Ján Pečeňák Peter Janík Psychiatrická klinika LF UK „Závislosti“ Poruchy spojené s užívaním (psychoaktívnych) látok

„Závislosti“ · Intoxications with alcohol complicated intoxication intoxication signs of behavioral disturbances (e.g. aggression, automutilation) dependent on amount of alcohol

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Page 1: „Závislosti“ · Intoxications with alcohol complicated intoxication intoxication signs of behavioral disturbances (e.g. aggression, automutilation) dependent on amount of alcohol

Ján Pečeňák

Peter Janík

Psychiatrická klinika LF UK

„Závislosti“Poruchy spojené s užívaním (psychoaktívnych) látok

Page 2: „Závislosti“ · Intoxications with alcohol complicated intoxication intoxication signs of behavioral disturbances (e.g. aggression, automutilation) dependent on amount of alcohol


F10 Porucha psychiky a správania zapríčinená užívaním alkoholu

F11 Porucha psychiky a správania zapríčinená užívaním opiátov

F12 Porucha psychiky a správania zapríčinená užívaním kanabinoidov

F13 Porucha psychiky a správania zapríčinená užitím (užívaním) sedatív alebo hypnotík

F14 Porucha psychiky a správania zapríčinená užívaním kokaínu

F15 Porucha psychiky a správania zapríčinená, užívaním iných stimulancií vrátane kofeínu

F16 Porucha psychiky a správania zapríčinená užívaním halucinogénov

F17 Porucha psychiky a správania zapríčinená užívaním tabaku

F18 Porucha psychiky a správania zapríčinená užívaním prchavých rozpúšťadiel

F19.- Porucha psychiky a správania zapríčinená užívaním viacerých drog a iných psychoaktívnych látok

Page 3: „Závislosti“ · Intoxications with alcohol complicated intoxication intoxication signs of behavioral disturbances (e.g. aggression, automutilation) dependent on amount of alcohol

ICD-11 – pridané dve skupiny

Disorders due to substance use or addictive behaviours 6C42 Disorders due to use of synthetic

cannabinoids K2, Spice, Black Mamba,

Bombay Blue,

lieky: Nabilon ...

vyššia afinita, nevypočítateľnéúčinky

6C47 Disorders due to use of synthetic cathinones

mefedrón(zaradený k stimulanciám)

"bath salts"

Page 4: „Závislosti“ · Intoxications with alcohol complicated intoxication intoxication signs of behavioral disturbances (e.g. aggression, automutilation) dependent on amount of alcohol
Page 5: „Závislosti“ · Intoxications with alcohol complicated intoxication intoxication signs of behavioral disturbances (e.g. aggression, automutilation) dependent on amount of alcohol

Závislosti – najväčší počet hospitalizácií

Page 6: „Závislosti“ · Intoxications with alcohol complicated intoxication intoxication signs of behavioral disturbances (e.g. aggression, automutilation) dependent on amount of alcohol
Page 7: „Závislosti“ · Intoxications with alcohol complicated intoxication intoxication signs of behavioral disturbances (e.g. aggression, automutilation) dependent on amount of alcohol

2017 SK

Page 8: „Závislosti“ · Intoxications with alcohol complicated intoxication intoxication signs of behavioral disturbances (e.g. aggression, automutilation) dependent on amount of alcohol

F10.- Porucha psychiky a správania zapríčinená

užívaním alkoholu

F10.0 akútna intoxikácia

F10.1 škodlivé užívanie

F10.2 syndróm závislosti

F10.3 abstinenčný syndróm

F10.4 abstinenčný syndróm s delíriom

F10.5 psychotická porucha

F10.6 amnestický syndróm

F10.7 reziduálna a neskoro nastupujúca psychotická porucha

F10.8 iná porucha

F10.9 bližšie neurčená

Page 9: „Závislosti“ · Intoxications with alcohol complicated intoxication intoxication signs of behavioral disturbances (e.g. aggression, automutilation) dependent on amount of alcohol

DSM-5 –prehľad výskytu súvisiacich porúch









Alkohol i/abst i/abst i/abst i/abst i/abst/p

Kofeín i/abst

Kanabis i i/abst i

Fencyklidín i i i

Opioidy i/abst i/abst i/abst


anxiolytikái/abst i/abst i/abst i/abst i/abst/p

Stimulanciá i i/abst i/abst i

Tabak abst

i = počas intoxikácie; abst = počas odvykacieho stavu; p = pretrvávajúca

Page 10: „Závislosti“ · Intoxications with alcohol complicated intoxication intoxication signs of behavioral disturbances (e.g. aggression, automutilation) dependent on amount of alcohol

Mechanizmus účinku

Látka Mechanizmus

Alkohol agonizmus na GABA receptoroch, inhibícia NMDA (ale

sekundárna up-regulácia pri dlhodobom užívaní !!!!)

Opioidy agonisty na μ-, δ- a κ-opioidných receptoroch



iné stimulanciá

nepriamy agonizmus na

dopamínových/noradrenalínových receptoroch;

inhibícia a otočenie funkcie transportérov

Nikotín agonizmus na Ach receptoroch

Kanabinoidy agonizmus na CB1, CB2 receptoroch

Fencyklidín antagonizmus na NMDA receptoroch

Halucinogény parciálny agonizmus na 5-HT2A receptoroch

Page 11: „Závislosti“ · Intoxications with alcohol complicated intoxication intoxication signs of behavioral disturbances (e.g. aggression, automutilation) dependent on amount of alcohol

Štruktúry a dráhy zapojené pri užívaní látok – nc. accumbens

ako centrálna štruktúra odmeny (reward)

vždy sú zapojené aj ďalšie systémy, aj keď je v nc. accumbens podstatná

dopamínová transmisia

Page 12: „Závislosti“ · Intoxications with alcohol complicated intoxication intoxication signs of behavioral disturbances (e.g. aggression, automutilation) dependent on amount of alcohol

• BZD as substitute


• flumazenil

• methadone (other

opioids) as substitute

therapy in heroin


• naloxone

• naltrexone

• buprenorphine

• antipsychotics

efficient in

treatment of



Page 13: „Závislosti“ · Intoxications with alcohol complicated intoxication intoxication signs of behavioral disturbances (e.g. aggression, automutilation) dependent on amount of alcohol

Drugs of Abuse That Can Be Detected in Urine

Alcohol 7–12 hours

Amphetamine 48–72 hours

Barbiturate 24 hours (short acting); 3 weeks (long acting)

Benzodiazepine 3 days

Cocaine 6–8 hours (metabolites 2–4 days)

Codeine 48 hours

Heroin 36–72 hours

Marijuana 2–7 days

Methadone 3 days

Methaqualone 7 days

Morphine 48–72 hours

Kaplan & Sadock’s, 2017

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Page 15: „Závislosti“ · Intoxications with alcohol complicated intoxication intoxication signs of behavioral disturbances (e.g. aggression, automutilation) dependent on amount of alcohol

Widmark Formula

c = A / (r • W)

c = the blood-alcohol concentration in ‰,

A = amount of alcohol consumed in g

W = the weight in kg

r = distribution factor = 0.7 for men 0.6 for women

Alcohol concentration

Page 16: „Závislosti“ · Intoxications with alcohol complicated intoxication intoxication signs of behavioral disturbances (e.g. aggression, automutilation) dependent on amount of alcohol

Alcohol metabolism

ADH – alcohol dehydrogenases

ALDH - aldehyde dehydrogenase

~ 7 g/h on average

several classes of ADH

Cederbaum, 2012

10 milliliters =

8 grams

½ l

5,0 % = 25 ml

~ 20 g of alcohol

2 dl

12 % = 24 ml

~ 19,2 g of alcohol

“standard drink”

most commonly

10 g of alcohol

UK 8 g

Page 17: „Závislosti“ · Intoxications with alcohol complicated intoxication intoxication signs of behavioral disturbances (e.g. aggression, automutilation) dependent on amount of alcohol

Alcohol metabolism

ADH – alcohol dehydrogenases

ALDH - aldehyde dehydrogenase


Page 18: „Závislosti“ · Intoxications with alcohol complicated intoxication intoxication signs of behavioral disturbances (e.g. aggression, automutilation) dependent on amount of alcohol

Intoxications with alcohol

complicated intoxication intoxication signs of behavioral disturbances

(e.g. aggression, automutilation)

dependent on amount of alcohol and personality characteristics/common behavior during intoxications

palimpsest (blackout) amnesia, usually not-complete

pathological intoxication could be reaction to little amount to alcohol; behavior non-congruent

with personality; character of qualitative disturbance of consciousness

Severity ‰ mg/l Phase

mild up to 1,5 ‰ 0,72 excitatory

moderate up to 2,5 ‰ 1,2 inhibitory

severe up to 3,0 ‰ 1,44 comatose

over 3,0 ‰ – acute, life threatening intoxication

Page 19: „Závislosti“ · Intoxications with alcohol complicated intoxication intoxication signs of behavioral disturbances (e.g. aggression, automutilation) dependent on amount of alcohol

Dependence to alcohol

about 10+ % of population

CAGE questionnaireC: Have you ever felt you should Cut back on your drinking?

A: Has anyone ever Annoyed you by criticizing your drinking?

G: Have you ever felt Guilty about your drinking?

E: Have you ever had a drink early in the morning as an Eye-opener?

More than two positive responses suggests possible at-risk drinking and should prompt further assessment.

primary genetics about 60%

different social factors

secondary self treatment (e.g. social anxiety)

Page 20: „Závislosti“ · Intoxications with alcohol complicated intoxication intoxication signs of behavioral disturbances (e.g. aggression, automutilation) dependent on amount of alcohol

Withdrawal syndrome


autonomous imbalance sweating


high blood pressure

nauzea, vomiting

ion imbalance hypokalemia


sleep disorders

epileptic seizures

Page 21: „Závislosti“ · Intoxications with alcohol complicated intoxication intoxication signs of behavioral disturbances (e.g. aggression, automutilation) dependent on amount of alcohol


delirium tremens symptoms similar to withdrawal +

disturbance of orientation

hallucinations Lilliputian – microzoopsiae


occupational delirium

usually hyperactive if aggression, disorganized behavior, restlessness,

tension - physical restraint needed



Page 22: „Závislosti“ · Intoxications with alcohol complicated intoxication intoxication signs of behavioral disturbances (e.g. aggression, automutilation) dependent on amount of alcohol





short term use –

inhibitory effect on

NMDA receptory

amnestic effect?

Herman H.H. /Ed./: Glutamate and addiction. 2003

long term use – up-regulation of glutamate transmission

stopping of alcohol intake –neurotoxic effect of glutamate excitatory mechanism epileptic seizures

cell damage

Page 23: „Závislosti“ · Intoxications with alcohol complicated intoxication intoxication signs of behavioral disturbances (e.g. aggression, automutilation) dependent on amount of alcohol


somatic symptoms/disturbances hypertension

ion imbalance potassium, sodium, magnesium

supplementation of vitamins thiamin i.m.



substitute therapy benzodiazepines

sometimes very high dosage of diazepam –120 mg/day and even more oxazepam

if hallucination, restlessness, aggression antipsychotics – tiaprid, haloperidol

Page 24: „Závislosti“ · Intoxications with alcohol complicated intoxication intoxication signs of behavioral disturbances (e.g. aggression, automutilation) dependent on amount of alcohol

Other psychiatric complication of

alcohol dependence

Wernicke encephalopathy / Korsakoff syndrome (psychosis)

Wernicke – neurological syndrome acute confusional state



ataxic gait

Korasakoff amnestic – confabulatory syndrome

thiamin deficiency supposed to be the main reason

Paranoid psychosis/psychosis of jealousy

Alcoholic hallucinosis no disturbance of consciousness

Alcoholic dementia can be at least partially reversible

Page 25: „Závislosti“ · Intoxications with alcohol complicated intoxication intoxication signs of behavioral disturbances (e.g. aggression, automutilation) dependent on amount of alcohol

Wernicke and Kosakoff

Karl Wernicke (1848-1904). Sergei Korsakov (1853-1900)

Victor M, Adams RD, Collins GH (1971) The Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome. Blackwell, Oxford.

podľa: Brockington I. Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome. Arch Womens Ment Health. 2006 Jan;9(1):58-9. Epub 2005 Dec 22. PubMed PMID: 16369858.

Page 26: „Závislosti“ · Intoxications with alcohol complicated intoxication intoxication signs of behavioral disturbances (e.g. aggression, automutilation) dependent on amount of alcohol

Wernicke encephalopathy

Zuccoli et al., 2010

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Page 28: „Závislosti“ · Intoxications with alcohol complicated intoxication intoxication signs of behavioral disturbances (e.g. aggression, automutilation) dependent on amount of alcohol

Somatic complication

liver increased liver enzymes – mainly GMT

fatty liver, alcoholic hepatitis, cirrhosis ascites, esophageal varices

pancreatitis alcoholic cardiomyopathy

increased MCV (the mean corpuscular volume)

peripheral neuropathy problem with gait often the reason for

prolonged hospitalization


Page 29: „Závislosti“ · Intoxications with alcohol complicated intoxication intoxication signs of behavioral disturbances (e.g. aggression, automutilation) dependent on amount of alcohol

Treatment overview acute intoxication

hydration, minerals, prevention of suffocation

no benzodiazepines; antipsychotics if needed (hyperactivity,


flumazenil could be tried (possible combined intoxication)

detoxification, withdrawal, delirium

substitute therapy with BZD and other means mentioned before

treatment of dependence

long term – at specialized departments (6 - 8 weeks)

regimen, tokens – points for rewards like go out, education, group

psychotherapy, acceptance of being addicted, change of preferences …..

at communities outside the health system

supportive groups, Alcoholics Anonymous



apomorphin (aversive therapy)


nalmefene (similar to morphine)

gabapentine, carbamazepine, n-acetylcystein, naltrexone

Page 30: „Závislosti“ · Intoxications with alcohol complicated intoxication intoxication signs of behavioral disturbances (e.g. aggression, automutilation) dependent on amount of alcohol

Anxiolytics / hypnotics / sedatives

mainly benzodiazepines in SK most common bromazepam, alprazolam

3Z ! zopiclone, zolpidem

Gamma-hydroxybutyrate (GHB) - recreational drug (dance) dissociative phenomena

withdrawal (overlap with rebound phenomena) anxiety



flashes in peripheral vison fields

muscles cramps and twitching


epileptic seizure

treatment substitute therapy with long-lasting drugs – diazepam

other psychotropic drugs with surprising addiction potential quetiapine


Page 31: „Závislosti“ · Intoxications with alcohol complicated intoxication intoxication signs of behavioral disturbances (e.g. aggression, automutilation) dependent on amount of alcohol


opiates – natural alkaloids Thomas Sydenham – opium tincture "laudanum"



opioids endogenous

endorphins, enkephalins, endomorphins

semisynthetic or synthetic

heroin – diacetylmorphine

many medicaments






ongoing epidemic in USA

Page 32: „Závislosti“ · Intoxications with alcohol complicated intoxication intoxication signs of behavioral disturbances (e.g. aggression, automutilation) dependent on amount of alcohol

Heroine intoxication

“flash”, “rush”, followed by euphoria, sedation, calming effect,

inertness … “nodding off” miosis

tolerance and dependence

rapid and severe from smoking to i.v. application – huge increase of tolerance, need for

higher dosage

maintenance of use more focused on prevention of withdrawal


intense (subjectively), but usually not life-threatening mydriasis

symptoms like in sever cold/ influenza:

change of temperature - chills, profound sweating

piloerection – “cold turkey”

pain in muscles / bones / back / joints


rhinorrhea / tearing

psychomotoric instability


severe insomnia

Page 33: „Závislosti“ · Intoxications with alcohol complicated intoxication intoxication signs of behavioral disturbances (e.g. aggression, automutilation) dependent on amount of alcohol

Treatment of opioid addiction detoxification


hydration, benzodiazepines, analgesics

clonidine = α 2 antagonist

Reasec = diphenoxylate (pethidine derivate) + atropine

substitute therapy the aim is to manage withdrawal and harm reduction

in long term treatment



buprenorphine + naloxon = Subuxone (prevention of i.v. application of





naloxone - antidotum


Page 34: „Závislosti“ · Intoxications with alcohol complicated intoxication intoxication signs of behavioral disturbances (e.g. aggression, automutilation) dependent on amount of alcohol


Erythroxylon coca

Ephedra sinica

Catha edulis



bath salts – e.g. methylone

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crack - free base of cocaine

methamphetamine (pervitine)

medicaments for ADHD treatment



modafinil - narcolepsy

Page 36: „Závislosti“ · Intoxications with alcohol complicated intoxication intoxication signs of behavioral disturbances (e.g. aggression, automutilation) dependent on amount of alcohol

Effects of stimulants

“high”, “speed” energy

less sleep

higher sexual appetency and potency

in some people better concertation

harmful effect anxiety


paranoid psychosis – can be dangerous because of hyperactivity, aggression

tactile hallucinosis

depravation of personality

Page 37: „Závislosti“ · Intoxications with alcohol complicated intoxication intoxication signs of behavioral disturbances (e.g. aggression, automutilation) dependent on amount of alcohol

MDMA = exstasy3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine

combination of stimulant

more on noradrenaline and serotonin than dopamine


entactogen – ↑ self awareness and empathy

vigorous physical activity (dance) hyperthermia

electrolyte imbalance


sexual risky behaviors



ongoing research on PTSD willingness to discuss emotionally-charged memories

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> 100 cannabinoids in marihuana

higher levels of THC in new “sorts” -



approved for treatment special form

of epilepsy in young children by FDA

synthetic cannabinoids

• may have hundreds times higher affinities

• unpredictable

• K2, Spice, Joker, Black Mamba, Kush, Kronic

Page 39: „Závislosti“ · Intoxications with alcohol complicated intoxication intoxication signs of behavioral disturbances (e.g. aggression, automutilation) dependent on amount of alcohol


“high” altered senses

(for example, seeing brighter colors)

altered sense of time

changes in mood

psychosis problem in “dual diagnosis”, mainly schizophrenia

withdrawal craving



decreased apetite

hyperemesis syndrome in long term high use


Page 40: „Závislosti“ · Intoxications with alcohol complicated intoxication intoxication signs of behavioral disturbances (e.g. aggression, automutilation) dependent on amount of alcohol


LSD (d-lysergic acid diethylamide)

Psilocybin, psylocin

Peyote (Mescaline)

Ayahuasca - DMT (Dimethyltryptamine

Page 41: „Závislosti“ · Intoxications with alcohol complicated intoxication intoxication signs of behavioral disturbances (e.g. aggression, automutilation) dependent on amount of alcohol


PCP (Phencyclidine)

Ketamine - K, Special K

DXM (Dextromethorphan)

Salvia divinorum

Page 42: „Závislosti“ · Intoxications with alcohol complicated intoxication intoxication signs of behavioral disturbances (e.g. aggression, automutilation) dependent on amount of alcohol


Datura stramonium

jimsonweed, devil's trumpet

anticholinergic - atropine

Page 43: „Závislosti“ · Intoxications with alcohol complicated intoxication intoxication signs of behavioral disturbances (e.g. aggression, automutilation) dependent on amount of alcohol

Trips and bad trips

serotonin, NMDA or μ receptors

psychotic experiences

illusions, hallucinations

change of reality, change of time speed

“broaden”, “extended” consciousness

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Solvents / inhalants




amyl nitrite, butyl nitrite


butane, propane


methylene chloride

nitrous oxide ("laughing gas"), hexane

sudden sniffing death syndrome

suppressed immunologic function


cell death

“group hallucianations”