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  • AW-UII


  • 2Definisi


    Tahapan gravimetri

    Stoikiometri Faktor gravimetri

    Terbentuknya endapan


    Agen pengendap

  • Gravimetric Analysis- What is It?


    Definisi (umum):

    Metode penentuan bobot analit

    (dlm bntuk endapan tidak larut)

    yang komposisinya diketahui

    dan secara kimia berhubungandengan analit.

    Direct methods Penentuan bobot analit itu sendiri Ni(DMG)2Indirect methods Melibatkan perubahan bobot analit (selisih) sbg hasil dari menghilangkan bagian analit dan weighing

    by difference contoh: Moisture analysis

    Terjadinya perubahan unsur menjadi senyawa murni, stabil, dan dapat ditimbang dengan teliti. Berat unsur (analit) dapat dihitung berdasarkan rumus senyawa dan berat atom-atom di dalamnya.

    Determination of mass:Direct orBy difference

  • Gravimetric Analysis- What is It?

    Reaction:aA + rR AaRr pptwhere:

    a: moles of analyte A

    r : moles of reagent R

    ppt = precipitate = endapan4

    AaRr produk (endapan) murni, tidak larut, yang dapat dikeringkan dan ditimbang atau

    dibakar untuk dirubah menjadi senyawa yang dapat ditimbang

  • Gravimetric Analysis- What is It?

    Hitunglah berat Na+ (23 g/mol) yang terkandung dalam 25,0 g Na2SO4 (142,0 g/mol)!

    Berapa gram perak nitrat (169,9 g/mol) yang dibutuhkan untuk mengubah 2,33 g natrium karbonat (106,0 g/mol) menjadi perak karbonat? Berapa gram pula perak karbonat (275,7 g/mol) yang dihasilkan?


  • Types of Gravimetric Methods


    Precipitation Methods (pengendapan)Analit diubah menjadi endapan dengan kelarutan yang rendah.

    Electrogravimetric Methods Analit diendapkan pada elektroda

    Volatilization Methods (penguapan)Analit atau produk dekomposisi diuapkan. Lalu Produk yang menguap dikumpulkan dan ditimbang atau massa produk ditentukan dari penurunan berat massa sampel, contoh:NaHCO3(aq)+ H2SO4(aq) CO2(g)+ H2O + NaHSO4(aq)(gas CO2 yg dihasilkan, dikumpulkan dlm tabung khusus, lalu ditimbang)

    Kadar air dalam ekstrak maupun dalam bahan pangan.

    Particulate GravimetryMassa analit ditentukan setelah dilakukan pemisahan (penyaringan) dari matriks (ex. Total solid suspend)

  • Sampel disiapkan

    (dikeringkan; ditimbang)

    Sampel dilarutkan

    Ditambahkan senyawa

    pengendap (boleh berlebih)

    Endapan dikoagulasi (by heating; digesti)

    Endapan Disaring

    (dipisahkan dari larutan asal)

    Endapan Dicuci

    Endapan Dikeringkan

    Ditimbang hingga diperoleh

    bobot tetap7

    Steps in Gravimetric Analysis

  • 8precipitating agent



  • Ukuran partikel endapan

    Colloidal suspensions

    Tidak mudah mengendap

    (Normally remain suspended)

    Sulit disaring

    Ukuran (diameter)

    10-7 s/d 10-4 cm

    Crystallin suspension

    Cenderung mengendap scr


    Dapat langsung disaring


    > 10 mm


    Faktor yg mempengaruhi:

    Kelarutan endapan


    Konsentrasi reaktan

    Kecepatan reaksi

    Pengontrolan pH

    Relative Supersaturation


    more solute than

    should be present

    in solution (lewat


  • Persamaan Van Weimarn:


    Relative Supersaturation (RS) = (Q-S)/S

    S = Equilibrium Solubilty of Precipitate/ kelarutan endapan saat setimbangQ = Instantaneous Concentration/ actual solute concentration/ konsentrasi zat terlarut pd waktu tertentu

    Endapan dalam ukuran koloidalRS >>>

    Endapan dalam ukuran kristalRS

  • Bgaimana cara menurunkan nilai RS??


    Meningkatkan suhu (meningkatkan

    kelarutan endapan, S )

    Dilute solution (endapan dibentuk dari larutan encer)


    Good stirring in heated solutions


    Penambahan agen pengendap scr


    Careful pH control (jika kelarutan

    dipengaruhi oleh pH)




    mixed cristal

    dan reaksi



  • Mekanisme pembentukan endapan


    Ukuran endapan dihasilkan dari kompetisi proses:


    Individu ion/ atom / molekul bergabung membentuk "inti/


    Meningkat secara eksponensial

    dengan meningkatnya nilai


    Jika nukleasi mendominasi,

    endapan tersusun atas sejumlah

    besar partikel kecil endapan koloid

    Particle growth

    Kondensasi ion / atom / molekul dengan "inti/

    nuclei" yang ada, membentuk partikel

    yang lebih besar, lalu mengendap

    Terjadi lebih lambat, pada nilai RS yang


    Jika pertumbuhan partikel mendominasi, endapan terdiri dari

    sejumlah kecil partikel yang lebih besar

    endapan kristal

    Induction period

  • 13

    A B

    RS RS

  • Senyawa/ agen pengendap

    React only with single chemical species

    Dimethylglyoxime (DMG)

    2 DMG + Ni2+ Ni(DMG)2(s) +2H+


    More common, react with a limited number of species

    Ag+ + Halides (X-) AgX(s) Ag+ + CNS- AgCNS(s)

    Selektif 14

  • Senyawa/ agen pengendap (organik) merupakan agen pengkelat.

    Senyawa ini membentuk kelat-logam yang tidak larut.

    Gary Christian, Analytical Chemistry, 6th Ed. (Wiley)


  • 16

    Senyawa/ agen pengendap (anorganik).

  • 17

  • pH control of precipitation

    Ca2+ + C2O42- CaC2O4 (s)

    H2C2O4 2 H+ + C2O4


    Feeder Reaction:


  • Sampel disiapkan

    (dikeringkan; ditimbang)

    Sampel dilarutkan

    Tambahkan senyawa

    pengendap (boleh berlebih)

    Endapan dikoagulasi (by heating; digesti)

    Endapan Disaring

    (separate pptfrom mother


    Endapan Dicuci

    Endapan Dikeringkan

    Ditimbang hingga diperoleh

    bobot tetap19

    Steps in Gravimetric Analysis

  • Koagulasi


    Proses perubahan colloidal suspensions filterable solid

    Coagulation, agglomeration

    Suspensi partikel koloid bergabung membentuk partikel filterable yang lebih besar (merusak kestabilan koloid mudah mengendap filterable)

    Dengan cara:By heating; by stirring; by adding an elctrolyte

  • 21

    Mengapa koloid

    cenderung bersifat stabil?

  • 22

    Figure 8.6 Two methods

    for coagulating a

    precipitate of AgCl.

    (a) Coagulation does not

    happen due to the


    repulsion between

    the two positively

    charged particles.

    (b) Decreasing the

    charge within the

    primary adsorption

    layer, by adding

    additional NaCl,

    decreases the


    repulsion, allowing

    the particles to


    (c) Adding additional

    inert ions decreases

    the thickness of the


    adsorption layer.

    Because the particles

    can approach each

    other more closely,

    they are able to


  • Digestion

    Digesti endapan dipanaskan dalam larutan asal mula terbentuknya endapan tsb (mother liquor)

    selama waktu ttt, shg tjd pemadatan inti.

    Padatan kembali melarut dan mengendap, bersamaan dengan meningkatnya pertumbuhan


    Padatan yang dihasilkan biasanya lebih filterable dan lebih murni

    Meminimalkan kontaminasikopresipitasi23

    Membantu menghilangkan suspensi koloid

    yang sulit atau tidak mungkin untuk disaring


  • Fig. 10.1. Ostwald ripening.

    During digestion at elevated temperature:

    Small particles tend to dissolve and reprecipitate on larger ones.

    Individual particles agglomerate.

    Adsorbed impurities tend to go into solution.

    Gary Christian, Analytical Chemistry, 6th Ed. (Wiley)


  • Sampel disiapkan

    (dikeringkan; ditimbang)

    Sampel dilarutkan

    Tambahkan senyawa

    pengendap (boleh berlebih)

    Endapan dikoagulasi (by heating; digesti)

    Endapan Disaring

    (separate pptfrom mother


    Endapan Dicuci

    Endapan Dikeringkan

    Ditimbang hingga diperoleh

    bobot tetap25

    Steps in Gravimetric Analysis

  • Filtration Usually accomplished with filter

    paper or fritted glass crucibles Pore size should be chosen carefully to

    retain analyte particles but not clog/tersumbat

    Filter paper must usually be removed by ignition but this requires a low ash paper (< 0.010% w/w)

    Proses penyaringan dimulai dengan men-dekantasi cairan supernatan melalui media saring, diikuti oleh endapan padat sembari dicuci


  • Sampel disiapkan

    (dikeringkan; ditimbang)

    Sampel dilarutkan

    Tambahkan senyawa

    pengendap (boleh berlebih)

    Endapan dikoagulasi (by heating; digesti)

    Endapan Disaring

    (separate pptfrom mother


    Endapan Dicuci

    Endapan Dikeringkan

    Ditimbang hingga diperoleh

    bobot tetap27

    Steps in Gravimetric Analysis

  • Rinsing

    Removes the remaining supernatant

    Avoid solubility losses

    Use of cold solvent often accomplishes this goal

    pH adjustment may be necessary for acids and bases

    A volatile inert electrolyte may be added to the wash to avoid peptization



    Coagulated colloidal Colloidal suspension

  • Peptidization

    A procedure where the precipitate is washed and filtered, but part of the precipitate reverts to the colloidal form because supporting electrolyte is gone.

    Cooling the system with an ice-water bath minimizes loss of precipitate due to dissolution


    AgCl (s) AgCl (colloid)

  • Fig. 10.2. Representation of silver chloride colloidal particle

    and adsorptive layers when Cl- is in excess.

    Cl- adsorbs on the particles when in excess (primary layer).

    A counter layer of cations forms.

    The neutral double layer causes the colloidal particles to coagulate.

    Washing with water will dilute the counter layer and the primary layer charge causes the

    particles to revert to the colloidal state (peptization).

    So we wash with an electrolyte that can be volatilized on heating (HNO3).

    Gary Christian,

    Analytical Chemistry,

    6th Ed. (Wiley)


  • Kehadiran elektrolit dapat membantu tjd


    Excess charge on

    colloid creates ionic

    atmosphere around


    D.C. Harris, Quantitative Chemical Analysis, 6th Ed., p686

    Silver nitrate is added very slowly to an

    acidic solution containing chloride. Silver

    chloride nuclei form with a surface layer of

    ions. The charged AgCl particles (or colloidal particles) repel each other.


  • 32

    Mechanism of Precipitation

    In addition to the primary adsorbed silver ions, some nitrate ions form an electrostatic layer around the nucleus.

    These counter ions tend to aggregate around the [AgCl:Ag]+ center because these centers have a net positive charge (excess Ag+) and additional negative charge is required to maintain electrical neutrality.

    Counter ions are less tightly held than the primary adsorbed ions and the counter ion layer is somewhat diffuse and contains ions other than those of the counter ions.

    These layers of charged ions associated with the surface of the nuclei are known as the electric double layer.

  • 33

    Mechanism of Precipitation

  • Sampel disiapkan

    (dikeringkan; ditimbang)

    Sampel dilarutkan

    Tambahkan senyawa

    pengendap (boleh berlebih)

    Endapan dikoagulasi (by heating; digesti)

    Endapan Disaring

    (separate pptfrom mother


    Endapan Dicuci

    Endapan Dikeringkan

    Ditimbang hingga diperoleh

    bobot tetap34

    Steps in Gravimetric Analysis

  • Pengeringan dan Pemanasan Endapan

    The temperature required to produce asuitable weighing form varies from precipitate toprecipitate.

    Setelah disaring endapan dipanaskan hingga diperoleh bobot konstan.

    Pemanasan akan menghilangkan pelarut maupun

    senyawa menguap lain yang masih terdapat di

    dalam endapan.

    Endapan dibakar to decompose the solid form form a compound of know composition or called weighing form.


  • (g)(g)s(s) OH CO)(OFeOH )Fe(HCO 22321hr C850



    2 o


  • 37

    Meningkatkan kemurnian endapan?

    1. Re-precipitation

    a procedure including washing away the mother liquor, redissolving the precipitate, and precipitating the product again

    2. Drying the solid

    Generally the solids are dried at~120 oC, but conditions fordrying can vary considerably. Todetermine the correct drying regime, a thermogravimetric (TGA) balance may be used.

  • 38

    Meningkatkan kemurnian endapan?

    3. Precipitation in the presence of electrolyte Coulombic repulsion is diminished in the presence of

    electrolyte because of a compression of the volume of the ionic atmosphere

    4. Digestion Raising the temperature will increase the collision

    energy for colloidal particles and overcome Coulombicrepulsion, leading to formation of larger particles (coalescence)

  • Karakteristik endapan yang diharapkan:

    1. Dapat disaring dan dicuci shg bebas dari kontaminan (murni)

    2. Memiliki kelarutan yang rendah (analit tidak mudah hilang selama proses penyaringan dan pencucian).

    3. Tidak bereaksi dengan udara/ tidak mudah teroksidasi.

    4. Diketahui komposisinya setelah dikeringkan/ dipanaskan).


  • 40

    Criteria for Gravimetric Analysis

    1. The desired substance must completely precipitate from solution

    In most determinations the precipitate is of such low solubility that dissolution of the analyte is negligible

    An additional factor is the "common ion" effect, further reducing the solubility of the precipitate

  • 41

    Criteria for Gravimetric Analysis

    When Ag+ is precipitated from solution through the addition of Cl-

    the (low) solubility of AgCl is further reduced by the excess of Cl- that is added, pushing the equilibrium to the right (Le Chateliers Principle).

    Precipitation occurs when the value of [Ag+][Cl-] exceeds the solubility product Ksp of AgCl (1.810




  • Why AgCl?

    Reaction is highly selective - no interferents 2AgCl ----> 2Ag + Cl2(g)

    AgCl is insoluble in water, i.e., only slightly soluble in water-losses negligible 1.4 mg/L at 200C 22 mg/L at 1000C


  • Why AgCl is a Good Precipitate?

    Small mass of analyte yields large mass of precipitate-sensitive technique

    AgCl precipitates in curds/lumps (gumpalan) that can be easily collected,

    dried, and weighed

    Precipitate (ppt) is not hygroscopic


  • Precipitation Equilibria:The Solubility Product

    Solubility of Slightly Soluble Salts:

    AgCl(s)(AgCl)(aq) Ag+ + Cl-

    Solubility Product KSP = ion product

    KSP = [Ag+][Cl-]

    Ag2CrO4(s) 2 Ag+ + CrO4


    KSP = [Ag+]2[CrO4



  • The molar solubility depends on the stoichiometry of the salt.

    A 1:1 salt is less soluble than a nonsymmetric salt with the same Ksp.

    Gary Christian, Analytical Chemistry, 6th Ed. (Wiley)


  • Precipitation Equilibria:The Common Ion Effect

    Common Ion Effect

    Will decrease the solubility of a slightly soluble salt.


  • Fig. 10.3. Predicted effect of excess barium ion on solubility of BaSO4.

    The common ion effect is used to decrease the solubility.

    Sulfate concentration is the amount in equilibrium and is equal to the BaSO4 solubility.

    In absence of excess barium ion, solubility is 10-5 M.

    Gary Christian,

    Analytical Chemistry,

    6th Ed. (Wiley)


  • Diverse Ion Effect on Solubility:

    Presence of diverse ions will increase the solubility of precipitates due to shielding of dissociated ion species.

    KSPo and Activity Coefficients

    AgCl(s)(AgCl)(aq) Ag+ + Cl-

    Thermodynamic solubility product KSPo

    KSPo = aAg+

    . aCl- = [Ag+]Ag+

    . [Cl-]Cl- KSP

    o = KSP Ag+. Cl-

    KSP = KSPo/(Ag+

    . Cl)


  • Predicted effect of increased ionic strength on solubility of

    BaSO4. Solubility at zero ionic strength is 1.0 x 10-5 M.

    Ksp = Ksp0/fAg+fSO42-

    Solubility increases with increasing ionic strength as activity coefficients decrease.

    Gary Christian,

    Analytical Chemistry,

    6th Ed. (Wiley)
