Appreciation of The Art of Chinese Calligraphy

Appreciation of The Art of Chinese Calligraphy. 琴 棋 书 画 string musical instrument strategic board game calligraphy painting

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Appreciation ofThe Art of Chinese Calligraphy

书 画

string musical instrument

strategic board game



Qin Qi Shu Hua – A noble pursuit

The Four Treasures

Paper - Zhi  Ink Sticks - Mo 

Brushes - Bi  Ink Stones  - Yan

An illustration of the different scripts of the same characters

The five most recognised styles

Seal Script 纂书(zuànshū)

Clerical 隶书 (lìshū) Semi-cursive 行书 (xíngshū)

Cursive草书 (cǎoshū) Regular 楷书 (kǎishū)

A gracefully executed work has no peer

By Si-Ma Kuang, Song Dynasty (1019-1086)

Bold yet fluid

Ode of Mulan by [Mi Fei] (aka Mi Fu)


By Wu Ju


By Yan ZhenqingSpecialized in Cursive (草书) and Regular (楷书) scripts.


By Zhang Ruitu (1570-1641)

By Li Juan (b. 1713)


A carefree style has no fixed directions

A gracefully executed work

An exuberant work full of feeling and vigor

By Wang Xizhi – 王羲之The sage of xingshu (semi-cursive) calligraphy

Lighting quick Cursive script

By Dong Qichang (16th century)Specialized in Cursive script.(草书)

A virile work in which strength is paramount

The character is "mountain".

By Zhang Zhengyu (1903-1976)