BukuBse.belajarOnlineGratis.com-Kelas VII SMP Bahasa Inggris Th Kumalarini-1

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  • 7/31/2019 BukuBse.belajarOnlineGratis.com-Kelas VII SMP Bahasa Inggris Th Kumalarini-1


  • 7/31/2019 BukuBse.belajarOnlineGratis.com-Kelas VII SMP Bahasa Inggris Th Kumalarini-1


    Hak Cipta pada Departemen Pendidikan NasionalDilindungi Undang-undang

    Penulis : Th. Kumalarini Achmad Munir Slamet SetiawanHelena AgustienMuchlas Yusak

    Ilustrasi, Tata Letak : Direktorat Pembinaan SMPPerancang Kulit : Direktorat Pembinaan SMP

    Buku ini dikembangkan Direktorat Pembinaan SMP

    Ukuran Buku : 21 x 30 cm

    Diterbitkan oleh Pusat PerbukuanDepartemen Pendidikan NasionalTahun 2008

    420.07CON Contextual Teaching and Learning Bahasa Inggris: Sekolah Menengah

    Pertama/Madrasah Tsanawiyah Kelas VII Edisi 4/Th. Kumalarini,[et. al.].--Jakarta: Pusat Perbukuan, Departemen PendidikanNasional, 2008.Xii, 202 hlm.: ilus.; 30 cm.Bibliografi: hlm. 199Indeks.

    ISBN1. Bahasa Inggris-Studi dan Pengajaran I. JudulII. Munir, Achmad III. Setiawan, Slamet IV. Helena, AgustienV. Yusak, Muklas

    Diperbanyak Oleh :http://BukuBse.BelajarOnlineGratis.Comhttp://BelajarOnlineGratis.Com

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    Sa la h sa tu upa ya untuk me leng kap i sumb er b elajar yang relevan d a nbe rma kna guna meningkatka n mutu pe ndidikan d i Sekola h Meneng ah

    Pertama (SMP), Direkto ra t Pem b ina a n SMP me ng em b a ng kan b ukupelajaran Bahasa Inggris untuk siswa kelas VII, kelas VIII, dan kelas IX. Bukup ela ja ra n ini d isusun b erda sa rkan Perat ura n Menteri Pend id ikan Nasiona l No.22 Ta hun 2006 Tenta ng Sta nd a r Isi, No. 23 Ta hun 2006 tenta ng Sta nd a rKompetensi Lulusan, dan berdasarkan kriteria buku pelajaran yangd ikemb a ngka n oleh Ba d a n Sta nd a r Nasiona l Pend id ikan.

    Buku pelajaran ini merupakan penyempurnaan dari bahan ajarkontekstua l yang telah d ikemb a ng kan Direktorat Pem b ina a n SMP d a la mkaitannya d eng an keg iata n p royek p eningkata n m utu SMP. Ba han ajarterseb ut te la h d iujic ob a kan ke sejumlah SMP di provinsi Ka lima nta n Selata n,Ka lima nta n Timur, Sula wesi Teng a h, Sulawesi Teng g a ra, Sula wesi Uta ra, d a nGorontalo sejak tahun 2001. Penyempurnaan bahan ajar menjadi bukupelajaran yang bernuansa pendekatan kontekstual dilakukan oleh parapakar dari beberapa perguruan tinggi, guru, dan instruktur yangb erpe nga la ma n d i b id a ngnya . Valid a si oleh pa ra p a kar d a n praktisi serta ujic ob a em p iris ke siswa SMP te la h d ila kuka n g una me ningka tkan kesesua ia nda n keterba c a an b uku pe lajaran ini.

    Buku p elaja ra n Ba ha sa Ing g ris ini telah d inila i oleh Ba d a n Sta nd a rNasional Pendidikan, dan dinyatakan memenuhi syarat untuk digunakanseb a g a i buku pe la ja ra n di SMP. Sekolah d iha ra p kan d a p a t meng guna kanbuku pelajaran ini dengan sebaik-baiknya sehingga dapat meningkatkanefektivitas dan kebermaknaan pembelajaran. Pada akhirnya, para siswadiharap ka n d ap at me ngua sai sem ua Stand a r Komp etensi da n Kom pe tensiDasar secara lebih mendalam, luas serta bermakna, kemudian dapatme ng a p likasikannya d a la m kehid up a n seha ri-hari.

    Sa ra n pe rb a ikan untuk p enye mp urna a n buku pe la ja ra n ini sa ng a td iharap kan. Terima kasih setulus-tulusnya d isa mp a ikan kep a d a p a ra p enu lisyang telah berkontribusi dalam penyusunan buku pelajaran ini, baik padasaat awal pengembangan bahan ajar, ujicoba terbatas, maupunpenyempurnaan sehingga dapat tersusunnya buku pelajaran ini.Terima ka sih d an pe ngha rga an juga disam pa ika n kepa da semua pihakyang tela h mem b antu terwujudnya pe nerb itan b uku p elajara n ini.

    Jakarta , Juli 2008

    Direktur Pem b inaa n SMP

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    Buku ini disusun berdasarkan Standar Isi (SI) Bahasa Inggris 2006 untuk membantupengembangan kompetensi komunikatif siswa. Kompetensi komunikatif tersebut

    diwujudkan lewat penguasaan keterampilan berbahasa ( listening, speaking, reading danwrit ing ) yang d ikembangkan secara integratif. Integrasi tersebut di implementasikan dalambentuk pengembangan unit berdasarkan jenis teks, yaitu transactional, interpersonal, short functi onal text s dan genres .

    Buku ini terd ir i dari 8 unit. A dapun r inciannya adalah sebagai berikut :Uni t 1: Hello. How are you?Uni t 2: I amUnit 3: Do this, please!Uni t 4: Doing thingsUnit 5: Do you like sports?Uni t 6: He is tall and thin.Uni t 7: Could you help me, please?Uni t 8: Show me how?

    Unit 1, 2, 3, 4 ,5 dan 7 d i atas mewadahi tr ansactional, in terpersonal , dan shor t fu nctional text s .Setiap unit terbagi menjadi dua section . Section One memuat transactional dan interpersonal ,sedangkan Section Two memuat short functional text s .Sedangkan unit 6 dan 8 memuat genres , yaitu descriptive dan procedure . Masing-masing unit

    juga terbagi menjadi dua section . Section One terdiri dari spoken genres , dan Section Two berbentuk wri tt en genr es .

    Fokus dari Section One adalah melatih siswa untuk menggunakan Bahasa Inggris secaralisan. Adapun fokus dari Section Two adalah melatih siswa untuk menggunakan Bahasa

    Inggris secara tulis. Selanjutnya, masing-masing section disajikan dengan urutan presentation,practice, dan production .Dalam penyajian setiap unit di k elas, guru diharapkan untuk berk reasi dalam menggunakan

    dan mengembangkan materi yang ada. Dalam tahapan presentation , guru masih memegangkontrol atas kegiatan pembelajaran. Untuk tahapan practice guru sudah mengurangi perannya,sedangkan siswa diharapkan sudah terlibat dalam kegiatan komunikatif. Untuk tahapanproduction , guru sudah mulai memberikan kebebasan kepada siswa untuk menggunakanbahasa yang sedang dipelajari dalam unit tersebut. Untuk unit-unit dengan transactional dan i nterpersonal texts , guru dapat memilih activity dalam bagian present at ion, practice danproduction sesuai urutan fungsi bahasa (tidak harus mengikuti urutan nomor actvitiy untuksetiap section ).

    Pada bagian penyudah setiap uni t disajikan summary, evaluation dan re ection . V ocabulary list di harapkan dapat membantu siswa mengembangkan kosakata siswa secara bertahap. Disamping itu pada akhir buku diberikan glossary untuk menjelaskan beberapa konsep yangdianggap penting dalam buku untuk Kelas VII ini.

    Akhirnya kami berharap agar bahan ajar ini dapat digunakan dalam membantu siswauntuk mulai mengembangkan kemampuan berkomunikasi dalam Bahasa Inggris baik secarali san maupun tertul is.

    Tim Penyusun

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    Daftar Isi

    Kata Pengantar iii

    Pendahuluan v

    Daftar Isi vi i

    Peta Kompetensi ix

    Uni t 1: Hello..How are you? 1

    Uni t 2:I am 27

    Uni t 3: Do this, pl ease! 51

    Uni t 4: Doing things 69

    Uni t 5: Do you like spor ts? 91

    Uni t 6: She is tall and thin 119

    Uni t 7: Coul d you help me, pl ease? 143

    Uni t 8: Show me how 171

    Vocabulary li st 193

    References 199

    Glossary 200

    Index 201

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    Unit KDIndikator

    Tindak Bahasa Kebahasaan Sosio-kultural Pembentuk Wacana Strategi1 Merespons dan

    mengungkapkan:- tindak tutur

    menyapa orangyang belum/ sudah dikenal;memperkenalkandiri/ orang lain

    - teks fungsional:shopping li st

    Listening Merespon sapaansapaanorang yang belum/ sudah dikenalSpeaking Menyapa orangyang belum/ sudahdikenalReading Merespon maknamaknagagasan teks shop-ping li stWri t ing Mengungkapkan

    makna gagasanteks shopping l ist

    Good UngkapanIdiomEjaanUcapanInt onasi, tekanan

    I amA lphabet Noun Kosa kata: Things around u s

    Konsep: morning,afternoon, evening,nightKonsep: days,monthsSeasonsKesantunanRagam li san: for-mal dan informalKesopananAdatRagam li san formaldan informal

    Struktur teks dannegosiasi lisantransaksional daninterpersonal

    Struktur teks dannegosiasi lisantransaksional daninterpersonal

    Meminta klari kasi jik a perlu

    Meminta klari kasi jik a perlu

    2 Merespons danmengungkapkan:- tindak tutur

    meminta danmemberiinformasi

    - teks fungsional:announcement

    Listening Meresponpermi ntaaan akaninformasiSpeaking Memberi i nformasiReading Merespon maknamaknagagasan t eks an-nouncementWri t ing Mengungkapkanmakna gagasanteks announcement

    S+be+ nounS+be+ plcaeUcapan, intonasi,tekananIdiomI have I ve got V ocabul ary: food,things around the house N umber + Colour+ Thing Its (adjective)A djecti ves Opposites N umber + adjective + thing There isA dverb: ti me, man- ner, place Preposition

    KesopananRagam li san formaldan informalAdat ( manner )

    KesopananRagam informal

    Struktur teks dannegosiasi lisantransaksional daninterpersonal

    Memin ta klasri -kasi jika perlu

    3 Merespons danmengungkapkan:- tindak tutur

    memerin tah danmelarang

    - teks fungsional:notes

    Listening Merespon perintahdan laranganSpeaking Mengungkapkanperintah danlarangan

    Reading Merespon maknagagasan teks notesWri t ing Mengungkapkanmakna gagasanteks notes

    V erbs Imperative Kosa kata: kolokasiPronoun : Subject and Object Idiom

    KesantunanRagam li san: for-mal dan informal

    Kesantunan yangberterima dalambahasa dan budaya


    Struktur teks dannegosiasi lisanTransaksional daninterpersonal

    Meminta klari kasi jik a perlu

    Pet a Kompet ensi

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    4 Merespon danmengungkapkan:- tind ak tutur

    meminta maaf,mengucapkanterimakasih, danmengungkapkankesantunan

    - Merespon dan

    mengungkapkanmakna gagasanteks fungsionalberbentuk post- cards

    Listening Meresponpermintaan maafUcapan terimakasihKesantunanSpeaking Mengungkapkanpermintaan maaf

    Ucapan terimakasihKesantunanReading Merespon maknagagasan t ekspostcards Wri t ing Mengungkapkanmakna gagasanteks postcards

    Verb+ing Konsep: Continuous

    Konsep: waktuForeign food in thecityKesopananUngkapan-ungka-pan idiomatikPemilihan topikKesantunan

    Struktur t eks dannegosiasi lisantr ansaksional daninterpersonal

    Meminta klari kasi jika diperl ukan

    Memint a klasi kasi

    5 Merespon danmengungkapkantindak tutur:- m emin ta dan

    memberi fakta

    - menyatakan sukadan tidak suka

    Merespon danmengungkapkanmakna gagasanteks fungsional:- kartu ucapan- daftar belanja- formulir pribadi- kartu nama

    Listening Merespons- permint aan fakta

    dan pemberianfakta

    - peryataaan sukadan tidak suka

    Speaking Mengungkapkan:- permi ntaan fakta

    dan pemberianfakta

    - peryataaan sukadan tidak suka

    Reading Merespon maknagagasan teks fung-sional:- kartu ucapan- daftar belanja- formulir pribadi

    - kartu namaWri t ing Mengungkapkanmakna gagasanteks fungsional:- kartu ucapan- daftar belanja- formulir pribadi- kartu nama

    Sim ple PresentLike/ dislikeDo not/ does notIt s (jam)Adjectives

    D eclarative Interrogative

    Kosa kataberhubungandengan classroom,food, dr in ks, barang-barang d irumah, personal information, hobby,dates, months,invitation

    Menghargai janji/ waktuPertanyaan pribadiyang boleh dan takboleh d iberikan

    Sikap menghargaiprestasi orang lainKonsep: ucapanselamat: happy birthday

    Struktur t eks dannegosiasi lisantr ansaksional daninterpersonal

    Mengawali sebuahpembicaraanMenumbuhkan ke-beranian mengung-kapkan ide

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    6 Merespon danmengungkapkanmakna dalammonolog deskriptifMerespon danmengungkapkanmakna gagasandalam teksdeskriptif

    Listening Mengidenti kasiinformasi f aktualdalam w acanamonolog descriptive yang didengarSpeaking Melakukanmonolog dalam

    bentuk deskripsiorang.Reading Mengidenti kasiinformasi factualwacana deskr ip si.Mengidenti kasilangkah-langkahretorika dalamwacana descriptive .Membaca nyaringwacana ragam tulisdengan ucapandan intonasiyang menunjangpemahaman jenis

    teks descriptive .Wri t ing Mengungkapkanlangkah retorikadalam descriptive pendekMenuli s deskri psiseseorang

    Sim pl e Presenttense.Noun phrasesAdjectives aboutappearance andpersonalityS+be+AdjectivesDeclarativeInterrogative

    OppositionCoordi nating con- jucti on but

    Choosing appropri ate word t o recogni ze somebody

    Struktur teks(identi cation dandescriptions ).A djecti ves of appear- ance and personality But for contrasting two people

    U sing r eal objects to clarify oral description

    7 Merespon danmengungkapkan:- meminta dan

    memberi barang- meminta dan

    memberi jasa- meminta dan


    pendapat- meminta klari -

    kasi- merespon secara


    Merespon danmengungkapkanmakna gagasanteks fungsional:- greeti ng cards - name cards - lost n otice.

    Listening Meresponpermintaan akan:

    jasaMeresponpemberian jasaMeresponpermintaan akan:

    barangMeresponpemberian barangMerespon pendapatMeresponklari kasiSpeaking Mengungkapkanpermintaan akan:

    jasamemberi jasaMemint a barangMeminta barangMemint a pendapatMeminta klari -kasiReading Merespon maknagagasan dalamkartu ucapan,notice, ucapanterimakasihWri t ing Mengungkapkanmakna gagasandalam kartu uca-pan, notice, ucapanterimakasih

    Can I ? M ay I? Can you? Could you..? Sure.Certainly.Sorry,.. Im using now.

    Please Please dont

    H ere you are.H ere it i s.

    Simple past tense Statement and inter- rogative Fillers: Really? Oh, poor ! W ell , he deserves that.I t hink..D o you think? Past participle phrase Salutation

    Membedakantingkat kesantunan:formal daninformalDalam memintabarang/ jasaMenolak memberi

    jasa secara sopan

    Menunjukkanketertarikan padaucapan/ ceri taseseorangBerpikir kritis danasertifMengucapkanterimakasih atasbantuan seseorang

    Fillers dalam dialoginterpersonalM odal auxiliary in requesti ng and asking permission Effective Writing (phrases)

    Menggunakan llers untukmempertahankanpercakapanPhrasing ideas

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    8 Merespons maknadalam monologprosedurMengungkapkanmakna dalammonolog prosedurMerespon maknagagasan dalam teksprosedur Men-

    gungkapkan maknagagasan dalam teksprosedur

    Listening Mengidenti kasiinformasi rincidalam monologprosedur yagdidengar.Speaking Melakukan sebuahmonolog p rosedure

    Reading Mengidenti kasiinformasi factualdalam w acanaprosedur.Mengidenti kasilangkah-langkahretorika dalamwacana prosedur .Membaca nyaringwacana ragam tulisdengan ucapandan intonasiyang menunjangpemahaman jenisteks prosedur.

    Wri t ing Menulis wacanaprosedurMenuliskanlangkah-langahretorika dalamwacana prosedur .

    Pola kalimat im -perative misalnya:cut, dont mi x, dsb.Action v erb, mis-alnya: turn, dontmix, dsb.Connectives untukmengurutkankegiatan, misalnya:

    First, then,


    Penggunaan pl easeuntuk memper-halus perintah/ larangan

    Piranti kohesi un-tuk uru tan kegiatansecara kronologis:First, now, t hen,after that, nally.

    Bekerja sama den-gan teman.Menggunakanaction untuk mem-perjelas penjelasansuatu proses

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    1Uni t 1 - Hell o... How Are You?

    UN I T 1

    Hello. . . How Are You?

    In this unit, you will learn how to:respond to transactional and interpersonal dialogues about greeting, leave taking, introducingoneself and others.produce transactional and interpersonal dialogues about greeting, leave taking, introducingoneself and others.

    make ideational responses to short functional texts (shopping lists).create short functional texts (shopping lists).

    Hello! How are you?


    Fine, thanks.


    Pic 1.1 (Cli parts Of ce, 2003)

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    2 Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas VII

    Section One:

    Greeti ng and l eave tak ing; introducing onesel f and someone to another.


    Activit y 1

    Look at the pi cture. Repeat after the teacher.

    Pic 1.2 (Cli parts Of ce, 2003)

    Miss Dina : Good morning, students.Students : Good morning, Maam.Miss Dina : How are you this morning?Students : Were ne, thank you.Miss Dina : Nita, youre a new student. Come here and introduce your self .

    Nita : Good morning, everyone.I am Ranita. Call me Ni ta.

    Answer these questions:1. What is Miss Di na saying to her students?2. Is the class in the morning?3. What is Nita saying to her classmates?4. Do you also introduce yourself to your new fr iends?

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    3Uni t 1 - Hell o... How Are You?

    Activit y 2

    Li sten and repeat after your teacher.

    Greeting and leave taking Responses

    Hel lo/ Hi . Good morning.

    Good afternoon.Good evening.

    How are you?

    Good night, Mum.

    Goodbye/ Bye.

    See you tomorrow/ later/ Monday.

    Hel lo/ Hi . Good morning.

    Good afternoon.Good evening.

    Fine, thanks.Im ne. Thank you.

    Good night, honey.Sweet dream.

    Bye/ Bye bye.

    See you.

    Activit y 3

    Li sten and repeat after your teacher.



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    4 Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas VII


    Pic 1.3 (Dit. PSMP, 2006)

    Activit y 4

    Read the fol lowing di alogues about greeti ngs and l eave tak ing.

    Si tuation 1 (In the di ni ng room)You : Good morning, Mum.

    Good morning, Dad.Your mum : Morning honey. Did you sleep well last night?You : Yeah.

    Si tuation 2 (Rony leaves Ti nas house)

    Rony : Bye bye Tina. See you tomorr ow.Tina : Bye bye. See you. Take care.

    Activit y 5

    Li sten and repeat after your t eacher.

    Introducing onesel f

    Hello./ Hi. I am Priska Wulandari .Please call me Pri ska.

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    5Uni t 1 - Hell o... How Are You?

    Hello, Priska. Hello, Doni.

    Pic 1.4 (Cli parts Of ce, 2003)

    Dialogue 1Priska : Excuse me. Is your name Doni?

    Doni : Thats right.Pri ska : Im Pri ska.

    Dialogue 2 ( In a school canteen)Martin : Is this seat taken?Nono : No, help yourself . Are you new here?Mart in : Yeah.Nono : Whats your name anyway?Martin : Martin. Whats yours?Nono : Martono. But everybody call s me Nono.

    Intr oducing someone to another

    Please meet my fr iend Priska.Pri ska, this is Doni.Donni , this is Pri ska.

    Hello, Doni.Nice to meet you.

    Hell o, Pri ska.Nice to meet you too.

    Dialogue 3Andi : Do you know Pri ska?Doni : No, I dont.Andi : Pri ska. This is Doni .Doni : Hell o, Pri ska. Nice to meet you.Pri ska : Hi. Nice to meet you too.

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    6 Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas VII

    Dialogue 4Adri : Bim, I want you to meet my good fr iend, Dono.Bima : Hello, Don.Dono : Hello, Bim.Bima : Adr i told me many good things about you.Dono : Really?

    Activit y 6

    You may also learn other information for introduction, such as address andage.

    Questions Responses

    Where do you live?

    Whats your address?How old are you?When were you born?

    I liv e at Jl. Achmad Yani 27.

    Im tw elve years old.I was born on 17 June 1996.

    Dialogue 1 (Dani i s a new student. Dewi i s introducing hersel f to Dani . Theyare in the school yard.)Dewi : Hello, Im Dewi. Whats your name?Dani : Hello, Dewi. Im Dani Perdana. Please call me Dani.Dewi : Where do you live, Dani?

    Dani : I live at Jl. Achmad Yani 27.Dewi : Oh, do you?Dani : Yes, I do.Dewi : So, we are neighbours.Dani : Are we?Dewi : Yeah. I live at 8.

    Dialogue 2 (At the school canteen)Tina : H i, I am Tina. This is Andy.Sari : H i, Tina. Hello Andy . Im Sari. N ice to meet you.Andy : Nice to meet you too, Sari.Tina : You are new here, ri ght?Sari : Yes, I am.Andy : Welcome to the school.Sari : Thanks.

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    7Uni t 1 - Hell o... How Are You?

    Activit y 7

    1. Lets sing a song about alphabets.

    M y ABC Song

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

    2. Now read the foll owi ng poem aloud. Pay attention to your pronunciation.


    Sing a song of ABCCome on boys and come on girls

    Sing a song of ABCA for Apple and B for BoyC for Cat and D for DogE for egg and F for Fish

    G for Girl and H for HandI for Ice Cream and J for Jet

    K for Kite and L for LambM for Man and N for None

    O for Orange and P for PenQ for Queen and R for RainS for Sugar and T for Tree

    U for Umbrella and V for VanW for Water and X for X mas

    Y for Yellow and Z for ZooIt s so simple, all can do

    Come on boys and come on girls,Sing a song of ABC

    Pic 1.5 (Cli parts Of ce, 2003)

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    8 Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas VII

    Activit y 8

    Li sten and repeat after your t eacher.

    Here are the things around us.

    Apple Bread Chair Dress

    Eggs Flow ers Grapes Hat

    Ir on Jacket Kett le Lamp

    Mushrooms Nuts Oranges Pil low s

    Qui lt Rabbit Shoes Telephone

    Umbrell a Vase Watch X-ray

    Yam Zips

    Pic 1.6 (Di t. PSMP, 2006)

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    9Uni t 1 - Hell o... How Are You?

    Wor k in pairs. Based on the pictures above, complete the chart below.

    Things that go together

    Clothes we wear Jacket

    Food we eat Apple

    Things in the living room Vase

    Things in the kitchen Kettle

    Things in the bedroom Pillow

    Activit y 9

    Days of the week

    Li sten and repeat after your teacher.

    Pic 1.7 (http:/ / aes.lutherw ood.ca/ images/ calender.gif)

    1. Sunday2. Monday3. Tuesday4. Wednesday5. Thursday6. Friday7. Saturday

    Answer these questi ons.1. What day comes after Tuesday?

    2. What days come after Thursday?3. What day comes after Saturday?4. What days are school days?5. What days are not school days?

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    10 Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas VII

    Activity 10

    Look at the foll owi ng pictures.

    Papa bear plans to build a house. He wants everybody in the family to help him.He plans to start the work on Monday and nish on Saturday.

    Buil di ng a house

    They cut the logs. They put the logs together.

    They put the roof.They prepare the stones

    They have a house-warming party!

    They paint the door.

    Pic 1.8 (Di t. PSMP, 2006)

    They put the door.

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    11Uni t 1 - Hell o... How Are You?


    Activit y 1

    Work w ith your partner.

    Gi ve names to the th ings in the boxes. Use a di ctionary i f necessary . Then,

    ndtw o more words starti ng w i th each l etter.

    A . . . N . . .

    B . . . O . . .

    C . . . P . . .

    D . . . Q . . .

    E . . . R . . .

    F . . . S . . .

    G . . . T . . .

    H . . . U . . .

    I . . . V . . .

    J . . . W . . .

    K . . . X . . .

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    12 Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas VII

    L . . . Y . . .

    M . . . Z . . .

    Pic 1.9 (Cli parts Of ce, 2003)

    Activit y 2

    Fi l l i n the blanks wi th sui tabl e expressions. Look at the exampl e. Then w i th apartner perform the di alogues.

    Dina : Please meet my fr iend, Sony. Sony this is Rina.Rina : Nice to meet you, Sony.Sony : Nice to meet you too, Rina.

    In the classroom1. Deni : H i, Dion.

    Dion : ..Deni : How are you?Dion :

    In the school canteen2. Dion : Good morning. Im Dionisius. Call me Dion.

    Gani : .Dion : Pardon?

    Ti na is leavi ng M i ra at 7 p.m.3. Tina : Good night, Mira.

    Mir a : Tina :

    Mira : See you.

    In a bookstore4. Dimas : H i, Rani. Pleased to meet you here.

    Rani : Yeah, me too.Dimas : Let me introduce you to my fr iend.

    ..Gani : N ice to meet you, Rani.Rani : .

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    13Uni t 1 - Hell o... How Are You?

    At D ianis house5. Rina : Good afternoon, Maam.

    Dianis mother : Rina : Im Dianis classmate.Dianis mother : Oh, please come in.Rina : Thank you.


    Activit y 1

    In pai rs, make a di alogue based on the si tuati ons below.

    1. You meet your fr iend at school in the morning.

    What do you say?2. You meet your teacher at school in the morning.

    What do you say?3. You are leaving your fr iend in the afternoon. What do you say?4. You meet your parents at the dining table in the morning.

    What do you say?5. You want to go to bed at night . What do you say to your parents?

    Activit y 2

    Wi th a partner perf orm a dialogue based on the fol lowi ng si tuations.

    1. You have a new teacher.How do you introduce yourself?

    2. You have a new friend at school.How do you introduce yourself?

    3. You are a new student.How do you introduce yourself to the class?

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    14 Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas VII

    Sect ion Two:


    Activity 1: Number

    Li sten and repeat aft er the teacher. Then, compl ete the foll owing chart .

    Cardinal Ordinal





    FourSixEightNineTenTwelveThirteenFourteenSixteenSeventeenNineteenTwentyTwenty oneTwenty tw o

    Twenty threeTwenty ve





    FourthFifthSeventhNinthEleventhThirteenthFifteenthSeventeenthEighteenthNineteenthTwenty- rstTwenty-second


    SectFion Two:Functional text (Shoppi ng l i st)

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    15Uni t 1 - Hell o... How Are You?

    Activit y 2

    Here are the months of the year.Li sten and repeat after the teacher.

    January Apr il July OctoberFebruary May August NovemberMarch June September December

    Now, complete the conversations below .For exampl e:Andi : When is your birthday?Nani : It is January the tenth.

    1. Andi : When does the school year begin?Aldi :

    2. Ani : When is the Indonesian Independence Day?Ana :

    3. Rani : When is Christmas?Rina :

    Activit y 3

    Whi le li stening to your teacher, match these dates.

    1st third2nd tenth3rd fth4th second5th seventh6th ninth7th rst8th eighth9th sixth10th fourth11 th thirty- rst12th fteenth13th thirtieth15th twelfth21st twenty- rst30th thirteenth



    Pic 1.10 (Cliparts of ce, 2003)

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    16 Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas VII

    Activit y 4

    Read and match these years as the exampl e.

    1825 nineteen ninety-two

    1992 eighteen tw enty- ve1950 nineteen fty2004 tw o thousand and ten2000 tw o thousand2010 tw o thousand and four

    Activit y 5

    Read and compl ete these dates.

    9/ 5/ 1992 the..of May, nineteen ninety-tw o15/ 11/ 1825 the fteenth of eighteen tw enty- ve1/ 1/ 1950 the rst of january23/ 8/ 2004

    Activit y 6

    Li sten and repeat.

    Happy birthday!

    Hello, my name is Andy. I w asborn on the tw enty- rst of June,nineteen ninety-eight .

    Happy bir thday toyou, Andy!

    21/ 7/ 1998?

    Pic 1.11 (Cliparts of ce, 2003)

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    17Uni t 1 - Hell o... How Are You?

    Activit y 7

    Li sten and repeat after the teacher.

    In England, the US, and Australia, seasons change every three months. Theseasons are summer, fall / autumn, wi nter, and spri ng.

    M onth Season

    North(The US, Canada)


    1 DecemberJanuaryFebruary

    Winter Summer

    2 MarchAprilMay

    Spring Autumn / Fall

    3 JuneJulyAugust

    Summer Winter

    4 SeptemberOctoberNovember

    Autumn / Fall Spring

    Activit y 8

    Answer the questions based on your experience. Then discuss the questionswith your partner.

    1. What do people make before going shopping?2. Do you know a shopping list ?3. Why do you need a shoppi ng li st?

    Pic 1.12 (Cli parts Of ce, 2003)

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    18 Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas VII

    Activit y 9

    Read the following text aloud. Suppose tomorrow is your birthday. Todaymother takes you to the nearest store to buy thi ngs for the party. She makes ashopping li st.

    Birthday Li st



    coca cola

    The list above is called a shopping list.It li sts the things we want to buy.It really helps to plan and remind us what w e need to buy.


    Activit y 1

    Li sten and repeat after the teacher.

    This is a new school year.You need to go shopping.You need a shopping list.Write your back to school li st.The following pictures help you toremember w hat to buy.Use your dictionary.

    Pic 1.3 (Cli parts Of ce, 2003)

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    19Uni t 1 - Hell o... How Are You?

    Pic 1.14 (Cli parts Of ce, 2003)

    Back to school list



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    20 Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas VII

    Activit y 2

    Your mother i s not at home. Your f ri ends are comi ng over. You w ant to entertainthem. You need to buy some food stuff . Based on the fol lowing pi ctures makea shoppi ng li st.

    Pic 1.15 (Di t. PSMP, 2006)

    Food to buy


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    21Uni t 1 - Hell o... How Are You?


    Activit y 1

    You w ant to vi si t your f ri end w ho is in hospi tal. M ake a li st of thi ngs you wantto buy for hi m/her.

    Activit y 2

    Work in pai rs. A school year starts next w eek . You need to buy some stationery .M ake a l ist of it.


    You need to buy some bathroom stuff . Make a shopping li st.


    1 Shampoo 1 bottle









    Shoppi ng List

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    22 Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas VII


    1. In this uni t you have learned: how to greet how to part how to introduce yourself how to introduce someone to another.

    2. You also have learned how to make a shopping list.

    Cult ural Notes

    Pic 1.16 (Cliparts Of ce, 2003)

    Morning0:00 12:00

    Afternoon12:00 18:00

    Evening18:00 24:00

    Say good morning if you meet someone at betw een 00.00 12.00.Say good afternoon if you meet someone at betw een 12.00 18.00.Say good evening if you meet someone at betw een 18.00 24.00.Say good night when you leave someone in the evening or before going to bed.It means goodbye .


    A. Compl ete the foll owi ng di alogues.

    At the school canteen1. Dina : H i, Rani. How are you?

    Rani : ..Dina : Fine, Rani. I want you to meet my cousin, Ita. Ita this is my classmateRani.Rani :

    Ita : H i, Rani.

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    23Uni t 1 - Hell o... How Are You?

    At home2. Mother : Good night, honey.

    Dina : Mother : Sweet dr eam.Dina :

    B. M ake shoppi ng li sts based on the foll owi ng si tuations. The rst thing inthe li st i s wri tten f or you.

    1. You need some stationery for a drawi ng class.

    2. You need some things for a holi day camping.

    drawi ng paper


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    24 Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas VII

    Yo u r W o rds

    Things in Shops

    Pic 1.17 (Di t. PSMP, 2006)

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    25Uni t 1 - Hell o... How Are You?

    Based on the pictures above complete the fol lowing table.

    Dai ry Products Frui ts Vegetables


    Re ect ion

    1. This uni t gives me (put tick):new experiences.useful learning experiences.no useful learning experiences.useful learning strategy.

    no useful learning strategy.2. The most interesting part in thi s uni t is..3. Things that I want to study more are4. Read the statements. Then, give ti ck (v) to yes, no, some.

    Statements Yes Some No

    a. I can make responses to greeting andleave-taking.

    b. I can introduce myself and someone toanother.

    c. I can ask and answer factual informationabout time, days of the week, monthsand numbers.

    d. I can make a shopping list.

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    26 Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas VII

    Vocabul ary List

    WordsParts ofSpeech



    attendant n [ ] penjaga tokoclassmate n [ ] teman sekelas

    log n [ ] batang kayu

    mushroom n [ ] jamur

    roof n [ ] atap

    stationery n [ ] alat-alat tul is

    stuff n [ ] barang-barang

    torch n [ ] obor

    quilt n [ ] selimut kapas

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    27U nit 2 - I A m....

    UN I T 2

    I Am . . .

    In this unit, you will learn how to:respond to transactional and interpersonal dialogues about asking for and givinginformation.produce transactional and interpersonal dialogues about asking for and giving information.make ideational responses to short functional texts (announcement).create short functional texts (announcement).

    Hi . Im Diana. Whats your name? My name is Putri . Putri . How do you spell it? P-U-T-R-I Im from Indonesia. Are you? Yes. I am.

    Putri Diana

    Pic 2.1 (Cli parts Of ce, 2003)

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    28 Bahasa In ggris SM P Kelas V II

    Section One:

    Asking for and givi ng inf ormation


    Activit y 1

    Li sten and repeat aft er y our teacher. Then, answer the questi ons that fol low.

    In Jonis li ving roomAni : How many cars are there in your garage?Joni : There are tw o.Ani : Are they new?Joni : One is old and one is new.

    Questions1. What are Ani and Joni talking about?2. Can you descri be it / them?

    Activit y 2

    Li sten and repeat after your t eacher.

    Ask ing for and giving information Responses

    Whats your name? How do you spell it? Where are you from? When were you born? Where do you liv e?

    What colour is your house? Is it big? Which one is your bike? Is that your new bike? How many chairs are there?

    My name is Joni. J-O-N-I. I am from Jakarta. I was born on July 26, 1996. I live at Jl. Bintoro 23, Surabaya.

    White. No, it isnt. The yellow one. No, it isnt. There are four chairs.

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    29U nit 2 - I A m....

    Activit y 3

    Li sten and repeat after your teacher.

    In the classroom

    1. Mrs. Santosa : Hello. Are you the new student?Ben : Yes, Maam. I am.Mrs. Santosa : And your name ?Ben : Ben, Maam.Mrs. Santosa : Ben. Is that it?Ben : Benedict, Maam.Mrs. santosa : How do you spell it?Ben : B-E-N-E-D-I-C-T.Mrs. Santosa : Right Nice to meet you, Benedict.Ben : N ice to meet you too, Maam.

    In the l ib rary2. Anang : H i, Ben. I am Anang.

    Ben : H i, Anang.Anang : Where are you from?Ben : I am from England.Anang : England? Thats very far.Ben : Indeed.

    Activit y 4

    Li sten and repeat after your teacher.Open your dicti onary to nd the meani ngs if necessary .

    Picture 1 Picture 2

    Pic 2.2 (Cli parts Of ce, 2003)

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    30 Bahasa In ggris SM P Kelas V II

    Picture 3 Picture 4

    Picture 5 Picture 6

    Pic 2.3 (Di t. PSMP, 2006)

    To describe something, you say:The bag is full .

    The bag i s empt y.So, fu ll is the opposite of empt y.

    Activit y 5: Number, Colour and Things

    Look at the foll owi ng pictures.What colours are there?What thi ngs are there?How many thi ngs are there?

    Read the phrases aloud af ter your teacher.

    One mouseOne black mouseTen black mice

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    31U nit 2 - I A m....

    One polar bearOne white polar bearTwo white polar bears

    One elephantOne grey elephantTwo grey elephants

    One squirr elOne brow n squirrelThree brow n squirrels

    One amingoOne pink amingoFour pink amingos

    One frogOne green frogFive green frogs

    One carrotOne orange carrotSeven orange carrots

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    32 Bahasa In ggris SM P Kelas V II

    One grapeOne purple grapeTwenty six purple grapes

    One cornOne yellow cornFive yellow corns

    One whaleOne blue whale

    One strawberryOne red strawberr y

    Twelv e red strawberr ies

    Pic 2.4 (Di t. PSMP, 2006)

    Based on the pictures above, you can make noun phrase with:N umber + A djecti ve + N oun.

    Number Adjective ThingsOne






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    33U nit 2 - I A m....







    Activ it y 6: Pat t ern

    The foll owi ng is the pattern of N umber + A djecti ve + N oun .Compl ete the fol lowi ng chart

    Subject Has / Have Number + Adjective +Thing/s

    I have one blue book.

    You have ten red grapes.

    We have

    They have

    She has

    He has It has a white tail.

    Activ it y 7: There is.. .. . There are.. .

    Look at the pi ctures.There are many thi ngs in the park .Everyth ing has colours.Everything has sizes.Some of the thi ngs are more than one.

    If there is only one thing, you say: There is one small sandp it in the park .

    If there are more than one, you say: There are tw o swings in the park.

    Pic 2.5 cli p art of ce, 2003

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    34 Bahasa In ggris SM P Kelas V II

    Now, look at the pictures below . Ask and answer about them. For example:A: H ow many owers are there in the park? B: There are three owers there.

    Based on the pictures above, complete the fol lowing chart.

    There be a/an thing/s place

    There is a pond in the park.

    There are _____ owers in the park.

    Pic 2.6 (Di t. PSMP, 2006)

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    35U nit 2 - I A m....

    Activity 8: Where, When, How

    To tell where somethi ng i s, you use a prepositi on.So, a prepositi on goes wi th a noun.Look at the exampl es below.


    On the wall In the classroom Next to the TVUnder the table Over there Beside the sofaOn the tree At home Behind the table

    Look at the following picture. Listen and r epeat after the teacher




    4 5




    10Pic 2.7 (Di t. PSMP, 2006)

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    36 Bahasa In ggris SM P Kelas V II

    Now rewri te the sentences above. Underl ine the preposit ion.For example: The radio is on the bookshelf.Then complete the following chart.

    Subject Be / Be+ Verb+ing Adverb of Place

    1. Jenny is behind the table.2. The pictures

    3. The books

    4. The lamp

    5. Spot is on the sofa.

    6. Dad

    7. Susan

    8. Queenie

    9. Jack is on the carpet.

    Activit y 9

    To tell when things happen, you use time. A preposi ti on goes wi th ti me too.One preposi ti on goes wi th certain t ime expression.

    We cannot change i t. We can say in the morning , but not at the morni ng .For example: I pl ay f ootbal l i n the aft ernoon.



    In the morningAt noon

    In the afternoonIn the evening

    At nightIn M ay

    On the 1st of MayIn 2004

    At one oclock

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    37U nit 2 - I A m....

    Now complete the followi ng chart.

    Subject Verb Be / Do Object Adverb of ti me

    1. Sandy eats lunch

    2. I . at night.

    3. My birthday is .........

    4. We study our lesson

    C. Manner: To tell how things happen you use manner

    Fast Closely Loudly ClearlySlow ly Quickly Carefully Quietly

    For example: The boy sings loudly.

    Now complete the followi ng chart.

    Subject Verb Adverb of manner

    1. The girl loudly.

    2. The dog quietly.

    3. The old man slowly.

    Activity 10: Telling Time

    When w e ask the time, we say What time is it, pl ease? Whats the time, please? or Do you have the time?

    Here are the examples of tell ing time. Your teacher w il l read each phrase/ sentencebelow . Repeat after her/ him.

    Pic 2.8 (Di t. PSMP, 2006)

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    38 Bahasa In ggris SM P Kelas V II

    It s seven oclock.

    Its ten oclock.

    Its half past four.

    Pic 2.9 (Di t. PSMP, 2006)

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    39U nit 2 - I A m....


    Activit y 1

    Look at the picture. I t i s Tomys bedroom.What does he have in hi s room?Descri be the thi ngs using noun phrases.For example: Tomy has one green mat.




    567 8







    Activit y 2

    Look at the foll owi ng thi ngs. Suppose they are in your bedroom. Now tel l yourf ri ends what you have in your bedroom.For example: I have a wooden chai r

    Tomys bedroom




    4 6





    Pic 2.10 (Di t. PSMP, 2006)

    Pic 2.11 (Di t. PSMP, 2006)

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    40 Bahasa In ggris SM P Kelas V II

    Activit y 3

    Look at the pictures at A cti vi ty 7 (presentation). Work in pai rs.Ask and answer about the pi ctures. Here is the example.For exampl e:A: How many sandpits are there in the park?B: There is one small sandpit in the park.

    Activit y 4

    Read the dialogue and answer the questi ons. Work in pai rs.

    At the zooTina: Do you have any pets at home?Roni: I have a cat and two rabbits.Tina: Are they cute?Roni: Yes, of course. I like playing w ith them.

    Questions:1. What pets does Roni have?2. How many chickens does Roni have?3. What does Roni like to do with them?

    Activit y 5

    Compl ete the di alogues wi th sui table expressions in the box. Then perf orm thedi alogues wi th a partner.

    In the classroom1. Teacher : Wheres the chalk?

    Ella : .[Bringing the chalk]Ella : Here you are.Teacher : Thanks.

    In the k i tchen2. Dono : Lets cut thi s sh.

    Hendr o : ..Dono : I w ill .

    At Rati hs house3. Budi : May I borrow this for a week?

    Ratih :

    Budi : Oh, okay. Never mind.

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    41U nit 2 - I A m....

    Whi le having the school b reak4. Galuh : I am hungry .

    Buyung : ..Galuh : Thanks. Has it got cur ry?Buyung : I think so.

    At home5. Fajar : Mum, wheres my hat?

    Mrs. Jati : ..Fajar : And wheres my bag?Mrs. Jati : .Fajar : It s not here, Mum.Mrs. Jati : Look at your book shelf .

    a. Do it carefull y, pl ease.b. I think its near your desk.c. Sorr y, I use it everyday.d. It s in your bag.e. Its over here.f. Theres a canteen over there


    Activit y 1

    Look at the pi cture about supermark et. Use your di cti onary .Tell your f ri end w here the peopl e are and w here things are.For exampl e:The old lady needs vegetables. She is in the vegetable section




    4 5



    Pic 2.12 (Dit. PSMP, 2006)

    (Pict. 2.12 Cli parts Of ce, 2003)

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    42 Bahasa In ggris SM P Kelas V II

    Activit y 2

    Work wi th your partner. M ake di alogues based on the fol lowi ng si tuations.Use the model.Model:A: Where is?B: Its in/ on/ at.?1. You need your rubber, but it i s not there. You ask your fr iend. She/ he tells

    you w here it i s.2. You move to a new classroom. You and your f ri end discuss where to put

    classroom equipment in the right place. What do you and your f ri end say?3. You have a new fr iend at school. You want to show hi m/ her around the

    school, for example the cafeteria, library, and teachers of ce. What do yousay?

    Activit y 3

    Work individually.Look at the picture and answer thefollowing questions.1. Where are things?2. What time is it?3. Where are the people?For example: It is about noon. The sunshines very brightly

    Activit y 4

    Work with your partner. Use the expressions of asking for and givinginf ormation. Make a di alogue based on these si tuations.

    Si tuation 1You want to borrow A ndys cutter. You forgot to bring i t.

    Si tuation 2Rony is a school boy scout. Ask information about how to join the school boyscout.

    (Pict 2.14 Cli part Of ce, 2003)

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    43U nit 2 - I A m....

    Read the announcement and answer the questi ons.

    1. What is the announcement about?2. Where do you hear the announcement?3. Who may read the announcement?

    Section Two:


    Good morning, class.Join our choir rehearsal every Saturday at12.30 in the school hall . All are inv ited.Thank you.

    Activit y 1

    Activit y 2

    Based on the above announcement, here i s the clue you must fol low.What?

    A choir rehearsalWhen?Every Saturday at 12.30.Where?In the school hall

    Activit y 3

    Read the announcement and answer the questi ons .

    Answer these questions.1. Where do you usually nd the above announcement?

    2. What is it about?3. Who wrote the announcement?

    AnnouncementJoin the extracurr icular programms at school.Feel free to choose your favour ite program.

    Dont mi ss out. Enjoy yourself .

    Head of OSIS

    Short Functi onal Text (A nnouncement)

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    44 Bahasa In ggris SM P Kelas V II


    Activit y 1

    Compl ete the sentences wi th the expressions in the box.

    1. We have just begun ..2. Every student should know ..3. There are 4. The election of the head of OSIS will be next month. Every student should

    5. Students .from Monday ti ll Thursday.6. The wil l take in the school hall .7. .. requi re students to wear black belts and black shoes


    a. The school rulesb. vote one of the candidatesc. a new school yeard. should w ear a white and blue uni forme. the new school regul ationf. a number of extracurr icular programsg. farewell partyh. please, be helpful

    Activit y 2

    Read the announcement in A cti vi ty 1 (presentati on) aloud i n f ront of the class.Pay attenti on to your p ronunciation.

    Activit y 3

    Wri te an announcement based on the data below . Then, read i t i n f ront of theclass.

    Event : A try out on the nal exam.Time : Sunday, 16 March, 2008, from 9.00 to 11.00 am.Place : In the school hall .

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    45U nit 2 - I A m....


    Activit y 1

    In pairs, write an announcement on the basis of the following points. Then,

    read i t aloud.

    1. To celebrate the Indonesian Independence day.2. A marching competit ion.3. August 5, 2008.4. Send representative for each class.5. Rehearsal is everyday after school hours.

    Activit y 2

    Write a simpl e announcement on a school bazaar. It i s in the school yard onSunday, March 16, 2008, 9.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. Al l students are inv i ted.


    1. Work with your partner. Prepare a dialogue with the owner of the schoolcanteen. You w ant some information about the kinds of food in the canteen.

    2. Write a simple announcement for a school activ ity , for example, a newsreading contest or an English speech contest


    1. In this uni t, you have learned: how to ask for information.

    how to give information.2. You have also learned: how a short functional text (announcement) is organised. how to wri te a short functional text (announcement).

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    46 Bahasa In ggris SM P Kelas V II

    Cultural Notes

    W hat do people around the world eat?

    Pic 2.15 (Di t. PSMP, 2006)

    Look at the above foods. Answer the following questions.1. Are they the same as the foods that you usually eat?2. What do you usually have for breakfast, lunch, and dinner?3. Have you ever eaten the above foods?

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    47U nit 2 - I A m....


    A. Choose the correct w ords to complete the sentences.

    1. Monik : How many (pen/ pens) do you have?

    Ali : I have only one (pen/ pens).2. Mamik : How many (seat/ seats) in the classroom?

    Andy : There are about 40 (seat/ seats)3. Rany : Do you have pets? I have tw o (bird/ birds) at home.

    Dan : I have a (rabbit/ rabbits)4. Dyah : How many big (tree/ trees) are there in the school yard?

    Reza : I think there are four (tree/ trees).

    B. Wri te the fol low ing time in verbal f orms.

    1. It is 7 oclock = ..2. It is 12.15 = ..3. It is 8.30 = ..4. It is 2.56 = ..5. It is 4.10 = ..

    C. Wri te a di alogue based on the chart below .

    You and Candra are talk ing about your new mountain bike.

    You Candra

    D. Wri te an announcement based on the foll owing clue.Event : Prom night.When : On Saturday, 22 March 2008.Where : In the school hall

    Greet Candra.

    Tell him you have a newbike.

    Answer that it is polygon.

    Show that you agree.

    Answer the greeting.

    Ask w hat brand it i s.

    Tell you that it must be great.

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    48 Bahasa In ggris SM P Kelas V II

    Fun PageI Have Two Hands

    Read the follow ing poem l oudly. Pay attention to your pronunciation.

    I have t wo handsThe lef t and t he r ight

    Hold t hem up highSo clean and br ight

    Clap t hem sof t ly1 2 3

    My f ace is br ightMy t eet h all whit eMy dr ess is clean

    And all of meSo dear play mat es

    Follow meSo t hat our mot her will be happy

    I have t wo handsThe lef t and t he r ight

    Hold t hem up highSo clean and br ightClap t hem sof t ly

    1 2 3

    My f ace is br ightMy t eet h all whit eMy dr ess is clean

    And all of meSo dear play mat es

    Follow meSo t hat our mot her will be happy

    Pic 2.16 (Dit. PSMP, 2006)

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    49U nit 2 - I A m....

    Re ect ion

    1. This uni t gives me (put a tick):new experiences.useful learning experiences.no useful learning experiences.useful learning strategy.no useful learning strategy.

    2. The most interesting part in thi s uni t is..3. Things that I want to study more are4. Read the statements. Then, give a ti ck ( ) to yes, no, some.

    Statements Yes Some No

    a. I can make responses to aski ng for and giv inginformation.

    b. I can make a talk on asking for and giv inginformation.

    c. I can ask and answer factual information aboutdescript ive adjectives, noun phrases, adv erbs ofplaces, time and manner.

    d. I can wri te an announcement.

    Now, wri te the adjectives and the adverbs that you nd in the poem above.

    Adjectives Adverbs

    1. _________________ 2. _________________

    3. _________________ 4. _________________ 5. _________________ 6. _________________ 7. _________________ 8. _________________ 9. _________________ 10. _________________

    1. ________________ 2. ________________

    3. ________________ 4. ________________ 5. ________________ 6. ________________ 7. ________________ 8. ________________ 9. ________________ 10. ________________

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    50 Bahasa In ggris SM P Kelas V II

    Vocabul ary List

    Words Parts ofSpeech



    boy scout n[ ]


    candidate n [ ] calon

    garage n [ ] garasi

    representative n [ ] perwakilan

    sandpit n [ ] kotak yang diisi pasiruntuk tempat anak-anak bermain

    staple diet n [ ] makanan pokok

    rehearsal n latihan

    scissors n gunting

    see-saw n jungkat-jungkit

    choir n paduan suara

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    51U ni t 3 - D o This ... Please

    UN I T 3

    Do This. . . Please.

    In this unit, you will learn how to:respond to transactional and interpersonal dialogues about asking someone to do somethingand forbidding someone to do something.produce transactional and interpersonal dialogues about asking someone to do somethingand forbidding someone to do something.make ideational responses to short functional texts (notes).create short functional texts (notes).

    Open the door, please. Could you line up here? Dont do that, please. Stop that, pl ease. Can you hold this for me? Count to ten, please. Come here, pl ease.

    Pic 3.1 (Cli parts Of ce, 2003)

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    52 Bahasa In ggris SM P Kelas V II

    Section One:

    Asking someone to do something and forbi dding someone to do something.


    Activit y 1

    Look at the pi ctures. M atch the pictures to the expressions in the box.

    1. after the teacher.2. to the tape.3. dow n on your seal.4. hello to your friend.5. in the school yard.6. lunch at the school canteen.7. about something.8. at the bird.

    Repeat Have lunch Look Listen

    Sit Hello! TalkDo sports

    Pic 3.2 (Cli parts Of ce, 2003)

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    53U ni t 3 - D o This ... Please

    Activit y 2

    Look at the pi ctures. Listen and repeat after the teacher.

    Dont do thi s. Dont do that.

    Do not pi ck your nose.

    Do not bite your nger.

    Pic 3.3 (Di t. PSMP, 2006)

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    54 Bahasa In ggris SM P Kelas V II

    Activit y 3

    How do you ask people to do something?Start w i th a verb. Thi s verb i s cal l ed imperati ve verb .If you dont w ant people to do something, start w i th dont .

    Open the door, please.

    Dont open the door.

    Could you open the door,

    Come here

    Please come here.

    Dont come here.

    Lets go there.

    How w ould you giveresponse?

    Say:Yes, M aam.

    Okay, M aam.Sure.

    Alright.Right away, M aam.

    N o problem.

    The word I is used as subject .When I is used as object , it changes into me .

    For exampl e: I want ice cream.

    Mother l oves me .

    Subject Object





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    55U ni t 3 - D o This ... Please

    PleaseCould you




    Activit y 4

    Li sten and repeat after the teacher.1. Leavi ng f or school

    Cindy : Were leaving.Anne : Wait for me!Cindy : Hurry up! Well be late.Anne : Okay. Im ready. Lets go.

    2. In the canteenHarr y : Whats the matter?Andy : I have the hiccups.Harry : H old your breath.Joe : Dr ink some water.Ken : Eat a slice of bread.Andy : Its okay. The hiccups are gone.

    3. At the cross roadJane : H ow do I get to the post of ce from here?Jim : Walk tw o blocks to Ahmad Yani Street. Then turn right on

    Diponegoro Street. Go another one block to Sumatera Street andturn left. The post of ce is on your right-hand side.

    4. At the di ni ng roomJack : Bye, Mom. Im going cycling.Mom : Wait a minute. Clean your room before you leave.Jack : What do I have to do?

    Mom : Hang up your clothes. Make your bed. Put your books back on theshelf. Empty the wastepaper basket. Okay?

    Jack : Okay.

    Answer these questi ons .1. Underl ine the imperative verbs in each dialogue.2. Why do the speaker use i mperativ e verbs?

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    56 Bahasa In ggris SM P Kelas V II

    Activit y 1

    Choose the best answer.

    1. Andi : I dont feel good.Sari : . the doctor .a. Look b. Seec. Wath d. Li sten

    2. Bank teller : Please, ......in li ne.Customer : Okay.a. sit b. walkc. stand d. step

    3. Sandy : . to bring no 2 pencil to the test.Okky : I wont.a. Dont try b. Dont bringc. Dont forget d. Dont remember

    4. Ari : .. anyone my secret. Do you promise?Sany : I do.a. Dont talk b. Dont tell

    c. Dont speak c. Dont say


    Activit y 2

    Compl ete the foll owi ng conversati on. Use the expressions avail abl e.

    1. Jane : Mira, here, please.Mir a : Okay. Whats ?Jane : me carry this, pl ease.Mira :

    2. Clay : Okay, now lets the exercise.Mawar : Okay. Lets do it .Clay : dow n here, pl ease.Mawar : Thank you.Clay : Lets the words.

    Mawar : Sure. And then?

    sure up help come

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    57U ni t 3 - D o This ... Please

    Clay : Then we them with the pictures.Mawar : Okay. I it .

    Get sit do underline match

    Activit y 3

    In pai rs, rearrange the sentences into a proper di alog.

    1. Goi ng tow ards the classroom Ruben : Lets not talk .Adi t : Hear the bell?Rubben : Yes. Let s go.Adi t : Right. Lets just go in.Teacher : Line up, pl ease!

    2. M rs. Green is leavi ng for work . Clay : Bye, Mum.Mrs. Green : Get up , pl ease, Clay!Clay : No worri es, Mum.Mrs. Green : Come on. Have show er.Clay : In a minute, Mum.Mrs. Green : Then have breakfast, okay?Clay : Just a second, Mum.

    Mrs. Green : I am leaving. Bye.

    3. In f ront of a food storeRandy : OK, M um. Buy me some chocolate, pl ease.Mother : Randy, Ill go in to get some food stuff . Please stay and keep an eye

    on the motorcycle.Randy : Sure, Mum.Mother : I wil l. Dont talk to strangers.

    4. Anto i s leavi ng for school.Anto : I wont, Mum.Anto : Bye, Mum.Mother : Bye, Anto. Take care. Dont receive anythingcandies or chocolates-

    - from anybody.

    Pic 3.4 (Cli parts Of ce, 2003)

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    58 Bahasa In ggris SM P Kelas V II


    Activit y 1

    Work wi th a partner. In tu rns, ask your f ri end to do the foll owi ng acti ons and

    give repl ies.

    For example : You say : Get me a pi ece of chalk, pl ease.Your fr iend repli es: Okay, then he/ she gets a piece of chalk for you.

    1. Stand in line. 5. Turn on the li ght.2. Sit down, please. 6. Stop talking, pl ease.3. Tidy up your desk, pl ease. 7. Submit your work , pl ease.4. Straighten your chair . 8. Put on your hat, pl ease

    Activit y 2

    M ake di alogues based on the si tuations below.

    For exampl e:The classroom i s a li ttle bit dark . Ms Ningrum asks Roni to open the window s.

    Ms Ningrum : Roni, open the window s, please.Roni : Yes, Maam.Ms Ningrum : Thank you, Roni.Roni : You are welcome.

    Si tuati ons : 1. You want to invite your fr iend to go to the canteen. What would both of you

    say?2. You dont want your fri end to talk. What would both of you say?3. You want your friend to help you draw a map. What would you say?

    4. Your teacher wants you to line up. What would you say?5. You dont want your sister to watch TV. What would you say?

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    59U ni t 3 - D o This ... Please

    Section Two:

    Short Functional Text (notes)


    Activit y 1

    Answer the questions based on your experience.

    Questions :1. Have you ever got any note?2. What kind of note was it?

    3. Why did you get that note?4. When your fr iend celebrates her bir thday, do you send her a note?5. What do you wri te on it?

    A note is a shor t in formal w rit ten message.(Oxford Concise Dictionary 10th Edition)

    Activit y 2

    Li sten and repeat after your teacher .

    Here is a short note from Shirleys mother. She has to see grandpa. He is in thehospital. She puts the note on the fr idge.

    A Sample Note

    Shirley,I w ont be home unti l l ate.Grandpa is in the hospi tal.Lunch is on the table. Helpyourself.Wash the dishes.Water the plants in the frontgarden.


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    60 Bahasa In ggris SM P Kelas V II


    Activit y 1

    M atch the foll owi ng si tuations wi th the expressions in the box.

    Situations:1. Your fr iend is in Bali . She is on New Year s holiday with the whole famil y.2. Your friend suffers from Dengue Fever. She is in the hospital.3. Your fr iend has just won a National Math Olympiad. Send a note to him/


    Get w ell soonCongratulations. You have made us proud.Have a nice holi day.I hope thi s wil l make you feel better.

    Activit y 2

    Read the foll owi ng note and answer the questions that foll ow.

    Questions.1. Is the above note spoken or written?2. Who reads the note?3. Where is it read?

    4. Who are the listeners?5. What should the students prepare?6. What should the students not to do?

    Morning class. Li sten.

    Time for the test.Prepare a piece of paper.Wr ite your name on the top of the paper.Remember. Don t make any noise.

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    61U ni t 3 - D o This ... Please


    Activit y 1

    Your sister i s l eavi ng for Bal i . She is on a picni c wi th her classmates. You donthave ti me to meet her. Wri te a note ask ing her to buy you a Joger T-shi rt and acanvas backpack.

    Activit y 2

    Wri te a note for your b rother tel l ing what he can do and what he must not do.

    Situation:Your parents are away. You are at home with your li ttl e brother. A t 4 pm your e

    having a choir rehearsal. You w ont be back unti l 7 pm.


    Read the problems.Wr ite small notes.You may wri te big notes if you can.

    1. You want your friend to wait for you. What would you wri te?

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    62 Bahasa In ggris SM P Kelas V II

    2. You want your f ri end to buy cheese and bri ng it to school. What would youwrite?

    3. You dont want your mother to pick you up. You want to go home by bus.What would you say? Start w ith Dear M um

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    63U ni t 3 - D o This ... Please

    4. Tomorrow is a busy day. You must do many things. Make a li st of them.

    Pic 3.5 (Cli parts Of ce, 2003)

    5. Your parents are not at home. They w ant you to keep an eye on your li ttlebrother. Wr ite a dialogue telling your brother things that he may do and maynot do.


    1. In this uni t you have learned: how to ask someone to do something. how to forbid someone to do something.

    2. You also have learned how to write notes.

    Cult ural Not es

    In the English culture, people send get-well notes whensomebody is ill or hospitalized. They do not usually visitthe patients. Sometimes they send owers and attach a get-well note/ card on them. The ower and cards show theirsupport and love.

    Pic 3.6 (Cli parts Of

    ce, 2003)

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    64 Bahasa In ggris SM P Kelas V II


    A. Wr ite a response to the fol low ing note.

    Wr ite down your name on top of the paper.Submit your w ork.Dont talk, please.

    B. Your mother i s in the market. Youre leavi ng for school. Write a note telling her youl lcome home late. There will be a cheer l eader r ehearsal after school hours. Also tell heryou wil l have lunch at the school canteen.

    C. Complete the fol low ing sentences with appropri ate verbs in the box.

    1. for me. I ll be ready in a few minutes.2. .. me the salt and pepper.3. .. up! Its time to get up.4. .. pages 7 through 9 for tomorrow s class.5. the light on. Its getti ng dark here.

    C. Complete the fol low ing note about getti ng to a Jaya Book Store. Use proper verbs.

    To (1) get to Jaya Book Store, (2) take a city bus to Perak. (3) off at DamriHeadquarters. Then (4) to the other side of basuki Rachmat Street. (5) tothe left for a few hundred metres. Gramedia book store is on your l eft . (6) me in frontof the stor e at 4.30.

    Pass Read Wait CloseWake Put Come

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    65U ni t 3 - D o This ... Please

    Pic 3.7 (Di t. PSMP, 2006)

    Fun PageDid You Know

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    66 Bahasa In ggris SM P Kelas V II

    Answer these questions:1. What colour s do you see in a rainbow?2. What colour s are pr imary colour s?3. What colours are secondary colours?4. How do we get secondary colour s?5. Make an experiment with water color. Wr ite the verbs for the follow ing actions.

    a. red and yellow.b. .some water.c. Finally , you wil l colour.

    6. at a rainbow in the sky . There seven colours. are orange, yellow, green,blue, indigo and violet.

    7. Complete the sentences below w ith appropriate verbs. a li ttle piece of blue colour . it on a small plate. another piece of yell owcolour . a li ttl e water. them up. You wil l green colour there.

    Pict 3.8(Dit. PSMP, 2006)

    Yo ur W o rdsVeget ables

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    67U ni t 3 - D o This ... Please

    Answer these questions1. What vegetables does your mother usually buy?2. What vegetables make the food hot?3. What is the colour of potatoes and carrots?4. When you want to make fr ied potatoes what do you do?5. To make vegetable soup you need to carrots and potatoes into li ttle pieces and .

    . cabbage and onions into the broth. Finally. a lit tle salt and pepper. N ow the soupis ready to consume

    Re ect ion

    1. This uni t gives me (put a tick):new experiences.useful learning experiences.

    no useful learning experiences.useful learning strategy.no useful learning strategy.

    2. The most interesting part in thi s uni t is..3. Things that I want to study more are4. Read the statements. Then, give a ti ck ( ) to yes, no, some.

    Statements Yes Some No

    a. I can respond to a talk about asking and forbidding

    someone to do something.b. I can make a talk about asking and forbidding

    someone to do something.

    c. I can make instructions and give responses.

    d. I can wri te notes.

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    68 Bahasa In ggris SM P Kelas V II

    Vocabul ary List

    Words Parts ofSpeech



    attach v [ melampirkan

    celebrate v [ merayakan

    empty v [ mengosongkan

    line up v [ mengantri

    note n [ catatan

    shelf n [ rak

    suffer n [ menderita

    submit v [ menyerahkan

    hospital n rumah saki t

    waste paperbasket

    n keranjang sampah

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    69U nit 3 - Doing Things

    UN I T 4

    Doing Things

    In this unit, you will learn how to:respond to transactional and interpersonal dialogues about apologizing, expressingpoliteness and gratitude.produce transactional and interpersonal dialogues about apologizing, expressing politenessand gratitude.make ideational responses to short functional texts (postcards).create short functional texts (postcards).

    Hi Weny, can we go out and play? Sorry , Li ly , Im busy What are you

    doing? I am helping my mother. We are cleaning the house. We do this every year. We clean up dur ing the holiday. Thats good. Can I help you? Sure. Lets get busy.

    Pic 4.1 (Cli parts Of ce, 2003)

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    71U nit 3 - Doing Things

    Dialogue 2Antos sister : Happy bir thday, Anto. This is for you.Anto : Oh, thank you. Ive wanted thi s bag for years. Youre so nice.Antos sister : Thats alr ight .

    Expressions of apologizing Responses

    Sorry. Im sorry. Im really sorry. Forgive me, please. I do apologize.

    Never mind. Its okay. No problem. Not at all. Thats alri ght.

    Dialogue 3Student : Im sorry, Maam. I broke the beaker.Teacher : Thats alright. Next time be careful.Student : I wil l, Maam. I promise.

    Dialogue 4Andi : Im sorry, Sir . Im late to class.Teacher : It s OK this time. Please be on time in the future.Student : Yes, I will, Sir.

    Expressions of pol i teness Responses

    Sorry. Im sorry. Im really sorry. Forgive me, please. I do apologize

    Okay, Miss. Yes, Sir . No problem. Certainly. Sure.

    Dialogue 5Teacher : Sandy, wil l you open the window , please. Its hot here.Sandy : Yes, Sir.Teacher : Thank you.

    Dialogue 6Sani : Banu, could you take me home? I have a at ti re.Banu : Certainly . So youl l leave your bike here.Sani : I have to. There is no a bike repairman nearby. I ll ask my father for a

    help.Banu : I see. Lets go.

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    72 Bahasa In ggris SM P Kelas V II

    Activit y 3: Pat tern

    How do you tel l peopl e what you do everyday?

    Look at the following pictures.Make your own sentences using I at the beginning of the sentence.For example: I w ake up.

    Do these

    Pic 4. 2 (Di t. PSMP, 2006)

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    73U nit 3 - Doing Things

    Activit y 4

    What do people usually do around the house? We can use adverbs likesomet imes, usuall y, al ways and often wi th the words under each picture.For exampl e: I usual ly l i sten to the radi o at ni ght.

    Based on the pictures above write ve sentences like the example.1. _____________________________________.2. _____________________________________.3. _____________________________________.4. _____________________________________.5. _____________________________________.

    Activit y 5

    Based on the sentences you have made in Activity 4, complete the followingchart.

    Subject Adverb Verb Object Adverb

    I sometimes watch TV at night

    You always have breakfast in the morning.


    We on holidays.

    He at night.


    My cat

    Activit y 6

    PatternLook at the following pictures.Right now, they are doing different things.What are they doing?

    When you see the word run , you say: H e is run ning So, you add ing to the verbs. Give names to the persons (Subjects).

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    74 Bahasa In ggris SM P Kelas V II

    Pic 4.3 (Di t. PSMP, 2006)

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    75U nit 3 - Doing Things

    Now ll in the following chart to make the pattern.

    Subject be Verb + ing

    John (He) is running

    Tia (She)

    Bima (He)

    Fatur (He)

    My brother (He)

    The children (They)

    You can also add object to the verb.

    Subject be Verb + ing Objek

    I am studying English.You are swimming

    We are reading this book

    My cat is chasing the mouse.


    Activit y 1

    What do people usual ly do around the house? Work in pairs. Talk about thesepictures.

    1 2

    Plant owers Water the plants

    3 4

    Clean the lamp Move things

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    5 6 7

    Fry food Serve food Peel apples

    8 9 10

    Cut vegetables Cook food Make bread

    11 12 13

    Play hide and seek Have orange jui ce Have a good time

    Pic 4.4 (Cli parts Of ce, 2003)

    Activit y 2

    Now, wri te sentences based on the pi ctures.

    1What is the gir l doing?

    She is w alki ng.

    2What is the baby doing?

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    77U nit 3 - Doing Things


    What is the boy doing?


    What i s the baby doing?


    What is the li ttl e gir l doing?


    What are the children doing?

    7.What are we doing?

    Pic 4.5 (Di t. PSMP, 2006)

    Activit y 3

    Rearrange the j umbled sentences in to proper d ialogues.Work wi th a partner to perform the di alogues.

    1. At Nanas homeTata : Nana.!

    Tata : Oh, are you?

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    Tata : Come. Lets go and play.Nana : H i, Tata!Nana : I am. Come in.Nana : Sorry Tata. Im stil l doing my homework.Tata : No, thank you. I ll come back later.

    2. Af ter school hoursYoga : Why?Rir in : Sorry I cant .Yoga : Lets go to the movies on Saturday?Rini : OK.Yoga : Really?Rini : Yeah. I clean my room, wash my clothes, cook the food, and go to my

    dancing class.Yoga : A ll right then. How about Sunday?

    Rini : I do my housework on Saturdays.

    3. At the l ibraryYuyun : Great. I need help w ith thi s math too.Rina : Sure. Whats up?Yuyun : Are you busy?Rina : Not at all .Yuyun : Rina, can I talk to you?Rina : Okay. Lets do it careful ly .Yuyun : Thank you for helping me.Rina : Well just nishing this math assignment.


    Activit y 1Based on each picture below, write a dialogue using expressions of thankingand apologizi ng, or thank ing and poli teness. Then w i th a partner, act i t out.

    1.What is going on in the picture?

    2.What is going on in the picture?

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    79U nit 3 - Doing Things

    3.What is going on in the picture?

    4.What is going on in the picture?

    5.What is going on in the picture?

    6.What is going on in the picture?

    7.30 am

    Pic 4.6 (Cli parts Of ce, 2003)

    Activit y 2

    Look at the pi ctures. Wri te down w hat you th ink . 1.

    What is the gir l doing?What is she thinki ng about?

    2.What is the boy doing?What is he thinki ng about?

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    3.What is the boy doing?What i s he dreaming about?

    Pic 4.7 (Cli parts Of ce, 2003)

    Activit y 3

    Compl ete the dialogues wi th sui table expressions.

    1. In the classroom

    Dewi : Amy, do you bring my novel?Amy : Oh, no. . I left it at home.Dewi : But dont forget to bring it tomorrow .Amy : .

    2. In the canteenAndi : How much is that all together, Maam?Mrs. Ari : Thatl l be tw o thousand and ve hundred.Andi : Heres ve thousand rupiahs.Mrs. Ari : Heres your change, tw o thousand and ve hundred.Andi : Ah youve given me the wrong It is only a thousand and ve

    hundred.Mrs. Ari : Oh, Andi : .

    Activit y 3

    Work in pairs. M ake di alogues based on the foll owing si tuations. Then actthem out. For example:

    A : I apologize. I broke your crystal vase.B : No probl em.A : Thats very nice of you. But, let me pay for the damage.

    Situations1. Your fr iend apologizes to you because his/ her lit tle sister has torn out your

    book. What w ould your f riend say? And how would you respond?2. Your fr iend is looking for her purse. You want to help her. What would you

    say? How would your fr iend respond?

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    81U nit 3 - Doing Things

    Section Two:

    Short Functi onal Text (post cards)


    Activit y 1

    Li sten and repeat after the teacher.

    1. At a school yardOni : Randy, is it your bike?Randy : No, it is not my bike.

    2. In the classroomDiah : Rony, may I borrow your pen?Rony : Sorr y. This is not my pen. This is his pen.

    Activit y 2

    Fi l l in the blanks wi th one of these words.

    1. I have a car. Thi s is car.2. You have tw o horses. They are horses.3. He has a basket. That is basket.4. She has two baskets. Those are baskets.5. We have ve apples. These are appl es.6. They have boat. It is boat.

    Based on the information above, complete the chart below .

    Subject Object Possessive objective





    (book) (book) (book) (book) (tall ) (books)


    My your our his her heir

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    The words your and my are called possessive adjectives .It is followed by noun to express someones possession.





    Activit y 3

    Li sten and repeat after your t eacher.

    Risma is having a holiday with her family in Bali. She enjoys the holidayvery much. She wants to tell her close friend Sari about her holiday. Sari lives atJl. Kartini 26, Sur abaya and Risma stays in Losari Kuta Jl. Sahadewa 19, Kuta,Bali.

    Questions:1. What is the purpose of the postcard above?2. Who wri tes the postcard?3. Who does Risma send the postcard to?4. Where does Risma stay in Bali?5. What is the postcard about?

    Kuta, March 20, 2008Dear Sari,

    I arrived in Bali 2 days ago. It is a wonderful place. The beaches

    are nice. The hotel is right on the beach. I toured the island yesterday and brought some souvenirs for friends in Surabaya. I llbe back on Sunday. Well, that s all for now.Regards for your family.


    A postcard is a card for sending messages by post with an envelope. Postcards often have a picture or photograph on one side.Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary (Hornby, 2002)

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    83U nit 3 - Doing Things

    Activit y 4

    Look at the pattern. The message in a postcard i s wri tten based on the fol lowi ngclue. Sent to : Deni Kusuma Sent by : Diah Lestari Date : 25 March 2008

    Message Opening : Greet him. Body : Say your gratitude for his congratulations card he sent on

    your w inning the math competi tion. Apologize because youdidnt send an immediate reply.

    Closing : Tell him you want to hear from him. You want to exchangeexperience about the science competi tion he just joined.


    Activit y 1

    Rearrange the jumbl ed w ords into appropri ate sentences. Work indi vi duall y.

    1. is your it pencil Sari?2. sate favour ite my is food

    3. cute there is his in house a dog4. mother her an teacher English is5. forgot bring to novel I your

    Activit y 2

    Complete the sentences wi th sui tabl e possessive adjectives.

    1. My mother teaches English in ... school.2. What is hometown li ke?3. parents want him to study hard .4. They alw ays wri te letters to fr iends.5. The cat is cute tail i s short.

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    Activit y 3

    Wri te a message on a postcard based on the inf ormati on given.

    Sent to : Ir a, Jl. W.R. Supratman 15, Sur abayaSent by : Mrs. Suhanto, Jl. Cipaganti 20, BandungDate : January 25, 2008

    Message Opening : Greet her. Body : Show your gratitude for allowing you to stay in her house when

    you had a holiday in Bandung. Closing : Tell her to send your regards to other members of the famil y.


    Activit y 1

    Work wi th your partner. Conti nue the message in the postcard using your ow nwords.

    Surabaya, 20 February 2008Dear Rani,

    Hi, Ran. How s life? Still busy with your classes? There will beSurabaya Big Sale next month. Why don t you come over and enjoythe prices. ....................................................

    Activit y 2

    In pairs, wri te a postcard and i ts repl y based on the si tuation:You want to thank your pen pal. He/she sent you the best-seller novel lastweek . What w ould you w ri te and w hat w i ll the reply be?

    Activit y 3

    Work individually. Write a postcard to a classmate about your last vacation.M ake sure you w ri te your address and hi s/her address correctl y.

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    85U nit 3 - Doing Things


    1. You alw ays do different things everyday after school. Tell your fr iends whatyou do on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thur sday, Friday, Saturday, andSunday.

    2. Wr ite a message in a postcard to your fr iend in Mataram to thank him/ her.When you had a vacation in Lombok, he/ she accompanied you on an Islandtour. What w ould you wri te and w hat w ould the reply be like?


    1. In this uni t you have learned: how to apologize. how to express politeness.

    how to express gratitude.2. You also have learned to write post cards.

    Cult ural Not es

    Pic 4.8 (Di t. PSMP, 2006)

    Say Thanks or Thank You w henever youget something from someone.

    Also say Thanks or Thank you. whenyou get some help from other people.

    Apologize every time you make a mistake.

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    A. Compl ete these conversati ons using be+Verb+ing.

    At a party

    Andi: Which one is Sari? What she (w ear)?Ali : She (sit) on the bench. She (w ear) a green blouse.

    On the way homeRani: Salim and Reza (come) to the party?Risma: No, Salim (do) the homework and Reza (play) football .

    B. Compl ete the foll owi ng descri pti on wi th appropri ate forms of verbs.

    The man 1) (be) in his early 20s. He 2) (be) tall and 3) (have) darkhair. He 4) (wear) a red sweater and dark blue pants and he 5) (carry)a black jacket. He 6) (w alk ) very quickly.

    C. Wr i te a postcard based on the clue below.

    Sent to : Mr. Sunaryo, Jl. Nanas 15, Solo.Sent by : Siska, Jl. Bendul Merisi 22, Sur abaya.Date : December 12, 2007.Message

    Opening : Greet him.Body : You want to vi sit Solo on holiday. Tell him to pick you up at SoloBalapan railway station. You go by Sancaka train.

    Closing : Tell hi m to send your r egards to aunt Sunaryo.

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    87U nit 3 - Doing Things

    Yo ur W o rds

    Pic 4.9 (Di t. PSMP, 2006)

    Use a dictionary to complete the sentences.1. When you have a headache you go to see2. A makes a shirt for you.3. Your . gives you homework everyday.4. A delivers mail everyday.5. Every restaurant has6. One of the pol ice duti es is to7. .helps a doctor to examine a patient.8. You go to a to check your teeth.

    9. Amakes wooden tables and chair s.

    What people do

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    Fun PageWho Am