Application of the split-plot experimental design for the optimization of a catalytic procedure for the determination of Cr(VI) Ce ´sar Reis 1,a , Joa ˜o Carlos de Andrade a,* , Roy E. Bruns a , Regina C.C.P. Moran b a Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Quı ´mica, CP 6154, 13083-970 Campinas–SP, Brazil b Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Matema ´tica, Estatı ´stica e Cie ˆncias da Computac ,a ˜o, Departamento de Estatı ´stica, CP 6065, 13093-970 Campinas–SP, Brazil Received 19 September 1997; received in revised form 26 February 1998; accepted 3 March 1998 Abstract A kinetic catalytic procedure for the determination of Cr(VI), based on the o-dianisidine oxidation reaction with hydrogen peroxide in a weakly acid medium was optimized with respect to both reactants [HCl, o-dianisidine and H 2 O 2 ] and solvent composition [mixtures of water, acetone and N, N-dimethylformamide], in order to achieve higher sensitivities. This was accomplished by making use of a split-plot experimental design which permitted simultaneous variations in both mixture and process variables, using a response surface approach. Ten mixture experiments were randomized at each one of the 2 3 factorial levels and error analysis was performed using a split-plot approach. The optimal mixture [water–acetone 70–30% m/m] and process variables [HCl: 6.010 4 mol/l, o-dianisidine: 1.910 2 mol/l and H 2 O 2 : 0.79 mol/l] values resulted in a significant sensitivity increase compared with a similar procedure described in the literature. # 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: Split-plot design; Factorial design; Mixtures design; Optimization; Response surface analysis 1. Introduction The use of solvent mixtures as a reaction medium has been widely used in analytical chemistry [1–8]. Larger determination sensitivities [3,7] and greater solubilities of organic reagents [2], as well as the determination of water insoluble substances [5] and better selectivities [1,8] have been reported using organic–aqueous systems. A catalytic kinetic spectrophotometric method using the hydrogen peroxide oxidation of o-dianisidine (3, 3 0 -dimethoxybenzidine) in an acid medium has been used to determine Cr(VI) concentration [9]. Since the o-dianisidine reagent is slightly soluble in water, use of an organic solvent miscible with water is necessary to provide an appropriate reaction medium. Dolma- nova et al. [2] used an ethanol–water mixture to determine microquantities of Cr(VI) in AlCl 3 . Later, they studied the effect of the organic–aqueous medium on the reaction of Cr(III) with o-dianisidine using binary systems of water with each of the following solvents: methanol, ethanol, n-propanol, iso-propanol, ethyleneglycol, acetone and N, N 0 -dimethylforma- Analytica Chimica Acta 369 (1998) 269–279 *Corresponding author. Fax: +55 19 7883023; e-mail: [email protected] 1 On leave from the Universidade Federal de Vic ,osa, Departa- mento de Quı ´mica, 36570-000 Vic ,osa–MG, Brazil 0003-2670/98/$19.00 # 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PII S0003-2670(98)00246-3

Application of the split-plot experimental design for the optimization of a catalytic procedure for the determination of Cr(VI)

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Application of the split-plot experimental design for the optimizationof a catalytic procedure for the determination of Cr(VI)

CeÂsar Reis1,a, JoaÄo Carlos de Andradea,*, Roy E. Brunsa, Regina C.C.P. Moranb

a Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de QuõÂmica, CP 6154, 13083-970 Campinas±SP, Brazilb Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de MatemaÂtica, EstatõÂstica e CieÃncias da Computac,aÄo, Departamento de EstatõÂstica, CP

6065, 13093-970 Campinas±SP, Brazil

Received 19 September 1997; received in revised form 26 February 1998; accepted 3 March 1998


A kinetic catalytic procedure for the determination of Cr(VI), based on the o-dianisidine oxidation reaction with hydrogen

peroxide in a weakly acid medium was optimized with respect to both reactants [HCl, o-dianisidine and H2O2] and solvent

composition [mixtures of water, acetone and N, N-dimethylformamide], in order to achieve higher sensitivities. This was

accomplished by making use of a split-plot experimental design which permitted simultaneous variations in both mixture and

process variables, using a response surface approach. Ten mixture experiments were randomized at each one of the 23 factorial

levels and error analysis was performed using a split-plot approach. The optimal mixture [water±acetone 70±30% m/m] and

process variables [HCl: 6.0�10ÿ4 mol/l, o-dianisidine: 1.9�10ÿ2 mol/l and H2O2: 0.79 mol/l] values resulted in a signi®cant

sensitivity increase compared with a similar procedure described in the literature. # 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights


Keywords: Split-plot design; Factorial design; Mixtures design; Optimization; Response surface analysis

1. Introduction

The use of solvent mixtures as a reaction medium

has been widely used in analytical chemistry [1±8].

Larger determination sensitivities [3,7] and greater

solubilities of organic reagents [2], as well as the

determination of water insoluble substances [5] and

better selectivities [1,8] have been reported using

organic±aqueous systems.

A catalytic kinetic spectrophotometric method using

the hydrogen peroxide oxidation of o-dianisidine (3,

30-dimethoxybenzidine) in an acid medium has been

used to determine Cr(VI) concentration [9]. Since the

o-dianisidine reagent is slightly soluble in water, use

of an organic solvent miscible with water is necessary

to provide an appropriate reaction medium. Dolma-

nova et al. [2] used an ethanol±water mixture to

determine microquantities of Cr(VI) in AlCl3. Later,

they studied the effect of the organic±aqueous medium

on the reaction of Cr(III) with o-dianisidine using

binary systems of water with each of the following

solvents: methanol, ethanol, n-propanol, iso-propanol,

ethyleneglycol, acetone and N, N0-dimethylforma-

Analytica Chimica Acta 369 (1998) 269±279

*Corresponding author. Fax: +55 19 7883023; e-mail:

[email protected] leave from the Universidade Federal de Vic,osa, Departa-

mento de QuõÂmica, 36570-000 Vic,osa±MG, Brazil

0003-2670/98/$19.00 # 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

P I I S 0 0 0 3 - 2 6 7 0 ( 9 8 ) 0 0 2 4 6 - 3

mide (DMF) [10]. However, their attempts [2,10] to

improve the solvent mixture proportions and reaction

conditions in order to provide better sensitivities

were performed without using statistical designs, such

as those frequently employed to optimize solvent

mixtures for chromatographic analysis [11±14].

In statistical mixture designs [11], chemical and

physical properties are studied as a function of varying

proportions of the mixture components. The propor-

tions used in individual experiments are not indepen-

dent, since their sum must always be constant (100%).

On the other hand, other factors besides component

proportions, such as temperature, pressure and pH, as

well as concentrations of reagents, can also in¯uence

the properties measured in the reaction medium.

These variables, known as process variables [15], in

contrast to the mixture variables, are statistically

independent and can be freely varied within the

physical and chemical constraints of the system. Ide-

ally optimization of all factors, both process and

mixture variables, should be undertaken simulta-

neously. However this endeavour can result in opera-

tional dif®culties since the large number of

experiments involved in combined process±mixture

designs should be executed randomly to obtain accu-

rate error estimates for testing the signi®cance of

model parameters. Special designs with restricted

randomization requirements can be used to overcome

these dif®culties [16±18].

The objective of this work is to determine simulta-

neously the optimum values of the proportions of

water, acetone and dimethylformamide as a reaction

medium and the concentrations of HCl, o-dianisidine

and H2O2 as reagents for the analytical determination

of Cr(VI), using the 450 nm absorption of the oxidized

species of o-dianisidine as the system response. The

split-plot design proposed by Wooding [19] is used to

provide an operationally viable optimization proce-

dure for both these mixture and process variables.

2. The split-plot experimental design

The simultaneous optimization of mixture and pro-

cess variables involves performing p different factorial

runs on m different mixtures. The large number of

experiments to be made (mxp) results in operational

dif®culties since an accurate error estimate implies

randomization of all the experiments. These dif®cul-

ties can be reduced using the split-plot strategy [19].

Different mixture experiments (Fig. 1(a)) are carried

out for each of the p conditions of the factorial design

as shown in Fig. 1(b). These are randomized as

recommended for any simple mixture design. The p

different factorial blocks are also executed randomly.

This procedure is considerably simpler to execute than

a complete randomization of all experiments. Instead

of obtaining one variance estimate evaluated from

replicates of all experiments, two experimental error

sources are obtained with the split-plot approach, one

from the subplot or mixture treatments and the other

from the factorial or main plot treatments. To obtain

accurate measures of the main and subplot variances,

duplicate determinations of all experiments are

recommended and were carried out in this work. These

two error sources can be analyzed using a conven-

tional analysis of variance (ANOVA) of the mixture±

component process variable model with

Yijk � �� Ri � Zj � RZij � Xk � ZXjk � �ijk (1)

where i�1, 2; j�1, 2,..., 8 and k�1, 2,..., 10. Yijk is the

response value taken from the kth mixture at the jth

factorial point and for the ith replicate. Also

� general mean

Ri effect of the ith replication, R�NID�0; �2R�

Zj effect of the jth process (main plot) treat-


RZij replicate by main plot treatment interaction

effects used for main plot estimate,

RZij�NID�0; �2RZ�

Xk effect of the kth mixture (subplot) treatment

ZXjk interaction effect of the jth process and kth

mixture treatments and

�ijk subplot error consisting of replicate�sub-

plot and replicate�main plot�subplot

interactions, ��NID�0; �2e�:

Note that interaction effects involving replicates are

used to estimate the main plot and subplot errors since

replication is not expected to alter process or mixture

variable effect values.

270 C. Reis et al. / Analytica Chimica Acta 369 (1998) 269±279

Fig. 1. The split-plot experimental design. (a) Mixture design (b) representation of each point for the 23 process variable complete factorial


C. Reis et al. / Analytica Chimica Acta 369 (1998) 269±279 271

Assuming quadratic models for both mixture and

process variables, the dependence of the response on

the Xk mixture and Zj process variables can be written


Y�X; Z� �X3


gokXk �










gjkXk �






" #Zj







gijk Xk�






" #ZiZj:


The ®rst six terms correspond to the linear and non-

linear portions of the mixture model since they do not

involve process variables. The summation term that is

the coef®cient of Zj represents the effect of changing

the jth process variable level in terms of the linear and

non-linear mixture parameters. The last summation in

Eq. (2) represents the interaction effect of the two

process variables written in terms of mixture model


3. Experimental

All experiments were carried out using deionized

water and analytical grade reagents. The stock solu-

tion of HCl (0.01 mol/l) was prepared by dilution from

the concentrated acid and concentrated H2O2

(9.7 mol/l) was used directly, after standardization.

In addition, o-dianisidine solutions (0.05 mol/l) were

prepared by dissolving appropriate amounts of this

reagent (Aldrich) in acetone or in N, N0- dimethyl-

formamide (DMF). These solutions can be used for a

period of 1 week if stored in darkened bottles [20]. A

500 mg/ml standard stock solution of Cr(VI) was also

prepared using K2Cr2O7 (>99.5%, Merck). All runs

were carried out in 30 ml snap-cap glass ¯asks with

plastic lids. The solvents were transferred to the

reaction ¯asks using precision dispensers. All glass

and plastic materials were washed with non-ionic

detergent and then exhaustively rinsed with distilled

water and later with deionized water.

Each point of the 23 factorial for HCl (z1),

o-dianisidine (z2) and H2O2 (z3) was investigated with

a three-component mixture design involving water

(x1), acetone (x2), and DMF, (x3). The experimental

region covered by the design was restricted owing to

the low solubility of o-dianisidine in water, especially

in the presence of HCl and H2O2. Table 1 shows the

mass percent proportions of the mixtures along with

their pseudocomponent values. The mixture variables

were measured in terms of % m/m with a 10 g total

mass for each mixture.

The z1, z2, and z3 variables were then adjusted by

adding 50 ml (ÿlevel) and 500 ml (�level) of the stock

0.01 mol/l HCl solution, 300 ml (ÿlevel) and 600 ml

(�level) of the stock 0.05 mol/l o-dianisidine solution

and 300 ml (ÿlevel) and 600 ml (�level) of the stock

H2O2 solution. Table 2 contains the concentrations

and the scaled values for these process variables. The

Table 1

Experimental design for the mixture

Components (% m/m) Pseudocomponentsa

Mixture Water Acetone DMF X1 X2 X3

1 70 30 0 5/8 3/8 0

2 20 80 0 0 1 0

3 20 0 80 0 0 1

4 70 0 30 5/8 0 3/8

5 45 55 0 5/16 11/16 0

6 20 40 40 0 1/2 1/2

7 45 0 55 5/16 0 11/16

8 45 27.5 27.5 5/16 55/160 55/160

9 57.4 21.3 21.3 374/800 213/800 213/800

10 32.5 16.9 50.6 5/32 169/800 253/400

a The following equations were used to calculate pseudocomponent


X1 � CH2O ÿ 20

80; X2 � CAcetone

80; X3 � CDMF


Table 2

Concentration and scaled values of the complete 23 factorial design

Original variables (mol/l) Scaled variables

Run HCl o-Dianisidine H2O2 z1 z2 z3

1 5.0�10ÿ5 1.5�10ÿ3 0.29 ÿ1 ÿ1 ÿ1

2 5.0�10ÿ4 1.5�10ÿ3 0.29 �1 ÿ1 ÿ1

3 5.0�10ÿ5 3.0�10ÿ3 0.29 ÿ1 �1 ÿ1

4 5.0�10ÿ4 3.0�10ÿ3 0.29 �1 �1 ÿ1

5 5.0�10ÿ5 1.5�10ÿ3 0.58 ÿ1 ÿ1 �1

6 5.0�10ÿ4 1.5�10ÿ3 0.58 �1 ÿ1 �1

7 5.0�10ÿ5 3.0�10ÿ3 0.58 ÿ1 �1 �1

8 5.0�10ÿ4 3.0�10ÿ3 0.58 �1 �1 �1

272 C. Reis et al. / Analytica Chimica Acta 369 (1998) 269±279

concentrations used for the process variables during

the optimization step were calculated in terms of mol/

l, assuming ideal solvent behaviour. This approxima-

tion does not signi®cantly affect the optimization


The ®nal concentration of Cr(VI) in each mixture of

the factorial design was 0.2 mg/ml. The H2O2 and

Cr(VI) solutions were added after all the others and

the system was then allowed to react for 20 min. All

experiments were carried out at ambient temperature,

controlled within (22�2)8C. The transfer of micro-

quantities of reagents was performed by using vari-

able±volume Eppendorff micropipettes. Absorbance

readings were made at 450 nm with a HITACHI U-

2000 spectrophotometer, using a 10 mm optical path

¯ow cell coupled to a ¯ow system. Blanks were

prepared using the same procedure, except for the

addition of Cr(VI). The experiments were done in

duplicate and both the MATLAB computational pack-

age and the SAS statistical package were used for the

split-plot calculations.

3.1. Sample preparation for chromium determination

Two plant samples, one furnished by the Interna-

tional Plant±Analytical Exchange (IPE) of the Wagen-

ingen University (Holland) and the other, a SRM

pepperbush with a reference value for chromium from

the National Institute for Environmental Studies

(NIES ± Japan), as well as two samples of wastewater

from a pulp mill analysed by graphite furnace atomic

absorption spectroscopy, were used to demonstrate the

applicability of the proposed method.

The vegetal samples were prepared by taking

0.2000±0.5000 g portions in triplicate, then ashing

them at 6008C for 5 h. After ashing, 10 ml of

1�1 v/v water-concentrated HCl solution were added

and heated until dryness. To the residuals, previously

moistened with water, 1 ml of concentrated HNO3 and

10 ml of water were added. The resulting mixture was

®ltered into 150 ml beakers. The solution pH was

increased to a value between 3±5 and all chromium

contained in the samples was then oxidized to Cr(VI)

by the addition of 2 ml of 1 mol/l ammonium persul-

fate solution and 2 ml of 30 mg/ml AgNO3 solution,

followed by slow heating for 30 min. Excess persul-

fate was decomposed by boiling. The water samples

were simply ®ltered with Whatman 40 paper and

40.0 ml aliquots were taken to initiate the chromium

oxidation treatment step as indicated above.

Since catalytical determinations are subject to many

chemical interferents, Cr(VI) was extracted with

methylisobutylketone in accordance with the Pilking-

ton and Smith procedure [21] for all samples, after the

oxidation process. Accordingly, the total solution

volume was increased to about 50 ml with water to

obtain a ®nal HCl concentration of about 1 mol/l,

cooled in an ice bath and transferred to a previously

cooled separatory funnel. 10 ml of ice-cold methyli-

sobutylketone saturated with 1 mol/l HCl were added

and the funnel was agitated for 1 min. After phase

separation, the aqueous phase was discharged and the

organic phase was re-extracted with 10 ml of 708Cwater. Then, 4.00 ml of each aqueous extract were

pipetted into a 10 ml volumetric ¯ask along with 2 ml

of 0.15 mol/l potassium biphtalate pH 5 buffer solu-

tion, 3.5 ml of 0.05 mol/l o-dianisidine solution in

acetone and 0.7 ml 30% m/m H2O2. The solutions

were completed to volume with water and rested for

20 min, after which spectrophotometric measure-

ments at 450 nm were performed. For comparison

purposes, the wastewater samples were also analysed

for chromium by graphite furnace atomic absorption

spectroscopy, using the Cr resonance line at 357.9 nm

and Zeeman background correction.

4. Results and discussion

Table 3 contains duplicate absorbance results of the

split-plot design. Each line represents a mixture

experiment and each column a factorial design point.

The ANOVA results for these data applied to Eq. (1)

are given in Table 4.

Some explanation of how the values in Table 3 are

transformed into the sums of squares in Table 4 is

useful to understand the signi®cance of the split-plot

analysis of variance. The procedure is analogous to

conventional ANOVA [16]. The main plot sum of

squares is determined by calculating averages over

all mixture formulations for each point of the 23

factorial and subtracting the grand average. The

sum of these squares, times the number of experiments

at each point of the 23 factorial (20), yields the main

plot sum of squares. For this reason it has 23ÿ1�7

degrees of freedom. The subplot error with nine

C. Reis et al. / Analytica Chimica Acta 369 (1998) 269±279 273

degrees of freedom consists of differences between

averages over all 23 factorial conditions for each

mixture formulation and the grand average, multiplied

by 16, the number of experiments for each mixture

formulation. The replicates' sum of squares is com-

posed of differences between the averages of each

duplicate in Table 3 and the grand average and has a

multiplier equal to the number of replicates (80).

Interaction sums of squares for the split-plot ana-

lysis of variance are also analogous to those in more

conventional ANOVA. The replicate main plot inter-

action sum of squares has terms obtained by summing

each replicate±factorial combination average with the

grand average and subtracting the respective replicate

and factorial point averages. The main plot±subplot

interaction involves averages for each factorial±mix-

ture design combination, respective factorial point and

mixture point averages and the grand average.

Signi®cance testing is similar to that in regular

ANOVA, except that there are two error terms. The

main plot error mean sum of squares is used to test the

signi®cance of the factorial process variable effects,

Table 3

Absorbances values [�A]a for each point of the split-plot design, in duplicate

Run Complete 23 factorial design experimental set

ÿ ÿ ÿ � ÿ ÿ ÿ � ÿ � � ÿ ÿ ÿ� � ÿ � ÿ � � � � �1 0.550 0.545 0.828 1.230 0.446 0.699 0.810 1.194

0.534 0.558 0.732 1.233 0.409 0.654 0.777 1.251

2 0.227 0.096 0.290 0.183 0.184 0.111 0.279 0.203

0.228 0.071 0.273 0.193 0.154 0.114 0.288 0.219

3 0.000 0.019 0.017 0.052 0.015 0.060 0.054 0.111

0.000 0.021 0.014 0.049 0.010 0.051 0.046 0.120

4 0.199 0.141 0.446 0.429 0.333 0.205 0.507 0.462

0.213 0.158 0.416 0.416 0.294 0.186 0.498 0.473

5 0.337 0.272 0.452 0.702 0.274 0.352 0.474 0.831

0.340 0.254 0.425 0.663 0.272 0.359 0.486 0.832

6 0.030 0.122 0.102 0.193 0.039 0.144 0.115 0.206

0.059 0.118 0.102 0.211 0.056 0.126 0.077 0.214

7 0.118 0.051 0.191 0.141 0.169 0.122 0.277 0.228

0.115 0.059 0.170 0.114 0.161 0.100 0.232 0.250

8 0.269 0.153 0.385 0.349 0.249 0.242 0.409 0.524

0.251 0.186 0.347 0.338 0.233 0.213 0.370 0.523

9 0.350 0.232 0.535 0.662 0.336 0.369 0.548 0.846

0.328 0.238 0.480 0.574 0.287 0.370 0.492 0.751

10 0.059 0.114 0.191 0.182 0.042 0.178 0.192 0.270

0.058 0.120 0.177 0.173 0.053 0.159 0.109 0.263

a [�A] means corrected Absorbances against the blank (A�AtotalÿAblank). Runs 9 and 10 were used as verification points.

Table 4

Analysis of variance for the split-plot designa responses, taken in terms of absorbance

Variation source Degrees of freedom Sum of squares Mean sum of squares Fcalc.

Replicates (R) 1 0.0045 0.0045

Main plot (Z) 7 1.7322 0.2474 412b

Main plot error (RZ) 7 0.0039 0.0006

Sub-plot (X) 9 6.9664 0.7740 1935b

Interaction (ZX) 63 1.3615 0.0216 54b

Subplot error (E) 72 0.0281 0.0004

Total 159 10.0967

a The equations used in these calculations are given in [16].b Significant at the level ��0.01.

274 C. Reis et al. / Analytica Chimica Acta 369 (1998) 269±279

whereas the signi®cance of mixture variable effects

and the mixture±process variable interaction effects

use the subplot error to obtain Fcalc. The interactions

between replicate and factorial or mixture effects, as

well as all higher order interactions are assumed to be

zero as should be the case when experiments are

performed randomly within the factorial and mixture


These results show that process and mixture vari-

able effects, as well as their interactions, are signi®-

cant at the 99% con®dence level. Hence one cannot

assume that mixture and process variables are inde-

pendent of one another for this system. Individual

parameters of the quadratic mixture±quadratic process

model, calculated using the standard least squares

procedure, are given in Table 5. Only those signi®cant

at the 99% con®dence level are shown.

The mean quadratic sums of replicate and the main

plot and subplot error values are also given in Table 4.

The parameters with large absolute values describe

how the absorbance changes for variations in the

mixture and process variable values. For example,

for the line labelled x1 in Table 5, the mean effect

for the ®rst pseudocomponent has a �0.911 value,

indicating that increasing proportions of water, within

the limits studied here, result in a larger blank-cor-

rected absorbance value. This mixture parameter aver-

age is most affected by the levels of the z1 and z2

process variables. Increases in HCl and o-dianisidine

concentrations result in absorbance increases for 70±

30% water±acetone solvent mixtures, as can be

observed in the ®rst row of Table 3. Although absor-

bance increases in this table are always observed when

the o-dianisidine level increases while the other fac-

tors remain constant, the opposite is often true for

increases in the HCl level. The combined mixture±

process variable model explains this adequately, since

other interaction terms involving x have coef®cients

whose absolute values are larger than the one for the

z1x1 term. This is particularly notable for the large

negative value of the z1x1x3 term (ÿ0.894). For the

coef®cients of x2, the 0.176 value represents an aver-

age absorbance increase owing to an increase in the

acetone proportion. This is three times larger than the

average increase caused by DMF concentration

increases, 0.051.

The average synergic and antagonistic mixture

interaction parameters in column 1 of Table 5 can

also be more easily understood by referring to the data

in Table 3. For example, the average interaction para-

meter for the ®rst and third pseudocomponents in

Table 5 (ÿ0.895) indicates a lower corrected absor-

bance when these pseudocomponents are mixed than

the average absorbance values for the pure pseudo-

components. The data in Table 3 con®rm this inter-

pretation. The average absorbance value in line 7

(corresponding to 50±50% x1x3 pseudocomponent

mixture), is 0.156, somewhat lower than the average

value of the line for points 3 and 4 of the mixture

design, 0.188 (see Fig. 1(a)).

In order to understand more completely the results

of the combined mixture±process variable model, the

Table 5

Combined model coeficients and their respective errorsa

Mean z1 z2 z3 z1z2 z1z3 z2z3

x1 0.911 0.139 0.278 ± ± ± ±

(�0.038) (�0.038) (�0.038)

x2 0.176 ÿ0.044 0.045 ± ± ± ±

(�0.011) (�0.011) (�0.011)

x3 0.051 0.032 ± ± ± ± ±

(�0.011) (�0.011)

x1x2 0.466 0.266 ± ± ± 0.248 ±

(�0.088) (�0.088) (�0.088)

x1x3 ÿ0.895 ÿ0.513 ÿ0.242 0.233 ± ± ±

(�0.088) (�0.088) (�0.088) (�0.088)

x2x3 ± 0.188 ± ± ± ± ±


a Significant at the level a�0.01

C. Reis et al. / Analytica Chimica Acta 369 (1998) 269±279 275

simple Scheffe mixture model [22] was determined at

each of the eight points of the factorial design using all

the mixture data

y�x� � b1x1 � b2x2 � b3x3 � b12x1x2 � b13x1x3

� b23x2x31 (3)

The mixture parameters which are signi®cant at the

99% con®dence level are shown in Table 6. Note the

large variations in the mixture model coef®cients for

the different levels of the factorial design. The b1

coef®cient has a low value of 0.569 at the (ÿ ÿ �)

factorial point, whereas it is 1.607 at the (� � ÿ)

point. In spite of large variations in Table 6, as cited

above, the mixture response surfaces at each point of

the 23 factorial have somewhat similar shapes. All

show maxima for the corrected absorbance values at

point 1 of the mixture design, as can be seen in Fig. 2

(see also Fig. 1(a)). These results indicate that the

largest absorbance values for the H2O2 oxidation of o-

dianisidine occur for the 70% m/m water±30% m/m

acetone reaction medium.

For these reasons the factor effects of the 23 design

at this mixture point were calculated using the results

in the ®rst line of Table 3. These effect values are

presented in Table 7, along with their standard error

values even though these values are all the same. The

peroxide concentration does not show a signi®cant

principal effect and only participates in very small

interaction effects, while the HCl and o-dianisidine

concentration factors provoke almost all of the cor-

rected absorbance dependence for this factorial. Their

principal and binary interaction effects are all positive

and the largest corrected absorbance occurs for the

factorial point with all three factors at their highest

levels. As such, to achieve even higher absorbance

values, steepest ascent path analysis suggests new

experimentation at the factor levels given in Table 8.

There, a central composite design (23 factorial � star

design � central replicated point) and its corrected

Table 6

Coeficients of the quadratic models for all factorial points (Scheffe Model)

Factorial Scheffe model coefficientsa

points x1 x2 x3 x1x2 x1x3 x2x3

ÿ ÿ ÿ 0.526 0.203 ± ± ± ±

(�0.097) (�0.028)

� ÿ ÿ 0.692 ± ± ± ÿ1.119 ±

(�0.094) (�0.217)

ÿ � ÿ 1.006 0.250 ± ± ± ±

(�0.115) (�0.033)

� � ÿ 1.607 0.175 ± ± ÿ2.370 ±

(�0.137) (�0.039) (�0.316)

ÿ ÿ � 0.569 0.162 ± ± ± ±

(�0.070) (�0.020)

� ÿ � 0.744 ± ± ± ÿ1.046 ±

(�0.113) (�0.260)

ÿ � � 0.985 0.266 ± ± ± ±

(�0.103) (�0.030)

� � � 1.159 0.195 0.121 1.746 ÿ1.096 ±

(�0.113) (�0.033) (�0.033) (�0.260) (�0.260)

a Significant at the level ��0.01.

Table 7

Calculated effects for the 23 factorial design at mixture point


Efects Value Error

Average 0.781 �0.008

Z1 (HCl) 0.285 �0.016

Z2 (o-dianisidine) 0.458 �0.016

Z3 (H2O2) 0.004a �0.016

Z1Z2 (HCl X o-dianisidine) 0.156 �0.016

Z1Z3 (HCl X H2O2) 0.054 �0.016

Z2Z3 (o-dianisidine X H2O2) ÿ0.002a �0.016

Z1Z2Z3 (HCl X o-dianisidine X H2O2) ÿ0.060 �0.016

a Not significant at the level ��0.005.

276 C. Reis et al. / Analytica Chimica Acta 369 (1998) 269±279

absorbance results are presented. A quadratic model

provides a statistically satisfactory ®t to the experi-

mental data and the corrected absorbance (�A) is

given by Eq. (4)

where only signi®cant 99% con®dence level terms

have been included. This function has a maximum

value at z1�ÿ4.8, z2�7.3 and z3�0.6. Since these

values are outside the range of the experimental

Fig. 2. Response surfaces for the quadratic model at each point of the factorial design. The numbers are the predicted absorbance values which

are close to those observed. Mixtures producing highest responses are indicated in the shaded regions.

y�z1; z2; z3�� 0:856 �0:0952z2 ÿ0:015z21 ÿ0:012z2

2 ÿ0:022z23 ÿ0:018z1z2 ÿ0:022z1z3 ÿ0:011z2z3

��0:002� ��0:001� ��0:001� ��0:001� ��0:001� ��0:002� ��0:002� ��0:002�(4)

C. Reis et al. / Analytica Chimica Acta 369 (1998) 269±279 277

design, Eq. (4) was examined ®xing the z2 value at the

studied maximum [4�����23p

; see Table 8]. For this con-

dition, the optimum values found were 6.0�10ÿ4 mol/

l, 1.9�10ÿ2 mol/l and 0.79 mol/l for HCl, o-dianisi-

dine and H2O2 concentrations, respectively, which

should be used in the 70±30% water±acetone solvent

medium. Under these experimental conditions, the

calibration graph is linear up to at least 40 ng/ml,

according to [�A]�0.035�0.030CCr (ng/ml), with

r2�0.9996, where [�A] is the absorbance value cor-

rected against the blank. A relative standard deviation

of 0.5% was calculated from 10 replicate measure-

ments at the 10 ng/ml level of chromium (VI) and a

detection limit of about 1.1 ng/ml was estimated from

the blank measurements [23]. The reliability of the

method under the optimized conditions for total chro-

mium determination can be con®rmed by the results

shown in Table 9 for plant and wastewater samples.

Results obtained using the procedure described above

agree favourably with those reported, demonstrating

its promise as an alternative and sensitive method for

the determination of chromium traces.

Using our experimental set-up, but with the solvent

mixture and the reagent concentrations formerly

recommended by Dolmanova et al. [2] for the deter-

mination of traces of Cr(VI) led to a calibration graph

given by [�A]�ÿ0.007�0.0067CCr (ng/ml) with a r2

value of 0.9914, showing that sensitivity under our

optimized conditions increased by a factor of about

4.5, attesting to the ef®ciency of multivariate split-plot

designs in optimization work.


The authors wish to thank Professor John A. Cornell

for his attention in the early stages of this work. C.R.

acknowledges CAPES-PICD for a doctorate fellow-



[1] G. Goldstein, D.L. Manning, O. Menis, Anal. Chem. 30

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va, Anal. J. Chem. USSR, 24 (1969) 827 (Zh Analit. Khim.

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[8] S.V. Manjarekar, A.P. Argekar, Anal. Lett. 28 (1995)


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Table 8

Levels of the central composite design used in the Response

Surface Analysis

Levels HCl (z1) o-dianisidine (z2) H2O2 (z3)

(mol/l) (mol/l) (mol/l)


4.6�10ÿ4 1.08�10ÿ2 0.45

ÿ1 6.0�10ÿ4 1.25�10ÿ2 0.58

0 8.0�10ÿ4 1.5�10ÿ2 0.78

1 1.0�10ÿ3 1.75�10ÿ2 0.974�����23p

1.14�10ÿ3 1.92�10ÿ2 1.11

Table 9

Comparison of total chromium determination results using the

optimized catalytic procedure and reported reference values

Sample Cr(VI)

Reference value Founda

(mg/kg) (mg/kg)


NIES ± Pepperbush SRM 1300 1277�77

IPE ± Sample 6378b 4872�571 4725�122

Wastewater (mg/l)c (mg/l)

Sample 1 13.1 12.8�0.6

Sample 2 13.2 13.0�0.2

a Average results of triplicate samples.b Bimonthly Report 91.1 ± January/February 1991. International

Plant-analytical Exchange (IPE).c From GF-AAS measurements.

278 C. Reis et al. / Analytica Chimica Acta 369 (1998) 269±279

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