Catalog 7ss50 En

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  • 7/27/2019 Catalog 7ss50 En



    CatalogSIPRO TEC 5.11999

    SIPROTEC7SS50V1.2Busbar / Circuit-BreakerFailureProtectionRelay(SummationCurrentTransformerVersion)

  • 7/27/2019 Catalog 7ss50 En


  • 7/27/2019 Catalog 7ss50 En



    Description 2

    Functions 3 and 4

    Technical data 5 and 6

    Technical specifications 7

    Selectionand orderingdata 8

    Schematic diagram 9

    Catalog index 10 and 11

    SiemensSIPR O TEC 5.1 1999 1

    Siemens AG 1999


    Catalog SIPR O TEC 5.1 1999

    Supersedes: Catalog LSA 2.2.5 M arch 1997

    Conditionsofsaleand delivery 12

  • 7/27/2019 Catalog 7ss50 En



    The 7SS50 numerical busbarprotection/circuit-breaker fail-

    ure protection is a selective,reliable and fast protection forbusbar short circuits andbreaker failure in medium, highand extra-high-voltage substa-tions with variouspossiblebusbar configurations.

    The 7SS50 is suitable for allswitchgear types withiron-core or linearized currenttransformers. The short trip-ping tim e is especially advanta-geous for applications withhigh short-circuits levels orwhere fast fault clearance isrequired for power system sta-

    bility reasons.The m odular hardware con-struction allows an optimalmatching of the protection tothe busbar configuration.

    The version utilizing summ a-tion transformers 7SS50 is de-signed to include up to 8busbar sections and 32 mea-sured currents. T he busbarmayhave a max. of 16sectionalizing isolators and 4bus couplers (one bus coupleris equivalent to two bays).

    ConstructionThe 7SS50 includes in its mod-ular construction all the com-ponents for acquisition andevaluation of m easured values,operator panel and display,alarm and command outputs,binary input options, serial in-terface and D C /DC converter.

    The m odules are m ounted in astandard 8M F cubicle withswing frame (H x W x D =2200 x 900 x 600 mm,see Fig. 1).

    The complete hardware is di-vided into four subsystems:

    The first subsystem performsthe protection functions incor-porated in the processor mod-ules.

    The second subsystem lo-cated below the processingrack includes the m easure-ment m odules and the in-put/output modules. The con-nection between these mod-ules is provided via busbackplane ( printed cir-cuit-board) and plug-in connec-tors.

    The third subsystem provides

    application specific exten-sions, for example inclusion ofadditional relays for TR IP com-mand contact multiplication.

    The fourth subsystem consistsof modules for the auxiliarysupply D C/D C converter.

    The processor modules, themeasurement modules andthe input/output modules areconstructed i n the double-height Eurocard format.

    The contact multiplication andauxiliarypow er supply mod-ules are constructed in the sin-gle-height Eurocard format.

    Modeof operation

    The 7SS50 uses numericalprocessing from the inputsampling and analog-to-digitalconversion through to the cir-

    cuit-breaker tripping decision.Suffi cient heavy-duty contactsare provided per bayto allowdirect tripping of the cir-cuit-breaker.

    In the 7SS50 a maximum of 9processor modules may be in-cluded. The m icroprocessorsused are the 16 bit type andthe modern 32 bit type.

    For each busbar section twoindependent, time staggeredmeasurements and process-ing are carried out by separateprocessors. T he protection al-gorithm is identical to the one

    used in the Siemens analogbusbar protection type 7SS 1and also ensures the higheststability under the conditionsof high short-circuit currentsand c.t. saturation.

    Through inclusion of the addi-tional check-zone feature(w ith measurement and logicindependent of the isolatorstatus), security againstmaloperation is further in-creased.

    The integrated isolator replicais laid out for a triple busbar(m ax.) wi th sectionalizing isola-

    tors, a transfer bus and 4 buscouplers (m ax. 32 bays includ-ing bus couplers). A buscou-pler is treated as two bays.

    The protection is adapted tothe busbar configurationthrough human-machine inter-face (integrated user interfacewith keypad or portable PC ).

    The isolator status is moni-tored using normally-openand norm ally-closed con-tacts to enable plausibilitychecks for both status andchange-over tim e. The voltagesupply to the contacts is alsomonitored.

    If the external voltage supplyto the isolator status contactsfails, the old isolator position isstored. This situation is alsoannunciated.

    The allocation of the feeder

    currents to the respective buszones is software-controlledusing the isolator replica, with-out contact switching of c.t.currents.

    The isolator replica is used forbusbar protection and cir-cuit-breaker failure protection.The replica is used forbus-selective tripping follow-ing failure of circuit-breaker toclear a feeder fault.


    W ith the help of the integratedoperator and display panel

    (7XR51) or a PC all setting pa-rameters may be entered ormodified. T he operator isguided through the setting pro-cess. T he parameters are w rit-ten into non-volatile m emoriesto ensure that they are re-tained during loss of auxiliaryvoltage.


    The 7SS50 is equipped with aserial interface. The operatorinterface at the front is suitablefor connection of a PC . An op-erator program is available for

    convenient and clear setting,evaluation of fault records aswell as for commi ssioning.

    The serial interface i s isolated.


    H ardware and software arecontinuously monitored andanyirregularities are im medi-ately detected and alarmed.

    The self monitoring feature im-proves both the security andthe availability of the 7SS50.The following quantities aremonitored:

    all internal supply voltages

    the current measurement cir-cuits

    the analog-to-digital conver-sion of measured values

    the program memory

    the program run

    the isolator status.

    SIPROTEC7SS50V1.2Busbar/ Circuit-BreakerFailureProtectionRelay


    2 SiemensSIPR O TEC 5.1 1999

    Fig.17SS50 busbar protection/circuit-breaker failure protection



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    Busbar protection

    The main function of the7SS50 is busbar protection,

    and features the followingcharacteristics:

    Evaluation of dif ferential cur-rents, with stabilization bythrough currents based onthe proven performance ofthe Siem ens busbar protec-tion 7SS1, currentlyi n ser-vice all around the world (seeFig. 2)

    Independent protectionzones for busbarsw ith up to8 busbar sections and 32 in-put currents.

    Integrated check zone(evaluation of all busbar sec-tion currents wi thout use ofthe isolator replica)

    Tripping tim e approxim ately15 ms

    M atching of different c.t. ra-tios wi thout i nterposing c.t.s,(if the c.t. ratio mi smatch isgreater than 1 : 5, interposingc.t.s are required)

    Selective detection ofshort-circuits and also offaults on the transfer bus,with trip to the bayremoteend

    D etection and clearance of

    faults between the currenttransformer and the cir-cuit-breaker in the bus cou-pler via current m easure-ment and selective polarityreversal

    Busbar tripping only when allthree fault detection mod-ules recognize a fault (2 mea-surement processors andcheck zone processor)

    N o special c.t. requirements(stability is guaranteed, evenwhen the c.t. saturates after3 ms)

    Selective T R IP control perfeeder, actuated directlyfrom the measuring sys-tems.

    Circuit-breaker failurepro-tection

    The 7SS50 includesan inte-grated circuit-breaker failureprotection with the followingfeatures:

    Three selectable circuit-breaker failure protectionmethods for external feederfaults:

    1.Following the issue of aTRIP command from afeeder protection, thebusbar protection monitorsthe trip signal. If the feedercurrent is not interruptedbefore a set tim e delay thepolarity of the feeder cur-rent is reversed, w hich re-sults in a differential cur-rent in the correspondingsection of the bus protec-tion. For this function, anown parameter set is used.

    2.Following a TR IP comm andfrom a feeder protection aTR IP command will be out-put after a settable tim edelay from the station pro-tection to the correspond-ing feeder-tripping relay.

    If even this second T RI Pcomm and i s unsuccessful,the polarity-changing pro-cedure according to item 1will take place.

    3.I f external stand-alone cir-cuit-breaker failure protec-tion is provided, the isolatorreplica of the 7SS50 maybe used to selectively TR IPthe busbar section, to

    which the line with thefaulty breaker is con-nected.

    D etermination for a breakerfailure condition for a busbarfault via current comparisonwith a low set value.

    For all types of circuit-breakerfailure protection, a transfertrip command output contactis provided for each feeder toinitiate remote tripping.


    The isolator replica is used forboth the busbar protection andthe circuit-breaker failure pro-tection.

    The following features charac-terize the isolator replica func-tion:

    Includes up to 32 bays and 8busbar sections (see page 4,Fig. 3).

    Integrated bi stable isolatorstatus characteristic (statusstored on loss of auxiliarypower).

    Isolator change-over tim e su-pervision.

    Through the assignment NOT OPEN = CLOSED theisolator is taken to beCL O SED during the travellingtim e. A ccurate m atching ofthe isolator status contactswith the main contact is notrequired.

    M enu-driven parameter set-ting for the busbar configura-tion at comm issioning.

    LED s at the I/O -modules indi-cate the actual status of thebusbar isolators.

    SiemensSIP RO TEC 5.1 1999 3


    Fig.2Pick-up characteristic of the busbar protection/circuit-breaker failure protection

    k = 0.8

    k = 0.65

    k = 0.5

    Di fferential current I


    Busbar fault characteristic

    System operating characteristic



    R estraint current |I|

    1) The pick-up characteristic can be set independ-ently for selective busbarprotection, f or the check zone (i solator independent busbarprotection) and for the circuit-breaker failureprotection.

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    TRIP commandoutput /reset

    The command processing forthe 7SS5 station protectionhas the followi ng features:

    Feeder selective TR IP com-mand

    Settings provided forovercurrent release of theTR IP command (to enableselective tripping of infeedingcircuits only)

    Settable m inimum tim e forthe TRIP command.

    Current-dependent reset ofthe TRIP command.

    Fault recording

    The digitized values from thefeeder summ ation c.t. current

    and the differential and stabiliz-ing currents for the busbarsections and check zone arestored following TR IP decisionbythe 7SS50 or following anexternal initiation via a binaryinput. The record includespre-fault data of 30 ms (prior toinitiation) and record data of70 ms after the TR IP com-mand i.e. a total recording pe-riod of 100 ms. T he fault re-cords may be input to a PC foranalysis using a menu-assistedprogram.

    Commandrelays, binaryin-puts, marshallablealarmre-laysand LEDs

    The 7SS50 is equipped withfeeder dedicated command re-lays. Each feeder tripping may

    be provided with 2, 4 or 6 con-tacts.

    U ser-specifi c indications areprovided wi th 16 alarm relaysand LED s. M anyi ndividualalarms or event indicationsmay be grouped together. A llo-cation of the events to the re-lays and parameterized LED sis made via the serial interfacein an interactive m ode.

    The following binary inputs areprovided:

    Breaker failure protection ini-tiation

    Reset of LED flags Bay out of service

    Freeze/release fault recorddata

    CB auxiliarycontacts fromthe bus couplers andsectionalizers

    lsolator position O PEN andCLO SE.

    Measurement andmonitor-ingfunctions

    In the 7SS50 there are m anymeasurement and monitoringfunctions provided for com-missioning and maintenance.

    These functions include:

    M easurement and displayof the differential and stabiliz-ing currents via operator in-terface

    M onitoring of the busbar se-lective differential currentwi th selective blocking

    M onitoring of the differentialcurrents of the check zonewi th provision to select be-tween alarming w ith or with-out blocking

    O perator-initi ated trip circuittesting with transfer tripping

    Removalof a feeder from thebusbar measurement pro-cessing during feeder serviceand m aintenance.


    The 7SS50 provides completedata for analysis of protectionperformance following a trip oranyother abnormal conditionand for monitoring the state of

    the relay in normal service.

    U p to 40 eventsm aybe storedin two independent buffers.

    O perational indicationsThis group includes plant op-eration events, for exampleisolator switching, isolatorstatus discrepancies (change-over time limit exceeded,loss of auxiliary voltage, etc.).D iscrepancies detected bythe cyclic tests and othermonitoring will be enteredinto the indication buffer.

    Event/alarm indications

    TR IP comm ands following abusbar short-circuit fault orbreaker failure.

    SIPROTEC7SS50V1.2Busbar/ Circuit-BreakerFailureProtectionRelay

    4 SiemensSIPR O TEC 5.1 1999


    Fig.3Swi tchgear configuration for designof isolator replica








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    SiemensSIP RO TEC 5.1 1999 5

    Technical data

    R ated current IN 1 o r 5 AR ated frequency fN 50H z/60H z

    Thermal overload capability in current path, continuous 4 x IN

    10 s 20 xI

    N1 s 80 x IN

    D ynamic overload capability 250 x IN

    Burden of current inputs at IN = 1 A 1 VAat IN = 5 A 1.2 VA

    }including summ ation c.t.R ated auxiliary voltage Vaux 60, 110, 125 V D C

    220 V DC

    Permissible tolerance Vaux -20 to + 15 %

    M aximum ripple 12 %

    Power consumption quiescent approx. 100 W( configuration d ependent) energized approx. 150 W

    M ax. bridging time during loss of voltage supply 50 ms forallvoltages

    N umber (configuration dependent) 324

    Voltage range 60 to 250 V D C

    Current consumption approx. 2.5 mA /input

    N umber of relays marshallable 16 NOfixed 1 C /O

    Switching capacity make/break 20 W/ VA

    Switching voltage 250 V A C /D CPermissible current, continuous 1 A

    Numberof relays, each having 2 NO contactsper feeder 3 (can also be supplied with 1 or 2)Switching capacity make 1000 W / VA

    break 30 W / VA

    Switching voltage 250 V A C /D CPermissible current continuous 5 A

    0.5 s 30 A

    O peration indication green 1D evice failure red 1M arshallable

    2)red 16

    I solator status, red/green (colour a llocatable) 256 m ax.(configuration dependent)

    T R IP /intertripping com mand indication , 64 m ax.

    (configuration dependent)O perator interface on front panel, 2 kV isolated, 25-pin submin.

    connector ISO 2110, for connectionto PC

    Baud rate 1200 to 38400 Bd

    M ounted in Siem ens standard 8M F cubicle with swing frame

    D im ensions of standard cubicle 2200 x 900 x 600 m m (H x W x D )

    W eight on request, configuration dependent

    D egree of protecti on a ccordi ng to E N 60 0529 I P 51

    This product is in conformityw ith the directivesof the Council Conformity is proved bytests performedof the European Communitieson the approximation of the bySiemens AG in line with article 10 of thelaws of the M ember States relating to the electromagnetic Council D irectivesin accordance with thecompatibility(EM C Council Directive 89/336/EEC) and generic standardsEN 50081and EN 50082concerning electrical equipment for use within specified for the EM C directive and standardvoltage limits (low-voltage directive 73/23/EEC ). T he product EN 60255-6 for the low-voltage directive.conforms with the international standard IEC 60255 and thenational standard DIN 57 435/VDE 0435.

    The unit has been developped and manufactured for use inindustrial areas in accordance with the EM C standard.

    H igh-voltage test (routine test) 2 k V (rm s), 50/60 H z, 1 m in;alternative 2.8 kV DC , 1 min

    I m pulse v oltage test (routi ne test) , class I I I 5 kV (peak) , 1,2/50 s, 0.5 J,3 positive and 3 negative shots at intervalsof 5 s

    Conducted interference voltage, auxiliary voltage only 150 kH z to 30M Hz, device class 1C lS P R 11, E N 55011 and D I N V D E 0875 p art 11 class A

    Interference field strength 30 to 1000 M H z, device class 1C IS PR 11, E N 55011 a nd D I N V D E 0875 p art 11 class A


    Voltagesupplyvia integratedD C/D C converter







    Constructionof unit

    CE-conformity, standards


    IEC 60255-5, DI N VDE 0435part303IEC 60255-6, EN 60255-6

    EMC-tests;emission(type test)

    Standard:EN 50081-2 (Europeangenericstandardf or industrial environment)

    1) Indications also apply for the

    intertripping relay contacts

    (1 NO contact per feeder).

    2) Together with alarm relay.

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    SIPROTEC7SS50V1.2Busbar/ Circuit-BreakerFailureProtectionRelay

    Technical data (continued)

    6 SiemensSIP RO TEC 5.1 1999

    EMC-tests;immunity (type test)

    Standards:IE C 60255-22(i nternationalproduct standard)

    EN 50082-2 (Europeangenericstandardf or industrial environment)DI N VD E 0435part303(G ermanproduct standard)

    High-frequency test with 1 M Hz interference 2.5 kV longitudinalvoltage,1kV transverse voltage,lEC 60255-22-1, class III 1 M H z, = 15s, 400 shots/s, duration 2 s,

    Ri = 200

    D IN VD E 0435 part 303, class III on m easuring circuit 2.5 k VEN 61000-4-12, class III; IEC 61000-4-12, class III longitudinaland transverse voltage

    Electrostatic discharge 4/6 k V contact discharge, 8 k V air dis-IEC 60255-22-2, class III; IEC 61000-4-2, class III; charge, both polarities150pF, Ri = 330 EN 61000-4-2, classI II

    Radio-frequency electromagneticfield, amplitude-modulated 10 V/m, 80 to 1000 M Hz, A M 80 % , 1 kH zIE C 61000-4-3, class II I; EN 61000-4-3, class II I

    Radio-frequency electromagneticfield, pulse-modulated 10 V/m, 900 M H z, repetition frequencyE N V 50204, class I I I ; I EC 60077 B ( Sec. ) 136 200 H z, duty cycle 50 %

    Fast transients/bursts 4 kV on power supply line,IEC 60255-22-4, class III, IEC 61000-4-4, class IV 2 kV onotherconnections,EN 61000-4-4, class IV 5/50 ns, 5 k Hz, burst length = 15 m s, 2.5 k Hz,

    repetition 300 ms, both polarities,Ri = 50, duration 1 min

    SurgeEN 61000-4-5, class IV; IEC 61000-4-5, class IV 2 kV; 4 kV symmetrical/asymmetrical

    Conduct ed di sturbances i nduced by r adi o- 10 V (rm s), 150 kHz t o 80 M Hz,

    frequency fields, am plitude-m odulated A M 80 % , 1 k H z; Ri = 150 IE C 61000-4-6, class II I ; E N 61000-4-6, class II I

    P ow er frequency m agnetic field 30 A /m , continuous, 50 H zIE C 61000-4-8, class II I; E N 61000-4-8, class IV

    Permissible ambient temperature during service -5 to +40Cduring storage -25 to + 55 Cduring transport -25 to + 70 C

    Permissible humidity mean value per year 75 % relative humidity,on 30days per year up to 95 % relativehumidi ty, condensation not permi ssible

    Permissible mechanical stress during service 10 to 60 Hz, 0.035 mm amplitude60 to 500H z, 0.5 gacceleration

    during transport 5 to 8 H z, 7.5 mm amplitude8 to 500H z, 2 gacceleration

    Setting rangesO vercurrent I/INorm

    1)S tep 0. 01 0.2 t o 4

    Stabilizing factor k for b usbar secti ons a nd transf er b us 0. 01 0. 1 t o 0. 8 for check zone 0.01 0 to 0.8 for bus-couplerdifferential protection 0.01 0.5 to 0.8

    Setting rangesCurrent limit I/INorm

    1)0. 01 0. 05 to 0. 8

    T ime delay 1 s 1 to 10 s

    M inimum trip time approx. 15 ms

    Setting rangesO vercurrent I/IN

    2)S tep 0. 01 0.2 t o 4

    Stabilizing factor k 0.01 0 to 0.8T ime delay for unbalancing 0.01 s 0.05 to 1 s

    T RIP repetition 0.01 s 0 to 1 s

    U nbalancing

    U nbalancing with TR IP repetition

    External breaker failure protection (T ripping via isolator replica of the station protection)

    Setting valueO vercurrent I/IN

    2)0.1 0.2 to 2

    Setting range Step 0.01 s 0.02 to 1 sM in. current for command reset I/IN

    2)0.1 0.2 to 2

    Setting range I/IN2)

    0. 01 0 t o 25

    Setting range 0.01 s 1 to 180 s

    B usbar s ecti on a rrangem ent ( max .) Q uadruple or t ri ple busbars w i th t ransf erbusbar, up to 4 buscouplers and16 sectionalizing isolators, 8 busbar sectionsand 8 tie-bus sections


    N umber of bays including the sectionalizers and buscouplers 32


    MechanicalstresstestsIEC 60255-21-1, IEC 60068-2






    Min.timeof TRIPcommands





    Trippingvalidfor setting destabilizebusprotection



    Foot notes see page 7.

  • 7/27/2019 Catalog 7ss50 En


    The busbar protection mustmeet the following technicalfeatures:

    The busbar protection mustensure fast, reliable and selec-tive fault clearing of all kindsof fault.

    A low-impedance measuringprinciple must be applied forprotection of single, doubleand triple busbar systems,with or without transfer bus.

    The measuring system mustbe based on a differential cur-rent principle. B y virtue ofphase-segregated measure-ment, both phase-to-phaseand phase-to-earth faultsshould be reliably identifi ed.

    The protection relay should in case of external faults en-sure high stability, even in caseof c.t. saturation. This isachieved by adaptable trippingcharacteristic.

    Selective tripping of a busbarsection should only take placeif a busbar fault has been iden-tified by at least two independ-ent processors. A n additionalsecurity feature is a trippingdecision by a check zone,functioning independentlyofthe isolator replica.

    The requirements for the cur-rent transformers must bekept to a minimum.V arioustransformer types (iron-coredand linearized) must be appli-cable.V arious transformer ra-tios must be adaptable by wayof software configuration. Thestability limit of each measur-ing system must not be lessthan the rated breaki ng capac-ity of the system.

    The tripping time must not ex-ceed 15 ms at five times theset value. A sufficient numberof high-performance trippingcontacts must be provided fordirect activation of the cir-cuit-breaker coil.

    Tripping must be selective forall faults, w ithout additional de-lay from sequential tripping ofcoupler breakers. A ll cir-cuit-breakers on the faultedbusbar must trip sim ulta-neously, optionally combinedwi th a current threshold. Se-quential tripping is permi ttedonlyfor faults in the deadzone between the coupler cir-cuit-breaker and the currenttransformer.

    The measuring current circuitsmust be continuously moni-tored. If a preset threshold isexceeded, busbar-selectiveblocki ng or signaling must beprovided. The tripping circuitswi thin the device must bemonitored continuously. A testfunction of the tripping pathsof the circuit-breakers must beprovided. T he isolator posi-tions and change-over tim esmust be monitored and anyfaults indicated selectively.

    Circuit-breaker failure protec-tion, suitable for all voltage lev-els, must be integrated.Feeder-specifically presetfunctions should make sepa-rate breaker failure protectionunnecessary. T he duty of c.-b.failure protection is clearing ofa fault that has been identifiedby the allocated protection, butnot disconnected by the as-signed circuit-breaker. Itshould be possible for breakerfailure protection to take oneor two-stage form. Intertripcomm ands to disconnect theremote end must be providedon a feeder-selective basis. Ifseparate circuit-breaker failureprotection is provided, it

    should be possible to use theisolator replica of the busbarprotection for issuing trip com-mands.

    SiemensSIP RO TEC 5.1 1999 7

    Technical specifications

    Foot notesfor page 6

    1) INorm = normalized rated current

    being referred to the transformer

    with the highest ratio.

    2) R ated current of the feeder trans-

    former (100 mA ).

    3) Sectionsonly for coupling thebusbar sections; these sections

    dont have parent fields.

    N ote: 1 sectionalizing (without cur-

    rent transformer) = 1 bay; 1 bus

    sectionalizeror buscoupler unit

    = 2 bays.

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    SIPROTEC7SS50V1.2Busbar/ Circuit-BreakerFailureProtectionRelay

    8 SiemensSIP RO TEC 5.1 1999

    SIPROTEC 7SS50V1.2Busbar/Circuit-breaker failureprotection 7SS50 0- 0- A

    (withsummationcurrenttransformer)Single busbar2 tripping contacts per bay, bayout of service4 tripping contacts per bay, bayout of service6 tripping contacts per bay, bayout of service

    2 tripping contacts per bay, bayout of service and intertrip4 tripping contacts per bay, bayout of service and intertrip6 tripping contacts per bay, bayout of service and intertrip

    D uplicate busbar without transfer bus2 tripping contacts per bay, bayout of service4 tripping contacts per bay, bayout of service6 tripping contacts per bay, bayout of service

    2 tripping contacts per bay, bayout of service and intertrip4 tripping contacts per bay, bayout of service and intertrip6 tripping contacts per bay, bayout of service and intertrip

    D uplicate busbar with transfer bus2 tripping contacts per bay, bayout of service and intertrip

    4 tripping contacts per bay, bayout of service and intertrip6 tripping contacts per bay, bayout of service and intertrip

    Triple busbar without transfer bus2 tripping contacts per bay, bayout of service and intertrip4 tripping contacts per bay, bayout of service and intertrip6 tripping contacts per bay, bayout of service and intertrip

    Triple busbar with transfer bus, quadruple busbar without transfer bus2 tripping contacts per bay, bayout of service and intertrip4 tripping contacts per bay, bayout of service and intertrip6 tripping contacts per bay, bayout of service and intertrip

    A uxiliary voltage supply for D C/D C converter and for binary inputs60 V D C110 V DC

    125 V DC220 V DCPlease indicate the converter voltage and the indication input voltage in plain text

    ConstructionBusbar protection in one 8M F cubicleBusbar protection in two 8M F cubicles (for 17 bays and up)

    Equipped for4 bays8 bays12 bays16 bays

    20 bays24 bays28 bays32 bays

    Wired-up for a maximum of:4 bays

    8 bays12 bays16 bays

    20 bays24 bays28 bays32 bays

    M ounting location of interposing transformersin station protection cubicleaccomm odated ext ernally


    D escription O rder N o..




    v v



    Selectionand orderingdata

















    v v










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    SiemensSIP RO TEC 5.1 1999 9

    Fig.4Schematic diagram for the 7SS50 protection

    Schematic diagram

    R eset of indications






    failure protection

    O P E N /

    C L O S E

    Pow er supply failure

    General TR IP

    Pick-up of trip circuit monitor

    Di ff. current m onitoring ( busselective)

    A larm without protection blocked

    A larms:1)

    Protection blocked

    TRIP commands

    6 contacts perbay(m ax.)

    Currents 1 to 8 + I

    Internal fault

    Currents 9 to 16 + I

    Currents 17 to 24 + I

    Currents 25 to 32 + I


    INorm = 100 mA




    (1 perbay)

    1) Alarms are allocatable. The

    factorypresetting is shown.


    D iff . current monitoring (check zone)

    Bay without T RI P release

    Isolator change-over tim e exceeded

    Ci rcuit-breaker failure/intertripping

    D isturbance record buffer frozen

    Loss of isolator status voltage

    Isolator status not plausible

    M onitoring for c.b. failure protection

    Bay out of service

    M easured-value m onitoring

    Auxiliaryvoltage m onitoring

  • 7/27/2019 Catalog 7ss50 En


    T itle D esignation O rder N o.

    Numerical ProtectiveRelayingandBayUnitsN umerical Protection Devices LSA 2.0.1 E50001-K 5702-A 011-A 1-7600

    O peration a nd E v aluati on S oftw are for N u meri cal P rotection D e vi ces L SA 2. 0. 2 E 50001-K 5702-A 121-A 1-7600

    R elay Selection G uide LSA 2.0.3 E50001-K 5702-A 031-A 2-7600

    S IP R O T EC 7S J600 O vercurrent, M otor and O verload P rotection L SA 2. 1. 15 E 50001-K 5712-A 251-A 2-7600

    SIPR O TEC 7SJ601 O vercurrent Protection LSA 2.1.16 E50001-K 5712-A 261-A 1-7600

    7SJ41 D efinite-T im e O vercurrent P rotection R elay LSA 2.1.10 E50001-K 5712-A 201-A 2-7600

    7S J511 N um erical O vercurrent-T im e P rotection ( V ersion V 3) L SA 2. 1. 3 E 50001-K 5712-A 131-A 2-7600

    7S J512 N um erical O vercurrent-T im e P rotection ( V ersion V 3) L SA 2. 1. 4 E 50001-K 5712-A 141-A 3-7600

    7SJ512 Numerical Feeder Protection LSA 2.1.30 E50001-K 5712-A 411-A 1-7600

    SIPR O TEC 7SJ531 NumericalLine andM otorP rotection with

    Control Function LSA 2.1.9 E50001-K 5712-A 191-A 4-7600

    7SJ551 M ulti-Function Protection R elay LSA 2.4.2 E50001-K 5742-A 121-A 3-7600

    SI PR O T EC 7SA 510 D istance P rotection R elay (V ersion V 3) L SA 2.1.17 E50001-K 5712-A 271-A 1-7600

    SI PR O T EC 7SA 511 D istance P rotection R elay (V ersion V 3) L SA 2.1.11 E50001-K 5712-A 211-A 2-7600

    7SA 513 Line Protection R elay (Version V3) LSA 2.1.12 E50001-K 5712-A 221-A 1-76007S A 518/519 O verhead C o ntrol-L ine P rotecti on R e lay ( Versi on V 3) L SA 2. 1. 14 E 50001-K 5712-A 241-A 2-7600

    3VU 13 M iniature Circuit-Breaker LSA 2.1.8 E50001-K 5712-A 181-A 2-7600

    7SD 502 L ine D ifferential P rotection w ith T w o P ilot W ires L SA 2.2.1 E50001-K 5722-A 111-A 2-7600

    7SD 503 L ine D ifferential P rotection w ith T hree P ilot W ires L SA 2.2.2 E50001-K 5722-A 121-A 2-7600

    7SD 511/512 Current Com parison Protection R elay (Version V3)for O verhead Lines and Cables LSA 2.2.3 E50001-K 5722-A 131-A 2-7600

    SIP RO TEC 7SD60 NumericalC urrent Differential Protection Relayfor T wo Pilot-W ire Link SIPR O T EC 5.2 E50001-K 4405-A 121-A 1-7600

    7UT 512/513 Differential Protection Relay(Version V3)for Transformers, G enerators and M otors LSA 2.2.4 E50001-K 5722-A 141-A 2-7600

    7SS5 Station Protection LSA 2.2.5 E50001-K 5722-A 151-A 2-7600

    S I PR OT EC 7S S50 B usbar/Ci rcui t-B reaker Fai lure Protecti on R e lay S I PR OT EC 5. 1 E50001-K 4405-A 111-A 1-7600

    A uxiliaryC urrent Transformers4A M 50, 4AM 51, 4AM 52and Isolating Transformers 7XR 95 LSA 2.2.6 E50001-K 5722-A 161-A 1-7600

    Introduction to Earth-Fault D etection LSA 2.3.1 E50001-K 5732-A 111-A 2-7600

    7SN 71 Transient Earth-Fault R elay LSA 2.3.2 E50001-K 5732-A 121-A 1-76007XR 96 Toroidal Current T ransformer LSA 2.3.3 E50001-K 5732-A 131-A 1-7600

    7VC1637 Earth-Leakage M onitor LSA 2.3.4 E50001-K 5732-A 141-A 1-7600

    7SK 52 M otor Protection LSA 2.4.1 E50001-K 5742-A 111-A 1-7600

    Introduction to G enerator Protection LSA 2.5.1 E50001-K 5752-A 111-A 1-7600

    7U M 511 G enerator P rotection R elay (Version V3) LSA 2.5.2 E50001-K 5752-A 121-A 2-7600

    7U M 512 G enerator P rotection R elay (Version V3) LSA 2.5.3 E50001-K 5752-A 131-A 2-7600

    7U M 515 G enerator P rotection R elay (Version V3) LSA 2.5.4 E50001-K 5752-A 141-A 2-7600

    7U M 516 G enerator P rotection R elay (Version V3) LSA 2.5.5 E50001-K 5752-A 151-A 1-7600

    7U W 50 Tripping M atrix LSA 2.5.6 E50001-K 5752-A 161-A 1-7600

    7VE51 Synchronizing U nit LSA 2.5.7 E50001-K 5752-A 171-A 1-7600

    7V P151 T hree-P hase P ortable T est Set (O m icron C M C 56) L SA 2.6.1 E50001-K 5762-A 111-A 2-7600

    7XV72 T est Switch LSA 2.6.2 E50001-K 5762-A 121-A 1-7600

    7S V50 N um erical C i rcuit-B reak er F ailure P rotection R e lay L SA 2. 7. 1 E 50001-K 5772-A 111-A 1-7600

    7S V512 N um erical C i rcuit-B reak er F ailure P rotection R e lay L SA 2. 7. 2 E 50001-K 5772-A 121-A 1-7600

    7V K 512 N um erical A uto-R eclose/C heck -S ynchronism R elay L SA 2. 7. 3 E 50001-K 5772-A 131-A 1-7600

    7SM 70 A nalog O utput U nit LSA 2.7.5 E50001-K 5772-A 151-A 1-7600

    7SM 71 A nalog O utput U nit LSA 2.7.6 E50001-K 5772-A 161-A 1-7600

    7SV7220 Power Supply U nit LSA 2.7.9 E50001-K 5772-A 191-A 1-7600

    SIP RO TEC 7RW 600 Numerical Voltage, Frequency andO verexcitation R elay LSA 2.7.10 E50001-K 5772-A 201-A 1-7600

    Comm unication for Protection Devices

    Centralizedand Remote Controlof SiemensP rotection Relays(O verview) SIPRO TEC 8.1 E50001-K4408-A111-A1-7600

    O perating and A nalysis Software D IG SI V3 LSA 2.8.2 E50001-K 5782-A 121-A 1-7600

    6M B 525 M ini B ay U nit for E nergy A utom ation w ith S IC A M SI PR O T EC 7.1 E50001-K 4407-A 111-A 1-7600


    Substation SICA M R TU System SICA M 2.1.1 E50001-K 5602-A 111-A 1-7600

    PS20A -6EP8090 Power Supply M odule SICA M 5.1.1 E50001-K 5605-A 111-A 1-7600

    D I32-6M D 1021 D igital Input Functional M odule SIC AM 5.2.1 E50001-K 5605-A 211-A 1-7600

    A I32-6M D 1031 A nalog Input Functional M odule SIC AM 5.2.2 E50001-K 5605-A 221-A 1-7600A I16-6M D 1032 A nalog Input Functional M odule SIC AM 5.2.3 E50001-K 5605-A 231-A 1-7600

    C O 32-6M D 1022 C om mand O utput Functional M odule SIC AM 5.3.1 E50001-K 5605-A 311-A 1-7600C R-6M D 1023 C omm and R elease Functional M odule SIC AM 5.3.2 E50001-K 5605-A 321-A 1-7600


    CatalogIndexof thePower Transmissionand DistributionGroup(Protectionand SubstationControl Systems)

    10 SiemensSIPR O TEC 5.1 1999

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    R esponsible for:Technical contents: H ans-W erner FunkSiemens A G , EV S V13, N rnberg

    G eneral editing: Claudia K hn-SutionoSiemens A G , EV B K T , Erlangen

    O rderN o.: E50001-K4405-A111-A1-7600Printed in G ermanyKG K 0599 2.0 12 En 101110 6101/U851

    12 SiemensSIP RO TEC 5.1 1999

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    Siemens A kti engesellschaft Order No : E50001-K4405-A111-A1-7600