Case Study Bueno Aires Engl

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  • 8/9/2019 Case Study Bueno Aires Engl


    The inclusion of digitaltablets in the initial education

    Case Study - Buenos Aires

    Intel Education Software


    For various reasons, in the past decades, initial education has earned a higher relevance in the educative agendas of Latin America.

    Within this scene the incorporation of technologies of information and communication constitute one of the main issues on the

    debates that are created during educative suggestions for the younger children. The following, are some of the issues that favor

    the process of these suggestions:

    Dierent investigations, specically on the eld of neuroscience, demonstrate the existing relationship between early learning,

    the possible access to technology, and the development of subsequent educative paths.

    Within the eld of cognitive psychology positive connections have been identied between cognitive development

    and the appropriation of intelligent tools.

    Technological development and its socio-cultural eect, make of this technology an extended object among population groups

    with dierent characteristics (socio-economical level, cultural resources, age, geographical location and type of settlement

    among others). More and more, this technology is seen as a high capacity, omnipresent device.

    Over the past years the importance of the inclusion of information and communication technologies in school practices have

    been profusely argued, not as an end to itself, but as valid facilitative resources of signicant and relevant learning. Nevertheless,

    this spontaneity in the social use is not sufficient a matter to consider or reflect upon the useful characteristics of the TIC

    in our ways and lifestyles, and even less, decide on the incorporation of the teaching practices. It is important not only to

    think about the inclusion of TIC as a cultural object but also as a device that favors reective processes, comprehension, creativity

    and critical analysis by teachers in relation to their teaching methods. And because of this, digital technologies are part of the

    natural staging of classrooms in more and more kindergarten schools.

  • 8/9/2019 Case Study Bueno Aires Engl


    Case Study - Buenos AiresIntel Education Software


    Do TICs favor or obstruct the development of emotions? Is it possible to work either the corporal, gestural, objectual language or

    languages of color, forms (among others) from the digital scenarios to favor the participation and empowerment of the word? Do

    the TICs favor the thinking of new scenarios of learning where the context allows personalized practices?

    SOLUTIONS:Prototype implementation in selected rooms: 4 and 5 year olds. In there basic structure, the tablets primarily oer the following

    semi enclosed resources for operation: camera, video camera, text processor, note pad, slideshow, plotter, navigators, calculator,

    chat rooms, mail.

    As an open operative device, it specically oers a spreadsheet. It is evident, that during the initial stage, we can only work with semi

    enclosed operative devices, but their educational use obligates the attention to basic and necessary methodological situations for the

    adequate use of any of them.


    In the educational proposals, the boys and girls were able to identify the functions associated to the selected and utilized

    applications, such as: registration cameras (photographs and video capture), ArtRage plotter, Chrome navigator programs and

    Navigator and the video editor Movie Studios. In the exchange of knowledge the recognition of the Google maps, GPS, Youtubeand the sound recorder applications appeared spontaneously.

    They were able to add group Issues discussed among them, such as: do not eat when using it, do not spill liquids on them and do

    not expose them to a heat source.

    Not one case of negligence was observed in respect to the use of the device.

    Even though 5 year old boys and girls already have sucient visual-motor skills to interact accordingly with the mouse, the use of

    ngers on the tablets touch screen helped the motor skills involved to access the applications and to elaborate the productions.


    What was the access or digital inclusion?

    As a technological object

    As an educational resource

    Use: Possibilities and limitations


    a) Identifying strengths and weaknesses that promote the tablet technology as an educative resource, evaluating the type of

    educational impact that provokes its use in school activities.

    b)Detect operative diculties that the tablets create in the frame of activities in the group area.

    c) Design, implement and evaluate the relevant teaching in the use of tablets in classroom activities linked to the dierent

    approach of school education.

    d)Provide teachers with methodological options that favor the use of tablets in the 5 year olds classrooms according to the new

    tendencies of introduction and exploration of mobile devices and as facilitating tools of classroom work.

    The proposal appears after the invitation to the Minister of Education of the Province of Cordoba to participate in an interprovincial

    study organized by INTEL through the Intel Education program. Opening the possibility of carr ying out this investigative

    project of including digital tablets for early learning in the frame of a trial concept for kindergartens of the province.

    From an educative point of view, the modeling is introduced in two complementary perspectives:

    One perspective belongs to the development of the model as the representation of a study system. The supposed educative

    use is that by modeling, one owns the theoretical knowledge that denes and gives meaning to the system.

    Another perspective is based on the interaction of a model formed to analyze its behavior, deduce its applicability and detect

    validity within its limits, the fundaments that allow you to understand the system are conceptually reconstructed. This last process

    is known as the simulation model.

    The rst perspective involves the knowledge of computer technology and the use of production tools that are adequate for the

    type of model that is to be built. The basic conguration of the tablets only oers the spreadsheet as a tool for open production, this

    means it is only possible to model numeric problems in the logic that this software provides.

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    Case Study - Buenos AiresIntel Education Software

    The simulation of models assumes, as an educational principle, that in the student-model interaction, through the connection

    of information-results, students become the renovators of the systems behavior, that is, in renovators of disciplinary concepts that

    are involved in the model.


    Boys5 years

    Girls5 years







    The implemented proposals as well as the observed and analyzedinformation allows the confirmation that in the Initial Level the device isperfectly employable from the proposed educative functions given thatthe operative manipulation like the access and use of work environmentsof different applications are approachable for boys and girls, in thiscase 5 year olds.

    Also, it should be mentioned that the device produces an impact on the boys and girls work in the Initial Level, especially on the abilityof centralizing their attention on the activities that they are displaying. On the observed experiences no situations of disperse attentionwere detected, as well as neither loss of interest or work abandonment.

    It should only be mentioned that the use of it in small groups is recommended (no more than two or threechildren) because on one side the classroom activities are especially in groups but also the range of thescreen and the individual possibilities of interaction with the device make it difficult for a larger group to use.


    The weightof the device

    Its on andoff mode

    Its access to applicationsand various tools

    The filebased system

    Make an adaptableeducative resource

    of this device

    The portabilityand possibility

    of different uses

    The tablet as a device of modelingThe modeling consists in representing, concretely and abstractly,

    a system that constitute the reality of belonging to a world of phenomenon,

    of concept and of object. The term was extended to the sciences,

    among them were mathematics, physics, chemistry, economy and

    biology, joining some of their didactics of teaching strategies.

    Especially, when in the system the information and its connections are

    described as mathematic terms it is known as modeling. If the model has

    data processing, its structure allows the information and its connections

    that are established among them to be stored and executed in the

    computer. The delegation of the models execution on the computer

    is obtained by using the functions that give an open operative tool

    (programing language). In the present stages of computer development,

    especially in computer language, the variety of models that can be used

    by computers modied and extended the concept of computer modeling.

    In the present, the models of virtual laboratories for physics, chemistry and biology as well as geometric structures that

    simulated on screen not only the characteristics of the focal plan but also the connections that are established between there

    own elements of a determined type of geometry. But they are also a variety of simulated social and economic worlds in which

    the user can interact modifying its behavior.

  • 8/9/2019 Case Study Bueno Aires Engl


    Case Study - Buenos AiresIntel Education Software


    Dentro del marco de la investigacin se mostr la pertinencia didctica del empleo de las tablets, pero, en especial,

    la viabilidad de emplearlas como recursos didcticos para el abordaje de los diferentes enfoques del currculo escolar.

    In addition, to have been part of the investigative team integrating classroom teachers responsible of carrying out

    the designed proposals for the different educative guidelines and resources for the compilation of information of the

    observed classrooms, allows us to affirm that the research provided teachers with methodological options that favor

    the use of tablets and the new tendencies of introducing mobile devices as facilitative tools for work in the classroom.


    Boys and girls in kindergarten that have an operative approach to computers in the educative environment

    find that the operative approach of tablets is provided. Regarding the incorporation of tablets to the school,

    positive feedback dominated on behalf of all the consulted institutional participants, but in each case withdifferent significance. Boys and girls expressed expectations, interest and curiosity during the t ime of access

    to the digital device. It is possible to interpret that the simple external motivation reflects the superior

    disposition of the boys and girls perceived as passive subjects attracted by external stimuli. The spontaneous

    activities of educative and exploratory character and the positive verbal expressions take in account a highly

    active disposition. For the teachers and headmaster, the positive assessment is configured in the instrumental

    character recognizing the digital device as an important tool of educative value; and in general terms as a

    significant resource, given that it contributes to the cultural literacy and to the integration of boys and girls

    with scholastic difficulties.

    Adaptable educative resource of this device

    It is interesting to point out that although the children showed that they could play with the tablets, they were never

    distracted from there work objectives during the time that they participated in classroom activities, for which they

    concentrated their activities in the achievement of the assigned work. The implemented proposals as well as the

    observed and analyzed information allows us to conrm that in the early learning stage the device is perfectly valid

    for educational purposes given that the operative manipulation as well as the access to work areas of the dierent

    applications are approached by the children, in this case, 5 year olds. Additionally, we can mention that the device

    creates an impact on the work of the boys and girls in this Initial Level, especially on the ability to center their

    attention to the activities they were given. In the observed experiences no situations of disperse attention or lack

    of interest or neglect were detected.

    Design, implementation and evaluation of educative proposals in the classroom

    Finally, in respect to the design, implementation and evaluation of the classroom education proposals, we consider

    that in the framework of the investigation, educative relevance of the tablets was acknowledged, but, especially,

    the viability of their use as a teaching resource for the approach to dierent ways of teaching the study plan.

    Also, to have participated with the investigative team integrating classroom teachers that are responsible of implementing

    the designed proposals of the dierent teaching outlines and the tools for collecting information observed in the

    classroom, lets us conrm that the study allowed us to provide teacher with methodological options that favor the

    use of tablets and new tendencies of introduction of mobile devices as facilitating tools for classroom work.

  • 8/9/2019 Case Study Bueno Aires Engl


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