald-O IavaThlifi Rendahl. |" TT l S ~PUir i'HKttrORDEftEL>r-thnt-------notice Iw glveii-lhercot-by the-Clerk of! laid COurt.by i^ubllcatlon prlpr l o . t h c L ^ Hearing In the T»:liiFall» Dally. iiewhpapcr prhitcd and piibllMied In Mildl ° rw lii Palls Coiiliiy.Mid shall be so nub'-'! p n , llslicd Hint there mus{ b o « t least 10 [ jp iny»-fron>-tliM lrM -to-tho-la>>t-dAy.^F-^= iiubHcHtlon,-both-thc first arid Ix-it-d'ay'^ BE/ ix-lng fncliidcd. • ~ *' ' wT im irsrljtrm ijerO H S s? .— --------- ---

C .r A r 8 A I L B Y = n = = iM A(SEAL) • • Probate Judge. I

SUMMONS r o n p u b l ic a t io n 1 p Stri'thcDiBfrict Court of the Eleventh J ii -! - y i -d ic i a l-D ls tr lc ro r tti rB tlilo 'B rT a a lio r s ra

.In and for Twin Palls County, • and Moc Hajwood, Plaintiff ;

___ •; ' “ V s.' ; - . . . i , " A[toward Haywood. D efendant. ' * ,«rh e S tate ot Idaho len d i r rc e lln fs lo <°<<)

UowinLUsywaodt tbe sbov« t a u m l 1 SL i- de lendant. - • - - ••You are ' hereby notified th a t a coin- ’

i la ln t ha< Im n flled-ailBlnalVou In Uie ;__ ;DUtvIct.Courl o t the 'E levenlh Judicial r t i PlaUtet uf t l>e-a t« te o t’Id t lw. In i i it f i - ' a !or Tw ip Palls g oun ly .by th e above I i t t id a pliOtitUt. end you « tc Jicreby d l 4 ^ A

lervlce of thlTsum mona: nnd-.you.Ht?}.!»S

x a r and pleadT ay rn iH O iaflif:£ t)ftin ia^ io-tau inU ft^ l—fl i l f c E ; uOd -comRUlnt.. -T h lfr jc U o n .itt} — -

V IU c a i> y 'tu n 4 the & t&e ReT' Nen

pn S iilS ft — i— *- , ' I i-’i . r- ^ 11. . . „ n A i m x c . p A i t d < ^

^ d f a » .m J n 'iu p a iu ! l a o io .- ; ■ i in

■ .. ■‘■'TF'"-.

-------- '■'} r 7 " "

S . ip A H b , FRIDAY MORN

~ ^ S . ° r r AW in > j6 n tio n '< » • so w n T ff l

• - ^ o o o . o o o . ‘t k » ^ ? T 5 ^ Y ^ j ^ ^ g j j ?

— — L o a t ' ~

o s T ^ ^ L E r a E N a f i ^ m T E 'D O ^ r o o mn W cd..,Sept. 4th. Ai;s-,vit.s to iiuirt^ol nue E

O S T -L A D Y S UJ.uk I'UllSK, CON.* ^ h o u iinning glnssc.s. cumjnci. cic. N o t i f y ---------

', O. Box 10. Twill VMy_____________ ROOM

.O S T -O N ROAD Bm VKEN .CAREY 'and l l i 'ln Falls, drt.y will c aw con- ^ q o m

ittnlns woman's and child's clothing. ntc w a A WoH frcrP .-U onard ; 247 Son- ~ ^ ” r.a Bldg,. Boise. ~ • L i o i n

• ment

F o r S a l i ^ R c a l E s t a t e

\3 R SA L E -FU R M silK D -H O U sirO R upartm ents tor rcm, 329 5th north , po j^ p

iOM POR TAB LtyO M ^C LOSE INOM - V f lv e d -a trM C -p n o n e- iT rT o n m o r- f o n t

\ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^"'yN IA btr-I^A Y M E N T j


V BARGAIN , FOR SOMEONE - . 13 ^__acre* A-1 land near Jerome. TeriiTST* ...........

W dress Box M1,-«oIm*,— ;— .— —— F O R J

TOR a A L E -O u il A T l'R A C nV E "c- room house on ClIi ave imM. in the L IG in

Elm Park W ater diMrict. I'liuno 1151. Ing r

sleeping pofch mul double gara«e. . c1ik><lOOd location closc to schools. Phone ■ ■•20 FOR H

.............—.__________________ healiFOR BALE - FIVE ROOM MODERN east,-re sidence ..w ith large . lo t; garage; — ;h lcken house; desirable lpcaV lon._R: i : 7 ; a 'n r T — - — :----------------- --- Z E a

r W a IIO.MIia . m u i 'l ' A N u ' =dairy. Not ailyihlng better on the 'w k i

6ract,'Bnd cvrrytliing goes this tim e, tor „:aali. nlentv. Patrick Wynn, Phone 517- “ 'Ohe R3. - • ______________ p^jnN

ncar^^cht^lcid.^ ^ ^ ^ l a n d . tSO nn acre 11 »nld nt nnee. >2000 cnxli., Uftlance en^y u'uu», A M rtssrU ox-asw — Jerome, idiilio, 739. 2n

FO R SALE PY 0W14BR -:-T^ODEnN . s lx^oom house, wllh sleeping porch. . ,

furnace, double garage. 703 Mnln a»e- . nue west. Apply 0 . P . B. Peterson. , ^rouU 8.B uhl. Phone 33I-R1. • ‘____

I " ■' SHODfi) r .Rcnt-=Unfimrishcd-^

POR*“R E N 'f^ O D E R irP IV E -n O O Mhouse. I’lione 033.________________ .Lq n c

PO ft-B B N T -O O O D -C U tA N r LIGHT.-m»i. .— - — J rnfifTi'U11U.U lUVUJtflOf owBer. room 1, over OrlU Cafei • Robcr

LONQ-a ______houie, good. $.40. A. N. Long, n l Rob­

erts ; Realty Comiiaiiy. Phopc 503.

UNFURNISHED Q U A R T ER S F O .r T JSIT Mveral biicliclofft w ith cars. 1160 Ad- Fhoi

dlson Ave ciisl._CaU _m ornlns,or_cye-

" W - PI.o;

---------S i l i i a l i s n a - W a n t c d --------- [ a i w f. . . ___ of £

MATERNITY N U R S IN O . MOLLIB -Sn ilier .P l«m r497R I. .

PRACTICAL OR WATERNm f NUR3- ing . Phone I026W or'lS47. ^

^ i T ^ l ' i uITLER' TENDER rWANTS Road: work. Write Box 12. Carc'tTewa. ,

'VM fra r.aT E A i> v ,Job oh farm. I'm lle cast Kimberly. 1 Sunda

milJ-^»al..-^.-cfl.Tt- OTTh-Stew'Hfl;—

PERMANENT E M PL O Y M E N T B V mll< —youna tnaii 21 .years of .nac.~lDcnl.rcf-_[AYgffl

W ANTED-CARPENTER a n d c o n - Plione * CTcto w rk ; also brlek work. caBo- m ining and piim ing. Low charges, day

W .f tn t e d - r t M i a c d l a n c o u a - ^

W A m a o . ' B w i ^ a

j E w x B D ^ O L ' m r , a o . h u m - ^ caUiI s

S u i f l W M Y " O A t V E S . NO JE R . PO R ^ Phooe 8taatL,'>tUff 7 p . t t _ ' • «rr«t

^ A N T E D -y .tA L L'W AM gEOR COOK Phone

'- - - ' — '• on»iWANTED

Refcrenee. A i l d r e B l t ^ r ^ F K r ^ ’iS tj jjN »nii---_ ;ir:.'- '- ' ' • ■ =

M O ^ lITE •LBOHORN- P U L I^ '^ ^

t ml a; w'mi. e. &tt c^ 'o i'u^ ' ; ^ i

S E P T a B E R .1 3 n

- e o o N r J --ETHiHi* ----------- \ u w e n i

I ? / V W O R K E P - j | - r ^ L _

g a a n s ^- F o r - R e i i t — F u r n i s h e d - — [— F o i

O M ’A lr tr BOARD-233 5TH AVE- i f o ^ i uc Easl. . I 54Ult

't t AfJU■hone 538W.- . — ------------------ 1—iKXal

lOM ANO BOARD-CLOSE IN. 316 NEW .ind nve norlh; j puH.t

)OM -336 2ND NO. INQUIRE A F- 'cr.O;30,cvenlM». — - ..

D HTH O U SBKK BPINO A P A JIX -. nent. 644 Main n o r th ._____ _

ltt,RENT_r=.2.fiLUEl?UW R Q Q M 6-!f “ *!»‘- !12 4th cast. I‘lionc705. _________ 12-VO

IR REN T-NICE RO OM 'FOR O EN- ^Icninn. 135 Btli ave e a s l . _______________

IR RENT - * BEDROOM. 443 4TH rrg Tiorpi.-Phane lOIOJ. ■ '

)rt 'R E N T - ROOM A N ir 'G A t f A t tg ^ :? ^[ur «eiitleiiiBit.-l’)iouc 14Dti-------------

5 r “ rE N T -L A R O B 6UNNY BEaj- 1 t[flOiiL.'tiid.Earagc. 253 7th.nqrth;_____j.jfOR£

)R llE N T -N IC S J lO Q iL E D R -O e N t;L ^ '^ tlctnan, closc In. 223 «ih ave n u t . |

O lfT HOUSEKEEl>lNO OR SLEEP- Ing rooms. clo#e ln :4 l l W esrM aln. POR^

3i;sr:icE R P »N Q lA gA R T M E N 'T - p rice: clitM; in. 445 Main west. I’hone-IOKi. lapsib

)R RE.ST - LARGE P L E A S A N T Jn J h i he aic J room, close In. 514 2nd ave gj,Qm


P ^M .------ ■- -----

3R RENT - FURNISHED' ROOMS, sentlcmeii.preferrcd. 2533 rdave.no . loiie 294J.______________ ■

JRHISHSD-HOUSR-TOR-REW T choice six room modem. Owner,-134 “ ftvciw rth . p o n

3 B - D 6NT '- r FUnWU'HSP -WOUS& r d g j wlili gnnlgc on 7m ave t . C t t in i i I . ^0. 2nd avo west . . . . . ______

DR REN T-VERY DESIRABLE PU R - r = r ; nlshcd modern apartm ent above M e- * ^hi wain's Shoe store.' luriulre a t ' O r- p j jy 'leum. ' ■ ____ ;

HODAHl HOTEL AND APTs” - H m Wmniive-oBSt, spccliil inoiiUily-raU's ta innanent guests. Plenty of h e a t and 'Dl water. _______ 3 o o i

ONO'S A D -2 .R 00M FURNISHED. L “ ’* 0: 4-rooni_fumlshM house, (33; 4 - j ■'

obcrta'RCTlt^cSm^ SWT

F o r S a l e — J f r u i t a ‘ “ S

BIT li A i - n - 'Ar n i c O T 3 r T F ^ r ‘ ° i S :Phone 381J5, . . . . FOR

5 R i A L E ^ 'M ^ E S . ‘75ePhoiic 537JI3. ' ■ 1__

m W E JrtrP E fH jB r-V M IL B -S O U T H - of South Park. ^

c o o k ln g ^ M tln g . Plione 637K1. j r o iT

O R SALE—WEALTHY l A P ^ K . SOc n hn>* -1 mllKi riLM on Kimberly B*a“

o a d r - ^ . ^ r ~ - - ..........— , - .‘ " r

R A P ES -5c I'0UNlJ.- BRING CON- HEG: ■ n i,i|uif CO-JJJI.. No salca o n .l . . ,’r i

- ■ ■ n "lONCORD OH'Al’liS - Cc"XB. S'.i • = miles south Hor.pttal. hnlf w ;st. W. D.

vcritt; - — • — *— rr-------- k; £AB!

ONCORD GRAPES. 2 MILES SOUTH from Soulh Park. 2 'i miles west. “ ON

hone 870R2, . ' •

OR 8 A L E -G O L U E N B A N T A 'M 0 PE swbet rfom . just tigh t' lo r canning . *’?'

nomrSSCRK — — oniyi-


eatlnil opplen. 3 miles r.oiiUt, (* cast omiiMtTm ttofM aUiiirPliouff S ia R ia .;^

OR SA LE-PLU M S A N U ^iB B R lA N f - j r

CTBiJrfordTihii Elbcrta pcnchcs. ItnH an id - ^ V O '. . 'p n in e s .. Oruvcstlnc = = «

Ipplfll >t JOff DflV ’"'■gi .'4 "id 'h a lf norUv of H am en Bridge. — ~ ~ .y

c ln toah.-;aMB<l!!y<tid--PlpplM

N 6X T 'f tA R — ) VOLf ^

/ / . . r T — ^ u v T ^r L S u t i P R i a ? ') I 0 '< t u r n i i

3 p p d r ta :f i ^ i ^ S a i i— M lB c e l l a n G o u s — =

R 8A L E -B EE I' RACK. PHONE . | 4«H2. ________ ____________________ I

U HALk -■K .X cl-afc^J^‘l ‘w S ! T T«0lal0Mjrler:-Pln)iie-13l3!---------------—

;w JOHN DEEltE WALKING BEFl’ - * ^ ^ ^ lullep. Ray HoK»r jn io iie_4^r l i lU M ______

iR SA LE-A CREAM SEl’ARATOui ll a great bargain. Tw in Falls H o n ^ 1 ~ ~ -y j

ic T n)R SALB-:.n4TERNATI0NAL P O - t ; = - r ^ iito digger, like new. ' C. H. Bulclicr, j %[er. Route 2. •

■V O L^ iT " ^ CENTURY D IC -^ ^ l E J I tloiiarV-EucycIopedla. clicrfp for rjulck | j o i m ' le. Phone OlOJ. I Trust

)R W jA 'bB-0N IM X >W D RN --K >T A 'rol6iiiu digger, in good shape, cheap. Emil | tlo o r

■'...... ^ ~ I A ^

Blfnita hay on Heybtim Aw, n t N orth -. — ■:st corner ot town, J ..H .8 w n n .'

5RSALE----- t0 iy ; iN T E R N A T lO i:A E tS = :trnctif, good 0.4 irtw; vi'ill sell o r tm de \ ra ic c iro rrfR iic rn p iio iir ijR arcu S iie -1rd. .. _______________ • !

>R SALE-NEW PEERLESS H A Y ;U ^ b'i E and feed grinder, hirgesl capacity lo r | show Ice; I 'lo n clialn i Plione

Id reseattr; 1 light S-wheei,U allcr;J® A *i^J Ish setter, female, line retriever. U. E. I mmway. 646 2nd ave north .

— F o r - S a l e — L i v e s t o c k ' I a B E- - ....... - - " - ___ ■ POtti3R SALE—F R E 3H ~ 'C 0W .~P H 0N E I

OR SALE - REGISTERED JERSEY bull. Phone 130J. - •

‘waKiie r f ^ ^ l i ^ e 4 W j

Ojrt ^ L ^ I f f iA V Y W O rU ^jraA M . I q „ |

REGISTERED HAMPSHIRfc: liAMtt—4 y e a n O ld -B tione .a iIU JU m bcrl7 ._^S )sii«

ioTOTERED ’SPOTTED P O L A N D ;" China boars and gills. L. A..Wlnkle. j —

Her. ; A ^ K---- I ■ 1 Ua ;

OR SA LE-PA IR O P GOOD M U LES,; --------Will trade for good horses. Phone |

' ---------------------------------------- ! '- M «I tei)ch(

GOOD YOUNG.JERSEY COWS POR . « » aale. 1 mile east PUer High School. \ ■ '.. V. Sharp. ■ ;_________ ' | .

” er b o a ^ .^ ch « p .^ m ^h Ia rte iis . ido»,-.Phonft-UF31.=.. . [WE-H

OST'SALS -^ 'ItA M raH lA E BUCK3T " yearlings and la^nbs. SU mllea n u U t wAN* L ly laJ:alla.Jlobi.C liun;h. _ L . e a , .

OR SALE — 450 TW O AND TH REE jgA L g year old eroisbrod-w hlte faced ewea. per I. W. DayU. posiotflce. R ^ e ra o n r , - | «

UREBRED’ HAMPSHIRE B U C K S -3 ! TZNN yclftIin:Otia:J4-lRnib3r--^i-mil<H!M «7TH6rl I W aters corner, 1.8 m ile nurih. A. S . log Q<^ am a .- ------------------------------------

O R -fiA L B -l t-HEAO- D U RO C-SO W SJ- cust 10 farrow -next m onth: nlso I n e l- ja jid g

lan ■siiilllon- for sale. Peter C h risten -; ■

.e g i s t e r e d T 'O X E s t r e f e r e n c e s r^uTTt 35 year.-., 0 banks.- Invcstlgalc ncssl-; M iJa j

nitli's m cney. Free beolilel» . - C l«M y ;ln» . Scattlo. W ash. ■ ___ _ I

l i o a p w i ~ —

t O ^ ^ c T i i ^ V POTTER R E A fr L - l e au te , : f o r

PER-CENT TX5A-N5: W 0 - C 0 m i S : i alons. first class residence p r o p e r l y ! - : ^ ilyr-C»U-3fl0 or 1511..... . . . i ;. . 1----------

lONBY PO R STRAIOHTLOANS ON! — i ^ e n : ho u se t- In - T w t a - ' FalU.WAN*: rBwr-ljr-aWiM-«:,iJfl. 7 '; •

^ b ^ ^ l ^ D l m t ^ i r a i w ^ iwAN'l iPwm ew.j)riTlIei««. .N o ._ a w h _ ^ -_ ! .. *» «


CT w A t T - . . . ^ - n . .5 . w ) w i : y ^ W , Y


i l ^ lN f a V O V E ^ • - .• H


^ P r o f e s s i o n a l '

• ATTOaMEXB . ...........■

JUD UN N -Room i3 oad 4 SmlUi R l e e '^ ^ l uUdlog. H

I 'l f A tC ^ v T r " CloV'Book“ aiorST“ |

m W. GRAUAM -Lawyer. Bank A . I ru st BuUdlttc. Phone |

BgL BT * UWBHLBY- ^ j> w ol ltee t— I Eoorman Building. * * ' .

C. SHENERKRCKR. U w yer. P i n t I aiioimt_Bniik_B^ldlng. Phone 250, ■

" B o s i n e s a . ■

Pl.UM BINO "'" ! “ I

m e" P L U s S S b ' i T ib a t i m q : C Q = JDown room and shops. 1&3 3 id east ■3ne 283. - •_____________ _ _ J

LLA>HTNE PLOTIBING * OBAT.' - | ng Co. For heating troub le» .ph .-g l-it— B


It3 ^ ^ 8 0 M N C B ^ " c o v e n g M - r l

T^A ySPK B .............

:0Z1EB TBANSFER C O ,- P b o n « HI4A. Crating;, storageandLlBeHjrOoiaL . . |

lR BERO .TRA N SnSR.iU n> .STOB*— : l iOBXO.—Coa»»ad-» ood. P h one 143.—

N te n OLfl TRANOPCR ft-flT o iil o i - - Jarbage hauled dally. P bane 900. ■ .

'Atl-TRAN8FBB-C0.—-« ftU n g -a n d —racking -a tt>t<!Ullty. Ku>m Cual r -

' ..........’■"i'TiTMUSIC T K A C atB .

.BBBT B .n iA N C 1 8 -A n rem ted Tl>*Iin teaeber. Pbane BUJa. ____ . ,

. MUSIC T E A C neitS Mrs. l. 'Q . Oooddlngraecredited'planv**? 4cher. Phoue 857J. . . .

M is c ie O a n e o u B ■. V .:.

iheep. Mary_Alke_Park. _ • -

A rrreo -C H IC K E N S w i t h p e a t h . t > e aJil..O ..C nn8ai!^ ,Phone .lll2M :,, , . \

ftLSOMXNlNO, PAQPTINO AND FA> ''. per hanging. F .- A r R o w a a r a a a ta ■. e e M t,: Pbopg-8M rJ.-. ' : . . .■ : . - r : r z n m iB RACQOTrrs R E B T R O ua, t i " • - I6 ru p ..-P r« n p y « n l« ,> B o U e Jp o r fc _ ^ t Oooda C o, B olH Id a h » ■ r

B ^iU lg-FU tlY ^SQ P IP P g D •_TO~PO 'Tr2 ;ustotxi. cleauliig in dgnid tog .of-aeetii-.^ d grain; Darruw B rothera Seed C o .. r-i

r t w r ^ n ^

r -w n iW e - * r tn d B r rP l io m ^ « iW r 4 i l^ U aeaafc . . .• ' '

F o r R c n t - ^ p w r t m c n l ^ t ^ ^

m TURNISIIED A PA R T U E N T J. J f o s iitB fc -N B ar-c ltrP tffc -^ P iio n ea ig -^

)R R E N T -T im E B 'R O O M r o i ? ' 0 iu sb e d .« 9 an m av i;A U B lM » « fA 8 H i* :^B fg —l a d - a w — ------ -

- — H dpflfan ted-— ^JfN -reD ^ MAN -EXPERIENCEI); W U i

A N T liu-V O U yP MAN p p i i . W j ? j U ^ irivrrvlcc sU tlon.' a u to 'a g e . cxpeaV IC32lQ3ZlEnSDCC^23C3CEZ3SQ£AEHl3»ZS ti’ERIENCffli RADIO 'S A E E S M A T f^yjio^c a n ^ ;^ ^dcl^»y ^^

d b o T O s n r o ^ t i o ^ ^ikej |mp(|g t |B r^ : -y>Br£

Page 14: 4 A. M . EdiUon. : SMK- W Hnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · 4 A. M . EdiUon. : SMK-N O "m ~" "1HI0HI1HMIESH—flltflr.li t 11 I I fti ' lT?ltr ilf l l iw i i^raeiiMiiETg

“ P f l g c ^ T o u r t ^ . • "

- r v n m i n r a i m n n n i / l y ‘’-Ey•’ • - h i i | i _ y y j iy |f l y h r ^ i V f ^ c i

F I e 1 rl . fio p fo so iita liv e

____ ______ '___________ . . ' ,

_ 'lT«W yJiihelicoii m r r l in p 'T in i i '^ 'T - • , ome RoUrj- cUiO wos lu'ld Ri-v.

r3a=S B E >lto-0 ilrr:P !:tm nhrifrjirw^=IW TOUn»e=Hjr~m?^atJi--Chanii«:t_TiLi^n,f^ —C om m frw .-Shf M«kr ol lirr <>Wivii:_ai_ihi:

lloji^ whlli* iravfUnif lii oiIi-t Muirs.Bni) ol.w Hovc on oiiUInc or itu- rMam- fjoy

—bC T 'iTTrorirforthr-fitturrr-T li-^M Iiiu. niand«ship fom inltirf va* n\kfd la rniivry of jj.^,

••1he-rfRKL*r.(>f Uic club to Jolm Nlm'-. for tDi —wl»o-wai» InJiirwlSiyiaav-tnorniuii. wlni!i.:,iav •«

h r fell frnm n ircg_Pil_ lil^»o i»T O ’ kiti- " i h c r c 'l i c wns plrklim nii|i'<w?. T lif-ill- cimrlc -^ectorK‘-m N Jttnc-nf-ih f-H oirtry-f!iii» -H lw sii

will be held nrxt M otulay.' . loriaii~ ~ J c r onif ' r j l i m — O iv i l t ^ M nrnlnr-nr. -

moniinR, In llH' lili’li ^rlionl uti fi' -nii-

- - T n in r a rp a n rT in m rn d n c m r th r - ta lT il^ n iygrottos jj|| |;

of Ihc <lay. • ' iT he Jcroiiir btini! was otuanlznl j

Monday iilHhi. Wllh I.*'I 'licr: 1‘rnfc.vor 1 —Cu»uiy-Flcdibu:r_AvULJ)a_^hiLJw li'J,.. ,

, ; Mr. and Mr.s. 0 .'c rC Ji? iO T rrfnnni‘P----------- .‘ Iy of Jrroinc. nnw-of-Yakiinn. Wooli-

Inolon, have iK-rn vMllm: ut ilu' R- L.. Jenkins, homr. Mr. nnil Mrs. CliniulU'r r

southern Miwonrl. Mr*. W. r. Box will _- nccomiMiiy them on llielr lrii>. l . l — m e-prtm B rrT lnrar’mM't-ttf liie-Pre*— , ■■

byicrlan..8iiiiilay schtiol were m tor- -U in ed -o l.a picnic Bl ih r.S o iilh P a ik i jp „ Balurdoy nfieriiooH. O a in o n lilayeU, nnd rcfre/ihmenl* w r^ed nl Ua-,CIMC of the aflernoon. coumi

WIllOTrt ftn«l Odwald Thorr.son Ictt ; fiimdny nljihi for Twin Fnils where

- they will atlcnd-K hool. Mr.-iim|-Mr>r-^S2 =O. L. ‘riiore&oii ulnti lo move to T w in ; -___Falbi about Bepiember 18. 'I'tiey hare ■

- ..rc a tc d 'lh tJ r .b p m c here ,(o Mr, nmi In u i H I I

• Dwlghl McCorkle.whfLhn'been Vi-'ll- I ___.:Unit-for-aJniiLilm(Lnf-lliC-Mil?51iH(ioij_.___f

home, linn returned to his home lu I Seotlle.

Mr. and-M r». J tomtr^RobcMon a iu l, ^ J family ir tu rn e< ln o m e . fllfiiriluy uotn

lie. IWatliinglon. nnd Portlunit. nnd Seaside. Ore«on. They- were uecom pa-,

— nled-lionic-by-M r*-Robfr««>^mwl>iui----------■ M rs .‘Jam es GnrwelirSeflslUe,-who-will' -

visit here. • .. ,•MIm XHlftml Ahrnm.wn Ipf I TuodaV ___ J

for Albion where nhe 'will nliend.schoolthU year. • • ................................

. Bernice Plnluiton le lt Sunday -fo r 'Boise where she will allend biislnrM'

_collegc.-........................................................O lcnn S m ith -le ft Monflny-nlcht for;

Moscow where he will bf n w iihom orc, . “ III Um u illiu iU iy .-H em s-u iL tjnnanlcd '' ^"~i

Miss Anne Toiirtellot left Tuesday! “ “aflernoon for th e .E m ma Wlllnrd_i»rLi- __vnie Achcol'for glr(.s. a l Troy, New York.

_ Mr. and Mr«. Ed OIII, Porllnnd.iBrc — vlsUlnB-lii>J«romeT-and-«re-looUnii-facl —

A number o f Roynl Neighbors Irom‘ h'ere will a ttend’ the district convni- ___]__ ti(m _ th ijL y .cacj 'n ic iL Juo3^ j{eT (riiT ___;

Hagermnn. September 23. Mrs. Ida

- ^ d a h T n n d '- O rtfo n X a nR B T itrg M n ritr = conduct the school of Instruction.

The Llghtbearer's club, a ciilldren's branch of ihe W csimlnlster Oiilld of the .Presbyterian church, will hold u

.meeting a t the liome of Anne Burdick.• Thursday afternoon, after school.

Miss Alleen Oofmnn Is leaving Sun-


- - ' ' • * ¥ T E T T ^ _



- h ~ ~ ' ' a

p p s r S r i m d ! s , - S u p 6 E S S

E iii^™J,^>THE.FlNESTSM)SS ’ bwH Phfttm Bfl

■ ‘ 'TW IN FALLS ijA n ,

;: ak Uio Je rry OormaiiTiome, Mr«.- J# don( imir hns been h r rr for .w era l w k .-i. th a t ar r indT ;ri^ .‘i rT o g ii |-n rc - j[M ira m in r neciion ^^^O ny^U ijho^m w i^^ poratio

.liiimilrylml'ldinii. *,tlrs Jnhn^iin . Iijc^^3uiicl0yl.^^^‘|' *


h Ml'S. II. L'. Maxwell, a.^'lstnnt th e kin

: i s ; ; a s s a s a a ! £Oim-ni.'. w i'r<^wrvrd-by.:tlie J ia it- . “ ''JS I'.s HI Ihc ck ',c o[ me nirc'tlna. “ ftrv. O. L. K n idnll. otm jn iiaMor of

KUtilSflkliaiSu^alOral-LroTLUl'j^JtT:^-;^^i^«lffWr-t»r-HhiRmhWff}'TiWfrrrt>ff“ =TTiS ih c .M ctbouu i-chu fH ra i Twln FuI]* fractcd

'loyd A. Btddnil v.'*is clrclrd tom - ]!!!!!^[ n d e r-a iiti-V m ir-T h o n x '- iidjuiiiiilItroini' iioM Ilf Ih f Amcrlrun [.«'Biott tlii^om iim yf^r, u t a mecllim Tu<«- • • «‘VHiliiii.-OUn‘r - o f » m * - .-IwlMl >1 I' Hi-ii - f ^ H H i ^ i ty fomtnnn ttrrr irlps f'yne. m u.urr n t urms: W. f- M inffrrhoplaint-H rlnej—liircn*," his* —flfhiin laii: Dr. W. L. lk:i.ird. .MTVla' n f ll- j ^.illnn i -------------- .--------, --------------- -7 ; - HTSfirSi

j s i i i i s si r j i i 'S F i l g

— • ----------- nlvHit 1la i 'd - ? r o v k l i i l i r 'f o r " V i .> < it

f rw u(-OiLAILSchoul__P.U|)ils_aLL[;^o^.|J,^

C o u n l y ’.s A n i u i i i l E w n t l l ' o m " ;~~ - part ol

. . ----- " r T “ --------- Inmleromn. Sept. 12 (8 |> i'c iarfo ~ T lic uk* s i—The fa ir board. In nrraiialnK «m l h(k rln iin n e n l- fentiirM - f o r- J e m m e what'!inty fuir lo tc held Sciitember 20. bl«KMiniul 28, has nrruiiged for September sior.ln

^Elarvest S—K (U K J s iI ie J im c iQ .g f iL > ’o u c -& Ia ch ir

U E I .T IN C -C H A IN -5 H A F

B A im iT T — SPROi


................- • - ' E l M t r l c a l S u

210-220Second T u r i n Averiiie South I W l I l

l a e k ^ o r ^

y i l L E S l --------------------------------

The Rel-B ett

--LESS G A I^ O N --r ■ ■ A clean G as, free __ ___________ m otor, tro u b le s i t bt

MORE PeT?A?JD MORE 1• A dry G as, q u ic k 'to ipniti

_ L _ ^ p ic k - t» iv -P re e -fn )m -c ra n k ^ c n i .weur and w aste !

^Beff^Servicr=l l _ v l lv .v H v U i “ H i '

i k y o u r a ^ s h i e j d L ' _ J ! 5 :


lUTbMQBIL]md;b e s i Eanipp"ED:‘GA'iuGE m8M-. ■ ••e ■■ OHIIflbutors.- • . - v8 alc«>ai

i n .Y : N j ^ .q ; : T w i N _ F A £ i j

openlnif <iay ot UictolrT to dc i 'IIIWt~'^y i

n lllayB'llh*ftml»m->»!nrfhg-JiHls in g] : = done and gain :m aR y?pther,th lnsajI t arc ot nn educational value In con*; __:tlon with the arrangcm eni and pre* 1 ration of a fnlr. I l t ty fflll also h ave- _■

>■1 ihr,t a-MI Iw nl fnlr When tlli'v! ____MrMt ry 11) I’

n>f fair bi.atdlia.". had tlckei.s prlnU'd ^

jo ^ s 7o rt'cr)' school rlilid reti'ardieKr'" ' “ a e i:. . J l ie .fa H J » j i i l - a f i li't . r !o.h n vei —T ttr5tfeH ndi»nnnT ltt-ttlf-T ^r«rfTftni ■ ; ^ f klndereftrten lip to aa^JltftUidlnir'atrj't tn c iia o L itu d c n u . 'i .^ ^ : —ieifoolTfnidren. In addition to receiv* i r lickets to the fairro ir- en terfriT-t he • — ;es Ihe opcnlna day will receive tickets

inkaLdevleg£.on-thEcroun[ls.— “ ni'^ow iO iunist'T iO 'u i'T uiiy 'co ii^ ~ cted.for .ihcws.' bui ne;ollntlons arc'; ilor ttuv for a nnmbcr_ of ••different |}ws. Unduubiediy Uiere will be an ilclle show and ‘‘IO *in*one-!ihow^ — Ich has 10 shows imder one cam-as. <■p fiiir^b'oard t-s exircmely parlleu lar,

I offend-the .most particular. -------- : • -

.Init nnd (IrliiKlnii .Mand.s and al.'-.n tin- i rS i iiW 'f liic irsp rm s-tn -a m iirF 'm o "[ and yoimi: nllke..^ The concesiion

nR tor-coiicP»).lon» very cnrefully^'ltli ' dciim..liui:Hi'iilnfiU-'t1ir sluniU' lliiil-- : = f*’nf"il“titirrtion3blc nntuii* uTirt t. m'*“" *

(JiMc oppliroiJn.'M f'or .ilajid'i at will not nircl with th r approval ot i‘ (nir pairons. The (nlr board liuh, lll]llMr»l-«l riHIH<‘IIIH(»H-tO|>-0 n*-prO—• — ftiii wlilrli.calls fur an expemlHurf o t ,/Hit Jl.')00 In prizes io ihe w inner^of I e hor's? tnci\>;, and the proKratu nl •p ucu lo take place In .fron t ol the aiid.slaiul will be ^0lnelhlnK .nev and 'Vel.' Tlie board has nrraniicd to r at- irlions (hai-wiil be entirely a i t le re n t ;}iii anvthlnK ever oifereit In i h l i ' TToridairo. ■In nddltlon lo the op j»rtun lly of v is i t . .;; Ihe wonderful exhiblU of liic lunn d home there is not u n f doubt but tiai-Scptcmbcr-20-wllt-bP’ onf Of iht>'KKCst (luys In the lives of every yoiiiii-- tT.ln Jerome counly. ____________ _

Si^plies-c h ln o -O v c rh a t i le t ln n d - r c a t ly l-------------

lA F T I N f i— P U M .E Y S


in=A H-M ower?Suppliefcr- i .



S u p p l l w -------------------------

tl Falls, Idaho |

Are^ j‘easons--

y .

N'ee from carbon and til) th e ' t brin(?H \vith-.continuc().iise. .

E M I L E S - I - ;

rnite, glvinjr anfippy, I’oppy -cn R ^d lU itlo n iv -w h ich -ca ifiio n —■- !

jn r ! * -----------r —

I '■ ■ ~ ~ .......... ................................ -

iN S H R jS ^S T ^^ .:,;:■ p»H«Phoi«a9a


" lir iD A H o , T O D 'A '^ ip m

.Now is the time 1<> iirepaip a w nre llllt a fcW SUgflfC

=i^jei^Eferrt^:^u«ti(>l«'Crki consistent HIGH QUALI

— ^Ward’s come-ih.today-^a:

Beautiful Fall H ats :

,;tiinnintf mtidols. d iroct coiiios from oritfinalrt >>>’ \V'il<i-f«H'-

~ niis~ I’arla-dcsiKnct^—lU‘i>i<brrr-- -diicod- iii-.-kilkV ^ull-llm udi—

fd ts . All •

Velvet and Satin H ats

Sllll. '.iii'K- iV>inil:ir in blnck.-------- l.t'ow iu -m o iiko .’.v -u iiii je iL j ih m i—

aiul moiiel. Thvro aro sftUn_^ :iiui f f i i ' lu lls » i nvnriow price. C l o s o filtinK , nnd

----- Iirimmt‘tl itvkIi'Is ,_____________ _____

^ ^ f io ia ^ C fE itT K if fn ir - =---------- ---------- - H o s i e r y -------------------- -

— (•loiu-,*cvenly—w ovcii-ch iffo ii,—' riill-l'ashionod uml silk to th e

sliaili's new fo r Fiill. .

■ ' .

I - • - J I


— $3.98rn 'if^n m lltir- 'w a ha ts a re iijt UiK a v^iliie iw 'ouf iicw'-l'*flii auitH. Y o ii.yet <:yerl’ la te fash ion t r e n d n n ^ R o i r Hiuart lltieit and co lo n s. . . Au- •. t 4 i t t i ^ r o w n . . LIffht Pearl

—. ..t .-«nd;Stet*i.;Tthey’ c in gon-.-_ •tiino fiir-foIt,-(ucqui>iltely-fi’ri- Ished. Halin lined. .

----------------- O th e r-H flts ra l--------------$ 2 L 9 8 to $ 5 . 9 8

: - S h o A ( > n e :a o d j^ w l '

n a n g s .'S E P T E M E R 13,

pare your home and your w;

ffittw iaheifflE fisyca^ LITV, coupled.Avith its LOV ^and-bc-cbnv-inced.

^ B t A C lA W e l c o m e C h a i

~ — S i i m i n e i ^ C o l m - s

Tho sophi.sliuation (tf liliick i« evcrywhiTf tiiis Kal! in the ne

-Kumiilcs . . . coaLs. frflck.>i,' hat; Hhoe!<jiilupt-il-hettiiiHe iU i»>-nL‘.t

-------nU yjnim in t b n l pruotlc-fll'aa-tvrl' ' ten it i« rolicvod liy touche.t of

fir color.

These Fy— Wh;

— ' ' . ■■=— ( - t

R 1 f w hat you w ant is ST• I l oi e il Im . . . A u then tic , creii

—---- tnspirtjdiit-ihe-jrHtlierinjf-placi• ■ yoiini' buftine.'<!< meii, colleRc r

• -Here i t .Ih- .-. . -Uicb woiilen-v

u- •. ■ «rey. ' 'irl •- ' r ■*

iw~--4f-what-you-wanUsJECHere it is . . . Y ou’re fretting le a rn e d 'b y experience to a'sH'c have only to .‘«cc theHC su its tf .•^aviiigs a re . --------------'••■ -

V m e n s -d r e s !

------ A-great-Hpc• --___L___ouLmaHty.

....... (PO A O ' ' to-the-iniiiu-------- BHieg.-ijflim

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e men,*e.'(t‘eu tives. V'. ' ^

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L.n~irtho u lm oat in ap p ea ran ce. .

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Is. 'o u r slore.s. and

exccptioiial m erchai\-._ ‘L_'


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v ithR ich 'F u r ' minffs------------------ “ “

L75:— — ■ - -ch ly -fu iw d-cnatsH hal ^' occasi<iii. Hroiidcloth :oat fab ric of th e sea- ^ ,and so ft hucd tweod.s . ._

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ii«-«lippcr-<>nii-or-thi'- -<; ---------’lie ru -a re lu n y -n u m b er— ------ 'illy chic, in suede, kid- _

Havei t . _ ^