1 Volume 4, Issue 4 April 2017 Branches

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Volume 4, Issue 4 April 2017


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In This Issue Page

Message from Pastor Mark 3

General Information 4

Missions Update 5

Hispanic Ministry 6-7

Worship Ministry 8-9

Offering Records 10

New Member Spotlight 10

Offering Records 10

Older Adult Ministry 11

Men’s Ministry 12

Women’s Ministry 13

Student and Family Ministry 14

Preschool and Children’s Ministry 15-16

Calendar of Events 17

I am the vine, you are the branches; John 15:5

Branches Capitol Hill Baptist Church

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Gone are the days of cultural Christianity. By that I mean the natural

societal pressure that existed in the communities around the Bible belt

that encouraged people to be part of a church. When I was growing up it

was rare to have a friend that did not attend church. Being part of the

community included what church you attended.

That is no longer the case. We can moan about that, and we can long for the way things used

to be. But, our moaning only tells people that we are more interested in the past than the

present. Our longing says to the young generation of Christians today that tradition trumps


That is not what is meant in our moans and our longings, but that is what gets communicated.

We need to stop and assess what it is we really want. At the core of every Christian is really

the longing that Jesus Christ Himself had. He wanted people to know His Father, by

following Him. His desire for that was so strong that He died on the cross in order to make it possible for me and you to know God, be forgiven of our sins, and to have an eternal home in


Shouldn’t we be willing to die to anything that would prevent others from following Jesus,

and knowing God in this way also? I do not mean setting aside Scripture, but surely I can die

to my preferences of music or traditions. I will not compromise sound doctrine, but does it

matter if a new program takes the place of an old one if it is more effective at reaching people

today with the gospel.

Healthy churches are willing to die a lot of deaths. God’s economy is life through death. I

have been giving you a list of qualities for healthy churches. This is not in the list, but it

seems to be a necessary component. I will pick up on the list in the next issue of branches,

but today consider whether or not you are dying to self as it relates to the church being able to

fulfill the Great Commission.

Easter is this month. On the third Sunday of April the resurrection of Jesus Christ will be

front and center. We want the whole world to hear about and trust in the risen Lord, Jesus

Christ. If we are healthy, we will have died enough deaths to ourselves, so that the message

will come to the hearers with no strings attached.

Start today to pray for people whom you know need to hear the good news. Search your own heart and ask God to remove any part of you that cares more for the way things were, than for the lost. Jesus Christ died for us. In what way will we die so that others might hear and know the gospel of Christ this year?

By His Grace and For His Glory,

Pastor Mark

Pastor Mark’s Message

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General Information

Verse of the Month

He who has My commandments and keeps them is the one who loves Me; and he who loves

Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and will disclose Myself to him.”

John 14:21 NASB

South Metro Fine Arts Academy We offer violin, guitar, piano, drums, voice, art and bass guitar classes for all ages. For more

information, e-mail Cheryl Vogler at [email protected].

Language Learners Conversational English, Conversational Spanish and Citizenship Classes

Enhance your English and/or Spanish as you prepare for a new job or change jobs. Prepare

for your U.S. Citizenship Test. Classes are Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m. at CHBC. Enrollment is

free; material costs may apply.

If you would like to help serve in this Ministry, and are a member of CHBC, please contact

Connie Crew at 634-3854.

Maundy Thursday/Good Friday Services Capitol Hill Baptist Church is partnering with Emmaus Baptist Church to do a Maundy

Thursday prayer service and a Good Friday service. We are invited to stop by Emmaus

Baptist Church anytime from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. on Maundy Thursday, Thursday, April

13th, for a come and go interactive experience focused on the Holy Week. On Friday, April

14th, Emmaus Baptist Church will be invited to join CHBC for a Good Friday service at 6:30


Thank you from the Moon family CHBC Church family, thank you so much for your love and support. The constant prayers

and encouragement for our family and role in the OBHC ministry is a constant blessing. Your

gifts and kindness are greatly appreciated. Thank you for each example of Christ’s love. His

love, Cory, Tabitha, Gibson and Lennon Moon.

Deacons for the month of April, 2017

April 2 - April 8 = Brian Boone and Casey Miller

April 9 - April 15 = Drew Steger and Danny Whitmill

April 16 - April 22 = Marvin Tennison and Loren Ausmus

April 23 - April 29 = John Thompson and Rob Ross

April 30 - May 6 = Steve Tritten and Doug Crews

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General Information

North American Mission Board

Missionary Spotlight for April Join us in praying for Patrick and Archalena Coats, church planting missionaries at

Kingdom Covenant Baptist Church in Homestead, Florida.

Guatemala Mission Trip

July 7-14, 2017

Jesus calls us to GO. We have committed to obeying Jesus by going to Guatemala

because of the need to strengthen local churches in Guatemala City and to plant

gospel-preaching churches in the unreached areas of the country. Find out more information on the events section of www.chbchurch.org

Non-perishable Food Drive

The month of April is CHBC’s month to donate non-perishable canned food items

to the Oklahoma Baptist Homes for Children. Please bring your items to the trunks

in the foyer and east/west hallway.









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Hispanic Ministry Pastor Isaias Vargas

Associate Pastor of Hispanic Ministries

El día del Señor

¿A qué se debe que la iglesia se reúne el domingo?

La expresión Día del Señor aparece en Apocalipsis 1.10-11 en cual dice así: “Yo estaba en el Espíritu en el día del Señor, y oí detrás de mí una gran voz como de trompeta, que decía: Yo soy el Alfa y la Omega, el primero y el último. Escribe en un libro lo que ves, y envíalo a las siete iglesias que están en Asia: a Éfeso, Esmirna, Pérgamo, Tiatira, Sardis, Filadelfia y Laodicea. Es de admirar que el termino “del Señor” se usa del mismo modo para referirse a la Cena “del Señor”. El primer día de la semana los cristianos primitivos celebraban la Cena del Señor. El relato mas antiguo que revela la experiencia de adoración en el primer día de la semana se encuentra el Hechos 20.7-12 en el cual dice así: “El primer día de la semana, reunidos los discípulos para partir el pan, Pablo les enseñaba, habiendo de salir al día siguiente; y alargó el discurso hasta la medianoche” (v.7). En el primer siglo la reunión de la iglesia en el día del Señor era muy importante por ser día de gozo y celebración porque su Señor había resucitado de los muertos, no quedó en la tumba sino que vive; eso era causa de mucho gozo y celebración y no un sustituto del Sabat o día de reposo. Los cristianos se reunían otros días de la semana para ayunar y orar pero lo consideraban inapropiado hacerlo en el día del Señor, pues, la reunión pronunciaba gozo y celebración y se regocijaban por su nueva vida que la resurrección había traído como resultado (diccionario bíblico Holman Pag.440-441)

Siendo esta la costumbre de los primeros cristianos de los siglos primeros después de Cristo, el emperador Constantino proclamó el domingo como día festivo en el imperio romano en el año 321 d.C. Cosa que también en términos eclesiásticos se promulgó en el concilio de Loadicea en el año 364 d.C. lo cual no excluye el sábado sino la celebración de la resurrección del Señor. El sábado sigue siendo el día dereposo.

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La inmensa mayoría de los cristianos apoyan la reunión en el domingo por las siguientes razones: 1. Porque el Señor Jesucristo resucitó “en el primer día de la semana” y apareció ese mismo día a sus discípulos por primera vez (Juan 20.1,19). 2. También su segunda aparición a sus discípulos fue “en el primer día de la semana” (Juan 20.26). 3. Pablo, apóstol, se reunió con los cristianos de Troas en el primer día de la semana (Hechos 20.7). 4. Pablo ordenó que “Cada primer día de la semana cada uno de vosotros ponga aparte algo, según haya prosperado…” (1 Cor.16.2). 5. El apóstol Juan tuvo la visión “en el primer día de la semana” (Ap.1.10) (Nuevo diccionario de la Biblia)

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Weakness and Strength

We respond amusingly when it comes to weakness. We try to keep hidden our fragileness and

failures. We want to present ourselves with a can-do attitude that exudes a sense of

independence and a confidence in our ability/talent to get the job done!

And yet, we cheer for the underdog, the weaker foe. And we

applaud them, many times at the moment of defeat, because of the

great courage they exhibited in standing strong in the midst of

great adversity. I’m thinking of Rudy, Hoosiers, and Facing the

Giants from the sports world or Amazing Grace, It’s a Wonderful

Life, and The Patriot as non-sport examples.

It is still true, God uses the foolish and weak to accomplish His purposes. In this way He

receives all the glory which is due Him.

And too, there is a maturity that comes to us as we face the challenges of life, when we admit

our frailties and succumb in complete dependence on the One “who has blessed us with every

spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ” (Ephesians 1:3).

G. K. Chesterton addressed this issue with his contemporaries in this way: “Many modern

Englishmen talk of themselves as the sturdy descendants of their sturdy Puritan fathers. As a

fact they would run away from a cow. If you asked one of their Puritan fathers, if you asked

Bunyan, for instance, whether he was sturdy he would have answered with tears that he was as

weak as water. And because of this he would have borne tortures.”

So when Paul says he is “well content with weaknesses” there is a recognition of God’s

goodness. What are some positive effects of difficulty and hardship? One, is the understanding

we are often forced to experience problems that are too great for us to handle alone. This drives

us to the Helper, “To You, O Lord, I lift up my soul. O my God, in You I trust” (Psalm 25:1-2b).

Two, it is also a rem inder of our w eakness w hich w orks to keep us hum ble. This

drives us to the Compassionate One, “Just as a father has compassion on his children, so the

Lord has compassion on those who fear Him. For He Himself knows our frame; He is mindful

that we are but dust” (Psalm 103:13-14).

A Note from Pastor Scott Associate Pastor of Worship and Older Adults

“But God has chosen the foolish things of the world to shame the wise, and God

has chosen the weak things of the world to shame the things which are strong.”

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Opportunities for Worship Ministry

♪ Worship Choir - Wednesdays at 7:30 p.m. - (Room 206)

♪ Student Worship Team - Sundays at 3:30 p.m. - (Solomon’s Porch)

♪ Orchestra - First Sundays of the month at 3:00 p.m. - (Worship Center)

♪ PoWeR for Kids - Sundays at 5:00 p.m.

Three, hardships are one m ethod the Lord uses to m ature our faith. This drives us to fear (revere; worship) the Lord, “In this you greatly rejoice, even though now for a little while, if necessary, you have been distressed by various trials, so that the proof of your faith, being more precious than gold which is perishable, even though tested by fire, may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ” (1 Peter 1:6-7). Four, it prepares us to be a comforter for others suffering hardship. This drives us to the Comforter (in our distress and thereafter), “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction so that we will be able to comfort those who are in any affliction with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God for just as the sufferings of Christ are ours in abundance, so also our comfort is abundant through Christ” (2 Corinthians 1:3-5).

Let us then find a godly joy as we own our frailty and weakness to become “a vessel for honor,

sanctified, useful to the Master, prepared for every good work” (2 Timothy 2:21)

“Therefore I am well content with weaknesses, with insults, with distresses, with persecutions, with difficulties, for Christ’s sake; for when I am weak, then I am strong.” 2 Corinthians 12:10

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CHBC Offering Records

For February, 2017

2017 Total Budget $ 904,671.00

Receipts $ 69,963.38 Expenses $ 66,556.48

YTD Receipts $ 146,535.47 YTD Expenses $ 133,784.23

New Member Spotlight CHBC Welcomes Nathan & Stephanie Winters

Nathan kind of grew up all around. His dad served 20 years in the U.S. Navy. They moved to Oklahoma in 1997. Nathan graduated from Norman High in 1999. After that he attended Mid America where he earned a Bachelor’s of Science in Specialized Ministries. Nathan enlisted in the U.S. Marine Corps in 2006. He was deployed in 2008 to Afghanistan. Nathan is currently employed with Moore Schools. He is currently attending Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth to receive his MDIV.

Stephanie grew up in Tecumseh. She lived in Washington state for about a year. Stephanie moved to Norman in 1997. She graduated from Norman High in 2000. Stephanie has been employed with Integris Health since 2004.

Nathan and Stephanie married in 2007. They have 2 children Landon 7 and Annalise 4.

We are glad you are here!

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Older Adult Ministry

Serve One Another

In the March edition of Branches we considered

how to stimulate one another to love and good

works. In this series we are seeing how the one

anothers of Scripture show our need for

relationships in the body that mutually grow us

more like Christ.

Galatians 5:13 states, “For you were called to

freedom, brethren; only do not turn your freedom

into an opportunity for the flesh, but through love

serve one another.”

Does this mean we are just to look for ways to

serve or can we actually grow in our service? The

church is gifted with apostles, prophets,

evangelists and pastor/teachers “for the equipping

of the saints for the work of service, to the

building up of the body of Christ” (Ephesians 4;12)

Ah, so there is some training necessary to be better


Paul clarified to the Galatians that serving was

done through love. In other words, we do not

place any conditions on our service. It will come

from a heart of humility that was modeled by our

Lord when He said, “For even the Son of Man did

not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His

life a ransom for many” (Mark 10:45).

The phrase “give His life” reminds us that there is

always some cost that must be considered, some

sacrifice that must be made...but it is worth it!

“Only fear the Lord and

serve Him in truth with

all your heart; for consider what great

things He has done for


1 Samuel 12:24

All Older Adults, including

associate members, teaching

in other departments or

participating in Median Adult

SS classes, are welcome to

all Older Adult events.

April Activities

Join us for our monthly

luncheon , a Celebration of

Hope,, Saturday, April 22nd

at 10:00 a.m. Featured will

be “Speechless” an OBHC

Girls Group and Special

Guest, Mary Beth Kissee.

Upcoming Activities

Our May Luncheon will be

Monday, May 22nd. Games

and fellowship begin at 10:00

a.m. and lunch will be served

at 11:30 a.m.

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Knights For Christ CHBC Men’s Ministry

search Youtube for “CHBC Mens Frat” or go to http://bit.ly/2bwlkL1

Men’s Fraternity

We’re using Wayne Grudem’s Systematic Theology book during this semester of Men’s


Choose one of our three classes:

Tuesdays at 6:00 a.m. in Room 206

Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m. in Room 310

Saturdays at 7:00 a.m. in Room 206

Upcoming Schedule: April 4, 2017 The Essential Nature of Man (Chapter 23)

April 11, 2017 The Doctrine of Sin (Chapter 24)

April 18, 2017 The Covenants Between God & Man (Chapter 25)

April 25, 2017 Break – No Meeting

May 2, 2017 The Person of Christ (Chapter 26)

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CHBC Women

Ladies Bible Study

This semester the Women’s Ministry will be studying “Precepts Galatians”. Class is held

Tuesdays at 9:30 a.m. in Room 206.

Homeschool Mom’s Bible Study Homeschool mom’s and their children meet every other Tuesday (began January 12) at 2:00

p.m. in Solomon’s Porch and the Activity Center for bible study and fellowship. For more

information contact Diana Tennison at 405-274-9101.

Quarterly Women’s Fellowship

Within F.R.I.E.N.D.S. would like to personally invite all ladies to the first Friday Night

Fellowship at Olga Cordera’s home on April 7th. Come and go between 6:00-10:00 p.m.

Bring your favorite game to play and snack to share. We hope you will bring a friend, meet

other ladies in our church family, encourage and be encouraged. You won’t want to miss this night!

Hispanic Women’s Monthly Bible Study & Fellowship

Each month the Spanish speaking women of CHBC gather for bible study and fellowship.

This month they will be meeting on Saturday, April 15 at 9:00 a.m. in the Activity Center.

MASHUPTM (CHBC Ladies Exercise Class)

Contact Sadie Heath at [email protected] if you are interested in joining the

MASHUP (CHBC Ladies Exercise Class) on Thursdays at 7:00 p.m. With different levels of intensity, it can be modified uniquely for you.

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Pizza & Kickball SNAC – Sunday, April 9

Stay after church on the evening of Sunday, April 9 for some pizza and kickball. Students and their families are invited to join us! So that we can order enough pizza, please register online at the church website and let us know how many from your family will be eating! Cost is $2 per person. Please register by Saturday, April 8.

Paintball – Saturday, April 29

The Student Ministry is playing paintball! Students and parents are invited to come with us to BattlePark Paintball in Guthrie, Oklahoma for a few hours of capture the flag, attack and defend, and other games.

Location: BattlePark Paintball in Guthrie, OK

Price: $25 per person (includes paintball gun, unlimited air, safety mask, ammo carrier, 300 paintballs)

Travel: W e ’ll depart from CHBC at 10:00 a.m. and return around 2:30 p.m.

Details: Make sure to w ear long pants and closed -toed athletic shoes. Please bring a small towel or rag to clean up. There is a snack at the park that will sell drinks and snacks if you’d like bring money to purchase. We’ll also bring a cooler full of bottled water and some snacks.

Registration deadline: Please register online and m ake paym ent to Pastor Aaron by Wednesday, April 19.

Waiver: Everyone w ho plays m ust fill out an electronic w aiver . You can find the link to that waiver on the church website.

Pastor Aaron Associate Pastor of Student and Family Ministries

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Extended Teaching Care (ETC)

April 2

Babies: Sherry Burt & Linda French

1 Year: Sarah Swain & __________

2 Year: Aaron & Melissa Scott

3 Year: Dustin & Jennifer Davidson

April 9

Babies: Bettie Novak & Patti Harris

1 Year: Marge Todd & Katie McElvany

2 Year: Ashly Meget & Caitlyn Crosby

3 Year: Kenny & Shelley Garner

April 16

Babies: Lori Kay Smith & Fran Eades

1 Year: Heather Thornton & Evelyn Shaffer

2 Year: Scott & Amy Mosher

3 Year: __________ & __________

Third - Sixth Grade Parents:

We will be attending Crosstimbers Camp again this summer. Camp week is Monday, June 26th- Thursday, June 29th. Camp is for any child that has

completed 3rd – 6th Grade. If your child is interested in going, please let me know ASAP. (Space is limited.)

The cost is $110.00. This cost includes a t-shirt & a $10 concession card. (To reserve a spot a $50 deposit is due now.)

Registration forms are available on the desk in the Children’s Area.

If you have any questions about camp, contact me at [email protected].

Looking forward to a great camp! If you want to read about the camp, go to


Extended Teaching Care (ETC)

April 23

Babies: Carrie Campbell & Courtney


1 Year: Tabitha Moon & __________

2 Year: Paul & April Bean

3 Year: Andrew & Nikita Lambert

April 30

Babies: Linda Henson & Fran Mathews

1 Year: Jerry & Amy Cusack

2 Year: __________ & __________

3 Year: Susan DeMoss & Amy French

If you are unable to serve in ETC on your Sunday,

please switch with someone else on the list. Then

notify Amy Cusack at [email protected].

Parent’ s Place:

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Update from Mrs. Cheryl

Family Dedication is scheduled on Sunday, April 30th in the morning worship service. What is Family Dedication at CHBC? It is a time for active church members with new babies to make a commitment before the church to raise their child to know, love and serve God. The church commits to pray for them in this awesome responsibility and to partner with their family in this journey. If you are interested in finding out more about participating in Family Dedication, the first step is attending the Family Dedication Luncheon on Sunday, April 9th after the morning service. Contact Cheryl Ross @[email protected] for more information. Register @ chbchurch.org.

Free Easter Devotional for families from Lifeway: www.lifeway.com/kidsministry/2017/03/22/free-easter-devotional-guide/#.WNL39TRoKq0.facebook

April 5th: Spot your Leader Night - You get to spot your Leader for every verse you complete! The leader with the most dots wins a prize!

April 12th: Regular Club Night

April 19th: Leader Appreciation - We have built a great year at AWANA “LEGO” and SHOW your AWANA leader how they helped you GROW this year!

April 26th: Regular Club Night - We will be practicing for Awards Night.

Children’s day Out Experience God's love through loving relationships and happy times at preschool in a Christian environment. For ages 18 mo. to 5 years, Tuesdays from 9:15 a.m.- 2:15 p.m. and following the Moore School Calendar. Contact Amy Cusack at [email protected] for more information or to enroll you child. Now enrolling for Fall 2017.

6:00 p.m.—T&T Girls Game Time

6:30 p.m.—T&T Boys Games Time

7:00 p.m.—Sparks Game Time

VBS Training Rally Monday, April 25th

6:30 - 8:00 p.m. CHBC Room 308

Join us as we learn ways to help children discover that the God of the universe

who created all things wants a personal relationship with them!

For all VBS volunteers! Vacation Bible School is

June 12-16 from 9 a.m. - noon daily.

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Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

30 3:30p Student Worship Team

5:00p Equip Classes

1 7:00a Men’s Fraternity

2:00p Johnson/Ross

Wedding Shower


3:00p Orchestra Rehearsal

Long Range Planning

Committee Meeting

3:30p Student Worship Team

5:00p Equip Classes


2:00p SMFAA


6:00a Men’s Fraternity

9:15a Children’s Day Out

9:30a Ladies Bible Study

2:00p SMFAA

6:30p Language Learners

5 2:00p SMFAA

6:30p Worship Ministry


Men’s Fraternity

7:30p Hispanic Ministry

Worship Practice

6 2:00p SMFAA

Homeschool Mom’s

Bible Study

6:30p Hispanic Men’s

Discipleship Class


Ladies Exercise Class

8:30p CHBC Men’s BB

7 6:00p Women’s



8 7:00a Men’s Fraternity

9 - Committees 10:15a Church wide Service

11:45a Family Dedication


3:00p Building & Grounds

Tech Team

3:30p Student Worship Team

4:00p Missions Team

Personnel Committee


5:00p Equip Classes

6:00p Student SNAC

10 2:00p SMFAA


6:00a Men’s Fraternity

9:15a Children’s Day Out

9:30a Ladies Bible Study

2:00p SMFAA

6:30p Language Learners


2:00p SMFAA

6:30p Worship Ministry


Men’s Fraternity

7:30p Hispanic Ministry

Worship Practice


7:00a - Maundy

Thursday at Emmaus

2:00p SMFAA

6:30p Hispanic Men’s

Discipleship Class


Ladies Exercise Class

8:30p CHBC Men’s BB

14 6:30p Good

Friday Service

Church Offices


15 7:00a Men’s Fraternity

9:00a Hispanic Women’s

Bible Study and


16 - Happy Easter 11:30a Hispanic Celebration

of Resurrection Luncheon

No Evening Activities

17 2:00p SMFAA


6:00a Men’s Fraternity

9:15a Children’s Day Out

9:30a Ladies Bible Study

2:00p SMFAA

6:30p Language Learners

19 2:00p SMFAA

6:30p Worship Ministry


Men’s Fraternity

7:30p Hispanic Ministry

Worship Practice


2:00p SMFAA

Homeschool Mom’s

Bible Study

6:30p Hispanic Men’s

Discipleship Class


Ladies Exercise Class

8:30p CHBC Men’s BB


22 7:00a Men’s Fraternity

10:00a Older Adult



3:30p Student Worship Team

4:00p Sunday School Leader


5:00p Equip Classes

6:00p Member’s Meeting

24 2:00p SMFAA

6:30p VBS


25 9:15a Children’s Day Out

9:30a Ladies Bible Study

2:00p SMFAA

6:30p Language Learners

26 2:00p SMFAA

6:30p Worship Ministry


7:30p Hispanic Ministry

Worship Practice

27 2:00p SMFAA

6:30p Hispanic Men’s

Discipleship Class


Ladies Exercise Class

8:30p CHBC Men’s BB

28 29 10:00a Student Paintball

April 2017

Regular Sunday Schedule: Wednesday Schedule:

Sunday School: 9:00 a.m. AWANA: 6:00 p.m.

Sunday Morning Worship: 10:15 a.m. Student Bible Study: 6:00 p.m.

CHBC Equip Classes: 5:00 p.m. Midweek Worship: 6:00 p.m.

Worship Choir: 7:30 p.m.

304 SW 134th Street

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73170

405-799-9799 www.chbchurch.org Twitter: @chbchurch_okc

BGCO Women’s

Retreat “Resolved”