BHU PET 2011 Kathak

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  • 8/12/2019 BHU PET 2011 Kathak


    Question Booklet 1\'0. 00002llP/277/1

    (To be filled up by tire candidate by hlue/black ball-poi1ll pen)Roll No.1L L__ ~ L ~Roll ; ' \0. (Write the digits in ' ords)Serial No. of Ans, ,'cr Sheet .............................................Day and Date ................................................................... (Signature of In\'igilator)

    INSTRUCTIONS TO C NDID TES(l onl:- hlue/black ball-point pen in Ihe space abo\-e and on both sides of the Answer Sheet)I. \\ 1lhi11 10 minutes oflhe issue of tile Question Booklet. ehed. the Question Booklet to ensure Ihalit contains all the pages in correct sequence and that no page/question is missing. In case of f'aulty

    Question Booklet bring it to the notke orthc Superintendent/lnvigilators imillediately to obtain afresh Question Booklet.2. Do not bring any Inose paper. written or blank, inside the Examination Iiall except the Admit Cartwithout it >; envelope.3. A separate Amwer Shel'l l\' gil'en. It Jhould not be j(dt ed or mutilated. A WCOIlt Amwer Sheet.\'hall not be provided. On(r the Al1swer Sheet will be evaluated.4 \\o'rite your Roll Numberand Serial Number of the \ns\\er Sheet by pen in the space pr.ided abme.5. On the front page I ~ r t h e Answer Sheet. write by pefl your Roll Number il1 the .\'[JlIce provided atthe top lIl1d by darkening the circle.\' at the bottom. Also. wherever applicable, write Ihe QuestionBooklet Numher alld tlte Set Numher in appropriate pla('l .\'.6. No overwriting allowed il1 tlte el1trie,t: the inner back page of the title cover and the blank page at the t:nd of thisBooklet.12. Deposit only OMR Answer Slteel at the end of the Test.13. You are not permitted to leave the Lxamination llaJllllltil the end of the Test.14. If a candidate attempts to use any form of n fair means, he/she shall be liable to such punishment as

    the l'niversity Illay determine and impose on him/her.Total No. of Printed Pages :28

    A laSem Admi
  • 8/12/2019 BHU PET 2011 Kathak


    l lP 277 1No. of Questions: 100

    W i f < i t ~ : 100Time 2 Hours Ful l Marks 300

    ydj;: 300Note (1) Attempt as many questions as you can. Each question carries 3Three) marks. One mark will be deducted for each incorrect

    answer Zero mark Vo. ill be awarded for each unattemptedquestion.

    3 1 f ~ l f i m ~ 'l>l "S 'l"R on tl WI' 3 Ifu;;; 'jRf ~ i > T'< ~ 2il :I) :J

  • 8/12/2019 BHU PET 2011 Kathak


    l lP 277 1

    'IT Cil 31 h: 1< 1 i t wW l Rffi :(I) w-1Io (2)

    03 Natya Shastra is written by(I) Brahma(3) Bharat'IT Cil IJRjI t r ~ ( 1 1 :(I) (2) iR O jffi

    04 Writer of Mannasollas is(I) Someshwar(3) Nanya Dev

    ~ 1 ' H i ) & l I ~ t r ~ ( 1 1 :(I) -Britm

    (3) 1< 1

    (2) Ved Vyas(4) Dhananjai

    (3) 'R (1

    (2) Sharang Dev(4) Narad

    (3) 1F Ias How many matras are there in Shikhar Tal?

    fu 1: (1T('[ it 1lT 5IT i )(I) 15 (2) 17 (3) 1006 Mixture of different Laya forms:

    (I) Jati (2) Yati (3) Tatkar

    ( I ) lTf(f (2) 'Ifu07 The Jati of Dadra tal is

    (I) Tisra(3) Khand


    (3) (1 h 1\(2) Chatasra(4) Misra

    (4) 'lTZ'f>


    (4) 'If\i';

    (4) 14

    (4) Palte

    (4) 1< 2

    A laSem Admi
  • 8/12/2019 BHU PET 2011 Kathak


    (1) ftR;r (2) _ (3)08 Who is the author of bhinaya Darpan :

    (1) Pundreek Vithal (2) Someshwar(3) Nandikeshwar3lf l l I G fuI it; 111 1 :(1) i0s{lili(3) 1 P c ; ~ - m :

    (4) Chitrasen

    (2) wr-m:(4) fililfl 1

    09 Which of the following Tal has fifteen matras :(1) Jhap Tal (2) Roopak Tal(3) Rudra Tal (4) Sawari Tal

    f ~ 1 f < ' 1 l 1 l 1 d it

  • 8/12/2019 BHU PET 2011 Kathak


    l lP 277 1

    'ng'0l w ~ f . - ' l < t :( 1 ) flf;l:rr it(3) 'ffi1 it

    12 Kuaad is a form of

    (2) ~ t(4) 71fu it

    (1) Laddi~ ~ > ' n R t(1) q ]

    (2) Layakari (3) Jati

    13 Dance performed by Devi Parvati is called:(1) Manipuri dance (2) Lasya(3) Mohini attam (4) Kudi attam

    IT f

  • 8/12/2019 BHU PET 2011 Kathak


    I) W I (2) f 1

  • 8/12/2019 BHU PET 2011 Kathak


    l lP 2 7 7 1

    20 Sankeerna Jati is formed by mixing of two Jatis :(1) Tisra and Misra 2) Chatasra and Misra3) Chatasra and Khand 4) Tisra and Khand

    ITf(r f M RiTnft t :(1 )

  • 8/12/2019 BHU PET 2011 Kathak


    l lP 277 1

    "f ' I 11 1l1T am 31'1 i'fi 'l

  • 8/12/2019 BHU PET 2011 Kathak


    l lP 277 1

    'l8:f1TR ' l l Cil1 'l it (4)

    29 A leading song of Kuchchipudi dance is :(1) Geetam (2) Kritiit 1 '1

  • 8/12/2019 BHU PET 2011 Kathak


    11P 277 l

    33 Kathak dance has Gharanas :'f>2f'I; ' l l i t ......... i :(1) 4 (2) 8 (3) 5 (4) 3

    34 Mallika Sarabhai is associated with which dance form?(1) Odissi (2) Kathakali(3) Kathak (4) Bharal Natyam

    ~ r c t 1 ' 1 f' ;B ' l l it \1"'1r"'f( ?(1) (2) q;1 I I , 11(3) q;2f'I; (4) R(j 1 1 6 1 ~

    35 Jhveri Sisters are associated with which dance form?(1) Odissi (2) Kathakali (3) Kathak (4) Manipuri

    f' ;B ' l l it \1 '1 r"'f( i ?(1) (2) f > ~ (3) q;2f'I;

    36 According to Natya shastra number of Karans are:= ~ i t ~ ~ ' i l ~ i :(1) 108 (2) 118 (3) 200 (4) 218

    37 Angahars are formed by the combination of:(1) Asanyut Haste Mudra (2) Sanyukta haste mudra3) Karan 4) hramari and Karan

    'f>T f.rqfur ........ i t Wlrr it lil

  • 8/12/2019 BHU PET 2011 Kathak


    l l P 2 7 7 1

    38 Number of Angahar according to Natyashastra is :'1ICiHllf'I i t qij -n= :(1) 28 (2) 34 (3) 32 (4) 43

    39 If thumb of Mushti Haste stands stright the mudra formed is :(1) Shikhar (2) Kapitha (3) Bhramar (4) Chatur-TR 1 f j n ~ f it Wj3 qij m>rr ' ' ft;>:n "I"]it cit i C[1 ('ft :(I) fu19:1: (2) (3) 1l R (4) "lll'

    40 When all the fingers and thumb of one hand are joined to gather thehaste mudra formed is :(1) Trishool(3) Ardhsoochi

    (2) Katak(4) Mukul

    -TR ~ l qij "Wi d,rf< l ll 3ih: 3i>joT fl:K;n ft;>:n "I"]it cit i ITffi~ t(1) (2) (3) l ~ (4)

    41 Nayika who first insults her Nayak and after his departure repents is:(I) Proshit Patika (2) Kalahantarita(3) Vipralabdha (4) Vasksajja

    1 1 f ~ l i 1 -em qij 3lQQif'1(1 'R'i. "IR R m :(1)(3) fClQi'1o>rr

    (2)(4) "i' ffi'fi

    42 Nayika whose nayak is fully under her control is called:(1) Swadheen Patika (2) Abhisarika(3) Khandita (4) Proshita Patika


    A laSem Admi
  • 8/12/2019 BHU PET 2011 Kathak


    U P 2 7 7 1

    il:B\ ' 1 1 f ~ ' l i 1 f l ~ ' l i l 1T'f< i ~ : "I'IT i( m( 1 ) '-''l101R '1ftr< iT (2 ) aTI'l IR Ii I(3) ljj[Us { I ' I I ~ ~ f.rt;qfu" : ",,"< >'R

    (1) aTI'IJ'1q2 1 (2) (3) QR'1A

    46 Garba dance belongs to :(1 ) Uttar Pradesh (2) Rajasthan(3) Bihar (4) Gujrat


    (4) '.l"ffi

  • 8/12/2019 BHU PET 2011 Kathak


    l lP 277 1

    I) (2)47 Sihu dance belong to :

    1) West Bengal(3) Assam

    f'R: >\l I fl B 'I f.'lOI) 2) q l I ( 1 ~

    48 Prince dance group belongs to :1) Orrisa


    2) Meghalaya4) Kerala

    (3) 3lWI

    2) Kerala

    (4) :rrun

    (4) it1

    (3) Karnatak 4) Andhra PradeshflR: SRllJ:l f Rr "U'i" fl B 'If.'lO(1) (2) it1 (3) 'lA,,,*,

    49 Sangect Research Academy is situated at :1) Chennai (2) KolkataWfu 1 ' h 1 ~ 8 1 Wm(1) (2) 'I 1 'h(11

    3) Mumbai

    (3)50 The music journal Chhaya nat is published from:

    1) Sangeet Natak Academy Uttar Pradesh2) M.S. College Baroda3) Sangeet Research Academy4) Sangeet Natak Academy N. Delhi


    (4) 31Rl

    4) New Delhi


    A laSem Admi
  • 8/12/2019 BHU PET 2011 Kathak



  • 8/12/2019 BHU PET 2011 Kathak


    l l P 2 7 7 1

    55 Which among the following in not Dristi Shed:I) Alolit 2) Alokit 3) Ullokit 4) Prolokit

    f-18f< lf@d i it ~ iR 'IiI' %(3) a011fotid

    56. Nartan San.vasva is written by :I) Raja Chatrapati Singh (2) Keshav Kothari

    (3) Birju Maharaj (4) Raja Chakkradhar Singh' (f;f iii %I) n; i [ 'q < ft:io (2) . .hidRi(3) ~ I ( I I (4) \T"Il. ~ ft:io

    57. Rasa Gunjan is complied by :I) Rashmi Bajpai (2) Dr. Ranjana Srivastva

    (3) Birju Maharaj (4) Sunil Kotharif f l l i ~ l d m ~ %I)

  • 8/12/2019 BHU PET 2011 Kathak


    l lP 277 1

    59 When a group of small bole repeated thrice and arrives to sam thebole is called:1) Tukra 2) Chakkradar3) Ladi 4) Tihai

    ' f'I; ffi offiq i t qi\ lR om

  • 8/12/2019 BHU PET 2011 Kathak


    UP/277 /1

    63. Badal Paran is performed in which dance?( I ) Manipuri (2) Odissi(3) Kathak (4 ) Bharat Nattyam

    lB m i\ f'f;I:rr ;;mn t )(I) q f U l ~ 1 (2)(3) 'I>'l 'f; (4) ' f f i 1I01Q

    64. Who among the following is dancer:( 1) Udai Shankar (2) Ravi Shankar(3) Shah Alam (4) Vishwa Mohan BhattaPl 1f< lf@ct i\ B q;R * t ?I) ' W ~ (2) < f c ~

    (3) m 3lTWl (4 ) f c r I q ~ ~65. Indira Gandhi National Centre for the arts is situated at :

    I) Mumbai (2) Delhi (3) Chennai (4) Agra'll..n iR:< ,,;h: 3llRf ftozro t ?

    (I) (2) RITil (3) (4) awm66 Name the place from where Sitara Dcvi belongs:

    I) Mumbai (2) Noida (3) Delhi (4) Banaras


  • 8/12/2019 BHU PET 2011 Kathak


    67 Pandwani belongs to :(1) Madhya Pradesh (2) Chhatisgarh(3) Kerala (4) Biharq ;

  • 8/12/2019 BHU PET 2011 Kathak


    l lP/277/1

    71 Dhamal dance belongs to ?1) Hruyana3) Uttar Pradesh' l l lr. l I i t > ~ i \ ~ r - 1 d ~ ?(1) ~ F t ' n o l l (2) ""'ira""

    2) Karnatak4) Punjab

    3) O R ~ 4) $iT'72 Which of the following is a mask dance of West Bengal ?

    1) Puralia Chhau 2) Mayurbhanj Chchau3) Santhali Dance 4) Lai Harova

    A"1R1r"'d -q ~ q ~ i l q I :1) ~ & ' I ' l l -.m; 2) l '{t>t;r-.m;3) W11< il I 4)

    73 Lawani is a dance from1) Punjab (2) Karnatak3) Jammu and Kashmir 4) Maharashtra

    < 11

  • 8/12/2019 BHU PET 2011 Kathak


    l lP 277 1

    WiRr 'llll'O -qf {q;r ~ i t ~ i f i l f i l l < 1 m :(1) WiRr i f i l ~ f < i l ~ ~ H \ 1 (2) ~ ~ R l i . f i T ' f f l i f i I ~ < i I (4) WiRr < > l i f i I ~ < i I

    76 Which place is famous for Konark Music and Dance Festival :1) Purl 2) Bhuwaneshwar

    (3) Kolkata (4) Konark'';1114> 'f ll?6 6RI ' f ~ ' 1 ' iii 'R m ' ~ ?(1) (2) ' I'A' R (3) l

  • 8/12/2019 BHU PET 2011 Kathak


    U P 2 7 7 l


  • 8/12/2019 BHU PET 2011 Kathak


    UP 277 l

    83 Kalka Bindadeen Kathak Mahatsav is held in :(1) Lucknow (2) Banaras (3) New Delhi (4) Jaipur'hl

  • 8/12/2019 BHU PET 2011 Kathak



    "'" $i IDI J

    88 When Ring finger (anamika) is bent in Aral haste the haste mudraformed is called :(1) Mayura(3) Mushti

    (2) Ardha chandra(4) Shuktunda

    ' j 3HIf 'I>1 u OIRII t ill j

    (1) 2 2) 4 (3) 691 Number of Kali in Deepchandi tal :

    ~ ~ < l r l i j ~ < t t ~ t :(1) 2 (2) 1


    (3) 4

    (4) 1

    (4) 0

    A laSem Admi
  • 8/12/2019 BHU PET 2011 Kathak


    l IP 277 l

    92 Which of the following tal has equal number of matras to Dhamar Tal:(1) Deep handi (2) hautal(3) Matta (4) RudraR 'lf

  • 8/12/2019 BHU PET 2011 Kathak


    U P 2 7 7 1

    WIT m W4f.. W i :(1) q ' I ~ 1 1< 1 \'t(3) ~ \ ' t

    97 Pt. Jasraj is related to :(1) Violin (2) Vocal1j0 "I

  • 8/12/2019 BHU PET 2011 Kathak


    (p ; gfi 1l1 J7f 3mm1T 1"" lIT . anr - ii> 1(l'I't' '{'iif ITiJ;,m ;ft1 fI- ' ' . k tt fffii)

    I. Jl'R 1 ihI firfR it 10 f'iRc it 3Rl: m c'i fi ; lI"'I' 'l'I if >:l'il 'r'3 r- -c .; iJl'R ~ ~ 1 ~ r 1 i h l ' [it "fR 'R 'f'RT iWliT\1 ~ - ~ 'fir ~ 0'1 -lI"'I' 'l'I i/#- 3ih .. tt fil'{iif < IT', fi'rr 3TJ= ik 7Irp ' t

    9. m Jl'R it ' lm it "'" m1'f 'fir 1JTf T 'Ji't1"'" it 3lf% yir 'fir 1JTf T m'R 3J?lq[ ' '1'f 'fir 'W1 'R q;: ' lm l f ff i l 'IT'IT I

    1O. e:- fi;; I .'" t m>f.I fifit 'lit "oft ~ oft 'm'fI m. e:-, t1# """,- lIT fp r:;fo; fifit . ;m

    11 1l i 'WI it Jl'R ~ f @ ih I it 'I'" '"' it 3i?;1: 'ITffi 'r'3 i 2 T ' lm ~ f @ ih I in 3ifu'l 'r'3 q;]>riP 'Ji'tl12 . in 3'RR'[

  • 8/12/2019 BHU PET 2011 Kathak


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