1 ☆春休み明けテスト対策課題☆ 春休み明け課題テストはコミュ英Ⅲ初回授業で行います。 Target は今までの小テストスタイル(英→日) に逆パターン(日→英)も加わります。この課題を春休みの友とし、3年生初めての大事なテストで高得点を とれるよう勉学に励んでください。 ちなみに、ボーダーラインを下回ると愛の鞭として課題が出ます♡ A】英語に合う適切な日本語を1つ選びなさい。 (1) rough p.3201190典型的な 精通している 単純な 粗い (1) ____ (2) chronic p.3681385特定の 徹底的な 医療の 慢性の (2) ____ (3) commerce p.3401271生息地 協力 空想 商業 (3) ____ (4) decorate p.2841037を爆破する を生む を装飾する をまねる (4) ____ (5) trail p.3861464(青少年の)非行 国籍 (5) ____ (6) utility p.3101147公共事業 許し 免許(証) 損害(の程度) (6) ____ (7) altitude p.3361254成分 糖尿病 高度 散らかった状態 (7) ____ (8) disrupt p.3501315を混乱させる を展示する を廃止する を断る (8) ____ (9) fraction p.3581346契約書 通路 葬式 わずか (9) ____ (10) exploit p.3061126を輸出する を流す を活用する を構成する (10) ____ (11) whisper p.3041117(を)要請する (を)決める (と)ささやく (を)加速する (11) ____ (12) deceive p.256924をだます (人)を訴える を実行する を溶かす (12) ____ (13) flush p.3781428を軽減する を罰する を変える を紅潮させる (13) ____

☆春休み明けテスト対策課題☆...1 春休み明けテスト対策課題 春休み明け課題テストはコミュ英Ⅲの初回授業で行います。Target は今までの小テストスタイル(英→日)

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とれるよう勉学に励んでください。 ちなみに、ボーダーラインを下回ると愛の鞭として課題が出ます♡

【A】英語に合う適切な日本語を1つ選びなさい。 (1) rough 〔p.320,1190〕 ① 典型的な ② 精通している ③ 単純な ④ 粗い

(1) ____

(2) chronic 〔p.368,1385〕 ① 特定の ② 徹底的な ③ 医療の ④ 慢性の

(2) ____

(3) commerce 〔p.340,1271〕 ① 生息地 ② 協力 ③ 空想 ④ 商業

(3) ____

(4) decorate 〔p.284,1037〕 ① を爆破する ② を生む ③ を装飾する ④ をまねる

(4) ____

(5) trail 〔p.386,1464〕 ① (青少年の)非行 ② 国籍 ③ 虫 ④ 跡

(5) ____

(6) utility 〔p.310,1147〕 ① 公共事業 ② 許し ③ 免許(証) ④ 損害(の程度)

(6) ____

(7) altitude 〔p.336,1254〕 ① 成分 ② 糖尿病 ③ 高度 ④ 散らかった状態

(7) ____

(8) disrupt 〔p.350,1315〕 ① を混乱させる ② を展示する ③ を廃止する ④ を断る

(8) ____

(9) fraction 〔p.358,1346〕 ① 契約書 ② 通路 ③ 葬式 ④ わずか

(9) ____

(10) exploit 〔p.306,1126〕 ① を輸出する ② を流す ③ を活用する ④ を構成する

(10) ____

(11) whisper 〔p.304,1117〕 ① (を)要請する ② (を)決める ③ (と)ささやく ④ (を)加速する

(11) ____

(12) deceive 〔p.256,924〕 ① をだます ② (人)を訴える ③ を実行する ④ を溶かす

(12) ____

(13) flush 〔p.378,1428〕 ① を軽減する ② を罰する ③ を変える ④ を紅潮させる

(13) ____


(14) greet 〔p.258,929〕 ① に挨拶する ② に影響を与える ③ を伸ばす ④ を募る

(14) ____

(15) postpone 〔p.252,907〕 ① を刺激する ② を選ぶ ③ を歪める ④ を延期する

(15) ____

(16) domain 〔p.358,1342〕 ① 方程式 ② (生物の)組織 ③ 分野 ④ 歳入

(16) ____

(17) prime 〔p.248,886〕 ① 最も重要な ② 芸術的な ③ 原始的な ④ 流ちょうな

(17) ____

(18) brief 〔p.220,783〕 ① 厚い ② 遠い ③ 短い ④ 小さい

(18) ____

(19) prey 〔p.290,1063〕 ① 濫用 ② 獲物 ③ 苦悩 ④ 指紋

(19) ____

(20) stretch 〔p.202,708〕 ① を供給する ② を提案する ③ を取り巻く ④ を伸ばす

(20) ____

(21) dim 〔p.392,1489〕 ① 理性的な ② 薄暗い ③ 密集した ④ 熱望して

(21) ____

(22) precede 〔p.352,1321〕 ① を成し遂げる ② に続く ③ を許可する ④ に先行する

(22) ____

(23) immune 〔p.368,1384〕 ① 内部の ② 途方もない ③ 免疫を持つ ④ 悪意のある

(23) ____

(24) accelerate 〔p.300,1104〕 ① (を)加速する ② (を)折り畳む ③ (と)ささやく ④ (を)否定する

(24) ____

(25) outlet 〔p.316,1175〕 ① 勝利 ② 直売店 ③ 評判 ④ 幾何学

(25) ____

(26) abolish 〔p.352,1318〕 ① を運ぶ ② を廃止する ③ を構成する ④ を悩ます

(26) ____

(27) script 〔p.382,1445〕 ① 狼狽 ② 翻訳 ③ 気晴らし ④ 台本

(27) ____

(28) liver 〔p.386,1463〕 ① 人質 ② 細菌 ③ 年金 ④ 肝臓

(28) ____

(29) conservative 〔p.272,985〕 ① 唯一の ② 明らかに異なる ③ 保守的な ④ 能力がある

(29) ____


(30) interrupt 〔p.230,809〕 ① を調査する ② を傷つける ③ を中断させる ④ を意図する

(30) ____

(31) blossom 〔p.236,840〕 ① 現れる ② 振る舞う ③ 寄与する ④ 花が咲く

(31) ____

(32) convert 〔p.232,819〕 ① を消費する ② を変える ③ を伝える ④ を含む

(32) ____

(33) ranch 〔p.338,1267〕 ① 牧場 ② 岸 ③ 記念日 ④ 植物

(33) ____

(34) qualify 〔p.256,919〕 ① (人)に資格を与える ② (の位置を)探し当てる ③ を従事させる ④ を取り入れる

(34) ____

(35) elect 〔p.306,1127〕 ① を消す ② を選出する ③ を感知する ④ の根底にある

(35) ____

(36) crack 〔p.290,1060〕 ① 軽蔑 ② 県 ③ 授業料 ④ 割れ目

(36) ____

(37) liberty 〔p.262,942〕 ① 衛生(状態) ② 脳卒中 ③ 記念碑 ④ 自由

(37) ____

(38) queue 〔p.244,876〕 ① (順番を待つ)列 ② (社会的・文化的)性別 ③ 信頼 ④ 実験

(38) ____

(39) collective 〔p.322,1193〕 ① 暴力的な ② 集団の ③ 神聖な ④ 精神の

(39) ____

(40) subtle 〔p.272,989〕 ① 奇妙な ② 垂直の ③ 微妙な ④ 最も重要な

(40) ____

(41) adolescent 〔p.268,972〕 ① 指標 ② 栄養(の摂取) ③ 青年 ④ 類推

(41) ____

(42) invade 〔p.376,1424〕 ① を否定する ② を折り畳む ③ を侵略する ④ を飲み込む

(42) ____

(43) assign 〔p.276,1007〕 ① に賛成する ② を配属する ③ を回転させる ④ を逮捕する

(43) ____

(44) primitive 〔p.248,890〕 ① 主要な ② 民族の ③ 潜在的な ④ 原始的な

(44) ____

(45) reverse 〔p.232,818〕 ① を明らかにする ② を保持する ③ を制限する ④ を逆転させる

(45) ____


(46) cough 〔p.282,1030〕 ① 受け継ぐ ② 咳をする ③ 立ち上がる ④ 治療する

(46) ____

(47) retail 〔p.370,1396〕 ① 単なる ② 妖精のような ③ 急進的な ④ 小売の

(47) ____

(48) forecast 〔p.254,914〕 ① (空間・時間)を占める ② 頼る ③ をかき回す ④ を予想する

(48) ____

(49) debt 〔p.214,762〕 ① 程度 ② 借金 ③ 偏見 ④ 予算

(49) ____

(50) revenge 〔p.376,1421〕

① (~ oneself で)復讐する ② (~ oneself で)意識を回復する ③ (~ oneself で)楽しむ

④ (~ oneself で)専念する

(50) ____

(51) radical 〔p.320,1192〕 ① 軍の ② 急進的な ③ 小売の ④ 学問の

(51) ____

(52) pedestrian 〔p.314,1159〕 ① 血管 ② 陪審(員団) ③ 歩行者 ④ 余剰

(52) ____

(53) ambition 〔p.210,742〕 ① 自信 ② 野望 ③ 偏見 ④ 信頼

(53) ____

(54) prefecture 〔p.212,755〕 ① 植民地 ② 地域 ③ 実験室 ④ 県

(54) ____

(55) rubbish 〔p.214,759〕 ① ごみ ② 問題 ③ 文学 ④ 結果

(55) ____

(56) regain 〔p.352,1319〕 ① を受け入れる ② を取り戻す ③ に恥ずかしい思いをさせる ④ を追跡する

(56) ____

(57) uncover 〔p.330,1230〕 ① を賃借りする ② を暴く ③ を引用する ④ に従う

(57) ____

(58) adequate 〔p.270,980〕 ① 強烈な ② 十分な ③ 注目に値する ④ 言葉の

(58) ____

(59) nursery 〔p.288,1050〕 ① 集まり ② 軍隊 ③ 標本 ④ 託児所

(59) ____

(60) warrior 〔p.388,1474〕 ① 油断 ② 戦士 ③ 獣医 ④ 同情

(60) ____

(61) sensible 〔p.294,1081〕 ① 臆病な ② 正確な ③ 賢明な ④ 楽観的な

(61) ____


(62) honor 〔p.210,744〕 ① 情熱 ② 光栄 ③ 収入 ④ 利益

(62) ____

(63) grace 〔p.366,1378〕 ① 墓 ② 優美 ③ (政策上の)主義 ④ 手がかり

(63) ____

(64) tragedy 〔p.242,867〕 ① 同情 ② 危機 ③ 哀れみ ④ 悲劇(的な事件)

(64) ____

(65) concrete 〔p.298,1095〕 ① 全体的な ② 敵意のある ③ 遺伝(子)の ④ 具体的な

(65) ____

(66) contradict 〔p.380,1437〕 ① に同行する ② を和らげる ③ を要請する ④ と矛盾する

(66) ____

(67) bloom 〔p.324,1202〕 ① 花が咲く ② 解決する ③ 別れる ④ 輸出する

(67) ____

(68) faculty 〔p.238,842〕 ① 調理法 ② 神経 ③ 記憶力 ④ 能力

(68) ____

(69) endure 〔p.230,810〕 ① に遭遇する ② を危険にさらす ③ を従事させる ④ に耐える

(69) ____

(70) donor 〔p.218,774〕 ① (試合・論争などの)相手 ② 弁護士 ③ 寄贈者 ④ 著者

(70) ____

【B】日本語に合う適切な英語を1つ選びなさい。 (1) 絶滅した;廃止された 〔p.274,996〕

① extinct ② federal ③ modest ④ humorous

(1) ____

(2) を隠す(≒hide);を秘密にする 〔p.302,1112〕

① lend ② surround ③ conceal ④ defend

(2) ____

(3) をはぐくむ;を養成する 〔p.276,1004〕

① distinguish ② nurture ③ absorb ④ owe

(3) ____

(4) 運命 〔p.286,1045〕

① destiny ② grain ③ sensation ④ secretary

(4) ____

(5) 方式;気分;形態;流行 〔p.210,748〕

① mode ② mood ③ proverb ④ trend

(5) ____

(6) 妊娠中絶 〔p.316,1167〕

① neighborhood ② queue ③ abortion ④ luxury

(6) ____


(7) 破裂する;(…を)突然始める 〔p.260,938〕

① impose ② apologize ③ burst ④ frustrate

(7) ____

(8) 文学の;文語の 〔p.224,798〕

① literary ② likely ③ ordinary ④ necessary

(8) ____

(9) を代わりに使う;(…の)代理をする 〔p.236,835〕

① preserve ② replace ③ substitute ④ blame

(9) ____

(10) を更新する;を再生する 〔p.308,1133〕

① violate ② grab ③ renew ④ gaze

(10) ____

(11) おじぎする;屈服する 〔p.204,721〕

① behave ② decline ③ breathe ④ bow

(11) ____

(12) 寮 〔p.288,1051〕

① witness ② candidate ③ dormitory ④ religion

(12) ____

(13) 化粧の,美容の 〔p.274,995〕

① apparent ② ultimate ③ cosmetic ④ royal

(13) ____

(14) 苦悩;苦痛;困窮 〔p.266,961〕

① grocery ② mineral ③ distress ④ enterprise

(14) ____

(15) 無作為の;手当たり次第の 〔p.272,988〕

① permanent ② random ③ exact ④ intense

(15) ____

(16) 中立の;はっきりしない 〔p.296,1091〕

① reluctant ② neutral ③ primitive ④ aggressive

(16) ____

(17) 商品;有用なもの 〔p.314,1163〕

① vocabulary ② instruction ③ mineral ④ commodity

(17) ____

(18) をだめにする;を破滅させる;滅亡する 〔p.234,826〕

① restrict ② reverse ③ ruin ④ reflect

(18) ____

(19) 候補(者);志願者 〔p.214,758〕

① companion ② candidate ③ opponent ④ minister

(19) ____

(20) を驚かす 〔p.282,1028〕

① astonish ② annoy ③ emphasize ④ pose

(20) ____

(21) を評価する;を査定する 〔p.280,1024〕

① convert ② interpret ③ secure ④ assess

(21) ____

(22) 信頼;信仰(心) 〔p.210,741〕

① faith ② interest ③ influence ④ fate

(22) ____


(23) 歓迎会;受付;受領 〔p.318,1177〕

① sum ② reception ③ fortune ④ duty

(23) ____

(24) 多様な 〔p.272,991〕

① temporary ② reluctant ③ multiple ④ artistic

(24) ____

(25) 分子;微粒子 〔p.238,847〕

① gene ② cell ③ material ④ molecule

(25) ____

(26) 荒野 〔p.266,965〕

① mode ② divorce ③ globe ④ wilderness

(26) ____

(27) 離婚;分離 〔p.242,868〕

① sympathy ② conflict ③ divorce ④ tragedy

(27) ____

(28) 悪;欠点 〔p.214,761〕

① depression ② trait ③ vice ④ pain

(28) ____

(29) 損害(の程度);死者数;通行料 〔p.316,1168〕

① sibling ② organ ③ editor ④ toll

(29) ____

(30) (国家間の)条約;協定 〔p.294,1076〕

① analysis ② treaty ③ fee ④ prospect

(30) ____

【C】空所に入る適語を選びなさい。 (1) My stolen bicycle was destroyed ( ) recognition.

①over ②below ③above ④beyond

(1) ____

(2) It's time for another meeting. What ( ) about this matter again tomorrow?

①about talking ②for talking ③talking ④to talk

(2) ____

(3) There is a big dog in your garden, ( )?

①aren't they ②isn't there ③isn't it ④don't you

(3) ____

(4) "How ( ) do you go abroad each year?"

"Two or three times."

①often ②long ③many ④much

(4) ____

(5) This cafe is popular ( ) local residents as well as visitors.

①between ②in ③among ④to

(5) ____

(6) It's ( ) the law to smoke cigarettes before you are twenty.

①for ②away ③under ④against

(6) ____

(7) Our new computer is almost ( ) conventional ones.

①half of the size ②half the size of ③half size ④the half size

(7) ____


(8) Jim has no ambition ( ). He is quite content to stick to the job he has.

①whichever ②whatever ③whoever ④whomever

(8) ____

(9) Are you ( ) or against the proposal?

①with ②on ③of ④for

(9) ____

(10) Please wait here ( ) five minutes.

①during ②by ③until ④for

(10) ____

(11) ( ) went on, the more tired the players became.

①The long game ②The longest the game ③The longer the game ④The longer game

(11) ____

(12) I think he is ( ) teacher.

①so a patient ②a such patient ③a so patient ④such a patient

(12) ____

(13) ( ) did you come here today for?

①Why ②Where ③What ④When

(13) ____

(14) Please complete the assignment ( ) next Monday.

①since ②by ③until ④to

(14) ____

(15) I will eat anything ( ) natto.

①for ②but ③above ④despite

(15) ____

(16) "Didn't you go there to see her yesterday?"

"( ) I met her there and we went to the party together."

①No, I didn't. ②No, I did. ③Yes, I didn't. ④Yes, I did.

(16) ____

(17) Please refrain from talking ( ) the phone near the priority seats in the train.

①by ②on ③at ④of

(17) ____

(18) Most of the students here ( ) with their families.

①living ②lives ③is living ④live

(18) ____

(19) A whale is ( ) a horse is.

①not a fish less than ②no more a fish than ③not more a fish than ④not less a mammal than

(19) ____

(20) "Are your parents travelling with you?"

"No, not ( ); Mother only."

①both ②either ③one ④each

(20) ____

(21) How ( ) these trousers cost?

①many do ②do ③much are ④much do

(21) ____

(22) Mary is taller than Judy ( ) two inches.

①for ②with ③by ④in

(22) ____


(23) Time is more precious than ( ).

①nothing ②everything ③anything else ④all things

(23) ____

(24) Traveling by air costs ( ) taking the train.

①twice as much as ②as much twice as ③as much as twice ④as twice much as

(24) ____

(25) This shopping mall is the second ( ) one in New York.

①large ②larger ③as large ④largest

(25) ____

(26) My brother speaks so fast that sometimes I can't understand him at ( ).

①all ②time ③any ④every

(26) ____

(27) My child leaves her toys all over the room and I have to pick ( ).

①themselves up ②them up ③up them ④up themselves

(27) ____

(28) The dog jumped over the fence ( ) ease.

①in ②by ③at ④with

(28) ____

(29) There are few mistakes, if ( ), in this long essay.

①even ②there are ③any ④some

(29) ____

(30) Jiro's car is ( ) more economical than my car.

①too ②much ③so ④very

(30) ____

(31) They invented printing as ( ) as the fifteenth century.

①early ②fast ③soon ④quickly

(31) ____

(32) Never ( ) I dream of making a fortune by investing in the stock market.

①did ②had ③have ④am

(32) ____

(33) ( ) literature, we have to study Japanese and world history.

①Nothing but ②Beside ③Besides ④Not all

(33) ____

(34) "I didn't make any mistakes in the math quiz!"

"( ) did I."

①Also ②Yet ③Nor ④But

(34) ____

(35) ( ) least 530 of them died in this fire.

①Among ②For ③At ④During

(35) ____

(36) The mother caught her baby ( ) when he fell forward.

①of the arm ②by the arm ③to his arm ④with his arm

(36) ____

(37) We danced ( ) the music.

①of ②to ③by ④in

(37) ____

(38) We are expecting our grandparents to arrive ( ) November 28th.

①at ②for ③on ④in

(38) ____


(39) You're not the new student, ( )?

①are you ②you aren't ③you are ④aren't you

(39) ____

(40) Watching TV is not ( ) wrong, but it is important for children to form the habit of thinking for


①every ②necessarily ③anytime ④absolute

(40) ____

(41) Is that project worth ( ) at a great expense to the taxpayer?

①launch ②to launch ③launched ④launching

(41) ____

(42) Mr. and Mrs. Thatcher seldom, if ( ), go out in the evening.

①ever ②few ③little ④any

(42) ____

(43) その企画の見積もり額は考慮に値する。

It is worth ( ) the estimated cost of the project.

①to consider ②considered ③considering ④in considering

(43) ____

(44) 私たちの計画がうまくいくかどうかは,まだわからない。

It is yet ( ) whether our project will succeed or not.

①unfinished ②to be seen ③unending ④impossible

(44) ____

(45) I prefer staying home ( ) going out on Sundays.

①from ②for ③by ④to

(45) ____

(46) His house is almost ( ) the top of the hill.

①for ②at ③with ④to

(46) ____

(47) We were surprised to hear that ( ) 200 people attended the lecture.

①as much ②so many ③as many as ④so much as

(47) ____

(48) What ( ) earth are you doing?

①for ②from ③by ④on

(48) ____

(49) Fifty minutes ( ) to finish this test.

①aren't enough times ②isn't enough times ③aren't enough time ④isn't enough time

(49) ____

(50) The data given by Dr. Watson was ( ) no means reliable.

①with ②in ③at ④by

(50) ____

(51) It was because he was ill ( ) we gave up traveling.

①as ②that ③so ④for

(51) ____

(52) Three fifths of the work ( ) finished.

①had ②was ③would ④were

(52) ____

(53) I get paid ( ) the hour.

①at ②for ③by ④in

(53) ____


(54) The President said that it was ( ) great importance to develop the US-China constructive


①a ②with ③such ④of

(54) ____

(55) The crowd was surprised to see that a seven-year-old boy was able to swim as ( ) the


①faster than ②fast still ③fast as ④faster so

(55) ____

(56) ( ) is so precious as time.

①Everything ②Nothing ③Something ④Anything

(56) ____

(57) Since the beginning of the twentieth century, there ( ) many political and social changes in


①are ②have been ③has been ④are being

(57) ____

(58) He made up his mind to fish ( ) the sea next week.

①into ②to ③in ④from

(58) ____

(59) I went skiing for the first time ( ) fifteen years.

①of ②in ③before ④during

(59) ____

(60) ( ) did you spend your summer vacation?

①Who ②How ③What ④Which

(60) ____

(61) They were not in the ( ) anxious about it.

①least ②all ③latest ④last

(61) ____

(62) There was a full moon ( ) the mountain.

①above ②out ③of ④on

(62) ____

(63) You can contact me ( ) e-mail.

①for ②by ③of ④under

(63) ____

(64) Diamonds are ( ) all substances; they can be cut only by other diamonds.

①the hardest of ②hardest ③more than hard ④harder of

(64) ____

(65) Make sure that the poor ( ) properly cared for.

①is ②are ③has ④have

(65) ____

(66) "I don't know what this word means."

"Why ( ) you consult a dictionary?"

①do ②shall ③can ④don't

(66) ____

(67) He is ( ) diligent a man as ever lived.

①more ②very ③as ④such

(67) ____

(68) I wonder ( ) between Osaka and Kanazawa.

①how long it is ②how far it is ③how long is it ④how far is it

(68) ____


【D】2つの文が同じような意味になるように,空所に入る適語を選びなさい。 (69) (a) My mother said to me, "Don't talk to wolves in the woods."

(b) My mother told ( ) in the woods.

①to me not to speak wolves ②me to speak not wolves ③not to me talk to wolves

④me not to talk to wolves

(69) ____

【E】下線部と同じような意味を表すものを,選びなさい。 (70) I had no more than two thousand yen when I arrived at the station.

①much ②only ③as much as ④often

(70) ____

【F】日本語の意味に合うように,与えられた語句を正しく並べかえなさい。 (71) ジェームズは裕福であっても少しも幸せではない。(2語不要)

James is (for / happier / happy / less / none / the) his wealth.

(71) __________________________________ (72) 母が買ってくれたマフラーはどうなったのだろうか。

I (become / bought / has / mother / my / of / scarf / the / what / wonder) for me.

(72) __________________________________ (73) フランスに行くことを決めた時は,まだ海外生活とはどういうものかわからなかった。( 1 語不要)

When I decided to go to France, I had no idea (like / what / would / was / it / be) to live abroad.

(73) __________________________________ (74) 1か月以上も海外にいたら,日本食が食べたくなるでしょうね。

I will begin to miss Japanese food (a month / I / than / more / if / stay abroad for).

(74) __________________________________ (75) 彼が成功するかどうかこれから先でないとわからない。 It (seen / succeed / remains / be / will / he / to / if).

(75) __________________________________ (76) これは私が買いたかった,まさにその本です。 This (book / the / is / I / wanted / that / buy / very / to).

(76) __________________________________

(77) あの赤い服の女性があなたのことを知りたがっていたよ。

The (was / woman / in / curious / red) to know about you.

(77) __________________________________ (78) コートを着たまま台所に入ってはいけません。

You should not (the kitchen / with / on / your / enter / overcoat).

(78) __________________________________ (79) 授業で話し合った記事について,どう思いますか。(1語不要)

(article / how / the / you / what / do / that / about / think) we discussed in class?

(79) __________________________________ (80) 警察が到着したのは,事故があって2時間も経ってからでした。

It was (after / not / that / the accident / the police / two hours / until) arrived.

(80) __________________________________ (81) この本を読めば,19 世紀における教育がどのようなものであったかがわかる。(1語不要)

This book (was / what / like / education / us / how / shows) in the nineteenth century.

(81) __________________________________


(82) エリザベスは,100 年前に生まれていたら,人生はどのくらい違っていたかについてよく考えたものだ。

Elisabeth would often think about (been / different / her life / how / if / would have) she had been

born 100 years ago.

(82) __________________________________ (83) これは私が今までにエッセイを書いたテーマの中でも飛びぬけてすばらしい。

This is (theme / on / the / best / very) which I have ever written an essay.

(83) __________________________________ (84) このホテルからその湖まで行くのにどのくらいかかりますか。

(how / hotel / to / it / from / take / this / go / does / long) to the lake?

(84) __________________________________ (85) その子どもたちは冬に湖で泳ぐような愚かなことはしなかった。

The children (swim / to / in / knew / than / better / the) lake in the winter.

(85) __________________________________ (86) 君に解いてもらいたいのはほかでもなくこの問題なんだ。

It is this question (solve / I / to / you / want / that).

(86) __________________________________ (87) 私たちは朝7時に朝食をとる。

We (breakfast / have / in / at / seven / the) morning.

(87) __________________________________ (88) 子どもたちが育つ世界は大人が創っている。

(adults / children / create / it is / the world / their / where / who) will grow up.

(88) __________________________________ (89) 最近になってようやく,親の教えの大切さがわかった。

Only (have/ I / importance / lessons / my / of / parents' / realized / recently / the).

(89) __________________________________ (90) 労働者は賃上げを要求するだけでなく,労働時間の削減も望んでいる。

Not (a pay increase / do / only / the workers / want), but they also want reduced hours.

(90) __________________________________ (91) 前の事務所の大きさは新しい事務所の3分の1だった。

Our old office (large / as / third / was / one) as our new one.

(91) __________________________________


(92) A car (approximately one-tenth / runs / speed / at / of / the) a jet plane.

(92) __________________________________

【H】誤りのある箇所を指摘して,正しく直しなさい。 (93) The number ①of people who ②was injured ③was greater than they ④had expected.

(93) _______

(94) The ①decrease in job opportunities in recent years ②have been a serious blow to ③those young

people who wish to work ④upon graduating from high school.

(94) _______

(95) Of ①all the films released this month, ②the one with ③lots of special effects is ④too far the

most exciting.

(95) _______


(96) Mr. Tanaka as ①well as you ②were transferred ③to ④the Sales Promotion Department.

(96) _______

(97) ①Although it is ②neither new nor big, the house we bought ③is one of the most elegant

④building in this city.

(97) _______

(98) The larger a ①market is, the ②more competition there ③are in ④that market.

(98) _______

(99) ①Only 20% of electric cables ②is buried ③beneath the streets in Tokyo, ④compared with 100%

in London and Paris.

(99) _______

(100) When he was driving ①me ②home, he told me ③that he was ④not longer living with his wife.

(100) _______




(1) ④ 〔p.320,1190〕

(2) ④ 〔p.368,1385〕

(3) ④ 〔p.340,1271〕

(4) ③ 〔p.284,1037〕

(5) ④ 〔p.386,1464〕

(6) ① 〔p.310,1147〕

(7) ③ 〔p.336,1254〕

(8) ① 〔p.350,1315〕

(9) ④ 〔p.358,1346〕

(10) ③ 〔p.306,1126〕

(11) ③ 〔p.304,1117〕

(12) ① 〔p.256,924〕

(13) ④ 〔p.378,1428〕

(14) ① 〔p.258,929〕

(15) ④ 〔p.252,907〕

(16) ③ 〔p.358,1342〕

(17) ① 〔p.248,886〕

(18) ③ 〔p.220,783〕

(19) ② 〔p.290,1063〕

(20) ④ 〔p.202,708〕

(21) ② 〔p.392,1489〕

(22) ④ 〔p.352,1321〕

(23) ③ 〔p.368,1384〕

(24) ① 〔p.300,1104〕

(25) ② 〔p.316,1175〕

(26) ② 〔p.352,1318〕

(27) ④ 〔p.382,1445〕

(28) ④ 〔p.386,1463〕

(29) ③ 〔p.272,985〕

(30) ③ 〔p.230,809〕

(31) ④ 〔p.236,840〕

(32) ② 〔p.232,819〕

(33) ① 〔p.338,1267〕

(34) ① 〔p.256,919〕

(35) ② 〔p.306,1127〕

(36) ④ 〔p.290,1060〕

(37) ④ 〔p.262,942〕

(38) ① 〔p.244,876〕

(39) ② 〔p.322,1193〕

(40) ③ 〔p.272,989〕

(41) ③ 〔p.268,972〕

(42) ③ 〔p.376,1424〕

(43) ② 〔p.276,1007〕

(44) ④ 〔p.248,890〕

(45) ④ 〔p.232,818〕

(46) ② 〔p.282,1030〕

(47) ④ 〔p.370,1396〕

(48) ④ 〔p.254,914〕

(49) ② 〔p.214,762〕

(50) ① 〔p.376,1421〕

(51) ② 〔p.320,1192〕

(52) ③ 〔p.314,1159〕

(53) ② 〔p.210,742〕

(54) ④ 〔p.212,755〕

(55) ① 〔p.214,759〕

(56) ② 〔p.352,1319〕

(57) ② 〔p.330,1230〕

(58) ② 〔p.270,980〕

(59) ④ 〔p.288,1050〕

(60) ② 〔p.388,1474〕

(61) ③ 〔p.294,1081〕

(62) ② 〔p.210,744〕

(63) ② 〔p.366,1378〕

(64) ④ 〔p.242,867〕

(65) ④ 〔p.298,1095〕

(66) ④ 〔p.380,1437〕

(67) ① 〔p.324,1202〕

(68) ④ 〔p.238,842〕

(69) ④ 〔p.230,810〕

(70) ③ 〔p.218,774〕


(1) ① 〔p.274,996〕

(2) ③ 〔p.302,1112〕

(3) ④ 〔p.214,759〕

(4) ① 〔p.286,1045〕

(5) ① 〔p.210,748〕

(6) ③ 〔p.316,1167〕

(7) ③ 〔p.260,938〕

(8) ① 〔p.224,798〕

(9) ③ 〔p.236,835〕

(10) ③ 〔p.308,1133〕

(11) ③ 〔p.314,1159〕

(12) ③ 〔p.288,1051〕

(13) ③ 〔p.274,995〕

(14) ③ 〔p.266,961〕

(15) ② 〔p.272,988〕

(16) ② 〔p.296,1091〕

(17) ④ 〔p.314,1163〕

(18) ③ 〔p.234,826〕

(19) ② 〔p.214,758〕

(20) ① 〔p.282,1028〕

(21) ④ 〔p.280,1024〕

(22) ① 〔p.210,741〕

(23) ② 〔p.318,1177〕

(24) ③ 〔p.272,991〕

(25) ④ 〔p.238,847〕

(26) ④ 〔p.266,965〕

(27) ③ 〔p.242,868〕

(28) ③ 〔p.214,761〕

(29) ④ 〔p.316,1168〕

(30) ② 〔p.294,1076〕


(1) ④ [→ 362]

(2) ① [→ 472]

(3) ② [→ 462]

(4) ① [→ 450]

(5) ③ [→ 337]

(6) ④ [→ 340]

(7) ② [→ 382]

(8) ② [→ 483]

(9) ④ [→ 339]

(10) ④ [→ 332]

(11) ③ [→ 399]

(12) ④ [→ 506]

(13) ③ [→ 469]

(14) ② [→ 335]

(15) ② [→ 355]

(16) ④ [→ 458]

(17) ② [→ 347]

(18) ④ [→ 436]

(19) ② [→ 407]

(20) ① [→ 478]

(21) ④ [→ 449]

(22) ③ [→ 344]

(23) ③ [→ 430]

(24) ① [→ 378]

(25) ④ [→ 420]

(26) ① [→ 481]

(27) ② [→ 507]

(28) ④ [→ 369]

(29) ③ [→ 509]

(30) ② [→ 394]

(31) ① [→ 393]

(32) ① [→ 494]

(33) ③ [→ 354]


(34) ③ [→ 501]

(35) ③ [→ 424]

(36) ② [→ 371]

(37) ② [→ 367]

(38) ③ [→ 323]

(39) ① [→ 459]

(40) ② [→ 479]

(41) ④ [→ 359]

(42) ① [→ 510]

(43) ③ [→ 360]

(44) ② [→ 489]

(45) ④ [→ 415]

(46) ② [→ 327]

(47) ③ [→ 391]

(48) ④ [→ 518]

(49) ④ [→ 444]

(50) ④ [→ 482]

(51) ② [→ 513]

(52) ② [→ 437]

(53) ③ [→ 370]

(54) ④ [→ 368]

(55) ③ [→ 374]

(56) ② [→ 426]

(57) ② [→ 439]

(58) ③ [→ 328]

(59) ② [→ 365]

(60) ② [→ 448]

(61) ① [→ 480]

(62) ① [→ 336]

(63) ② [→ 346]

(64) ① [→ 417]

(65) ② [→ 445]

(66) ④ [→ 470]

(67) ③ [→ 389]

(68) ② [→ 454]


(69) ④ [→ 521]


(70) ② [→ 405]


(71) James is none the happier for his wealth.(happy, less 不要) [→ 402]

(72) I wonder what has become of the scarf my mother bought for me. [→ 467]

(73) When I decided to go to France, I had no idea what it would be like to live abroad.(was 不要) [→ 465]

(74) I will begin to miss Japanese food if I stay abroad for more than a month. [→ 403]

(75) It remains to be seen if he will succeed. [→ 490]

(76) This is the very book that I wanted to buy. [→ 519]

(77) The woman in red was curious to know about you. [→ 352]

(78) You should not enter the kitchen with your overcoat on. [→ 349]

(79) What do you think about the article that we discussed in class?(how 不要) [→ 466]

(80) It was not until two hours after the accident that the police arrived. [→ 514]

(81) This book shows us what education was like in the nineteenth century.(how 不要) [→ 464]

(82) Elisabeth would often think about how different her life would have been if she had been born 100 years ago. [→ 455]

(83) This is the very best theme on which I have ever written an essay. [→ 419]

(84) How long does it take to go from this hotel to the lake? [→ 452]

(85) The children knew better than to swim in the lake in the winter. [→ 411]

(86) It is this question that I want you to solve. [→ 512]

(87) We have breakfast at seven in the morning. [→ 325]

(88) It is adults who create the world where their children will grow up. [→ 516]

(89) Only recently have I realized the importance of my parents' lessons. [→ 498]

(90) Not only do the workers want a pay increase, but they also want reduced hours. [→ 497]

(91) Our old office was one third as large as our new one. [→ 380]


(92) A car runs at approximately one-tenth the speed of a jet plane. [→ 383]


(93) ②→were [→ 446]

(94) ②→has been [→ 447]

(95) ④→by [→ 418]

(96) ②→was [→ 435]

(97) ④→buildings [→ 421]

(98) ③→is [→ 440]

(99) ②→are [→ 438]

(100) ④→no longer [→ 413]