Book Sorteo Copa Bridgestone Libertadores 2013

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UNA NUEVA ERA La Copa Libertadores se hace cada vez más grande. En sus páginas se escribe la historia de los supremos triunfos que permanecen indelebles en el tiempo. En 2013 nace una nueva etapa que une dos nombres con un valioso significado. Dos símbolos que venimos a anunciar. Porque en 2012 no se acaba el mundo. Comienza una prodigiosa era para el fútbol. Una era llamada Copa Bridgestone Libertadores.

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Apertura Sorteo Copa Bridgestone Libertadores 2013

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La Copa Libertadores se hace cada vez más grande. En sus páginas se escribe la historia de los supremos triunfos que permanecen indelebles en el tiempo. En 2013 nace una nueva etapa que une dos nombres con un valioso significado. Dos símbolos que venimos a anunciar. Porque en 2012 no se acaba el mundo. Comienza una prodigiosa era para el fútbol. Una era llamada Copa Bridgestone Libertadores.

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Antes de tener el mundo al alcance de la mano por la bondad de la tecnología, el hombre ya había tejido un lenguaje común, un sentimiento al margen de fronteras y creencias. Con el siglo de la modernidad, el fútbol se convirtió en una apasionante forma de reconocernos, de compar-tir alegrías y tristezas. De ser iguales sin importar el hemisferio que habitamos. Y esa magia redonda se torna sublime en el torneo más grande de Sudamérica.

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El 19 de abril de 1960 el jugador boliviano del club Jorge Wilstermann, Ausberto García, dio el primer puntapié a la pelota y de esa manera echó a andar la historia de la hoy Copa Bridgestone Libertadores. Desde entonces, ha transcurrido más de medio siglo, se han jugado 4.664 partidos, se han marcado 12.541 goles y 191 equipos de Sudamérica y México la han disputado, de los cuales 23 clubes han podido palpar la gloria.

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Bridgestone, el mayor productor de neumáticos y de productos de caucho del mundo es, a partir de 2013, el nuevo sponsor titular de la Copa Bridgestone Libertadores. Su llegada al torneo de fútbol de clubes de Sudamérica dejará, sin duda, una gran huella y una contribución a su grandeza y evolución, con la imprenta de una Compañía que siempre se ha “esforzado por ofrecer a la sociedad productos de una calidad superior”.

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La historia de grandeza de la Copa Libertadores está signada bajo el histórico gobierno de la Confederación Sudamericana de Fútbol, como inspiradora y garante del desarrollo del torneo. Esta entidad, la primera continental de su tipo, que agrupa las asociaciones nacionales sudamericanas, ha hecho realidad su visión de 1916, uniendo bajo una autoridad común, el desarrollo y crecimiento del fútbol en nuestro continente. En su empeño, cuenta con grandes socios estratégicos como en la actualidad lo es Bridgestone.

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Sólo un continente lleno de magia, de los colores más intensos del mundo, de la expresión humana en las más variadas y ricas culturas, pleno de alegría, en donde la risa es música y la música un lenguaje único, puede surgir la magia del fútbol más sorprendente del mundo. De aquel que se inventa cada mañana y alegra cada día.

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Los más grandes hombres en asuntos del fútbol, en el trato cómplice con la pelota; los expertos en el arte de crear una jugada en un momento de sequía; aquellos que han sabido vencer la red contraria con la certeza del artillero… en fin, los mejores del mundo, unidos con el sello prodigioso de Sudamérica, los que brillan allende las fronteras, han sido los protagonistas de la Copa Libertadores.

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La pelota, cuando rueda, produce un maravilloso efecto y unas insospechadas consecuencias, que no sólo se expresan en la estética de las grandes jugadas ni en los goles como su fin último, sino que van más allá hacia una dimensión en la que los detalles simples del ser humano adquieren la condición de lo sublime en el marco incomparable de los grandes estadios que cantan los goles con una voz de miles de corazones.

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Mirada con veneración, besada con devoción, elevada al cielo en los momentos trascendentales, exhibida en los míticos estadios en donde se ha definido el torneo, la anhelada Copa que representa a la Libertadores sigue intacta en el tiempo, en su esencia y significado, evocada por quienes han tenido el privilegio de elevarla al cielo. Con sus 12 kilos y 20 gramos, que son el peso exacto de la gloria.

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ANDREAS Pichler born in Lienz, Austria in 1977, is a fifth generation artist specializing in wood carving and sculpture. His first hint of success was at the age of twelve when he won an international ice-sculpting event in Italy. As an adolescent, Andreas brought his talents to the world of music, hand-crafting electric guitars for an elite client list. By 1998 this business had grown and he was producing over 300 unique guitars a year. Shortly thereafter, Andreas was asked to be the conceptual artist for the Red Bull soft drink company and he designed the “Red Bull Guitar” that toured the US in 1999. In 2002, Andreas formed a part-nership with Infeld Instruments and Strings and designed over 500 Guitars a year for some of the industry’s biggest musical talents, including Prince, Slash, and Sting. In 2004, Andreas sold his portion of the company outright to Infeld and moved to Fender Musical Instruments Corporation and became the conceptual designer for Teuffel Guitars. During the next few years Andreas also created amplifier designs for Bogner Amplification, and a product design plan and corporate identity for Baden Guitars. During these years in design, Andreas never left his roots in Austria behind. Sculpting remained his main passion and following this period of commercial success, Andreas decided to return to his one great dream – to recreate and reinvent the ancient Austrian wood-carving tradition known as Krampus. What has followed has been three years of exhaustive research, experimentation and labor to create the next generation of the carvings and trappings of the tradition. He is proud to introduce you to The White Mask Series.

YULIA Nazarenko, Born in Russia on the Black Sea, has had a lifelong passion for acting, dance and the written word. By the age of ten she became adept at creating her own shows and managed to attract not only children but also adults with her ideas and beautiful performances. As a middle school student, Yulia’s passion for the arts continued to grow and eventually led her to a degree in theater and a major role on the Russian stage. She continued her studies at the Drama School in Russia, studying Meisner in addition to Stanislavsky, all the while competing as a ballroom dancer.In 2001, Yulia won a green card lottery and relocated to Los Angeles, where she pursued her acting career, started writing and continued competitive dancing. As an international Latin ballroom dancer, Yulia has been very successful, winning international competitions (Nevada Starball Dancesport Championships, California Open Dancesport Championships, Desert Classic DanceSport Championships and many more) in both Europe and the United States. Presently, Yulia studies with Ivana Chubbuck and the Zen Actor’s Studio. No matter what endeavor Yulia attempts, she manages to exude grace, beauty and a strong sense of spirituality.In 2010 Yulia met Andreas Pichler, who introduced her to Krampus and his dream to recreate and reinvent this ancient Austrian wood-carving tradition. Yulia immediately shared his passion and belief in this beautiful lost art. Together, at long last, their dreams have come true, as they share with the world The White Mask Series.

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ANDREAS Pichler born in Lienz, Austria in 1977, is a fifth generation artist specializing in wood carving and sculpture. His first hint of success was at the age of twelve when he won an international ice-sculpting event in Italy. As an adolescent, Andreas brought his talents to the world of music, hand-crafting electric guitars for an elite client list. By 1998 this business had grown and he was producing over 300 unique guitars a year. Shortly thereafter, Andreas was asked to be the conceptual artist for the Red Bull soft drink company and he designed the “Red Bull Guitar” that toured the US in 1999. In 2002, Andreas formed a part-nership with Infeld Instruments and Strings and designed over 500 Guitars a year for some of the industry’s biggest musical talents, including Prince, Slash, and Sting. In 2004, Andreas sold his portion of the company outright to Infeld and moved to Fender Musical Instruments Corporation and became the conceptual designer for Teuffel Guitars. During the next few years Andreas also created amplifier designs for Bogner Amplification, and a product design plan and corporate identity for Baden Guitars. During these years in design, Andreas never left his roots in Austria behind. Sculpting remained his main passion and following this period of commercial success, Andreas decided to return to his one great dream – to recreate and reinvent the ancient Austrian wood-carving tradition known as Krampus. What has followed has been three years of exhaustive research, experimentation and labor to create the next generation of the carvings and trappings of the tradition. He is proud to introduce you to The White Mask Series.

YULIA Nazarenko, Born in Russia on the Black Sea, has had a lifelong passion for acting, dance and the written word. By the age of ten she became adept at creating her own shows and managed to attract not only children but also adults with her ideas and beautiful performances. As a middle school student, Yulia’s passion for the arts continued to grow and eventually led her to a degree in theater and a major role on the Russian stage. She continued her studies at the Drama School in Russia, studying Meisner in addition to Stanislavsky, all the while competing as a ballroom dancer.In 2001, Yulia won a green card lottery and relocated to Los Angeles, where she pursued her acting career, started writing and continued competitive dancing. As an international Latin ballroom dancer, Yulia has been very successful, winning international competitions (Nevada Starball Dancesport Championships, California Open Dancesport Championships, Desert Classic DanceSport Championships and many more) in both Europe and the United States. Presently, Yulia studies with Ivana Chubbuck and the Zen Actor’s Studio. No matter what endeavor Yulia attempts, she manages to exude grace, beauty and a strong sense of spirituality.In 2010 Yulia met Andreas Pichler, who introduced her to Krampus and his dream to recreate and reinvent this ancient Austrian wood-carving tradition. Yulia immediately shared his passion and belief in this beautiful lost art. Together, at long last, their dreams have come true, as they share with the world The White Mask Series.

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Andreas Pichler Yulia Nazarenko Art Director Creator, Screenwriter, Director and Producer

Marion Eisenmann Jignesh Jariwala Visual development 3D Artist - VFX ArtistStoryboards and Concept

Rafael Moreira Alex KharlamovGuitarist, Singer/Songwriter Composer and Producer and Producer

Apertura Sorteo Copa Bridgestone Libertadores 2013