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��� S� Abramsky� Domain theory and the logic of observable properties� PhDthesis� Queen Mary College� University of London� �����

�� S� Abramsky� Domain theory in logical form� Annals of Pure and Applied

Logic� ������� �����

� � S� Abramsky� A domain equation for bisimulation� Information and

Computation� ��������� �����

��� S� Abramsky and A� Jung� Domain theory� In S� Abramsky� D�M� Gabbay� andT�S�E� Maibaum� editors� Handbook of Logic in Computer Science� volume III� Semantic Structures� Clarendon Press� �����

�� S� Abramsky and S�J� Vickers� Quantales� observational logic and processsemantics� Mathematical Structures in Computer Science� ������� ��� �

��� J�W� Alexander�Ordered sets� complexes and the problem of compacti�cations� Proceedingsof the National Academy of Sciences� USA� ������� �� ��

��� P�S� Alexandrov� Diskrete R�ume� Mat�Sb�� ��� �������� �� ��

��� B� Alpern and F�B� Schneider� De�ning liveness� Information Processing

Letters� ��������� ����

��� P� America and J�J�M�M� Rutten� Solving re�exive domain equations ina category of complete metric spaces� Journal of Computer and System

Sciences� �� �� � � �� �����

���� K�R� Apt and G�D� Plotkin� Countable nondeterminism and randomassignment� Journal of the ACM� ����������� October �����

���� A� Arnold and M� Nivat� Metric interpretations of in�nite trees andsemantics of nondeterministic recursive programs� Theoretical Computer

Science� ����������� �����



��� R��J�R� Back� On the correctness of re�nement steps in program development�PhD thesis� Department of Computer Science� University of Helsinki� �����Report A��������

�� � R��J�R� Back� Correctness Preserving Program Re�nements� Proof Theory

and Applications� Volume � � of Mathematical Centre Tracts� MathematicalCentre� Amsterdam� �����

���� R��J�R� Back� On correct re�nement of programs� Journal of Computer andSystem Sciences� ���������� �����

��� R��J�R� Back� Changing data representation in the re�nement calculus� InProceedings ��st Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences� �����

���� R��J�R� Back and J� von Wright� Dualities in speci�cation languages� a latticetheoretical approach� Acta Informatica� ��� ��� �����

���� R��J�R� Back and J� von Wright� Re�nement calculus� part I� sequentialnondeterministic programs� In J�W� de Bakker� W��P� de Roever� andG� Rozenberg� editors� Stepwise Re�nement of Distributed Systems� Models�

Formalisms� Correctness� volume � � of Lecture Notes in Computer Science�pages ����� Springer�Verlag� �����

���� R��J�R� Back and J� von Wright� Re�nement Calculus� a Systematic

Introduction� Preliminary version of a book submitted for publication� �����

���� J�W� de Bakker� Inleiding bewijsmethoden� In J�W� de Bakker� editor�Colloquium Programmacorrectheid� volume � of Mathematical Centre

Syllabus� pages ����� ���� �In Dutch��

��� J�W� de Bakker� Mathematical Theory of Program Correctness� Prentice�Hall������

��� J�W� de Bakker� E� Horita� and J�J�M�M� Rutten� Fully abstract denotationalmodels for nonuniform concurrent languages� Information and Computation������������� �����

�� J�W� de Bakker and J�J�M�M� Rutten� editors� Ten Years of Concurrency

Semantics � selected papers of the Amsterdam Concurrency Group� WorldScienti�c� Singapore� ����

� � J�W� de Bakker and E� de Vink� Control Flow Semantics� The MIT Press������

��� J�W� de Bakker and J�I� Zucker� Processes and the denotational semantics ofconcurrency� Information and Control� �������� ����

�� S� Banach� Sur les operations dans les ensembles abstraits et leurs applicationsaux equations integrales� Fundamenta Mathematicae� �� ����� ���



��� H�P� Barendregt� The Lambda Calculus� Its Syntax and Semantics� North�Holland� revised edition� �����

��� C� Berge� Topological Spaces � including a treatment of multi�valued functions�

vector spaces and convexity� Oliver � Boyd� ��� � English translation of�Espaces Topologiques� Fonctions Multivoques� published by Dunod� Paris����

��� J�A� Bergstra and J�W� Klop� Algebra of communicating processes� In J�W�de Bakker� M� Hazewinkel� and J�K� Lenstra� editors� Proccedings of the

CWI symposioum Mathematics and Computer Science volume � of CWI

Monographs� pages ���� �� North�Holland� �����

��� E� Best� Relational semantics of concurrent programs �with someapplications�� In D� Bj�rner� editor� Proceedings of the IFIP Working

Conference on Formal Description of Programming Concepts � II� pages� ���� Garmisch�Partenkirchen� FRG� ��� � North�Holland PublishingCompany�

� �� E� Best� Towards compositional predicate transformer semantics forconcurrent programs� In J�W� de Bakker� �� jaar Semantiek� pages ��������CWI� Amsterdam� �����

� �� G� Birkho�� Lattice Theory� Volume of AMS Colloquium Publications�American Mathematical Society� ����� Third edition�

� � F�S� de Boer� J�N� Kok� C� Palamidessi� and J�J�M�M� Rutten� On blocks�locality and asynchronous communication� In J�W� de Bakker� W��P�de Roever� and G� Rozenberg� editors� Rex Workshop � �Semantics�

Foundations and Applications� volume ��� of Lecture Notes in Computer

Science� pages � ���� Springer�Verlag� ��� �

� � M�M� Bonsangue� Topological Duality in Semantics� PhD thesis� VrijeUniversiteit Amsterdam� November �����

� �� M�M� Bonsangue� F� van Breugel� and J�J�M�M� Rutten� Alexandro� andScott topologies for generalized metric spaces� In S� Andima� R� C� Flagg�G� Itzkowitz� P� Misra� Y� Kong� and R� Kopperman� editors� Papers

on General Topology and Applications� Eleventh Summer Conference at

University of Southern Maine� volume ��� of Annals of the New YorkAcademy of Sciences� pages ������ New York Academy of Sciences� �����

� � M�M� Bonsangue� F� van Breugel� and J�J�M�M� Rutten� Generalized metricspaces� completion� topology� and powerdomains via the Yoneda embedding�To appear in Theoretical Computer Science� Available as technical reportCS�R�� �� CWI� Amsterdam� �����



� �� M�M� Bonsangue� B� Jacobs� and J�N� Kok� Duality beyond sober spaces�topological spaces and observation frames� Theoretical Computer Science������������� ����

� �� M�M� Bonsangue and J�N� Kok� Semantics� orderings and recursion inthe weakest precondition calculus� In J�W� de Bakker� W��P� de Roever�and G� Rozenberg� editors� Rex Workshop � �Semantics� Foundations and

Applications� volume ��� of Lecture Notes in Computer Science� pages ������� Springer�Verlag� ��� �

� �� M�M� Bonsangue and J�N� Kok� Isomorphisms between state and predicatetransformers� In A�M� Borzyszkowski and S� Sokolowoski� editors� Proceedingsof MFCS�� Gdansk� Poland� volume ��� of Lecture Notes in Computer

Science� pages ��� ��� Springer�Verlag� ��� �

� �� M�M� Bonsangue and J�N� Kok� Relating multifunctions and predicatetransformers through closure operators� In Masami Hagiya and John C�Mitchell� editors� Proceedings of TACS � Sendai� Japan� volume ��� ofLecture Notes in Computer Science� pages ���� � Springer�Verlag� �����

���� M�M� Bonsangue and J�N� Kok� The weakest precondition calculus� recursionand duality� Formal Aspects of Computing� �A��������� ����� Full versionin Formal Aspect of Computing� ��E��������� ����� Available throughanonymous ftp from ftp�cs�man�ac�uk as the �compressed PostScript� �le�pub�fac�FACj �E p���ps�Z�

���� M�M� Bonsangue and J�N� Kok� In�nitary domain logic for �nitary transitionsystems� In M� Abadi and T� Ito� editors� Proceedings of TACS�� Sendai�

Japan� volume ��� of Lecture Notes in Computer Science� Springer�Verlag������

��� M�M� Bonsangue and J�N� Kok� Specifying computations using hypertransition systems� In I� Pr�vara and P� Ru�i�ka� editors� Proceedings of the

��nd MFCS� Bratislava� Slovakia� volume �� of Lecture Notes in Computer

Science� pages ��� � ���� Springer�Verlag� �����

�� � M�M� Bonsangue� J�N� Kok� and E� de Vink� Metric predicate transformers�towards a notion of re�nement for concurrent programs� Technical ReportIR� ��� Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam � Department of Computer Science������

���� M�M� Bonsangue� J�N� Kok� and E� de Vink� Metric predicate transformers�towards a notion of re�nement for concurrent programs� In I� Lee and S�A�Smolka� editors� Proceedings of the �th international conference Concur ��

Concurrency theory� volume �� of Lecture Notes in Computer Science� pages � � ��� Springer�Verlag� ����



��� M�M� Bonsangue and M�Z� Kwiatkowska� Re�interpreting the modal ��calculus� In A� Ponse� M� de Rijke� and Y� Venema� editors� Modal Logic and

Process Algebra� volume of CSLI Lecture notes� pages ��� � Stanford����� Centre for Study of Languages and Information�

���� F� van Breugel� Relating state transformation semantics and predicatetransformer semantics for parallel programs� Technical Report CS�� �� CWI�Amsterdam� ��� �

���� F� van Breugel� Topological models in comparative semantics� PhD thesis�Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam� �����

���� M� Broy� M� Wirsing� and P� Pepper� On the algebraic de�nition ofprogramming languages� ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and

Systems� ���������� �����

���� S�D� Brookes� An axiomatic treatment of a parallel programming language�In R� Parikh� editor� Logics of Programs� volume �� of Lecture Notes in

Computer Science� Springer�Verlag� ����

��� A� Cayley� The theory of groups� American Journal of Mathematics� ����������

��� B�F� Chellas�Modal Logic� an introduction� Cambridge University Press� �����

�� A� Church� A set of postulates for the foundation of logic� Annals of

Mathematics� � ��� ��� �� �

� � G�E� Collins� Distributivity and an axiom of choice� Journal of Symbolic Logic��������� ����

��� B�A� Davey and H�A� Priestley� Introduction to Lattices and Order� CambridgeUniversity Press� �����

�� E�W� Dijkstra� Cooperating sequential processes� In F� Genuys� editor�Programming Languages� pages � ���� Academic Press� London� �����

��� E�W� Dijkstra� A Discipline of Programming� Prentice�Hall� �����

��� E�W� Dijkstra and A�J�M� van Gasteren� A simple �xpoint argument withoutthe restriction to continuity� Acta Informatica� ����� �����

��� E�W� Dijkstra and C�S� Scholten� Predicate Calculus and Program Semantics�Springer�Verlag� New York� �����

��� J� Dugundji� Topology� Allyn and Bacon� inc�� �����

���� H� Egli� A mathematical model for nondeterministic computations� Technicalreport� ETH Zurich� Switzerland� ����



���� H� Ehrig and B� Mahr� Fundamentals of Algebraic Speci�cation I� volume �of EATCS monographs� Springer�Verlag� ����

��� T� Elrad and N� Francez� A weakest precondition semantics forcommunicating processes� Theoretical Computer Science� �� �� ���������

�� � R� Engelking� General Topology� Volume � of Sigma Series in Pure

Mathematics� Heldermann Verlag� Berlin� ����� Revised and completededition�

���� L� Errington� C�L� Hankin� and T�P� Jensen� Reasoning about Gammaprograms� In G�L� Burn� S�J� Gay� M�D� Ryan� editors� Theory and Formal

Methods ��� Workshop in Computing� Imperial College� London� Springer�Verlag� ��� �

��� L� Esakia� Topological Kripke models� Soviet Mathematics Doklady� ��������� �����

���� K� Fine� Some connections between elementary and modal logic� In S� Kange�editor� Proceedings of the Third Scandinavian Logic Symposium� ���� North�Holland� Amsterdam� ��� �

���� B� Flagg and R� Kopperman� Continuity spaces� Reconciling domains andmetric spaces� Theoretical Computer Science� ������������ �� �����

���� B� Flagg and P S nderhauf� The essence of ideal completion in quantitativeform� Draft� �����

���� B� Flagg and K� Wagner� A logical approach to quantitative domain theory�Draft� �����

���� R�W� Floyd� Assigning meaning to programs� In Mathematical Aspects of

Computer Science volume � of AMS Colloquium Publications� pages ��� �American Mathematical Society� �����

���� L� Flon and N� Suzuki� The total correctness of parallel programs� SIAMJournal on Computing� ���������� �����

��� G� Frege� Compound thoughts �Gedankef ge�� In P�T� Geach� and R�H�Stooho�� translators� Logical Investigation� Gottlob Frege� pages ���� BasilBlackwell� Oxford� �����

�� � H� Gaifman� In�nite Boolean polynomials I� Fundamenta Mathematicae������� ����� Errata in volume �� page ���� ����

���� P� Gardiner and C� Morgan� Data re�nement of predicate transformers�Theoretical Computer Science� �������� ���� �����



��� S�J� Gay and C�L� Hankin� A program logic for Gamma� In J��M� Andreoli�C�L� Hankin and D� Le Me!tayer� editors� Coordination Programming�

mechanisms� models and semantics� �������� Imperial College Press� London������

���� R�J� van Glabbeek and J�J�M�M� Rutten� The processes of de Bakker andZucker represent bisimulation equivalence classes� In J�W� de Bakker� �� jaar

Semantiek� pages � ���� CWI� Amsterdam� �����

���� G� Gierz� K�H� Hofmann� K� Keimel� J�D� Lawson� M�W� Mislove� and D�S�Scott� A Compendium of Continuous Lattices� Springer�Verlag� �����

���� J�A� Goguen� J�W� Thatcher� and E�G� Wagner� An initial algebra approachto the speci�cation� correctness and implementation of abstract data types�In R�T� Yeh� editor� Current Trends in Programming Methodology IV� Data

Structuring� pages ������� Prentice�Hall� �����

���� J�A� Goguen� J�W� Thatcher� E�G� Wagner� and J�B� Wright� Initial algebrasemantics and continuous algebras� Journal of the ACM� ������� �����

���� R� Goldblatt� Varieties of complex algebras� Annals of Pure and Applied Logic������ ��� �����

���� M� Gordon� The Denotational Description of Programming Languages�Springer�Verlag� New York� �����

��� D� Gries� The Science of Programming� Springer�Verlag� Berlin� �����

�� � I� Guessarian� Algebraic Semantics� Volume �� of Lecture Notes in Computer

Science� Springer�Verlag� �����

���� V�H� Haase� Real�time behaviour of programs� IEEE Transaction on Software

Engineering� SE������������ �����

��� H� Hahn� Reelle Funktionen� volume �� Punktfunktionen� Chelsea PublishingCompany� New York� �����

���� P�R� Halmos� Algebraic Logic� Chelsea� New York�� ����

���� A�W� Hales� On the non�existence of free complete Boolean algebras�Fundamenta Mathematicae� ������� �����

���� D� Harel� And�or programs� a new approach to structured programming�ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems� ��������� �����

���� R� Heckmann� Lower and upper power domain constructions commute on allcpos� Information Processing Letters� �������� �����

���� R� Heckmann and M� Huth� A duality theory for quantitative semantics� InD� van Dalen and M� Bezem� editors� Proceedings of CSL�� volume ��Lecture Notes in Computer Science� Springer�Verlag� �����



���� E�C�R� Hehner� Do considered od� a contribution to programming calculus�Acta Informatica� ������ ��� �����

��� M�C� Hennessy� Algebraic Theory of Processes� The MIT Press� �����

�� � M�C� Hennessy and R� Milner� Algebraic laws for non�determinism andconcurrency� Journal of the ACM� �� ������ ����

���� M�C� Hennessy and G�D� Plotkin� Full abstraction for a simple parallelprogramming language� In J� Becvar� editor� Proceedings of the �th MFCS�volume �� of Lecture Notes in Computer Science� pages ������� Springer�Verlag� �����

��� W�H� Hesselink� An algebraic calculus of commands� Technical Report CS������ University of Groningen� �����

���� W�H� Hesselink� Predicate transformer semantics of general recursion� ActaInformatica� �� ��� � �����

���� W�H� Hesselink� Processes and formalisms for unbounded choice� TheoreticalComputer Science� ���������� ����

���� W�H� Hesselink� Programs� Recursion and Unbounded Choice� Volume � ofCambridge Tracts in Theoretical Computer Science� Cambridge UniversityPress� ����

���� W�H� Hesselink� Nondeterminacy and recursion via stacks and games�Theoretical Computer Science� ������ ��� �����

����� P� Hitchcock and D� Park� Induction rules and termination proofs� InM� Nivat� editor� Proceedings �st International Colloquium of Automata�

Languages and Programming� Rocquencourt� France� pages ��� North�Holland� ����

����� C�A� Hoare� An axiomatic basis for computer programming� Communications

of the ACM� �������� �����

���� C�A� Hoare� Proofs of correctness of data representation� Acta Informatica������������ �����

��� � C�A� Hoare� Some properties of predicate transformers� Journal of the ACM���������� �����

����� C�A� Hoare� Communicating Sequential Processes� Prentice Hall� ����

���� C�A� Hoare and J� Sanders� Prespeci�cation in data re�nement� Information

Processing Letters� ������� �����

����� R��E� Ho�mann� Sobri�cation of partially ordered sets� Semigroup Forum����� �� �� �����



����� K�H� Hofmann and K� Keimel� A general character theory for partially orderedsets and lattices� Memories of American Mathematical Society� �� ����

����� K�H� Hofmann and M�W� Mislove� Local compactness and continuous lattices�In B� Banaschewski and R��E� Ho�mann� editors� Continuous lattices �

Proceedings Bremen ��� volume ��� of Lecture Notes in Mathematics� pages������ Springer�Verlag� �����

����� J�R� Isbell� Atomless parts of spaces� Math� Scand�� ��� � ����

����� J�R� Isbell� General functorial semantics� American Journal of Mathematics���� ���� ����

����� P�T� Johnstone� Scott is not always sober� In B� Banaschewski and R��EHo�mann� editors� Continuous lattices � Proceedings Bremen ��� volume��� of Lecture Notes in Mathematics� pages ��� � Springer�Verlag� �����

���� P�T� Johnstone� Stone Spaces� Cambridge University Press� ����

��� � P�T� Johnstone� The Vietoris monad on the category of locales� In R��E�Ho�man� editor� Continuous lattices and related topics� volume �� pages ������� Mathematik�Arbeitspapiere� University of Bremen� ����

����� P�T� Johnstone� The art of pointless thinking� the category of locales� InH� Herrlich and H��E� Porst� editors� Category theory at work� pages ������Heldermann Verlag Berlin� �����

���� P�T� Johnstone and S�J� Vickers� Preframe presentations present� In A�Carboni� Aurelio� C� Pedicchio and G� Rosolini� editors� Category Theory �

Proceedings� Como� ��� volume ���� of Lecture Notes in Computer Science�pages �� ��� Springer�Verlag� �����

����� B� J"nsson and A� Tarski� Boolean algebras with operators� part I� American

Journal of Mathematics� � ������ �� ����

����� B� J"nsson and A� Tarski� Boolean algebras with operators� part II� American

Journal of Mathematics� ���������� ���

����� A� Jung and P� S nderhauf� On the duality of compact vs� open� In S� Andima�R� C� Flagg� G� Itzkowitz� P� Misra� Y� Kong� and R� Kopperman� editors�Papers on General Topology and Applications� Eleventh Summer Conference

at University of Southern Maine� volume ��� of Annals of the New YorkAcademy of Sciences� pages ��� �� New York Academy of Sciences� �����

����� S�C� Kleene� Introduction to Meta�Mathematics� van Nostrand� New York����

���� B� Knaster� Un th!or#me sur les fonctions d�ensembles� Ann� Soc� Polon�

Math�� ��� �� �� ����



���� P� Knijnenburg and J�N� Kok� On the semantics of atomized statements�the parallel�choice option� In Budach� editor� Proceedings of Fundamentals of

Computation Theory �� volume � of Lecture Notes in Computer Science�pages ��� ��� Springer�Verlag� �����

��� J�N� Kok and J�J�M�M� Rutten� Contractions in comparing concurrencysemantics� Theoretical Computer Science� �� �� ������� �����

�� � K� Kunen� Set Theory� An Introduction to Independence Proofs� Volume ��of Studies in Logic and the Foundations of Mathematics� ����� North�Holland�Amsterdam�

���� K� Kuratowski� Sur une m!thode de m!trisation compl#te des certain espacesd�ensembles compacts� Fundamenta Mathematicae� ������� �� ����

��� M�Z� Kwiatkowska� On topological characterization of behavioural properties�In G�M� Reed� A�W� Roscoe� and R�F� Wachter� editors� Topology and

Category Theory in Computer Sciences � Proceedings of the Oxford Topology

Symposium� June ��� pages � ����� Oxford Science Publications� �����

���� L� Lamport� Proving the correctness of a multiprocess program� IEEE

Transaction on Software Engineering� SE� ����� � �����

���� L� Lamport� Win and sin� predicate transformers for concurrency� ACM

Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems� �� �� ������ �����

���� L� van Lamsweerde and M� Sintzo�� Formal derivation of strongly correctconcurrent programs Acta Informatica� ������� �� �����

���� J��L� Lassez� V�L� Nguyen� and E�A� Sonenberg� Fixed point theorems andsemantics� a folk tale� Information Processing Letters� ��� ��������� ����

�� �� F�W� Lawvere� Metric spaces� generalized logic� and closed categories�Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico e Fisico di Milano� � �� ����� ��� �

�� �� F�W� Lawvere� Taking categories seriously� Revista Colombiana de

Matem�ticas� XX��������� �����

�� � L� Libkin� An elementary proof that upper and lower powerdomainconstructions commute� Volume �� of Bulletin of EATCS� pages �����������

�� � F�E�J� Linton� Some aspects of equational categories� In Proceedings of

Conference on Categorical Algebra� La Jolla ���� pages ������ Springer�Verlag� �����

�� �� J�J� Lukkien� Parallel program design and generalized weakest preconditions�PhD thesis� Rijksuniversiteit Groningen� �����



�� � J�J� Lukkien� Operational semantics and generalized weakest preconditions�Science of Computer Programming� �� ���� �����

�� �� S� Mac Lane� Categories for the Working Mathematician� Volume ofGraduate Texts in Mathematics� Springer�Verlag� �����

�� �� E�G� Manes� Algebraic Theories� volume � of Graduate Texts in Mathematics�Springer�Verlag� �����

�� �� G� Markowsky� Combinatorial aspects of lattice theory with applications to

the enumeration of free distributive lattices� PhD thesis� Harvard University���� �

�� �� G� Markowsky� Free completely distributive lattices� Proceedings of the

American Mathematical Society� ��������� �����

����� J��J�Ch� Meyer� Programming calculi based on �xed point transformations�

semantics and applications� PhD thesis� Vrije Universiteit� Amsterdam� ����

����� E� Michael� Topologies on spaces of subsets� Transactions of the American

Mathematical Society� �������� ����

���� R�E� Milne and C� Strachey� A Theory of Programming Language Semantics�Chapman and Hall� �����

��� � R� Milner� Processes� a mathematical model of computing agents� In H�E�Rose� and J�C� Shepherdson� editors� Proceedings of Logic Colloquium ���pages ����� � North�Holland� ��� �

����� R� Milner� A Calculus of Communicating Systems� Volume � of Lecture Notesin Computer Science� Springer�Verlag� �����

���� M�W� Mislove� Algebraic posets� algebraic cpo�s and models of concurrency�In G�M� Reed� A�W� Roscoe� and R� Wachter� editors� Topology and Category

Theory in Computer Science� pages ������ Clarendon Press� �����

����� M�W� Mislove� Topology� domain theory and theoretical computer science�Unpublished note presented at Eleventh Summer Conference on Topology andApplications� Available through anonymous ftp from the machine ��������� �as the �compressed PostScript� �le pub�mwn�topandcs�ps�gz�

����� M�W� Mislove and F�J� Oles� A topological algebra for angelicnondeterminism� Technical Report RC �� ��� IBM� �����

����� M�W� Mislove and F�J� Oles� A simple language supporting angelicnondeterminism and parallel composition� In S� Brookes� M� Main� A� Melton�and M� Mislove editors� Proceedings of �th MFPS� Pittsburgh �USA�� volume�� of Lecture Notes in Computer Science� pages ������� Springer�Verlag�����



����� M�W� Mislove� A�W� Roscoe� and S�A� Schneider� Fixed points withoutcompleteness� Theoretical Computer Science� � ��� � ��� ����

���� J�M� Morris� A theoretical basis for stepwise re�nement and the programmingcalculus� Science of Computer Programming� ����� ��� �����

���� C�C� Morgan� Programming from Speci�cations� Prentice�Hall� �����

��� P� Mosses� Action Semantics� Cambridge University Press� ����

�� � S�B� Nadler� Hyperspaces of Sets� Pure and Applied Mathematics� MarcelDekker� �����

���� G� Nelson� A generalization of Dijkstra�s calculus� ACM Transactions on

Programming Languages and Systems� ������������ �����

��� N�J� Nilsson� Principles of Arti�cial Intelligence� Springer�Verlag� ����

���� D� Papert and S� Papert� Sue les treillis des ouverts et les paratopologies� InSeminaire Ehresmann� topologie et geometrie di�erentielle� ����

���� D�M� Park� Concurrency and automata on in�nite sequences� In P� Deussen�editor� Proceedings of the �th GI Conference� volume ��� of Lecture Notes inComputer Science� pages ������ � Springer�Verlag� �����

���� G�D� Plotkin� A powerdomain construction� SIAM Journal on Computing�������� �����

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����� G�D� Plotkin� Post�graduate lecture notes in advanced domain theory�incorporating the �Pisa notes��� Department of Computer Science� Universityof Edinburgh� �����

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����� E� Robinson� Logical aspects of denotational semantics� In Summer conference

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����� J�J�M�M� Rutten� Elements of generalized ultrametric domain theory�Technical Report CS�R���� CWI� Amsterdam� ����

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����� M�B� Smyth� The largest cartesian closed category of domains� TheoreticalComputer Science� ���������� ��� �

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����� M�B� Smyth� Totally bounded spaces and compact ordered spaces as domainsof computation� In G�M� Reed� A�W� Roscoe� and R�F� Wachter� editors�Topology and Category Theory in Computer Sciences � Proceedings of the

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����� A� Udaya Shankar� An introduction to assertional reasoning for concurrentsystems� ACM Computing Surveys� ���� ��� �

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����� N� Wirth� The design of a Pascal compiler� Software�Practice and Experience������ ��� � �����

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����� G��Q� Zhang Logic of Domains� Progress in Theoretical Computer Science������

���� J� Zwiers� Compositionality� Concurrency and Partial Correctness� Volume � of Lecture Notes in Computer Science� pages ���� Springer�Verlag� �����


