Audity 2000

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  • 7/29/2019 Audity 2000


    Audity 2000 Operations Manual 1


    Aloha! and congratulations on your purchase of the E-mu Audity 2000.Audity 2000 is a new synthesizer/sound module with an array of newdynamic and rhythmic features not found in any other instrument. Audity2000 was designed for liveperformance, so make sure to try out all thecontroller knobs on each preset. And as youll soon discover, Audity 2000 isa total kick to play.


    Audity 2000s sound set consists primarily of analog, noise and modernsynthesizer waveforms. These sounds are rich in harmonic texture and areperfectly matched to Auditys powerful filters.

    Audity 2000 contains 640 ROM presets, 256 user presets and gives you thepower to synthesize an almost infinite number of your own sounds.

    Auditys flexible yet straightforward 4-layer synthesizer voices create soundsof amazing depth and power. Layers can be switched or crossfaded usingkey position, velocity, real-time controllers or any modulation source.Audity 2000 also contains 50 different, 12th order resonant & modelingfilters which are used to shape and modify over 200 waveforms containedin 16 megabytes (MB) of ROM. Another 16MB of ROM sounds can be addedby simply plugging in a second internal SIMM card.

    64 modulation sources include three multistage envelopes and two LFOsper layer, as well as full MIDI control over virtually every parameter. Thedigital patch bay, with 24 cords per layer, lets you connect modulationsources to 64 destinations in any imaginable way. The patch bay alsocontains a set of arithmetic modifiers, letting you create complex synthesis

    models.Auditys revolutionary Rhythmic Pattern Generator/Arpeggiator can playup to 16 synchronized arpeggiator patterns at once using a different soundfor each! Patterns can be edited using pattern flow commands such as:delay for 2 bars, play for 4 bars, hold for 2 beats and repeat. You canprogram or download 100 user patterns in addition to the 200 factorypatterns.

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    2 E-MU Systems


    Unique to Audity is its ability to control synth parameters as well asarpeggiator tempos from its internal clock (or an external MIDI clock). Upto 8 LFOs and 12 envelopes can be perfectly synchronized at different rates!

    Four front panel real-time controllers give you control over 8 user-selectableparameters as well as four arpeggiator functions. The real-time knobs canadjust multiple synthesizer functions at once allowing complex levels ofcontrol. Virtually every synth parameter in the Audity 2000 is controllableusing the real-time knobs or by any internal or external control source.

    Six 18-bit analog outputs let you process separate sounds and integral effectsends externally. Returns allow the addition of external effects unitswithout the need for a separate mixer.

    Once you have created your preset, you can add richness to your soundusing Audity 2000s 24-bit stereo effects. You can choose a different effectssetup for each preset from over 60 algorithms. Auditys effects section is

    actually two separate effects processors with control over each wet/dry mixlevel. Effects Processor A contains primarily ambiance algorithms likereverb and delays, while effects processor B contains primarily spectralalgorithms such as chorus, flange, phase, distortion, and delay. Effects canbe linked to each preset or used globally to further enhance your sound.The S/PDIF digital stereo output lets you connect to other digitalequipment, such as digital mixers or external effects devices.

    Other features include multiple solo, voice assignment and performancemodes for expressive control, user-definable alternate tuning, an extremelyeasy to use interface and, of course, an extensive MIDI implementation.


    This is the Operations Manual for setting up and playing Audity 2000. Thefirst part of the manual describes how to unpack and setup the hardware.

    The next chapters provide step-by-step instructions for the most commonand widely used features of Audity 2000. This section also defines each ofthe parameters (by menu) and provides information on how to use them.

    The appendix provides technical information, product specifications andthe Index.

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    Audity 2000 Operations Manual 3

    Important Safety


    Use in countries other than the U.S.A. may require the use of a differentline cord or attachment plug, or both. To reduce the risk of fire or electricshock, refer all servicing to qualified service personnel. Do not expose thisproduct to rain or moisture. There are no user serviceable parts or adjust-ments inside the unit.


    This product must be grounded. If it should malfunction or break down,grounding provides a path of least resistance for electric current, reducingthe risk of electric shock. This product is equipped with a cord having anequipment-grounding conductor and a grounding plug. The plug must beplugged into an appropriate outlet properly installed and grounded inaccordance with all local codes and ordinances.


    Improper connection of the equipments grounding conductor can result inthe risk of electric shock. Check with a qualified electrician or servicepersonnel if you are in doubt as to whether the product is properlygrounded. Do not modify the plug provided with this product. If it will notfit the outlet, have a proper outlet installed by a qualified technician.


    If your Audity 2000 is rack mounted, you must use a standard 19 inch openframe rack. Screw-on rack mount ears are provided for this purpose.

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    4 E-MU Systems

    Important Safety InstructionsUser Maintenance Instructions




    The Audity should be kept clean and dust free. Periodically wipe theunit with a clean, lint free cloth. Do not use solvents or cleaners.


    There are no user lubrication or adjustment requirements.

    Caution -. These servicing instructions are for use by qualified personnel only. Toreduce the risk of electric shock, do not perform any servicing other than thatcontained in these operating instructions unless you are qualified to do so. Referall servicing to qualified service personnel.


    READ THESE INSTRUCTIONS: When using electric products, basic precau-tions should always be adhered to, including the following:


    Read all instructions before using Audity 2000.


    To reduce the risk of injury, close supervision is necessary when usingAudity 2000 near children.


    Do not use Audity 2000 near water for example near a bathtub,washbowl, kitchen sink, in a wet basement, on a wet bar, or near or in aswimming pool. Do not expose the unit to drips or splashes.


    The Audity 2000 should be situated so that its location or position doesnot interfere with its proper ventilation.


    The Audity 2000 should be located away from heat sources such asradiators, heat registers, fireplaces, stoves, or ovens.


    The Audity 2000 should be connected only to a power supply of thetype described in the operating instructions and marked on the



    Care should be taken so that objects do not fall and liquids are notspilled into the enclosure of Audity 2000 through openings.


    This Audity 2000 may be equipped with a polarized line plug (oneblade wider that the other). This is a safety feature. If you are unable toinsert this plug into the outlet, do not defeat the safety purpose of theplug. Contact an electrician to replace your obsolete outlet.


    Protect the power cord from being walked on or pinched, particularly atplugs, convenience receptacles, and the point where they exit from theunit.


    Unplug the Audity 2000 from the power outlet during lightning stormsor when left unused for a long period of time.


    This product, in combination with an amplifier and headphones andspeakers, may be capable of producing sound levels that could causepermanent hearing loss. Do not operate for a long period of time at ahigh volume level or at a level that is uncomfortable. If you experienceany hearing loss or ringing in the ears, consult an audiologist.


    Only use attachments and accessories specified by E-mu Systems.

    This symbol is intended toalert you to the presence ofimportant operating andmaintenance (servicing)instructions in the literatureaccompanying the unit.

    This symbol is intended to

    alert you to the presence ofuninsulated dangerousvoltage within the productsenclosure that may be ofsufficient magnitude toconstitute a risk of electricshock to persons.

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    Audity 2000 Operations Manual 5

    Important Safety InstructionsRadio and Television Interference


    The Audity 2000 should be serviced by qualified service personnelwhen:

    A. The power supply cord has been damaged; or

    B. Objects have fallen, or liquid has been spilled into the unit; orC. The unit has been exposed to rain; or

    D. The unit has been dropped or the enclosure damaged; or

    E. The Audity 2000 does not operate normally or exhibits a markedchange in performance.


    All servicing should be referred to qualified service personnel.


    Danger of explosion if the battery is incorrectly replaced. Replace only withthe same or equivalent type recommended by E-mu. Discard used batteriesaccording to the manufacturers instructions.

    Save These Instructions.

    Radio andTelevisionInterference

    The equipment described in this manual generates and uses radio-frequency energy. If it is not installed and used properly that is, in strictaccordance with our instructions it may cause interference with radioand television reception.

    This equipment has been tested and complies with the limits for a Class B

    computing device in accordance with the specifications in Subpart J of Part15 of the FCC rules. These rules are designed to provide reasonableprotection against such interference in a residential installation. However,there is no guarantee that the interference will not occur in a particularinstallation, especially if a rabbit ear TV antenna is used.

    If Audity 2000 does cause interference to radio or television reception, youcan try to correct the interference by using one or more of the followingmeasures:

    Turn the television or radio antenna until the interference stops.

    Move Audity 2000 to one side or the other of the television or radio.

    Move Audity 2000 farther away from the television or radio.

    Plug Audity 2000 into an outlet on a different circuit than the televisionor radio.

    Consider installing a rooftop antenna with a coaxial lead-in between theantenna and television set.

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    6 E-MU Systems

    Foreign Language Warnings - GermanWichtige Sicherheitsvorschriften

    Foreign Language Warnings

    - German


    In Lndern ausserhalb den U.S.A. knnen andere Kabel oder Steckernotwendig werden. Zur Verminderung des Risikos von Feuer oder eineselektrischen Schlages bergebe man den Service an qualifizierte Fachleute.Das Gert niemals Regen oder Nsse aussetzen.


    Das Gert muss geerdet sein. Bei einem Defekt oder Ausfall bietet Erdungdem elektrischen Strom den Weg des geringsten Widerstandes undreduziert das Risiko eines Schlages. Dieses Gert ist mit einem geerdetenKabel und Stecker ausgerstet. Der Stecker muss in eine passende,einwandfrei montierte und geerdete Steckdose in bereinstimmung mitden rtlichen Vorschriften eingefhrt werden.


    Unvorschriftsgemsser Anschluss des Gertes kann zum Risiko eineselektrischen Schlages fhren. Im Zweifelsfalle ber die ordnungsgemsseErdung soll ein qualifizierter Elektriker oder eine Serviecestelle beigezogenwerden. ndern Sie den mitgelieferten Stecker nicht. Sollte er nicht in dieSteckdose passen, soll die einwandfreie Installation durch einen qualifi-zierten Techniker erfolgen.


    Wird der Audity 2000 (Modell Nummer 9093) in einem Rackgestell

    montiert, muss ein offener 19-Zollrahmen verwendet werden.

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    Audity 2000 Operations Manual 7

    Foreign Language Warnings - GermanUnterhaltsinstruktionen fr anwender


    fr anwender


    Audity 2000 soll sauber und staubfrei gehalten werden. Das Gert miteinem sauberen und surefreien Tuch periodisch abreiben. KeineLsungs- oder Reinigungsmittel anwenden.


    Schmieren und Justieren sind nicht notwendig.


    Bei weiteren Servicefragen wende man sich an eine qualifizierte Service-stelle.


    Diese Gebrauchsanweisungen sind nur fr qualifizierte Technikerbeabsichtigt. Um die Gefahr eines elektrischen Schlages zu vermeiden,sollen Sie keine Arbeit unternehmen, die nicht in diesen Instruktionenvorgeschrieben ist. Wenden Sie Sich bei weiteren Servicefragen an einequalifizierte Servicestelle.


    WARNUNG; Beim Einsatz elektrischer Gerte solltenfolgende Vorsichtsmassregeln stets beachtet werden:


    Lesen Sie vor dem Einschalten des Audity 2000 alle Instruktionen.


    Zur Vermeidung von Verletzungsrisiken mssen Kinder bei einge-schaltetem Audity 2000 sorgfltig berwacht werden.


    Audity 2000 nicht in der Nhe von Wasser in Betrieb nehmen -- z.B. in

    der Nhe von Badewannen, Waschschsseln, auf nassen Gestellen oderam Swimmingpool.


    Audity 2000 stets so aufstellen, dass seine Belftung nicht beein-trchtigt wird.


    Audity 2000 nicht in der Nhe von Hitze aufstellen, wie Heizkrper,offenem Feuer, fen oder von Backfen.


    Audity 2000 ausschliesslich mit einem Netzgert gemss Bedienungsan-leitung und Gertemarkierung verwenden.


    Dieses Gert kann bei Verwendung von Kopfhrern und Verstrkernhohe Lautpegel erzeugen, welche zu bleibenden Gehrschden fhren.Arbeiten Sie nicht whrend lngerer Zeit mit voller Lautstrke oderhohem Lautpegel. Stellen Sie Gehrverlust oder Ohrenluten fest,wenden Sie sich an einen Ohrenartz.


    Audity 2000 kann mit einem polarisierten Kabelstecker (mit ungleichenStiften) ausgerstet sein. Das geschieht fr Ihre Sicherheit. Knnen Sieden Stecker nicht in die Steckdose einfhren, ndern Sie nicht denStecker ab, sondern wenden Sie sich an einen Elektriker.


    Das Netzkabel des Audity 2000 bei lngerem Nichtgebrauch aus derSteckdose ziehen.

    Dieses Symbol weist denAnwender auf wichtigeGebrauchs- und Service-Vorschriften in den beilieg-enden Drucksachen.

    Dieses Symbol verweist aufnicht-isolierte Stromspan-

    nungen im Gerte-Innern,welche zu einem elektrischenSchlag fhren knnten.

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    8 E-MU Systems

    Foreign Language Warnings - German


    Vermeiden Sie sorgfltig das Eindringen von Gegenstnden oderFlssigkeiten durch die Gehuseffnungen.


    Das Gert soll durch qualifizierte Serviceleute gewartet werden, falls:

    A. das Netzkabel beschdigt wurde, oderB. Gegenstnde oder Flssigkeit in das Gert gelangten,

    C. das Gert Regen ausgesetzt war, oder

    D. das Gert nicht normal oder einwandfrei arbeitet, oder

    E. das Gert strzte oder sein Gehuse beschdigt wurde.


    Servicearbeiten sollten nur qualifizierten Fachleuten anvertraut werden.


    Unvorschriftsgemsser einbau der Batterie kann zum Risiko einer Explosionfhren. Ersetzen Sie die Batterie nur mit der gleichen oder einer von E-muempfohlene Sorte. Werfen Sie die alten Batterien weg, wie es der Herstelleranweist.


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    Audity 2000 Operations Manual 9

    Foreign Language Warnings - FrenchInstructions de Scurit Importantes

    Foreign Language Warnings

    - French

    Instructionsde ScuritImportantes

    Une utilisation dans des pays autres que les U.S.A. peut ncessiter lusagedun cordon dalimentation diffrent. Afin de rduire les risques dincendieou dlectrocution, rfrez-vous un personnel de service qualifi, etnexposez pas cet appareil la pluie ou lhumidit.

    Instructionsde Mise laTerre

    Cet appareil doit tre reli la terre. Dans le cas dune malfonctionventuelle, la terre fournit un passage de moindre rsistance pour lecourant lectrique, rduisant ainsi les risques dlectrocution. LAudity 2000est quip dun cordon muni dun conducteur et dune fiche devant trebranche dans une prise approprie et relie la terre en conformit avecles normes locales.


    Une connexion incorrecte peut rsulter en des risques dlectrocution.

    Vrifiez avec un technicien qualifi si vous avez des doutes quant laconnexion. Ne modifiez pas vous-mme le cordon dalimentation livr aveccet appareil; sil ne rentre pas dans la prise, faites-en installer un autre parun technicien qualifi.


    Si lAudity 2000 est install dans un rack, utilisez un rack standard ouvertde 48.25cm.

    Instructionsde Mainte-nance


    LAudity 2000 doit tre maintenu propre et sans poussire. Nettoyez-lepriodiquement laide dun chiffon propre et non-pelucheux.Nutilisez pas de solvants, ou dautres produits de nettoyage.


    Aucune lubrification et aucun rglage ne sont ncessaires de votre part.


    Pour tout autre service, rfrez-vous un personnel qualifi.

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    10 E-MU Systems

    Foreign Language Warnings - FrenchInstructions de Maintenance

    Instructions Concernant les Risques dIncendie,dElectrocution, ou de Blessures Corporelles.

    ATTENTION: Lorsque vous utilisez des appareils lectriques,certaines prcautions lmentaires doivent toujours tre prises,incluant les suivantes:

    Ces instructions de dpanage sont destines uniquement aux personnesqualifies. Afin dviter les risques dlectrocution, neffectuez que les opra-tions dcrites dans ce manuel, moins que vous ne soyez qualifi pour cela.Faites effectuer toute reparation par une personne qualifi.


    Lisez bien toutes les instructions avant dutiliser lAudity 2000.


    Afin de rduire les risques de blessures, une attention particulire estncessaire en la prsence denfants en bas ge.


    Nutilisez pas lAudity 2000 dans ou prs dendroits humides - par

    exemple prs dune baignoire, dun lavabo, dans les toilettes, dans unecave humide, sur un bar frquent, en prsence dun bull-dog en rut, oudans une piscine pleine. Protgez cet appareil de tout liquide,claboussure ou fuite.


    LAudity 2000 doit tre plac de faon ce que sa position ninterfrepas avec sa propre ventilation.


    LAudity 2000 doit tre plac loin de sources de chaleur telles que desradiateurs, chemines, fours, ou groupies en chaleur.


    LAudity 2000 doit uniquement tre connect une alimentation dutype dcrit dans les instructions dopration et tel quindiqu surlappareil.


    Une attention particulire doit tre observe quant aux objets pouvant

    tomber et aux liquides pouvant tre verss sur et lintrieur de lAudity2000.


    LAudity 2000 peut tre quip dune fiche secteur polarise (avec unebroche plus large que lautre). Cest une mesure de scurit. Si vous nepouvez pas brancher cette fiche dans une prise, ne neutralisez pas cettescurit. Contactez plutt un lectricien pour remplacer la priseobsolte.


    Evitez de marcher sur le cordon dalimentation ou de le coincer, parti-culirement prs des prises de courant, des boitiers electriques dt dupoint de sortie de lappareil.


    Le cordon dalimentation de lAudity 2000 doit tre dbranch lorsquece dernier nest pas utilis pendant une longue priode.


    Cet appareil, combin avec un amplificateur, des haut-parleurs, et/ouun casque, est capable de gnrer des niveaux sonores pouvantoccasionner une perte de loue permanente. Ne travaillez pas troplongtemps un volume trop lev ou mme inconfortable. Si vousobservez une perte de laudition ou un bourdonnement dans lesoreilles, consultez un O.R.L.


    Nutilisez que les accessoires specifies par E-mu Systems.

    Ce symbole vous alerte de laprsence dinstructionsimportantes dopration etde maintenance dans lanotice accompagnantlappareil.

    Ce symbole vous alerte dela prsence dun voltagenon-isol dangereux lintrieur de lappareil,pouvant tre dunemagnitude suffisante pour

    constituer un risquedlectrocution.

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    Audity 2000 Operations Manual 11

    Foreign Language Warnings - FrenchInterfrences Radio et Tlvision

    13. Cet appareil doit tre examin par un personnel qualifi lorsque:

    A. Le cordon dalimentation a t endommag, ou

    B. Des objets sont tombs, ou du liquide a t vers sur/ lintrieur

    de lappareil, ouC. LAudity 2000 a t expos la pluie, ou

    D. LAudity 2000 est tomb, ou

    E. LAudity 2000 ne fonctionne pas normalement, ou affiche unchangement radical de performance.

    14. Tout service doit tre effectu par un personnel qualifi.

    Attention Danger dexplosion si la etterie nest pas correctement remplace. Pourremplacer la batterie, utilisez une batterie de meme type, ou dun typeequivalent recommande par E-mu. Suivez les instructions du faricant pourvous dearrasser de la etterie use.


    InterfrencesRadio etTlvision

    Lappareil dcrit dans cette notice gnre et utilise une nergie defrquence-radio. Sil nest pas install et utilis correctement - cest dire ensuivant strictement nos instructions - il peut occasionner des interfrencesavec la rception dune radio ou dune tlvision.

    Cet appareil a t test et est conforme aux normes de Classe A en accordavec les spcifications du paragraphe J de la section 15 des lois FCC. Ces loissont dsignes pour fournir une protection raisonnable contre de tellesinterfrences dans une installation rsidentielle. Toutefois, il nest pasgaranti quaucune interfrence napparaisse dans des installations particu-lires, et plus spcialement lorsquune antenne de tlvision en oreilles delapin est utilise.

    Si lAudity 2000 occasionne des interfrences , vous pouvez essayer de lescorriger en utilisant une ou plusieurs des mesures suivantes:

    Tournez lantenne de la tl ou de la radio jusqu ce que les inter-frences disparaissent.

    Dplacez lAudity 2000 dun ct ou de lautre de la tl ou de la radio.

    Eloignez lAudity 2000 de la tl ou de la radio. Branchez lAudity 2000 sur une prise diffrente que la tl ou la radio.

    Installez une antenne sur le toit munie dune connexion coaxiale entreelle et le poste de tlvision.

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    12 E-MU Systems

    Foreign Language Warnings - FrenchInterfrences Radio et Tlvision