Cara Bepresentasi Dalam BING

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  • 7/27/2019 Cara Bepresentasi Dalam BING


    Memperkenalkan sebuah poin presentasi

    First of all, Ill

    Id like to start by

    Lets begin by

    Starting with

    Ill begin by

    Mengakhiri sebuah poin presentasi

    Thats all I have to say about

    Well, Ive told you about

    Weve looked at

    So much for

    Memulai poin berikutnya

    Let me turn now to

    Now well move on to

    NextTurning to

    Id like now to discuss

    Lets look now at

    Menganalisis sebuah poin dan memberikan saran-saran

    Lets consider this in more detail

    Where does that lead us?

    What does this mean for ABC?

    Translated into real terms

    Memberikan contoh

    To give you an example,

    For example,

    A good example of this is

    As an illustration,

    To illustrate this point

    Mengatasi pertanyaan

    Well be examining this point in more detail later on

    Ill come back to this question later in my talk

    Id like to deal with this question later, if I mayPerhaps youd like to raise this point at the end

    I wont comment on this now

    Merangkum dan menyimpulkan

    In conclusion,

    Id like now to recap

    Right, lets sum up, shall we?

    Lets summarise briefly what weve looked at

    Finally, let me remind you of some of the issues weve covered

    If I can just sum up the main points

  • 7/27/2019 Cara Bepresentasi Dalam BING


    Mengurutkan poin-poin

    First of allthennextafter thatfinally


    To start withlaterto finish up

    INTRODUCTION (Pembukaan)

    Introduction atau pembukaan merupakan bagian yang paling penting dari presentasi. Cara

    anda membuka presentasi akan memberikan kesan pertama bagi peserta. Anda harus

    berkonsentrasi agar bisa melakukan pembukaan dengan baik dan benar. Bagian pembukaan

    ditujukan untuk:

    1. Menyambut para peserta2. Memperkenalkan topik yang akan dipresentasikan3. Memberikan garis besar struktur presentasi4. Memberikan instruksi tentang cara bertanya

    Berikut adalah beberapa contoh ungkapan yang dapat digunakan untuk masing-masing tujuan

    di atas. Tentunya anda perlu memodifikasinya sesuai kebutuhan.

    Menyambut para peserta

    Mulailah dengan mengucapkan salam/greeting, kemudian diikuti dengan ucapan terima kasih

    atas kehadiran peserta atau atas kesempatan yang diberikan. Jika memang diperlukan,

    perkenalkan diri anda secara singkat dan posisi anda dalam membawakan presentasi tersebut.


    - Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. First of all I would like to say thank you very

    much for coming today, its great to see you all here.

    - Good morning, everybody. Before start I would like to say thank you for coming

    today, its an honor to be here with you today. My name is Masdin and Im the

    manager of LSE Project.

    Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. First of all I would like to say thank you very much for coming

    today, its great to see you all here.

    Good morning/Afternoon ladies and gentlemen. It;s an honor for

    us to have you all here.

    Let us introduce ourselves. Im ..... nextto me is

    Memperkenalkan topik presentasi

    Setelah mengucapkan salam dan menyambut peserta, selanjutnya anda perlu menyatakantujuan atau topik presentasi. Contoh:

  • 7/27/2019 Cara Bepresentasi Dalam BING


    - I am going to talk today about .

    - The porpuse of my presentation is to .

    - Today we are going to look at the .

    Memaparkan gar is-garis besar presentasi

    Selanjutnya anda perlu memaparkan garis-garis besar atau urutan poin-poin presentasi untuk

    memberikan gambaran umum bagi peserta tentang arah presentasi yang akan anda bawakan.


    - To start with Ill describe the progress made this year. Then Ill mention some of

    the problems weve encountered and how we overcame them. After that Ill consider

    the possibilities for further growth next year. Finally, Ill summarize my


    - First we will look at the proposed schedule, next we will look at ways of improving

    the schedule, finally you will hear three strategies we can consider. We hope this willhelp you see the key points we need to keep in mind as we evaluate the benefits and

    risks of this project.

    Menjelaskan cara bertanya bagi peserta

    Setelah semua tahapan di atas, anda juga perlu menjelaskan kepada peserta aturan main

    dalam memberikan pertanyaan. Contoh:

    - Do feel free to interrupt me if you have any questions.

    - Ill try to answer all of your questions after the presentation.

    - I plan to keep some time for questions after the presentation.

    BODY (Isi Presentasi)

    Bagian body adalah presentasi yang sesungguhnya. Jika bagian pembukaan dipersiapkan dan

    diutarakan dengan baik, maka tentunya anda dapat memegang kendali. Anda akan merasa

    rileks dan percaya diri.

    Bagian body presentasi harus terstruktur dengan baik, dibagi secara runtut, dengan banyak

    visual yang ditata dengan hati-hati.

    Ingat poin-poin penting berikut saat menyampaikan body (isi) presentasi anda:

    jangan terburu-buru bersemangat memberi waktu untuk mengamati visual-visual mempertahankan eye-contact mengatur suara tampil bersahabat patuh pada struktur presentasi menggunakan catatan kecil membuat signposting (penunjuk jalan) selama presentasi tetap sopan ketika menghandle pertanyaan-pertanyaan sulit

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    CONCLUSION (Kesimpulan)

    Kesimpulan digunakan untuk:

    1. Merangkum2. Memberikan saran-saran jika perlu3. Berterima kasih kepada audiens4. Mempersilakan bertanya

    Berikut beberapa contoh ungkapan yang bisa digunakan pada bagian Conclusion. Tentunya

    anda dapat melakukan modifikasi sesuai kebutuhan.


    - To conclude,

    - In conclusion,

    - Now, to sum up- So let me summarise/recap what Ive said.

    - Finally, may I remind you of some of the main points weve considered.

    Member ikan saran-saran

    - In conclusion, my recommendations are

    - I therefore suggest/propose/recommend the following strategy.

    Berterima kasih kepada audiens

    - Many thanks for your attention.

    - May I thank you all for being such an attentive audience.

    Mempersi lakan bertanya

    - Now Ill try to answer any questions you may have.

    - Can I answer any questions?

    - Are there any questions?

    - Do you have any questions?

    - Are there any final questions?