www.cis.vu.nl Burkina Faso Platformdag http://burkinafasoplatform.nl Landbouw workshop 7 November 2010

Bf2010 landbouw Eefke Mollee

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Op 6 november 2010 werd de landelijke dag van het Burkina Faso Platform gehouden. Eefke Mollee presenteerde in de workshop landbouw over de resultaten van 20 jaar agroforestry en toepassing van 'the participatory approach'

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Burkina Faso Platformdag


Landbouw workshop7 November 2010

Page 2: Bf2010 landbouw Eefke Mollee

Inhoud workshop

• More People, More Trees Wat het wel en wat het niet is

• Toen en Nu

• De projecten en de lessen

• De film

• Technieken

• Uitdagingen en de toekomst

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More People, More on Farm Trees

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Twintig jaar ontwikkelingswerk in

sub-Sahara Afrika

…en Nu


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Lessen van Looking after our Land en Building on Traditions

Participation by local people

Build on traditions

Appropriate incentives

Reduce women’s burdens

Farmer-to-farmer extension

Conservation farming

Appropriate technologies

Training and awareness raising

Local groups and institutions

Flexibility and responsiveness

Village land use management



Project duration

Monitoring and evaluation

Benefits for land users

Reach the poor

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De projecten

1979-1996 Projet Agro-Forestier (PAF), Yatenga

1998 Reseau Marp, NGO en vervolg programma

1988- 2003 Conservation des Eaux et des Sols/Agroforesterie (CES/AGF), Passoré and Yatenga

2005 Programme de Developpement Rural Durable (PDRD), based on succes

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More People, More Trees


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Techniek 1 Compost pits

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Techniek 2a Zaï

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Techniek 2b Stone Bunds/Lines

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Techniek 3 Farmer Managed Agro-forestry

FMA includes:PositioningProtectingPruning

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Maar… nog niet alle gebieden zijn groen

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Lessen uit Looking after our Land,Building on Traditions en More People, More Trees

Participation by local people

Build on traditions

Appropriate incentives

Reduce women’s burdens

Farmer-to-farmer extension

Conservation farming

Appropriate technologies

Training and awareness raising

Local groups and institutions

Flexibility and responsiveness

Village land use management



Project duration

Monitoring and evaluation

Benefits for land users

Reach the poor

Security of resource tenure

Stimulating local innovation

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Technologische ontwikkelingen

en Economische groei

• Rural non-farm economy• Farmer-to-farmer extension

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De stijging van mobiele telefoons in sub-Sahara Afrika

Source: ITU 2009

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Conceptualisation of a positive feedback mechanism involving Climate Change, Adaptive Action and Sustainable Land


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Meer Informatie

• Film te bekijken op Practical Action, tevens boek en film te bestellen


• Adama Belemviré, Directeur chez Expertise pour le Developpement du Sahel [email protected]

• http://burkinafasoplatform.nl

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Grevillea robusta

Azadirachta indica

Faidherbia albida

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Adaptation strategies include going back to traditional, drought tolerant crops,

such as sorghum

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Totale millet produktie in de afgelopen 20 jaar in Yatenga and Passoré

Source: CES/AGF and PDRD project

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(1) The “conventional” situation(Malthus; Ehrlich theories etc)

where the resource base cannot sustain a growing population

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(2) The “common” situation(Boserup theory)

where a good resource base can accommodate a growing population density of innovative farmers

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