Astrophysique/Astrophysics Revues avec relecteurs/Journals with referees Références [1] P. Léna. Adaptive optics : a breakthrough in astronomy. Experimental Astro- nomy, 26 :35–48, August 2009. [2] Y. Clénet, D. Rouan, P. Léna, E. Gendron, and F. Lacombe. The Galactic Centre at infrared wavelengths : towards the highest spatial resolution. Comptes Rendus Physique, 8 :26–34, January 2007. [3] G. Perrin, J. Woillez, O. Lai, J. Guérin, T. Kotani, P. L. Wizinowich, D. Le Mignant, M. Hrynevych, J. Gathright, P. Léna, F. Chaffee, S. Vergnole, L. De- lage, F. Reynaud, A. J. Adamson, C. Berthod, B. Brient, C. Collin, J. Créte- net, F. Dauny, C. Deléglise, P. Fédou, T. Goeltzenlichter, O. Guyon, R. Hulin, C. Marlot, M. Marteaud, B.-T. Melse, J. Nishikawa, J.-M. Reess, S. T. Ridgway, F. Rigaut, K. Roth, A. T. Tokunaga, and D. Ziegler. Interferometric coupling of the Keck telescopes with single-mode fibers. Science, 311 :194, January 2006. [4] Y. Clénet, D. Rouan, D. Gratadour, P. Léna, and O. Marco. The infrared emission of the dust clouds close to Sgr A*. Journal of Physics Conference Series, 54 :386–390, December 2006. [5] Y. Clénet, D. Rouan, D. Gratadour, O. Marco, P. Léna, N. Ageorges, and E. Gendron. A dual emission mechanism in Sgr A* ar L’ band. A&A, 439 :L9– L13, August 2005. [6] P. Léna. Astronomie et optique : un couple heureux. Journal de Physique IV, 119 :51–56, November 2004. [7] M. Glanc, E. Gendron, D. Lafaille, J.-F. Le Gargasson, and P. Léna. Towards wide-field retinal imaging with adaptive optics. Optics Communications, pages 225–238, 2004. [8] Y. Clénet, D. Rouan, D. Gratadour, F. Lacombe, E. Gendron, R. Genzel, T. Ott, R. Schödel, and P. Léna. Detection of the Sgr A* activity at 3.8 and 4.8 μm with NACO. A&A, 424 :L21–L25, September 2004. [9] P. Léna. Astronomical optical interferometry : an assessment. Academie des Sciences Paris Comptes Rendus Serie Physique Astrophysique, 2 :7–15, January 2001. 1

Astrophysique/Astrophysics Revues avec relecteurs/Journals ...reduction of bidimensional instrumental profiles. Annales d’Astrophysique, 31(3):323–&,1968. [71] P. Léna. Quelques

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Page 1: Astrophysique/Astrophysics Revues avec relecteurs/Journals ...reduction of bidimensional instrumental profiles. Annales d’Astrophysique, 31(3):323–&,1968. [71] P. Léna. Quelques

Astrophysique/AstrophysicsRevues avec relecteurs/Journals with referees

Références[1] P. Léna. Adaptive optics : a breakthrough in astronomy. Experimental Astro-

nomy, 26 :35–48, August 2009.

[2] Y. Clénet, D. Rouan, P. Léna, E. Gendron, and F. Lacombe. The GalacticCentre at infrared wavelengths : towards the highest spatial resolution. ComptesRendus Physique, 8 :26–34, January 2007.

[3] G. Perrin, J. Woillez, O. Lai, J. Guérin, T. Kotani, P. L. Wizinowich, D. LeMignant, M. Hrynevych, J. Gathright, P. Léna, F. Chaffee, S. Vergnole, L. De-lage, F. Reynaud, A. J. Adamson, C. Berthod, B. Brient, C. Collin, J. Créte-net, F. Dauny, C. Deléglise, P. Fédou, T. Goeltzenlichter, O. Guyon, R. Hulin,C. Marlot, M. Marteaud, B.-T. Melse, J. Nishikawa, J.-M. Reess, S. T. Ridgway,F. Rigaut, K. Roth, A. T. Tokunaga, and D. Ziegler. Interferometric couplingof the Keck telescopes with single-mode fibers. Science, 311 :194, January 2006.

[4] Y. Clénet, D. Rouan, D. Gratadour, P. Léna, and O. Marco. The infraredemission of the dust clouds close to Sgr A*. Journal of Physics ConferenceSeries, 54 :386–390, December 2006.

[5] Y. Clénet, D. Rouan, D. Gratadour, O. Marco, P. Léna, N. Ageorges, andE. Gendron. A dual emission mechanism in Sgr A* ar L’ band. A&A, 439 :L9–L13, August 2005.

[6] P. Léna. Astronomie et optique : un couple heureux. Journal de Physique IV,119 :51–56, November 2004.

[7] M. Glanc, E. Gendron, D. Lafaille, J.-F. Le Gargasson, and P. Léna. Towardswide-field retinal imaging with adaptive optics. Optics Communications, pages225–238, 2004.

[8] Y. Clénet, D. Rouan, D. Gratadour, F. Lacombe, E. Gendron, R. Genzel,T. Ott, R. Schödel, and P. Léna. Detection of the Sgr A* activity at 3.8 and4.8 µm with NACO. A&A, 424 :L21–L25, September 2004.

[9] P. Léna. Astronomical optical interferometry : an assessment. Academie desSciences Paris Comptes Rendus Serie Physique Astrophysique, 2 :7–15, January2001.


Page 2: Astrophysique/Astrophysics Revues avec relecteurs/Journals ...reduction of bidimensional instrumental profiles. Annales d’Astrophysique, 31(3):323–&,1968. [71] P. Léna. Quelques

[10] Y. Clénet, D. Rouan, E. Gendron, J. Montri, F. Rigaut, P. Léna, and F. La-combe. Adaptive optics L-band observations of the Galactic Center region.A&A, 376 :124–135, September 2001.

[11] P. Léna. Perspectives de l’optique astronomique. Académie des Sciences ParisComptes Rendus Série B Sciences Physiques, 325 :33–33, July 1997.

[12] P. Léna. Adaptive Optics : Astronomical Results and Perspectives. Experimen-tal Astronomy, 7 :281–284, 1997.

[13] J.-M. Mariotti, V. Coudé du Foresto, G. Perrin, P. Zhao, and P. Léna. Inter-ferometric connection of large ground-based telescopes. A&AS, 116 :381–393,April 1996.

[14] E. Gendron and P. Léna. Single Layer Atmospheric Turbulence Demonstratedby Adaptive Optics Observations. Ap&SS, 239 :221–228, September 1996.

[15] C. J. Cesarsky, A. Abergel, P. Agnese, B. Altieri, J. L. Augueres, H. Aussel,A. Biviano, J. Blommaert, J. F. Bonnal, F. Bortoletto, O. Boulade, F. Boulan-ger, S. Cazes, D. A. Cesarsky, A. Chedin, A. Claret, M. Combes, J. Cretolle,J. K. Davies, F. X. Desert, D. Elbaz, J. J. Engelmann, G. Epstein, A. Frances-chini, P. Gallais, R. Gastaud, M. Gorisse, S. Guest, T. Hawarden, D. Imbault,M. Kleczewski, F. Lacombe, D. Landriu, J. Lapègue, P. Léna, M. S. Longair,R. Mandolesi, L. Metcalfe, N. Mosquet, L. Nordh, K. Okumura, S. Ott, M. Per-ault, F. Perrier, P. Persi, P. Puget, T. Purkins, Y. Rio, T. Robert, D. Rouan,A. Roy, O. Saint-Pé, J. Sam Lone, A. Sargent, M. Sauvage, F. Sibille, R. Sie-benmorgen, F. Sirou, A. Soufflot, J. L. Starck, D. Tiphene, D. Tran, G. Ventura,L. Vigroux, F. Vivares, and R. Wade. ISOCAM in flight. A&A, 315 :L32–L37,November 1996.

[16] P.-Q. Zhao, B.-F. Zhou, P. Léna, V. Coudé du Foresto, X.-R. Jiang, J.-M. Ma-riotti, and F. Reynaud. Fiber optic delay line and its feasibility for applicationto coherent telescope arrays. Chinese Astron. Astrophys., 19 :399–400, February1995.

[17] P. Zhao, B. Zhou, P. Léna, V. Coudé du Foresto, X. Jiang, J.-M. Mariotti, andF. Reynaud. Fiber optic delay line and its feasibility study for the applicationto coherent telescope array. Acta Astronomica Sinica, 36 :86–92, March 1995.

[18] P. Zhao, J.-M. Mariotti, V. Coudé du Foresto, P. Léna, and F. Reynaud. Po-larization effects and their minimization in an infrared single-mode fibre-opticdouble-Fourier stellar interferometer. Journal of Modern Optics, 42 :2533–2550,December 1995.

[19] G. Vauclair, A. Achterberg, J. Narlikar, J. Lub, H. van der Laan, J. I. Sakai,C. J. Schrijver, C. de Jager, P. Léna, D. Vanbeveren, J. Audouze, and E. P. J.van den Heuvel. Book-Review - Isolated Pulsars. Space Sci. Rev., 73 :435–444,August 1995.


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[20] E. Gendron and P. Léna. Astronomical adaptive optics. II. Experimental resultsof an optimized modal control. A&AS, 111 :153, May 1995.

[21] E. Gendron and P. Léna. Astronomical adaptive optics. 1 : Modal controloptimization. A&A, 291 :337–347, November 1994.

[22] F. Malbet, F. Rigaut, C. Bertout, and P. Léna. Detection of a 400-AU Disklike Structure Surrounding the Young Stellar Object Z Canis Majoris. A&A,271 :L9, April 1993.

[23] C. Dougados, P. Léna, S. T. Ridgway, J. C. Christou, and R. G. Probst. Near-infrared imaging of the Becklin-Neugebauer-IRc2 region in Orion with subarc-second resolution. ApJ, 406 :112–121, March 1993.

[24] F. Rigaut, J. G. Cuby, M. Caes, J. L. Monin, M. Vittot, J. C. Richard, G. Rous-set, and P. Léna. Visible and infrared wavefront sensing for astronomical adap-tive optics. A&A, 259 :L57–L60, June 1992.

[25] C. Dougados, D. Rouan, and P. Léna. Measure of the grain velocity structurein the circumstellar envelope ’Frosty Leo’. A&A, 253 :464–474, January 1992.

[26] F. Rigaut, G. Rousset, P. Kern, J. C. Fontanella, J. P. Gaffard, F. Merkle, andP. Léna. Adaptive optics on a 3.6-m telescope - Results and performance. A&A,250 :280–290, October 1991.

[27] F. Malbet, P. Léna, and C. Bertout. A large disk-like structure around theyoung stellar object Z CMa. The Messenger, 66 :32–33, December 1991.

[28] P. Léna. Adaptive Optics. Science, 251 :854, February 1991.

[29] J. C. Fontanella, G. Rousset, and P. Léna. Adaptive optics, a key element of theEuropean Very Large Telescope. Journal of Optics, 22 :99–111, March 1991.

[30] P. Léna and F. Merkle. The interferometric mode of the European Very LargeTelescope. Ap&SS, 160 :363–368, October 1989.

[31] P. Léna. Perspectives in observational cosmology. International Journal ofTheoretical Physics, 28 :1139–1149, September 1989.

[32] F. Lacombe, D. Tiphène, D. Rouan, P. Léna, and M. Combes. Imagery withinfrared arrays. I - Ground-based system and astronomical performances. A&A,215 :211–217, May 1989.

[33] A. A. Chalabaev and P. Léna. The wind of NGC 2024-IRS 2 - High resolutionspectroscopy of Brackett lines. A&A, 168 :L7–L10, November 1986.

[34] P. B. van der Wal, B. G. Anandarao, D. Rouan, P. Léna, and M. de Muizon. Anarray photometer for airborne far infrared astronomy. Ap&SS, 117 :209–216,December 1985.


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[35] F. Roddier and P. Léna. Long-baseline Michelson interferometry with largeground-based telescopes operating at optical wavelengths. II - Interferometryat infrared wavelengths. Journal of Optics, 15 :363–374, December 1984.

[36] F. Roddier and P. Léna. Long-baseline Michelson interferometry with largeground-based telescopes operating at optical wavelengths. I - General forma-lism : Interferometry at visible wavelengths. Journal of Optics, 15 :171–182,August 1984.

[37] D. R. Jiang, C. Perrier, and P. Léna. NGC 2024 No. 2 - Infrared speckleinterferometry and nature of the source. A&A, 135 :249–254, June 1984.

[38] A. Chelli, C. Perrier, and P. Léna. The sub-arc second structure of IRc2 at 5microns. ApJ, 280 :163–169, May 1984.

[39] J. M. Mariotti, A. Chelli, F. Sibille, R. Foy, P. Léna, and G. Tchountonov.Infrared speckle imaging - Improvement of the method ; results on Miras andprotostars. A&A, 120 :237–248, April 1983.

[40] F. Viallefond, J. J. Wijnbergen, P. Léna, M. de Muizon, D. Rouan, and C. Ni-collier. Far infrared emission from the galactic plane. I - Observations at thegalactic longitude l/II/ 27.5 deg. A&A, 83 :22–25, March 1980.

[41] M. de Muizon, D. Rouan, P. Léna, C. Nicollier, and J. Wijnbergen. Far infraredstudy of molecular clouds - Dust temperature profiles in S 140, IC 1396, RCrA.A&A, 83 :140–148, March 1980.

[42] F. Sibille, A. Chelli, and P. Léna. Infrared speckle interferometry. A&A, 79 :315–328, November 1979.

[43] M. Leroy, L. M. Celnikier, and P. Léna. Infrared astronomy data as a means ofprobing stratospheric turbulence. Infrared Physics, 19 :523–531, October 1979.

[44] P. Léna. High spatial resolution via near-infrared interferometry. Journal ofOptics, 10 :323–328, December 1979.

[45] R. Foy, A. Chelli, P. Léna, and F. Sibille. Angular diameter of IRC 10216, Mira,R CAS and GL 2591 in the near infrared. A&A, 79 :L5–L8, October 1979.

[46] R. Courtin, P. Léna, M. de Muizon, D. Rouan, C. Nicollier, and J. Wijnbergen.Far-infrared photometry of planets - Saturn and Venus. Icarus, 38 :411–419,June 1979.

[47] A. Chelli, P. Léna, and F. Sibille. Angular dimensions of accreting young stars.Nature, 278 :143–146, March 1979.

[48] A. Chelli, P. Léna, C. Roddier, F. Roddier, and F. Sibille. Modulation Trans-fer Function for Infra-red Stellar Speckle Interferometry : Evidence for a Log-normal Statistic. Optica Acta, 26 :583–595, May 1979.


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[49] J. J. Wijnbergen, P. Léna, and L. M. Celnikier. Fluctuating sky emission in air-borne infrared astronomy - Measurements and interpretation. Infrared Physics,18(3) :157–171, 1978.

[50] H.M. Wegmann, R. Hermann, C.M. Wingett, M.D. de Muizon, D. Rouan,P. Léna, J. Wijnbergen, H. Olthof, K.W. Michel, C. Werner, F Melchiorri,B. Melchiorri, V. Natale, R. Falciani, L.R. Smaldone, E. Bussoletti, J. Craw-ford, P. Rothwell, M. Taylor, J.E. Beckman, D. Dale, J. Schmitt, and J.D.Waard. Assess-II - simulated mission of Spacelab. NATURE, 275(5675) :15–19,1978.

[51] R. Papoular, P. Léna, A. Marten, D. Rouan, and J. Wijnbergen. Possibleidentification of 45 microns ice signature in Orion. Nature, 276(5688) :593–594,1978.

[52] D. Rouan, P. Léna, J.-L. Puget, K.S. DeBoer, and J. Wijnbergen. Far-infraredobservations of the galactic plane and molecular cloud S140. ApJ, 213(1) :L35–L39, 1977.

[53] P. Léna, D. Rouan, and J. Wijnbergen. French infrared airborne observatory.Infrared Physics, 17(6) :513, 1977.

[54] P. Turon, D. Rouan, P. Léna, J. Wijnbergen, and J.W. Aalders. Far infraredobservations of dark clouds and H II régions. Nature, 257(5528) :651, 1975.

[55] P. Léna, Y. Viala, J. Mondellini, D.N.B. Hall, T.W. McCurnin, A. Soufflot,C. Darpentigny, and J. Belbeoch. Thermal emission of dust corona duringeclipse of June 30, 1973. Part 1 Instrument design and performance. A&A,37(1) :75–79, 1974.

[56] P. Léna, Y. Viala, D.N.B. Hall, and A. Soufflot. Thermal emission of dustcorona, during eclipse of June 30, 1973 . Part 2 Photometric and spectral ob-servations. A&A, 37(1) :81–86, 1974.

[57] P. Bruston, N. Coron, G. Dambier, C. Laurent, J. Leblanc, P. Léna, J.D.G.Rather, and A. Vidal-Madjar. Observation of Comet Kohoutek at 1.4 mm.Nature, 252(5485) :665–666, 1974.

[58] P. Turon and P. Léna. First observations of granulation at 1.65 microns. Center-to-limb variation of contrast. Solar Physics, 30(1) :3–14, 1973.

[59] J.E. Beckman, J. Bégot, P. Charvin, D. Hall, P. Léna, A. Soufflot, D. Lieben-berg, and P. Wraight. Eclipse flight of Concorde 001. Nature, 246(5428) :72–74,1973.

[60] P. Turon and P. Léna. High resolution solar images at 10 microns - Sunsoptdetails and photometry. Solar Physics, 14(1) :112–&, 1970.

[61] P. Léna. Continuum infrared radiation of solar photosphere. A&A, 4(2) :202–&,1970.


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[62] P. Léna. Airplanes, platforms for scientific observations. Space Science Reviews,11(1) :131–&, 1970.

[63] J.A. Eddy, R.H. Lee, P. Léna, and R.M. MacQueen. Far infrared airbornespectroscopy. Applied Optics, 9(2) :439–&, 1970.

[64] P. Léna. Far infrared observation of a susnspot. Solar Physics, 7(2) :217–&,1969.

[65] J.A. Eddy, P. Léna, and R.M. MacQueen. Far infrared transmission of upperatmosphere. Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 26(6) :1318–&, 1969.

[66] J.A. Eddy, P. Léna, and R.M. MacQueen. Far infrared measurement of solarminimum temperature. Solar Physics, 10(2) :330–&, 1969.

[67] R.M. MacQueen, J.A. Eddy, and P..J. Léna. New far-infrared observations ofatmospheric molecular lines. Nature, 220(5172) :1112–&, 1968.

[68] P. Léna, W.C. Livingston, and C.D. Slaughter. Wavelength dependence of solargranulation - A preliminary report. Astronomical Journal, 73(5P2) :S67–&,1968.

[69] P. Léna. An air-driven chopping wheel. Applied Optics, 7(4) :716–&, 1968.

[70] J. Brault and P. Léna. Numerical Hankel transform and its application toreduction of bidimensional instrumental profiles. Annales d’Astrophysique,31(3) :323–&, 1968.

[71] P. Léna. Quelques aspects théoriques et expérimentaux de la brillance so-laire dans l’infrarouge moyen et submillimétrique. Annales d’Astrophysique,29(4) :361–&, 1966.


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Astrophysique/AstrophysicsCommunications et Conférences invitées

Communications and Invited Talks

Références[1] P. Léna and A. Quirrenbach, editors. Interferometry in optical astro-

nomy, volume 4006 of Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers(SPIE) Conference Series. Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engi-neers (SPIE) Conference Series, 2000.

[2] P. Léna and O. Lai. in Adaptive Optics in Astronomy, chapter Astronomicalresults, page 371. Cambridge University Press, 1999. Roddier, F. (Ed.).

[3] P. Léna and O. Lai. Adaptive Optics in Astronomy, chapter Observing withadaptive optics, page 351. Cambridge University Press, 1999. Roddier, F.(Ed.).

[4] A.-M. Lagrange, D. Mourard, and P. Léna, editors. High angular resolutionin astrophysics, volume 501. NATO ASIC, 1997.

[5] H. Balsiger, M. C. E. Huber, and P. Léna, editors. International lunar work-shop : ’Towards a world strategy for the exploration and utilisation of ournatural satellite’, Beatenberg (Interlaken) Switzerland, 31 May-3 June 1994,volume 1170 of ESA Special Publication, 1994.

[6] I. Appenzeller, H. J. Habing, and P. Lena, editors. Evolution of Galaxies.Astronomical Observations, volume 333 of Lecture Notes in Physics, BerlinSpringer Verlag, 1989.

[7] D. Alloin and P. Léna, editors. Forum Optique adaptative et VLT. Sociétéfrançaise des spécialistes d’astronomie, Avril 1990.

[8] D. Wilgenbus and P. Léna. Early science education and astronomy. In D. Valls-Gabaud and A. Boksenberg, editors, IAU Symposium, volume 260 of IAUSymposium, pages 629–641, June 2011.

[9] P. Léna. The genesis of the vlti. In Ten years of VLTI : from firstfringes to Core science. European Southern Observatory Conference, 2011.www.eso.org/sci/meetings/vltiws05/programme.html.


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[10] P. J. Léna. A Personal Insight on the Conference. In V. Coudé du Foresto,D. M. Gelino, and I. Ribas, editors, Pathways Towards Habitable Planets,volume 430 of Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series, page345, October 2010.

[11] P. Léna. Optical interferometry in Antarctica : a future for European astro-nomy ? In L. Spinoglio and N. Epchtein, editors, EAS Publications Series,volume 40 of EAS Publications Series, pages 227–233, 2010.

[12] P. Léna. Adaptive optics : a breakthrough in astronomy. In B. Brandl, R. Stuik,and J. Katgert-Merkelijn, editors, 400 years of astronomical telescopes. a re-view of history, science and technology. Springer, 2010.

[13] S. Gillessen, F. Eisenhauer, G. Perrin, W. Brandner, C. Straubmeier, K. Per-raut, A. Amorim, M. Schöller, C. Araujo-Hauck, H. Bartko, H. Baumeister,J.-P. Berger, P. Carvas, F. Cassaing, F. Chapron, E. Choquet, Y. Clenet,C. Collin, A. Eckart, P. Fedou, S. Fischer, E. Gendron, R. Genzel, P. Gitton,F. Gonte, A. Gräter, P. Haguenauer, M. Haug, X. Haubois, T. Henning, S. Hip-pler, R. Hofmann, L. Jocou, S. Kellner, P. Kervella, R. Klein, N. Kudryavtseva,S. Lacour, V. Lapeyrere, W. Laun, P. Léna, R. Lenzen, J. Lima, D. Morat-schke, D. Moch, T. Moulin, V. Naranjo, U. Neumann, A. Nolot, T. Paumard,O. Pfuhl, S. Rabien, J. Ramos, J. M. Rees, R.-R. Rohloff, D. Rouan, G. Rous-set, A. Sevin, M. Thiel, K. Wagner, M. Wiest, S. Yazici, and D. Ziegler. GRA-VITY : a four-telescope beam combiner instrument for the VLTI. In Society ofPhoto-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series, volume7734 of Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Confe-rence Series, July 2010.

[14] F. Eisenhauer, G. Perrin, W. Brandner, C. Straubmeier, A. Böhm, H. Baumeis-ter, F. Cassaing, Y. Clénet, K. Dodds-Eden, A. Eckart, E. Gendron, R. Genzel,S. Gillessen, A. Gräter, C. Gueriau, N. Hamaus, X. Haubois, M. Haug, T. Hen-ning, S. Hippler, R. Hofmann, F. Hormuth, K. Houairi, S. Kellner, P. Kervella,R. Klein, J. Kolmeder, W. Laun, P. Léna, R. Lenzen, M. Marteaud, V. Na-ranjo, U. Neumann, T. Paumard, S. Rabien, J. R. Ramos, J. M. Reess, R.-R.Rohloff, D. Rouan, G. Rousset, B. Ruyet, A. Sevin, M. Thiel, J. Ziegleder, andD. Ziegler. GRAVITY : Microarcsecond Astrometry and Deep InterferometricImaging with the VLT. In A. Moorwood, editor, Science with the VLT in theELT Era, page 361, 2009.

[15] T. Paumard, G. Perrin, A. Eckart, R. Genzel, P. Léna, R. Schödel, F. Eisen-hauer, T. Müller, and S. Gillessen. Scientific Prospects for VLTI in the GalacticCentre : Getting to the Schwarzschild Radius. In A. Richichi, F. Delplancke,F. Paresce, and A. Chelli, editors, The Power of Optical/IR Interferometry :Recent Scientific Results and 2nd Generation, page 313, 2008.

[16] F. Eisenhauer, G. Perrin, C. Straubmeier, W. Brandner, A. Boehm, F. Cas-saing, Y. Clenet, K. Dodds-Eden, A. Eckart, P. Fedou, E. Gendron, R. Gen-zel, S. Gillessen, A. Graeter, C. Gueriau, N. Hamaus, X. Haubois, M. Haug,


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T. Henning, S. Hippler, R. Hofmann, F. Hormuth, K. Houairi, S. Kellner,P. Kervella, R. Klein, J. Kolmeder, W. Laun, P. Lena, R. Lenzen, M. Mar-teaud, D. Meschke, V. Naranjo, U. Neumann, T. Paumard, M. Perger, D. Per-ret, S. Rabien, J. R. Ramos, J. M. Reess, R. R. Rohloff, D. Rouan, G. Rous-set, B. Ruyet, M. Schropp, B. Talureau, M. Thiel, J. Ziegleder, and D. Ziegler.GRAVITY : microarcsecond astrometry and deep interferometric imaging withthe VLTI. In W. J. Jin, I. Platais, and M. A. C. Perryman, editors, IAU Sym-posium, volume 248 of IAU Symposium, pages 100–101, July 2008.

[17] F. Eisenhauer, G. Perrin, S. Rabien, A. Eckart, P. Léna, R. Genzel, R. Abuter,T. Paumard, and W. Brandner. GRAVITY : The AO-Assisted, Two-ObjectBeam-Combiner Instrument for the VLTI. In A. Richichi, F. Delplancke, F. Pa-resce, and A. Chelli, editors, The Power of Optical/IR Interferometry : RecentScientific Results and 2nd Generation, page 431, 2008.

[18] P. Léna. The early days of the very large telescope interferometer. In A. Richi-chi, F. Delplancke, F. Paresce, and A. Chelli, editors, The Power of Optical/IRInterferometry : Recent Scientific Results and 2nd Generation Instrumenta-tion. Proceedings of the ESO Workshop held in Garching, 4-8 April 2005,Springer, 2007.

[19] X. Haubois, F. Eisenhauer, G. Perrin, S. Rabien, A. Eckart, P. Léna, R. Genzel,R. Abuter, T. Paumard, and W. Brandner. GRAVITY : Probing Space-Timeand Faint Objects in the Infrared. In V. Coudé du Foresto, D. Rouan, andG. Rousset, editors, Visions for Infrared Astronomy, Instrumentation, Mesure,Métrologie, pages 351–354, 2006.

[20] S. Gillessen, G. Perrin, W. Brandner, C. Straubmeier, F. Eisenhauer, S. Ra-bien, A. Eckart, P. Léna, R. Genzel, T. Paumard, and S. Hippler. GRA-VITY : the adaptive-optics-assisted two-object beam combiner instrumentfor the VLTI. In Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE)Conference Series, volume 6268 of Society of Photo-Optical InstrumentationEngineers (SPIE) Conference Series, July 2006.

[21] E. di Folco and P. Léna. La main à la pâte : the French endeavour to renovatescience education in primary schools. In Y. Nazé, M. Stavinschi, and M. Van-herck, editors, Astrophysics, and How to Attract Young People into Physics,pages 16–19, November 2005.

[22] G. S. Perrin, O. Lai, J. M. Woillez, J. Guerin, T. Kotani, S. Vergnole, A. J.Adamson, C. Ftaclas, O. Guyon, P. J. Léna, J. Nishikawa, F. Reynaud, K. C.Roth, S. T. Ridgway, A. T. Tokunaga, and P. L. Wizinowich. ’Ohana. In W. A.Traub, editor, Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE)Conference Series, volume 5491 of Society of Photo-Optical InstrumentationEngineers (SPIE) Conference Series, page 391, October 2004.

[23] P. Léna. Astronomie et optique : un couple heureux. Journal de Physique,119 :51–56, 2004.


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[24] M. Glanc, D. Lafaille, F. Lacombe, E. Gendron, and P. Léna. High spatialresolution imagery and tomography of in vivo human retinas. In F. Combes,D. Barret, T. Contini, F. Meynadier, and L. Pagani, editors, SF2A-2004 :Semaine de l’Astrophysique Francaise, page 159, December 2004.

[25] M. Glanc, E. Gendron, D. Lafaille, J.-F. Le Gargasson, and P. Léna. Towardswide-field retinal imaging with adaptive optics. Optics Communications, pages225–238, 2004.

[26] Y. Clénet, D. Rouan, F. Lacombe, D. Gratadour, E. Gendron, and P. Léna.Three years of thermal infrared observations of the Galactic Center withNACO at VLT. In F. Combes, D. Barret, T. Contini, F. Meynadier, andL. Pagani, editors, SF2A-2004 : Semaine de l’Astrophysique Francaise, page145, December 2004.

[27] G. S. Perrin, O. Lai, J. Woillez, J. Guerin, F. Reynaud, S. T. Ridgway, P. J.Léna, P. L. Wizinowich, A. T. Tokunaga, J. Nishikawa, F. J. Rigaut, A. J.Adamson, and O. Guyon. OHANA phase II : a prototype demonstrator offiber linked interferometry between very large telescopes. In W. A. Traub,editor, Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) ConferenceSeries, volume 4838 of Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers(SPIE) Conference Series, pages 1290–1295, February 2003.

[28] P. J. Léna. Tribute to Jean-Marie Mariotti. In W. A. Traub, editor, So-ciety of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series,volume 4838 of Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE)Conference Series, pages 835–845, February 2003.

[29] O. Lai, S. T. Ridgway, P. J. Léna, G. S. Perrin, G. Fahlman, A. J. Adamson,A. T. Tokunaga, J. Nishikawa, P. L. Wizinowich, and F. J. Rigaut. OHANAPhase III : scientific operation of an 800 meter Mauna Kea interferometer.In W. A. Traub, editor, Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers(SPIE) Conference Series, volume 4838 of Society of Photo-Optical Instru-mentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series, pages 1296–1303, February2003.

[30] V. Coudé du Foresto, J. L. Schneider, G. S. Perrin, P. J. Léna, and A. Dutrey.Mid-infrared interferometry on the Chajnantor plateau : the ALIRA project.In W. A. Traub, editor, Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers(SPIE) Conference Series, volume 4838 of Society of Photo-Optical Instru-mentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series, pages 1028–1030, February2003.

[31] M. Glanc, E. Gendron, and P. Léna. Retinal imagining with adaptive optics.In F. Combes and D. Barret, editors, SF2A-2002 : Semaine de l’AstrophysiqueFrancaise, page 189, June 2002.

[32] J. Woillez, G. Perrin, O. Lai, V. Coudé du Foresto, and P. Léna. ’OHANA : anoptical Hawaiian array for nanoradian astronomy. In J. Surdej, J. P. Swings,


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D. Caro, and A. Detal, editors, Liege International Astrophysical Colloquia,volume 36 of Liege International Astrophysical Colloquia, pages 139–144, 2001.

[33] G. Perrin, O. Lai, J. Woillez, J. Guerin, P. Léna, and V. Coudé du Fo-resto. OHANA, the Optical Hawaiian Array for Nanoradian Astronomy. InF. Combes, D. Barret, and F. Thévenin, editors, SF2A-2001 : Semaine del’Astrophysique Francaise, page 573, May 2001.

[34] P. Léna. The Future of Ground-Based Optical Interferometry. In G. Settiand J.-P. Swings, editors, Quasars, AGNs and Related Research Across 2000.Conference on the occasion of L. Woltjer’s 70th birthday, page 171, 2001.

[35] P. Léna. Formation doctorale et insertion professionnelle. In F. Combes,D. Barret, and F. Thévenin, editors, SF2A-2001 : Semaine de l’AstrophysiqueFrancaise, page 23, May 2001.

[36] P. Léna. An introduction to the Colloquium (From optical to millimetricinterferometry). In J. Surdej, J. P. Swings, D. Caro, and A. Detal, editors,Liege International Astrophysical Colloquia, volume 36 of Liege InternationalAstrophysical Colloquia, pages 1–2, 2001.

[37] J.-F. Garagasson, M. Glanc, and P. Léna. Retinal imaging with adaptiveoptics. Comptes-rendus Académie des sciences IV, pages 1131–1138, 2001.

[38] V. Coudé du Foresto, J. Schneider, P. Léna, and G. Perrin. Mid-infraredinterferometry at the ALMA site. In J. Surdej, J. P. Swings, D. Caro, andA. Detal, editors, Liege International Astrophysical Colloquia, volume 36 ofLiege International Astrophysical Colloquia, pages 233–235, 2001.

[39] D. Tiphène, B. Bézard, M. Bouye, J.-M. Combes, P. Drossart, T. Encrenaz,G. Epstein, Y. Hello, D. Kouach, F. Lacombe, P. J. Léna, P. Puget, P. Rabou,A. Roussel, D. Rouan, O. Saint-Pe, and A. Semery. French SWIR technologyused for astronomy. In B. F. Andresen, G. F. Fulop, and M. Strojnik, edi-tors, Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) ConferenceSeries, volume 4130 of Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers(SPIE) Conference Series, pages 515–526, December 2000.

[40] G. Perrin, O. Lai, P. J. Léna, and V. Coudé du Foresto. Fibered large in-terferometer on top of Mauna Kea : OHANA, the optical Hawaiian array fornanoradian astronomy. In P. Léna and A. Quirrenbach, editors, Society ofPhoto-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series, volume4006 of Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Confe-rence Series, pages 708–714, July 2000.

[41] C. Leinert, U. Graser, L. B. Waters, G. Perrin, B. Lopez, V. Coudé du Fo-resto, A. W. Glazenborg-Kluttig, J. C. de Haas, T. M. Herbst, W. Jaffe, P. J.Léna, R. Lenzen, R. S. le Poole, S. Ligori, R. Mundt, J.-W. Pel, I. L. Porro,and O. von der Luehe. 10-um interferometry on the VLTI with the MIDIinstrument : a preview. In P. Léna and A. Quirrenbach, editors, Society of


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Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series, volume4006 of Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Confe-rence Series, pages 43–53, July 2000.

[42] M. Glanc, H. Gardette, K. Naoun, J.-F. Le Gargasson, and P. Léna. Measu-rements of eye’s aberrations in vivo. In G.D. Love, editor, Adaptive optics forindustry and medicine. World Scientific, 2000.

[43] J.-M. Mariotti, V. Coudé du Foresto, G. Perrin, and P. J. Léna. Interferometricconnection of large telescopes at Mauna Kea. In R. D. Reasenberg, editor, So-ciety of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series,volume 3350 of Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE)Conference Series, pages 785–792, July 1998.

[44] P. Léna. Perspectives de l’optique astronomique. Académie des sciences Paris,Comptes Rendus Série B Sciences Physiques, 325 :33–33, 1997.

[45] P. Léna. An introduction to atmospheric turbulence. In A.-M. Lagrange,D. Mourard, and P. Léna, editors, NATO ASIC Proc. 501 : High angularresolution in astrophysics, page 3, 1997.

[46] O. Lai, J.-P. Veran, F. J. Rigaut, D. Rouan, P. Gigan, F. Lacombe, P. J. Léna,R. Arsenault, D. A. Salmon, J. Thomas, D. Crampton, J. M. Fletcher, J. R.Stilburn, C. Boyer, and P. Jagourel. CFHT adaptive optics : first results at thetelescope. In A. L. Ardeberg, editor, Society of Photo-Optical InstrumentationEngineers (SPIE) Conference Series, volume 2871 of Society of Photo-OpticalInstrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series, pages 859–870, March1997.

[47] P. Léna. Astronomy with adaptive optics. In M. Cullum, editor, EuropeanSouthern Observatory Conference and Workshop Proceedings, volume 54 ofEuropean Southern Observatory Conference and Workshop Proceedings, page317, 1996.

[48] P. Q. Zhao, V. Coudé du Foresto, J. M. Mariotti, P. Léna, and B. F. Zhou. Stel-lar Diameter Measurements with Fiber Optics Double Fourier Interperometry- Experimental Study. In E. Hog and P. K. Seidelmann, editors, Astrono-mical and Astrophysical Objectives of Sub-Milliarcsecond Optical Astrometry,volume 166 of IAU Symposium, page 362, 1995.

[49] P. Zhao, J.-M. Mariotti, V. Coudé du Foresto, P. J. Léna, and G. Perrin.Multistage fiber optic delay line for astronomical interferometry. In S. C.Barden, editor, Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE)Conference Series, volume 2476 of Society of Photo-Optical InstrumentationEngineers (SPIE) Conference Series, pages 108–119, June 1995.

[50] P. Léna. From Planets to Galaxies : Adaptive Optics Revolution and VLTInterferometry. In J. R. Walsh and I. J. Danziger, editors, Science with theVLT, page 425. European Southern Observatory, 1995.


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[51] G. Rousset, J.-L. Beuzit, N. Hubin, E. Gendron, P.-Y. Madec, C. Boyer, J.-P.Gaffard, J.-C. Richard, M. Vittot, P. Gigan, and P. J. Léna. Performanceand results of the COME-ON+ adaptive optics system at the ESO 3.6-mtelescope. In M. A. Ealey and F. Merkle, editors, Society of Photo-OpticalInstrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series, volume 2201 of Societyof Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series, pages1088–1098, May 1994.

[52] G. Rousset, J. L. Beuzit, N. Hubin, E. Gendron, C. Boyer, P. Y. Madec,P. Gigan, J. C. Richard, M. Vittot, J. P. Gaffard, F. Rigaut, and P. Léna.The Come-On-Plus Adaptive Optics System : Results and Performance. InF. Merkle, editor, European Southern Observatory Conference and WorkshopProceedings, volume 48 of European Southern Observatory Conference andWorkshop Proceedings, page 65, January 1994.

[53] P. J. Léna. Astrophysical results with the COME-ON+ adaptive optics sys-tem. In M. A. Ealey and F. Merkle, editors, Society of Photo-Optical Ins-trumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series, volume 2201 of Societyof Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series, pages1099–1109, May 1994.

[54] P. Léna. Astrophysics with Adaptive Optics : Results and Challenges. InD. M. Alloin and J. M. Mariotti, editors, NATO ASIC Proc. 423 : AdaptiveOptics for Astronomy, page 321, 1994.

[55] N. Hubin, J.-L. Beuzit, P. Gigan, P. J. Léna, P.-Y. Madec, G. Rousset,C. Boyer, J.-P. Gaffard, J.-C. Richard, M. Vittot, F. J. Rigaut, E. Gendron,and F. Merkle. New adaptive optics prototype system for the ESO 3.6-mtelescope : Come-on-Plus. In H. Zuegge, editor, Society of Photo-Optical Ins-trumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series, volume 1780 of Societyof Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series, pages850–861, April 1993.

[56] C. Dougados, D. Rouan, and P. Léna. Measure of the Mass-Loss VelocityStructure in the Circumstellar Envelope ”Frosty Leo”. In L. Errico and A. A.Vittone, editors, Stellar Jets and Bipolar Outflows, volume 186 of Astrophysicsand Space Science Library, page 71, 1993.

[57] C. Dougados, S. Ridgway, P. Léna, J. Christou, and R. Probst. Sub-ArcsecNear-Infrared Imaging of the BN-IRc2 Region in Orion. In L. Errico and A. A.Vittone, editors, Stellar Jets and Bipolar Outflows, volume 186 of Astrophysicsand Space Science Library, page 67, 1993.

[58] P.-Q. Zhao, J.-M. Mariotti, P. Léna, and V. Coudé du Foresto. IR single-modefiber optics for double Fourier interferometry. In C. Mattok, editor, Targetsfor Space-Based Interferometry, volume 354 of ESA Special Publication, pages225–230, December 1992.


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[59] G. Rousset, P.-Y. Madec, J.-L. Beuzit, J.-G. Cuby, P. Gigan, P. Léna, F. Ri-gaut, C. Boyer, J.-P. Gaffard, J.-C. Richard, M. Vittot, E. Gendron, N. Hubin,and F. Merkle. The COME-ON-PLUS Project : An Adaptive Optics Systemfor a 4 meter Class Telescope. In M.-H. Ulrich, editor, European SouthernObservatory Conference and Workshop Proceedings, volume 42 of EuropeanSouthern Observatory Conference and Workshop Proceedings, page 403, June1992.

[60] G. Rousset, P.-Y. Madec, J.-L. Beuzit, J.-G. Cuby, P. Gigan, P. Léna, F. Ri-gaut, C. Boyer, J.-P. Gaffard, J.-C. Richard, M. Vittot, E. Gendron, N. Hubin,and F. Merkle. The Come-On-Plus project. In Adaptive Optics for Large Te-lescopes Topical Meeting, pages 106–108, 1992.

[61] F. Rigaut, P. Léna, P. Y. Madec, G. Rousset, E. Gendron, and F. Merkle.Results of the Come-On experiment. In Adaptive Optics for Large TelescopesTopical Meeting, pages 109–112, 1992.

[62] F. Rigaut, P. Léna, P. Y. Madec, G. Rousset, E. Gendron, and F. Merkle. La-test Results of the COME-ON Experiment. In M.-H. Ulrich, editor, EuropeanSouthern Observatory Conference and Workshop Proceedings, volume 42 ofEuropean Southern Observatory Conference and Workshop Proceedings, page399, June 1992.

[63] F. Rigaut, E. Gendron, P. Léna, P. Y. Madec, P. Couvee, and G. Rousset.Partial Correction with the Adaptive Optics Prototype Come-On. In J. M. Be-ckers and F. Merkle, editors, European Southern Observatory Conference andWorkshop Proceedings, volume 39 of European Southern Observatory Confe-rence and Workshop Proceedings, page 1105, March 1992.

[64] F. Rigaut, M. Combes, C. Dougados, P. Léna, J.-M. Mariotti, O. Saint-Pé,D. Alloin, F. Malbet, C. Bertout, P. Gallais, and G. Gehring. AstrophysicalResults with COME-ON. In M.-H. Ulrich, editor, European Southern Observa-tory Conference and Workshop Proceedings, volume 42 of European SouthernObservatory Conference and Workshop Proceedings, page 479, 1992.

[65] C. Dougados, P. Léna, S. R. J. Christou, and R. Probst. Subarcsecond NearInfrared Imaging of the BN-IRC2 Region in Orion / Becklin-Neugebauer. InJ. M. Beckers and F. Merkle, editors, European Southern Observatory Confe-rence and Workshop Proceedings, volume 39 of European Southern ObservatoryConference and Workshop Proceedings, page 115, March 1992.

[66] A. Claret, J. M. Mariotti, and P. Léna. Multispectral Diffraction-LimitedImaging with the Double-Fourier Method - Simulations for the VLTI. InJ. M. Beckers and F. Merkle, editors, ESO Conference on High ResolutionImaging by Interferferometry II, volume 39 of European Southern ObservatoryConference and Workshop Proceedings, page 835, March 1992.

[67] E. Tessier, C. Perrier, P. Léna, G. Michel, and A. Langlet. Diffraction-limitedimaging of the Red Rectangle and R Aquarii in the L band. In R. Elston,


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editor, Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series, volume 14 ofAstronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series, pages 145–148, 1991.

[68] F. Merkle, G. Gehring, F. Rigaut, P. Léna, G. Rousset, J. C. Fontanella,and J. P. Gaffard. Adaptive optics system tests at the ESO 3.6-m telescope.In M. A. Ealey, editor, Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers(SPIE) Conference Series, volume 1542 of Society of Photo-Optical Instru-mentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series, pages 308–318, 1991.

[69] P. Léna. The Very Large European Telescope. In A. Blanchard, L. Celnikier,M. Lachieze-Rey, and J. Tran Thanh Van, editors, Physical Cosmology, page379, 1991.

[70] E. Gendron, J. G. Cuby, F. Rigaut, P. Léna, J. C. Fontanella, G. Rousset, J. P.Gaffard, C. Boyer, J. C. Richard, and M. Vittot. The Come-On-Plus project -an upgrade of the Come-On adaptive optics prototype system. In M. A. Ealey,editor, Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) ConferenceSeries, volume 1542 of Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers(SPIE) Conference Series, pages 298–307, December 1991.

[71] E. Gendron, J. Cuby, F. Rigaut, P. J. Léna, J. Fontanella, G. Rousset, J. Gaf-fard, C. Boyer, J. Richard, M. Vittot, F. Merkle, and N. Hubin. Come-OnProject - an Upgrade of the Come-On Adaptive Optics Prototype System.In M. A. Ealey, editor, Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers(SPIE) Conference Series, volume 1542 of Society of Photo-Optical Instru-mentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series, page 297, December 1991.

[72] C. Dougados, P. Léna, S. Ridgway, J. Christou, and R. Probst. Sub-arcsecondimaging of the Orion IRc2 region. In R. Elston, editor, Astronomical Societyof the Pacific Conference Series, volume 14 of Astronomical Society of thePacific Conference Series, pages 258–260, 1991.

[73] C. Dougados, P. Léna, S. Ridgway, J. Christou, and R. Probst. Near infraredhigh resolution polaro-imaging of OH 231.8+4.2. In R. Elston, editor, Astro-nomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series, volume 14 of AstronomicalSociety of the Pacific Conference Series, pages 152–154, 1991.

[74] G. Rousset, J.-C. Fontanella, P. Y. Kern, P. J. Léna, P. Gigan, F. J. Rigaut,J.-P. Gaffard, C. Boyer, P. Jagourel, and F. Merkle. Adaptive optics prototypesystem for infrared astronomy : I. System description. In J. B. Breckinridge,editor, Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) ConferenceSeries, volume 1237 of Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers(SPIE) Conference Series, pages 336–344, August 1990.

[75] F. Merkle, P. Y. Kern, F. J. Rigaut, P. J. Léna, and G. Rousset. Adap-tive optics prototype system for IR astronomy II : first observing results. InR. K. Tyson and J. Schulte In den Baeumen, editors, Society of Photo-OpticalInstrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series, volume 1271 of Societyof Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series, pages232–241, August 1990.


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[76] P. Léna. Interferometry with large optical telescopes. In F. Sanchez andM. Vazquez, editors, New Windows to the Universe, page 507. InternationalAstronomical Union, XIth European Meeting, Cambridge University Press,1990.

[77] F. Lacombe, M. Combes, P. Léna, F. Rigaut, D. Rouan, E. Tessier, and D. Ti-phène. Advances in IR technology at Paris Observatory. In I. J. Spiro, edi-tor, Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) ConferenceSeries, volume 1341 of Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers(SPIE) Conference Series, pages 187–192, November 1990.

[78] P. Y. Kern, P. J. Léna, P. Gigan, F. J. Rigaut, G. Rousset, J.-C. Fontanella, J.-P. Gaffard, C. Boyer, P. Jagourel, and F. Merkle. Adaptive optics prototypesystem for infrared astronomy, I : system description. In R. K. Tyson andJ. Schulte In den Baeumen, editors, Society of Photo-Optical InstrumentationEngineers (SPIE) Conference Series, volume 1271 of Society of Photo-OpticalInstrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series, pages 243–251, August1990.

[79] P. Kern, F. Rigaut, P. Léna, F. Merkle, and G. Rousset. Adaptive opticsprototype system for IR astronomy. II - First observing results. In J. B. Bre-ckinridge, editor, Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE)Conference Series, volume 1237 of Society of Photo-Optical InstrumentationEngineers (SPIE) Conference Series, pages 345–355, August 1990.

[80] P. Léna. Perspectives in Optical Interferometry. In D. M. Alloin and J.-M.Mariotti, editors, NATO ASIC Proc. 274 : Diffraction-Limited Imaging withVery Large Telescopes, page 341, 1989.

[81] P. Léna. Images in astronomy : An overview. In I. Appenzeller, H. J. Ha-bing, and P. Léna, editors, Evolution of Galaxies : Astronomical Observations,volume 333 of Lecture Notes in Physics, Berlin Springer Verlag, page 243,1989.

[82] P. Kern, P. Léna, G. Rousset, J. C. Fontanella, F. Merkle, J. C. de Miscault,J. P. Gaffard, and E. Hannonge. Prototype of an adaptive optical system forIR astronomy. In D. M. Alloin and J.-M. Mariotti, editors, NATO ASIC Proc.274 : Diffraction-Limited Imaging with Very Large Telescopes, page 429, 1989.

[83] P. Kern, P. Léna, P. Gigan, J.-C. Fontanella, G. Rousset, F. Merkle, and J.-P. Gaffard. Come-on : an adaptive optics prototype dedicated to infraredastronomy. In J.-P. Swings, editor, Society of Photo-Optical InstrumentationEngineers (SPIE) Conference Series, volume 1130 of Society of Photo-OpticalInstrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series, pages 17–28, September1989.

[84] P. Kern, P. Léna, P. Gigan, J.-C. Fontanella, and G. Rousset. COME-ON- an adaptive optics prototype dedicated to infrared astronomy. In F. J.Roddier, editor, Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE)


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Conference Series, volume 1114 of Society of Photo-Optical InstrumentationEngineers (SPIE) Conference Series, pages 54–64, September 1989.

[85] P. Léna, S. T. Ridgway, and J. M. Mariotti. Interferometric beam combinationat infrared wavelengths. In F. Merkle, editor, European Southern ObservatoryConference and Workshop Proceedings, volume 29 of European Southern Ob-servatory Conference and Workshop Proceedings, pages 1039–1055, 1988.

[86] P. Léna. The interferometric mode of the European Very Large Telescope. InF. Merkle, editor, European Southern Observatory Conference and WorkshopProceedings, volume 29 of European Southern Observatory Conference andWorkshop Proceedings, pages 899–908, 1988.

[87] P. Léna. Perspectives in Optical Interferometry. In D. M. Alloin and J.-M. Mariotti, editors, Diffraction-Limited Imaging with Very Large Telescopes,page 341, 1988.

[88] P. Kern, F. Merkle, J. P. Gaffard, G. Rousset, J. C. Fontanella, and P. Léna.Prototype of an adaptive optical system for astronomical observation. In So-ciety of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series,volume 860 of Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE)Conference Series, pages 9–15, 1988.

[89] P. Kern, P. Lena, G. Rousset, J. C. Fontanella, F. Merkle, and J. P. Gaf-fard. Prototype of an adaptive optical system for infrared astronomy. In VeryLarge Telescopes and their Instrumentation, Vol. 2, volume 2, pages 657–665,October 1988.

[90] P. Kern, P. Léna, G. Rousset, J. C. Fontanella, F. Merkle, and J. P. Gaffard.Prototype of an Adaptive Optical System for Infrared Astronomy. In M.-H. Ulrich, editor, European Southern Observatory Conference and WorkshopProceedings, volume 30 of European Southern Observatory Conference andWorkshop Proceedings, page 657, 1988.

[91] R. Foy, P. Bourlon, P. Léna, J. M. Mariotti, and D. Plathner. The VISIRinterferometer project. In F. Merkle, editor, European Southern ObservatoryConference and Workshop Proceedings, volume 29 of European Southern Ob-servatory Conference and Workshop Proceedings, pages 781–786, 1988.

[92] P. Bourlon and P. Léna. Vibration testing of telescopes and interferometers. InF. Merkle, editor, European Southern Observatory Conference and WorkshopProceedings, volume 29 of European Southern Observatory Conference andWorkshop Proceedings, pages 787–796, 1988.

[93] P. Léna and F. Merkle. Interferometry with the European Very Large Teles-cope. In J. W. Goad, editor, Interferometric Imaging in Astronomy, page 169,1987.


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[94] P. Léna. Array imaging at high angular resolution (Invited). In C. G. Wynn-Williams and E. E. Becklin, editors, Infrared astronomy with arrays, page 455,1987.

[95] F. Lacombe, P. Léna, and D. Rouan. Sub-arcsec imaging of the GalacticCentre in the near infrared (Contributed). In C. G. Wynn-Williams and E. E.Becklin, editors, Infrared astronomy with arrays, page 316, 1987.

[96] P. Kern, F. Merkle, J. P. Gaffard, G. Rousset, J. C. Fontanella, and P. Léna.Prototype of an adaptive optical system for astronomical observation. InJ. Besson, editor, Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE)Conference Series, volume 860 of Society of Photo-Optical InstrumentationEngineers (SPIE) Conference Series, page 9, January 1987.

[97] F. Merkle and P. Léna. Spatial interferometry with the European VLT. InL. D. Barr, editor, Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE)Conference Series, volume 628 of Society of Photo-Optical InstrumentationEngineers (SPIE) Conference Series, pages 261–272, January 1986.

[98] P. Léna. Interferometric imaging with the Very Large Telescope. In S. D’Odo-rico and J.-P. Swings, editors, European Southern Observatory Conference andWorkshop Proceedings, volume 24 of European Southern Observatory Confe-rence and Workshop Proceedings, pages 179–201, 1986.

[99] P. Léna. Active optics for the far infrared submillimeter wave space telescope(FIRST) : A high angular resolution mode. In N. Longdon, editor, ESA SpecialPublication, volume 260 of ESA Special Publication, pages 239–242, August1986.

[100] P. Léna. High angular resolution in the infrared : Prospects for space obser-vations. In N. Longdon and O. Melita, editors, Kilometric Optical Arrays inSpace, volume 226 of ESA Special Publication, pages 17–21, April 1985.

[101] P. Léna. Site requirements for infrared high resolution imaging. In A. Arde-berg and L. Woltjer, editors, European Southern Observatory Conference andWorkshop Proceedings, volume 18 of European Southern Observatory Confe-rence and Workshop Proceedings, pages 203–204, 1984.

[102] P. Léna. Interferometry with large telescopes. In M.-H. Ulrich and K. Kjaer,editors, IAU Colloq. 79 : Very Large Telescopes, their Instrumentation andPrograms, pages 245–255, 1984.

[103] B. G. Anandarao, J. Wijnbergen, and P. Léna. A scanning metallic-meshFabry-Perot interferometer for airborne far infrared astronomy. In A. Boksen-berg and D. L. Crawford, editors, Society of Photo-Optical InstrumentationEngineers (SPIE) Conference Series, volume 445 of Society of Photo-OpticalInstrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series, pages 42–46, January1984.


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[104] F. Sibille and P. Léna. Two-dimensional imaging in infrared astronomy. InJ. Besson, editor, Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE)Conference Series, volume 395 of Society of Photo-Optical InstrumentationEngineers (SPIE) Conference Series, pages 110–113, January 1983.

[105] P. Léna. High angular resolution in the infrared with a single Very Large Teles-cope (VLT). In J.-P. Swings and K. Kjaer, editors, Workshop on ESO’s VeryLarge Telescope, volume 17 of Conference and Workshop Proceedings, pages163–169. Workshop at Cargese, 16-19 Mai, European Southern Observatory,May 1983.

[106] P. Lena. Aperture Synthesis in the Infrared - Prospects for a Very LargeTelescope. In J.-P. Swings and K. Kjaer, editors, European Southern Observa-tory Conference and Workshop Proceedings, volume 17 of European SouthernObservatory Conference and Workshop Proceedings, page 129, May 1983.

[107] F. Sibille, A. Chelli, P. Léna, and D. Stefanovitch. Two-dimensional infraredspeckle interferometry with a 32 X 32 InSb charge-injection device (CID) array.In Instrumentation in Astronomy IV, volume 331 of SPIE Conference Series,pages 26–28. Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers, October1982.

[108] P. Léna. The ESO Scientific and Technical Committee. The Messenger, 27 :1–2, March 1982.

[109] P. Léna. Astroplane - The Airbus proposal. In A. F. M. Moorwood andK. Kjaer, editors, Second ESO Infrared Workshop, pages 307–314. EuropeanSouthern Observatory, 1982.

[110] P. Léna. Astroplane - a Working Group of the European Science Foundation.In A. F. M. Moorwood and K. Kjaer, editors, Second ESO Infrared Workshop,page 315. European Southern Observatory, 1982.

[111] P. Léna. Aperture synthesis in the infrared. In A. F. M. Moorwood andK. Kjaer, editors, Second Infrared Workshop, pages 259–268. European Sou-thern Observatory, 1982.

[112] P. Léna. Speckle interferometry in the infrared. In M. H. Ulrich and K. Kjaer,editors, Scientific Importance of High Angular Resolution at Infrared and Op-tical Wavelengths, pages 123–138. European Southern Observatory, 1981.

[113] P. Léna. Les sources infrarouges compactes. In Y. Viala, editor, Rôle desNuages Moléculaires Dans la Formation des Étoiles, Ecole de Goutelas 5-9Mai 1980. Société française des spécialistes d’astronomie, 1981.

[114] D. Rouan, F. Viallefond, S. Drapatz, P. Léna, and J. L. Puget. Flugzeugbeo-bachtungen von Galaxien im fernen IR-Bereich. Mitteilungen der Astronomi-schen Gesellschaft Hamburg, 50 :13, 1980.


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[115] P. Léna, F. Sibille, and A. Chelli. Diffraction Limited Information on LargeTelescopes with Infrared Speckle Interferometry. In A. Hewitt, editor, Opticaland Infrared Telescopes for the 1990’s, page 840. European Southern Obser-vatory, 1980.

[116] P. Léna. The high spatial resolution of interferometry in the near infrared.NASA STI/Recon Technical Report, 80 :15005, 1979.

[117] P. Léna. Astrophysics and space projects of the 1980s. In Spacelab : Utilizationand Experimental Design, Course on Space Technology, May 22-June 2, pages483–492. Centre national d’études spatiales, 1979.

[118] P. Léna and D. Rouan. Space Research with Airborne Platforms. In T. Halvor-sen and B. Battrick, editors, European Sounding Rocket, Balloon and RelatedResearch, with Emphasis on Experiments at High Latitudes, volume 135 ofESA Special Publication, page 461. European Space Agency, June 1978.

[119] P. Léna. Observational techniques in infrared astronomy. In G. Setti andG. G. Fazio, editors, Infrared Astronomy, NATO/ASIC Proc.38, pages 231–269. Springer, 1978.

[120] P. Léna. L’astrophysique et les projets spatiaux des années 1980. In Spacelab.Utilisation et Conception d’Expériences (Use and Experiment Concept), pages483–492. European Space Agency, 1978.

[121] D. Rouan, P. Léna, J. L. Puget, K. de Boer, and J. Wijnbergen. Far InfraredObservations of Molecular Cloud S140 and the Galactic Plane. In P. Dyal,editor, Recent Results in Infrared Astrophysics, page 49. Symposium, MoffettField, NASA Ames Research Center, January 1977.

[122] P. J. Léna. Infrared Observations of the Sun. In G. G. Fazio, editor, Infraredand submillimeter astronomy, volume 63 of Astrophysics and Space ScienceLibrary, page 97. Reidel, 1977.

[123] P. Turon, D. Rouan, P. Léna, J. Wijnbergen, and J. W. Aalders. An airborneinfrared astronomy program : system description and preliminary results. InM. Rowan-Robinson, editor, Far Infrared Astronomy, Proc. of a Conference,Cumberland Lodge, Windsor, U.K. on July 11th-13th, 1975, pages 201–205,Oxford, 1976. Royal Society, Pergamon Press.

[124] P. J. Léna. Infrared observations of the sun. In N. Z. Scoville and J. Kwan, edi-tors, Infrared and submillimeter astronomy. XIX Plenary COSPAR Meeting,Philadelphia, June 8-9, Reidel, June 1976.

[125] P. Léna, Y. Viala, D. Hall, and A. Soufflot. The Thermal Emission of the DustCorona during the Eclipse of June 30, 1973. In H. Elsaesser and H. Fechtig,editors, Interplanetary Dust and Zodiacal Light, volume 48 of Lecture Notesin Physics, page 67. Springer Verlag, 1976.


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[126] P. Léna, D. Hall, A. Soufflot, and Y. Viala. The solar corona as observed duringthe 30 June 1973 solar eclipse on board Concorde 001. In M. J. Rycroft, editor,Proc. XVII COSPAR Meeting, Sao Paulo, Space Research XV, pages 579–583.Springer Verlag, 1975.

[127] P. Léna. 80 minutes de totalité. Bull. Assoc.Dév. Internat. Obs.Nice,, 10 :13–16, 1973.

[128] P. J. Turon and P. J. Léna. High resolution solar infrared observations. In S. A.Bowhill, L. D. Jaffe, and M. J. Rycroft, editors, Space Research Conference,pages 1695–1700, 1972.

[129] P. Léna, N. Coron, C. Darpentigny, K. Hammal, and G. Vanhabost. A 32-cmAirborne Infrared Observatory. In V. Manno and J. Ring, editors, InfraredDetection Techniques for Space Research, volume 30 of Astrophysics and SpaceScience Library, page 32. Proceedings of the 5th ESLAB/ESRIN Symposium,held in Noordwijk, June 8-11, 1971„ Reidel, 1972.

[130] P. Léna. Recent progress in infrared and microwave techniques of astronomicalinterest. In Les Spectres des Astres dans l’Infrarouge et les Micro-ondes, XVIIecolloque international d’astrophysique, pages 61–81. Institut d’astrophysiquede Liège, 1972.

[131] P. Léna. Infrared Detectors. Survey of the Present State of the Art. InV. Manno and J. Ring, editors, Infrared Detection Techniques for Space Re-search, volume 30 of Astrophysics and Space Science Library, page 103. Pro-ceedings of the 5th ESLAB/ESRIN Symposium, held in Noordwijk, June 8-11,1971„ Reidel, 1972.

[132] J. A. Eddy, P. J. Léna, and R. M. MacQueen. The Temperature Minimum fromFar-Infrared Measurements. Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society,1 :275, June 1969.

[133] J. A. Eddy, P. J. Léna, and R. M. MacQueen. Solar Brightness Temperatureand Spectra : 80-400 Microns Wavelength. In Bulletin of the American Astro-nomical Society, volume 1 of Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society,page 187, March 1969.

[134] P. J. Léna, W. C. Livingston, and C. D. Slaughter. Wavelength Dependenceof Solar Granulation- A Preliminary Report. The Astronomical Journal Sup-plement, 73 :66, 1968.


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Références[1] P. Léna, D. Rouan, F. Lebrun, F. Mignard, and D. Pelat. Observational astro-

physics. The AA Library. Springer, 2012. Traduit du français par Lyle, S. 1e éd.1988, 2e éd. 1998, 3e éd. entièrement revue 2012.

[2] P. Léna, D. Rouan, F. Lebrun, F. Mignard, and D. Pelat. L’Observation enastrophysique. 3rd éd. 1ère éd. 1986, 2nd. éd. 1996 (Méthodes physiques del’observation). EDP Sciences, 2012. 1e, 2e et 3e éd. traduites en anglais parLyle, S. 2e éd. trad. en chinois par Wei Hsin-Sun (Taiwan).

[3] P. Léna and A. Blanchard. Lumières. Une introduction aux phénomènes del’optique. InterEditions, 1990.

[4] F.S. Jr. Crawford. Ondes. Berkeley : Cours de Physique, vol.3. Armand Colin,1972. Traduit de l’anglais par Léna, P.