KAILUOAI) TIME-TAHL- yt Louisville aad Aa-hvl- lle and threat Moutheru. j l.KAt. Ani.l. . , liily (xit f.?.)' 1 :r0 p.in.j fi.OO p.rr. Mi!l.Ully IIM 8:16 .u. ji Acoom.rm! ttiou, )a iiurisn). tH'M n i.sciiij lo il keiiIe. con- necting lor .Na.s:ill,'e. Ieiuphl aad l'krlriu. I.KiVK. AHKIVK. (City time) M VI F.xprei Train. "tally 12:0 ) nlgbl 11:45 n.m, s ri rvii!e Accouiiiiri iailon! t Jii!y(-i-":- t buti'l.ir-)..- ., 4.40p.m.; ".sa.m. U-- Juiic.:"n 4c, dally, (ev. t s iii'' ivmi ninnialMtlppl an-- l Triirinrr. i LKiVK. j iKHIvEr N Orlearn Mali. !a:!y... a:00 p.m '12J15 p.m. Strd s Aivuii' ri!il(tifu:i,ilal- - in Sundays 3 HO p.m. 9 20 a.m. Frel .nt an.l Acroiumo't'n.' ll?-,?v-'-'t Him-my- ) . j 705a.m. K m p.m. Mrmph'w and l.lltle KorU. j LKAVE. AKRIVK. Mm Train, daily p.m. n:40 p Cj.f!!ivgjljywgpt Sun.). t::io a.m. 6::w p.m. Hartomh and nrmphUu LKAVE, AKK1VK. M II 4 l' :,rtrr.n,d.i!l) 4 15 p.m. H.'iO a.m. Awmn.lnl.in tr.n ... 7 IP pi 5 30 p.m. FINANCIAL. After the Triankssivinz boliJay of Thurs- day It wi natural to lo-.- for ml tl'ional activity, hut It did not enn, and. l n a nulra e buslue , the ton or tbe market iln-- tl. In U respects F.xcli.iiige nisht on New Yoik mid nam nt on N.-- Laglnnd 9 oil; sign on New Kn-- 1 ind. l2 oil. .selLm; al p:ir; on N Orleans U b.iy i.g. ht p !r. The New York Herald, or Tud i, quote 1: Trie lo WwIt.g' wera Um riles of ech-m;.- j oi New Yoik the undermentioned olllm: tivinnai. uu.vlng at par. selling U ?U o; t hariraliin sratce, pir to premium. I il U premium; New Orleans, cominerclnl. b.ink. I; bL LotiW, fioc P'einlnm; Chicago, quiet and sie,uly at pir, and Hjsttm, 25.; premium." "What ni;iJe gold go up to 100 on Tuesday?" Is asked. The nays: "A speculative demand for gold, now and for the year l7n, was nride p tmitnent. for tne evident purpose of bedevLTJig the in uket generally, and the diy closed with Hie re- sell .i In the leading itlva stocks in full for-e- . We sr It asserted that the B u.k or England rla his to be keit at iwloe th tMe of ise P ink or ranc3 In ordrr t.i pr-e- ut a drain or golj under tns ondl'i 'iisof trade.wblcb does not look well for ltnl:md. Tin New Vo!k of Tuesd.tv. Mys: "New Orleans a id Memi hls bill on Baring llnn.to.dat 41 1. currency." Keuinp(ion occu-P'e- ,s a good de ot attention. Tae Ne York correspondent writes: "There Is already a movement I'u.st the ren bank rule, which It la promised s'lali ej Int e(T-- ct af.er the lirst of Jan uary, and whleh declines to receive irold as a 'special but treat d only as l.ivtful moner. The be- lief Is tht the banks will be forced to recede from t Heir position aiptlnst recelln,r roIi as a "special de- - tuslt,' and, fd. therm va, lhat they will be obl'ffed lo tbreikl.i ls of account, t- Bold, Kresn-bc- s and silver." The New York 11'ilUlm males: "We liea thai Home of the leading merchants xro discussing the prnprl. tT of making all ttielr bills ex- plicit t payable 'In fundi cnirentat the New York cleulnKQOuse' h iving thesa words stamped on all their bins." The at. Louis ,' jmU.fin Is Indignant, and Impulsively observe: -- We do not bflievetfte union! bariks of the west and souta approve the arrogant action of those or New York and Boston In ntteiuuilng to dem m nize Hml decide lite silver dollar-.- ; we have reaons for believing that thfycon-diii- u It." 1 hi I'hlUd.dplila banks are expntted to delay action. At a uieetiin; of the Ualllmore banks It was resolved that "Fei.dliigilin early'reaisf milling of confess, and w'.th the hopeihat so neiiuxllllc itljiiwlll lu adopted the in In the enisling i; iriviicy nets, wa deem it premature ai.d Injud ciout, at this time, to presetlhe any llns of pollci v.hl.-hlli- liunklng lijtereMs ot Bal- timore mavrciulrt lierealler." TheNencirleaus or Wecn-wla- y. st iles: "It Is generally under-n- that at the next the clearinghouse asoclatlon the resumption ipiesilon will be acted on. It Is surmised lhat our p inks wl.l folio Uieexaini l of New ork, but of course wi.l lie governed by whoever may be iruJciit or proper lor our local Muaucl.il situation." IliT TKLKGRIVIIA PaBIS, November 2o.-Be- ntes, H2f. 27ic. NEW OKLKAN3, November 2. Gold, lOOUS IDiUj. NewYoik sli?ht. l dlscounL bterllng ex-c- li tnge-bank- ers' bills, 4Mta. LDNIWV. November 'J. Consols-f- or money, i Illinois Central, 7i'l-.- ; 1'eniisjlvanta Cen- tral. :i:(U; Keadliu. 121-- ; Krle. lu:,-- ; preferred, :p'l: 10-40- s, lii'.Hi; i.ew ,s. liK; 4ls, HM',;l4. The rate or ! scouot In op.-- market Is 4' j, being .".4 be- low Bank or England rat". NEW YORK. November 20. Money market easv, ("r:tl,3 p-- r cent. I'ritn." in- - tc mtile papr.rnt per Csnt. The assistant treasurer disbursed 5;24S.(iiO. Cistoms MIA.OHO. Clearings, bterllugexchange-bitike- rs' bills, 4S Ha; New York s:lit, 4St( Dry goods Impj-- t for tt:e wek. S.400.ini . liold llrin, IIMH4. C.irtjlin; rates, lri:j per cent. Ikirrowtng rat-- s li lt lo S4 ter cent, per diem, closing at 3 per cent per annum. Govern- ment bonds firm; coupons ;f tsl. IO'.iIh; do. I8d. new. lo:is;do. ISil7, 1 )'.; do. ISiiS, 10'.il4; new 5s, lO.V-s- ; new 4'-a- I0.V4; new IOOI4; liMOs, registered, 107's; 10 4), coupons, 107-r- ; oirrency r.s, 121. state bonds were dull; old Tennessee, !Jlo: rcw Tennessee, 2M': old Vlrglnl.i. 2."; new Virginia, 25; Missouri 0:.. lOtPx. H.'1'ilro.id bonds buoiaiu, for Missouri, K insas an 1 Texas. Stock ma wl as Irregular to- il y; cjiI ft s iHollned to 1 1; per cent., but an advance of tj to IVt followed, tag Improvement be- ing well maintained at the close. Western, St. Paul and Lak tnore wer. actively traded In, aud 14 to ;i per cnt ; the only liuporlan: reac- tion at tin close liivl-i;- ; been la the last named, which lost X ot r c;nt. ef the ear.y Improvement. Hauulbal and Su Joseph preferred t ecllued illo per cent., Illinois Central 2, and Wa'asU 1: mrcsiit. Th-s- e stocks, ho evpr, afterward n coveied lj par cent. The remainder of ilie list was nulet on slight fl'ictuatlous. Tians irtions 20U.0OO shares, of which 20lM w---r Krle, 25,0K Lake Shore, 410O Wahsh. 25.0. : Northwestern com inon and 2'.l.MK piefetred. ltl.ODO bt. Paul com- mon and hOOO iirerericd, oo.OOO Lackawanna, 4701) New Jers-- y Central, U700 Dalaware and Hudson. 500 I Horr;s and Kssex, 4700 S'. Joseiib. 4700 Western linlon, 2700 Missouri, Kansas and Texas, fxKHI St. Louis. Kansas Citr and North- ern preferred. Clonp g quotations as follows: Western I 'tdon telegraph conipanv, t47n; Quicksil- ver. 10: Quicksilver iirePrreil, iil; Pacific Mall, 15't; ll.irlixxi, 3; .viuilposa preferred, 2'a, Adams express company, 105; Wells A Fargo ex- press company, ply; luierioau exi'ress company, 4tda; I'ultesl Slates express coinnany, 47'4t New York Centrtil, 1 m; Kite, 10; Krie preferreil, H2lj; Harleiu, 1P; Michigan Central, Hsr.ii; Pana- ma. 122; Union Pacific Ktock, M: Lake Shore, H'.r.n; Illinois Central, 71)12; Cleveland and Pitts- burg, bl-'i- Noithwcstern, 4 it; Northwestern pre- ferred, 771.2; CleveUnd, CoUnubus, Cincinnati and Indlanajiolis, ij.'l; X.ew Jersey Central, 2''h; Rock Island. 1 71 4: St. Paul, :i5is: St. Paul nreferred. 70-M- ; Wabash, lsH; port Wa.vne.PHi4: Terre Uaute, 2; Terre Haute preferred, 11; Chicago and Alton, 7l: Chlc;u;o tmd Alton preferred, 102; Ohio and Mississippi, ',- -; Delaware. Lackawanna and Western, 4'"-k- ; Atlantic and Paclilc telegraph, 2Miw; Missouri Pwltlc. loi 1: Chicago, Burlington nnd uuincy, 1111; iiauniuai and St. Joe, 14U; Hannibal and tet. preferred B:W; Ceu-- I tral Pacific bonds. nlon Pacific bonds. 7it; Union Pacific land grants. CU: Union PaslBe sluklng funds, CtTTi. Tho caUlo yceterJny reported Liverpool snots lower; arrivals 'were at dec'lne. New York spots oisjne 1 we ik, and quotations aa re vised were placed cheaper; jrutures were Irregular, and six to eleven po'uts lower. New Or- leans and Galveston were each isO cheaper. Our markt was tiarcly ttesdy, but though prices were somewhat irregul ir, fact rs nnd buiois were more agreeable. Sales were theref ire larger than ex- pected, and ijuolatloiis remained unchanged, as fol- lows: Cotton Exchance Quotations. Standard Iniemutionul ViawlUntionA Testrrdiii. D-i- brfore. Ordinary .... Nominal. Nominal Good Ordinary t?S r?- X- Low middling rUfTsa 8U2 :j8 Middling. - r7:it Good mldi llr.g (1141 IW Ml idilug fair aV:i 7i-.'- Ka'r Nominal. Nomlual. Market barely steady. Sates. :i'.'(0 bales. Week's sales, 1 5. 050; Including for expuit, 10.HOO; spin- ning, Hd50; specula tou, i!0). CoTTOK KXCH ANGK. I KsMPms, November 2-- , 1878. ( Stock on hand September 1, 1878... t54 Hecelved to-d- l.St(2 becelved previously n.i.;ir,: 101.215 ghlppeJ 1,471 102.1fM) Shipptd previously :t:j.24o :;4,7ll St'ck, running account 07,4."8 IMP011T3. Thus far this week 22.44rt Thus far last weeK 22,54:1 91noe September 1st .101,2lr Memphis and Charlc-ito- raltroad 188 Mississippi nnd Tennessee Kallroad ";2 Louisville, Nashville and Great Southern R.R. 2i'tl Paduean and Memphis ml road 41 Memphis and Little ndlway Steamers 273 Wagons and other sources 500 Total .l..Sd2 EXPOBTS. Thus far this week. 13,808 Thus far last week 14.H70 Since September 1st 34,711 M. AC R. R 148 M. A T. R. R uiO LiiVti. S. b. H. r!41 Steamers, porth 112 By rati, north 70 By rail, south 570 Total 1.471 The New York Itulhtin, of Tuesday, reports: "There has again beeu a ipilet and uneventful mar- ket 0.1 toe s; ec:d.uivs Hue, with the actual gain for the day standi ':g In fav r of tho bears.' ibounh the advantage j rot large and oniy esiannsiieu to- ward the close. 1). ring tho car ter portion of the season the demand, so far hh it went, had enough spirit to sustain values, and even make a little gain over the opening rtes. a number of short oper.ilore appearing p think It was about ttm to over; but tills demand was not continuous or heavy, and when It subilded prices dropiied o f Hgatn, and were fur ther depresI ij Indications from tne soot 0 id a full movement r smitnicslocouie. Advices tnm abroad too, were t!ut u'.l day, and toward the close a report of strikes In the Kogllsh dis tricts was current, lending to cneck demand." BY TELECKAVIIA The fo lowlng Is the state of the domestic Ialext j Kiate of . I'rice. Tetrimms. Mar kit. ,K'c'l)t. Middling. Galveston Easy. 4,0W 8?s New Orleans F.i.-y- 3,714 9 Mobile. Quiet. 2.352 ts Savannah Qul-- L 3,919 8 11-1- 0 Charleston Dull. 2.710 94 Wilmington 1,082 8-- Nortoli ' Q.nel. I 8."H 84 Baltloi.ve Qdt. 195 91391-- Ne V :k ... . Qiet. 212: KU Bot ., D ill. P-- l Pirn t - Qut-t- . I 877! 9 1 1.- -. I l nAiiii are Hie New Yoik sit quotations for ye.sterdav: Ordinary, 7W; good ordinary. 8 low nilildling. 8Tsc; iiiKlUlii, PUc; good mid- dling, 0 UU, 10 At 10K9, THB MEMPHIS J3.1.uY APPEAL SATURDAY, NOVEMBBB 3Q, 1878. weak: 1205. du'l and easier; 20 quiet, quota-lion- s revived; 8. quiet . Sal-s- . 41 8 bales. The following Is the latest New York telegram of fvtnres. H'JUth. itttrty. Janu-iry..- . W.22rT H.23 1131 Kebniary. .. 1 42? V4i March l.47 P.48 II 54? H.55 April o 5p,r. Jl.f.O RMtlr? May R70-- M.72 H.7Kr? 1.7 June Pli? V Hit WHO Ju.y P.M);? .! August t? ..r? September.. it i)ctot.-- r ft r? Novemlier . lUOrr Sl.12 V.21'7 W.23 Decemljer P.14(? 0 15 P.20r? P.21 The tone ot the lutiire market wkm as loliows: At I0.OK. asy; li:4.'l. Irregular; 12:30. barely steady; 1 :22. easy; 2;'JO. easy; aOo, steajy. Sales, 8O.0OO hales. Tim New Orleans market closed easy rt Pe for mlddllti". Sales, wwu bales; receipts, 3714 bales; Stock, 175.2ld biles. Tne Galveston market was easy at 87e for mid- dling; the receipts were 4O'.'0 bales; stock, 121,80 bales. Sales, 2217 bales. Th- - Liverpool telegrams yesterday reported the market In betier Inquiry, but freely supplied: mid- dling uplands, Orleans. 5 d. Sales. lO00 ba'es: American, bales. Receipts, 10,000 bales; all American. The Liverpool market opened with futu,re sellers fit decline: November, 5 November-Decembe-r, 5 5 Janmry - February, 6 811; February - March, 6 The movements at the ports were reported as fol- lows: Lout Thi Week Wrtk. Lnxt Tear, Rec'lsslnee Friday' 18H.7I0 17H.408 172.8H5 fixp'ts to G.Britain Hi 1.222 42,238 4D.084 Bxp'tstoContlneut, F7.7i7! O0.P74 r)8.2l'W Stock 1114.477! OI.8.345 685 879 The following Is the comparative cotton statement for the week ending November 21Uh: Set receipts at all United States ports... . 1 84,000 Same week last year 173,K)0 Total receipts at nil V. 3. ports to date.. 1,722.000 Same date last year 1,472,000 Exiiorts from all U. S. ports for the week. 1 Ih.ooo Hame week last year 107,000 Total exports from U. S. ports to date .. K52.IXM) Sime dale last year 5,000 stock at all If. 8. ports B14.000 Same time last year (182,001) Stock at all Interior towns 128,000 Same time last year 92,000 Stock at Llveriiool 301,000 Same time last year 3H1.000 Stock of American afloat for Gt. Britain . . 223.0O0 Same time last year 173,000 GENERAL TRADE. The Thanksgiving holiday of Thursday did not brighten matters yesterday; business was the dullest or any or (he rast ten days, and our reports have little change of Interest. Tile weatbrr was sunny and pleasant, but the demand for merchan- dise was poor. The SL Louis krjt'iKiran, ot Wednes- day, reports a larger arrival of corn without a com- mensurate demand and the market was a declining one, prices reaching the lowest values since 1801. The Chicago Tribune, of Tuesday, reports dull pro-du- el markets, "t:o much stuff" was the complaint; provisions again ylelc.ed to tee pressure; wheat was d (pressed; corn and oats were heavy." The New York Hni'rhn, of Tuesday, says: "lhe market for hog Products tne past week has sllown a still further downward tendency without signs of reacdan at the ' close." Tne Chicago Tribune quietly but slgnlll-cantl- y observed, on Tuesday: "There ts something wrong In the whisky oeal. The majority of distillers keep on quoting sales on the basis of SI 00 per gal- lon tor hlghwlnes, while wines ate offered elsewhere at $1 04, with reported sales now and then at that figure." The Cincinnati Tradi-M- says: "There are one bund'ed vessels at New Orleans clamoring for cargoes ot grain In bulk for Kurope. St. Louis Is already shipping large quantities, and the corn growers of the Ohio valley have every prospect for good crops and good prices." FEKD, KTC Vrn was Inactive jest- - rday; last sales of shellelat48c;ear, 45Sr47e; In store, 55c (AiM-s- ale of 385 sacks ot Ohio river at 28c; In store, 35c. Jinrn-s- ale of 200 sacks at 813; In store, 783811c per cut, Ituy sale of 3 car loads of prime at 812; In store, 70I80c per cwt. Corn-lor.- ij dull, heavy and drooping, at $1 00; In store, f 2 20. flur steady at 83 25ri 5 75 for current grade'. FKUIT3 AND VEGETABLES.--fei- -Sl 2.Vt 1 7 on landing, and quiet; In store, $1 7522 50; extra quality, SI 75. PMnlontna movement, drooping; In store, $1 70r?2 25. Dtveet ixttntoex, SI a barrel. Onion, $1 25(2 1 75 on landing; In store, $1 75(72; line, S-'- Cabbage, HclH a hun- dred; Ohio river, $3c?5 a hundred; round lets, Sri i 0 50; crates, 3 25r?3 50. Turnips In store. 75c a barrel. Purnti, 82 a barrel. Uorneriuiixh. $5 oOrii a barrel. Omui;. 84 50(?rt a barrel. Lemon, So (70. f.'rwprs-cainw- ba, 12c a pound. California jie rs, 84(74 50 a box. Ifnt :il minds, Taragon, lP-c- ; Brazilian, Pc; pecans, Texas, 10c; filberts, l4e; peanuts, 4c per pound; cocoa, 85 per hun- dred. Dried iruU apnles, silfciic; peaches, 4(7 5c Cron&errir. 87 505 8 a barrel. KuG3, BUrrKti. 1STC. Er'i were steady at 2'.'e a dozen, llutter quotes : common, U(711c; medium, 13(7 lric: choice western, 17(218o; cream- ery. 20e: sills of 2 boxes common at Oc. Chickens re- mained heavy, quoting at SI 25(72 50, from youngto bens; dressed. 8 J 50 adoz-to- . Turkeys In limited de- mand, at 87(7 10; extra, $12; dressed, 10erl2lsc a pound Duck. 82 25a 2 75 a dozen. Geese, 84;? 5. Widt Inuk.1 common, 81 per dozen; mallards, 82. 81,7 1 25 per dozen, liiibbits, SI P0(72 per dozen. Hii'tirnU, 81(71 25 per dozen. Iteer, 8ri 5c by the circass; saddles, 73C Keelfoot lakejixh, t!(7 7e per pound. HOG PR IDUOT AND MEAT. Z&icoii clear sides,, packed, 44(747hc; dear rib, packed, 4.'8(? 4:140; shoulders, packed, 3'4C; clear pork sides, loose, 4l2'74-rsc- ; clear rib pork sides, loose. 4ih)t?41:c; long i lear poik sides. loose, shoulders, loose, 3:'m'7:R'2C; sugiir cured hams, packed, 834SW; bre.akla.st bacon, packed,6:t4(?7c; mess pork, 8.50. Lnni tierces. (i5ii'7ris.tc; palls, 7r8't 7:i0. MHCELL NEOU3. Cfcr-- hr bHrrels.8!5; barrels, 88 6070. Bxinx medium navy, S232 25 a bushel, according: to quality. Lime, WOcajfl. Salt, 81 35 per barrel. HUU were In good demand; dry Hint, 14c; dry salt, 10ril2c; green, odOc; green salt, 7c, Talhno, 5(7r5c. Heesmtx, 22c hagrng-Ba- x, 2(7' 2'4 lbs. 1 1(7 IIS4C; flax and hemp, Ole. Baling t.i'ine. 12c per pound. Iron Ties, per bundle, 82 05 t?2 15. HORSES The following are J. Forrest's quotations : Common saddle horses, 8S0(? 100; extra do., 8100 (7135; No. 1 do., 8140(7175; good plu- - work- horses, 800375. .V(if-1- 4 to 14Vt hands, 8053 85; 141 to 15, S85r7110; heavy dray mules, 151fc toinij hands, S1303175. Trade Is pretty good, prtnclpilly supplying city demand, especially for good mule. CATTLE. - Frey 4 Schilling, or the Southern stock-yr- d, have favored us with the follow- ing quotations: Cattle Good to choice corn-fe- d, S00 to 1100 pounds, 4(7 414c; good to ct.olee grass-fe- d, 750 to 1000 pounds, li&SVsci fair to good butchers', 700 to 900 pounds, 2'2(?2:'tc; common cattle In decent flesh, 232Uc; common cattle, poor and rough, 1(7 lUc Hgs Smooth f -- .t corn fed, 175 to 225 poundsz 24C; smout h fat coin-fe- d, 125 to 100 pounds, 2l4 i',2?; shoals, pigtzy sows and tall ends, all weights, 2c; mast-fe- d hogs, t4(7V3C off regular price. Hheep Choice mutton grades, HO to 100 pounds, 3W74C; medium 10 good grades. 80 to PO pounds, 3d3c; common and Interior, per head, Sid 2. IBY TELEGRAPH. NEW YORK.isovember 29. Flour nominal; super- fine western and State, 83 40(73 80. Wheat quiet btd steady; uugradei sjirlng, 90(791e. Rye steaoy; xso. z western, bivS'iosc. Baney auu; man oulet. Corn firmer: ungnided. 4437C. Oats nom inal; No. 2, 3ic. Hay steady. Hops quiet, conee qu.et. Sugar and molasses dull. Bice nominal; Carolina, 5l,s(?l):!4C; Louisiana, fvgatiitjc. Pork tn fair demand; mess, 87 50. Bsef quiet but steady. Cut meals steady; long clear, 4lac Lard quiet; prime steam, n.iuc. v msaj uun, tsv-j- LOUISVILLE. November 20. Flour dull: extra. 83(73 25; family, S3 50(73 75; A 1,8434 25; fancy, 84 5037. Wheat steady; red, 90c; amber and white, 93c Corn quiet; white, 30c; mixed, 34c. Oats nnlet but steady: white. 24e: mixed. 23c Rve dull, 53c. Hay lirm. 8939 50. Pork steady, 838 25. Lard steady and in fair demand; choice lear, tierce, (Use; kf g, 7Vac Bulk meats quiet but 'teady. 2t327n. 3 90 from 4143414c Bacon noml-nil- . Sugar-cure- hams none on the market. Whisky Btcady. 3105. CINCINNATI, November 29. Wheat quiet but steady; red and white, 88f79ric. Cora in fair de- nt nd and firm, 82333c Oats stead v and In fair demand, 22325c Rye steady, 50351c Barley stronger; No. 2 fall, 81 1031 12. Pork in good de mauu; SH38 10 spot, 88 10 seller January. Lard strong; steam, 5.75c; kettle nominal. Bulk meats In good demand, 2Th. 8'9, 4c Boxed meats In good denvind; short rib, 4.10c; long and short clear held nt 4ivC Bacon firmer, 314, 4la. 414c Whisky steady, 8105. Butter dull and nominal. CHICAGO, November 29. Flour higher. Wheat active, firm and higher; No. 2 red winter, 8840. Corn fairly active and a shade higher; 3mccash and Dtcember, 31nc January. Oats steady and firm; 20!)s3cash and Iecmber,20i4CJanuary. Rye steady, 4 c Barley In fair demand but at lower rates, P7c cash. Pork strong and higher; 80 80 cash and Iecembar. 88 1038 I2ljs 'anuary. Lard In fair de-1- ind and steady; 5ifC cash and December,8.02l3) 8.05c January. Bulk meats steady; shoulders, 2.80c; short ilb,IU95c: short clear. 4.10c. High-wine- SI 04. Whisky based on 81 06. NEW ORLEANS ,Nof ember 29. Flonr quiet and firm; superfine., 83(73 25; double extra. 83 75; treble extra,8434 2l-3- : high grades, 84 7535 25. Cit 1 quiet and weak. 43347c. Oats In good de- mand, 30333c Cornmeal steady, 82 1032 15. Hay quiet; prime, S14; choice, 815 50. Pork quiet aud weak, held at 88. Lard steady; tierce, 030SBC; keg. 737l?c Bulk meats scarce and firm; shoul- ders, loose, ; packed, 344c Bacon demand fair nnd market firm; shoulders, 3I4C; clear lib, 414c; clear, 4lT4-""ia- . Sugar-cure- d bams scarce and firm, 10a 11c Whisky quiet; western rectified, SI 0531 10. Codes in good demand at full prices; Rio, cargoes, ordinary to prime, 124310c goliL Sugar In fair demand and firm; common to good common, 414344C: fair to fully fair, 4x35lfce; prime to choice. SXjtri&se; yellow clarified, 8l3 7sc. Molasses active and lirm; common, 20322c; fair, 23324c; centrifugal, 19325c; prime to choice, 2H3 32c Bice quiet but steady; Louisiana, ordinary to choice, 530VC. Bran firmer, 72377Vfec DKY GOODS. IBF TELEGRAPH. NEW YORK, November 29. Business oontlnurs very quiet with the commission houses and Import ers, and the jobbing trade Is sluggish. Spring wootens are in modTHie request oy ciotniers; neavy wo dens are dull. Colon goods are In light demand, but fairly t; prints are quiet; ginghams are dull and unsettled ; dress goods are in light request 2ton-IXeside- nt Notice. No. 8040. In the Chancery Court of Shelby county, Tennessee. S. B. Steers, et aL, vs. R. C. Daniel, et aL TT ano'viring from the original and amended and J. supplemental bill In this cause, which are sworn to, tnat tne defendants M. T. Lowry and E. Lowiy his wife, Simuel G. Handley and F. L. Hand- le?, his wile. David M. Rodman. A. H. if. Dawson and s. B. Steers, are of the State of Tennessee: that the defendant, R. C- - Daniel, Is In debted to the complatninls In the sum of 8827d, evidenced by bis notes, and attachment having been iss.ied and levied on his property in which the other delendauts are perbaps Interested; It Is therefore onlered, that all the above named defendant 1 make their annearance herein, at the courthouse In the city of Memphis, Tennessee, on or berore tne nrst nonoay in January, 1879, and plead answer or demur to complainants original and amended and supplemental bills, or the same will be taken rorconiesseu as to inera, ana set for hear ing exparte, and that a copy of this order be pub- lished once a week, for four successive weeks. In the jai'ini nis rrrM. a iopy. Aliesi. I his 20th day of November, 178. H. J. BUCK, clerk and Master. By E. B M'Bekrt. Clerk and Master. IL C. Warlnner, rtol. for Complainant safq Administrator's Notice. HAVING been qualified as administrator of the of Arcilbald Thweatt. deceamd. all persons having c afms against the said estate are no tified to prese-- mem as prescribed by law, and per sons luuenit- - j iu me coca 15 me requested to C0QQ6 lot ward and settle. GEO. C. HARBIN, Administrator, ' 237 Alain turn. RIVER NElVS. Weather sad Hirer. The table and dispatches below jywe official particulars concerning tne weather and rivers: Orrica Siosal SmnrB Osa.. O. 8. A., 1 MxKF-nis- . November 20. 1 878. f Above low water' BTATioas. Feet Inches Cairo 10 4 Cincinnati 81 7 Davenport 2 3 Dubuque. Helena, Ark... Keokuk 8 8 Leavenworth 5 8 Little Bock Louisville. 11 4 Memphis 4 IO Nashville 10 4 New Orleans 13 11 Pittsburg 17 4 Shreveport. 4 SL Louis 9 4 V Icksburg Changes. Rise Fall Inches Inches 4 48 28 S 1 id- - Below high water mark of 1874. LOCAL OBSERVATIONS YESTERDAY. Time. Bar. Ther Wind. Weather. 7:00 a.m. 80.2 33 8. Clear. 2O0 p.m. 30.19 58 S.W. Clear. 9:00 p.m. 30.20 51 8.E. Fair. Maximum thermometer, 59 deg. Minimum thermometer, 84 deg. F. JL N'EAL. Private, big. Ser U. S. A. By Telegraph. NASHVILLE, November 29. Elver rising, and 81a feet on the shoals. LOUfSVILLE. November 29. Weather clear and cool and river rising; 11 leet 4 Inches In the canal. PITT3BURG, November 2ft. River 17 feet 4 Incbeo; weaiberclear and cold Night River 18 feet and falling; clear and cool. NEW ORLKANP, November 29. Arrived: Gold Dust, St Louis. No departures. Clear; thermome- ter 50 deg.; light frost this morning. CINCINNATI, November 29. River rising and weather fair and pleasant Night Thirty-tw- o feet and rising: fair, but getting foggy Arrived: J. W. Gaff, Memphis. ST. LOUIS, November 29. Arrived: Kinney, Memphis; City of Alton, Dlppold and Keblor, New Orleans. Departed! none. River unchanged; 5ta feet to Cairo; weather cloudy and mild. VICKSBDEG. November 29. Weather clear: thermometer 04 degrees. Down: B E. Lee, 5 p.m.; Golden city, 8 a.m.; uenienniai lasinigoi. up: Commonwealth, 4 p.m.; John B. Maude, 10 a.m. CAIRO, November 29. Arrived: OH City, Ohio, 5 p.m.; Belle St. Louis, St. Louis, 1 pra.; My Choice and Colorado, SL Louis, 5 p.m.; Belle of Shreveport, St. Louis, 7 p.m.: K. A. Stunard, New Orleans, 7 Night Arrived: Thomas Sher- lock, Cincinnati, 8 pm ; Fannie Lewis, Memphis, 10 p.m.; Paris Brown, New Orleans, 0 a.m. reparted: Thomas Sherlock, New Orleans, 11 p.m ; Fannie Lewis, St. Louis, midnight; Centennial, midnight; Paris Brown, Cincinnati, 7 a.m.; Colorado, Vlcks-bur- g, 7 p.m. River 10 feet 4 Inches and rising; clear; mercury 50 degrees. Movements at the Levee. ARRIVALS. Coahoma, Friars Point; Mollle Moore, St. Louis; Grand Tower, Vlcksburg; Josle Harry, White river. DEPARTURES. Mollle Moore, New Orleans; Grand Tower, St. Louis; Coahoma, Friars Point. IN PORT. Josle Harry, C. K. Peck, Belle of Texas, Hattle Nowland, Thompson Dean. BOATS DUE. Down Osceola Belle. Thomas Sherlock, Andy Baum, City of Helena, Belle SL Louts. Up -- George W. Cheek, Batesvllle, Golden Crown. BOATS LEAVING THIS DAT. Friars Point George W. Cheek, Stack Lee master, 8 p.m. Cincinnati Andy Bautn.JH. J. Vinton master, 5 p.m. St. Francis River Batesvllle, J. D. Bandall master, 5 P.m Write Rivkb Josle Harry, Milt B. Harry master, 5 p.m. Arkansas River ;Hattle Nowland, James Rees master, 5 p.m. New Orleans Thomas Sherlock, Lew Kates master, 10 a. m. Cincinnati Golden Crown, W. P. Walker master, 10 a. m. Osceola Osceola Belle, J. G. Andrews master, 5 p.m. Vicksbl'ro City of Helena. I. H. M'Kee master, 10 a.m. New Orleans C. K. Peck, Jas. Smith master, 12 m. St. Louis Belle SL Lou's, James A. Tore master, 5 p.m. New Orleans Thompson Dean, James IL Pep- per master, 4 p.m. Receipts Yesterday. Coahoma 273 bales cotton, 1562 sacks cotton- seed, 24 pkgs suudrles. Josle Harry Brought out ot White river 527 bales cotton, 2 bags seed-cotto- S heads cattle, 21 pkgs sundries. Mollle Moore 250 bales cotton. Grjjid Tower 57 bales cotton, 212 sacks cotton- seed, 57 empty ale boxes. lievee Paragraphs. Business fair. The weaiher was beautiful yesterday. Captain John Davis has returned to St. Louis. Thanksgiving Is past, but Christmas is coming. Captain John Cowdou, of Burutarla canal fame, Is In the city. The Grand Tower passed ugfCsterday evening on time for SL Louis. The river rose three Inches at this point In the past twenty-fou- r hours. The Charles M'Donald and tow passed down for New Orleans yesterday. Mrs. Captain Harry and children are passengers on the steamer Josle Harry. Mrs. Captain Darragh and family are passengers on the Andy Baum due this morning. The C. K. Peck Is loading at Glenn's wharfboat, and will leave at noon y for New Orleans. There are twelve steamers advertised to leave to- day. Y'ou pays your monish and takes your choice. The receipts by river yesterday were 800 bales cotton, 2 bags seed-cotto- and 1526 sacks colton- - Tn'e chaln-ganglwe- re at work yesterday, and they exclaim with great emotion there is no rest for the wicked The Belle St. Louis, Captain James A. Tore, is the Anchor-lin- e packet this evening at five o'clock for St. Louis. The last of the waruUring refugees. Captain James Carr, passenger agent of tne Louisville and Nash- ville railroad, returned yesterday. The Osceola Belle, Captain J. G. Andrews, Is the packet this evening at five o'clock for Osceola and the bends. B. O. Mitchell Is her clerk. The Thompson Dean leaves this afternoon at four o'clock for New Orleans and way points. Owing to engagements of cotton she was detained. The City of Helena. Captain I. H. M'Kee. Is the John Steele. W. J. JOHN STEEL DAVID PARK. HADDEN. JOHN M. HADDEN lVos. 378 and 2SO Front TTTH have been ODen durinethe Epidemic except VV pared to serve our Friends and Patrons, and J. 11. (xODWIJV. and elven to the LL orders from country Merchants entrusted to A Lowest Market prices. rw i Late ot J. V. Dowdy Co. Late of "Guy", Cash advance made on 'eon1grmentii. and order IMPORTER AfiehrT-Hn- e packet this morning at ten o'clock for VicksPurg. O or.o Walton Is her clerk. The Koimt llnefj Mollte Moore, passed down yes- terday, two wks out from St. Louis, bound for New Orleans. She put off here 250 barrels flour. The Golden Crown, Captain Win P. Walker, passes np Hits morning at nine o'clock for Cineln-nst- l. Eugene Shlnkle will be found In charge of iter office. The Batesvllle, Captain J. D. Randall, Is the packet this evening p' ftve o'clock tor SL Francis river. D. B. Abrahams Is is. erk, a;slsted by Blntle Banning. n. The large and elegant passer.ger packet 1 hrrrsos Sheilock, Captain Lew Kates on deck, passes down this evening at three o'clock lor New Oilcans. M. L. Vlrdeen is her clerk. The Geo. W. Cheek. Captain St ick Le on devk. Is the reguia.' packet 'his evening at five o clock for Friars Point and all vay landings. Wulker Outlaw Is her clerk, assisted by Plait Ithoades. The New Orleans It iwn rai, of Wednesday, says: "The steamer Henry Frank, from Memphis, arrl'ed last evening with a large cargo, consisting of 75O0 bales of cotton, 2224 sacks of cotton setd and 379 sacks of I he Hattle Nowiand, Captain MUL B, narry In command, Is the regular packet this evening at five o'clock for all points on White river, going through to Jackson lie rt. Colonel J. I). Moore will be found In charge of her oftler?. Merchants are requested tosend their freight down to steamers early in the day, and not wait until the last moment and then rush It all down at cmee. clerks and steamboat bands are not engine,!, nor are they Imbued with elect! Icity. The Andy Baum, Captain H. J. Vinton In com- mand, will be found In port this morning receiving for her return trip to Cincinnati She leaves this evening at five o'clock, giving the cheapest rates to all points north and east. M. M. Deem Is her clerk. That cabbage pile on the levee Is a utiHance, and no mistake. The wharfmaster should put the gang to work and dump It Into the river. The stench arising from that heap of decayed Vegetable matter Is vety offensive to our fastidious olf ictoilis. Yes, we have a diploma, aud don't forget It. The Illinois, during the late epidemic mid since, has been In the bands of competent workmen, and Is now a thing ot beauty Indeed. Her cabin is en- tirely new, and In fact she has bein thoroughly re- paired from stem to stern, and from kelson to chimney-top- . She leaves Tuesday lor Vlckburg on the first trip of the season. Billy Penlston. of the C. K. Pt ck. now loading at Glenn's wharfboat. Is one of the "gold-lace- " clerks of the famous Sr. Louis and Keok k tn 'e. William comes of a steamboat family, is an artist is his line, never made a mistake In his life, and thinks It too late to begin now. He Is a lightning calculator in receiving and distributing frelghL Commodore James S. Wise leaves for his home In Cincinnati; he has been here but two or three days, yet In that time he has gained many new friends, and his old ones are more In love with him than ever. Come again, good and true friend, and our people will use you kindly. They c in never forget your whole-hearte- d generosity to Mempblins abroad and at home during the late epidemic The United States boat Oetavla passed up yester- day morning with a party of United States engin- eers, who have been taking a look at tue river be- tween Cairo and Lake Providence. The names of the gentlemen who compose this party are General Wright, General Comstock, General Leach, General Bernard, Major 8uter and Major Haudbury. Con- gress Is expected at Its next session to make an ap- propriation looking to the Improvement of the chan- nel of the Mississippi, and these gentlemen "bosses" thought it best to examine the river them- selves. Instead of sending their subordinates. New Orleans Demoerat: "The Henry Frank Is the largest sternwheel boat on the river, and pilots in handling her have to exert considerable muscular power, and In order to assist, one of the roustabouts Is selected to stand a watch at the wheel. On one cccaslon, during her last trip, a big, brawny fellow, black as Ink, was at the wheel, and as she was mak- ing a crossing he was told lo hold her hardrand was asked if he could do It. 'Yes. boss,' was his confident reply, 'I'll hold her or pull out one of dese handles.' Just at that moment, her rudders getting oft the cen- ter, the wheel got the best of the sable steersman, and though holding on to it as if be had a possum by the tall, be was thrown up against the sash, breaking several panes of glass. The tblng was done so suddenly that it was several moments before he could recover hlraself, and his eyes fairly bulged out of their sockets as he aked, stutterlngly, 'Boss, what did she hit? Is anybody kilt?' When he re- turned below he was heard to say: 'I kin tote seed, roll cotton and git away wld a woodpile, and sit rest; but dat wheel up dar. It do make a nigger work, fur sho'.' The cargo of the Frank amounted to nineteen hundred tons, and she was drawing nine feet for- ward and seven feet aft; her guards were tieen Inches from the water la tho deepest place. With her cotton-see- d, oil-ca- and six thousand bales of cotton aboard, she lelt Greenville drawing seven and a half feet. A wonderful boat, surely." OUR STORE, 322 Front Street, rs again open for business. The business will be L continued as heretofore. CHARLES POTTER A CO. Administrator' JNotice ALL persons Indebted to the estate of M. E. will please come forward and settle. Those having claims against the estate will pressnt them at once. J. BAXTER, Administrator, satiwed 317 Miln street. Noii-Keside- nt Notice. No. 2043. In the Chancery Court of Shelby county, Tennessee. Orglll Brothers & Co. vs. S. T. Dee-so-n eL al. IT appearing from the bill In this cause, which Is sworn to, that the defendant, S. T. Daeson, Is Indebted to complainants In the sum of ten hun- dred and forty-si- x dollars and ninety-fou- r cent C? 1.040 94) evidenced by the notes of Deesonl Ma) son; that the said S. T. Deeson Is a of the State of Tennessee, and attachment having been Issued and levied on the property ot said S. T- - Deeson; It Is tterelore ordered, that he make his appear- ance herein, at the couiuboiise In the city ot Mem- phis, Tennessee, on or before the first Monday in January, 1x79, mid plead, answer or demur to com- plainants bill, or the same wilt be taken for con- fessed as to him, and set lor bearing exparte. and that a copy of this order be published once a week, for tour successive weeks, in the Memphis Appeai . This 15th day of November, 1878. A copy. Attest. EDMUND A. COLE, Clerk and Master. By E. B. M'Henrt, Deputy Clerk and Master. Gantt A Pat erson, Sols, for complainant. sat Administrator's Notice Estate of Isaac Neville, deceased. I ETTERSot administration on the above estate JLi having been granted to the undersigned, nil persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment, and those "having claims to present them without delay to either. WILLIAM NEVILLE, Administrator. Or Clapp A Meux. Att'ys, 313 Main streeL Memphis, November 15, 1878. sat Administrator's Notice. Estate of Mrs. Camllle Nelson, deceased. I ETTERS of administration 6n the above es-IJ- i tate having been granted to the undersigned, with the will annexed, all persons Indebted to said estate are requested to 'make payment, and those having claims against this estate, or that ot the late Dr. A. W. Nelson, will present them without delay. BEN RICHMOND, Administrator. (Fourth National Bank.) Memphis, November 15. 1878. Clapn A Meux. Att'ys, 3 1 3 Main street. gat Chase. W. W. Ward. FABB1NGTON. JAMES W. AVERY. & AVERY Street, Memphis, Tenn. ten days, when our Mr. Avery was sick. Are now pre-- make Liberal Advances on Cotton. Have our private 8. M. Commission Merchants handling of cotton while in ahed my care will be filled with promptness and at the Cotton Factors and Commission Merchants, No. 208 Front Street. LIBERAL CAtO ADTAXCE8 33 A OK O.V COTTO.Y.jl WHOLESALE GROCERS, COTTON FACTORS And Commission Merchants, Cotton-She- d ana keep all cotton lnsuroa unless otherwise insiruciea. L. 1. MULLLNS, Jr. Cotton Factors 336 Front street, corner Union, Memphis. Particular attention Mo Wholesale Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Hats. 69 91ain at , (Opposite Court Square) Memphis, Tenn. SIMON FEUCHT. JACOB BLOCK. HOLE A6i2tT FOR THE CELEBRATED "POHSIM HOUOW DISTILLERY, FEUCHT 8s BLOCK, WHOLESALE LIQUORS AND CIGARS, ftfeSKSglM.. N0.3I1- - McCALLUM. FRONT STREET, MEMPHIS, TENN. DOWDY, PARK & BOitAI, Cotton Factors and Commission Merchants, SCO Front and IO West Court streets, Up -- stairs, Memphis, m m nmx n nnRtw. MoClellan ft Co. Memphis, Tennessee for Bagglng.'Tles aril Bnrpl'e flleion reasonable term AND DEALER IN WINES, LIQUORS & CIGARS, No. 14 Union Street, 3Ieinphig, Tenn, Memphis Cooperage AID Manufacturing Com'y. On AD AFTER SOVFJIBEB FIRST will be able to fill all orders for WE MOLASSES-BARBEL- KEGS, ot till sir, and SLACK COOPERAGE, In any quantity. VYe hare s"ceeeded In (retting a large stock of tho best material eft hnd before we were compelled to suspend operations cn aeeonnt of the prevailing eplaeratc All orders addre-we- d to the secretary. No. IN Madison utreetwlll. after the above date, secure prompt attention. - Merrhis Cooperage & M'fg Co. sf J. MnnwwaTT. Oexiretart. XWXoxxxiolxis Un iversityllign School FOR YOUNG 3SEX AND KOT8. LYO G. TYLER, Iff. A., ClVnlty ol Va.1 rrinclpal. J. D, STEWART. Assistant. rpHE Trustees of this Institution have spared no .L pains orexpense to obtain the very finest tal- ent for Its mauagement. . Their object Is to establish a Hl?h School of the first order, to prepare young men for college, or tor the active duties of life. Mr. Tyler comes among as, with the roost exalted te timonluls as to character, while his deerree ol ii aster of Arts, from the University of Virginia, Is In Itself ample evidence of bis attainments as a scholar. Of Mr. Stewart, It s scarcely necessary to speak. Be has for years conducted, with eminent success, a High School for boys In this community, where he has oeen a most accepiaDie leacuer. This school will bo opened on Monday, Novem- ber 1 8th, on Alabama street, and will close the last of June. Terms 919 per qaarter in Advance. E2rFor Circulars or other Information, address K. K. BlAUIt V, M. I. Prr.lilrnt Board or Trustees. LOYD & FRITZ 265 MAIN STREET, COR. COURT Memphis. Tennessee. LARGE LINE OF HEW 6 OODS Watches, Jewelry, Diamonds and Silferware, French Clocks and Fancy Goods, JOBBERS OF AMERICAN CLOCKS of Watehes, Jewelry and Clocks promptly attenaea to fgv Grand Re-Openi- ng. mHS FLORAL ESTABLISHMENT Ot the late I rKKO uuJSor.ljO, on oecona sireei. near Renin, u now onen. and Ladles and Gentlemen are cordially Invited to come and look at the beautiful display of Cowers. All kinds of Floral designs, such as Wreaths, Crosses, Stars. Crowns, Bouquets and Baskets made to order at short notice, In the most artistic style. Cat Flowers Always on Hand. THEODORE GOE8ELS, Administrator on Estate of F. Goebels. N. B. All Dersons indebted to F. Goebels, de ceased, will please come fo;ward and settle Immedi- ately, and all to whom F. Goebels was Indebted will bring their claims properly sworn to. 1. uutnisi.a, AiimiuisiraKJr. Memphis. Tknn.. November 'it. 1x7H. bcnooEfie lanauer & Go. Wholesale Grocers AND COTTON FACTORS, 25G Front Street, Memphis, to the Trade the following goods, Just OFFER 1000 brla Cole's Celebrated Flonr, 6000 bdls Ties, 2000 rolls Bagging, 700 bags Coffee, 100 packages New Molasses, And a Large and well Selected Stock ol every Article in onr Line. Thanking: onr Friends for past favors, we solicit Orders for Goods and Ship- ments of Cotton. Mkmphis, Tenn, November 11, 1878. To the Lot-Owne- rs of Elmwood Cemetery. DURING my illness of yellow-feve- r, interments made on a number of private lots whose names have not been placed on the Plat Book. We have a plat book kept expressly to indicate the name, location and number of each grave made In lots. We have the names of parties and when burled. But In cases where more than one person was burled during the eDldemlo. on the same lot. we cannot designate each Individual grave. I will be thankful to relatives and friends, when visiting the Cemetery, and when convenient, that they will call on me at my onice, at tne Norm gate, ana give me tne infor- mation. Also to members of the different societies holding lots in Elmwood, to give me all the sslst-an- oe in their power In designating each individual grave. I am doing everything in my power, day and nignt, correcting irregularities mat occurred aunng the recent epidemic, and hope every friend ot Elm- wood will help me. November 25. 1878. I.OUIS lANGJE'S Southern Corset Manufactory, WHOLESALE t RETAIL. SS3 MAIN ST. OPEN again with the stock of Fine and Very Loto-Pric- td Corsets. New lines of Abdomen Cor- sets, Nursing Corsets, Inva- lid's Corsets, Werley Corsets. Misses' Corsets, extra stout Corsets; Improved Abdomen Supporters, Shoulder Braces and Skirt Supporters. Best Corset Steels in the city; Whalebone Corset Laces and Pads GOODS SENT C. O. D. C. W. HEISKELL, Attorney- - at - law, No. 41 Madison street. Rooms gl A g3. Planters Ins. Bnlldlnr. MSSOIiUTIOlV. THE firm of WOODRUFF & CO. was dissolved by death of W. C. Woodruff, on the 80lh day of August. 1878. In order to wind up the business of said partnership, the large stock of goods now on hand I offer for sale at greatly reduced prices. The stock consists of Coach-- , Rock away s. Fark JPheatong, Haggles, and all the various styles of carriages usually kept In a Carriage Repository, together with a large stock of carriage material ot every description. Persons in want oi sucn gooas win save money oy examining this stock before purchasing elsewhere. A. WOODRUFF, Surviving Partner. C. W. METCALF. 8. P. WALKER Metcalf & Walker, ATTORNETS-AT-LA- 279 Main t. (Walker Block), Memphis HOME AGAIN. S Inform our blends and the public generally that we are ready for business again, and hope to receive a liberal sllare of public patromge. House and General Painting, Kalsoralnlng, Paper Hang- ings. Window-shade- s, etc Country orders promptly attended to. HOOK & LattRLLL. g Heeond street. CARVER GIN and MACHINE CO. Manufacturers of COTTON-GIN- S AND PRESSES. BepalrlDff Cotton-ln- s s Specialty. Cantr Shelby and K'CaII street ATTRACTIVE H SE- - OF mrtta Wools., At We are now showing the most extensire lines oi BROWN SHEETINGS, in all widths. BLEACHED SHEETINGS, in all widths, Linen Sheetings and Pillow Casings. Bleached Brown Table Damasks Turkey Red Toilinettes, Cardinal Wine Cloths, With Doylies and Napkins to Match. A Line of and At Very Much Reduced Price. WIS AUE In White and Batt FlIRwIS Lowasf ixtraordinary ! I in SPECIAL Shaker and At I ES OFFERING Splendid Huck Towels, Damask Towels, Honey-com- b Towels, Turkish Towels, Irish, Scotch Russian Crash, Blankets Blankets Marseilles Quilts, Toilette Quilts, Jacquered Quilts. Comfortables Immense Variety. While ml Flannels, Medicated Extremely EXHIBITION in Inducements! . Lowenstein Addressed to the Intelligence and Experience of Memphis and the Surrounding Country: bought out In June last, and become the successor of A. a. Dennla. In the Boot. Hhoe HAVING Hat Business, Wo. Slain street, I propose to endeavor to erve the public to the best possible advantage in supplying them with coverings for the head and feet, of the best quality for the lowest amount of profit, and to enable me to do so, have adopted the CASH system In the conduct of my business, and respectfully challenge your attention to a large, fresh and well selected stock of Boots, Shoes and Hats, Just ncelmd. from the most annroved manufacturers In the land. I deem It scarcely necessary to adveit to the mutual advantage to buyer and seller to make frequent but small profits on his sales, and whlcn ties not provide ror prooame losses on sates, ana tne worry ana expense attending tne creait sys- tem to both parties. On these terms jour patronage is respectfully solicited, and I shall at all times make it my prlrtt and pleasure to please you. T. I. WIE.1KR. J. C. NEKLT. & H. BROOKS, NBELT & CO., WHOLESALE Grocers, Cotton Factors AND COMMISSION 36V front St., A. C. TBEADWELL. A. B. h P U B T R.U.aA.U.lll (SUCCESSORS TO A. C. FARGASOX. JAMES jtfna. Main Colored DBIVEa Magnetic, Anti-Rheuma- tic Flannels, Ijow Prices, at &Bros resulting from CASH system it enables seller buyer Is advantaged by prices, profit of BROOKS. H. M. KEILT. MJKRCHlSrTS, Memphis, Tenn. TBEADWELL II WELL & CO TREADWELL & BROS.) 1IUT. HE1X. street, Memphis, Tenn. TBEADWELL. Wholesale Grocers and Cotton Factors, No. 11 Union Street, Memphis, Tenn. "Consignments of Cotton solicited and Liberal Advances made on same. Cotton Insured while In store, as well as that consigned to us by river, unless otherwise Instructed. J. T. IX the the the low the S. 8. A. C. C. W. B. All J. T. FARB-ASO- N "WHOIESAXE Grocers and Cotton Factors 369 Front and 32 Clinton Sts., Memphis. FULLER, BURTON & CO. (SUCCESSOKS TO SLEDGE, McKAY & CO.) . Grocers, Cotton Factors And Commission Merchants, 371 and 373 LU.HIIX, U1TCHELL. HILL k MITCHELL, Wholesale Dealers in BOOTS, SHOES and HATS, 322 1-- 2 and 324 Main St., Memphis, Save full Stock ot NIW G00D3, whlob they invito their Friend and Customers to examine. Dr. D. S. Johnson's PKIVATK Medical 2ispensary, So. 17 JEFFERSON STREET, Between Main and Front, Memphis. KSTABU9HXD 19 I860. DR. JOHNSON Is acknowledged by all parties as by far the most successful physician in the treatment of private or secret disputes, (julck , thorough and permanent cures guarnnUit in every ease, male or female. Recent caties of Gonorrbef and Syphilis cured in a few days, without the nsecf mercury, chance of diet, or hindrance from businesi . Secondary Syphilis, the last vestige eradicated will out the use of mercury. Invc'.untary loss of semen topped In a short time. Snfferere from Irnpcterc or loss of sexual powers restored to free viisor in b few weeks. Victims ot self-abu- se and excessive venery. Buffering from spermatorrhea and loss cf physical and mental power, speedily and pennE-nent- ly cured. Particular attention paid to tho Diseases of Women, and cures guaranteed. Throat and Lung Diseases aired by new rerredlee. Piles and old sores cured without the use of caus tic or the knife. All consultations strictly confidential. Medicines sent by express to all parts of the coun- try. Office hours from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sundays from a to 5 P.m. D. a JOHNSON. M.I, CHANCERY SikXE -o- f-: IFLoeiI ZEstevto. No. 3rt73. Chancery Court of Shelby countv. Val. Sanford, extr. etc, vs. W. S. Korris, et virtue of an Interlocutory decree for sale, en- tered BY tn the above cause on the Kb day of July, 1878, 1 will sell, at public auction, to the highest bidder. In front of the Clerk and Master's orhce. Courthouse building. Main street, Memphis, Ten-nes- e, on Saturday, December 7. 1878, within legal hours, the following described property, situated In Shelby county. Tennessee, lt: An undivided 40 acres In a certain tract of land on the waters of Nonconnah. adjoining the landsof Person. Norrls and Rogers, said tract being the west part of a 2H0 acre tract purchased by Leaiherman from U. Bunt jn, and more particularly described as follows, to-w-lt: Beginning at the northwest corner of a. W, Austin's 1ml acre survey at a stake, south 8'.l de- grees west, li ll feet from a white oak marked O. B.; thence north 55 cluilin and 0 links to a stake; thence east 15 chains to a stake; thence south 77 chains and 1H) links to a st'ke 11 degrees east, 7 feet from a white oak marked K. M ; thence 15 chains to the southwest corner of said lOO aoies; thence north 22 chains 70 links to the beginning. ', containing 1 lrt 85-10- 0 acres. Aio. lois alio ana i, in imock n,oi urenons subdivision, as laid down on Hucker's map of the city of Memphis, bounded as follows: Beginning nt the Intersection of the west side of fIxth street with the south side of C ay street: thence westwardly with the south side of Clay street 144 feet; thenco south 153 0 feet, to an alley; thence ea.siwardlv 144 feet to Sixth street; thence northwaniiy 15-- 0 fee to the bediming. The undivided 40 acres will first be sold; ir that Iraet brings a sufficient amount to satisfy toe decree under which it Is sold, the two lots will not be sold; If It does not bring enough for that purpese, the two lots will next be sold. Tkhmsof Sals. One third cub; balance at six and twelve months; notes with approved security required, with Hen on property t) further secure the purchase money, November 14, 1878. K. A. COLK, Cleik nnd Master. By K. P. Henry, Ieputy Clerk and Master. J. E. R. Ray, Sol. forcompl ilnant. Notice Trustee's Male. XTNDER and by virtue of two certain trust deeds. me executed as trustee, one by P. H. Bowers and wife, Jenny Bower, of date 28th day of May, 1877. and recorded In the Register's oflice of Fayette county. Tennessee. In Record Book No. rt, piges 524 to 528, tbe oilier bv J. J. Holloway, an I Mary B. Holloway, his wife, of date 28th day of May. 1877, and recorded in the Register's oftlce of t'iiyette county. Tennessee, in Record Book No. rt, paej 503 to 5il7. to both of which trust deeds, recorded as aforesaid, reference is hereby made for a full and perfect identification of the propeity.and fora full and perfect understand- ing ot the object, purposes and terms of the trusts . therein created, default having been made In the payments therein stipulated, I, as such trustee, will, on Wednesday, December IS, 187S, expose for sale, and sell at rubllc outcry, to the highest bidder, for cash, the following real estate, situate and described as follows: A certain lot or parcel of ground In the town of Somerville, State of Tennessee, County of Fayette, known and designated on the plan of said town as lot number i) nine, In Block C. In said town; it be- ing a corner lot fronting tb lay three feet on tbe public square, and fronting (rtflj sixty-si- x feet on the east side cf Lagrange street, together with the buildings there m, and tbe rights hereditaments ana appurtenances thereunto belonging. So'd un- der the trust deed made by J. J. Holloway, deceased, already referred to: Also a certain lot or parcel "of ground, situate, ly- ing and being In the town of Somerville, county of Fayette, State of Tennessee, and descrtted a fol- lows, to-w-lt. Parts of lots numbers (rt and 7) six and seven, bounded as follows: Beginning at the southwest corner of lot number (0) six. t jence east with Fayette street the full depth of said lot No. rt, and fourteen (14) feet beyond unto lot number 7 1 seven, to an alley ten feet wide, thence noith (21) twenty-on- e feet and tn Inches, or so far as to strike west the center of the wall on the north side of a brick house erected on lot number (rt) six; thence west on a line with the center of said wall (80 eighty feet to the outside of the front wall of sad house; thence south with the front or west wall to the beginning, togetoer with all improvements and appuitennces thereunto belonging. Sold under tlio trust deed made by P. H. Boweis, deceased, already referred to. Also the following lots and r" reels of ground in the town of fcomervllie county of Fayette, State ot Tennessee, Lots (5, rt, 8 and S) five, six. eight and nine, and that part of lot number (7) seven between lots 5 and rt. and 8 and ll, In block A, in said town, being same lots upon which the three new brick stores have been recently erected, on southwest comer of public square, and being the old Ball Tavern stand, being the same decreed to P. II. Bowers by the Chancery court at Somerville, in 1875, In the casa of JobnC. Waddell, adminis- trator, versus widow, heirs and creditors of John H. Ball, deceased, an undivided half of which was conveyed to J. J. Holloway by P. 11. Bowers, by deed of date 7th April, 1875, the two undivided halves ot whlcn were conveyed to me as trustee, one by J. J. Holloway and wife, and one by P. H. Bowera and wife, in the respective trust deeds already referred to. All light or equity of redemption or repurchase of said property Is expressly waived In said trust deeds, and the purchaser's title will be absolute. Title be- lieved to be perfect, but I sell and convey as trustee only. Sale will be made on or at the premises of the respective pieces of property, within legal hours, on the day above stated. Nl B. JOB3.STON, Trustee. Wright Sz F'oUtes. Attorneys, etc. Tratees Sale. UNDER a deed of tiust executed by G. H. Davis, 7th day of June. 1 J.'V.--t. and recorded in the register's onice of Shelby connrv. n?unessee. In record book No. 124, page 405, I will as trustee, at the request of the beneficiaries, on Monday, Decpmber 1? 1S78, on the southwest corner of Kn and Madison streets. Memphis, Tennessee, sell to the highest bid- der for cash, the following property, to-w- A certain lot of land, lying and being In Colller-vlU- e, Shelby county, Tennessee, idtuaied at the south- east corner of the Intersection of Main and Wash-lngtj- n streets, fronting (40) forty feet on Alain street, and running back between parallel lines one hundred (100) leet, together with the in provements thereon. Sale at 12 o'clock m. Title believed to be good. I sell and convey as trustee only. Equity of redemp- tion waived. W1I. M. BROOKS, Trustee. Memphis, Tkhn , November 25, 1878. TRUSTEE'S SALE. a deed of trust executed by Wm. i. UNDER and L. M. Baugh. on the 15th of Feb- ruary, 18(5. and on record in Shelby county In book 105, page 820, 1 will, as trustee, at the request of the benehclary. On Headsy, Ueeember , 1S7S, In front of the courthouse. In Memphis. Tennessee, sell to the highest bidder, at public auction, for cash, a tract of land situated In Shelby county. Tennessee, In sections 2 and U, range , on the New Rx.lelgh road, about seven miles from Xemphl, containing 275 77-10- 0 acres, being the part of the Kerr tract conveyed by James M Conned and wife to said Baughs, and the tract on which said Baughs now re- side. It is fully described In the deed of trust to which reference is now made. The debt secured by said deed of trust not having been paid, and James Steele, the other trustee named In the deew declin- ing to act, I, at tbe request of tbe beneficiary, and In the pursuance of the power given by the deed, will make the sale. Sale to begin at twelve o'clock. l he title Is believed to be good, but I will sell and convey as trustee only. Equity ot redemptlou vdLlved JOHN STEELE, Trustee. Novkmbkr 1, 1878. Smith & Collier. Attorneys TRUSTEE'S SALE. to the terms of a deed of trusts n PURSUANT undersigned by R. E. Dunlap ana wife, on the 15th day of December, 1877, duly regis- tered in the Register's office of Shelby county, Ten- nessee, in Deed Book No. 121, page 024, 1 will, on Saturday, the 7th of Deremker, 1878 at the south gate of Court Square, in the city of Memphis, Tennessee, within legal hours, sell to tbe highest bidder, for cash, the premises In said trust, described as follows: Lying and being In Memphis. Shelby county, Tennessee, at the southwest comer of Main and Vance streets, fronting the west side of Main street 150 feet, and the south line of Vance street 110 feet. Terms of Sale Cash. Equity of redemption, dower and homestead rights waived. Title believed to be good, but 1 will sell and convey only as trustee. D. IL POoTON. Truss tee. Administrator's Notice. HAVING been appointed and qualified by tbe Court of Shelby ounty as Adminis- trator on the estate of S. D. Mangum, deceased, notice Is hereby given to all creditors of said estate, to present their claims to my attorney. J. M. Greg- ory, at his oflice in Memphis. And all iiersons in- debted to said estate are leuuested to call there and settle, or settle with my auent. Frank Banksmlth, ColllervlUe, Tenntsj.ee. ANDREW D. G WYNNE, Adm'r. -- 1 Atlniinitrator'M Male. I WILL sell, at private sale, witbln the next ten da) s. the following property, belonging to tho estate of the late William Meyer: Two hones, three mules, two cows, fifteen head of hogs, four geese, three sprinkling wagons, three farm cne spring wagon, one buggy, two carts, three double sets names, two sets single buggy harness, two sets diay harness, one saddle, one Uow, and a lot of house- hold and kitchen furniture. Terms cash. HENRY LCEHRMANN. Trustee's Male. TTNDER a deed or trust executed by G. II. Davis, U on the 7th day ot May, 1875, and recorded In the register's oflice of Fayette county, Tennessee, in Record Book No. 5, pages 154, 155 and 1F.0, 1 will, as trustee, at the request ot tho beneficiary. On Tuesday, December 17, 1S78, In front of the courthouse. In Someivllle, Tennes- see, sell lo the highest bldiier tor ea-- h, tne follow ig property, tov.it: Situated In Faett county, State of Tennessee, and desciibed as follows: Bounded on tbe north by the Memphis and Charleston railroad, on the south by the Suae Lire road on the east by Blair's land, on the west by David Davis's outplace, containing 141 aire?, be- ing the same place cenvejed by D. J. Armour and the chancery court of Somervilla Tennessee, In 1873. together with all the linprovenienls thert-c- n. Also, the following personal property to-w- lt: Two brown mules, one bay mule, one soirell mare. Sale at 12 o'clock m. Title believed to be good. I sell and convey fs trustee onlv. Equity ot n waivel. w. M. BH)0Kj, Trustee . November 23, 1878.

APPEAL Com'y. Front, I · I; bL LotiW, fioc P'einlnm; Chicago, quiet andsie,uly at pir, Hjsttm, 25.; premium." "What ni;iJe gold go up to 100 on Tuesday?" Is asked. The nays: "A speculative

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Page 1: APPEAL Com'y. Front, I · I; bL LotiW, fioc P'einlnm; Chicago, quiet andsie,uly at pir, Hjsttm, 25.; premium." "What ni;iJe gold go up to 100 on Tuesday?" Is asked. The nays: "A speculative


Louisville aad Aa-hvl- lle and threatMoutheru.

j l.KAt. Ani.l. .

, liily (xit f.?.)' 1 :r0 p.in.j fi.OO p.rr.Mi!l.Ully IIM 8:16 .u.ji Acoom.rm! ttiou,

)a iiurisn). tH'M n i.sciiij lo il keiiIe. con-necting lor .Na.s:ill,'e.

Ieiuphl aad l'krlriu.I.KiVK. AHKIVK.

(City time)M VI F.xprei Train. "tally 12:0 ) nlgbl 11:45 n.m,s ri rvii!e Accouiiiiri iailon! t

Jii!y(-i-":- t buti'l.ir-)..- ., 4.40p.m.; ".sa.m.U-- Juiic.:"n 4c, dally,

(ev. t s iii'' ivmi

ninnialMtlppl an-- l Triirinrr.i LKiVK. j iKHIvEr

N Orlearn Mali. !a:!y... a:00 p.m '12J15 p.m.Strd s Aivuii' ri!il(tifu:i,ilal--

in Sundays 3 HO p.m. 9 20 a.m.Frel .nt an.l Acroiumo't'n.'

ll?-,?v-'-'t Him-my- ) . j 705a.m. K m p.m.

Mrmph'w and l.lltle KorU.j LKAVE. AKRIVK.

Mm Train, daily p.m. n:40 pCj.f!!ivgjljywgpt Sun.). t::io a.m. 6::w p.m.

Hartomh and nrmphUuLKAVE, AKK1VK.

M II 4 l' :,rtrr.n,d.i!l) 4 15 p.m. H.'iO a.m.Awmn.lnl.in tr.n ... 7 IP pi 5 30 p.m.

FINANCIAL.After the Triankssivinz boliJay of Thurs-

day It wi natural to lo-.- for ml tl'ional activity, hutIt did not enn, and. l n a nulra e buslue , theton or tbe market iln-- tl. In U respectsF.xcli.iiige nisht on New Yoik midnam nt on N.-- Laglnnd 9 oil; sign on New Kn-- 1

ind. l2 oil. .selLm; al p:ir; on N Orleans Ub.iy i.g. ht p !r. The New York Herald,or Tud i, quote 1: Trie lo WwIt.g' wera Um rilesof ech-m;.- j oi New Yoik the undermentionedolllm: tivinnai. uu.vlng at par. selling U ?U o;

t hariraliin sratce, pir to premium. I

il U premium; New Orleans, cominerclnl.b.ink. I; bL LotiW, fioc P'einlnm; Chicago, quietand sie,uly at pir, and Hjsttm, 25.; premium.""What ni;iJe gold go up to 100 on Tuesday?" Isasked. The nays: "A speculative demandfor gold, now and for the year l7n, was nridep tmitnent. for tne evident purpose of bedevLTJigthe in uket generally, and the diy closed with Hie re-sell .i In the leading itlva stocks in fullfor-e- . We sr It asserted that the B u.k or Englandrla his to be keit at iwloe th tMe of ise P ink or

ranc3 In ordrr t.i pr-e- ut a drain or golj undertns ondl'i 'iisof trade.wblcb does not look well forltnl:md. Tin New Vo!k of Tuesd.tv.Mys: "New Orleans a id Memi hls bill on Baringllnn.to.dat 41 1. currency." Keuinp(ion occu-P'e- ,s

a good de ot attention. Tae NeYork correspondent writes: "There Is already amovement I'u.st the ren bank rule, which It lapromised s'lali ej Int e(T-- ct af.er the lirst of January, and whleh declines to receive irold as a 'special

but treat d only as l.ivtful moner. The be-lief Is tht the banks will be forced to recede fromt Heir position aiptlnst recelln,r roIi as a "special de--tuslt,' and, fd. therm va, lhat they will be obl'ffed lo

tbreikl.i ls of account, t- Bold, Kresn-bc- sand silver." The New York 11'ilUlm males:"We liea thai Home of the leading merchants xrodiscussing the prnprl. tT of making all ttielr bills ex-

plicit t payable 'In fundi cnirentat the New YorkcleulnKQOuse' h iving thesa words stamped on alltheir bins." The at. Louis ,' jmU.fin Is Indignant,and Impulsively observe: -- We do not bflievetfteunion! bariks of the west and souta approve thearrogant action of those or New York and Boston Inntteiuuilng to dem m nize Hml decide lite silverdollar-.- ; we have reaons for believing that thfycon-diii- u

It." 1 hi I'hlUd.dplila banks are expntted todelay action. At a uieetiin; of the Ualllmore banksIt was resolved that

"Fei.dliigilin early'reaisf milling of confess, andw'.th the hopeihat so neiiuxllllc itljiiwlll lu adopted

the in In the enisling i; iriviicy nets, wa deem itpremature ai.d Injud ciout, at this time, to presetlheany llns of pollci v.hl.-hlli- liunklng lijtereMs ot Bal-timore mavrciulrt lierealler." TheNencirleausor Wecn-wla- y. st iles: "It Is generally under-n-

that at the next the clearinghouseasoclatlon the resumption ipiesilon will be acted on.It Is surmised lhat our p inks wl.l folio Uieexaini lof New ork, but of course wi.l lie governed bywhoever may be iruJciit or proper lor our localMuaucl.il situation."

IliT TKLKGRIVIIAPaBIS, November 2o.-Be- ntes, H2f. 27ic.NEW OKLKAN3, November 2. Gold, lOOUSIDiUj. NewYoik sli?ht. l dlscounL bterllng ex-c- li

tnge-bank- ers' bills, 4Mta.LDNIWV. November 'J. Consols-f- or money,

i Illinois Central, 7i'l-.- ; 1'eniisjlvanta Cen-tral. :i:(U; Keadliu. 121-- ; Krle. lu:,-- ; preferred, :p'l:10-40-s, lii'.Hi; i.ew

,s. liK; 4ls, HM',;l4. Therate or ! scouot In op.-- market Is 4' j, being .".4 be-low Bank or England rat".

NEW YORK. November 20. Money market easv,("r:tl,3 p-- r cent. I'ritn." in- - tc mtile papr.rnt per

Csnt. The assistant treasurer disbursed 5;24S.(iiO.Cistoms MIA.OHO. Clearings,

bterllugexchange-bitike- rs' bills, 4S Ha; NewYork s:lit, 4St( Dry goods Impj-- t for tt:e wek.S.400.ini . liold llrin, IIMH4. C.irtjlin; rates, lri:jper cent. Ikirrowtng rat-- s li lt lo S4 ter cent,per diem, closing at 3 per cent per annum. Govern-ment bonds firm; coupons ;f tsl. IO'.iIh; do.I8d. new. lo:is;do. ISil7, 1 )'.; do. ISiiS, 10'.il4;new 5s, lO.V-s- ; new 4'-a- I0.V4; new IOOI4;liMOs, registered, 107's; 10 4), coupons, 107-r- ;

oirrency r.s, 121. state bonds were dull;old Tennessee, !Jlo: rcw Tennessee, 2M': oldVlrglnl.i. 2."; new Virginia, 25; Missouri 0:.. lOtPx.H.'1'ilro.id bonds buoiaiu, for Missouri,K insas an 1 Texas. Stock ma wl as Irregular to-il y; cjiI ft s iHollned to 1 1; per cent., but anadvance of tj to IVt followed, tag Improvement be-ing well maintained at the close. Western, St. Pauland Lak tnore wer. actively traded In, aud

14 to ;i per cnt ; the only liuporlan: reac-tion at tin close liivl-i;- ; been la the last named,which lost X ot r c;nt. ef the ear.y Improvement.Hauulbal and Su Joseph preferred t ecllued illo percent., Illinois Central 2, and Wa'asU 1: mrcsiit.Th-s- e stocks, ho evpr, afterward n coveied lj parcent. The remainder of ilie list was nulet on slightfl'ictuatlous. Tians irtions 20U.0OOshares, of which 20lM w---r Krle, 25,0K LakeShore, 410O Wahsh. 25.0. : Northwestern cominon and 2'.l.MK piefetred. ltl.ODO bt. Paul com-mon and hOOO iirerericd, oo.OOO Lackawanna,4701) New Jers-- y Central, U700 Dalaware andHudson. 500 I Horr;s and Kssex, 4700 S'. Joseiib.4700 Western linlon, 2700 Missouri, Kansas andTexas, fxKHI St. Louis. Kansas Citr and North-ern preferred. Clonp g quotations as follows:Western I 'tdon telegraph conipanv, t47n; Quicksil-ver. 10: Quicksilver iirePrreil, iil; Pacific Mall,15't; ll.irlixxi, 3; .viuilposa preferred, 2'a,Adams express company, 105; Wells A Fargo ex-press company, ply; luierioau exi'ress company,4tda; I'ultesl Slates express coinnany, 47'4tNew York Centrtil, 1 m; Kite, 10; Krie preferreil,H2lj; Harleiu, 1P; Michigan Central, Hsr.ii; Pana-ma. 122; Union Pacific Ktock, M: Lake Shore,H'.r.n; Illinois Central, 71)12; Cleveland and Pitts-burg, bl-'i- Noithwcstern, 4 it; Northwestern pre-ferred, 771.2; CleveUnd, CoUnubus, Cincinnati andIndlanajiolis, ij.'l; X.ew Jersey Central, 2''h; RockIsland. 1 71 4 : St. Paul, :i5is: St. Paul nreferred.70-M- ; Wabash, lsH; port Wa.vne.PHi4: Terre Uaute,2; Terre Haute preferred, 11; Chicago andAlton, 7l: Chlc;u;o tmd Alton preferred, 102; Ohioand Mississippi, ',- -; Delaware. Lackawanna andWestern, 4'"-k- ; Atlantic and Paclilc telegraph, 2Miw;Missouri Pwltlc. loi 1: Chicago, Burlington nnduuincy, 1111; iiauniuai and St. Joe, 14U;Hannibal and tet. preferred B:W; Ceu-- Itral Pacific bonds. nlon Pacific bonds.7it; Union Pacific land grants. CU: Union PaslBesluklng funds,

CtTTi.Tho caUlo yceterJny reported Liverpool

snots lower; arrivals 'were at dec'lne.New York spots oisjne 1 we ik, and quotations aa revised were placed cheaper; jrutures wereIrregular, and six to eleven po'uts lower. New Or-leans and Galveston were each isO cheaper. Ourmarkt was tiarcly ttesdy, but though prices weresomewhat irregul ir, fact rs nnd buiois were moreagreeable. Sales were theref ire larger than ex-pected, and ijuolatloiis remained unchanged, as fol-lows:

Cotton Exchance Quotations.Standard Iniemutionul ViawlUntionA

Testrrdiii. D-i- brfore.Ordinary .... Nominal. NominalGood Ordinary t?S r?- X-Low middling rUfTsa 8U2 :j8Middling. - r7:itGood mldi llr.g (1141 IW

Ml idilug fair aV:i 7i-.'-

Ka'r Nominal. Nomlual.Market barely steady. Sates. :i'.'(0 bales. Week's

sales, 1 5. 050; Including for expuit, 10.HOO; spin-ning, Hd50; specula tou, i!0).


KsMPms, November 2-- , 1878. (Stock on hand September 1, 1878... t54Hecelved to-d- l.St(2becelved previously n.i.;ir,: 101.215

ghlppeJ 1,471 102.1fM)Shipptd previously :t:j.24o :;4,7llSt'ck, running account 07,4."8

IMP011T3.Thus far this week 22.44rtThus far last weeK 22,54:191noe September 1st .101,2lr

Memphis and Charlc-ito- raltroad 188Mississippi nnd Tennessee Kallroad ";2Louisville, Nashville and Great Southern R.R. 2i'tlPaduean and Memphis ml road 41Memphis and Little ndlwaySteamers 273Wagons and other sources 500

Total .l..Sd2EXPOBTS.

Thus far this week. 13,808Thus far last week 14.H70Since September 1st 34,711

M. AC R. R 148M. A T. R. R uiOLiiVti. S. b. H. r!41

Steamers, porth 112By rati, north 70By rail, south 570Total 1.471

The New York Itulhtin, of Tuesday, reports:"There has again beeu a ipilet and uneventful mar-ket 0.1 toe s; ec:d.uivs Hue, with the actual gain forthe day standi ':g In fav r of tho bears.' ibounh theadvantage j rot large and oniy esiannsiieu to-

ward the close. 1). ring tho car ter portion of theseason the demand, so far hh it went, had enoughspirit to sustain values, and even make a little gainover the opening rtes. a number of short oper.iloreappearing p think It was about ttm to over; buttills demand was not continuous or heavy, and whenIt subilded prices dropiied o f Hgatn, and were further depresI ij Indications from tne soot 0 id a fullmovement r smitnicslocouie. Advices tnm abroadtoo, were t!ut u'.l day, and toward the close a reportof strikes In the Kogllsh districts was current, lending to cneck demand."

BY TELECKAVIIAThe fo lowlng Is the state of the domestic

Ialext j Kiate of . I'rice.Tetrimms. Mar kit. ,K'c'l)t. Middling.

Galveston Easy. 4,0W 8?sNew Orleans F.i.-y- 3,714 9Mobile. Quiet. 2.352 tsSavannah Qul-- L 3,919 8 11-1- 0

Charleston Dull. 2.710 94Wilmington 1,082 8--

Nortoli ' Q.nel. I 8."H 84Baltloi.ve Qdt. 195 91391--Ne V :k ... . Qiet. 212: KUBot ., D ill. P-- l

Pirn t - Qut-t- . I 877! 91 1.- -. I l nAiiii are Hie New Yoik sit quotations

for ye.sterdav: Ordinary, 7W; good ordinary. 8low nilildling. 8Tsc; iiiKlUlii, PUc; good mid-dling, 0 UU, 10 At 10K9,

THB MEMPHIS J3.1.uY APPEAL SATURDAY, NOVEMBBB 3Q, 1878.weak: 1205. du'l and easier; 20 quiet, quota-lion- s

revived; 8. quiet . Sal-s- . 41 8 bales.The following Is the latest New York telegram of

fvtnres.H'JUth. itttrty.

Janu-iry..- . W.22rT H.23 1131Kebniary. .. 1 42? V4iMarch l.47 P.48 II 54? H.55April o 5p,r. Jl.f.O RMtlr?May R70-- M.72 H.7Kr? 1.7June Pli? V Hit WHOJu.y P.M);? .!August t? ..r?September.. iti)ctot.-- r ft r?Novemlier . lUOrr Sl.12 V.21'7 W.23Decemljer P.14(? 0 15 P.20r? P.21

The tone ot the lutiire market wkm as loliows: AtI0.OK. asy; li:4.'l. Irregular; 12:30. barely steady;1 :22. easy; 2;'JO. easy; aOo, steajy. Sales, 8O.0OOhales.

Tim New Orleans market closed easy rt Pe formlddllti". Sales, wwu bales; receipts, 3714 bales;Stock, 175.2ld biles.

Tne Galveston market was easy at 87e for mid-dling; the receipts were 4O'.'0 bales; stock, 121,80bales. Sales, 2217 bales.

Th- - Liverpool telegrams yesterday reported themarket In betier Inquiry, but freely supplied: mid-dling uplands, Orleans. 5 d. Sales. lO00ba'es: American, bales. Receipts, 10,000 bales;all American.

The Liverpool market opened with futu,re sellersfit decline: November, 5 November-Decembe-r,

5 5Janmry - February, 6 811; February - March,6

The movements at the ports were reported as fol-lows:

Lout Thi WeekWrtk. Lnxt Tear,

Rec'lsslnee Friday' 18H.7I0 17H.408 172.8H5fixp'ts to G.Britain Hi 1.222 42,238 4D.084Bxp'tstoContlneut, F7.7i7! O0.P74 r)8.2l'WStock 1114.477! OI.8.345 685 879

The following Is the comparative cotton statementfor the week ending November 21Uh:Set receipts at all United States ports... . 1 84,000Same week last year 173,K)0Total receipts at nil V. 3. ports to date.. 1,722.000Same date last year 1,472,000Exiiorts from all U. S. ports for the week. 1 Ih.oooHame week last year 107,000Total exports from U. S. ports to date .. K52.IXM)Sime dale last year 5,000stock at all If. 8. ports B14.000Same time last year (182,001)Stock at all Interior towns 128,000Same time last year 92,000Stock at Llveriiool 301,000Same time last year 3H1.000Stock of American afloat for Gt. Britain . . 223.0O0Same time last year 173,000

GENERAL TRADE.The Thanksgiving holiday of Thursday did

not brighten matters yesterday; business was thedullest or any or (he rast ten days, and our reportshave little change of Interest. Tile weatbrr wassunny and pleasant, but the demand for merchan-dise was poor. The SL Louis krjt'iKiran, ot Wednes-day, reports a larger arrival of corn without a com-mensurate demand and the market was a decliningone, prices reaching the lowest values since 1801.The Chicago Tribune, of Tuesday, reports dull pro-du- el

markets, "t:o much stuff" was the complaint;provisions again ylelc.ed to tee pressure; wheat wasd (pressed; corn and oats were heavy." The New YorkHni'rhn, of Tuesday, says: "lhe market for hogProducts tne past week has sllown a still furtherdownward tendency without signs of reacdan at the '

close." Tne Chicago Tribune quietly but slgnlll-cantl- y

observed, on Tuesday: "There ts somethingwrong In the whisky oeal. The majority of distillerskeep on quoting sales on the basis of SI 00 per gal-lon tor hlghwlnes, while wines ate offered elsewhereat $1 04, with reported sales now and then at thatfigure." The Cincinnati Tradi-M- says: "Thereare one bund'ed vessels at New Orleans clamoringfor cargoes ot grain In bulk for Kurope. St. LouisIs already shipping large quantities, and the corngrowers of the Ohio valley have every prospect forgood crops and good prices."

FEKD, KTC Vrn was Inactive jest- - rday; lastsales of shellelat48c;ear, 45Sr47e; In store, 55c(AiM-s- ale of 385 sacks ot Ohio river at 28c; Instore, 35c. Jinrn-s- ale of 200 sacks at 813; Instore, 783811c per cut, Ituy sale of 3 car loadsof prime at 812; In store, 70I80c per cwt. Corn-lor.- ij

dull, heavy and drooping, at $1 00; In store,f2 20. flur steady at 83 25ri 5 75 for currentgrade'.

FKUIT3 AND VEGETABLES.--fei- -Sl 2.Vt1 7 on landing, and quiet; In store, $1 7522 50;extra quality, SI 75. PMnlontna movement,drooping; In store, $1 70r?2 25. Dtveet ixttntoex,SI a barrel. Onion, $1 25(2 1 75 on landing; Instore, $1 75(72; line, S-'- Cabbage, HclH a hun-dred; Ohio river, $3c?5 a hundred; round lets, Sri i0 50; crates, 3 25r?3 50. Turnips In store. 75c abarrel. Purnti, 82 a barrel. Uorneriuiixh. $5 oOrii

a barrel. Omui;. 84 50(?rt a barrel. Lemon, So(70. f.'rwprs-cainw- ba, 12c a pound. Californiajie rs, 84(74 50 a box. Ifnt :il minds, Taragon,lP-c-; Brazilian, Pc; pecans, Texas, 10c; filberts,l4e; peanuts, 4c per pound; cocoa, 85 per hun-dred. Dried iruU apnles, silfciic; peaches,4(7 5c Cron&errir. 87 505 8 a barrel.

KuG3, BUrrKti. 1STC. Er'i were steady at2'.'e a dozen, llutter quotes : common, U(711c;medium, 13(7 lric: choice western, 17(218o; cream-ery. 20e: sills of 2 boxes common at Oc. Chickens re-mained heavy, quoting at SI 25(72 50, from youngtobens; dressed. 8 J 50 adoz-to- . Turkeys In limited de-mand, at 87(7 10; extra, $12; dressed, 10erl2lsc apound Duck. 82 25a 2 75 a dozen. Geese, 84;? 5.Widt Inuk.1 common, 81 per dozen; mallards, 82.

81,7 1 25 per dozen, liiibbits, SI P0(72 perdozen. Hii'tirnU, 81(71 25 per dozen. Iteer, 8ri5c by the circass; saddles, 73C Keelfoot lakejixh,t!(7 7e per pound.

HOG PR IDUOT AND MEAT. Z&icoii clear sides,,packed, 44(747hc; dear rib, packed, 4.'8(? 4:140;shoulders, packed, 3'4C; clear pork sides, loose,4l2'74-rsc- ; clear rib pork sides, loose. 4ih)t?41:c;long i lear poik sides. loose, shoulders, loose,3:'m'7:R'2C; sugiir cured hams, packed, 834SW;bre.akla.st bacon, packed,6:t4(?7c; mess pork, 8.50.Lnni tierces. (i5ii'7ris.tc; palls, 7r8't 7:i0.

MHCELL NEOU3. Cfcr-- hr bHrrels.8!5; barrels,88 6070. Bxinx medium navy, S232 25 a bushel,according: to quality. Lime, WOcajfl. Salt, 81 35 perbarrel. HUU were In good demand; dry Hint, 14c;dry salt, 10ril2c; green, odOc; green salt, 7c,Talhno, 5(7r5c. Heesmtx, 22c hagrng-Ba- x, 2(7'2'4 lbs. 1 1(7 IIS4C; flax and hemp, Ole. Balingt.i'ine. 12c per pound. Iron Ties, per bundle, 82 05t?2 15.

HORSES The following are J. Forrest's quotations :

Common saddle horses, 8S0(? 100; extra do., 8100(7135; No. 1 do., 8140(7175; good plu- - work-horses, 800375. .V(if-1- 4 to 14Vt hands, 805385; 141 to 15, S85r7110; heavy dray mules, 151fctoinij hands, S1303175. Trade Is pretty good,prtnclpilly supplying city demand, especially forgood mule.

CATTLE. - Frey 4 Schilling, or the Southernstock-yr- d, have favored us with the follow-ing quotations: Cattle Good to choice corn-fe- d,

S00 to 1100 pounds, 4(7 414c; good toct.olee grass-fe- d, 750 to 1000 pounds, li&SVscifair to good butchers', 700 to 900 pounds,2'2(?2:'tc; common cattle In decent flesh, 232Uc;common cattle, poor and rough, 1(7 lUc HgsSmooth f --.t corn fed, 175 to 225 poundsz 24C; smout hfat coin-fe- d, 125 to 100 pounds, 2l4 i',2?; shoals,pigtzy sows and tall ends, all weights, 2c; mast-fe- d

hogs, t4(7V3C off regular price. Hheep Choicemutton grades, HO to 100 pounds, 3W74C; medium10 good grades. 80 to PO pounds, 3d3c; commonand Interior, per head, Sid 2.

IBY TELEGRAPH.NEW YORK.isovember 29. Flour nominal; super-

fine western and State, 83 40(73 80. Wheatquiet btd steady; uugradei sjirlng, 90(791e. Ryesteaoy; xso. z western, bivS'iosc. Baney auu; manoulet. Corn firmer: ungnided. 4437C. Oats nominal; No. 2, 3ic. Hay steady. Hops quiet, coneequ.et. Sugar and molasses dull. Bice nominal;Carolina, 5l,s(?l):!4C; Louisiana, fvgatiitjc. Pork tnfair demand; mess, 87 50. Bsef quiet but steady.Cut meals steady; long clear, 4lac Lard quiet; primesteam, n.iuc. v msaj uun, tsv-j-

LOUISVILLE. November 20. Flour dull: extra.83(73 25; family, S3 50(73 75; A 1,8434 25;fancy, 84 5037. Wheat steady; red, 90c; amberand white, 93c Corn quiet; white, 30c; mixed, 34c.Oats nnlet but steady: white. 24e: mixed. 23c Rvedull, 53c. Hay lirm. 8939 50. Pork steady,838 25. Lard steady and in fair demand; choicelear, tierce, (Use; kf g, 7Vac Bulk meats quiet but'teady. 2t327n. 3 90 from 4143414c Bacon noml-nil- .

Sugar-cure- hams none on the market. WhiskyBtcady. 3105.

CINCINNATI, November 29. Wheat quiet butsteady; red and white, 88f79ric. Cora in fair de-nt nd and firm, 82333c Oats stead v and In fairdemand, 22325c Rye steady, 50351c Barleystronger; No. 2 fall, 81 1031 12. Pork in good demauu; SH38 10 spot, 88 10 seller January. Lardstrong; steam, 5.75c; kettle nominal. Bulk meatsIn good demand, 2Th. 8'9, 4c Boxed meats In gooddenvind; short rib, 4.10c; long and short clear heldnt 4ivC Bacon firmer, 314, 4la. 414c Whisky steady,8105. Butter dull and nominal.

CHICAGO, November 29. Flour higher. Wheatactive, firm and higher; No. 2 red winter, 8840.Corn fairly active and a shade higher; 3mccashand Dtcember, 31nc January. Oats steady and firm;20!)s3cash and Iecmber,20i4CJanuary. Rye steady,4 c Barley In fair demand but at lower rates,P7c cash. Pork strong and higher; 80 80 cash andIecembar. 88 1038 I2ljs 'anuary. Lard In fair de-1-

ind and steady; 5ifC cash and December,8.02l3)8.05c January. Bulk meats steady; shoulders,2.80c; short ilb,IU95c: short clear. 4.10c. High-wine-

SI 04. Whisky based on 81 06.NEW ORLEANS ,Nofember 29. Flonr quiet and

firm; superfine., 83(73 25; double extra. 83 75;treble extra,8434 2l-3-: high grades, 84 7535 25.Cit 1 quiet and weak. 43347c. Oats In good de-mand, 30333c Cornmeal steady, 82 1032 15. Hayquiet; prime, S14; choice, 815 50. Pork quiet audweak, held at 88. Lard steady; tierce, 030SBC;keg. 737l?c Bulk meats scarce and firm; shoul-ders, loose, ; packed, 344c Bacon demand fairnnd market firm; shoulders, 3I4C; clear lib, 414c;clear, 4lT4-""ia- . Sugar-cure- d bams scarce andfirm, 10a 11c Whisky quiet; western rectified,SI 0531 10. Codes in good demand at fullprices; Rio, cargoes, ordinary to prime, 124310cgoliL Sugar In fair demand and firm; common togood common, 414344C: fair to fully fair, 4x35lfce;prime to choice. SXjtri&se; yellow clarified, 8l37sc. Molasses active and lirm; common, 20322c;fair, 23324c; centrifugal, 19325c; prime tochoice, 2H3 32c Bice quiet but steady; Louisiana,ordinary to choice, 530VC. Bran firmer, 72377Vfec


NEW YORK, November 29. Business oontlnursvery quiet with the commission houses and Importers, and the jobbing trade Is sluggish. Springwootens are in modTHie request oy ciotniers; neavywo dens are dull. Colon goods are In light demand,but fairly t; prints are quiet; ginghams aredull and unsettled ; dress goods are in light request

2ton-IXeside- nt Notice.No. 8040. In the Chancery Court of Shelby county,

Tennessee. S. B. Steers, et aL, vs. R. C. Daniel,et aL

TT ano'viring from the original and amended andJ. supplemental bill In this cause, which aresworn to, tnat tne defendants M. T. Lowry and E.Lowiy his wife, Simuel G. Handley and F. L. Hand-le?, his wile. David M. Rodman. A. H. if. Dawsonand s. B. Steers, are of the State ofTennessee: that the defendant, R. C- - Daniel, Is Indebted to the complatninls In the sum of 8827d,evidenced by bis notes, and attachment having beeniss.ied and levied on his property in which the otherdelendauts are perbaps Interested;

It Is therefore onlered, that all the above nameddefendant 1 make their annearance herein, at thecourthouse In the city of Memphis, Tennessee, on orberore tne nrst nonoay in January, 1879, and pleadanswer or demur to complainants original andamended and supplemental bills, or the same willbe taken rorconiesseu as to inera, ana set for hearing exparte, and that a copy of this order be pub-lished once a week, for four successive weeks. In thejai'ini nis rrrM. a iopy. Aliesi.

I his 20th day of November, 178.H. J. BUCK, clerk and Master.

By E. B M'Bekrt. Clerk and Master.IL C. Warlnner, rtol. for Complainant safq

Administrator's Notice.

HAVING been qualified as administrator of theof Arcilbald Thweatt. deceamd. allpersons having c afms against the said estate are no

tified to prese-- mem as prescribed by law, and persons luuenit- - j iu me coca 15 me requested to C0QQ6 lotward and settle.

GEO. C. HARBIN, Administrator,' 237 Alain turn.


Weather sad Hirer.The table and dispatches below jywe official

particulars concerning tne weather and rivers:Orrica Siosal SmnrB Osa.. O. 8. A., 1

MxKF-nis- . November 20. 1 878. fAbove low

water'BTATioas.Feet Inches

Cairo 10 4Cincinnati 81 7Davenport 2 3Dubuque.Helena, Ark...Keokuk 8 8Leavenworth 5 8Little BockLouisville. 11 4Memphis 4 IONashville 10 4

New Orleans 13 11Pittsburg 17 4Shreveport. 4SL Louis 9 4V Icksburg


Rise FallInches Inches



1 id--

Below high water mark of 1874.LOCAL OBSERVATIONS YESTERDAY.

Time. Bar. Ther Wind. Weather.

7:00 a.m. 80.2 33 8. Clear.2O0 p.m. 30.19 58 S.W. Clear.9:00 p.m. 30.20 51 8.E. Fair.Maximum thermometer, 59 deg.Minimum thermometer, 84 deg.

F. JL N'EAL. Private, big. Ser U. S. A.By Telegraph.

NASHVILLE, November 29. Elver rising, and81a feet on the shoals.

LOUfSVILLE. November 29. Weather clearand cool and river rising; 1 1 leet 4 Inches In thecanal.

PITT3BURG, November 2ft. River 17 feet 4Incbeo; weaiberclear and cold Night River 18feet and falling; clear and cool.

NEW ORLKANP, November 29. Arrived: GoldDust, St Louis. No departures. Clear; thermome-ter 50 deg.; light frost this morning.

CINCINNATI, November 29. River rising andweather fair and pleasant Night Thirty-tw- o feetand rising: fair, but getting foggy Arrived:J. W. Gaff, Memphis.

ST. LOUIS, November 29. Arrived: Kinney,Memphis; City of Alton, Dlppold and Keblor, NewOrleans. Departed! none. River unchanged; 5tafeet to Cairo; weather cloudy and mild.

VICKSBDEG. November 29. Weather clear:thermometer 04 degrees. Down: B E. Lee, 5 p.m.;Golden city, 8 a.m.; uenienniai lasinigoi. up:Commonwealth, 4 p.m.; John B. Maude, 10 a.m.

CAIRO, November 29. Arrived: OH City, Ohio,5 p.m.; Belle St. Louis, St. Louis, 1 pra.; MyChoice and Colorado, SL Louis, 5 p.m.; Belle ofShreveport, St. Louis, 7 p.m.: K. A. Stunard, NewOrleans, 7 Night Arrived: Thomas Sher-lock, Cincinnati, 8 p m ; Fannie Lewis, Memphis, 10p.m.; Paris Brown, New Orleans, 0 a.m. reparted:Thomas Sherlock, New Orleans, 1 1 p.m ; FannieLewis, St. Louis, midnight; Centennial, midnight;Paris Brown, Cincinnati, 7 a.m.; Colorado, Vlcks-bur- g,

7 p.m. River 10 feet 4 Inches and rising;clear; mercury 50 degrees.

Movements at the Levee.ARRIVALS.

Coahoma, Friars Point; Mollle Moore, St. Louis;Grand Tower, Vlcksburg; Josle Harry, White river.

DEPARTURES.Mollle Moore, New Orleans; Grand Tower, St.

Louis; Coahoma, Friars Point.IN PORT.

Josle Harry, C. K. Peck, Belle of Texas, HattleNowland, Thompson Dean.

BOATS DUE.Down Osceola Belle. Thomas Sherlock, Andy

Baum, City of Helena, Belle SL Louts.Up -- George W. Cheek, Batesvllle, Golden Crown.

BOATS LEAVING THIS DAT.Friars Point George W. Cheek, Stack Lee

master, 8 p.m.Cincinnati Andy Bautn.JH. J. Vinton master,

5 p.m.St. Francis River Batesvllle, J. D. Bandall

master, 5 P.mWrite Rivkb Josle Harry, Milt B. Harry master,

5 p.m.Arkansas River ;Hattle Nowland, James Rees

master, 5 p.m.New Orleans Thomas Sherlock, Lew Kates

master, 10 a. m.Cincinnati Golden Crown, W. P. Walker master,

10 a. m.Osceola Osceola Belle, J. G. Andrews master,

5 p.m.Vicksbl'ro City of Helena. I. H. M'Kee master,

10 a.m.New Orleans C. K. Peck, Jas. Smith master,

12 m.St. Louis Belle SL Lou's, James A. Tore master,

5 p.m.New Orleans Thompson Dean, James IL Pep-

per master, 4 p.m.

Receipts Yesterday.Coahoma 273 bales cotton, 1562 sacks cotton-

seed, 24 pkgs suudrles.Josle Harry Brought out ot White river 527 bales

cotton, 2 bags seed-cotto- S heads cattle, 21 pkgssundries.

Mollle Moore 250 bales cotton.Grjjid Tower 57 bales cotton, 212 sacks cotton-

seed, 57 empty ale boxes.

lievee Paragraphs.Business fair.The weaiher was beautiful yesterday.Captain John Davis has returned to St. Louis.Thanksgiving Is past, but Christmas is coming.Captain John Cowdou, of Burutarla canal fame, Is

In the city.The Grand Tower passed ugfCsterday evening on

time for SL Louis.The river rose three Inches at this point In the

past twenty-fou- r hours.The Charles M'Donald and tow passed down for

New Orleans yesterday.Mrs. Captain Harry and children are passengers

on the steamer Josle Harry.Mrs. Captain Darragh and family are passengers

on the Andy Baum due this morning.The C. K. Peck Is loading at Glenn's wharfboat,

and will leave at noon y for New Orleans.There are twelve steamers advertised to leave to-

day. Y'ou pays your monish and takes your choice.The receipts by river yesterday were 800 bales

cotton, 2 bags seed-cotto- and 1526 sacks colton- -

Tn'e chaln-ganglwe- re at work yesterday, and theyexclaim with great emotion there is no rest for thewicked

The Belle St. Louis, Captain James A. Tore, is theAnchor-lin- e packet this evening at five o'clock forSt. Louis.

The last of the waruUring refugees. Captain JamesCarr, passenger agent of tne Louisville and Nash-ville railroad, returned yesterday.

The Osceola Belle, Captain J. G. Andrews, Is thepacket this evening at five o'clock for Osceola andthe bends. B. O. Mitchell Is her clerk.

The Thompson Dean leaves this afternoon at fouro'clock for New Orleans and way points. Owing toengagements of cotton she was detained.

The City of Helena. Captain I. H. M'Kee. Is the

John Steele. W. J.




lVos. 378 and 2SO FrontTTTH have been ODen durinethe Epidemic except

VV pared to serve our Friends and Patrons, and

J. 11. (xODWIJV.


elven to the

LL orders from country Merchants entrusted toA Lowest Market prices.

rw i

Late ot J. V. Dowdy Co. Late of "Guy",

Cash advance made on 'eon1grmentii. and order


AfiehrT-Hn- e packet this morning at ten o'clock forVicksPurg. O or.o Walton Is her clerk.

The Koimt llnefj Mollte Moore, passed down yes-terday, two wks out from St. Louis, bound for NewOrleans. She put off here 250 barrels flour.

The Golden Crown, Captain Win P. Walker,passes np Hits morning at nine o'clock for Cineln-nst- l.

Eugene Shlnkle will be found In charge of iteroffice.

The Batesvllle, Captain J. D. Randall, Is thepacket this evening p' ftve o'clock tor SL Francisriver. D. B. Abrahams Is is. erk, a;slsted byBlntle Banning. n.

The large and elegant passer.ger packet 1 hrrrsosSheilock, Captain Lew Kates on deck, passes downthis evening at three o'clock lor New Oilcans. M. L.Vlrdeen is her clerk.

The Geo. W. Cheek. Captain St ick Le on devk. Isthe reguia.' packet 'his evening at five o clock forFriars Point and all vay landings. Wulker OutlawIs her clerk, assisted by Plait Ithoades.

The New Orleans It iwn rai, of Wednesday, says:"The steamer Henry Frank, from Memphis, arrl'edlast evening with a large cargo, consisting of 75O0bales of cotton, 2224 sacks of cotton setd and 379sacks of

I he Hattle Nowiand, Captain MUL B, narry Incommand, Is the regular packet this evening at fiveo'clock for all points on White river, going throughto Jackson lie rt. Colonel J. I). Moore will be foundIn charge of her oftler?.

Merchants are requested tosend their freight downto steamers early in the day, and not wait until thelast moment and then rush It all down at cmee.

clerks and steamboat bands are not engine,!,nor are they Imbued with elect! Icity.

The Andy Baum, Captain H. J. Vinton In com-mand, will be found In port this morning receivingfor her return trip to Cincinnati She leaves thisevening at five o'clock, giving the cheapest rates toall points north and east. M. M. Deem Is her clerk.

That cabbage pile on the levee Is a utiHance, andno mistake. The wharfmaster should put thegang to work and dump It Into the river. The stencharising from that heap of decayed Vegetable matterIs vety offensive to our fastidious olf ictoilis. Yes,we have a diploma, aud don't forget It.

The Illinois, during the late epidemic mid since,has been In the bands of competent workmen, andIs now a thing ot beauty Indeed. Her cabin is en-tirely new, and In fact she has bein thoroughly re-

paired from stem to stern, and from kelson tochimney-top- . She leaves Tuesday lor Vlckburg onthe first trip of the season.

Billy Penlston. of the C. K. Pt ck. now loading atGlenn's wharfboat. Is one of the "gold-lace- " clerksof the famous Sr. Louis and Keok k tn 'e. Williamcomes of a steamboat family, is an artist is his line,never made a mistake In his life, and thinks It toolate to begin now. He Is a lightning calculator inreceiving and distributing frelghL

Commodore James S. Wise leaves for hishome In Cincinnati; he has been here but two orthree days, yet In that time he has gained manynew friends, and his old ones are more In love withhim than ever. Come again, good and true friend,and our people will use you kindly. They c in neverforget your whole-hearte- d generosity to Mempblinsabroad and at home during the late epidemic

The United States boat Oetavla passed up yester-day morning with a party of United States engin-eers, who have been taking a look at tue river be-tween Cairo and Lake Providence. The names ofthe gentlemen who compose this party are GeneralWright, General Comstock, General Leach, GeneralBernard, Major 8uter and Major Haudbury. Con-gress Is expected at Its next session to make an ap-propriation looking to the Improvement of the chan-nel of the Mississippi, and these gentlemen"bosses" thought it best to examine the river them-selves. Instead of sending their subordinates.

New Orleans Demoerat: "The Henry Frank Is thelargest sternwheel boat on the river, and pilots inhandling her have to exert considerable muscularpower, and In order to assist, one of the roustaboutsIs selected to stand a watch at the wheel. On onecccaslon, during her last trip, a big, brawny fellow,black as Ink, was at the wheel, and as she was mak-ing a crossing he was told lo hold her hardrand wasasked if he could do It. 'Yes. boss,' was his confidentreply, 'I'll hold her or pull out one of dese handles.'Just at that moment, her rudders getting oft the cen-ter, the wheel got the best of the sable steersman,and though holding on to it as if be had a possumby the tall, be was thrown up against the sash,breaking several panes of glass. The tblng wasdone so suddenly that it was several moments beforehe could recover hlraself, and his eyes fairly bulgedout of their sockets as he aked, stutterlngly, 'Boss,what did she hit? Is anybody kilt?' When he re-turned below he was heard to say: 'I kin tote seed,roll cotton and git away wld a woodpile, and sit rest;but dat wheel up dar. It do make a nigger work, fursho'.' The cargo of the Frank amounted to nineteenhundred tons, and she was drawing nine feet for-ward and seven feet aft; her guards were tieenInches from the water la tho deepest place. Withher cotton-see- d, oil-ca- and six thousand bales ofcotton aboard, she lelt Greenville drawing seven anda half feet. A wonderful boat, surely."

OUR STORE,322 Front Street,

rs again open for business. The business will beL continued as heretofore.


Administrator' JNoticeALL persons Indebted to the estate of M. E.

will please come forward and settle.Those having claims against the estate will pressntthem at once.

J. BAXTER, Administrator,satiwed 317 Miln street.

Noii-Keside- nt Notice.No. 2043. In the Chancery Court of Shelby county,

Tennessee. Orglll Brothers & Co. vs. S. T. Dee-so-neL al.

IT appearing from the bill In this cause, whichIs sworn to, that the defendant, S. T. Daeson,

Is Indebted to complainants In the sum of ten hun-dred and forty-si- x dollars and ninety-fou- r centC? 1.040 94) evidenced by the notes of DeesonlMa) son; that the said S. T. Deeson Is a

of the State of Tennessee, and attachmenthaving been Issued and levied on the property otsaid S. T-- Deeson;

It Is tterelore ordered, that he make his appear-ance herein, at the couiuboiise In the city ot Mem-phis, Tennessee, on or before the first Monday inJanuary, 1x79, mid plead, answer or demur to com-plainants bill, or the same wilt be taken for con-fessed as to him, and set lor bearing exparte. andthat a copy of this order be published once a week,for tour successive weeks, in the Memphis Appeai .

This 15th day of November, 1878.A copy. Attest.

EDMUND A. COLE, Clerk and Master.By E. B. M'Henrt, Deputy Clerk and Master.Gantt A Pat erson, Sols, for complainant. sat

Administrator's NoticeEstate of Isaac Neville, deceased.I ETTERSot administration on the above estateJLi having been granted to the undersigned, nilpersons indebted to said estate are requested tomake payment, and those "having claims to presentthem without delay to either.

WILLIAM NEVILLE, Administrator.Or Clapp A Meux. Att'ys, 313 Main streeLMemphis, November 15, 1878. sat

Administrator's Notice.Estate of Mrs. Camllle Nelson, deceased.I ETTERS of administration 6n the above es-IJ- i

tate having been granted to the undersigned,with the will annexed, all persons Indebted to saidestate are requested to 'make payment, and thosehaving claims against this estate, or that ot the lateDr. A. W. Nelson, will present them without delay.

BEN RICHMOND, Administrator.(Fourth National Bank.)

Memphis, November 15. 1878.Clapn A Meux. Att'ys, 3 1 3 Main street. gat

Chase. W. W. Ward.



Street, Memphis, Tenn.ten days, when our Mr. Avery was sick. Are now pre--make Liberal Advances on Cotton. Have our private

8. M.

Commission Merchants

handling of cotton while in ahed

my care will be filled with promptness and at the

Cotton Factors and Commission Merchants,No. 208 Front Street.



And Commission Merchants,

Cotton-She- d ana keep all cotton lnsuroa unless otherwise insiruciea.

L. 1. MULLLNS, Jr.

Cotton Factors336 Front street, corner Union, Memphis.

Particular attention

MoWholesale Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Hats.

69 91ain at , (Opposite Court Square) Memphis, Tenn.






DOWDY, PARK & BOitAI,Cotton Factors and Commission Merchants,

SCO Front and IO West Court streets, Up --stairs, Memphis,

m m nmx n nnRtw.MoClellan ft Co. Memphis, Tennessee

for Bagglng.'Tles aril Bnrpl'e flleion reasonable term


WINES, LIQUORS & CIGARS,No. 14 Union Street, 3Ieinphig, Tenn,

Memphis CooperageAID


will be able to fill all orders forWE MOLASSES-BARBEL- KEGS, ot tillsir, and SLACK COOPERAGE, In any quantity.

VYe hare s"ceeeded In (retting a large stock of thobest material eft hnd before we were compelled tosuspend operations cn aeeonnt of the prevailingeplaeratc All orders addre-we- d to the secretary. No.IN Madison utreetwlll. after the above date,secure prompt attention. -

Merrhis Cooperage & M'fg Co.

sf J. MnnwwaTT. Oexiretart.

XWXoxxxiolxisUn iversityllign School



Va.1 rrinclpal.J. D, STEWART. Assistant.

rpHE Trustees of this Institution have spared no.L pains orexpense to obtain the very finest tal-

ent for Its mauagement. .

Their object Is to establish a Hl?h School of thefirst order, to prepare young men for college, or torthe active duties of life.

Mr. Tyler comes among as, with the roost exaltedte timonluls as to character, while his deerree olii aster of Arts, from the University of Virginia, IsIn Itself ample evidence of bis attainments as ascholar.

Of Mr. Stewart, It s scarcely necessary to speak.Be has for years conducted, with eminent success, aHigh School for boys In this community, where hehas oeen a most accepiaDie leacuer.

This school will bo opened on Monday, Novem-ber 1 8th, on Alabama street, and will close thelast of June.

Terms 919 per qaarter in Advance.E2rFor Circulars or other Information, address

K. K. BlAUIt V, M. I.Prr.lilrnt Board or Trustees.



Memphis. Tennessee.LARGE LINE OF

HEW 6 OODSWatches, Jewelry,

Diamonds and Silferware,French Clocks and Fancy Goods,


AMERICAN CLOCKSof Watehes, Jewelry and

Clocks promptly attenaea to fgv

Grand Re-Openi- ng.

mHS FLORAL ESTABLISHMENT Ot the lateI rKKO uuJSor.ljO, on oecona sireei. near

Renin, u now onen. and Ladles and Gentlemen arecordially Invited to come and look at the beautifuldisplay of Cowers. All kinds of Floral designs, suchas Wreaths, Crosses, Stars. Crowns, Bouquets andBaskets made to order at short notice, In the mostartistic style.

Cat Flowers Always on Hand.THEODORE GOE8ELS,

Administrator on Estate of F. Goebels.

N. B. All Dersons indebted to F. Goebels, deceased, will please come fo;ward and settle Immedi-ately, and all to whom F. Goebels was Indebted willbring their claims properly sworn to.

1. uutnisi.a, AiimiuisiraKJr.Memphis. Tknn.. November 'it. 1x7H.


lanauer & Go.Wholesale Grocers


COTTON FACTORS,25G Front Street, Memphis,

to the Trade the following goods, JustOFFER

1000 brla Cole's Celebrated Flonr,6000 bdls Ties, 2000 rolls Bagging,

700 bags Coffee,

100 packages New Molasses,

And a Large and well Selected Stock olevery Article in onr Line.

Thanking: onr Friends for past favors, wesolicit Orders for Goods and Ship-ments of Cotton.

Mkmphis, Tenn, November 11, 1878.

To the Lot-Owne- rs of ElmwoodCemetery.

DURING my illness of yellow-feve- r, intermentsmade on a number of private lots whose

names have not been placed on the Plat Book. Wehave a plat book kept expressly to indicate the name,location and number of each grave made In lots.We have the names of parties and when burled.But In cases where more than one person was burledduring the eDldemlo. on the same lot. we cannotdesignate each Individual grave. I will be thankfulto relatives and friends, when visiting the Cemetery,and when convenient, that they will call on me atmy onice, at tne Norm gate, ana give me tne infor-mation. Also to members of the different societiesholding lots in Elmwood, to give me all the sslst-an- oe

in their power In designating each individualgrave. I am doing everything in my power, day andnignt, correcting irregularities mat occurred aunngthe recent epidemic, and hope every friend ot Elm-wood will help me.

November 25. 1878.

I.OUIS lANGJE'SSouthern Corset Manufactory,WHOLESALE t RETAIL. SS3 MAIN ST.

OPEN again with thestock of

Fine and Very Loto-Pric- td

Corsets.New lines of Abdomen Cor-sets, Nursing Corsets, Inva-lid's Corsets, Werley Corsets.Misses' Corsets, extra stoutCorsets; Improved AbdomenSupporters, Shoulder Bracesand Skirt Supporters. BestCorset Steels in the city;Whalebone Corset Laces andPads



Attorney-- at - law,No. 41 Madison street.

Rooms gl A g3. Planters Ins. Bnlldlnr.


THE firm of WOODRUFF & CO. was dissolved bydeath of W. C. Woodruff, on the 80lh day

of August. 1878. In order to wind up the businessof said partnership, the large stock of goods now onhand I offer for sale at greatly reduced prices. Thestock consists of

Coach-- ,

Rock aways.Fark JPheatong,

Haggles,and all the various styles of carriages usually keptIn a Carriage Repository, together with a large stockof carriage material ot every description. Personsin want oi sucn gooas win save money oy examiningthis stock before purchasing elsewhere.

A. WOODRUFF, Surviving Partner.C. W. METCALF. 8. P. WALKER

Metcalf & Walker,ATTORNETS-AT-LA-

279 Main t. (Walker Block), Memphis

HOME AGAIN.S Inform our blends and the public generally

that we are ready for business again, and hope toreceive a liberal sllare of public patromge. Houseand General Painting, Kalsoralnlng, Paper Hang-ings. Window-shade- s, etc Country orders promptlyattended to.

HOOK & LattRLLL.g Heeond street.

CARVER GIN and MACHINE CO.Manufacturers of

COTTON-GIN- S AND PRESSES.BepalrlDff Cotton-ln- s s Specialty.

Cantr Shelby and K'CaII street



mrtta Wools., At

We are now showing the most extensire lines oi

BROWN SHEETINGS, in all widths.

BLEACHED SHEETINGS, in all widths,

Linen Sheetings and Pillow Casings.

Bleached Brown Table DamasksTurkey Red Toilinettes,

Cardinal Wine Cloths,With Doylies and Napkins to Match.

A Line of

andAt Very Much Reduced Price.


In White and





! I



Shaker and





Huck Towels,Damask Towels,

Honey-com- b Towels,Turkish Towels,

Irish, Scotch Russian Crash,

Blankets BlanketsMarseilles Quilts,

Toilette Quilts,Jacquered Quilts.

Comfortables Immense Variety.

While mlFlannels, Medicated





. LowensteinAddressed to the Intelligence and Experience

of Memphis and the Surrounding Country:bought out In June last, and become the successor of A. a. Dennla. In the Boot. HhoeHAVING Hat Business, Wo. Slain street, I propose to endeavor to erve the public to the

best possible advantage in supplying them with coverings for the head and feet, of the best quality for thelowest amount of profit, and to enable me to do so, have adopted the CASH system In the conduct of mybusiness, and respectfully challenge your attention to a large, fresh and well selected stock of

Boots, Shoes and Hats,Just ncelmd. from the most annroved manufacturers In the land. I deem It scarcely necessary toadveit to the mutual advantage to buyer and sellerto make frequent but small profits on his sales, andwhlcn ties not provide ror prooame losses on sates, ana tne worry ana expense attending tne creait sys-tem to both parties. On these terms jour patronage is respectfully solicited, and I shall at all times makeit my prlrtt and pleasure to please you. T. I. WIE.1KR.

J. C. NEKLT. & H.


Grocers, Cotton FactorsAND

COMMISSION36V front St.,


h P U B TR.U.aA.U.lll



jtfna. Main



Magnetic,Anti-Rheuma- tic Flannels,

Ijow Prices, at


resulting from CASH system it enables sellerbuyer Is advantaged by prices, profit of


MJKRCHlSrTS,Memphis, Tenn.




street, Memphis, Tenn.


Wholesale Grocersand Cotton Factors,

No. 11 Union Street, Memphis, Tenn."Consignments of Cotton solicited and Liberal Advances made on same. Cotton Insured while In

store, as well as that consigned to us by river, unless otherwise Instructed.

J. T.


the thethe low the

S. 8.

A. C. C.

W. B.




Grocers and Cotton Factors369 Front and 32 Clinton Sts., Memphis.


Grocers, Cotton FactorsAnd Commission Merchants,

371 and 373LU.HIIX, U1TCHELL.

HILL k MITCHELL,Wholesale Dealers in

BOOTS, SHOES and HATS,322 1-- 2 and 324 Main St., Memphis,

Save full Stock ot NIW G00D3, whlob they invito their Friend and Customers to examine.

Dr. D. S. Johnson'sPKIVATK

Medical 2ispensary,So. 17 JEFFERSON STREET,

Between Main and Front, Memphis.KSTABU9HXD 19 I860.

DR. JOHNSON Is acknowledged by all partiesas by far the most successful physician

in the treatment of private or secret disputes, (julck ,thorough and permanent cures guarnnUit in everyease, male or female. Recent caties of Gonorrbefand Syphilis cured in a few days, without the nsecfmercury, chance of diet, or hindrance from businesi .Secondary Syphilis, the last vestige eradicated willout the use of mercury. Invc'.untary loss of sementopped In a short time. Snfferere from Irnpcterc

or loss of sexual powers restored to free viisor in bfew weeks. Victims ot self-abu- se and excessivevenery. Buffering from spermatorrhea and loss cfphysical and mental power, speedily and pennE-nent- ly

cured.Particular attention paid to tho Diseases of

Women, and cures guaranteed.Throat and Lung Diseases aired by new rerredlee.Piles and old sores cured without the use of caus

tic or the knife.All consultations strictly confidential.Medicines sent by express to all parts of the coun-

try.Office hours from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sundays

from a to 5 P.m.D. a JOHNSON. M.I,


IFLoeiI ZEstevto.No. 3rt73. Chancery Court of Shelby countv. Val.

Sanford, extr. etc, vs. W. S. Korris, etvirtue of an Interlocutory decree for sale, en-

teredBY tn the above cause on the Kb day of July,1878, 1 will sell, at public auction, to the highestbidder. In front of the Clerk and Master's orhce.Courthouse building. Main street, Memphis, Ten-nes- e,

onSaturday, December 7. 1878,

within legal hours, the following described property,situated In Shelby county. Tennessee, lt: Anundivided 40 acres In a certain tract of land on thewaters of Nonconnah. adjoining the landsof Person.Norrls and Rogers, said tract being the west part ofa 2H0 acre tract purchased by Leaiherman from U.Bunt jn, and more particularly described as follows,to-w-lt: Beginning at the northwest corner of a. W,Austin's 1ml acre survey at a stake, south 8'.l de-grees west, li ll feet from a white oak marked O. B.;thence north 55 cluilin and 0 links to a stake;thence east 15 chains to a stake; thence south 77chains and 1H) links to a st'ke 11 degrees east, 7feet from a white oak marked K. M ; thence 15chains to the southwest corner of said lOO aoies;thence north 22 chains 70 links to the beginning.

', containing 1 lrt 85-10- 0 acres.Aio. lois alio ana i, in imock n,oi urenons

subdivision, as laid down on Hucker's map of thecity of Memphis, bounded as follows: Beginning ntthe Intersection of the west side of fIxth street withthe south side of C ay street: thence westwardlywith the south side of Clay street 144 feet; thencosouth 153 0 feet, to an alley; thence ea.siwardlv144 feet to Sixth street; thence northwaniiy 15--

0 fee to the bediming.The undivided 40 acres will first be sold; ir that

Iraet brings a sufficient amount to satisfy toe decreeunder which it Is sold, the two lots will not be sold;If It does not bring enough for that purpese, the twolots will next be sold.

Tkhmsof Sals. One third cub; balance at sixand twelve months; notes with approved securityrequired, with Hen on property t) further secure thepurchase money,

November 14, 1878.K. A. COLK, Cleik nnd Master.

By K. P. Henry, Ieputy Clerk and Master.J. E. R. Ray, Sol. forcompl ilnant.

Notice Trustee's Male.XTNDER and by virtue of two certain trust deeds.

me executed as trustee, one byP. H. Bowers and wife, Jenny Bower,of date 28th day of May, 1877. and recorded In theRegister's oflice of Fayette county. Tennessee. InRecord Book No. rt, piges 524 to 528, tbe oilier bvJ. J. Holloway, an I Mary B. Holloway, his wife, ofdate 28th day of May. 1877, and recorded in theRegister's oftlce of t'iiyette county. Tennessee, inRecord Book No. rt, paej 503 to 5il7. to both ofwhich trust deeds, recorded as aforesaid, referenceis hereby made for a full and perfect identificationof the propeity.and fora full and perfect understand-ing ot the object, purposes and terms of the trusts .therein created, default having been made In thepayments therein stipulated, I, as such trustee, will,on

Wednesday, December IS, 187S,expose for sale, and sell at rubllc outcry, to thehighest bidder, for cash, the following real estate,situate and described as follows:

A certain lot or parcel of ground In the town ofSomerville, State of Tennessee, County of Fayette,known and designated on the plan of said town aslot number i) nine, In Block C. In said town; it be-ing a corner lot fronting tb lay three feet on tbepublic square, and fronting (rtflj sixty-si- x feet onthe east side cf Lagrange street, together with thebuildings there m, and tbe rights hereditamentsana appurtenances thereunto belonging. So'd un-der the trust deed made by J. J. Holloway, deceased,already referred to:

Also a certain lot or parcel "of ground, situate, ly-ing and being In the town of Somerville, county ofFayette, State of Tennessee, and descrtted a fol-lows, to-w-lt. Parts of lots numbers (rt and 7) sixand seven, bounded as follows: Beginning at thesouthwest corner of lot number (0) six. t jence eastwith Fayette street the full depth of said lot No. rt,and fourteen (14) feet beyond unto lot number 7 1

seven, to an alley ten feet wide, thence noith (21)twenty-on-e feet and tn Inches, or so far as to strikewest the center of the wall on the north side of abrick house erected on lot number (rt) six; thencewest on a line with the center of said wall (80eighty feet to the outside of the front wall of sadhouse; thence south with the front or west wall tothe beginning, togetoer with all improvements andappuitennces thereunto belonging. Sold under tliotrust deed made by P. H. Boweis, deceased, alreadyreferred to.

Also the following lots and r" reels of ground inthe town of fcomervllie county of Fayette, State otTennessee, Lots (5, rt, 8 and S) five, six.eight and nine, and that part of lot number (7)seven between lots 5 and rt. and 8 and ll, In blockA, in said town, being same lots upon which thethree new brick stores have been recently erected,on southwest comer of public square, and being theold Ball Tavern stand, being the same decreed toP. II. Bowers by the Chancery court at Somerville,in 1875, In the casa of JobnC. Waddell, adminis-trator, versus widow, heirs and creditors of John H.Ball, deceased, an undivided half of which wasconveyed to J. J. Holloway by P. 11. Bowers, by deedof date 7th April, 1875, the two undivided halves otwhlcn were conveyed to me as trustee, one by J. J.Holloway and wife, and one by P. H. Bowera andwife, in the respective trust deeds already referred to.

All light or equity of redemption or repurchase ofsaid property Is expressly waived In said trust deeds,and the purchaser's title will be absolute. Title be-lieved to be perfect, but I sell and convey as trusteeonly.

Sale will be made on or at the premises of therespective pieces of property, within legal hours, onthe day above stated.

Nl B. JOB3.STON, Trustee.Wright Sz F'oUtes. Attorneys, etc.

Tratees Sale.UNDER a deed of tiust executed by G. H. Davis,

7th day of June. 1 J.'V.--t. and recorded inthe register's onice of Shelby connrv. n?unessee. Inrecord book No. 124, page 405, I will as trustee, atthe request of the beneficiaries, on

Monday, Decpmber 1? 1S78,on the southwest corner of Kn and Madisonstreets. Memphis, Tennessee, sell to the highest bid-der for cash, the following property, to-w-

A certain lot of land, lying and being In Colller-vlU- e,

Shelby county, Tennessee, idtuaied at the south-east corner of the Intersection of Main and Wash-lngtj-n

streets, fronting (40) forty feet on Alainstreet, and running back between parallel lines onehundred (100) leet, together with the in provementsthereon.

Sale at 12 o'clock m. Title believed to be good.I sell and convey as trustee only. Equity of redemp-tion waived.

W1I. M. BROOKS, Trustee.Memphis, Tkhn , November 25, 1878.

TRUSTEE'S SALE.a deed of trust executed by Wm. i.UNDER and L. M. Baugh. on the 15th of Feb-

ruary, 18(5. and on record in Shelby county In book105, page 820, 1 will, as trustee, at the request ofthe benehclary.

On Headsy, Ueeember , 1S7S,In front of the courthouse. In Memphis. Tennessee,sell to the highest bidder, at public auction, for cash,a tract of land situated In Shelby county. Tennessee,In sections 2 and U, range , on the New Rx.lelghroad, about seven miles from Xemphl, containing275 77-10- 0 acres, being the part of the Kerr tractconveyed by James M Conned and wife to saidBaughs, and the tract on which said Baughs now re-side. It is fully described In the deed of trust towhich reference is now made. The debt secured bysaid deed of trust not having been paid, and JamesSteele, the other trustee named In the deew declin-ing to act, I, at tbe request of tbe beneficiary, and Inthe pursuance of the power given by the deed, willmake the sale. Sale to begin at twelve o'clock.

l he title Is believed to be good, but I will sell andconvey as trustee only. Equity ot redemptlouvdLlved

JOHN STEELE, Trustee.Novkmbkr 1, 1878.Smith & Collier. Attorneys

TRUSTEE'S SALE.to the terms of a deed of trustsnPURSUANT undersigned by R. E. Dunlap ana

wife, on the 15th day of December, 1877, duly regis-tered in the Register's office of Shelby county, Ten-nessee, in Deed Book No. 121, page 024, 1 will, onSaturday, the 7th of Deremker, 1878at the south gate of Court Square, in the city ofMemphis, Tennessee, within legal hours, sell to tbehighest bidder, for cash, the premises In said trust,described as follows: Lying and being In Memphis.Shelby county, Tennessee, at the southwest comer ofMain and Vance streets, fronting the west side ofMain street 150 feet, and the south line of Vancestreet 110 feet.

Terms of Sale Cash. Equity of redemption,dower and homestead rights waived. Title believedto be good, but 1 will sell and convey only as trustee.

D. IL POoTON. Truss tee.

Administrator's Notice.HAVING been appointed and qualified by tbe

Court of Shelby ounty as Adminis-trator on the estate of S. D. Mangum, deceased,notice Is hereby given to all creditors of said estate,to present their claims to my attorney. J. M. Greg-ory, at his oflice in Memphis. And all iiersons in-debted to said estate are leuuested to call there andsettle, or settle with my auent. Frank Banksmlth,ColllervlUe, Tenntsj.ee.

ANDREW D. G WYNNE, Adm'r. --1

Atlniinitrator'M Male.I WILL sell, at private sale, witbln the next ten

da) s. the following property, belonging to thoestate of the late William Meyer: Two hones, threemules, two cows, fifteen head of hogs, four geese,three sprinkling wagons, three farm cnespring wagon, one buggy, two carts, three double setsnames, two sets single buggy harness, two sets diayharness, one saddle, one Uow, and a lot of house-hold and kitchen furniture. Terms cash.


Trustee's Male.TTNDER a deed or trust executed by G. II. Davis,U on the 7th day ot May, 1875, and recorded In

the register's oflice of Fayette county, Tennessee, inRecord Book No. 5, pages 154, 155 and 1F.0, 1 will,as trustee, at the request ot tho beneficiary.

On Tuesday, December 17, 1S78,In front of the courthouse. In Someivllle, Tennes-see, sell lo the highest bldiier tor ea-- h, tne followig property, tov.it: Situated In Faett county,State of Tennessee, and desciibed as follows:

Bounded on tbe north by the Memphis andCharleston railroad, on the south by the Suae Lireroad on the east by Blair's land, on the west byDavid Davis's outplace, containing 141 aire?, be-

ing the same place cenvejed by D. J. Armourand the chancery court of Somervilla Tennessee,In 1873. together with all the linprovenienls thert-c- n.

Also, the following personal property to-w- lt:

Two brown mules, one bay mule, one soirell mare.Sale at 12 o'clock m. Title believed to be good. I

sell and convey fs trustee onlv. Equity ot nwaivel. w. M. BH)0Kj, Trustee .

November 23, 1878.