Best of the DD August 2012

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Best of the Daily DoubleAugust 2012

Daily Double Period 2:Lily “GPFJ” Hicks

Hannah “Marissa” KusnitzHeather “Computation Evasion” Morrill

Elizabeth “Google Doodle” NapierJake “Nonsense” Rast

Kenny “Party Pumpkin” Ruetenick

Daily Double Period 4:Lily “Bright-Eyes” BiroSophie “Gullible” BiroLance “Warrior” Haug

Ali “Loose Lips” JanowerZoe “Gleek” Lockhart

Katelyn “Stick-it” StraussMadelaine “Teddy Bear” Tolliver

Maddie “Sassafras” VanechMadi “Rock Star” Williams

Daily Double: Journalism Workshop:Natalie “Lil’ Spook” Perlov

Editors/Staff: Walker “Dark Walker” Anderson

Alice “Telephone Pictionary” BeecherHolly “Caveman Diet” Tarnower

Emily “Make it or Break it” D’angeloKelsey “Take a Lap” Fox

Claire “Wonder From Down Under” Robertson

Special Thanks: Mike “Silly Socks” Descoteaux

Arlynn “Pile of Bouncy Balls” PollettaRoxanne “Pop n’ Lock” Aurisma

Darcy “Peppermint Patty” DonnelanAnd, as always, thank you Josh!

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CAMP NEWS!Gossip 3.0By “Anonymous”

-The old art room is actually young and spry. -Bob changes his hiding place EVERY TIME HE HIDES? WHAT?-The tacos at lunch today were made of tortellini. -All the milk is lactose-free. -Kid’s Choice didn’t write any of their songs before performing them, it was all improv. -Martha Stewart is coming to camp! -YOUR LAND SHARK IS A SQUIRREL-All of the pictures in the Daily Double were taken off the internet. -If you look in the idea box, or at the idea board, you will never have ideas again. -Dun dun dun. -Teddy Bear is actually a teddy squirrel. -Create, Illustrate, Imaginate has launched an attack on the Daily Double. Protect the news! Free the presses! -If you ever diss a Daily Double writer, your hands will fall off. So don’t mess with this crew! -Do you know how many A’s your computer has? One. It has one. -Walker’s moustache ran away with my peanut butter and jelly!-I’m allergic to peanuts. -248914235670 cats will devour the tent stage. Watch out. -“You must say I am a stalker!” -YOU HAVE NO NAME. -If you count to 890765 then you will suddenly gain super-powers. It’s true. You have to do it without stopping! -Your moustache is made out of foil.

What if there was a tunnel system under CRCAP?By Hannah Kusnitz

Yes, this article is random. But what if there WAS a tunnel system under CRCAP? It might be kind of confusing to navigate in a tunnel. It was hard enough finding my classes above ground. And also, campers might hide in hidden nooks in the tunnel, and end up missing. Or get lost and never find their way out. And where would we put the entrances and exits? Inside the buildings? Right in front of the doors? I think it would be pretty awesome if there was a tunnel system under CRCAP. But I don’t think we should have one, because it would cost a lot of money and someone would have to dig lots of holes and it would take months, or even years to connect those holes into tunnels! Not many people would put time and effort into a pointless thing like this, so sorry everyone, you will just have to walk above the ground.

Do You Like All The C.I.T.s?By Madelaine Tolliver

Yes: 33 No: 0

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Related Counselors/CIT’sBy Lily Biro

Counselors /CIT’s that are siblings

Emily D’Angelo and Sarah are sistersSonia and Owen are brother and sisterJordan and Kelsey are sisters but Jordan

Counselors/CIT’s that look like siblings

Sam and Eliza look like brother and sisterEmily D. and Emma the CIT look like sisters Cooper and Owen look like brothersAlice and Kelsey look like sistersMike C. and Aaron D. look like brothersMike H. and Aaron G. look like brothers

Daily Double Behind the ScenesBy Lance Haug

When you get the Daily Double you think “It must not be that hard to make these.” Or not. I can’t read minds, but if you were thinking that, it’s not as easy as you think - it’s pretty hard. We have about 8 or 9 people writing the articles for your newspaper including me: Lance Haug. We have a person who lays out all the articles into the paper and there is another who goes around and helps people. As I am writing this I can see July 27’s news laid out on the computer. It’s hard thinking of what to write, that’s why we have a suggestion board! We can look up there and see what we could type. It’s always so relaxing to go to the room and start typing. You could write for the Daily Double as well if you come to the 2nd floor of the old building!

Tea Party, August 9, 2012By Maddie Vanech and Ali Janower(READ IN A BRITISH ACCENT)

Today, August 9, 2012, there was a divine tea party during festival period. It was fantabulous! The tea was so popular that we had to refill it multiple times! The first times it was apple tea, with no lumps of nothing. (because who would have lumps of nothing in apple tea?)The last times we had wa-t-ea. (thank goodness the lumps of nothing were delivered by Ali and Matt!) Everyone chose their amount of lumps of nothing, adding flavor, Maddie had three lumps and Ali had 25 (thank goodness the dear wasn’t driving home!) The tea was delectable but the cookies and biscuits were better! The biscuits (joe- joes) had cream and the cookies (snickerdoodles) had cinnamon! The cookies were made at 6 am! Everything was great! The only rules were you needed to speak in a British accent, and keep your pinkie extended, of course! You definitely should have attended!

Aliens invade CRCAPBy Sophie Biro

One morning at the best camp in the world, CRCAP three aliens ran out of there spaceship and hid the sports locker rooms. They had no Idea where they were of how they got there. So they took out there map of the craziest planet (or at least in there opinion) earth. Odd things called humans lived there and they had always invaded there planets with weird looking things called robots. So they decided to see what was happening, and they ran out of the locker rooms and into the tent.To be continued………

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A One-Hundred Word StoryBy Kenny Ruetenik

Excuse my use of a very cliché opening . . .

Once upon a time, in a place not too far from CRCAP, there was an old man that ran a unicorn ranch. Yep a unicorn ranch. They do have those, and if you’ve never been to one before then, well, that’s just too bad. Well, the man’s name was Walker and he wore button down shirts and khaki pants. Walker lived by himself in the small town of Farmville (lie, that’s not a real town, it’s a village). One day while Walker was sitting on his front porch, one of the unicorns escaped.

Well that was one hundred words. Quite sad of a story due to the fact that the unicorn that escaped was Walker’s favorite. Also it never creates much closure (and it was kind of random too) so . . .

A Two-Hundred Word Epilogue:

When Walker’s unicorn, Chipwich (name chosen by the real Walker here at CRCAP), escaped, Walker was devastated and forgot about the other unicorns. They quickly died out because of the main reason that unicorns need a daily dose of milk and cookies to survive. If you’re wondering “why milk and cookies?” it’s because I want milk and cookies right now. Anyway, since Walker wasn’t giving the unicorns their milk and cookies, they quickly died out. Soon there were no unicorns left in existence . . . except Chipwich, who was still lost, or just ran away because he didn’t like Walker’s pet dog Lucy (Why “Lucy,” you may ask? Because this is my story and I name the characters). Lucy was a poodle, not like that’s important to the plot. I just want to finish these two-hundred words. So, back to the story: Walker searched and searched but quickly gave up because it was dinner time. Yes, food was more important to Walker than Chipwich. Chipwhich was long gone anyway so it really didn’t matter. Chipwich was only a few hours away in the town of, Dover – PSYCH! Chipwich was in Middle Earth, and that is why there are unicorns in Lord of the Rings.

Well that was actually two-hundred two words and I’m pretty sure there aren’t unicorns in Lord of the Rings but that doesn’t matter. If you missed the first three-hundred words then here’s the ten word summary . . .

A Ten Word Summary:

Walker had a unicorn, it escaped, isn’t that too bad?

Interview about Walkers mustache By Ali Janower interviewing Sophie Biro

A: Do you know about Walkers mustache??????S: Sort ofA: Did you know it was green??S: No!!! How interesting!A: Well, Walker’s mustache isn’t green. S: Awww, what a shame. I was looking forward to seeing that green mustache!!A:@@@#####%%%%$$$^^^^*********S: Well thenA: Oh my gosh, OMG. Do you know that your llama is a fakkkeS: I never knew I even had a llamaA: Oh, yeah well now you do. Walker’s mustache walked away with my peanut butter and jelly.S: Walker’s must-A: I’m allergic to peanuts and I don’t like jellyS: Oh!!!!A: Isn’t Walkers mustache so cool (she said this well staring at Sophie awkwardly) S: I HAVE NEVER SEEN IT!

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Olympic Showdown: Google Doodle EditionBy Natalie Perlov

(To be read in a Morgan Freeman voice)This summer season doesn’t only bring back

crocs, socks ‘n’ sandals, and extreme humidity. It brings back the two things that make this country great: the competitive spirit and the internet. The Google Doodle Edition of the 2012th Olympiad is not only a test of mind, but of body, spirit, soul, and fingers. Only two people in the entire world have enough stamina, vigor, strength, and hand-cramp-resistance to partake: Walker and Natalie.

Walker, an original Hollistonian but now a Watertownian, has been training for these incredible games for the past three days. Sacrificing his free time and his willingness to teach, Walker spends every spare moment ignoring campers to click arrow keys repeatedly in a rhythm in order to win the gold coins in vigorous tests of strength, such as slalom, basketball, and soccer.

Natalie, an original gangster of the white-Jewish-mafia hails from the simple town of Westwood. In her free time, in addition to instagramming and “hanging with friends”, she puts her well-manicured nails to the test as she clicks the keys on the keyboard like her high heels at a Bar Mitzvah. Wearing her hands to the bone, she practices day-in and day-out to get a perfect score on taxing activities, such as hurdles, kayaking, and soccer.

As these two competitors face-off, their brains, their spirits, their digits, and their hand-toes will be pushed to the limits of the earth.

On day one of this week-long challenge, the two faced off in hurdles. The whacks of the space-bar shattered the impenetrable silence of the Daily Double room. Walker won 99% of the games, while Natalie, the underdog, won a measly 1%.

Day two was basketball. Natalie beat Walker two out of seven times, as Walker cheered himself on for getting over 30 points in 24 seconds.

On day three, the two “kayaked-it-out” in slalom. As they crashed into the white-waves (aka stared blankly at the screen) the tension was high, but Walker pulled out yet another win, bragging about his 20 second score.

Day four was soccer. The two practiced before and shared tips, seeing as they both went to the same camp and felt the need to help one another out. When they began to play, Walker scored an “insanely” high score of 32, claiming that if Natalie (with a score of 18) could double her score, she’d be at his level. In fact, the entire time that you have been reading this, Walker has been practicing his soccer “skillz” and feels confident that he can pull another win, even making bets and empty promises of frappes at “Isabella’s”.

So far, Walker has claimed both the gold and the silver medals, meaning that Holliston’s national anthem (which is “Jesse’s Girl”) will be played at the closing ceremonies. Kudos to Walker, for beating a camper nearly a decade younger, and about 5 times weaker than him (to be said in a bitter, mocking tone). Brought to you by Natalie, winner of the bronze!

Survey of How Popular Each Glee Character Is: According To People In Daily DoubleBy Zoe Lockhart

Rachel: ISantana: IIBrittany: IWill: ISue: I

Highlights from the Daily Double TwitterBy Natalie PerlovMore at Twitter.com/DDScoops

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On Saturday my family and I went to Circus LA and saw the latest show “Totem”. It was cool because my family got VIP access so we could go into this tent and be treated to sweets people who didn’t have VIP had to go in the Main Entrance and have to pay for their sweets and they barley had anything. When we got in we got front seats so we could see clearly, the setup was like this:

It was really fun but we got rained on afterward. I recommend going to Circus LA.


When I was in 3rd Grade, I went to see a performance at my school by these people called “The Charles River Freelance Troupe”. A lot of my friends where in the show, so I went to see it. They performed the musical “Buzz On” which was about bees (don’t ask the concept because frankly, I don’t remember). That spring, I joined my friends in the troupe and we performed the musical “Tumbleweed”, that takes place in the 1890’s. Tumbleweed is about a girl named Abigail that runs away from her parents and formal life to go pursue her dream of being a writer. All this while being dressed like a boy! Along the way she runs into a dog named Grungebucket, who was born on a wagon train, and was kicked out of the train because he was a runt (a runt is a term for “the smallest of the pack”). Grungebucket takes Abigail to a run-down town called Tumbleweed, which is full of people whose favorite phrase is “Why bother?” and they love to take naps.

Circus LA Typo!By Lance Haug

On the article Circus La done last week there was a typo, it was the TITLE! It’s not Circus LA it is Cirque Du Soleil which sounds like Circus LA. (Sir-Que-Sol-ey)

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NAME: Spongebob SquarepantsBIRTHDAY: July 14, 1986 (first episode, Help Wanted, aired on May 1, 1999)HOMETOWN: Bikini BottomHEIGHT: 0.04 ft (4 inches)WEIGHT: 1 ounceFAMILY: Harold Squarepants (father), Mrs. Squarepants (mother), Grandma Squarepants (grandmother), Grandpa Squarepants (grandfather), Todd Squarepants (cousin), BlackJack Squarepants (cousin), Sherm Squarepants (uncle), Blue Squarepants (uncle), Stanley S. Squarepants (cousin), Spongebuck Squarepants (distant ancestor), Larry Squarepants (cousin), SpongeGar (ancestor), Primative Sponge (ancestor), Gary the Snail (pet), Patrick Star (friend).BREED: Kitchen SpongeSPECIAL FEATURES: Prominent buck teeth, big blue eyes, three dimples on each cheek.

Which Dance Mom are you?By Katelyn Strauss

You like to kiss up to the teacher…A. AlwaysB. A lotC. Never

You will do anything to make yourself have special treatment.A. ANYTHINGB. I may try a littleC. I’ll do barely anything

When you don’t win, its sabotage!A. DependsB. Not at allC. Obviously

1st Guest ArtistsBy Maddie Vanech

Who liked our first “guest” artists? I did! Thumbs up for Kid’s Choice!

Here is a quiz that I got the idea for from the performance.

What Color Are You?

1. When Kid’s Choice played you were…A. Dancing and rocking out with your friendsB. Sitting and enjoying the music by your selfC. A mix of both

2. You would rather be…A. Lead SingerB. Guitarist C. Both!

3. Your friends say you areA. BoldB. ShyC. It depends, both

If you got mostly A’s: You are REDIf you got mostly B’s: You are BLUEIf you got mostly C’s or a mix: You are PURPLE

What color is your hair?A. Died dirty blondeB. Dirty blondeC. Dyed blonde

You’re the teacher’s favorite.A. Mostly on her bad sideB. TotallyC. Not in a million years

Mostly A’s: You are most like Jill.Mostly B’s: You are most like Melissa.Mostly C’s: You are most like Christi.

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I know what you’re about to say. “My favorite genre is etc, etc”. Well this is just to find out what type is most like your personality. I’m not saying it suddenly has to be your favorite genre. Okay here we go. Read on.*Whistles* *Ahem* what are you waiting for? There’s a whole quiz waiting for you down there. Go ahead. Read it.

I. When you are angry or upset what do you do?A. Scream into a microphone late at night to wake up your neighbors so they feel the same pain you do.B. Strum your acoustic guitar and write a song about your feelingsC. Rap an Eminem song alone and imagine the lyrics were meant for the person who made you mad.

II. If you were to write a poem, what would it be about? Inner pain and suffering,your feelings, something to put down the person reading it in some way. What would you most likely be found wearing?A. Black or other dark colors, boots, etc, etc.B. Jeans, cowboy boots, bright colors, etc, etc.C. Hoodie, high top sneakers, hat, etc, etc.

III. What is your favorite band/artist?A. Green Day or AerosmithB. Taylor Swift or Miranda LambertC. Eminem or Flo Rida


Mostly A’s: You are the most like the genre rock. You like blaring music and dark colors. Distortion and screaming are prominent in your choice of music. Rock on!

Mostly B’s: You are the most like the genre country. You express yourself in every way. From song lyrics to clothing choice, you let your true true colors shine. Yeehaw

Mostly C’s: You are most like genre Hip-Hop/Rap. You are tough and you enjoy spitting words. You like to make your enemy feel the sting of your words. Word!

Glee UnscramblerBy: Zoe Lockhart

Unscramble the words into characters from Glee:

Tiare: ________________Cesdeem: __________________Ninuq: ______________________Ukpc: _____________________Laehcr: ___________________Nnif: _______________Niat: ________________Kmie: _________________Eainlb: __________________Truk: ______________Tasnana: ____________________Ytribant: __________________Use: ________________Liwl: ___________________Mmea: _______________

Answers: 1)Artie 2)Mercedes 3)Quinn 4)Puck 5)Rachel 6)Finn 7)Tina 8)Mike 9)Blaine 10)Kurt 11)Santana 12)Brittany 13)Sue 14)Will 15)Emma

ROTNH #5By Jake Rast

Pizza plus tacos,Will never equal Batman,This is very sad.

Editors Quote: When asked a follow-up question about this article, Jake replied “Yeah, I would like to put pizza in a taco and get Batman to appear... and that will never happen.”

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No More Math!By Heather Morrill

If I got to write a note to math it would saw “Dear math, you are making me solve your problems when I have my own to solve. I mean it’s true - I

don’t want to do that anymore. I am out of energy now. Thanks a lot, I am not doing it ever. I waste my time.” Come on! Does math think we have all our life to think? Do you guys know what I’m talking about?

Come be on my team: not math. I’m nice, I don’t make you solve my problems. Well, only if I am tired or lazy. So trust me. Come on, trust me!

IKEA (boo)By Jake Rast

IKEA is horrible and this is why....

1. You can only go one direction.2. It is incredibly boring looking at furniture all day.3. Walker got a bed from them and it almost broke.4. Their meatballs are terrible.5. They are a Swedish company but all their products are made in China or Taiwan.6. Once you taste their cinnamon rolls all others taste worse by comparison.7. You can only save $50 on a $150 six drawer chest.8. Working at IKEA you are given a ton of responsibilities when you join in.9. They call an apron a toy.10. One of their “great” deals is their bookcase that was $59.99 is now $59.99.11. They think your food isn’t “spiced up” enough.12. They admit their products have flaws

That is why IKEA is horrible!

AustraliaBy Lance Haug

When you go to different countries you always have to learn to somewhat “blend in”. For example, Daily Double writer, Lance Haug, had recently been on a trip that took him to the other side of the world! His trip destination was Australia. It was a long way to get from Boston Massachusetts to Australia. The flight total was about 20 hours long!

“It was really tiring.” Says Lance, “We had to sleep on the plane, since we were going with the flow of night time it stayed dark the whole time so it was the longest night I had ever seen!” There were a few differences from Massachusetts to Australia, for one: which side of the road to drive on. You had to drive on the LEFT side of the road either than the right. They also had different outlets, you know how the ones here are like:

or something, but the Australian outlet was like this:

so it was hard to get used to it. But traveling to other countries is really fun I would suggest going to somewhere like Australia for this summer.

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Cape CodBy Zoe Lockhart and Katelyn Strauss

Over the weekend Zoe, Kat and I went to Nauset Beach on the cape. Zoe got there first and when I arrived we went body boarding, which was really fun because the waves were huge!!!! What you do is you go out into the water about 10-20 feet, then when a good wave comes you start kicking your feet with your body on the board. You end up riding on top of the wave, sometimes all the way into shore. We also dove into the waves and did handstands in the water. There was a slope and then the water was like 10 feet after the beginning of the slope. So we did front walkovers and back walkovers and cartwheels and front handsprings (or at least we tried). I learned how to do a front walkover, I was so excited. There were a ton of seals and one was only like 20 feet away. We all got scared because sharks usually come to eat the seals and she didn’t want one to attack. I definitely recommend going to the Cape with your friends.

New HolidaysBy Lily Biro

August 9: Board Game DaySeptember 12: Daily Double Craziness Day October 4: Mango Day November 12: Ice Cream Day (you have to eat ice cream but not if you’re allergic) December 17: Art Day January 8: Nail Painting DayFebruary 10: Chocolate Day March 7: Pink Day April 15: Shoeless Day May 9: Cowbell DayJune 1: Food Coloring Day July 13: Sleep Until 11 A.M. Day

Which Olympic swimmer are you most like? By Lily Biro

1. What is your favorite stroke?A. backstrokeB. IMC. butterfly

2. How many years have you been watching the Olympics?A. 1B.2C. 3

3. How much do you smile?A. all of the timeB. most of the time C. almost never

Mostly A’s you’re most like Missy FranklinMostly B’s you’re most like Ryan LochteMostly C’s you’re most like Michael Phelps

What state do you represent???By Sophie Biro

1. Which of these foods do you like most???A. Cream cheese and cheese steaksB. OrangesC. PeachesD. Maple syrup

2. Out of all of these types of music, which one do you like most?A. Soul musicB. Southern rapC. SalsaD. None of above

3. Which of these things do you like/admire most?A. Ben FranklinB. Amusement parksC. FalconsD. Skiing

Mostly A’s = PennsylvaniaMostly B’s = FloridaMostly C’s = GeorgiaMostly D’s = Vermont

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FICTIONInterview with An Alien By Ali J.

1.) What is your name? Ugabugabaloooahioea

2.) What planet did you come from? 42

3.) What town in 42 did you come from? AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH

4.) What words do you know in English? “plump”

5.) What do you eat at 42?Nargabeanbeanbeanbeanbeanbeanbean

6.) Does it taste good?*the alien spits*

7.) How many do you eat a day?*holds up two tentacles and four horns and nine noses*

8.) do aliens on your planet have mustaches? Mooostaches

9.) Are there any plants on your planet?~~~~~~~~~~~~

10.) Oh! What a nice necklace! So when are you leaving earth?BOO!

11.) I am scared. What is the meaning of life? *while looking at the paper* No response.

Alien has left.

Endangered speciesBy Lily Hicks You may have heard of the narwhal or the giant panda, but do you know of the Giant Purple Flaming Jellyfish? Few people do, but the dwindling numbers of these gentle Cnidarians are quite worrying for the scientific community. Giant Purple Flaming Jellyfish, or GPFJ, as they are commonly called, are seven feet long, extremely dangerous jellies that depend on large flames that burn on the end of each tentacle. Unfortunately, GPFJ live underwater, and as those fires are doused, so are millions of lives. Because of these life-fires, GPFJ are capable of living above water, and with their numbers so small -just 14 left in the world- I had to take action. So I started the Giant Purple Flaming Jellyfish Wildlife Conservation Reservation. The GPFJWCR has been taking in GPFJ’s for about three and a half minutes. Our Adopt a Dangerous Jelly Program allows you to “adopt” a GPFJ for just twenty monthly payments of $29.99. So save a GPFJ today!

Monster ClownBy Heather Morrill

Once in a lifetime there was a monster clown and everyone in Creepy City knew about it.

Every Friday it came out for its dinner, so they all hid. If they didn’t hide then they were done . . .

Would you dare to go near it? I wouldn’t. It is bigger than 100 cows - now are you scared?

Back to the story: then, one Friday night, an 18-year-old thought it was all not true (but it was) so he didn’t hide and the monster came out for dinner . . . The 18-year-old was looking for the monster and went hunting. Then the monster saw him and smelt him and ran to go eat him. The boy was so scared - he ran as fast as he could . . .

“Don’t- don’t eat me please! With all my heart, don’t eat me please . . .”

He was gone. His family went out to look for him. They looked for him for 13 days. They were all crying that he was gone.

To be continued….

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Another One-Hundred Word StoryBy Kenny Ruetenik

Yep, this again. Due to a serious case of writer’s block, Walker challenged me to write a hundred word story. Then write it in fifty words, thirty words, five words and finally three words. So here goes . . .

A One-Hundred Word Story 2.0Have you ever been to the zoo before?

They’re quite awesome and very interesting. Well there was one zoo that had the awesomest, most interesting exhibit ever . . . PANDAS. Yes, pandas - the cutest, awesomest, most interesting (be prepared for the over use of awesomest, and, most interesting because I don’t feel like coming up with different adjectives) animals ever. The name of the exhibit: (drum roll please) “Giant Panda Exhibit.” If that was a big letdown, then lower your expectations and suddenly this article will be amazing. Back to the story, the panda exhibit had the cutest family of pandas, yay.

Yes, that was actually one-hundred words, and yes you did just waste your time reading them. Anyway here’s the story in fifty words . . .

A One-Hundred Word Story Divided by TwoZoos. They’re great, they’re awesome and very interesting. One zoo had a panda exhibit - yes, pandas: the

cutest, awesomest, most interesting (told you I’d use that a lot) animals ever. The name of the exhibit was (yes, I want another drum roll) “Giant Panda Exhibit.” Isn’t that just so awesome?

Now that I’m done with the fifty word version, time for the twenty word version. I really advise you just to skip all the way to the bottom and read the three word version cause that’s all that really matters. Anyway here goes the twenty words.

A Fifty Word Story Minus Twenty WordsI like zoos - they’re interesting and quite awesome. At one zoo there was a panda exhibit. Pandas are the

cutest, awesomest, most interesting animals ever. The exhibit name? “Giant Pandas.”

Wow that’s sad, I mean really that’s just depressing. Well you’re almost done with the article, ain’t that swell?

A Five Word Story Pandas are interesting and cute.

Finally what you should have just read in the first place: my three word story . . .

Pandas are cute.

If I Ruled The WorldBy Hannah Kusnitz

If I ruled the world, these would be my rules:

1. Everyone must respect each other, regardless of race, religion, and looks. 2. No war allowed. From now on, people will talk things out instead of hurting each other. There are better ways to solve our differences then fighting.3. Education is now free for all children.4. Every family is free to have as many members as they want, from one to twenty-billion.5. Everyone must be loving, caring, and responsible. 6. Food is cheaper in all stores.7. Everyone must reuse everything they can, and when they’re done with something, recycle or compost it. 8. No bullying, including physical, verbal, and cyber-bullying. 9. Bike riding and walking is strongly encouraged in place of driving. If you must travel by vehicle, carpooling or public transit is also strongly encouraged.10. Everyone gets the help they need to stay healthy and happy.

If we all followed these rules, even if they aren’t enforced now, then we can be on our way making the world its very best.

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What it’s like to be a FairyBy Hannah Kusnitz

Hello! My name is Daisy Wood. I am a fairy. Well, you probably know that, considering the title is “What it’s like to be a Fairy”. Anyway, I am a flower fairy. Flower fairies help keep all the flowers in our forests beautiful and healthy. Being a flower fairy is my job. The other jobs are tree fairies, water fairies, soil fairies, air fairies (like my friend Arielle), and fire fairies.

My two friends Rose and Tulip are also flower fairies. Each day, I go through the same routine;

I wake up, brush my hair, fluff my wings and I walk over to the Yum Hall for breakfast. I meet up with Rose and Tulip... Arielle is in a different dining hall, because your job decides where you eat. I make it to the Flower Central just in time. Madame Jonquil doesn’t like it when her fairies are late.

Madame Jonquil assigns each fairy to a flower garden for the day. Today I get flower garden 26. Here are all of the roses and lilies. Oh no! A lily is brown and droopy. I pull out my wand and Poof! The lily is pink and full of life. I continue healing the flowers, for the next three hours. Now it’s time for lunch. Back to Yum Hall! Rose is very tired, because all of the carnations in flower garden 7 were not doing well. Tulip’s daffodils were doing well in flower garden 15. Lunch today is baked iris petals on pita bread- delicious! Back to flower garden 26! All of the flowers are in perfect condition, so I am allowed to take a break. I text Arielle on my flyphone (I think humans call it an iPhone?). She is also on break, so we decide to meet up at the Delicate Wing Café. I buy a poppy seed muffin, and Arielle buys a cream puff.

After our break, Madame Jonquil calls us flower fairies back to Flower Central. We’re done for the day! I find my flower pals, say good bye, and head home.

It’s late by now, dinner. Yum Hall is serving pansy pesto pizza. Not my favorite, but I heard we’re having snapdragon sundaes for dessert. I go back to my house after my sundae... Did I mention that my house is a mushroom? It sometimes smells a little moldy, but I’m used to it.

Time for bed! I pull my long curls into a braid, so I don’t have many tangles in the morning. I fold up my wings, and get into my cozy bed. Good night! Being a fairy is quite fun. It requires a lot of work, and sometimes bears in the next forest over confuse us as midnight snacks. But regardless of that, I wouldn’t want to be anyone else.

Stuck {Part 2}By Maddie Vanech

I knew something was wrong, but it was in the back of my head; like when you know you’ve forgotten something but can’t place it.

Anyway, I felt like I was, well, sleeping. Only this was different. Before I could ponder it further, I fell into a deeper level of sleep and started to dream.***

I woke up next to Chrystal, Kayla, Jazelle, Tess and Ginny. For a second I thought I had awakened, for real, but then I realized I had awakened in my dream. Thinking about it made my head spin so I looked at the other girls. They were sitting up, yawning, and scratching their heads, looking clueless.

“This is a weird dream,” said Kayla, “so I’m going to wake up. See ya!”

She blinked three times. A black hole opened behind her and started swirling. She was sucked in but it froze and spit her back out.

“Hmm… that usually works.” Kayla said.“Dream Kayla is just as crazy as regular

Kayla,” I laughed.“Do you mean that you think this is your

dream?” Ginny asked.“Umm… yeah in fact I know this is my

dream,” I replied.“No it’s my dream!” They chorused.

???????By Jake Rast

One day a banana named George was walking down the living purple sidewalk. Out of nowhere, a plane came and stole his last potato flavored brick! “#$%&*($%*” screamed George. Next Tuesday George was arrested for eating the mayor’s favorite bathtub. Meanwhile the plane exploded and during brunch the brick hit Arnold the fedora on the head. Arnold was then transported into a Mario Brothers game and got trapped in a pit for six months. When he finally escaped, he was hit by a goomba and it was GAME OVER. That is why goombas are in Mario games.


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Part 2 of Monster Clown…By Heather Morrill

The family still was looking, but then they thought he was gone, and he was. Then they came back to their house and there was a note. It said that if they kept looking, the monster clown would eat them all. Then the 10-year-old went looking, then he was gone. The family was so sad for days and days. Then the rich people who owned the town sent them a card. The card said:

“You are welcome to come to our big, big house whenever you want. It will always be fine with us, so come if you want to. We feel so bad about you. No, I can’t even say it. I’m so sorry. Maybe you can come live here. No, never mind. That is just a overdo.”

So the family went to the house and had dinner. But it was all a set up . . .

The rich family’s pet was the evil monster clown! The poor family was really scared. They saw the monster clown - they all screamed. They just want to act cool, so it did not get them, then this trap went on them. Then the rich family’s dad said:

“I set it up! I guess you didn’t think I would. Wow, you are that dumb. Wow. You do know that the clown monster isn’t real. We just made it up, and your two sons aren’t dead. They were just kidnapped. See, here is a picture of them.”

He showed a picture of them.“My kids - what are you doing to them? You are so mean - let them go now! I’m not kidding. Let them go

now.”“Oh I don’t think so. Why are you even doing this to us? What did we ever do to you?”“’What did we do?’ Are you really asking me that?” “Yes I am. Now let them go now.”“You know what you did. Don’t act stupid! We all know what you did.” Then the whole poor family said “no, we don’t!” at the same time. “We really don’t know.”“Okay, okay. What? I will just tell you.” “OK, just to get it over with…”It was about 2 years ago you… made me DROP MY ICE CREAM.” “That was not me! We were just running together and when we ran fast it just fell. I asked if you wanted

to have mine, but you said no. So, is that the only reason why?”“Yes it is, but it was a big idea so yeah.” “Look, if you think it was me but it wasn’t, I’m sorry, ok?”“Ok, whatever you say, or want to say, it’s fine with me, ok?” “It’s ok.” “So do you forgive me?” “Yes I do so um can you unlock me?”“Oh of course.”They let them go they and them made the monster clown be a good monster clown. They all lived happy

and never fought ever again.

Poetry with LilyBy Lily Hicks

Mr. Mumpkin

Mr. Mumpkin was a manMr. Mumpkin had a tanMr. Mumpkin ate a canMr. Mumpkin was a man

Mr. Mumpkin was a goatMr. Mumpkin had a boatMr. Mumpkin ate an oatMr. Mumpkin was a goat

Mr. Mumpkin was a duckMr. Mumpkin’s hen could cluckMr. Mumpkin ate a puckMr. Mumpkin was a duck

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MISCTwinterview #2By Sophie Biro interviewing Lily Biro (by the way, Ali thought of the idea)

S: How many pieces of chocolate do your eyes eat every day??L: 5,78910111213 pieces of chocolateS: No wonder the chocolate keeps disappearing!! So, how much did the crocodile that you bought two days ago cost????L: 10 centsS: So you were the one that stole the dime from my piggy bank!!! How long has it taken you in the past to feed your gorilla???L: Seven hours and twenty seven minutes. And I did steel the dime from your piggy bank.S: ROBBER!!!!! When did you brush your belly button last??L: (She said this with an embarrassed look on her face) three years ago.S: Liar!!! I saw you use my toothbrush three days ago!!! Computers have faces. Do you have 19 jelly beans to make your book work as a piece of paper???L: Ummmm, well I have a million jelly not 19!!S: Great. YOU ARE A LANDSHARK!!!!!!!!!! L: Okay. That is kind of awkward.

If I Ruled the WorldBy Kenny Ruetenik

Here are 10 rules that all would have to follow if I ruled the world.

1. All would have to bow down to me and follow all of my commands. Or you would be slain by the dragon I keep in my basement.2. Everyone would be closely monitored to make sure a revolt would never happen. 3. Everyone would be provided a “healthy” living space and three meals a day.4. Nobody would be hungry, because hungry people can’t follow orders.5. There would be no upper or middle class . . . only a lower class and a supreme overlord, which is me.6. Complaining is against the law and if you are found you will be brutally tortured in public.7. Weapons are illegal to own.8. Jobs are assigned after the mandatory 8 years of schooling from age 6 to 14.9. Currencies are erased so everyone has nothing, except for me.10. Everyone must be sanitary. Unless they want to die from a huge plague due to the condition of the “healthy” living quarters.

As you can see I would be a pretty mean supreme overlord. So we can all agree to never make me voluntarily (that’s the key word) supreme overlord.

Things that are liesBy ABCDE...

1. Relativity2. The cowbell3. Mike. D4. Global warming5. French fries6. Chipmunks7. Your bed8. Artificial intelligence9. Jupiter10. Family guy11. Ferris wheels12. Mitt Romney13. Apple juice14. New Super Mario Bros 215. Eggs16. Cupcakes17. And turbans

Writer’s BlockBy Maddie Vanech

Have you ever had writer’s block?When you reach for the creative ideasThat were there the last timeBut they escape your graspAnd are nowhere to be foundThey have dispersed Where is questionableBut for nowYou sitOr paceOr throw your hands in the airOr put your head on the keyboardJust to see what it has to say

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Ask Elizabeth! By Elizabeth Napier

Dear Elizabeth,Why don’t many people carpool?-Walker

Dear Walker,We don’t all live near each other.-Elizabeth

Dear Elizabeth,How many ants would fit up Walker’s nose?-Lily

Dear Lily,My guess is … A LOT.-Elizabeth

Dear Elizabeth,How do I keep the CRCAP spirit with me during the school year?-Claire

Dear Claire,Wear the CRCAP t-shirts and bring stuff from the trading post with you everywhere!-Elizabeth

Dear Elizabeth,Would you come back to be a counselor?-Hannah

Dear Hannah,TOTALLY!!!!!!!!!-Elizabeth

Dear Elizabeth,Are zebras black with white stripes, or white with black stripes?-Kenny

Dear Kenny,I have no idea.-Elizabeth

Dear Elizabeth,Will robots ever enslave mankind?-Jake

Dear Jake, Ask a robot.-Elizabeth

Dear Elizabeth,What is your favorite sport?-Heather

Dear Heather,I LOVE gymnastics!-Elizabeth

Dear Elizabeth,My refrigerator won’t run, it’s still in my house!Hope you can help,Frustrated

Dear Frustrated,Get it a trainer!- Elizabeth

Dear Elizabeth,What should I ask teddy bear?-Question Seeking

Dear Question Seeking,Ask teddy bear what kind of teddy bear they are.- Elizabeth

Dear Elizabeth,What is the meaning of life?-D.A.T.

Dear D.A.T.I think there is life because there would be no reason for planets in which case they might not exist, which would leave the universe a blank, empty, nothing.- Elizabeth

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Ask a Teddy BearBy Madelaine Tolliver

Dear teddy bear,Is your real name Madelaine?From, Anonymous

Dear Anonymous,That is classified information.From, teddy bear

Dear teddy bear,Does the stuffing machine at Build-a-Bear Workshop hurt?From, Concerned

Dear Concerned,It doesn’t hurt at all, it actually feels quite good.Love, teddy bear

Dear teddy bear,Do you know Winnie the Pooh?From, Piglet

Dear Piglet,I went to pre-school with him.Love, teddy bear

Dear teddy bear,Do you play ping-pong?From, a camper

Dear Camper,I do not have time in my life.Love, teddy bear

Dear teddy bear,Do you like pizza?From, Natalie

Dear Natalie,Teddy bears do not eat pizza, they eat love.Love, teddy bear

Dear teddy bear,Who is your favorite bear?From, the Ranger

Dear Ranger,I like all bears. Love, teddy bear

Dear teddy bear,I am lonely, can I come visit?From, Koala Bear

Dear Koala Bear,Always.Love, teddy bear

Dear teddy bear,Are you friends with dolls in your room?From, Curious

Dear Curious,Yes, I often hang out with them!Love, teddy bear

Dear teddy bear,My caramel bunny is melting, what should I do?From, the owner of the caramel bunny

Dear owner of the caramel bunny,Put her in the fridge.Love, teddy bear

Dear teddy bear,I can’t find my spyglasses, what should I do?From, the most intimidating camper at camp

Dear most intimidating camper at camp,Look for it after camp.Love, teddy bear

“Do you think you’re swaggtastic?”From: Anonymous No why would Teddy Bears have swag?

SkyzoneBy Zoe Lockhart

Skyzone is an awesome place to go for fun or for a birthday party. They have so many cool options there like dodgeball on the trampolines, foam diving from trampolines, just jumping on trampolines, playing basketball on trampolines, and many more activities like that. If you like gymnastics, and you’re just starting out, you should go to skyzone because you can do things like flips and walkovers much easier, and have more fun. Overall skyzone is an AWESOME place!!! You should go!!!

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