Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Pellen- tesque vestibulum, mauris sed ornare scelerisque, nisl dui elemen- tum lorem, eu tincidunt odio nibh a eros. Suspendisse id risus. Nunc purus ipsum, ullamcorper in, suscipit sit amet, laoreet eu, orci. In id libero. Cras magna elit, tincidunt a, elementum quis, elementum sed, nunc. Nulla orci. Aliquam ipsum tellus, fermentum sit amet, sagittis ac, cursus gravida, urna. Sed aliquam tristique ante. Nam sit amet arcu. Curabitur ut nisl sed odio adipiscing facilisis. Curabitur pulvinar varius ante. Suspendisse potenti. Duis scelerisque, tortor quis vehicula ornare, enim ante commodo massa, eu adipiscing libero nunc iaculis pede. Maecenas a massa ut nunc fringilla sodales. Integer euismod lectus a nulla. Etiam congue est vel magna. Suspendisse tincidunt diam a erat. Integer a felis. Sed nisi eros, auctor non, congue facilisis, euismod a, metus. Cras ligula. Duis tempor feugiat lectus. Integer scelerisque sem a velit. Ut tempus massa at purus. Donec venenatis. Pellen- tesque sit amet nunc. Sed consequat, nibh vitae egestas tempor, nibh mi volutpat turpis, eu laoreet tortor lectus vel lectus. Proin feugiat sapien in pede. Nulla facilisi. Quisque blandit dictum lectus. Cras accumsan est et ipsum. Aliquam sodales tellus quis diam. Mauris et sem. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Pellentesque eros lectus, scelerisque id, sagittis ut, scelerisque id, sapien. Maecenas imperdiet consectetuer libero. Curabitur fer- mentum. Aliquam erat volutpat. Curabitur lobortis, diam sit amet posuere viverra, eros quam vestibulum augue, ut venenatis turpis nisl vel urna. Morbi aliquam justo sed mi. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Donec ipsum nisi, tincidunt eu, dapibus at, sollicitudin id, libero. Nulla quam risus, commodo sed, mollis consectetuer, vehicula nec, velit. Nulla sit amet nunc gravida orci malesuada sodales. Aenean condimentum, est in feugiat euismod, urna justo faucibus justo, ac aliquam dolor sapien sed velit. Duis luctus, eros quis hendrerit tincidunt, ipsum lectus fermentum purus, eleifend ornare sem libero volutpat lorem. Suspendisse nec dui. Nulla vitae magna eu urna fermentum tincidunt. Curabitur mi. Aenean auctor, enim quis tristique vestibulum, nulla felis semper tortor, nec com- modo orci orci nec eros. Nunc semper eleifend neque. Proin phare- tra congue lectus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. AATC Spring Education Catalog - 2009 1 SPRING 2009

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AATC 2009 Education Catalog, Spring issue.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Pellen-tesque vestibulum, mauris sed ornare scelerisque, nisl dui elemen-tum lorem, eu tincidunt odio nibh a eros. Suspendisse id risus. Nunc purus ipsum, ullamcorper in, suscipit sit amet, laoreet eu, orci. In id libero. Cras magna elit, tincidunt a, elementum quis, elementum sed, nunc. Nulla orci. Aliquam ipsum tellus, fermentum sit amet, sagittis ac, cursus gravida, urna. Sed aliquam tristique ante. Nam sit amet arcu. Curabitur ut nisl sed odio adipiscing facilisis. Curabitur pulvinar varius ante. Suspendisse potenti. Duis scelerisque, tortor quis vehicula ornare, enim ante commodo massa, eu adipiscing libero nunc iaculis pede. Maecenas a massa ut nunc fringilla sodales. Integer euismod lectus a nulla. Etiam congue est vel magna. Suspendisse tincidunt diam a erat.

Integer a felis. Sed nisi eros, auctor non, congue facilisis, euismod a, metus. Cras ligula. Duis tempor feugiat lectus. Integer scelerisque sem a velit. Ut tempus massa at purus. Donec venenatis. Pellen-tesque sit amet nunc. Sed consequat, nibh vitae egestas tempor, nibh mi volutpat turpis, eu laoreet tortor lectus vel lectus. Proin feugiat sapien in pede. Nulla facilisi. Quisque blandit dictum lectus. Cras accumsan est et ipsum. Aliquam sodales tellus quis diam. Mauris et sem. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.

Pellentesque eros lectus, scelerisque id, sagittis ut, scelerisque id, sapien. Maecenas imperdiet consectetuer libero. Curabitur fer-mentum. Aliquam erat volutpat. Curabitur lobortis, diam sit amet posuere viverra, eros quam vestibulum augue, ut venenatis turpis nisl vel urna. Morbi aliquam justo sed mi. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Donec ipsum nisi, tincidunt eu, dapibus at, sollicitudin id, libero. Nulla quam risus, commodo sed, mollis consectetuer, vehicula nec, velit. Nulla sit amet nunc gravida orci malesuada sodales. Aenean condimentum, est in feugiat euismod, urna justo faucibus justo, ac aliquam dolor sapien sed velit. Duis luctus, eros quis hendrerit tincidunt, ipsum lectus fermentum purus, eleifend ornare sem libero volutpat lorem. Suspendisse nec dui. Nulla vitae magna eu urna fermentum tincidunt. Curabitur mi. Aenean auctor, enim quis tristique vestibulum, nulla felis semper tortor, nec com-modo orci orci nec eros. Nunc semper eleifend neque. Proin phare-tra congue lectus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.

AATC Spring Education Catalog - 2009

1 SPRING 2009

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AATC Spring Education Catalog - 2009


On Your Mark, Get Set, Educate!

What is hd-CD? In 2006, the AATC Education committee sat down and really thought about the vision we wanted for the future. Because so many companies have training departments, the committee considered a new direction. The idea came up, “What can we offer to our members to add value to their membership?”

The committee decided that not only did AATC want to continue to edu-cate, but they wanted to help develop careers. Therefore, in 2007, AATC recognized this change in priorities and expanded the traditional and popular award-winning training program: Professional Education Pro-gram (P.E.P.), to focus on careers and career paths for industry profession-als. Not only that but it had to tie in to the current generation of high-tech junkies. So was born: Career Development in High Definition (hd-CD). What is the added value to your membership? Great speakers who have “been there” can give real life stories but can also inspire your teams to work hard! Some companies use this as their training program while some use it as a supplement their own training program. With the cost of travel it is hard to get the newer associates trained on the “Basics” in a timely manner. That is what your local Association is here for. AATC is here to serve you!

This year look for Back to the Basics programs. You will see Fair Hous-ing, Leasing 101, Collections, Closing, Communication and so much more. We will offer the new CAPS, CAM, CAS and NALP designations. With local cities changing their requirements, we have added two maintenance certification programs this year, HVAC and CPO Certification, coming in April. In July, attorney David Fritche will be back for The Lease You Should Know legal seminar. The Vendors have national speaker and former South-west Airlines executive Jason Young coming in June. That’s just the Spring Semester! Wait until what the committee has in-store for the fall semester.Please take the time to look through this brochure. Look at the great facul-ty and programs that are available for your teams. I’ve signed up my staff and I encourage you to sign your community up too. This is a program each person in your staff can take advantage of. I’ve got the gear and I’m getting my pit crew ready. Are your communities ready to run the race? Are they prepared? Do they have the tools to finish the race?

Our formula for success starts with education, are you ready?

- Lisa Clark, CAM, CAPS

Page 3: AATC 2009 Spring Education Catalog



Below is a list of all programs offered by the AATC Career Development Program in the Spring 2009 Semester. Including hd-CD classes, NAA Designate Classes and Special Programs.

January 27 hd-CD: Leasing 101

February 3 CAM/CAS: Orientation 10 hd-CD: How to Close the Sale 12 hd-CD: Collections - “Show Me The Money!” 17 CAM/CAS: Residential Issues 19 CAM/CAS: Maintenance 20 CAPS: Effective Leadership 24 CAM/CAS: Marketing 25 hd-CD: Fair Housing 26 CAM/CAS: Fair Housing 27 CAPS: Residential Issues

March 3 CAM/CAS: Human Resources 5 CAM/CAS: Legal 6 CAPS: Legal Responsibilities & Risk Management 10 CAM/CAS: Risk Management 11 CAM/CAS: Financial 13 hd-CD: Basic Pool School (9am – 4pm) 24 hd-CD: Internet Leasing (8:30am – 12:30pm) 25 CAM/CAS: Testing Day 27 CAPS: Financial Management

April 3 CAPS: Property Performance Management 8 NALP: Keys to Success/ Market Survey Workshop 9 HVAC: CFC/EPA/HVAC Certification (1-day Class) 15 NALP: Telephone/ Internet 21 hd-CD: Beat the Heat Marketing 22 NALP: Interview & Qualifying/ Demonstration

& Objections 30 NALP: Legal/ Policies & Procedures / Market Survey

Presentations 28-29 CPO: Certified Pool/Spa Operator® (CPO)

(2-Day Class 8:30-5:00 each day) May 5 hd-CD: Back to the Basics in Leasing 12 hd-CD: Fair Housing (SPECIAL EDITION) 14 hd-CD: Fair Housing – SPANISH Edition 21 hd-CD: SPANISH Basic Pool School (9am – 4pm) 28 hd-CD: Communication: “How to win friends and

positively influence others”

June 11 VENDOR: National Speaker – Jason Young

July 21 The Lease You Should Know - Legal Seminar

Page 4: AATC 2009 Spring Education Catalog


Jan 27 - Leasing 101Christy Sanchez, CAM, District Specialist, Riverstone Residential

The best way to succeed in leasing is to gather all the tools you can for success! In order to do this you will need to know the basic leasing skills. In this high energy class you will learn what to do from telephone to tour to lease! This high energy class will help you with the leasing basic as well as a better understanding of:

• Fair Housing Basics • Closing Techniques• Telephone Techniques • Importance of Follow-up• Interviewing & Showing • Resident Retention.

Feb 10 –How to Close the Sale Jennifer Campbell-Brown, Training Coordinator, Pace Realty

You can’t win a race without gas in the car. You can’t close the deal without all the right tools! In this class you will get all the tools to get the prospective resident to close the deal from the phone to the door! Some of the tools you will walk away with are:

• Telephone Closing Tips • Customer Service• Clues that the Tour is on Track • How to CLOSE the sale!

Feb 12 – Collections – “Show Me The Money!” Carrie Gebhart, Director of Sales, BG Personnel Services

Collecting rents doesn’t begin on the date they are due. The process begins when the future resident fills out their rental application. Understand your rights and responsibilities to collect outstanding rent before your residents take you to the bank. Learn about the collection process, documentation and options for collect-ing money owed to you. The class with not only go over the basic procedures, but also give you fun tips and tricks in collections. Don’t be afraid to yell “SHOW ME THE MONEY.”

March 24 – Internet Leasing (8:30am – 12:30pm)Deanna Moore, Account Executive, Apartments.com

The Internet Leasing University presented by Apartments.com will teach you and your leasing team what it takes to be savvy online marketers by effectively manag-ing Internet traffic and leads, turning those leads into leases and maximizing your advertising return on investment.

• Learn how renters research their move and find your property online • How to effectively use the information your prospects find online to close

them faster • Identify ways to use phone and e-mail follow up to capitalize on every lead • Review follow-up techniques to turn Internet leads to signed leases • Track and evaluate your online marketing plan • Share best practices and success stories

HD-CD: Back to the Basics

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HD-CD: Back to the Basics

April 21 –Beat the Heat MarketingGregory Ann Goldrick, NALP, CAPS, Regional Marketing DirectorSimpson Property Group

This seminar will explore the generations of consumers and the new landscape of advertising and media. We will discuss advertising and marketing strategies outside our industry and discuss how they can relate to increase revenue for your bottom-line. We will also look at the flyers we use and different techniques to market to your customer.

• Capturing Residents from multiple generations and learn how you reach them.• What are the key emotional and consumer characteristics of each generation? • Why internet marketing is so necessary and what’s on the horizon for Web

based advertising.• Look at what you are currently doing to market and take it one step further.• Get prepared for a hands-on workshop. Bring your creative minds and let’s have

some eye-opening fun.

May 5 – Back to the Basics in LeasingBeth Doty, Regional Account Executive, Capture the Market

In order to be the best at leasing, you and your team need to be a pro at the basic leasing skills. In this high energy class you will learn what to do from telephone to tour to lease! You will walk away with leasing ideas that can motivate you and your team to do more effective marketing and give you the tools to take back ideas and techniques to your leasing team. This high energy class will help you with the leasing basic as well as a better understanding of:

• Fair Housing Basics• Telephone Techniques• Interviewing & Showing• Closing Techniques• How to motivate your leasing team• Importance of Follow-up & Resident Retention

May 28 – Communication: “How to win friends and positively influence others” Pat Wiley, NAAEI Faculty, Vice President Education, Alliance Residential

Both in our professional and personal lives, we all have occasions when we know a difficult conversation should take place and we dread it. This course will guide you through the factors involved in difficult discussions, teach you what needs to be present and prepare you to be able to discuss anything with anyone in a manner that is caring, sincere and productive. You will learn to be an effective communicator who can be trusted and respected because you are always truthful with those around you.

No one enjoys difficult conversations. This course will teach you how to forge ahead, talk about it and build lasting relationships.

All hd:CD classes are scheduled from 9a to 12p at the AATC Training Center unless otherwise noted, and are subject to change due to unforeseen circumstances. The costs and additional information can be found on page 19 or online at www.aatcnet.org/education.

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hd:CD fair housing and pool school

Fair Housing

Did you know there were EIGHT Protected classes in the D/FW Metroplex? Any one who comes in contact with a resident should attend a Fair Housing Class. No one wants to see you in Fair Housing Court! Learn and understand the fair housing laws and their implications. Don’t get caught without Fair Housing!

After attending this class you will walk away understanding the following topics: • Reasonable Accommodations • Occupancy Standards • Maintenance Questions on Fair Housing • And So Much More!!

Feb 25 – Fair HousingCasey Board, CAM, NAAEI Faculty

May 12 – Fair Housing (SPECIAL EDITION @ Joe T Garcias)Sarah Turner, NALP, NAAEI Faculty, Director of Career Development, AATCPlease note special time & location 3:00 – 5:00pm at Joe T Garcias before the Casino Party!

May 14– Fair Housing – SPANISH EditionValeria Thurwanger, Manager, Para Rentar Magazine, For Rent Media Solutions

Pool School

Dive on in to one of AATC’s most popular classes! During this one day class on-site professionals will earn their Pool Operator’s Certification. This class is not just for maintenance personnel, but for any on-site employee that wants a clearer under-standing about pool codes and maintenance. Attendees will walk away with a clear understanding of:

• Pool equipment• Handling chemicals related to pool maintenance• Texas Department of State Health and Services (TDSHS) pool rules

March 13 – Pool School (9am – 4pm)Sunbelt Pools

May 21 – SPANISH Pool School (9am – 4pm)Sunbelt Pools

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NAA Designations

NATIONAL APARTMENT LEASING PROFESSIONALThis designation is a must for anyone in a sales position. Whether you have been leasing for 6 months or ten years, you will come away with invaluable information that you can use right away. Recently updated, the seven classes offered through this program will give you the confidence you need to secure every lease.

CERTIFIED APARTMENT MANAGERTotally revised in 2006, the new and improved CAM program is the talk of the industry. The nine CAM classes will give you a strong foundation to build your career on. This class is designed for current property managers, or those who aspire to move into a management position.

CERTIFIED APARTMENT PROPERTY SUPERVISORThe eight compelling classes in the CAPS program are designed to cover the basics of property supervision as well as the latest developments in the multifamily industry. This class is designed for current property supervisors or those who are aspiring to move to the next level. Look for the new CAPS program in Fall 2008.

CERTIFIED APARTMENT SUPPLIERThis program was designed to more clearly define the role of the property manager for our product services members and to thereby build a better partnership between them. The CAS course includes four classes, three required and one elective.

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CAPS: The five compelling classes in the NEW CAPS program are designed to improve overall management and leadership skills that will positively impact finan-cial performance and help reduce turnover. This class is for cur-rent supervisors or those who are aspiring to move to the next level. Get your CAPS in 2009!

“The information I received coupled with the “life long friendships” I have made over the years, has been a huge part of my current suc-cess level.! “

—Jackie Ramstedt, CAM, CAPS, CAS

Program Goals

• To give learners the skills and knowledge they’ll need to become successful property supervisors, as well as to earn their CAPS certification.

• To provide a comprehensive review of the skills identified in the CAPS Skills Standards.

• To improve overall management and leadership skills that will positively impact financial performance and help reduce turnover.

• To professionalize the CAPS credential and make it a mark of pro-fessional distinction and accomplishment.

Effective Leadership - February 20, 2009Brenda Carpenter, CAM, CAS, Exec. Vice President, Superior FloorsThe Effective Leadership course shows students how to go beyond day-to-day management and enter the world of team leadership. Topics covered include: leadership vs. management, the emotionally intelligent leader, employee engagement, feedback and coaching and team building.

Property Evaluation and Due Diligence - February 27, 2009Drew McOlgan, Director of Purchasing, PinnacleThe Property Evaluation and Due Diligence course covers the various processes – property inspections, financial and operational audits and regional and neighborhood analyses – property supervisors will com-plete to help an owner or company acquire, sell or renovate a property.

Legal Responsibilities and Risk Management - March 6, 2009Laurie Pascoe, CAM, CAPS, Asset Manager, Macdonald CompaniesThe Legal Responsibilities and Risk Management course is a comprehen-sive survey of employment, rental and contract law affecting the multi-family housing industry, as well as a review of key environmentaland safety regulations. This course also includes a brief section to help students establish and execute an effective risk management programfor their apartment communities.

Financial Management - March 27, 2009Brenda Carpenter, CAM, CAS, Exec. Vice President, Superior FloorsThe Financial Management course helps students become fluent in the financial concepts, terminology, formulas and ratios commonly used in the multifamily housing industry. The emphasis is on showing students how to maximize income and manage expenses for their properties.

Property Performance Management - April 3, 2009Susan E. Weston, CAM, CAPS, NAAEI Faculty, Vice President, Learning & Dev.The Property Performance Management course teaches students how to ensure that their properties are performing at or above the expectationsset in the management agreement or business plan. It introduces learn-ers to the key operational and service measures used in the industry andshows them how to write a clear and compelling owner’s report.


CAPS REGISTRATION: The cost of attendance is $1110 for hd-CD Subscribers and $1240 for all other AATC members. A one time, non-refundable $250 deposit for program materials is due on or before February 20, 2009.

All classes start at 9:00am and are held at the AATC Training Center

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Totally revised in 2006, the new and improved CAM program is the talk of the industry. The nine CAM class-es will give you a strong foundation to build your career on. This class is designed for current property man-agers, or those who aspire to move into a management position.

“Taking the CAM pushes your thinking to a different level. It is truly worth the invest-ment to take this class! ”

—Kelly Hall, CAM

Orientation/Community Analysis - Feb. 3 Susan E. Weston, CAM, CAPS, NAAEI Faculty, Vice President, Learning & DevelopmentA review of the elements required to complete a comprehensive market and man-agement analysis report, which is required in order to complete the designation requirements.

Management of Residential Issues - Feb. 17Lisa Clark, CAM, CAPS, Regional Manager, Steven D. BellThis class will cover the information community managers will need to be successful in the following areas: Customer service, occupancy management, security, emer-gency management and resident relations.

Property Maintenance. for Mgrs. - Feb. 19 Jorge Castillo, Regional Service Director, AMLI ResidentialMaintenance is so important in the day-to-day operations at every community. This class covers the topics that enable community managers to be successful: Building a team approach, the onsite manager’s role, exterior and interior maintenance, preven-tative maintenance and safety. Marketing - Feb. 24 Angela Fox, Regional Marketing Director, BH ManagementOne of the most important responsibilities that the onsite manager is given is marketing the community. This class will give the student innovative techniques and detailed information on marketing, conducting market research, promotional marketing, onsite marketing and the marketing plan. Fair Housing - Feb. 26Gregory Ann Goldrick, NALP, CAPS, Regional Marketing Director, Simpson Property GroupThe community manager is responsible for ensuring that not only are they not vio-lating any fair housing laws, but that their staff is also in compliance. This class will cover the following topics in making the student more aware of what they need to know to be covered: Fair Housing laws, families with children, people with disabili-ties, advertising and Fair Housing, Fair Housing complaints, management practices and government housing.

Human Resource Management - March 3 Patti Rodriguez, Regional Training Director, Camden Property TrustThis course educates the community manager on how to handle issues related to the following topics: Executive summary, employment law, employment practices, pay-roll administration, training, supervision and termination.

Legal Responsibilities - March 5Susan E. Weston, CAM, CAPS, NAAEI Faculty, Vice President, Learning & DevelopmentHaving an understanding of the legal aspects of property management is vital in controlling liabilities at the onsite level. This class will cover these topics to better equip the community manager: Equal employment, OSHA and hazardous materials, lease and evictions and vendor contracts.

Risk Management - March 10Char Burnside-Rice, CAM, CAPS, Regional Vice President, Sunchase AmericanThis class is designed to help the community manager realize the importance of managing potential risks. This class will give important information on the follow-ing topics: Minimizing risks to residents, minimizing risks to staff, handling emer-gencies, liability and insurance.

Financial Management - March 11Brenda Carpenter, CAM, CAS, Exec. Vice President, Superior FloorsReviewing the budget is an everyday occurrence in the life of a community manager. This class will drill down deeper into the financial aspect of managing an asset and will give valuable insight on the following topics: Investments, adding value to the invest-ments, mathematics review, financial statements, budgets and property valuation.


CAM REGISTRATION: The cost of attendance is $795 for AATC Subscribers and $880 for all other AATC members. A one time, non-refundable $250 fee for program materials is due on or before CAM Orientation. See page 13 for more information.

All classes start at 9:00am and are held at the AATC Training Center

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June 11, 2009 - 9:00am to 12:00pm“Smart Service -- Establishing Customer-Defined Service Excellence”

As the competition heats up for goods and services, organizations today struggle to be characterized by their customer service initiatives. During this powerful presentation by Jason Young, you’ll find out what outrageous customer service can really do for your bottom line. Discover the meaning behind “customer-defined” service and how that may very well separate you from your competitors. Learn to make the most of those moments of truth that face your organization to leave a legacy of service. Identify the sources of service breakdowns and what it really takes to make a clear path to recovery. You’ll discover that your commitment to service excellence can help your organization make a name for itself and leave its mark. You’ll never view the value of a customer the same! Who is Jason Young? Jason Young has been called a “rare breed” when it comes to developing leaders and customer service initiatives. As a former senior-level manager at

Southwest Airlines, Jason learned the value of a success-ful workplace culture. During his 10-years with the airline consistently rated No. 1 in customer service and employee satisfaction, he was a key driver in creating and developing the company’s innovative training programs for its suc-cessful leadership and customer service culture that have become renowned in the business world today.

REQUIRED COURSESOrientation - Feb. 3 Susan E. Weston, CAM, CAPS, NAAEI Faculty, Vice President, Learning & Development

Management of Residential Issues - Feb. 17 Lisa Clark, CAM, CAPS, Regional Manager, Steven D. Bell

Financial Management - March 11 Char Burnside-Rice, CAM, CAPS, Regional Vice President, Sunchase American

Risk Management - March 10 Brenda Carpenter, CAM, CAS, Exec. Vice President, Superior Floors

ELECTIVE COURSES (select one)Property Maintenance. for Mgrs - Feb. 19 Jorge Castillo, Regional Service Director, AMLI Residential

Marketing - Feb. 24 Angela Fox, Regional Marketing Director, BH Management

Fair Housing - Feb. 26 Gregory Ann Goldrick, NALP, CAPS, Regional Marketing Director, Simpson Property Group

Human Resource Management - March 3 Patti Rodriguez, Regional Training Director, Camden Property Trust

Legal Responsibilities - March 5 Susan E. Weston, CAM, CAPS, NAAEI Faculty, Vice President, Learning & Development



This program was designed to more clearly define the role of the property manager for our product services members and to thereby build a bet-ter partnership between them. The CAS course includes four classes, three required and one elective.

“The instructors were amazing and very edu-cational I had the opportunity to get to know them much better on a different type of level other than vendor pursuing supervisor. ”

—Jackie Cagle, CAS

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April 8 - Keys to Success in Leasing, 9a-12p, with Sarah Turner, NALPEquip leasing consultants with the necessary tools to be successful sales people. Topics include: Career prospects, characteristics of effective leasing professionals, job responsibilities, goal setting, teamwork, market knowledge and product knowledge. April 8 - Market Survey Workshop, 1p-5p, with Sarah Turner, NALPOur professionals will help get you started on your required market survey.

April 15 - Telephone Presentation, 9a-12p, with Susan Goff, NALPTurn every phone call into a walk-in customer. Topics include: Preparing for the tele-phone presentation, effective telephone skills, etiquette, objectives of the call, initial questions and the key elements of a successful leasing presentation.

April 15 - Leasing and the Internet, 1p-5p, with Susan Goff, NALPLeasing professionals are dealing with Internet savvy customers. This class will give facts and tips to ensure each lead is secured. Topics include: The Internet customer, how to maximize Internet advertising, effective responses to Internet leads and industry web sites.

April 22 - Leasing Interview/Qualifying Residents, 9a-12p, with Sarah Turner, NALPThis great seminar includes basic and advanced tips when dealing with first impres-sions, understanding the prospective resident’s reason for moving, the greeting and conducting the lease interview. April 22 - Leasing Demonstration/Resolving Objections, 1p-5p, with Sarah Turner, NALPPrepare leasing consultants for the product demonstration. Topics include: Three major areas of product knowledge, key elements in preparing for a product demon-stration, feature-benefit-close, closing techniques and resolving objections.

April 30 - Legal Aspects, 9a-12p, with Sarah Turner, NALP & Susan Goff, NALPOverview of basic Fair Housing laws, filing a Fair Housing complaint, prohibited prac-tices, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Fair Housing testers, Equal Credit Opportunity Act, criminal background checks, and emergency contact situations.

April 30 - Rental Policies and Procedures, 1p-5p, with Sarah Turner, NALP & Susan Goff, NALPCovers the basic information needed to know when leasing an apartment, such as handling rental policies and procedures, application verification, resident processing checklist, lease preparation and signing, the Law of Contracts, loophole free leases and the move-in process.

April 30 - Market Survey Presentation, 3p-5p

NALP Registration: The cost of attendance is $330 for AATC hd-CD Subscribers and $365 for all other AATC members. The program must be paid in full to receive final test. All classes meet at the AATC Training Center. See map on page 18. Register on page 13 or online at www.aatcnet.org. Have questions about NALP? Call AATC at 817-284-1121 or visit www.aatcnet.org.


National Apartment Leasing Professional

This designation is a must for anyone in a sales position. Whether you have been leasing for 6 months or ten years, you will come away with invaluable information that you can use right away. Recently updated, the seven classes offered through this program will give you the confidence you need to secure every lease.

“I think that continuing education is the key to staying up to date in any industry. The NALP was an opportunity for me to refresh my views on the apartment industry and receive a nationally recognized designation as well. further my career and better myself on the way.”

— Matt Yunger, NALP

Page 12: AATC 2009 Spring Education Catalog

Subscribe to AATC’s hd-CD 2008 Subscribers receive FREE attendance into all hd-CD (Career Development in High Definition) classes as well as discounted rates to other CD programs for 2008. Fax this completed form to 817-284-2054. This form is also available online at www.aatcnet.org. Registration One-time fee $595 Quarterly fee $155 $75/Month (Feb-June; Aug-Nov)

Payment Options Bill Property Check – Payable to API Credit Card [O V O MC O AmEx O Dis]

Check/Credit Card # _______________________________________________________

Exp. Date ____________________

Property: _________________________________________________________________

Mgmt. Co.: ________________________________________________________________

Address: __________________________________________________________________

City/State: _______________________Zip: ______________________

Phone: ___________________________Fax: _____________________

E-mail: ____________________________________________________

Property Supervisor Name: _______________________________

Referred By: _________________________________

Authorizing Signature (required)

Grab your flashlight. Enroll Today!

hd-CDCareer Development

in High Definition

hd-CDCareer Development

in High Definition

hd-CDCareer Development

in High Definition

hd-CDCareer Development

in High Definition

Special Thanks to our 2008 Sponsors:BG Personnel Services • Appliance Warehouse • Superior Floors

Apartment Guide • All-Star Flooring

By filling out this form your community is Subscribing to hd-CD for 2008. *hd-CD Subscriptions are automatically renewed, unless otherwise notified by the property manager prior to the first class of the following year. Non-hd-CD Subscribers will be billed the advertised non-hd-CD subscriber rate per person/per seminar. The hd-CD Subscription is not transferable or refundable.

Subscribe to AATC’s hd-CD2009 Subscribers receive FREE attendance into all hd-CD (Career Devel-opment in High Definition) classes as well as discounted rates to other CD programs for 2009. Fax this completed form to 817-284-2054. This form is also available online at www.aatcnet.org.

Registration One-time fee $595 Quarterly fee $155 $75/Month (Feb-June; Aug-Nov)

Payment Options Bill Property Check – Payable to API Credit Card [__V __MC __AmEx __Dis]

Check/Credit Card #_______________________________________________________

Exp. Date ____________________

Property: _________________________________________________________________

Mgmt. Co.: ________________________________________________________________

Address: __________________________________________________________________

City/State: _______________________Zip: _____________________________________

Phone: ___________________________Fax: ____________________________________

E-mail: ___________________________________________________________________

Property Supervisor Name: _________________________________________________

Referred By: ______________________________________________________________

Authorizing Signature (required)

By filling out this form your community is Subscribing to hd-CD for 2009. *hd-CD Subscriptions are automatically renewed, unless otherwise notified by the property manager prior to the first class of the following year. Non-hd-CD Subscribers will be billed the advertised non-hd-CD subscriber rate per person.

Finish the Race!

Sponsored by:

Page 13: AATC 2009 Spring Education Catalog

Designate RegistrationComplete the form below to register for Designate programs.

Course Registration OptionsTo register for designate programs, fax a completed copy of this form to 817-284-2054. You can also download the form at www.aatcnet.org.

Payment Options

Bill Property Check – Payable to API Credit Card [O V O MC O AmEx O Dis]

Check/Credit Card # ____________________________________________ Exp. Date __________________________________

Name: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________

Property: ______________________________________________ Mgmt. Co.: __________________________________________

Address: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________

City/State: ________________________________________________________________ Zip: _____________________________

Phone: _____________________________________________ Fax: ____________________________________________________

E-mail: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

Property Supervisor Name: ____________________________________________________________________________________

Authorizing Signature (required) ______________________________________________________________________________

Referred By: _________________________________________________________________________________________________

DESIGNATE PROGRAMS: In order to receive materials and testing information programs must be paid in full. A $250 must be paid on or before the 1st class. Students paying themselves can make payment arrangements with AATC, but must be completed by end of course. Cancellation for any NAA designate class must be received 2 weeks prior to the first class following receipt of your regis-tration. If cancellation is not received, you are responsible for a one time, non-refundable $250 fee for program materials. No shows will be billed. Designate registration is non transferable. All students who enroll in Designation Courses must complete and submit online registration with NAA before the first day of class. Log onto www.naahq.org Designation Enrollment and follow instructions (very important).

*Reflects reduced rate for hd-CD subscribers.

Designate Program RegistrationNALP $330 for AATC hd-CD subscribers* $365 for all other membersTo receive the National Apartment Leasing Professional designation, students must have six months of multifamily industry experience, complete the NALP curriculum, meet NAA attendance requirements, pass examinations and present a market survey.

CAM $795 for AATC hd-CD subscribers* $880 for all other members To receive the Certified Apartment Manager designation, students must have one year of multifamily industry experience, complete the CAM cur-riculum, meet NAA attendance requirements and pass examinations.

CAPS $1,110 for AATC hd-CD subscribers* $1,240 for all other members To qualify for the Certified Apartment Property Supervisor designation, candidates must have 2 years experience managing multisite properties or have earned their CAM, as well as pass examinations at the conclusion of each seminar, pass a comprehensive examination and earn 500 points on NAAEIs CAPS application.

CAS $450 for AATC members To qualify for the Certified Apartment Supplier designation, students must complete 3 required courses and one elective, pass examination and complete any required paperwork.

Page 14: AATC 2009 Spring Education Catalog


CFC/EPA/HVAC Certification (1-day Class)April 9, 2009 (8:30am – 5:00pm)Mark Cukro, CAMTI, CAMTII, PresidentService Team Training – Plus One Consulting, Inc

This course is designed to provide associates with the knowledge neces-sary to pass the Federal EPA 608 exam. It has several sections which include Core, Type I, Type II, Type III and a universal certification. Associ-ates can pass any or all of the sections.

If a passing score is achieved on all four sections they will receive a Uni-versal certification. This certification is required by law for anyone that works on HVAC systems. Mark’s teaching methods give the class one of the highest success rates.

hd-CD Subscribers $99 (Save up to $100!)AATC Members $159Non-Member $199

Register early to receive your student handbook to study!

Certified Pool/Spa Operator® (CPO) (2-Day Class)April 28-29, 2009 (8:30-5:00pm)Bob Buettner, National CPO InstructorLeslie’s Swimming Pool Supplies

Splish, Splash we’re having a Pool Class.

Not just any pool class, the Certified Pool/Spa Operator® (CPO® )certifi-cation course. Check your local city requirements. The CPO® certification is required in certain jurisdictions. Some of the laws say that individuals who service a public pool by maintaining the cleanliness, water quality and chemicals shall be a CERTIFED POOL OPERATOR.

It is very important to have this knowledge and certificate to ensure pool chemicals are being used property and appropriately. This is recommend-ed not just for the service tech, but the service supervisor and community director so everyone is up to date regarding local codes and can reduce liability associated with maintaining the pool. The successful completion of the CPO® course will result in a five year certification from NSPF.

hd-CD Subscribers $299 (Save up to $100!)AATC Members $369Non-Member $399*Lunch Provided

Register early – Class space is limited!

maintenance education

Registration: As is event policy, no-shows will be billed. Cancellation and registration deadlines are March 26 for HVAC and April 10 for CPO. For more information, contact Sarah Turner at 817-284-1121 or [email protected]

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Lisa Clark Sue Weston CASEY BOARD

Brenda Carpenter Susan Goff MARK CURKO

Drew McOlgan Jennifer Campbell-Brown PAT WILEY


Char Burnside RiceAngela Fox SARAH TURNER

not pictured: Bob Buettner

JorGe Castillo beth doty david fritsche

Page 16: AATC 2009 Spring Education Catalog



NOVEMBER 17, 2009




The 2008 Thinklink Brainstorming Conference was a sellout, smash success! As always, Sparky is on the move and wantS to bring something fun and fresh to the members of AATC. Join Sparky (the official Thinklink mascot) and your AATC friends on November 17, 2009 at the Arlington Convention Center for our fourth annual conference. 2006 was brilliant, 2007 was magical, 2008 went faster. higher. stronger, 2009 is going to be EXTREME! Extreme Makeover that is. Full of Maintenance Makeovers, Occupancy Makeover, Hot HR Makeovers, Marketing Makeovers, Motivation Makeovers and so much more. This is some preventative maintenance on burnout! Don’t let your teams get burned out, send them to Thinklink 2009 for some serious MAKEOVER help! Visit our Web site at www.aatcthinklink.com for more information on this year’s conference and to check out pictures from the 2008 conference. If you have hot issues or case studies you would like to see madeover in 2009. Please submit them online! Thinklink Registration The cost of attendance for the Thinklink Brainstorming Conference is $99 for hd-CD subscribers and $149 for all others. Save the date November 17, 2009!



Thinklink 2009 Sponsors:

Page 17: AATC 2009 Spring Education Catalog


Grab Your Redbook and get ready for a great refresher on the TAA Lease contract. This seminar will provide an all-day comprehensive review of every related lease form and all of the rules and regulations related to the 2008-2009 TAA REDBOOK. This program is intended both for the sea-soned professional as well as those who are new to the industry. The seminar will cover the following topics:

• TAA Lease and other official forms - Eviction procedures, fair credit reporting, etc.

• Rental applications - Proper procedure, best practices, general principles of real estate contract validity.

• Additional forms - Animal addendum, inventory and condition form, asbestos addendum, intent to move out, etc.

• And much more - security deposits and devices, late charges, reletting fees, obligations for repairs, etc.

• You have questions? David has answers! “It’s the Lease You Should Know” registration: The cost of attendance is $79 for hd-CD subscribers (Best value!) and $99 for all other AATC members.

He’s Back! Our featured speaker for this year’s seminar is David Fritsche. You may remember David from our Redbook Seminars in 2008. David is the legal counsel to the San Antonio Apartment Association and co-counsel to the San Antonio Housing Authority for landlord/ten-ant matters.

Mark your Calendars for Tuesday, July 21, 2009 from 9am-5pm. To register call Sarah Turner, NALP AATC’s director of career development, at 817-284-1121, or visit us online at www.aatcnet.org. Make sure you understand the fine print in TAA’s new lease contracts...it’s the lease you should know. Registration opens at 8:30 a.m. Everyone must be seated by 9:00am.

the lease you should know


*Seminar qualifies for NAAEI CEC Credits. Seminars DO NOT qualify for TREC MCE Credits.

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getting there

Have questions or just want more information about career development, contact the Apartment Association of Tarrant County’s Director of Career Development, Sarah Turner, NALP at [email protected] or 817-284-1121. Also, we make every effort to post the most up-to-date information on our Web site: www.aatcnet.org.

Every classroom hour is worth one continuing education credit (CEC) toward National Apartment Association Education Institute designations. All designations need one Fair Housing CEC, don’t forget to pick your’s up!

Finding the AATC Training Center(6350 Baker Blvd. Fort Worth, TX 76118 or FW Mapsco 51X)

LOOP 820


P 8









HWY. 121/183


HWY. 121






Y. 2




From downtown Fort Worth: Interstate 30 east then I35W north. Exit 121 (the Air-port Freeway) east, then north (left) on Loop 820. Exit North Richland Hills/Hwy 10/183. Turn left (west) on Hwy 10/183 (also called Baker Blvd) and through 6 traffic lights. Left on Crites (prior to the Hwy 26/183 merge). Right into the AATC drive and parking. From North Arlington/Grand Prairie/Downtown Dallas: Interstate 30 west to Loop 820. North (right) on 820. Exit North Richland Hills/Hwy 10/183. Turn left (west) on Hwy 10/183 (also called Baker Blvd.) and through 6 traffic lights. Left on Crites (prior to the Hwy 26/183 merge). Right into the AATC drive and parking. From Hurst/Grapevine/North Dallas: Hwy 121 south past the north entrance to DFW Airport toward Fort Worth. Continue south on 121 through the 183/121 merge. South (left) on 820. Exit North Richland Hills/Hwy 10/183. Turn left then right on Hwy 10/183 (also called Baker Blvd) and through 6 traffic lights. Left on Crites (prior to the Hwy 26/183 merge). Right into the AATC drive and parking.

hd:CD Sponsors:

Page 19: AATC 2009 Spring Education Catalog

frequently asked questions


What is hd-CD?

In 2006, the AATC Education committee sat down and really thought about the vision we wanted for the future. So many companies have “Training” the committee thought, what can we offer to our members to add value to their membership?

The committee decided that we not only wanted to continue to edu-cate, we want to help develop careers. In the days of technology, let’s make this change in “High Definition” So in 2007, AATC recognized this change in priorities and expanded our traditional and popular, award-winning training program: Professional Education Program (P.E.P.) to focus on careers and career paths for employees. The new name: Career Development in High Definition (hd-CD). With our committee, subscribers and instructors, we had a great year!

What is the Cost of hd-CD Classes?

Hd-CD Classes are offered at $79 per person for AATC members. The best option for your community would be the hd-CD Subscrip-tion.Your community would sign up for a year with different billing options and every assoicate can attend hd-CD classes at no addi-tional cost. Also receive discounts to other classes. Hd-CD subscrip-tions can be billed one time annual fee at $595, quarterly at $155 or monthly at $75 (Feb-June; Aug-Nov) With over 20 classes offered annually, this is a great value!

How Do I Sign Up?

Hd-CD classes are listed on the AATC Web site “Events Calendar”. You can register with event reminders to be emailed to you with this option.You can also contact the AATC office at 817-284-1121.

What Do I get with my hd-CD Subscription?

The 2008 hd-CD Calendar offered 28 basic classes, the CAM and NALP programs along with the National Award Winning Thinklink Brainstorming Conference. Hd-CD subscribers also get discounts to the NAAEI Designate programs (CAPS, CAM, NALP, etc) as well as other special programs (Redbook Seminar, Thinklink Brainstorm-ing Conference, etc) The return on the investment is in the increased performance of the individuals that get to experience the hd-CD programs.

What Does 2009 Look Like?

The Career Development Committee is always looking at new infor-mation to bring to the members of AATC. Watch for designate pro-grams in the Spring and “hot issue” training as well as “The Basics” in 2009!

Career DevelopmentCommitteeMembers

Lisa Clark, Chair, CAM, CAPSAmy AlvarezBeth DotyBill PennBrenda Carpenter, CAM, CAS Carolyn Marriott Carrie GebhartCasey Board, CAM Chris HydeDeanna MooreGinny Stewart, CAMGregory-Ann Goldrick, NALP, CAPSJana Mobarak, CAM, CAPSJeff Hass, NALP, CAM Jeffrey Butcher, NALP, CAMJoanne Alford, CAM Kari Hall, CAM Candidate Kelli DowdneyKelly Hall, CAMKylee Patterson, CAM Lana HillLarry Duncan, CAM, CAPS, CAMTLauri AndersonLaurie Pascoe, CAM, CAPS Michael Walker Pat Wiley Sarah PluteSarah Turner, NALPStacy Lambert, CAMSue Weston, CAM, CAPSTiffany RashValeria Thurwanger

Page 20: AATC 2009 Spring Education Catalog

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AATC Spring Education Catalog - 2009

20©2009. Apartment Association of Tarrant County. All rights reserved. For more information, call 817-284-1121 or visit www.aatcnet.org