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  • 8/8/2019 Bloc 8


    F A N T A S S I N S N 1 4

    La nouvelle version du SITTAL (Simulateur

    dInstruction Technique du Tir aux ArmesLgres) est actuellement teste par lEAI, le

    CEITO,le 92e RI,le 15/2 et le 2e REI.Avant lt

    2004, tous les organismes de mtropole

    dots de ce simulateur (rgiments dinfante-

    rie, camps et certaines coles) seront qui-

    ps de cette version valorise. Confie la

    socit GAVAP, cette remise hauteur

    concerne non seulement le software (pro-

    grammes informatiques)

    et le hardware (ordina-

    teurs et systmes de pro-

    jection) mais galement

    les armes.Les fantassins vont pou-

    voir travailler avec leurs

    armes de dotation

    (FAMAS Infanterie,FRF2,

    AT4CS et Minimi) et leurs

    moyens optiques asso-

    cis (J4, J8, OB50). Ces

    modifications font du SIT-

    TAL un produit nouveau

    et neuf. Pour permettre

    de conserver lattractivit

    du systme et pour fournir aux instructeurs

    des exercices constructifs,un gnrateur descnarii va tre implant lEAI.

    A lheure o le tir redevient la priorit affi-

    che dans lentranement de linfanterie,

    cette nouvelle version va permettre aux

    cadres de mener une politique dinstruc-

    tion au tir varie et complte.


    The new version

    of the SITTAL(SMALL ARMS SHOOTING TRAINING SIMULATOR)The new version of the SITTAL (Small arms shooting trai-

    ning simulator) is currently under trial at the School of

    Infantry,at the Centre for Infantry live fire training (CEITO),

    at the 92nd and 152nd Infantry Regiments and at the 2nd

    Foreign Legion Infantry Regiment.This upgraded version

    will be delivered to all formations of continental France

    which have been equipped with this simulator (regiments,

    a various number of military schools, and training areas)

    before the summer 2004.This upgrading has been awar-

    ded to the Company GAVAP and includes not only both

    software and hardware but the simulated weapons too.

    The infantrymen will have the opportunity to operate

    their inventory weapons (infantry FAMAS, FRF2 Sniper

    weapon system,AT4CS,and Minimi LMG) with their asso-ciated optical sights (daytime telescope sights with 4 and

    8 magnification and OB50 light intensification scope).

    Those changes equal the introduction of a new system.In

    order to maintain the attractiveness of the system and to

    provide the instructors with effective training sequences,a

    sequence generator will be delivered to the School or


    Since shooting has again become the claimed priority of

    infantry training,this new version will allow the comman-

    ders to implement an exhaustive and diverse shooting

    training policy.


    E N G L I S H V E R S I O N

    P a g e 2 2

    LITC suscite un intrt grandissant dans

    linfanterie. Certains rgiments lexpri-

    mentent mme depuis quelques mois et le

    CNEC, assist de spcialistes suisses, a

    form ses premiers instructeurs.

    Il sagit dun concept amricain dvelopp

    partir des observations faites, durant la

    guerre du Vietnam, sur lecomportement

    du tireur en opration.

    Ce concept repose sur loptimisation de

    lutilisation de larme au combat dont la

    consquence majeure est la rduction des

    tirs fratricides. Sans ngliger les tirs clas-

    siques moyenne distance, il met laccent

    sur linstruction trs courte distance (de

    quelques mtres 80 mtres).

    Actuellement, lITC nest pas autorise dans

    larme de terre. En effet, ladoption de

    telles techniques de tir pose naturellement

    la question cruciale de la scurit (tirs moins de 25 m par exemple). Consciente

    de lintrt quelle reprsente pour linfan-

    terie, lEAI a constitu un groupe de travail

    pour rflchir la mise en uvre de lITC et

    mis en formation ses premiers instructeurs.

    Les conclusions sont en cours dlabora-

    tion et seront prsentes lEMAT au dbut

    du mois de fvrier 2004.

    LEAI a rcemment rappel aux units, lim-

    prieuse ncessit dattendre que la dci-

    sion officielle soit prise pour adopter lITC.

    Si la philosophie gnrale, et lessentiel des

    savoir-faire, ne posent pas de problmes

    particuliers dapplication, certaines dispo-

    sitions ou tirs, remettent en question les

    rgles de scurit actuelles et imposent de

    former des instructeurs. Ces techniques ne

    peuvent donc pour linstant tre appli-

    ques dans les rgiments.

    Dans la mesure o les conclusions de ltu-

    de recevront lagrment de lEMAT, lITC

    pourrait tre applique dans les units

    dans dexcellentes conditions pdago-

    giques et surtout de scurit.


    The ITC (combat shooting training):for whom? When? How?

    A growing interest for ITC has been shown throughout theInfantry. Some regiments have even been conductingtests for months and the CNEC (National commando trai-ning centre) has trained its first instructors with the help ofSwiss specialists.It is an American concept based on the observationsmade on the behaviour of the shooters during operations

    which has been developed during the Vietnam War.This concept aims at an optimization of the use of wea-

    pons in combat, the main consequence of which is areduction of fratricide fires. Although conventional shoo-ting at medium range must not be neglected, it empha-sizes shooting at very short range (between some metresand 80 metres.)ITC is currently not allowed in the Army.The application ofsuch shooting techniques raises indeed the key questionof safety during shooting sessions (for example whenshooting at a closer range than 25 metres). Since theSchool of Infantry is well aware of the interest ITC has forthe Infantry, it has set up a working group to determinehow ITC will be conducted and trained its first instructors.The conclusions are now being drawn and will be submit-ted to the General Staff in February 2004.The School of Infantry has recently reminded all units thatit was mandatory to wait for the official decision beforeconducting ITC.Although the general conception of it and

    most of the techniques dont raise any specific problems,some procedures or shooting conditions are questioningthe current safety rules and require adequately trainedinstructors. Therefore those techniques may not be cur-rently used in the regiments.If the conclusions of the study were to be endorsed by theGeneral Staff,ITC could be conducted by the units in excel-lent training and safety conditions.

    E N G L I S H V E R S I O N

    LITC (instruction au tir de combat) :POUR QUI ? QUAND ? COMMENT ?

  • 8/8/2019 Bloc 8


  • 8/8/2019 Bloc 8


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    P U B L I - R E P O R T A G E


    Ple dActivits Les Milles

    355, Av. Albert Einstein

    13852 Aix-en-Provence Cedex 3

    Tlphone : +33 (0)4 42 97 30 33Tlcopie : +33 (0)4 42 97 30 34

    E-mail : [email protected]


    O R G A N I S A T I O N - S A L O N - E V E N E M E N T I E L

  • 8/8/2019 Bloc 8
