THURSDAY, JUNE 5 SATURDAY, JUNE 7 FRIDAY, JUNE 6 SUNDAY, JUNE 8 Mostly Sunny High 72° Low 49° Sunny High 79° Low 57° Scattered T-storms High 79° Low 58° Mostly Cloudy High 73° Low 55° Partly Cloudy High 64° Low 48° Mostly Sunny High 77° Low 55° Partly Cloudy High 74° Low 54° www.buffalorocket.com COMMUNITY NEWS Distributing to North Buffalo, West Side and Riverside • Established in 1969 Buffalo Rocket Vol. XLV ISSUE No. 23 Thursday, June 5, 2014 Publishers of North Buffalo Rocket, West Side Times & Riverside Times MONDAY, JUNE 9 TUESDAY, JUNE 10 WEDNESDAY, JUNE 11 Mary Beth Lacki of Rich Products (3584) and Jeff Kraft of race beneficiary YMCA of Buffalo Niagara (4346) race to the finish in last year’s Challenge. Continued on page 4 34th Annual Corporate Challenge On Tuesday, June 24th, the Elmwood Village As- sociation will kick off the 17th Annual Pic- nic in the Parkway Summer Concert Series. The series will continue in Bidwell Parkway every Tuesday evening through August 12th. The Elmwood Village Picnic in the Parkway Summer Concert Series showcases talented musicians from the Buffalo area in a fam- ily-friendly environment. All shows are free to the public and run from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm. The 2014 Concert Se- ries lineup is as fol- lows: June 24th - Black Rock Zydeco; July 1st - Aqueous; July 8th - McCar- thyizm; July 15th - Hayden Fogle and the Ambassadors/The Fresh- water Four; July 22nd - The Informers; July 29th - Neville Francis and The Riddim Posse; August 5th - Sol y Sombra; August 12th - John and Mary & the Valkyries. Frank Lloyd Wright’s Martin House and the Parkside Community As- sociation bring you the Parkside Walking Tour on Saturday, June 14th. The two- hour guid- ed walk- ing tour begins at 10:00 am, rain or shine. The walk is easy and lei- surely paced. Highlighted by Frank Lloyd Wright’s Darwin Martin House, the Pierce Arrow show- room, and Tiffany win- dows of the Church of the Good Shepherd, Parkside is world- renowned for its pic- turesque, century- old homes. The tour be- gins out- side the Church of the Good Shep- herd, 96 Jewett Parkway in Buffalo. For more infor- mation, contact the PCA at 716-838-1240. The City of Buffalo will sponsor a Household Hazardous Waste Day on Saturday, June 28th, 2014 from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm at Honeywell Specialty Materials, located at 20 Peabody Street (off Elk Street near Smith Street exit off I-190). During this event, the Department of Public Works will collect house- hold items which are no longer in use and should not be thrown away with regular garbage or in curbside recycling carts. Items accepted include pesticides, fertilizers, pool Summer Concert Series Begins Household Hazardous Waste Day and household chemicals/ cleaners, oil-based paints, spray cans, paint thinner, stripper and solvents, bat- teries, oil, gasoline, kero- sene and antifreeze, tires, electronic waste and fluo- rescent light bulbs. All items will be dis- posed or recycled in a re- sponsible, environmental- ly safe manner. For more information, please call 311 or 851-4890. Parkside Walking Tour HNBBA Monthly Meeting The Hertel North Buf- falo Business Association will hold their monthly meeting in their office, lo- cated at 1510 Hertel Av- enue, on Tuesday, June 10th, 2014. The meeting begins promptly at 6:00 p.m. All are invited and welcome to attend. The National Academy Foundation has been named as the beneficiary for the 34th running of the J.P. Morgan Corporate Challenge® in Buffalo. The Corporate Chal- lenge, an annual celebra- tion of workplace fitness, camaraderie and team- work, will be held in Dela- ware Park on Thursday, June 19th, with a 6:45 pm race start. A record crowd of nearly 13,000 runners from more than 400 com- panies is expected to par- ticipate, and their efforts will help support initia- tives that will benefit hun- dreds of high school stu- dents throughout Western New York. A stroll through Parkside is both educational and entertaining.

Buffalo Rocketbuffalorocket.com/files/2012/05/Issue_23_Final_72.pdfagree to employ their own vehicles to transport those suddenly in need. Rocket Man III has inherited two generations

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Page 1: Buffalo Rocketbuffalorocket.com/files/2012/05/Issue_23_Final_72.pdfagree to employ their own vehicles to transport those suddenly in need. Rocket Man III has inherited two generations

Thursday, june 5 saTurday, june 7Friday, june 6 sunday, june 8

Mostly SunnyHigh 72° Low 49°

SunnyHigh 79° Low 57°

Scattered T-stormsHigh 79° Low 58°

Mostly CloudyHigh 73° Low 55°

Partly CloudyHigh 64° Low 48°

Mostly SunnyHigh 77° Low 55°

Partly CloudyHigh 74° Low 54°

www.buffalorocket.comCOMMUNITY NEWS

Distributing to North Buffalo, West Side and Riverside • Established in 1969

Buffalo Rocket Vol. XLV ISSUE No. 23 • Thursday, June 5, 2014Publishers of North Buffalo Rocket, West Side Times & Riverside Times

MOnday, june 9 Tuesday, june 10 wednesday, june 11

Mary Beth Lacki of Rich Products (3584) and Jeff Kraft of race beneficiary YMCA of Buffalo Niagara (4346) race to the finish in last year’s Challenge.

Continued on page 4

34th Annual Corporate Challenge OnTuesday,June24th,

the Elmwood Village As-sociation will kick off the17th Annual Pic-nicintheParkwaySummer ConcertSeries.Theserieswill continue inBidwell Parkwayevery Tuesday eveningthroughAugust12th.TheElmwood Village Picnicin the Parkway SummerConcert Series showcasestalented musicians fromtheBuffaloareainafam-ily-friendlyenvironment. Allshowsarefreetothe

public and run from 7:00pmto9:00pm. The 2014 Concert Se-

rieslineupisasfol-lows: June 24th -BlackRockZydeco;July1st-Aqueous;July 8th - McCar-thyizm; July 15th

- Hayden Fogle and theAmbassadors/The Fresh-water Four; July 22nd -The Informers; July 29th-NevilleFrancisandTheRiddimPosse;August5th- Sol y Sombra; August12th -JohnandMary&theValkyries.

Frank Lloyd Wright’sMartin House and theParkside Community As-sociation bring you theParksideWa l k i n gTour onSaturday,June14th.The two-hourguid-ed walk-ing tourbegins at10:00am,rainorshine. Thewalkiseasyandlei-surelypaced.Highlightedby Frank Lloyd Wright’sDarwin Martin House,

the Pierce Arrow show-room, and Tiffany win-dowsoftheChurchoftheGood Shepherd, Parkside

is world-renownedfor its pic-turesque,c e n t u r y -oldhomes. T h etour be-gins out-side the

ChurchoftheGoodShep-herd, 96 Jewett ParkwayinBuffalo.Formoreinfor-mation, contact the PCAat716-838-1240. The City of Buffalo

will sponsor a HouseholdHazardous Waste Day onSaturday,June28th,2014from 9:00 am to 2:00 pmat Honeywell SpecialtyMaterials, located at 20Peabody Street (off ElkStreet near Smith StreetexitoffI-190). During this event, theDepartment of PublicWorks will collect house-hold items which are no

longer in use and shouldnot be thrown away withregular garbage or incurbside recycling carts.Items accepted includepesticides,fertilizers,pool

Summer Concert Series Begins

Household Hazardous Waste Day and household chemicals/cleaners,oil-basedpaints,spraycans,paintthinner,stripperandsolvents,bat-teries, oil, gasoline, kero-seneandantifreeze,tires,electronicwasteandfluo-rescentlightbulbs. All items will be dis-posedor recycled ina re-sponsible, environmental-ly safe manner. For moreinformation,pleasecall311or851-4890.

Parkside Walking Tour

HNBBA Monthly Meeting TheHertelNorthBuf-faloBusinessAssociationwill hold their monthlymeetingintheiroffice,lo-catedat1510HertelAv-

enue, on Tuesday, June10th, 2014. The meetingbegins promptly at 6:00p.m.Allareinvitedandwelcometoattend.

The National AcademyFoundation has beennamed as the beneficiaryfor the 34th running oftheJ.P.MorganCorporateChallenge®inBuffalo. The Corporate Chal-lenge, an annual celebra-

tion of workplace fitness,camaraderie and team-work,willbeheldinDela-ware Park on Thursday,June19th,witha6:45pmracestart.Arecordcrowdof nearly 13,000 runnersfrommore than400com-

panies isexpectedtopar-ticipate, and their effortswill help support initia-tivesthatwillbenefithun-dreds of high school stu-dentsthroughoutWesternNewYork.

A stroll through Parkside is both educational and entertaining.

Page 2: Buffalo Rocketbuffalorocket.com/files/2012/05/Issue_23_Final_72.pdfagree to employ their own vehicles to transport those suddenly in need. Rocket Man III has inherited two generations

Week of THURSDAY, jUne 5, 2014BUffALo RoCkeT ISSUe 23PAGe 2

The Adventures of...

Rocket Manby Doug Smith

rocket coMMUNIcAtIoNS 1249 Hertel Avenue • Buffalo, NY 14216 • (716) 873-2594

David Gallagher .................. Publisher Dennis Gallagher ...... Managing editor Joe Bortz. ...........................columnist Barbara Gilboy .........Advertising SalesDeanna clohessy .......... Graphic Artist

John Duke..........................columnist Doug Smith ........................columnist renee klineline ..........office Assistant robert Wright .....Web Press operation Daryl Gallagher ....Production Director

© 2014 rocket communications, Inc. • Buffalo, New York PrINteD BY: GALLAGHer PrINtING, INc.

1249 HerteL AVeNUe • BUFFALo, NeW York 14216 (716) 873-2594 email: [email protected]

If your name is found in the BUFFALO ROCKET to win a FREE PIZZA, take proof of identification to BOB & JOHN'S LA HACIENDA at 1545 Hertel Avenue to pick up your FREE PIZZA (Takeout only, must be redeemed within one week). If your name is listed for NORTH PARK THEATRE PASSES bring proof of identification to the BUFFALO ROCKET OFFICE AT 1249 Hertel Avenue to pick up your 2 FREE PASSES.


Visit Us Online

Need a Lyft? Like grandfather, likegrandson. Rocket Man’sPittsburgh namesake is introuble foraugmentinghisearnings by chauffeuringstrangersthroughanoutfitcalled Uber. Around hereit’s known as Lyft, pink-mustachedprivate cars forquickhire. Since it involves apps,tweetsandPayPal, it’soutof Rocket Man’s orbit, buthe does know that folksagree to employ their ownvehicles to transport thosesuddenly in need. RocketMan III has inherited twogenerations of passion forgettingaround.LongbeforeUberandLyft,hewashus-tlinganetworkoffriendstoairportsandsuchforarea-sonablereturn. LastmonthRMIIIgotalittle surprise in the mail,a “citation” forprovidingapublic convenience with-out certification. The Key-stone Gestapo conducted a“sting,” hiring undercoveroperatives to take ridesand then singling out theundocumented providers.

Rocket Man sympathizeswith cabbies who undergorigorousscrutiny,butstillitmadehimwonderwhetherhehimselfmightbenext. He’s addicted to hitch-hikers,especially if they’renot hitching. For example,one blustery DecemberSunday about three yearsago he beheld a womanshivering in the Plexiglaslean-toatHertel andMili-tary,waitingforabusthatmight not arrive ‘til thenexteclipse.Heleanedoutthe window and shouted,“Likearide?” “Youwon’thurtme,willyou?” asked the woman,rosy, jolly and frost-bitten,Mrs.Clausinababushka. “Hey,”saidRocketMan,“you’reyoungerthanIam,biggerthanIam,andstron-ger. The question is, areYOUgoingtohurtME?” Shegotin.Itwouldhavetakenanhourandanothertransfer to reach her des-tination. There, she hesi-tated,contemplatingabun-dle-up hug, then chastelybounded from the car and

upporchsteps, crying “So-phie,Sophie,I’mhere…” One zero-degree nighton the parkway from thebus stop on Grand Is-landhecameupbehindagentleman trudging alongthe shoulder carrying abriefcase. “Likearide?”heasked. The reluctant pe-destrian was startled, asthe two didn’t look at allalike. Turned out the pas-senger worked in criminaljustice. His car was in theshop.RocketManlearnedalotbeforesayingfarewellathisdoor,atleasttwomilesdowntheroad.Brrrr. That night’s TV newsreported that two otherpeopleofdifferentpigmen-tationsgotintoadisputeinasuburbanparkinglotandonenowlaydead. Then there was thewomanwithallthegrocer-ies who left her cell phonebehind, the social workerwhosenieceplayedbasket-balland,wayback,ayoungPennsylvanianarrestedforcartheftthreedaysafteraveryyoungRocketManhadgivenhima10-mileride. Any lawman will saythatRocketMan’spenchantfor picking up pedestriansis,atbest,unwise.Nowthestatehastoldhisgrandsonthatit’salsoillegal.Butwewouldn’tdoitover.Fire back to Rocket Man via [email protected]


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with a DISPLAY AD in the ROCKET

Call Barbara Gilboy at 873-2594email [email protected]

Pick uP a coPy of the Buffalo Rocketat the following locations or online at www.buffalorocket.com

North Buffalo

Affinity Salon .............. 3060 Delaware AvenueBella Mia Chocolate Shop....1096 Hertel AvenueBob & John’s Pizzeria.......1545 Hertel AvenueCafe Allegro ......................1374 Hertel AvenueCaramici's..........................1501 Hertel AvenueCaruso's Food....................1212 Hertel AvenueCentury 21.........................1705 Hertel AvenueCorner Store................ 2815 Delaware Avenue Daddio Pizzeria. ...............1247 Hertel AvenueDash’s Supermarket..........1770 Hertel AvenueDelaware YMCA .......... 2564 Delaware AvenueEuropean ContinentalHair Design.................. 1129 Kenmore AvenueFirst Niagara Bank ...... 2141 Elmwood Avenue First Niagara Bank ...........1726 Hertel Avenue Fitness 360° ................ 2625 Delaware AvenueFrank's Sunny Italy ..... 2491 Delaware AvenueGallagher Printing............1249 Hertel AvenueGinnane Funeral Home .......................... 3215 Delaware AvenueGloria J. Parks Community Ctr ...................... 3242 Main StreetHertel News & Tobacco Shop.....................1416 Hertel AvenueHertel Park Senior Apartments .......................1631 Hertel AvenueHertel Parker Liquors .......1859 Hertel AvenueImagine Salon ..................1527 Hertel AvenueJohnny’s Meats .................1191 Hertel AvenueKenmore Bowling ........ 1691 Kenmore AvenueKey Bank......................Delaware/Hertel PlazaKnights of Columbus .... 1530 Kenmore AvenueKorona Jewelers................1588 Hertel AvenueLake Effect Diner................... 3165 Main StreetLonestar Fajita Grill..........1857 Hertel Avenue

Marco's Deli ......................1744 Hertel AvenueMustachio's Pizza ......... 2701 Elmwood AvenueNorth Buffalo Community Center ...............203 Sanders RoadNorth Buffalo Dental ........1600 Hertel AvenueNorth Park Library..............975 Hertel AvenuePainted Lady Consignment ............... 3147 Delaware AvenueParker Pharmacy ..............1388 Hertel AvenueParkside Community Center ................................... 2318 Main StreetPlaka Restaurant ........ 2904 Delaware AvenueRealty USA .......................2427 Sheridan DriveSandy's Sewing .................1440 Hertel AvenueScissors..............................1497 Hertel AvenueShadow Lounge ................1504 Hertel AvenueTC Jr’s ......................... 2941 Delaware AvenueTerries Workout Center .....1473 Hertel AvenueThe Palms ................... 3054 Delaware AvenueTheater Apts................. 1065 Kenmore AvenueVanity Salon......................1413 Hertel AvenueWesselman's Inc ............. 564 Colvin BoulevardWestern New York Dental Group ...................1354 Amherst StreetWellington Pub .................1541 Hertel Avenue

West side

Baptist Manor ................. 276 Linwood AvenueBetween Yesterday & Tomorrow..............................88 Grant StreetBuffalo State College ... 1300 Elmwood AvenueDibble Hardware ................262 W Ferry StreetBuffalo Public Library .......... Niagara at PorterCWJ Lock & Key............................183 Forest AveConcerned Ecumenical Ministry...........................286 Lafayette Avenue

Casa di Pizza.................. 477 Elmwood AvenueCorner Store..............................Forest & GrantDelaware Apartments....1217 Delaware AvenueElmwood Square Apartments .................... 505 Elmwood AvenueFerry Street Laundry...... 277 West Ferry StreetFrontier Liquor &Beverage Center .....................121 Grant StreetFirst Niagara Bank ..........Elmwood at W. UticaM&T Bank..............................130 Grant StreetPaiden International................81 Grant StreetSantasiero's...................... 1329 Niagara StreetTimon Towers.............. 1015 Delaware AvenueTrinity Tower Apartments ....................... 33 Linwood AvenueWest Market ........................ 1032 West AvenueWest Side Community Center ...................................Vermont at FargoYWCA ............................................Grant Street


AmVets ....................................25 Review PlaceBlack Rock Beverage...........538 Hertel AvenueBoys & Girls Club .............54 Riverdale AvenueD District Police Station ......669 Hertel AvenueGambino's Liquor ..............340 Amherst StreetFirst Niagara......................201 Amherst StreetM&T Bank.....................788 Tonawanda StreetNickel City Bottle Return .. 2209 Niagara StreetNorthwest Buffalo Community Ctr155 Lawn AvenueRiverside Cafe ......................Tonawanda StreetRiverside Marketplace...740 Tonawanda StreetRoland Cannizzaro Insurance Agency...................432 Amherst StreetWest Hertel Liquor ..............699 Hertel Avenue

Page 3: Buffalo Rocketbuffalorocket.com/files/2012/05/Issue_23_Final_72.pdfagree to employ their own vehicles to transport those suddenly in need. Rocket Man III has inherited two generations

PAGe 3Week of THURSDAY, jUne 5, 2014 BUffALo RoCkeT ISSUe 23

buffalo TRIVIa by Joe Bortz

Last week‘s answers: 1. Happy - Mary; 2. Gambles a lot - Betty; 3. To the world - Joy; 4. What a sniper is - Amy; 5. Attorney specialty - Sue; 6. Com; Dot; 7. Last breath - Di; 8. Lawn care - Mo; 9. Letter four - Dee; 10. Part of the anatomy - Fanny; 11. Fluorescent - Glo; 12. Go along with - Flo; 13. Second letter - Bee; 14. Sunrise - Dawn; 15. Noticeable blemish - Mar; 16. To rest standing - Eileen; 17. Small - Minni; 18. Hello - Dolly; 19. Beach - Sandy; 20. Kind of wire - Barb.



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Solution on page 6

Solution on Page 6

A community forum,“A Conversation on theFuture of Gates Circle”,will be held on Monday,June9thfrom6-8pmin-side the Burchfield Pen-ney Art Center, 1300Elmwood Avenue on theBuffalo State Collegecampus.Theeventisopentothepublic. Attendeesattheforumwill hear from the devel-opment team and have achance to view and com-mentontheproposedsiteplan and project render-ings. The program willbe led by representativesfrom TM Montante De-velopmentandbyRobertShibley and BradshawHoveyoftheUBRegional

Institute, which was re-cently hired byTMMon-tante Development toassist in shaping the de-velopment vision and inengaging the communityin important discussionsregardingtheproject. TMMontanteDevelop-mentwasselectedas thedesignated developer forthe 10-acre site late lastyear.Initialplanscallfora $63 million mixed-usedevelopment, includinga $28 million campus forCanterbury Woods, theregion’s premier retire-ment living community,and a series of mixed-use facilities, includingmarket-rate and for-saleresidential options, retail

and a community healthand wellness center. Theprojectwillalsofeatureanumberofgreenandsus-tainabledesignelements,includingameaningfulso-larcomponentasasourceof alternative energy, aswell as significant greenspace.Thecompanyplanstostartconstructionnextyear. As part of the proj-ect,TMMontantewillbeopening a constructionoffice near Gates Circleinthecomingweeks,andwill eventually move thecompany’s headquarterstotheGatesCirclesite. For more informationcall716-876-8899orvisitwww.tmmontante.com.

Gates Circle Project Planned

The eight area YMCABuffaloNiagaralocationswill be collect-ingoldwornandtattered flagsreadyforretire-ment June 8th– 13th, 2014.Flags will betaken to ForestLawnCemeteryon Saturday,June 14th forproper retire-ment.Flagscanbe donated atanyYMCABuf-faloNiagarabranch:• Delaware (open 6:00am-9:30pm)–2564Dela-wareAve.,NorthBuffalo• William-Emslie (open7:00am–9:00pm)–585WilliamStreet,Buffalo

• Ken-Ton (open 6:00 am–9:30pm)–535Belmont

Ave,Kenmore• Lancaster (open 8:00am-5:00pm)–31CentralAve.,Lancaster•NiagaraFalls(open5:00am–10:00pm)–1317Por-tageRd.,NiagaraFalls

• Independent HealthFamily Branch YMCA

(open 5:30 am-10:30pm) – 150 Tech Dr.,Amherst• Southtowns (open5:30 am – 10:30 pm)– 1620 SouthwesternBlvd.,WestSeneca• YMCA AssociationOffices(open8:30am-5:00pm)–301CayugaRd.,Cheektowaga. For more informa-tion please call 716-565-6000orvisitwww.ymcabn.org.

Proper Flag Retirement

STAND OUTwith an ad in The Rocket!

Display ads start at just $10 per week

Contact Barbara Gilboy [email protected]

Page 4: Buffalo Rocketbuffalorocket.com/files/2012/05/Issue_23_Final_72.pdfagree to employ their own vehicles to transport those suddenly in need. Rocket Man III has inherited two generations

PAGe 4Week of THURSDAY, jUne 5, 2014 BUffALo RoCkeT ISSUe 23 Week of THURSDAY, jUne 5, 2014PAGe 4

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THIS WEEK‘S WINNERS: Robert McIntosh of W. Hazeltine, Kenmore

Arnie Johnson of Colvin Ave, BuffaloLaura Rodriguez of Prospect Ave, Buffalo

To win passes to a Buffalo Bisons Baseball game, mail your name, address, and phone number to:

The Buffalo Rocket1249 Hertel AveBuffalo, NY 14216

Then check The Rocket each week to see if you’re a winner!

Be a guest of the Buffalo Rocket to a PLAY BALL!

Buffalo Bisons Baseball Game

The American Red Cross encourages alleligible donors to choosetheirdaytohelpsavelivesby giving blood in honorof World Blood DonorDay. Every year on June14th, countries aroundtheworldcelebrateWorldBloodDonorDay.Theoc-casion raises awarenessoftheneedforsafebloodand blood products, andthanks voluntary blooddonors for their lifesav-inggiftsofblood.Tolearnmore and make an ap-pointmenttodonateblood,visit redcrossblood.org orcall1-800-REDCROSS. The Seneca-Babcock Community AssociationwillbeholdingtheirAnnualChineseAuctionandChick-en Dinner on Sunday, June8th.Themebaskets,giftcer-tificates,sportsmemorabilia,

ADOPT A PETThis week’s featured friend:



TheNationalAcademyFoundation (NAF) hassupportedthecollegeandcareersuccessofstudentsin Western New Yorksince1986.Today,12NAFacademiesserve900highschoolstudentsingrades9 through 12. One hun-dred percent of NAF se-niorsintheregiongradu-ated and 100 studentscompleted internships in

ChallengeFrom page 1

2013. The students andacademies are currentlysupported by over 350business and communityvolunteers who serve onlocal academy AdvisoryBoards. Charitablegivingisanimportant component oftheJ.P.MorganCorporateChallenge® Series, withJ.P.Morganmakinglocal-ly-designated donations

at each event. Approxi-mately$2Mtotalhasbeendonated to not-for-profitorganizations in Corpo-rate Challenge marketsoverthepastthreeSeriesyears. Registrationisnowopenfor the June 19th Corpo-rateChallenge inBuffalo.Support is available [email protected](716)541-1790.


arts&crafts,andmuchmorewillbeoffered. Doorsforviewingwillopenat2:00pmwiththedrawingsbeginning promptly at 4:30pm. You do not need to bepresenttowin.Remembertobring your appetite as well;your $9.00 ticket includesadmission and a deliciousBBQ’dChickenDinner fromBW’s Smokin’ Barrels Bar-becue. The Seneca-BabcockCommunityAssociationislo-catedat1168SenecaStreet,Buffalo,NY14210.Call716-822-5094 for more informa-tion. Buffalo Living TourCondos,Lofts,&Suites,willfeature luxury living spacesnot usually open for publicviewing. It is free and willrunfrom11:00am-7:00pmon Saturday, June 21st. In-cludedinthetourwillbeCa-nalside-CourtyardbyMarri-

ott&MixedUseat201WestHuron Street; The PlaningMillat141ElmStreet;TheFairmont Creamery at 199ScottStreet; HiltonGardenInn&MixedUseat10Lafay-etteSquare;andTheGray-stoneat24JohnsonPark. Tourparticipantswillself-guidetheirroutewithafreemap that will be availablestartingJune10th.Formoredetails go towww.buffaloliv-ingtour.net. Jewelry lovers and de-signers, beaders, gemolo-gists,andfossilandmineralafficianadoswilldiscoverone-of-a-kind finds at the Gem-Street USA Show & Sale,comingtoBuffaloattheFair-grounds at Hamburg June13th-15th.Localandnation-al artists and collectors willfeaturecustom-madejewelry,distinctive beads, and rarefossils. Mt. St. Joseph Academy Class of 1964 is planningtheir50threunion,tobeheldSaturday, September 13th,2014. Formoreinformationcall Lois at 716-834-6081 orMaryAliceat716-807-1131.

Wedding InvitationsGallagher Printing • www.gallagherprinting.com BR

15% OFF(with this ad)9195 Main St., Clarence, 716-632-08081249 Hertel Ave., Buffalo, 716-873-2594

Page 5: Buffalo Rocketbuffalorocket.com/files/2012/05/Issue_23_Final_72.pdfagree to employ their own vehicles to transport those suddenly in need. Rocket Man III has inherited two generations

Week of THURSDAY, jUne 5, 2014BUffALo RoCkeT ISSUe 23PAGe 5 PAGe 5Week of THURSDAY, jUne 5, 2014


Buffalo, NY 14216

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West SideMay 26, 2014Potomac Ave. – Complain-ant reports that he left hiscamera equipment on hisfront porch while inside thehouse, when he returned itwas missing. Contents inthe camera bag included acamera, flash, lenses, total$1,500. Complainant sawsuspect with bag and beganto chase. Suspect droppedthebagandwhenconfrontedby the complainant, startedtopushhim.May 26, 2014Oxford Ave. – Complainantreports that a known maledidcometoherplaceofresi-dence and tried to force hiswayin.Whenhewasrefusedentry, he began to kick thecomplainant’svehicledamag-ingallfourdoorsandbreak-ingthetwotaillights. May 27, 2014Parkdale Ave – Complain-ant reports that unknownperson(s)didkickinthefrontdoor of a vacant house andrummaged through it. Alsobrokenwasonewindow. Riverside May 26, 2014Tonawanda St. – Complain-antstatesthatwhilehewassittingonabenchhewasap-proached by two unknownblack males who started toassaulthim.Takenfromthecomplainant,withouthisper-mission, was his wallet con-taining$8 in cashandvari-ouspersonalpapers. May 28, 2014NiagaraSt.–Complainantre-portsthatunknownperson(s)didgainentrytoresidencebybreakingthefrontdoordown.Taken, without permissionfromtheresidence,wasalap-topcomputerandcamera.

The BlotterFelonies

From “D” District



May 28, 2014GrantSt.–Officersinitialeda routine traffic stop afterthe defendant went througha red light. Defendant wasfound to be in possession of25bagsofheroinand1bagofmarijuana. North Buffalo May 26, 2014Bedford Ave. – Complain-ant reports that unknownperson(s) gained entry intohisvehiclebybreakingdriv-er’ssidedoor.Taken,withoutpermission from thevehicle,complainant’s wallet, whichcontained Texas identifica-tion, $300 cash and variousbankcards. May 27, 2014ParksideAve.–Complainantreports for her juvenile sonthat while he was walkingdown the hallway at school,he was jumped by 3 knownstudents. The victim wastreated and has a brokenarm,whichmayrequiresur-gery.There isavideoof theincident. This bullying hasbeenongoing.

Page 6: Buffalo Rocketbuffalorocket.com/files/2012/05/Issue_23_Final_72.pdfagree to employ their own vehicles to transport those suddenly in need. Rocket Man III has inherited two generations

PAGe �Week of THURSDAY, jUne 5, 2014 BUffALo RoCkeT ISSUe 23 Week of THURSDAY, jUne 5, 2014PAGe �


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REPORT: Finding Secret Fishing Spots47 tips, tactics and tools you can use to find your ownsecret spot and catch more fish.

REPORT: How Anglers Stalk and Catch Record FishThe average big fish has evaded capture for over 10 years.Find out which instincts set them apart from smaller fish.Stalking and catching a trophy requires knowledge of theirunique habits and those special times when their guard isdown. Armed with the information in this new and exclusive24-page report--you could be in for the fight of your life.



“I have one of the original Higbee’s StreamMap of Pennsylvania on my wall behind mydesk. It’s the best thing available as far asstreams are concerned. I use it all the timefor reference. I don’t know of anything moreextensive and it is the most accurate map outthere as far as streams are concerned.”—Dave Wolf, PA Fish and Boat Commission

RAVE REVIEWS“It is in showing where to findout-of-the-way trout streamsthat makes the map such atreasure to the fisherman.”—Joe Gordon, TRIBUNE-DEMOCRAT,Johnstown, PA

The STREAM & LAKE MAP OFNEW YORK resembles anothermap—known to Pennsylvaniaanglers as the “Lost Stream Map.”

The “Stream Map of Pennsylvania”was completed in 1965 after a thir-ty-year effort by Howard Higbee, a former Penn State Professor.

Professor Higbee succeeded increating a map of the highest detail possible—a map that shows everystream and lake. He painstakinglyplotted by hand, the location of45,000 miles of streams onto a 3 by 5 foot map.

The map sold extremely well—until it was lost several years after itfirst appeared in print. Incredibly, the printer entrusted with the originaldrawing and printing plates, declaredbankruptcy, then carelessly hauledHigbee’s 30 years of work to a landfill.

The few remaining dog-earedcopies became a prized fisherman’spossession. Professor Higbee wasoffered $400 for one of his lastmaps. And state agencies wereforced to keep their copies underlock and key.

Experts told Professor Higbee thatreprints were impossible, becausethe maps were printed in non-photo-graphic blue.

Then, in 1991, at the age of 91,Howard Higbee’s dream came true.Computers made it possible toreprint the map. Holding an updatedmap, Howard said, “I never thoughtI’d live to see this day.”

Then, by combining ProfessorHigbee’s knowledge with computertechnology—the STREAM & LAKEMAP OF NEW YORK was created.

Why every angler and boater needs this map

Stream & LakeMap of

New York

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Two more divisionshavebegunplaynow,add-ing to the number of 39teams by 11 and makingan even 50. Don’t forgetthe youngsters playingT-Ball and Rookie thatbegan Opening Day (14teams)andyou’reupto64.Ifsportswriterscando itfortheNCAACollegeBas-ketballplayoffs,there’snoreasonwhythisnewspapercan’thandletheamountofplayersinHNP. ItwasPictureDay formanyteamsthispastSat-urdayasacamerawouldcapture this 2014 seasonfor just a moment so itcan live on for the boysandgirlsbeyondaneigh-borhood Park. A winningtrophy (hopefully) and ateam photo always looksniceonashelfathomeinthe fall.Notallmomentsarepictureperfect, butagreatattemptismadeforeveryonetoleaveShosho-newithasmile. Colin Sullivan hit astrong single to center-field, scoring teammateMarcel Wallace from sec-ondbaseinthebottomofthe seventh as the Dia-mondbacks defeated theDodgers7-6toopentheSe-niorBoysDivision.Catch-erAlexHarveythrewoutthreebaserunnersfortheDiamondback defense.Javiar Rodriguez pitchedwelloffthemound. Kellan Daley pitchedfour strong innings fortheMetsenroutetoa6-5victoryoverthePiratesinextra innings. This year,theMetsreplaceaBravesteam and are playing inmemoryofDaley’sgrand-father,Jim“Hoops”Daley,whopassedawayin2002. Senior Pony openedtheir seasonaswellwiththeYankeesdefeatingthePirates 11-4. Katie Abelhad three hits, a doubleandtwosinglesinsupportofpitcherMikaylaSouter,whostruckoutsevenoverthree innings. Later, de-fending division champi-ons,theAthleticsdefeatedtheAngels,18-8.BothSe-nior Boys and Pony are

Leave Shoshone With a Smilemade up of high schoolathletes who will be thelastonestoleavetheParkthissummer,playingintoearlyAugust. InMajorBoys,theRedsarestillundefeatedwitha9-0 record. The “Big RedMachine” of ShoshonewonfourmoreovertheTi-gers, Twins, Yankees andDodgers. The Twins gavethe Reds a scare in theirgame May 24th, leading5-3afterfiveinnings.Butwiththebasesloaded,JoePersico scored the win-ningrunonapassedballinacomefrombehind6-5victory.TheYankeeskeeppace with a 2-0 shut outvictory over the Cardi-nals. Connor McKendryand Santino Turello gaveup just one hit over sixinnings. Paul Humphreyknocked in teammateSean Tracy for the Cubsin their 5-4 win over theAthletics. Three new Cardinalplayers are keeping theRedbirds competitive thisyear. Noah Rochensuess,D’Andre Huynh and RonCauley are up from SanJosethisyearandthere-sult is a 5-4 record. ThethreehelpinvictoriesovertheTigersandAthletics. InFirstMinors,DenverandNewarkarethefrontrunners, both with fivewins. Denver wins theirfirstfourinarow,includ-ing a 12-7 win over SanJose. Spencer DiLeo hadtwo big hits and team-mate Liam Myers cameone hit short of a cyclewitha single, doubleandtriple.Besides theCards,theteamshutoutastrongLouisville team and beatCooperstown.Newarkde-feated Louisville in theiropening game 4-2 led byJeremy Kozak, OwenMcKendry, PJ Snyder,QuinLangdonandEthanMcClain. After a loss toCooperstown, the teambattles back to win theirnextfour,includingawinover Denver. Montrealpicked up their first winof the season after threelosses, when Dylan Den-

ningknocks in teammateDavid Timmerman fromthird base in the bottomofthesixthinningtorallypasttheDodgers,18-17. Santino Hernandez,Joe LoTempio and Con-nor McKendry throw twoinningseachofno-hitballagainst Clarence RedsteamMay18thina12andundertravelgamedespitea loss. Other players onthesquadareBillyLocke,JasonAbel,TommyGlick,EzraLaForme,EddiePa-gan,MannyMcClain,SeanTracy, Max Schmarder,and Zack Bradshaw. TheReds reached base on ahitbatsmanandgota2-0victory from errors and afielder’schoice. InRookieBall,Orlandopicked up their first winof the season Saturday4-1 over theBraves.Der-rick Neal hit a double,scored two runs and hadtwo RBI’s. Ishmeal Bur-rishittwosinglesandhadto RBI’s. Brothers Jamesand Sam Gallivan playedwellat2Bandshortstop.Will O’Rourke homeredfor Springfield in a 4-1winoverNewHaven.TomSheehan and Theo Wide-nor each had three hitstoleadChattanoogaover-Carthage and Las VegasbeatsDayton,5-2. InSecondMinors,Car-son City has won two ina row after losing twogamespriortotheholiday.Dominic Gambino andNateKomendabothhom-er for the Cubs in a winoverCharleston,8-1.Twoweeks ago, they shut outNashville 1-0. The teamis 4-2 and could competewithastrongLincolnandDallas team.All thedivi-sions still look to be veryexciting as we head intoJune. Leaving Shoshonewith a smile might gettougher for some unlessyou’re able hit the pitchyouwantfromthemoundofaParkDiamond.


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PAGe �Week of THURSDAY, jUne 5, 2014 BUffALo RoCkeT ISSUe 23



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NOTICE OF FORMATION of a lim-ited liability company: On January 9th, 2014, Articles of Organization were filed with the department of state of New York for the limited li-ability company named “256 Allen LLC.” The date of formation for this limited liability company is January 8th 2014. The country within this state in which the LLC to be located is Erie. The principal business ad-dress of this LLC is 33 Melrose Rd Williamsville, NY 14421. The sec-retary of state has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. The address within or without this state to which the secretary of state shall mail a copy of any process ac-cepted on behalf of the LLC served upon him is: c/o United States Cor-poration Agents, Inc., 7014 13th Avenue, Suite 202, Brooklyn, Ny 11228. The registered agent for this LLC for which process against it may be served is: United States Corporation Agents, Inc., 7014 13th Avenue, Suite 202, Brooklyn, NY 11228. Purpose: to invest in and/or manage real estate 19-24

for SaLe

NOTICE OF FORMATION of a Lim-ited Liability Company (LLC): Egate Cortland, LLC. Articles of Organiza-tion filed with the Secretary of State of NY (SSNY) on April 3, 2014. Of-fice location is Erie County. SSNY has been designated as agent upon who process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of any process served upon him/her to David H. Baldauf, Esq., 7978 Cooper Creek Boulevard, Suite 100, University Park, FL 34201. Purpose: to engage in any lawful act or activity. 20-25

NOTICE OF FORMATION of a Lim-ited Liability Company (LLC): Ham-hertel, LLC. Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of NY (SSNY) on April 3, 2014. Of-fice location is Erie County. SSNY has been designated as agent upon who process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of any process served upon him/her to David H. Baldauf, Esq., 7978 Cooper Creek Boulevard, Suite 100, University Park, FL 34201. Purpose: to engage in any lawful act or activity. 20-25

NOTICE OF FORMATION of a Limited Liability Company (LLC): Transcomo, LLC. Articles of Or-ganization filed with the Secretary of State of NY (SSNY) on April 3, 2014. Office location is Erie Coun-ty. SSNY has been designated as agent upon who process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of any process served upon him/her to David H. Baldauf, Esq., 7978 Cooper Creek Boulevard, Suite 100, University Park, FL 34201. Purpose: to engage in any lawful act or activity. 20-25

NOTICE OF FORMATION of a Lim-ited Liability Company (LLC): OP-CLK, LLC. Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of NY (SSNY) on April 3, 2014. Of-fice location is Erie County. SSNY has been designated as agent upon who process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of any process served upon him/her to David H. Baldauf, Esq., 7978 Coo-per Creek Boulevard, Suite 100, University Park, FL 34201. Pur-pose: to engage in any lawful act or activity. 20-25

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Week of THURSDAY, jUne 5, 2014BUffALo RoCkeT ISSUe 23PAGe 8


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