Akhenaten 5495

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  • 7/24/2019 Akhenaten 5495


    Akhenaten Biography

    Akhenaten was an Egyptian Pharaoh who ruled for 17 years and

    died perhaps in 1336 BC or 1334 BC. This biography provides

    detailed information about his childhood, life, career,

    achievements, works & timeline.

    Quick Facts


    Known AsAmenhotep IV, Amenophis IV


    asPharoah of Egypt

    Nationality Egyptian

    Rel ig ion Atenism

    Born in Egypt

    Place of


    Father Amenhotep III

    Mother Tiye

    Siblings Iset, Sitamun

    Spouses Kiya, Nefertiti, Meritaten, Ankhesenamun


    Tutankhamun, Meketaten, Ankhesenamun,

    Meritaten, Neferneferure, Neferneferuaten

    Tasherit, Setepenre, Smenkhkare, Ankhesenpaaten


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    Akhenaten was an Egyptian Pharaoh who ruled for 17 years and

    died perhaps in 1336 BC or 1334 BC. While most rulers would

    think of invading neighbouring kingdoms to expand their

    territory, Akhenatens interests solely lied within the confines ofEgypt. In his long tenure, Akhenaten focussed more on making

    Atenism (a religion for the followers of the Sun god) the only

    religion of Egypt. His devotion for the Sun god was often

    reflected through the architecture in Egypt during his times,

    which glorified the deity. Akhenaten is also known for writing a

    long hymn in praise of the god. Artefacts which proved this

    Egyptian Pharohs existence were discovered only recently, inthe 19th Century. Many of the inscriptions which were recovered

    revealed that Akhenaten was insensitive to his allies. He did

    little to help the neighbouring allies of Egypt recover from

    situations of acute political crisis. Many of the modern day-

    historians and researchers are of the opinion that Akhenaten

    was one of the very few Scientific-thinking people of his times.

    Childhood & Early Life

    Akhenaten was the younger son of Queen Tiye and

    Pharaoh Amenhotep III. Though his parents wanted to

    crown their eldest son Prince Thutmose, Akhenaten was

    the one who succeeded his father since Thutmose had

    died at a young age.


    Akhenaten was formal ly announced as Amenhotep IV in

    the Egyptian city of Thebes. Its still a debate amongst

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    historians and researchers, whether Akhenaten was

    crowned the prince after his fathers demise. Its also

    believed that he shared the throne with Amenhotep III

    even before the latters death.

    One of the first works which Akhenaten undertook as an

    emperor was modifying the temples in his kingdom. He

    decorated the south entrance of T he Temple of Amun-Re,

    where one of the walls depicted Akhenaten worshipping

    the sun god Re-Harakhte.

    Akhenaten int roduced a new concept to Egyptian culture

    called Atenism. During his reign, several buildings were

    constructed as a mark of respect to the disc of the sun

    god Aten.During his reign, Akhenaten tried his best to establish

    Aten as the supreme god of Egypt. He also diverted the

    funds meant for other gods and cults towards the service

    of the sun god. This vision of Akhenaten came to be

    known later to the world as Judaism.

    Akhenaten was also well-known amongst rulers of other

    dynasties. Archaeologists have found various inscriptions,

    which seemed like letters apparently addressed to the

    Pharaoh by rulers of Babylon, Assyria, and Hatti.

    Its also believed that Akhenatens relationship with

    Tushratta, the ruler of Mittani turned sour later. Even in

    few of Tushrattas messages, discovered recently, the

    ruler has complained of being deceived by the Pharaoh.

    Its said that Akhinaten had sent him statues which were

    not made of gold, but were gold-plated.

    Akhenaten later on neglected his neighbouring kingdoms,

    and had no intention of paying heed to any of their

    grievances. Few of Egypts allies repeatedly asked for the

    Pharaohs help to capture the kingdom of Hittite, but the

    latter had refused to send his troops.

    An al ly which Akhenaten had greatly disappointed was Rib

    Hadda. Researchers have found more than 60 letters

    addressed to Akhenaten by Rib-Hadda where the latter

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    had sought Akhenatens help in solving the political crisis

    of his kingdom.

    Major Works

    It was time and again proved that Akhenaten was a great

    admirer of the sun god Aten. He even wrote the longest

    poem in praise of the deity titled Great Hymn to TheAten.

    Personal Life & Legacy

    Akhinaten married Nefertiti dur ing the ear ly part of his

    reign. Historians claim that the couple had six daughters.

    Few sources also say that the Pharaoh had another wife

    by name Kiya. It was also recently discovered that

    Akhinaten had a son with one of his biological sisters. The

    child was later known as Tutankhamen who was also a


    Few archaeologists are of the opinion that Kiya is the

    mother of the Pharaoh Tutankhamen and Akhenatens

    successor Smenkhkare. Its also believed by few that the

    emperor had used a couple of his daughters for sexualpurposes, mainly with an intention of getting a male child

    to succeed him.

    Other than Nefertiti, there were a couple of other women

    who shared the title of being the Queen. Akhinatens

    daughter Meritaten was named the Great Royal Wife. In

    one of the recently found inscriptions, Akhinatens mother

    Tiye was also mentioned as one of the Pharaohs


    Another theory associated with Akhenatens life is that he

    suffered from genetic abnormality. It was also reported

    that the Pharaoh fell prey to Froelichs Syndrome and

    Marfans Syndrome. However DNA tests conducted

    recently on his son Tutankhamuns body showed negative

    results for Marfans Syndrome, ruling out the possibility

    of such a disorder affecting Akhenaten.

    The date and cause of Akhenatens death are unknown,

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    but researchers have found a tomb named KV55 in the

    valleys of Egypt. The tomb reportedly contained the body

    of Pharaoh Tutankhamuns father, and is supposed to be

    Akhenaten himsel f.


    Akhenatens life has been a subject of great interest forwriters and researchers. Noted English writer, Agatha

    Christie had penned a play titled Akhnaton, where she

    spoke about the emperor. More than a dozen books,

    pieces of music and even a few films have drawn

    inspiration from his great life.

    Prominent among the books based on the emperors life

    were The Eye of Ra by Michael Asher, and The Sleeper

    in The Sands by Tom Holland.