Allyson Acres Hickory Subdivision CCR's

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  • 8/14/2019 Allyson Acres Hickory Subdivision CCR's



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    NOW, THEREFORE, for the purpse' ofproviditig ariorde:rlydevelopment'of ALLYSONACRES"' HICKORY ADDITION . and for the further purpose of

    " protectinof ourselves anour,successo'rs inti tIe to any propertytherein , and for the further purpose of preserving the character of dev-elopment 'and constructionthrein:andforthe,protectionandsa~ety of,the general public" . andtoinsure;.:pleasantneighborhoodappearance; wedo hereby declare, establish'and impos''certainrestrictivecovenantuponAL'LYSONACRES- HICKO:RYADDITION" ...... rwhichre outlined hereinbelow iwhichrestricti\7e covenantsshaiibeadheredtoby our successors it.oproperties inALLYSONACRES~HICKORY, ADDITION. '" .... , and shall be ad-',her.edtoby anypersori, or/persons, ,Who Shall reside '. of make use of ,an.jproperty therein,and:any:persori, persons, firr,or'corporation,acceptinc;ti tIe .orconveyances . to, residing in, or having any interest, of any kindor type whatsoever;, in ALLYS0:NACR,S-d . HICKORY 'ADDITION , shall strictI)adhere to such restrictivecovnahts),an by accepting such.titleorcon-veyance, . ei therdirectlyor'remotely, to' any property .in ALLYS ON ACRES-HICKORY ADDITION" shall be"demed to have assented and agreed to, andbe bound. by, such restrictive'covenahts:and shall be entitled to all thebenefits thereof , and shallassme all the,respotisibili ties thereof1. Forthe'purpose of maintaining values for themselves. and their successors in title; and for the purpose oE~ublic health and safety, and to en-hancethe property,

    and to insure a pleasant neighborhood appearance andcharacter and for the purpbse of control1inq the development of ALLYSONACRES~ ijICKORYADDITION ,the uridersignedowriers,to~wi t:, STUDEBAKERLAD COHPANY, AN OKLAHOHA CORPORATION, or: thir designees, shall retainarchitectural control fall constructiOn ,r any installation therein.Therefore,' no residence, building ,wall,: fence , drainage structure, rive-way , parking area ,etc. ,shall be initiated, constructed, installed, mair.-tained, altered, 'placed or permitted on 'any property therein, wi thoutfirst stlmittingthe plans,' plot-plan, and/or the specifications, detailor other stisfactoryinformation to the undersigned, or their ,designees,for. their examination, and written approval , and such construction andinstallation, etc. ,shall not be initiated until such wri ttenapprovalhas been executed and granted. ..,Inpassing upon. such plans ,. etc. ,.theundersigned owners, or their designees, 'may

    take into. consideration, thesuitabili tiy ofconstruc:tion and installation, and mati=rialsused ,to thegeneral area, to the generalpropertyvlUes,to thespecific buildingsite, to the outlook andviewtoandfror- the adjacent sites and the gen-eral area, to the general property values" to ,the susceptibility of suchconstructiontofireand/orother hzards; inclUding but not lir.i ted to,public health, and traffic hazards, and may take into consideration th,eblocking of view and the flow .of air ft:orn 'and to other properties in thearea. . The undersigned' owners may, when hi their

    opinion , title to enoughof the properties has been transferred to others,or when, in'thir opin-ion, enough construction has been completed , appoint, or cause to be .elected, a cO,mmittee ofclt least

    three 'of the then owners inALLYSON 'ACRES": HICKORY

    ADDITION to serve in the capaci tyof the undersignedowners insofar as this restricti vecoveriant c:oncernirigarchi tectural con-

    P18f)ic; /191...____.~.-'":-;:..-...

  • 8/14/2019 Allyson Acres Hickory Subdivision CCR's


    Restr icti ve

    'trol . is concerned. . Should .such plans,specificatioIls, etc .,for construction and installation be submitt~dtotheundersignedowners, their desig-nees ,of such commi ttee;andno;tf:r1tt7n',actionis ta'ken wi thin. 30. daystherefrom,; then. such constiucti6n and installation shall be deemed to havebeen ,approved. '" ... .. ,',' ". ..... .

    ,',-'-;. -;: . ':. ::..2 . Nosiriqle' rsiclent;lal"dweiiidn~i,;crtaihinglss:than_of floor space , . excluSiveo.fg=.=.z:ge-s~c,:frports" porches /0be placed or permitted toremairi, on any lot and all building shallplaced on permanent and solid type foundations, footings ,or piers

    , concrete or masonry.

    . ". No

    vehicle , or rnachiIlery','that 'is. in:slvage condition or is in the .". process of being torn down or repaired ,or isih a s ta te of junk ,nor anyther type salvage or j unkma terial,isto be placed,

    or kept , or perri tedto remain,onanYtract in such .mannerthat it may be seen from any ofheneighboringpropertiesorfromanyrocid in or

    adjacent to the sub- _division.. Owners ofany,tract,.'ortractS,in ALLYS


    not permit any pile of ide ad foliage or brush oranyeatrees or shrubbery to .remainontheir, property but shall dispose Of samein a reasonable tiineand in such ,a

    manner that is not Offensive, or insuch a manner to . cause a fire hazard to any property, and all owners , renters, lessors " occ:upants, . andparties'withinterest in, properties inALLYSON ACRES- HICKORY. ADDITION shall out, of respect to

    their neigh-bors and in .order to' maintai


    enhance property values, shall keep theirproperty in reasonablerepair,andshaiirnowthe property at . regular rea-.sonable intervals and should grass be allowed to grow to a height greaterthan 18" the undersigned owners may enter upon. such property and mow sameand such owner or lessorshaii be

    liable for the cost of such mowing andth cost of such mowing shall becom'ea lien upon the property. .

    4 .;,,&a:~i~ff'tiil~~~ten t, . 'Sh:ck. garage. barn. outbuilding or any tei~poi'ry"'O't"'fuS;R'1l'':il7!:f:t:drcture, shall

    at any time be Used for residentialurposes on any tract and nOstructutof ny description shall, be movedfrom any other location intO,

    this sUb-divisiOn.. 5. Each dwelling unit constructed" ona'hy tract sha11 have modern sanitary

    facilities, and s~ptic systems . shalL be. . constructed and installed in acc-ordance wi ththe regulations and ,standards

    of the Oklahoma State Depart..entof Health. . No. outdoor priviesshalla,t'any time 'be permitted on any"lot, nor shall any noxious,offensive'i.nsightly, malodOrous or unhealthyactivity or condition be carried on ,orbe perri tted to . remain, upon anylot, nor shall any horse, cw,swine, sheep or goat be' kept or permitted'to remain on any tract. " "'. . , .",' ."....... ..... ..........'..........'... ....... .........6. No building, -nor any part',th,ereof,shaii be

    placed nearer tc any roadine than the bpilding s.etbacklines ofis feet and no s.tructure other

    than fencing; shall be placed on anyease'ment areaoutlined on the abovelat nor nearer than 5dt6any.prop~rty. ownership line, except, that thisestrictive covenant shall 'not

    be deemed to prohibit installation of util-ity lines, water wells,an~thirappurtenances onsuch easements.

    . !' ,-


    . ..!

  • 8/14/2019 Allyson Acres Hickory Subdivision CCR's


    , /'," .

    Restrictive- . . " .17. Theextrioror.anydwelling; . includihg installation dfwindows and

    doors, shall be completediandfinished,nt later than 12 months after,initiationOf.the',foundation,-or initiation of 'anyconstruction, .thereforor thereon. Should theexterorriot'be completed and finished within said12 months , then the' undersigned-cshailhavetherighttoenter upon theproperty and to complete and;fini!:hthe e?Cterior '. of .' any building initiatewhereupon thegrantee' of th"property shall immediately pay to the under-signed the full costsofsti~h".completihand fintshing,Or shall autcmt-icaiiy grantlienrightsfor:such~i.. '. .. ..' .... '. ." ..... .'....dd ':'idd.. .8. ' No garbage or trashcans':strashiburnets, butane or propane storaget.anks, shall be placed onanYJtractinsucha manner.soasto be, seen ! ,from the adjoining lots or by ,the generai' public., They may. be of tae' .sunken type or may be above . ground ifhidden'by decora ti vescreening, .,.and no . clothes; line polesothei"thanone .collapsible umrella . type , shallbe installed ,orpermi tted to remaiiiona,nytra.ct.,. .,.. For the .PUblic.Safetyandparking in and along the road

    . hibi ted and vehicular trafficshall not exceed 25 miles per

    . ,".to' prdvideiforease .of traffic passage,traffic~waysinexcess ofl-hour is pro-in'ALLYSONACRES- HICKORY ADDITIONhour.

    10. Theresliall be only onbuilding on a lot unless written consent fromowner or developer, is obtained.

    ll. No sign of naturewiii be allowed on any lot \uiless written consentis given by owner or developer.

    12. No addition will be allOwed on a'ny' home unless written consent isqi venby own13. A fee of $24.00 per year willupkeep of roads and beautification

    '- Se -CoritiriUa:tlori-of-Re's' .IN . ",,,..A ' .' WHERE , we, e a ove . esignai;~.tiStli'S'."J'l27th day of NovInber, 1973.~" ~ '..!........ v (/ t\ ..~'

    .$ ~ - .... ....- \..~'"llir;Es;:~c~..~~~\ ., . .-...1~ .'~-iY- \~e~g

    '-t6NT~~.ot'(~:?tAWAR.~. .ss, ..' ....... .. :111111:ilil~,~9re' me, a notary pblic'in and"fOr said county and state on thi. :27thiay ,of Nov. 1973, pers()nallyappearedRobert L.Studebaker, Presie

    of: Land Company ,to rre known to be the identical person whoeX~~t'.."t~.e~',within and foregoing' instru11ent and acknm.ledged to me tha"lQ:.dete~n't:etl..~.tin,esa~e as hisrreeand .voltintaryactand deed for the useS.and'~p~r.po$~~ (";ttierei.n set forth.,.. .... ."

    . l-;".~~::~~~~:~~.j.~,y.. h~nd and "thedayand year last abfr written.MY.~cmm:rs ~.i.,ort, expires : ~ ,JlI-_:i~OY~,~'~r\,:.1'2, 1976. .....~

    lot owners

    nerby' set our

    y ."fd


  • 8/14/2019 Allyson Acres Hickory Subdivision CCR's


    ;... ,

    is. siiallbel:k'fc,within Sft. of ei 'side lot line ~16. .... Buildings must be desIgned

    to minimize the removal of trees, movingof earth, and disturbingthenturl.terrain.

    . . :.~' "~.-:' , i'"~ ..'.., - ."' - ',_ , .' ': ,_. '. '.'"' .'".. - - .i 7.' BUild.ingexteriorsmu~t.\,. so in with theexisting s urrdundi~g s ",;'"f~fi;,;;,l~\"";,,J ;i""" .". '.". '18., Prior to constructin...of:a,dwelling'6i'dp1acing ofda alot in the sUbdivision. . Theo",nerflotshall'causet.o make a perculationest by a ',' person or persons,.aJ?pr?"edJby*.qDHto perormpercula tiontests. ,


    I, Robert J.'eg.steredand competent. professionalengineer and land surveyor do

    hereby certify ,tha tI have made

    a survey'nd platted Into Lots, the property described above and same to be ,known ..'nd designated as' AllysOnACres-HickorYAddtionsUbdivisioninDelaware "County, State of Oklahoma'dand.that"

    this plat isa true, and correct, re-resentation of said survey. ' ,

    . 20. No building orwater well or other

    (SEAL ) No. 6,648


    ".':" .-,: iBefore me,theundersigned,a nOtary public in

    and for said Countynd State personally appeared RbertJ,. Hensley to meknown to ,be theden tical person who entered the within and foregoing ins trumentandcknowldged to ,me that heexecutedtJ:e . same as his free and voluntary act

    and deed for the ptirposesthereinst fortp. 'witness, my hand and seFthi4th January 1974. '

    My commission expires:November 22nd~19 76

    ,.,.: ~



  • 8/14/2019 Allyson Acres Hickory Subdivision CCR's


    I',\" .


    1. All " lots will have ,indivi.~1.~i;;;s~t::i~tii1ks. ,.,."

    Restrictive Covennts 00 0 0 .

    2.Watr wiI1beSt1ppli'Jb/f~b('wfig':iocatdna.djaCent property.. -., ~.;

    .;-:";,'.\,..~,: .~'.. n.,

    i'I hrby certify a.s. a Represerit~ti'~:eo'fth~j klahC)IraiState Dep~rtment ofHe1ath that this subdivisionmets tne'rninimumrequirements for indiv:idualSeptic Tanks and Ti1eField se for sewag~disposal.',

    HAGGARD "SanitarianHaggard,

    Filed: January 4th, 1974 at 1: 21 P.M. recorded in Book 263Pa.ge268-273


