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序号 项目名称 项目地点 项目单位

1 直缝埋弧焊管项目 东营

2 东营

3 东营

4 东营

5 东营

6 科研开发基地项目 东营 科瑞集团

7 东营 科瑞集团


30万吨/年轧管项目 胜利油田孚瑞特石油装备有限责任公司








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8 东营 胜机石油公司

9 东营 胜机石油装备有限公司

10 东营 胜油钻采公司

11 矿物绝缘电缆项目 东营 华东线缆集团

12 东营 山东胜利新大实业集团

13 东营 东营恒源机械制造有限公司

14 东营









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15 东营 东营经济开发区

16 利津西郊物流园区 东营

17 东营

18 东营

19 东营

20 东营

21 东营 东营港经济开发区招商局

22 东营 东营港经济开发区招商局








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23 东营 东营港经济开发区招商局

24 东营 东营港经济开发区招商局

25 东营 东营港经济开发区招商局

26 东营 河口区商务局

27 东营 河口区商务局

28 东营 河口区商务局








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29 大北盐化工项目 东营 河口区商务局

30 东营 河口区商务局

31 东营 河口区商务局

32 临港物流园项目 东营 河口区商务局




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33 东营 河口区商务局

34 东营 河口区商务局

35 东营 河口区商务局

36 东营

37 东营 东营市翔宇工贸有限公司






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38 醇氢混燃汽车项目 东营

39 东营 广饶经济开发区

40 东营 山东金山汽配有限公司

41 生物质柴油项目 东营 广饶经济开发区

42 东营 正和集团

43 滨州港项目 滨州 滨州港务有限责任公司

44 滨州 滨州市地方铁路局

45 孙武黄河大桥项目 滨州 惠民县交通局






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46 渤海大桥项目 滨州 山东鲁北企业集团总公司

47 套尔河大桥项目 滨州 滨州市交通局

48 滨州港疏港公路项目 滨州 滨州市公路管理局

49 滨州 滨州交通工程公司

50 滨州 滨州北海新区筹委会招商局

51 滨州 滨州经济开发区管理委员会

52 北海新区供水工程 滨州 滨州北海新区筹委会招商局




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53 滨港供水工程 滨州 山东鲁北企业集团总公司

54 滨州 山东埕口盐化有限责任公司

55 滨州 滨州港东港有限公司

56 滨州

57 滨州 山东金缘生物科技有限公司

58 滨州 北海新区污水处理厂







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59 滨州 博兴县建设局

60 滨州 沾化县建设局

61 博兴县博兴水库项目 滨州 博兴县水务局

62 滨州 滨州高科技产业园

63 滨州飞行学院项目 滨州

64 中国孙子兵法城项目 滨州

65 鼎龙民俗文化园项目 滨州







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66 滨州 滨州经济开发区经济发展局

67 滨州 沾化县旅游开发服务中心

68 滨州

69 滨州 鲁北临港交通物流中心

70 滨州 香港豪德集团







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71 滨州 打渔张森林公园

72 滨州 沾化县冬枣实业总公司

73 滨州

74 滨州 邹平县旅游局

75 滨州 博兴县旅游开发有限公司

76 滨州大饭店项目 滨州 滨州大饭店

77 滨州 山东绿都生物科技公司

78 滨州 滨州华宏生物制品公司









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79 滨州

80 滨州 山东鸿岳太阳能科技公司

81 滨州 山东利德金融电子器具公司

82 滨州 阳信县泰锐电子有限公司

83 滨州 山东鲁玉新型建材有限公司

84 滨州 阳信县绿环降解塑料公司









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85 滨州 渤海活塞股份公司

86 滨州 山东珍贝瓷业公司

87 特种纤维项目 滨州

88 赤藓糖醇项目 滨州 滨州三元生物科技有限公司

89 滨州 山东中惠食品公司





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90 高档家纺织物项目 滨州 山东宏诚家纺有限公司

91 滨州 华纺股份有限公司

92 滨州 滨州环宇公司

93 家纺饰品项目 滨州 愉悦家纺有限公司

94 滨州

95 高仿真织物项目 滨州 山东基德生态科技有限公司

96 滨州 惠民华润纺织有限公司

97 高档家纺面料项目 滨州 惠民基德纺织科技有限公司

98 滨州 滨州龙腾服饰有限公司







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99 滨州 山东渤海油脂工业公司

100 滨州 滨阳燃化公司

101 滨州 阳信嘉源化工公司

102 滨州 香驰粮油公司

103 滨州 山东铁雄能源煤化有限公司

104 滨州 阳信龙福化纤公司







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105 滨州 山东坤达公路材料公司

106 滨州 滨州港正海生态科技公司

107 滨州 邹平锦华纺织公司

108 滨州 山东侨昌化学有限公司

109 滨州 山东京博农化有限公司

110 滨州 山东恩贝生物工程有限公司

111 果蔬汁深加工项目 滨州 阳信金地果蔬食品公司







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112 滨州 滨州紫光生物科技公司

113 滨州 山东六和农牧科技园

114 滨州 惠民明达油棉有限公司

115 饮料酒项目 滨州 山东万德酒业有限公司

116 滨州 阳信金缘纺化有限公司





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117 猪肉产品冷链项目 滨州 滨州市荣昌农牧科技公司

118 生物有机复混肥项目 滨州 山东华康食品公司

119 滨州 魏桥铝业科技公司

120 滨州 西王集团

121 滨州 山东三星机械制造公司




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122 滨州 山东国风风电设备公司

123 滨州 山东长星集团

124 滨州 齐星集团

125 镀铝锌硅钢板项目 滨州 山东恒达精密薄板公司

126 滨州 渤海活塞股份有限公司

127 滨州 滨州海得曲轴公司






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128 滨州 无棣津滨船舶重工有限公司

129 滨州 山东广富集团

130 滨州 华孟集团

131 滨州 山东开泰集团

132 发动机配件项目 滨州

133 滨州

134 东区物流中心 滨州 滨城区外经贸局








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135 滨州

136 滨州

137 三河湖风景区项目 滨州 三河湖镇

138 滨州 山东亿华泰农业有限公司

139 滨州 山东易能生物能源有限公司

140 滨州

141 滨州 山东中大牧业集团有限公司

142 惠民县职业中专学校 滨州 惠民县职业中专学校

143 滨州 广州力丰集团

144 滨州












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145 滨州

146 太阳能集热管项目 滨州

147 滨州 滨州紫光生物科技有限公司

148 滨州 阳信县广富畜产品有限公司

149 滨州 山东金缘生物科技有限公司

150 滨州

151 滨州












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152 滨州 山东神力企业发展有限公司

153 滨州

154 滨州

155 龙华寺遗址开发项目 滨州

156 滨州 山东雅美科技有限公司

157 滨州 山东京博石油化工有限公司








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158 滨州 山东京博农化有限公司

159 滨州 邹平金刚新材料有限公司

160 滨州

161 滨州 山东芳绿乳业有限公司

162 滨州

163 北海医药食品物流园 潍坊










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164 潍坊 潍坊滨海经济开发区

165 潍坊 高密市

166 潍坊软件园 潍坊 潍坊高新区管委会

167 潍坊

168 潍坊 潍坊北海轻轨发展有限公司

169 潍坊 潍坊滨海经济开发区

170 潍坊 诸城市

171 潍坊 潍坊滨海经济开发区

172 潍坊 潍坊滨海经济开发区

173 企业总部基地项目 潍坊 潍坊滨海经济开发区

174 潍坊 潍坊滨海经济开发区

175 吹填造地项目 潍坊 潍坊滨海经济开发区

176 潍坊 昌乐县朱刘街道办事处

177 潍坊 昌乐县鄌郚镇人民政府

178 潍坊















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179 潍坊 昌乐县规划局

180 潍坊 昌乐县高崖水库库区

181 中国宝石城四期项目 潍坊182 潍坊 昌邑市沿海经济发展区183 潍坊 昌邑市沿海经济发展区

184 风力发电场工程项目 潍坊 昌邑北部沿海

185 潍坊 昌邑富润纺织科技有限公司

186 太阳能发电场项目 潍坊 昌邑北部沿海

187 潍坊 潍坊市寒亭区








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188 潍坊 潍坊市寒亭区

189 先进制造业工业园 潍坊 潍坊市寒亭区

190 高新技术产业园项目 潍坊 国有资产经营投资公司

191 潍坊 华裕实业有限公司

192 采油设备生产线项目 潍坊 金圣隆机械有限公司

193 潍坊 临朐县旅游局




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194 潍坊

195 潍坊 临朐欣发印花制衣有限公司

196 潍坊 沂山风景区管理委员会

197 潍坊 羊口镇

198 潍坊 东宝集团公司







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199 潍坊 跃龙橡胶集团有限公司

200 潍坊 大地盐化集团有限公司

201 潍坊 羊口镇

202 潍坊

203 潍坊

204 潍坊 潍坊福润化工有限公司

205 潍坊 山东桑莎制衣集团有限公司










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206 汽车工业园项目 潍坊 东城项目区

207 潍坊 金盛园房地产开发有限公司

208 潍坊

209 潍坊

210 淄博 淄博博山石马镇人民政府

211 淄博 淄博博山区山头镇政府








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212 淄博 淄博市临淄区旅游局

213 淄博

214 淄博 淄博市周村区

215 淄博 淄博聊斋文化旅游有限公司

216 淄博 山东恒沣膜科技有限公司

217 淄博 淄博永大化工有限公司

218 淄博

219 淄博 淄博先河机电有限责任公司

220 淄博 淄博海洲粉末冶金有限公司













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221 淄博 山东齐隆化工股份有限公司

222 淄博

223 淄博 山东耀微玻璃纤维有限公司

224 淄博 淄博市淄川区昆仑镇政府

225 鲁中家具物流园项目 淄博 淄博市胜利社区

226 煤气厂土地开发项目 淄博 淄博市焦化煤气公司

227 淄博 淄博富瑞达化工有限公司

228 淄博

229 德州 乐陵市人民政府

230 德州 乐陵市人民政府












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231 德州 泰山体育产业集团

232 德州 山东飞达集团

233 德州 国强五金集团有限公司

234 德州 山东金麒麟集团有限公司

235 德州 乐陵市威格尔橡胶有限公司

236 唐枣生态园 德州 德州市庆云县

237 德州 山东嘉豪恒泰能源有限公司








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238 优质肉鸭产业化 德州 中澳控股集团有限公司

239 德州

240 德州 庆云县第一中学

241 红云国际物流园 德州 庆云商城集团有限公司

242 德州 德州市庆云县

243 云泉大酒店 德州 德州市庆云县

244 德州 德州市庆云县

245 德州

246 烟台 中国海外集团有限公司

247 莱州市临港物流项目 烟台 山东莱州工业园区

248 烟台 莱州市粮食收储管理中心










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249 烟台 莱州市海洋与渔业局

250 烟台 莱州经济开发区

251 烟台 莱州市交通局

252 烟台 莱州市渔政渔港监督管理站

253 烟台 莱州市旅游局

254 烟台 莱州市化学工业发展局

255 烟台 山东莱州工业园区

256 烟台 银海工业区

257 烟台 银海工业区

258 烟台 银海工业区












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259 烟台 新亚通金属制造有限公司

260 烟台

261 烟台 秦石(莱州)石业有限公司

262 烟台 银海工业区

263 方泰金业扩建项目 烟台 莱州方泰金业化工有限公司

264 烟台 银海工业区

265 烟台 莱州工业园区

266 烟台 莱州工业园区










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267 烟台 莱州工业园区

268 烟台 莱州市程郭镇

269 烟台 莱州

270 烟台 莱州市城西

271 烟台

272 烟台 三山岛街道办事处

273 临港仓储物流园项目 烟台 三山岛临港物流园区

274 烟台 莱州工业园区

275 烟台 三山岛村





云峰山山地生态旅游区综合开发项目 莱州城东南7.5公里处




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276 烟台 莱州临港工业园区

277 大豆综合加工项目 烟台 莱州工业园区

278 滨海旅游开发项目 烟台 金城镇

279 烟台 紧临华电国际(莱州)电厂

280 金城造船项目 烟台 金城镇

281 烟台 虎头崖机电产业园

282 烟台 莱州经济开发区

283 烟台 莱州

284 石材精深加工项目 烟台 莱州285 煤渣制水泥项目 烟台 临近华电国际莱州电厂






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286 烟台 程郭镇287 植物油加工项目 烟台 莱州288 烟台 莱州

289 石材机械制造项目 烟台 莱州

290 石材板材市场项目 烟台 莱州

291 烟台 莱州永安路街道

292 东海神庙滨海旅游区 烟台 莱州永安路街道

293 烟台 莱州永安路街道





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294 微晶玻璃项目 烟台 莱州

295 烟台 莱州

296 电脑产业集群项目 烟台 烟台开发区

297 汽车轻量化生产项目 烟台 山东丛林集团

298 烟台

299 烟台 山东弘宇机械有限公司

300 汽车驱动桥项目 烟台 山东康泰实业有限公司

301 烟台 龙矿集团






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302 烟台 烟台高新区

303 烟台 烟台高新区

304 烟台 牟平区发展改革局

305 烟台国际物流园项目 烟台 烟台市莱山街道办事处

306 烟台 蓬莱新港





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项目主要内容 合作方式
















销售收入将达3.3亿元左右,毛利润率15 %,投资回收期:3年。合资、合作、技术引进







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这种接箍在有杆泵井和螺杆泵井中使用时,有极高的强度和可靠性。 在相同载荷下,标准的API接箍会沿阳螺纹台肩、连接面和通过螺纹位移,产生动载荷,导致阳螺纹损坏。而新型接箍的四部分设计可产生稳定的刚性连接。接箍的螺纹和尺寸精确,可形成向心扭转卡紧。它的预加载可增加螺纹牙的强度,使其在拉伸、扭转、弯曲和疲劳时有良好的稳定性,同时可降低阳螺纹的台肩应力,而螺纹顶部又可由向心扭矩卡紧固



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7350 合资、合作

3350 合资、合作

























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11700 合作、独资










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28000 合资、合作

2200 合资、合作












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44000 合作

3600 合资、合作

3000 合作

7000 独资

5800 合资、合作

100000 合资、合作


12000 合资、合作












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5000 合资、合作


1691 BOT



9966 合资、合作





滨州套尔河大桥起点位于滨州市沾化县海天大道,向西跨套尔河,止于省道311线东风港处,路线全长2209.3米,其中:东侧引道长293.8米,东侧引桥长 573.5米,主桥长280米,西侧引桥长513.5米,西侧引道长548.5米。全线按二级公路标准建设,路基宽17.5米,桥梁与路基同宽,计算行车速度为 80公里/小时,桥涵设计110荷载采用公路-Ⅰ级,通航孔按三级航道标准设计,通航净宽110米,净空19米,设计洪水频















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5596 合资、合作

44118 合资、合作


1912 独资

1208 合资、合作












拟建设两个污水处理厂,其中北部污水处理厂位于万吨港西南侧, 2010年的规模将达到2.5万吨/天,2025年达到9万吨/天;南部污水处理厂位于北海新区起步区,2010年的规模将达到2万吨/天,2025年将


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1029 独资


2794 合资、合作

3382 合资、合作


10000 独资、合资

9853 合资、合作






项目规划占地158亩,建筑面积16万平方米。主要建设:1. 建筑面积13万平方米的园区综合服务中心;2.建筑面积3万平方米的分析检测中心,主要包括分析室、检测室、科研室等;3. 建设科技成果与技术交易信息平台,购置分析仪器、检测器、计算机、信息平台软硬件、制作室





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58824 合资、合作


4412 合资、合作


23529 合资、合作










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147 独资、合资


800 独资

建设长生院及景区基础设施,对景区环境进行改造提升。 1618 合资、合作

882 合资、合作

2353 合资、合作

1618 合资、合作

652 合资、合作













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4200 股权转让

1773 合资、合作

1044 合资、合作

928 合资、合作


6651 合资







本项目拟采取的工艺技术由轻工业部塑料加工应用研究所提供[专利申请号: 011310812;公开日:2003年3月26日],包括水溶性PVA薄膜作为已知的最好高阻透、高阻隔材料,没有得到广泛应用。产品利用PVA的


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1618 合资、合作

1467 合资、合作


3143 合资、合作

1600 合资、合作








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2794 合资、合作

2650 合资

519 合资、合作

501 合资、合作

588 独资

8367 合资、合作

2044 合资、合作

1000 合资、合作

1324 合资、合作













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9853 合资、合作

9297 合资、合作

8088 合资、合作

2353 合资、合作

4997 合资、合作

750 合资、合作


该项目以阳信县为加工基地, 在周边县区开发燃料乙醇原料种植基地51万亩,在阳信建设年产10万吨燃料乙醇生产装置,以甘薯、甜高粱、菊







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809 合资、合作

19838 合资、合作

2206 合资、合作

33088 合资、合作

5321 合资、合作

2559 合资、合作

413 合资、合作





本项目占地面积28125 M2,建筑物面积22500 M2。计划新建改建原料库、化料库、仓库、生产车间四个、质检中心、变配电所、水泵房、蓄水池、办公楼、宿舍等建筑物,建成年产6万吨蛋氨酸生产线。




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2500 合资、合作

600 合资、合作

4000 合资、合作

775 合资、合作

1385 合资、合作






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53294 合资、合作

1201 合资、合作

40147 合资、合作

6009 合资、合作

2846 合资、合作



建设年生产液体高效有机复混肥1万吨、固体高效有机复混肥2万吨的规模。主要建设内容:(一)土建工程:好氧反应器、渣液储存池、调节池、沉淀池土建工程采用菲涅尔BBR、SBBR方案 6702 立方米;土方工程 25万立方米;仿生菌床 8万立方米;日光温室 4万平方米;生物示范日光温室 5606平方米;车间、库房 2496平方米。(二)田间工程。

(三)仪器设备购置。(四)其它: 道路、绿化、围墙。




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6921 合资、合作

8726 合资、合作

10294 合资、合作

5294 合资

2451 合资、合作

1471 合资、合作








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3382 合资、合作

5588 合资、合作

2912 合资、合作

1597 合资、合作

1250 合资、合作


5000 合资、合作












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1500 合资、合作

1500 合资、合作


1085 合资、合作


1238 合资

2200 合资

4500 合作

5000 合资

8586 合资









1)新型脂肪能量饲料解决了养殖行业由于饲料的“高蛋白低能量”而造成的饲养效率降低、成本增高以及动物排泄物中高氮物质对环境造成的污染等问题,并在国内最早将能量饲料技术进行了产业化,取得了显著的社会效益和良好的经济效益.2) 山东中大牧业集团有限公司计划投资2个亿在国内外建立10个分厂从事新型脂肪能量饲料的生产。3)饲用乳化油具有高消化吸收率,抗氧化性等特点,被评为国家重点新产品,享有独立的知识产权。其中的“一种饲料用混合乳化油及其生产方法”已通过国家专利公示期(专利号为ZL200610045413.7),已进入实质





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800 合资、合作

2400 合资

2500 合资、合作

1140 合资或合作

3370 合资

4100 合资

9543 合资、合作

建设车间18000平方米,其中框架性生产楼3000平方米,购置废聚酯瓶片生产设备、高速全自动635卷绕机、热辊牵伸机等国产设备83台套,建设4条工业长丝生产线, 年可生产废聚酯瓶片纺制绳网2000D工业长











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7353 合资、合作

3328 合作、独资

3000 合作

3000 合资、合作


3100 技术引进











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2078 合资

6365 合资

700 合资

4705 合资、合作












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10000 合资、独资











44118 独资、合资
















。铁路正线长约16公里,其中滩涂12公里,浅海 4公里。合资、合作、独



建设大型企业总部基地,占地面积50亩,建筑面积20万平方米。 合资、合作、独资

100MW以上光伏太阳能并网发电站。 合资、合作、独资









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2206 独资、合资


3015 独资、合资7353 独资、合资


3603 合资











安装2000KW/台风力发电机500台,装机容量100万千瓦。 合作、合资、独资


新建20万千瓦太阳能发电场一处。 合作、合资、独资



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4000 合资、合作

73000 直投


147 合资



根据旅游发展的需要,新建柳毅山风景区生态文化旅游风景区开发项目,占地2000亩,总投资3亿元。项目地处山东半岛中部,居半岛城市群中心位置。柳毅山因唐朝时该山脚下梅花村内有柳毅其人而得名,柳毅是唐朝年间亓家庄柳氏先祖。该项目主要建设内容:柳毅山文化园、水乡风情园、伊甸园、度假村等十大主题园区,总建筑面积 130万平方米



化器研发楼一座, 80m×40m、80m×30m、70m×35m、70m×30m、60m×30m等规格的车间50个(均为3层设计),附属裙房22个和沿街商业房。


公司二期工程建设,已投资 2.5 亿元人民币,建成FD车间2个,高温高压杀菌食品生产车间1个,油炸豆腐生产车间1个,冷库1个,速冻车间1个,粗加工车间1个,物流中心1个,总建筑面积10万平方米,购进设备80多台(套)。为扩大生产规模,厂区尚预留土地 100亩,合计66600平方米,可建车间 10个。外商可以投资参加二期工程建设,亦可以在预留区投资建设无污染的环保型工业项目,如食品加工、机械制造等。









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52000 合作、合资

50000 合资、合作




引进外资,新上或改造现有生产线,形成年产2000万件套的生产能力。 合资、合作、独资







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4400 合资、合作

49000 合资、合作

13000 合资、合作

8824 合作、合资

14265 合资、合作

9559 合作、合资

11765 合资、合作











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29412 合作、独资

172059 合作、独资

22059 合作

44118 合资、独资

7353 合资









其中恐龙化石骨架展示将达100多具。五阳湖生态旅游度假区位于博山区石马镇,区域面积44.67平方公里,欲建设项目面积约35平方公里,开发周期为6年。片区规划充分考虑到区域旅游的适配性和发展的可持续性,将生态功能、经济功能、社会文化功能和美学价值相融合,结合景区现状及建设用地机理,遵循尊重自然、保护生态、以人为本、科学开发的规划理念,整体按 “一核三片四社区”的产业发展和空间发展布局规划,制定了全面建设五阳湖生态旅



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30000 合资、独资

4399 合资


10000 合资

1324 合资、合作

9475 合资、合作

25000 合资、合作

3000 合资

17600 合资






该项目坐落于淄川区洪山镇蒲家村, 世界短篇小说之王蒲松龄先生的故乡。古村占地300亩,以恢复明清时代蒲家村风貌为基本思路,进行保






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7400 合资

3260 双方协商

14500 合资、合作

15000 合资、独资

3680 合资、合作

4412 合资、合作

1471 合资、合作

1324 合资、合作

125000 合资、合作

5100 合资













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74000 合资、合作

4500 合资、合作

6000 合作

4500 合作

6386 合资、合作

500 独资

2500 合资、合作






本项目总规划为年产全钢子午胎120万条,分两期实施建设,一期建设规模为年产60万条全钢子午胎。项目一期总投资43547万元, 项目用地350亩。一期建成达产一至二年后,投资5亿元进行项目二期建设,二





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9000 合资、合作

7350 合资、合作

2200 合资、合作

5300 合资、合作

4500 独资

2000 独资

2200 独资

20000 合资、合作

73529 合资、合作

44118 合资、合作

1965 合资、合作







也可以提供大、中型的产品商业展销会议及各项文娱活动。 香海禅林古枣生态园二期工程以滨水森林休闲度假为主体,主要建设休闲游乐项目、枣乡民俗村、自在农庄、养心斋、如意居等设施,建成集生态农业观光、餐饮住宿、会议商务、休闲养生等功能于一体的休闲度




分两大部分:一是莱州港港区物流中转设施,占地25.82亩,建设八个浅圆仓,总仓容6.4万吨; 建设5万吨粮船的接收和发放设施;两条5000吨级散粮船。二是收储站粮食储备仓,占地65.394亩,总建筑面积



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22059 BOT




73529 合资、合作

19118 合资、合作





















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3824 合资、合作

17647 合资、合作

4412 合资、合作























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8000 独资

8000 合资












(4)海滨绿化景观系统。 (5)园区环境整治改造。独资、合资、合












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4118 独资

4412 独资


利用煤渣生产水泥建材综合开发 7000



















年产多缸机约4万台,单缸机约6万台。 独资、合资、合作

占地90亩,年产板材40万平方米,石制工艺品8万平方米。 独资、合资、合作

项目占地100亩,建设一座年产200万吨新型干法水泥熟料生产线。 独资、合资、合作

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1000 合资、独资

1000 合资、独资




新上模网生产线5条,年生产模网500万平方米。 独资、合资、合作















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10000 合资、独资

18300 合资

3680 合资、合作


4400 合资、合作

300000 合资、合作

本项目计算期11年,投产后第一年生产负荷为80%,第二年为100%。 独资、合资、合作







套。拟新建年产20万吨汽车铸件生产线。 拟新征土地14.5万平方米,建设生产车间、仓库、办公楼等,总建筑面积9万平方米。项目达产后,年生产拖拉机液压提升器及农用汽车后桥总




。龙口矿业集团油页岩资源非常丰富,储量达 2亿多吨,且含油率高达15%。将油渣、半焦、粒度小于8 mm油页岩等炼油副产品再加入适量的原煤,可作为混合燃料用于发电。目前,该项目环评已取得国家环保部批复,国家发改委于2008年6月同意该项目开展前期工作。油页岩综


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70000 合资

400000 合资、独资



136600 合资





该项目计划选址在牟平沁水韩国工业园,一期规划面积1500亩。以建设具有自主知识产权的高新产品制造企业为重点, 突出发展数字家电与电子应用产品、新型电子元器件、通讯与网络设备、新型电子信息专用材料、计算机配件集成电路和彩电平板显示等电子信息产品。 项目包括集成电路设计研发中心、集成电路产业园和彩电平板显示产业园。




蓬莱新港计划投资2亿元建设2个5 万吨级通用泊位,一个泊位沿3.5万吨级木材码头布置,另一个泊位布置在突堤的端部,设计年吞吐量为


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市场预测分析 联系方式 行业

























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从国内近几年井控产品的销售情况,随着西部油田深井和四川高压、高含硫气井开发,国内井控产品正在从低压向高压、从普通向抗H2S、CO2方向发展,目前F35—70、F35—105、 F35—140钻井防喷器(抗H2S、CO2)、105MPa以上采气井口及采油树(抗
















产品具有电绝缘、防腐耐蚀及表面光滑应用效率高等特点,其市场前景广阔。 刘金波0546-8791977

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码头年盈利率为11.9%,预计12年可收回投资。 刘锐0546- 8019919

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税前) 8年,含建设期2年。何宝民0546-8019008




项目达产后,年实现销售收入90000万元,利税20037万元。 何宝民0546-8019008











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项目投产后可实现产值1.5亿元,利税2600万元。偿还建设投资借款本金及利息含建设期4.31年。 温连杰86-546-


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项目建成达产后,预计年可实现销售收入10亿元,利税7000万元,利润8000万元,经济效益非常显著。 吴海金0546-7729302




项目达产后年营业收入为85000万元(不含税),利润总额为9000万元,税后利润总额为6750万元。 李永吉13954623993

本项目全部达产后可新增销售收入10亿元,实现利税2亿元。 田景祥0546-6922701

项目达产后,年可实现销售收入14亿元,利税2.5亿元。 李伟0546-6457977









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王 成13563068078





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年实现销售收入120000万元;销售税金及附加5474万元,利润总额17164万元。 路云沛0543-8291726

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项目建成后,年销售收入20亿元,利税3.5亿元,可提供2000-5000个就业岗位。 于春华0543-2221866

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“九五” 期间,我国年均进口硬线约150万吨,“十五”期间,我国年均进口硬线近200万吨,市场对优质硬线的需求量巨大,该项目市场前景广阔。项目建成后,年销售收入467000万元,年利润14609万元。






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亿元,利润总额7000万元。李 峰0543-4309027









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销售收入246000万元,年利税43000万元。刘 丹0543-4532377














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以全国每年饲料生产3亿吨,饲用 油脂300万吨,中大牧业集团年生产6万吨计算,市场需求量是极大的 郭立燕0543-2225682

年实现收入4500万元,年利润3600万元。 张长友0543-5351155

预计年产值2亿元人民币以上,利润4000万元人民币。 杨承寿0543-5355010



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项目建成后,年增销售收入1.2亿元,利税3000万元。 杨广富0543-8697888

项目建成后,年实现销售收入24000万元,实现利税6510万元。 杨太敏0543-8505916

项目建成后,年增销售收入12亿元,利税3.3亿元。 段建国0543-2206888





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项目达产后年销售收入7920万元,税后利润达3602万元,年上缴营业税金440万元 邱先明0543-6781621






高强力粘胶纤维HT(High Tenacity)也是属于一种超分子结构和形态结构的变性纤维,其强度介于普通高强粘胶纤维和高湿模量之间的纤维,工艺技术也是改变粘胶组成和纺丝条件及加入变性剂,其湿模量约







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未来十年,世界上珍稀菇蕈类食用菌的产量每年以14.5%的速度递增。美国年需求量为300万吨;日本年消费量约为200万吨;韩国是近几年新兴起的食用菌消费市场,且需求量大幅度增长。因此国际市场具有很大的潜力。随着珍稀菇蕈类食用菌的各种药理、营养功能研究的深入,我国的消费市场已与国际市场同步扩大。 “十一五”期间人均消费计划超过2.0公斤




项目实施后可实现年销售收入18 亿元,利税 8800 万元,预计 5 年就可收回投资。 邱先明0543-6781621


元。投资回收期6年。王瑞花 0536-7275856

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。孙军海 0536-5311669


邓刚 0536-2321272



刘忠会 0536-8786729


李西才 0536-7512909


刘长永 0536-8789809


孙军海 0536-5311669


1.31亿美元,用6-7年时间可收回投资。娄宗忠 0536-6045001

项目投资回收期约8年。 王晓强 0536-5315755

项目建成后,按每年接纳100万游客计算,投资回收期约5年。 王晓强


信息、咨询、培训等多个产业项目急需入驻,按每平方米75美元销售利润计算,纯利润1500万美元。 王晓强


本项目投产运营后预计年利润6000万美元。 王晓强 0536-5315755




投资后可实现年销售收入308亿元,投资回收周期为5—8年。 张骏逸0536-6711115


,产品供不应求。刘刚 0536-




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发周边地块。王晓 0536-










赵成军 0536-6691106


长50亿元。路伟 0536-


投资利润率65%。 陈诚0536-7867699

预计年销售收入6亿元,利润总额1.38亿元,投资利润率23%。 陈诚







该项目建成后,年可发电5亿度,可实现销售收入4亿元,利税3亿元,具有较好的经济效益。 陈诚


预计项目投产后,可实现年销售收入90亿元人民币,实现利税15亿元。 王瑞花


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项目建成后,将形成柳毅山专项旅游,年接待游客200万人次,可实现旅游收入6000万元。 王瑞花


项目建成后成为寒亭经济发展的支柱园区,可实现销售收入11亿美元,利税1.1亿美元。 王瑞花


孟令昊 0536-8060930








项目配套完善后,年接待游客50万人次,年实现营业收入8400万元,市场前景十分广阔。 孙秉明


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项目建成后,年营业收入8000万元,营业税金及附加544万元。财务分析表明,项目全部投资所得税后财务内部收益率 28%,投资回收期 15 年,财务投资利润率30%,投资利润率20%,各项财务评价指标良好,





王玉平 0536-5112032


王玉平 0536-5112032

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王玉平 0536-5112032



王玉平 0536-5112032


王玉平 0536-5112032


华项 0536-6186789

项目投产达效后,预计年可生产铁镍合金、钨合金产品7万吨,年可实现销售收入50亿元。 李彦玲





项目全部达产后,年可实现销售收入25亿元,利税3.6亿元。 娄宗忠


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值30亿元,实现8000多名劳动力就业。贺祥坤 13721967901



华项 0536-6186789



华项 0536-6186789


李军卫 0533-4180173

达到年接待能力30万人次,年创收入750万元。 李军卫 0533-4180173

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新模式李军卫 0533-4180173





以聊斋文化和《聊斋志异》故事为资源和蓝本开发的旅游项目本身有着知识性、趣味性、参与性等特点,对各个层次的旅游者都有一定的的吸引力,因此在国际、国内可以形成观光旅游市场、专业市场、度假和体验旅游,预计年均接待游客可达180万人次 ,年旅


谢文博 0533-5819256








0533-5271578 计划在10年内实现30万台的生产能力,再满足国内货


张辉新 0533-5852461




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郭兴亮 0533-7787722



郭兴亮 0533-7787722

力争到2020年,入园规模以上企业达到300家,实现销售收入260亿元;万元 GDP 能耗下降到6.4吨标准煤以下;万元工业增加值取水量下降到6.7立方米以下,水资源重复利用率达到90%以上;工业废弃物综合

利用率达到 80%以上。

宋志刚 0534-6268217


宋志刚 0534-6268217

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崔长林 0534-6295858





700余人。张建国 0534-2119610


。这给刹车片行业的发展带来了前所未有的机遇。刘荣良 0534-2119999



赵士亮 18953487909


张庆治 0534-3321066



宋志刚 0534-6268217

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张长景 0534-7087777


刘玉林 0534-3751158



胡明辉 0534-7088795



陈立民 0534-3329020


的提升庆云县整体形象。陈立民 0534-3329020


的提升庆云县整体形象。陈立民 0534-3329020


张庆治 0534-3321066



陈世峰 15069256969

项目建成后,年可新增主营业务收入20亿元,实现利润3.5亿元。 赵晓伟


项目建成投产后,预计每年可新增业务收入120亿元,实现利润3亿元。 赵晓伟





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项目建成投产后,年增殖渔业的投入产出比1:15左右,经济效益可观。 李国江


围海造地面积24000亩,可进行土地综合开发,具有可观的经济收益。 王振江








预计建成后年可实现营业收入5亿元,利润1.5亿元。 彭东兴0535-2211953




项目达产后,年可新增销售收入120亿元,实现利润15亿元。 赵晓伟












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本项目全部投产后,每年可新增销售收入6亿元,实现利润1.5亿元。 姜秉霞












项目全部投产后,年新增销售收入60亿元,实现利润10亿元。 徐开君










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按项目总投资10亿元计算,年销售收入60亿元,实现利税3—5亿元。 尹江华





项目达产后,年产水泥200万吨、水泥制品300万件,可实现销售收入5.5亿元,利税6000万元。 尹江华





按每年接待60万人次计算,年利润在4000万元左右。 尹江华 0535-3072926

项目完成后,预计年可实现营业收入3亿元,利税7500万元。 尹江华


预计年可实现营业收入100亿元,利税2.6亿元。 尹江华 0535-3072926

项目总投资约5亿元,项目建成后,年可实现营业收入约3.5亿元,实现利税约1亿元。 尹江华




尹江华 0535-3072926

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总投资2.8亿元。项目达产后年销售收入13.8亿元,实现利税1.2亿元。 尹江华




尹江华 0535-3072926


尹江华 0535-3072926


尹江华 0535-3072926







该项目达产后,年可实现销售收入8亿元,利润9000万元,税金3600万元。投资回收期3.5年。 尹江华



3000万元,投资回收期3.3年。 尹江华


项目达产后,年可实现销售收入9000万元,投资回收期2.7年。 尹江华

0535-3072926 项目达产后,年产水泥200万吨、水泥制品300万件,

可实现销售收入5.5亿元,利税6000万元。 尹江华 0535-3072926

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项目达产后,年可实现销售收入5.4亿元,利润7000万元。项目建设性投资回收期为1.39年。 尹江华

0535-3072926 项目达产后,年可实现销售收入10.3亿元,利润2900

万元。 尹江华 0535-3072926

平均每天生产17万块砖、1.7万平方米步道砖及板、700吨水泥掺和料。 尹江华


尹江华 0535-3072926

尹江华 0535-3072926




尹江华 0535-3072926



元。3、净利润:2000万元4、投资回收期: 5年

尹江华 0535-3072926




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尹江华 0535-3072926

按项目总投资10亿元计算,年销售收入60亿元,实现利税3—5亿元。 尹江华





实现销售收入60亿元,利税12亿元。 张大刚0535-8563112

项目投产后,可达成20万吨汽车零部件的产能,为公司带来良好的经济效益。 林少薇



呈现快速增长的态势。 尹江华


项目建成后,年可实现销售收入3亿元,利润5000万元,税金2400万元。 秦文政


项目建设完成后年发电约30亿KWh,年产值13.9亿元,年利润1.8亿元。 梁天东


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韩滨琪 535-6922117

经过10年努力, 到2020年达到入驻100家以上国内外知名企业的研发中心;入驻100家以上国内外知名科研院所的研发中心/实验室;入驻300家以上生物创新研发公司;拥有10个以上国际知名品牌产品,100个以上拥有自主知识产权的上市产品,200项国际领先的科技成果,园区内企业/机构申请5000项以上国际


逄云莉 0535-6766060




叠加保税物流功能后,园区内每年累计监管货运量可达40万吨,监管总货值100亿美元。 于先生 0535—




于国政 0535-5665815

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No. Project Place Dept.

1 Dongying

2 Dongying

3 Dongying

4 Dongying

Butt Submerged Arc Welding Pipe for Freet Petroleum

EquipmentFreet Petroleum Equipment Co.,

Ltd.of Shengli Oilfield

300,000 Tons/Year Rolling Tubes

Freet Petroleum Equipment Co., Ltd.of Shengli Oilfield

High-pressure Large-displacement Fixed-well

Fracturing Equipment ProjectFreet Petroleum Equipment Co.,

Ltd.of Shengli Oilfield

On Continuous String Coiled Tubing Unit Manufacturing

ProjectFreet Petroleum Equipment Co.,

Ltd.of Shengli Oilfield

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5 Dongying

6 Dongying

7 Dongying

8 Dongying

Large-tonnage Truck-mounted Drilling Rig

Manufacturing ProjectFreet Petroleum Equipment Co.,

Ltd.of Shengli Oilfield

Offshore Underwater Petroleum Production System

Shandong Kerui Holding Group Co., Ltd.

Offshore Petroleum Platform Lifting Equipment

Shandong Kerui Holding Group Co., Ltd.

HP Oil and Gas Production Wellhead Equipment and

Drilling Blowout PreventersShengji Petroleum Equipment

Co., Ltd. of Shengli Oilfield

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9 Dongying

10 Dongying

11 Dongying

12 Dongying Shandong Shengli-xinda Group

HDPE Wearing Resisting and Anti-corrosion Oil Pipes

Shengji Petroleum Equipment Co., Ltd. of Shengli Oilfield

Helicoid Hydraulic Motor Project

Shandong Shengyou Drilling Machinery Co., Ltd.

Mineral Insulated Cable Project

Dongying-Huadong Wire and Cable Group Co., Ltd.

High-pressure FRP Pipe Project

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13 SL4×4 Amphicar Project Dongying

14 Dongying

15 Dongying

16 Dongying

Dongying Hengyuan Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

Oil Pipeline Pre-coated Product Line Project

Wuhua Tube-cote Oil Pipeline Coating Co., Ltd. of Shengli Oil


New-energy Vehicles Manufacturing Project

Dongying Economic Development Zone

Lijin the western suburbs of Logistics Park

Lijin the western suburbs of Logistics Park

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17 Dongying

18 Dongying

19 Dongying

20 Dongying

5 million ton / year of sea water potassium Project

Yellow River old course features scenic recreation


Quality Sheep processing, serum products deep

processing project

30 tons / year chlor-alkali Project

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21 Dongying

22 Dongying

23 Dongying

Dongying Port Economic Development Zone Logistics

Park Project

Dongying Port Economic Development Zone Logistics


The South Port Comprehensive Development

ProjectDongying Port Economic

Development Zone

500,000 tons/year SUPERFLEX Project

Dongying Port Economic Development Zone

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24 Dongying

25 Dongying

26 Dongying Hekou Commercial Bureau

27 Dongying

100,000 tons/year Acrylonitrile (AN) Project

Dongying Port Economic Development Zone

50,000 tons/year Chloroprene Rubber (CR) Project

Dongying Port Economic Development Zone

450,000 ton/year SUPERFLEX project

1.20 million tons/year DCC collaborative project

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28 Dongying Hekou Commercial Bureau

29 Dongying

30 Dongying

100,000 ton/year organic silicon monomer project

Dabei salt chemical industry project

Hekou District Commercial Affairs Bureau

100,000 ton/year non-grain alcohol project

Hekou District Commercial Affairs Bureau

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31 Dongying Hekou Commercial Bureau

32 Dongying Hekou Commercial Bureau

33 Dongying Hekou Commercial Bureau

50,000 spindles/year new fiber and ecial fiber spinning

production lines project

Lingang Logistic Garden Project

Wetland Ecotourism Project at Yellow River Estuary

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34 Dongying Hekou Commercial Bureau

35 Dongying

The Project of Marine Economy Industrial Park at

Yellow River Estuary (Central Fishing Harbor)

Oil extraction equipment manufacturing production base construction project

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36 Dongying

37 Crop Straw Utilization Project Dongying

Guangrao County Sunzi Cultural Tourism Zone theme

park project

Dongying Xiangyu Industry Co., Ltd.

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38 Dongying

39 Dongying

40 Dongying

Alcohol fuel mixture of hydrogen car project

Dongying Mond Hydrogen Hybrid Truck Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

An annual output of 700,000 tons butyl rubber project

Guangrao Economic Development Zone

Automobile and Construction Machinery Parts

Manufacturing ProjectShandong Jinshan Auto Parts

Co., Ltd.

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41 Biomass diesel project Dongying

42 Dongying Zhenghe Group

43 Binzhou Port Binzhou Binzou Harbor Authority

44 Binzhou Binzhou Local Railway Bureau

45 Sun Wu Yellow River Bridge Binzhou

Guangrao Economic Development Zone

An annual output of 30,000 tons of high absorbent resin


the Railway from Zhanhua county to Binzhou Port

Huimin Department of Transportation

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46 BoHai Bridge Binzhou

47 Tao’er River Bridge Binzhou

48 Binzhou Port Dredging Road Binzhou

49 Binzhou

50 Binzhou

Shandong Lubei Enterprise Group Corporation

Binzhou Municipal Bureau of Communications

Binzhou Highway Administration Bureau

The Haitian road widening engineering project

Binzhou Traffic engineering company

BeiHai New Area Infrastructure Project

BinZhou BeiHai New Area Organizing Committee

Investment Promotion Bureau

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51 Binzhou

52 Binzhou

53 Binzhou

Urban Infrastructure Construction in Binzhou

Economic Development ZoneBinzhou Economic Development


BeiHai New Area Water-supply Project

BinZhou BeiHai New Area Organizing Committee

Investment Promotion Bureau

Binzhou Harbor Water Supply Project

Shandong Lubei Enterprise Group Corporation

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54 Binzhou

55 Binzhou

56 Binzhou

57 Binzhou

58 Binzhou

Wind Farm Development Project

Shandong Chengkou Salt Chemical Limited Liability


Zhanhua East Port of Binzhou Port Co. Limited

CLP Universal (Shandong) Company Cogeneration

Project Phase II

Boxing CLP (Shandong) Biological Thermo-electrical

Power Co., Ltd

Biomass Heat and Power Cogeneration of Shandong Jinyuan Biology Technology

Co., Ltd

Shandong Jinyuan Biology Technology Co.,Ltd

BeiHai New Area Sewage Centralized Treatment Plant

Construction Project

BinZhou BeiHai New Area Organizing Committee

Investment Promotion Bureau

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59 Binzhou The Boxing Construction Bureau

60 The waste treatment project Binzhou Zhanhua construction bureau

61 Boxing Reservoir Binzhou The Boxing Water Affairs Bureau

62 Binzhou

63 Binzhou

Boxing County sewage treatment plant expansion


Innovation Center & Public Service Platform in Binzhou High Scien-Tech Industrial


Binzhou High Scien-Tech Industrial Park

Binzhou Flying College Project

Binzhou Dagao General Aviation City Co. Limited

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64 Binzhou

65 Binzhou

66 Binzhou Binzhou Large Logistic Park

67 Binzhou

68 Binzhou

China Sunzi Art of War City Project

Sunzi Culture and Tourism Company

Dinglong Folk Culture Area By Shandong Dinglong Folk

Culture Transmission Co.,Ltd.Shandong Dinglong Folk-custom

Culture Transmission Co.,Ltd

Binzhou Large Logistic Park Project

Yellow River Delta National Urban Wetland Park Project

Zhanhua Tourism development service center

the Comprhensive Development of Zhonghai

Scenic Spot

Binzhou Zhonghai Scenic Spot Development & Management

(Group) Company Limited

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69 Binzhou

70 Binzhou Hongkong Haode Group

71 ? Binzhou DaYuZhang Forest Park

72 Binzhou

73 Binzhou Weishi Manor Traveling Co.,Ltd

74 Binzhou

Port-front Communications & Logistics Center in North

ShandongPort-front Communications &

Logistics Center

Binzhou Haode Luster Trade Piazza

Zhanhua Winterdate Ecological Tourism

Comprehensive Service Area project

Zhanhua winterdate industry corperation

Huimin Weishi Manor Peripheral Tourism

Development Project

Zouping He Banshan National Forest Park Tourism Project

Administration Center of Zouping County

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75 Binzhou

76 Binzhou Hotel Project Binzhou Binzhou Hotel

77 Binzhou

78 Binzhou

79 Binzhou

Development Project Construction of Boxing

Madahu Lakes Scenic AreaShandong Boxing Tourism Development Corporation

Green Environment-friendly Livestock Nano Propolis

Vaccine and Heat-protective Freeze Dried Vaccine GMP High-tech Industrialization

Demonstration Project

Shandong Green Biology Technology Co.,Ltd.

Four Billion Heads (plumes) a Year Veterinary Vaccine

Production ProjectShandong Binzhou Huahong

Biology Products Co.,Ltd.

The project of capital and interest increasing of Binzhou Dagao General aviation City

Co. Limited

Binzhou Dagao General aviation City Co. Limited

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80 Binzhou

81 Binzhou

82 Binzhou

83 Binzhou

84 Binzhou

85 Binzhou

Optical Glass Building Integrated Solar Photovoltaic

ProjectShandong Hongyue Solar

Energy Technology Co.,Ltd.

High-power LED Encapsulation And Street

Lamp Industrialization ProjectShanDong LiDe Financial

Electronic Apparatus Co. Ltd

the Project of Annually Processing 1200KK Silicon

ComponentsTairui Electronics Co.,Ltd of

Yangxin County

Glass-ceramics New Material Project with an Annual Output of Two Million Square Meters

Shandong Luyu New Building Material Co.,Ltd

the Project of High Resistant Film Materials with An Annual

Production of 2000 tonsYangxin Lvhuan Degradable

Plastic Co.,Ltd.

New Type Aluminum Material of Military Aluminum Piston

Industrialization ProjectShandong Binzhou Bohai Piston


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86 Binzhou

87 The Special fiber project Binzhou

88 Binzhou

89 Binzhou Zhonghui Food Company

90 Binzhou

the Second-period Project of Marine Ecological Shell

PorcelainShandong Pearlshell Porcelain

Co., Ltd.

Binzhou Dagao General aviation City Co. Limited

The Ethroglucin Project of Binzhou Sanyuan Biological

Technology Co., LTDBinzhou Sanyuan Biological

Technology Co.,LTD

Shangdong Zhonghui Food Company 3000 Tons Annually

Red Yeast Rice of Higher Pigments Value Project

High-grade Home Textiles of Shandong Hongcheng Home

Textile Co., LtdShandong Hongcheng Home

Textile Co.,Ltd

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91 Binzhou Huafang Co., Ltd.

92 Binzhou

93 Binzhou Yuyue Home Textile Co., Ltd.

94 Binzhou

95 Binzhou

Energy Conservation and Product Promotion Project

8 Million Meters Per Year Production for High-grade

Fabrics ProjectBrief Introduction of Binzhou

Huanyu Co., LTD.

Hometextile Accessories Project

Textile Printing and Dyeing Co., Ltd. Phase Ⅱ of Zixing (Binzhou)

Project of High Simulation Fabric

Shandong Jide Eco-Technology Co., Ltd.

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96 Binzhou

97 Binzhou Huimin Jide Textiles Co.,Ltd.

98 Binzhou

99 Binzhou

100 Binzhou

101 Binzhou

50,000 Spindles Compact Spinning Production Line

ProjectChina Resources Textile Co.,

Ltd. Huimin Branch

Home Textile Fabrics Production Line Project

Yearly Product 60 Million Sets Clothing

Binzhou Dragon Apparels Co.,Ltd.

300,000 Tons of Viscose Fibre annually

Shandong Bohai Oil & Fats Industrial Co.,Ltd

100000 Tons of Fuel by Binyang Gas Chemical

Co.,Ltd.Shandong Binyang Gas

Chemical Co.,Ltd.

M60 Methanol Petrol with an Annual Production of 500000


Yangxin Jiayuan Chemical Product Import and Export


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102 Binzhou

103 Binzhou

104 Binzhou Yangxin Longfu Fibre Co.,Ltd

105 Binzhou

106 Binzhou

107 Binzhou Zouping Jinhua Textile Company

the Project of Production of Organic Diesel by Acidified

Oil and Waste Oil

Acidified Oil and Waste Oil of Shandong Xiangchi Grain & Oil


Annual 100,000 Tons Anthracene Oil

Hydrogenation ProjectShandong Tiexiong Energy


Manufacturing 60000 Tons of PETE from Waste Pet Bottle


the Project of 100,000 Tons Output of Polymer Modified

AsphaltShandong Kunda Road Material


Project of Annual Production of 300,000 Tons Caustic soda

Binzhou ZhengHai Eco-technology Co.,Ltd

Disused Tyre and Plastics Comprehensive Use

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108 Binzhou Qiaochang Chemicals Company

109 11000t/a Pyridine Project Binzhou

110 Vitamin B2 Project Binzhou

111 Binzhou

112 Binzhou

113 Binzhou

114 Winterization Project Binzhou

Methionine Project through Natural Gas Process with an Annual Output of 600,000


Shandong Jingbo Agrochemicals Co.,Ltd.

Shandong Enbei Biology Engineering Co.,Ltd

Annual Output of Fruit and Vegetable Juice

Yangxin Jindi Fruit and Vegetable Food Co.,Ltd

350,000 Tons Annually Cotton Seed Intensive

Processing ProjectBinzhou Ziguang Biotechnology


400 Tons Annually Liquid Compound Enzyme

Shandong liuhe Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Science and

Technology Park Co.,Ltd.

Shandong Mingda Cottonseed Processing Co.,Ltd.

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115 Potable Spirit Project Binzhou

116 Binzhou

117 Binzhou

118 Binzhou

ShanDong WanDe Winery Co.,Ltd

Producing Furfural by Using Corn Cobs and

Comprehensive Utilization of Xylose

Yangxin Jinyuan Chemical Co.,Ltd.

Pork Product Cold Chain Project

BinZhou RongChang Agriculture And Livestock Scientific


Bio-organic Compound Fertilizer Project

Shandong Huakang Food Company

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119 Binzhou

120 Binzhou Xiwang Group

121 Binzhou Sanxing Machinery Co.,Ltd

122 Binzhou

123 Binzhou

124 Binzhou Qixing Group

Annual 140,000 Tons High-grade Profile Aluminium

ProjectWeiqiao Aluminium Technology


Annual 300,000 Tons New Type Alloy Material

Production Line

Annual 500 Sets Wind Power Tower Silo and Set Products

Industrialization Project of Shandong Guofeng Wind-

generator Equipment Co.,Ltd.Shandong Guofeng Wind

Generator Equipment Co.,Ltd.

Annual 500 Sets 2MW Wind Power

Shandong Changxing Group Co.,Ltd

Annual 150,000 Tons Hot Rolled Aluminium Plate Production Line Project

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125 Project of Silicon Steel Plate Binzhou

126 Binzhou

127 Binzhou

128 Binzhou

129 Binzhou Shandong Guangfu Group

130 Binzhou Huameng Group

131 Binzhou Shandong Kaitai Group

Shandong Hengda Metal Sheet Co.,Ltd

Sets of Precise High-speed CNC Equipment-Localization

Project of Car Key Pieces Reconfigurable Automatic


Shandong Binzhou Bohai Piston LLC.

High-performance Engine Crankshaft Casting and

Machining Production Line Project

Binzhou Haide Crankshaft Co.,Ltd.

10,000 Ton Grade Ship-Making Project

WuDi JinBin Ship Heavy Industry Co.,Ltd

Annual 300,000 Tons Special Seamless Pipe for Petroleum

Annual 200,000 Tons Graphite Cast Pipe, 100,000

Tons Rock Wool Project

Annual 300,000 Tons Cast Steel Pellet Project

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132 Engine Spare Part Project Binzhou

133 Binzhou Chuang Zhi Bo Tian Ltd.

134 Eastern Logistics Center Binzhou Planned logistics center

Shandong Xin Ankai Dynamic Technology Co.,Ltd

aerosol cultivate automation technology plant promote


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135 Binzhou

136 Binzhou

137 Binzhou

138 Binzhou

139 Binzhou

Dushoutian’s Former Residence Protection and

Restoration Project

Annual Output of 10000 Tons Ethroglucin Project

Binzhou Sanyuan Biological Technology Co.,LTD

Sanhe Lake Scenic Area Project

Yi huatai 200,000 ton agricultural products processing project

Shandong Yi huatai Agriculture Limited company

Shandong Yineng the biology to produce 100,000 tons of

the material oil projectShandong Yineng the biological

energy limited company

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140 Binzhou

141 Binzhou

142 Binzhou

143 Binzhou heavy Lifeng Machine Co., Ltd.

144 Binzhou

An Annual Output of 20 Million New-type Ring Carrier

InsertBinzhou Zhengdao Mechanical

Manufacturing Co., ltd

project of 100,000 tons of fat energy feed

Shan Dong ZhongDa Livestock Husbandry Group Co; Ltd

Huimin County Vocational High School

Huimin County Vocational High School

Li Feng-end heavy-duty CNC metal forming machine manufacturing base for supporting the project

Binzhou City Longma Heavy produce 100,000 tons of wind power, machine tool castings


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145 Binzhou

146 Solar Collector Tube Binzhou

147 Binzhou

148 Binzhou

149 Binzhou

2000D Coarse Denier Industrial Filament

Shandong Binzhou Potao Chemical Fiber Co., Ltd.

Shandong Tianlixin Energy Technology Development Co.,


350,000 Tons Annually Cottonseed Intensive

ProcessingBinzhou Ziguang Biotechnology


200,000 tons beef cold chain cold chain programme

projectYangxin Guangfu Animal By-

products Co., Ltd.

Complex use the corncob to yearly produce 10,000 tons wood sugar and 30,000 tons

fibre alcohol project

Shandong Jinyuan bio-technology Co., Ltd.

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150 Binzhou

151 Binzhou

152 Binzhou

153 Binzhou

Use the worn out polyester bottle piece material to

yearly produce 100,000 tons reproducible color polyester fiber filament technological

transformations project

Shandong Yangxin Longfu Chemical Fiber Co., Ltd.

Produce 200 thousand tons of PPVE Every Year

Shandong Binzhou Harbor Zhenghai Ecology Science and

Technology Co., Ltd.

Yellow River·Sun Island Leisure,Toursim and Resort

Zone ProjectShandong Shenli Enterprise

Development Co.,Ltd.

Goods Distribution with the yearl throuthput of 1 million

tonsShandong Wudi Tongfa

Distribution Storage Co., Ltd

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154 Winter Jam Series Binzhou

155 Binzhou

156 Binzhou

157 Binzhou

Zhanhua 100 Grandway Industry Food Co., Ltd.

Development of the archaeology site of Hualong


Annual Production of 200,000 tons of Differential Fiber

Shandong Yamei Technology, Ltd

Annual Production of 10,000 tons of methionine.

Shandong Jingbo Oil & Chemicals Ltd.

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158 Binzhou

159 Binzhou

160 Binzhou

Annual Production of 150 tons of Spinosad Bio-

pesticideShandong Jingbo Agrochemicals,


An annual output of 60,000 tons ball stone, lining, and 20,000 tons mullite brick


Zouping Diamond New Material Co., Ltd.

Car away from the speed, transmission, oil pump

assembly production line shell

Anyka Shandong Power Technology Co., Ltd.

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161 Binzhou Green Dairy Co., Ltd.

162 Binzhou

163 Weifang

164 Weifang

Factory production of straw Edible Fungi, bacteria

package fresh mushroom exports and overseas

production project

Slaughtering and Processing 3 Million Pigs Yearly

Binzhou Rongchang Agriculture And Livestock Scientific


North Sea Medicine Food & Logistics Park

The management office of North Sea Medicine Food Logistics


The First Phase of the Central Business District of Binhai

Water CityShandong Weifang Binhai

Economic Development Area

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165 Weifang Gaomi

166 Weifang Software Park Weifang

167 Weifang

168 Light Rail Transport Project Weifang

Gaomi Chaoyang East Railway station Bulk Logistics


The Municipal Committee of Weifang New&High Technology

Industry Development Zone

Biology&Medicine Science and Technology Industry Park

of Weifang Hi-Tech Development Zone

Biology&Medicine Science and Technology Industry Park of

Weifang Hi-Tech Development Zone

Weifang North Sea Light Rail Transport Development Co. Ltd.

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169 Weifang

170 Weifang Zhucheng City

171 Weifang

172 Weifang

173 Corporate Headquarters Base Weifang

174 Weifang

175 Land Reclaiming Project Weifang

176 Weifang Zhuliu Sub-district Office

The First Phase of the Recreational and Vocational

ZoneShandong Weifang Binhai

Economic Development Area

Zhucheng dinosaur valley geo-park project

Seaport Railway Project of Weifang Simedarby Harbor

Shandong Weifang Binhai Economic Development Area


The First Phase Project of the Recreational and Vocational


Shandong Weifang Binhai Economic Development Area


Shandong Weifang Binhai Economic Development Area


Solar Photovoltaic Power Generation Project

Shandong Weifang Binhai Economic Development Area


Shandong Weifang Binhai Economic Development Area


300,000 New Energy Vehicles Project

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177 Weifang Tangwu Town

178 Weifang

179 Weifang

180 Weifang The GaoYa Reservoir Area

181 Weifang

182 Weifang

183 Weifang Changle

184 Wind Power Farm Weifang Changle

185 Weifang

186 Solar Power Farm Weifang

Manufacturing Base of High-Grade Musical Instrument

National Green and high & New Technology Fine

Chemical Industry Base

Zhuliu sub-district Office Shandong Weijiao Group


Shouyang Mountain Tourism Resort (Dan Gui Rivers

Waterscapes)City Zoning and Planning


XianYue Lake Eco-Tourism Resort Development Project

The 4th Phase Expansion Project of China Gem City

The Development and Construction Management

Committee of China Gem City

200,000 ton/year Nano Calcium Carbonate Project

Changyi Coastal Economic Development Zone

1000 ton/year Chiral Drugs and Intermediate Project

Top-Grade Active Dye Printing Project

Changyi Furun Textile Technology Co., Ltd

To build a 200,000 KW solar farm.

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187 Hi-Tec Incubation Base Weifang Hanting District

188 Weifang

189 Weifang

190 Weifang

191 FD Food Production Project Weifang

Liuyi Mount Culture and Eco-Tourism Scenic Area Project

Liuyi Mount Culture Ecotourism Scenic Spot

Hanting Advanced Manufacturing Industrial Park

Taking Advantage of Industry Cluster

High-Tech Industrial Park Project

State Asset Management Investment Company of

Shandong Weifang Economic Development Zone

Weifang Huayu Industry Co., Ltd.

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192 Weifang

193 Weifang Linqu

194 Weifang

195 Ecological Corn Fiber Project Weifang

196 Weifang

Oil Extraction Equipment Production Project

Shandong Jinshenglong Machinery Co., Ltd.

Mount Yishan Hot Spring Holiday Village Development


100 set/year of Super-Conductive Iron-separator

Production ProjectShandong Huate Magnet

Technology Co., Ltd

Linqu Xinfa Dye & Clothing Co., Ltd

Mount Yishan Tourism Area Development Project

The Administration Committee of Mount Yishan Scenic Area

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197 Ship-Building Base Project Weifang Shouguang

198 Weifang

199 Weifang Weifang Yuelong Rubber Group

200 Weifang

201 Weifang Yangkou Town

150,000 meters/year steel spiral composite pipe

Shangdong Dongbao Steel Pipes Co. Ltd

Steel Wire Cord for Radial Tire Project

600,000 tons/year Ion Membrane Caustic Soda

Shandong Dadi Salt Chemistry Group

The Xiaoqinghe River Eco-Tourism Resort Project

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202 Weifang

203 Weifang

204 Weifang

205 Weifang

Ship Parts Casting Center Project

Zhucheng Precision Casting and Forging Industrial Park Venture

Service Center

Magnetic nano-film current collector material production

and processing projectsWeifang Nafi Metal Material

Technology Co., Ltd

Solar Water Heater Inner Liner Production Project

Weifang Furun Chemical Co., Ltd

High-Grade Knitted Garment Production Project

Shandong SUNSHELL Group Co., Ltd

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206 Auto Industry Park Project Weifang Dongcheng District

207 Weifang Qingdao Port Logistics Park

208 Weifang Changcheng town

Qingdao Port Logistics Park Projects

Shandong Province High-End Food Safety Demonstration

Base Project

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209 Weifang

210 Zibo

Zhucheng Cretaceous Dinosaur Geo-Park Project

Zhucheng China Tourism Investment Co., Ltd

Project of Wuyang Lake Ecological Tourism Holiday

Resort Construction Zibo Boshan District Shima


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211 Zibo

212 Zibo Linzi Tourism Bureau

213 Zibo

Qiaolingqian Scenic Zone Construction

Zibo Boshan District Shantou Town

Qi Cultural and Ecological Park Project

Yaojiayu Eco-tourism Resort Project

Shandong Taihe Industrial Co., Ltd.

Shandong Hualv Tourism Development Company Limited

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214 Zibo Zhoucun District of Zibo City

215 Zibo

216 Zibo

217 Zibo Zibo Yongda Chemical Co. , Ltd

218 30000 Light Lorry Project Zibo Zibo Automobile Factory

Comprehensive Development Project for Shandong

Zhoucun Ancient Commercial Town

The Synthetic Development Project of Liaozhai Cultural

Tourism ProjectZibo Liaozhai Cultural Tourism

Co., Ltd.

One million s.m./y of Hollow-fiber Membrane

Shandong Hengfeng Membrane Technology Co., Ltd

100,000 t/y of Propylene and Polyether Polyol

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219 Zibo

220 Zibo Zibo Haizhou Powder Co., Ltd

221 Zibo

222 Zibo

223 Zibo

Light-mini auto EPS develop and produce projects

Zibo XianHe Mechanical and Electrical Co.Ltd

600,000 tons/y of Powder Metallurgy

400,000 MT/year C4 Fraction Comprehensive Utilization

ProjectShandong Qilong Chemical Co.,


Auto Parts Manufacturing Project

Shandong Meiling Chemical Equipment Co., Ltd

500 million s.m. of FR4-CCL Electronic Fabric Project

Shandong Yaowei Glassfibre Co., Ltd

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224 Zibo

225 Zibo Shengli Community, Zibo City

226 Zibo Coking Gas Company

227 Zibo

Shandong (Kunlun) Machinery Market and

Machinery Manufacturing Zone

Kunlun town government, Zibo City

Luzhong Furniture Logistics Park

Land development project of Coking Gas Company-owned

Gas Plant

100,000 t/y of Nano Calcium of Deep Processing Technical

Reform Project Zibo Furuida Chemical Industry

Co., Ltd.

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228 Zibo

229 Dezhou Laoling municipal city

230 Golf Exercising Field Project Dezhou Laoling municipal city

231 Taishan Sports Group project Dezhou Taishan Sports Group

232 Dezhou Shandong Feida Group

233 Dezhou Guoqiang Hardware Group.

234 Dezhou The Golden Kylin Group

235 Dezhou Weigeer Tire Co.,Ltd

236 Tangzao Ecological Park Dezhou Dezhou City, Qingyun County

30,000 t/y Environmental Acceptable Resin Matrix

Composite Project

Shandong Huaqun New Materials Science and Technology Co., Ltd.

Laoling Recycling Economy Demonstrating Park

Flavoring Manufacturing and Storage Center

Guoqiang Yalian Microorganism Fertilizer


Environment Friendly (vehicle and train) Brake Rotor Project

1.2 Million All steel radial tyre Project

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237 Compositive LED Lights Dezhou

238 Dezhou Zhong'ao Holding Group Co., Ltd

239 Dezhou

240 Dezhou Qingyun No. 1 Middle School

241 Dezhou Qingyun Store Group Co., Ltd

242 Dezhou Dezhou City, Qingyun County

243 Yunquan Great Hotel Dezhou Dezhou City, Qingyun County

Shandong Jiahao Hengtai Energy Co., Ltd

Industrialization of Excellent Quality Duck

15,000 tons of Comprehensive Procession

about Golden JujubeShandong Dingli Jujube Industry

Food Group Co., Ltd

New-built No.1 Middle School of Qingyun County

Hongyun International Logistics Park

Shuiyunjian Natural Ecological Holiday Centre

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244 Dezhou Dezhou City, Qingyun County

245 Dezhou

246 Yantai China overseas group Co., Ltd.

247 Port-Vicinity logistics Yantai Laizhou Industrial Park

248 Yantai

249 Yantai

The Second Stage of Xianghai Chanlin Guzao Ecological


600,000 tons stainless steel composite plate (coil)

Shandong Qingyun Yixin Metallurgical Engineering Co.,


Construction of 100 million ton-Laizhou Port

Grain Logistics Demonstration, Laizhou area,

circling Bohai Sea RegionLaizhou grain purchasing

&storage Center

10000-mu Sea farm in Laizhou Bay

Laizhou oceanic and fishery administration

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250 Yantai

251 Yantai

252 Yantai

253 Yantai Laizhou Tourism Bureau

Management and development to the coastal

areaLaizhou Economic Development


To Build Laizhou-Binzhou Coastal High Grade Road

(Laizhou Section)Laizhou Traffic Administrative


To Build First Grade Fishing Port at Sanshan Island,

Laizhou, ShandongLaizhou Fishery Administration

and Port supervision Station

Laizhou gold coastal tourism development project

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254 Yantai

255 Yantai Laizhou Industrial Park

256 Yantai Laizhou city

257 Yantai Yinhai Industrial Park

258 Yantai Yinhai Industrial Park

259 Yantai

Laizhou Chemical Circulating Industry Park

Laizhou chemical industry development bureau

To Produce 1,000,000T ethane annually

Ion Film Caustic Soda Project with Annual Output of

300,000 tons

100,000 tons of Chlorite yearly

To produce PVC 350,000 tons annually

Production of Car Stamping Assembly

Laizhou XinYa tong Metal Making Company

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260 Yantai

261 Cinstone Blocks Market Yantai

262 Yantai Yinhai Industrial Park

263 Yantai

264 Yantai Yinhai Chemical Industrial Park

Capacity Expansion of High-grade meridian tyre

Shandong Hawk International Rubber Industry Co., Ltd.

Cinstone (Laizhou) Industry Co., Ltd.

An annual output of 300000 tons of bitter salt & potash

magnesium sulphate fertilizer

To Extend Laizhou Fangtai Metallurgy Chemical Industry

Co.Laizhou Fangtai Metallurgy

Chemical Industry Co.

To Produce 1 Million Tons of Catalysis Thermal Cracking

CPP Annually

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265 800,000 Tons Ethene Yearly Yantai

266 ionic membrane caustic soda Yantai

267 Yantai Laizhou

Laizhou Foreign Trade and Economy Bureau

Laizhou Foreign Trade and Economy Bureau

Main engine necessary for wind power

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268 Yantai Chengguo Town

269 Yantai Laizhou

270 Yantai Laizhou

271 Yantai Laizhou

272 Yantai San Shan Island Agency

To Produce New Type Thermo-magnetic Power Machine and Generator

Market of Imported Stone Raw Material

Collective Development of East Sea God Temple Culture

Tourism Holiday Resort

Collective Development of Yun Feng Mountain Highland

Enviornmental Tourism Region

seascape water town tourism development

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273 Yantai

274 Yantai Laizhou Industrial Park

275 Yantai Sanshandao village

276 Yantai

Beside-port Storage Logistics Park

Sanshan Dao Beside-port Storage Logistics Park

A Five Star Hotel in the Golden Tourist Scenery


Realty development-----Aged district reconstruction

300000 T Palm Oil Deep Processing Project

Laizhou Beside-port Industria Park

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277 Yantai Laizhou Industrial Park

278 Yantai Jincheng Town

279 Yantai Laizhou

280 Yantai

Comprehensively soy bean processing project

Coastal Tourism Development Project

The comprehensive development project to

produce cement with the cinder

Jincheng Ship-producing Project

Laizhou Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation Bureau

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281 Yantai Hu Touya town

282 Yantai

283 Yantai Laizhou

284 Yantai Laizhou

285 Yantai Laizhou

286 Yantai Chengguo Town

287 To Process Plant Oil Yantai Laizhou

Hu Touya Electronic and Machinery Industrial Park

Investment Project

To Produce Car Punched Parts Assembly

Laizhou Economic Development Zone

To Produce Small Cylinder Diameter Diesel Oil Engine

To Intensively Process Stone Products

To Produce Cement from Cinder

To Produce Construction Lay Wire

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288 Yantai Laizhou

289 Yantai Zucun town

290 Stone slab market Yantai Zucun town

291 Logistic Center Yantai Yong’an district

292 Yantai Laizhou

293 Yantai Laizhou

Comprehensive utilization and production for stone


Stone machinery manufacturing

East Sea God Temple Seashore Tourist District

Laizhou Haimiaogang Yacht Holiday Village

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294 Crystalline Glass Yantai Laizhou

295 Wind Power Host Generators Yantai Laizhou

296 Computer Industrial Cluster Yantai Economic Development Zone

297 Lightweight Automobile Yantai

298 Auto Cast Parts Yantai

299 Yantai

Shandong Conglin Group Co., Ltd

Longkou Xuxin Auto Parts Co., Ltd

New-style Tractor Raiser and Agrimotor Rear Axle

Assembly Shandong Hongyu Machinery

CO., Ltd

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300 Automobile Drive Axle Yantai

301 Yantai Longkou Mining Group

302 Yantai Hi-tech Development Zone

303 Bio-tech Park Yantai Hi-tech Development Zone

304 Yantai Muping District

Shandong Kangtai Industry Co., Ltd

Power Plant of Comprehensive Utilization of

Oil Shale

Scientific and Technological CBD

Emerging Electric Information Manufacturing Industrial Park

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305 Yantai

306 Yantai Penglai New Port

Yantai International Logistics Park

Yantai International Logistics Park

Two 5000-ton berths in Penglai Port Area

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Content Method





Total Investment

Build a production line of butt submerged arc welding pipe with output of 200,000 tons an annual. After completion of the project, the new income for the year is

800,000,000 Yuan, the profit for the year of 120,000,000 Yuan of and tax of 60,000,000


JV、JCV、Tech Import

Build a production line of seamless steel pipe with output of 300,000 tons an annual.

The main variety of specifications is: diameter: ф73-244mm, wall thickness of 4-30mm and length: 6000-1200mm. The main products are oil casing, steel pipe for high-

temperature and high-pressure, tube chemical, steel pipe for mechanical

structure, gas cylinder pipe and line pipe, etc.

JV、JCV、Tech Import

This project is to be established in the plant of the special purpose vehicle modification factory under the group company, covering a land area of about 10000m2, by utilizing

part of the principal assets within the company without involving land

expropriation. The aim of this project is to produce 50 sets of high-pressure large-displacement fixed-well fracturing units

above 700MPa each year.

JV、JCV、Tech Import

The aim of this project is to produce 30 sets of 14t-90t continuous string coiled tubing

units each year. This project is to be established in the plant of the group

company, covering a land area of about 12000m2, by utilizing part of the principal

assets within the company without involving the land expropriation.

JV、JCV、Tech Import

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The aim of this project is to produce 50 sets of large-tonnage truck-mounted drilling rigs each year(15ZJ、20ZG、30ZJ、40ZJ、ZJ). This project is to be established in the plant of the group company, covering a land area of about 20000m2, by utilizing the existing manufacturing equipment and part of the

principal assets within the company without involving the land expropriation.

JV、JCV、Tech Import

The offshore underwater petroleum production system project includes the equipment manufacture for underwater

production system, engineering design of underwater production system and

construction and installation of underwater production system. The equipment

manufacture for underwater production system includes the wellhead equipment,

Christmas trees, manifolds, templates, control systems, umbilical pipes, pipelines, booster system and underwater treatment system. As China is now unable to make

such equipment, the whole market is in the hands of foreign companies. As in deep sea petroleum tapping, the subsea completion must be adopted for wellheads, therefore, underwater production system will be used

for every well in deep sea petroleum tapping. It is obvious that the development of underwater production system will not

only fill in a blank in China, but is also necessary to the development of offshore

petroleum technologies.

JV、JCV、Tech Import

Development and production of modules of offshore petroleum drilling machines,

drilling winches, turntables, slurry pumps, slurry treatment equipment, power pack,

MCC, and the converter control technology for drilling machines, new type top driven

set (TDS) for drilling machines, etc.

JV、JCV、Tech Import

Our Company has large sized NC machining equipment and heat treatment equipment, can machining large parts and accessories for well head and blowout preventers, and can fully meet the requirements of various

machining precision specifications. This project will mainly introduce advanced

technologies in production, and to expand the production capacity according to market


JV、JCV、Tech Import

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This production line operates automatically or semi-automatically, with a high

production efficiency, economic and reliable in operation and convenient in maintenance, the project will mainly produce φ73mm and

φ89mm lined oil pipes when completed.

JV、JCV、Tech Import

Helicoid hydraulic motor. Drilling work in Shengli oil filed needs helicoid hydraulic

motors worth over RMB 60 million. The total demands in China are worth RMB 400

million every year. After the project is put into production, it’s estimated that its

annual production valve will exceed RMB 80 million; suppose the profit-tax rate is 20%,

its annual profit-tax will be over RMB 16 million. Its investment pay-back period is

4.5 years.

JV、JCV、Tech Import

Dongying-Huadong Wire and Cable Group Co., Ltd. is located at the west end of Heze Road, Dongying, Shandong Province. It not only has a convenient location by highway,

railway and waterway, but also has abundant water resource and power energy.

It’s estimated that the new mineral insulated cable project will invest RMB 80 million; the existing workshop is 1,500m2;

the estimated investment into equipment is RMB 35 million. After the project is put into production, its annual production capacity

will be 5,000km. It’s estimated that the project will bring a sales revenue of RMB

100 million, profit RMB 30 million, and tax RMB 5 million.

JV、JCV、Tech Import

High-pressure FRP pipes are produced as followings to meet the requirements to be

used in water-injection wells: internally reinforced; totally digital-control by industry control computers; test epoxy equivalent,

viscidity, heat deflection temperature, bending strength, bending modulus, anti-

erosive ability, etc. of epoxy resin; test filament diameter, linear density, breaking tenacity, soakage, etc. of non-alkali fibers;

select raw materials and decide the formula of raw materials as well as the structure

design of pipes.

JV、JCV、Tech Import

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SL4×4 amphicar is designed, developed and produced by the company itself and has

passed the inspection of State Test Center for the Quality of Engineering Machinery. Its

patent certificate has been given to the company. Amphicar can run on shoals,

swamps, muddy lands, desserts, rivers or other poor conditions because it can float

well on shallow seas and swamps. It’s featured by its innovative design, good cross-country performance and stable

floating. Its main technical parameters have reached the level of same products of

foreign countries.

JV、JCV、Tech Import

This kind of coupling has good intensity and reliability, used in rod pump wells and screw pump wells. Under the same load, standard API coupling moves along screw shoulder and contact surface through the screw, generates dynamic load and hurts male screw threads; differently, the new-type

coupling has stable rigid connection due to its four-part design. With exact screw thread and size, it clips tightly by endocentric twist. Its pre-load will raise the intensity of screw thread, ensure a good stability when being drawn, twisted, bent and worn, reduces the

stress on the shoulder of male screws, whereas the screw head is fixed into the

coupling by endocentric twist.

JV、JCV、Tech Import

The project mainly produces electric bus, electric motor coach and airport shuttle bus. The production capacity is 5000 buses per

year. It also produces electric control system, drive system and renewable energy

cells. After finishing the first phase, it can produce 300 airport shuttle buses per year.


Building covers an area of 50,000 square meters of warehouse distribution area, the building covers an area of 15,000 square

meters exhibition, service area; and construction of building area 3 million

square meters of business, living area, as well as with a tonnage of 50 tons or more of

the large transport vehicles, 100 department. To achieve 2.7 million tons warehousing / year, the amount of LTL

13.15 million tons / year, container transport 9.55 million tons / year, cargo transit and transport agents 12.4 million tons / year. Road freight is expected to 282.4 million tons, organize cargo 127.8 million tons.


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To seawater and salt as the basic raw material, modified natural zeolite as an

adsorbent to build production capacity of 5 tons / year of agricultural potassium chloride production workshop and

production line.


Construction mu reed marshes the landscape, increasing reed varieties,

additional lotus Island, Peach Blossom Island, Rose Island, beautifying the

landscape reed marshes, finishing reed marshes waterways, configure a variety of cruise ships, build reed maze, around the

reed farm music, to carry out fishing, Picking , mining reed, reed compilation and other activities. Meanwhile, the construction of higher end hotels (three-star and above) 1 to develop a number of features antique dining streets, street laid inns, coaching inns, clubhouse, hotels, theme hotels,

shops, craft workshops, etc. for the tourists to create a leisurely, quiet Yi, antique open

land and a transit point. Has completed market research and project feasibility

report has been prepared


Construction of livestock on hand size of 100,000 breeding district; and construction

of split Sheep slaughter plant, frozen storage, the processing plant and

supporting facilities; and construction of deep-processing workshop; building year processing Sheep 1 million, producing 20

million kilograms of mutton production line; 400 tons of annual production capacity of

serum, casings one million of the production line.


Build production workshop, warehouse, and an annual output of 300,000 tons of chlor-

alkali production unit (ion exchange membrane), and other supporting facilities.


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Dongying Municipal Party Committee and Government have also set Dongying Port

and Dongying Port Economic Development Zone as one of the main carriers to launch the coastal development strategy and the

breakthrough for the city’s rapid development and rise to build the city’s new

industrial uplift. In the rear of Dongying Port, there are large tracts of land available

for industrial development and port construction, which are ideal areas for the

developments of coastal industries, such as warehousing, packaging, transportation, bond and foreign-funded enterprises, etc.

Therefore, as park supporting constructions, the integrated logistics park project is very necessary. The objective of Dongying Port

Economic Development Zone is, to build the integrated logistics park of Dongying Port

Economic Development Zone into a regional logistics center for the north of Shandong Province, and parts of Shanxi and Hebei



Two 30,000 tons multi-purpose docks constructed at the first phase of Dongying

Port Expansion Project have passed the final acceptance of the Provincial Transportation Office and been put into operation, and the

project of two 50,000 tons oil docks has been identified. The overall plan of

Dongying Port prepared by the Ministry of Transport Planning Research Institute has been completed. Dongying Port can form a

total area of 16.64 square kilometers of basin water, 24.5 kilometers of coastline, and 113 productive berths; by 2020, the

port through capacity can reach up to over 100 million tons. After the completion of the

project, it possesses functions of energy, raw materials, container and other

materials, and ro-ro transportation, and can develop marine shipbuilding industries.


The project consists of 50 million tons/year Superflex device, which has an output of

90,000 tons of ethylene and 200,000 tons of propylene, with a total output of 290,000 tons olefins, mainly as raw materials for

downstream chemical projects. At the same time, it byproducts 118,000 tons of aromatic

gasoline and 91,000 tons of fuel gas for sale. The operation time of the device is

8000 hours/year.


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According to the requirements of market demand and economies of scale, we

propose the product program as follows: acrylonitrile of 100,000 tons/year;

meanwhile, by-product of 3,300 tons/year acetonitrile (99.5%), 9,555 tons/year hydrocyanic acid (99.5%) and 11,000

tons/year ammonium sulfate. The annual device operation time is 8000 hours.


Temporarily, the project is recommended to use butadiene method and foreign

advanced technology to build 50,000 tons/year chloroprene rubber production

devices. In accordance with both home and abroad CR market capacity, technological level of production devices and reasonable economic scale, we determine the scale of

production as 50,000 tons/year.


SUPERFLEX is the technology to produce propylene and ethylene developed in recent

years. The technology was originally developed by ARCO Chemical (ARCO) and

now it is KBR that has the technical transfer right. The SUPERFLEX device can produce 450,000 tons of products, mainly including

propylene and ethylene. When the project is put into operation, it can produce 78,000

tons of ethylene, 178,000 tons of propylene and 6,600 tons of aromatic gasoline and

others each year.


Using the masut or residue distributed in Hekou area and the peripheral region as raw

materials, we plan to build DCC combined facilities with an annual output 1.20 million

tones. The products mainly include propene, liquid gas, mixed C4, naphtha, heavy diesel

oil, net gas, oil slurry, and charring. The project involves building 1.20 million

tons/year DCC facilities and 1.50 million tons/year heavy oil pretreatment

equipment, 500 thousand tons/year gas separation unit, and 80 thousand tons/year

MTBE unit. Once the project is put into operation, we can have an annual

production capacity of 136.4 thousand tons of fuel gas, 260.0 thousand tons of propene, 179.0 thousand tons of heavy diesel oil and

514.0 thousand tons of naphtha.


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Silicone polymer combines the property of inorganic and organic materials, such as

high and low temperature resistance, anti-oxidation, radiation resistance, good dielectric properties, flame retardant,

stripping, low temperature coefficient of viscosity, non-toxic, tasteless and

physiological inert, etc. And the silicone polymer can be made into excellent

materials of electrical conductivity, thermal conductivity, optical activity and membrane for separation and so on. In fact, it has been

widely used in many fields, including national defense, science and technology,

national economy as well as different areas of daily life, so that it has grown into

essential material for the national economic development and citizens’ living standards improvement. It is planned set up 100,000 tons/year organic silicon monomer device

and its supporting facilities.


Once the project is put into operation, we will have an annual production of 300 thousand tons of crude salt, and 1.5

thousand tons of bromine. Main construction projects include water riser, breed aquatics

and halogen preparing zone, brine water crystallizing zone, bromine extraction zone,

office and accommodation area.


Alcohol is widely used in different industries like food, chemical, medicine and daily

chemicals, and it is also an important clean energy. Alcohol industry takes a significant position in the national economy. With the

development of national economy as well as the increased uncertainty of the world's oil

supply and the strengthening of environmental protection, the demand for ethanol will keeps on growing. The project intends to build 10 million tons / year of

non-grain alcohol production equipment and supporting facilities. It is planned to 100,000 ton/year non-grain alcohol production device

and their supporting facilities.


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It is planned to set up the spinning production lines and their supporting

facilities of 50,000 spindles new fiber and ecial fiber, taking up 60,000m².


The project occupying a surface of 10m2; the main construction composes of the terminal markets of buying and selling

commodities including building materials, texture and costume, light fitting and

furniture, tourist souvenir, new high-tech products, automobile and automobile fitting,

advertisement and decoration; six warehouses, including logistic line and

parking lots; the accessory construction composes of a office building of 10000-20000 and facility accessories of dining service. The government invest for the

infrastructure of the garden, and foreign investment will also be introduced to construct the garden, and the integral

development by a investor is also available.


(I) Tourist Reception Center: it is intended to build a distinctive entrance area at the gate

of “Wetland Eco-Resort”, the wetland square, self-driving terminal and tourist reception center. (II) Reed Project Area:

mainly including pleasure boat dock, roaming in reeds, bird eco-isle, reed maze, reed fairyland, dry-land mysterious park,

blue-sea summer palace, and green oxygen bar.(III) Aquatic Project Area: at the Gubei

Reservoir, it is intended to build a 5000-m2 waterside platform, on which there will be a dock for pleasure boat. By the reservoir a

large theme waterpark will be built. A large aquatic restaurant will be built in the form of

a large sightseeing boat. Around the reservoir, there will be many fishing areas and a small wharf specifically for fishing.

The broad area of water will also be used to initiate featured aquatic culture. (IV) Military and Sports Club: this club will cover an area

of 0.33km2, including a 0.2-km2equestrianism court and a 2000-m2

stable and its supporting facilities; a 0.13-km2 field operation area and outward

development zone. (V) Wetland Hot-spring: a distinctive outdoor wetland hot-spring will be built to enjoy the harmony of the nature

and humanity.


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According to the basic framework of “one harbor-based core industrial zone, two

ecological wetland corridors, two axes for riverside industrial development, five

functional divisions including commerce, residence, harbor-based operations, harbor-based industrial clusters and urban tourism, and eight primary urban industries including harbor-based operations, ship building and repair, harbor-based industries, industrial

incubation, commerce, residence, industrial tourism and recreational fishery”, the emphasis is put on the construction of

fishery-purposed wharf, logistical facilities for refrigerating process, refuel and water supply, ship building and repair, and the

supply of fishing necessities, etc, which can promote the develop of the surrounding

areas and make it a significant platform for the marine industrialization of Hekou

District. The project covers a total construction area of 998.77 hectares.


We plan to build an oil extraction equipment production base in Hekou Economic

Development Zone and develop high-efficiency, energy-saving equipment. In

addition, we plan to manufacture supported products including well cementation, well

control, well top, subsurface tools and casing pipe. Once the project is put into

operation, we can have an annual production capacity of 1000 energy-saving oil extraction machines, 2000 submerged

pumps, and 500 thousand meters of pumping rod.


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The State Council approved the "Yellow River Delta Economic Zone and efficient eco-development plan" has clearly put forward in support grandson Guangrao

County Cultural Tourism Zone, gradually build the national tourist zone. Chinese

Guangrao County, Guangrao County People's Government promulgated the

development of tourist areas "on further speed up the development of service

industry views" and "Cultural Tourism Zone Guangrao County grandson investment

preferential policies." Project a total investment of 276.03 million U.S. dollars,

infrastructure supporting the construction as of 2009 has invested 52.74 million U.S.

dollars. In 2010 plans to invest 29.02 million U.S. dollars. And above all for government

investment funds. The entire theme park, an area of 107.8 hectares, with a total

construction area of 14 million square meters. Planning programs focus on building military Sheng Temple, Lok or streets, art of

war wisdom image gallery big clearance Playground military world, the military

culture and sports center, the military life experience zones tourism projects.


Thisproject with 9000 a total investment firstly, 4000 investment in secondly; an

annual output of 30,000 tons non-polluting clean straw pulp paper. At present, capital,

land, technology patent has been put in place to inspect the completed facilities.


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44000 JCV


3000 JCV

environmental technology, a major breakthrough in practical application, is

trans-century high-tech products. The use of engine waste heat of the alcohol hydrogen car technology is the one with the national

economy-related, involving energy, transportation, electronics, machinery,

chemicals, coal, biology, agriculture, multi-disciplinary, cross-industry high-tech, it can

change the traditional industries and development of related industries. The use

of engine waste heat of the alcohol hydrogen-vehicle technology in line with

China's "Eleventh Five-Year Plan" high-tech industrial development policy is absolutely to promote high-tech products. This new

technology not only can be used in cars, but also can be used for ships, trains and all use of fossil fuels in internal combustion engine, it can change the traditional industries and led to the development of related products. We are working with some large companies to cooperate, for their large vehicles and a number of large-scale hydrogen internal

combustion engine equipment for alternative sources of energy transformation of alcohol. The total investment 3.0 billion,

to be through bank loans and corporate self-addressed, among them 700 million yuan of

bank loans, corporate self 2.3 billion. The total investment in fixed assets of 2 billion yuan investment, mainly for the production

and testing equipment acquisition, plant

New factory building 120,000 square meters, annual output of 700,000 tons butyl rubber. Major equipment crushing machine,

mixer, refining machine.JV、JCV

Total investment is 210.04 million yuan RMB. The number of new manufacturing and accessory equipment is 237 which include brake pads, brake rotors, brake

drums and axle manufacturing and infrastructure construction which will form

brake rotors, brake drums and tires lines for construction machinery. Once it is gone into

production it will bring new output value 850 million yuan RMB and tax 75 million

yuan RMB.

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7000 Solely-invested





Invested 500 million yuan annual production capacity of 200,000 tons bio-diesel project.

Including waste oil and oil mill scraps as raw materials to build an annual output of

30,000 tons bio-diesel production line; to wheat straw rapeseed oil, cottonseed oil and

other raw materials to build an annual output of 170,000 tons bio-diesel production


Aqueous solution polymerization of production technologies, new

polymerization on the enamel kettle, grinder, automatic dryers, vacuum pumps and other equipment to build an annual output of 30,000 tons of high absorbent

resin project.


In accordance with the principle of scientific construction, the first course of the project adopts a plan that combines dredging and

renovation. Being surrounded by other buildings on all sides excpet the west side, the harbour includes double embankments, three 50 thousand tonnage liquid chemical docks and two 30 thousand tonnage bulk

cargo docks. The traffic capacity is 20 million tonnage. Total invested amount is

estimated to be 6.8 billion yuan.


The local railway from Binzhou city to Binzhou port (is call Bingang Line for short) locates within the city proper of Binzhou in

north Shandong. It stretches northward from Xiaoying Station of the Jiaoji railway line to Binzhou port and acts as an important port

dredging railway.

BOT、BT、Equity participation

Bridge’s length is 3325 m, the route span is 19.381 km, and leading wire is 16.056 km long (north termination G220 line, wiring

length 11.867 km, south termination S242 line, length 4.189 km). Highway

classification: Arterial road; Driving magical skill: Bidirectional four traffic lanes;

Designed speed: 80 km/h; Roadbed width: 18 m; The bridge extends only: 2×7.5 m2;

Designed load rank: Road-1st level.


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1691 BOT



The main part of Bohai Bridge adopts extradosed cable-stayed design. Its major

technical parameters are listed as follows:road grade:1; main bridge includes bidirectional four lanes and two-side

pathways; the road width is 4×3.5m,bridge width:23m; length of main bridge:360m; total length of bridge:1600m; subgrade:

20m; highest navigable water level: 3.07m; net width and net height of navigable single-

span single channel:120m and 23m; design flood frequency:1/100; minimal radius of crest vertical curve:2,000m;

minimal radius of concave vertical curve:1500m.


Binzhou Tao’er River Bridge starts from the Haitian Avenue in Zhanhua county, then

goes west across Tao’er River and ends at the Dongfeng Port on the 311 Provincial

Highway. The total length of 2209.3 meters is composed of 5 parts:Eastern Guide Road 293.8M, Eastern Guide Bridge 573.5M, Main Bridge 280M, Western Guide Bridge 513.5M,

Western Guide Road 548.5M.

BOT、Equity participation

Binzhou Port Dredging Road starts from the west part of the under constructed pilot

dyke in Binzhou Port district and ends at the flyover on Dongbin Road Weiwu

Expressway. As a first grade road, it has a total length of 54.64 kilometers and width

24 meters. Main construction content: roadbed, bridge and its culvert, pavement

engineering and its attached projects.

Haitian road, from Binzhou High and new technology development zone to Binzhou

port, is an important Passageway to connect the northern coastal and inland areas in

zhanhua. The width of Haitian road is seven meters. With the development of the Beihai new zone, the old design standard cannot

meet the transportation requirement of salt and iron ore, so the widening engineering project is necessary. To widen the road to

30m and the total length is 54km.


1.Road, water draining project. 2.Virescence Engineering. 3.Lighting Engineering. It includes administrative living quarters

lighting and industry area lighting.4.Communication Pipe Engineering.


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The project totally constructs 4 bridges and 13 roads and ancillary works. Total length of

the road is 22,834 meters.JV、JCV

This project is divided into three phases of implementations. The west is the first phase with the storage capacity of 15 million cubic

meters. The construction mainly includes the folk recipe excavates, the reclamation, the water-supplying line work, 74 kilometer feed water lines, the water works and other ancillary facilities with the water furnishing

ability 50,000 cubic meters. The project includes 3 parts. One is BeiHai reservoir, it will locate at the south-west of the new city with the designing storage capacity of 35

million cubic meters. This project is divided into two phases of implementations. The west is the first phase with the storage capacity of 15 million cubic meters. The

construction mainly includes the folk recipe excavates, the reclamation, the water-

supplying line work, 74 kilometer feed water lines, the water works and other ancillary facilities with the water furnishing ability

50,000 cubic meters. The project includes 3 parts. One is BeiHai sreservoir; it will locate at the south-west of the new city with the designing storage capacity of 35 million

cubic meters.



The first period project of Binzhou Harbor water supply project will be designed with

an annual water supply capacity of 46 million cubic meters. In the long term, it will be designed to annually supply Hebei with

100 million cubic meters of water. The contents of the project include water intake

pump station, water intake pipeline, reservoir, water supply pumping station,

water supply pipeline, water release gate of reservoir, check gate of seepage

intercepting ditch and access bridge of seepage intercepting ditch.


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1912 Solely-invested



According the long-run plan of the project, wind power installed capacity of 300MW

should be completed. The first period project should be designed with a total

installed capacity of 30MW. Initially, twenty 1,500KW wind-generator sets will be

installed and at the same time twenty 35KV cabinet-type transformer stations will be built as supporting facilities. At the same

time, a transformer substation of 110KV will be built up, as the networking project for the wind electric generating set to join with the

system. The installed capacity of the second-stage is 49.8MW. The other

construction also is being carried out.


To extend 3 3000t berths in the Dabao Binzhou port work region, in which 1 general berth and 2 special salt berths. And the port

infrastructure construction will be taken place on the general berth.



The 1st construction includes 1×75t/h+1×B6 MW,the selected model of

whole set is 1×75t/h high-temperature hypo-high-pressure direct-fired boiler and

1×6 MW-4.9/0.785 back pressure turbine.The 2nd construction includes 1×75t/h high-temperature hypo-high-pressure direct-fired boiler and 1×15

MWsteam turbine generator set.

Mainly a 1×75t/h boiler, a 1×C12 steam electric generating set and auxiliary projects are constructed. And related equipment is


According to the overall plan, we plan to build up two Sewage treatment plants. The northern Sewage treatment plant locates at the west south side to the ten thousand-ton

ports. To 2010, the scale will achieve for 25,000 tons/day, in 2025 90,000 tons/days. The south Sewage treatment plant locates

at the start area of North Sea newly developed area, to 2010 the scale will

achieve for 20,000 tons/days, in 2025 will achieve the scale 70,000 tons/days.


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1029 Solely-invested





The 1st construction with disposal capacity of waste water of 30,000-ton/day is completed, and which is planned to

reconstruct prior to commencement of the 2nd construction so as to increase the

capacity to 60,000-ton/day. During the 2nd construction, the return flow from the

previous biological filter will be altered as the water supply of the compound

hydrolyzing pool so as to fulfill nitrogen removal thru the fundamental of nitration

and de-nitrification as well as dephosphorization by reaction of organism

and chemical agents so that the whole workmanship is effective in terms of

nitrogen removal and dephosphorization and that the final water emission is

conformity to late national standard. This project includes mainly of construction of

production management zone(plant front zone, facilities for the 1st and the 2nd

constructions), waste water disposal zone and sludge treatment zone.

The area is 7.85 hectares and the storage capacity is 1,286,000 m3. The garbage

disposal capacity is 200t per day. The main construction content is garbage dam.

Purchase the rolling equipment, transportation vehicles and spraying




According to forecast on supply and demand of water resources within the project area,

the design cubage of the reservoir is 20 million cubic meters. The construction works

include mainly of seven sections, namely, embankment, pump station, seepage

intercepting ditch, water purification plant, water channel, entrance water gate for

introduction of river water and that of the Yellow River and other subsidiary buildings.


Planned Area: 10.53 hectares Construction Area: 160 thousand square meters. JV、JCV

The Binzhou Flying College is planned to construct in Dagao Aviation Industry Park, and the total area is 68.59 hectares. The main construction contents are classroom

building, laboratory building, research building, library, simulation center, airplane

repairing center, and activation center.


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Total planned area is 7200 Chinese acres. The first stage of the project has been

completed, including 13 great halls and front and back halls named after 13 pieces of“ Sunzi Art of War City”, and 224 wing-rooms for displaying 36 Stratagems. The remaining area of 6900 Chinese acres, is still waited for developing. And foreign merchants may revolve Sunzi culture to carry on the creative development and



The project will be constructed by two phase, which will cover an area of 1000mu. The first phase will cover an area of 500mu, which will be used for building classical old furniture exhibition and trading hall, folk

culture exhibition hall, and the goods circulation system of classical furniture.


The programmed area of the project is about 6,670,000 m2. The whole park is divided into 16 functional regions each

occupying about 333,500 m2.JV、JCV

Zhanhua locates in south bank of Bohai Bay. It owns long marine history and culture and beautiful coastal natural scenery. The total area of Tuhai River National Urban Wetland Park is more than 320 hectares. It is south to Zhanhua Huajia sluices, north to Weiwu Highway, which is planned into the Tuhai river wetland in Zhanhua urban planning. The project includes water entertainment zone, seeing and protection zone of birds, wetland ecological protection zone, view

zone of flowers of four seasons, countryside leisure zone and comprehensive reception




At present, the group company has started to make open bidding which is oriented

towards domestic and foreign institutions. The design work is also under way promptly. Large entertainment facilities like Round-sea

Train Tour, Round-sea Leisurement Scenic Spots & Services Areas, Water Tour &

Leisurement Facilities, Water-Screen Film, Music Fountain, Roller Coaster, etc, are

planned to be constructed.


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800 Solely-invested


Port-front Communications & Logistics Center in North Shandong (PCLCNS) locates in Mashanzi Town, Wudi County, to the east of Fujia Taizi Village and south of provincial highway Zhangdong Road. At a distance of 50 kilometers from Wudi County, PCLCNS

covers an area of 100 hectares which mainly includes following logistics districts:

Marine Chemical, Textile, Sea Products, Parts of Motor Vehicles, etc.

BOT、Equity participation

Binzhou Haode Luster trade square covers an area of 1200 units and the plan floor space is approximately 1000 thousand

square meters, mainly building large-scale supermarket facilities for commodity

wholesale and retail.


This project plans to make use of the existing utility and rely on the old course of the Yellow River. It will be constructed to an elegant, lofty and a-kilometer-long scenic

spot which is called “Attachment for Yellow River” which will show the mother river’s generous mind and historical culture and

also represent indomitable spirit of Chinese nation.


To construct tourism roads, a Large-scale scientific gallery, kiosks, oxygen bars,

winterdate culture wall and winterdate folk sacrifice place. To extend Qinkou river dock.


The planned area is 600 Chinese acres to mainly construct Hall of Virtue Cultivation, Hall of Fortune and Longevity and Hall of Resettlement for Justice etc,and build 30

antique houses. It will implement the business, leisure, catering, and

entertainment development in surrounding areas of Weishi Manor.

Construct Changsheng Yard and scenery area infrastructure facilities, rebuild and

improve scenery environment.JV、JCV

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The construction of Danahu Lake Scenic Zone is underway thru reference to the

mode of Hangzhou West Lake Tourism Zone and decoration of ancient and

unconstrained cultural landscape as well as lake dredging for natural scene. Besides, diversified architectural styles and folk

customs of different areas from all over the world will be taken into consideration for designing “Traditional China Opera Art

Gallery” along both banks of the river, so that the scenic spots are passed thru each other for mutual reflection of refulgence. In doing that, the Madahu Lake Scenic Zone

will be reputed as a“natural paradise”and“human wonderland”.


The hotel covers an area of 66,000 square meters, with a total building area of 45,000

m2, and 6 layers high. It constructs 321 luxury rooms, as well as other facilities. for

food, sports, entertainment, conference, leisure,etc.


The construction area of the project is 12,000 square meters. And currently, it increases 441 sets of major equipment. After completion of the project, it will achieve the basic scale with annual

production of green environment-friendly livestock and poultry vaccines using

nanotechnology Propolis Products 800 million plumes and heat-protective agent

animal freeze dried vaccine 6.2 billion plumes.


The project is to produce 4 billion heads (plumes) a year veterinary vaccine covering an building area of 10,596 square meters, and build separately according to bacteria

propolis inactivated vaccine, viruses inactivated vaccine, cytotoxicity inactivated

vaccine and freeze-dried live vaccine. It builds new GMP production workshop,

power laboratories, animal laboratories, warehouses and other facilities.


Construct new workshop building and other facilities on the basis of workshop building

of 28,700m2, and reach the production capacity of 500/y.

Transfer of Equity

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6651 JV


45,000 square meters annual output of three machine in a body integrated solar

glass battery components, namely, annual production capacity of amorphous silicon

cells 40.5MW.


The project covers the area of 30 mu. We are going to construct the product line with the annual production capacity of 24,000

solar power construction lights, 5.35 million LED packaging products and the assorted

production facilities.


The build-up area of the project is 155840 m2, and the major equipment includes 80 sets of dicing saw, laminator and others. The annual processing and production is

1200 KK silicon elements.


Covering and area of 400,200 square meters, the total production capacity of the project reaches to 2 million m2 per year, of which the general glass-ceramics decoration

board is 500,000 m2 per year and the nanometer glass-ceramics crystal board is 1

million m2 per year. It mainly builds the material workshops, casting workshops,

crystallizer workshop, polishing workshop and packaging workshop.


The process engineering of the project is provided by Plastics Processing And

Applications Research Laboratory of Ministry of Light Industry[Appl.

011310812;publication date: march 26,2003].The patent isn’t extensively used. It makes use of PVA dry process blown film

talents,and it is in the forefront of the world.

The project needs to expropriate land 133.12 mu,build 48587 square meters workshop,purchased 484 equipments including 360 production facility. It can produce high leakage proof and water solubility film 20000 tons every year.


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The project aims at building a production line with an annual output of 10 million

pieces of marine ecological shell porcelain. This production line includes civil

engineering with an area of 19,300 square meters, 3 natural gas-fired tunnel kilns, 223 sets of outsourced equipments and 350 sets

of self-made equipments.


Purchase three kinds of product line and Construct Production workshops, office and

affiliated facilities.JV、JCV

There are facilities including the rebuilt and the new production workshop, expansion of the warehouse, office and dormitory. The company has purchased and installed the equipment, producing ethroglucin 10,000

tons annual.


This project mainly constructs an area of 15000 m2 for workshops, warehouses, and the scientific research office building and purchases production process equipment

109 units(sets), to expands it’s yearly productivity to 8000 tons.


The new factory building is 21,500 square meters. The company introduced 286 sets

of jet looms and 316 sets of related equipments, the annual production of high-

grade home textiles can be 15.5 million meters.


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2650 JV



588 Solely-invested


The item applies the new technology products to eliminate the backward

production line which is high consumption of energy and water, to built new-style

environmental protection production line by researching the new dye and the new

process which uses new craft, new energy conservation and emission reduction. Its independent research and development

technology of“CFM”is a new energy-saving technology of wastewater treatment and water recycling, which use the boiler and high-efficiency heat exchanger tube to

recovery waste water and waste gas, in order to energy conservation and emission

reduction, and clean production.

The company has introduced 80 sets of air-jet looms which have achieved the

advanced international level (40 sets of electronic arm, 40 sets of CAM shedding).It has purchased domestic machines including

thick liquid yarn machine, air compressor and cloth inspecting machine. With 40 sets of air-jet looms and related equipment, it

can produce various cotton and high simulation of high-grade fabrics series 800

million meters per year.


The project will purchase 560 sets of quilted equipment and some matching equipment,

produing 35 million all kinds of sewing accessories to be exported.


The project will construct 20000m2 weaving workshop, 2400 m2 office buildings and two

wax and dyeing production lines, and purchase 2500 units of new loom.

The introduction of advanced non-woven machine 140 to form a 12 million meters per year of high-capacity simulation of

woven fabric. The introduction of the key 77 sets of dyeing and finishing equipment,

complementary parts of China-made equipment, the formation of 50 million

meters per year of high-capacity simulation of fabric dyeing and finishing.


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The compact spinning machine (1008) 50 units, the combing machine 3 sets (3 article

ribbon lap machines with 18 combing machines),belt auto-leveller draw frame 6

units, roving machine 8 units, blowing-carding unit 2 sets (one machine with 2

lines of 18 cards), automatic winding machine 16 sets and associated power

equipment and civil engineering.


The company will introduce 64 air-jet looms, a sizing machine, an air compressor and

other corresponding facilities, to achieve an average annual production of 3 million

meters luxury home textile fabrics.


The main construction workshop is about 150,000 square meters, introducing four

production lines and yearly produce capacity is 60 million clothes.


The project is designed to complete with three constructions, among which the 1st construction is with a capacity of 80,000 tons of output of adhesive fiber per year.

And the project with annual output of 300,000 tons of adhesive fiber is planned to

put into production by 2010.


Yangxin County will be the processing base of the project, around which a 510000mu

raw material planting base of the fuel ethanol will be exploited. In Yangxin County,

it will construct production equipments of the fuel ethanol with an annual production

of 100000 tons, which will make sweet potato, sweet sorghum and topinamber as raw materials, and product the fuel ethanol

100000 every year and will need 1.254 million of raw materials every year.


The project covers an area of 400 mu, which is mainly used for building production premises, office buildings and buying relevant equipments. It will realize an

annual production of 500000 tons of M60 methanol petrol.


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The project is concerning production of diesel oil of similar function to common diesel oil by means of reaction of raw

materials of organic grease(vegetable oil, tallow and castoff)and low carbon alcohol.

The project is planned with an annual processing of various oils of 100,000 tons, yearly production of organic diesel oil of 90,000 tons, glycerol of 6,000 tons and

soap-stock of 2,000 tons.


Construct production line of annual 100,000 tons Anthracene Oil Hydrogenation. JV、JCV

The build-up area of the project is 25500 m2, and pet bottle chip conveyor, terylene POY spinning equipment, multi-grade filter, pre-crystalizing and drying equipment and

others are to be purchased. The annual output of PETE is 60000 tons.


Equipment of polymer eco modified asphalt with a capacity of 100,000 tons/year is to be

made; major apparatuses such as asphalt blender, bench top elevator, and reactor and so on are to be purchased; an annual

output of 100,000 tons of polymer eco modified asphalt is to be realized.


Annual Production of 300,000 tons production capacity of caustic soda,

260,000 tons / year of chlorine (100%), and 15,000 tons / year of hydrogen (100%), and 39,000 tons / year hydrochloride (31%), and

construction equipment group of ion membrane caustic soda production

facilities: including a salt water, the second brine, electrolysis and rectifier, chlorine

treatment, hydrogen processing, packaging liquefied chlorine, hydrochloric acid and the

synthesis of high purity hydrochloride; public works: the cycle of water, cooling

water, Air Station, liquid sales and changes in distribution system.


Constructed factory building is 20,880 square meters, auxiliary facilities are 8000 square meters. A new-built comprehensive

production line of annual treatment of 60,000 tons disused tyre and plastics.


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Covering an area of 28125 M2, this project has a building area of 22500 M2. Raw

material storage, chemical material storage, storehouse,4 production departments,

quality controlling center, power distribution room, pump room, impounding reservoir,

office building, dormitory building and so on are planed to be built or rebuilt. And a

production line of methionine whose annual output of 60000 tons will be established.


Purchasing equipment such as fixed bed reactor, extraction, distillation, masurement

and pump ect. Building the production equipment for11000t/a as well as its

supporting facilities. The new construction area is 35,000 square meters.


Build a new production line of vitamin B2 with annual production of 1500 tons. JV、JCV

The designed manufacturing capacity of the project is 4000 tons of concentrated juice

and 10000 tons of fruit and vegetable juice. Part of manufacture equipment is to be



Floor space is 15012 m2, including production workshop, auxiliary production workshop, power room, boiler room and

storehouse. And outdoor project is 6000 m2. At the same time it is needed to purchase 496 units (sets) of associated equipment .


Construct micro ecology workshop, the GMP standard workshop 7000 m2, and purchase

related equipments. JV、JCV

Construct new plant 5,000 m2 and purchase 6 winterization production lines. JV、JCV

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The area of the new fermentation workshop and the workshop will be 15,300 square

meters. 500 fermentation tanks are going to be constructed. More than 80 sets of

equipment for fermentation, distillation, storage will be acquired. The annual

production capacity can be 1300 tons gold jujube wine.


The project is divided into two parts:furfural and xylose production. After the completion of the project, it will have an annual furfural

production of 5000 tons and an annual xylose production of 10000 tons.


This project covers an area of 260 mu. We plan to construct 2 slaughtering lines of 300 heads per hour, 2 slaughtering lines of 150 heads per hour. 3 million heads of pigs can

be slaughtered. 189,000 tons of cooling pork and 3 million byproduct can be

produced every year. The storage ability is 300,000 tons. The total constructing area is

114,000 sq.m. including 71,000 sq.m for slaughtering and processing and 21,000

sq.m. for distribution.


Main contents of construction:1. civil engineering of bio-film reactor, storage pool, adjusting pool and deposition pool of waste

liquid is recommended to complete by means of Fresnel BBR and SBBR schemes, with a volume of 6,702 cubic meters; the

earthwork covers volume of 250,003 cubic meters; bio-mimic fungal bed of 80,000 cubic meters;sunlight greenhouse of

40,000 cubic meters;biological demonstration sunlight greenhouse of 5,606 cubic meters;Workshop and depot of 2,496

cubic meters;2.filed construction; 3. purchase of instruments and apparatus; 4.miscellaneous: Road, greening and



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Build production building and public auxiliary facilities 304,858 square meters,

buy and install 196 sets of equipments such as aluminum furnace, heat preservation

furnace, casting machine, extruder. Form the scale of annual 140,000 tons high-grade

industrial profile aluminium among which industrial profile materials are 120,000 tons,

pipe materials 12,000 tons, and bar materials 8,000 tons.


Build production workshop with total length of 410m, the largest width is 114m, buy

related equipments. The annual steel billet consumption is 312,500 tons, annual special

steel production is 300,000 tons.


The project increases new construction area of 31,024 square meters, mainly for constructing tower silo dinting drum

workshop, tower silo assembly workshop, heat treatment workshop, blasting room, spray-paint room, tower silo storage area,

etc. Purchase 182 sets of tower silo production and testing equipments to

realize annual production of 500 sets of wind power tower silo and set flanges.


The project contents include construction of production lines and supporting facilities

such as workshops and offices of 300 GF77 1,500KW wind-generator sets, 180 GF77A 1,1500KW wind-generator sets, 100 GF82

1,500KW wind-generator sets.


The project covers an area of 228,204 square meters. Buy and install 146 sets of production and auxiliary equipments, form the scale of annual 500 sets of 2MW wind

power generating equipments.


This project is the first-phase construction project of 400,000 tons hot rolled aluminium

plate of the group. The design production capacity is annual 150,000 tons of hot rolled

aluminium plate and aluminium roll.


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5294 JV







The 300 000 MT Galvalumn silicon steel plate project and the 600 000 MT Cold rolled

steel sheet project

The total building area of the project is 17,366 m2. It is to build 10 reconfigurable

automatic production lines.JV、JCV

One new production line of 1 ton nodular cast iron and 5 production lines of

crankshaft machining. The annual output of these production lines will reach 200,000 crankshafts. The main content is to build

workshop, purchasing production line equipment of casting & machining.


The total area is 984.245 mu including 849.8 mu of sea mudflat (this area has get

the using license from the Ocean and Fishery Bureau). The coastline is 1,000

meters. We plan to construct 2 ship-body building plants with the area of 21,000

sq.m. and 4 slipways for assembling and installing with the area of 48,000 sq.m. At

the same time, some other nonprocess equipment will also be built.


Build production line of annual 300,000 tons petroleum special seamless pipe. JV、JCV

The project mainly constructs production facilities such as iron furnace, graphite cast

pipe. Buy rock wool and production equipment of building material insulation material, form the scale of 200,000 tons

graphite cast pipe, 100,000 tons rock wool and 250 million cubic meters blast furnace

coal gas.


Build factory building and public auxiliary facilities, build a new production line of cast

stell pellet. Form the scale of annual 300,000 tons HQ cast steel pellets.


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Build new workshop of 10,000 square meters, increase 330 sets of new

equipments. Produce annually 2.6 million sets of automobile transmission, clutch

shell, etc.


The fabricating yard of project at Liangcai ,Bincheng District. Company's new base are 65 acres, with a total construction area are 15,000 square meters, the modern

facilities of greenhouse agriculturet are reach 6,000 square meters,quick-frozen

1200 square meters , air-conditioned fresh-preserved storehouse 3000 square meters,

nursery garden 200 square meters. Now technology has been nearly perfect, and this

aerosol National Agricultural Hi-tech Technology Extension to mean for many farming families improve the quality of greenhouse vegetable production and income, and for many foreign trade companies and large commercial

institutions to solution the quality of agricultural products and supply can not be

guaranteed issue,. and then the whole nation to promote pollution-free agricultural



Eastern Logistics Center is located along the East China Sea and the Yellow River Road

16 Interchange, near the train station, transport facilities, geographical location is

extremely advantageous. In order to promote the origin focus on logistics and

regional logistics, international logistics for the added set of products and trading of raw materials supply and distribution, as well as bulk goods distribution and other functions into one, to everywhere and to provide a

platform for procurement and distribution, but also serve the retail end of large-scale commodity distribution base in the Eastern

logistics system to play an important "central" role.


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The overall project of Du Shoutian former residence including two parts:one is repair

and protection,including maintenance of the existing building a total of 31,the restoration

of building a total of five,another is new construction,including house demolition Du shoutian residents within the unit housing

and housing.Demolition area of about 7600 square meters of housing,support services and facilities about the new 10,000 square



There are facilities including the rebuilt and the new production workshop ,expansion of the warehouse, office and dormitory. The

company will purchase and install the equipment to produce ethrglucin 10000 tons



The area of Sanhe lake Scenic Area is planned 48000 mu, river area is 3000 mu.It contains three parts.The first is the centre

scenic of Sanhe lake,the second is recreation area hot springs resort,the third is area for sporting on the water,and the fourth is picking area characteristics of

agricultural products.


The project plans the total investment 74,050,000 Yuan, constructs the scale is

31800 square meters.Issue of project investment 40,000,000 Yuan, the

construction scale 12600 ㎡, among, the production process the workshop 5000 ㎡,

the low temperature maintain freshness the storehouse 7600 ㎡.


The company plans the total investment 383,000,000 Yuan, issue invests is 150,000,000 Yuan, the year has the

material crude oil 100,000 tons, constructs the light steel structure workshop 10000㎡, raw material warehouse 5000㎡, refined oil

storehouse 2000㎡.

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1238 JV

2200 JV

4500 JCV

5000 JV

8586 JV

This project is completely new one. It will occupy 53360 square meters . The total

area is 33000 square meter. 76 equipments is needed. After construction , it will have an

20million annual output.

The feed which is of high protein and low energy would reduce feeding efficiency;

increase the cost and pollute the environment with the high nitrogen

substances in animal wastes. the new fat energy feed of the company could resolve

these problems; The company plans to invest RMB100, 000,000 to establish ten

plants inside and outside the country; Emulsified oil has the characters of high

absorptivity and oxidative stability, it Was granted as national key new product, it has

independent intellectual property rights

Covers an area of 500 acres, the new teaching buildings, office buildings, student

housing, schools, restaurants, library, laboratories and practical training

workshops, with a total construction area of 20 million square meters; equipped with

supporting facilities and equipment.

Li Feng-end manufacturing base for heavy-duty CNC metal forming machine to provide

ancillary products and services include forging, casting and heat treatment.

Binzhou City Longma Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. factory in net land area of 318280m2,

new buildings in an area of 144723m2, new MF coreless induction furnace, furan resin

sand regeneration of production lines, continuous sand line, shot blasting

processing equipment, lifting equipment, CNC machine tools and non-destructive flaw

detector, and blast furnace and other equipment 251 sets. The project put into

operation, an annual production capacity of wind power, machine tool castings

production capacity of 100,000 tons.

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2400 JV



3370 JV

Workshops cover an area of 18,000㎡ , of which the framework of production floor

covers 3000㎡. Purchase 83 sets of domestic equipment including waste PET bottle chip

production equipment, high-speed 635 automatic winding machine and hot roll

drawing machine etc. Construct 4 production lines of industrial filament. Thus the compony can produce scrap PET bottle chip spinning yarn 20,000 tons of industrial

rope 2000D.


Thet planed construction area is 12,000㎡. Construct 30 production lines of digital

tubes, witch can realize an annual output of 10 million digital tubes.Its capacity can

reach up to 100,000 units of brackets and 80,000units of water tanks within two

years .

Floor space is 15012 m2, including production workshop, auxiliary production workshop, power room, boiler room and

storehouse.And outdoor project is 6000 m2. At the same time it is needed to purchase 496 units(sets) of associated equipment .


The project covers 20 mu,needs 100,000 square meters buildings,and maily builds

6,000 tons constant temperature storehouses, 90,000 cattle per year butcher

workshops, build a mordern information trading platform and distribution system,

buy 200 detection device and haulage vehicle.


Newly build 10,000 square meters main workshops, draw into a wood sugar and fibre alcohol productive facility, build a

production line of 10,000 tons wood sugar and 30,000 tons fibre alcohol.

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4100 JV




Newly build a spinning filament workshop and a assist workshop, purchase 350 equipments including drying column,

multistage filter, spinning filament machine, color master batch inject machine to reach

the production capacity of 100,000 tons reproducible color polyester fiber filament

every year.

This item needs 64,500 square meters of new mill and public utilities. Use LF48m3

polymerizer, rectification, spry dryer, rotating equipment to construct PPVC with

the imported VCM as the main raw material. Two kinds of product of XP 155A-1 and XP 140-2 will be produced with the production technology of suspension polymerization.

The item has been approvaled, and the opportunity code is 0900000121


The main construction contents include business club, leisure center, outward bound center, painting and calligraphy academy, jinsha Beach Seawater Bath,

horse racing arena and hunting and shooting training grounds and golf training

ground etc.


This item convers about 494mu including storage yard, storeroom and other

distribution supporting facility. The total investment of this item is 226.33 million yuan including the fixed asset of 211.33 million yuan, the flow fund of 15 million



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3000 JCV



3100 Tech Import

The project is Zhanhua 100 Grandway Industry Food Co., Ltd. plans to build the second phase of Winter deep processing projects, currently the company an early Winter processing projects have been put into operation, the project has completed

Phase II project, feasibility studies, environmental impact assessment andplant

construction work.Total investment 30 million U.S. dollars, using the most

advanced production technology and equipment, to guarantee product quality, in

order to fully occupy the international market.Product preliminary examination has

been verified in the lab of Tsinghua Basic can be achieved.

An archeology site museum with an ancient temple character is planned on the basis of the exploration, excavation and research.

The museum would take 10000 square meters with the centre building of 5000 square meters. Experts would also be

invited to debate on the relics and objects, and put forth a feasible and protective measure and solution; Safety facilities

against fire or robbery, etc. would also be installed inside the museum.


Viscose fiber industry started earlier in China, manufacturing equipment and

technology are self-sufficient, and all most all the factories are employing the same

technology and products. Differential rate of overseas fiber products is higher, at round

abover 60%, while in china only aound 20%. Urgent efforts should be exerted on

differential fiber.

Tech Import、设备引进

Advanced production technology, the transformation of the applicable

hydrocyanic acid production equipment, purchasing new instrument 100 sets and an

increase of area of 100 square meters

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2078 JV

6365 JV

Introduce manufacturing technology of Spinosad and construct new green-pesticide

manufacturing facilities with an annual production of 150 tons, new equipments (sets) 125, an increase of area of 1500


Main products are wear-resistant alumina ball stone, lining, and other high alumina range of products and Mullite lightweight

insulation bricks, in order to meet the needs of the market to meet customer needs,

using the technological level of advanced, mature technology and equipment use

advanced, reliable , market efficiency and economic prospects for significant long-term development of new products a huge boost.

The company has advanced numerical control processing and testing equipment, one after another from Japan, Britain, Italy

and other countries introduced a large number of advanced equipment, including a

joint venture in Japan produced a small giant, Hangzhou Friends of the Ka, South Korea's Daewoo, Taiwan Association for

macro processing center and other manufacturers of 52 , smelting

reverberatory furnace 8 Taiwan, Japan, Ube 250T, 350T, 280T, 400T, 430T, 530T, 550T, 850T, 1250T, 1650T die-casting machine 12 sets, 15 sets of CNC lathes, honing machine

1 sets, washing machine 1, throw Pill Machine 2 sets, disc milling a platform,

drilling tapping machine, etc. more than 180 Taiwan, Italy COORD3 coordinate measuring

machine 2 sets, the United Kingdom Arun 2500 Direct Reading Spectrometer two sets

of advanced production and testing equipment

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700 JV




The project is a new eco-industry, modern agriculture, industrialization, with "not

competing with grain, and not with the food fight, the fight is not with the way fat does not compete with the farmers when the"

industrial advantage, with less investment, quick, risk, high return trade advantage.

With crop straw as the main raw material for collection, "delicious, nutrition, health,

green, and foreign exchange," as one of the rare edible fungus production to achieve a

rich crop of low-cost high-performance multi-level straw resources utilization, to consolidate and promote the sustainable development of rural economy . In the

bacteria culture, bacteria package production, and harvesting and processing

sectors of the factory using modern production equipment and scientific

management, cropping patterns, forward-looking and strong, driven by nature.

Zouping have had the unique resources and advantages (the main raw material: straw, cottonseed skins, bran, cornmeal), has a

strong development capability.

The project is to set up production lines for slaughtering and processing 3 million pigs

yearly and establish storeroom for 300 thousand tons of pork yearly and other

facilities like workshop and office building.


The total plan covers an area of 1600mu, the first part plan covers an area of1000

mu, based on the location advantage of the Shandong Peninsula. We make full use of existing land resources land convenient

transportation resources ,we exert ourselves on construction a modern logistics industrial

park covering the Shandong peninsula radiating the whole province which takes food and medicine as the leading industry and sets of the goods processing, storage,

transit, transportation in one.


The Central Business Zone of Water City of Binhai is located by the southern coast of

Laizhou Bay in Bohai Sea and the west side of Bailang River, with the planned area of 40

square kilometers. The Phase Ⅰ,with the planned construction area of 6 square

kilometers, mainly focuses on the construction of business center, financial

services center, office building, hotel, shopping malls and so on


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Project covers an area of 3000 mu, mainly building roads, warehouses, trading

platform and office. The construction period is 3 years, begin to construct in 2009, plans

for completion in 2011.


The scale of project construction and the content of main construction: The total investment of Weifang Software Park is

about 735 million US Dollars. It covers about 1 square kilometers, which including the

start area, Industrial area, call-center area and education training area. It has the

function as following, research and hatching, Industrial development, education training, commercial office, life support. The start area of Software Park covers 113000 square meters, the investment of which

about 220 million US Dollars, and the total building area is about 600000 square

meters. It including the research&hatching, sale, commercial office, leisure, conference

affair hotel, cultural entertainment necessary expense and high-quality



The Biology&Medicine Science and Technology Industry Park of Weifang Hi-

Tech Development Zone is built according the International first-class level. The core of the park is the public technology platform, and also build a lot of other platforms, such

as Molecular biology platform, Microorganism platform and so on. It sets 11

key laboratories, including the nuclear magnetic resonance laboratory, generalized

analysis laboratory, molecular biology laboratory, pharmacology laboratory and so

on. It has a lot of first-class equipments which cost about 21 million US Dollars. Until

now, there are 6 enterprises have built research center by the public technology platform, 9 enterprises have entered the

public technology platform to do research, and more than 30 enterprises will entered

the professional incubator in soon.


The project starts from Weifang Railway Station, running along the east bank of

Bailanghe River, through Weicheng District, Kuiwen District, Hanting District, Economic Development Zone and coastal new area to Weifang Port, totally 80 km in length. The light railway will be built overhead in the central urban area and on the ground in

other places.


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The planned construction area of the first stage area of the recreational and

vocational zone is 350,000 square meters. The project can be divided into two parts, namely the water sports and land tourism.

The project mainly focuses on seaside bathing place, holiday village, golf club,

yacht club, international school, fisherman dock, extend base, special flavor restaurant

and so on


The project occupies a land area of 6000 Chinese acres, including the core area of

1000 Chinese acres. The total investment is 1,000 million Yuan. Starting from 2008, the project will be completed in over 3 years.


Shugang railway project starts from the Shuanghe Station of Dalailong Railway and parallel with Shugang Road until Weifang Simedarby Harbor. The main railway line stretches 16 kilometers, among which 12

kilometers through the offshore and 4 kilometers through the shallow sea.


The planned construction area of the first stage area of the recreational and

vocational zone is 350,000 square meters. The project can be divided into two parts, namely the water sports and land tourism.

The project mainly focuses on seaside bathing place, holiday village, golf club,

yacht club, international school, fisherman dock, extend base, special flavor restaurant

and so on.


To build a large base of corporate headquarters which covers an area of 33 thousand square meters. And its building

area is about 200 thousand square meters.


To build a 100-above MW solar photovoltaic power plant


The project mainly reclaims land around the second phase of sea tide breaking dam. It

plans to make 30 square kilometers reclaimed land in order to make full use of

sea moisture barrier dam. Major development projects include tourism,

leisure vacation and business to live etc.


Taking good advantages of the rich labour resources and convenient logistics, the

project is environmental protection, energy saving and pollution-free with advanced

technology and equipments.


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3603 JV

To build a 200,000 KW solar farm. 88235

Based on current musical instrument manufacturers, we invite high-quality

musical instrument and the instrument fittings to form complete industrical chain,

with the purpose of building one of the largest producing and selling base of high-

quality musical instrument in the area north of the Yangtze River or in the country.


There are mainly 3 kinds of projects needs to invest in the Base.

(1) High-tech, low power-costing benzene raw materials manufacturing industries such as paracresol, parahydroxyben-zaldehyde, vanillin, ethyl vanillin, veratraldehyde, 4-

meth catechol, Raspberry Ketone. (2) Carbon dioxide reutilization projects. (3)Naphthalene and coke tar further

processing project.


The waterscape of Dan River and Gui River is the main afforestation axes between

Shouyang Mountain Traveling Resort and new area at south part of Changle County. The waterscape of Dan River and Gui River is the hardcore resource. The waterscape of Dan River and Gui River is planned into six segments, that is city flavor area, modern life area, special flavor town, marsh park, hardcore area and ecology relaxing area.


To sequentially complete the construction of water and electric power basic assorted

installations, and afforest and beautify the barren mountains and harden the road of

east coast of the lake. The total investment is 30.458 million Yuan.


The total construction area is 350 thousand square meters with a multifunction of

jewelry exhibition, culture entertainment,hotel and bussiness



To build a nano calcium carbonate production project with annual capacity of

200,000 tons.Solely-

invested、JVTo build a production line with annual

capacity of 1000 tons of chiral drugs and intermediate.


To install 500 sets 2000KW/set wind driven generators, installed power 1000,000 KW.


To introduce 10 top grade circle printing production lines.


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73000 Solely-invested


147 JV

The hi-tec incubation Base covers an area of 1000 mu, and a building area of about 1.2 million square meters, mainly facilitates

electronic Information, software, new material, culture creation, casting

processing and other high-end industries.


This project mainly has 10 theme parks including Liuyi Cultural Park, waterside

village scene park,the Garden of Eden,the holiday cottage and so on. The project, the total built-cover area is 1,300,000 square



The industrial park is planned to cover an area of 2991 hectare, introducing projects with intensive investment, high content of science and technology, high added value and with strong leading funciton.The park will become a modern manufacturing base with convenient supporting infrastructure construction and beautiful environment.

High-Tech Industrial Park covers 2086 Mu. The total building area is 2,430,000 square meters. Situated between south of Minzhu

Street and west of Yuehe Road, the park has a good location and convenient

transportation. The park is developed in two phases. The first part covers 800 Mu. The

total building area is 730,000 square meters: including a 16-storey incubator of

27704 square meters, 50 standard workshops of

80×40M、80×30M、70×35M、70×30M、60×30M(3 storey), 22 subsidiary houses and

commercial street rooms.

The second construction phase of the company has completed investment of 250

million RMB yuan, including 2 FD workshops, one food processing workshop,

fried soybean products processing workshop, one quick-chilling storehouse and

one logistics center with a total building square of 100 thousand sqm. and more than 80 sets processing equipment. We welcome

foreign partners to invest in the second phase of the project and also welcome them to invest in food processing and machinery

making in the left area of the company.

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Transfer 200 mu of land to set up Jinshenglong Industrial Park and produce pumping rod products for oilfield. Three

professional production plants are planned:(1) beam-pumping unit plant construction;

(2) subsurface rod pump plant construction; and

(3) pumping rod plant construction.


Better exploit the hot spring on premise of resource protection, and by means of

constructing high-class tourism hotels and equipping various–styled bath & sauna

facilities of international-level, build a SPA and health care center in middle Shandong and attract clients of the whole peninsula.

Offer series of healthcare service of modern medical, and by means of building

natatoriums, bowling alleys and tennis halls, form a comprehensive center integrating

reception, meeting, room and leisure.


Introduce investment to assemble a new production line of super-conductive iron

separator with annual capacity of100 sets.JV、JCV、Equity participation

Introduce investment to purchase new processing lines or transform current lines

to reach the annual processing capability of 20 million pcs.


The comprehensive service zone of the East Gate. Total construction area is 309,500 m2,

including 10,000 m2 for the building. The construction of Yuhuangge (Jade Emperor

pavilion). The design has been finished and approved. Total construction covers 964 m2.


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Relying on the natural deepwater advantage of Xiaoqing River and the favorable

condition of little influence by wind and tide, a 10,000-ton class ship-building base is planned to be built, covering an area of

666.7 hectares, which is located in the north of Harbor Industrial Project Area and across

the Xiaoqing River. Six ship-building factories have entered into the base and it

is planned to introduce 15 ship-building enterprises within two years, mainly

engaging in the ship-building, repairing, manufacturing of ship chandlery and

technical consultation, aiming to establish a large-scale ship-building base along Bohai



The project covers an area of 13.3 hectares. It is planned to build workshop 25,000

square meters, office building 6000 square meters, staff quarters and entertainment center 8,000 square meters, 5 steel spiral

pipe production lines.

JV、JCV、Equity participation

Situated in Bohai Chemical Industry Park, the project covers an area of 13.3 hectares and the total construction area is 50,000

square meters. Some workshops are planned to be built and production

equipments for steel wire cord for radial tire will be introduced.


An ion-exchange membrane caustic soda project is planned to be built, with producing capability of 300,000 tons per year. Based

on the workshops, equipments and techniques, cooperation would like to be

made with the investors together.


This project covers an area of 1000 hectares, including original ecological

landscape and resort area. The matching project of Xiaoqinghe River-crossing Bridge has opened to traffic. The main traffic road earthwork of total 6000 meters has been

completed. It intends to introduce funds to build the star-rated hotel, leisure and

entertainment place, high-grade villas, yacht tourism, etc.


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The project covers an area of 300 acres, plans a total investment of 600 million yuan,

the new plant with cross-Steel 6, the new office building and staff quarters and other facilities, with a total construction area of

110,000 square meters, purchase of equipment such as CNC Machining Center 1200 (sets ), a new production line 9. The

project is scheduled to start construction in May 2010, 2013, all completed and



The project needs 200 mu of land, with total construction space of 130,000 square

meters, including 80,000 square meters of workshop, R & D office buildings and other ancillary facilities 5 million square meters. Acquisition given birth foil machine pipe

thread lathes, alignment machine, testing equipment, 5000 tonnage plating

equipment, heat treatment furnace, paint equipment, sewage treatment equipment

and more than 160 sets of auxiliary equipment.


The project plans a total investment of 6.5 billion, covers an area of 1050 mu, the main

building of workshops, research centers, office buildings, staff quarters and other

construction area of more than 60 million square meters, the purchase of extrusion

granulation production lines, packaging line, PLC systems, finished product storage tank ,

blow molding, injection molding machine, air compressor group, units circulating

water pump and other major production equipment.


This project construction production workshop 30 million square meters, the

logistics center 2 million square meters, R & D, office and ancillary facilities 2 million

square meters. The introduction of high-end circular knitting machines, cutting, sewing, research and development equipment such

as 9000 units (sets), completion of 300 knitted garment production lines. Year to produce 9,000 tons of high-grade knitted fabrics, high-grade knitted garments 80



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Foton 500,000 vehicles in heavy truck building project has been reached for

admission of intent. With Foton Motor as a leader, build Investment platform, the

introduction of the development of domestic and foreign merchants for admission.

Admission enterprises complete vehicles primarily business, special-purpose vehicle

company, the new energy vehicles and auto parts businesses supporting businesses, to form a complete system for the automotive



The investment will 500 million yuan in 2010, covers an area of 700 acres, the park-building in the three high standard of textile

and garment factories and warehouses 80,000 square meters, purchase of clothing

logistics equipment 100 pieces (sets); construction of a high standard of

mechanical plant and warehouse 160,000 square meters, purchase of machinery logistics equipment 150 pieces (sets); construction of a high standard of food

processing plants and warehouses 80,000 square meters, purchase of food processing

and logistics equipment, 80 pieces (sets)


Shandong Province’s high-end food safety demonstration bases for Changcheng town’s Lu River south of the town, Green Lay high-

speed north west of the town of Middle Road, east Binhe, planning covers an area

of 3000 mu, a total investment of 11.7 billion. Admission is now operating the

building of something to Nellis 1.2 million tons grain processing project, and raw food

companies Chicken Duck slaughter processing projects, thousands of years food

companies slaughtered broiler processing projects. Which shall Aires Grain and Oil

processing 1.2 million tons total Investment 6 billion, had been completed and put into operation; and raw food items in July 2009

started construction plans be completed and commissioned in the second half of this

year; years total investment is 150 million yuan of food on started construction in

November 2008, formally put into operation the first month of this year. In accordance

with unified planning the deployment of the city, the next step to prepare for admission hair nutritional benefits business fast food processing projects with a total investment of 1.2 billion, plans to start construction in

March of this year, in March 2012 for completion.


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29412 JCV


This project planning covers an area of 6,000 mu, of which the core area of 1000 mu. Mainly Dragons, rocks, famous trees,

Xiushui features, development and construction of dinosaur fossils

(paleontology) shows the area, rocks name of the tree view area, wetlands, Xiushui

leisure area, conservation area, cultural art and entertainment district of the century to experience space-time zones six functional

areas. The main picture of the world's largest dinosaur fossil gallery, the world's

widest variety of dinosaur fossil cluster, the world's highest individual duck-billed

dinosaur skeletons and other fossils of the highest in the world, including dinosaur

skeletons show will reach more than 100 bodies. Dinosaur Valley fight to create sets

of scientific research, science, study, tourism, leisure, holiday and cultural

entertainment integrated tourist destination.

Wuyang Lake Ecological Tourism Holiday Resort lies in Shima Town of Boshan District,

covering an area of 44.67 square kilometers. The project in construction

covers an area of 35 square kilometers with development cycle of 6 years. The regional plan takes the regional tourism suitability

and development sustainability into consideration, integrating ecological

function, economic function, social and cultural function and aesthetic value in a

whole. Combined with scenic region condition and construction land mechanism,

obeying the planning idea of respect for nature, protecting ecology, people foremost,

and scientific development, according to overall industrial and space development

arrangement of “one nucleus, three sections and four communities”, overall objective of building Wuyang Lake Ecological Tourism Holiday Resort comprehensively has been



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7353 JV


4399 JV

The total planning area of Qiaolingqian scenic zone is 20 square kilometers.

Professional institutes have been entrusted to finish the comprehensive development

construction plan. 500 million yuan RMB are invested in the construction of several

scenic zones by stages, i.e. Magong temple scenic zone integrating folk-custom,

catering, agriculture for sightseeing, and red leaves in autumn in a whole, cherry park

zone and bao’en temple zone with picking up fruits and folk pleasuring as contents, and linli lake scenic zone with ecological

tourism, forest leisure, and physical recreational activities. First class roads with width of 8 meters, second class roads with width of 5 meters, and traveling roads with width of two meters, and service facilities

aush as large-scale restaurants will be built by stages.

Qi Cultural and Ecological Park has the planning area of 48 square kilometers as east to the Biqi Road, west to the eastern

ring road, south to King Tianqi tomb, Jishan Hill and the juncture with Qingzhou City and

north to the northern walls of ancient Qi Kingdom city, which constitutes of the 9

sectors as the site park of ancient Qi Kingdom city.


Yaojiayu eco-tourism resort located in the southwest of Boshan East from Xiguojing

road, west to Yuwang Hill of Lingxi village, South to Qiaolingqian landscape, north to

north of Yaojiayu, covering an area of about 21 square km, the construction

development land is about 330 hectares, construction area is about 700,000 ㎡, the development period is about 6 years. Area

planning to take full account of the adaptation of regional tourism and the

development of the sustainability of ecological functions, economic functions, social functions and aesthetic values and cultural integration, combined with the

status quo and the construction of scenic sites mechanism, in accordance with

respect for nature, ecological protection, people-oriented, the concept of scientific development planning, is divided into six

functional areas.

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10000 JV




The total planning area is 7350 mu, of which 925 mu of protected area, 1500 mu of

control area, 4925 mu of transition area. In these three areas, protected area is key investment and development area and

divides into three periods to develop and construction.The first period project: repair

and construction for the existing 50,000 square meters of old buildings. A total

investment is $29 million.The second period project: construction for the core of scenic

spots and parts of landscape houses, treatment for the HuiLong garden and

ZhuoHe River Park. A total investment is $44 million.

The third period project: Planning area is 435 mu A total investment is $146 million.

Construction Content.


The construction of the project is to expand, to rebuild, to perfect the place based on the Pujiacun village, the Memorial Museum of Pu Song Ling, the LiaoZhai Park. The key point is to grasp the protective development of

the old village of Pujiacun, the filming base project so as to expand the popularity and

the influence of the “Liaozhai Tourism” brand and make the famous tourism city of

LiaoZhai Culture.

With the boosting development of national industry, the application fields of membrane products have been increasing. The demand volume of membrane products is predicted to increase in the rate of 25 percent. The

construction of this project will better satisfy domestic demand of membrane product

market, and completely accord with national industrial policy and development plan.


The total area of the project is 1333340 m², and the total building area is 18546 m². The project also has public utility process which matches with production process, and forms

industrial chain matched project with the original chlor-alkali project.


The project takes 600 mu, in charge of the development of the lorry. The plan is to

build 100,000 vehicles, includes lorry, pick-up and SUV. The first phase includes

assembly line, painting line and testing line is finished and using now. The second

phase’s workshop is finished. The other equip project will be finished very soon.


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3000 JV

17600 JV

7400 JV



To set up R& D center, and catch a production ability of 300,000 pieces a year

in 6 years by 2 steps.

New projects which covers an area of 280 acres, to be the new co-production of steel structure workshop 75,000 square meters, 20,000 square meters warehouse of raw

materials and finished products warehouse 8000 square meters, substation and

distribution workshop 4000 square meters, 4,000 square meters Quality Center,

supporting the production workshop 2000 square meters,Other facilities 1500 square

meters, total construction and the basic structure 114500 square meters.

The intention of this project is to turn C4 fraction into hydrocarbon products like

olefin etc. that are in short supply in China by the comprehensive utilization of C4

fraction. The economic and social benefit of this project is considerable.C4 fraction

demand of this project is 400,000MT per year.

Construction Contents: adopting domestic leading level equipments used in the

foundry industry, such as equipments of vertical and horizontal lines, sand

processing, melting and modeling, etc. to produce auto parts castings.Production

Scale: annual production capacity 50,000 tons of auto parts castings.Floor Area:

15,000 sq kilometers.Gross Building Area: 12,000 sq kilometers.Equipment Purchasing

Quantity: 30 sets.

Land with area of 300 mu has been newly increased for the construction of supporting facilities such as plant etc. 2000 sets of air

jet looms have also been newly increased to build a tank furnace for the supporting production of FR4-CCL electronic fabric

project. The construction period is a year and the production capacity after finishing

will be ten times of the present one.


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The project covers a total area of 800 mu, and includes three development priority zones such as machinery market zone,

machinery manufacturing zone, and distributing logistics zone, providing related

supporting service such as steel raw materials, semi-manufactured goods manufacturing, complete equipment

products, machinery R & D and design, freight transportation, and talent exchange



Shengli Second Village within the jurisdiction of Shengli Community is

adjacent to Zhoucun Sofa Furniture Market, and is the central section of logistics industrial park in national road 309 in

Zhoucun district, with superior location and convenient transportation. Shengli Second Village covers a total area of 244.29 mu, among which 144 mu is planned for the

construction of a market with area of 120 thousand square meters. Land with the area of 100 mu in the south of the market is for

real estate development, planning for construction of 30 residential buildings with

a building area of 117 thousand square meters.


The coking coal gas project of 230 million m3 was started to implement In 2008, the

municipal government and relevant departments directly under the municipal proposed to shut down the Gas Plant of

Coking Gas Company, Zibo District before June, 2009, better to develop and utilize the land of the Gas Plant, and to seek greater cooperation and development space. After

research by the office manager of company, the land of the Gas Plant covers 301 acres

which will be steady implementation of advance planning, to ensure that the latter part of the comprehensive development of

commercial projects for efficiency.


Besides the original workshops, offices, dining halls, water and power and other public services, we will make investment

100 million Yuan RMB to increase newly the building area of 20000M2 for the deep

processing line of 100,000T a series of nano calcium products including technical design,

choices of equipment model, civil engineering, installation and supporting

facility, 94 sets of production equipments and 52850M2 of structures.


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5100 JV



6000 JCV

4500 JCV


500 Solely-invested

It will produce 30,000 tons of environmental acceptable resin matrix composite annually.

It will use the global advanced productive technology of resin matrix composite with

the production lines by combining production patent and complete sets of

equipments in this project. It can have an annual production capacity of 30,000 tons.


Total coverage: 106 square kilometers, first phase 30 square kilometers, the second phase 30 square kilometers, 46square


Total investment: 350 million, with a coverage of 1000mu, and 350 standard post and a five star hotel with a cpacity of 1000


First phase investment: 2 billion, for complex building (84395 square meters) ;

experimment workshop(86880 square meters) and plant(20980 square meters)Second phase investment:1.5 billion, for new material R&D; high level equipment



Raised money will be used in infrastructure, and 100 thousand ton storage center. 150

ton dehydrated vegetable processing centerJV、JCV

Two phase to complete, the first phase will be finished in 2010-2011, build a

microornanism fertilizer plant with a area of 50000 square meters and a capacity of

20000 tons.The second phase will be finished in 2012,

totally invest 300 million, annual profit amount to 600 million.

Raised capital mainly utilized in produces 6 million environment friendly fast train and

vehicle brake rotors. And constructed a experiment base.

Two phases completed with total capacity of 1.2 million tires. The first phase investment:

43.547 million. JV、JCV

The north of Tangzao Ecological Park is Zhangwei Xin River, the east is Zhangma River. Tangzao Ecological Park is on the basic of date tree which has over one

thousand years and awarded agriculture demonstration pilot project of Shandong

Province in 2007. In 2008, tourist planning and designing academe of Shandong Province made a conceptual program.

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4500 Solely-invested

2000 Solely-invested

The enterprise mainly constructs 15000㎡production department, production line that could make 300000 compositive LED lights

per year and light check system that reaches international advanced level.


The group is going to construct a hatchery that could breed 40 million newly-hatched ducklings per year, a slaughter plant that could process 40 million ducks per year, a meat specialty that could process 24000

tons duck meat per year and a feed mill that could process 600000 tons fodder per year.


The area of structure covers 130,000 m2 including workshop,assistant

workshop,public service and so on.Main equipments include beating engine,disc centrifuge,LWL,spray drying equipment, vacuum freeze drier,disintegrator and so on.Annual output: 5000 tons of instant

golden jujube powder,150 tons of natural bordeaux pigment,200 tons of date oil and

500 tons of date pit activated carbon.


The new school is going to be located the south zone of qingyun county, which mainly

constructs teaching building, technology laboratory building, odeum, library,

dormitory building of students, dining building, reporting building, stadium and so

on. The area of new school is 3000 acers and the building area is 100000㎡. Once finished, the shool could contain 6000



The area of logistics park is 1800 acers and the building area is 150000㎡.The main

buildings are information center, storage center, home-delivery center and

interrelated facilities.JV、JCV

The project is between Majia River and Dehui Xin River. The area is 100000㎡.The

holiday center and ecological home are going to be constructed. The part area of

holiday center is 41000㎡ and the ecological home’s is 62000㎡.

The project locates the intersection of Xinhua Road and national road 205. The

area is 232.2 acers. The project is going to construct major hotel and attached building whose area is 30000㎡, the meeting affairs center whose area is 4470㎡ which could

hold all kinds of meetings.

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2200 Solely-invested






The vacation tourism is the major construction of the second stage of Xianghai

Chanlin Guzao Ecological Park, whice includes ecological sight-seeing agriculture,

dining and lodging, meeting and trading, leisure.

1 line of annual output of 100,000 tons DN125-DN230 of Seamless and Seamless

stainless steel clad 1 line of annual output of 500,000 tons

alloy steel,plate and strip production Area of structure covers 62,400 m2

incluing high technology inside-composite seamless steel pipe rolling workshop, composite mid-wide plate workshop, precision manufactuing and smelting

workshop. Output:60 million tons of all kinds of

stainless steel composite material.


It plans to newly build and rebuild ten 70000-tonnage berths. It is estimated the throughput shall reach 50,000,000 tons in

2015, and 100 million tons in 2020.JV、JCV

It plans to cover 200 ha to construct the logistic center for bulk cargo such as for

grain, crude salt, bauxite, ferrous powder, etc., construct the liquid delivery pipelines from Laizhou to Zibo, and 2,000,000 m3 liquid warehouse, construct the biggest logistic center of Yellow River Delta for building materials, with annual trade volume of plate up to 120 million m2.


Land-use certificate has already been transacted. The statement for land-selection

permission and the environmental assessment has been obtained. All the

infrastructure construction is complete. It is qualified for commencement.


It plans to rebuild 9 proliferation stations and newly-built proliferating seed-cultivating center with 24,000 m3. 1 billion acres in the eastern part of Laizhou Bay is planned to be releasing zone to release1 billion all kinds of aquatic fries per year. It plans to construct

artificial reefs of 900 ha to put in sea cucumber fries 150 tons each year. It plans

to construct resource protection area for swimming crab, for perch, progy, lancelet,

and Laizhou shallow protection area.

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22059 BOT



In order to control the hazards of spartina anglica, it plans to construct the 22-km sea embankment, extending 500-600 meters from high-water line to shallow water. It

plans to encircle the sea to make land of 16 sq Kms. It plans to make comprehensive

development to the new land, that is make out residential area, tourist area, store area, service area, and construct the coastal road

45 kms.

The planned coastal road is 1 kilometer away from the coast line. It is designed to

be top grade and total 100 kilo-meters’ long. The road planned red line is 40 meters and there is 50 meters’ green belt along the both sides of the road, the plane of fracture is: 5Ms’ non-motorized vehicle way+ 1.5Ms’

green separated belt+12Ms’ vehicle section+ 3Ms’ green separated belt + 12Ms’

vehicle section + 1.5Ms’ green separated belt + 5Ms’ non-motorized vehicle way.

The extend fishing port lies in the north of present Laizhou Sanshan Island fishing port,

the west of west breakwater of Laizhou commercial port. It will set up 1100 meters

of new breakwater, 537 meters of shore protection, 110500 square meters of backfill land-based area and 10000 square meters of ground road, and also build up related various facilities such as environmental

protection, power supply, water given and drained, fire control project and boat lead

and help installation, etc.

The project includes the development of culture of the East China Sea fairy temple, and Yunfeng Mountain ecological tourism. The project of East China sea fairy temple

takes an area of 114 hectares , and the fairy temple will be reinstated there. The key

construction includes three scenic spots:Longyuan yuan, Longteng yuan, and

Longrun yuan. As to Yunfeng mountain ecological comprehensive development project, five main scenic spots will be

developed: inscriptions on precipices of Yunfeng Mountain, immortal cave, Chinese Kungfu culture scenic, nine fairies of wu wei

Taoism, and ecological field.


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The total area of the project covers120km2, and preliminary planning is 32km2. Series projects relative to further processing of

sodium salt, comprehensive use of the by-product Chlorine (Cl), bromine and its further processing products, seawater

desalinization focused marine chemical products, and petrol chemical products will

be built in the Park.


It plans covering 233 ha to newly build the 1000000 T ethane production line and

necessary infrastructure such as heating & power plant, water plant, sewage disposal

plant. After put into production, it is estimated to produce ethane and relative

products 1,000,000 tons yearly.


The project lies in the Yinhai Industrial Park with the planned area of 400 acres and

whole construction area of 87,000 m2. In phase one and phase two, it will produce annually 150,000 tons of ion film caustic

soda and 133000 tons of chlorine and 3750 tons of hydrogen gas.


This chlorite production line with annual output of 100,000 tons lies in Laizhou city

Yinhai Industrial Park with the planned industrial area of 300 acres and total

construction area of 71000 m2.


This project is planned to be set up in Yinhai Industrial Park with annual output of

300,000 tons lies in the Yinhai Industrial Park with the planned area of 500 acres and whole construction area of 116,000 m2. It will newly put up PVC production line with the annual output of 350,000 tons PVC.


This project’s advanced car stamping production line from aboard lies in the newly

established stamping plant with domestic advanced level. A welding production lines

was composed to adopt a suspension Mehta and Shanghai Jiaotong University, Mehta

convex welder by purchasing moulds, work fixtures, and other pipe appliances. It will output 200,000 car stamping parts and

60,000 welding assemblies per year.


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It has gradually built up and completed advanced technology of radial tyre, and it is

equipped with 20 sets advanced wirecord fabric rolling line and creelroom

equipments in the world,50 sets national forming machines and single mode forming vulcanizing machine .The annual output of high grade meridian tyre is 1.2 million sets.


It is planned to invest 300 million RMB in total, and register 9.9 million RMB to

establish the largest import stone material trading market & the biggest stone

processing plant in northern China covering an area of 300 mu. Up to now, the site has leveled off and No. 1 workshop has set up.

15000 tons of stone blocks has been imported and sold to the major marble-

processing enterprises in and out of Shandong province.


It is planned to be situated in Laizhou Yinhai Idustrial Park covering an area of 800 mu

including an building area of 153000 square meters, in which a new production line with an annual output of 200000 tons of bitter salt and 100000 tons of SPM fertilizer is to

be set up.


The project is planned to set up in Laizhou Yinhai Chemical Industrial Park. Applying to

the development of the enterprise, it will implement the 2nd and 3rd enlarging

construction to build new workshop and set up key equipments including pressure filter, power distribution system and electrolytic

bath, and meantime to lay various pipelines, to establish gold, silver and copper

dissociating projects which will output 600000 tons of sulphoacid and 150000 tons

of copper.


The project is planned to set up in Laizhou Yinhai Chemical Industrial Park. It’s planned

to cover an area of 67 hectare and total building area 230000 square meters. By

setting up a new production line to produce 1 Million Tons of Catalysis Thermal Cracking CPP Annually, it can produce 206000 tons of ethylene, 245000 tons of propylene, 7800 tons of c4 mixture, 165000 tons of thermal

cracking naphtha and 95200 tons of thermal cracking naphtha each year.


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It plans to cover the land area of about 300 ha to set up 9 sets of equipments and

construct the matched infrastructure such as heat power plant, water plant, sewage

treatment plant, dork, etc.to produce 800,00 tons of ethane, 350,000 tons of cracked gasoline hydrogenation, 350,000 tons of

aromatics extraction, 150,000 tons of butadiene extraction, 300,000 tons of LLDPE, 300,000 tons of HDPE, yearly.


It plans to construct the device of caustic soda liquid, device of Caustic Soda flakes

and thermoelectric device. The bipolar type ion-exchange membrane electrolyzer used in the project may select from the flowing


It plans to make use of Molten salt evaporator using the technology of

PERTRAMS company from Switzerland to produce Solid alkali. The device has

advanced technics, reasonable design, high degree of automation and high efficiency of

heat transfer. Other technology of falling film evaporator also can be considered.


It plans to construct 4 parts: production of wind rotor blade, production of wind power generated electricity tower hole, production of nacelle cover, tyre cover and foundation,

maintaining for wind power. The project of wind rotor blade covers a land area of 33 ha., total invested 300

million yuan, to produce rotor bade of 850 KW, 1.5GW, and 2 GW.

The project of tower hole covers a land area of 13 ha , invest 200 million yuan to

assemble two production lines. The project of nacelle cover, tyre cover and

foundation, covers a land area of 13 ha, total investment 200 million yuan.

The project of comprehensive maintaining for wind power covers a land area of 7 ha,

total investment of 200 million yuan. To set up the Professional production equipment,

make the maintenance and cleaning .


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Thermo-magnetic power machine and generator are high-tech new power driven

products researched on the theories of Electronics and universal gravitation and work on the basis of organically combine their magnetic element and gravitons as energy source. Applying the products to

industrial production and utility can effectively resolve the problem of present energy consumption condition, promote

environment protection and limit pollution, which will surely offer positive effect in our

national continuable development.


The total investment of this project is planned to be 0.22 billion Yuan. It covers an area of 34 hektare, in which 31 hektare will be stone raw material zone and it will catch the ability to produce and store 0.2 million

cube meters of stone raw material. The office area will be 3 hektare.


(1)Long Yuan Lodge(east sea god temple district):200mu。

(2)Long Teng Lodge(Chinese Sea Temple district):200mu。.

(3)Long Run Lodge(Seaside Resort): 1310mu.(4)Seasude landscaping district

(5)District enviornment improvement


To build the suburban and collective provincial scenic spot based on the

mountain and forestry, with the handwriting and Taoism culture as the leading line, with

sightseeing & tourist , cultural tourism, ,holiday, health care as the main

content, the project’s design and construction has definite market location

and cultural innovation based on the principle of “Enviornmental Protection,

Moderate and Reasonable Development” and confirmed with general planning of

laizhou Tourism Development.


The star hotel including restaurant, lodge and fishery culture provide with facilities such as shell-picking beach, natatorium, fishing pool, sea sightseeing garden, sea product & plant ecological garden , beach

sports and so on.


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8000 Solely-invested

8000 JV

4118 Solely-invested

Laizhou port an international first-class port which has been put into operation with the

South Korea,Japan、Hongkong、Da Lian、Shang Hai、Tian Jin lines;Laizhou

port line is the shortest land channel inside and outside the sea in the middle and

northwest of Shandong province and also the important logistics point between the

Eurasia land Bridge。The principal commodities are liquid petroleum chemicals

and large bulks. There are one fairway-13.5米, 12 berths with 3000-

50000tonnage,the annual output capacity is 30 million ton including 12 million ton

liquid chemicals.


It is to be situated to the west of Yonghe Road of Laizhou Industial Park, to the north of Shuangzi Man-made Lake, in the core of

the Holiday District with an area of 5 hectares including a 28- floor-high 100000-

squaremeter-large double-basement building. The main facilities includes Property-right-style Hotel, Seawater,

Freshwater Swimming Pool, Bowling Court, Tennis Court, Large, Medium, Small- type Conference Hall, Catering, Entertainment


The old district situates at foot of Sanxianshan Mountain with the sea around

suitable to living. It is planned to build a residential district

with multi-floor apartment.

1. Construction scale: It covers an area of about 13.2 hectares (131600 square

meters) including a newly-built workshop area of 70000 square meters, a storage

area of 10000 square meters, an office & dormitory building area of 4000 square

meters. The palm oil production line and subsidiary equipments are to be purchased by biding. Total investment is 280 million

yuan.2. Production scale: An annual palm oil

processing capacity is 300000T; Other by-products includes man-made cream,

hardened oil, fatty acid, mixed oil, soap, active carbon, feed etc.

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4412 Solely-invested




As a newly-built project, it mainly produces high-grade soy bean cook oil, high-

temperature feed bean fodder( mixed with bean husk), phosphatide, soft phosphatide capsule, fatty acid, butterine etc.. After put into production, it is to realize a daily soy

bean processing capacity of 2000T, an annual oil output of 600000T, high-grade cook oil of 100000T,high-temperature fed

fodder of 480000T, concentrated phosphatide of 2065T, soft phosphatide of 14400 capsules, fatty acid of 1546T and

butterine of 30000T.

There is an eight-lane coastal sightseeing harden road. We stress to build a intergrited

tourist district with the function of board and lodging, leisure, sightseeing, tourism, resort, fitness, fishing, recreation, marine aquarium, shellfish, handicraft display, at

the same time, we will endeavor to put up a green tourist district on the original resort




This project mainly engages in manufacturing of ship and subsidiary

equipment. It needs 1,000 m coastline and 8 meters deep water area. It is planned to build more than four 400-meter-long, 120-

meter-wide, 70-meter-high.workshop In addition, it will build other relative

facilities. It covers a total area of 1000 mu.


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Located in Laizhou city Hu Touya town, Hu Touya Electronic and Machinery Industrial

Park has a planned area of 15 km and convenient transportation. It is 8 km away from the urban area, 5 km away from the entrance of Weiwu highway and close to 206 state roads. There are 46 existing

enterprises including 21 scale enterprises, 5 enterprises of 100 million Yuan capital. The total industrial output of the industrial park

in 2009 reaches 4200 million Yuan. According to development strategy of ”Plan

at high starting point, high investment, high-standard construction, high efficient

management”,the government has invested more than 200 million construction fund. There is quite strong ability of bearing industrial capacity with perfect fundamental

facilities, sufficient water and electronic supply as well as straight and plain road. It focuses on the introduction of household

appliance, electric and machinery, packaging industries and so on. The

government attaches great importance on foreign investment. The investors will enjoy

most preferential policy. This project will enjoy a good market and a good profit.

The project is defined to annually produce 200000 sets of car body punched parts and 60000 sets of car body welding assembly

according to the market condition.


It will produce about 40000 sets of multi-cylinder engine and 60000 sets of single-

cylinder engine every year.Solely-


The project would cover an area of 6 hectare. It will annually produce about

400000 square meters of stone tiles and 80000 square meters of stone crafts.


The project would cover an area of 6.7 hectare. It will set up a new production line to produce 2 million tons of dry processing

cement clinker.


To set up 5 production lines, with which the project can produce 5 million square meters

of construction lay wire. Solely-


After the project arrive its full production capacity, it will annually produce 90

thousand tons of peanut oil. After the first -stage completed, it can produce 3 thousand

tons of peanut oil.


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It covers the land area of 70 ha. Including a workshop area of 35000 m2.

Power distribution of 500 kilowattsThere are a well, a set of equipment to

production stone powder brick, 4 sets of equipment of footpath brick, a set of

equipment of cement mixture.


It plans to invest $10 million, covering a land area of 6 ha., a building area 30000

m2. It mainly engages in mining stone and

manufacturing stone machinery The products sell to Shandong, HeBei, JiLin,

Shanxi, Beijing, Tianjin, etc.


It plans to invest $ 10 million, covering a land area of 6 ha., a building area of 3000

m2. It engages in stone slab sales, about all

kinds of slab 2000000 m2 yearly.


The project shall be undertaken by Yong’an district office. It plans to invest $ 13million, covering a land area of 7 ha. to construct office buildings and warehouse for logistic center with a building area 10000 m2. The

current scale and level of logistics can’t satisfy the demand of the market, so the project has a big space to development.


This project includes 2 parts: One is the East Sea God Temple re-repair part occupying an

area of 60 mu or more, the other is the seashore tourist & realty developing part

covering an area of 450 mu. Depending on the advantageous natural resources in the coast, it will fully demonstrate the cultural

deposits of the Temple, and follow the principal ‘ Put the People First, Human and Nature in perfect Harmony ’ to establish a well-known East Sea God Temple Seashore Tourist District with deep culture, beautiful

sceneries , distinct feature.


It is to establish a leisure & holiday zone with a tourist dock, a 12000-squar-emeter-scale restaurant, a 20000-square- meter-

large hotel and other amusement facilities.


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18300 JV



The operation term is planned 11 years initially. After put into operation, The

production capacity is to reach 80 percent in the first year and100 percent in the second



The plan includes 4 parts: A. production of wind rotor blade, wind power electricity

tower hole, nacelle cover, tyre cover and foundation, and maintenance of wind power equipment. Rotor blades of 850 KW, 1.5GW,

and 2 GW will be produced. B. Two tower production lines will be invested. C.

Production of nacelle cover, tyre cover and foundation. D. Comprehensive maintenance of wind power equipment with special tower

cranes to undertake maintenance and cleaning.


The project is to apply foreign investment to production and development of products

like key electronic components, connector, computer peripherals, and system software. It also aims to extend the computer industry chain and add the varieties and enterprises.


The project occupies an area of 20 hectares, with 50,000 square meters of workshop, 2

car production lines and 4 auto parts production lines. When put into operation, it

will realize annual output of 20,000 light vehicles and 300,000 sets of lightweight auto parts. The project makes full use of aluminum alloy materials to replace the

traditional iron and steel through the design and optimization of the structure in the

manufacturing of motor vehicles.

The plan is to construct a new casting production line with annual capacity of

200,000 tons. JV、JCV

The company plans to acquire 145000 ㎡ land to build workshops, warehouses, office buildings with a total construction area of 90,000 ㎡. When put into production, the annual output will reach 250,000 pieces including 200,000 tractor raisers, and

50,000 auto assemblies.


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70000 JV



The company will build new workshop with an area of 30000 square meters and purchase 6 production lines of auto

stamping, robot welding, assembly and painting and 320 sets of machine, testing

equipment and tooling molds.


Longkou Mining Group is very rich in oil shale resources with reserves of more than 200 million tons, and oil content as high as 15%. Adding an appropriate amount of coal,

some by-products from refinery process such as diesel oil, semi-coke and particle

size less than 8mm of oil shale can be used as fuel for electricity generation. At present, the EIA of the project has been approved by

the Ministry of Environmental Protection, and in June 2008 the State Development

and Reform Commission agreed to carry out preparatory work for the project. The

planned capacity is 3X135 MW.


The project is scheduled to cover an area of 76.7 hectares, with Science parks of

Tsinghua University, Peking University, Yantai University as the core area.

The government attaches great importance to development of biological industries,

which is a mainstay industry in high-tech field and a national strategic emerging

industry. For this project, planning coverage area is 69.775 hectare including

37.604 hectare for R﹠D and 32.171 hectare for supporting area. The planning

construction area is 920,000 square meters.


Located in Qinshui Korea Industry Park, the planning area of the first stage of the

industrial park is 100 hectares. Focusing on high-tech manufacturing enterprises with

independent intellectual property rights, this park will major in digital home appliances and electronic applications, new types of

electronic components, communication and network equipment, new types of electronic

information-specific materials, computer accessories IC and color flat panel display,

etc. It includes IC Design Center, IC Industrial Park and Color Flat Panel Display

Industrial Park.


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136600 JV

Yantai International Logistics Park has a total area of 200 hectares, with a total

building area of up to 420,000m2, mainly designed to have three functional zones:

Logistics & Storage Central Zone, Office & Living Service Zone, Processing Zone, including general office building, fully-

automatic tiered warehouse facility, rack distribution warehouse and multi-functional

processing & packing shop, etc. Upon its completion, this project can hold more than 60 renowned logistics enterprises at home

and abroad.


The total investment is RMB 200 million, to construct two 50000-ton berths. One berth

lies along 35000-ton timber wharf while another lies on the top of the jetty. It is

planned that the annual handling capacity is 1.9 million tons. After putting into

production, the handling capacity will reach 40%, 80% and 100% respectively on the

first half year, the second year and the third year. The project includes wharf, revetment,

cofferdam, pool turning water area, land supporting facilities and loading equipment,


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Market Analysis

The company has one production line of ERW high frequency resistance welding pipe, with an annual output of 70,000 tons.

According to long-distance pipeline plan of 11th Five-year Development Program, it is preparation for the building of natural gas pipelines of 10,000 km, including 6,000 km of crude oil transportation

pipeline, 10,000km petroleum product pipeline, west-east gas transmission" second-line", China-Russian gas pipeline, China-

Russian oil pipeline, transportation the natural gas from the Sichuan to the east or to south.. To improve specifications of welding pipes of

the company, high quality pipes shall be provided for second-line project of transportation the natural gas from the West to the East.

It is predicted that market demand of oil casing, high destroyed oil casing, high-pressure boiler tubes, oil and petrochemical supply

pipes, steel pipes for mechanical structure, cylinder pipes and line pipes will grow year after year. For example, only drilling rods of

Shengli Oil Field in consumption of oil casing reached nearly 200,000 tons. At the same time, the company launched production processing

line of 200,000 tons, which complements each other's advantages. As a result, a market prospect of the project is good.

The fracturing technology has become one of the major measures used in the reconstruction of the low permeability reservoir and in

increasing the output and efficiency in the later high water-cut stage of oil-gas field. For the time being, this technology is being promoted in major oilfields in China with a bright future. With the deepening of fundamental research and the development of single techniques, the new-type fracturing technologies, such as repeated fracturing, end

sand fallout fracturing, selective fracturing, CO2 fracturing, slim-hole fracturing, and riverfrac treatment, are playing more and more

important roles in the reconstruction of the low permeability reservoir and in increasing the output and efficiency in the later high water-cut stage of oil-gas field. Due to the extremely complicated underground conditions, man’s knowledge on geology is increasingly deepened, but there are still a lot of improvements for us to be realized in the fracturing technologies. This product is provided with high technical value, and its production is only available in a few manufacturers in


The continuous string coiled tubing unit is characterized by energy efficiency, high working efficiency, environmental protection, high adaptability and so on, and it is in the tendency to substitute the

ordinary petroleum operation. Now, the production of such a unit in China yet remains unavailable, so its demand in the future will be

increased significantly.

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The truck-mounted drilling rig is a kind of light-duty special type rig used in the drilling operation in the oilfield, mainly including 1000m, 1500m, 2000m and 3000m types. In the world, the drilling task with a depth more than 3500m is mostly finished by the truck-mounted

rigs. However, the development of such rigs is started comparatively late with a certain gap from the world advanced level.

After the operation of the project, it can produce 10 sets of underwater production systems annually, with annual output value of

RMB 1 billion yuan, and profits and taxes of 120 million yuan.

In recent two years, with the sustaining rapid development of economy in China, the demand for mineral resources has been

especially high, and the supply shortage is becoming daily outstanding. Therefore, while developing the oil and gas resources in

the east and west, greater efforts should be made in tapping the offshore oil and gas resources. Up to now, drilling machines made in

China have not been officially used on a mobile drilling platform made in China, and internationally, drilling equipment on mobile

drilling platforms has been monopolized by few famous brand products.

The marketing of well control products in China during recent years shows that with the development of the deep-well oilfields in the west and the high pressure gas wells with high sulfur content in

Sichuan, the well control products in China are developing from low pressure to high pressure, and from ordinary products to those resisting H2S and CO2. Currently the demand is high for drilling

blowout preventers (resisting H2S and CO2) of F35—70, F35—105 and F35—140 and gas well head and Christmas trees of 105MPa or above (resisting H2S and CO2) and offshore well control equipment.

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To solve the problems of oil well wearing and corrosion, Shengli Oilfield has taken many process measures, with large amount of

investment, to mitigate the wearing and corrosion problems. However, these measures have various disadvantages and have their

respective scopes of application. Users believe that the most ideal solution has not been found. Our Company borrowed the successful

experience in other countries and introduced the latest lined HDPE oil pipe technology from the United States, to provide an ideal new product to solve the well wearing and corrosion problems. This

project features high technical content and excellent performance, and the service life is over 4 times that of the present anti-corrosion

oil pipes.

It turns to be much more difficult to exploit oil fields at the second half stage, because it shall exploit those fields hard to exploit, which

results in a clear increase in the demand for helicoid hydraulic motors. Environmental requirements shall be satisfied when

manufacturing and using helicoid hydraulic motors.

Mineral insulated cables are widely applied to iron-steel industry, oil-chemical industry, construction machinery, electrommunication,

glass, pharmacy, shipping and offshore platform, important military facilities, and etc. There is only one capable manufacturer in China, Shenyang Special Cable Works, and most mineral insulated cables have to be imported from foreign countries, therefore, it is believed that it has a high additional valve, complicated techniques, and a

promising market. Main materials used are copper rods, aluminum ingots, magnesia insulations for electricians, copper tubes, plastic steel strips, stuffing, rubber, non-woven fabric, PVC strips and etc. There is a good market in China and it can meet all the demands of


The past decades have witnessed the continuous researches done and measures taken to solve the erosion problem inside steel pipes, for example, cement mortar lining, H87 coating, glass-flake coating, nickel-phosphorus plating, nitriding oil pipe and kinds of linings. Even

those measures have some effects, their anti-erosive results are different and not satisfying because of material qualities,

prefabricating and constructing quality and the joining of pipes. Therefore, it’s a must to produce pipes which can bear high pressure

and has good anti-erosive performances.

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Considering oil industry is developing at speed internationally, land oil resources are in a great shortage and people have to turn to

swamps and desserts for oil exploitation in future, the demands for amphicars will go up dramatically. Shengli oil field, Dagang oil field and Liaohe oil field are trying their best to find substitutes in China,

and other oil fields are making great efforts to develop domestic market and international market. They need such a product to raise

their competitive strength, so it’s believed that SL4×4 amphicars can meet the market demands and have a great potentiality in market.

Due to their electric insulation, anti-erosion and smooth surface, the products are believed to have a good market in future.

Electric vehicles industry is an emerging one which enjoys a lot of supportive and preferential policies from the government. It also

represents the future of modern vehicle industry. It meets the needs of energy-saving, environment-friendly and low-cost. The cost of a

electric vehicle is just 1/3-1/5 of a normal vehicle.

To speed up the development of modern logistics industry, for optimizing resource allocation, improve the quality of economic operation, promote economic growth mode transformation, with

important strategic significance. Lijin Logistics Park is located in the western suburbs of the Yellow River Delta (Dongying) processing and manufacturing base in Shandong, center, build a logistics park Lijin

the western suburbs of the market prospect is broad. After the completion of the project can realize annual operating income of 286

million yuan, profit 96.33 million yuan.

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The world's total annual consumption of about potash 60 million tons, China is the second largest consumer of potash fertilizer, potassium chloride reached the annual consumption of more than 10 million

tons, while China's current production of 300 tons / year or so, potassium chloride maintain the volume of annual imports of 700

million tons. After the completion of the project can produce 50,000 tons of agricultural potassium chloride, the new sales income 105 million, profit 34.95 million yuan, the investment profit margin of

35%, investment recovery period is 3 years.

After the completion of the project, accepted the tourists a year 8-10 million people, can be achieved annual tourism earn 2,000 yuan, also can adjust air temperature and humidity, oxygen, silencer filters, air purification, eco-environment will be greatly improved, the formation

of the ecological environment improvement and eco-tourism development interact to promote a virtuous circle.

Sheep production demand exceeds supply at present, to lamb, serum, sausage, and other organs of the comprehensive

development of products popular domestic and international markets of all ages. After the completion of this project may be yearly sales income of 819 million yuan, profit and tax 79 million yuan, profit 52.93 million yuan, investment payback period is about 3 years.

Chlor-alkali industry is the production of caustic soda, chlorine and hydrogen, as well as products derived from the cited basis for the

chemical industry, its products and the people involved in the national economy in all areas of life. In recent years, continued

growth in demand for chlor-alkali products, due to pressure from environmental groups and economic impact of the chlor-alkali

production in the United States and Western European countries declined. As the domestic and international economic development in order to chlor-alkali products as raw materials of substantial growth,

prices continue to rise, the chlor-alkali construction project has a good market prospect. After the completion of the project can

produce chlor-alkali 300,000 tons, the new sales income of 360 million yuan and profits 160 million yuan.

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Through the financial analysis, within the project economic life, the internal rates of return of both the total investment and the domestic investment are greater than the national benchmark rate of return,

the investment recovery period is within the economic life of the project, and the investment interest rate and tax rate are higher than

the benchmark rate. Therefore, the project has a high profit-managing ability, and is economically feasible.

The annual profit rate of the dock is 11.9%, and it is expected to recover investment in 12 years.

When the project is completed, it has an annual sales income of 2.672 billion yuan, annual interest tax of 211.56 million yuan and

annual profit of 145.75 million yuan. The investment recovery period (before tax) is 8 years, including two years of construction period.

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When the project is put into production, the annual sales income can reach 900 million yuan and profit and tax 200.37 million yuan.

When the project is put into production, the annual sales income can reach 900 million yuan and profit and tax 200.37 million yuan.

Now it is the rapid growth period of consumption demand of ethylene and its downstream petrochemical products in our country. Based on the development analysis of related industries, it is estimated that by

2010 the equivalent demand of ethylene in our country will be as many as 25 million tons. Taking into account the ethylene projects

under construction or planned to be constructed, by then the domestic supply of ethylene will come to 17 to 18 million tons

(supposing the working rate is 100%), and the gap between supply and demand will be about 7 to 8 million tons, so that the market

conflict of supply and demand is still very noticeable. In recent years, the consumption of propylene in our country has been enhancing

very quickly, and its export volume is also increasing very fast. The equivalent consumption of propylene is much more than the

apparent consumption, which indicates that the propylene at home has great market potential. From the perspective of future

development, the propylene will be still in great demand. The demand for propylene is expected to reach 11.6 million tons in 2010 and 16.5 million tons in 2015 in China. When the project has been

finished and put into use, it can it can produce 78,000 tons of ethylene, 178,000 tons of propylene and 6,600 tons of aromatic

gasoline and others each year, creating an annual sales income of 1.18505 billion yuan and annual profit and tax of 34.005 million yuan.

Propene is refined after ethane. In recent years, the consumption of propene greatly increases with the rapid growth of downstream

derivant demand. In 2010, the global demand of propene will reach 86.32 million tons. In 2010 to 2015, the demand will reach 104.22 million tons, with an annual demand growth averaging 3.8%. With

the repaid growth of domestic petrochemical industry, the domestic propene consumption sees a fast growth and the propene import volume increases. In China, the downstream products of propene including polypropylene, epichlorohydrin, carbolic acid/acetone,

butyl/capryl alcohol were imported in a large volume in the previous years. It is estimated that the domestic propene demand in 2010 will reach 11.60 million tons; 16.50 tons in 2015. Once the project is put into operation, the annual sales will reach 7014.47 million RMB, and the profit payments and tax turnover will reach 422.08 million RMB.

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With economic development and continuous application expansion of organic silicon products, the organic silicon industry throughout the

world has been growing at a speed higher than global economic growth pace. It is estimated that by 2010 the total demands of

organic silicon monomer all over the world will reach 3.3-3.6 million tons and in 2015 4.5 million tons. Compared with developed

countries, China's organic silicon market is still in the high-speed growth, with an expected average growth rate of 15% from 2008 to

2010, and the needed polysiloxane in 2010 will be 550,000 tons (equivalent to 1.1 million tons of dimethyl monomer). Taking into account the fact that the domestic organic silicon monomer has entered the international market, and our products have a price advantage compared with that of the developed counties, so the

export volumes is possible to increase. Based on this analysis, the domestic organic silicon monomer in 2010 will be slightly in shortage. When the project has been finished and put into use, it can create an annual sales income of 1.18505 billion yuan and annual profit and tax

of 34.005 million yuan.

covering approx. 8400 mu. The land is flat except the north is slight lower and the south is slightly higher. The land feature is

advantageous for crude salt production. The location is adjacent to multiple salt-production enterprises and share salt production

experiences. In recent years, the number of domestic projects of chemical industry increases, and the demand for crude salt and

bromine increase accordingly. The market of salt and bromine sees a rapid growth. We plan to introduce the sea water to the alkali flat. We develop breeding industry with the sea water and extract bromine by

re-using the middle and saturated brine water. We expect to reach zero drainage and make the most of resource, with the objective of

reducing production cost and obtaining sustainable development. The project accords with the state industrial policy and is supported by

the national and local investment preferential policy. According to the market benefit analysis in recent years, the production cost of crude salt is 60RMB/ton, sales income 140 RMB/ton. Thus, the profit from

300 thousand tons of crude salt may reach 24 million RMB. 1500 tons of bromine is expected to gain good profit. Assuming the cost per ton

is 2000 RMB, the sales profit will reach 10000RMB, and the annual profit will reach 15 million RMB. Taking the above two into account, the annual profit may reach 39 million RMB (profits from breeding million tons / year, the third-largest country in terms of alcohol production. Different from the United States and Brazil and many

other counties, our alcohol consumption structure is dominated by the white spirits. And another major use of alcohol is to be used as the raw and auxiliary materials in chemical industry, such as in the production of ethyl acetate and ethyl acrylate or as the solvent in

many production processes. In addition, pharmaceutical industry is another large consumer market of alcohol, where the alcohol is

mainly employed as raw and auxiliary materials and direct disinfectant. Some alcohol is also consumed in daily chemicals

industry every year while the remaining alcohol products are for leather and other industrial sectors. By 2010, it is estimated that

consumption of alcohol in white spirits production will remain at 1.8 million tons, chemical and pharmaceutical industry will reach

950,000 and 600,000 tons, and that the there will be 3.5 million tons alcohol consumed as fuel throughout the country. And take into

account the needs of alcohol of other industries, it is estimated in 2010 the demand of alcohol will be 7.3-7.5 million tons (vinyl alcohol not taken into account). When the project has been finished and put into use, it can produce 100,000 ton of alcohol every year and create an annual sales income of 50,000 yuan and annual profit and tax of

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At present, our working population comes up to 670 million. If half of them wear business wear, the annual domestic market capacity of

business wear will be over 32 billion yuan at least. There are as many as 860,000 workers in our country directly engaged in oil and gas industry, 4,360,000 in coal industry, 2,880,000 in steel industry, 1,310,000 in non-ferrous smelting industry as well as millions in offshore marine fishing operations and forest protection. These

people mentioned will gradually become the consumers of such kind of business wear. Thus, the potential market space of such business

wear is huge. It is estimated that the annual sales income will be 15,000 when this project has been finished and put into operation.

At present, the development and construction of Huanghe Delta is nationally strategic, and Hekou District is located in the frontier and core area of Huanghe Delta to be developed and constructed. The

infrastructure such as ports, railway and road traffic is improved, and facing the historic opportunity, the logistics has become a key

industry. By financial analysis, the entire internal rate of return and domestic internal rate of return of the project during the years of economic life are higher than domestic base earnings ratio; its payback periods of investment are all in the economic life; its

investment profit rate and profit and tax rate both are higher than the base ratio; so the project has a high capability of profit, and is

feasible in economy.

The wetland at the Yellow River estuary is the most intact and largest wetland in the world. With a large area of wet land and unique

landscape, the wetland in the Hekou District is an excellent resort for recreation, holidays and travel. In recent years, with more and more

development of tourist resources at the estuary, its tourism is developing at a considerable rate with annual average tourists

reception of 0.3 million and the number has been on the rise. Relying on the natural resources advantage and under the premise of keeping ecological balance, this project is intended to provide

elaborately-designed tourist routes, create excellent tourist resort, improve the tourism service in Hekou district and obtain considerable

economic return which is expected to be¥0.1 billion annually.

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The total investment in this project is planned to be ¥1.5 billion, including¥ 0.15 billion for the investment in the project of Dongying

Central Fishing Harbor, ¥0.1 billion for the investment in the expansion of harbor-based industries including the sector of fishing unloading and marine product trade, the sector of refrigeration and

process, the sector of marine product processing, the sector of comprehensive materials, the sector of oil depot, the sector of

integrative management as well as the new fishermen village; ¥0.2 billion for the investment in the construction of the new and modern fishing harbor city, including the sector of entertainment plaza, the

sector of business and trade, the logistics and distribution center, the sector of tourism and recreation, the sector of public service, the land reserved for scientific research and education, etc.; ¥0.05 billion for the investment in the ecological fishery conservation zone based on the shallow-sea aquatic culture resources south of the central fishing

harbor, for purpose of establishing a recreational fishery zone and modern ecological park of agriculture, animal husbandry and fishery; ¥1 billion for the investment in the building of the marine industry

promotion zone including the sector of warehousing and logistics zone, the sector of business service, the sector of ship building and repair, etc, which is on the industrial basis of the oil and gas supply, salt industry, fishery, etc. and the excellent ecological and landscape

resources by the sea, for the purpose of establishing a marine industry base integrating the production, processing, industrial

warehousing and tourism.

In recent years, the land oil sees a steady production. Therefore, the demand for oil extraction equipment remains steady. Suppose 10000 wells will be bored per year, the annual demand for oil pumping unit

will be 7000, oil well pump 4400, pumping rod 14000 meters, submerged pumps 800, water injection pumps and booster pumps 8000 – 9000. In China, the quality of crude oil is generally inferior with 32.5% of low-penetration resources. In addition, the per-well

production is low with a daily production less than 10 tons. Deep well, thick oil, and low penetration layer increase the extraction difficulty and cost as well. Base on the above analysis of oil pool, China will

have a large demand for large-scale water injection refinery treatment equipment, oil-gas separation unit, and polymeric substance injection equipment. Once the project is put into

operation, the annual sales volume will reach 1 billion RMB and profit 100 million RMB.

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Guangrao County Sunzi Cultural Tourism Zone in accordance with planning and implementation, to take shape in 2011 and began to receive tourists; to full completion in 2015, preliminary calculations average annual number of visitors for more than 100 million can be realized tourism income 74.715 million U.S. dollars, net profit for the

3662.5 million U.S. dollars.

After the project put into production value 150 million yuan, profit and tax 26 million yuan. Repayment of loan principal and interest on capital investment including the construction period of 4.31 years.

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The project put into operation, expected annual sales income 10 million yuan, profit and tax 70 million yuan, profit 80 million yuan, a

very significant economic benefits.

Butyl rubber tire manufacturing industry is an important material, butyl rubber as a Synthetic species, China can not produce all of the

demand dependent on imports, with the rapid development of China's automobile industry, increasing demand for butyl rubber. Meanwhile, the number of discarded tires has shown rapid growth will cause serious environmental pollution and waste of resources.

The implementation of the technology itself is consumed in the industrial waste output is green product, in line with the

requirements of the national environmental protection industry is a typical application of environmentally sound technologies. Has

significant social benefits and greater cost-effectiveness. The project put into operation can realize output value of 2.5 billion, profits and

taxes 250 million yuan.

After gone into production annual income will be 850 million yuan RMB( Tax not included), profit turnover will be 90 million yuan RMB,

profit after tax will be 67.5 million yuan RMB.

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The projects all put into operation can add sales income 10 million yuan, profits and taxes 200 million yuan.

The project put into production, annual sales income of 1.4 billion, profit and tax of 250 million yuan.

In the near future, after the accomplishment of the project, transport capacity of Bingang Line in the year 2020 and 2030 will be 17.14 and

25.14 million ton respectively, among which cargos being transported inside (mainly for coal, steel, concrete, grain, etc) 9.25

and 12.87 million ton, outside (mainly for coal, salt, metallic mineral, mine construction, etc)7.89 and 12.27. Total transport capacity of

Bingang Line will be as much as 19.6 million ton/year.

The project is in line with national industrial policy and transport development “Eleventh Five-Year” plan in Binzhou City. The bridge

construction will greatly improve the traffic conditions between south-central and northern Shandong regions and the distance from Laiwu, Zhangqiu to Binzhouharbor will be greatly shortened, which will form a convenient access from south-central region to the sea,

and further improve and optimize the layout of road network in Shandong. Thus it will be of great significance to promot the

economic development in south-central and northern Shandong regions and even the whole province, speed up the efficient

construction and eco-economic zones in the Yellow River Delta, and open and develop “the North Sea Area” in our city.

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Bohai Bridge links Beihai New Area and Tianjin Binhai New Area. After the bridge is completed, it can ensure convenient links between

Shandong and Hebei, reduce empty return rate of train in Huanghua Harbor Railway, burden the transportation task of partial cargoes in Shandong Province and speed up the exploitation of resources and

expedite the opening-up of the northern region of Shandong Province. The construction of Bohai Bridge will improve the

investment environment, will promote the connection between the advanced areas with us and will supply good condition for the whole-

side economic open.

In accordance with Binzhou Port’s growth plan, its future transport volume, Binzhou city area and its hinterland’s future economic development trend as well as their expanding speed of traffic

volume, volume of traffic in Binzhou Port is predicted to be (converted into minibus): In the year 2010, 14602/day; 2015,

18487/day; 2020, 23518/day; 2025, 23726/day; 2029, 23901/day.

The completion of the project could strengthen the highway capacity, promote economic development and the construction company can

get revenue 50 million per year.

The total investment is about 2.96 billion yuan including 0.6 billion for the road and water draining at the administrative living quarters, 0.56 billion for the road and water draining at the port industry park,

0.52 billion for the Tao’er river industry area, 0.68 billion for the connection road of the three areas, 0.3 billion for the greening

project, 0.1 billion for the lighting, 0.2 billion for the communication pipes.

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With the process of the project, a better environment of investment and living will shaped in Binzhou Economic Development Zone, build

a larger center of passenger and logistic, so as to resolve the problem of overplus labors and civil employment and create good

economic and social benefit.

When the reservoir is finished, the yearly volume of diversion is 60.76 million cubic meters which can supply 217,900 persons and the

heavy industry with enough water, also enabled the port industry garden to have the reliable safeguard of fresh water resource. The construction of the reservoir will enhance the local living standards, play huge promoter action on the animal husbandry and two, three industrial positive development. Its economic and social efficiency is


Binzhou Harbor water supply project is a people-benefiting project which helps to tackle the problem of short water supply of harbor

region of Cangzhou. The project aims to provide water for industrial and domestic use to the Beihai New Area, Cangzhou Bohai New Area and Huanghua Port and supply water for agricultural irrigation use to

Haixing County.

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In recent years, many large and medium-sized enterprises settle in Zhanhua, there is goods of about 20,000,000t need transport by sea. With the development of Beihai New Development Zone, the project

is imperative.

After the project is put into commercial operation, an anticipated annual output of electricity generation is up to 117,000MWh, with

yearly supply of industrial steam of 936,400 GJ,therefore, the market demand is tremendous.

The project will generate comprehensive benefits of energy conservation, environment improvement and power supply increase,

effective air pollution prevention and energy comprehensive utilization enhancement. It conforms to national industrial policies

and sustainable development strategy, and plays an important role in promoting the local economic and social development.

With the development of economy and the increase of population (the forward population can be 250,000), the sewage problem will

directly influence the environment. Now the sewage disposal facilities in the designing area are mainly oil sewage disposal station, which can not dispose the future sewage. To the 30 sq.km of chemistry

area in BeiHai New Area, the sewage draining is very important. The implementation of this project can dispose the sewage at BeiHai New Area step by step. At the same time, this project plays the important role in increasing the whole environment quality and the continuous

economy development in this area.

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Currently, the waste water produced in the whole Boxing town area is unable to disposed totally, and the emission of waste water in the

future is more than present along with rapid economic development; in order to maintain local environmental quality and enjoy

sustainable economic development, it’s urgently necessary for reconstruction of the 1st construction and the 2nd construction of

Boxing Waste Water Disposal Plant.

There is no a garbage disposal plant that meet the national requirement in Zhanhua. With the increasing of garbage output, we

need to build a standard waste plant.

Upon completion of the project, the burden of supply and demand of water resources for the town area and the Nanjing irrigation area of

Xiaoqinghe River will be lessened, and which is a guarantee for sustainable development of local economy.

Comparetively Large Market Demand: Binzhou is home to 138 high-tech enterprises and 356 private scien-tech mills. Rich Scien-tech Resources: Binzhou has 4 colleges with 61.9 thousand students

which provide personnel support for the development of the project.

There will be more than 10,000 general airplanes and 20,000 to 30,000 general pilots in China in 2020. The pilots must be trained

every year. So the training market of pilots in China is good.

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Huimin Sunzi Culture and Tour Zone is a Key Service Industry Zone in Shandong Province. Sunzi Art of War City is one of the main bodies of

Sunzi Culture and Tour Zone, and one of eight big tour zones in Shandong Province. With the status of Sunzi and his thought getting higher and higher in the world, Sunzi culture contains great potential

for development.

China’s classical furniture and imitated antique furniture has been the first choice of international furniture collection market, especially

the western market centering on Europe and America. The market there prefers to China’s classical furniture, which results in an

increasing need and demands.

According to estimates, in our country the average direct labor cost accounts for less than 10% of the total cost which percentage is still

declining, while the fees of storage and transportation amount to 40% of the total cost. For a long time, many of our manufacturers

pay focus on production and marketing other than the logistics management. In order to obtain more benefits, more and more

companies start to attach importance to potential profits in logistics. With the development of economic globalization, logistics is facing

with a large scale and even full liberalization trend.

Tuhai river is not only an important shipping channel of Yellow River Delta, but also a ‘golden waterway’ that with rich ecological tourism resources. The project locates in the middle zone of peninsula urban agglomeration and Ji’nan city circle, Tianjin binhai new area in the

north, it is the“south garden”of Jingjintang area, and so the geographical position is superior. Tuhai River National Urban Wetland

Park is named national urban wetland park by National ministry of construction in 2007. After the completion of the project, it will

attract the visitors from Beijing, Tianjin, Jinan, and Qingdao and so on. Tourism development can drive the development of many other industries, such as business, diet, traffic, tourism commodities and related services. So it can promote the economic growth and the

market prospect.

Functioned with the facilities of accommodation, restaurant, leisurement, cultural entertainment, shopping, convention and

tourism, Zhonghai Scenic Spot will be forged into a national AAAA grade tourism & leisurement area. So as to improve the market competitive power, attract more visitors from home and abroad, exploit the local tourism resources advantages to the full and win

more economic and social benefits.

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Located to the south of Binzhou Port Dredging Road in Wudi County, PCLCNS enjoys convinent transportation, favorable geograghical

location and aboundant logistics demand. After the accomplishment of the project, PCLCNS shall realize integrated management of information, packing, logistics, transportation,dispatching and

service, so as to provide job opportunities for 500 labors and create good economic and social benefits.

After it finished, it will be the biggest large-scale comprehensive wholesale and retail market in Binzhou, so the market prospect is

bright and broad.

In the park, the scenery is very pleasant, There are singing birds, fragrant flowers, thick trees and flowing river. It will be a place where

you can have a traveling, go fishing, go angling, popular science, pluck the fruit by oneself, hunt, shopping, etc. t has a broad market

in tourism.

Zhanhua locates in the northeast part of Yellow River delta, and near Bohai Sea. It is named“The home of winterdate in china”by nation because the rich production of winterdate. This project has been

awarded national AAA ecotourism scenic spot by nation. The annual tourist number reached 300,000. The market has great potential.

Weishi Manor with a history of more than 100 years until now, and named as a national key cultural relic protection unit and the national

AAA level scenic spot, is a characteristic architectural complex of castle type, which is a huge attraction to the peripheral tourists.

He banshan National Forest Park enjoys the reputation of “Luzhong Ecological Pearl”with beautiful scenery and nice environment. The

annual tourist reception exceeds 500,000, the market development space is large.

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The Madahu Lake has a span of some 7 kilometers from the east to the west and width of 3 kilometers from the south to the north,

namely, a total area of more than 20 square kilometers, and this area is known as the“river south in north China and rich land”in terms of

picturesque landscapes, rich resources of fish species, numerous water plants, vast water area, abundant reed, beautiful lotus, rivers spotted among lakes and vise versa and many cross-running water

passage. More than 200,000 tourists are attracted to visit the charming natural sight and unparalleled cultural tourism resources in

each year, thus the market demand is beyond any doubt.

Currently, in Binzhou City, the business of general residential and leisure have been in the situation of basic saturation, but the city is relatively lack of high-grade reception venue, especially a serious shortage of star hotels. The project is designed to introduce the

Hilton or other internationally renowned hotel operators for developing and operating. and enable it to be the highest-grade

reception hotel of Binzhou city.

This project green environment-friendly livestock Nano propolis vaccine has innovation intellectual property rights, is upgrading of the existing vaccine products at home and abroad, with features

green environmental protection, safe, fast, efficient, durable and so on. Through technology transfer, Shandong Green Biology

Technology Co.,Ltd. has permanent production rights to project products. Therefore, through the construction of this project, it can greatly improve the economic efficiency of enterprise and market


The completion of the project will not only enhance the strength and size of our biological high-tech industry, but also will be a strong

impetus to the development of our biological high-tech industry and will bring certain economic and social benefits. Upon the project put

into operation, it can achieve sales income of RMB 106.5 million Yuan and profit of 33.49 million yuan, and can arrange for employment

150 workers.

The Diamond D40 series airplane-manufacturing project of Binzhou Dagao General Aviation City Co.Ltd is the encouraged industry by

China. The production equipments and technique of Diamond DA40 series plane are supplied by Austria diamond airplane manufacturing Co.Ltd. The diamond DA40 type airplane is advanced, economic and competitive in the domestic and international market. The company

adopts advanced compound material and aviation meter product technique to produce light plant. This mode can promote the design of the local aviation manufacturing, produce and manage level, also

can develop of the general aviation industry in China.

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The so-called “three machines in a body” is to generate electricity, heat insulation, three kinds of self-cleaning function of the concept

together. Materials such binding mechanism components, the use of amorphous silicon thin film photovoltaic solar cells on the glass, high-tech market a wide range of applications, and its light transmission rate is very good, free from rain impact, in addition to maintain a

constant rate of photoelectric conversion, and even down the entire year than the existing single crystal or polycrystalline silicon solar

cells of higher capacity.

In accordance with our country’s slogan of “China Green Lights Program,” energy-saving lighting has become an important aspect of energy conservation. At the same time, the applications in the field of LED light source is the product of the high-speed development of the semiconductor light-emitting materials technology and the concept of“green lighting”in people’s heart. It is estimated that the output value from the LED industry will be more than 100 billion yuan in 2010. The LED manufacturers are facing a rare opportunity for

development. The market prospect is broad.

Presently over 90% of domestic silicon material relies on the import from the US and Japan and other countries, and the supply is limited. The project after putting into use can dice 100000 pieces, meeting

the demand of 500kk/month semi-conductor components and 50000 electric plates of 50-180 w solar energy.

As a kind of green product, it brings no industrial wastes or secondary pollution to its consumers and environment, not only in the selection & usage of raw materials, but also in every section of the whole processing, as well as in the usage of the products. The technology development and the product upgrading will certainly

replace the traditional products like natural stone and ceramic face brick. All these bring the company with enough key competitiveness

to influence the market all over the world

The income is 1200 million yuan, the tax is 54.74 million yuan, the profit is171.64 million yuan every year.

At present, the lack of high-strength and endurable aluminum alloy has become the bottle neck of the technology development of

domestic piston industry and auto I.C. engine industry. According to the national industry orienting, it will become a main development

field of auto pieces industry to develop and industrialize the production of aluminum alloy which is required by the high load and

energy saving piston. In this case, the Company has realized the technology breakthrough with research and development for many

years. At present the Company is actively making effort to industrialize the project and put the new material on market, in order

to satisfy the assemble requirement by the military and civil high-intensity engines.

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There is a general trend in current global household porcelain market that medium and top-level porcelain products are in heavily short

supply. The production of household porcelain is increasingly falling off in some developed countries, and these countries gradually become importers of top-level porcelain not exporters, so that

provides a good opportunity for market share growth of marine shell porcelain. The improvement of people’s living standard, their

transition of consumption concept and the soaring development in China’s budget hotels will contribute to fast development of household porcelain industry, especially top-level household

porcelain industry. According to market survey, China’s current annual demand for top-level household porcelain hits about 300

million pieces and annual demand for gift porcelain reaches about 10 million sets (about 200 million pieces), annually increased by at least 20%. However, China’s domestic annual top-level porcelain output is less than 60 million pieces. Thus there is a huge market space and a

promising market prospect.

At present, there are more than 100 carboform manufacturing factories in the world. According to the market trend of carbon fiber, the demand of sport goods increase 116%, aviation industry increase

149%, industry goods increase 252% and the overall estimate increase 175% from 1997 to 2006. The most important application of

carbon fiber is in the military, space industry, because it is the indispensable material in manufacturing of satellites and missile. In addition, it is also wildly used in airplane manufacturing, building

construction, car manufacturing, carbon adsorption materials, marine exploration and wind power generation.

In recent years, ethroglucin as the hand of taste and excipients has been widely applied in the pharmaceutical industry. Ethroglucin has the rapid growth of the trend in domestic and foreign markets. The development and application of ethroglucin as health care products and dietary supplements is promising. It will become an emerging

industry which can promote the traditional sugar production and can adjust market structure. In addition, ethroglucin also can be used in

cosmetics and chemical industries. Ethroglucin has broad market space.

In recent years, the sales growth rate of red yeast rice has remained high in the international market and market prospects. Products have

been unable to meet consumer’s demand, and the demand is increasing year by year whose development has a bright future.

With the improvement of living standard, the demand of high-grade and high-efficiency textiles is improving gradually as well. The

demand potentiality for textiles both in foreign and domestic market is large. According to forecast, the annual increase of demand for

high-grade textiles will exceed 22%, the market development space is broad.

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After the completion of the project, the additional annual sales income is 744 million yuan, the added profits is 40.51 million yuan,

the new added tax is 67.52 million yuan. It can save Coal 13,700 tons and 200 tons of water per year, also can reduce waste water

discharge 2 million cubic meters and COD emissions 576 tons. It will realize the social, economic, and environmental benefits to improve

the synchronization.

The production of the project is fine fabric which is favored in the international market. It has reached the advanced level of importing

fabrics. It will be high added value, and can replace the imported products. It must have wide prospect of market.

With the changes of consumer attitudes in developed countries, the beautiful, elegant, personalized and home accessories is more and more accepted by consumers. The project relies on the company’s

strength of research and printing. with the large-scale supermarket in the developed countries and regions as vendors. The products have a

wide range of sales market.

The batik printed cloth produced by the company is renowned in African market, and 90% of the product export to Africa, after the

completion, the phase Ⅱcan be achieved of 230 million yuan in output value, profits and taxes 15 million yuan.

It is anticipated that a variety of fiber products of this century will be the mainstream of product development, as one of the high fabric simulation products, functional products, will become the focus of future development, high-quality, high value-added series of new

products, the market simulation prospects.

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This project has strong profit ability and the competitive advantage is obvious. International and home production abilities are relatively insufficient. So the market demand is huge, and the prospects for

development are broad.

With the people’s living standards rising, consumers’ demand in high-performance textile has also increased annually. So the domestic and international markets have great potential in this field in the future.

After the company finished, the annual sales revenue will be about 2 billion Yuan and the profits and taxes will be 350 million Yuan. At the

same time it can provide 2000 to 5000 employment posts.

At present time, most the varieties of adhesive fiber in China are cotton type, which is disadvantageous in terms of less differential

and functional fiber and subsequently lee competitive power in international arena. In contrast, the differential rate of chemical fiber of textile from foreign countries is generally to a higher level of more

than 60%, and this figure turns to merely some 20% for Chinese counterparts, and the differential rate of short adhesive fiber in China

is nearly zero. As a matter of fact, annual importation of chemical fiber is more than 1 million tons, and the gap will be widened along with the continuous demand of the product. Therefore, the project is

promising thanks to vast demand.

The shortage of petrol has been a world concern, and China’s petrol consumption has been the second in the world. To product biological recycle energy has been the market development trend. The project

is intended to make as raw materials and use the skill of liquid fermentation to product the fuel ethanol to substitute parts of petrol.

It has mature skills and broad market prospect.

After the organic combination of methanol and petrol, octane number and other quality indexes are higher than ordinary petrol and

methanol petrol, and the cost of producing M60 Methanol Petrol is low. China’s petrol resource reserve, exploitation and processing

capability is limited, which can not satisfy the increasing demand of the market. By development and utilization of clean fuels, the project can greatly improve the new energy utilization rate and alleviate the situation of the intense demand for petrol products. Therefore, it has

broad market prospect.

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Production of diesel oil thru organic means is the most cost-effective ways in expanding recovery of organic resources. So far, preferential

policy for production of organic diesel oil is adopted in many countries. The organic diesel oil is a desirable alternative of common

diesel oil for widely use in auto industry, and the raw materials needed for generation of this oil variety is readily available and cost effective, in other words, fuel production by petroleum in the past is radically got rid of, thus it makes great contribution to development

of national economy and promising in terms of market demand.

Naphtha product of this project is one kind of cleasing naphatha product, octane number is about 70.Chemical naphtha is important

petro-chemical raw material, is largely used in chemical flux oil, industrial reagent, flux oil for metal processing. It is also the potential

ethylene raw material, the market future is bright.

The company replaces protogenic polyester fiber with polyester industry silk fiber produced by recycled pet bottle chips. It has a low

cost, high profit and huge market potential.

The construction period and investment return period of the project is short. The products like modified asphalt enjoy a broad market

outlet, stable costumers and large market demand.

Caustic Soda is an important basic chemical raw materials for light industry, textile and chemical industry. Caustic soda capacity in

China in 2007 reached 10 million tons, while imports of caustic soda per year 20% of the rate of rapid development. Chlor-alkali industry

has become a national economic development and people’s livelihood can not be an important basis for the lack of chemical industry, security and development of the national economy is of

great significance.

With the increase of automobile consumption, disused tyres are rapidly increased as well, which have exceeded 150 million pieces.

According to forecast, the disused tyres of China can reach 200 million pieces in 2010. Recycling and comprehensive use of waste

solid is the encouraged industry by the country, the market space is large.

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Methionine, an important variety of amino acid, is a necessary feed additive. And feed additive is the biggest consuming market in the composition of methionine purchasing. The demand of methionine

will rise sharply at home and aboard, especially the feed methionine has a sound market prospect.

At present, the largest user of pyridine is pesticides. Pyridine is widely applied to Paraquat, Diquat, Chlorpyrifos, Chlorpyrifos-methyl,

etc. The total consumption of Pyridine is about 45000 tons in pesiticides industry.Pyridine is also an important material for

pharmaceutical production. There are twelve categories associated with the pyridine in the twenty-one major categories of chemical

drugs. The current annual demand is about 1,000 tons.

As one kind of important vitamin fodder additive, the demand of vitamin B2 is increasing year after year. Accoding to market

investigation, the present product market of vitamin B2(fodder level) still has big gap, meanwhile, domestic market portion of vitamin B2 is

expanding at the rate of anuual 10%, while foreign market is at 5-10%, the market future is broad.

With the rise of living standard, people pursue a healthy and nutritious diet. Fruit and vegetable juice is a beverage containing multiple nutrients and having the function of nutrition and health care. Due to the steady growth of juice demand worldwide, the

market prospect is very bright.

With the rapid development of aquaculture, it is estimated that China’s annual output of feed is 100 million tons, of which the

required feed protein is about 20 million tons.

With the development of feed industry, enzyme preparation-as a feed additive to improve the quality has rapidly broader market. The use

of advanced techniques and technologies makes it easier for membrane enrichment technology to achieve large-scale and

continuous production. Simultaneously the product’s thermal stability and quality have been ensured. The project has broad market


With the step-by-step improvement of people’s living standard, people have put forward higher requirements for edible oil.The

project uses advanced production technology to remove naturally occurring free fatty acid (FFA), oxidizable metal etc, through three

steps: alkali removing, decolorization and air sweetening, which can effectively make sure that the major nutrient-Glyceride isn’t affected by the production process.So it’s product meets market demand.and

will have a bright future.

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The existing production technology, equipment and supporting facilities as the foundation, dates from the pure yeast extract, put the

traditional solid-state fermentation process Zengpiyan Five biology with modern brewing technology combine to the stone of the dates as the main raw materials to produce beverage alcohol, exclusive of domestic production, domestic leading technical level, the market

prospect is broad.

Furfural is also named Furan formaldehyde, which is an important chemical raw material and is widely used in industries. There are

more than 100 types of furan materials except food in China and in other countries. As an ideal sweetener of diabetes patients, its

nurture function and degrading ketone function has been recognized internationally, and widely used in food, chemical, painting, leather and other industries, the demand for which is enormous. Therefore, the project has great potential market and broad market prospect.

In recent years, compared with foreign countries, the development of China’s cold chain logistics is still in the early stage. Now in China,

the annual output of meat is more than 81 million tons, the increase rate is 2% annually, while around 90% of the meat, 80% of the seafood, a large number of milk and soy products can not be

guaranteed delivery in the absence of cold chain. In some developed countries, the cold-chain transport of food has reached 80%-90%, while only 10% in our country. The cold chain logistics market is a

huge potential market in China, at the same time, in order to stabilize the market price of pork, we must be large-scale construction of the

quick-freezing cold. The market prospect is very good.

The completed project will have an annual capacity of treatment of duck soil of the breeding yard of some 126,000 tons, waste water of around 900,000 tons, generation of methane of 10.80 million cubic meters, electricity output of 21.60 million kilowatt-hours of power supply necessary for production, utility power for staffs and the

residents nearby as well as heat preservation of duck shed in cold winter. In addition, it can be utilized for planting at the vegetable base and it can also increase the production of better quality. The

project is hopefully lucrative for urgent market demand.

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At present, over 50% of extruded aluminum material is used for industry in developed countries of Europe and America, while our

country is only about 30%. According to forecast, the annual demand of extruded aluminum material is over 6 million tons in 2015, among which the demand of it for industrial use will exceed 2 million tons,

annual demand of middle-large size extruded aluminum material will reach 200,000 tons.

During the“Ninth Five-year Plan”period, the annual average imported hard wire was about 1.5 million tons in China, during the“Tenth Five-

year Plan” period, the imported quantity reached about 2 million tons. The market demand for hard wire is very large, the prospect of

the project is bright.

According to industry planning, in 2020, wind power installed capacity will occupy 2% of national total power installed capacity. According to the caculation of 10 million kilowatt of wind power

installed cacpacity in 2010, the equipment demand wll be 40 billion in 2008-2010, the annual average portion can reach 13 billion yuan,

the market future is bright.

The project conforms to the State’s industrial policies on speeding up the exploitation and use of renewable energy and energy-saving policies of the State and Shandong Province, and it is one of key

industries advocated by the State. The implementation of the project helps to expedite domestic technology innovation and reduce the gap between China’s wind-generator set production technology and wind-generator set production technology overseas, and at the same time

it can drive the development of wind-generator set and related industry and contribute to the change of the situation of lack of wind-

generator sets and long-term reliance on import in China.

By the end of 2005, the total wind power intalled capacity of the world has alreay reached 50.98 million kilowatt. The European Union

plans to reach 80 million kilowatt installed capacity until 2010. In China, we plan to build 30 wind power projects with 100,000 kilowatt

level during “the eleventh five-year” period.Within two years, the annual newly increased speed of national equipment installed capacity will be about 60-70%. The whole future of wind power

equipment production is optimistic.

The project uses new technology and process, has keen competitive ability. At present the use of aluminium plates and rolls becomes

wider and wider, the market prospect is bright.

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The domestic steel at present is with structural surplus, this project is encouraged by the nation’s policy. Galvalumn silicon steel will

replace the old products on market, few companies has the ability in processing such products; Cold rolled steel sheet is the up-stream

products. According to the market research, Shandong province and its neighboring areas are vigorous on economic development, here has a large demand for the cold rolled steel sheet, Galvanized steel

sheet, prepainted steel sheet. Boxing county of Shandong province is the largest market of Galvanized steel sheet in north China.

The company has a strong competitiveness in producing car pieces, especially in producing short-axle type and disc type work like key

piston and brake and so on. Other Domestic machine tool manufactures can not produce such special sets of equipment so far, so the project is marketable as the demand of such production lines will reach to 40 in add to another 60 of international orders by the

year of 2010.

Upon its production, the sales revenue will be 179.45 million Yuan by producing 250,000 crankshafts and 15,000 tons of castings which are

sold to Great British, South Korea, America and Germany. The exports account for 50% of the total output which values 66.5% of the total turnover. The market prospect is bright. The raw material required for the project is mainly pig iron sufficiently supplied from our province or Henan province. Binzhou Economic Development

Zone is where the company located with abundant water and power supply which is required by the project.

The annually demand of new ship will be 30.22 million tons from 2008 to 2010 in the world. And the annually demand of new ship will be 59.18 million tons from 2010 to 2015. The demand will be much

higher than the level of 90’s of last century. From the domestic point of view, as China’s economy and the rapid development of foreign

trade, as well as the arrival of the peak of China’s aging fleet of ocean-going ships to update, national strategic resource

transportation and strategic oil reserving plan, the domestic demand for the ship is in rapid expansion.

With the worsening of oil extraction conditon, the requirement for oil well pipe becomes higher and higher. The market prospect of high

steel oil pipe is optimistic, the products of this project has good market future.

The project has advanced technology and is energy-saving, takes good advantage of on-the-spot transformation technology, is the

supporting project by provincial and state government. Graphite cast pipe is widely used for urban drainage system and new transfer pipe for petroleum and natural gas project. The usage is wide, foreign and

domestic demand is big and market prospect is broad.

HQ series cast steel pellet has advanced technology content, high efficiency and long life, is ideal alternative product of high carbon

cast steel pellet and cast iron pellet. It has high practical value and large market potentiality.

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At present the clients of the company are mainly domestic famous enterprises as follows: Qingdao Haier, Jinan Qingqi, Zhuzhou Gear

Factory, Shanghai AIC-GM-Wuling, Chery Auto, Jiangling Auto, Nantong Youce, Geely Automobile, etc. With the advancing of Xin

Ankai Internationalization strategy, the products have been exported to Japan and Israel. By now, the company has set up sales network and service network in several dozes of middle and large cities. It is devoted to make its product market occupancy rate reach 30% and

above in the field. The market prospect is broad.

After the completion of this project,it will realize annual sales income of 12 million yuan, profit and tax of 800,000 yuan, with good

economic and investment prospects. At the same time, the project will produce traditional agricultural cultivation success depends on the liberation of the soil out, three-dimensional, digital, physical-

oriented agricultural production, cropping patterns, greatly improving the utilization of land and improve the quality of the product to achieve a true sense pesticide-free production and improve the

quality of the crop nearly three times the output increased nearly 15 times the cost of production is equivalent to the traditional cultivation

of 1 / 3, while the truly pollution-free agricultural cultivation.

The logistics industry as the emerging service sector will become the 21st century, China's economic development is an important

industrial sectors and new economic growth point. China's logistics industry is still in the initial stage of development, a considerable

number of areas and regions have shown the trend of rapid growth and potential. The rapid economic growth and more active regions, the logistics industry development will be faster than other regions,

especially in hub cities and central cities will become a regional logistics markets such as the rapid development of the main base. Expected completion, its annual throughput goods 5 million tons, sales income of 40 million yuan, profit and tax 10.2 million yuan.

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They moved into binzhou city in the early Ming Dynasty,and the family of Du gradually had become prosperous since the mid-

Ming.Dushoutian was the prominent representatives in the Xianfeng years.It is the important part of history and culture in Binzhou.As the

witness of the ancient city of history,it has important heritage value,research value of clan history as well as the potential tourism and commercial value. The implementation of the project can go to

explore the cultural connotations of the essence of traditional culture and the organic integration of modern civilization.Former residence of Dushoutian start to protect the development of the project,the main goal is to create a provincial heritage conservation units and AAA-class tourist attractions and promote the development and

promotion of regional economic and social comprehensive,coordinated and sustainable development.

In recent years, ethroglucin as the hand of the trend in domestic and forergn markets.The development and application of ethroglucin as health care products and dietary supplements is promising .It will become an emerging industry which can promote the traditional sugar production and can adjust market structure .In addition,

ethroglucin also can be used in cosmetics and chemical industries. Ethroglucin has broad marker space.

Tourism brand around the Sanhe lakes will be built as a scenic tourist resort ,cultural entertainment,dining in one of the national “AAAA”

Tourist Resort. After the completion of the project,the annual income is expected to reach 3.8 million yuan.

After the company completes, may lead the establishment organic fruits and vegetables base 20000 Chinese acres, year earn foreign exchange through export 20,000,000 US dollars, profits and taxes

2,000,000 US dollars, may provide more than 400 employment posts, the year produces the social efficiency 130,000,000 Yuan.

According to constructs becomes grown-up produces the scale 100,000 ton living thing crude oil computation, altogether needs the

straw stalk 200,000 tons, both increases the farmer to receive 40,000,000 Yuan, and has solved the employment post, also to

promotes the local economy to develop quickly well has the profound significance.

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According to statistics, the whole world’s output of car is more than 60million. Accordingly, market demand of piston is mores than 0.3

billion pieces. So demand for ring carrier insert is more than 0.2 billion pieces. However, at present , the whole world’s output of ring carrier insert is just about 0.1 billion pieces , especially the new-type ring carrier insert . German Mahle is the sole company that has got

the technology. But Mahle block the technology and only produce for its own use. There are no other countries who have own the

technology .We are the only one at home and we have began small serial production at a amount of 2million one year. It is still a far way

to go to meet market demand.

Suppose the country produces 300 million tons of feed and 3 million tons of feeding oil fats, the company produces 60 thousands of feed

every year, the market demand is great

To achieve annual revenue 45 million yuan, annual profit of 36 million yuan.

Estimated annual production value more than 200 million yuan, profit 40 million yuan.

After the completion of the project, forming years of casting and finishing capacity of 100,000 tons. Production value of 1.2 billion

yuan, profits and taxes 90 million yuan. Workers to be absorbed by 1500.

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The project uses waste PET bottle chip spinning rope 2000D industrial filament technology by the company's independent R&D . Raw materials are waste PET bottle chip (discarded mineral water

bottles) .It has a low price and can be recycled, anti-aging and long life .It can be used for 4-5 years, and the strength can reach 0.7 grams Dan ,which is two times stronger than a polypropylene filament . At present, the domestic demand for coarse denier

industrial yarn is large, so the market prospect is good. After the completion of the project, the annual production of waste PET bottle

chip spinning rope 2000D industrial filament will be 20000 tons, which can bring the annual added sales income of USD20 million, the

new profit of USD1.4 million , and the new tax USD400 thousand , and can arrange 200 jobs

The all-glass vacuum collector tube solar water heater products using solar energy as heat source are available in four seasons, energy-

saving, safe, pollution-free, and deeply welcomed by customers.After the products enter the market, they will be in short supply. The

project is in line with state industrial policies. Its product life cycle is long, Its products have a vast market capacity, high technological content and high added value, so they will have a good economic benefit. The project put into operation, can realize annual sales

income of RMB 160 million , net profit of RMB13.5 million, the annual taxes of RMB 17 million and arrange 1,500 jobs, with good economic

and social benefits.

With the rapid development of aquaculture, it is estimated that China's annual output of feed is 100 million tons, of which the

required feed protein is about 20 million tons. At present 50% of China's feed protein depended on being imported, which has

seriously hampered the development of feed industry. After removing phenol the largest amount of phenol cotton seed protein in the feed will add up to 20%, which will greatly alleviate the shortage

of feed protein to reduce the foreign exchange expenditures, and promote the development of feed industry. So the project has great

potential market. After the project goes into operation, the sales revenue will increase by USD 32.8 million , and the tax by USD 3

million.And it will provide more than 100 working positions for educating 5000 peasants, with good economic and social benefits.

The income is 12 million yuan, the tax and the profit is 30 million yuan every year

The income is 240 million yuan, the tax and the profit is 65.1 million yuan every year

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The income is 120 million yuan, the tax and the profit is 330 million yuan every year

At present, there are only 7-8 manufactures in China. The producing cost of paste resin and common resin is similar. But because of the high technology content, the price of paste resin is higher than the common PVC by 4000 yuan. So the economic benefit is obvious. In

the future, with the develoment of national economy, the demand for paste resin is increasing, according to the average increasing rate of 10%, the demand for paste resin can be 1 million tons in 2010. The sales income of 1800 million yuan, 284.4594 million yuan of profit and tax and 213.3446 million yuan of profit can be realized every

year. 200 thousand tons of special resin can be produced every year.

Yellow﹡Sun Island Leisure, Toursim and Resort Zone ia located in Binzhou Behai New Area and adjacent to the world’s largest shell sandbank. The zone is well facilitated with infrastructure including

water, electricity, transportation and communications etc. Now, leisure&ecological tourism is becoming a new highlight of

tourists.Based on tourist sources from Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan Region, the project aims at gradually attracting tourists from neighboring regions in an effort to achieve a planned goal of

attracting a larger number of tourists at home and abroad. It’s the first large-scale comprehensive ecological, leisure and resort zone in

China. During the intial operation of the project, annual tourist number will reach about 30 thousand and annual revenues willreach RMB 40 million Yuan. After the second-period project is completed, it

is estimated that annual tourist number will reach about 60 thousand, annual revenues will reach RMB 80 million Yuan.

79.2 million yuan of sales income can be realized every year, the benefit after tax can be 36.02 million yuan. 4.4 million yuan of tax

can be realized yearly.

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Winter processing consistent with the general concept of local economic development, in line with national industrial policy.Project to play the National Winter of the county is located in the regional

advantages, while the supply of agricultural products with local brands such as secure favorable conditions for deep processing of

jujube production in line with market prospects and direction of human consumption products, market prospects, the domesticand export are guaranteed investment in the right direction, the project

selection process with advanced technology, reliable and practical.Preliminary financial analysis, project the static and dynamic

indices are good, high internal efficiency, production will realize an annual sales income of 400 million yuan, profit and tax 180 million yuan, profits 160 million yuan, investment payback period is short,

strong anti-risk abilityeconomic, social benefit.

Protecting the archaeology site of the relics and objects could drive local tourism, and have a huge propelling meaning in exploring local

tourism resources and promote local economy and reputation.

High Tenacity viscose fiber is also a differential fiber with supermolecular structure and morphology, and it’s strenghth is

between ordinary high viscose fiber and high modulus fiber, with wet-strength of 60-70. Special spinneret should be applied during

manufacturing, and the cross section of the fiber is trefoil with round angle with fine texture, dyeing-natured and elegant, with a different appearance and feel of ordinary viscose fiber. This particular fiber has never been produced in China, and imported productes are

categorized as “fuxian” with no specific indication of product performance or category; otherwise products would be exported after process trading, and it’s rare to see this kind of products in domestic


The demand of meat, eggs, milk has increased with the progress of the economy, and so does the demand of methionine as an important

forage additive. In 1999, the increase rate of feed in Chinas is only 4.12%, annual growth forage yield more than 8% in both 2000 and

2001, and China has been the second largest feed production country. In 2002 the import amount of methionine reached

50000tons, and the feed with methionine would reach 100 million tons in 2010, and would call for a demand of methionine of 65000 tons. However, production amount of methionine is still low, and

there is only 1 factory with a production capacity of 10000 tons, and is currently withheld, and thus the market demand are far from being

satisfied. And we can say in China, methionine has a wide market prospect.

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As the increasing application of spinosad in pesticide, the production and demand of spinosad raw materials has increased steadily since 2001. In 2007, the global production of spinosad reached 350 tons,

which was 4.67 times as much in 2001with an annual average increase rate of 29.3%. On such an speed, the global production

amount of 2010 would be 760 tons, and will reach 1270 tons in 2012. Currently, the main market s in North America and Asia, taking 79% of global share, south Africa 4%, China 5%. In the upcoming 5 years, as the patent would expire and food examinations & administration increases in china, the application of Spinosad would soon increase

with an annual increase of over 30%, much higher than global average increase rate.

The project uses advanced technology to produce wearable alumina ball stone, lining, and other high alumina range of products and

Mullite lightweight insulation bricks, use of the company's steady sales channels, the annual sales revenue of 15.74 million U.S. dollars, profits to be made up to 450 million, five years can recover the costs.

To statistics, by 2005, China's exports of aluminum alloy die-casting has reached more than 30% of total output, only auto parts exports reached 8.53 billion U.S. dollars, up 51.5% over the previous year.

Operation in accordance with international standards, the auto industry, the size of vehicle and parts ratio should be 1:1.7, thus can

be calculated, all this for the development of China's auto parts industry, leaving lots of room to another, according to the

information shows that by 2010 the world's total trade in automotive products will reach 1.2 trillion U.S. dollars, the automotive industry

giant to a low-cost countries by 2007 in parts purchases reached the equivalent of 50 billion U.S. dollars, of which 70% of the plan aimed

at China, coupled with the domestic market The demand is increasing, have shown a short supply situation, domestic and

international market situation is very optimistic about the sales. In recent years, combined with many domestic and foreign automobile

manufacturers to establish their own hosting provider, has been hosting the development and construction of production bases to

reduce the supporting supply chain, reduce product cost, therefore, grasping the main current international and domestic auto parts

market is continually expanding and sustained growth opportunities.

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Over the next decade, the world's rare production of edible mushrooms annual increase rate of 14.5%. The U.S. annual demand of 300 million tons; Japan's annual consumption of about 2 million tons; South Korea in recent years the emerging consumer market, mushroom, and the demand for substantial growth. Therefore, the

international market has great potential. With the rare edible mushrooms of various pharmacological, nutritional function of the in-

depth, China's consumer market has been synchronized with the international market to expand. "Eleventh Five-Year" Plan period of

more than 2.0 kilograms per capita consumption, domestic consumption of up to 2.6 million tons or more. Rare domestic

production of edible mushrooms only 100 million tons, a great gap in the market, the domestic market and more potential for development

After completion of the project, sales income will reach 1.8 billion Yuan, profit and tax to be 88 million Yuan. The investment will be

taken back in 5 years.

Its annual income is USD 264 million, its profit and tax is USD 22 million, its profit is USD 16.5 million.

Upon completion and calculated on the base of the profit 1000 Yuan per square meters, this project can make profit of 100 million US

Dollars after being sold out, with the investment return rate 39%. So it can make great economic results.

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After projects completed, it is expected to achieve sales revenues of 219.4 million U.S. dollars, profit and tax 43.8 million U.S. dollars.

Until now, there are 26 software and information service enterprises in Weifang New&High Technology Industry Development Zone, and a

lot of enterprises have got some titles which awarded by some related departments. The call-center is the main development aim for the information service industry. There are 5 call-center enterprises which have 2000 seats. It is estimated that the enterprises in this

park can get the turnover about 147 million US Dollars in 2012, and get tax revenue about 14.7 million US Dollars.

In the 21st century, biology&medicine and biology-engineering will get the leap frog development. And now, there are lots of good

opportunities to develop biology&medicine industry. It is to say that, under the current historical situation, establishing own technology

corporation incubator, raises the technical undertaking enterprise to grow rapidly, the acceleration scientific and technical payoffs

transformation was already imminent.

The earlier stage works such as feasibility study report are under preparation and the construction is expected to commence before

the end of 2009.

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The investment payback period is about 8 years.

After completion of the project, calculated on the base of the annual serving capacity of 1 million, the payback period is about 5 years.

The total sales income in the first 5 years will be USD 434 million. According to the general rule of the profits of scenic site

industries(30% of profit rate), the profit is USD 131 million in first 5 years. So the investment will be recovered in 6 or 7 years.

After completion of the project, calculated on the base of the annual in-bound visitors of 1 million, the payback period is about 5 years.

Information, consultation, training and many other projects need to move in urgently. The net profit will be 15 million US dollars,

calculated on the basis of sales profit of 75 US dollars per square meter.

Solar energy has the superiority of universal existence, bottomless supply and non-environmental pollution. It will play an increasingly important role in the energy sustainable development of the world and our country. The estimate annual profit is 60 million US dollars

after the project putting into operation.

According to estimates, reclaimed land made will cost about 1.8 US dollars per cubic meter. In accordance with depth of 3 meters, each square kilometer of reclaimed land would cost about 5.2 million US

dollars. And the current commercial land premium is about 67 million US dollars per square kilometer in the northern coast of Weifang, so

that economic efficiency will be remarkable.

After investment, the project can realize annual sales income 30.8 billion yuan, the investment recovery period is 5 to 8 years.

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More than 90% musical instruments are exported so that the orders are enough. Every year at the large international or national musical instrument fairs in Germany, America or Shanghai, the product is in

short supply.

Fine chemical industries are regarded as strategic developmental key industries and new material in China. The government gives more

supports in policy and fund. Fine chemical has become an important independence branch and economic growth point in national

chemical industry. The imports and exports passive balance of fine chemical products is more than 50 million US dollars. The market

prospect of domestic and overseas is wide.

The constructors can take the preferential investment promotion policies to construct roads, afforestation, pipelines and public

facilities in the resort, also can repair the Dan River and Xiaodan River waterscape and develop the perimeter.

The social benefit mainly finds expression in tourism comprehensive development, in order to achieve tourism income, increase job

opportunities, improve the life style. The annual tourism income is estimated around 10.03 million Yuan, so the net profit is 3 million

Yuan. In 10 years, the total income is 100.3 million Yuan and the net profit is 30.09 million Yuan.

After the construction is completed, the real estate can realize 200 million Yuan, at the same time, the trading volume can increase 5

billion Yuan.

The annual sales income will be 600 million yuan, the profits 360 million yuan, ROI is 65%.

The sales income will be 600 million yuan, the profits 138 million yuan. The return rate of investment is 23%.

The project can generate 11.92 billion KWh. The sales income will be 10.2 billion yuan, the tax will be 255 million yuan.

The annual sales income will be 298.8 million yuan, the total profit 70.6 million yuan. The investment profit ratio will be 28.83%, while

the yield is 21.4%. The payback period is 4.3 years.

After the project finished, it can generate 500 million KWh. The sales income will be 400 million yuan, the tax will be 300 million yuan.

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These programs, when put into operation, are expected to produce 9 billion US dollars profit and with the revenue up to 1.5 billion dollars.

These programs, when put into operation, are expected to receive 2 million of visitors a year, with the tourism incomes of 60 million RMB


These programs, when put into operation, are expected to produce 1.1 billion US dollars profit and with the revenue up to 110million US dollars, and will become the pillar industrial park of Hanting district.

After completion of the second phase of the company, the production capacity will reach 1500 tons of FD food and other products of 40000


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Cameron is now a leading and the most important international manufacturer of oil, gas and drill equipment in the world.

Jinshenglong Company has been selected by Cameron as the first certificated supplier in Asia-Pacific region for its pumping rod

coupling products. And the two companies have signed a five-year contract on product sales. So the market is well guaranteed.

After completing the project, there will be 10 billion Yuan of sales income annually, with 200 million of profits and taxes. The payback

period of the investment is four years.

After completing the project, it is estimated that there will be 500,000 visiting tourists annually, bringing 84 million Yuan of income covering the main business. Thus the market prospect is very bright.

According to the market analysis, as one of the main coal exporting countries, China's coal production was about 2.5 billion tons in 2007. And the annual domestic production for coal-election equipments is about 5,000~10,000 sets. Besides Eriez Magnetic Company of US,

our company is another enterprise specialized in manufacturing coal-election equipments. Compared with the products made in Eriez

Magnetic Company, our products features better performance and lower price, which is, the magnetic induction intensity is 1.33 tesla

higher, while the price is only 1/5 than that of US made. Furthermore, our company also boasts obvious advantages on after-sale service

and maintenance. Thus the prospect is quite optimistic. Annual capacity of this product can reach 100 sets, and 700 million Yuan of

sales income will be created with 130 million Yuan of profit and taxes, 4-8 million USD of foreign exchanges. So this project is very


The environment-friendly fiber products are becoming main products leading the fiber market, and there is a large demand for zein fiber. The raw material is sufficient in China, who can offer more than 120 million tons annually, accounting for 1/4 of the world. Therefore, the

market prospect is very bright.After completing the project, it is estimated that 360 million Yuan of annual turnover will be created, with 38 million Yuan of profits and


After completing the project, it is estimated that there will be 80 million Yuan of sales income annually, with 5.44 million of taxes and profits. According the financial analysis on this project, the financial internal rate of return is 28%, the payback period is 15 years, the FROI is 30% and the ROI is 20%. All financial figures show that the

project is quite feasible.

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Equity Joint Venture or Cooperative Joint Venture

In recent years, due to the limited coastline capacity for ships in the south of China, the advanced ship-building enterprises in Zhejiang

and Jiangsu provinces come to north China for choosing opportunity of investments. Relying on the advantage of the longer line of the

lower Xiaoqing River and the more competition comparing with the other area among Bohai Economic Circle, it’s facing an

unprecedented opportunity for developing the small and medium-sized ship building base below 20,000 tons in the Area. After

operation, the annual business income will be USD 120 million and the profit will be USD 90 million.

After operation, the annual sales revenue is USD 150 million, with profits and taxes USD 30 million. The payoff time is 5 years.

After operation, 20,000 tons of steel wire cord for radial tire can be produced. The annual sale revenue is USD 150 million, with taxes

USD 43 million. The payoff time is 4 years.

Taking advantage of the unique natural eco-landform of Xiaoqinghe River, it will have a good market prospect to have an integration and development of the marine tourism, the salt and oil field scenery, etc.

After establishment, the project can be integrated into the 8667 hectares original marshland scenery outside the project area, which

will become a unique tourism track.After operation, the annual operation income will be up to USD 50 million and profit USD 15


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After the completion of the project all can produce parts for large ships 90,000 tons, sales income of 1.5 billion yuan, profit and tax 200 million yuan, the new export 170 million U.S. dollars, increasing labor

force employed 1,000 people.

After the project put into production over effect is expected to produce annual iron-nickel alloy, tungsten alloy products 7 million

tons, annual sales income of 5 billion yuan.

The project mainly produces solar water heaters, water tank Liner important control components, automotive plastic fuel tank and other

modified products, products with low cost, light weight, high strength, acid and alkali, long service life and so on. After completion of the project, the estimated annual sales income will be 1.9 billion, profits of 160 million yuan, can arrange the society's workforce 300.

Projects are all put into production, annual sales income of 2.5 billion, profits and taxes 360 million yuan.

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Automotive industry is one of the three leading industries in Zhucheng,in order to Foton Motor vehicle manufacturing enterprises

mainly produce engineering vehicles, light trucks, three-wheeled motorcycles, electric cars. Zhucheng automotive industry in

accordance with the revitalization plan, by 2012, reaching an annual output of 1 million production capacity of various types of vehicles,

including trucks, construction vehicles 300,000, 200,000 of new energy vehicles, Europe, V bus 10000, 3 round of the 500,000

motorcycles, the sales revenue 35 billion yuan. Zhucheng supporting local businesses supporting the current rate of only 40%. Thus, both

the vehicle manufacturers to set up, or auto parts supporting businesses, have good market prospects. Park all the items put into

production, annual sales income of 20 billion yuan, profits of 2.3 billion.

Logistics park infrastructure is complete, the service sector is complete, start investing in the park have access to substantial

economic and social benefits. After the completion of the logistics park is expected to be assigned to the project 40, the park can

realize annual output value of 3.0 billion, achieving more than 8,000 labor force.

Food industry is one of the three leading industries in Zhucheng, which are 89 food enterprises above designated size in 2008, sales of

19.35 billion yuan, profit of 1.13 billion. Zhucheng industrial restructuring in accordance with the revitalization plan, by 2012 sales

revenue of 35.0 billion yuan over nurture key enterprises 45. Livestock industry is a big advantage Zhucheng industry, chickens, pigs, beef cattle and specialty animal production scale is growing.

Roudan Nai output of 370,000 tons, 62 million broiler slaughter of live pigs, 2.5 million, 100,000 cattle In 2008. Good resource advantages

and preferential investment policies for foreign businessmen to invest in food processing enterprises Zhucheng provide a solid

foundation. With the continuous improvement of people's quality of life for high-end demand for safe food growing. Therefore, Zhucheng investment safe food processing enterprises, and have good market

prospects. Park total project is put into production, annual sales income will be 40 billion yuan, profit and tax of 6 billion yuan.

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Zhucheng is an important transport hub of Shandong Peninsula, but also is "Gold Coast, mountain sage," in Shandong and the most

tourism circle location advantages of the county-level city. After the project is fully operational, it will add 360 million yuan of income and

230 million yuan of profit each year.

After implementation, through infrastructure constructions such as river way desalting, reinforcing dam building, vegetation forestation, sightseeing, tourism, and pleasuring etc., the project has effectively maintained and recovered the integrality, stability, and sustainability

of ecological system in Wuyang Lake and surrounding areas, preserved the biological diversity, and realized the value of ecological resources to the utmost, and formed new tourism model of energy-

saving and ecological environment protection.

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Annual reception capacity will reach 300 thousand person time, with annual revenue of 7.5 million yuan RMB.

It is estimated that needs 4-year development cycle, pre-net income of $150 million and the long-term income of $12 million in revenue. The receipts of tickets and others: it is estimated that it can have 2

million tourists and $30 million of expected revenue. Social benefits: it can have 15,000 jobs per year.

The overall investment project to be $400 million, to creat profits and taxes of $160 million for the local population more than 3000 jobs.

Become Northern China's large-scale comprehensive development of the ecological health of a model for tourism projects.

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By 2010, as the leader of cultural tourism, The Ancient Commercial Town has become the leading industry and the image of industry in

the Zhoucun district. The total number of Reception Tourists will reach more than 1.1 million annually. Integrated value of regional

tourism will achieve $73 million. In 2015, Culture and Tourism industry will become the backbone industry for the region's

development. The total number of Reception Tourists will reach 150 million annually. Integrated value of regional tourism will achieve

$293 million.

The tourism projects based on the Liaozhai culture and “The Strange Tales of Liaozhai” are knowledgeable, interesting and participative,

which are attractive to the tourists from different levels so it can form the market in the national and the international market. It is

estimated that the annual tourist quantity can reach 1,800,000, the annual ticket and other incomes can reach $ 60 million.

The annual production capacity of hollow fiber membrane reaches one million square meters with sales price of 45 USD per square

meter. The normal annual sales revenue is 45 million USD, and sales revenue after taxation of 41.18 million USD.

The forecast of the needs of polyether material: polyether polyol 717,000 tons, rigid Polyether 854,300 tons, CASE 80,000 tons, POP 177,000 tons. The needs of polyether are rising by 20% which has a

bright future in the market.

When the project is finished, the output value is 1285 million USD, tax is 80 million USD.

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The products can not only meet for the inland needs but also meet to the foreign countries. The export market is huge in the future.

The project is put into production, form of powder metallurgy production capacity of 600,000 tons, the annual sales revenue by $265 millions, 20 percent profit margin, the cost of investment 3.5

years to recover.

The products of this project are hydrocarbon products in short supply in China with extensive market applications. After putting in

production, the facility could process 400,000MT/year C4 fractions, produce 398,000 MT/year hydrocarbon products. The annual sales

are around $400 million, annual profit and tax is around $50 million, and the benefit is around $30 million.

For recent years, with the quick development of equipment manufacturing industry especially the auto industry, and the

unveiling of a series of stimulating domestic demand policy, there will be an annual increasing rate of over 10% in quantity demand of Chinese castings. Therefore the auto parts castings will have broad

market prospects.

The total investment of the project reaches 145 million USD with annual production capacity of 250 million USD. The construction

period is one year, i.e. from April 2010 to April 2011. The investment payback period is two years and a half. The gross profits after

production will reach 60 million USD.

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The economic benefits are forecasted to reach 20%.

The project can realize annual sales income of 500 million USD and taxation of 56.7 million USD after completion. Investment payoff

period is five years.

Land planning and land change procedures have been done, the land transactions procedures will be started after the land publicity is passed.The new plant was operated in May,2009.There are hot

springs resources in this area; the hot spring well was dig in October, 2009. There are several of minerals in water. The content of fluorine and strontium in water exceeds the national-standard which reach a


It will make financial internal rate of return of 34.32%, net present value of 167.2086 million Yuan RMB, earnings rate of total

investment of 91.53% and net profit margin of capital fund of 81.17%. It will have an investment payoff period of 2.46 years (containing

construction period). The project has good profitability and abundant cash flow. For net accumulative cash is greater than zero, it will have

fund balancing itself and strong financial living ability. By the indeterminate analysis, it can break even if being up to the designed

capacity of 14.21%. It also has good profitability and strong risk resistance capacity even if the main operational indicators of project

have changes.

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Revenue: 160 million tax: 200 million Net profit: 450 million.

Revenue: 500 million, new added EBT 105 million

By 2010, the revenue could be 200 million, EBT 50 million.

It will import the main equipments from China Taiwan and Germany and make investment for parts of common equipments and

workshops. It can produce 30,000 tons of products with the average selling price of 5000 Yuan (7000 Yuan per ton for wood fiber) and annual sales revenue of 150 million Yuan (containing taxes) and

annual profit of 37 million Yuan (after taxes) in a normal year. It has the payoff period of 2.43 years (without construction period).

By 2020, there will be 300 companies inhabited, with a revenue of 26 billion USD, GDP energy consuming ratio of every 10 thousand

decreased to 6.4 ton coal, water consuming of 10 thousand avalue decreased to 6.7 cubic meters.

Revenue: 10 billionEBT: 1 billion

As the fast expanding of family vehicles and fast train nets, brake rotors industry will increase with a rate of 15% compoundly.

First phase profit forecast: revenue: 1 billion, net profit 220 million.Second Phase: revenue: 2.1 billion net profit: 560 million

Qingyun County is named The Hometown of China Golden Jujube by the State Administration of Forestry. There is a jujube of Tang

Dynasty that is over 1600 years in the park and is called the Jujube King of China. The project will be forecasted to receipt 800000 tourists per year and will withdraw the investment in 3 years.

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Light efficiency of new 100W LED light approaches the effect of sunlight, which has perfect expressive force of colour and visibility.

The light is not harmful for vision, guarantees the safety and comfortability of lighting and has high efficiency, energy-saving

environmental protection and so on. The light is the best choice of replacing traditional light and has broad market outlook.

The state encourages the development of the industrialization of excellent quality duck which is a labor intensive project. The duck is not only tasty, high protein, low fat, but also low cholesterin. So the

need keep increasing.

Golden Jujube is fruit with high value of medicine and nutrition and has affluent sugar and microelement, so it has huge market.

Annual sales income:449.5 million RMB Annual profit and tax:75 million RMB

Once finished, the students could be well-educated and raise the teaching level.

The Hongyun Logistics Park is put on the list of development strategy of the state department, which faces to 4 industries of Qingyun

county and some traders. The park main undertakes international and domestic logistics business.

After established, the Qingyun County will have its own luxury hotel, prompt the introduction of high-level and advanced talents, increase the employment status and high the whole image of Qingyun County.

Once finished, the students could be well-educated and raise the teaching level.

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After established, the project will be predicted to receipt 1 million tourists per year and withstraw the investment in 5 years.

Stainless steel composite plate is a new type of bi-metallic high-performance energy-saving technology products compounded

through hot-rolling and cold-rolling.It is significant savings in precious metal resource with lower prices(40% of stainless steel) and widely

used in various sectors,such as petroleum refining and chemical industry, electric power industry, storage industry and vehicle…

Annual output value: 3.9 billion RMBAnnual profit and tax:1.03 billion RMB.

After put into production, it shall increase the main business income of 2 billion Yuan, and realize profit of 350 million Yuan.

After put into production, it is estimated to increase the main business income of 12 billion yuan, realize profit 300 million yuan.

At present Laizhou city provide high-quality wheat of 17 million tons yearly, the surrounding cities are the major grain-producing areas.

According to the survey, the total grain production of the 17 counties in Yellow River delta plain and jiaolai plain reach 6,500,000 tons,

including more than 300 tons of wheat production. To export about 120 million tons of wheat yearly, the peripheral eight central grain storage needs to rotate grain 10 tons yearly, which provide enough

grain for logistics.

After put into production, the ration of input and output shall reach 1:15. The economic benefit is considerate.

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Make the comprehensive development to the reclamation land of 1600 ha. The economic benefit is considerate.

The mentioned road would be the key traffic hub for connecting Jiaodong area and the Yellow River Delta Efficient ecological

Development Area. After the project finished construction, it will annually realize about 0.2 billion Yuan of operation revenue.

This project is a social public service property and its benefit mainly relies on social advantage. After the project is built up, it will totally solve the problem that short anchorage and berth for fishing boats, therefore ensure the fisherman's safety of life and property, make

the port becoming a complete function fishing port of Laizhou, meantime, it offers great social effect such as increasing fisherman’s income, guaranteeing the stability of fishing district, promoting the

local and peripheral regional economy development, etc.

The expected yearly business revenue, when the project is complete, will achieve RMB 5 billion, and net profit RMB 1.5 billion.

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When the project puts into operation, industries of salt chemical, fine chemical and petrochemical will also push the relevant development of light manufacturing, textile, building material, and machinery, etc.

The expected yearly sales output will be RMB 237 billion with net profit RMB 24 billion.

After put into production, the sales income shall be increased by 12 billion Yuan, profit shall be realized 1.5 billion Yuan.

It is estimated that Chinese caustic soda market’s needs are growing continuously with the average increase rate of about 3.5% during

2010-2015. It is expected that the domestic needs in 2010 is about 18 million tons and it will reach 22million tons by 2015 with annual

growth rate of 3%.After it is put into operation, the annual sales income will increase by 1 billion Yuan, and the profit will be 230

million Yuan.

In recent year, Chinese chlorite production as well as its consumption develops quite rapidly. The fields of paper-making and potable water

especially become the main consumers of chlorite. It is estimated that Chinese chlorite market’s needs is going to surpass 2 billion tons

by 2010 and surpass 3 billion tons by 2015.All that brings broad market space for chlorite developing. After it is put into operation, the annual sales income will increase by 360 million Yuan, and the

profit will be 35 million Yuan.

PVC is commonly used in the fields of agriculture、construction、electronics、electrical appliances and

daily life commodities. In recent years, PVC is strongly needed in the car industry. In the global bulk plastic products field, PVC occupies

29% of plastic consumption and ranks the second in the consumption of plastics because of its advantage of high quality and low price.

After it is put into operation, the annual sales income will increase by 2.3 billion Yuan, and the profit will be 200 millionYuan.

After it is put into operation, the annual sales income will increase by 600 million Yuan, and the profit will be 150 million Yuan.

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National engineering tyre production is only 10% or so because the tyre production starts late in China. The exporting price is high, so

the market has a board space of development.

A yearly import stone processing capacity of the enterprises in Laizhou city reaches 10 million square meters, which demands for 30

cubic meters of imported stone blocks. With the increase of the demand for import stone slabs, the quantity demand volume will be a

year-on-year increase of 15 to 20 percent. When it put into production, it is estimated a yearly sales income would be 600 million YMB and profit & tax, 80 million RMB. A recovery period would be 5


Bitter salt is widely used in developed countries. With the development of the economy, the quantity demand for fertilizer in

developing country is increasing. Now, the demand volume in domestic market is only 150000 tons yearly. As of 2015, it is

expected that would exceeds 900000 tons, therefore, it has a good market. After put into production, it is to realize a sales income of

480 million RMB and profit, 28 million YMB.

After the project arrive its full production capacity, it will annually realize 6 billion Yuan of more sales income and 1 billion Yuan of


The project will adopt Catalysis Thermal Cracking technology to produce low-carbon CPP from heavy crude oil, since it enlarge the

raw material source, allay the operation condition, lower the request for material quality of equipment, ease the material problem and

reduce the price of main raw material(long residuum), it can enjoy good economic benefit. After the project going into operation, it will

annually realize 6.862 billion Yuan of more sales income and 0.3 billion Yuan of profit.

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After put into production, it is estimated to realize the sales income of 63 billion Yuan, profit and tax of 4 billion yuan. The downstream

industries shall realize the sales income of 140 billion yuan and tax 6 billion yuan.

After put into production, it shall realize the sales income of 1.004 billion yuan, profit and tax of 295 million yuan, profit of 232 million

yuan. Payback period of investment is 8.5 years including 2 years for construction.

The sales income shall reach 6 billion Yuan RMB and profit and tax be 300 million to 5 million yuan RMB yearly on the condition of the total

investment of 1 billion Yuan.

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After the arrival of its production capacity, the project will annually realize 1.8 billion Yuan of sales income and turn over 0.319 billion Yuan of taxes as well as the net profit up to 0.335 billion Yuan. The

payback period is about 3.5 years.

After the project is established, it can annually realize 0.5 billion Yuan of sales income and 25 million Yuan of net profit, The payback period

is about 3.2 years.

After the operation, there will be 600,000 visitors to come annually, the business income will be 165 million yuan, the profit and tax will

be 96 million yuan. The investment recovery period is 6.71 year(after tax)

After the operation, there will have 600,000 visitors to come annually, the profit will be 40 million yuan each year.

After operation, it is able to get an annual sales income of 300 million yuan,and profit and tax ,5 million yuan.

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It is estamited that the annual sales income will be 10 billion yuan, profit and tax will be 260 million yuan.

Total investment is about 500 million YMBY. After put into operation, it will realize an annual income 350 million YMBY and an annual profit

& tax of 100 million YMBY.

It is to cover a total area of 370000 square meters. According to the scheme supplied by Laizhou Planning Tech. Service Center, the dimension-controlling rate is between 1-1.2, namely, the total

building area is around 400000 square meters. The development cost is estimated to be 1250 yuan per square meter. The total investment is to be 500 million yuan; If the sales price would be 2300 yuan per square meter, the total income would be 920 million yuan and the

profit & tax, 420 million yuan.

Total investment is 280 million yuan. After put into production, it is to realize an annual sale revenue of 1380 million yuan and a profit & tax

of 120 million yuan.

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As a large grease-consuming country, China enjoys a great potential market. The production scale, technique and grade of the oil-

producing enterprises in the neighboring area still has a great gap with that of the modern industry. To establish a 600000T soy bean

processing project can, therefore, meet the demand of the domestic & foreign market for the high-grade grease product, meanwhile, the

residue and fodder will have good affect on and promote the development of the feed-producing industry and breeding industry.

Laizhou City has been awarded as one of the national top 100 counties in economic strength, a key tourism development zone in

Shandong Province Yantai City for many years. It is really an attractive place for investment for people coming from outside and at

home, with beautiful natural scenery, abundant tourism resources along the coast. Jincheng’s market prospect to develop tourism,

leisure and entertainment is considerable, relying on the superior geographical location and coastal tourism resources,.

The project can save energy resources and protect ecological environment. Relying on power resources, using cinder as cement raw materials, it is to form energy and resource-saving production structure and style which will benefit the ecological environment. It has high economic profit, environmental benefit and social benefit. The project is very promising. It is a circular economic project and it

belongs to state-sponsored projects.

Laizhou City has been awarded as one of the national top 100 counties in economic strength, and it’s among the first to be the

opening coastal cities. Recently, with the development of beside-port industries, the shipping industry has become a key pillar industry to promote the whole city’s economy. Moreover, Laizhou is located at

the vital position in Bohai Bay,. The shipping and ship-mending industries are promising.

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There are 46 existing enterprises including 21 scale enterprises, 5 enterprises of 100 million Yuan capital. The total industrial output of the industrial park in 2009 reaches 4200 million Yuan. This project

will enjoy a good market and a good profit.

After the arrival of its production capacity, the project will annually realize 0.8 billion Yuan of sales income and 90 million Yuan of net profit, as well as turn over 36 million Yuan of taxes. The payback

period is about 3.5 years.

After it arrives its full production capacity, it will annually produce more than 100000 sets (40000 sets of multi-cylinder engine and 60000 sets of single-cylinder) of small cylinder diameter diesel oil engine and realize 0.5 billion Yuan of sales income and 36 million

Yuan of taxes. The payback period is about 3.3 years.

After the project arrive its full production capacity, it will annually realize 90 million Yuan of sales income. The payback period is about

2.7 years.

After the project arrive its full production capacity, it will annually produce 2 million tons of cement and 3 million pieces of cement products. It can realize 0.55 billion Yuan of sales income and turn

over 60 million Yuan of taxes.After the project arrive its full production capacity, it will annually

realize 0.54 billion Yuan of sales income and 70 million Yuan of profit. The payback period is 1.39 years.

After the project arrive its full production capacity, it will annually realize 1.03 billion Yuan of sales income and 29 million Yuan of profit.

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Produce brick of170000 pieces, footpath brick of 17000 m2 , cement mixture of 700 tons.

After put into production, it shall produce more than 2000 sets of stone machinery yearly. Sales income shall be $ 50 million.

After put into production, it shall realize a sales income of $100 million annually.

Laizhou is one of the national 100 top counties in rural comprehensive economic strength, the concentrated producing area for grain and fruit, and the base of peanut export. The wholesales of

the products radiate to Jiaodong peninsular, Liaodong peninsular, ShouGuang, ZiBo, JiNan, etc. At present, it has formed an elementary distribution scale for construction, building material, salt chemistry, machine parts, etc. There are 33enterprises of wholesale business along national Road 206, covering a business area of 2600 m2. It is also the laizhou jade production base , processing and sales. From Haimiao Port, there are plenty of cargos entering yearly. Plenty of

wood, coal, grain, chemical products can be transported by Da Lailong railway.

1. It is estimated that it is to receive tourists of 200000 person-times with an annual income of 28 million yuan. The profit of the realty

developing project should be calculated according to the scale and investment.

2. An annual tourist cost 8 milion yuan including depreciation fund of 1.5 million yuan, equipment & facilities maintaining fee 1 million

yuan, water & power fee 0.5 million yuan, salary 0.5 million, tax 0.5 million and other fees, 3 million yuan

3. Net profit; 20 million yuan4. Recovery period: 5 year

1. An annual total income will be 80 million; 2.An annual cost will be 40 million;

3. An annual tax will be 20 million; 4.An annual profit will be 20 million;

5. The rate of return will be 20 percent. 6. The recovery period will be 5 years.

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As substitute of stone material, crystalline glass has more advantages such as smooth & shiny surface, beautiful color and

moderate price than those of stone materials and ceramics. Because it has not been in mass production, the stone materials still occupies a great share in the market. According to the statistics of the state

Construction Minister, an annual stone material output of our country reached 90 million square meters in 1995. As of 2010, it is estimated to be 150 million square meters, of which around 30 percent is to be

exported to such countries and districts as Japan, Singapore, Hongkong etc. with an annual earned foreign exchange of 700 million

Yuan. The quoted price of exported crystalline glass slabs is 600 to 900 yuan per square meters lower than that of the exported high-

grade stone slabs.

The sales income shall reach 6 billion Yuan with profit and tax of 300 - 500 million Yuan based on total investment of 1 billion Yuan.

Electronic information industry has been developing quickly. With the internet integration and 3G mobile service advancing, electronic

products will face a huge demand.

Sales income will reach 6 billion Yuan with 1.2 billion Yuan for profit and tax.

When put into operation, its annual output will reach 200,000 tons of automotive components, which will benefit the company


With more favorable agriculture policies, such as ever increasing subsidies to farmers to buy agricultural machinery and tools, the demand for tractors of high power and agrimotors shall have an

increasing market potential.

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After the accomplishment of the project, the annual sales revenue will reach 300 million Yuan. The profit will reach 50 million Yuan and

the tax will be 24 million Yuan.

After completion, annual electricity generated will be 3 billion KWh; annual output will be 1.39 billion Yuan; annual profits will be 180

million Yuan.

It is expected that through 10-year efforts, at least 100 R&D centers from famous companies will be located in the park in 2020; at least

100 well-known universities or institutes establish R&D centers in the park. Around 300 biotechnology companies with innovative

technologies are attracted to the park, with at least 10 international branded products, 100 minimum self-patented products, 200

international advanced technologies, and 5000 patents.

It is located in the center of economic circle among China, Japan, South Korea, Huanghai Sea and Bohai Sea. With the rapid

development of IT and electronic communication industry, the park will depend on the superior location and the skilled workers of electronic information industry to attract domestic and foreign

investors to set up factories.

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Added with function of customs bonded logistics, this park expects to have its annual accumulated freight volume of customs control reach 400,000 tons, with total customs-controlled freight value of 10,000

million USD.

It is forecasted that the annual handling capacity will be 5.5 million tons and 6.85 million tons and 9.5 million tons respectively in 2010,

2015 and 2020. The main products of Penglai Port include coal, mining material, cement and timber, which account for over 90% of

the handling capacity in the whole year. It is estimated that 200 million Yuan will be invested to the project construction with the 10.25% investment profit margin and 19.94% yield. Investment

recovery period is 9 years. The financial inner profit margin of the project is relatively high. All kinds of economic index can meet the

demand of national standard.

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Jingxiang Tian546-6922701


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Fengsheng Ma13505333326 Infrastructure

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Liu Zhanqin0543-2226736

Xin Zexue0543-3293190

Liu HongJia0543-2395881

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Yue Kesen13685790866

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Jinfeng Wang0543-6361186

Li Tao0543-7611166

Cui Zhenqian13655438698

Zhao Jixing13905437451

Xu Hua0543-4322145

Light & Textile Industry

Light & Textile Industry

Medical & Foodstuff Industry

Medical & Foodstuff Industry

Light & Textile Industry

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Gao Peng0543-3288383

Su Limin13605438714

Cai Jianfeng0543-3618028

Yi Lelin0543-2292829

Guan LieRan13589733789

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Light & Textile Industry

Light & Textile Industry

Light & Textile Industry

Light & Textile Industry

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Yang Zengping0543-2138179

Yan Xiudong13963093789

Yu Chunhua0543-2221866

Chu Yuefeng0543-2126785

Lu Baolian0543-8872018

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Light & Textile Industry

Light & Textile Industry

Light & Textile Industry

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Petroleum Chemical Industry

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Liu Yonghua0543-2617708

Gong Yanbo0543-4300777

Duan Jianguo0543-2206888

Zhang Dekun0543-8294567

Wu Jinghua0543-6565678

Zheng Shufeng0543-4339606

Petroleum Chemical Industry

Petroleum Chemical Industry

Light & Textile Industry

Petroleum Chemical Industry

Petroleum Chemical Industry

Petroleum Chemical Industry

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He Zhaochuan0543-2226101

Cao Wei0543-2874508

Li Yongquan0543-4502476

Wang Xinquan0543-8811888

Wang Yong0543-5650118

Zhang Dixin0543-5283632

Zhang shimin0543-5308068

Petroleum Chemical Industry

Petroleum Chemical Industry

Medical & Foodstuff Industry

Medical & Foodstuff Industry

Agriculture & Husbandry


Medical & Foodstuff Industry

Medical & Foodstuff Industry

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Li Hongshen0543-6368019

Yang Taimin0543-8505868

Chen BingAn13805433978

Wu Xiuhe0543-2818888

Medical & Foodstuff Industry

Petroleum Chemical Industry

Petroleum Chemical Industry

Petroleum Chemical Industry

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Zhu Xinyue0543-4162306

Wang Chengqing0543-4866788

Sun Xi0543-4619289

Guohua Sun0543-2158338

Sun Shuguang0543-4851225

Li Feng0543-4309027

Petroleum Chemical Industry

Petroleum Chemical Industry

Petroleum Chemical Industry

Petroleum Chemical Industry

Petroleum Chemical Industry

Petroleum Chemical Industry

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Zhang Tongyin0543-2972888

Dong Yinglai0543-3288787

Zhang Liping13336285518

Bin Mu0543-6573105

Yang Dejian0543-4571686

Liu Dan0543-4532377

Wu Chengmin0543-4571868

Petroleum Chemical Industry

Petroleum Chemical Industry

Petroleum Chemical Industry

Petroleum Chemical Industry

Petroleum Chemical Industry

Petroleum Chemical Industry

Petroleum Chemical Industry

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Wu Xuemeng0543-4579222

Zhao Jianbo0543-3357260

Zhang Jiangtao0543-3336216

Petroleum Chemical Industry

Agriculture & Husbandry


Port & Pier Industry

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Yin Hongji0543-3336292

Nie Zaijian0543-2292879

Li Shaopeng0543-3530139

Li Jikun13905435678

Zhang Xiaoqing0543-3551329

Service Industry

Petroleum Chemical Industry

Service Industry

Agriculture & Husbandry


New Energy Industry

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Lin Zhilei0543-2290568-8007

Guo Liyan0543-2225682

Zhang Changyou0543-5351155 Misc

Yang Chengshou0543-5355010

Zhang Hongde13173100877

Machinery & Equipment


Agriculture & Husbandry


Machinery & Equipment


Machinery & Equipment


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Xing Yvping13805437459

lee Fengzhong0543 5729888

Wang Yong0543 5650118

Yang Guangfu0543-8697888

Yang taimin0543-8505916

Light & Textile Industry

New Energy Industry

Agriculture & Husbandry


Agriculture & Husbandry


Petroleum Chemical Industry

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Duan jianguo0543-2206888

XianMing Qiu0543-6781621

XianMing Qiu0543-6781621

XianMing Qiu0543-6781621

Petroleum Chemical Industry

Petroleum Chemical Industry

Service Industry

Port & Pier Industry

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Li Hailing15266761017

Li Xiguang0543-2395312

Chu Yuefeng0543-2268118

Zheng Yaoguang0543-2874508

Medical & Foodstuff Industry

Service Industry

Light & Textile Industry

Petroleum Chemical Industry

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Zheng Yaoguang0543-2874508

Zhao Youyi0543-4584777

Liu Ankai0543-4579222

Medical & Foodstuff Industry

Metal Building Materials Industry

Machinery & Equipment


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Zhang Zhenshui0543-4810555

Qiu Xianming0543-6781621

Agriculture & Husbandry


Agriculture & Husbandry


Contact:Wang Ruihua Tel:0536-7275856

Fax:0536-7271712 E-mail:[email protected]

Port & Pier Industry

Contact:Sun Junhai Tel:0536-5311669

Fax:[email protected] Industry

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Contact:De Dang Tel:0536-2321272

E-mail:[email protected] & Pier Industry

Contact:Liu Zhonghui Cell:13953609669 Tel:0536-8786729

Fax:0536-8786722 E-mail:[email protected]

Service Industry

Contact:Li Xicai Cell:13562668984

Tel:0536-7512909 E-mail:[email protected]

Medical & Foodstuff Industry

Contact:Liu Changyong Tel:0536-8789809

E-mail:[email protected]

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xiaoqiangWang 0086-536-5315755 Infrastructure

xiaoqiangWang 0086-536-5315755

xiaoqiangWang 0086-536-5315755 Infrastructure

xiaoqiangWang 0086-536-5315755

xiaoqiangWang 0086-536-5315755 Infrastructure

Zhang Junyi 0536-6711115

Contact:Sun Junhai Tel:0536-5311669

E-mail:[email protected] Industry

Contact:Lou Zongzhong Tel:0536-6045001

E-mail:[email protected]

Service Industry

Service Industry

New Energy Industry

New Energy Industry

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Liu Gang 0536-6611106 Misc

Zhang Junyi 0536-6711115

Wang Xiao 0536-6222069

Zhao Chengjun 0536-6691106

lu Wei 0536-6282887 Misc

Chen Cheng 13953656876

Chen Cheng 13953656876

Chen Cheng 13953656876

Liu Xuejia 0536-7811544

Chen Cheng 13953656876

Petroleum Chemical Industry

Service Industry

Service Industry

Petroleum Chemical Industry

Petroleum Chemical Industry

New Energy Industry

Light & Textile Industry

New Energy Industry

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Wangruihua 0536-7275856 Infrastructure

Wangruihua 0536-7275856

Wangruihua 0536-7275856 Infrastructure

Meng Linghao 0536-8060930 Infrastructure

Liu Yuhua 0086-536-8671976

Service Industry

Medical & Foodstuff Industry

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Wei Shouwu 86-536-3151069

Sun Bingming 86-536-3212683

Wang zhaolian 0536-3158808 Misc

Yi Guangxin 86-536-3160515

Wang Jun 86-536-3466666

Petroleum Chemical Industry

Service Industry

Light & Textile Industry

Service Industry

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Wang Yuping 0086-536-5112032

Wang Yuping 0086-536-5112032 Infrastructure

Wang Yuping 0086-536-5112032

Wang Yuping 0086-536-5112032

Wang Yuping 0086-536-5112032

Vehicle & Shipping Industry

Machinery & Equipment


Petroleum Chemical Industry

Service Industry

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Sunxianghai 13356793806

Liyanling 0536-6481102 Infrastructure

Wangbin 0536-6491188 Infrastructure

Louzongzhong 0536-6045001 Infrastructure

Service Industry

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Louzongzhong 0536-6045001 Infrastructure

Hexiangkun 13721967901 Infrastructure

Fengyujian 13573968190 Infrastructure

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Huangxiang 0536-6186789 Infrastructure

Contact:Li Junwei Tel:0533-4180173

Fax:0533-4188882 E-mail:bswjmj@sina.com

Service Industry

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Contact:Li Junwei Tel:0533-4180173

Fax:0533-4188883 E-mail:bswjmj@sina.com

Service Industry

Contact:Chang XiangyongTel:0533-7218100


E-mail: [email protected]

Service Industry

Contact:Li Junwei Tel:0533-4180173 Fax:0533-4188885 E-


Service Industry

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Contact:Xiao DongTel:0533-6439969

E-mail:[email protected] Industry

Contact:Xie Wenbo Tel:0533-5819256

Service Industry

Contact:Wang LanTel:0533-6195138Cell:13455358813

E-mail:[email protected]

New Energy Industry

Contact:Gai NingTel:0533-6555611 Fax:0533-6555611

E-mail: [email protected]

Petroleum Chemical Industry

Contact:Qi JingTel:0533-5271578 Cell:


Vehicle & Shipping Industry

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Vehicle & Shipping Industry

Contact:Guo LichengCell:13869373519

E-mail:[email protected]

Machinery & Equipment


Contact:Hao Shouzeng


Petroleum Chemical Industry

Contact:Zhao KeqiangTel:0533-7087666Fax:0533-7088688

Vehicle & Shipping Industry

Contact:Sun LiboTel:0533-6953978

Light & Textile Industry

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Contact:Qi JingTel:0533-5271578



Machinery & Equipment


Contact:Shi JingTel:0533-6195187Cell:13455358811

E-mail:[email protected]

Port & Pier Industry

Contact:Li ChangjunTel:0533-3127112

E-mail:[email protected] Industry

Guo Xingliang0533-7787722

Medical & Foodstuff Industry

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Zhang Qingzhi 13869245999

Guo Xingliang0533-7787722

Metal Building Materials Industry

Song Zhigang Deputy Director of Laoling DOC 13869255168

Song Zhigang Deputy Director of Laoling DOC 13869255168

Service Industry

Cui Changlin General Manager 13905446068

Service Industry

Zhang Chonghua Vice General Manager 18905446719

Service Industry

Zhang Jianguo Vice General Manager 13589929918

Port & Pier Industry

Liu Rongliang Vice General Manager 13953468888

Petroleum Chemical Industry

Zhang Ypenga Vice General Manager 18953487909/15969777002

Vehicle & Shipping Industry

Service Industry

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Sun Zhigang 0534-6268217

New Energy Industry

Zhang Changjing 0534-7087777

Medical & Foodstuff Industry

Liu Yulin 0534-3751158

Medical & Foodstuff Industry

Hu Minghui 0534-7088795

Chen Limin 0534-3329020

Port & Pier Industry

Chen Limin 0534-3329021

Service Industry

Chen Limin 0534-3329022

Service Industry

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Zhao Xiaowei 0086-535-2686298 Infrastructure

Zhao Xiaowei 0086-535-2686298 Infrastructure

Zhao Yulong 0086-535-2255021 Infrastructure

Li Guojiang 0086-535-2212565 Infrastructure

Zhang Qingzhi 0534-3321066

Service Industry

Chen Shifeng 15069256969

Machinery & Equipment


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Wang Zhenjiang 0086-535-2296886 Infrastructure

Li Qiang 0086-535-2806069 Infrastructure

Li Wenfu 0086-535-2272573 Infrastructure

Peng Dongxing 0086-535-2211953 Service Industry

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Wang Guang 0086-535-2331042

Zhao Xiaowei 0086-535-2686298

Xu Kaijun 0086-535-2331042

Xu Kaijun 0086-535-2331042

Xu Kaijun 0086-535-2331042

Jiang Bingxia 0086-535-2296877

Petroleum Chemical Industry

Petroleum Chemical Industry

Petroleum Chemical Industry

Petroleum Chemical Industry

Petroleum Chemical Industry

Vehicle & Shipping Industry

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Jiang Bingxia 0086-535-2296877

Zhang Junyue 0086-0535-2858333

Xu Kaijun 0086-535-2331042

Xu Kaijun 0086-535-2331042

Xu Kaijun 0086-535-2331042

Vehicle & Shipping Industry

Metal Building Materials Industry

Petroleum Chemical Industry

Petroleum Chemical Industry

Petroleum Chemical Industry

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Yin Jianghua 0535-3072926

Yin Jianghua 0535-3072926

Yin Jianghua 0535-3072926

Petroleum Chemical Industry

Petroleum Chemical Industry

New Energy Industry

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Yin Jianghua 0535-3072926

Yin Jianghua 0535-3072926

Yin Jianghua 0535-3072926

Yin Jianghua 0535-3072926

Yin Jianghua 0535-3072926

New Energy Industry

Metal Building Materials Industry

Service Industry

Service Industry

Service Industry

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Yin Jianghua 0535-3072926 Infrastructure

Yin Jianghua 0535-3072926

Yin Jianghua 0535-3072926 Misc

Yin Jianghua 0535-3072926

Service Industry

Medical & Foodstuff Industry

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Yin Jianghua 0535-3072926

Yin Jianghua 0535-3072926

Yin Jianghua 0535-3072926

Yin Jianghua 0535-3072926

Medical & Foodstuff Industry

Service Industry

Metal Building Materials Industry

Vehicle & Shipping Industry

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Yin Jianghua 0535-3072926 Infrastructure

Yin Jianghua 0535-3072926

Yin Jianghua 0535-3072926

Yin Jianghua 0535-3072926

Yin Jianghua 0535-3072926

Yin Jianghua 0535-3072926

Yin Jianghua 0535-3072926

Vehicle & Shipping Industry

Machinery & Equipment


Metal Building Materials Industry

Metal Building Materials Industry

Metal Building Materials Industry

Medical & Foodstuff Industry

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Yin Jianghua 0535-3072926

Yin Jianghua 0535-3072926

Yin Jianghua 0535-3072926

Yin Jianghua 0535-3072926 Infrastructure

Yin Jianghua 0535-3072926

Yin Jianghua 0535-3072926

Metal Building Materials Industry

Metal Building Materials Industry

Metal Building Materials Industry

Service Industry

Service Industry

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Jia Hongsong 0086-0535-2638833

Yin Jianghua 0535-3072926

Yin Chuanjuan 086-535-6396609

Zhang Dagang 0535-8563112

Lin Shaowei 0535-8665776

Yin Jianghua 0535-3072926

Metal Building Materials Industry

New Energy Industry

Service Industry

Vehicle & Shipping Industry

Vehicle & Shipping Industry

Vehicle & Shipping Industry

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Qin Wenzheng 0535-8933801

Liang Tiandong 0535-8658222

Han binqi 086-535-6922117 Infrastructure

Pang Yunli 0535-6766060 Infrastructure

Li Hongtao 086-535-4283809 Infrastructure

Vehicle & Shipping Industry

Petroleum Chemical Industry

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Mr.YU 86-535-6891481 Infrastructure

Yu Guozheng 0535-5665815 Infrastructure