Norman-Gamble Nuptials Benn RADIOS ACUmVEMENt OF NEGRO WOMCN GRJS®^SBORd— In • bemt\- tvA ierjemony to C»rri« Biarga Ch«{»«l lE ^ n e t Coll«tre More an kltar b»nk«d with flowew «nd •hrubboryi Mist M®Wi* RutJi G*mble of Lima, Ohio *nd Mc- H«nry Norman of Oklahom* Citj^ Okl*. were joined in Holy th« ^ d e wm« maid of honor. Aa toaae atbendanta took their - ptace* ^ witlad OYtr th« crowed chapel, then the triumphant rtraina of the traditional "Her# Comet the , Jknde" were heard and alowly down the aiale whwb had been strewjn with rote petal* bjr the ' wedlock laat Wedn«klay evenina. i<,yely flower girl, came ^he bride The ceremony wa* performed »t father, L. C. 1:00 o’clock in the evening. I Gamble of lima, Ohio. the ^ Premptly *t that honr. The bride wore a beautifully ^ ia Randell, a atndent at Bennett, Hero” from "The Chocolate Sol* dler'*. Mr, .19up<naa Page of Pal- mer lihnorial- Inetitute rendered a medley of appr»prl*te violin ■Sections. Ju»t before the pro- -eesiion began, Mr», -Jeaaie Lee Dickson of Soeittjr Hill, *. C., the bride'a claMm»t«, aang “StiU | Bt fte Night” by Efchn. Noah ' Ryder, profeaaor of muilc at Palmer Memorial Inrtitute, was at the piano during the, evening. elwrtto of the famona W«dd>n? dra^>ed gown of ivory satiii, pfin- flower ^url WM little Mjeft March**-f#om liohengrln’ ............ •ounded and the profession be- j!»n. The first to- approach the idUr were the proom accomp*- oied by '^e beet'' man, Inman B¥e^x of JA. and T. College. cese'Style, with three tier fin- grtf tip veil, caui^ in the c^ntf? by a cluster of orange blesaom*. I ^he carried • bouquet of wnite rnuiL The bridemaida wore Peek of Charleaton, H. C-, The yeang bride il the olde»t daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Gamble of Lima, Ohio. She is a Social Notes »0«* Miaa Tnelm* Avery e p ^ t tlte gan CbUege, Baltimore. Chriatiaaa holidays in Hickory. Misses Mary Cotton and Willie ■Mni Mm - Parker and. Mr. Thomas holidays in Colurabla, jfarker from Insti biEir Mrs. Mary War4 ia visiting friends in WinstoD Sftlem dur- ing the holidays. Sh« is being ac. oomjpanied en her trip by Miw G-nsv* Fuller. , ifei«e7~ [ImVn Palmer Memoriftl Bumatte, CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR SPONSORS XMAS PLAY Hilkida,, Ecs«es»ic Studaata Pre- Mat Cbriataias Prejeet; Pai«at« Honared; NCC Hama Eaoaomio Cla«* Ga«at« (By Marih CGrady) The Home Eicononrfce depart- dresses of wine, tile, and rust graduate of Bennett College and attendants eame transparent velvet with gold ne* Has studied at Columbia Uni Miss Juanita Each cairied a small 'veraity. While at .Bennett she was 1!l^ next^ 'n»«y _______ _ Pope of Rofcky Mount, Miss G «ce morocco bounC'Able. The very active in student affairs and Coulboume of * Baltimore, Md. honor ware green trans- was a member of the Bennett and Mrs. Blance Faulikner of velvet with silvw accSwo- ijuartette for £o«r, years, Since . ------------------------------------- _ — . . _ jjgj, graduation In 1934, she has P r e ^ b o r o —a ll cUismates of g. T. Weatherfjy, pai- the bride. Folowing thf ffronp Matthews M, E. irere fhe ushers, Walde Faulkner ^ officist«<l ftt cer®* ^ Greensboro, William Gamble i of Tfcomasville, and Standford | , i New York City."< ITjere were several musical sister of *selections Just be^ort the wed* McKethan of Miss Clarice Gamble, been field secretary for B«*nnett ICollege- The g^oom J« a native of OKlshoma City, Okla. and a I reosnt graduate of A. and T. College. While a student he was MRS. MARGARET DAVIS BOWEN, S>«>r«M« BatiUai aad speaker oa the AMia KapiM Al< plia prttfraai breadcact over ata-' twa WSMB, Nfev Orleaaa, Taee- day, December 28, 4 to 4tS0 pm. I CST. Mrs. Bowea gave a portra* ^al of the hUtory of the AKA i Sererlty aad its .work, breaking a precedent in bpe«deaatla|t ia New O-laant, where radio faeill- t>«s have fWBeridly beea cletud »o oar groap. (ANP)' Miss Louise McAllt*ter of 617 St. Joseph Si. left the city last 1}hursda(y fo r il^w York City where she will spend the Christ^ mas holidays. ' Miss iRuth L. R oster, manag- ing editor of the Carolina 'nmcs, is spending the Christmas holi- days in New York City, whers she ti voting relatives and friends. I M iss' Kanni* Ruth Virginia State Cdllege. *•» Miss Ruth Hunt Buchansn', Englewood. New Jersey. ^Miss Vivian and Constance Merrick. Talladega. Mr. Richard Smith Shaw Uni- versity. 1 J T, I don, Frances Thomas Shaw, Wwf^ Virginia dint, Hattie Statti, fhe Allen Christi»n Qndeavor Leagua of S t Josef>h A. M. B- Church prssenteil • short two^ act play in ffv* fcenea. fi«na»y^ of'HiRsida High school fr? December 20, till usual ,*ntod a Chrislmas project all church ■ erening how. The play “Christina*’ Preparation", rewrit- ten and revised by tha president of the League, c WH s I^om, at- tempted to show wrong and rlg>it~Tnet ivea-^ »!vln|r. I t also presented a beautifnl poi daty 'Tuesday and T\iesday eve- ning, December 21st. ' An exhibition of present* made by giriis of the dopartment for their mothers wan on- of the special features. A sale of furni- fe^i^e boys of the ‘The Nstivity^'. Ths oolorfsl mannsl training ^ipSTtuiuat—was decorations and costumlag added an atsMsphere which was very essential to the play. Those participating in the play were. Misses Annie I^ige, J«n- ette and IHhal Doom, Clara and an added attraction. The home Making room, in the basement of th* school, was open the. entire, day, and the Hume Bconomics students of the North Carolina College, with their In- Margfliret burton, Vimice Brag- 4t|nictor, S|n». Jack((3n', were „ Mae Hayes, Hall> Lola Qour McAdams, Bertit Adel« ' Chestnut. special guests. 'Qiesday ' night the Chriatmas project was cllmaxad H/y a party Mrs. Joseph Smith of 701 Grant Street spent the Christ- mas holidays in Washington. D. C. visiting relatives and friends. nromlnent in athletics and in his senior year was chosen AJl-CIAA Messrs. James Tucker and Er- nest TTiompson is spending the Christmas holidatys in New York. fashion News for Your Back From The Holiday* Misses Frances and Josephii.'e Harris and Mr. “'Ekrl Baucum from Hinderson Institutifr. MiesThelma Bailey from Mor- 0 £CnB WA1 IR HEATBt NWIS THE FAMIY GONE ARE BACK BREAKING DAYS OF YORE trpm t quarte^ack. I He is a member of the AJphs* ' Phi Alpha Fraternity and* now teaChM at Cathage, N. C. The couple will be at home after January 3 in Carthage. N. C. Some of the out of town guejits were: Mrs.^Arthur lima, Ohio! Mrs. W. F. FGrant of Charleston, S. C .; Mr. and MriS. O. R. Pope of Roeky Mount N. C- The mother of the-bridfff Gamble was also prfc- Misses Marion and £vangeline Cordice arc visiting their par- ents, Dr. and Mrs. J. W. V. C«r- dicev Fi^etteville St. ' . Sick Mr. R. L. Chavis, manag'sr the *&ull City B arber iSho^p is 111^ at his home. 30*6 Dowd St. HUGE ETHI<M*IAN’ SILVER COINS PROVE A problem TO ITALY ROME, Italy, Dec. 28— (ANP) —An apthenticated report was current here this w6ek .that 100,- (Mxi thalers have been coined in Bnssels on order of certain French interests, for circulation in Ethiopia ^o compete with Ita- lian eoins and currendy. It was said that because of the present low prices j>i silver, a large profit can toe .^ade using the coins. The silver thal- er, or Maria ThCresa dollar, i.*t stilLJieU in great favor by t'le Ethiopians who have always'^JeS ii^pressed by its tr emend jus, eartwheel size. It was hinted in some quarters in T?ome that a move against Italy may ba ‘ lie- , BEAUTy SPONSORED ea •^UARIEUSE BEAUTH EC U MP ATI O fSI Jh. kaneuft fiMuty *a» tlM Godttroy Manufacfttrin# Company t® n«tho(li ot pftwrviiHi womtR '* natural beauty, and to NMko tki rtsutts of Hits retearch availablo tc 'eubtlc. 'f SINU YOUU WAV TO BKAUTl Messr. James Cross, Connie ^ a y featuring' a Christmas playlet, "A Safe and Happy Chria4;maa.” Afterwards the parents were served refreshments and ' given presents matle by the girls. All of tjie parents departed an enjoyabl -' evening. Thip pro- ject was supervised b'y Mrsli Ped- dy, Mrs. Walker, Miss Colemati, and Miss Avant, <instructors). H»is proved to be such a success Williams, Silas McAdams, Wm. AJdolphus, and Mack Doom, Ruby Hayfs and Enrest McAd- ams. Mr. Doom was very ^ t e f n l to have Mrs. Lydia Merrick to as- sist him in the play b^y rendering music , ap the jp^xkTran. It was ^^pressed by^ him thiw he ^ h e i more elftldr«n in. ^ church would tane a jwrt in tfae^iLeague-^that-^ Md its activities in th# year of 193«. make affair. the 'project. an to annunl "— ........ CARD W THANKS I wish to express’ my thsnks and appreciation to the following persons who helped me to n4n in the Popularity contest. Mr. J. W. and John Grady, Union Grove, •Columbus Ohio; Mr. VJ. A. (Btaime, member of Bbenezer, Washington, D. C .; ,Mrs. Ida Griffin, m a n ^ r of Eb- enexer, Richmond, Va.; Rev. P, N. White, of fibeneser,t Goldsboro, N. C.; Mr. R. M. £d- wards. Tererlls Creek, R.FD No. FEDERAL EMPLOYES PRE- SENT “CltYSTAL TREE” lO SPEAKER BANKHEAD WASHINGTON; D. €., Pec. Dec. as— (A N P)_ The United Government Employes, reprsseni- ted by a delegation -composed P^sldent Edgar G. Brown, Ar drew D. Wisketts, Mr*. Effie Wicketts, Mrs. Rhoda Jacki^on, Mrs. Ruth* -Srfjyons, and MrSi_ Katie Oscar, last Monday presen. ked Speaker of the House Rjpre- hind th# shipments. oJllc^hJvVovyri^ _ sentatives Hon. WilliamlBi. Bank- 1, ChaipeliHili, N. C.; Mr. f ^ d , h e a d wi€h an artistie, hand-mada^ Edwards^ 2nd Baptist, Chapel j “Crystal Tree," as a token of Hill, N. C.j Miss .Sedjanthy W al-| apipreciation for his efforts >n den, 1st Baptist, Nw (Hill, N. i behalf of the colored workers in C.; C. L. I^sasitsr, N?w, andl^ifistrict seAdce. * _• _3 i--_ ..-1 'Hope, B it) No. 9 Duitham; Mr, Marvin ^ e e d , Calvairy ^aptist^ RFD No- 5 Z^rham, N. C.; Mr. J. D. Grady, Mt. Bright Baptist kev. •"I'jiJB (aiAfly watw heater, which used to be (Ound to a dark comer o f; tbe old-fashioned basement; has^bToSaomed forth In modem dress [ and mo^d upstairs to Join other appltaoces Is the popular ail-electrlc} Idteheo snsemUs; Typical of such installations is tbe one shown above | wbers tlM sraait modem styltnc and gleaming white porcelain flnlsb j at tbe eleotrte water brater, at left, blend perfectly with tbe modern | equipment and decoration of tbe Utcben. Ib homes ahers snehj installations ara desired, this modem styling equips tbe electric water ’ heater for rsereation room and luUhroom Installation, as well as In] *be modmilasd taOBdry and basemeBt. % G o n e are the back breaking da^'s of yo«a«whi^ mother had to itoop low over range and sink. The modem kitchen with Its monel ! ' equipment provides working surfaces Just tbe right distance from the floor. And there's more room in the kitchen with Its stralghtllBa ar- rangement and eablnet type range; Note alse that even' tbe rangs ha^ 1 a monel top, ofreiinK a metal suilaos Which can't be damaged by heavy pots or hot paT'^ -, *i' — Sm^ealkim in Wallpaper A fter School Snacks nMmm •Jl . ; F«otori«« fictitrm eourlesti ot VlUttd Wall 'pH w viaiipaperB mad<i ibeir bow at the Annual Style Show in nil!t month, and. perhaps the most outstanding ini .Ui£.5BrmlijiM<L4e8ieHiNJlsreyer new tetwutj- -o4 4ot}».vii. r<H>ruduct4utis of early French and Chinsss pat*- 's first request upon arriving at home, t»-«at. Modem mothers realizing, that after to their oKiet ravenous state. •C >*>rovidlag the artra noorMiaittt ^ t I t a dslfetous mfrMhlsf-eMlnnUUfc BBilk drink a ttnkla wtth erystti- are easily obttla^bla If you lee M(rttst«t«|» ta yoor limply take the as# lc«.«aber •ad It so the Mock ot tJl* m N s bi i alaatas or 4erns, <iw eniirely fri-Kb intorpretatlob* ot our AnM»ncan Modems all bruuxbt b^lort* ihe visitintf erow^r ibe oewest and best la wallpapent tor next year, but n reit to the lot q T one of tbe largest maaufaetttrsiH' to offer a really §«» the Surreailat wkllpapef fhowQ aborsi Truly Amertcaa. froct .(he ~lndlan be'ad-and flag motif, to tI|s'doIlM sl«ns rampant. It lnrlu(|.(>| in ftq. pattern Important elements ta omi. daily lives, such as ati abrwi riofk. an aeroplane, swaying skyscmpeM and dollar bllte. -Howt- as the design miv saund. It Is cleverly drawn Best of all tt Is Swi-tested an/ ws*»rproof so It will Popular opinion notwithstimding, ^M*uui> Is more than sktn «eep, A rtiiwless skfh. glOssf 'bnlr. nml pt'r- f^. lion of feature are" to no avail If Miiip* of petulunre. discnntent anil worry have e tfh ^ ilielr mnrfc on your face. AH your lh<«}ghts and ('iiiotlons leave their traces on your •fiipe. And. unfortunately, we don’t see these marks, until ttiey,h«ve Itecoiiie »<Hi deeply gniv|tfB”|(>r |js to do niucb .ilMMJt tiiem. We tery rarely look in the mirror whM we are on the verge of flying off the handle, or if wr do, we are too busy with our |iriv»ire grievances to pay any at- tention to what we see. But each (luiliurst of temper, each needless hour of worry oi" dlaccntent coti- n Jltuie to the general rtin-down look of our faces Serenity Is the key- note of bfiiint; and the wise woman will, ruhlvHte a peaceful frame of mind as asriduonrty as-ahe goes about keeping scrupulously clean iind well-groomed. ^ Avoid Frowning -'Shmcone told m? that when she had a dlsagrueable'tash t& perform unti who hasDt at least two or three a iit»y?—she made a point of Ringing a gay and cheerful song n-hlle fterforinlng the unpleasant (Inly. This may sound ridiculous, r.iid In some<aiKS hnpoiBsible, bpt it nus 0^ sound, psychological basis. Who could let the corners of her mouth droop while pinging a foolish, Inconsequevtlal ditty) It is sn Ex- cellent suggestion for house#lves^ who have an aversion to''Wsshing dishes nndmoppltjg floors. Try it :And.see how much eafier It is to preserve a feeling of ti^nqoility. Even the prettiest mouth loses Its h<>atiiy If tti droops at the comers, nnrf »"'ntliiunl dt;w^plng brings abdut« Umt down in-the^raouth expressUm «ihlch ia practisiiUy Impossible to blot out. frown lines ore the bugnhoo ot everj beauty-conscious wonmn. If you find that you frown conslstvni ly’^ d unintentionally,,_have ,your eyes examined at onc& But ihi^ chances are_that yod have. Merely acquired tbe habit from brooding overtime about mtytters that are ni» entlrwy to your liking.and are he i jon6 your power ^-control. I HapplnsM and Beauty So, If you can’t have a new dres.** and must make the old white stitin do for another season, or If (he tele- phone didn't ring last night, e^en i. though the dashing young man you met at the (terty did promlK to call St seven, or even If your best beloved turned around and married ths other girl, dismiss It liglitly. If you become g rlm ,^ u t it, tne whffs raUn will lo ^ even more tired due to -]^ r l^ k of dissatisfaction, the young man from ths party will Bevet.call if be sees you wltb the comers of your month sagging, and no .one else will give you a second glance if you are obviously despair- ing over tbe light of your life that went out so abruptly. Th« moral of all this ig that beauty is as besuty thinks Hap- pin«BS makes for brauty and you ' can't be happy If yo^ devote sll your energies to concentrating oa your ^own p e ^ i ^ grudge against the world. And' if yon And that those unlovely ICiies have siready begun to show up around yonr eyes and mouth, get good c m m . made especially for that purpose, and massage it ’ gently into the skin every nigfit, until you have smoothed them all away, and then start all over agald and frice the world with a tranquil co«nl«*nii't. i* lohn Stanford, Rock HilU N- C.{ j|[is8 Henrstta Withron,, SJbene- Mf, -Miiil Qfl^yia IBkibM, ^Ohene- zct;. idjM Lufile TlionMS} ' Ebene. zer, Mim Honi|^ lltdmM, ES>en^ ser; Mr, MUton M ^eal, Ebe- nezer; Mrs. Carrie McNeal, E%e- nezer; and all th mieemi>er8 and friends o f Sbeneser Ifoptiii Church and eommnnjiy. T. A. Cmdy U S. PROBE! PBONAOi; GEORGIA COTTON ON OdieM presented similar tokens were Congressman ^ward 'P. Taylor,' chairman of the House* Appropriations Committea and Serialor Thniwas, 7:T3Jtalfs-— man of the stib-committee of 4hovi.<^ District of Columbia Appropria- tion committee. Other Congress- men and’ Congresswomen wer<i presented expressions of appre- ciation for their interest- in the laundry workers .of the War De- partment and the National Park 'Swice. fAYs" $ io o m m Y FARMS - \ W^lSHTNIGTOK, Dsc; 27— (C NA) — ITie pnKifiea of holding Negro cotton pickers in peonage in Warren County, Ga., eauscd the Department of Justice to or-, der special agents into the field *0 investigate flie situation, it was anounce4 hera this week. Durlam, N.. C.— An accidenf ■Assistant Attorney Gmisralv ilnrarance policy insuring tbrss ®Tien McMahon said that tha i ^ p«0 pl«; the principal, the bena. vest^tion bsgsn several w ee^ ficiary and. one child now offered »go when tte Civfl ^ b c u ^ s by Ae Southern Fidelity Mutdal Union and othe on*tuii*atio.n8 ia In Immediate benefit from dat# Ckildrea and Beneficiary Noa Iftured at no Addltloiial Cost. An Entirely New Feature Offered by no Other Company Coatianedl •a paga eeiw JANUARY Clearance FIFTEEN HUNDRED PAIRS OF SHOiES M pced Froa ^.99 To $ Siw nress<^s Reduced T«» ALL ROIlEI* REDUCED I2.9S COATS REDUCED TO »6.B8 j Of premium payment. Weekly benefits are from $10.00 to 125. m DMtKTjeneffti from 1260,00, to IlSOO.CO, and the ^ost ia onty one cent per day or $3.66 p«i y6*r. '^ o tt maift see tliis poncy at ou¥~ j9xoense. Read it, and understand exactly what it covers, theif if yon - a«e satisfied) send $3.66 to put it tn force for i year. Each year ■11 beneflta increue l<b per cent nntU the policy hM a Tslue of 60 per more at no additfoniil _ cost.' . (' ■ *Women and men are accepted. M 'o madical examination, no red- tape. Send no money with applk ' cation. Just write your name, a ^ addren, beneficiaiy’s name and relationship and mail to the Solbiliem FiieHty ~HtttuaI Inmt^ ' ranee Company, Durham, Not-tli Carolini, for free policy inspao- Aton. X (A-dr). |S o 6ei;il U^irGrDvirer a WSHid* firom -'llkv' hair, liy rttar daHar i«r Sral^ DIsniM^ VIM- "ta « - --- - so'oooo^il^ix STKtAlGOTKNEB witbop* krMU ar OtwMM (Unra kRaa)' ... SmMtapw <ianra bam> lb«'» Oalr 8«rn>(lttraw , SSta WhKMiar .............. 0 * I Manor oiiirt. w« Par paaas* laoJiooD CP X m rAut sr.. s. ; .4iitn.wTttafr Ms

Benn Social Notes - DigitalNCnewspapers.digitalnc.org › lccn › sn83045120 › 1938-01-01 › ed-1 › seq-2.pdfDecember 20, till usual ,*ntod a Chrislmas project all church erening

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Norman-Gamble NuptialsBenn


GRJS®^SBORd— In • bemt\- tvA ierjemony to C»rri« Biarga Ch«{»«l lE ^net Coll«tre M ore an kltar b»nk«d with flowew «nd •hrubboryi Mist M®Wi* RutJi G*mble of Lima, Ohio *nd Mc- H«nry Norman of Oklahom* Citj^ Okl*. were joined in Holy

th« ^ d e wm« maid of honor.Aa toaae atbendanta took their -

ptace* ^witlad OYtr th« crowed chapel, th en the trium phant rtraina of the traditional "Her# Comet the , Jknde" were heard and alowly down the aiale whwb had been strewjn with rote petal* bjr the '

wedlock laat Wedn«klay evenina. i<,yely flower girl, came ^he bride The cerem ony wa* performed » t father, L. C.1:00 o’clock in the evening. I Gamble of lim a, Ohio.

the ^Premptly * t that honr. The bride wore a beautifully

^ i a Randell, a atndent a t Bennett,Hero” from "The Chocolate Sol* dler'*. Mr, .19up<naa Page of Pal­mer lihnorial- Inetitute rendered a medley of appr»prl*te violin ■Sections. Ju»t before the pro- -eesiion began, Mr», -Jeaaie Lee Dickson of Soeittjr Hill, *. C., the bride'a claMm»t«, aang “StiU | Bt f te Night” by Efchn. Noah ' Ryder, profeaaor of muilc a t Palmer Memorial Inrtitute, was a t the piano during the, evening.

elwrtto of the famona W«dd>n? dra >ed gown of ivory satiii, pfin- flower ^url WM little Mjeft March**-f#om liohengrln’ ............•ounded and the profession be- j!»n. The first to- approach the idUr were the proom accomp*- oied by '^ e beet'' man, Inman B¥e^x of JA. and T. College.

cese'Style, with three tier fin- grtf tip veil, c a u i^ in the c^ntf? by a cluster of orange blesaom*. I

^he carried • bouquet of wnite rnuiL The bridemaida w o r e

Peek of Charleaton, H. C-,

The yeang bride il the olde»t daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Gamble of Lima, Ohio. She is a

Social Notes »0«*

Miaa Tnelm* Avery e p ^ t tlte gan CbUege, Baltimore.Chriatiaaa holidays in Hickory.

Misses Mary Cotton and Willie ■M ni Mm - Parker and. Mr. Thomas

holidays in Colurabla, jfarker from Insti biE ir

Mrs. Mary War4 ia visiting friends in WinstoD Sftlem dur­ing the holidays. Sh« is being ac. oomjpanied en her trip by Miw G-nsv* Fuller. “ ,


[ImV n

Palmer Memoriftl




Hilkida,, Ecs«es»ic Studaata Pre- Mat Cbriataias Prejeet; Pai«at« Honared; NCC Hama Eaoaomio

Cla«* Ga«at«

(By Marih CGrady)The Home Eicononrfce depart-

dresses of wine, tile, and rust graduate of Bennett College and attendants eame transparent velvet with gold ne* Has studied a t Columbia Uni

Miss Juanita Each cairied a small 'veraity. While a t .Bennett she was1!l^next^ 'n»«y _______ _Pope of Rofcky Mount, Miss G «ce morocco bounC'Able. The very active in student affairs andCoulboume of * Baltimore, Md. honor ware green trans- was a member of the Bennettand Mrs. Blance Faulikner of velvet with silvw accSwo- ijuartette for £o«r, years, Since

. ------------------------------------- _ — . . _ jjgj, graduation In 1934, she hasP re ^ b o ro —all cUismates o f g . T. Weatherfjy, pai-the bride. Folowing th f ffronp Matthews M, E.irere fhe ushers, Walde Faulkner officist«<l ftt cer®*^ Greensboro, William Gamble iof Tfcomasville, and Standford | , • i

New York City."< ITjere were several musical sister of * selections Just be^ort the wed*

McKethan of Miss Clarice Gamble,

been field secretary for B«*nnett I College- The g^oom J« a native of OKlshoma City, Okla. and a

I reosnt graduate of A. and T. College. While a student he was

M R S . MARGARET DAVIS BOWEN, S>«>r«M« BatiUai aad speaker oa the AMia KapiM Al< plia prttfraai breadcact over ata-' tw a WSMB, Nfev Orleaaa, Taee- day, December 28, 4 to 4tS0 pm.

I CST. Mrs. Bowea gave a portra* ^al of the hUtory of the AKA i Sererlty aad its .work, breaking a precedent in bpe«deaatla|t ia New O-laant, where radio faeill- t>«s have fWBeridly beea cletud »o oar groap. (ANP)'

Miss Louise McAllt*ter of 617 St. Joseph Si. left the city last 1}hursda(y for il^w York City where she will spend the Christ^ mas holidays. '

Miss iRuth L. R o ste r , manag­ing editor of the Carolina 'nmcs, is spending the Christmas holi­days in New York City, whers she ti v o tin g relatives and friends. I

M is s ' Kanni* Ruth Virginia State Cdllege.

*•»Miss Ruth H unt Buchansn',

Englewood. New Jersey.

^Miss Vivian and Constance Merrick. Talladega.

Mr. Richard Smith Shaw Uni­versity. 1 J T,

I don, FrancesThomas Shaw, Wwf^ Virginia dint, Hattie


fh e Allen Christi»n Qndeavor Leagua of S t Josef>h A. M. B- Church prssenteil • short two^ act play in ffv* fcenea. fi«na»y^ of'HiRsida High school fr? December 20, till usual ,*ntod a Chrislmas project allchurch ■ erening how . The play “Christina*’ Preparation", rew rit­ten and revised by tha president of the League, cW H s I^om , at­tempted to show wrong and rlg>it~Tnetivea-^ »!vln|r. I t also presented a beautifnl poi

daty 'Tuesday and T\iesday eve­ning, December 21st. '

An exhibition of present* made by giriis of the dopartment for their mothers wan on- of the special features. A sale of furni-

fe^ i^e boys of the‘The Nstivity^'. Ths oolorfsl mannsl training ^ipSTtuiuat—was

decorations and costumlag added an atsMsphere which was very essential to the play.

Those participating in the play were. Misses Annie I^ige, J«n- ette and IHhal Doom, Clara and

an added attraction.The home Making room, in the

basement of th* school, was open th e . entire, day, and the Hume Bconomics students of the North Carolina College, with their In-

Margfliret burton, Vimice Brag- 4t|nictor, S|n». Jack((3n', were „

Mae Hayes,

Hall> Lola Qour McAdams, B ertit Adel« ' Chestnut.

special guests.'Qiesday ' night the Chriatmas

project was cllmaxad H/y a party

Mrs. Joseph Smith of 701 Grant Street spent the Christ­mas holidays in Washington. D. C. visiting relatives and friends.

nromlnent in athletics and in his senior year was chosen AJl-CIAA

Messrs. James Tucker and Er­nest TTiompson is spending the Christmas holidatys in New York.

fashion News for YourBack From The Holiday*

Misses Frances and Josephii.'e Harris and Mr. “'Ekrl Baucum from Hinderson Institutifr.

MiesThelma Bailey from Mor-



t quarte^ack.

I He is a member of the AJphs* ' Phi Alpha Fraternity and* now teaChM a t Cathage, N. C. The couple will be a t home after January 3 in Carthage. N. C. Some of the out of town guejits were: M rs.^Arthur lim a, Ohio! Mrs. W. F. F Grant of Charleston, S. C .; Mr. and MriS. O. R. Pope of Roeky Mount N. C- The mother of the-bridfff

Gamble was also prfc-

Misses Marion and £vangeline Cordice arc visiting their par­ents, Dr. and Mrs. J . W. V. C«r- dicev Fi^etteville St.

' . Sick

Mr. R. L. Chavis, manag'sr the *&ull City Barber iSho p is 111 a t his home. 30*6 Dowd St.


COINS PROVE A p r o b l e m


ROME, Italy, Dec. 28— (ANP) —An apthenticated report was current here this w6ek .that 100,- (Mxi thalers have been coined in B nssels on order of certain French interests, fo r circulation in Ethiopia ^o compete with Ita­lian eoins and currendy.

I t was said that because of the present low prices j>i silver, a large profit can toe .^ade using the coins. The silver thal­er, or Maria ThCresa dollar, i.*t stilLJieU in great favor by t'le Ethiopians who have always'^JeS ii^pressed by its tr emend jus, eartwheel size. I t was hinted in some quarters in T?ome th a t a

move against Italy may ba ‘lie- ,



Jh. kaneuft fiMuty *a»tlM Godttroy Manufacfttrin# Company t® n«tho(liot pftwrviiHi womtR'* natural beauty, and to NMko tki rtsutts of Hits retearch availablo tc 'eubtlc.


Messr. James Cross, Connie ^ a y featuring' a Christmas playlet,"A Safe and Happy Chria4;maa.” Afterwards the parents were served refreshments and ' given presents matle by the girls.

All of tjie parents departed an enjoyabl -' evening. Thip pro­ject was supervised b'y Mrsli Ped- dy, Mrs. Walker, Miss Colemati, and Miss Avant, <instructors). H»is proved to be such a success

Williams, Silas McAdams, Wm. AJdolphus, and Mack Doom, Ruby Hayfs and Enrest McAd­ams.

Mr. Doom was very ^ t e f n l to have Mrs. Lydia Merrick to as­sist him in the play b y rendering music , ap the jp^xkT ran . I t was ^^pressed by^ him thiw he ^ h e i more elftldr«n in. ^ churchwould tane a jw rt in tfae^iLeague-^that-^Md its activities in th# year of 193«.


the 'p ro ject. anto


" — ........


I wish to express’ my thsnks and appreciation to the following persons who helped me to n4n in the Popularity contest.

Mr. J. W. and John Grady, Union Grove, •Columbus Ohio; Mr. VJ. A. (Btaime, member of Bbenezer, Washington, D. C .; ,Mrs. Ida Griffin, m a n ^ r of Eb- enexer, Richmond, Va.; Rev. P, N. White, of fibeneser,tGoldsboro, N. C.; Mr. R. M. £d- wards. Tererlls Creek, R.FD No.



WASHINGTON; D. €., Pec. Dec. a s— (A N P )_ The United Government Employes, reprsseni- ted by a delegation -composed P ^slden t Edgar G. Brown, Ar drew D. Wisketts, Mr*. Effie Wicketts, Mrs. Rhoda Jacki^on, Mrs. Ruth* -Srfjyons, and MrSi_ Katie Oscar, last Monday presen. ked Speaker of the House Rjpre-

hind th# shipments.

o J llc ^h J v V o v y ri^

_ sentatives Hon. WilliamlBi. Bank-1, ChaipeliHili, N. C .; Mr. f ^ d , h e a d wi€h an artistie, hand-mada^ Edwards^ 2nd Baptist, Chapel j “Crystal Tree," as a token of Hill, N. C.j Miss .Sedjanthy W al-| apipreciation for his efforts >n den, 1st Baptist, N w (Hill, N. i behalf of the colored workers in C .; C. L. I^sasitsr, N?w, andl^ifistrict seAdce.

* _•_3i--_ ..-1'Hope, B it) No. 9 Duitham; Mr, Marvin ^ e e d , Calvairy ^aptist^ RFD No- 5 Z^rham, N. C.; Mr.

J . D. Grady, Mt. Bright Baptistkev.

•"I'jiJB (aiAfly watw heater, which used to be (Ound to a dark comer o f;tbe old-fashioned basement; has^bToSaomed forth In modem dress [

and m o^d upstairs to Join other appltaoces Is the popular ail-electrlc} Idteheo snsemUs; Typical of such installations is tbe one shown above | wbers tlM sraait modem styltnc and gleaming white porcelain flnlsb j at tbe eleotrte water brater, at left, blend perfectly with tbe modern | equipment and decoration of tbe Utcben. Ib homes ahers snehj installations ara desired, this modem styling equips tbe electric water ’ heater for rsereation room and luUhroom Installation, as well as In] *be modmilasd taOBdry and basemeBt. %

Go n e are the back breaking da^'s of yo«a«whi^ mother had to itoop low over range and sink. The modem kitchen with Its monel

!' equipment provides working surfaces Just tbe right distance from the floor. And there's more room in the kitchen with Its stralghtllBa ar­rangement and eablnet type range; Note alse that even' tbe rangs ha^

1 a monel top, ofreiinK a metal suilaos Which can't be damaged by heavy pots or hot paT' -, * i' —

Sm^ealkim in Wallpaper

A fte r School Snacks


•Jl . ;

F«otori««fictitrm eourlesti ot VlUttd Wall

'pH w viaiipaperB mad<i ibeir bow at the Annual Style Show in nil!t month, and. perhaps the most outstanding ini

.Ui£.5BrmlijiM<L4e8ieHiNJlsreyer new tetwutj- -o4 4ot}».vii. r<H>ruduct4utis of early French and Chinsss pat*-'s first request upon arriving at home,

t»-«at. Modem mothers realizing, that after to their oKiet ravenous state.

•C >*>rovidlag the artra noorM iaittt ^ t I t a dslfetous mfrMhlsf-eMlnnUUfc

BBilk drink a ttnkla wtth erystti- are easily obttla^bla If you

lee M (rttst«t«|» ta yoor limply take the as# lc«.«aber

•ad It so the Mock ot tJl* m N s bi i a laatas or

4erns, <iw eniirely fri-Kb intorpretatlob* ot our AnM»ncan Modems all bruuxbt b^lort* ihe visitintf erow^r ibe oewest and best la wallpapenttor next year, but n reit to the lot qT one of tbe largest maaufaetttrsiH' to offer a really §«» the Surreailat wkllpapef fhowQ aborsiTruly Amertcaa. froct .(he ~lndlan be'ad-and flag motif, to tI|s'doIlM sl«ns rampant. It lnrlu(|.(>| in ftq. pattern Important elements ta omi. daily lives, such as ati abrwi riofk. an aeroplane, swaying skyscmpeM and dollar bllte. -Howt- — as the design miv saund. It Is cleverly drawn Best of all tt Is Swi-tested an/ws*»rproof so It will

Popular opinion notwithstimding, ^M*uui> Is more th an sktn «eep, A rtiiwless skfh. glOssf 'bn lr. nml pt'r- f^. lion of feature are" to no avail If

Miiip* of petulunre. discnntent anil worry have e t f h ^ ilielr mnrfc on your face. AH your lh<«}ghts and ('iiiotlons leave their traces on your •fiipe. •

And. unfortunately, we don’t see these marks, until ttiey,h«ve Itecoiiie »<Hi deeply gniv|tfB”|(>r |js to do niucb .ilMMJt tiiem. We t e r y rarely look in the m irror whM we are on the verge of flying off the handle, or if wr do, we are too busy with our |iriv»ire grievances to pay any at­tention to w hat we see. But each (luiliurst of tem per, each needless hour of worry oi" dlaccntent coti- n Jltuie to the general rtin-down look of our faces Serenity Is the key- note of bfiiint; and the wise woman will, ruhlvHte a peaceful frame of mind a s asriduonrty a s -a h e goes about keeping scrupulously clean iind well-groomed.

Avoid Frowning -'Shmcone told m? th a t when she

had a dlsagrueable 'tash t& perform unti who hasDt at least two or

three a iit»y?—she made a point of Ringing a gay and cheerful song n-hlle fterforinlng the unpleasant (Inly. This may sound ridiculous, r.iid In some<aiKS hnpoiBsible, bpt it nus 0^ sound, psychological basis. Who could let the corners of her mouth droop while pinging a foolish, Inconsequevtlal d itty ) It is sn Ex­cellent suggestion for house#lves^ who have an aversion to''W sshing dishes nndm oppltjg floors. Try it

: And.see how much eafier It is to preserve a feeling of ti^nqoility. Even the prettiest mouth loses Its h<>atiiy If tti droops at the comers, nnrf »"'ntliiunl dt;w^plng brings abdut«

Umt down in-the^raouth expressUm «ihlch ia practisiiUy Impossible to blot out. f row n lines ore the bugnhoo oteverj beauty-conscious wonmn. If you find tha t you frown conslstvni ly ’ ^ d unintentionally,,_have ,your eyes examined a t onc& But ihi chances are_ that yod have. Merely acquired tbe habit from brooding overtime about mtytters that a re ni» entlrw y to your liking.and a re he i jon6 your power -c o n tro l . I

HapplnsM and BeautySo, If you can’t have a new dres.**

and m ust make the old white stitin do for another season, or If (he tele­phone didn't ring last night, e^en i. though the dashing young man you met a t the (terty did prom lK to call S t seven, or even If your best beloved turned around and married th s o ther girl, dism iss It liglitly. If you become g r l m , ^ u t it, tne whffs raUn will l o ^ even more tired due t o - ] ^ r l ^ k o f dissatisfaction, the young man from th s party will Bevet.call if be sees you wltb the com ers of your month sagging, and no .one else will give you a second glance if you are obviously despair­ing over tbe light of your life that went out so abruptly.

Th« moral o f all this ig that beauty is a s besuty th inks Hap- pin«BS makes for brauty and you ' can 't be happy If yo^ devote sll your energies to concentrating oa your ^own p e ^ i ^ grudge against the world. A nd ' i f yon And that those unlovely ICiies have siready begun to show up around yonr eyes and mouth, get good c m m . made especially for th a t purpose, and massage i t ’ gently into the skin every nigfit, until you have smoothed them all away, and then s ta r t all over agald and frice the world with a tranquil co«nl«*nii't. i*

lohn Stanford, Rock HilU N- C.{ j|[is8 Henrstta W ithron,, SJbene- Mf, -Miiil Qfl^yia IBkibM, ^Ohene- zct;. idjM Lufile TlionMS} ' Ebene. zer, Mim Honi|^ lltdmM , ES>en^ ser; Mr, MUton M ^ e a l, E be- nezer; Mrs. Carrie McNeal, E%e- nezer; and all th mieemi>er8 and friends o f Sbeneser Ifoptiii Church and eommnnjiy.

T . A . C m d y




OdieM presented similar tokens were Congressman ^ w a rd 'P. Taylor,' chairman of the House* Appropriations Committea and Serialor Thniwas, 7:T3Jtalfs-—man of the stib-committee of 4hovi.< District of Columbia Appropria­tion committee. O ther Congress­men and’ Congresswomen wer<i presented expressions o f appre­ciation for their interest- in the laundry workers .of the War De­partment and the National Park 'S w ice .

f A Y s " $ i o o m m Y

FA RM S- \

W^lSHTNIGTOK, Dsc; 27— (C N A )— ITie pnKifiea o f holding Negro cotton pickers in peonage in W arren County, Ga., eauscd the Department o f Justice to or-, der special agents into the field * 0 investigate flie situation, it was anounce4 hera this week. Durlam, N.. C.— An accidenf

■Assistant Attorney Gmisralv ilnrarance policy insuring tbrss ®Tien McMahon said that tha i ^ p«0pl«; the principal, the bena. v e s t^ tio n bsgsn several w ee^ ficiary and. one child now offered »go when tte Civfl ^ b c u ^ s by Ae Southern Fidelity Mutdal Union and othe on*tuii*atio.n8 ia In Immediate benefit from dat#

C kildrea an d B en efic ia ry N o a I f tu re d a t no A ddltlo iial C ost.

An E n tire ly New F e a tu re O ffe red by no O ther

Com pany

Coatianedl •a paga ee iw



M p c e d F r o a ^.99



Siw nress<^s Reduced T«»



j Of premium payment. Weekly benefits are from $10.00 to 125.

m DMtKTjeneffti from 1260,00, to IlSOO.CO, and the ^ost ia onty one cent per day or $3.66 p«i y6*r.'^ o t t maift see tliis poncy a t ou¥~

j9xoense. Read it, and understand exactly what it covers, theif if yon - a«e satisfied) send $3.66 to p u t it tn force for i year. Each year ■11 beneflta increue l<b per cent nntU the policy hM a Tslue of 60 per more a t no additfoniil _ cost.' . (' ■

* Women and men are accepted. M'o madical examination, no red- tape. Send no money with app lk ' cation. Ju st write your name, a ^ addren, beneficiaiy’s name and relationship and mail to the Solbiliem FiieHty ~HtttuaI Inm t^ ' ranee Company, Durham, Not-tli Carolini, for free policy inspao- Aton.

X (A-dr).

| S o 6e i ; i l U ^ ir G r D v ir e ra WSHid*

f i r o m -'llkv'hair,liy rttar daHar i«r S ra l^ D IsniM ^ VIM- " t a « - --- -s o 'o o o o ^ il^ ixSTKtAlGOTKNEB

witbop* krMU ar

OtwMM (Unra kRaa)' ... SmMtapw <ianra bam> lb«'» Oalr 8«rn>(lttraw , SSta WhKMiar ..............


I Manor oiiirt. w« Par paaas*

l a o J i o o D CPX m rAut sr.. s. ; .4iitn.wTttafr

M s