i^-'^'^fr" 7 '* ^i^.V^'-Ji^r 1 '**!****' a/V**** !*• • V 4 ' l ; y ^ y v v^'' 1 ! V V P-W^ f y d V W *<" *' * i-T^-tV-vV-v^'S-"** y- ^ ^ ^ i t ^ V ^ v ^ w . »*V^*fr.V;^-''*•*•""•* ^ ^ - ^ '.'VMT-ION .2 £=•" PA0;E /§.' THE ENTERPRISE, Ajff&tyAj^ W-.YQ IfR^AV, ^B»ffeMgE;R 4 # # W . s ..,'• Simd'ay : . visitors ' a t the Bisbreyi' home, 'were-, IMT. and Mrs. William j^agoftej- ajifl'cMWreii, Mr. and Mrs, HeriBafi- -'Fataer and son, .'iPjiank Rs.rn.ifcyv-, <>epi>ge ani Edwin ' Combs, j^'rAttr .Dprs.ett and da lighters, Mr. Wil'XiiiiSis •and' s i s t e r . . . -M.-, .-S^ieijlTOta . -,of S a a •Franeisco, Cai.,.has-been/ visiting Mrs. 'Friedman •ahd..daughter.' Mrs.'., ''StaiitoH .visited her parents-on" Saturday:. JB'dward Disbrew and son visited J. E. PSsbr^w of Keefers, Mr. Ihsbrew .has been very ill but is much im- proved. .' «». Daj.rym.en from Oswego,-'St. Law- nen.de,' and Jefferson counties recenl- . \y totired New-Jersey to study the iharlwi.t for dairy eartie replacements. Travel Sickness. asms TO RELIEVE ; MISERY OF • LIQUID . TABLETS ' SALVE NOSE DROPS COUGH DROPS Try "-Rub-My-Tism" * ... Liniment a .Wonderful (3S to ^2 Years Old) HEED THIS Are you going, thru these "trying years','? .Are' yo,u blue, cranky; NJ3RV/OTJS, sniffer not flashes;.' -weakness/ -dizziness, and' distress of irregular periods'—caused by!', this''period in a woman's fife? THEN-^.' •, . .-!T&ke famous-Lydia B,-. Pink-ham's Vegetable Compound, For over 60 year's.'Ptoknam's Compound' has helped .'hundreds' of- thousands of grateful women to -help, calm .un- strung nerves and to less.eB ahnpy-' ing'-.distj-ess due to this' functional dis'turMncei .-- ':••'••, -,'"•'. ..liydiaip.in^harals Compound is one medicine you can buy today-made- especially for- woliien. .Telephone.'- .yqiir druggist righpfiow for a bottle. . WORTH TRYING!!- : - ... ; ' ", a {*Vfi^eraxs«*Rehpitatio,a :!0c(p.4 : :j<m0-. W- -^iShH'stiff of sticky!- Soft—it , . spreads like-face cream. . . - ^ is actually spb.thingj-ljse right after shaving-—will .'not irritate.. " ^,hasligh,t >: pleas.antscent.NQsickly ; - .si^6H to-eling.tpJingerSQrcio.thing, ,. -^f wtillv hotspoil. delicate fabrics; ... ; ' -k: . . ',.; ' -' •-- -..;' .. ; •'. ._1j , Vet^'st^^a'A:Hiettc*piq8^--mad , 4'b7]lutses '• j&P-r<?sVe'i-thiati^0.dQri,a p r o t e c t s u n d e r try- •^iijg bjpn'd'i.titins'ito,tubes or jars>.1,06,2$c,.60c. ' . fycReiStinSiftabhXisyfac.jBridgeport,Coiin., WOOLD YOU GIVE A. PEN NY. to sttop that kzadaeAe.? •;'^'!^^i^p^.v^^e:-©ki^^a;' .' pill 1 ^ t i a l ^ ;'i(elieve4;&era;. ,Ji<3a<fc-- . ','^d^i'i.; JEi'' $je; •j?egtda*s-,iJtae'kag^;; ' ,-iJfe: )j^le|i:.itoL|ifpa:i|i,.' Wwk-"6i)^i v.&ae'^ony^cM* . fe&e egfeiiipttiy ' • pacK^gejsi' oiie'%;etoriy ! buys 1% . . ; . 'Hasty' jaste.gppdy act jpomptlyi . iilQ. : n,6t : ,ui>se& tKie,. ^tpjtiaph,; cph-* . ..tjifi' Jib pjp'iat^s 6i tax^tjW'e; mefflL- •' rcbiesj,:; ;'!'. ,-. ; •'"'-. ',::,H . Tfou^y.fae.jtoiiies away ptiihm. %tig ; ^ore, w%n ;ypu get yoiir ne:£t atia'clc' of tfqa&Ucliejlfjguf.al* '•!:• aiuyoiMusciilitr Achesjaiid Pdins. , Whir -not .get'-'JS. pacRag^" of Dr;' '•;•••; Mile^ •• AntirPaiii 1 ; : .^4is tpday.; an(J" "'"•fe, .prepared" |pr eipe^gencies,? ".. '/'-. .''-.j^i^.:-^«^'g^ ; '^^*lU«,'.'2ft|.'''' '.' -|^j»!^-'-fei^^ej--l^:,PUIi-;-'?Eii'. "aea.ii.ty" is the sn^geat of the iesspn^sermon in a-l:l -.ChiiMclies of Cin-ist, Scientist, on Sunday, Sept. .28. The. golden text is: "Behold, 1 create new neavens and a new earth: a.nd the iToi'mer shall not be-j'emember- ed-, nor come Into Band"' (Isaiah 85: W- , . . Among the citations -wto-ci comprise U;e -lesspn'Sei-mon is the -following fr'pm the 13ible: "Sing- unto the Lord, all the earth; shew forth from day to day his salvation . . . For great is the Lord., and greatly to be praised: he also is'tp be feared above .all gods. <For all the gods of the people are idols; but the Lord made the heavens- . . • . Give .unto the Lord the glory due unto his name: bring an offering, •and come before' him: worship the Lord in the beautv of holiness" (1 Cnron. 16: 23, .26-2(1,'29). The lesson-serinon also includes ilie following sejeciions from the' text- book of Christian Science, "Science and Health with Key to the Scrip- tures," by. JMary Baker Eddy: "The Scriptures imply that -God is. All-in-all. From this it follows that nothing pos- sesses reality -nor exitsence except the divine mind and His ideas . . . lie fills all space, and it is impossible to conceive oi -such omnipresence and individuality except as infinite Spirit or M'fnd. Hence all is Spirit and spiri- tual . . . For right reasoning ilieje should, be hut one tact before the ihbughl, namely, spiritual existence" (j))i. «;{], 11)2;. Legal Notices —* NOTICE .TO CREDITORS Estate of H o.rao'e 1 Pry Uy orfli-.r at Hon. J2d'\yaj-d G. JAofttui,, ,Stiivolute of l i i e OtM.Mtt.v 'of Alliany XOTII'I'; JS j-pjawauy: <jrvKN,- arcord- iii'tr t o - i a w to all porsons ImvitiS' PlainiK or cli'iii;i!).d,s ag-ain,?! H o r a c e .l-'jj'.v . l a t e of the (.'iiy of .ii'tany in said County, de- reaKed, thai I hey are required ti) ex- h.i'Mt (he ffiuile, Willi the vtmohrt.'B in .support -llieivot. to die .-uibKcriher, the IC-seciilu-r of tile Jjns-t >\ ill and Testa- ment of said deceased, at hi.s place of u-.-inwirtin-g- iHis-ineK.s, us such Kxeculbr ai ttii suiie. Kweet, AHMUI.V, N. V. on or Jiefoi-i- illi- pts-L day of Al.-ircli, 1IM2 next.. t>aled .\lliany, -\. V.-tin* 2Jili d a y 61 Septe.m.liei- A . P . . I M 1 . THOM.VS A. ALLEN, l-Ixeeutor, nil Stale St., Albany, N . Y. bany TO THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK By The Grace of God Independent Free And New Salem COMMUNITY NOTES Mr. iind Mrs. Albeit 'Hock have been enjoying a two' weeks' vacation, at Atlantic Oily and Washington, fi, C. While in Washington they were guests at the Commodore hPtel. They visited the White il'ouse, Congress Hall and other administration build- ings. Washington is justly 'called the city of heautil'iil buildings, each one seem.ing more beautiful than the. last. To anyone- who has visited there, comes a thrill (hat lingers long after they .have departed the city. Mrs. Merton iOnos, Mrs. Enos Sr., and • Mrs. ''Albert Rock motored to Rainbow Inn for luncheon, Wednes- day. - . Mivand Mrs-Chester Meal attended the races at Great Barrington, Mass..', this week. Mr.. Meal has returned to. Michigan where he manages the interests of the firm during the sum- mer months, and will return to the Albany office about Oct.. 15.,' Mrs. Edward Strank-.a of Brooklyn is a guest of Mr. and Mrs. George Klapp of the South'Road, fortwo weeks. More tha-ii three hundred persons' attended • the clambake and dance given by the New Scotland Democra- tic social club- recently at Holder's Grove, New Salem." Mrs. .Benjamin M.eyer, who is. the leader on textiles of the Home' Bureau hptne irialte'rs.'.projects, attended- the rneetinkfor.leaders of this project at Albany recently. ' . Mr.- ; and . Mrs. Wesley Albright at- tended a reunion at. Fonda,- Sunday, in'company with friends., ... A thought for today for all of its:' . There's so mtich'gjpod in the. worst -pf - . us, . -• And so much bad-in the best of us,- That; it scarcely behooves any of .us .To talk about'the rest of us. - To John Doe. Mary Doe, Richard Roj? and Jape Jtoe. fieii-iions uairrr.s intended lo represent unknown tlistrihiHees whose na-nie.s and r< s i d e n e e s atv unkno-wu and ciniH.it after due d-iligence ite ascertai'iied, and lo .Mary Duiin. -Notling-ham, ,England'- heirs ai law and. next of kin of AIAR- (J.UIET K JIAkKKTT tail- of the County uf Alban.y, deewised,. and the person named a.s x.'.\ccul.or, te^tam<'iitary trus- tee, guardian, and each person named as ^-.xe<'utof, lestameittary, trustee. j^-uardian or henetieiary in any other will of said testator filed'in Ibis office, send GKEJ3T- I.V'J.- WHratI3A«,' WlIJ.I.\J-f D.\L1?0'BIUEN of the i'i(y of. Cohocs in the County of Alliany has made application lo our Suri'oK.Me-s Court of Die County of Al- May;. ; 194H, S a f t ?„^,W.«rL-w-'-». ':• *«-.^w-u.x %5%~1$ W> S<iflawai'£' Avewvie,- Alteny,': N e w 'Koi-l.c,.. d,eot.a.sed. Tl ; SE!iaiai'ORE;. *ou! «.na:-e.a-oh; ot-,'yv,u, are hereby eitea v .'tb- s n o w Kains.e-,|j6(fore our «a4*. SiDfrogate rtru we •Opvnty<a;.jvn»iii.\, at the S-ii.r,i!Og'atefs,' ^"''f^f'Sali'CouniA. iit-Pid. i n - t h e : e'6uirM.y; V„ - n ,'*^ u se''li.i ihe Ci.ty of Albany'on the- Slst-day..of octivhw, liltt, at" ten oolpcac Ju the',f 0 ,- t .„„ ( ,n <,r that' : aay,AVliy", pie. insjatuimient offered herein'shbuia not-' ue actrn'tt-tea•to pi-olwie as. .and' -for. th.fe ! last .WJll .a;,1(j 're*!anient of said, d'e-: ceased.-.••. • -,- •IN 'WiSS'TIJVCOKY W H B R E O i r , Wo liwe caused: the-.geail of ilu- Stn'ros'a.te's Court ol the saidi-Oovmiv of -Vlhany, to ibe here- unto affixed.- ••' JfciSi 8 *' of ihe Sui-roB-ate'.s.-<3otii>t, waa^Ess, aaoK. VAAY.UID G. RO&AXI; Miwog-at:e..pi bur said County, u the Oity, pf Albany,.on. UT- l-ih day of-Septemb'er in the y.ea.k of-our lxird, one fhihisajifl: nine niiftdi-ex3 'a.nri ftu-ty-one. : •. .... Ci'tAKLKS M. PRT05NJD; " „„,,. - -Clerl's: of ih" Surrogates' eorirt. WiHiaan V D.; .o-j-hi. n. Department •' of State,•• Jjppm ]e«. Capitol, . Albany; _J^ r Yp.rk..'. ' lf)-5:t TO THE..PEO>LE OF THE STATE OF ... ;.'.• NEW YORK B-y The.' •Grace of God Independent Free And -Subscribe to. t n e JHlnterpnse^—'?1-.5(1 a year. ' ----- - ^ x^<3'"o..'u.-.if AU:-i>'". r^'-c^T>>^'*B*--«y; ' tZ ** c ?? t \ . iThe .cream ti use before- . , . [ the.-, evening. Hance: .No ^n -' j rubbing, orf-no touching V." ,';qp; .A .trial v»iIiconvince.'-|' ^^fe^.W'Al^'Flo*. MiitSm-TiA'.f '.' may «£fectthe Heart ..-.'-.'..'' '• .. Ga« trapped'Ui tbo <toma'6h'or' Ai'HetVtui'/act l i i i »' baii-trijBit on the boart. At ! -.tbe flrst.slga of BtStteM • am.art tnon and- women..depend' on Beli-*ana.tCabieti to" .•o.t .80S. froe; ,: No laiaitw' b'ut'.niade of the: fastest?: •c'tlne-medicines.known.rdi' acta lhatgertlon. If ta»- .BIBST BOSISUoe8ii't/iirl!vo,.BBU- I anB'.'hetter,.'retam: .bOttlo lo>u»,indiecbtTOEOuTjriEi,ilonw Ba'ct-260.' igB .... ,„_. .* BY YOUR LAXATIVE-RELIEVE CONSTIPATION THIS MODERN WAY #''Wjh^n you- feel gassy, headachy;., logy dtie "to cjogged^iip bowels, d a as millions dp-T-take.Efe'enrArMiht at bedtime..Next iriornmg —thqroughi comfortable 'relief,, helping- you ^tart the dayr &ll.bf yoiir •hdrhjal energy and, pepi .feeljiigjiBsJS- - ialIllo>ii . jLieeu-A-iVlint- .doesn't' .disturb your flight's rest Or interfere wHh-WorU&o. next.day^ Iry tfeenrA-^int, thei.phewi'bg giim laxative^ yourself. Ifiastea good, i6a : handy .and econoinital;. i a. family supply. • jcostsonly, •. ' . .', -.•. A-MINT BIBLE CONFERENCE A 'delegation :from Esperance at- tended the . Branch of Eastern N<ew Vork Bible •Conference held at Rural Grove—-Sunday. They were Mr. and' Mrs. Ed-win Martin, Mr. and Mi's. Ir-v-- ing Cetter, Phyllis Getter; Arlehe Conover, A. J. Mcintosh,- Miss Mar- garet Mcintosh, Miss Sophia. Van Vechten, Mrs. Blanche Rockwell, .Miss Abbie McCarty, Miss -Anna "^.Rock- well, Mrs. Hattie Jen.es and Mr. ancl Mrs. Fred A. Moiitanye. . To Dglig-ht'-Gwvnn: Howard Gwynrij Allen .Gw.ynn; William G-wyijn; George Uwynn;.. .;Mary. ilwyrni;. 'Esther Gwynii; Iwlward G-W-ynn: T h o m a s ' G-wynn-;' Affiles b-wymif -'-eieveianil (.Jwymi; 'Alfred- Sud- horotigh; James Su<ll>oroug'h; r-ticliiird biidboroug-hj-Levi-u- Thomas; and :Patil J nomas, all' of whom are; children of- deceased..>bi>otrii'is and sisters'of Flora --,.,— - .. ...,..„ .„-,, , U (Le-uisa/^.vswynn, deceased., and whose thousand .nine hundred, and fort-v-one. r>l,lf.^C.' _,.* . .. _ ,^_ • . , /«m A 1 \ *iill ,fujd-: '.Testament'-..-im-tV Opdlcii of <jJiOT'Ies-.ini'.ecToi'iPk B i s h o p - l a t e of the City- *^i£&R 1 i& '' &x ' -«ba.ny,' clecea.seci. ^^li.HlfllpORJS, you'.and each, of you, are Jjeretoy iQited .*o «h;oM' cause -befo)^ our mid-Siuiragratii' in: -the Oonn'ty.of Albany,- i ,!t '.,*ifl?' '^."'-roffate'-s ^fO'vi-rt of- sa.id -opunty, M* l" We. "County.'Court .T-tdpso in -the t-fty'Of Albany Qil-the 3G«r -flay-of Oc- tpbetv .MUX,"-at .telii B'«loeit in the fore- ,iiop>i' of that.- day, . wiiy, ..tlte. instrumrents oTfere.d". toere-in -'shonW-. not be adimltted' to pfpibate as and-..'for th§ l a s t AVfli and rfcstanient p't 'sftldi -d'eoeasefl. -IN TKaTliKirONS" WHETWilQF We have caused the -Seat PC the. Swri-og-ate's Court Of .the -saifl :. Comity of Albany, to be 'hereunto .affiled. - " ? (L, s,0 .AX'tTOUpS,. HON. EDW.iTO G. nmnded fit the ooiinpinlnl. Ja-st-Wi-U- and -a>sUuMwt Pf. SiUd d(?-- '"Sfa-iraSTawom ^wlfl^r^soF » i i w caused the 'Sp-al of thfl.Sw-roKU.tes < «i t of the -.said County ot Albany, to bo ^aTtP'-^heid-in the Opuh'ty <«M- S ^ ^ ^ ^ - S ^ S bany DAT-iSP: July 30tb, f»'».'- UXCW :& .POSKAA'ZKR, Atloriieys fpi- IPlaintrilT, Office and Posl- ' office Addi-p.ss, Booms J4,-17 Stcefol I Bldg-., 1& State SI.., Altafiy, N. Y. TO";" KUT^I.M: DOlH^WXB-^ The" 'I'Qifegoi.rrg' SuAi/nwras i s - s e r v e d . WP- on you'by TOiblication, pursuant to prfler Of Hon, .-Francis .Bergan, a. Justice of the. S-upreine-eauri-of the Stole pf Now, York,, tUtted Augiist' It'll 3*11, and 'filed wl-tl'i, the Goniipiaint in the office of the .Clerk of-the Gonnty of AllMiny, in the 'County Court House-in .the Cily'aiid County. 6f ^Alrj/ariy',' S t a t e of Ne-vy 'York, oil the fit-]i: dii^'.of Atis-nst, itO'll. IS1OS1A.N', - SU'i-rogA'te of our 'saad County, Dated: AJ'b'any, '.'N. Y'., 'August' iith, M the City of AJhany, on' the 8th day •"""' of .Septciiiiber-, -in t h e year of pur Lord-, one 'thousand nine .luu'ioVed and for'tv'- one. - ":•'''•.. V CiHAiRiLEe. M.'. Jiaj.iEN©, o*-j- eie, ' k ot lbti Surrogate's Court. Stedman.& Stedmi.aii, Attorneys, 51 State Street,•• Albany,' ?}. '.'y» o-5t S T A T E 0 F N E W V O R K SS: i9«-; .TLLCH& POSKANZER, Attorneys-'-for Plaintiff, 78 State St'.; Al- •ba.fiy, N. -Y:' '..."• 7-Bt •-.;.• NOTICE TO CREDITORS . Estate of' John- .JE-d'.ward .Frederick. "By order of Hfon, Edward G. -teogan, Surrogate of -tile Co'imty tff Albaiiy. . NOTICE IS ifelOSEY GIVEN, .accord.- 'ing. to law to all. persons .haying claims ot- demands, against John EdwSii'd'.'F'red- erick late of- the 'City of Albany.in said County., deceased, that, they are required to exhibit, the same, with the vouchers in support thereof, to. the subscriber,- the ... .,, ,- .,--.-- Executor of .tile last -Will ana .Testament complied, with section one hundred and'-of said deceased, at..its place of fcr-ans- uye '9.t tli;e .Stock,' Corporation haw, and' .Acting-' business, a s ' such'Executor at GO c ^ x M ? t ' S „ ^ •' ' SliU ? Street,' Albany,.'^. Y. .011 or before. GIVJiN IN /DFPLIP'ATE under m y t h e m i l d a y o f September, next, hand-and'official, seal or the.Department I- Dated Albany, -N,' Y. this 17th d a y .of of-State, at the- City of Albany, this March. A. D. '1()«. twenty-sec.ondf 'day, of September "'' '" " at the City of Albany, on the -W aw of SepteTriber in the year of our uoii, one thousand iiftie hundred omd foils- •° m : CHARLKS/M. FBIBNP, Cleric of the fiiiwogflle's to ••Russell ' G.. i-Hunt, Altprnoy, .75 Street, Aitoiy, N , Y. OUI't, State 8-5't THE" peO'PL'E OF THE STATE OF •' NEW- YORK , By. The Grace .of Gqd •lii.clepebdent Free And PEPARTM.ENT OF STATE . 1 -.DrO-.H-EiRlSBY C E R T I F Y that a Cer- tificate, of diissohitioii of BEAN BROTFl-' J3RS&. QO.., ,1'N.C: has. been, filed in; this depa.rLiiient-this day and that it appears therefixnii that such corporation ha-s MINISTER GUEST HERE Rev. Harry Brown of .Carlisle, -a former minister of the Esperance Presbyterian church, occupied the' pulpit of the (Methodist ' church Sun- day night at A union service. RUiRAL CAR.RIERS MEET The Executive .'eommittee • of. the- Capital,City Rural Letter Carriers as- sociation were entertained Saturday night :at the home of. Mr..' and Mrs. Fred J.- Montanye,- PAST POCAHONTAS SUPPER A covered-dish, supper will be. serv- ed for the .menrbers of the Past Po- cahontas at.their monthly meeting in the (Red Men's .'Hair Wednesday 'night; Oct. 1. • . POCAHONTAS MEETING The regulai'- Pocahontas meeting was .held.in th-e hall-''Saturday "night. Acting on the refreshment "committee. Hyere - M r s . "-"V^n.ljam Montariye ''and Mm, Herman Van Natta.. At the business meeting' -plans:-were made for .a roast pork supper 'to be' he>ld .Oct: '29.' '•'-.-'•' HOME BUREAU. M.;EETS The local fjome Bureau' held its first fali meeting. Tuesday in- the .fire hall, 'Plans' were -made-, for .the year's work; Mrs. Morris -Kark-er act- ed as chairman of' t h e meeting.. Attend : ip.gVwere Mrs. Nita.G-age, Mrs. Mbrris Kar'kerj' Mrs. . Roland. ; Gage, Mrs. .Wafter' Hunter, Mrs; Frances Brown, 'Mrs. Harold -Edwards, Miss Ramona.Rockwell, Mrs. Lelahd'Smith, Mrsl Nellie .Bissell, .Mrs: H'arr.y Eck- ert, arid;-Mrs. John: McDohald. ]••• .'Several of -tlte Esperartce. mehibefs a t t e n d e d ..'-.the .county. Home Bureau meeting in CoMeskiil oh Wednesday, LIVEWARE 4-'H; MEETING The Liveware 4-H club: held its final meeting of the year Tuesday' night in Esperance Depot"'school- house. The records for the year were- completed. Acting on. the -social committee w-e're, Emily .0i'eede arid. . Waltetf" Easton. -JCrs. .Viola : Let'tis wjEi lead'.'t'he/elub, for another year. . She will ,be assist? 3d Mrs. Ernest Dane. . Attending Tuesday 'night's meeting were Waiater,' Wiliar'd and Schuyler Martin, Kent: Frisbee, Paitrl' Browri, Phyllis Getter,-Walter Easton, Donald. Avery, Theliaa. Lettis, Emily Cree.de, Mrs.' Irving •• G-et'te.r and Mrs. Viola- Lettis. . ' - Places .of.- Eesltlr'noe are. unknown and. cannot, after- due diligence, • be '.ascer- tained,, the heirs at law. and. next of kin of- Flora..!,. -.(Loins:!) Gwymi' late of- t h e County ,-pf -Aiiibany. deceased., a n d t h e person/named'- as i-xi-aptor, testamentai'y trustee-, graataian. a.nd each person'named' as exee.utpr,.:test.'iiiH'ntar'y trustee, .guard-' Ian.-or behe'ficia iv in any other-will of SUrt„ test ? Lt01 ' «'ed in this- office jsend GRIpETIIiq.: ' ' . ' mmitiSAS, 'mith Gwynn' of .the-' CitV ol Albany' : 'i.n the County, of -Albany, N. 1. has .-malde' applieaii.011. to oiir S.ui-i'0-'" pvte.s Court of Hie County of .'Albany to have a certain instrument in'- writing",' tiea'ring date the :>ili day' of May, 1S1G relating .to real ami personal'- estate, duly proved a s the Last Will and Testa.--' nient.of .Flora l>. (Louisa) Gwynn .late' "I the City' of .Alliany. N." Y. deceased. TI-rilJRBFO'Rai), you and each-of: you, are hereby .cited, to show cause before, oiir sa.fd Surrogate' in ihe County of Albany,, rtt th,e-Surrogate's t.'ourt of .said Co'upty, held in the'County Court'House in the City of Albany on the Tlth' d a y of -Oc- tober, 1041, at ten o'clock in the. fore- noon of that..day, why the--.instrument olfered herein--should n o t h e adirnitteid to. probate as and lor the last Will and Testament:'of said deceased. • • , IN TESTIMONY WiTEREOF, .We. bavd caused; the Seat of ihe- Sii-r-i'dg-a-te's. Court: ot the sale!'- ..County of Albany, to be' hereunto .affixed. ' • (L..S.)".WITNESS, HON, EDWAttb G. ROGAN, Siirrbgiile or our said .'County;, a I the City, pf Albany, on the 8th 'day of Se'ptcntb'er iri. .the year of 'our Lord, .one thousand nine -hundred abd forty-one. '"••' CTt'lRLES M.; FRirBN'D, - .derk. of the-Surrogated Ooitit. Woollard and-iMoiris, Attorneys, 91.State .St., Albany, "N. al*. - • 9-5t (SEAL) ".'.'. 3HCHA.EL V. WAUSH, ' '.-•-. Secretary of sinln. ' By I'^RA-NK S. SH'ARP, .. De,]'nity' Secretary of Slate. -Dug-q,n, 13ii.rkb.iiff & Diigan, Attorneys, 100 State.St., Albany, N. Y.' lt'-2t NO'f'IC,fe:.TO CREDITORS :,:'• Estate- of. Pauline •St'rbu'sfe ' By order'" of! Hon. Edward--O. • Rogan, Sifrrogate of-..the County, of Albany.- . ] NOTIQE IS ..HEREBY' GJ.ViSN; accord-, ing .to- law tp'.aJl persons, iiav-ing- claims or .dg-mands a-grairrst Pauline StnOiisg; Jate of the City' of.-Albany,', in said County, .deceased,'tha^'they a re.: required'to 'ex- hibit the game, with -the vouchers hi; support- thereof, to the -subscriber; the- executpr under; the .last- W3I1 'and' Test*-; .ment and.;Cpdacil .oif.' se&&'...'deceased,'.' -.at' •his: plac'e'pf'^ra^tsWStihg'-rliisiness-,' •a&' , 'stfcrh : ; executor at the. law offipes' PF i>ugah, Barkhuff & Dugah, his -attorneys; • at: 100 State Street,' Albany,: New .York, ."on, or before the 13th : day of. iSfarch,'. 1042/. •' Dated'-Albany, :N". Y'.,", this, St-h" day Pf- Septen'iber A.. D.,' J'941..- '••.; .•IKVIN© S,.ADI>33E-,"--; • . -''Executor:-' Dugan, Barkhuff &.Dug:ari, Attorneys'for' 1 Executor, 100' •' State: .-'Street;'- -Atbariy,; New York. v. '•••;. : NOTICE t.6 CREDITORS : Estate- of Henry Ryony By order of H p h . •'. E d w a r d " G. ROgarj, Surrogate of the 'County pf"Albany. ' , NOTICE fS H3^E»y. ; if4t3v"EN: r accord- ing to law to. ail-persons-having-'•••claims, or demands against -Henry-Rydn late "of the City of Albany in'said--Co.tin.ty, .de- ceased, that the.y .'are • rectuired.. to- .ex -hibit the s a m e , . • 'vvitfc the '• voucliers. in: support thereof," to the •siTbscrfBer, ^the" Executor of.- tHe^; L a s t ' . W i l l . , a i i d :-T'esta-, ment of said decea.'seaj.'at"'it : s place of; transacting business,' as' such.. Eoc'eoutor at No. (in State'- iStreet;.' A-lbariyi Nfew Tprlc on o r before the l-8tri.-da.y o-f Sfafeli: .next. Dated Albany,, •&., Y. this 8fch'.day of Septemiber A. D.,. .1941.. , -' . '•.--, NATtONAL COWVEMciAiJ' -BAKE- AND TRrJST CO., BiecUtor. : ."'••",. ' John. F. O'Brien-;/Attorney for Executor, 90 State St.,' Albahy, N"..-.T:. •• ..-.'.. NOTICE TO CREDITORS •Estate, of Julius H. Bruder ^.By. order- of-Hon.. .Edward "G, Rogan, Surrogate of the County "of Albany. 'NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, accord- ing to law to. all persons having claims or demands against. Julius H. Bfudor', late of the City^-of--'Albany; in said County, deceased, that they are recttiired,- to "exhibit the- Sanie,. with the. vouchor-*' 1: NATIONAL COMJtERCIAL BANK AM> T R U S T COMa.^ANY 01<- ALBANY, N , t . , ..'••' ' Executor, STATE OF NEW YORK— SUPREIVIE COURT :— ALBANY COUNTY ZOLA BIRDSALL; Plaintiff, "against GEORGE. BIRDSALL, Defendant. . 'ACTION TO ANNUL A MARRIAGE" -in support thereof, to .the subscriber, tire •Lxeeut-rix..ot'.,the Estate of said deceased, •at her-.place.-of...'transacting business, as : -stiQh Executrix at the office of'Wiialen, M,cNani.e.ev' Cre'Mo &' iN r 'ich'ol,s, '7(5 State Street; Albany, New Yoi-'k, .011 or before the 23rd' clay of 0ece,iniber,'-next.-' ...Dated-' Albany, ,-N. Y„ this 20tllday of June,'.A. D. 3941, ,.' THERESA. BRtlDER, ' ; '„ ,-. •' ', '..'•: •••• Executrix/, Wlralen, MoNamee,- Cr.oble •&'•'Nichols,' •..Attorneys' fbr Executrix, 70 State St., Albany,- N.- Y-..- ' ,- , SUP.R-EME. CbUR'.t^AL'BAN'Y .'COUNTY ALBANY - LOU'cioNVI'LLE .^STATES jCORPORATION, .Plaintiff^ against LAURA ..,M.' STEVENS, , individually • X«9'as'administratrix of the-'Estite" of JAMES 'EDWIN .MILLER, deceased, ot. a!,. Defendants. • • • • : . • '• In pursuanco of a jud'gm'ent' of foro- closure 'and. sale . duly granted in the .-above entitled action, and, entered in the. .office'pf.,the Clerk of. .the: County of Al- «any on.-the 9tb day of-Septemiber • 1941, L, the/uiide.rsigtjod Referee in said'-ju'dg- apent- nMned; .will. sell • at .p'uiblic ' aiiCUon• ;atrthe .Bag-le v?;treet entrance .of the-Al- bany County Court House in'the' City lof- A l b a n y , County, of 'Albany, State-' of ^e\v York,-, on the. '2Stlr-da.y of October-,•' 1941-, at eleven • o'clock, '-East'em,Standard Time, in. the forenoon, of .'that day the 'premises •.tfireetea '..by S'tiid judgment to. •be sold and 1 therein described as 'follows:- '.ALL : .T/HJW "TliACT Or .parcel of land: ;sittiate -i.h t h e Town, pf• Cbloaie; Coinity. jpf; Albany ..and ..State.-.of -New. York,- afitf fbriefly d.esoii)bed v as follows:.' '•• . Lot ,NP. G. on.a .-mat* entitled', '.'Allaah'y' Loudonyille..Estates Corp. Section •One*", i.dat.ed-September'.20th;. : .1925, arid filed in the- office of the Clerk of Albany 'County' ipc-ttJ-be'r : 2«v. •I.025, saiai'-H'ot-, -betng one |hundred .feet (100 feet). .front'.and rear ;and- one hundred! sixty-four, and'•-seventy- : •five.'h.und'r.edths': (1G4.75): feet in depth.'. Dated: 'Septemibej- 10th, 3943. . ; . ' . - . . • ..AltTHUtR; • E. Mc'CORMlfiK, "'-•"•"'-. £i(*f'cr&Q JOHN .R; Tratirs, 'Attorney, for -plain-' ' . tiff. Office arid- :Post Office- Ad'di.'c'ss; 75.-State Street,'Al'bany, New York. *-7t NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate, of Rebecca Gneerrfield, sornetltries .: . -called .B&ckie .GreeHfle'1.6! % . By order' of HO'h.Ed'Vvara' <3, Rogari, Surrogate; of the: Qounty'-pf'Albany, NOTICE IS HI^IEBY: <3lVli)N,.' accord^' .trig to -la-w to- ail pe'rsorife' ImVihg-'elai'itis .or- demands'.against- R-eibedea Greenfield; sometimes called Bepkle Crreehfield, ')ate : of the. City of, Albany'in said County, .deceased-,- that 'they, are .reqiilred'/'to ex- Ihiljit. the- Sfime, witlv,'the vouchers Iri support thereof, to .the '.subscriber, t-fte • a d m i n i s t r a t o r , . of'..--§a.i.d deeeased, ,'af his iplaee -of .-.transacting business;...as such aam.ihistra.tor, at the "law'.bf'flee of R-ieh'ard; O'/piBassett) ,93 State ..Street,'Albany, N-.' Y„ 'on or-'-before. the.-40th day of'.NPvem-. be'r next. ' ' ,. ' " •'.'/.• . Dated. Albany this 14-th- day of May : A..,..D., 1941-. •"'..•• ;i " .' ... SAMUEL GREENFIELD,; '. , :.•-• '. -, - Aciminis'trator..'- Richard O. Bassett/ Attorney for' Ad-. ministrator, .'9'3 State" .Street, .Albany'/' . New. York, /•..' -'•.-. ' " COMiM.UlSIITY.:NOTES. Mrs.' George, .Ch-are'tte of Sclienec- Sady is s p e n d i n g -a. fe-siv d a y s w i t h Mrs. iVIiitpn'Br.own..'. .Br;'and'Mrs. '©eorge Righter and 30'ri. of-Aiba-ny W'e're. guests of Mrs.- Nellie Bi'ssell. ' 'Paul'Benson •of Pine Canip is at the feme t>t his' parents. ' ' Mrs; Clayton, Gi-'ookes returned, from JtSliis: hojpsltal,. Schenectady. , „ : Mi', and Mrs. Howard Oono'ver and family of'-.SlingerJands . , and^ Mr. and Mi's-. Btrarik C'on^er and daughter of yooi-hees-ville . viait'ed,' Mr. and Mrs .Wilia-am- Qonover an'd ; Mit. arid Mrs. Z. Smith', Sunday. Mr! 'a : nti Mrs. iRae ' Montanye of Johiistawn #era ; 'guests' 'Satuiiaa-y night of Mr. and>-Mrs. William' Montanye. .Hunter Dale, will leave'Sept. 26 for dkiahonia c i t y Tvh-ere he. Tv-iil study avia-tton,., .. ;.-... iMr; .'atwl...-rilajs'. lEJdWiard Wands of' S'Chehe.c-tadiy' Tver-e; .iSuiiday', .ghegts' of -Mr. arid'-Mrs.-, J.osepli, ;^ahdB. •'. .- Mrs;. Charles ,-;.J^oatahye.' : spent the-: ?weelc ea& ih. Schehee'ta-d-y... : M;ri. -Ed-Tvard . Efeynoid^ St''-Fonda' Visited'MfcVand iii-rs.; 'Wm&, .A.' Mon-' •tAnyj^Sfya^rTr--^. '••'. •' ;;'.-. -.. . Ma-.-;' aM' MiiS't"' -0nt, ;Iip.c'liw-e]l Of! •Schenectady visited, at -the RoGkwell-: B'clteit aorrie. .'•' 'Ma--.,.,an,;d'..Mrs'/.a?Taak Br.itt of Sche^ iieOtatfy-' yKejse- recent' .guests of Mr. Isarid' Mirs'., H e n r y Meiucle.. '.Mfj-aijii Mrg. Ray.mond Smith aiid faniily of 4ihany - and Mr. and- Mrs. Tiieroit TaMmadg'e of Sloansville •yisd'ted .at- tHe ; home of Mr, and. Mrs.' ia.Staith. . MX. ftM M r s . Harvey f "eetz and-' ffamily entertaihed M-iss Elmida Spen- cer of Schenectady. NOTICE ,*0;.i.C'R'-EJ,E)-|.TBR;S, . :'•-.. Estate of':W-iihamvB'ra'dt- ."''' By order of Hon.;.' Edlwdirfl''•.'&•' Rogaris Surrogate of the-.&OTfrfiy >o£ AJb-any.- :•-.-' NOTtCR IS HEJR^^y-.aWTSN.,, .a'cfeord-; in.g to law to-all' persons-'Uavirlir' claims or d'emands agaihsSt' #:iiliarni Bratd*, late of the Town of /iSTew: JScbtla'm'd' In salid •County. r|,.r.p;,s.Qa( tihat..they-are jteptiiretl £0" exhibit the-sa/rae'i writht .the y/o'ubhers in support .tbei-eofv-.to; the' •sii'bscW'ber; tifie Adrnjiiisii-ati-ix of tWe'.gP(Jd;Si,,clia;tte'ls- and; credits- of said d'e'e.e'as'ed',' at h,er-..pla)ce'..Pf, transacting- busiriessv as >9ti'eh , :'ad.rh'in, ; i^tt!a'- trix at (he la«r'';d'i)fii-ee ol'-r Behdpr;;, Ford-; -Benson & Com-stbekv &feto»ii'e.ys;,"a ; 09- 'Staite' Street, Albany jgeSV.-Ydi^'.'oh or ''beffire; the, ISth diiy of 'aEareto iieact.; ' •.' :; \, ' Dated Albany;;'K: '<Y:.-Wi$ 9thi- day.Pf, September A. Di,-:-tyi%\:." .-'• ..,:•'•'.' .•••.•; ' ''jfaJTTEEi'-Ei'i'JO'N^S; ... Administratrix of'.'411'©'g'Ppd^.eh'attels. and' credits of WiH'iaiii'. Biiadli,, Deceased-.-.'. ,' Bender, |.-„ivl, ^fihs<fn?~&:''&iS^ta(i\t;. -At- torneya, Hm State.''Stij.AthajhK.Jf. %.-• STATE OF :'iOEW YORK' •'.'-.' .'.':''. SS.* 'BEPARTMENT OFy STATE •' " ' :'',r.DO HERE-By CERTIFY.that a cer- •tificate- of. :,a%oi.ution •' 6f TOMPAUL RtEAX-TY' CO-. 'INC.- has: been . filed' in this department:this day a.ndi that-it'ap- :pears. ,therefrOnii '-that- such" Corporatio-n has . comtpjied' with section one -hund'>r'ed- .iind• fo'-ve, of the Stock ^*orporatio.n,'LaW-,; :and. that it is flissolved'. • , ••.'(SEAL). - G-WEN IN Dirp'LlCATE' iurider rny hftnd and offielai seal- of thfe; Department pf iS'taite; at the City of A1-' iban'-y this fifteenth, day pf Septemiber, .one;- th'ousa.ndi bine .blindred and forty- one,: ••• • MICHAEL F. WALSH, Secretary of State.' 'By FRANK S-. 9HA.RP, , •. ,.; -. --. ('..-.D'epUty''Secretary of'-S-tate.-' ,'JH'oh. &. Ppskanzeir, Ait'torneys, • 78 State ' St.,. 41b'aiiy,..N.-:. Y;-. •' ; - . iO-2't- ..-.'.•. .. #ojrre i e.' f-a- 'CBE?D"fT0Rs•• .'..• 'Estate bf'./O;.' Ed'Svard- Jones ' ; By' .order" pf-. fion:, E d w a r d O. Rogan; -Sin^bgate, of..;t'lie. County of Albany. / :. WOTXCE' TS HEREBY G-IV^EN, aoodtftj-- ling-to laiW to alfperSonS. having eiairri'S; ;pr.'.dem^iridH-;:against- d; Edward- Jones-: ,3ate,.pf .iih'eCity..of Aifbany In said Gouh'ty; .deceased, .that'they -are- recfulfed' ie' ex-'! ;|pjliit. tine Same; ' with the votieh-e*'s ? - W- isufip-bilt .thereof;-- tP, tlier. .subscribers, .'the: 'executors.,of saii'd .de.ce.ase&,:, at their place- <Pf.' t r a n s a c t i n g ' ' 'btis.ffiefs'; : as"-sti.ch exeeu-f-. foils-; at-la* e-ffice-'df B'yi'he, Jeraim and' ;Cas6y, W'iN'o. • Ei-Sajrf'. ;St,y .Alilaahy",' N,' Y; fdn;or before' the.1st. day .of OetPber next., ,-. .•D;a.ted't'liis-'5'th d'iy of• BSarcii &,-•:•£>.,: $sm>.- - . ••-• - • . ' • '.•-• -• ••••• -•'.:' .. -:•-. ' 0 L A R A ..'yVALKER;. ..TONifiSi-.-' TH E PEOPLE-: "03= •: TfiET. ' S T A T E ' - 0'F' NlEVW^QWrS...'::; ', •;. ', '-. .:;. ••ymi%^AM'iW: : -:&m^0^. ••'•• ,(. . , '.'•'.'•'.-•" ;-. ; ; ;Ejt,edufoi's. IByrrie,' Jerahi-• ana "Casey, 'Attorney^ 'for •;' Executors; ".-la; -iNPs 'PeswX St.,-' Albany, " .N.ew'.;YPrfc.'.. : -.- : .'-..-; •• - ' . ; By The Grace':- of' G'odi.. l.-ri-d%pertdeti#'.'.- iPir-ee fcArid- TO: xurm li'-BAiasR,, -^m^W& B. • Fl N( ".H, HIEJDErlSM: 'SOYCP-;' L33M?E!33iy s. FIj\'< <K, LORifijNz;®;"'-'-. -B.;. -,' BAITER,,. ; HENB.Y H. KOi33^/ ; -I#tfOBrASP'CS: Altfip.; IJ-ABoVIllBRS' B/bNirt-- ofc ' AiLBANY r - ' .'KMI-" urAi^ri-EL B,u ir rasT,'iCii!riSies, AjyBA«! HOSPITAL, . xtmiiE&pMSu,-- tfOs^raAfo, ST. - PIWRR'S ':'.' ''j40'Si-'#BA^L.r ' .-JOHN BilfiPiaP Hnd KESRiY' I50E4' .tlifj-.-rtaitie-, "John and the --ha.me''»rar;y---iDberr/-,beiriB: fiet-ifjeu.s ana iitteiided"• .to: 'represent iteri spectiVHly the-.bro'tHdr;s qiii'dS-.Msi&vm. -'iP. any, of deftftdenf's '' f-ktHex, \Wred'4t\k.'lf-l Bishop, whose "fcrue"---iihanes;-. resfd'en-eSs; and posi -office ' ad9.i-e'sses arev itmtehb'wn: .and who, if living-.- vvoflld.' 'be' .utiieles^aMd- .aunts of 6hat>!e»' .3?re4er4Pk:' ^itjhpp, Vth'ei deciKlenl Iinwlnaf-teii tiiiniBa', -andi A0-;.Sd.el,i: would- lie aistri-butees'- -pf isaid' dececTdntiJ WH/LTAM: H O E ! . - a h * . ;.TA39iE.:". i R 0 % : . J . B p : dames "William' VBJwe'''" a-nd' '-'.'Jutne', :H6e" . , William':(Roe"" and; . . being rielitioiis. and jhteh3'ed to- repre-, sent the eliildrenv'IS','ftiiy; of -.fiiid.. JpliMi Bishop ami Maw-.Dfle, .whose true nattiesj TO THE ABOVE JSTAAfED' DEFEN- DA-NT: YO'U AREJ' H E R E B Y SUMMONED -to. answer »f!u; comtplaiilt in this action and to servo a copy of your "answer, or if flic cdjn.pla.int is not served' with this KiuiTi'irons, lo serve .a notice' of appeaf'- ince, on the .plaintirr-'s attorney watbih twenty days, after Hie' eorvice br this Kitiimngns, excl'Usiye of the day- of ser- vice,. 'In -case of yoiir failure to appear or.'answei:, judgment will- .be •• t a k e n against'you by default TOr, the ' relief de- manded-in the complaint.' Trial to- be held' in the County'of AP b.-i ny.- . " • '. Dated, August 18, 1941.' THOMAS, A; ALLEN, Attorney for Piaintirr, Ofl'lce a.hd P. O. Address, 119 State .Street, Albany, N. Y:- . TO: GIDOROE BIRDS/VIA; Tho-,foregoing' Summons- is served. : UPT oir .you . by publication pursuant to- .an Order of Hon. Fra/hcis' Bergan, Justice SnpTemie Court, dated August 1!), 3,.'MJ., hncl-lulled with the Cotnpiaiiit in the Al"- (bany County Clerk's- Office. • .••- '. " ' THOMAS A. ALLEN, Atlnrhay for Plaintiff, •Office and P, O. 4ddt-.ess, - 3,1!)'.State Street, Albany,. N. Y: ••-•. • .' '. c-7t " NOTICE TO CREDITORS. ,,,/.Estate Of Niclos Wychowanep'. also' knoVvh! as Mlkofay Wycndwarrec , Li,W order-of jloh. Bdwai'd.-G. -Rogan, Surrogate of/.the Court ty pf Albany:' " NOTICE "IS KERiEBY ©IVEN; acp'ord-, ing to law tq, all .persons having • claims' or demands, against. Niclos Wy'cfto-vvan'e'c also k'no.wn as .IVBKoIay.Wycho^ajiec.-l'ajte of."the .City of Albany fri. said. Coufify, .deceased,- that, they are required' to- ex- hibit the' jsavme,. .'-with.; the vouchers' in sjipport thereof, ' to'..the su'bscrib'er, the :$&ecutor' .of t h e Last Wi'ii and Testa-- .raien.t• of/-said' deceased,, at: his-.place '.of •traiiBfifeMng 'business; as'-suteh. BSCeetitor-at JUWj- Offices.of 'Charles F.'- Mo. Govern, •lOO. State .Street; Albany, New Y.ork, on or before the 30th day- of January next.', .ijggate'd.,Alibaby,.N.-'Y, tfois 22'iid'' day: of fMf- A.-D., 1941/, - - -"-',.'. Sfe '' " iS-TEPHaSN -WYOHOWANEC; •.. -."!^:ecu'tor of the Last Viriif'and Tes'ta;- SeMt of Niclos-Wychdwanec. '.- , ... jaCTarles F/ Me'.-. Govern; Attorney, iOO' •.^flS^ Street, Albany, New York, fMl •• NOTICE'..;•?•*-,GffiMfi'ITO-R"S,.. rti|tjEstat'e'..pf. .Marg'ahef- JV 'Dpie'tenty;... S-.®-'.-. ,.•••.- ••'-.,ae"'c'eaSe"a,'••'•,''•• .'-••'.':••-•• 1hg-.--.tO' la* fp-.alj! .person's- .having-; plairn'S; diSLdernand'S'.- agjiiinst:. itfargraret ,'J. .:IJ'eI'e-- ;Blftfy--lai;e'of the''Cify-.-ofl Aauany' in ^sa# ©pfi''" ' -"• ' ' " ' ' -•-•'• ' - '" Eke.clitrfc.es• of the- Last" ^ill "andi 1 '•js^tameht. of sal'd' deceased; a£- their- ;t>M£& of .transacting: .'business;., as su"6h'i fgipfeutrice.s a t t h e Ian*" office'.Of Charles 1 ;E»reima'n,' 90 State S'ti'eet.-'.A'lteiiy, ST.- WyToif' Pi £ - before .the- 22nd'- day' of- N o / ;vMii1iei< '.liUl. - ..•-•.•-.-•,•••.,••• iMS|t'ed f Alhany, N,. -Y.-. this-' ll'tli-.day of' iMpif A . : D:, -iSU. .:' ' .'-.••' t'^M" :••• CATJEERfNE" E. - itiELigB/AlstTy,' i-fm •'. •'' -ANNA • A ; ' .sfeNNETT; ;•/•••• ;• '''ESJeoUti'ices.' e.s. E. .BrBnriah,- Aft'orh'e'y for- 'Ex-- .: ••o'8'utr!ee»; 90-Staite'Street, Albto'y,- New ••' JYbrk.' ,.;-.-. ,:•'.- N'OTI'C'Ev.tO^.CR-E.D.'ITO'Rs'' Estate' bf-.To&rtsehd 1 ' V^'alsH' .By.: oi'd'ei'v .'pf;'- Hpri; • MWa/i'd'' &•• Rogain-, Surrogate bf-.th'e-C'p.iinfy of:Albany:..' ' .• N'OTICJ? IS' anfoEBy .©TVISN,. a,ceoi'd-. lt)K itb-'l't'iv- .tor-oil' persoiife 'liiiving' 'Clairhs.' PV'- d'eiri-ainds;-"against 'Tpwnserid;-"V^aislv !late: of -.tHe. Oity of Albany,, inv'said* lppuhtjy;;cle'cea.s.ed,". that.;ljh,'ey-..ave •f'eo;.itii''e*d' tip exhibit', iihe, sairte,. AVitlt."the voncbefe; 5rh.'sup"por.t .-thereof,' to' '6ie : --s'tibscribeiv fhe^ 'Ad.rii|hiSt;rator/'0,f,it'Ke <30ods, Chattel's:-arid' .Ci!6d3:fe.bf : ;.sa1d.deceased, ttt'-its.'iilace'- 0? 'tan^ajstiVig-. bu'siness,' .aft- such . admlty^'-' ;triaitoi--a.t ! itS;b'arikint5' iTQtiSe,..N'o,,G3' State- .'Sfree^,'..ih!,-th'e. City-Pf Albany, NI-. Y.'r*h' !.bi- •before- tliS seV.enteerith 'dijy-of" Sraiteh- 4i6'x:i. '. ••."-;'••: :•• •. ' •.-,:• •',• • $'• 1 ,...-I&Med Albany. N.'-Y', this SM d a y fpf Septennber'A- iOi,-.S).4-l, . -_,. '••!;•. . iM3|ldI;rANte'*A'NI3-FA.RM32RS :BAr?K-.' (OF 'ALBAOTYi .As- AdiiiiitfiStr'ator,' ; '•-•••• ••'•. W., £,;."L, .lieltsi/'Atitpjihey for Admihis^; ;tratpr; S'2 .>s'ta:te..st.,'. Aibany,- N.. .Y. 'TOTWE PEOPLE* OF THiE/ STATE"' OF - NEW-YORK- .:. By"- The Grace pf '{dod •indetiehderi't. .'Ftiee- .A'h'di 0?P Charlpfeto Ml. ;Shea;; .Tdh'h- .1. Shea',. ;w. '.Leonaii'di -Shea;--M&vgiHrei- Hyde"; Pat-: ••rjftit.3;ya'e, :.rohh.. iryde,'.avfttvy Reiiry vsniif '• , of Cihwles - , . , , . .. the decedent hereirittftal 4 nttTtiedj an'd-aS? such Would be dis'trlrjutees-'"Pf--said' deH 'cedent; the lioJits'-ai tavf and-next..of, 'kin of Charles j-rederfck. Bishop-'late of; t h e COitniy of Albany;, flfeepasedi; anct the-; -person named' Sis- executory -te>&me,fttery trustee, gtinrdian..and each.perison. named, as executor, testa-hiehtary' trriBteie, gtial'-; dian or bfiheffciary i h a n y -other-. Wlh -of. said testator i*iled.'lh- this"' Pffjcp* ^en'd-' ;GR3DEillsi<3! '•".'•"' ",- ;."'•-.'". "'•' WlmmAS, Senry '&,. JCdhn of Ahe ttMie NAT;iON.AL-COiyi'ME^RCIAL..pA"N.K: 'AN© rrRrjSTC'o'MPAflV O F ^-'LBANVV Plaih'tl'ff, , against •-'^WM. NATIONAL OOMrVIERCI'AL BANK' AND TR13S>T' COM P A N * OF •••A-tiBA'WV as jEXebdtbr ^nd Trustee- .of'..the- Last, W|ji and -Testamerit of Rehhy Taylor• .Nevtorjdhj; •bede|aseai,• .RUTH M. ' DOREIvnjS, Hi'LEr^. P. telCKi'NSON, W.INlFRfeD- IBACH and ROSE-IBAOHi Peferida:tttB/ othor- Wlil "of isaid teS,Uttdi:"-'.iil'od"""iil. "'this office;..' p—-"'• —•.-"*««—i. •• >S'U,i*R'E''MT£.:'Oo:ilRT^A^-BANV:-eO,U.'Nt'^ ' '!ficei..' : send; GJRYSTM^WG 1 '; . - .WHiroi&SAS; - WiUiam H, mint of- -the'' iCily Pf Albany, in. the County pf Alliany hte-'juade 'appllea.'tion lo-.oUr'iSiii'lioiQ.te'S' 'Court; of the cpttnty. ec Aibdny to have •a certain instrument in'wMti'ng, .(taaitth£ ;.dgtp the 28th . day. : of ••February mi- fe-' •lating W real and pe-i'sowai estate, duly proved as the Last Will and' .TOstittrieht of -jVEafy L. Shea- late of the City 4t- Jib- •tow, d(3beasedi- .THiERE^ORJi!, ytui' ahd : ....... i -.,. .. i. "each of ydd; 'are hereby, tjitod'tb 'ahdw ^•TO- TS©.',ABOV2D, iNAMBD. ©EFiBN;- ;eu«Se iJefofe oiir'.said Sur:irdgate-lii the- 'JPA'NTIS:. , ^ -.'LL^^-^'-J -U -•-' -'•-- ' -:•' ; Opiinty af Albany,' -at tiio -stirl'figftte•s , YOU ABI3-HJBJRBB-S: SttWMONED-jfo' CpjJi't pf.said.Cpunty, held*in- ti«-OPurity afi!|«ret''the.worn/p]aihf in this- a^tipn/'aiija.ig^t -HpUBe 4n the ,dtt!C cf ''•Alba.'ny-. Ph „.»«„ itienry « , ^ . ^ , - » . - » . » « • ;*;^py'•*? » * ; i # ^ W | M JIH' <J*''-of "fetol^, : 154-1; a t . ten' City of Alfen'y m t r i e Gfburity of Alb&riy, -the C0ni»teil1t iff rfo.t- served, vVJltt . t i i i r ' i M ' Q l t . m -Uip fomnop'it- .of-.•thttt , day, #hy N. Y. has made? apT>Heatiort to P U r . S u t - &Ormh'piJs, to sei'Vg-a. rtolfce. Of t>&p*W~ helnstrumwrtt " " - - - - ^' ' •"-••'- .Ii>&'," fRifthttrdi'Roe a:nd '.Ja.We''.'Rd'e,fi<j.tit'l- 'OtiS'-'nainie.* i'titende'd' td-irebre'sertt all. uhV StonoWil' hpirs' at lavy and next of kin,.'- if ;a,ny. of. w&yy,' Shea, deceased; 'a,ri(i''-v#ipse .ntulpes, residences' arid'' post.-.-Off loo; ad- .di!6'sses are' Ui'iknPwhi ;aiid'' <SiAi)M "after' idOo.-diligence ' be . asiJartained, ilio -,he'li'& ! ja*-law and'.' riext oflcliv. of '.Ma*y li> 'Shea'-,; late 'of. the Ctuinty. of Ai'bairi.y. deceasedi' land the peiwjii. ntiined". d's- eitediitpi', 'tes.tttmpiUo.ty-'t-rtiKteo.goa'i'a.ia.ri,, «)\a-emy jpfil'ison- -iianied' as' execti'ldtv.''tcStHn1eri'tflry •truHtoo, •gruird-ia.l1 or' be)reficlu;ry. tii a n y To Floyd, ,C, KnWihs, (^rnwall, N, Y . Hiu-riet ,1'ohiis'ton, eornwall, N. 1.; I^liin :»'. 'Biirnhiw 291! JVfesteiii Ave., Alba.ny, N, y. ; Einiiiy E, Welt, 2l)(i AVcstern Ave., Albany, N. Y.; aM'i-s, (Veil Aiwck, 25f>9 HKll jjriv-e,' Eagle Rook, Los Angeles. •Cat,'; Clifford Johnston, Cornwall, N.- ^ . ; Mrs, Martha Eger, 204 So. Main Ayeiuio, •Albany, N . Y ; Florence Matte Whyte, 67' Wi'lHwiti "St,, Ne'W'bii'i'ff, N. Y; A. -J. A.m.ick, 317 Stale St., Pu.hois, Pa;.; Etlfl- Aiiii'ic.k, 337 State St., Dubois, Pa;; Mary Hazard . Johnston, Cornwall, N- ,'••' Americnn Surety ,C0: pf N. Y., 100 .Male St. Albany, N. Y.; and nil others in- terested iii t h e estate,of Marie A. Amick late of ibe City of.A'llxiny in Ihe County 'of Albany, deceased, as crediIors' dis- tributees, or otherwise, SEND tlRMvl- lK T G; , , . - YOI' Aj\ T OEA.CH OF 'V-01..: Av<^ lwre- by required to show' cause boloi-e our Surrogate of the Coiinly of Albnjiy, at the Suiia-og-ate's Court, in the County Court House, in the City of Albany, New York, oiv'.the - 28th - day of October, lPtl. at- ten, o'clock in t h e forenoon of that, day; why the' Account of Proceedings ol Edrith S. Bur-nha-m 'as Administnii.nx, c. i. a,, of the GdoVls, Chat!Ms and, Credils of said deceased should•-nol hi' judieiiilly settled, and allowed. -.-IN TliSTlAfONY WHEREOF. We. have caus6d".tIieSc'al of the Suri-ogate'.-! Cloprt or tlie saJdi - C'ounly of Alliany, 10 he hereunto affixed-. ' . _ ,(L.' S.) WITNESS, HON. FIWARD C. ROGAN Surrognle of our said. County, at the City of Albany, on the 3Sth day 61' September in the .Vear of our Lord, one thou'sand- nine '-hundred and I'ort.v- one. CHARLES M. l'-RlEiVli,, Clerk of the SiiiTOK'ale's Contl. Herman .1': Greene, Attorney for .Unix., c. 1. a., Orrice & Post Office Address, 25 Eagle -St., Al-baii'y. N. V. 11-M , NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of.Thomas B. Casey By'order of Hon. Euward. G. Rogari, Stiri'Pgat'e of the .County of Albany. •NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, accord- ing- lo law to. all jiersons. linving- elainis or demands against -Thomas 6, Casey late of the City of Albany in said County, deceased,, that they are required lo ex- hibit .the same,' With the Vouchers in support'thereof," to the subscriber, the Executor of said, deceased, (it his place of transacting business, as such Executor at the -Ofl'ipe- of Byrne, Jerfini' & Casey, 1.1 North Pearl- Street, Albany, N. Y. on Or before ihe 32th. day of .January next. . ' ' Dated Albany, N. Y. this 3rd day Pf July' A. D„ 3941.. ' FREDERICK T. JERAM. Executor. Bynie;. Jerafh.. & Giisey, AHorneys, 31 North Pearl St., 'Albany, N. Y NOTICE TO OREOITORS 'Estate- of' Dorothy Chandler.. By order of itori;, Edward G-, Rogan, Surrogate of. ihe : County of Albany. NOTICE. IS ATSRTSBY GIVEN, accord-' ing to law to -a-ll:.persons, having claims or -demands-- against . Dorothy' Chandler late of tlie". City .Of .Albany in said' County, d.e'oeased, that they are required lo exhibit the ' same,- •w.it'li the vouchers hi .support- thereof, to. t h e subscriber, the •Executor' of' sold. -;deceased, at. his place of transacting business, as such' Exeeu- tS.r.at-.RPorh,' '3:401;" Home Savings Bank 'Building-, il-.No.. Pearl Street, Albany, N,-.-'Y on- b'i;-- b e f o r e tlie ,15th d a y of. No- vemibeK next.' '• bated Albany, N. Y. this 24 th day of Aprk A; b;', l94i; " ' :'I<5RNES.T-CHANDLER, ' Executor. Byfh'e, Jeram. &• Casey, Altorneys for Executor, 11 -North Pearl St., Albany, New' York. ' ;NOTICE TO CREDITORS .Estate of John Patterson By order of Hoii, Edward G. Rogan, S u r r o g a t e " Of. the- County of Albany. •ltfOTJ.CE IS' BTEREBY, GIVEN, accofd- ing. to iayv'.to- all persons having claims .or .demamls. against John Patterson late of -. ihe . Villagg .of.' Gle'rtrripnt in said Couri.ty;-,'<dec'ease'd;. t h a t t h e y are r'eguired to' exhibit the-.same,- with the vouchers •in' .supipoft.• thereof, to the subscriber, . the Executrix pf-' the Last Will and Testament,.pf ,-sa'id-deceased,, ,at -her-pla.ee- of •t-r'ansa.ctin'g business, as such Execu- trix at Glenrriont, Town of Bethlehem, . A l b a n y C P t i n t y , • ISfe-fl; Y o r k , on or- berdre the Ist.-day of Noverrtber next. • Dated- GlenmpWt, N. Y. this ISth day 'Of April "A.'.©;,' 194L ,-.•"•,-'-S'fATILBA- C. PATTERS'ON, AS/•3^ectvf*K..pf the. Last Will and '. Testament of John Patterson/deceased Howaird' .'Hen'di-ickson, Attorney for Exefeuitrix, 78- .State Street, Albany, Nesv-York.' :•'>,'' .' .'.NOTICE-, -TrO-CREDITORS - ^ v.Esltatd'.pf'.-.R'aynip'nd -,N. Fort ."-'By.-'ordersW'J=Cpri'.;'Edward' G', Rogan, 'Sii' l rog,ate.-of the Couh'ty of Albany." . -».i3TICE liS/.iaSEiftEtey GIVEN, aceord- •mgi'tP, I-aftr to ,a!ll persfihis. having claims Si^'djem'and^j-a'gatest Ra,v:niond N. Fort jiate; 08 the Gifij. of. Albany in said Conn I y, 'deceased 1 , '• thai"-they- 'are-.required to ex- iJi:ibit/-'lih'e'; -saahle,- With, the youchers in isu'pp.orc -flrereaf, to-, the srift'scriber, the exe'cn'tr'ix',:pf--the' last- will' and r&sia- i-ihtent ,'Pf said) deceased, .at- bis place of ;'.(irii.h's'a'ot'i:n-g-.'-, b u s i n e s s , - as • ,'Su'cTi| oxecaxti'ix 'at th'e-.l'a'w','Pffees of .Wartih. .0). Nacht- frna.'hn,Nt)S.- 80 & 82 -Stete; Street; Albany, ^•Vty.'iM w before the- thirtieth d'ay of Miaii'ch inext. "• •' ..'-. . . .Dated.'- Al'baii-yf N.. Y. t h i s Loth d a v Of SeptBm'ibei'A-. $>„ .it : 9'IJ. ;•:,.- •;au : 3jERjj}! l 3A m, PORT, ' ••:•. ." .'' •• ':J. .<• •••• "-,- As Executrix. ilVW'tlli: T. NiaBh'tifiiSiWi, A-ftoi'h'ey for JBxeeiitrix;- 80' & St. Stale Stree'l Al- ib'any,; 'N: Y." ' •-; NOTICE-.T.0 iCRE'D/l'TORS .. E'^tafe fof. Oatherlrt'e W'askay •By ot-dfer..''Pf- SfpiT'. Edwardi 0.' ftoftair iSni.i'Jtogafe •.pf-.lihp.Oounfy of AJljany, ••::a&smm *S I-rteitEBY G^iSM, .Tccoi'd'- ii'h'g- ft} 'Uwy to.-(i.il-.p'er.<ion's''haviiig claims >.pr 'deiharia's.-agairiist Cnt'lverine ;Waskay :l.ate af the.-.ejty of -CPhoes iri- «aid CPUiiily, ^deceased,', 'that Cliey -are rer/uirea' Co ox- ihlbjt 'the'. ,s«i.rii4 ' Vitli the vouehers in siVppoft:. tifler'eof, . tp- ttvo' Subscriber, rite •ion;-. "28,9 Ontario--St:,, Cohoes, N. y . on ;or .ibtifpre the 2lidj. day of April', 3942.' ; ©|i.ted',-.ephpes„'.JM..Y., Ibis' 2ib'd dny or .Septeiuber, A'©:,."J«. - • .. i^' '•;•'• • ' J ' *VRy L, :S0OTTt ^Executrix, or.Last: vv'ii)'and' Testaitimit or •• Catl1o"i.'lne,WIislfdy, :1bci: ' -•• iftOMi* &..ffanldh-,- Atty.. for li!xeeiiti-ix, •W Ontario- Sweet, Gcihoea, N. y • . , iNOTJ'GEy.TO CRMbiT.ORS : ..... Estate -of) Weriry A. Muriyah "*•&? •°,'^ ei- . M.H'o.n.-.EdvVard: Ge Rogam Sitrrogatepirtne Oou.n.ty pfAlbaiiy, ' ; '.NOTICE, JS ra®ftteBY.GIVJ3N, accord'- imjg-- tp- buy tip ail phraoHif having elatms ;pr-" deraands against.- l-romy' A,, MU'rlyari late pf-the village pr. Menanas in said CPMnty,. dfepeitsod; titot" tli.ey are reauired l b sfipjtort thereof, to-' the .subseMber, the executor under the Last will aria lfesta- djrieht •»/• :safd. deeefttsed, at his plab'e of i r £P f & oi W Wislhess, a'S SUch- exeetttpr at offices:,, pc. Byrhe,. j&wi- &• Casey !i- M2i-- Pe Sr J PW> A1 »ahy N.,Y» ah or 1 sheTorethe lst'-day/or: NdVontber next, ^••flffiL*'*' m "* « SxestitOr', «. v. has SaaB""aP3>lieati6rt to our.Sut- sMWofls, to serve-a notice ot o-ppear- tne-ihstrumjent Offered Lrm shomd-'hot' iB ]J^ee(itm' Hl lf , rfo'^atrt <S^ 6 Fm^ -rogaic'g court %i S£e- Cotitfty ;of iUtfeWS?' anee, on the plaintiffs attptmeys -Within he^adinitted to prpbate as «tnd for the J^f" 10 ^ ll ««• F e m Sweeij Albahy,

asmsnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn84031266/1941-09-26/ed-1/seq-12.pdf · i^-'^'^fr"7'* ^i^.V^'-Ji^r1'**!****' a/V**** !*•4 • 'l;y^ V y v v^'' 1!VV P-W^ f yd V W *

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i^-'^'^fr"7'* i^.V^'-Ji^r1'**!****' a/V**** !*• • V 4 ' l ; y ^ y v v^ ' ' 1 ! V V P - W ^ f y d V W *<" *' * i-T^-tV-vV-v^'S-"** y- ^ ^ ^ i t ^ V ^ v ^ w . »*V^*fr.V;^-''*•*•""•* ^ ^ - ^

' . 'VMT-ION .2 £=•" PA0;E /§.' THE ENTERPRISE, A j f f&tyAj^ W-.YQ IfR^AV, ^B»ffeMgE;R 4 # # W .

s •

..,'• Simd'ay:. visitors ' a t t h e Bisbreyi' home, 'were-, IMT. and Mrs. William

• j^agoftej- ajifl'cMWreii, Mr. and Mrs, HeriBafi- - 'Fataer and son, .'iPjiank Rs.rn.ifcyv-, <>epi>ge a n i Edwin ' Combs,

• j^ 'rAttr .Dprs.ett and da lighters, Mr. Wil'XiiiiSis •and' sister. • .

. -M.-, .-S^ieijlTOta . -,of S a a •Franeisco, Cai. , .has-been/ visi t ing Mrs. 'Fr iedman •ahd..daughter.' • Mrs.'., ''StaiitoH .visited her parents-on" Saturday:.

JB'dward Disbrew and son visited J. E. PSsbr^w of Keefers, Mr. Ihsbrew .has been • very ill but is much im­proved. .'


Daj.rym.en from Oswego,- 'St. Law-nen.de,' and Jefferson counties recenl-

. \y totired N e w - J e r s e y to study t h e iharlwi.t for dairy eartie replacements .

Travel Sickness.


• LIQUID . T A B L E T S '


COUGH DROPS Try "-Rub-My-Tism" *

. . . Lin iment a .Wonderful

(3S to ^2 Years Old)


Are you going, t h r u these " t ry ing years','? .Are' yo,u

blue, cranky; NJ3RV/OTJS, sniffer n o t flashes;.' -weakness/ -dizziness, a n d ' distress of irregular periods'—caused by!', this ' 'period i n a woman's fife? T H E N - ^ . ' •, • . .-!T&ke famous-Lydia B,-. Pink-ham's Vegetable Compound, For over 60 yea r ' s . ' P toknam ' s C o m p o u n d ' h a s helped . 'hundreds' of- thousands of grateful women t o -help, calm . un ­s t r u n g nerves a n d t o less.eB ahnpy- ' ing'-.distj-ess due t o th is ' funct ional dis ' turMncei .-- ':••'••, - , ' " • ' . ..liydiaip.in^harals Compound is one

medicine you can buy today-made-especially for- woliien. .Telephone.'-.yqiir druggis t righpfiow for a bott le. . WORTH TRYING!!- :- . . . ;' ",


{*Vfi^eraxs«*Rehpitatio,a :!0c(p.4 : :j<m0-.


- ^ i S h H ' s t i f f of st icky!- So f t—i t , . s p r e a d s like-face cream. . .

• - ^ is ac tual ly spb. thingj- l jse right after shaving-—will .'not irritate.. "

^,hasligh,t>:pleas.antscent.NQsickly ;- .si^6H to-eling.tpJingerSQrcio.thing,

,. - f wtillv ho t spo i l . delicate fabrics; . . . ; ' -k: . . ',.; ' -' •-- -..;' .. ; •'.

._1j,Vet^'st^^a'A:Hiettc*piq8^--mad,4'b7]lutses '• j&P-r<?sVe'i-thiati 0.dQri,a pro tec ts under t ry -•^iijg bjpn'd'i.titins'i to, tubes or jars>.1,06,2$c,.60c. ' . fycReiStinSiftabhXisyfac.jBridgeport,Coiin.,


A. PEN NY. to sttop that kzadaeAe.?

• ; ' ^ ' ! ^ ^ i ^ p ^ . v ^ ^ e : - © k i ^ ^ a ; '

.' pill1 ^ t i a l ^ ;'i(elieve4;&era;. ,Ji<3a<fc-- .

' , ' ^ d ^ i ' i . ; JEi'' $ je ; •j?egtda*s-,iJtae'kag^;; • ' ,-iJfe: )j^le|i:.itoL|ifpa:i|i,.' Wwk-"6i)^i v . & a e ' ^ o n y ^ c M * . fe&e egfeiiipttiy ' • pacK^gejsi' oiie'%;etoriy! b u y s 1 %

. . ; . 'Hasty' jaste.gppdy ac t j p o m p t l y i

. • iilQ. :n,6t :,ui>se& tKie,. ^tpjtiaph,; cph-* . ..tjifi' Jib pjp'iat^s 6i tax^tjW'e; mefflL-

• •' rcbiesj,:; ;'!'. , - . ; • ' " ' - . ',::,H .

Tfou^y.fae. j toi i ies a w a y ptiihm. % t i g ; ^ o r e , w % n ;ypu ge t yoiir ne:£t atia'clc' of tfqa&Ucliejlfjguf.al*

'•!:• aiuyoiMusciilitr Achesjaiid Pdins. , Whir - n o t .get'-'JS. pacRag^" of Dr;'

'•;•••; Mile^ •• AntirPai i i1 ;:.^4is tpday.; an(J" "'"•fe, .prepared" | p r eipe^gencies,? "..

' / ' - . . ' ' - . j^ i^ . : -^«^ 'g^ ; ' ^^*lU«, ' . '2f t | . ' ' ' ' '.' - |^j»!^-'-fei^^ej--l^:,PUIi-;- '?Eii ' . •

"aea.ii.ty" i s t h e sn^geat of the iesspn^sermon in a-l:l -.ChiiMclies of Cin-ist, Scientist , on Sunday, Sept. .28.

The. golden text i s : "Behold, 1 create new neavens and a new ear th : a.nd the iToi'mer shall not be-j'emember-ed-, nor come Into Band"' (Isaiah 85:

W- , . . Among the citations -wto-ci comprise

U;e -lesspn'Sei-mon is t h e -following fr'pm the 13ible: "Sing- unto the Lord, all the ear th; shew forth from day to day his salvation . . . For great is the Lord., and greatly to be praised: he also i s ' tp be feared above .all gods. <For all the gods of t he people are idols; but the Lord made the heavens-. . • . Give .unto t he Lord the glory due unto his n a m e : bring an offering, •and come before' him: worship the Lord in the beautv of holiness" (1 Cnron. 16: 23, .26-2(1,'29).

The lesson-serinon also includes ilie following sejeciions from the ' text­book of Christian Science, "Science and Health with Key to the Scrip­tures," by. JMary Baker Eddy : "The Scriptures imply that -God is. All-in-all. From this it follows that nothing pos­sesses reality -nor exitsence except the divine mind and His ideas . . . l ie fills all space, and it is impossible to conceive oi -such omnipresence and individuality except as infinite Spirit or M'fnd. Hence all is Spirit and spiri­tual . . . For r ight reasoning ilieje should, be hut one tact before the ihbughl, namely, spiritual exis tence" (j))i. « ; { ] , 11)2 ; .

Legal Notices —*

NOTICE .TO CREDITORS E s t a t e of H o.rao'e1 Pry

Uy orfli-.r a t Hon. J2d'\yaj-d G. JAofttui,, ,Stiivolute of l i ie OtM.Mtt.v 'of Alliany

X O T I I ' I ' ; J S j-pjawauy: <jrvKN,- arcord-iii'tr t o - i a w to • all porsons ImvitiS' PlainiK or cli'iii;i!).d,s ag-ain,?! Horace .l-'jj'.v . late of the (.'iiy of . i i ' tany in said County, de-reaKed, t h a i I hey a r e required ti) ex-h.i'Mt (he ffiuile, Willi the vtmohrt.'B in .support -llieivot. to d i e .-uibKcriher, the IC-seciilu-r of tile Jjns-t >\ ill and T e s t a ­ment of said deceased, a t hi.s p l ace of u-.-inwirtin-g- iHis-ineK.s, u s such Kxeculbr ai ttii su i i e . Kweet, AHMUI.V, N. V. on or Jiefoi-i- illi- pts-L day of Al.-ircli, 1IM2 next . .

t>aled . \ l l iany, -\. V . - t in* 2Jili d a y 61 Septe.m.liei- A . P . . I M 1 .

THOM.VS A. A L L E N , l-Ixeeutor, n i l S t a l e St. , Albany, N . Y.



By The Grace of God Independent

Free And


Mr. iind Mrs. Albeit 'Hock have been enjoying a two' weeks' vacation, at Atlantic Oily and Washington, fi, C. While in Washington they were guests at the Commodore hPtel. They visited the White il'ouse, Congress Hall and other administrat ion build­ings. Washington is justly 'called the city of heautil'iil buildings, each one seem.ing more beautiful than the. last. To anyone- who has visited there, comes a thrill (hat lingers long after they .have departed the city.

Mrs. Merton iOnos, Mrs. Enos Sr., and • Mrs. ''Albert Rock motored to Rainbow Inn for luncheon, Wednes­day . - .

Mivand Mrs -Ches t e r Meal at tended the races at Great Barrington, Mass..', this week. Mr.. Meal has re turned to. Michigan where h e manages the interests of the firm during the sum­mer months, and will return to the Albany office about Oct.. 15.,'

Mrs. Edward Strank-.a of Brooklyn is a guest of Mr. and Mrs. George Klapp of the South 'Road, f o r t w o weeks.

More tha-ii three hundred persons' at tended • the clambake and dance given by the New Scotland Democra­tic social club- recently a t Holder's Grove, New Salem."

Mrs. .Benjamin M.eyer, who i s . the leader on text i les of the Home' Bureau hptne irialte'rs.'.projects, a t tended- the r n e e t i n k f o r . l e a d e r s of this project at Albany recently. ' . • Mr.-; and . Mrs. Wesley Albr ight at­tended a reunion at. Fonda,- Sunday, in ' company with friends., ... A thought for today for all of its: ' . There ' s so mtich'gjpod in the. wors t -pf

- .. us, . -• And so much bad-in the best of us,-That ; it scarcely behooves any of .us .To talk abou t ' t he r e s t of us. -

T o John Doe. Mary Doe, Richard Roj? and J a p e Jtoe. fieii-iions uairrr.s in tended lo represent unknown tlistrihiHees w h o s e na-nie.s and r< sidenees a t v unkno-wu a n d ciniH.it a f te r due d-iligence ite ascertai ' i ied, a n d lo .Mary Duiin. -Notling-ham, ,England'-hei rs a i law and. next of kin of AIAR-(J .UIET K J I A k K K T T tail- of the County uf Alban.y, deewised,. and the person named a.s x.'.\ccul.or, te^tam<'ii tary t r u s ­tee, guard ian , and each person named a s ^-.xe<'utof, l e s t ame i t t a ry , t rus tee . • j^-uardian or henet ieiary in any o t h e r will of said t e s t a to r f i led ' in Ibis office, send GKEJ3T-I.V'J.-

W H r a t I 3 A « , ' WlIJ . I . \J- f D . \ L 1 ? 0 ' B I U E N of the i ' i(y of. Cohocs in the County of Alliany h a s m a d e applicat ion lo our Suri'oK.Me-s Cour t of Die County of A l -

May;. ;194H, S a f t

? „ ^ , W . « r L - w - ' - » . ':• * « - . ^ w - u . x %5%~1$ W> S<iflawai'£' Avewvie,- Al teny , ' : N e w 'Koi-l.c,.. d,eot.a.sed. Tl ;SE!iaiai'ORE;. * o u ! «.na:-e.a-oh; ot-,'yv,u, a re h e r e b y ei tea v . ' tb-s n o w Kains.e-,|j6(fore our «a4*. SiDfrogate rtru w e •Opvnty<a;.jvn»iii.\ , a t t h e S-ii.r,i!Og'atefs,' ^ " ' ' f ^ f ' S a l i ' C o u n i A . iit-Pid. i n - t h e :e'6uirM.y; V„ - n , ' *^ u se ' ' l i . i i he Ci.ty of A l b a n y ' o n

the- S l s t - d a y . . o f octivhw, l i l t t , at" t e n oolpcac Ju the' ,f0 , - t .„„ ( ,n <,r that' :aay,AVliy", pie. insjatuimient offered h e r e i n ' s h b u i a not-' ue actrn'tt-tea•to pi-olwie a s . .and' -for. th.fe!

last .WJ l l .a;,1(j ' re*!anient of said, d'e-: ceased.-.••. • -,-

•IN 'WiSS'TIJVCOKY W H B R E O i r , Wo l i w e caused: the-.geail of ilu- Stn'ros'a.te's C o u r t ol t h e saidi-Oovmiv of -Vlhany, to ibe h e r e ­un to affixed.- ••' J f c i S i 8 * ' of ihe Sui-roB-ate'.s.-<3otii>t,

waa^Ess, aaoK. VAAY.UID G. RO&AXI; Miwog-at:e..pi bur said County , u t h e Oity, pf A l b a n y , . o n . U T - l - i h day of -Septemb 'e r in t h e y.ea.k o f - o u r lxird, o n e fhihisajifl: nine niiftdi-ex3 'a.nri ftu-ty-one. • : •.

. . . . Ci'tAKLKS M. PRT05NJD; " „ „ , , . - -Clerl's: of i h " S u r r o g a t e s ' eo r i r t . WiHiaan VD.; .o-j-hi. n. D e p a r t m e n t •' of

State,•• J jppm ]e«. Capi to l , . A lbany ; _J^r Yp.rk..'. ' lf)-5:t TO T H E . . P E O > L E OF T H E S T A T E O F

... ;.'.• NEW YORK

B-y The.' •Grace of God Independent

Free And

• -Subscribe to. t n e JHlnterpnse^—'?1-.5(1 a year. '

- - - - - - ^ x <3'"o..'u.-.if AU:-i>'". r '-c^T>> '*B*--«y; 'tZ**c??t\

. iThe .cream t i use before- . , . [ the.-, evening. Hance: .No ^ n -' j rubbing, orf-no touching V."

,';qp; .A .trial v»iIiconvince.'-|' ^^fe^.W'Al^'Flo*. MiitSm-TiA'.f

'.' may «£fectthe Heart . . - . ' - . ' . . ' ' '• .. Ga« trapped'Ui tbo <toma'6h'or' Ai'HetVtui'/act l i i i »'

baii-trijBit on the boart. At!-.tbe flrst.slga of BtStteM • am.art tnon and- women..depend' on Beli-*ana.tCabieti to" .•o.t .80S. froe;,:No laiai tw' b'ut'.niade of the: fastest?: •c'tlne-medicines.known.rdi' acta lhatgertlon. • If t a» -

.BIBST BOSISUoe8ii't/iirl!vo,.BBU-IanB'.'hetter,.'retam: .bOttlo lo>u»,indiecbtTOEOuTjriEi,ilonw Ba'ct-260.'

igB ....,„_.

. * B Y YOUR L A X A T I V E - R E L I E V E


#''Wjh^n you- feel gassy, headachy;., logy dt ie "to cjogged^iip bowels, d a a s millions dp-T-take.Efe'enrArMiht a t bed t ime . .Next iriornmg —thqroughi comfortable 'relief,, helping- you ^tart t h e dayr &l l .b f yoiir •hdrhjal energy and, pepi . feel j i ig j iBsJS-

- ialIllo>ii . jLieeu-A-iVlint- .doesn't' .d is turb you r flight's res t Or interfere wHh-WorU&o. next.day^ I r y tfeenrA-^int, thei.phewi'bg gi im laxative^ yourself. I f i a s t e a good, i 6a :

h a n d y .and econoini ta l ; . i a. family supply. • jcostsonly, •. ' . .', -.•.


BIBLE CONFERENCE A 'delegation :from Esperance at­

tended the . Branch of Eas tern N<ew Vork Bible •Conference held a t Rural Grove—-Sunday. They were Mr. and' Mrs. Ed-win Mart in, Mr. and Mi's. Ir-v--ing Cetter, Phyll is Get te r ; Arlehe Conover, A. J . Mcintosh,- Miss Mar­gare t Mcintosh, Miss Sophia. Van Vechten, Mrs. Blanche Rockwell, .Miss Abbie McCarty, Miss -Anna "^ .Rock­well, Mrs. Ha t t i e Jen.es and Mr. ancl Mrs. Fred A. Moiitanye. .

To Dgl ig-ht ' -Gwvnn: H o w a r d Gwynri j Allen .Gw.ynn; Will iam G-wyijn; George Uwynn;.. .;Mary. ilwyrni;. ' E s t h e r G w y n i i ; Iwlward G-W-ynn: T h o m a s ' G-wynn-;' Affiles b-wymif -'-eieveianil (.Jwymi; 'Alfred- S u d -horotigh; J a m e s Su<ll>oroug'h; r-ticliiird biidboroug-hj-Levi-u- T h o m a s ; and :Patil J nomas, a l l ' of whom a r e ; chi ldren of-deceased..>bi>otrii'is and s i s t e r s ' o f F l o r a --,.,— - . . . . . , . .„ .„-,, , U (Le-uisa/^.vswynn, deceased., and w h o s e t h o u s a n d .nine hundred, and fort-v-one. r>l,lf.^C.' n£ _,.* • . .. _ , _ • . • , / « m A 1 \

* i i l l ,fujd-: '.Testament'-..-im-tV Opdlcii of <jJiOT'Ies-.ini'.ecToi'iPk B i s h o p - l a t e of t h e City-* ^ i £ & R 1 i & ' ' & x ' - « b a . n y , ' clecea.seci. ^^li.HlfllpORJS, you ' . and each , of you, a r e

Jjeretoy iQited .*o «h;oM' c a u s e -befo)^ our mid-Siuiragrat i i ' in: -the Oonn' ty.of Albany,-i,!t'.,*ifl?' '^."'-roffate'-s fO'vi-rt of- sa.id -opunty, M * l " W e . "County. 'Court .T-tdpso in -the t-fty'Of A l b a n y Qil- the 3G«r -flay-of Oc-t p b e t v .MUX,"-at .telii B'«loeit in t h e f o r e -

,iiop>i' of that.- day, . wiiy, ..tlte. ins t rumrents oTfere.d". toere-in -'shonW-. no t be adimltted' to pfpibate a s and-..'for t h § l a s t AVfli and rfcstanient p't 'sftldi -d'eoeasefl.

-IN TKaTliKirONS" WHETWilQF We h a v e caused the -Seat PC the. Swri-og-ate's Cour t Of . t h e -saifl :. Comi ty of Albany, t o be 'hereunto .affi led. - " ?

(L, s,0 .AX'tTOUpS,. HON. E D W . i T O G.

n m n d e d f i t t he ooiinpinlnl.

Ja-st-Wi-U- a n d -a>sUuMwt Pf. SiUd d(?--

'"Sfa-iraSTawom ^wlfl r soF » i i w caused the 'Sp-al of thfl.Sw-roKU.tes < «i t of the -.said County ot Albany, to bo

^ a T t P ' - ^ h e i d - i n the Opuh'ty <«M- S ^ ^ ^ ^ - S ^ S bany

DAT-iSP: Ju ly 30tb, f»'».'-U X C W :& .POSKAA'ZKR,

At lo r i i eys fpi- IPlaintrilT, Office and Pos l -' office Addi-p.ss, Booms J4,-17 Stcefol

I Bldg-., 1& S t a t e SI.., Altafiy, N. Y. TO";" K U T ^ I . M : DOlH^WXB-^

The" 'I'Qifegoi.rrg' SuAi/nwras i s - s e r v e d . WP-on y o u ' b y TOiblication, p u r s u a n t t o prfler Of Hon, .-Francis .Bergan, a. Jus t i ce of the. S-upreine-eauri-of t h e Stole pf Now, York,, tUtted A u g i i s t ' It'll 3*11, a n d 'filed wl-tl'i, t h e Goniipiaint in t h e office of the .Clerk o f - t h e Gonn ty of AllMiny, in t h e 'County C o u r t H o u s e - i n . t h e Ci ly ' a i id County . 6f ^Alrj/ariy',' S t a t e of Ne-vy 'York, oil t h e fit-]i: di i^ ' .of Atis-nst, itO'll.

IS1OS1A.N', - SU'i-rogA'te of our 'saad County, D a t e d : AJ'b'any, '. 'N. Y'., ' A u g u s t ' iith, M t h e Ci ty of AJhany, on ' the 8th day •"""' of .Septciiiiber-, -in t h e yea r of p u r Lord-, one ' t h o u s a n d n ine .luu'ioVed and for'tv'-one. - " : • ' ' ' • . .

V CiHAiRiLEe. M.'. Jiaj.iEN©, o * - j - • e i e , ' k o t l b t i S u r r o g a t e ' s Court . S t e d m a n . & Stedmi.aii, A t to rneys , 51 S t a t e

Street,•• Albany, ' ?}. '.'y» o-5t


i9«-; . T L L C H & POSKANZER, •

Attorneys- '-for Plaintiff , 78 S t a t e St'.; Al-•ba.fiy, N. -Y:' ' . . . " • 7-Bt

• - . ; . • NOTICE TO CREDITORS . Estate o f ' John- .JE-d'.ward .Frederick.

"By o rde r of Hfon, E d w a r d G. -teogan, S u r r o g a t e of -tile Co'imty tff Albaiiy. . N O T I C E I S i f e l O S E Y GIVEN, .accord.-' ing . to l aw to all. persons .hay ing c la ims ot- demands , a g a i n s t John EdwSii'd'.'F'red-er ick la te of- t h e 'C i ty of A l b a n y . i n said County., deceased, t h a t , they a r e required to exhib i t , t h e same , with t h e • vouchers in suppo r t thereof, to. t he subscriber,- the

. . . . , , ,- .,--.-- E x e c u t o r of .tile l a s t -Will a n a .Tes t amen t complied, wi th section one hundred and'-of sa id deceased, a t . . i t s place of fcr-ans-u y e '9.t tli;e .Stock,' Corpora t ion h a w , and ' .Acting-' bus iness , a s ' s u c h ' E x e c u t o r a t GO • c ^ x M ? t ' S „ „ „ ^ •' ' S l i U ? Street , ' A l b a n y , . ' ^ . Y. .011 or before.

GIVJiN IN / D F P L I P ' A T E u n d e r m y the m i l d a y o f Sep tember , nex t , hand-and 'o f f i c i a l , seal or t h e . D e p a r t m e n t I- D a t e d Albany, -N,' Y. this 17th d a y .of o f - S t a t e , a t the- Ci ty of Albany, th is March . A. D. '1()«. twenty-sec.ondf 'day, of S e p t e m b e r " ' ' ' " "

a t the C i t y of Albany, on t h e -W aw of SepteTriber in t h e year of our uoii, o n e t h o u s a n d iiftie hundred omd f o i l s -

•°m: • CHARLKS/M. F B I B N P , Cleric of t h e fiiiwogflle's t o

••Russell ' G.. i-Hunt, Altprnoy, .75 Street , A i t o i y , N, Y.

OUI't, Sta te



By. The Grace .of Gqd •lii.clepebdent

Free And

PEPARTM.ENT OF STATE . 1 -.DrO-.H-EiRlSBY C E R T I F Y t h a t a Cer­

t if icate, of diissohitioii of B E A N BROTFl- ' J 3 R S & . QO.., ,1'N.C: has . been, filed in; this depa.rLiiient-this d a y and t h a t it a p p e a r s therefixnii t h a t s u c h corpora t ion ha-s

MINISTER GUEST HERE Rev. Ha r ry Brown of .Carlisle, -a

former min i s t e r of t h e Esperance Presbyter ian • church, occupied the' pulpit of the (Methodist ' church Sun­day night a t A union service.

RUiRAL CAR.RIERS MEET The Executive .'eommittee • of. the-

Capital ,City Rura l L e t t e r Carriers as­sociation were en te r ta ined Saturday night :at the h o m e of. Mr..' and Mrs. Fred J.- Montanye,-

P A S T P O C A H O N T A S S U P P E R A covered-dish, supper will be. serv­

ed for the .menrbers of t he Pas t Po­cahontas a t . t h e i r monthly meeting in the (Red Men's . 'Hai r Wednesday 'night; Oct. 1. • .

POCAHONTAS MEETING T h e regulai'- Pocahon ta s meeting

was .held. in • th-e • hall- ' 'Saturday "night. Act ing on t h e re f reshment "committee. Hyere - Mrs. "-"V^n.ljam Montariye ' ' and M m , Herman Van N a t t a . . A t the business meet ing ' -plans:-were made for .a roast po rk supper 'to be' he>ld .Oct: '29.' ' • ' - . - ' • '

HOME BUREAU. M.;EETS The local f jome Bureau ' held its

first fali m e e t i n g . T u e s d a y in- the .fire hall, 'Plans' w e r e -made-, for . t he year 's work; Mrs . Morris -Kark-er act­ed a s cha i rman of' t he mee t ing . .

Attend:ip.gVwere Mrs . Nita.G-age, Mrs. Mbrris Kar'kerj' Mrs . . Roland. ;Gage, Mrs. .Wafter' H u n t e r , Mrs ; Frances Brown, 'Mrs. Haro ld -Edwards, Miss Ramona.Rockwel l , Mrs. Lelahd 'Smi th , Mrsl Nellie .Bissell , .Mrs: H'arr.y Eck-ert , • arid;-Mrs. John: McDohald.

]••• .'Several of -tlte Esperartce. mehibefs a t tended ..'-.the .county. H o m e Bureau meet ing i n CoMeski i l oh Wednesday,

LIVEWARE 4-'H; MEETING The Liveware 4-H club: he ld its final

meet ing of t h e y e a r Tuesday ' night in Esperance Depot"'school- house . The records for t he yea r were- completed. Act ing on. t he -social commit tee w-e're, Emily .0i'eede arid. . Waltetf" Easton. -JCrs. .Viola : Let'tis wjEi lead' . ' t 'he/elub, for ano ther year . . She will ,be assist? 3d Mrs. Ernes t Dane .

. At tending T u e s d a y 'n ight ' s meeting were Waia ter , ' Wiliar'd and Schuyler Martin, Kent: F r i s b e e , Paitrl' Browri, Phyllis Ge t t e r , -Wal te r Eas ton, Donald. Avery, Theliaa. Le t t i s , Emi ly Cree.de, Mrs. ' I rv ing •• G-et'te.r and Mrs . Viola-Lettis. . ' -

Places .of.- Eesltlr'noe a r e . u n k n o w n a n d . cannot, after- due di l igence, • be '.ascer­tained,, t h e h e i r s at law. and . n e x t of kin of- F lora . . ! , . -.(Loins:!) G w y m i ' l a t e of- t h e County ,-pf -Aiiibany. deceased., a n d t h e person/named'- a s i-xi-aptor, t e s t a m e n t a i ' y trustee-, graata ian. a.nd each p e r s o n ' n a m e d ' a s exee.utpr,.:test.'iiiH'ntar'y t r u s t e e , .guard- ' Ian.-or behe'ficia iv in a n y o t h e r - w i l l of S U r t „ t e s t ? L t 0 1 ' « 'ed in this- office jsend GRIpETIIiq.: ' ' . '

mmitiSAS, 'mith Gwynn ' o f .the-' CitV ol Albany' : ' i.n t he County, of -Albany, N . 1. h a s .-malde' applieaii.011. to oiir S.ui-i'0-'" pvte.s C o u r t of Hie Coun ty of .'Albany to have a c e r t a i n i n s t r u m e n t in'- writing",' tiea'ring d a t e t h e :>ili day ' of May, 1S1G relating . to real ami personal ' - e s t a t e , duly p roved a s the Last Will a n d Testa.--' n ien t .o f .F lora l>. (Louisa ) G w y n n . late ' "I the City ' of .Alliany. N." Y. deceased. TI-rilJRBFO'Rai), you a n d each-of : you, a r e hereby .cited, t o show cause before , oiir sa.fd Surrogate ' in ihe C o u n t y o f Albany,, rtt th ,e -Sur roga te ' s t . 'ourt of . sa id Co'upty, held in t h e ' C o u n t y C o u r t ' H o u s e in t h e City of A l b a n y on the Tlth ' d a y of -Oc­tober, 1041, a t ten o'clock in t he . fo re ­noon of t h a t . . d a y , w h y t h e - - . i n s t r u m e n t olfered herein--should n o t h e adirnitteid to . probate a s a n d lor t h e l a s t Wi l l a n d Tes tament : 'o f said deceased . • • ,

IN T E S T I M O N Y W i T E R E O F , .We. bavd caused; t h e S e a t of ihe- Sii-r-i'dg-a-te's. Cour t : ot the sale!'- ..County of A l b a n y , to be' hereunto .affixed. ' •

(L . .S . )" .WITNESS, H O N , E D W A t t b G. ROGAN, Siirrbgii le or o u r s a i d . 'County;, a I the City, pf Albany, on the 8 th 'day of Se'ptcntb'er • iri. . t h e year of 'our Lord , .one thousand n i n e -hundred a b d fo r ty -one .

'"••' CTt'lRLES M.; FRirBN'D, -. d e r k . of t h e - S u r r o g a t e d Ooitit .

Woollard and-iMoiris , A t t o r n e y s , 9 1 . S t a t e .St., Albany, "N. al*. - • 9-5t

(SEAL) " . ' . ' . 3HCHA.EL V. W A U S H , '

' . - • - . S e c r e t a r y of s i n l n . ' B y I'^RA-NK S. SH'ARP,

.. • De,]'nity' S e c r e t a r y of S l a t e . -Dug-q,n, 13ii.rkb.iiff & Diigan, At to rneys ,

100 S t a t e . S t . , Albany, N. Y.' lt '-2t

NO'f'IC,fe:.TO CREDITORS :,:'• Estate- of. Pauline •St'rbu'sfe '

By order'" of! Hon. E d w a r d - - O . • Rogan, Sifrrogate of-..the County, of A l b a n y . - . ] NOTIQE I S . .HEREBY' GJ.ViSN; accord-, ing .to- l aw tp ' .aJ l pe r sons , iiav-ing- c l a i m s or .dg-mands a-grairrst P a u l i n e StnOiisg; Ja te of the City' of.-Albany, ' , in sa id County , . d e c e a s e d , ' t h a ^ ' t h e y a r e . : r e q u i r e d ' t o ' ex ­hibit the game, with - the v o u c h e r s h i ; support- thereof, to t h e -subscr iber ; t he -executpr u n d e r ; t h e . l as t - W3I1 ' a n d ' Tes t* - ; .ment and.;Cpdacil .oif.' se&&'...'deceased,'.' -.at' •his: plac'e'pf'^ra^tsWStihg'-rliisiness-,' •a&','stfcrh:; executor a t the. law off ipes ' PF i>ugah, Barkhuff & D u g a h , h i s - a t t o r n e y s ; • a t : 100 S ta te Street, ' Albany , : N e w .York, ."on, or before t h e 1 3 t h : d a y of. iSfarch,'. 1042/. •'

Dated'-Albany, :N". Y'.,", th is , St-h" d a y Pf-Septen'iber A.. D.,' J'941..- ' • • . ;

.•IKVIN© S,.ADI>33E-,"--; • • . -' 'Executor:-'

Dugan, Barkhuff &.Dug:ari , A t to rneys ' fo r ' 1

Executor, 100' •' S t a t e : .-'Street;'- -Atbariy,; N e w York. v . '•••;. :


Estate- of Henry Ryony By order of H p h . •'. E d ward" G. ROgarj,

Sur roga te of t h e 'Coun ty p f " A l b a n y . ' , NOTICE fS H3^E»y. ; if4t3v"EN: r accord­

i n g to law to. ai l-persons-having- '•••claims, o r demands a g a i n s t - H e n r y - R y d n l a t e "of t h e City of A l b a n y in 'said--Co. t in . ty , .de­

c e a s e d , that the.y . ' a re • rectuired.. to- .ex -hibit the same, . • 'vvitfc t h e '• v o u c l i e r s . in: suppor t thereof," t o t h e •siTbscrfBer, ^the" Executor of.- tHe ; L a s t ' . W i l l . , a i id :-T'esta-, m e n t of said decea. 'seaj . 'at" ' i t :s p l a c e of; t ransac t ing business , ' a s ' such.. Eoc'eoutor a t No. (in State'- iStreet; . ' A-lbariyi Nfew Tprlc on o r before t h e l-8tri.-da.y o-f Sfafeli: .next.

Dated Albany,, •&., Y. t h i s 8fch'.day of Septemiber A. D.,. .1941.. , -' . • ' • . - - , NATtONAL COWVEMciAiJ ' -BAKE- A N D

TRrJST CO., B i e c U t o r . : . " ' • • " , . ' John. F . O 'Br ien- ; /At torney for E x e c u t o r ,

90 State St., ' A l b a h y , N"..-.T:. •• . . - . ' . .

NOTICE TO C R E D I T O R S •Estate, of Ju l ius H. Bruder

^ .By . order- o f -Hon . . . E d w a r d "G, Rogan, S u r r o g a t e of t h e Coun ty "of Albany .

' N O T I C E IS H E R E B Y GIVEN, acco rd ­ing to l aw to. all pe r sons h a v i n g c la ims or d e m a n d s a g a i n s t . Ju l iu s H . Bfudor', l a t e of t h e City^-of-- 'Albany; in said County , deceased, t h a t they a r e rectti ired,-to "exhibit the- Sanie,. with t h e . vouchor-*' 1:


..'••' ' Executor ,


ZOLA B I R D S A L L ; Plaintiff, "against GEORGE. B I R D S A L L , Defendant. .


-in s u p p o r t thereof, to . the subscr iber , tire •Lxeeut-rix..ot'.,the E s t a t e of sa id deceased, •at her- .place.-of. . . ' t ransacting bus iness , as :

-stiQh E x e c u t r i x a t the office o f ' W i i a l e n , M,cNani.e.ev' Cre'Mo &' iNr'ich'ol,s, '7(5 S t a t e S t r e e t ; Albany, N e w Yoi-'k, .011 or before t h e 23rd' clay of 0ece,iniber,'-next.-' . . .Da ted - ' Albany, ,-N. Y„ this 2 0 t l l d a y of June , ' .A . D. 3941,

, . ' T H E R E S A . B R t l D E R , ' ; '„ ,-. •' ' , ' . . ' • : •••• Execut r ix / , Wlralen, • MoNamee,- Cr.oble •&'•'Nichols,' • . .At torneys ' fbr Execu t r ix , 70 S t a t e St . ,

Albany,- N.- Y-..- ' ,- , SUP.R-EME. CbUR'. t^AL'BAN'Y .'COUNTY

A L B A N Y - LOU'cioNVI 'LLE .^STATES jCORPORATION, . P l a i n t i f f ^ against

L A U R A ..,M.' STEVENS, , individual ly • X«9 'as 'admin is t ra t r i x of the-'Estite" of JAMES 'EDWIN .MILLER, deceased,

ot. a!,. Defendants. • • • • : . • '•

In pur suanco of a jud'gm'ent ' of foro-closure 'and. s a l e . duly g r an t ed in t h e .-above ent i t led act ion, and, en t e r ed in the . .off ice 'pf . , the Clerk of. .the: C o u n t y of A l -« a n y on.- the 9tb day of-Septemiber • 1941, L , the/uiide.rsigtjod Refe ree in said ' - ju 'dg-apen t - nMned; .will. sell • a t .p'uiblic ' aiiCUon• ; a t r t h e .Bag-le v?;treet e n t r a n c e .of t h e - A l ­b a n y C o u n t y Cour t H o u s e i n ' t h e ' Ci ty

lof- Albany, County , of 'Albany, State-' of ^e\v York,-, on the. '2Stlr-da.y of October-,•' 1941-, a t eleven • o'clock, ' - E a s t ' e m , S t a n d a r d Time, in . t h e forenoon, of . ' t h a t day t h e

'p remises •.tfireetea '..by S'tiid j u d g m e n t to. •be sold and 1 t h e r e i n descr ibed a s 'follows:-' . A L L : . T / H J W "Tl iACT Or .parcel of land:

;sit t iate -i.h t h e Town, pf• Cbloaie; Coinity. jpf; A l b a n y ..and ..State.-.of -New. York,- afitf fbriefly d.esoii)bedvas follows:.' '•• . L o t ,NP. G. o n . a .-mat* entitled', '.'Allaah'y' Loudony i l l e . .Es t a t e s Corp. Section •One*", i.dat.ed-September'.20th;. :.1925, arid filed in the- office of the Clerk of A l b a n y 'County ' ipc-ttJ-be'r : 2«v. •I.025, saiai'-H'ot-, -betng o n e |hundred . feet (100 feet). . f ron t ' . and r e a r ;and- one hundred! sixty-four, and'•-seventy- :

•five.'h.und'r.edths': (1G4.75): feet in depth. ' . D a t e d : 'Septemibej- 10th, 3943.

. ; . ' . - . . • ..AltTHUtR; • E. Mc'CORMlfiK, " ' - • " • " ' - . £i(*f'cr&Q

J O H N . R ; Tra t i rs , 'Attorney, for -plain- ' ' . tiff. Office arid- :Post Office- Ad'di.'c'ss;

• 75.-State Street , 'Al 'bany, New York . * -7 t

NOTICE TO C R E D I T O R S Esta te , of Rebecca Gneerrfield, sornetltries

. : . -called .B&ckie .GreeHfle'1.6! %

. B y order ' of HO'h.Ed'Vvara' <3, Rogari, S u r r o g a t e ; of the : Qounty ' -p f 'Albany ,

N O T I C E I S H I ^ I E B Y : <3lVli)N,.' accord^' .trig t o -la-w to- ai l pe'rsorife' ImVihg-'elai'itis .or- d e m a n d s ' . a g a i n s t - R-eibedea Greenfield; some t imes cal led Bepkle Crreehfield, ')ate :

of t h e . C i ty of, A l b a n y ' i n said County , .deceased-,- t h a t ' t h e y , a r e .reqiilred'/ 'to e x -Ihiljit. the - Sfime, w i t l v , ' t h e vouchers Iri suppor t thereof, to . the '.subscriber, t-fte •administrator , . of'..--§a.i.d deeeased, , 'af h i s iplaee -of .- . transacting business; . . .as such aam.ihistra.tor, a t t h e "law'.bf'flee of R-ieh'ard; O'/piBassett) ,93 S t a t e . . S t r ee t , 'A lbany , N-.' Y„ 'on or-'-before. the.-40th day of' .NPvem-. be'r nex t . ' ' ,. ' " •'.'/.• . D a t e d . A l b a n y t h i s 14-th- day of M a y :

A..,..D., 1941-. • • " ' . . • • ; i " .' . . . S A M U E L G R E E N F I E L D , ; '.

, :.•-• '. -, - Aciminis'trator..'-R icha rd O. B a s s e t t / A t t o r n e y for ' A d - .

m i n i s t r a t o r , .'9'3 S t a t e " .Street, .Albany' / ' . New. York, / • . . ' - ' • . - . '

" COMiM.UlSIITY.:NOTES. • Mrs . ' George, .Ch-are'tte of Sclienec-

Sady is spending -a. fe-siv days with Mrs. iVIiitpn'Br.own..'.

. B r ; ' a n d ' M r s . '©eorge Righ te r and 30'ri. of-Aiba-ny W'e're. gues t s of Mrs.-Nellie Bi'ssell. ' ' P a u l ' B e n s o n •of P i n e Canip i s a t the feme t>t h is ' p a r e n t s . ' '

Mrs; Clayton, Gi-'ookes returned, from JtSliis: hojpsltal,. Schenec tady . , „

: Mi', a n d Mrs . H o w a r d Oono'ver and family of'-.SlingerJands .,and^ Mr. and Mi's-. Btrarik C'on^er a n d daughte r of yooi-hees-ville . viait'ed,' Mr. and Mrs .Wilia-am- Qonover an'd; Mit. arid Mrs. Z. Smith', Sunday.

Mr! 'a:nti Mrs. iRae ' Montanye of Johi is tawn #era ; 'guests ' 'Satuiiaa-y night of Mr. and>-Mrs. William' Montanye. . H u n t e r Dale , wil l l e ave 'Sep t . 26 for dk iahon ia c i t y Tvh-ere he. Tv-iil s tudy avia-tton,., .. ; . - . . . •

iMr; .'atwl...-rilajs'. lEJdWiard W a n d s of' S'Chehe.c-tadiy' Tver-e; .iSuiiday', .ghegts' of -Mr. arid'-Mrs.-, J.osepli, ; ^ a h d B . •'. .- M r s ; . Charles ,-;.J^oatahye.' :spent the-: ?weelc ea& ih. Schehee'ta-d-y... : M;ri. -Ed-Tvard . Efeynoid^ St''-Fonda' Visi ted 'MfcVand iii-rs.;'Wm&, .A.' Mon-' •tAnyj^Sfya^rTr--^. '••'. •' ;;'.-. - . . .

Ma-.-;' a M ' MiiS't"' -0nt, ;Iip.c'liw-e]l Of! •Schenectady vis i ted, a t -the RoGkwell-: B'clteit aorrie. .'•' 'Ma--.,.,an,;d'..Mrs'/.a?Taak Br.itt of Sche^ iieOtatfy-' yKejse- r e c e n t ' .guests of Mr. Isarid' Mirs'., H e n r y Meiucle.. ' .Mf j - a i j i i Mrg. Ray.mond Smi th aiid fani i ly of 4 i h a n y - and Mr. and- Mrs. Tiieroit TaMmadg'e of Sloansville •yisd'ted .at- tHe ; h o m e of Mr, and. Mrs.' i a . S t a i t h . • • • . • •

MX. ftM M r s . H a r v e y f "eetz and-' ffamily en te r ta ihed M-iss Elmida Spen­cer of Schenectady.

NOTICE ,*0;.i.C'R'-EJ,E)-|.TBR;S, . :'•-.. Estate of':W-iihamvB'ra'dt- • . " ' ' '

B y order of Hon.;.' Edlwdirfl''•.'&•' Rogaris Surrogate of the-.&OTfrfiy >o£ AJb-any.- :•-.-'

NOTtCR IS HEJR^^y-.aWTSN., , .a'cfeord-; in.g to law to-al l ' persons- 'Uavi r l i r ' c la ims o r d'emands agaihsSt' #:i i l iarni Bratd*, l a t e of the Town of /iSTew: JScbtla'm'd' In • salid •County. r|,.r.p;,s.Qa( t i h a t . . t h e y - a r e jteptiiretl £0" exhibit the-sa/rae'i • writht . the y/o'ubhers in support .tbei-eofv-.to; t he ' •sii'bscW'ber; tifie Adrnjiiisii-ati-ix of tWe'.gP(Jd;Si,,clia;tte'ls- and; credits- of said d'e'e.e'as'ed',' a t h,er-..pla)ce'..Pf, transacting- busiriessv a s >9ti'eh,

:'ad.rh'in,;i^tt!a'-t r i x a t (he la«r'';d'i)fii-ee ol'-r Behdpr;;, Ford-; -Benson & Com-stbekv &feto»ii'e.ys;,"a;09- 'Staite' S t ree t , Albany jgeSV.-Ydi^ ' . 'oh o r ''beffire; the, ISth diiy of 'aEareto iieact.; ' •.' :; \ , '

Da ted Albany; ; 'K: '<Y:.-Wi$ 9thi- d a y . P f , September A. Di, -:-tyi% \:." .-''• • ..,:•'•'.' .•••.•;

' ' ' j faJTTEEi'-Ei ' i 'JO'N^S; ... Administratr ix of'.'411'©'g'Ppd^.eh'attels. and'

credits of WiH'iaiii'. Biiadli,, Deceased-.-.'. ,' Bender, |.-„ivl, ^fihs<fn?~&:''&iS^ta(i\t;. -At-

torneya, Hm Sta te . ' 'S t i j .Atha jhK.J f . %.-•

S T A T E OF :'iOEW YORK' • ' . ' - . ' . ' . ' : ' ' . SS.*

' B E P A R T M E N T OFy S T A T E •' " ' : ' ' , r . D O H E R E - B y C E R T I F Y . t h a t a ce r -•tificate- • of. :,a%oi.ution •' 6f T O M P A U L RtEAX-TY' CO-. 'INC.- h a s : been . filed' in t h i s d e p a r t m e n t : t h i s day a.ndi t h a t - i t ' a p -:pears. ,therefrOnii ' - tha t - such" Corporatio-n has . comtpjied' wi th section one -hund'>r'ed-.iind• fo'-ve, of t h e Stock ^*orporatio.n,'LaW-,; :and. t h a t i t i s flissolved'. • ,

••. '(SEAL). - G-WEN I N D i r p ' L l C A T E ' iurider r n y hftnd and offielai seal- of thfe; D e p a r t m e n t pf iS'taite; a t t h e Ci ty of A1- ' iban'-y this fifteenth, d a y pf Septemiber, .one;- th'ousa.ndi b i n e .bl indred a n d for ty -o n e , : • ••• •

M I C H A E L F . W A L S H , S e c r e t a r y of State. '

'By F R A N K S-. 9HA.RP, , •. ,.; -. --. ( ' . . - .D'epUty' 'Secretary of'-S-tate.-' ,'JH'oh. &. Ppskanzeir , Ait'torneys, • 78 S t a t e ' S t . , . 41b'aiiy,..N.-:. Y ; - . •' ; - . iO-2't-

..-.'.•. .. #ojrre ie.' f-a- 'CBE?D"fT0Rs•• .'..• 'E s t a t e bf'./O;.' Ed'Svard- Jones '

; By' .order" pf-. fion:, E d w a r d O. R o g a n ; -Sin^bgate , of..;t'lie. Coun ty of Albany . / :. WOTXCE' TS H E R E B Y G-IV^EN, aoodtftj--l ing-to laiW to a l fperSonS. h a v i n g eiairri'S; ;pr.'.dem^iridH-;:against- d; Edward- Jones-: ,3ate,.pf .iih'eCity..of Aifbany In said Gouh'ty; .deceased, . t h a t ' t h e y -are- recfulfed' ie ' ex-'! ;|pjliit. tine Same; ' wi th t h e votieh-e*'s?- W-isufip-bilt .thereof;-- tP, tlier. .subscribers, .'the: 'executors. ,of saii'd .de.ce.ase&,:, a t t h e i r place-<Pf.' t r ansac t ing ' ' 'btis.ffiefs'; : as"-sti.ch exeeu-f-. foils-; a t - l a * e-ffice-'df B'yi'he, Jeraim and' ;Cas6y, W'iN'o. • Ei-Sajrf'. ;St,y .Alilaahy",' N,' Y ; fdn;or before ' t he .1s t . day .of OetPber next . , ,-. .•D;a.ted't'liis-'5'th d ' iy • of• BSarcii &,-•:•£>.,: $sm>.- - . ••-• - • . ' • '.•-• -• ••••• -• ' . : ' .. -:•-.

' 0 L A R A ..'yVALKER;. ..TONifiSi-.-'

T H E PEOPLE-: "03= •: TfiET. ' S T A T E ' - 0'F' NlEVW^QWrS. . . ' : : ; ' , • ; . ',

'-. . : ; . ••ymi%^AM'iW::-:&m^0^. ••'•• ,(. . , '.'•'.'•'.-•" ;-. ; ; ;Ejt,edufoi's. IByrrie,' Jerahi-• ana "Casey, 'Attorney^ 'for •;' Executors; ".-la; -iNPs 'PeswX St.,-' Albany, " .N.ew'.;YPrfc.'.. : - . - : . ' - . . - ; •• - ' . ; •

By The Grace':- of' G'odi.. l.-ri-d%pertdeti#'.'.-

iPir-ee fcArid-

TO: xurm li'-BAiasR,, -^m^W& B. • Fl N( ".H, HIEJDErlSM: 'SOYCP-;' L33M?E!33iy s . FIj\'< <K, LORifijNz;®;"'-'-. -B.;. -,' B A I T E R , , . ; HENB.Y H. KOi33^/ ;-I#tfOBrASP'CS: Altfip.; IJ-ABoVIllBRS' B/bNirt-- ofc ' AiLBANY r - ' .'KMI-" urAi^ri-EL B,u irrasT,'iCii!riSies, A j y B A « ! H O S P I T A L , . xtmiiE&pMSu,-- tfOs^raAfo, ST. - PIWRR'S ':'.' ''j40'Si-'#BA^L.r ' .-JOHN BilfiPiaP Hnd KESRiY' I50E4' .tlifj-.-rtaitie-, " John and the --ha.me''»rar;y---iDberr/-,beiriB: fiet-ifjeu.s ana iitteiided"• .to: ' r e p r e s e n t iteri spectiVHly the-.bro'tHdr;s qiii'dS-.Msi&vm. -'iP. a n y , of deftftdenf's ''f-ktHex, \Wred'4t\k.'lf-l Bishop, whose "fcrue"---iihanes;-. resfd'en-eSs; a n d posi -office ' ad9.i-e'sses • arev itmtehb'wn: .and who, if living-.- vvoflld.' 'be ' .utiieles^aMd-. a u n t s of 6hat>!e»' .3?re4er4Pk:' ^ i t jhpp , Vth'ei deciKlenl Iinwlnaf-teii tiiiniBa', -andi A0-;.Sd.el,i: would- lie aistri-butees'- -pf isaid' dececTdntiJ WH/LTAM: H O E ! .-ah*. ;.TA39iE.:". iR0%:.J.Bp: d a m e s "William' VBJwe'''" a-nd' '-'.'Jutne', :H6e"

. , William':(Roe"" a n d ; . . be ing rielitioiis. a n d jh teh3 'ed to- r e p r e - , s e n t the eliildrenv'IS','ftiiy; of -.fiiid.. JpliMi Bishop ami Maw-.Dfle, . w h o s e t r u e nat t iesj


YO'U AREJ' H E R E B Y SUMMONED -to. a n s w e r »f!u; comtplaiilt in this act ion a n d to se rvo a copy of y o u r "answer, or if flic cdjn.pla.int is not served' w i t h t h i s KiuiTi'irons, lo se rve .a notice' of appeaf'-ince, on the .plaintirr-'s a t to rney watbih t w e n t y days, a f t e r H ie ' eorvice br th i s Kitiimngns, excl'Usiye of the day- of s e r ­vice,. ' In -case of yoiir failure t o a p p e a r o r . ' a n s w e i : , j u d g m e n t will- .be •• t aken a g a i n s t ' y o u by defaul t TOr, the ' relief d e ­m a n d e d - i n t h e complaint . '

T r i a l to- be held' in t h e Coun ty 'o f A P b.-i ny.- . " • '. •

Dated , A u g u s t 18, 1941.' T H O M A S , A; A L L E N ,

A t t o r n e y f o r Pia in t i r r , Ofl'lce a.hd P . O. Addre s s , 119 S t a t e .Street , Albany , N . Y:- .

T O : G I D O R O E B I R D S / V I A ; Tho-,foregoing ' S u m m o n s - is served. : UPT

oir .you . b y publ ica t ion p u r s u a n t t o - .an O r d e r of Hon . Fra/hcis' Bergan, Ju s t i c e SnpTemie Cour t , da ted August 1!), 3,.'MJ., hncl-lulled wi th the Cotnpiaiiit in the Al"-(bany C o u n t y Clerk's- Office. • .••-

'. " ' T H O M A S A. A L L E N , A t l n r h a y for Plaintiff, •Office a n d P, O.

4ddt-.ess, - 3,1!)'.State S t r ee t , Albany,. N . Y: ••-•. • .' ' . c-7t

" NOTICE TO CREDITORS. ,,,/.Estate Of Niclos Wychowanep'. also'

knoVvh! as Mlkofay Wycndwarrec , Li,W o r d e r - o f j l o h . Bdwai 'd.-G. -Rogan, S u r r o g a t e of / . the Court ty p f Albany : ' "

N O T I C E "IS KERiEBY ©IVEN; acp'ord-, i ng to l a w tq, all .persons having • c l a ims ' o r demands , aga in s t . N i c lo s Wy'cfto-vvan'e'c a l so k'no.wn a s .IVBKoIay.Wycho^ajiec.-l'ajte o f . " the .C i ty of A l b a n y fri. said. Coufify, .deceased,- t h a t , t h e y a r e r equ i r ed ' to- ex­h ib i t t h e ' jsavme,. .'-with.; t h e vouchers ' in s j ippor t thereof, ' to ' . . the su'bscrib'er, t h e :$&ecutor' .of t he Last Wi'ii and Testa--.raien.t• of/-said' deceased,, a t : his- .place '.of •traiiBfifeMng 'business ; as'-suteh. BSCeetitor-at JUWj- Of f ices .o f 'Char les F.'- Mo. Govern , •lOO. S t a t e . S t r e e t ; A lbany , N e w Y.ork, on or before t h e 30th day- of J a n u a r y next.', .ijggate'd.,Alibaby,.N.-'Y, tfois 22'iid'' day: of fMf- A . - D . , 1 9 4 1 / , - - - " - ' , . ' . S f e ' ' " iS-TEPHaSN - W Y O H O W A N E C ; •.. -."!^:ecu'tor of t h e L a s t Viriif'and Tes'ta;-S e M t of N i c l o s - W y c h d w a n e c . • '.- , ... jaCTar les F / Me'.-. Govern; At to rney , iOO' •.^flS^ S t ree t , A lbany , N e w York,

f M l •• NOTICE'..;•?•*-,GffiMfi'ITO-R"S,.. rti|tjEstat'e'..pf. .Marg'ahef- JV 'Dpie'tenty;... S-.®-'.-. ,.•••.- ••'-.,ae"'c'eaSe"a,'••'•,''•• .'-••'.':••-••

1hg-.--.tO' l a * fp-.alj! .person's- .having-; plairn'S; diSLdernand'S'.- agjiiinst:. itfargraret ,'J. .:IJ'eI'e--;Blftfy--lai;e'of the''Cify-.-ofl Aauany' in ^ s a # © p f i ' ' " ' -"• ' ' • " ' ' - • - • ' • ' - ' "

Eke.clitrfc.es• of • the- L a s t " ^ i l l "andi1

' • j s^tameht . of sal'd' deceased; a£- • their-;t>M£& of . t r a n s a c t i n g : .'business;., a s su"6h'i fgipfeutrice.s a t t h e Ian*" office'.Of C h a r l e s 1 ; E » r e i m a ' n , ' 90 S t a t e S'ti'eet.-'.A'lteiiy, ST.-WyToif' Pi£- before . the- 22nd'- day' of- N o / ;vMii1iei< ' . l i U l . - . . • - • . • - . - • , • • • . , • • • iMS|t'edf Alhany, N,. -Y.-. this-' ll'tli-.day of' iMpif A. :D:, -iSU. • .:' ' . ' - . • • ' t'^M" :••• CATJEERfNE" E. - itiELigB/AlstTy,' i-fm • •'. •'' - A N N A • A ; ' .sfeNNETT; ;•/••••

;• '''ESJeoUti'ices.' e.s. E . .BrBnriah,- Aft'orh'e'y for- 'Ex--

.: ••o'8'utr!ee»; 90-Sta i te 'S t ree t , Albto'y,- New ••' JYbrk. ' , . ; - . - . •

,:•'.- N'OTI'C'Ev.tO^.CR-E.D.'ITO'Rs'' E s t a t e ' bf-.To&rtsehd1' V^'alsH'

.By.: oi'd'ei'v .'pf;'- Hpri; • MWa/i'd' ' &•• Rogain-, S u r r o g a t e bf-.th'e-C'p.iinfy o f : A l b a n y : . . ' ' .• N'OTICJ? IS' anfoEBy .©TVISN,. a,ceoi'd-. lt)K itb-'l't'iv- .tor-oil' persoiife 'liiiving' 'Clairhs.' PV'- d'eiri-ainds;-"against 'Tpwnserid;-"V^aislv ! l a t e : of -.tHe. Oity of Albany,, inv'said* lppuhtjy;;cle'cea.s.ed,". that.;ljh,'ey-..ave •f'eo;.itii''e*d' t ip exhibit', i ihe, sairte,. AVitlt."the voncbefe; 5rh.'sup"por.t .-thereof,' to' '6ie:--s'tibscribeiv fhe 'Ad.rii|hiSt;rator/'0,f,it'Ke <30ods, Chattel's:-arid' .Ci!6d3:fe.bf:;.sa1d.deceased, ttt'-its.'iilace'- 0? 'tan^ajstiVig-. bu'siness,' .aft- such . admlty^'-' ;triaitoi--a.t!itS;b'arikint5' iTQtiSe,..N'o,,G3' State-.'Sfree^,'..ih!,-th'e. City-Pf Albany, NI-. Y.'r*h' !.bi- •before- tliS seV.enteerith 'dijy-of" Sraiteh-4 i 6 ' x : i . ' . ••."-;'••: :•• •. ' •.-,:• •',• • $'• 1 ,...-I&Med Albany. N.'-Y', this SM day fpf Septennber'A- iOi,-.S).4-l, . - _ , . ' • • ! ; • . . iM3|ldI;rANte'*A'NI3-FA.RM32RS :BAr?K-.' (OF 'ALBAOTYi .As- AdiiiiitfiStr'ator,' ; '•-•••• ••'•. W., £,;."L, .lieltsi/'Atitpjihey for Admihis^; ;tratpr; S'2 .>s'ta:te..st.,'. Aibany,- N.. .Y.

' T O T W E P E O P L E * O F THiE/ STATE"' OF-

N E W - Y O R K - .:.

By"- T h e Grace pf '{dod •indetiehderi't.

.'Ftiee- .A'h'di

0?P Charlpfeto M l . ;Shea;; .Tdh'h- .1. Shea',. ; w . '.Leonaii'di -Shea;--M&vgiHrei- Hyde"; • P a t - :

••rjftit.3;ya'e, :.rohh.. iryde,'.avfttvy Reiiry vsniif '•

, of Cihwles - , . , , . .. t h e decedent hereirittftal4 nttTtiedj an 'd-aS? s u c h Would be dis'trlrjutees- '"Pf--said' deH 'cedent ; the l ioJi ts ' -ai tavf a n d - n e x t . . o f , 'kin of Charles j - rederfck . B i s h o p - ' l a t e of; t h e COitniy of Albany ; , flfeepasedi; a n c t the-; -person named' Sis- e x e c u t o r y - te>&me,ft tery t r u s t e e , gtinrdian..and each.per ison. n a m e d , a s executor, t es ta -h ieh ta ry ' trriBteie, gtial ' - ; d i a n or bfiheffciary i h a n y -other-. W l h -of. s a id testator i*iled.'lh- this"' Pffjcp* ^en'd-' ;GR3DEillsi<3! '•".'•"' ",- ; . " ' • - . ' " . "'•'

WlmmAS, S e n r y '&,. JCdhn o f Ahe

ttMie NAT;iON.AL-COiyi'ME^RCIAL..pA"N.K: 'AN© rrRrjSTC'o'MPAflV O F ^-'LBANVV

Plaih'tl'ff, , against•- '^WM. NATIONAL OOMrVIERCI'AL BANK' A N D TR13S>T' COM P A N * O F •••A-tiBA'WV a s jEXebdtbr ^ n d T r u s t e e - .of ' . . the- L a s t , W | j i and -Testamerit of Rehhy Taylor• .Nevtorjdhj; •bede|aseai,• .RUTH M. ' DOREIvnjS, H i 'LEr^ . P . telCKi'NSON, W.INlFRfeD-IBACH and ROSE-IBAOHi Peferida:tttB/

othor- Wlil "of isaid teS,Uttdi:"-'.iil'od"""iil. "'this office;. . ' p—-"'• — • . - " * « « — i . •• •

>S'U,i*R'E''MT£.:'Oo:ilRT^A^-BANV:-eO,U.'Nt'^ ' '!ficei..':send; GJRYSTM^WG1'; . -

.WHiroi&SAS; - WiUiam H, mint of- -the'' iCily Pf Albany, in. t h e County pf Alliany hte-'juade 'appllea.'tion lo-.oUr'iSiii'lioiQ.te'S' 'Court; of the cpttnty. ec Aibdny to have •a certain instrument in'wMti'ng, .(taaitth£ ;.dgtp the 28th . day. :of ••February mi- fe-' •lating W real and pe-i'sowai estate, duly proved a s the Last Will and' .TOstittrieht of -jVEafy L. Shea- late of the City 4t- Jib-•tow, d(3beasedi- .THiERE^ORJi!, ytui' ahd :

. . . . . . . i -.,. .. i. "each of ydd; 'are hereby, tjitod'tb 'ahdw ^•TO- TS©.',ABOV2D, iNAMBD. ©EFiBN;- ;eu«Se iJefofe oiir'.said Sur:irdgate-lii the-'JPA'NTIS:. , - . 'LL^^-^ ' -J -U -•-' -'•-- ' -:•' ; Opiinty a f Albany,' -at tiio -stirl'figftte•s,

YOU ABI3-HJBJRBB-S: SttWMONED-jfo' CpjJi't pf.said.Cpunty, held*in- ti«-OPurity afi!|«ret''the.worn/p]aihf in this- a^tipn/ 'aii ja.ig^t -HpUBe 4n the ,dtt!C cf ''•Alba.'ny-. Ph

„ . » « „ itienry « , ^ . ^ , - » . - » . » « • ;* ;^py ' •*? » * ; i # ^ W | M JIH' <J*''-of " f e t o l ^ , : 154-1; a t . ten' City of Alfen'y m t r ie Gfburity of Alb&riy, - the C0ni»teil1t iff rfo.t- served, vVJltt . t i i i r ' iM'Qlt .m -Uip fomnop'it- .of-.•thttt, day, # h y N. Y. has made? apT>Heatiort to PUr.Sut- &Ormh'piJs, to sei'Vg-a. rtolfce. Of t>&p*W~ helnstrumwrtt " " - - - - ^' ' •"-••'-

.Ii>&'," fRifthttrdi'Roe a:nd '.Ja.We''.'Rd'e,fi<j.tit'l-'OtiS'-'nainie.* i'titende'd' td-irebre'sertt all. uhV StonoWil' hpirs' a t lavy and next of kin,.'- if ;a,ny. of. w&yy,' Shea, deceased; 'a,ri(i''-v#ipse .ntulpes, residences' arid'' post.-.-Off loo; ad-.di!6'sses a r e ' Ui'iknPwhi ;aiid'' <SiAi)M "after' idOo.-diligence ' be . asiJartained, ilio -,he'li'&!

ja*-law and'.' riext oflcliv. of '.Ma*y li> 'Shea'-,; la te 'of. the Ctuinty. of Ai'bairi.y. • deceasedi' land the peiwjii. ntiined". d's- eitediitpi', 'tes.tttmpiUo.ty-'t-rtiKteo.goa'i'a.ia.ri,, «)\a-emy jpfil'ison- -iianied' a s ' execti'ldtv.''tcStHn1eri'tflry •truHtoo, •gruird-ia.l1 or' be)reficlu;ry. tii a n y

T o Floyd, , C , KnWihs, ( ^ rnwa l l , N, Y . Hiu-riet ,1'ohiis'ton, eornwal l , N . 1 . ; I^ l i in :»'. ' B i i r n h i w 291! JVfesteiii Ave. , Alba.ny, N, y . ; Einiiiy E, Wel t , 2l)(i AVcstern Ave., Albany, N . Y.; aM'i-s, (Veil Aiwck, 25f>9 HKll jjriv-e,' Eagle Rook, L o s Angeles. •Cat,'; Clifford Johns ton , Cornwall, N.- ^ . ; M r s , M a r t h a Eger, 204 So. Main Ayeiuio, •Albany, N . Y ; Florence M a t t e W h y t e , 67 ' Wi'lHwiti "St,, Ne'W'bii'i'ff, N. Y ; A. -J. A.m.ick, 317 S t a l e St . , Pu.hois, Pa;.; Etlfl-Aiiii'ic.k, 337 S t a t e S t . , Dubois, Pa ; ; Mary H a z a r d . Johns ton , Cornwall, N- , ' • • ' Americnn S u r e t y ,C0: pf N. Y., 100 .Male S t . Albany , N. Y.; and nil o the r s in­t e r e s t e d iii t h e es ta te ,o f Marie A. Amick l a t e of ibe City of.A'llxiny in I h e County 'of • Albany, deceased, a s credi Iors ' d i s ­t r i bu tees , o r otherwise , SEND t l R M v l -lKTG; , , . - YOI ' Aj \ T OEA.CH O F 'V-01..: Av<^ lwre -by requi red t o show' cause boloi-e our S u r r o g a t e of the Coiinly of Albnjiy, at t h e Suiia-og-ate's Court , in t h e County C o u r t House , in the City of Albany, New York, oiv'.the - 28th - d a y of October, lP t l . a t - t e n , o'clock in t h e forenoon of t h a t , d a y ; why the ' Account of Proceedings ol Edrith S. Bur-nha-m ' a s Administni i .nx, c. i. a, , of t h e GdoVls, Chat!Ms and , Credi ls of sa id deceased should•-nol hi' judieiiilly settled, and allowed. -.-IN TliSTlAfONY W H E R E O F . We. have caus6d" . t I ieSc 'a l of t h e Suri-ogate'.-! Cloprt or t l ie saJdi - C'ounly of Alliany, 10 he h e r e u n t o affixed-. ' . _

,(L.' S.) W I T N E S S , HON. F I W A R D C. R O G A N S u r r o g n l e of our said. County, a t t h e City of Albany, on the 3Sth d a y 61' S e p t e m b e r in the .Vear of o u r Lord, one thou'sand- nine '-hundred a n d I'ort.v-one.

C H A R L E S M. l'-RlEiVli,, C le rk of the SiiiTOK'ale's Cont l .

H e r m a n .1': Greene, Attorney for .Unix. , c. 1. a., Orr ice & Post Office Address, 25 E a g l e -St., Al-baii'y. N. V. 11-M

, NOTICE TO CREDITORS • Estate of.Thomas B. Casey

B y ' o r d e r of Hon. Euward. G. Rogari, Stiri'Pgat'e of t h e .County of Albany.

•NOTICE I S H E R E B Y GIVEN, accord­ing- lo law to. all j iersons . linving- elainis or d e m a n d s aga in s t -Thomas 6 , C a s e y la te of the C i t y of Albany in said County, deceased,, t h a t they a r e required lo ex­hibi t . the s a m e , ' With the Vouchers in s u p p o r t ' t h e r e o f , " to t h e subscriber, t h e E x e c u t o r of said, deceased, (it h i s place of t r a n s a c t i n g business , a s such Execu to r a t t h e -Ofl'ipe- of Byrne, Jerfini' & Casey, 1.1 N o r t h Pearl- S t ree t , Albany, N. Y. on Or before i h e 32th. day of . J a n u a r y n e x t . • • . ' ' • •

D a t e d Albany , • N. Y. this 3rd d a y Pf Ju ly ' A. D„ 3941..

' F R E D E R I C K T. JERAM. Execu to r .

Bynie; . • Jerafh.. & Giisey, AHorneys, 31 N o r t h Pea r l St . , 'Albany, N. Y

N O T I C E TO O R E O I T O R S ' E s t a t e - of' Dorothy Chand le r . .

B y o r d e r of itori;, Edward G-, Rogan, S u r r o g a t e of. i h e : Coun ty of Albany.

NOTICE. I S ATSRTSBY GIVEN, accord- ' ing to l a w to -a-ll:.persons, having claims or -demands-- a g a i n s t . Dorothy' Chandler late of tlie". C i t y .Of .Albany in said' County, d.e'oeased, t h a t t hey are required lo exh ib i t t h e ' same,- •w.it'li the vouchers hi .support- thereof , to. t h e subscriber, the •Executor' of' sold. -;deceased, at . his place of t r a n s a c t i n g bus iness , a s such' E x e e u -tS.r.at-.RPorh,' '3:401;" H o m e Savings B a n k 'Building-, i l - .No . . Pear l Street, Albany, N,-.-'Y on- b'i;-- before tlie ,15th day of. N o -vemibeK next. ' '•

b a t e d A l b a n y , N. Y. th i s 24 th d a y of Aprk A ; b;', l 9 4 i ;

" ' : 'I<5RNES.T-CHANDLER, ' Executor .

Byfh'e, J e r a m . &• Casey, Al to rneys for E x e c u t o r , 11 -Nor th Pea r l St., A l b a n y , N e w ' York. ' •

;NOTICE TO CREDITORS .Estate of John Patterson

B y o r d e r of Hoii , E d w a r d G. Rogan, Sur roga te" Of. the- County of Albany.

•ltfOTJ.CE IS' BTEREBY, GIVEN, accofd-ing. to iayv' . to- a l l persons having c la ims .or . d e m a m l s . a g a i n s t J o h n Pa t t e r son l a t e of -. ihe . Vil lagg . o f . ' Gle'rtrripnt in said Couri.ty;-,'<dec'ease'd;. tha t t h e y a re r'eguired to' e x h i b i t the- .same,- w i th the vouchers •in' .supipoft.• thereof, to the subscr iber , . t h e E x e c u t r i x pf-' the L a s t Will a n d Tes tament , .p f ,-sa'id-deceased,, ,at -her-pla.ee-of •t-r'ansa.ctin'g bus iness , • a s such E x e c u ­t r ix a t • Glenrriont, Town of Bethlehem, .Albany CPtinty, • ISfe-fl; York, on or- berdre t h e I s t . - d a y of Noverrtber next. • Da ted- GlenmpWt, N. Y. this ISth day

'Of Apr i l "A. ' .©;, ' 194L ,-.•"•,-'-S'fATILBA- C. PATTERS'ON,

A S / • 3 ^ e c t v f * K . . p f t h e . L a s t Will and '. T e s t a m e n t of J o h n P a t t e r s o n / d e c e a s e d Howaird' .'Hen'di-ickson, At torney for

Exefeuitrix, 78- . S t a t e S t ree t , Albany , • Nesv-York. ' : • ' > , ' '

. ' .'.NOTICE-, -TrO-CREDITORS -^ v.Esltatd'.pf'.-.R'aynip'nd -,N. F o r t

."-'By.-'ordersW'J=Cpri'.; 'Edward' G', Rogan , 'Sii' lrog,ate.-of t he Couh'ty of Albany." .

-».i3TICE liS/.iaSEiftEtey GIVEN, aceord-•mgi'tP, I-aftr to ,a!ll persfihis. having c la ims Si^'djem'and^j-a'gatest Ra,v:niond N. F o r t jiate; 08 the Gifij. of. Albany in said Conn I y, 'deceased1, '• thai"-they- 'are-.required t o ex-iJi:ibit/-'lih'e'; -saahle,- With, t h e youchers in isu'pp.orc -flrereaf, t o - , the srift'scriber, t h e exe'cn'tr ' ix',:pf--the' last- w i l l ' and r&sia-i-ihtent ,'Pf said) deceased, .at- b i s place of ;'.(irii.h's'a'ot'i:n-g-.'-, business,- a s • ,'Su'cTi| oxecaxti'ix ' a t th'e-.l 'a'w', 'Pffees of .Wartih. .0). N a c h t -frna.'hn,Nt)S.- 80 & 82 -Stete; S t ree t ; Albany, ^•Vty.'iM w before the- th i r t ie th d'ay of Miaii'ch inext . • "• • •' ..'-. . . .Dated.'- Al'baii-yf N.. Y. t h i s Loth d a v Of SeptBm'ibei'A-. $>„ .it:9'IJ. ; • : , . - •;au:3jERjj}!

l3A m, P O R T , ' ••:•. ." .'' ••':J. .<• •••• "-,- As Execut r ix .

ilVW'tlli: T . NiaBh'tifiiSiWi, A-ftoi'h'ey for JBxeeiitrix;- 80' & St. S t a l e Stree'l Al-ib'any,; ' N : Y."

' •-; NOTICE-.T.0 iCRE'D/l'TORS .. E'^tafe fof. Oatherlrt 'e W'askay

•By ot-dfer..''Pf- SfpiT'. • Edwardi 0 . ' ftoftair iSni.i'Jtogafe •.pf-.lihp.Oounfy of AJljany, ••::a&smm *S I-rteitEBY G^iSM, .Tccoi'd'-ii'h'g- ft} 'Uwy to.-(i.il-.p'er.<ion's''haviiig claims >.pr 'deiharia's.-agairiist Cnt'lverine ;Waskay :l.ate af the.-.ejty of -CPhoes iri- «aid CPUiiily, ^deceased,', 'that Cliey -are rer/uirea' Co ox-ihlbjt 'the'. ,s«i.rii4 ' Vitli the vouehers in siVppoft:. tifler'eof, . tp- ttvo' Subscriber, rite

•ion;-. "28,9 Ontario--St:,, Cohoes, N. y . on ;or .ibtifpre the 2lidj. day of April', 3942.' ; ©|i.ted',-.ephpes„'.JM..Y., Ibis' 2ib'd dny or .Septeiuber, A ' © : , . " J « . - • .. i^' '•;•'• • ' J ' * V R y L, :S0OTT t

^Executrix, or.Last: vv'ii)'and' Testaitimit or •• Catl1o"i.'lne,WIislfdy, :1bci: ' -•• iftOMi* &..ffanldh-,- Atty.. for li!xeeiiti-ix,

•W Ontario- Sweet, Gcihoea, N. y • • . , iNOTJ'GEy.TO CRMbiT.ORS : ..... Estate -of) Wer i ry A. Muriyah "*•&? •°,'^ei-. M.H'o.n.-.EdvVard: Ge Rogam Sitrrogatepirtne Oou.n.ty pfAlbaiiy, '

; '.NOTICE, J S ra®ftteBY.GIVJ3N, accord'-imjg-- tp- buy tip ail phraoHif having elatms ;pr-" deraands • against.- l-romy' A,, MU'rlyari late pf-the village pr. Menanas in said CPMnty,. dfepeitsod; titot" tli.ey are reauired

l b sfipjtort thereof, to-' the .subseMber, the executor under t he Las t wi l l aria lfesta-djrieht •»/• :safd. deeefttsed, a t his plab'e of ir£Pf&oiW Wislhess, a'S SUch- exeetttpr a t offices:,, pc. Byrhe,. j&wi- &• Casey ! i-M2i--PeSrJ PW> A 1 » a h y N. ,Y» ah or1

sheTorethe lst'-day/or: NdVontber next,

^ • • f l f f i L * ' * ' m "* *» « SxestitOr',

« . v. has SaaB""aP3>lieati6rt to o u r . S u t - sMWofls, to serve-a notice ot o-ppear- tne-ihstrumjent Offered L r m shomd-'hot'iB]J^ee(itm'Hllf , r f o ' ^ a t r t < S ^ 6 F m ^ -rogaic'g court %i S£e- Cotitfty ;of iUtfeWS?' anee, on the plaintiffs attptmeys -Within he^adinitted to prpbate as «tnd for the J ^ f " 1 0 ^ l l ««• F e m Sweeij Albahy,