Catalog Reina 2012

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  • 7/28/2019 Catalog Reina 2012


  • 7/28/2019 Catalog Reina 2012



    ReinaTodo Para el Baile /

    reina danza


    all for Dancing /

    reina Dance

    MANUEL REINA, arisa de la luz, lleva da una vida dedicada al zapa-, una vida prfesinal alnada de numerss premis. Desde hacems de 15 as, MANUEL REINA se dedica al zapa de baile. Asmbrala belleza, la plasicidad de lneas y el dise arsic de ls diferenesmdels difcilmene imiables.

    Ls zapas de Manuel Reina pseen luz denr de s. La cmdidad, laexibilidad y el realce de la elegancia en sus zapatos de baile, cumplen

    los deseos del cliente, que disfruta de un zapato nico, exclusivo y reali-zado plenamente a su gusto.

    El zapato de baile llega a encarnarse en el pie del cliente, pues pareciera

    que ya nadie sino l pudiera lucirlo. No resulta extrao que sus zapatoshayan raspasad frneras y su luz brille en d el mund.

    Nuestra misin es el compromiso de brindar excelencia en la calidadde ls prducs y servicis que frecems a nuesrs clienes, almismo tiempo que avanzamos en la investigacin de nuevos mercadosy tecnologas.

    Para Reina Aresans, cada cliene es de suma imprancia y pr esbuscams la perfeccin a la hra de cnfeccinar cada zapa.

    Nuestra visin empresarial es ser reconocidos como marca de vanguar -dia a nivel internacional ofreciendo siempre un producto de excelencia y

    aprand belleza al mund del baile a ravs de nuesrs zapas.

    MANUEL REINA, artist of light, has dedicated a lifetime to the shoe. A profes-

    sional life marked with numerous awards. For more than 15 years, MANUEL

    REINA has been dedicated to the dance shoe. It amazes the beauty, the plas-

    ticity of lines and the artistic design of the different models hardly imitable.

    Manuel Reinas shoes have light within itself. The comfort, exibility and

    enhancement of elegance in his dancing shoes, comply with the wishes of the

    customer, who enjoys a unique and exclusive shoe made fully to its taste.

    The dance shoe becomes incarnate in the foot of the client because it seems

    that already nobody but he could wear it. It is not strange that his shoes have

    crossed borders and its light shine around the world.

    Our corporate mission is to be committed to providing excellence in the qual -

    ity of products and services we offer to our clients, at the same time that we

    move forward in the investigation of new markets and technologies.

    For Reina Artisans, every customer is important and this is why we are l ook-

    ing for perfection when making each shoe.

    Our corporate vision is to be recognized at the international level as a

    cutting-edge brand always offering a product of excellence and bringing

    beauty to the world of dance through our shoes.

  • 7/28/2019 Catalog Reina 2012




    seora \ CaBalleroWomen \ men

  • 7/28/2019 Catalog Reina 2012


    6Pure PlaTinum

    seora \ Women7

    PLAtINUM \ 01

    PLAtINUM \ 04

    PLAtINUM \ 07

    PLAtINUM \ 10

    PLAtINUM \ 02

    PLAtINUM \ 05

    PLAtINUM \ 08

    PLAtINUM \ 11

    PLAtINUM \ 03

    PLAtINUM \ 06

    PLAtINUM \ 09

  • 7/28/2019 Catalog Reina 2012


    8 9


    numrc /numbrg: 35, 36, 37,38, 39, 40, 41.

    Sandalias de salsa fabricadas en ras ialian yglitter plata. Se fabrican en varios colores y to-das llevan el acn en meal plaa.Todas las sandalias llevan dos capas de ltex en

    la planta para amortiguar la pisada.Las planillas sn de anelina anideslizane paraeviar que ls pies se escurran hacia delane.Cn una sla alura de acn de 7.5 cm.tds nuesrs zapas esn fabricads en Es-

    paa ba un esric cnrl calidad.Salsa Sandals made of Italian satin and silver glitter.

    They are manufactured in various colors and they

    all have a metal silver heel.

    All sandals have two layers of latex in the sole to

    cushion the footstep.

    The templates are non-slip NAPA to prevent the foot

    from slipping forward.

    With a single point in heel 7.5 Cm.

    All our shoes are manufactured in Spain under a

    strict quality control.


    Corte: Raso (satn) y glit-ter (textil de purpurina)

    Frr: Piel / sinic.Pis/suela: 100% pieltacn: 7.5 cm de mealComposto:

    Cut: Satin and glitter

    Lining: Synthetic leather.

    Sole 100% Leather

    Heel 7.5 cm metal

    Cuddos /Cr:

    No sumergir en agua. Do not immerse in


    Cuer / charl / anic: limpiar cn rapde algodn seco. Leather / patent leather /

    antic: clean with a rag of dry cotton.

    Ane / nbuc / serrae: limpiar cn cepi-ll suave espna dura. Suede/ nubuck:clean with a soft brush or a hard sponge.

    Cuer: se puede aplicar cremas inclras la n de la piel. Leather: colorless creamscan be applied or the tone of the skin.

    Ante / nubuk / serraje: puede protegersecn sprays raanes de clr. Suede/nubuck: can be protected with special

    sprays for color.

    Cdgo d color:

    Negro/negro: 41

    Mrad: 28Negro/plata: 43

    Plaa: 48Blanc/plaa: 16Color cod:

    Black/black: 41

    Purple: 28

    Black/silver: 43

    Silver: 48

    White/silver: 16

  • 7/28/2019 Catalog Reina 2012


    10salsa Gold

    seora \ Women11












  • 7/28/2019 Catalog Reina 2012


    12 13

    SALSA goLD

    numrc /numbrg: 34, 35, 36, 37,38, 39, 40, 41.

    Sandalias de salsa fabricadas en ras ialian ypiedras de crisal. Se fabrican en ds clres ydas llevan el acn frrad del mism maerial.Todas las sandalias llevan dos capas de ltex en

    la planta, para amortiguar la pisada.Las planillas sn de anelina anideslizane paraeviar que ls pies se escurran hacia delane.Hay ds aluras de acn: 5.5 cm y 7.5 cm.Nuesrs zapas esn fabricads en Espaa

    ba un esric cnrl calidad.Salsa Sandals made of Italian satin and crystal stones.

    They are manufactured in two colors and all of them

    have the heel lining of the same material.

    All sandals have two l ayers of latex in the sole to

    cushion the footstep.

    The templates are non-slip NAPA to prevent the

    foot from slipping forward.

    There are two heel heights: 5.5 cm and 7.5 cm.

    Our shoes are manufactured in Spain under a strict

    quality control.


    Cre: Ras (san) y piedras de crisal.Frr: Piel / sinic.tacn: 5.5 cm / 7.5 cmComposto:

    Cut: Satin and crystal stones.

    Lining: Leather / synthetic.

    Heel: 5.5 cm / 7.5 cm

    Cdgos d color:

    Negro : 34

    tan: 58Color cods:

    Black : 34

    Tan: 58

    Cuddos /Cr:

    No sumergir en agua. Do not immerse in


    Cuer / charl / anic: limpiar cn rapde algodn seco. Leather / patent leather /

    antic: clean with a rag of dry cotton.

    Ane / nbuc / serrae: limpiar cn cepi-ll suave espna dura. Suede/ nubuck:clean with a soft brush or a hard sponge.

    Cuer: se puede aplicar cremas inclras la n de la piel. Leather: colorless creamscan be applied or the tone of the skin.

    Ante / nubuk / serraje: puede protegersecn sprays raanes de clr. Suede/nubuck: can be protected with special

    sprays for color.

  • 7/28/2019 Catalog Reina 2012



    seora \ Women15

    FLEx \ 01

    FLEx \ 01

    FLEx \ 02 FLEx \ 03

  • 7/28/2019 Catalog Reina 2012


    16 17


    numrc /numbrg: 34, 35, 36, 37,38, 39, 40, 41.Sandalias de salsa fabricadas en ras ialian ypiedras de crisal.Se fabrican en ds clres y das llevan el acnfrrad del mism maerial.Todas las sandalias llevan dos capas de latex en

    la planta, para amortiguar la pisada.La gran exibilidad de estos zapatos es debida

    a ls maeriales de ls que es cmpuesa laplana. Es hace que esas sandalias n seanun zapa nrmal, sin que psiblemene seanlos zapatos ms exibles del mercado, convir -indls en las sandalias ideales para el BaileDepriv y la Cmpeicin.Las planillas sn de anelina anideslizane paraeviar que ls pies se escurran hacia delane.Cn una sla alura de acn 9 cm.Nuesrs zapas esn fabricads en Espaaba un esric cnrl calidad.Salsa Sandals made of Italian satin and crystal stones.

    They are manufactured in two colors and all of them

    have the heel lining of the same material.

    All sandals have two l ayers of latex in the sole to

    cushion the footstep.

    The exibility of these shoes is due to the materials

    used to compose the sole, which makes these san-

    dals not a normal shoe. They may be the more ex-

    ible shoes in the marker. These sandals are ideal for

    dance sports and competition.

    The templates are non-slip NAPA to prevent the

    foot from slipping forward.

    They come on a single heel height of 9 cm.

    Our shoes are manufactured in Spain under a strict

    quality control.


    Cre: Ras (san)Frr: Piel / sinicPis/Suela: 100% PIELtacn: 9 cm

    Composto:Cut: Satin

    Lining: Leather / synthetic.

    Sole: 100% leather

    Heel: 9 cm

    Cdgos d color:

    Negro : 34tan: 58Color cods:

    Black : 34

    Tan: 58

    Cuddos /Cr:

    No sumergir en agua. Do not immerse in


    Cuer / charl / anic: limpiar cn rapde algodn seco. Leather / patent leather /antic: clean with a rag of dry cotton.

    Ane / nbuc / serrae: limpiar cn cepi-ll suave espna dura. Suede/ nubuck:clean with a soft brush or a hard sponge.

    Cuer: se puede aplicar cremas inclras la n de la piel. Leather: colorless creamscan be applied or the tone of the skin.

    Ante / nubuk / serraje: puede protegerse

    cn sprays raanes de clr. Suede/nubuck: can be protected with special

    sprays for color.

  • 7/28/2019 Catalog Reina 2012


    18mara desiGn

    seora \ Women19

    MARA \ 01

    MARA \ 04

    MARA \ 02 MARA \ 03

  • 7/28/2019 Catalog Reina 2012


    20 21


    numrc /numbrg: 35, 36, 37,38, 39, 40, 41.

    Zapa de baile disead pr unas de las me-res bailarinas de Espaa: MARA.Es un zapa mderns y uvenil cn una plaafr-ma de 1.5 cm y con material acolchado de ltex.tiene una suela especial que e har bailar cmnunca lo has imaginado. Tambin los podrs dis -fruar pr la calle.Se fabrican en varis clres y cn una sla alu-ra de acn de 8 cm.

    Nuesrs zapas esn fabricads en Espaaba un esric cnrl calidad.Shoe dance designed by one of the best dancers of

    Spain: MARA.

    It is a modern and youthful shoe with a platform of

    1.5 cm and with latex cushioning material.

    It has a special sole that will make you dance like

    youve never imagined. You can also enjoy them on

    the street.

    They are manufactured in various colors and with a

    single 8 cm heel height.

    Our shoes are manufactured in Spain under a strict

    quality control.


    Cre: Piel/Sinic.Frr: Pieltacn: 8 cmPlaafrma de 1.5 cm deltex acolchadoPis/Suela: 100% cauchvulcanizadComposto:

    Cut: Synthetic

    Lining: Leather

    Heel: 9,5 cm

    1 cm Padded platform

    Sole: 100% Vulcanized


    Cuddos /Cr:

    No sumergir en agua. Do not immerse inwater.

    Cuer / charl / anic: limpiar cn rapde algodn seco. Leather / patent leather /

    antic: clean with a rag of dry cotton.

    Ane / nbuc / serrae: limpiar cn cepi-ll suave espna dura. Suede/ nubuck:clean with a soft brush or a hard sponge.

    Cuer: se puede aplicar cremas inclras la n de la piel. Leather: colorless creamscan be applied or the tone of the skin.

    Ante / nubuk / serraje: puede protegerse

    cn sprays raanes de clr. Suede/nubuck: can be protected with special

    sprays for color.

    Cdgos d color:

    Negro/negro: 41

    Blanco/negro. 14

    Negro/plata: 43R/blanc: 54Color cods:

    Black/black: 41

    White/black. 14

    Black/silver: 43

    Red/white: 54

  • 7/28/2019 Catalog Reina 2012



    BoTin de BaileDance boots

    seora \ Women23

    B6 B7

  • 7/28/2019 Catalog Reina 2012


    24 25


    numrc /numbrg: 35, 36, 37,38, 39, 40, 41.

    Botines de baile con un diseo de vanguardia.Ideal para us nches de baile.Incorporan dos capas de ltex en la planta para

    amortiguar la pisada.Boots for dancing with an avant-garde design. Ideal

    for your dance nights.

    Incorporates two layers of latex on the sole to cush -

    ion the footstep.


    Cre: Piel 1 calidadFrr: Pieltacn: 6,5 cmPis/Suela: 100% (cuer) suela de cuer curidaal crmComposto:

    Cut: First quality leather

    Lining: Leather

    Heel: 6,5 cm

    Sole: 100% outer soles of tanned leather chrome

    Cdgos d color:

    Beige/negro: 63

    Negro/oro: 42

    Color cods:

    Beige/black: 63

    Black/gold: 42

    Cuddos /Cr:

    No sumergir en agua. Do not immerse in


    Cuer / charl / anic: limpiar cn rapde algodn seco. Leather / patent leather /

    antic: clean with a rag of dry cotton.

    Ane / nbuc / serrae: limpiar cn cepi-

    ll suave espna dura. Suede/ nubuck:clean with a soft brush or a hard sponge.

    Cuer: se puede aplicar cremas inclras la n de la piel. Leather: colorless creamscan be applied or the tone of the skin.

    Ante / nubuk / serraje: puede protegersecn sprays raanes de clr. Suede/nubuck: can be protected with special

    sprays for color.

  • 7/28/2019 Catalog Reina 2012


    26JaPo Y exTren

    CaBallero \ men27

    ExtREN \ 01

    ExtREN \ 04

    ExtREN \ 02

    ExtREN \ 06

    ExtREN \ 03

    jAPo \ 01

    jAPo \ 02 jAPo \ 03 jAPo \ 06

  • 7/28/2019 Catalog Reina 2012


    28 29

    jAPo Y ExtREN

    numrc /numbrg: 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44,45, 46, 47, 48.

    Zapa de caballer mdern y uvenil para ui-lizar an en las pisas de baile cm en la calle.Tiene dos capas de ltex en la planta para amor-tiguar la pisada.Se fabrica en varis clres.Modern and youthful men shoe to use both on the

    dance oor and in the street.

    It has two layers of latex on the sole to cushion the


    It is manufactured in various colors.


    Cre: Sinic y pielFrr: Sinic y pielPis/Suela: 100% cauch vulcanizadComposto:

    Cut: synthetic and leather

    Lining: synthetic and leather

    Sole: 100% Vulcanized Rubber

    Cdgos d color:

    Negro/negro: 41Blanco/negro. 14

    Blanc/r: 15Negro/plata: 43

    Color cods:

    Black/black: 41

    White/black: 14

    White/gold: 15

    Black/silver: 43

    Cuddos /Cr:

    No sumergir en agua. Do not immerse inwater.

    Cuer / charl / anic: limpiar cn rapde algodn seco. Leather / patent leather /

    antic: clean with a rag of dry cotton.

    Ane / nbuc / serrae: limpiar cn cepi-ll suave espna dura. Suede/ nubuck:clean with a soft brush or a hard sponge.

    Cuer: se puede aplicar cremas inclras la n de la piel. Leather: colorless creamscan be applied or the tone of the skin.

    Ante / nubuk / serraje: puede protegerse

    cn sprays raanes de clr. Suede/nubuck: can be protected with special

    sprays for color.

  • 7/28/2019 Catalog Reina 2012


    30x1, x2

    CaBallero \ men31

    x1 x2

  • 7/28/2019 Catalog Reina 2012


    32 33

    x1, x2

    numrc: /numbrg: 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46,47, 48.

    Diseo inspirado en botas de boxeo con un to -que de mdernidad y fanasa.Tienen dos capas de ltex en la planta para

    amortiguar la pisada.Lasbassiempredanunamayrsuecinalbill.Su suela especial las hace apas para las pisas debaile y la calle.Se fabrican en varis clres.Design inspired in boxing boots with a touch of mo-

    dernity and fantasy.They have two layers of latex on the sole to cushion

    the footstep.

    Their special soles make them suitable for dancing

    and walking in the street.

    They are manufactured in various colors.


    Cre: Sinic y pielFrr: Sinic y pielPis/Suela: 100% cauch vulcanizadComposto:

    Cut: synthetic and leather

    Lining: synthetic and leather

    Sole: 100% Vulcanized Rubber

    Cdgos d color:

    Negro/negro: 41

    Negro/plata: 43

    Color cods:

    Black/black: 41

    Black/silver: 43

    Cuddos /Cr:

    No sumergir en agua. Do not immerse in


    Cuer / charl / anic: limpiar cn rap

    de algodn seco. Leather / patent leather /antic: clean with a rag of dry cotton.

    Ane / nbuc / serrae: limpiar cn cepi-ll suave espna dura. Suede/ nubuck:clean with a soft brush or a hard sponge.

    Cuer: se puede aplicar cremas inclras la n de la piel. Leather: colorless creamscan be applied or the tone of the skin.

    Ante / nubuk / serraje: puede protegerse

    cn sprays raanes de clr. Suede/nubuck: can be protected with special

    sprays for color.

  • 7/28/2019 Catalog Reina 2012




    seora \ CaBalleroWomen \ men

  • 7/28/2019 Catalog Reina 2012



    Baile salnballroom Dance

    seora \ Women37













  • 7/28/2019 Catalog Reina 2012


    38 39


    numrc /numbrg: 34, 35, 36, 37,38, 39, 40, 41.

    Dedise clsiccmbinadcn quesde fanasa.El zapa de bailes de Saln es muy cmd ycnfrable.tiene un acn de 5.5 cm de alura, y cm dsnuestros zapatos, incorporan dos capas de ltex

    en la planta para amortiguar la pisada.Se fabrican en disins clres.Classic design combined with a touch of fantasy.

    The ballroom dance shoe is very comfortable.

    It has a heel of 5.5 cm of height, and as all our shoes

    incorporates two layers of latex on the sole to cush-ion the footstep.

    They are manufactured in different colors.


    Cre: Piel 1 CalidadFrr: PielPis/Suela: 100% (cuer) suela de cuer curidaal crmtacn: 5,5 cmComposto:

    Cut: First quality leather

    Lining: leather

    Sole: 100% outer soles of tanned leather chrome

    Heel: 5,5cm

    Cdgos d color:

    2001 y 2002:

    Negro : 34

    Beige: 5

    2004, 2032, 2039, 2048, 4001,

    4002, 4003, 4004:

    Negro/negro: 41

    Negro/plata: 43

    Negro/oro: 42

    Negro/rojo: 45


    Negro/oro/plata: 71

    Negro/negro: 41

    Color cods:2001 d 2002:

    Black : 34

    Beige: 5

    2004, 2032, 2039, 2048, 4001,

    4002, 4003, 4004:

    Black/black: 41

    Black/silver: 43

    Black/gold: 42

    Black/red: 45


    Black/gold/silver: 71

    Black/black: 41

    Cuddos /Cr:

    No sumergir en agua. Do not immerse in


    Cuer / charl / anic: limpiar cn rapde algodn seco. Leather / patent leather /

    antic: clean with a rag of dry cotton.

    Ane / nbuc / serrae: limpiar cn cepi-ll suave espna dura. Suede/ nubuck:clean with a soft brush or a hard sponge.

    Cuer: se puede aplicar cremas inclras la n de la piel. Leather: colorless creamscan be applied or the tone of the skin.

    Ante / nubuk / serraje: puede protegersecn sprays raanes de clr. Suede/nubuck: can be protected with special

    sprays for color.

  • 7/28/2019 Catalog Reina 2012



    Baile salnballroom Dance

    CaBallero \ men41






    2026 LAtINo


  • 7/28/2019 Catalog Reina 2012


    42 43


    numrc /numbrg: 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44,45, 46.

    De diseo clsico y muy elegante.El zapa de bailes de saln es un zapa muy c-md y cnfrable.Incorpora una plantilla anatmica de ltex parael descans del pie.Classic and elegant design.

    The ballroom dance shoe is a very comfortable shoe.

    It incorporates an anatomical template of latex for

    the rest of the foot.


    Cre: Piel de 1 CalidadFrr: PielPis/Suela: 100% (cuer) suela de cuer curidaal crmComposto:

    Cut: First quality leather

    Lining: leather

    Sole: 100% outer soles of tanned leather chrome

    Cdgos d color:

    2026, Crctr:

    Negro: 34


    Negro: 34

    Blanc: 92025, 2028, 2030:

    Negro/negro: 41-c

    Negro/negro: 41-a

    Negro/blanco: 37

    Color cods:

    2026, Crctr:

    Black: 34


    Black: 34

    White: 9

    2025, 2028, 2030:

    Black/black: 41-c

    Black/black: 41-aBlack/white: 37

    Cuddos /Cr:

    No sumergir en agua. Do not immerse in


    Cuer / charl / anic: limpiar cn rapde algodn seco. Leather / patent leather /

    antic: clean with a rag of dry cotton.

    Ane / nbuc / serrae: limpiar cn c epi-ll suave espna dura. Suede/ nubuck:clean with a soft brush or a hard sponge.

    Cuer: se puede aplicar cremas inclras la n de la piel. Leather: colorless creamscan be applied or the tone of the skin.

    Ante / nubuk / serraje: puede protegerse

    cn sprays raanes de clr. Suede/nubuck: can be protected with specialsprays for color.

  • 7/28/2019 Catalog Reina 2012




    seora \ CaBalleroWomen \ men

  • 7/28/2019 Catalog Reina 2012



    seora \ Women47

    2077 CRIStAL

    ZEN / 09

    2088 ZEN

    ZEN / 17

    ZEN / 01

    ZEN / 18

    ZEN / 19




  • 7/28/2019 Catalog Reina 2012


    48 49



    Corte: piel 1 Calidad / textilFrr: pielPis/Suela: 100% (cuer) suela de cuer cur idaal crmtacn: 8cmComposto:

    Cut: First Quality Leather / Textile

    Lining: Leather

    Sole: 100% outer soles of tanned leather chrome

    Heel: 8 cm

    Cdgos d color:

    2077 Crstl

    R: 52Negro: 342088 Z:

    Cbre: 21Negro/plata: 43

    Negro: 34Plaa: 48Z 1:

    Clr: 27Z 9:

    Clr: 32Z 17:

    Clr: 44Z 18:

    Clr: 44Z 19 :

    Clr: 44Mrpos:

    Clr: 43


    Corte: textilFrr: pielPis/Suela: 100% (cuer) suela de cuer curidaal crmtacn: 8cmComposto:

    Cut: Textile

    Lining: LeatherSole: 100% outer soles of tanned leather chrome

    Heel: 8 cm

    Cdgos d color:


    Negro/negro: 41

    Negro/plata: 43

    Negro/oro: 42

    Negro/rojo: 45


    Blanc/plaa: 16Negro/plata: 43Pcro:

    Negro/negro: 41

    Negro/plata: 43

    R: 56


    Cre: piel 1 CalidadFrr: pielPis/Suela: 100% (cuer) suela de cuer curidaal crmtacn: 8cmComposto:

    Cut: First Quality LeatherLining: Leather

    Sole: 100% outer soles of tanned leather chrome

    Heel: 8 cm

    Cdgos d color:

    Pturt ii:

    Negro/negro: 41

    Negro/blanco/rojo: 7

    Negro/bronce: 70Negro/plata: 44 caracoles

    Negro/plata: 44 ores

    Color cods:

    Pturt ii:

    Black/black: 41

    Black/white/red: 7

    Black/bronze: 70

    Black/silver: 44 curls

    Black/silver: 44 owers

    numrc/numbrg: 35,36,37,38,39,40,41.

    Zapatos de baile exclusivos fabricados con los

    meres maeriales del mercad.Zapas de alsima calidad. Sn la ya de nues-ra marca.Tienen dos capas de ltex, tacones lacados, me-lics, ec.Hechoscon pielesy textilesde importacinitaliana.

    Exclusive dance shoes manufactured with the best

    materials on the market.

    High-quality shoes. They are the jewel of our brand.

    They have two layers of latex, lacquered, metalheels, etc.

    Made with the best Italian leather and textile.

    2077 CRIStAL2088 ZENZEN / 01ZEN / 09ZEN / 17ZEN / 18ZEN / 19MARIPoSA



    Color cods:

    2077 Crstl

    Red: 52Black: 34

    2088 Z:

    Copper: 21

    Black/silver: 43

    Black: 34

    Silver: 48

    Z 1:

    Color: 27

    Z 9:

    Color: 32

    Z 17:

    Color: 44

    Z 18:

    Color: 44

    Z 19:

    Color: 44


    Color: 43

    Color cods:


    Black/black: 41

    Black/silver: 43

    Black/gold: 42

    Black/red: 45


    Blanco/silver: 16

    Black/silver: 43


    Black/black: 41

    Black/silver: 43

    Red: 56

    Cuddos /Cr:

    No sumergir en agua. Do not immerse inwater.

    Cuer / charl / anic: limpiar cn rapde algodn seco. Leather / patent leather /

    antic: clean with a rag of dry cotton.

    Ane / nbuc / serrae: limpiar cn cepi-ll suave espna dura. Suede/ nubuck:clean with a soft brush or a hard sponge.

    Cuer: se puede aplicar cremas inclras la n de la piel. Leather: colorless creamscan be applied or the tone of the skin.

    Ante / nubuk / serraje: puede protegerse

    cn sprays raanes de clr. Suede/nubuck: can be protected with special

    sprays for color.

  • 7/28/2019 Catalog Reina 2012



    CaBallero \ men51

    2025 / N-A

    2028 / N-A

    2028 / N-S

    2025 / N-B

    2028 / N-B

    2030 / N-B

    2025 / N-C

    2028 / N-C

    2030 / N-C

  • 7/28/2019 Catalog Reina 2012


    52 53


    numrc /numbrg: 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44,45, 46.

    Zapatos de caballero de alta gama fabricados

    ntegramente en piel de primersima calidad,cn variedad de cmbinacines de clres ymaeriales.Es un zapa muy cmd y cnfrable.Incorpora una plantilla anatmica de ltex para

    el descans de sus pies.High-end men shoes fully made of top quality

    leather, with a variety of combinations of c olors

    and materials.It is a very convenient and comfortable shoe.

    It incorporates an anatomical template of latex for

    the rest of your feet.


    Cre: piel de 1 calidadFrr: pielPis/Suela: 100% (CUERo) suela de cuercurida al crmComposto:

    Cut: First Quality Leather

    Lining: Leather

    Sole: 100% outer soles of tanned leather chrome

    Cdgos d color:

    Negro/negro: 41A

    Negro/negro: 41C

    Negro/blanco: 37

    Color cods:

    Black/black: 41A

    Black/black: 41C

    Black/white: 37

    Cuddos /Cr:

    No sumergir en agua. Do not immerse in


    Cuer / charl / anic: limpiar cn rapde algodn seco. Leather / patent leather /antic: clean with a rag of dry cotton.

    Ane / nbuc / serrae: limpiar cn cepi-ll suave espna dura. Suede/ nubuck:clean with a soft brush or a hard sponge.

    Cuer: se puede aplicar cremas inclras la n de la piel. Leather: colorless creamscan be applied or the tone of the skin.

    Ante / nubuk / serraje: puede protegerse

    cn sprays raanes de clr. Suede/nubuck: can be protected with special

    sprays for color.

  • 7/28/2019 Catalog Reina 2012




    seora \ CaBallero \ niosWomen \ men \ chilDren

  • 7/28/2019 Catalog Reina 2012



    Proseora \ niaWomen \ girls


    PRo \ 01

    PRo \ 04

    PRo \ 02 PRo \ 03

  • 7/28/2019 Catalog Reina 2012


    58 59


    numrc /Numbering: 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37,38, 39, 40, 41.

    Zapato amenco profesional de alta gamafabricad cn pieles de alsima calidad.Suela de cuero cosida a mano con Philis de goma,cnrafueres de ala resisencia y punera yacn cn clavs clavads a man.Professional amenco shoe of high-end

    manufactured leather. They are made of the highest

    quality products in the market.

    Leather outsole hand sewn with rubber Philis,

    buttresses of high resistance and toe cap and heelwith nails hammered by hand.


    Cre: piel de 1 calidadFrr: pielPis/Suela: 100% (cuer) suela de cuer csidacon philis de goma

    tacn: 5,5cmComposto:

    Cut: First quality leather

    Lining: Leather

    Sole: 100% outer soles of leather sewn with rubber


    Heel: 5,5 cm

    Cdgos d color:

    Negro: 34Azul: 2R: 52Beige: 5

    Color cods:

    Black: 34

    Blue: 2

    Red: 52

    Beige: 5

    Cuddos /Cr:

    No sumergir en agua. Do not immerse inwater.

    Cuer / charl / anic: limpiar cn rapde algodn seco. Leather / patent leather /

    antic: clean with a rag of dry cotton.

    Ane / nbuc / serrae: limpiar cn cepi-ll suave espna dura. Suede/ nubuck:clean with a soft brush or a hard sponge.

    Cuer: se puede aplicar cremas inclras la n de la piel. Leather: colorless creamscan be applied or the tone of the skin.

    Ante / nubuk / serraje: puede protegersecn sprays raanes de clr. Suede/nubuck: can be protected with special

    sprays for color.

  • 7/28/2019 Catalog Reina 2012



    semi-Proseora \ niaWomen \ girls



    SEMI-PRo CoRREA Rojo


  • 7/28/2019 Catalog Reina 2012


    62 63


    numrc /Numbering: 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37,38, 39, 40, 41.

    Zapato de amenco semi profesional fabricadoen piel.Indicad para persnas que se inician en el baileespal.Zapa cmd y cnfrable cn suela decauch y clavs en acn y puna.Flemish semi professional leather manufactured shoe.

    Ideal for people that are initiating their Spanish

    dance career.

    Comfortable shoe with outer soles of rubber and tapand heel hammered.


    Cre: Piel de 1 calidadFrr: PielPis/Suela: 100% suela de cauch.tacn: 5,5 cmComposto:

    Cut: First quality leather

    Lining: leather

    Sole: 100% rubber outsole.

    Heel: 5,5 cm

    Cdgos d color:

    Negro: 34

    Azul: 2R: 52Beige: 5

    Color cods:

    Black: 34

    Blue: 2

    Red: 52

    Beige: 5

    Cuddos /Cr:

    No sumergir en agua. Do not immerse in


    Cuer / charl / anic: limpiar cn rapde algodn seco. Leather / patent leather /

    antic: clean with a rag of dry cotton.

    Ane / nbuc / serrae: limpiar cn cepi-ll suave espna dura. Suede/ nubuck:clean with a soft brush or a hard sponge.

    Cuer: se puede aplicar cremas inclras la n de la piel. Leather: colorless creamscan be applied or the tone of the skin.

    Ante / nubuk / serraje: puede protegersecn sprays raanes de clr. Suede/nubuck: can be protected with special

    sprays for color.

  • 7/28/2019 Catalog Reina 2012



    FlamenCoCaBallero \ nio

    men \ boys


    PRo BEIgE


    PRo NEgRo

    SEMI-PRo NEgRo

    PRo Rojo

    SEMI-PRo Rojo

    numrc /Numbering: 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37,38, 39, 40, 41.

    Zapato amenco profesional de alta gamafabricad cn pieles de primersima calidad.Suela de cuero cosida a mano con philis de goma,

    cnrafueres de ala resisencia y punera yacn cn clavs clavads a man.Flemish professional shoe of high-end manufactured

    with rst quality leather.

    Leather outsole hand sewn with rubber philis,

    buttresses of high resistance and toe cap and heel with

    nails glued by hand

    numrc /Numbering: 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35,36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46.

    Zapato de amenco semi profesional fabricadoen piel.Indicad para persnas que se inician en el baileespal.Zapa cmd y cnfrable cn suela decauch y clavs en acn y puna.Flemish semi professional leather manufactured shoe.

    Ideal for people that are initiating their Spanish

    dance career.

    Comfortable shoe with outer soles of rubber and tap

    and heel hammered.


    Cre: Piel de 1 calidadFrr: PielPis/Suela: 100% (cuer) suela de cuer csidacon philis de goma.Composto:

    Cut: First quality leather

    Lining: leather

    Sole: 100% leather sole sewn with Philis rubber.


    Cre: Piel de 1 calidadFrr: PielPis/Suela: 100% cauch vulcanizadComposto:

    Cut: Leather

    Lining: leather

    Sole: 100% vulcanized rubber

    Cdgos d color:

    Negro: 34R: 52Beige: 5

    Color cods:

    Black: 34

    Red: 52

    Beige: 5

    Cdgos d color:

    Negro: 34

    R: 52Beige: 5

    Color cods:

    Black: 34

    Red: 52

    Beige: 5

  • 7/28/2019 Catalog Reina 2012


    66 67


    Cuddos /Cr:

    No sumergir en agua. Do not immerse inwater.

    Cuer / charl / anic: limpiar cn rapde algodn seco. Leather / patent leather /

    antic: clean with a rag of dry cotton.

    Ane / nbuc / serrae: limpiar cn cepi-ll suave espna dura. Suede/ nubuck:clean with a soft brush or a hard sponge.

    Cuer: se puede aplicar cremas inclras la n de la piel. Leather: colorless creamscan be applied or the tone of the skin.

    Ante / nubuk / serraje: puede protegerse

    cn sprays raanes de clr. Suede/nubuck: can be protected with special

    sprays for color.

  • 7/28/2019 Catalog Reina 2012




    seora \ CaBallero \ niosWomen \ men \ chilDren

  • 7/28/2019 Catalog Reina 2012



    Jazzseora \ CaBallero \ nios

    Women \ me n \ chilDren



    numrc /numbrg: 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40,41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48

    Zapatillas de Jazz muy exibles, cmodas y con-frables. Dan la sensacin de ir descalz.jAZZ REINA es fabricad en piel de cabra deprimera calidad.Very exible and comfortable jazz shoes. They give

    the feeling of going barefoot.

    JAZZ REINA It is made of top quality goatskin


    Cre: piel de 1 calidadForro: textil

    Pis/Suela: 100% (CUERo) suela de cuer csi-da y curida al crmComposto:

    Cut: First quality leather

    Lining: textile

    Sole: 100% outer soles of tanned leather chrome

    Cdgos d color:

    Negro: 34

    R: 52Blanc: 9Color cods:

    Black: 34

    Red: 52

    White: 9

    numrc /numbrg: 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40,41, 42, 43,44, 45, 46

    Zapatillas de Jazz muy exibles, cmodas y con-frables. Dan la sensacin de ir descalz.MotIoN es fabricada en nepren perfradpara aumenar la ranspiracin del pie.Very exible and comfortable jazz shoes. They give

    the feeling of going barefoot.

    MOTION It is made of perforated neoprene to in-

    crease foot perspiration.


    Cre: piel de 1 calidadForro: textil

    Pis/Suela: 100% (CUERo) suela de cuer csi-da y curida al crmComposto:

    Cut: First quality leather

    Lining: textile

    Sole: 100% outer soles of tanned leather chrome

    Cdgos d color:

    Negro: 34

    Negro/plata: 43

    Color cods:

    Black: 34


  • 7/28/2019 Catalog Reina 2012


    72 73


    Cuddos /Cr:

    No sumergir en agua. Do not immerse inwater.

    Cuer / charl / anic: limpiar cn rapde algodn seco. Leather / patent leather /

    antic: clean with a rag of dry cotton.

    Ane / nbuc / serrae: limpiar cn cepi-ll suave espna dura. Suede/ nubuck:clean with a soft brush or a hard sponge.

    Cuer: se puede aplicar cremas inclras la n de la piel. Leather: colorless creamscan be applied or the tone of the skin.

    Ante / nubuk / serraje: puede protegerse

    cn sprays raanes de clr. Suede/nubuck: can be protected with special

    sprays for color.

  • 7/28/2019 Catalog Reina 2012




    seora \ CaBallero \ niosWomen \ men \ chilDren

    TaP danCe

  • 7/28/2019 Catalog Reina 2012



    Claqutap Dance

    seora \ niaWomen \ girls



    tAP oN tECHNo tAPS - HEEL tECHNo tAPS - toE


    Composc /Composto:

    Suela de resina anideslizane y superir de pielsinica almhadilla de equilibri Pr para unzapa perfecamene equilibrad. grifs de te-chno famoso arco extrable Bloch.

    Synthetic leather upper and resin outsole nonslip

    pro balance pad for a perfectly balanced shoe

    removable bow Blochs famous Techno Taps

    Dirigido a /Target: Esudianes /studentstalla /Size: 4 - 12Anch /Wide: M

    Cdgos d color /Color Cods:

    Negro /Black: 34

    Composc /Composto:

    Suela enera cn apsFull sole, lea/lea w/taps

    Dirigido a /Target: Esudianes /studentstalla /Size: 4 - 12Anch /Wide: x

    Cdgos d color /Color cods:

    Beige: 5

    Composc /Composto:

    Zapas de claqu cn ds acnes eyele pu-ly cn echn suelas - ded del pie y alnTap shoes two eyelet pu-low heel w/techno taps - toe

    and heel

    talla /Size: 4 - 1.5

    Cdgos d color /Color Cods:

    Negro /Black: 34

    Composc /Composto:

    Disead para ls bailarines de claqu prfesi-nales que necesian una alura de acn funcinalmanteniendo la elegancia. Famoso cuero blandoy forro de algodn de Bloch. Disponible sin taps.

    Designed for serious tappers that need a functional

    heel height while maintaining elegance Blochs famous

    soft leather and cotton lining. Available without taps.

    Dirigido a /Target: Esudianes /studentstalla /Size: 4 - 10.5Anch /Wide: x

    Cdgos d color /Color Cods:

    Negro /Black: 34

    Recambis /Spare Partstalla /Size: 1 - 9Anch /Wide: xClres /colors: N/A

    Recambis /Spare Partstalla /Size: 1 - 5Anch /Wide: xClres /colors: N/A

  • 7/28/2019 Catalog Reina 2012


    78 79

    32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48

    BL 301 l 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 12

    BL 302 l 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 12

    BL 303 l 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9

    BL 304 l 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 12

    BL 305 l 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 12

    BL 306 l 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 12

    BL 314 l 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 12

    BL 315 l 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 12

    BL 323 l 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 12

    BL 352 l 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 12

    BL 360 l 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 12

    BL 361 l 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 12

    BL 371 l 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9

    BL 372 l 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9

    BL 376 l 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 12

    BL 381 l 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 12

    BL 385 l 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 12

    BL 386 l 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 12

    BL 388 l 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 12

    BL 389 l 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 12

    21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

    BL 139 FG B/C/d

    BL 203 G B/C

    BL 205 G B/C/d 7-8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11

    BL 205 dG B/C/d 7-8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11

    BL 211 G B/C 7-8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11

    BL 213 G B/C 7-8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11

    BL 225 dG B/C/d 7-8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11

    BL 231 G a/B/C/d 7-8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11

    BL 255 G B/C/d 7-8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11

    BL 259 G B/C/d 7-8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11

    BL 301 G

    BL 302 G

    BL 305 G

    BL 352 G

    BL 371 G 7 7 8

    BL 372 G 7 7 8

    BL 401 G 10 10 11 11

    BL 402 G 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11



  • 7/28/2019 Catalog Reina 2012



    Claqutap Dance

    CaBallero \ niomen \ boys


    jAZZ tAP

    tAP-FLEx tECHNo tAPS - HEEL tECHNo tAPS - toE

    jSS AUDEo jAZZ

    Composc /Composto:

    Suelapartida,cuero exclusivode Blochque permitequeelzapa sedbleenunadirecciny deresis-enciaenel rdisesuperir.Hechparaaliviarpresinsbreel endndeAquiles.Splitsole,leatherupperExclusiveBlochslingtechnique

    upperallowingthe shoe tobend in onedirectionand

    giveresistancein theotherUpper designshapedto re-

    lievepressureonthe Achillestendon.

    Dirigido a /Target: Esudianes hasa prfesinal /students up to professionals

    talla /Size: 4 - 12Anch /Wide: MCdgos d color /Color Cods:

    Negro /Black: 34

    Composc /Composto:

    Combina un alto estilo de jazz de stong, piel sua-ve cn una piel cmplea hacen de ese un fuer ey estable zapato de claqu. El zapato garantizaun snid cmple y una perfeca esabilidad.Dispnible sin ap.

    A jazz style upper of stong, soft leather combined with

    a full Leather sole make this a strong stable tap shoe

    The toe tap is secured to a resonating board for a full

    sound and perfect stability. Available without taps.

    Dirigido a /Target: Esudianes /studentstalla /Size: 6 - 12Anch /Wide: x

    Cdgos d color /Color Cods:

    Negro /Black: 34

    Composc /Composto:

    jasn desarrlla un zapa de Claqu cn Blch!Se raa de el primer zapa de claqu dispniblecon una doble suela y un tacn triplicado para granprfundidad y n de snid. El jasn SamuelsSmih es un bni zapa de dise para claqu.

    Jason develops a tap shoe with Bloch! This is the rst

    tap shoe available with a full build up straight out of

    the box, a double stacked sole and a tripled stacked

    heel for great depth and pitch of sound. The Jason

    Samuels Smith is a beautifully crafted Tap Shoe.

    Dirigido a /Target: Prfesinal /professionalstalla /Size: 6 - 13Anch /Wide: MCdgos d color /Color Cods:

    Negro /Black: 34

    Composc /Composto:

    Suelapartida,cuero exclusivodeBloch quepermitequeelzapase dbleen unadirecciny deresis-enciaenel rdisesuperir.Hechparaaliviarpresinsbreel endndeAquiles.Splitsole,leatherupperExclusiveBlochslingtechnique

    upperallowingthe shoeto bendin onedirection and

    giveresistancein theother Upperdesignshapedto re-

    lievepressureonthe Achillestendon

    Dirigido a /Target: Esudianes hasa prfesinal /students up to professionals

    talla /Size: 4 - 12Anch /Wide: MCdgos d color /Color Cods:

    Negro /Black: 34

    Recambis /Spare Partstalla /Size: 1 - 9Anch /Wide: xClres /colors: N/A

    Recambis /Spare Partstalla /Size: 1 - 5Anch /Wide: xClres /colors: N/A

  • 7/28/2019 Catalog Reina 2012


    82 83

    36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48

    BL 203 m C/d 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11

    BL 213 m C/d 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 8 9 9 10 10 11

    BL 216 m C/d 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 12

    BL m B /C /d 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 8 9 9 10 10 11

    BL m B /C /d 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 8 9 9 10 10 11

    BL m B /C /d 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 8 9 9 10 10 11

    BL m B /C /d 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 8 9 9 10 10 11

    BL m 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 9 9 10 10 11 11 12

    BL m 6 6 8 7 8 8 9 9 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 13

    BL m 6 6 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11

    BL m 5 5 6 6 7 8 8 9 9 10 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2

    BL m 6 6 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11

    BL m 5 6 6 7 8 8 9 9 10 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2

    BL m 5 5 6 6 7 8 8 9 9 10 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 3

    BL m 5 5 6 6 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 12


  • 7/28/2019 Catalog Reina 2012




    seora \ CaBallero \ niosWomen \ men \ chilDren

  • 7/28/2019 Catalog Reina 2012



    BloChseora \ niaWomen \ girls





  • 7/28/2019 Catalog Reina 2012


    88 89


    numrc /Numbering: 3, 3.5, 4, 4.5, 5, 5.5,6, 6.5

    Composc /Composto:

    Cre: ras (sain)Forro: textil.Pis/suela 100% pielAncho: todo los modelos b, c, d, e. Excepto elmodelo alpha que tiene 1x - 2x - 3x

    Cdgos d color:

    Rsa: 57Color cods:

    Pink: 57

    Cuddos /Cr:

    No sumergir en agua. Do not immerse in


    Cuer / charl / anic: limpiar cn rapde algodn seco. Leather / patent leather /

    antic: clean with a rag of dry cotton.

    Ane / nbuc / serrae: limpiar cn cepi-ll suave espna dura. Suede/ nubuck:clean with a soft brush or a hard sponge.

    Cuer: se puede aplicar cremas inclras la n de la piel. Leather: colorless creamscan be applied or the tone of the skin.

    Ante / nubuk / serraje: puede protegersecn sprays raanes de clr. Suede/nubuck: can be protected with special

    sprays for color.

  • 7/28/2019 Catalog Reina 2012



    CoPelliaseora \ niaWomen \ girls



    numrc /Numbering: 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39,40, 41.

    Composc /Composto:

    Cre: ras (sain)Forro: textil.

    Pis/suela 100% pielAnch: 1

    Cdgos d color:

    Rsa: 57Color cods:

    Pink: 57

    Cuddos /Cr:

    No sumergir en agua. Do not immerse in


    Cuer / charl / anic: limpiar cn rapde algodn seco. Leather / patent leather /

    antic: clean with a rag of dry cotton.

    Ane / nbuc / serrae: limpiar cn c epi-ll suave espna dura. Suede/ nubuck:clean with a soft brush or a hard sponge.

    Cuer: se puede aplicar cremas inclras

    la n de la piel. Leather: colorless creamscan be applied or the tone of the skin.

    Ante / nubuk / serraje: puede protegerse

    cn sprays raanes de clr. Suede/nubuck: can be protected with special

    sprays for color.

  • 7/28/2019 Catalog Reina 2012



    sanshaseora \ niaWomen \ girls





  • 7/28/2019 Catalog Reina 2012


    94 95


    numrc /Numbering: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11.

    Composc /Composto:

    Cre: ras (sain)Forro: textilPis/suela 100% pielClres: rsaAnch: M, N, w

    Cdgos d color:

    Rsa: 57Color cods:

    Pink: 57

    Cuddos /Cr:

    No sumergir en agua. Do not immerse in


    Cuer / charl / anic: limpiar cn rapde algodn seco. Leather / patent leather /

    antic: clean with a rag of dry cotton.

    Ane / nbuc / serrae: limpiar cn cepi-ll suave espna dura. Suede/ nubuck:clean with a soft brush or a hard sponge.

    Cuer: se puede aplicar cremas inclras la n de la piel. Leather: colorless creamscan be applied or the tone of the skin.

    Ante / nubuk / serraje: puede protegersecn sprays raanes de clr. Suede/nubuck: can be protected with special

    sprays for color.

  • 7/28/2019 Catalog Reina 2012



    BasiCseora \ CaBallero \ nios

    Women \ me n \ chilDren



    numrc gro /Numbering black: 39, 40,41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46.

    numrc ros /Numbering pink: 26, 27, 28,29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41

    Composc /Composto:

    Corte: textil

    Forro: textilPis/suela: 100% piel

    Cdgos d color:

    Negro: 34

    Rsa: 57Color cods:

    Black: 34

    Pink: 57

    Cuddos /Cr:

    No sumergir en agua. Do not immerse in


    Cuer / charl / anic: limpiar cn rapde algodn seco. Leather / patent leather /

    antic: clean with a rag of dry cotton.

    Ane / nbuc / serrae: limpiar cn c epi-

    ll suave espna dura. Suede/ nubuck:clean with a soft brush or a hard sponge.

    Cuer: se puede aplicar cremas inclras la n de la piel. Leather: colorless creamscan be applied or the tone of the skin.

    Ante / nubuk / serraje: puede protegersecn sprays raanes de clr. Suede/nubuck: can be protected with special

    sprays for color.

  • 7/28/2019 Catalog Reina 2012



    sanshaseora \ CaBallero \ nios

    Women \ me n \ chilDren



    numrc /Numberg: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,11, 12 ,13, 14 ,15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20.

    Composc /Composto:

    Cre: pielForro: textil

    Pis/suela: 100% pielAnch: N, M, w

    Cdgos d color:

    Negro: 34Rsa: 57Color cods:

    Black: 34

    Pink: 57

    numrc /Numberg: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,11, 12 ,13, 14 ,15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20.

    Composc /Composto:

    Cre: pielForro: textil

    Pis/suela: 100% pielAnch: N, M, w

    Cdgos d color:

    Negro: 34Rsa: 57Color cods:

    Black: 34

    Pink: 57

    numrc /Numberg: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,11, 12 ,13, 14 ,15, 16.

    Composc /Composto:

    Corte: textil

    Forro: textil

    Pis/suela: 100% pielAnch: N, M, w

    Cdgos d color:

    Negro: 34Rsa: 57Color cods:

    Black: 34

    Pink: 57

    Cuddos /Cr:

    No sumergir en agua. Do not immerse in


    Cuer / charl / anic: limpiar cn rapde algodn seco. Leather / patent leather /

    antic: clean with a rag of dry cotton.

    Ane / nbuc / serrae: limpiar cn cepi-

    ll suave espna dura. Suede/ nubuck:clean with a soft brush or a hard sponge.

    Cuer: se puede aplicar cremas inclras la n de la piel. Leather: colorless creamscan be applied or the tone of the skin.

    Ante / nubuk / serraje: puede protegersecn sprays raanes de clr. Suede/nubuck: can be protected with special

    sprays for color.

  • 7/28/2019 Catalog Reina 2012




    KERSseora \ CaBallero \ nios

    Women \ men \ chilDren

  • 7/28/2019 Catalog Reina 2012



    sneakersseora \ CaBallero \ nios

    Women \ me n \ chilDren



    Rox BACk Rox FUx Rox gREY

    St1 BLACk St1 PAtENt

    NEo BLACk/PAtENt

  • 7/28/2019 Catalog Reina 2012


    104 105


    numrc /Numberg: 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40,41, 42 ,43, 44 ,45, 46.

    Zapatillas muy cmodas y ligeras aptas paracualquier mdalidad de baile.tienen suela de cmara de aire.Para sera, caballer y ni.Hay varis mdels de dises mderns, dife-renes maeriales y clres.Very comfortable and light shoes suitable for any

    type of dance. These shoes are for women, men and

    children. There are several models of modern de-

    signs and different materials and colors.

    Composc /Composto:

    Cre: piel sineicaForro: textilPis/Suela: 100% pliurean

    Cdgos d color:

    Negro: 34

    Negro: 34 C

    Negro: 34 A

    Negro/plata: 43

    Negro/fuxia: 38Negro/gris: 53

    Color cod:

    Black: 34

    Black: 34 C

    Black: 34 A

    Black/silver: 43

    Black/fuxia: 38

    Black/gray: 53

    Cuddos /Cr:

    No sumergir en agua. Do not immerse inwater.

    Cuer / charl / anic: limpiar cn rapde algodn seco. Leather / patent leather /

    antic: clean with a rag of dry cotton.

    Ane / nbuc / serrae: limpiar cn cepi-ll suave espna dura. Suede/ nubuck:clean with a soft brush or a hard sponge.

    Cuer: se puede aplicar cremas inclras la n de la piel. Leather: colorless creamscan be applied or the tone of the skin.

    Ante / nubuk / serraje: puede protegerse

    cn sprays raanes de clr. Suede/nubuck: can be protected with special

    sprays for color.

  • 7/28/2019 Catalog Reina 2012




    C/Martn de Vargas n18

    28005 MadridEspaa

    tel.: +34 914 730 537

    iformc Grl

    Grl iformto

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  • 7/28/2019 Catalog Reina 2012
