4. ICT Dalam P&P

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  • 7/23/2019 4. ICT Dalam P&P


    ICT Dalam P&P

    2001 [email protected]

    Unit Komputer Dalam PendidikanPusat Perkembanan Kurikulum

  • 7/23/2019 4. ICT Dalam P&P


    T!e T!ird "a#e$%Toler'




  • 7/23/2019 4. ICT Dalam P&P


    Inormation (e





    Million years 10,000 years 200 years






  • 7/23/2019 4. ICT Dalam P&P








    Expected Canges !rom Education in

    te Industrial "ociety to Education in

    te Information

    #elgrum and Anderson $Ed%&,1999

  • 7/23/2019 4. ICT Dalam P&P


    Actor Education in te Industrial "ociety$te traditionally important


    Education in te Information "ociety$te emerging paradigm&

    "cool Isolated from society

    Most information on scoolfunctioning confidential

    Integrated in society

    Information openly a'aila(le

    )eacer Initiator of instruction

    *ole class teacing

    E'aluates student

    #laces lo+ empasis on

    communication sills

    -elps student find appropriateinstructional pat

    .uides students/ independent learning

    -elps student to e'aluate o+n

    progress #laces ig empasis on

    communication sills

    "tudent Mostly passi'e

    earns mostly at scool

    -ardly any team+or

    )aes uestions from (oos orteacers

    earn ans+ers to uestions

    o+ interest in learning

    More acti'e

    earns at scool and outside scool

    Muc team+or

    Ass uestions !ind ans+ers to uestions

    -ig interest

    #arent -ardly acti'ely in'ol'ed in learningprocess

    o steering of instruction o life3long learning model

    ery acti'e in learning process


    #arents pro'ide model

  • 7/23/2019 4. ICT Dalam P&P


    Actor Education in te Industrial "ociety$te traditionally important


    Education in te Information "ociety$te emerging paradigm&

    "cool Isolated from society

    Most information on scoolfunctioning confidential

    Integrated in society

    Information openly a'aila(le

    )eacer Initiator of instruction

    *ole class teacing

    E'aluates student

    #laces lo+ empasis on

    communication sills

    -elps student find appropriateinstructional pat

    .uides students/ independent learning

    -elps student to e'aluate o+n

    progress #laces ig empasis on

    communication sills

    "tudent Mostly passi'e

    earns mostly at scool

    -ardly any team+or

    )aes uestions from (oos orteacers

    earn ans+ers to uestions

    o+ interest in learning

    More acti'e

    earns at scool and outside scool

    Muc team+or

    Ass uestions !ind ans+ers to uestions

    -ig interest

    #arent -ardly acti'ely in'ol'ed in learningprocess

    o steering of instruction o life3long learning model

    ery acti'e in learning process


    #arents pro'ide model

  • 7/23/2019 4. ICT Dalam P&P


    Actor Education in te Industrial "ociety$te traditionally important


    Education in te Information "ociety$te emerging paradigm&

    "cool Isolated from society

    Most information on scoolfunctioning confidential

    Integrated in society

    Information openly a'aila(le

    )eacer Initiator of instruction

    *ole class teacing

    E'aluates student

    #laces lo+ empasis on

    communication sills

    -elps student find appropriateinstructional pat

    .uides students/ independent learning

    -elps student to e'aluate o+n

    progress #laces ig empasis on

    communication sills

    "tudent Mostly passi'e

    earns mostly at scool

    -ardly any team+or

    )aes uestions from (oos orteacers

    earn ans+ers to uestions

    o+ interest in learning

    More acti'e

    earns at scool and outside scool

    Muc team+or

    Ass uestions !ind ans+ers to uestions

    -ig interest

    #arent -ardly acti'ely in'ol'ed in learningprocess

    o steering of instruction o life3long learning model

    ery acti'e in learning process


    #arents pro'ide model

  • 7/23/2019 4. ICT Dalam P&P


    Actor Education in te Industrial "ociety$te traditionally important


    Education in te Information "ociety$te emerging paradigm&

    "cool Isolated from society

    Most information on scoolfunctioning confidential

    Integrated in society

    Information openly a'aila(le

    )eacer Initiator of instruction

    *ole class teacing

    E'aluates student

    #laces lo+ empasis on

    communication sills

    -elps student find appropriateinstructional pat

    .uides students/ independent learning

    -elps student to e'aluate o+n

    progress #laces ig empasis on

    communication sills

    "tudent Mostly passi'e

    earns mostly at scool

    -ardly any team+or

    )aes uestions from (oos orteacers

    earn ans+ers to uestions

    o+ interest in learning

    More acti'e

    earns at scool and outside scool

    Muc team+or

    Ass uestions !ind ans+ers to uestions

    -ig interest

    #arent -ardly acti'ely in'ol'ed in learningprocess

    o steering of instruction o life3long learning model

    ery acti'e in learning process


    #arents pro'ide model

  • 7/23/2019 4. ICT Dalam P&P


    Actor Education in te Industrial "ociety$te traditionally important


    Education in te Information "ociety$te emerging paradigm&

    "cool Isolated from society

    Most information on scoolfunctioning confidential

    Integrated in society

    Information openly a'aila(le

    )eacer Initiator of instruction

    *ole class teacing

    E'aluates student

    #laces lo+ empasis on

    communication sills

    -elps student find appropriateinstructional pat

    .uides students/ independent learning

    -elps student to e'aluate o+n

    progress #laces ig empasis on

    communication sills

    "tudent Mostly passi'e

    earns mostly at scool

    -ardly any team+or

    )aes uestions from (oos orteacers

    earn ans+ers to uestions

    o+ interest in learning

    More acti'e

    earns at scool and outside scool

    Muc team+or

    Ass uestions !ind ans+ers to uestions

    -ig interest

    #arent -ardly acti'ely in'ol'ed in learningprocess

    o steering of instruction o life3long learning model

    ery acti'e in learning process


    #arents pro'ide model

  • 7/23/2019 4. ICT Dalam P&P


    Actor Education in te Industrial "ociety$te traditionally important


    Education in te Information "ociety$te emerging paradigm&

    "cool Isolated from society

    Most information on scoolfunctioning confidential

    Integrated in society

    Information openly a'aila(le

    )eacer Initiator of instruction

    *ole class teacing

    E'aluates student

    #laces lo+ empasis on

    communication sills

    -elps student find appropriateinstructional pat

    .uides students/ independent learning

    -elps student to e'aluate o+n

    progress #laces ig empasis on

    communication sills

    "tudent Mostly passi'e

    earns mostly at scool

    -ardly any team+or

    )aes uestions from (oos orteacers

    earn ans+ers to uestions

    o+ interest in learning

    More acti'e

    earns at scool and outside scool

    Muc team+or

    Ass uestions !ind ans+ers to uestions

    -ig interest

    #arent -ardly acti'ely in'ol'ed in learningprocess

    o steering of instruction o life3long learning model

    ery acti'e in learning process


    #arents pro'ide model

  • 7/23/2019 4. ICT Dalam P&P


    Actor Education in te Industrial "ociety$te traditionally important


    Education in te Information "ociety$te emerging paradigm&

    "cool Isolated from society

    Most information on scoolfunctioning confidential

    Integrated in society

    Information openly a'aila(le

    )eacer Initiator of instruction

    *ole class teacing

    E'aluates student

    #laces lo+ empasis on

    communication sills

    -elps student find appropriateinstructional pat

    .uides students/ independent learning

    -elps student to e'aluate o+n

    progress #laces ig empasis on

    communication sills

    "tudent Mostly passi'e

    earns mostly at scool

    -ardly any team+or

    )aes uestions from (oos orteacers

    earn ans+ers to uestions

    o+ interest in learning

    More acti'e

    earns at scool and outside scool

    Muc team+or

    Ass uestions !ind ans+ers to uestions

    -ig interest

    #arent -ardly acti'ely in'ol'ed in learningprocess

    o steering of instruction o life3long learning model

    ery acti'e in learning process


    #arents pro'ide model

  • 7/23/2019 4. ICT Dalam P&P


    Actor Education in te Industrial "ociety$te traditionally important


    Education in te Information "ociety$te emerging paradigm&

    "cool Isolated from society

    Most information on scoolfunctioning confidential

    Integrated in society

    Information openly a'aila(le

    )eacer Initiator of instruction

    *ole class teacing

    E'aluates student

    #laces lo+ empasis on

    communication sills

    -elps student find appropriateinstructional pat

    .uides students/ independent learning

    -elps student to e'aluate o+n

    progress #laces ig empasis on

    communication sills

    "tudent Mostly passi'e

    earns mostly at scool

    -ardly any team+or

    )aes uestions from (oos orteacers

    earn ans+ers to uestions

    o+ interest in learning

    More acti'e

    earns at scool and outside scool

    Muc team+or

    Ass uestions !ind ans+ers to uestions

    -ig interest

    #arent -ardly acti'ely in'ol'ed in learningprocess

    o steering of instruction o life3long learning model

    ery acti'e in learning process


    #arents pro'ide model

  • 7/23/2019 4. ICT Dalam P&P


    International o)iety or Te)!noloy in -du)ation

    )raditional earning En'ironments e+ earning En'ironments

    )eacer3centered instruction "tudent3Centered Instruction

    "ingle sense stimulation Multisensory stimulation

    "ingle pat progression Multipat progression

    "ingle media Multimedia

    Isolated +or Colla(orati'e +or

    Information deli'ery Information excange

    #assi'e learningActi'e5exploratory5inuiry3(asedlearning

    !actual, no+ledge (ased learningCritical tining and informeddecision maing

    6eacti'e response #roacti'e5planned action

    Isolated, artificial context Autentic, real3+orld context

  • 7/23/2019 4. ICT Dalam P&P


    taes o Te)!noloy

    (doption -ntry






  • 7/23/2019 4. ICT Dalam P&P


    Use o ICT in -du)ation

    Penunaan ICT dalam P&P

    bermaksud menunakan ICT se)ara

    terancang,(ersesuaian,dan(erfirauntuk meninkatkan

    ke)ekapan proses dan keberkesanan


  • 7/23/2019 4. ICT Dalam P&P


    Cateories o ICT Interation

    in T& ICT or tutorial learnin

    ICT or eploratory learnin

    ICT as apli)ations

    ICT or )ommuni)ation

    (dapted rom arbara 3eans )lassii)ations o te)!noloy use in learnin4 1556

  • 7/23/2019 4. ICT Dalam P&P


    ICT or tutorial learnin

    ICTdikatakan untuk pembela7aran tutorialapabila diuna untuk menyampai kandunanpela7aran berdasarkan urutan yan tela!ditetapkan. Pembela7aran tutorial inimerankumi8

    Pembela7aran ekspositori Demonstrasi sesuatu enomena yan ditun7ukkan

    dan dika+al urutan babaknya ole! sistem4 ati!an atau lati!tubi yan disampai dan dika+al

    ole! sistem

  • 7/23/2019 4. ICT Dalam P&P


    ICT or eploratory learnin

    Penunaan ICT untuk pembela7aran

    penerokaan berlaku apabila ICT diunakan

    sebaai medium untuk8 men)ari dan menakses maklumat daripada CD9

    :/34 Internet4 erban maklumat dll.

    menalami4 mempela7ari dan menka7i sesuatu

    enomena se)ara simulasi meli!at demontrasi sesuatu ke7adian yan urutan

    babaknya bole! dika+al ole! murid

  • 7/23/2019 4. ICT Dalam P&P


    ICT as apli)ations

    ICT dikatakan diuna sebaai alat

    aplikasi apabila membantu murid

    melaksanakan tuasan pembela7aran4bukan sebaai mekanisma penyaluran

    maklumat p&p

  • 7/23/2019 4. ICT Dalam P&P


    ICT or )ommuni)ation

    ICT dikatakan sebaai alat pemuda!

    komunikasi apabila diuna untuk

    membole! murid dan uru daripadalokasi yan berbe,a men!antar4

    menerima dan berkonsi maklumat yan

    pelbaai bentuk.