Bhagavad Gita and Sri Ramanuja

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  • 8/14/2019 Bhagavad Gita and Sri Ramanuja


    "Bhagavad Gita was spoken by Lord Krishna to reveal the science of

    devotion to God, which is the essence of all spiritual knowledge. The

    Supreme Lord, Sri Krishna's primary purpose for descending and incarnating

    is to relieve the world of any negative, and undesirable influence that are

    opposed to spiritual development, yet simultaneously it is His incomparable

    intention to be perpetually within the reach of humanity" Sri Ramanujar.

    The primary purpose of Bhagavad Gita is to illuminate

    the realization of the true nature of divinity; for the

    highest spiritual conception and the greatest material

    perfection to attain the love of God. It is considered as

    one of the greatest spiritual books the world has ever

    known. In a very clear and concise way the Supreme

    Lord, Sri Krishna, describes the science of self-

    realization and the process by which human beings canestablish their eternal relationship with God. In terms

    of pure spiritual knowledge, Bhagavad Gita is

    incomparable. Its intrinsic beauty is that its knowledge

    applies to all human beings and does not postulate any sectarian ideology or

    secular view. It is approachable from the sanctified realms of all religions

    and is glorified as the epitome of all spiritual teachings. This is because the

    proficiency in Bhavad Gita reveals the eternal principles, which are

    fundamental and essential for spiritual life from all perspectives and allows

    one to perfectly understand the esoteric truths hidden within all religiousscriptures. Many great thinkers have all contemplated and deliberated upon

    its timeless message.

    Sri Krishna shows His cosmic form to Arjuna in the battle field of

    Kurukshetra; and expounds the Bhagavad Gita (the essence of Upanishads)

    to him.

    The Gita starts with the psychological upheaval in the

    mind of Arjuna, at the battlefield in Kurushetra, with

    Sri Krishna as his charioteer. Arjuna is disturbed at thethought of the destruction of his own kith and kin, as

    well confused about the pathway of righteousness.

    Sri Krishna, the teacher of Gita addresses himself to

    the metaphysical question. Sri Krishna, in the Gita

    teaches that life itself is a battle. All the people in the

  • 8/14/2019 Bhagavad Gita and Sri Ramanuja


    world are to work. Work is a spirit of detachment; it is as good as

    renunciation. Even those who have risen above the necessity of work would

    do well to work without desire to set an example to others, to transform

    work into spiritual Sadhana. Give up all selfish desires, work for works

    sake, do your duty for dutys sake and love for loves sake. When our mind

    is fixed on the supreme reality, when we become Lords of yoga and Masters

    of selfless and detached action, and when all our powers are used for the

    good of the society then all prosperity, material and spiritual benefits will

    follow as a matter of course. The Gita is one of the clearest and

    comprehensive summaries of perennial philosophy. Sri Krishna was a great

    spiritual teacher who gave the character of religious liberty to all,

    harmonized all paths of yoga and made religion easy and brought it to the

    common man. He made us to feel the presence of God in our midst and

    showed us how to live in the world with compassion and equanimity, and

    placed before us the highest ideals of love, knowledge, yoga and work.Sri Krishnar says "I am the goal and the way"

    In Bhagavad Gita, Sri Krishna declares himself as the Creator, Sustainer and

    Destroyer of the entire Universe. In particular in Chapter X and XI, Sri

    Krishna shows the entire Universe is but a fraction of His unbounded

    splendour and that everything emanates from Him and merges in His cosmic


    Sri Krishna declares unequivocally that He is the goal of existence andadvises Souls to surrender to Him (Chapter XVIII.66). This is the sum of all

    teachings and is called "Charmasloka" in the Srivaishnava sampradayam.

    - "Sarva Dharmaan Parityajya Maam Ekam Saranam Vraja, Aham tva Sarva

    papebyo Moksha Isyaami maa Sucha".

    This Maha mantra taught to Arjuna by Lord Sri Krishna and enshrined in

    Bhagavad Gita says "Leaving every other method taught for salvation, you

    surrender to me and only to me. I will cleanse you from all sins and give you


    The Charama sloka of Srimad Bhagavad Gita was voluntarity taught to Sri

    Ramanuja. Sri Nammazwar has enshrined this very same principle in


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    Sri Ramanuja preached the Bhakti Marga. The stress

    was on "Prapatti" or complete surrender to SrimanNarayana in total abandonment of ego as exhorted in

    Bhagavad Gita.

    According to Sri Ramanuja the fundamental

    teachings of the Gita in regard to the pathway to

    mans perfection is Bhakthi. He distinguishes

    instrumental Bhakthi from intrinsic Bhakthi. It is a

    steady flow of loving meditation directed to the

    Supreme Being.

    Article written bySriman Tamatapu Sampath Kumaran
