UNIVERSITATEA DE NORD DIN BAIA MARE, Catedra de Ştiinţe ale Educaţiei Str. Victoriei, nr 76 4800 Baia Mare BULETIN ŞTIINŢIFIC, SERIA A, FASCICULA PEDAGOGIE- PSIHOLOGIE- METODICĂ, ISSN :1454-9352 Revistă anuală a Catedrei de Ştiinţe ale Educaţiei şi a DPPD , Univ de Nord CUPRINSUL ŞI REZUMATELE ULTIMELOR 7 NUMERE (2007-2001) ANUL 2007, VOL XVII, 156 pg. Colegiul de redacţie : Redactor coordonator : Lect.univ.dr.Maria Pirău Membri : Conf.univ.dr. Florian Roatiş Conf.univ.dr. Letiţia Pintea Conf.univ.dr. Valeriu Oros Lect.univ dr. Monica Maier Lect.univ drd. Florina Achim Lect.univ drd. Claudia Marian Asist.univ. drd. Alina Boja

ANUL 2007, VOL XVII, 156 pg. - utcluj.ro stiintifice.pdf · IIIe éd. en 1997, IVe éd. en 2006), Prelegeri pedagogice (Dissertations pédagogiques, volume rédigé en collaboration,

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Catedra de Ştiinţe ale Educaţiei

Str. Victoriei, nr 76

4800 Baia Mare


Revistă anuală a Catedrei de Ştiinţe ale Educaţiei şi a DPPD , Univ de Nord


ANUL 2007, VOL XVII, 156 pg.

Colegiul de redacţie :

Redactor coordonator :

Lect.univ.dr.Maria Pirău

Membri :

Conf.univ.dr. Florian Roatiş

Conf.univ.dr. Letiţia Pintea

Conf.univ.dr. Valeriu Oros

Lect.univ dr. Monica Maier

Lect.univ drd. Florina Achim

Lect.univ drd. Claudia Marian

Asist.univ. drd. Alina Boja


Prof.univ.dr. Maximilian Boroş – Universitatea de Nord din Baia Mare

Prof univ.dr. Miron Ionescu – Universitatea Babeş-Bolyai, Cluj-Napoca

Prof univ.dr. Nicolae Jurcău – Universitatea Tehnică, Cluj-Napoca

Prof univ.dr. Ioan Neacşu – Universitatea din Bucureşti

Prof univ.dr. Constantin Cucoş – Universitatea A.I.Cuza, Iaşi

Conf. Associate Teacher Suo Lei, Departement of Education, Zhangzhou Normal University, Fujian Province, RP China

Tehnoredactare : Lect.univ.drd. Florina Achim

Tiparul executat la S.C. DESIGN PRINT, Baia Mare


Maria-Tereza Pirău „Le professeur Ioan Cerghit. Memoires subjectifs”…..................7

Ioan Cerghit est aujourd’hui professeur consultant à la Faculté de Psyschologie et des Sciences de l’Éducation de l’Université de Bucarest. Il est l’auteur et le coordonnateur de plusier ouvrages, parmi lesquels nous mentionnerons: Tehnici moderne de instruire. Curs teoretic şi practic (1974), (Techniques modernes d’instruction. Cours théorique et practique), Curs de pedagogie (1988), (Cours de pédagogie), Metode de învăţământ, (Méthodes d’enseignement), (I-re éd. en 1976, IIe éd. en 1980, IIIe éd. en 1997, IVe éd. en 2006), Prelegeri pedagogice (Dissertations pédagogiques, volume rédigé en collaboration, 2001), Sisteme de instruire alternative şi complementare. Structuri, stiluri şi strategii (2002) )Systèmes d’instruction alternatifs et complémentaires. Structures, Styles et stratégies). Il a eu de nombreuses fonctions élevées à l’Université de Bucarest: vice-doyen de la Faculté de Philosophie (1973-1977), chef de la Chaire de Pédagogie et Psychologie (1979-1990), chef du Laboratoire de Didactique Universitaire (1984-1989); directeur du Séminaire Pédagogique (1994-1996); directeur du Département pour la formation des professeurs (1994-1999). Cette année (2007), le professeur Ioan Cerghit aura l’âge de 80 ans.


Valeriu Oros „The Pedagogical Reading for Parents- Between Adherence and

Apathy ”...........................................................................................................................14


   Reading material especially written for parents has in view their pedagogical training for the competitive carrying out of their role as educators of their children providing them with theoretical and practical knowledge regarding the process of raising and educating them. This is able to model the parents' solid conviction about the necessity of a sustained educational work in the family, a scientific concept about the educational phenomenon. The science of education provides parents with an increased credit regarding its role in the children's education. As such, publishers have issued a rich range of reading addressing parents especially, coming to their aid with ideas, facts and necessary solutions.

1. Hypothesis . The information flows, extremely rich and diverse, captivates man totally, taking him far from reading, from the pages of the book. The negative reverse of this phenomenon has been sporadically and sequentially studied. The problem which preoccupies us today, under the conditions of the competition struggle between the "Marconi Wave" and the "Gutenberg Galaxy" stands in determining the adherence and non-adherence degree of parents to this type of reading addressing them especially. The research started from the idea that this reading acquired and interiorized on the basis of an intrinsic motivation can effectively support the educational process of their own children.

2. Methodology. To illustrate the hypothesis, they have resorted to die carrying out an experiment of an observational, improving character. There have been 325 parents included in it with children on the primary cycle (36,92%), on the secondary level (32,30%), on the highschool level (30,77%). Out of these, mothers represent 56,92% and fathers 43,07%; 33,84% have superior education, 49,23% have medium level education and 16,92% highschool education. The experiment took two years to carry out. The investigation methods used were: the questionnaire, the interview, the observation, the library card and the mathematical statistics. Along the experiment, the data collection regarded:

a). the degree of interest and disinterest of parents related to the reading addressed to them as educational factors;

b). the revelation of objective and subjective factors which disturb the parents' opening to reading;

c). the efficiency of some methods to attract parents to this kind of reading of special destination and with obvious educational valences.

d). the establishing of a thinking of observational, ameliorative and prospective character, all oriented towards the achieving of the educational objective, the formation of human personality.

Maria Butucea. „ Searching Alternatives- The Concept of Explanation in The Paradigm of Open Science”. The Role Played by Cultural Factors as a Cognitive Scheme in Educational Theory..........................................................................................................29


Trough interactions, groups and their members are generating knowledge (explicit/tacit, declarative/procedural). I will look, here, upon "cognitive schemas", "stereotypes" and “cognitive representations" as knowledge units witch are specifically related or designed into educational domain. If pedagogy is a “science of complexity” that organizes a "fluid matter", in perpetual evolution and copes with societies crises, then, at least certain segments, can be studied with the help of cognitive-compartmental neurosciences and of complex dynamic systems theory.

B. Le Driant, L.Vandromme, C.Kolski, V. Strunski, „Neonatal hearing screening: Which effects on the organization of other – baby’s early interactions?”......................36


The neonatal hearing screening comes within a step of secondary prevention of handicaps insofar as deafness has obvious consequences on the cognitive, linguistic and emotional development of the child.

However, informing the parents of a potential sensory dysfunction from the first days of the child’s life can be the cause of a disorganization in the first parent / child interactions, and some professionals give an opinion that proves to be sensitive to many regards. This is why several studies examined this question and gave aut contrasted conclusions on it.

Thus, our work aims at evaluating the consequences, on the parental anxiety and quality of parents / child interactions, of a hearing screening program according to the moment when the test was carried aut (4 days vs 2 months).

To do so, we led semi-directing interviews with the mothers of the tested children. The results showed that a positive result entailed a significant increase in the maternal anxiety which deteriorated the general psychological state of the mother, especially in the neonatal period in which the test was carried out. This resulted in specific interactive profiles in which the mothers of the children with a positive result presented less insurance in the way they managed the interaction with their baby.

Maria-Tereza Pirău. „Levels of Moral Intelligibility”..................................................47


The present paper starts from the criticism of the intellectualist model of morality which we currently operate with in educational sciences. The author considers that five levels of moral intelligibility can be discriminated: logical understanding, ability, valuing, empathy, and intuition. What this model brings new is that, beside the cognitive, behavioural, and axiological assimilation of socially constituted norms, the care for the Other Human, the empathy, and moral creativity (as against the plurality of situations, the novelty of experiences and of human contexts) are considered performing and indicators of moral maturity.

Eva Monica Szekely „Possible References for an Intercultural Education.I.Slavici and Mircea Eliade - Intercultural Destinies”...........................................................................53


We discover, quite late, that between numbers, rocks, between cultures, nations, remains a space that is hard to fill. But at the same time it is a space continuously opened towards the culture of the other, a space of the otherness, a mixed space at the spiritual meeting point of the author’s / character’s / reader’s culture and the foreign culture of the other. It is a space of identity consonance but especially dissonance with different / altered aspects of the multiple-linguistic socio-verbal

consciousness that surrounds the object (the literary discourse) while at the same time insinuates into the axiological horizon of the reader-subject.

We shall support the fact that this is a mixed context, full of problematic questions that relate to awaited answers, as well as of objections of the other, a space of border and living dialogue between history and other possible worlds of meaning. This space-time is marked in our speech or common discourse by the prefix “inter-” (-cultural, ethnic) and we propose some old and new reflection themes starting from significant fragments from the works of I. Slavici and M. Eliade.

Alina Boja „A Didactic Approach of Classroom Management”....................................70


In this study we attempt to bring a new approach on Classroom Management, making some observations and stating some rules in defining this topic. Although the arguments sustaining the need to prepare teachers also as classroom managers are quite convincing, it seems most of the teachers that participated to our research are not yet fully prepared for this role.

Monica Maier „The Influence of an Early Structuring of a Non-securing Type of Attachement over the Cognitive Capacity and that of Social Insertion of the Individuals .........................................................................................................................................82


The parent-child relationship is crucial for the child’s development. The evaluation of this relationship is done in clinical conditions as well as in natural ones. This evaluation is necessary for elaborating certain intervention techniques. All of these may due to non-securing attachment developed in early childhood and that is why it’s imperative we speak about psychotherapeutic treatments more often, about implementing educational programmes that control family relations through a specialized intervention; it’s important to talk about family therapy and especially about preventing risk factors.

Claudia Marian, Mihaela Munteanu „La dynamique des échanges verbaux agressifs des élèves selon l’âge et le sexe – incidences et déterminacions”…………….......……88


L’amplification des formes de communication agressive parmi les élèves ne représente plus une nouveauté – la moyenne signale toujours une vive dynamique du phénomène. La présente étude se propose d’évaluer les formes verbales de l’agressivité chez les élèves – l’insulte, la taquinerie, la menace, le surnom, l’humiliation, la médissance, etc. – tout en essayant d’établir l’incidence des comportements investigués, leur signification agressive attribuée par les élèves, l’évolution par âge de ces incidences et de ces significations, et, non pas en dernier lieu, les possibles déterminations des

comportements analysés. En utilisant comme méthode d’investigation le questionnaire appliqué sur un lot de 595 élèves du milieu urbain et rural, et des méthodes complexes de statistique (Anova bifactoriel et la régression hierarchique), les résultats obtenus offrent un tableau nuancé sur l’entourage agressif manifesté dans les écoles roumaines.)

René Khomiakoff „Handicap et technologies d’assistance: la place de la dimension subjective”………………………………………………................... ...........................96


Que peut faire un psychologue face à l’ajustement des appareillages techniques et des personnes en situation de handicap que l’on n’implique pas dans leurs besoins ? Travail d’appropriation ? d’évaluation de ses compétences ? d’apprentissage ? un accompagnement vers la considération ? La ressource la plus pertinente semble d’avoir recours à une pluridisciplinarité des acteurs pour mettre en place une aide technique efficace.

Vanessa Sauvage-Verrier, Barbara Le Driant, Luc Vandromme „De l’intersubjectivité à l’attachement: proposition d’un modèle chez l’enfant sourd”…...105


Il est aujourd’hui admis en psychologie du développement, que les relations précoces des enfants influencent leur développement psychoaffectif. Ces relations sont abordées en terme de lien psychique entre les partenaires.

Depuis plusieurs années, deux modèles théoriques coexistent indépendamment l’un de l’autre pour appréhender le développement de ce lien : les modèles de l’intersubjectivité et de l’attachement. La question est alors de savoir comment les envisager conjointement.

A ce titre, nous avons voulu étudier le développement de la relation mère-enfant dans une situation à risque : celle d’un dysfonctionnement auditif chez l’enfant.

Il s’agit alors à terme, de proposer un modèle dynamique de développement des relations mère-enfant sourd, qui réunisse ces deux systèmes.

Li Zhengshuan, Suo Lei „CALL: a Necessary but Difficult Step in China’s College English Teaching” ........................................................................................................117


With the development of modern science and high technology, especially through the wide use of computer, great changes have taken place in the process and ways of learning and teaching. Computer makes learning interesting and effective. It can really be very useful in language learning.

Yet, in college English teaching in China, CALL (computer-assisted language learning) has not been really and effectively carried out, though some efforts have been made in some universities.

Michel Kluska “Essai d’incorporation de donnee pedagogiques et cognitivistes sur les apprentissage dans le cadre d’une mission au mexique pour le compte d’une O.N.G. francais” ……………………………………………………………………………….123


N.B. : il s’agit ici du compte rendu d’une ébauche d’expérience improvisée lors d’une mission de psychologie clinique. La faible durée de cette action ainsi que les conditions locales n’ont pas permis de respecter une méthodologie susceptible de fournir des éléments de conclusion (1).

Viorica-Laura Budiu, Sarolta Lazar „Applying Psychodrama in Optimizing the Quality of Life for Mothers of Children with Severe Neuropsychological Disability. A „Good Practice” Model” …………………………………………...…………………131

Olimpia Ignat „The Seminar – a Modality of Student Activation”.............................136


The paper The Seminar - A Modality of Student Activation approaches a theme belonging to the pedagogy of the university level which is suggested by the need for the improvement of educational activity of the seminarial type the didactic staff is faced with in order to enhance student participation within seminaries. The study follows the highlighting of the activating potential of the seminary, thus, analyzing the educational activities involved by the seminar as compared to the parameters it has to carry out so that it may determine active student behaviour.

Florina Achim „Perspectives over the Issue of the religious Education” ……………146


Religious education has been a much debated issue throughout time and has known different ways of approach. By analysing different educational systems, the following study lists and describes the paradigms of religious education.


Miron Ionescu (coord) „Paradigmatic Changes in Instruction and Education” Ed. Eikon, Cluj Napoca, 2006 (Alina Boja)………………………………………………155

ANUL 2006, VOL XVI, 195 pg.

Colegiul de redacţie :

Redactor coordonator :

Lect. univ.dr. Maria Pirău

Membri :

Prof.univ.dr. Maximilian Boroş

Conf.univ.dr. Florian Roatiş

Conf.univ.dr. Letiţia Pintea

Conf.univ.dr. Valeriu Oros

Lect.univ dr. Olimpia Ignat

Lect.univ drd. Florina Achim

Lect.univ drd. Monica Maier

Lect.univ drd. Claudia Marian

Asist.univ. drd. Alina Boja


Prof univ.dr. Miron Ionescu – Universitatea Babeş-Bolyai, Cluj-Napoca

Prof univ.dr. Nicolae Jurcău – Universitatea Tehnică, Cluj-Napoca

Prof univ.dr. Ioan Neacşu – Universitatea din Bucureşti

Prof univ.dr. Constantin Cucoş – Universitatea A.I.Cuza, Iaşi

Tehnoredactare : Florica Loi

Editura Universităţii de Nord, Baia Mare


Valeriu Oros „Prof. univ. dr. Vistian Goia la 70 de ani - o viaţă dăruită şcolii”(Professor Vistian Goia, PhD, at the Age of 70 – A life dedicated to School)...….7


Maximilian Boroş „Şcoala şi societatea” (School and Society)……............................15


This study is about the relation between school and society. In this context many options are criticaly studied, the author showing the importance and the role of each option in the development of the student’s personality.

Maximilian Boroş „Profesorul şi conducerea clasei de elevi” (The Professor and the Class Management).........................................................................................................18


The author makes a parallel between the classical class management and the democratic one. Thus, the shortcomings of the former are evidenced and also the advantages of the latter – regarding the development of the independence and creativity of thought.

Valeriu Oros „Clasificarea elevilor. Iluzie şi realitate” (Students’ Classification. Illusion and Reality)…………………………………………...……..............................20


The above mentioned study is an appeal for an objective and representative assesment of grammatical categories by means of assesment tests sequentially structured into prioritised targets and undertargets.

Florian Roatiş „Petre Dulfu - pedagog şi filosof” (Petre Dulfu – Pedagog and Philosopher)......................................................................................................................26


In this study, the author approches the pedagogical preocupations of Petre Dulfu, the famous Transylvanian storyteller, analyzing his two philosophy-related manuals: “Ethics, or Philosophical Morals” (1889) and “Esthetics” (1891). On one hand, the study emphasizes Petre Dulfu’s in-depth konwledge of the philosophical domains which he had taught at the “Şcoala Secundară”, and on the other hand testifies with sufficient clarity on his pedagogical vocation.

Petre Dulfu’s undertakings of providing the Romanian educational system with the necessary manuals is placed in a wider context, having as predecessors pedagogues such as Constantin Leonardescu and Ion Florantin and preceding Mihail Strajanu and Mihail Dragomirescu.

Gabriela Ciot, Nicolae Jurcău „Modele ale dizabilităţii în mass-media din culturile vestice ” ( Models of Disability in Western Cultures Mass-media).................................35


A wide range of media representation of disability exists, but not just because of the societal stigma. They are a function of norms of journalism as well as biases among people with disabilities themselves. There are specific models in wich media portrayls people with disabilities. This paper will present some general models of disability media images from Western cultures; then it will focus on cultural themes from disability images and the impact of disability portrayal in European society.

Maria Pirău „Rolul afectivităţii şi al intelectului în luarea deciziilor morale de către tinerii filologi” (The Role of Affectivity and Logical Reasoning in Taking Moral Decisions by Young Philologists)....................................................................................47


This paper deals with research undertaken on the role of affectivity and logical reasoning in pupils and philology students process of making moral decisions. Results point to the fact that ethical decisions are the outcome of the interaction of affective and intellectual factors.

One can conclude that, by unilaterally developing the intellect by means of educational strategies, we do not prevent affectivity from manifesting itself in the decisions of those we educate but we maintain affectivity at a level of immaturity.

Maria Pirău „Tipurile morale la E. Durkheim şi C.G. Jung” (Moral Typologies at E. Durkheim. And C.G. Jung)………………………………………………………..........56


This paper scans on an Durkheimian ideea according to which there would exist two moral tempers – one based on reason and the other one on feeling - and relates it to the Classical Theory of Tempers, the Jung Typology and the new dates of Physiology.

If this ideea proves itself correct, it means that we are about to experience a paradigmatic change in the educational approach on morality: the essence of tempers is, according to the pedagogy logics, a sufficient reason for applying the individualisation and differentation principle in the moral development of a person; in the same time, it suggests the fact, promoted by the Postmodern Thinking, that we can achieve morality in different ways and different approaches.

Olimpia Ignat „Stabilirea de obiective personale pentru activitatea seminarială –factor determinant al implicării studentului în cadrul seminarului” (Establishing Personal Objectives for Seminars – Decisive Element Concerning the Student’s Involvment in Seminarial Activity)…………………………………………………….…………........63


The paper presents the results of an experimental study focused on demonstrating the existence of a direct relation between: the students establishing their own objectives for the seminarial work and the level they actively attend these seminars.

Olimpia Ignat „Atitudinea studentului faţă de participarea activă la seminarii” (The Students’ Atitude Towards Actively Attending Seminars)..............................................71


This study presents the results of student-focused investigation concerning the way students perceive the situation of actively attending seminars. It emphasizes aspects concerning the significance students give those situations, the elements upon which they appreciate / or not the active behaviour, the way students understand to assume the responability for such a behaviour, the resources they need to dispose for actively attending the seminars.

Claudia Marian „Trasee ale devenirii umane - traiectorii de dezvoltare a agresivităţii” (Directions of Human Evolution – Aggressiveness Development Trajectories)….……95


The socialization of aggresion depends on a lot of ereditay and environmental factors. Knowing the way these factors are articulated at different ages, we can anticipate some trajectories, ones favorables, others deviant. These trajectories have a great stability and are useful for implementation of preventive programes dealing with aggressivity in schools.

Claudia Marian „Consumul de alcool/drog- cauză şi efect al comportamentelor agresive” (Alcohol/Drug Use - Cause and Effect of Aggressive Behaviours......................................................................................................................101


Aggression and alcohol/drug use are both considered deviant behaviours. Between them, there are a lot of mechanisms that can explain why aggression is sustained by drug abuse, and how drug abuse can precipitate aggression. This article is trying to analyze at a different level this bidetermination.

Monica Maier „Cercetare cu privire la raportul dintre metacogniţie şi nivelul de dezvoltare metacognitivă” (Research Concerning the Ratio Between Metacognition and the Level of Metacognitive Development).....................................................................109


In the learning process, the cognitive training state has a special role (the subject’s capacity to adequate his knowledge as to deal with the demands of learning a new subject). This training state is influenced by: the genetic potential, the incidental experience, prior education. That is why this state

differs from one individual to another, according to the different learning capacities. The attempt to accelerate the instruction process must be focused on the differences among children, both concerning the learning capacity and the cognitive training state.

Monica Maier „Metacogniţia şi comportamentul social” (Metacognition and Social Behaviour)......................................................................................................................118


Every situation has its specific character and that is why we cannot talk about the necessity of stabilizing a certain behaviour, but the development of the inventorying ability of the cognitive performances is necessary as well as the intelligent adaptation at the situation we are dealing with. These aspects are linked to the individual experience and the educational training level that constitutes the way to a better metacognitive ability.

Florina Achim „Tradiţional şi modern în evaluarea la disciplina religie” ( Traditional and Modern in the Evaluation of Students at Religion)………………….……………127


The presence of Religious Education in the school area proposes and imposes a series of requisitions that deserve to be respected. The evaluation realised in this discipline has distinctive characteristics that request a special approach. The present paper proposes a radiography of the didactic methodology used in this process.

Alina Boja „Adaptarea analizei SWOT la activitatea seminarială universitară (The Adaptation of SWOT Analisys to Seminarial Activity in Universities)…………….………………………………………………..……………143


Originally used in the economic field, the SWOT Analisys can be adapted to serve the needs of the educational practice, enriching this way the didactic methodology teachers use in their work. We present in this paper a way SWOT Analisys can be used in a Pedagogy seminar.

Alina Boja „Managementul problemelor disciplinare în clasa de elevi” (Managing Misbehavior among Students)……................................................................................155


The matter of discipline in the classroom has been widely treated in the educational scientific literature. This paper presents a theoretical approach on discipline, rememorising the most known prevention / intervention models in the case of misbehavior among students.

Maria Popescu Butucea „Explicaţia necesară în psihologie” (în concepţia lui Jerry Fodor) (The “Necessary” Explanation in Psychology)………………………..............168


There is an opinion that states the existence of methodological difficulties in psychology not only because of the complexity of its field of study, but, also because of our belief in an inadequate conception regarding determination, causality and its logical expression. (J. Fodor) Furthermore I believe that, these difficulties are maintained through the limitation implied to us by the logic explanatory paradigm that we are used to think in.


Maximilian Boroş „Fascinaţia adevărului”, Ed. Limes, Cluj-Napoca, 2005 (Maria Pirău) (The Spell of Truth).......................................................................................... 181

Nossart Pessechkian„Poveşti orientale ca instrumente de psihoterapie”, Editura Trei, 2005 (Claudia Marian) (Eastern Stories as Means of Psychotherapy) ........................................................................................................................................185

Gabriela Medan „Calea lecturii” Editura Montessori, Baia Mare, 2005 (Valeriu Oros) (The Path of Reading)....................................................................................................189

Ion Negreţ- Dobridor, Ion Ovidiu Pânişoară „Ştiinţa învăţării. De la teorie la practică” Editura Polirom, Iaşi, 2005 ( Olimpia Ignat) (The Sience of Learning. From Theory to Practice).........................................................................................................192

Alina Roman, Anca Pietroi, Labirintul evaluării didactice, Ed. Universităţii „Aurel Vlaicu”, Arad, 2005 (Florina Achim) (The Didactic Evaluation Labyrinth)...............194

I.T.Radu „Evaluarea procesului didactic”, Ed a II-a, EDP, Bucureşti 2004, (Florina Achim) (The Didactic Process Evalution).....................................................................198

ANUL 2005, VOL XV, 191 pg.

Colegiul de redacţie :

Redactor coordonator :

Lect. univ.dr.Maria Pirău

Membri :

Prof.univ.dr. Maximilian Boroş

Conf.univ.dr. Letiţia Pintea

Conf.univ.dr. Valeriu Oros

Lect.univ drd. Olimpia Ignat

Asist.univ. drd. Alina Boja


Prof univ.dr. Miron Ionescu – Universitatea Babeş-Bolyai, Cluj-Napoca

Prof univ.dr. Nicolae Jurcău – Universitatea Tehnică, Cluj-Napoca

Prof univ.dr. Ioan Neacşu – Universitatea din Bucureşti

Prof univ.dr. Constantin Cucoş – Universitatea A.I.Cuza, Iaşi

Tehnoredactare computerizată : Florica Loi

Tiparul executat la Tipografia Enesis, Baia Mare


Valeriu Oros Prof. univ. dr. Dumitru Salade. Un nonagenar tânăr (Professor Dumitru Salade. A Young Nonagenarian).....................................................……….............…….4


Maximilian Boroş „Ştiinţa. Scopul şi funcţiile sale”(Science. Its Purpose and Functions)…………………………………………........................................................9


This study gives some useful specification about the way sience must be, its object and functions. In this way, the examination of various orientations and the specification of the science functions are important.

Miron Ionescu „Inovaţia şi reforma - o necesitate pentru învăţământul românesc” (Inovation and Educational Reform – a Necessity for the Romanian Educational System).............................................................................................................................12


The success of the educational reform process is ensurred by the scientific prospecting of the educational phenomena through the pedagogical research, followed by inovations that involve the whole learning process. This study emphasizes the relation between the pedagogical research, the innovation process and the reform process, illustrating the theoretical approach with the conclusions of a national research on the impact the reform process has on teachers.

Gabriela Ciot, Nicolae Jurcău „Reprezentări sociale ale dizabilităţii reflectate în presa scrisă românească în anul 2003” (Social Representations of Disability Shown in the Romanian Written Press in 2003 )..................................................................................30


Surveys of individuals with disabilities and interpretative essays have criticized the media for their lack of coverage of disability issues and for stereotypical and inappropriate portrayals of people with disabilities. We conducted an emipical study from Romanian newspapers to check the validity of these findings and ideas.

Valeriu Oros „Evaluarea trisistemică. Dimensiuni şi limite” (Trisystematic Evaluation. Dimensions and Limits)………………………………………......................................46


The paper whose preliminary results and conclusions we are trying to present now belongs to the field of docimological investigations regarding on the syntax of the sentence.

Starting from drawbacks observed while teaching and capitalizing the positive experience of our school as well as the research done on this area, the paper aims at contributing to the process of testing and evolution of the knowledge of grammar.

Our research confirms the hypothesis acording to which an organized process of determination and evaluation based on the docimological test sequentially strutured in objectives and microobjective implied Bucharest, the operational and stored data contributes to the optimization of the docimological act rendering it a scientific character Bucharest way of authenticity and representative.

Maria Pirău. „Actualitatea teoriei tipurilor a lui C.G. Jung” (The Up-to-Dateness of C.G.Jung’s Types Theory)……………………………………….…..............................59


This year we are celebrating the 130th birth anniversary of C.G. Jung. In a study published in 2001 I pointed at the correspondence between Jung’s theory of archetypes and the later research in the field of ethology. I was not aware then, as I am still unaware now, of anybody noticing what I find obvious. The current essay shows the congruencies between Jung’ theory of psychological types and H. Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences. I dedicate this essay to our amazing…………

Maria Pirău. „Adolescenţa. Aspecte controversate. Profil moral” (Adolescence. Disputed Aspects. Moral Profile)………………………………………….....................70


This essay is based not only on research and theoretical thinking, but also on fifteen years of experience derived from working directly with teenagers. During the last decade, my interest in the subject has been maintained by a pragmatic need: training young people to teach at secondary and high-school levels I have been constantly concerned with what I have to tell the future teachers about the psychological and moral profile of the pupils and students they will look after. This essay formulates three arguments from an interdiciplinary standpoint; they contradict the thesis of exclusive dependence of the teenage crisis on culture. One of the arguments comes from the history of pedagogy, the second argument is based on ethological research, and the third argument is inspired by the lives of great cultural figures.

Olimpia Ignat „Rolul profesorului în activităţile seminariale” (The Teacher’s Role in the Seminarial Activites)..................................................................................................91


This paper approaches the role the teacher has to acomplish - and, in the same time, the qualities and competences that he/she needs for acomplishing his/her role - in the active instruction situations of the seminars.

Olimpia Ignat „Percepţia studenţilor asupra activităţii seminariale- premisă a participării active în cadrul seminariilor”(Students’ Perception Concerning Seminarial Activites – A Premise of Active Involvement at Seminars).........................................101


The study presents the results of an investigation among the sudents, in order to emphasize the way they perceive the seminarial activity, the main aspects being focused on: the importance the seminar has in the student’s preparation, the motivation beyond attending/not attending the seminar, characteristics of the seminarial activitties that make the student want to participate.

Claudia Marian „Tipare de comunicare funcţionale şi disfuncţionale la copiii preşcolari” (Functional and Disfunctional Comunication Patterns at Pre-school Children)….…................................................................................................................109


Social integration of the young children is one of the educational priorities. This study is focused on the differences between the behavior patterns of leaders and rejected children in order to see which are the most valorised actions or behavior deficites that lead to social succes or failure. Formative compensation of maladaptive interractions can help the children cope with their own isolations.

Monica Maier „Proiecte manageriale de formare şi dezvoltare a metacogniţiei la studenţi” (Managerial Projects Concerning the Formation and Development of Metacognition at Students).............................................................................................117


Within a group of students, the teacher can act similar to an adjusting part of an heterogeneous ensemble submitted to learning, if he is allowed to use a variety of educational approaches and techniques or ways that adequately adapt to the mental functioning and character differences between these students. That is why we believe it must be acted from an early stage in order to develop the metacognitive behavior and, acordingly, through adequate projects, such programmes can be focused on children, youngsters or adults, if they are properly adapted.

Florina Achim „Scurtă perspectivă asupra modelelor de evaluare din domeniul educaţiei religioase” ( Brief Perspective Concerning Evaluation Methods in the Religious Education Field)............................................................................................130


The field of the evaluation methods is barely approached in the Romanian scientific literature, while in the foreign one, this topic knows a continuous process of development. This paper is set to present the main evaluation models, which can be aplied in the field of religious education.

Florina Achim „Strategii evaluative în domeniul educaţiei religioase” ( Evaluative Strategies in the Religious Education Field)..................................................................143


In order to obtain quality in the proces of evaluating the students at Religion it is necessary to redimension and rethink the evaluative strategies to corespond the demands of this discipline. The paper presents the evaluation startegies used in this dicipline and proposes some suplimentary strategies.

Alina Boja „Profesorul în faţa rolului de manager al clasei de elevi” (The Professor as a Class Manager)...............................................................................................................152


This research on the roles teachers have to fulfill during their educational activities starts from the observation of the fact that some of this roles involve classroom management strategies. The surprising conclusions of the research are that not all the teachers accept or feel prepared for those roles. We identified some of the causes of this situation and proposed some practical solutions, in the benefit.- of both teachers and their students.

Michel Kluska „Pertinence du savoir et du desire”......................................................160

Maria Popescu Butucea „Scheme de gândire, comportament şi acţiune politică. Premise de predare a culturii civice.” (Diagrams of Thought, Behaviour and Political Action. Premises for Civil Culture Teaching)…............................................................164


Traditional conceptualization and interpretation of “rational” term might always endorse it as a good candidate for “pure” categories of political actions explanation. This issues will try to challenge such views by offering an update on recent answers using a new pragmatic perspective as “presupposition” and cognitive “schemata” for one possible explanation of political actions. But also could be an opportunity to raise many other questions for the future study.

Lydia Bloch „Le programme franco - roumain „Education a l’information en milieu rural defavorise” concerne aussi les ecole maternelles. Pourquoi?”..............................169

Alina Boja „Grupul-clasă, cadru al socializării elevilor” (The Class-Group, a Frame for Student Socialization).....................................................................................................173


This paper is a theoretical approach of the collective of the classroom. In our attempt to give a long-range view on the subject, we distinguished some issues, as: the importance of group-influence in every person’s life, the etymology of the “group” term, types of psychosocial groups. All our attempt to analyze groups has led us to the classroom group - an educational group, with special characteristics, that has great influence in shaping the student’s personality.


Viorel Iosifescu „Duplicitate şi educaţie morală”, Ed. Aramis, 2004 (Maria Pirău) (Duplicity and Moral Education)…............................................................................ 180

Venera Mihaela Cojocaru „Introducere în managementul educaţiei” EDP, Bucureşti (Alina Boja) (Introduction to Educational Management)…………………………….181

I.T.Radu „Evaluarea procesului didactic”, Ed a II-a, EDP, Bucureşti 2004, (Florina Achim)(Didactic Process Evaluation)............................................................................184

M.Scott Peck „Psihologia minciunii”, Editura Curtea Veche, 2004 (Claudia Marian)

(The Psychology of Lying)…………………………….………………………………186

ANUL 2004, VOL XIV, 190 pg.

Colegiul de redacţie :

Redactor coordonator :

Prof.univ.dr. Maximilian Boroş

Membri :

Conf.univ.dr. Letiţia Pintea

Conf.univ.dr. Valeriu Oros

Lect.univ.dr.Maria Pirău

Lect.univ drd. Olimpia Ignat

Tehnoredactare computerizată : Florica Loi

Tiparul executat la S.C. Roprint, Cluj- Napoca

I. Comemorări

Valeriu Oros „Ştefan Bârsănescu- un spirit academic (1895- 1984)- 20 de ani e la trecerea în nefiinţă”(Ştefan Bârsănescu – an Academic Spirit – 20 Years From His Passing Away)………………………………………………………………………...pg.5

Studii şi cercetări

Maximilian Boroş „Educaţia civică – scop şi obiective” (Civic Education – Purpose and Objectives)………………………………………………………..........................pg.9


The study presents, describes and specifies the main obligations of civic education in present conditions. It speaks about the future and present objectives.

Maximilian Boroş „Educaţia afectivă” (Emotional Education)...............................pg.11


The author speaks about the necessary delimitations and formulates the obligations and the objectives of affective education.

Maximilian Boroş „Rolul şi responsabilitatea socio-profesională a profesorului” (The Role and Social-Professional Responsability of the Teacher)………………..…....pg. 15


This study presents the role and the professional obligations, but especially the social obligations of the teacher in present conditions.

Valeriu Oros Contribuţia testării continue şi a conexiunii inverse la sporirea randamentului şcolar (The Contribution of Continuous Evaluation and Feed-Back to the Increasing of School Performances)... .................................................................... pg.18


The author reevaluates the results of an experimental investigation directed to point out new methods

for increasing the pupils’ output while studying grammar.

The results obtained at concluding the investigation confirm the main assumption that it becomes pertinent with the new didactical trends, being structured in sections based on preferential targets, microtargets and on diferent types of information. It is organicalz integrated in the system of the lesson and it carries out the feed-back process with a continuous function. This function has a cognitive and adjustable action of the underlining of the meaning.

All these do not only constitute a method of improving the verification of an objective and representative evaluation of the amount of knowledge, but mean a way of increasing the pupils’ output on the educative level. This leads to certain interesting remarks and useful conclusions.

Valeriu Oros „Formarea iniţială - între necesitate şi realitate” (Initial Trainning Between Necessity and Reality ).................................................................................pg.27


After having analysed the results of the 2002 and 2003 teacher appointment tests for preuniversitary education, the author emphasizes three main aspects that invite to reflections as to the right preparation for teaching profession: a) few university graduates apply for the teacher appointment test; b) the tests results were under the expectations; c) there is a big difference between theoretical and practical knowledge obtained during university studies on one hand, and the characteristics of the didactic activitiesin the pre-universitary education on the other.

Therefore, it is more than advisable to rethink and change the actual manner of the initial teaching preparation.

Maria Pirău. „Educaţia şi lumea contemporană” (Education and the Contemporary World)………………………………………………….............................................pg.34


The main purpose of the following study is to present coherently three main concepts: educational fortress, inovative learning and the coalition of players. Expressed by different authors, in different contexts, they synthetize, in the author’s opinion, the most urgent things we have to do in our days: creating educational fortress pluralistic and extended enough as to afford – the coalition of players of different ages and different cultural backgrounds - conditions for practicing the inovative learning.

Maria Pirău. „Penalităţi şcolare” (Educational Punishments)...................................pg.50


The following study starts from the observation that in today’s school, the way in which educational punishments are applied it is not openly debated. The study presents the results of an investigation on 204 students regarding the penalties applied in the schools they attended during the 1990/2000 decade. The results of our investigation show that teachers prepared for practicing moral education and, particularly, the utilisation of moral penalty, cannot even level with the demands of authors that have become classic, as Dukheim or Geissler.

Maria Pirău. „Pentru o redefinire a conceptului de strategie pedagogică” ( Towards a Redefinition of the Pedagogical Strategy Concept)....................................................pg.72


This paper starts from the observation that the term “educational strategy” seems to be today in a meaning crisis and proposes a redefinition of the term from the Th. Kuhn paradigm’s theory.

Michel Kluska Education, enseignement et examen psychologique” .....................................................................................................................................pg.80

Olimpia Ignat „Potenţialul activizator al seminarului didactic universitar” (The Activizating Capacity of the Universitary Didactic Seminar)…………………….....pg.85


This study analyses the activisating potential of the universitary didactic seminar trying to determinate the degree of compatibility between the universitary didactic seminar as a way of realising the didactic process in the universitary teaching and the involving of students in the activites.

Monica Maier „Organizarea activităţilor didactice în învăţământul universitar” (Organizing the Universitary Didactic Activities)…................................................pg.106


The teachers’ part as a manager of educational activity is, mainly, that of direct interaction on the person he is contacting, but also the ressources that he has at his disposal, especially for reducing or

avoiding incertitudes, anguishes, anxieties, but also for orienting the placing in work of energies. A good manager can exercise pressure on the personlities of those he works with, in he is adopting a “client centered approach”. In this ways, the teacher is strikingly marking the personality of his students, by using the ways of work applied in the classroom, in he is adopting an individual centered approach, in our case, the student.

Monica Maier „Metacogniţia şi autoorganizarea învăţării” (Metacognition and Self-Organization Learning)…........................................................................................pg. 115


The selforganising of metacognitive learning depends on the preparation level of those who study. An expert in internal resources selfmanagement can easily valorize his cognitive, affective, motivational potential, because he was tought in various ways to discover and use these resources. An efficient psycho-pedagogic preparation of those who study in the universitary educational institutions can give the students, step by step, metacognitive abilities and an efficient selfmanagement of those. The teachers would need some models of the learning abilities self-evaluation they use recurrently in their pscho-pedagogic activity.

Florina Achim „Aspecte noi privind evaluarea la religie. Pilotarea” (New Aspects Concerning the Evaluation at the Religion Classes. Pilotage)..................................pg.131


This study presents new aspects introduced by the education reform in the evaluation field with direct reference to Religion lessons.

Alina Marcu Boja „Rolul relaţiilor interpersonale în adaptarea şcolară a preadolescenţilor” (The Role of Interpersonal Relationship in the School Adapting Process of the Pre-Teenagers )..................................................................................pg.141


The following study presents a study focusing on the difficulties students have in responding to school demands.It proves that, ba optimizing the interpersonal relations between students, we also improve their school performances.

Maria Popescu Butucea „Redimensionarea competenţelor cadrului în şcoala incluzivă” (Redimensioning Framework Competences in School )...........................................pg.156


Young children’s rapidly developing understanding of certain aspects of physical and contrasting aspects of the social world contribute to a characterization of cognitive development as domain

specific. In certain core domains, but not necessarily in other areas, young children can substantiate coherent, systematic conceptions and reasoning. In such a case the management of education must pay attention.

Maria Popescu Butucea „Perioada copilăriei timpurii din perspective cognitiviste.” (Cognitive Perspectives Concerning Early Childhood )...........................................pg.162


This issue provides a general survey of theories and findings that have informed our knowledge about cognitive and mintal development during early childhood. These provide the legitimacy of early development against the “traditional account” of Jean Piaget.

Carmen Tomoş „Due prosspettive sull’ autismo”...................................................pg.168

I. Recenzii şi simpozioane

Dumitru Salade Portrete de universitari clujeni (Nicolae Jurcău)............................174

Petru Lisievici Evaluarea în învăţământ (Florina Achim).........................................181

Aurel M. Cazacu Preocupări de logică la contemporanii lui Titu Maiorescu (Florian Roatiş)………………....................................................................................................183

Alina Pamfil Limba şi literatura română în gimnaziu (Valeriu Oros).......................187

Simpozionul Naţional de Didactica Limbii şi Literaturii Române (Valeriu Oros)..............................................................................................................................189

ANUL 2003, VOL XIII, 183 pg.

Colegiul de redacţie :

Redactor coordonator :

Prof.univ.dr. Maximilian Boroş

Membri :

Conf.univ.dr. Letiţia Pintea

Conf.univ.dr. Valeriu Oros

Lect.univ.dr.Maria Pirău

Lect.univ drd. Olimpia Ignat

Tehnoredactare computerizată : Florica Loi

Tiparul executat la S.C.Roprint, Cluj- Napoca

I. Studii şi articole

Maximilian Boroş „Pe marginea comunicării verbale”(About Oral Communication) ………………………………………………………………………………………...pg.5


This study analyses a possible model of verbal communication and it reveals, regarding this problem, not only its elements but also the obstacles that prevent its good functioning.

Maximilian Boroş „Erori pedagogice majore” (Major Pedagogical Errors) )….......pg.8


This study presents and analyses five of the most serious pedagogical errors from the teacher’s activity.

Nicolae Jurcău „Psyche”..........................................................................................pg.11

Valeriu Oros „Şcoala şi teatrul- parteneri educaţionali (School and Theatre – Educational Partnership).............................................................................................pg.14


This paper consists of two sections. The first one is theoretical and focusses on the range of meanings the literary text may display while performed on stage. The second is experimental and lays upon the pupil’s intellectual, aesthetic and civic training, by means of performing the text and with the help of interdisciplinary teaching. The conclusion of this research outlines new ways of efficient pupil-centered learning based on intrinsic motivation.

Valeriu Oros „Presa pedagogică, ştiinţifică şi culturală animată de Spiru Haret” (Cultural, Scientific and Pedagogical Press, inspired by Spiru Haret)……..……......pg.26


In this paper the author deals with the great contribution of the Prime minister, Spiru Haret to the development of the cultural, scientific and pedagogicperiodicals. This development is very necessary in the Romanian education from the end of the 19th and 20th centuries.

It also deals with the influence of these periodicals upon the Transylvanian periodicals between the two World Wars.

Petru Dunca „Funcţia cultural –educativă a sistemului mass-media –între neglijare, realizare şi utopie” (The Cultural – Educational Function of the Mass-media – Between Disregard, Achievement and Utopy)...........................................................................pg.31


Besides the informative and entertaining role, mass-media requires the major aspects of conveying the cultural support of values and models which are passed from one generation to the other.

The mass-media in Romania has determined this role, only the entertainment and information are being taken into consideration.

There is a long way to the antropological model launched by the western society, which perceives it as a responsability, initiative and freedom.

Maria Pirău. „Istorie şi caracter social” (History and Social Character)……..........pg.33


The present study proposes an interscientifical approach of the social character produced by the communism using the view of the social pedagogy, ethics and psychology. Our historical destiny, that placed us during a half of century in a pathogenic social system from the ethical point of view, forms the narrative field in which was born the collective self of today’s educative generation; a generation that even though has well trained specialists, remains undecided, apathetic, inactive, shortly, unperformant.

Maria Pirău. „Dimensiunea afectivă a stadiilor kohlbergiene/ rolul empatiei în dezvoltarea morală” (The Affective Dimension of the Kohlberg Stages/ The Role of Empathy in Moral Development )...............................................................................pg.47


The present research initially intended to identify the moral development level of the teenagers included in the studied sample, by using the Kohlberg stage model on the Romanian population. The results we have got encouraged us to try considering the analysis of the subject’s answers to identify the affective mobile of the moral decision of the subjects, at different stages of moral development.

This approach had led to finding out some emotional invariants of the ethic decision that can be found behind the Kolber’s stages.

Maria Pirău. „Vulnerabilitatea sistemului de învăţământ la corupţie. Propunere pentru un cod deontologic” ( The Vulnerability of the Educational System Concerning Corruption. A Deontological Law Proposal)…………………………......................pg.67


The authorities failure in fighting the corruption leaded to the position in which the most optimistic among us believe that things will change at the next generation level. This study, strating from an investigation realised among 108 young teachers, brings strong reasons to support a different conclusion: there is a great risk that the tolerence to corruption is maintained in the future too, using the school, the institution selected by the society to perform the moral education of the young generation. There are being noticed a few defiencies in the schoolar institutions and that makes, among other reasons, the educational system vulnerable to corruption.

Olimpia Ignat „Constientizarea studenţilor asupra propriei activităţi- modalitate de activizare a studenţilor” (Making Students Aware of Their Own Activity – a Way of Activizing Students )...................................................................................................pg.81


Starting from the modern theories on the learning processes, the present study desires to focus on the fact that, by guiding the student to analyse the personal behaviour (using specific methods), the former can be aware of his/her active participation, this having as an effect a change in the personal attitude. In this way, the student passes from availibility to inmtention and this will determine a meaningful participation of the sudents by showing an active behaviour.

Olimpia Ignat „Demersuri educaţionale activizatoare” (Making Educational Approach More Efficient)………………………………………………...................................pg.88


Considering the formative/informative capacities of the activizating educational approaches, this study tries to grasp briefly the main elements that characterize such approaches with regard to the objectifs, the content, methods, evaluation, the part fulfilled by the participants, etc., but also the difficulties that can occur in the organisation and development of some didactic activities focused on the student.

Claudia Marian „Modificări ale funcţionării structurilor psihice sub acţiunea media” (The Impact of Mass-Media on Mental Structures Functioning )……………..……….95


The impact of media aggressivity on the human aggressional behaviour is not yet well clarified. We can only mention which are the psychological resorts that can be affected by TV aggression, aggressive video games, hostile journals, etc. This article tries to offer a global vision of these effects.

Monica Maier „Rolul capacităţii metacogniţiei în selectarea strategiilor de rezolvare a problemelor” ( The Role of Metacognitive Abilities in the Selection of Problem Solving Strategies)…………………….................................................................................pg.105


The individual experince considering the practising of the metacognitive capacities proves itself of great importance in the development of metacognition when the person is placed in a a decession situation regarding the choosing of the best strategies to solve problems. Metacognition is valuable for the individual that doesn’t have spontaneous capacities, by providing resources that help him in problem solving or gives him the possibility of finding out some knowledges about the strategies that must be used. The present approach, realized on an empirical research, brings a contribution to the current problem of formation and development of the metacognitive capacities of the students.

Monica Maier „Metode de investigare şi măsurare a comportamentului metacognitiv” (Investigation and Measuring Methods of the Metacognitive Behaviour)............. .pg. 120


The hereby study brings arguments concerning the fact that a person’s cognitional and metacognitional behavioural research cannot be acomplished by randomly chosen methods, as a careful selection of them are heeded in order to obtain the most conclusive and objective results.

Ana Maria Dăscălescu „Problematica evaluării şi notării în învăţământul tehnic” (Evaluation and Marking in the Technical Education System)….............................pg.127


This approach presents the characteristics, essence and the main elements of technological education, the grouping of the school contents that are definitory for this speciality and also the interference of

knowledges both on horizontal and vertical levels. In evaluating and marking the students’ performances in the technological school, it is adviceable to use norms-evaluation for preventing the subjective evaluation.

Florina Achim „Posibilităţi şi limite ale validităţii fidelităţii evaluării la religie” (Possibilities and Limits of Evaluation Fidelity at Religion )…………………....pg.133


This paper has the purpose to realise a radiography of the influence of the subjective elements in the estimation act at Religion discipline but bounding at the analisys of the right conditions of the marking. The paper makes a debate between the two epithets of the marking: the validity and the fidelity, presenting the possibilities as well as the dificulties that one has in order to obtain them.

Alina Marcu „Exerciţiile Encounter” (Encounter Exercises)..................................pg.144


The present study presents a complex approach of the school adjustment problem, especially of the adjustment difficulties often observe dat the school age students (more often in the tranzit periods, such as the beginning of a schoolar course, the teenager period and so on), but seldom diagnosticated or improved. There is presented a practical way of intervention, using the Encounter techniques. These techniques use the group-work, enjoyed by the students and easy to use for the teacher, during a regualr class. By using the Encounter method you will surely be successfull in initiating activites in preventing the difficulties in the school adjustment.

Olimpia Ignat „Participarea activă a studenţilor în cadrul seminariilor. Factori motivaţionali” (The Activ Attending of the Seminars by the Students)...................pg.155


Knowing that the student’s activity is plurimotivated, through this study we wish to present the main motivational elements that lead the student to an active behaviour, the analisys refering to the kind of reasons, motivational optimum, the aspiration level, self image, the epistemological curiosity, the interest, the educational armosphere.


Ioan Cerghit „Sisteme de instruire alternative şi complementare”, Ed. Aramis, 2000 (Letiţia Pintea) (Complementary and Alternative Teaching Systems)……………………………………………………………………………….170

Onisifor Ghibu „Lumini şi umbre”, despre cartea lui Teodor Gal , „Onisifor Ghibu, pedagog şi educator naţional militant” Ed.Star, Cluj- Napoca (Nicolae Jurcău)……173

Valeriu Oros „Şcoala şi problemele ei”, Ed. Universităţii de Nord, Baia Mare, 2001, (Vistian Goia)(School and Its Problems)……..............................................................178

Francoise Dolto „Despre educaţie în copilărie”, Editura Image, 2000 (Claudia Marian)(About Childhood Education)..........................................................................181

ANUL 2002, VOL XII, 203 pg.

Volum omagial dedicat conf.univ.dr. Valeriu Oros

Colegiul de redacţie :

Redactor coordonator :

Conf.univ.dr. Letiţia Pintea

Membri :

Prof.univ.dr. Maximilian Boroş

Conf.univ.dr. Valeriu Oros

Lect.univ.drd.Maria Pirău

Tehnoredactare computerizată : Florica Loi

Tiparul executat la S.C.Roprint S.R.L., Cluj- Napoca


Lidia Elena Kozma - „Împliniri profesionale” (Professional Achievements)……...pg.6

Letiţia Pintea - „La cumpăna anilor”().……………………….…………………….pg.7

Vistian Goia – „Anotimpurile universitarului” (The Seasons of the University Professor) …………………………………………………………………………….pg.9

II. Studii şi articole

Maximilian Boroş „Şcoala şi educaţia pentru democraţie” (School and Education for Democracy)……………………………………………….. ......................................pg.11


The present study outlines some means of familiarization of the students with the fundamental democratic notions, of formation of their democratic convitions and attitudes.

Maria Pirău. „Temeiul obiectiv al principiului unităţii dintre instrucţie şi educaţie” (The Objectiv Basis of Unity Principle Between Instruction and Education)……………………….………………………………………..…………pg.33


In order to prove that the relation between information transmission and educational shaping is a pedagogical principle, this paper presents four arguments: an empirical, a logical, a biological and a cultural argument.

Elvira Suciu „Resemnificări ale evaziunii omului din natură în cultură”( )……….....pg.27


Notre étude a comme point de depárt la premiseque, du pont de vue métodologique, l’homme ne peut pas être défini comme principe explicatif, mais eu tant que project ouvert, á expliquer, d’une actualité pregnante. On a evidentié la capacité de l’umaine de l’absorbir de tendence naturelle, des l’instances dans le yones superieurs de l’être humain, dans le conditions de la socialiyation pendant la dificil processus de l’enseignment. Bien que depassement de la maniere conventionelle preparé place pour l’irrationnel dans la dynamique reélle de la culture et de l’istoire et lui reconnait le rol productif comme de l’humaine.

Olimpia Ignat „Modernizarea structurilor învăţământului superior. Alternative”(The Modernization of the University Educational Structure)……....................................pg.37


Pressure brought to a mass high education sets some changes at the structural level of the educational system in order to render them flexible and to fiind alternatives.

Re-dimensioning of the specific activity of this educational level has to include a reevaluation of time and place the instructive/educational process occurs. Therefore, mobility of structures becomes compulsory.

Olimpia Ignat „Învăţământului superior între dinamism şi conservatorism. Blocaje şi determinari”(University Education Between Dynamism and Conservatorism. Obstructions and Determinatives)…….......................................................................pg.42


Whether the determinants of change are internal / external factors, the changes that they infer to high education become elements essential to the efficent working of a modern organizational structure as the university is expected to be.

Innovation becomes the principal means at the professors’/teachers’ hand, who are the agents of change. With them, ttransformation may occur towards providing qulity as a permanent feature of high education.

Letiţia Pintea „Pentru eficientizarea practicii pedagogice a studenţilor . Fişa de asistenţă la lecţie” (Making Students’ Pedagogical Practice More Efficient. Lesson Assistance Sheet)….......................................................................................................................pg.50


This paper treats and arguments in its first part the necessity of a tighter link between courses and seminars, and the pedagogical practice which is carried on by the students in schools. Further on, the paper analyses the Lesson Observation Sheet, a result of the experiment as an up-to-date working instrument, which is important for the training of students, the future teachers.

Monica Maier „Adaptarea teoriei arhitecturii cognitive la instruirea studenţilor din învăţământul superior” (Adapting Cognitive Architecture Theory to the Universitary Students’ Training)......................................................................................................pg.62


Changes in educational reform lead to changes in the way teachers teach and students learn. The author of theory impact on the study of teaching students, and refining how students learn and understand.

Another step is incorporating the strategies and suggestions to all educator. We cannot expect legislators to give up the answers to educational reform but we acn expect teachers to be a vital part in the creation and development of the solution.

Mariana Dordea „Modelarea activităţilor de predare a pedagogiei în învăţământul superior militar”(Moulding Pedagogical Teaching Activites in Military Higher School)..........................................................................................................................pg.67


Le modelage des activites de transmission de l’information dans l’enseignement superieur militaire c’est une necessité produit par: l’éfficience requise, les particularites des etudiants (comme „une cathegorie de population scolaire”), les methodes – souvent empirique – utilisees par les enseignants. La construction d’une modele d’enseignement de la pedagogie, a ce niveau suppose l’investigation psychologique, sociologique et meme pedagogique des etudiants; cele suppose aussi l’option pour un modele d’instruction (base sur les theories psychologique de l’apprentissage) et aussi bien la correlation des experiences des enseignants implique dans le formation de la competence psychopedagogique des etudiants.

Maria Pirău „Educaţia religioasă pentru mileniul trei” (Religious Education for the Third Millenium).........................................................................................................pg.72


This paper proposes a reflection upon the religious education of the contemporary human. Beginning, particularly, with a few reflections upon the moral christian pedagogy and of his historical destiny, this work comes out on the principle belief that the decision concerning the place, the meaning and the way of achieving the religous education of the young generation it is today – all over the world – one of the most complex and sensible educational decisions.

Maria Pirău „Comunicarea morală” ( Moral Communication).................................pg.87


It becomes more and more a certainty that the moral development of the person assumes complex communication ability from the teacher. Today we are able to list several languages wich send messager with a moral signification.

Monica Maier „Strategii cognitive şi metacognitive utilizate în învăţare” (Cognitive and Metagognitive Strategies Used in the Process of Learning)…………….................pg.108


From a very early age, children observe problem solving, witnessing strategic behaviour and observing positive outcomes and, as a result, develop knowledge of such behaviours through modelling and direct instruction. Childern also discover strategies without the aid of a teacher. As particular strategigies and kowledge become over-learned, their automation opens up cognitive processing space, which often results in metacognitive behaviour.

Valeriu Oros „Sistemul de formare a catedrelor şi randamentul prestaţiei şcolare”(The System of Constituting Specialized Chairs and Scolastic Labour Conscription Efficiency)…………………………………………………….................................pg.113


The paper contains the results of an inquiry on 325 subjects in four counties, having as a topic the system of constitution of specialized chairs in urban schools with several parallel classes. The results of the investigation show: the coexistence of a vertical sxstem (64%) with a horizontal one (35,83%); the option of subjects for one of system or the other; the motivation for their option; the ratio between the preferential system and the effective time subjects have spent in the educational system.

The paper concludes with the idea that the subjects who chose the horizontal system are more open and receptive towards modern teaching methods and efficient, student-centered learning. The conclusion implies reflection and prospective teaching approaches.

Angela Negreanu „Evaluarea continuă- modalitate de sporire a randamentului şcolar” (Formative Evaluation – A Way of Increasing Scolastic Efficiency)……………...pg.122


This experiment is meant to underline both the advantages and the role the formative evaluation has during the lessons for the student’s efficency.

The formative evaluation desls mainly with the evaluation of both the results and the process that has prodeced them, in order to improve it, considerably diminishing the period of time between evaluation and the ctivity of teaching. It also enables the appreciation of the results and to register the student’s progress during the teaching activity by supporting and stimulating him/her to learn.

The formative evaluation generates teacher-student cooperative relationships, develops the student’s ability of self-evaluation, offers the students a good feed-back and determines him/her to a conscious and objective appreciation of the progress made by comparing the performance to that required by school.

Valentin Cosmin Blândul „Implicaţii ale relaţiei profesor elev în contextul evaluării şcolare” (The Implication of Teacher –Pupil Relationship in the Evaluation Process).....................................................................................................................pg.125


One of the most important component of the National Curriculum is represented by the evaluation of pupils performances. In this process, the relationship between teacher and pupils is more complex than the entire didactic activity. Therefore, in this article, the author will try to present a posible view regarding the whole process of evaluation and the connection between professor and students.

Constanţa Dumitru „Paradigme şi tendinţe actuale în domeniul evaluării educaţionale” (Paradigms and Present Tendencies in the Educational Evaluation Field).........................................................................................................................pg.142


The changing of the conception and of the educational evaluation practice and the elaboration of a national system of evaluation, stipulated by the present reform of education, supposes a thorough scientifical, psychopedagogical substantiation. The assimilation and the application of the results of the scientifical researches in psychology and educational sciences, of evaluation paradigms and strategies confirmed all over the world, must be in accordance with traditions and positive national experiences in the field.

Thus, presentation and the analysis of some up-to-date paradigms in preuniversitary and superior international education, of the paradigm of pragmatic intuition, the social paradigm, of the evaluation base don purposes, of the formative evaluation, in the favour of decision and of pedagogy of integration etc., are considered to be necessary and benefic.

Claudia Marian „Sistemul psihic uman – sursă a transformării realităţii obiective în realitate psihologică” (The Human Psychic – A Transformation Source from Objective Reality into Psychological Reality)...........................................................................pg.150


The reality is not the same for all the people. Usually we talk about two concepts – objective reality and psychological reality. The last is the subjective projection in the human mind of the first one. The psychological system is the one that makes the transformation by its processes and the whole ensemble of personality. All this components are under the coordination of general psychological laws and the individual particularities. The great complexity born in this way explain the inter-human differences.

V. Munteanu, Delia Munteanu „Memoria ca modalitate de procesare, stocare şi accesare a realităţii” (The Memory as Means of Processing, Stocking and Accessing Reality)……………..................................................................................................pg.162


The study deals with the role of short-time memory and long-time memory in storing and accessing information. We have tried in this context to stress on the importance on concept integration in the semantic structures.

Claudia Marian „Agresivitatea în mediul şcolar”(Aggressivity in Schools).........pg.167


The present study tries to investigate a few aspects of aggression in the school context / the social perception about the level of aggression in schools, the leve land frequency of aggression in different kind of punitive behaviours used by teachers against students and by students against teachers, and the students perception about the source of aggression.

The results show that the school context is not perceived as a place with great aggression, even if they arise a lot of disconfortant beheviour perceived as full in aggression, the source of agrression is outside, in the family, but the context of class, by failure of communication arguments this aggressive potential. A way to diminuate this indesirable behavior is to learn how to communicate.

Cristina Poede „Experienţa estetică şi competenţa de lectură”( Aesthetic Experience and Reading Competence)……………………………………..…….......................pg.176

Elisabeta Voiculescu „Dimensiuni ale timpului liber al elevilor din învăţământul liceal”(High-school Pupils’ Leisure Time Dimensions)........................................pg.183


Using a sociological questionnaire, this study is investigating the way students in high school are spending their free time, the dimensions of this free time, the opportunities of spending it in a small town, students’ choises in using their free time for hobbies, activites in open-air, meetings with friends, shows, TV, entertaining activities with other young people.

Some of the things we conclude are: the students’ desire to spend their free time at school, with their classmates and teachers, because of the few opportunities existing in a small town; the lack of free time or very little free time; too much time spent watching TV and playing computer games and too little time spent


Ioan Nicola „Tratat de pedagogie şcolară”, Ed. Aramis, 2000 (Letiţia Pintea)(Educational Pedagogy Paper) …pg.191

Nicolae Vinţanu „Educaţia universitară”, Ed.Aramis, 2001(Olimpia Ignat) (University Education)……………………………………………………………………..…...pg.194

Vistian Goia „Didactica limbii şi literaturii române pentru gimnaziu şi liceu”, Ed. Casa Cărţii de Ştiinţă, Cluj Napoca, 2000 (Alina Pamfil)(Romanian Language and Literature Didactic for Gymnasium and High-School)..............................................................pg.196

Valeriu Oros „Studii şi cercetări de docimologie şi instruire programată ( cu aplicaţii la limba română)”, Ed. Universităţii de Nord, Baia Mare, 2000, (Terezia Filip)(Studies and Researches Concerning Docimology and Programed Training).............................198

Ann Birch „Psihologia dezvoltării”, Editura Tehnică, Bucureşti, 2000 (Monica Maier)(Development Psychology)……........................................................................200

Ion Drăgan „Drumul vieţii şi staţiile sale”, Ed. Călăuza, Deva, 2001 (Valeriu Oros)(The Ways of Life and Its Stations).....................................................................202

ANUL 2001, VOL XII, 150 pg

Volum dedicat conf.univ.dr. Letiţia Pintea. 50 de ani în slujba învăţământului

Colegiul de redacţie :

Redactor coordonator :

Conf.univ.dr.Valeriu Oros

Membri :

Prof.univ.dr. Maximilian Boroş

Conf.univ.dr. Letiţia Pintea

Lect.univ.drd.Maria Pirău

Tehnoredactare computerizată : Florica Loi

Tiparul executat la S.C.Roprint, Cluj-Napoca


Maximilian Boros - „50 de ani de împliniri profesionale”(Fifty Years of Professional Fulfilment)……..……….....................................................................................……..pg.5

Elvira Suciu - „O felie de secol”(A Piece of Century)……..……...….........……….pg.6

Maria Pirău – „Omul din spatele cărţii” (The Man Behind the Book)............…….. pg.8

Valeriu Oros – „Spiru Haret – om al şcolii şi animator al culturii” (Spiru Haret – A Man of School and Sirit of Culture).................................................…..….............…pg.10


The present paper atempts to recreate the image of Spiru Haret (1851-1912) “the most competent and devoted Minister of Education” starting from a selected bibliography. The paper is an homage on the accession of 150 years from the birth of Spiru Haret.

The author captures especially two important aspects of the complex activity as a Minister of Spiru Haret: a) that of law giver and reformator of education at all levels and b) that of animator of culture directed towards the abolishment of ignorance, and the transformation of the human being into an educated and enlightened being.

Several changes occurring in education are also highlighted with special emphasis on 10 years and 8 month while Spiru Haret functioned as Minister of Education.

II. Studii şi articole

Maximilian Boroş „Trebuinţa de performanţă şi nivelul de aspiraţie”(The Need for Performance and Endeavour Level)…………………………………........................pg.23


The paper is a complet synthesis of the literature on the necessity of performance (.n-Achv.) It offers the lecturer rich information on issue as well as the notes and comment of the author.

Maximilian Boroş „Pe marginea instruirii şcolare”(About Scholar Taining)...........pg.29


Starting from some critical remarks concerning traditional education, this paper brings to the fore a series of suggestions and recommendations ( from the point of view of cognitive learning) meant to lead to the intellectual development of the pupil/students, to the development of their critical and creative skills.

Maria Pirău. „Concepţia lui J.Piaget privind dezvoltarea morală în perspectiva eticii postmoderne”(J. Piaget’s Conception about Moral Development from the Postmodern Ethics Point of View)………......................................................................................pg.33


This paper draws attention to the crisis whithin the contemporary moral pedagogy.

This crisis is a reflex of desagreement between the dominant tendencies in ethics and psychology.Thus the dominant feature of the moral developement psychology in the last century, stated by J. Piaget is tributary to the Kant’s ethic paradigm.

This tradition- considering the moral judgement and respecting the rules –is today firmly challenged by the postmodern ethics.

Maria Pirău „Temeiuri pentru abordarea interacţionistă a problemei educabilităţii morale”(Basis for Interactively Approaching Moral Education)……........................pg.47


The paper aimes towards a pedagogical approach of C.G. Jung’s psychology and of contemporary ethology.

View among Romanian pedagogs is rather more ambientalist in the problem of moral building of personality, focusing on the idea that the individual’s and the colectivities’ moral being is tributary to the social- economic environment exclusivelly.

This view, shared by the pedagogical community, is in contradiction with the option - also shared – to interactively solve the educability general problem.

Based on the Jungian psychology and contemporary ethology, this paper tries to document that the interactionist view is today the right one in approaching the moral educability issue from a knowledge perspective.

Maria Pirău „L.Kohlberg sau tranziţia de la morala legii la o abordare dilematică a moralei” (L. Kohlberg or the Transition from the Ethics of the Law to a Dilemmatic Approach of the Moral)………...................................................................................pg.58


This paper presents a pedagogical interpretation of L. Kohlberg’s moral developement theory. Also, this approach takes the postmodern ethics view into consideration and argues that Kohlberg’s theory marks the transition from rule’s ethics to the individual responsability ethics.

V.Munteanu, Delia Munteanu „Predarea şi învăţarea în perspectiva teoriei cognitive şi a învăţării contextuale” (Teaching and Learning from the Cognitive Theory and Contextual Learning’s Perspective)............................................................................pg.74


Many teaching practices implicity assume that conceptual knowledge can be abstracted from situations in which it is learned and used . Situated cognition states that knowledge is a product of the activity, context and culture in which it is developed and used. One of the particularly difficult challenges for teachers is determining what should be made explicit in teaching and what should be left implicit. An epistemology that begins with activity and perception, which are first and foremost embedded in the world, might hold the key to a dramatic improvement in learning and a completely new perspective on education.

Monica Maier „Un posibil model al predării - învăţării cognitive şi metacognitive la studenţi” (A Possible Cognitive and Metacognitive Teaching – Learning Model for Sudents) ......................................................................................................................pg.83


We can achieve the upper level of consciounsness given the fact that the autoanalysis of the own behaviour should be efficient. Our socialization, cognitive development and the emerge of behaviour depend lastly on the manner in which we succeded to form and perfect our metacognitive behaviour.

Valeriu Oros „Institutorul Ion Creangă şi manualele alternative” (Ion Creangă, the Teacher and the Alternate Manuals)……………………………………...................pg.89

Olimpia Ignat „Valenţe formative ale relaţiei profesor - student”(Formative Valences of Professor-Student Relationship)…………………………………..............................pg.97


The teacher-student relationship plays an important role in order to fulfill the tasks of the educational institution which is the university.

If we study the typology concerning the teacher-student interactions, we can identify formative effects of these relationships on the student, in all their forms: communicational, leadership (authoritative, democratic, laissez- faire ) emotional, formal/informal. Moreover, the universitary educational field is characterized by the fact that the teacher-student relationships do not act exclusively vertically anymore but largely horizontally, the teacher becoming a partner of the student in the educational process and thereby the formative effect of these relationships is intensified.

V. Munteanu, Delia Munteanu „Conceptualizarea şi rezolvarea de probleme” (Conceptualization and Problem Solving)................................................................pg.104


The quality of learning heavily depends on the quality of conceptual reprezentation. Concepts reflect the cumulative wisdom of the culture in which they are used and the insights and experience of individuals. Their meaning is not invariant, but a product of negociation whithin the community. The embedding circumstances of authentic activity provide essential parts for encoding and retrieving information in a useful form. More often than not, experts are not solving problems but remembering solutions. The difficult step in this analogical is recognizing the conceptual similarity between problems, despite changes in the surface features.

Letiţia Pintea „Formarea formatorilor-imperativ al şcolii contemporane” (Training the Trainers – an Imperative of Contemporary Education)……………………...…......pg.112


The paper’s title is „Training the Trainers an Imperative of Contemporary Education”and it aims at systematic study of representative number of papers written by teachers, candidates to receive their first degree in order to outline whether the themes treated at different objects like Romanian language and literature, Mathematics, Biology, reflect (are in concordance with) the need of the reform in Romanian education.

Bianca Bretan „Proiectele realizate de elevi- o modalitate de stimulare a creativităţii în cadrul orelor de limbă engleză” (Projects Made by Pupils – a Way of Stimulating Activity at English Classes)……………………………..........................................pg.120


The article tries to present projects as a very useful tool in teaching, especially in teaching foreing languages. Projects are seen as an effective way of developing creativity and encouraging learner- centredness and learning motivation. As this approach is very enjoyed by younger learners, examples of projects are given from English textbooks used in the primary school.

Valentin Blândul „Tehnici sociometrice- aplicaţii şi implicaţii în managementul educaţiei speciale”(Sociometric Technics – Special Education Management Application and Implication)........................................................................................................pg.125


Students features and their characteristics are very important for educational and training process and it is a problem that concerns both teachers and other professors and people in this way. Many authors show the superiority of working in groups comparative with private activities and competitional system. It is known that group activity if properly coordinated, and all its members acting in the same time, the results may be positive for sure.

Ileana Oros „Recuperarea şi integrarea elevilor cu nevoi speciale” (Recovering and Integrating Students with Special Needs).................................................................pg.129

Rozalia Moraru „ Modalităţi de stimulare a elevilor şi studenţilor pentru o participare activă la apostolatul laic” (Stimulating Pupils and Students Towards an Activ Participation at the Laic Apostleship).......................................................................pg.135


Alina Pamfil „Didactica limbii şi literaturii române – gimnaziu”, Ed. Dacia, Cluj Napoca (Vistian Goia)(Romanian Language and Literature Didactics – Gymansium)…………………………………………………………………….....pg. 143

Constantin Parfene „Metodica studierii limbii şi literaturii române- Ghid teoretico-aplicativ”, Ed.Polirom, Iaşi, 1999 (Valeriu Oros)(The Methodology of Studying Romanian Language and Literature – Theoretical-Practical Guide)………………pg. 145

Ligia Csiki „Modelarea textului literar”, Ed. Casa Cărţii de Ştiinţă, Cluj Napoca, 2000 (Adriana Cean)(Moulding a Literary Text)……………………………………....pg. 147

Valeriu Oros „Studii şi cercetări de docimologie şi instruire programată (cu aplicaţii la limba română)”, Ed. Universităţii de Nord, Baia Mare, 2000, (Alina Pamfil)(Studies and Researches Concerning Docimology and Programed Training)…………….. pg. 149