arXiv:1307.1970v1 [astro-ph.SR] 8 Jul 2013 Astronomy & Astrophysics manuscript no. SpicaPKRHM c ESO 2018 July 19, 2018 Spectral modelling of the Alpha Virginis (Spica ) binary system M. Palate 1 , G. Koenigsberger 2 , G. Rauw 1 , D. Harrington 3 , and E. Moreno 4 1 Institut d’Astrophysique et de Géophysique, Université de Liège, Bât. B5c, Allée du 6 Août 17, 4000 Liège, Belgium e-mail: [email protected] 2 Instituto de Ciencias Físicas, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Cuernavaca, Morelos 62210, México Currently at Instituto de Astronomía, UNAM, Apdo. Postal 70-264, México D.F. e-mail: [email protected] 3 Institute for Astronomy, University of Hawaii, 2680 Woodlawn Drive, Honolulu, HI, 96822, USA e-mail: [email protected] 4 Instituto de Astronomía, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, México, D.F., México e-mail: [email protected] Received 17 May 2013 / Accepted 20 June 2013 ABSTRACT Context. The technique of matching synthetic spectra computed with theoretical stellar atmosphere models to the observations is widely used in deriving fundamental parameters of massive stars. When applied to binaries, however, these models generally neglect the interaction eects present in these systems. Aims. The aim of this paper is to explore the uncertainties in binary stellar parameters that are derived from single-star models. Methods. Synthetic spectra that include the tidal perturbations and irradiation eects are computed for the binary system α Virgi- nis (Spica) using our recently-developed CoMBiSpeC model. The synthetic spectra are compared to S /N 2000 observations and optimum values of T eand log g are derived. Results. The binary interactions have only a small eect on the strength of the photospheric absorption lines in Spica (< 2% for the primary and < 4% for the secondary). These dierences are comparable to the uncertainties inherent to the process of matching synthetic spectra to the observations and thus the derived values of T eand log g are unaected by the binary perturbations. On the other hand, the interactions do produce significant phase-dependent line profile variations in the primary star, leading to systematic distortions in the shape of its radial velocity curve. Migrating sub-features (“bumps”) are predicted by our model to be present in the same photospheric lines as observed, and their appearance does not require any a priori assumptions regarding non-radial pulsation modes. Matching the strength of lines in which the most prominent “bumps” occur requires synthetic spectra computed with larger “microturbulence” than that required by other lines. Key words. Stars: massive - Binaries: general - Stars: fundamental parameters - Stars: atmospheres - Binaries: spectroscopic - Stars: individual: alpha Virginis (= Spica = HD 116658) 1. Introduction Massive stars play a key role in the evolution of galaxies through their high luminosity, powerful winds, heavy element enrich- ment of the ISM, and the explosions when they end their lives as supernovae. The importance of determining their fundamen- tal parameters cannot be overstated, and considerable eort has been invested in obtaining high quality observations and apply- ing theoretical stellar structure models to establish these param- eters (see for example, Evans et al. 2011; Martins 2011; Massey et al. 2009, 2012). Although significant progress has been made, there are still some important gaps in our understanding of the physical processes that govern the structure and evolution of massive stars. One of these gaps involves the eects caused by a binary companion on the emergent spectrum, from which the fundamental parameters are generally derived. Binary systems provide the only direct means of determin- ing the masses of stars and thus they are used to test the models of stellar structure which are then applied to single stars. The usual method for obtaining the binary star parameters is through the use of the radial velocity (RV) curves and model atmosphere codes. This yields a lower limit to the masses of the two stars, m sin 3 i, the stellar radii R,eective temperature T e, surface gravitational acceleration log g, and metallicity (see, for exam- ple, Massey et al. 2012). The majority of stellar atmosphere models have been devel- oped for single stars. Thus, one of the important questions that arises concerns the extent to which they can be used to prop- erly model binary stars since the latter are subject to a variety of interaction eects. For example, gravity darkening and irra- diation of the hemisphere facing the companion are expected to lead to dierent T evalues over the surface, with analogous dif- ferences in log g values due to the tidal distortion. In addition, non-synchronous rotation and orbital eccentricity induce oscilla- tions on the stellar surface that may lead to photospheric absorp- tion line profiles that are significantly dierent from those that are predicted by single-star atmospheric models (Vogt & Penrod 1983). It is possible that the temporal variability of these line profiles can have a significant impact on the determination of the fundamental parameters through the distortion of the radial velocity curves (Koenigsberger et al. 2012). We have developed a method for computing the spectra of binary systems which takes into account interaction eects. In a first stage, the code was designed for circular massive binary systems (Palate & Rauw 2012) in which the distorted shape of Article number, page 1 of 9

arXiv:1307.1970v1 [astro-ph.SR] 8 Jul 2013 · 2018-09-29 · arXiv:1307.1970v1 [astro-ph.SR] 8 Jul 2013 Astronomy&Astrophysicsmanuscript no. SpicaPKRHM c ESO 2018 July 19, 2018 Spectral

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Page 1: arXiv:1307.1970v1 [astro-ph.SR] 8 Jul 2013 · 2018-09-29 · arXiv:1307.1970v1 [astro-ph.SR] 8 Jul 2013 Astronomy&Astrophysicsmanuscript no. SpicaPKRHM c ESO 2018 July 19, 2018 Spectral





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Astronomy& Astrophysicsmanuscript no. SpicaPKRHM c©ESO 2018July 19, 2018

Spectral modelling of the Alpha Virginis (Spica) binary systemM. Palate1, G. Koenigsberger2, G. Rauw1, D. Harrington3, and E. Moreno4

1 Institut d’Astrophysique et de Géophysique, Université deLiège, Bât. B5c, Allée du 6 Août 17, 4000 Liège, Belgiume-mail:[email protected]

2 Instituto de Ciencias Físicas, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Cuernavaca, Morelos 62210, MéxicoCurrently at Instituto de Astronomía, UNAM, Apdo. Postal 70-264, México D.F.e-mail:[email protected]

3 Institute for Astronomy, University of Hawaii, 2680 Woodlawn Drive, Honolulu, HI, 96822, USAe-mail:[email protected]

4 Instituto de Astronomía, Universidad Nacional Autónoma deMéxico, México, D.F., Méxicoe-mail:[email protected]

Received 17 May 2013/ Accepted 20 June 2013


Context. The technique of matching synthetic spectra computed with theoretical stellar atmosphere models to the observations iswidely used in deriving fundamental parameters of massive stars. When applied to binaries, however, these models generally neglectthe interaction effects present in these systems.Aims. The aim of this paper is to explore the uncertainties in binary stellar parameters that are derived from single-star models.Methods. Synthetic spectra that include the tidal perturbations andirradiation effects are computed for the binary systemα Virgi-nis (Spica) using our recently-developed CoMBiSpeC model. The synthetic spectra are compared toS/N ∼2000 observations andoptimum values ofTeff and logg are derived.Results. The binary interactions have only a small effect on the strength of the photospheric absorption lines inSpica (< 2% forthe primary and< 4% for the secondary). These differences are comparable to the uncertainties inherent to theprocess of matchingsynthetic spectra to the observations and thus the derived values ofTeff and logg are unaffected by the binary perturbations. On theother hand, the interactions do produce significant phase-dependent line profile variations in the primary star, leading to systematicdistortions in the shape of its radial velocity curve. Migrating sub-features (“bumps”) are predicted by our model to bepresent in thesame photospheric lines as observed, and their appearance does not require any a priori assumptions regarding non-radial pulsationmodes. Matching the strength of lines in which the most prominent “bumps” occur requires synthetic spectra computed with larger“microturbulence” than that required by other lines.

Key words. Stars: massive - Binaries: general - Stars: fundamental parameters - Stars: atmospheres - Binaries: spectroscopic - Stars:individual: alpha Virginis (= Spica= HD 116658)

1. Introduction

Massive stars play a key role in the evolution of galaxies throughtheir high luminosity, powerful winds, heavy element enrich-ment of the ISM, and the explosions when they end their livesas supernovae. The importance of determining their fundamen-tal parameters cannot be overstated, and considerable effort hasbeen invested in obtaining high quality observations and apply-ing theoretical stellar structure models to establish these param-eters (see for example, Evans et al. 2011; Martins 2011; Masseyet al. 2009, 2012). Although significant progress has been made,there are still some important gaps in our understanding of thephysical processes that govern the structure and evolutionofmassive stars. One of these gaps involves the effects caused bya binary companion on the emergent spectrum, from which thefundamental parameters are generally derived.

Binary systems provide the only direct means of determin-ing the masses of stars and thus they are used to test the modelsof stellar structure which are then applied to single stars.Theusual method for obtaining the binary star parameters is throughthe use of the radial velocity (RV) curves and model atmospherecodes. This yields a lower limit to the masses of the two stars,m sin3 i, the stellar radiiR, effective temperatureTeff, surface

gravitational acceleration logg, and metallicity (see, for exam-ple, Massey et al. 2012).

The majority of stellar atmosphere models have been devel-oped for single stars. Thus, one of the important questions thatarises concerns the extent to which they can be used to prop-erly model binary stars since the latter are subject to a varietyof interaction effects. For example, gravity darkening and irra-diation of the hemisphere facing the companion are expectedtolead to differentTeff values over the surface, with analogous dif-ferences in logg values due to the tidal distortion. In addition,non-synchronous rotation and orbital eccentricity induceoscilla-tions on the stellar surface that may lead to photospheric absorp-tion line profiles that are significantly different from those thatare predicted by single-star atmospheric models (Vogt & Penrod1983). It is possible that the temporal variability of theselineprofiles can have a significant impact on the determination ofthe fundamental parameters through the distortion of the radialvelocity curves (Koenigsberger et al. 2012).

We have developed a method for computing the spectra ofbinary systems which takes into account interaction effects. Ina first stage, the code was designed for circular massive binarysystems (Palate & Rauw 2012) in which the distorted shape of

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the stellar surfaces due to the gravitational interaction is calcu-lated and then the emergent spectra at different orbital phasesare computed. In a second paper the method was extended toinclude eccentric binaries and to incorporate radiation pressureeffects (Palate et al. 2013). This new version of the CoMBiS-peC (Code of Massive Binary Spectral Computation) now al-lows spectral computation of massive binary systems in general.In this paper we use this code to address the question of the ex-tent to which the binary interactions may affect the outcome ofthe standard procedure of matching stellar atmosphere models toobservations in order to derive values ofTeff and logg. This ex-ploratory investigation will focus on the nearby and well-studiedbinary systemα Virginis (= Spica = HD 116658).

In this paper we use local line-profiles obtained from a fullradiative transfer computation using the standard model atmo-sphere code TLUSTY. This enables us to analyse the effects ofthe binary interaction on the determination ofTeff and logg, inaddition to the line-profile variability. In Section 2 we provide abrief review ofSpica’s properties; in Section 3 we describe theprocedure that was followed to produce the synthetic spectra, inSection 4 we present the results, and in Section 5 the conclusion.

2. The Spica binary system

Spica is a double-lined, short-period (∼4 days) spectroscopic bi-nary in an eccentric orbit. The primary component is classifiedas B1.5 IV-V and based on early observations that disclosed a4.17 hr spectroscopic and photometric period, it was believed tobe aβ Cephei-type star (Shobbrook et al. 1969, 1972). However,the photometric variations seem to have vanished in 1970-1971(Smith 1985a). On the other hand, the spectroscopic line-profilevariations have persisted (Smak 1970; Smith 1985a, 1985b; Rid-dle 2000; Harrington 2009). They are commonly described interms of travelling “bumps” that migrate from the blue to theredwing of the weak photospheric absorption lines, but also includevariations in the slope of the line wings. A periodicity of 6.5 and3.2 hrs has been associated with these variations (Smith 1985a).

Spica was observed interferometrically by Herbison-Evanset al. (1971), allowing a direct determination of orbital separa-tion, stellar radius of the primary (R1 = 8.1± 0.5R⊙) and orbitalinclination (i = 65.9◦ ± 1.8◦), which when combined with ra-dial velocity (RV) curves yield the masses,M1 = 10.9± 0.9M⊙andM2 = 6.8± 0.8M⊙. More recently, it was observed with theCHARA and SUSI interferometric arrays by Aufdenberg (2007)and collaborators. The analysis followed that of Herbison-Evanset al. (1971) except that the stellar disks were no longer assumedto be of uniform brightness but were assumed to be rotation-ally and tidally distorted. The results of this analysis were kindlyprovided to us by J. Aufdenberg (2008, private communication)and consist of slightly different values for the stellar and orbitalparameters. They are listed in Table 1 together with those ofHerbison-Evans et al. (1971).

The stellar rotation velocities,vrot, were derived by Smith(1985a), who modelled the line-profile variability under the as-sumption that it could be described in terms of high-order non-radial pulsation modes. To derive the order of the modes, Smith(1985a) used a trial and error profile-fitting method in whichheincluded the presence of travelling “bumps” and tested combina-tions of rotational, macroturbulent and pulsational velocities andperiods. The rotation velocities he derived are v1 sini = 161± 2km s−1and v2 sini = 70± 5 km s−1.

Harrington et al. (2009) adopted the Aufdenberg et al. (2008)stellar and orbital parameters and Smith’s (1985a) values for vrot,

Table 1. Spica Parameters

Parameter H-E(a) Aufdenberg et al.Spectrum B1.5 IV-V+ B3V B0.5 III-IV + B2.5-B3 Vm1 (M⊙) 10.9±0.9 10.25±0.68m2 (M⊙) 6.8±0.7 6.97±0.46R1 (R⊙) 8.1±0.5 7.40±0.57R2 (R⊙) — 3.64±0.28P (day) 4.014597 4.0145898T0 (JD) 2440678.09 2440678.09e 0.146 0.067±0.014(b)

i (◦) 66±2 54±6ω (◦) at T0 138±15 140±10Apsidal Period (yrs) 124±11 130±8v1 sini (km s−1) 161±2(c) 161±2(c)

vrot1 (km s−1) 176±5 199±5v2 sini (km s−1) 70±5(c) 70±5(c)

vrot2 (km s−1) 77±6 87±6β0(m1)(d) 1.3 1.88±0.19β0(m2) — 1.67±0.5

Notes. (a) Herbison-Evans et al. (1971).(b) From Riddle (2000).(c) FromSmith (1985a).(d) Theβ0 parameter is the ratio of the rotation and or-bital angular velocities at periastron and can be expressedas:β0 = 0.02P vrot


(1+e)1/2, wherevrot is the rigid body rotation velocity (in km s−1), R

is the equilibrium radius (inR⊙), ande is the eccentricity.

and performed anab initio calculation of the line profiles at sev-eral orbital phases in order to study the variability that iscausedby the response of the star to tidal perturbations. The calculationinvolves the solution of the equations of motion of the surfaceelements in the presence of gravitational, Coriolis, centrifugal,viscous and gas pressure forces, and the projection of the result-ing velocity field along the line of sight to the observer in orderto compute photospheric absorption lines in the observer’sref-erence frame. Harrington et al. (2009) were able to reproducethe general trends in the line-profile variability and, in particu-lar, the observed relative strength and number of “blue” to “red”migrating “bumps”. These “bumps” were found to arise in whatHarrington et al. describe as “tidal flows”, a concept that differsfrom the non-radial pulsation representation in that the travel-ling waves on the stellar surface are a consequence entirelyofthe response of this surface to the forcing and restoring agents,the interior structure of the star playing no role. The line profilecalculation performed by Harrington et al. (2009) was done foran arbitrary absorption line assuming that the local line profile ateach location on the stellar surface has a Gaussian shape. Thus,their study was limited to the analysis of line-profile variabilityalone, and no comparison of the effects on different lines (par-ticularly those used for temperature and gravity diagnostics) waspossible.

3. Method of analysis

Synthetic spectra were produced for a binary system under theassumptions of a) no interaction effects, and b) tidal and irradia-tion effects. These spectra will henceforth be alluded to as “un-perturbed” and “perturbed”, respectively. The detailed procedurefor generating the synthetic spectra is described below.

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M. Palate et al.: Spectral modelling of the Alpha Virginis (Spica) binary system

Rotating and binary stars are deformed from spherical sym-metry and thus the gravity darkening effects1 lead to a non-uniform value of effective temperature and gravity over the stel-lar surface. When synthetic spectra are produced from modelat-mosphere grids, they are characterized by the values of effectivetemperature and surface gravity at the pole. Thus, we refer to ourmodels with the values ofT pole

eff and loggpole.The synthetic spectra were compared with observational data

that were obtained on 2008 March 15–28 at the Canada FranceHawaii (CFHT) 3.6m telescope with the ESPaDOns spectropo-larimeter, which are thoroughly discussed in Harrington etal.(2009). They consist of high resolution spectra (R= 68000) inthe wavelength rangeλλ 3700-9200 Å with typicalS/N ∼ 2000.

The synthetic spectra were produced as follows:Step 1: The stellar surface deformation and velocity field of

both stars in the binary system are computed using the TIDEScode. This requires prior knowledge of the stellar masses, radiiand rotation velocity, as well as the full set of orbital parame-ters. The masses and radii are those given by Aufdenberg et al.(2008) taking into account the uncertainties quoted by these au-thors, the eccentricity is from Riddle (2000), and the longitudeof periastronωper = 255◦ is from Harrington et al. (2009). Theoutput consists of displacements and velocities (both radial andazimuthal) for each surface element as a function of time. A fulldescription of the TIDES calculation is provided in Moreno etal. (2011) and a detailed description of the calculations that wereperformed forSpica can be found in Harrington et al. (2009).

Step 2: We use the grid of stellar atmosphere models com-puted with TLUSTY (Lanz & Hubeny 2007) to produce emer-gent flux spectra with microturbulent speeds in the range vturb =

2− 15 km s−1using the routine SYNSPEC492. The set of spectrafor the primary star inSpica coversTeff = 22000 to 25000 K andlogg= 3.75 to 4.00, and for the secondary the correspondingranges are 18000–22000K and logg= 4.00 to 4.25. The metal-licity of these models is Solar and the SYNSPEC49 calculationwas performed using the NLTE option3.

Step 3: CoMBiSpeC is used to compute the temperature andgravity distributions and then is used to linearly interpolate andDoppler-shift the spectra obtained from the SYNSPEC49 calcu-lation to obtain the emergent spectrum for each surface elementof the star (i.e., the “local” line profile) and then the final syn-thetic spectrum is produced by integration over the entire stellarsurface. The Doppler shift is performed using the velocity fieldcomputed by TIDES projected along the line-of-sight to the ob-server.

Step 4: Observational data obtained at one orbital phasewhen the lines of the primary and secondary are well-separatedare compared to the synthetic spectra computed for the varioussets ofT pole

eff and loggpole at a similar orbital phase in order todetermine the best match between the synthetic and observedphotospheric lines. Preference is given to matching lines that aregood Teff and logg diagnostics4 and, among these, those that

1 As in Palate et al. (2013) we used a gravity darkening parameterequal to 0.25.2 The grid of models is available athttp://nova.astro.umd.edu/Tlusty2002/tlusty-frames-BS06.html

and the latest version of SYNSPEC was obtained fromhttp://nova.astro.umd.edu/Synspec49/synspec.html3 It is important to note that the NLTE calculation is actuallyonly per-formed on a limited number of the lines (mainly H, He and C N O inlater stages). Lanz & Hubeny (2007) argue that NLTE effects in theother lines are small.4 See, for example, Massey et al. (2009) for a more in-depth descrip-tion of the spectrum-matching process.

lie in spectral regions where the uncertainties in the continuumnormalization of the data are minimum. The atlas of Walborn& Fitzpatrick (1990) is used as a guide for the trends in Hei,Heii and Siiii line strengths with increasingTeff and logg. Forthe present investigation, over 160 synthetic model spectra weretested against the observations. A “best match” of the syntheticspectrum to the observations is attained when synthetic spectrawith adjacent values ofT pole

eff and loggpole bracket the majorityof observed spectral lines amongst the ones used for diagnos-tics purposes. As will be shown below, our best match syntheticspectra reproduce the observations to within∼ 5% of continuumunit.

We initiated the analysis using the orbital elements and stel-lar parameters derived by Aufdenberg et al. (2008) and the valueof v sini from Smith (1985a). The primary reason for this choiceis that these parameters were found by Harrington et al. (2009) toproduce line-profile variability that most resembled the one ob-served. The qualitative nature of the line profile variations pre-dicted by the TIDES code depends not only on masses, stellarradii and orbital parameters but also on v sini, the depth of thelayer that is modelled in TIDES,∆R/R1, and on the kinematicalviscosity,ν of the material. An adequate combination of all ofthese parameters is required to achieve a satisfactory match tothe observations. For the present analysis we fixedM1, M2, e,∆R/R1, ν and the computational parameters required by TIDESto the values that were found by Harrington et al. to best repro-duce the line-profile variability. The parameters that werevariedare:R1, R2, i (orbital inclination), and the values ofTeff and loggfor the two stars.

After several iterations we found that the best fit to the ob-servations was attained withRpole

1 = 6.84R⊙ andi = 60◦. Both ofthese values lie within the uncertainties quoted by Aufdenberget al. (2008) and hence, we shall refer to the input parametersetas that of Aufdenberg et al. (2008).

We used the ESPaDOns spectra obtained on 22 and 26 March2008 (orbital phases 0.88 and 0.84, respectively5) as the guidefor the first synthetic spectrum, since at these orbital phases theabsorptions arising in each star are well separated. The veloc-ity field computed inStep 1 was applied to the grid of modelsdescribed inStep 2 and the synthetic spectra (Step 3) were com-pared with these ESPaDOns spectra.

In the initial iteration for finding the optimum values ofT poleeff ,

loggpole an excellent match was attained for the H and Hei lineswith vturb = 2 km s−1, but the majority of the heavy elementlines were too weak by factors of 2–3. Thus, the next iterationconsisted of finding the value of vturb for which the strength ofthe Siiii λλ 4552-4574 triplet lines coincided with the observa-tions6. We found that a good match to the Siiii line strengthsrequires 10≤ vturb/(km s−1) ≤ 15, and the final model was com-puted with vturb = 15 km s−1. It must be noted, however, thatthis value of vturb resulted in lines such as Oii λλ 4072-79 beingsignificantly stronger in the synthetic spectra than in the obser-vations. Fig. 1 illustrates the manner in which the Siiii tripletchanges for vturb = 2, 10 and 15 km s−1, and Fig. 2 shows theeffect on other lines. Noteworthy is the very different behaviour

5 The phaseφ = 0 corresponds to the periastron passage of the obser-vations and we used the T0 and the apsidal period derived by Aufden-berg et al. (2008).6 An in-depth description of the manner in which vturb is generally de-termined may be found in Hunter et al. (2007). Included is a justificationof the use of the Siiii triplet for fixing the value of this parameter as wellas a discussion of the manner in which the use of different lines resultsin different values.

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Fig. 1. Synthetic Siiii line profiles computed forSpica with theTLUSTY stellar atmosphere models forTeff and logg appropriate toeach surface element and Doppler-shifted using the surfacevelocityfield computed with TIDES. The three spectra correspond to micro-turbulent velocities vturb = 2 (dots), 10 (dashes) and 15 (continuous)km s−1 and illustrate how the larger values of this parameter producegreater line-strength in the Siiii λ4552 line. The lines originating in theprimary and secondary are indicated withm1, andm2 respectively. Thedepicted profiles correspond to orbital phaseφ = 0.75.

of Hei λ 4471 from that of Siiii λ 4552 and other heavy-elementlines. This difference may be traced to the atomic line-strengthparameters which affect the shape of the line profiles.

Once the set of parameters that best described the ES-PaDOnS spectrum of 22 March were determined, these wereheld constant and we proceeded to compute the synthetic spectraat 20 equally spaced orbital phases. These are the spectra that arediscussed in the next sections.

4. Results

4.1. The impact of interaction effects on Teff and logg

The best match to the ESPaDOns spectra of 22 and 26 Marchwas attained with (T pole

eff , loggpole) of (24000± 500 K, 3.78) forthe primary and (19500± 500 K, 4.16) for the secondary. Thesevalues are in good agreement with those found by Aufdenberget al. (2008) for the primary star, (24750± 500, 3.71± 0.06).For the secondary, our result is in agreement with Aufdenberg etal.’s loggpole= 4.16± 0.05, and Lyubimkov et al. (1995)T pole

eff =

20800± 1500 K.The parameters of the final model are listed in Table 2, and

selected spectral regions of these models and the correspond-ing observational data of 26 March (φ = 0.84) and 15 March(φ = 0.15) are shown in Figs. 3 and 4. Figs. 5 and 6 illustrate thematching between observed and synthetic spectra for individ-ual lines. The difference between the observed and the syntheticspectra is≤ 5%, as shown by the plot at the bottom of these fig-ures. For the 4060-4360 Å and 4360-4720 Å wavelength regions,the maximum difference is<4% except atλ 4078.4 (8.7%). For

Fig. 2. Dependence of line strength on microturbulent speed vturb. Asin Fig. 1, the same stellar atmosphere model computed with vturb = 2(dots), 10 (dashes) and 15 (continuous) km s−1 is shown. The behaviourof the stronger Hei lines is different from that of weaker lines. In theH-lines, the dependence on vturb is strongest in the line wings.

the 4730-5130 Å wavelength region, the maximum difference is2.5% and appears in the wings of Hβ.

Table 2. Parameters used for computation with the TIDES+ CoMBiS-peC model.

Parameters Primary SecondaryCommon parametersPeriod (day) 4.01452Eccentricity 0.067ω(a) (◦) 255Inclination (◦) 60CoMBiSpeC parametersMass (M⊙) 10.25 6.97Polar temperature (K) 24000 19500Polar radius (R⊙) 6.84 3.64Polar log(g) (cgs) ≃ 3.78 ≃ 4.16vrot (km s−1) 199 87v sini (km s−1) 172 75β0 2.07 1.67Microturbulent velocity (km s−1) 15 15TIDES code parametersViscosity,ν (R2

⊙day−1)(b) 0.028 0.028Layer depth (∆R/R) 0.07 0.07Polytropic index 1.5 1.5Number of azimuthal partitions 500 500Number of latitudinal partitions 20 20

Notes. (a) Argument of periastron of the secondary.(b) 1 R2⊙day−1=

5.67×1016 cm2s−1.

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M. Palate et al.: Spectral modelling of the Alpha Virginis (Spica) binary system

Fig. 3. Comparison of the best-fit CoMBiSpeC model (dots) with theESPaDOns spectra ofSpica at orbital phases 0.152 (15 March) and0.841 (26 March; shifted by+0.2 continuum units). The tracing shownat the bottom is the difference between the 15 March spectrum andits corresponding synthetic spectrum and shows that the fit is good to∼ 3%.

Fig. 4. Same as previous figure for the spectral region containing Hδ

and Hγ.

The maximum departure from sphericity inSpica’s primaryis ≤ 0.2R⊙, and thus the value of logg over the stellar surfaceis practically constant. The largestTeff is found at the pole anddecreases towards the equator, but the small gravity darkeningleads to aTeff decrease of only∼ 500 K. The irradiation effect isalso small and thus the hemisphere facing the secondary is nearly

Fig. 5. Individual lines in the 26 March spectrum compared to the cor-responding synthetic spectrum.

Fig. 6. Individual lines in the 28 March spectrum compared to the cor-responding synthetic spectrum.

at the same temperature as the opposite hemisphere. The smalldifferences inTeff and logg over the stellar surface in the primarylead to line strengths in the perturbed spectra that differ onlyslightly from those in the unperturbed spectrum. Fig. 7 showsthat the differences in the equivalent width (EW) of the linesin the perturbed and unperturbed spectra are≤ 1.5%, which isbelow the typical observational uncertainties and those inherentto the spectrum fitting technique. Thus we conclude that despite

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Fig. 7. The difference between equivalent widths measured on the per-turbed and unperturbed spectra,∆(EW)=[EWp-EWu]/EWu, of the pri-mary star inSpica showing that the effects are≤ 1.5%, and thus indicat-ing that the interaction effects have a negligible impact on the spectralclassification. Negative residuals indicate that the absorption in the per-turbed profiles is weaker than in the unperturbed profiles. The differentsymbols correspond to: Heiλ4921(open triangles), Hei λ5875 (filled-in triangles), Siiii λ4552 (stars) and Hβ (squares).

the strong line-profile variability inSpica’s primary star, there isa negligible effect on the derivation ofTeff and logg values.

For the secondary, the effects caused by gravity darkeningare also small, but due to the hotter primary the irradiationeffectsare more important. Hence, the largestTeff∼ 20300 K is on theequator of the hemisphere facing the primary while the lowestTeff= 19400 K occurs on the opposite hemisphere, also along theequator. The irradiated hemisphere of the secondary is viewed bythe observer around periastron passage, at which time the EWofSi iii λ 4552 increases by∼ 5% while that of Hβ decreases by∼ 2%, as illustrated in Fig. 8.

It is interesting to note that despite the relatively small sur-face deformations, the observed light curve ofSpica displays el-lipsoidal variations (Shobbrook et al. 1969, Sterken et al.1986)with peak-to-peak amplitudes∼ 0.03 mag. We computed thepredicted light curve variations from out model results follow-ing the method described in Palate & Rauw (2012) and find apeak-to-peak amplitude∼ 0.02 mag. The difference between ourpredicted light curve and that which is observed may in part bedue to the uncertainties introduced by the short-period photo-metric variability which is present in the observations.

4.2. Line profile variability

The binary interactions significantly affect the shape of the lineprofiles. Fig. 9 shows the Siiii triplet line profiles at 10 orbitalphases in the perturbed and the unperturbed spectra. The strongphase-dependent variations in the perturbed profiles are clearlyseen and can be described primarily in terms of “bumps” and

Fig. 8. Same as previous figure (Fig. 7) for the secondary showing thatin this case, the effects are≤ 5%. Note that around periastron, theSi iii λ4552 strength increases by∼ 5% while that of Hβ decreases by∼ 2.5%.

asymmetries, similar to those present in the observationaldata7.The same behaviour is present in numerous other photosphericabsorptions, such as Hei λ 5875 (Fig. 10), but is at the∼ 1.5%level.

The most prominent perturbations occur in absorption linesof intermediate intensity, as is shown in Fig. 11, where we plotthe difference between the perturbed and unperturbed syntheticspectra at 10 phases in the orbital cycle for theλλ 4310-4580 Åregion. Strong lines, such as Hγ, undergo weaker perturbationsthan lines such as Hei λ4471 and the Siiii triplet.

4.3. Distortion of the RV curve

The line-profile variations introduce an intrinsic uncertainty inthe radial velocity (RV) measurements which, as will be shownbelow, leads to systematic distortions in the RV curve. To illus-trate this point, the centroid of the lines Hei λ4921 andλ 5875,Si iii λ4552 and Hβ were measured in the perturbed and unper-turbed spectra by numerical integration between two fixed po-sitions at the continuum level on both sides of the absorptionminimum.8

Fig. 12 shows the differenceδ(RV) = (RV)p − (RV)u for theprimary, where the subscripts ’p’ and ’u’ represent the perturbedand unperturbed spectra, respectively, and the RVu correspondto the actual orbital motion. The maximum semi-amplitudes ofδ(RV) range between 6 and 10 km s−1, depending on the par-ticular line being measured. A similar analysis performed using

7 See Harrington et al. 2009 where a set of spectra computed at veryshort time steps and showing the moving “bumps” is illustrated.8 The functional form isΣxi(1−yi)

Σ(1−yi), wherexi, yi are the values of wave-

length and flux at each wavelength step. The wavelength step of oursynthetic spectra is 0.01 Å and integration intervals typically contained∼ 2000 points.

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M. Palate et al.: Spectral modelling of the Alpha Virginis (Spica) binary system

Fig. 9. The synthetic primary+ secondary combined spectra of theSi iii triplet are stacked in order of increasing orbital phase (φ=0 cor-responds to periastron). The perturbed spectra are displayed with thedark tracing and the unperturbed spectra with dots. The “bumps” in theprimary star’s perturbed profiles are evident as is the difficulty they in-troduce in properly locating the contribution of the secondary except atφ ∼ 0.3± 0.05 and 0.8± 0.05 when the contribution from the secondaryis clearly resolved.

Fig. 10. Same as previous figure for Hei λ5875.

a cross-correlation method9 yields a semi-amplitudeδ(RV) ∼7 km s−1 for the two wavelength intervals that were cross-

9 The FXCOR routine in theImage Reduction Analysis Facility (IRAF)package.

Fig. 11. Difference between the synthetic perturbed spectra of the pri-mary and the corresponding unperturbed spectra showing that the linesof intermediate intensity display the most prominent variations in the“bump” structure. The orbital phases increase from bottom to top withincrements of∆φ = 0.1 and starting withφ = 0. Differences are shiftedalong the vertical axis for clarity. The dotted tracing at the top is theperturbed spectrum atφ = 0.90, scaled and shifted to fit in this figure.

correlated (λλ 4150− 4300 Å andλλ 5200− 5800 Å), con-sistent with the result obtained for individual lines. The shapeof the perturbed and unperturbed RV curves for Hei λ 5875 isalso shown in Fig. 12 (after scaling by a factor of 10 for illus-tration purposes) showing that the strongest distortion occurs onthe ascending and descending branches of the RV curve, on bothsides of the extrema; i.e., at orbital phases∼ 0.15, 0.40, 0.65 and0.90. The combined effect of these distortions is to skew the RVcurve, giving it the appearance of one with a larger eccentricitythan that of the actual orbit.

For the secondary star, its weaker line-profile variabilityleads to much smaller deformations in the RV curves (seeFig. 13),δ(RV)= 2 km s−1, with extrema atφ ∼ 0.2 and 0.85.The most strongly perturbed RV curve is that of Siiii λ4552 dueto the greater sensitivity of this line to the heating by irradiationof the companion.

4.4. Comparison of CoMBiSpeC and TIDES model lineprofiles

The CoMBiSpeC calculation uses the velocity field computedby TIDES to compute the line profiles. A line-profile calcula-tion is also implemented in TIDES (Moreno et al. 2011) whichin the original version employed in Harrington et al. (2009)as-sumed a Gaussian local line profile instead of a line profile gen-erated from a stellar atmosphere calculation. In Fig. 14 we com-pare the line profiles produced by both calculations, but in thiscase TIDES uses a Voigt shape for the local line profiles with aLorentzian coefficientaL = 0.3. Both calculations use the samesurface velocity field (calculated by TIDES) and microturbulentspeeds of 15 km s−1, and all the binary parameters are the same.

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A&A proofs:manuscript no. SpicaPKRHM

Fig. 12. The difference between RV measurements made on the per-turbed and unperturbed spectraδ(RV) = (RV)p − (RV)u for Hei λ4921(open triangles), Heiλ 5875 (filled-in triangles), Siiii λ4552 (stars) andHβ (squares). Also shown is the shape of the perturbed (dash) and un-perturbed (dots) RV curves for Hei λ5875 after down-scaling by a fac-tor of 10 for illustration purposes. The perturbation leadsto a RV curvecorresponding to a more eccentric orbit than the actual orbit.

The differences between the TIDES and the CoMBiSpeC calcu-lations are minimal.

Because TIDES computes the line profile variability veryrapidly, its use is desirable for the analysis of a large parameterspace such as that involving stellar radius, rotation velocity, ec-centricity, orbital inclination, layer depth and viscosity, and theabove justifies its use for these purposes.

5. Summary and Conclusions

In this paper we explore the uncertainties that binary interactioneffects may introduce in the derivation of fundamental stellarpa-rameters when using stellar atmosphere models constructedforsingle stars. Our test case isSpica, a relatively close B-type bi-nary system with unevolved, detached components. We use theTIDES code to compute the surface deformation and velocityfield, the TLUSTY model atmosphere synthetic spectral grids,and the CoMBiSpeC model to synthesize output spectra that in-clude the effects of irradiation by the companion and the tidalperturbations. These synthetic spectra are compared to high S/Nand high resolution observations from which the following re-sults are derived:

1. The phase-dependent variations in line strength (EW) dueto the interactions is≤ 2% for the primary and≤ 4% forthe secondary, leading to values ofTeff and logg that are in-distinguishable, within the uncertainties, from those derivedfrom models that neglect the interactions. The reason for thisis that the irradiation effects and the departure from spheric-ity of both stellar surfaces are very small. The radius of thesecondary is∼ 7 times smaller than the orbital separation, so

Fig. 13. As in the previous figure, the difference between RV mea-surements made on the perturbed and unperturbed spectra areplottedbut here for the secondary star, and the scaled RV curves are those ofSi iii λ4552, which shows the strongest perturbation effects.

even though the primary is hotter, this large separation guar-antees that only a small irradiation effect is present. Similarconsiderations apply to the tidal deformations. The radiusofthe primary is only∼ 3.6 times smaller than the orbital sepa-ration, but the irradiation from the secondary is insignificantdue to its cooler temperature and, due to it’s smaller mass,the tidal deformations are also negligible.

2. The primary star rotates super-synchronously, which signifi-cantly perturbs its surface, leading to strong phase-dependentline profile variations. As a result, the radial velocity curveis distorted with respect to the curve that describes the or-bital motion, with maximum deviations of≤ 10 km s−1. Al-though the peak-to-peak amplitude of the RV curve is not af-fected, the shape is skewed so that a larger eccentricity thanthe actual value is inferred. We note that this effect may bethe source of the discrepancy between the values ofe thatare given by Riddle (e = 0.067) and Herbison-Evans et al.(e = 0.146).

3. The velocity structure that is computed by TIDES leads nat-urally to the presence of bumps on the profiles of lines suchas the Siiii λλ 4552-72 triplet and other lines of intermedi-ate strength without the need of anyad hoc assumption re-garding non-radial pulsations. The nature of the bumps in thesynthetic spectra is qualitatively similar to that in the obser-vations for all lines contained in our spectra.

4. The weaker lines in the spectrum require vturb = 10 − 15km s−1, whereas Hei lines such asλ 4471 and Oii favour asmaller value. Interestingly, the lines that show the clearestbumps are the ones that require the larger values of vturb toattain an adequate match to the line-strengths.

We conclude that for a binary system such asSpica, the un-certainties in the model-fitting process (NLTE effects, microtur-bulence, rectification of the continuum level in the observations)are larger than those introduced by the tidal velocity field and

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M. Palate et al.: Spectral modelling of the Alpha Virginis (Spica) binary system

Fig. 14. The Siiii λ4552 line profiles computed with ComBiSpeC com-pared with the line profiles computed with the TIDES code (dots). Inthis TIDES calculation, the computation is performed usingVoigt lo-cal line profiles. The ComBiSpeC code uses the same velocity field thatis computed with TIDES, but the local line profile is obtainedfrom thenon-LTE TLUSTY radiative transfer calculation. Only the profiles com-puted for the primary star are shown here.

heating effects. Future work will extend the exploration intro-duced in this paper to systems with parameters that are differ-ent from Spica’s, where irradiation and tidal deformations aremore important, in order to evaluate the uncertainties thatare in-troduced in these cases with the use of single-star atmospheremodels.

The above being said, it must be noted that nearly all ofthe synthetic model atmospheres are computed under the as-sumptions of hydrostatic and radiative equilibrium. However, theshear produced by different surface layers as they slide with re-spect to each other in response to the tidal perturbation leads toenergy dissipation (Toledano et al. 2007; Moreno et al. 2011).Depending on the particular regions where this energy is de-posited, the temperature structure of the outer layers may be al-tered with respect to that derived when radiative equilibrium isstrictly enforced. Furthermore, the dynamical nature of the stel-lar photosphere could influence the assumptions that are usedfor fixing vturb, for example, assuming that it is constant overthe stellar surface. A hint pointing towards a non-constantvalueof vturb is suggested by our results. Thus, the applicability ofsingle-star models to close binary stars may need to be criticallyassessed.

Acknowledgements. We wish to express our gratitude to Ivan Hubeny forguidance in the use and implementation of SYNSPEC49 and Andres Six-tos for performing the IRAF cross-correlation computationof the RVs.The authors also would like to acknowledge Jason Aufdenbergfor a care-ful reading of this paper and helpful comments. We acknowledge supportthrough the XMM/INTEGRAL PRODEX contract (Belspo), from the Fondsde Recherche Scientifique (FRS/FNRS); UNAM/DGAPA/PAPIIT grant IN-105313, and CONACYT grant 129343.

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