Ceunlr Nfwipcptf -TWiJf-PAL-LSi Ith^HQ^TiIURSDAY^SmE^mEIt~3^Ig5r^ JP_RXQEA_CENTS, l^OtTE^erson^Pay Third Outbreak Of Eas.t!s .Youth Rodeo H WarVRi One-Car xVccident At Jerome Claii f ile r . Sept. 3— Approximately 6,000 pcrsoiis'paltl. ntimisefpn {'o the firal day'of I the Tvfln Falia county fair Wednesday. Attendance lii tlic Renetal adtniasion scction I if tlie rodeo ’grossed $1,000 more thun lost ycnr, nccordine to fair officinlS. An even I larger crowd at both the fair'jfatc and rodeo -way cxpcctcd today, the Hccbnd' day of* I^Tapic'^ - . I night three cowboyii were I injuredinrodeoevents, none I Bcrioualy*.Bob. Bobinson^on llhe bu^inff bronco “Power* I house" was Injuredwhen-hc I Ttiil Into the stxRdMn Ihe south- I fut ildo of the artn», soatterlng |»pfcUtow. -me hor« bIm «it I Injured, noblmon viu back at tlie I chutes before the rodeo wtu over. . Durlns bulldoeBlnj, W. H. Spl- SaltXatt-Clty.-Tiu-CUL-Over I the eye w«en * *l«er »tep[>ed on I Ills (ace. Spicer UU ie muin-;er lot the buIldogB lns event.. Prte ■nimp’ bnil«d hU rlbi m the ■rahtnn buUrldlnR . , [The'rise ^ atttndmce nt The =safiTwH5nn-UiSrtaSeT!f auuui j j .020per cent o^er lut year,-rc* norltdSecretAry-MansEcr Tliomu pjflo. Anfvrn Inrger crotid-pcr- JiaUJ many tm the arena utandi ETll hofd-'UCTpected for the re* lintlnlns nights of the fair. Help* drawU ie ccawdaate top*notct\ otboy* and Rex A llen and hii Rented hor«, Koko. -• |The HoUj-wood atnr and the •Men of the W cjf wtstert- style i.ind tccclved a bii; ovatlon-tinm NEW'VOKK, Sept. fl,.(UPI)— An 18-yc;ir-oKI vouth waa stabbed and »erioii.;ly-\vounded-«nd-thrcrcompnnionB-wero beaten iti nn unprovoked'attack by .a tecn-aK** gang on' n Brooktvn Btrcct-wriii;r ycstcr'day. It was Ntw Xork’s third outbreak of yoiilh violence-in 11 duv.x. Gov. Nelson A. jtockefdlor and Mayor Robert F. \V Life of Youth, 18 JKHOME. Sept. 3—A Jerome voutii, who was to have entered Brigham Young uni- uway lo Jmil wilii Uu> proijlem. The # ^ ' IwouiHieci youth, Dominick Scudicre, told police he was talk- •• ___ . . inff \vith thrcj?_(ciei]d8 when , Jerome vouth, who ) ............... .............. ............. .........................„ _... ver.>;ity in two weekfi to sibdy Jf^iginecrinR, wiia’killed Instantly at»ut.8, p.m. Wed. ■trimt 'thi'ee iniles' nuU li* uiirt~twa-ana. one-iinii m ifc8~ -~ of M r. and Mrs. Lcwin J. Cunniiigljam.was driv- 1’li‘imed aep- npsilin^-itwi-one-OHi-rHetiiiieiil: th i-L^ with Uie proljlern. The here. i,.,Joxeph Cunninj:!iiim.'J8, Prize-Wmuing-Squasli-at-T. F. County Fair fttm . J A majority of Tn'ln Palb bu*l- lieacj. u well lu olllces In the ftnialler town« of ttie &ut End ii'frf~cloMa“ TliUrtany-(ifKrnoon (C*allni«d C*I«»" '• iolse Flood In 46 Yfears ireUon Of BoUe .Utt ilh vaa the m n t in 46 ycftn. I e c I a m ft 11a n~*EnglnMr ....... Oftrttr u id todar C«toM*ld that 1; by the U .'8 . ............... thowed thaj dIachaiVM Id Iasi reeks, respectlrel/. at the peak of \tV M i. The streanu were both meaxurrd Mt u^trcam from their conflti' Carter atld lh« puk discharges the Iko atrtami did not nece»- irUr~occur slmultAneously but tdri that the peak dlscharsa be- B-toa conmrocB-which-cs le-daraafe-ln-east-Belit-L B».baea-ftt-l«a»t 3«H)-cubl«- Mcoad. However, the state nter addnl. s Hash flood in 1913 ilch sent water pouring down uil-futeh-at- the end flt_Elrt)th ttt tn Boise was “of sre»t«r in- aslty” according to records.. Carter said that field surveys to ttnirtne^pesrtrTlbsharees"liftb t vcralAt 0 the Tho ntLick occurred la bqrhomi .uiiiilJccttd by slitn o[ I'ioo poliei'iiidi.............. uliiCUCiUiy tiTn Kiinu. violence. U c.une cnix t.hrtt-dnj-s niter two tecn-iiK'- boys ucrc aiuuonly «tob- btd lo jitivlli.lii IVpbyKround oil Timi-.i ajunre naU 10 rinj-.i eifter n 15-yi':»r-oM Blfl wiui *lioijo death find-ff-tccniQgeTwTTniaiiy slabbed In nn outbreak nf juvenile' Tnannr.ii.\]i. r poUcc_iaQ .on.Jirn-iici;rto-muraor chorse-i nnd.lli'e tiilrd on a .lidm l- cldc clinrse. Yesterday’s ouibrcak occurred «!, - nockcfriter—nnd-lVhkncr^wnj ■ _ mftppins pintin.for.a.acrltilaf, ieicncta lo deal wUh na upaurse of i«nj^nge„yioicnce_.ltmt-ltii*- ahocked mlllloiu.ef New YorkCrs and Icit rcildenta ot-.-;-«n*iitvc" aretta tcrror-atncken. A flnt prvinhnR tlbbon west to Klmbuly Q nat* No. 2M (or these lu ft grtea babbatd *a«uh, enlm d la proAieo e«mpeUUoa«l the Tvlii Fana'cotmlr fair and rodeo whleb opened Wedneidar at Flier. O n n n oeiabera workod m uy bonm .Wadneidar jeltlnr tbelr. dlipUys In order after Jndfinc waa completed. Twa of ihoae he»n)nr_thB Jlaberly,Ot»nCT-wew-I,Bwl« Motria.-left. m d UamtiCTm.— ■TliatroOU>finiiii>«rir. lo a iwr and rtdeo e««UBnes throBih Satnrday. Theae a<]saah eaa be aecn In the pfodBce bnlldlni. (flUtf photo-etyTlatJ; / -s House Groiip Won’t Concede Defeat iii Fight bn \Vater^ill rcfugcid' c-work«. ---------------------- --------------- , ....................................................... .......................... previous bill was upheld yesterday, the commlUce rejectcdzfl substitute.tailored.to m ectJiis objcction.<i.-Tho-ro-. jectlon carffe on a 19 to 19 tic vote. Defeated was a bill which would have eliminated 57-new projects ^>J1ich prompt«d-iIisenhowcE,to veto the first measure. The committee thcn7votcd-2SHp,19 to have a subcommittee-beRin drafting a new-bill..Tho-vetoed measure would have appropriated $1,206,7-18,548 for public works puch as rivers and ihatbdra __jrojecta*—Idaho’ j Jue Fizzles in _ Jui_________ to iP A X . w ash, Sept. 3 Ifl - l _ 2 Men Hurt I-' ................. In Crash in Cassia Area ■PTv, Bi»p t Y— Miin kfoot, waa reported uncon* ^ CottOKQ tibsfillal this noon ti &ie> h ' nine miles aouth of - Bum5 creek project-was in - cluded in the measure. Be- hind today's action was the anger of some Democrats over n«pubUcan soUd&rltr In up- holdlne the President’! veto bjr « poe>vot« mariiln. They were eager ‘Quake’ Lake Overflow k-End ^WSSr-VELLOWGTONC - Mon t Sept. 3 W-_Aray hydroli^ltts yes- terday piedlcmi Uie Madliuii ilvei womd'ftbt'owKlow'the carlhqunke rco^fdeuds when n band-of nbouL_15-youths believed' lo be Puerto Ricans and-mi-mbcr.=i of a Rung calP ed the .Majeslic.s approached and ai!itd ir iliry v,rre meraber& of cllUcr of iwo cnncs. •-Scufllcre mill his 'fHcnds said they wcfc not but one of the band, One of five believed to bf Hic Jciidar. aaid. look cnrf nf niir hnyt iitir) vc're EoliiR to inke eare of ------- .... Jo.-<eph C _ ................... —, ..... .. .............. .......................... ... ........ .. ing the family car, a IDoD Iludsuii^to Jerom e -to nttciid an LDS sccond-war(i.LIiUA: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ m e e tin g . T h 'c .c n r w a s d c f io l - Ishcd after it went to- tho right and hit.n cumcnt cuU vcrt ai^d traveled. s r feef through the air before laid- Ins ur^lde down on the right front comer, Jerome count) Shcr* Iff Jam es. l?at? Bums reported. Eotato Group Acts On Grade Proposal you," \ TJif nllnckiTj thrn ^rl upon thu quartet, Hiibbcd 5cuHlero In the left side, bent itie otlirr three, and fled. Ecudlere was taken'to a Lie Detector r.For vSuspect MELENi. Bep\. 3 H V - A Coilfomla man yesterdny denied Imowlng anything about the-aiur.’ def of-ftn-oregon-forestry-expert In'the Aouthem Idaho sagebrush. Sheriff Keith Andetwn. Good- ing. Ida., said Samuel McOtiffee, ia Lodi, CAllf., volunteered to take K.lle detector teat and was to'be' Bh ■■■ - Anderson queaUohcd McQuffee yciterday and laid McOuffee de- nied any coonectloQ with the klll- nnd th a t thU accounted for his lnnblilly_tfl_rcmembcr_Umea..tad places too (rood," The shcrUf checked McOuffee’s cor a t WhlCohall. Mont, and took UcQuTtea Xrom the.JaU at Houlder to He.Jena fpr the polygraph ques- tlonlnu. McOuffee Is serving a 10-dajr all sentence at Boulder on drunk driving charge. Anderson aald McOuffee’s caj similar to the one reported follow* Inir.ihe English 'sUlloow-ngon dHven by Dr. John Bunt, Jr, Port- land. Ore. eniliiliona made by a rcpresoulalive grou]) of Mugic Valley area'potiUo grpwerH Wedne.sday Tiight w.as pnsi?cd by the Idaho'nnri Eastern Orcgon'potaio committee during its nicctiiig ThurKday morning at the UogerHon hotel. Three recommendation.'! will be discussed further at a meeting teiilativcly'scheduled for Oct. 1, re- jiorted H arry Sandow, BI;u:kfoot.-chairman of the'.coin* TOtlee.- m e i'fagic Valley group recommended that \j.S. Traffic Death Scoreboard . Here is' a compartaon oP'traf- fle faUllUes for ISU .and. IfiSfi iPT Mag'B VbUpv and {or me No'. _2 or better grade, be litn.; ilfd tw I h' o i ; n.~hc.H m i i iim u m OiiiTiicler iiFf^ur ounces min- imum weight'. This deciijiou will be rccommendetl lo flie dcparlaici)[_Of ugrlculture and l» slated to lake eflect Sept. H. —BeeauM of Uie difficulty In ud- mlni.-ilratliii;. the potato committee Shiylie States- Blast Against Him ‘Absurd’ pounds 0 Tin domestic marteui, .. largcr-conrmnnUi ‘}l;o B la from one'and one-half to t«o ond one-quarter Indies In diame- ter.. M. Q ^tnitford. manasfr of the state p^datei's'tffoup cild.— TOe sceonti_uafinUlie_d_jirob!.fm' ili tftvorUn iUIpmchi. o! No, U. wne iitid onc-hBU.inch-mtnlnjum i.,,-.™ , -™ im item tl.r: 10 „ro««or. oMsMt ol P » the mnrkcUiiK nuretaieiit arga-m.i— »n r«»» i. c»ii cerUflcate of prlvUese. .ShlpmenU Maslc Vollrr, J9M -. Jdaho. IMS_______ _ idahq, IDS}..' and raise the cnjmplcd top of tho= luto to free the .youth's body. The !ntlre weight ot " E - 6 t nTltr - d r ^ 0g?r~nniiiy TS~’ tth- tjj^. i p c o p ^ ticw a u u ttwinnKC Mag^'c VaHty and the lllth lor ■~8myhe^td'he Is opposol^ij'th program' simply l>«cause~l wa prejeijted in n woy that did not .confomUoJdnhfliJlattitcs ______ ■'Arnie wme-tlmc John O. Wai- tera.-atate-land-commlssloncrrsaid that jf lie_had Uiought th« Insut m et plan '^was going to backfire. Tlie third rccommendaUon U iat failed to be settled' was the QU iitme& l.ot a 90*da;>pcilod ' vnlldlto ' of InspecUoh brU llcates Plninvii^l potatoes going Intocoldstorage. — X - 6 S l r - j L - m 0 1 l 6 C l -------flandow—commfntrt—that-the ................................icuir Ujne -..........., ...... regulotloas would be practical In operatloai.- . The recommendation which did not pass concerned tolerances. Tlie committee TOted not to keep the BamB-totenmcenDnturyear wRcH wcre-»-flv8-p«r e m loiertnco for external defects and a' two per cent tolerance for -tmdenlM pota- toes. The federal regulations of six per cent and three six per cent and three per cent nrt-onee-tuntln-nrenf^ ' Thff^resfnT^M lurltj, rtqulre- m «t-w lll be/conUnudd. st«led sondon-. This means that lii any Jot of potatoes not more than 10 per cent'.oon have more than 35 per cent of tho skin missing.---------- FoiirOffieers 'The nccidtnt occurTed'new.tWoTr ftugh. Held farm.' two miles from the Cunningham hom^ The youth'. MM aloue In thu vl— ~ ~ deni waa discovered 1^' Max Orat* '■ ttrrwentjeii.'wi)0”n6iiricd'bniKr«r" —3ho >-ouUi ww bom-Uay;4.-lMIr^ - la Ogden and moved with his par- ,• Jourt Kevokes 'O ’. ^ e n - A g e r - ’s X i c e i Inez Manchester, 17, dauehter'of-Jack'E.'Mancbcateri 340 Sixth avenue cflBt, wasiriTen a suspended jail s ^ e n ra . and her driver’s license was m oked for.oTieytntJjy TwJn; F alla f robate Judge J» DeanJJo«harjg}’i{p}(iavmornlngKfok hfa thm l drtving vioISflohT^ f c o Moah^ firflt kftrifan p ^ t>ie Jeen*ager to SO day? Ip. j^l, but auspendedlthe sen-’, tcnce prqvTdfng the girl does not drive-during thftrevocft* tioD period. The case waa handled under provisions of the’ youth tch ab llitatio a- a ct. ------------------------------ ' _-ManchcstcrbDSa^TSr traffic rec'ord D c f2 2 ,1958, when she .was assessed court costs and her license was doys.on.A-TKk'' ■he man had a record of molest- chlldren and was believed In thwestem Idaho at the time of clilld's dlsappeannce June 30. ' body iater was'found in an ■i.'ation canal. l u t Boise Police DetccUve Jack “ ney and Sheriff’s Deputy Wll- _n Echiedler.S*Id. “As far as wi lid determine, he's clear.*_ _B.ODy.EQU _S ntceUEII, Sept. 3 (UP1)_ ■irlftls today were tiding to liUfy t man whose partially de- k|)o.ved body was found 'near • yesterday by a IS-yeor-old Joeue'Cftliadlllas. driver of the 1SS3 cldcmoblle which was demol- ished. also >was hosplUllred but his condlUon- was. not believed to be serious. He received laccratlons and abrasions, state Patroimaij Roy Thomas, IhvesUgaUng officer, reported. ,_Munor, received .-Jtw(l_laJurlea uid may hare a --------- n. travtled Ico fetl imm ifjMSni# It went out of control unUl It stop* ped...The driver told-officers-he had gone to . sleep. Patrolman Thomas s&ld, noting th« car was High,Price? b0ISE,-Scpl.'3 OJPD-Tliere b ran to be promise ~Bt Im- fcvfd prices for-Idaho potatoer |a_resuU of a crop four per f t smaller than last year. It re.threrwn.from the>ur.. —The-rehlele-tT»veled-fim«-dIs- (once' along the shoulder of the hlghwAy, creased the'oU. overturn- ed ahd landed back on lU wheels. It then went off the right ^de of the road where It. overturned again, the patrolman told. Ttie c contliioed li(icit-»crt«sa-Uie .oU.»; KU for Idaho (am'fafflllles ‘ a lighter hurest In Idaho, ;Dlcd_wltU_a.-aatiOBat.crop. ■muted to be eight per cent I ltum-ln-10M-can-be-» fa-- Jfa.w n to be.Qverly.opllmlSr. I He aald U» esUmated no- ■>1crop of ISO oUllon him*- 'velKht Is stUl eight per cent ' ..‘him _the_ ftTcmgOmt. N! no diversion pro^ utis listed'by Robinson ^ o ih cr favorable factor. iiara'rTror^ ff.'' .... BtAte patrolman Joe Mack also assisted vlttLibe Inreatlgatloa BaseballToday nahunal leAOUb St. Louis at l09 -Angeles, night game. Chicago jit 8aa Pronclsco. Only gomes Mhtdulad ' AMCBICAN UAOUB - K ^ m m : e M r , - W oQdMhiclt. <.'». irtKs ffli and NaroBon'-'DltBltr Xnlereat—The h'ouse ways and means committee appttTved a' bill to allow the'government to pay higher ■tnterest rates-mi aavtaga bonib. The measure wtiloh wf" ^K ^ed through congress adjournment would permit .higher interest oq E and H.bonds sow held by.an.eiihnated 40,00(U>W) In- ' rs os well as those booght In ‘Hiar said the water was about 34 fect'from the top of the sltdcTcs- terday, rising at the rate of six feet per day. TTie water luid betnitslng at the rate o( fl to IQ (cel per day. Tueaday night-afmy-trrtneers rigged up a batteo' of lights pow- ered by diesel generators so work could continue to cut a splUway In the n£w.dam..Wor]aaea are cuuing the spUlway on two lO-hour shifts -Ute Ubor—The senate met early to begin- debate on the compromise labor refonri'bin a-brk^'out by house-semrte'confCKes yesterday.’ UEFLACEHENT P L A N j^ . BOISE. Sept, 3. (07D—Boise po-: lice tov'ther will trr to reolaa ^our* In tte -day te serrtce the equipment. -CoL XValler-W.41ogrtfc. head of the spillway—optttatlon for. the. army engineers, predicted lYiS —Ulwuy wtHUtrweompTJMd'by'W Uielr clubhouse which was destroy, ed early on Aug. 30 by a flash flood that Inundated east Boise. The value of Uie destroyed struc* ture wa« estkoted at |13,000. tnorrow. -Ben. HeniT'Dworshak-proposed yesterday a new,route for Uie hlgh- "Tirmrraf--------------- . . . .... . j-natni. the Hebgen diun area of Montana. ' In a message released from Washington, he suggested Uie road be buUt over Reynolds pass north of lienry's lake In Idaho at T ^e unlverally: He « Xroll near BUas, Ida^ abou isatnnitfi er uudihg, or the doy-after he left Pa T.JF,’s August Weather Cool The weather cooled off during AngnsrTorTtmmni'risIdeaU as the average dally temperature — •— n:y'flegTeeari«io»-iarr Flgures-kept-dufing-Uie by. (ne bureau showed .that the average dally, temperature was SS.7 degrees. The average htgttSias BOJ degrees and Uie average low -«J<85. .......... ........... ' preclpltauon ditrlag theTBbnth wrar If'neoesaarr to get <Ae oot ef the wav thli wi M0800W, 5epLT(UPn~TIie 'Daiiemiy of Idaho .extension“serv- ice predicted today that catUe prices may break during Uie next 13 to IB months. DBNVEB, Sept. S lUPI)—A gas explosion gntted a two-ilory build- aw v. At ttlst one person was killed and clght.lnjortd. Utree of Uietn the -normal amount for U>e monUi. T h e ' I n c h brought the elght-monlh rain total in Twin Palls to 4.83 tncbea. The yearly average Is M U ................. Twenty clear dajra were reported during August along with 10 pan>n ly.clojtdy ■ Are Caught in , Drug Racket WASHINOTON. Sept. 3 C^-Ia federal grand Jury at Chlago yesterday Indicted Uiree Chicago police officers and a former treas- ury agent Iq connecUon wlUi Uie opOTtlon of a naUonwlde nareoUes dlsti^tlon ring. ' Atly.-o'en,,.WIiUaai-P--aogtn, who made the announcement geies. Miami. Cleveland) DeU«lt, and Qazy. m d , were named among the receiving points. The Uuw -• • meet ofnelals. were named _ SbeJdon n . Teller. Miles J- Cooi>- ernuo'Ud'lllcnahi e . Austin., -7116' Indicted former treuiiry igCTt-lrldwird'RlohiTonni - , STRIKE ENDS CAPB CANAYEBAU.Flt., 3 tfl-tJiwnajiaon'Of 'woric --------------------- ‘ly Uie_OperatIng after settlement pLR_ltdk6_lhaL smeUon at the missile test center. less driving chaige. Seven months i later on July 33 she was fined »10 and oosts-for-<pe«dlng-a(ter-belng clUd by state poUce. again was cited for reckless drlv> Ing by.dty police. ------ Miss M an^est«r was involved in a aocld«nl-a^ee«OBd street and Third avenue west. Judge Mosher ^Id. Uie girl tfte would be committed to SO Oayi In Jail If she drove during Uie'next 13 monUis. Jack T. Henderson, SB, Buhl Cook Uie statuton time to enter s plea when arraigned Thursday be- fore £uh\ JusUce otthePeaea a £• Rudy for drunk driving. over^gbt In tiie Buhl cSly Jail. revoked for one year by Judge August BeUjke Tuesday for drunk driving.. ■WllUam A. Madsen, Twin PaUs, .as fined <100 ptus costs and sen* tenced to five-d*ya -In-UlnMoka [all by Rupert Justice of the Peace ------ “ • -for drunk dnv- «T.i> Bfm >,«p one year. Madsen' was committed Ttute ditiet«ntTw^'¥&la cow* ■ the peace Wednesday y-flned and sentenced _________ triCffio vloJat drivlng'on revoked licenses. nf.thoJeaca-Oeor«»-B.-8ooU-#en* tenced Kenneth J. Bnelson. 34. K tm^Iy,.to08 days-ln ttwigiDnty MenoaWiiiflead^ Indian U.N. U m t ; .NEW<DEUn,'8ept.<B-(UPD-- , Premier Jawaharlol Mehru said to^' day X>elenBe Minister V. K . KAsb-' na-Menon-wtU-head-lndlft'rOnfr' delegiUoa this year as usual de?. - ' ‘a-tbe-o- ------ *- - }s)l Thursday a'nd ItnM h WtdJ ned_to_Post_ BOISE. Sept. 3 W -auift Ptmih ■EUc C h a S m a a 3^ O. Wajten said Vincent ___ __________________ ordihator of ^HUdU instnicUon for southoenUal Idaho counties. Smatal wUl oonduet a series-of DemocraUo party workshops In advance-.:^- elfctlon. earn* palgn." Ike Tells Peace' Blueprint; -PARIS,.B<9 t.-9 Ul’- 'P r^ e n t Elsenhower today gave' the West a blueprint for peace: Refuiu to re- tTf»t -Bnw liv>h fmm prindpla »nJ “Then there wUl be no '"nr. njere will be peace," Uie Presl- dent told Uie North AtUntle conn* aTdurln* a surprise visit. -The 'Pmldent sandwich^ Uie q;ulcfc'Tldfto NATO headqturten in ^ % ^ t schwhile-Cl-talktJlUi His appears^ at Uie'council was designed to calm the fears of the smaller powen mat hU sstlon's norUiem iK Bd^ Nehru spoke In puUament &- answer. to ■ pol&tM QoettlDn Znm'V SodaUit - Uader Achaiya -Kripalr:' anl, who isked wneUier It was wisa for Uie defense minister- to li India at a lime of crisis.. T he country's defense ta In lafB.. hant^" Nehru said. 'If neceasaiy.'. further airangfrnents' could bo made wlUiout difficulty.. . , Uia^ defense minister could, be called. back.- Todoy*« TlmM«Ne car accident claims life of Je* rome youUi, New Yortc youUi *wsr^ breaks out again.- &e gives blueprint for peace, ^ d. committee acta on growtra* rec^ Twin Falls teen^ i^er given drlrer^i Ueensa pensioa Page 3—Hereford htlfer wtae grand diamplen-UUrat-^alr^: Page i~Edltorlal: *lt Must jjfijrned.- Page i — Albion youth wlni 4>H club naUooal oiragreas trip. _ ^ a g e J^rCUy.payrolls .sJmott- doubled. , Page 8-TwIn.,-PWls yogUi lege. - Page ft-^Twin ^Uls-prtedpal- J.f*ylng-.»oon.fotjiew:po8t ------ -•Page U -M urtaugh heifer wins purple ribbon st oounty fair. Page 1 boli-n s to a aUUeUo scene thls v M - ~ T a g e !r i= I ijs ^ twtim\.jx*_ jeettiLtpcjttcfaeodjoltaatcte: Psge^iF-^-Mmar-.-KnotitoU: lesgue UUe woo by Bpariaas. Page 2S—HaxelUm State bonk ftnditioa‘Tair";'-' lessening o! their nlea In HATO. "NAtO U a matua-.of spirit, of dsKmlnaUon lo; wott.aspartoers' - TOniine t.; ™ «« and to preserve Uie Wekls we che^-Uieea-year-old PrtBldentte^ w*a!S.-i “!S'C i ___ Inch from prince. If we hmaln W tdasiS^ neaUhle so f a r m

Ceunlr Nfwipcptf -TWiJf-PAL-LSi Ith^HQ^TiIURSDAY^SmE^mEIt ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · ttt tn Boise was “of sre»t«r in- aslty” according to records

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Page 1: Ceunlr Nfwipcptf -TWiJf-PAL-LSi Ith^HQ^TiIURSDAY^SmE^mEIt ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · ttt tn Boise was “of sre»t«r in- aslty” according to records

Ceunlr Nfwipcptf -T W iJ f - P A L -L S i I t h ^ H Q ^ T i I U R S D A Y ^ S m E ^ m E I t~ 3 ^ I g 5 r ^ JP _R X Q E A _C E N T S ,

l OtTE^erson^Pay Third Outbreak Of Eas.t!s .Youth

Rodeo H WarVRi

One-Car xVccident At Jerome Claii

f i l e r . S e p t. 3— A p p ro x im a te ly 6 ,000 p c rs o i is 'p a l t l . n tim ise fp n {'o th e f i r a l d a y 'o f I th e T v fln F a lia c o u n ty f a i r W e d n e s d a y . A tte n d a n c e lii t l i c R e n e ta l a d tn ia s io n sc c tio n I i f tlie ro d eo ’g ro ssed $1 ,000 m o re t h u n lo s t y c n r , n c c o rd in e to f a i r o fficin lS . A n ev en I la rg e r c ro w d a t bo th th e f a i r ' j f a t c a n d ro d e o -way c x p c c tc d to d a y , th e Hccbnd' d a y of*I^T a p ic '^ - .I night three cowboyii were I injured in rodeo events, none I Bcrioualy* .Bob. Bobinson on llhe bu inff bronco “Power* I house" w as Injured when-hc I Ttiil Into the stxRdMn Ihe south- I fu t ildo of the artn», soatterlng |»pfcU tow . -me hor« bIm « it I Injured, noblmon v iu back at tlie I chutes before the rodeo wtu over.

. Durlns bulldoeBlnj, W. H. Spl-SaltXatt-Clty.-Tiu-CUL-OverI the eye w«en * *l«er »tep[>ed on I Ills (ace. Spicer U Uie muin-;er lot the buIldogBlns event.. Prte ■nimp’ bnil«d hU rlbi m the ■rahtnn buU rldlnR. ,[The'rise ^ atttndmce nt The

=safiTwH5nn-UiSrtaSeT!f auuui j j .0 20 per cent o er lut year,- rc* norltd SecretAry-MansEcr Tliomu pjflo. An fvrn Inrger crotid-pcr- JiaUJ many tm the arena utandi ETll hofd-'U CTpected for the re* lintlnlns nights of the fair. Help* draw Uie ccawda ate top*notct\ otboy* and Rex Allen and hii Rented hor«, Koko. -•

|T h e HoUj-wood atnr and the •Men of the W c jf wtstert- style i.ind tccclved a bii; ovatlon-tinm

N E W 'V O K K , S e p t. f l , .(U P I)— A n 18-yc;ir-oKI v o u th w aa s ta b b e d a n d »erio ii.;ly -\v o u n d ed -« n d -th rcrco m p n n io n B -w ero b e a te n iti nn u n p r o v o k e d 'a t t a c k b y .a tecn-aK** g a n g on' n B ro o k tv n B trc c t-w riii;r y c s tc r 'd a y . I t w a s N tw X ork ’s th i r d o u tb re a k o f yo iilh v io le n c e - in 11 duv.x. G ov. N e lso n A. j to c k e f d lo r a n d M ayor R o b e r t F . \V

Life of Youth, 18JK H O M E . S e p t. 3— A Je ro m e v o u tii , w h o w as t o h av e e n te re d B r ig h a m Y o u n g uni-

u w ay lo Jm i l w ilii Uu> p ro ijlem . T h e # ^ ' IwouiHieci y o u th , D om inick S c u d ic re , to ld police he w a s ta lk -

• • ___ . . in f f \v ith thrcj?_(ciei]d8 w h e n

, Je ro m e v o u th , w h o ) ....... ........ .............. ............. .........................„ _ ...ver.>;ity in tw o w eekfi to s ib d y Jf^iginecrinR , w iia’ k illed I n s ta n tly a t » u t . 8 , p .m . W ed .

■trimt ' t h i'ee in i le s ' n u U l i* u iir t~ tw a -a n a . one -iin ii m if c 8 ~ - ~o f M r . and M rs. L cw in J . C u n n i i ig l ja m .w a s d r iv -

1’li‘im ed ae p - n p silin^-itw i-one-O H i-rHetiiiie iil: t h i-L w ith Uie pro ljle rn . T h e h e re . i , . ,J o x e p h C u n n in j:! iiim .'J8 ,

Prize-Wmuing-Squasli-at-T. F. County Fair

fttm .J A majority of Tn'ln Palb bu*l- l ie a c j . u well lu olllces In the ftnialler town« of ttie & ut End ii'frf~cloM a“ TliUrtany-(ifKrnoon ■ (C*allni«d C*I«»" '•

iolse Flood

In 46 YfearsireUon Of BoUe .U tt

ilh vaa the m n t in 46 ycftn. I e c I a m ft 11 a n~*EnglnMr

....... O ftrttr u id todarC «toM *ld that

1; by the U . '8 . ...............thowed thaj dIachaiVM Id Iasi

reeks, respectlrel/. a t the peak of \ t V M i . ■ ■The streanu were both meaxurrd

Mt u^ trcam from their conflti'

Carter a tld lh« p u k discharges the Iko atrtam i did not nece»-

irUr~occur slmultAneously but td ri th a t the peak dlscharsa be- B-toa conmrocB-which-cs le-daraafe-ln -east-B elit-L B».baea-ftt-l«a»t 3«H)-cubl«- ■ Mcoad. However, the state

nter addnl. s Hash flood in 1913 ilch sent water pouring down uil-futeh-at- the end flt_Elrt)th t t t tn Boise was “of sre»t«r in- aslty” according to records.. Carter said th a t field surveys to ttnirtne^pesrtrTlbsharees" liftbtvcralAt 0 the

Tho ntLick occurred la bqrhomi .uiiiilJccttd byslitn o[ I'ioo p o lie i'i iid i..............uliiCUCiUiy tiTn Kiinu. violence. U c.une cnix t.hrtt-dnj-s niter two tecn-iiK'- boys ucrc aiuuonly «tob- btd lo jitivlli.lii IV pbyKround oil Timi-.i ajunre naU 10 rinj-.i eifter n 15-yi':»r-oM Blfl wiui *lioijo death find-ff-tccniQgeTwTTniaiiy slabbed In nn outbreak nf juvenile'


r poUcc_iaQ.on.Jirn-iici;rto-muraor chorse-i nnd.lli'e tiilrd on a .lidml- cldc clinrse.Yesterday’s ouibrcak occurred «!,

- nockcfriter— n n d -lV h k n cr^ w n j ■ _ mftppins pintin.for.a.acrltilaf,

ie icnc ta lo deal wUh na upaurse o f i«nj^nge„yioicnce_.ltmt-ltii*- ahocked mlllloiu.ef New YorkCrs and Icit rcildenta ot-.-;-«n*iitvc" aretta tcrror-atncken.

A f ln t prvinhnR tlbbon w est to K lm buly Q n a t* No. 2M (or these l u f t g rtea babbatd *a«uh, e n lm d la proAieo e«mpeUUoa«l the Tvlii Fana'cotmlr fair and rodeo whleb opened W edneidar a t Flier. O n n n oeiabera workod m u y bonm .Wadneidar je l t ln r tbelr. dlipUys In order after Jndfinc waa completed. Twa of ihoae he»n)nr_thB Jlaberly,Ot»nCT-wew-I,Bwl« Motria.-left. m d U am tiCTm.—

■TliatroOU>finiiii>«rir. l o a iw r and rtdeo e««UBnes throBih Satnrday. Theae a<]saah eaa be aecn In the pfodBce bnlldlni. (flUtf p h o to -e ty T la tJ ; / -s

House Groiip Won’t ConcedeDefeat iii Fight bn \Vater^ill

rcfugcid ' c -w ork« .

---------------------- --------------- , .......................... ............................. ..........................p re v io u s b ill w as u p h e ldy e s te r d a y , t h e c om m lU ce r e je c tc d z fl s u b s t i tu te . ta i lo r e d . to m e c tJ i i s objcction.<i.-Tho-ro-. j e c t l o n carffe on a 19 to 19 t i c v o te . D e fe a te d w a s a b ill w h ic h w ould h a v e e lim in a te d 5 7 -n e w p r o je c ts ^>J1ic h p ro m p t« d - iI ise n h o w c E ,to v e to th e f i r s t m e a s u r e . T h e c o m m itte e th c n 7 v o tc d - 2 S H p ,1 9 to h a v e a su b c o m m it te e -b e R in d r a f t i n g a n e w - b il l . .T h o - v e to e d m e a s u r e w o u ld h a v e a p p ro p r ia te d $1,206,7-18,548 f o r p u b lic w o rk s pu ch a s r iv e r s a n d

ih a tb d r a __j r o je c ta * — I d a h o ’j

Jue Fizzles in _ Jui_________

to iP A X . w ash , Sept. 3 Ifl - l _

2 Men H urtI-'.................—

In Crash in Cassia Area■PTv, Bi»pt Y— Miin kfoot, waa reported uncon*

^ CottOKQ tibsfillal this noon t i & ie> h

' nine miles aouth of -

B u m 5 c re e k p r o je c t- w a s in ­c lu d ed in th e m e a su re . B e ­h in d to d a y 's a c tio n w a s th e a n g e r o f so m e D e m o c ra ts over n«pubUcan soUd&rltr In up- holdlne the President’! veto bjr « poe>vot« mariiln. They were eager

‘Quake’ Lake Overflow

k-End^WSSr-VELLOWGTONC - Mon t Sept. 3 W -_Aray hydroli^ l t t s yes­terday piedlcm i Uie Madliuii ilvei womd'ftbt'owKlow'the carlhqunke

rco ^ fd e u d s w h e n n b a n d -o f nbouL_15- y o u th s b e lie ve d ' lo be P u e rto R ica n s and-m i-m bcr.= i o f a R ung c a lP ed th e .Majeslic.s approached and a i!itd ir iliry v,rre meraber& of cllUcr of iwo cnncs.•-Scufllcre mill his 'fHcnds said they wcfc not but one of the band, One o f f iv e believed to bf Hic Jciidar. aaid.

look cnrf nf niir hnyt iitir) vc're EoliiR to inke eare of

------- . . . . Jo.-<eph C _ ................... — , . . . . . . . .............. ............. ............. ... — ........ ..in g th e f a m i ly c a r , a IDoD I lu d s u ii^ to J e r o m e -to n ttc iid a n L D S sccond -w ar(i.L IiU A :------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ m e e tin g . T h 'c .cn r w a s d c f io l -

Ishcd a f t e r i t w e n t to- t h o r ig h t a n d h i t . n c u m c n t cuU v c r t ai^d t r a v e le d . s r f e e f th ro u g h th e a i r b e fo re la id - Ins ur^lde down on th e right front comer, Jerome count) Shcr* Iff Ja m es . l?at? Bums reported.

Eotato Group Acts On Grade Proposal

you," \T Jif nllnckiTj thrn ^rl upon thu

quartet, Hiibbcd 5cuHlero In the left side, bent itie otlirr three, and fled. Ecudlere was taken'to a

L ie D e te c to r

r .F o r vSuspectMELENi. Bep\. 3 H V -

A Coilfomla man yesterdny denied Imowlng anything about the-aiur.’ de f of-ftn-oregon-forestry-expert In 'th e Aouthem Idaho sagebrush.

Sheriff Keith Andetwn. Good­ing. Ida., said Samuel McOtiffee, i a Lodi, CAllf., volunteered to take K .lle detector teat and was to'be'B h ■■■ -

Anderson queaUohcd McQuffee yciterday and laid McOuffee de­nied any coonectloQ with the klll-

nnd t h a t thU accounted for his lnnblilly_tfl_rcmembcr_Umea..tad places too (rood,"

The shcrUf checked McOuffee’s cor a t WhlCohall. Mont, and took UcQuTtea Xrom the.JaU a t Houlder to He.Jena fpr the polygraph ques- tlonlnu.

McOuffee Is serving a 10-dajr all sentence a t Boulder on

drunk driving charge.Anderson aald McOuffee’s caj

sim ilar to the one reported follow* I n i r . i h e English 'sUlloow-ngon dHven by Dr. John Bunt, Jr , Port­land. Ore.

en iliiliona m ade b y a rc p re s o u la l iv e g rou ]) o f M ug ic V alley a re a 'p o tiU o g rp w e rH W edne.sday T iigh t w.as pnsi?cd by th e Idaho 'nn ri E a s t e r n O rc g o n 'p o ta io c o m m itte e d u r in g its n icc tiiig T hu rK day m o rn in g a t th e UogerH on h o te l. T h re e recom m endation .'! w ill be d iscussed f u r t h e r a t a m e e tin g te iila t iv c ly 's c h e d u le d f o r O ct. 1, re- j io r te d H a r r y S an d o w , B I;u :k fo o t.-ch a irm a n o f the '.co in* T O tle e .- m e i 'fa g ic V alley g r o u p re c o m m e n d e d t h a t \j .S .

Traffic Death Scoreboard

. Here is' a compartaon oP'traf- fle faUllUes for ISU .and . IfiSfi iPT Mag'B VbUpv and {or me

No'. _2 o r b e t t e r g ra d e , be litn.; i l f d tw I h'o i ; n.~hc.H m iiiim um O iiiTiicler i iF f ^ u r o unces m in­im u m w eig h t '. T h is deciijiou w ill be rcc o m m e n d etl lo flie dcparlaici)[_Of ugrlculture and l» slated to lake eflect Sept. H.—BeeauM of Uie difficulty In ud- mlni.-ilratliii;. the potato committee

S hiy lie States- B la s t A g a in s t H im ‘A b s u rd ’

pounds 0

Tin domestic marteui,

. . largcr-conrmnnUi ‘}l;o B la from one'and one-half to t«o ond one-quarter Indies In diame­ter.. M. Q ^ tn i tf o rd . manasfr of the sta te p ^ d a te i 's ' tffoup cild.—

TOe sceonti_uafinUlie_d_jirob!.fm' ili tftvorUn iUIpmchi. o! No, U.

wne iitid onc-hBU.inch-mtnlnjum i.,,- .™ , -™ im i t e m t l. r : 10 „ ro « « o r . oMsMt ol P »the mnrkcUiiK nuretaieiit arga-m.i— »n r«»» i. c»ii cerUflcate of prlvUese. .ShlpmenU

Maslc Vollrr, J9M -.Jdaho. IMS_______ _idahq, IDS}..'

and raise the cnjmplcd to p of tho= luto to free the .youth's body. The !ntlre weight o t "

E -6tnTltr - d r ^ 0g?r~nniiiy TS~’ tth- tjj^.

i p c o p ^ ticw a u u ttwinnKC Mag 'c VaHty and the lll th lo r

■~8m yhe^td 'he Is opposol^ij'th program' simply l>«cause~l wa prejeijted in n woy that did not.confom U oJdnhfliJ lattitcs______

■'Arnie w m e-tlm c John O . Wai- tera.-atate-land-commlssloncrrsaid tha t j f lie_had Uiought th« In su t m e t plan '^was going to backfire.

Tlie third rccommendaUon Uiat failed to be settled' was the QUiitme&l.ot a 90*da;>pcilod' vnlldlto' of InspecUoh brUllcates P ln in v ii^ l potatoes going Into cold storage.

— X - 6 S l r - j L - m 0 1 l 6 C l -------flandow— com m fntrt—th a t- th e................................ic u ir Ujne-..........., ...... regulotloas

would be practical In operatloai.- .The recommendation which did

no t pass concerned tolerances. Tlie committee TOted not to keep the BamB-totenmcenDnturyear wRcH wcre-»-flv8-p«r e m loiertnco for external defects and a ' two per cent tolerance for -tmdenlM pota­toes. The federal regulations of six per cen t and threesix per cen t and three per cent n rt-onee-tun tln -nrenf^ '

T h ff^ re s fn T ^ M lu r ltj , rtqulre- m « t - w l l l be/conUnudd. st«led sondon-. T his means that lii any Jot of potatoes no t more than 10 per cent'.oon have more than 35 per cent o f tho skin missing.----------

F o i ir O f f ie e r s

'T he nccidtnt occurTed'new.tWoTr ftugh. Held farm.' two miles from the Cunningham hom^ T he y o u th '. MM aloue In thu vl—~ ~deni waa discovered 1 ' M ax Orat* '■ ttrrwentjeii.'wi)0”n6iiricd'bniKr«r" —3ho >-ouUi ww bom-Uay;4.-lMIr^ - la Ogden and moved with his par- ,•

Jourt Kevokes 'O ’.— ^ e n - A g e r - ’s X i c e iIn ez M a n c h e s te r , 17 , d a u e h te r 'o f - J a c k 'E . 'M a n c b c a te r i

3 4 0 S ix th a v e n u e cflBt, w a s iriT e n a s u sp e n d e d ja i l s ^ e n r a . a n d h e r d r iv e r ’s l ic e n s e w a s m o k e d f o r .o T ie y tn tJ j y T w J n ; F a lla f r o b a te J u d g e J» D e a n J J o « h a r jg } ’i{p}(ia v m o rn ln g K fo k h f a th m l d r tv in g vioISflohT^ f c o M oah^ f i r f l t kftrif a n p ^ t>ie J e e n * a g e r t o SO d a y ? Ip . j ^ l , b u t a u s p e n d e d lth e s e n - ’,, tc n c e p rqvT dfng t h e g i r l does n o t d r iv e - d u r in g th f trev o c ft* tioD p e r io d . T h e c ase w a a ha n d led u n d e r p ro v is io n s o f t h e ’ y o u t h t c h a b l l i t a t i o a - a c t . ------------------------------ ’ '_-ManchcstcrbDSaTSrt r a f f ic rec 'o rd D c f 2 2 , 1958, w h e n s h e .w as a s s e s s e d c o u rt c o s ts a n d h e r lic en se w as


■he man had a record of molest- chlldren and was believed In

thwestem Idaho a t the time of clilld's dlsappeannce June 30.

' body ia ter was'found in an ■i.'ation canal.l u t Boise Police DetccUve Jack “ ney and Sheriff’s Deputy Wll- _n Echiedler.S*Id. “As far as wi lid determine, he's clear.*_

_B.ODy.EQU_ S n t c e U E II, Sept. 3 (UP1)_ ■irlftls today were tiding to liU fy t m an whose partially de- k|)o.ved body was found 'n e a r

• yesterday by a IS-yeor-old

Joeue'Cftliadlllas. driver of the 1SS3 cldcmoblle which was demol­ished. also >was hosplUllred but his condlUon- was. no t believed to be serious. He received laccratlons and abrasions, s ta te Patroimaij Roy Thomas, IhvesUgaUng officer, reported.,_Munor, received .-Jtw(l_laJurlea u id may h a re a ---------

n . trav tled Ico fe t l im m ifjMSni# It w ent out of control unUl I t stop* ped...The driver told-officers-he had gone to . sleep. Patrolman Thomas s&ld, noting th« car was

High,Price?b0ISE ,-Scpl.'3 OJPD-Tliere b r a n to be promise ~Bt Im- fcvfd prices for-Idaho potatoer |a _ re su U of a crop four per f t smaller than last year. It

re.threrwn.fromthe> ur..—The-rehlele-tT»veled-fim «-dIs- (once' along the shoulder of thehlghwAy, creased the'oU. overturn­ed a h d landed back on lU wheels. I t then w ent off the right ^de of the road where I t . overturned again, the patrolm an told. Ttie c contliioed li(icit-»crt«sa-Uie .oU.»;

KU for Idaho (am 'fafflllles ‘ a lighter h u r e s t In Idaho, ;Dlcd_wltU_a.-aatiOBat.crop. ■muted to be eight per cent

I ltum-ln-10M-can-be-» fa--

Jfa .w n to be.Qverly.opllmlSr. I He aald U » esUmated no- ■>1 crop of ISO oUllon him*- 'velKht Is stUl eight per cent ' ..‘him _the_ ftT cm gO m t.

N! no diversion pro^

utis listed'by Robinson ^ o ih c r favorable factor.

iiara'rTror ff.''....BtAte patrolm an Joe Mack also

assisted v lttL ibe Inreatlgatloa

BaseballToday— n a h u n a l l e AOUb

St. Louis a t l0 9 -Angeles, night game. Chicago j i t 8aa Pronclsco. Only gomes M htdulad '


- K ^ m m :e M r ,-W oQdMhiclt. <.'». ir tK s ffli and NaroBon'-'DltBltr

Xnlereat—The h'ouse ways and means committee appttTved a ' bill to allow the'governm ent to pay higher ■ tnterest rates-m i aavtaga bonib. The measure wtiloh wf" ^ K ^ e d through congress adjournm ent would permit .higher interest oq E and H .bonds sow held by.an.eiihnated 40,00(U>W) In-

' rs os well as those booght In

‘H ia r said the water was about 34 fec t'from the top of the sltdcTcs- terday, rising a t the rate of six feet per day. TTie water luid be tn itslng a t the rate o( fl to IQ (cel per day.

Tueaday n igh t-a fm y-trrtnee rs rigged up a ba tteo ' of lights pow­ered by diesel generators so work could continue to cut a splUway In the n£w.dam..Wor]aaea are cuuing the spUlway on two lO-hour shifts

-UteU bor—The senate met early to

begin- debate on the compromise labor refonri'b in a -b rk ^ 'o u t by house-semrte'confCKes yesterday.’

UEFLACEHENT P L A N j^. BOISE. Sept, 3. (07D —Boise po-: lice to v 'th e r will trr to reolaa

^our* In t t e -day te serrtce the equipment.-CoL XValler-W.41ogrtfc. head of

the spillway—optttatlon for. the. arm y engineers, predicted lYiS —Ulwuy wtHUtrweompTJMd'by'W

Uielr clubhouse which was destroy, ed early on Aug. 30 by a flash flood th a t Inundated east Boise. The value of Uie destroyed struc* ture wa« e stko ted a t |13,000.

tnorrow.-B e n . HeniT'Dworshak-proposed yesterday a new,route for Uie hlgh-

— "T irm rraf---------------. . . .... . j-n a tn i. th e Hebgen diun area of Montana.' In a message released from

Washington, he suggested Uie road be buUt over Reynolds pass north of lienry 's lake In Idaho

a t T ^ e unlverally: He «

Xroll near BUas, Ida^ abou isa tn n itf i er u u d ih g , or the doy-after he left Pa

T.JF,’s August Weather Cool

The weather cooled off during A n g n srT o rT tm m n i'r is Id ea U as the average dally temperature — •— n:y'flegT eeari«io»-iarr

Flgures-kept-dufing-Uie by. (ne bureau showed .tha t the average dally, temperature was SS.7 degrees. The average htgttSias BOJ degrees and Uie average low- « J < 8 5 . .......... ........... '

preclpltauon ditrlag theTBbnth w rar

I f ' neoesaarr to get <Ae oot ef the wav th li wi

M 0800W , 5 epL T (U P n~ T Iie 'D aiiem iy of Idaho .extension“serv­ice predicted today tha t catUe prices may break during Uie next 13 to IB months.

DBNVEB, Sept. S lUPI)—A gas explosion gntted a two-ilory build-

a w v . At t t l s t one person was killed and clght.lnjortd. Utree of Uietn

th e -normal amount for U>e monUi. T h e ' I n c h brought the e lght-m onlh rain total in Twin Palls to 4.83 tncbea. The yearlyaverage Is M U ................. —

Twenty clear dajra were reported during August along with 10 pan>n ly.clojtdy ■

Are Caught in , Drug Racket

WASHINOTON. Sept. 3 C^-Ia federal grand Jury a t Chlago yesterday Indicted Uiree Chicago police officers and a former treas­ury agent Iq connecUon wlUi Uie opOTtlon of a naUonwlde nareoUes d ls t i^ t lo n ring.' A tly.-o 'en,,.W IiU aai-P--aogtn, who made the announcement

geies. Miami. Cleveland) DeU«lt, and Qazy. m d , were named among the receiving points.

The U uw -• •

m eet ofnelals. were named _ SbeJdon n . Teller. Miles J- Cooi>-e rn u o 'U d 'lllc n a h i e . Austin., -7116' Indicted former treuiiry

ig C T t - l r ld w i r d 'R lo h iT o n n i


3 tfl-tJ iw najiaon 'O f 'woric--------------------- ‘ly Uie_OperatIng

after settlementpL R _ltdk6_lhaLsm eU on a t the missile test center.

less driving chaige. Seven months i la ter on Ju ly 33 she was fined »10 and oosts-for-<pe«dlng-a(ter-belng clUd by sta te poUce.

again was cited fo r reckless drlv>Ing by.dty police. ------

Miss M an ^est« r was involved in a aocld«nl-a^ee«OBd street and

Third avenue west.Judge Mosher ^ Id . Uie girl tfte

would be committed to SO Oayi In Jail If she drove during Uie'next 13 monUis.

Jack T. Henderson, SB, Buhl Cook Uie s ta tu to n tim e to enter s plea when arraigned Thursday be­fore £ u h \ JusUce o tth e P e ae a a £• Rudy for drunk driving.

over^gbt In tiie Buhl cSly Jail.

revoked for one year by Judge August BeUjke Tuesday for drunk driving..

■WllUam A. Madsen, Twin PaUs, .a s fined <100 ptus costs and sen* tenced to five-d*ya -In-UlnMoka [all by Rupert Justice of the Peace ------ “ • • -for drunk dnv-

l« «T.i> Bfm >,«pone year. M adsen' w as committed

T tu te d itie t« n tT w ^ '¥ & la cow* ■ the peace Wednesday y-flned and sentenced

_________ triCffio vloJatdrivlng'on revoked licenses. nf.thoJeaca-O eor«»-B .-8ooU-#en* tenced Kenneth J . Bnelson. 34. K tm ^ Iy ,.to 0 8 days-ln ttwigiDnty

M enoaW iiiflead^ Indian U.N. U m t ;

■ .NEW <DEUn,'8 ept.<B-(UPD-- , Premier Jawaharlol Mehru said to ^ ' day X>elenBe Minister V. K . K Asb-' na-M enon-w tU -head-lndlft'rO nfr' delegiUoa this y e a r as usual de?. - ' ‘a-tbe-o- ------ *- -

}s)l Thursday a'nd ItnM hWtdJ

ned_to_Post_BOISE. Sept. 3 W - a uift P tm ih ■EUc C haSm aa 3^ O. W ajten

said y« ■Vincent ___ __________________ordihator of ^HUdU instnicUon for southoenUal Idaho counties.

Sm ata l wUl oonduet a series-of DemocraUo party workshops In advance-.:^- elfctlon. earn*palgn."

Ike Tells Peace' Blueprint;

-PA RIS,.B <9 t.-9 Ul’- ' P r ^ e n t Elsenhower today gave' the West a blueprint fo r peace: Refuiu to re- tTf»t -Bnw liv>h fmm prindpla »nJ

“T hen there wUl be no '"nr. n je re will be peace," Uie Presl- den t told Uie North AtUntle conn* aT durln* a surprise visit.

-The 'P m ld e n t sandw ich^ Uie q;ulcfc'Tldfto NATO headqturten i n ^ % ^ t schwhile-C l-talktJlU i

His a p p e a r s ^ a t Uie'council was designed to calm the fears of the smaller pow en m a t hU

sstlon's norUiem iK B d ^Nehru spoke In puU am ent & -

answer. to ■ pol&tM QoettlDn Znm'V SodaUit - U ader Achaiya -K ripalr:' anl, who isked wneUier I t was wisa for Uie defense minister- to li India a t a lime o f crisis..

T h e country's defense ta In lafB.. han t^" Nehru said. 'I f neceasaiy.'. further airangfrnents' could bo made wlUiout difficulty.. . , Uia^ defense minister could, b e called. back.-

T o d o y * « T lm M « N e

car accident claims life o f Je* rome youUi, New Yortc youUi *wsr^ breaks ou t again.- &e gives blueprint fo r peace, ^ d . committee acta on growtra* rec^

Twin Falls teen^i^er given drlrer^i Ueensa pensioa •

Page 3—Hereford htlfer wtae grand d ia m p le n -U U ra t-^a lr^ :

Page i~ E dlto rlal: * lt Must jjfijrned.-

Page i — Albion youth wlni 4>H club naUooal oiragreas trip.

_ ^ a g e J^rC U y .payrolls .sJmott- doubled. ,

Page 8-TwIn.,-PWls yogUi

lege.- Page ft-^Twin ^U ls-prtedpal-

J.f*ylng-.»oon.fotjiew:po8t -------•Page U -M u r ta u g h heifer wins purple ribbon s t oountyfair.

Page 1 boli-n s toa aUUeUo scene thls v M -

~ T a g e ! r i= I i j s ^ twtim \.jx*_ je e tt iL tp c jttc fa eo d jo lta a tc te :

Psge^iF-^-Mmar-.-KnotitoU: lesgue UUe woo by Bpariaas.

Page 2S—HaxelUm State bonk

f tn d itio a ‘T a ir" ;'- 'lessening o! the ir n le a In HATO."NA tO U a m atua-.of spirit, of

dsKmlnaUon lo; w o tt.a sp arto e rs ' - T O niine t.; ™ « «and to preserve Uie Wekls wec h e ^ -U ie e a -y e a r -o ld P r t B l d e n t t e ^ w * a !S .- i

“!S'C i ___Inch from p r i n c e . I f we h m a ln W t d a s i S ^ neaUhle so f a r m

Page 2: Ceunlr Nfwipcptf -TWiJf-PAL-LSi Ith^HQ^TiIURSDAY^SmE^mEIt ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · ttt tn Boise was “of sre»t«r in- aslty” according to records

~ T n f e C T E W g , T j y i N i F A L i j S , - I D A H O - - ^ - - - - —

' T H U B S D A Y |.S g P T E M B E H 3 , j»5n

Seen Today

F o r b i i e Y e a rK o m 'w w lU » H il* li of « *• W ; 'l o n o m v , L«w u t t ' j J i i i l A M u i ^

II B.'WDWele, .fl88 Vm Buren

b to flTO in county J#ll ■ ‘im |lOO-«nd cMt8-tor

---------in iK ia e rK f r ieDT SUU

jc o tm n H. E . Cw r. j D m RlehftrdMO, 430 Sccand m - “ i iT e u t . v u K D tcnerf to live

5 T i n : l i i r cWinTT-J““ ' nml "<«>«'lDO'*a<reMU -w«jnc*d«T wntn w

before Kimberly

U jj.-w w tker-fiorw m rep o fu a .-lO M y i ww; im l-P rw ^ O o lo . Y«*Urd«j‘f Bculh poJe 1

mlQU U tow n 10 m ta n i 62. _____»*>. Kill, rcp.

I Igr ISUV xJiu (JJT UjO^Ufi

iS w l* -w e « c to « a 60 itodento' couW visit the tiS t. Abo eU*«l w u the d i r h*lL County o l I lc e i .K « - •• iftiniu’Mul redcnti m >->lopea. ■ ' '• '

P ine room h»# been poslpooeil tin-

iTTIfff^T ^ —------'—--■' t S m r ' W c.' C h«JIa~w n> ennU . ion of Mr. nod Mr*. W atoo Den- Inla 3M Dlua Loica bouJem d' • ......................T ia 'a J ltia tr iljL -

T a oeioiT ruuiut.*/. Petix Ray Potter for opcr-1 -A-TcUoU o s * reTo1cesl.<ulf*|

by H anjea 'Mft-Thftl '-?i-

'’S i ln n ln * M *=*0 P-*"* T h u n ; d a y t o the W . th e r e 'w u • Lvestock p tn d t . theo »■ borM lliow ?2»

a n t ^ 7:S0 p.m . th e -D i» u » « u « :Bauitres uu A n dance club ipooM n touare duidPK At th e ir •tand. The tUtvd w ill- ro n tla -open th<«>

Ctilute .[w f t o r t »200 «nd M U m i c -ftJliIL > n jsH by Twin W U J

the Pe»cfl . nobcrt E . c for dnink driTlns Aug. 8.

■ J E a e « tt,T y fia5 y D y iiu .u

ie. H« *M cited by St«t« J^trol* u n B .X Voun*. ^ ' , , 1 ^ AM*

i Robert O . Clayton. Buhl, w ji hood » « r t d costa lay ud ie Rudy

^^ef-fcp**dlns tfl mllM.iin. hour in^« l ^ g a l l e tone. H e wa» ’ " ■ S S tT P i l r o lm a n Richard isur*^

lUcfiiel T . lto d a len a . Wendell,• - fOW >10 tnd-cosU b r JUUB9

^ for epeedlng M-mlie* an r*ln ■ poiU d B5-BillB wne. He

-“ t e d * ^ SU to Patrolman

_ t o e w t . waa lined »16 and W»u Blren 80 demertta for ipeed-

■ ? & uh en h a appeared ■ S i S Judge J . O. pumphrey W rt-,B B S d a t - a ftirny^"- Co«en-OT«-iittd!

cS laiw** nTv«»- " — •.I l S ^ d coaU May . . . .

D'no'mUea-an hour in a 33-

rodeo,the Filer high acnoci oand. f » l* UTlnrf~H« " f l a m ln r ^ to n • IwlrUof r l “ S __ 1- . „ n flO«Bed

W edaaday prtor to J the Filer high achocl /

B roner' andi 'E dna- Clalre- Ma,bjr aU T » la Palla: D a l e .P I o r in d c T&rtastla and M argaret A na Dan-

Wgth ,, ant e, Denvrt", Colo.

idgeRudy p " -j' ’

,'i^|~M ag|c^alley Funerals£ D E N ~ n n e ra i a c in u s «1H b t

beld for Mr*. V«lm» Jao# K“ ^ * i Eden, a t S p ja . B a t u r ^ * t W hite m ortuary , chapel with the E ar . J . H. Johnaoo. P“ W ^ . “ * Eden Church of CbrUt.Final rite* wUl bo coaductotf In Sunaet M aaorlat pa rk.

bAREV — 8erylc*i for O w «iy.a f ta ra o o n ..C ^ -w M -ii te d b - , . v. - ^ n-tm -held-i r t p A 'W -•day b r ciiy p o l i e n ^ r W ehurcb u a tof Main avenue wMt. He wa* ? dlrecUon of Uw Carey b t i ^ I lS H ^ d coaU JU y 7 for ueOoiOnck XunenU boma will,

I w a s fined t l6 plua cosU wednea- ■ W by BuSl J u t l c a of the P « ^ _ J . E . nudy .fo r speeding 71 'mile* |k D b o u rln ,B eo -n ^ a «m e^^ ^w »*

le r dlrecuon Ol in * uarry rlc. ifcOoldrtck XunenU boma will officiate. '

I TWIN. PA LI£—Pun'eral lerrlce* will be conducted for Pioyd L. Kuller o t a p. m . Prlday a t the ,T «ln Palla m ortuary chapel by the R or.-W . A. MiwArlbur. Maaonlc

i*n«anai N e w tn a n 'o f f I c l a t l n g M ead* o ty can a t th e Crippu. i S o S b a i from, prlday after-

o m untU time of ^erylce#.

rtjhl — Puneral aertleca . . . DavU wUl be held a t 10

• jn . B atuday a t th e Albeitaon£ « 5 S i S S p . i » iu i ■a . A. Bradley, p u to r o t th e Buhl

conceoUon.’om tU U nj. P inal r l t « wlH'b* held In the Buhl ccmetery,

i m r a — Puneral aerrlcefc for John Allen BUhop will »>« « in d W ^ ed a t 3:50 pm . P ^ d ay a t W hlU mortuary chapel. P inal rltea wm M held in Sunaet M emorial parlc.

. u rins uio iiagitim or Carol: Ann U n d h o ta . .Ihe n ijh t performanee. ‘Itie - * .— WM out during the band'a #p-


tx™ and leader* marched acro« ' the arena. . • ’ ^• D iln e Te*un..Pll«r, wearing i uifQUoUa weaUm ouUlt and rid

■| Ing a Palomino quarteihor»e,,w a U)6 queen for opm lng day.

' _ lb6 _ 'Jercfn o ..* h e rt« ? _ n ?2 S '^ 4 poan, led by drlllm aater Tom Pre#- colt, waa weU recelred.'The group drew jpeclal applaute J o r ^ » “triple, thread, tbo needle“ lorm a-

Barrel racing by alx -women rid­ers was am ong-the fastest ever recorded a t tha rodeo here. Mary Sklppen won the e ren t In 18.3 see- |onds for the three-barrel cloTer

wdeo li b4lng presented by lari Hukhlson. QanneU. The per-

B;*«^ g | i c - n a were filed W etoM - flay if tem o o n In the county clerk* office against Harrison T a f t and

......................... Hansen*

W B ^ n h Day, R upert, wasTiucu •>. B n lus'. ooita''Dy“ 3udg«'TJ*thkr^oi nafSteU hg 74 mllei a h bo lu in a

'S V T tl r . vaie,M liS Biut c o rti and gWen ao d e m ^ M tnd^fl seU ike for a stop algn

Fifteen drlverB wera fined this I H ill Justice of the* Paaoe o le a a e h e n a a n for speed-

iritf 'and im proper p ^ ln g . Tliey ^ . d t M d u r ln r » n d a r chedc •Moofl • •S i n g - o fficen and t u u patrouneo.

•M T e n and th e ir fines .include

H lr v P o i t W ayne; Ind., 113; Bdwara I f e g ^ B a l t ^ L i j c e - 0U y,-»3#. • *11

h e ld -a t 10-» Jn .-8aturday a t the

- r JKBOMB — S 'O ^ .K T Y le M fW L. Joseph Cunningham wm W

i held a t 3 p jn . s a lu n ia y a t the Jc* I J t i ^ V c L w U h Bishop H.

■ d te d d u r i n r j c h e t t «■

e if and tU ta patrolmen.

End wlU be able to attend, aa claas-room, wl)I be-dosed. T b a l ^ ^parade, horse show a n d cow cut-. Ung will be featured in the w ena Prlday altenoon. Q»leen wUl oe Judy OaJford. BuhL

ib e j j r y i e e j i______

TWIK PA IiLB-Funeria « r ^ c «f o r - C a ^ E - ^ I m m w i lH w h j^ i a t 10:50 a. m . B ^ tm O n y n t^ eTwia'Pails’ m ortua ry -ch ttpei-w in«l6R eT .-W alt4 r-A .-M acA r^ u^^f ld a tb ig . P ln o l « tc »• eunsat Memorial p a r t

tiln isMVai.4; Weldon R u U e d g c - 3 iS l ;^ - ald Ocdge. Jack M c S p ^ n , " •>: Bob Juker, 24.<; Apson Tt>ur-a S i: l 'a.gT BliaiV6 Hnaseu. 33.< ^-S add leb rono -rld log - Rflfklrl R o cko ljiirjjsa jo in ts ; Bud Qodby, 175; Benny ReynoM«n04.

I Bulldogglng — Chuck Heaw o. l lJ ;-M U to n Payne. 4S.3: K . V.

ttnmciy w cua. llS , luiu__ L.. * U , . botlL. COVB_ Junction.

T^Joker. Albuquer- H au B .‘M .M ..'IIB : Wesley A. Pink, f i w ^ T i n i . iiB? B onald B.C offman.

and JOBcph Ai-OlMUlf VenT,-«50.' ai S 'jU ee, Ctidw tfl. |17. .

n WJiUini L . Sm lth^B uriqr. w m| ■ u ia e d 4 1 Q .a s d .c Q S U jm d _ l lS « > ^ ■ r S r l u by Burley Justice of ^ F e iM Alfred. Crano Tuesday for

B - |f ^ lny trt mltea pe r h OUTln-lkM- D tone. H e was d te d by etata £ Pktrolm an M. J . Bnyder.I -^~<H ar Uhrtoh. le , Paul, waa f ^ I IIS m a B im i 30 demerits b r B ur, 1 UT PoUce Judge .H enry Tucker

W ednesday fo r apeedlng-M miles H w boor in a 88-mlle roae.U ^ A a n a R- Chrlfteasea.-2a.-Ruperl. ft m s ftoed IIB a n d g lten 20 demw - [ lU by Judge T ucker for Bpeadins

d l ^ m to p e r b o u r ln a 8 5 - m i l9 to n e . , I f Hhi. WM fined an additional M for|

JlceiiM..^ ^ 3 J k D . D w a in . 31. Burley, was

“ d «13 by. Judge T udter for

Visiting hours are from a to 4 a n d W e pm . In the nuUmlty ward; in all other*, from 11 am. B> 8 pjn.

■a d m i t t e d _ .

ond Raymond Kindred, berly; Mrs. WlUlom Rogc” -

I ^ o n d -Ofloarorrortton; and Mrs, Oten Harkln*, Bhoshona.

D I S M I S S Mrs. Chaxlea Eggle*ton. ^

Floyd Goodnight, Mr*. R<W«1 I and *on. Mrs; Roy Huft Mfi

M iC iln - RobertT>:C«^IK;»nd-*«J,Katherine Bchlck. Tom Muc-irty ;.M «-W a lla -M lc k d a n d ^ .Vtmon Ja rk ln s .-^ l T w M ^ T ^ .l Mrs. R*y Clifton. P U e r :E m U ^ Ibis— Ha»elton,--and-M n. . rrtfl Mackey and daughter. Wells, Ner- ___________3 U K T B 8 .. • . ]

Hoielton, o n d to jL j^ *llam~Rifliej*.

S m y lie S ta te s

T T im ^ A s u r dy I -wouldn’t^ha»e^tawughUt up.“- -. a a l d J ^ U ^ th e <>^• tun ing of tn*ui5n5> -6w eT W *^

buildinga'and property of-th*

taitfd’-Y w Sjaw nlrolled.by-Dam * ocraU. Walters also U *Ute Demo-

' ^ J S u f r e p u b l l e a n . said h t -W i­

liam*. a Democrat, not to pay the dalm s for premiums for the new iMuranc*••requisition apptoted

LiilUd ln a letter to -W llliam S ^** y not legal c laim s,-and IherK i^ ir should not be paid. . .

•These s«Uon».are e n a c ts lnt<

T a r U m - F l W - i i l t M ^ l l —

day tf to i io o office >galO(( nsoiouo

___i t r te t; C. A. Undsey and Della U adsey. route 1. Buhl: j . 1.. John: *(u and Lula Johnson. IMS Willow U ine, and Raymond N. Jacobsen, route 1. TVfln PWU.

Youth Killed- -In Accident

Near Jeromeenta to KlESSSriV to M m h . 1944. when bis father waa called into anny aerrJce d u r tn j ^7orJd w ar n . i He lived In Kimberly for 13 yean .1 sttendfair—K la U rly —ffnM la-and I fi® rK B B 8rind -thB -K tm bertrU » ward.

in IMS fim lly m dred to a farm northw ojt o f Jerom e. TTje y o u th . was graduated laa t May from the J e m n a high school and had completed arroogem ents to Va* te r BYU to study engineering.

B e w u a mem ber a f .the Aaroalc priesthood and »as released last

In a-cv-b icycie acaaenv evening one-half J. mile aouth of Hansen on the Rock crw k j|M d .

A»k* f o r .P e n n l l- ---------------Robert WUdman, « 7 B ra c k o

atreet. asked for permission Wed- ne ada r-at-the -elty -o la rk-s^^iU l^

-June-M ore-and-C oU em ‘ jtiopplog“ for-ooM*gs-cloHns-7i— Car j r i t h wlpdihleld w tptri »ort.

Angle Arrlen -telling a i»u i i«.j. . physical examination for m:;,, - . . . Women wearing fall clathn i;=;TW4U™TiIBfifTiri«-3?5~ r t t l g-TOungaten - .—.-'. -Au‘.e-«i;>— lout“ licenu c n n c yi»w» . . . -mau’B «»;n« udceta-under door t» ,Iripnd a t local office . . . .Sumt^h

parking apou In butiiicu d iS - tric t . . Sm alL glrl symflicr ij7_; m open foreign luio , ' father drives along slrtci , . E m pty 'beverage can layir? - ^ T hird avpnue north . . , HflT ;

. . . . . . . . ----- rldliir bi. rMt m l^ e -a g e d i^ r r . - B i u c i —e>XiO . . -pcnted on them . . : And om hfjti. " • 'th ere 's one thing certain ib ^ th a t trip,' and th a fs he crrn^J •

s ^ s ^ » T o n ; “r??;r to« 'nU .«I » r» ;i!u»"n« l o | l t e * |

to all other coveraj^ he la under

W ashington Ci‘op_i SSls ^ fo r IJMT

eonsiruev a i« - u / «—family w ood-fram e addlUoa to existing dwelling uslag salvage n ... terlal from a demolished building on Main avenue south. ■He esU- matea th# coat av .roo . -

Fined fo rT a i-Vernon P . Jewell. 19, McOUl.

Nev, was fined »25 and coaU for parking on a highway when he appeared before ju j» c e 0f the Peace Qeorg« E. Bcott early Thurs­day. .Jewell w u d te d by 8Ut< Patrolm an James O erte on U. 6. hlgbway’ 30‘ w e i fo f Twln Palls, JcweU IS in the county JaU In lieti of th a fine. -

K l i n i s l n d t ^

^ e iMurance plan, which Wal ters said was In ten d ^ to proUd_ m o r e comprehensive coverage, blew up into an .argum ent j meeUng of the sta te board ofBllnera-iest-i'Tiaav.------ ^-.r^ T, -

The plan called for consoUdaUon of coverage from about a to ten u e n ts into one—Jam es H . Haw.

I lS ^ J r , a long-time DemocraUc irark tf and a Boise insurance man.

‘ ^ l e y described .the obJecUons by the R epublican. go v e rn s u “entirely poUUcal." and.sM d 6 jW ;, Ue had “qulta freely •d m ItW this during the meeting la st P r |-

"^"Hls poslUon essentially waa this: ,W h at£ V £ E .tb # jn e rita .o f:^ ^P » :

^aE A T rL s..■ t?«p^ •»W ashington'3 mosnmportsnicnjjTf w ld last m onth for an ivenp ? »V£9 a bushel, lowest ilnte Iht-^state crop- and llvejioc

S - m service, said today.■ Dry field bean-prlccs utr loweat since.IM l, a~ The~agenCy-.-BSld—farm- jf!«-n dropped generally In the ro ^f

A g a in V is i t s U . SI E x h ib i t

MOSCOW. Sept. S ( D P I ) - ^ v let Premier W klta K hru^ d jev acheduled a surprlsa farewellJflsit “ th e American exhlblU.on today.

to O od aw ard in 16)7 aad had> lx Individual awards In Wa priesthood

~SufVIV6H( m eluiJa.'tn 'addltloo-to W a-parentar-tw o slaters. OUvette and Nacoil; three brothers, Rich­a rd .' Ja m raa n r-D av id -O u n n ln g - ham . a ll Jerw ne; m a terraa grand- partn ta. M r. and-M n. J . H. Henry,

J , J e r o m eI -V £ ti5 = B n n - B r m n ! ^ hospital are from 3 to 4 a n d rro o

- ^ A D n n r m )Mr*. James Marlow. B uh l: Wley

aD hn-K ldd ,-bo th .H azdton;_M «. jB ba Roberta, Jerotne. a n d W « - ley BallsBliry. King HUL

^ DISMISSED- M n - P f tn i a u niu and eon. B lcn-

; b ib t h b ‘

n S n d ' o j r i S S . , ^ ' r ^ e . and K a ^ X . PhirB rackenbury, Fairfield.

John Hayey. 6 J ; Clyde. Hlggm son, 7 J : '^ e iin y Reynolds. 8 J .

Brahma bull r i d l n g - l ^ Brown, 157, pobts; D em ar Thurm an, 159; Pete Crump, 168: Buddy Easton.

fthinn, 1S.S> U ta-H oagland , 18.4* M f tiy - s u p p e n rw x ------------------

nlngham. Jerome.. Puneral services w lll.be-held a(

a ' tj, ■ m . Saturday a t th e Jcrom« LDS chapel w ith Blsbop H .Thom-

! ^ y call a t -tRT.Crtppln funeral homo from Prlday U l«m oon until tim e o f aenrlcttt. ^

_ G o b d j n K _ M e m q r ia lI S u itin g U r T a rO oo-d inB -lft- m orla l ho sp ita l a re fro m 8:30 a jn

--------, U n b iia n e O U m p ltt . H a g e rm a n

blrtiis include^ a d a u ^ W to W . and Mrs. G erald « • ^ c b e r.Palls, and a son to 'W . Mrs. Robert D. R agland . Twin Palls.

.jlMinWokaJ3ounty . |- Visiting h o u rs ' a t ' Mlnldoki County hospital ora from 10 a jn

Sandra 'K ay P e a w n . WendcU and Mr*. Jesse CurUs, Gooding.


aa your and my nam e were connecUd w lth .lt In view of our ...ftfU tinn w llht-the Democratic party." said Hawley In a le tte r to Walter .

Meat Firm Strike Threat Lessened

.AU«u»k. u e e i cattle prices wcni doKn:?

cents a hundiedw dghi Iconi jijj but the reduction was 1m ihi- normal and the August rcti the best for th a t month'Wn^v

TTie m ld-A unst price et ijj- ceaU a pound for commerciil tt).;. ers was the lowest fo r that now,', since 1941. bu t conversely »-• b lih est for the year. 9,—Parm-Tirlces-iof.-cgg*-.i<lv»na<; Vwa’TfflltJT B \in/erc-»n;ra 'co3j below a year ago. Hay And MtvJ

' s were abova ycu-mj

BES30N-8 SON TO WED l.BOISE. S e p ta lUPI)--M ion)il|^

General Prank- Benson lell Babra for Moscow today to alttnd w eddtnrof^ 'l* son. Prank U .B o jP son, J r , will be married tomoftn)) to Carol Hatton. Moscow.

- • x C ljS le d packlnghouie W « k -1 « e rs of America and th a A m alga-1 It m a t^ 'U e a t C u tten and B u c h er I

B iW JU lfor It.

K h n u h c h w visited the fa ir site e n or Amenca aou « « several weeks'-.befora-the.exhU)U m at^ -rU ea t C u tten and B u c h er V / C

— 0 4 ^ - ,commented on the sm ooth working jo h n Morrell and company. Hy- ' ' J m M r* Ia tlaaahlpJ>eCw eai.ftir/e^i»9r- • - ------ ------------ers and mitvrvtson.rs ano w e ir Amcrtcmu i

He- also - attended the formal Ipartn ts . M r. and-M n. J .H .H e n i j , <,{ u , , exhibit wUh Vlea'l ^ m r alb . and pr« iaen t-R id iard-N l*on ..lt w inparents, Mr. and Mrs. 8. R . c u n - exhibit's model kitchen display

uve agrtenient m ■John Morrell and company. H y-1 fr*dfi.n»<l.PTW luet8.,,co^raUon I aad C udihy Packing company. - «

T ta temporary setU em enu f o l - '


I Ttia temporary se iuem enis loi- I lowed the pattern e s tab l ish ^ earll- ' — thls-.week by Arm our and com-

- N e x t " to - J i - C - P e n n e y ^ |j

RE 3-1946

W illianvJEstleiJs- B o i s e J I a ix . I s C r i t i c a l ; H e ’s

I A son waa boril to Mr. and Mrs luuans Clam pltt. Hagcrroap . .

2 Children A re Found; Both_OK

ccr* said they apparently were nn-

— d r l r l n . l h i

Claimed b rD e a thJEIU5ME. Sept. 3-W lllIam M ar-

Un Klstler, 81. died a t SL B p e - I dlctT-ho*pltal^Wedna»day.-Tnlfiht.

He was bom Ja n . 30. I87B. a t PnJrla. n i , a n d came to Idaho

I when he was 13 years old. He a t­tended schools in M o u i^ n ^ m e

' and In 1930 h e married M t h Dicker a t Brigham CUy. Utah.

They fam ed on Camas prairie a t Palrfleld before coming to Je-™ m o-ln -I04a-H e-re tired Jn .l»MbecAUse oC ill health . -

Survivors Include his widow, two dftughtars:— Mrs.— E velyn^P atty , Boise and Mrs. Marion SQ(pe. Je* ° D onald ^ U e r . Port-land.-and. six grandchUdrtn.

Graveside service* .will .b e held a t 10 am . Saturday a t the Jerome cemetery w ith the Rev. John Bul­lock, officiating. Friend* may can

I a t. the Crippln funeral hpma P «1 day afternoon.

1 BOISE, S e p t a on> i)—A 46 year-old Boise m an. shot five times

’early today, slnggered for more than a block from his hom e.to the residence of o.cousln to get help.

T he wounded m an.'C urtls Dbcon. x-as token to St. Luke's hospital ,1 th • ------ -

d rlf tr 'k license.■Carol C. H atch . J8. Bwley, -

f lnad 115 by Judgo T udief for g to p jlm TlotatJcm._______

jdB ids to Be Asked L l o r A rea Proiect

■DBNVHR, Sept. a jU P I ) — TTie

day a lis t of. . . . V. in we»Ura|m - W c h - b ld s wUl ba.asked

.^A toS idrt i s S o 'M ln ldoka proj- h-<etr'ia - Id a h o -fo r-c o a sU u c U o n -^

^ to rie k -w n e c r office a t-R u p « V ld a . I O T ^ lc tlo n tim e is *et for 180 days.

Cottage, Burley

' ’ “ " ■ • . " i D M i n i D MB!.- M .ry U M ..

w TMiinle. P au l: Josue CMsadina*. j S ^ M 5 i 5 i r i » tH - B la a e o o t r * -

DISMISSED ""Mrs: Tindi^ ' M tenam rH eytnm ir Mrs Iris W axrcn. Mf*.'. Florence

l ? S e r . > t h J , ^ : e y ; . ^ D c a ^ 5 T rac y .. M alta, and cMis. M arvd 'Breeiee. R upert, .

! & T r . s - £ “s v sI reiumcu mtu» — the ear to Caldwell for by local abthorlUw,

C a lif , 6«pL 3 ( O T D - 'n a n e o ta l rocket P l« « ,3 C -i8

' ■ — a H'a f irs t powaTtd fHght to-

ir la rc e u ld t6 W ." '." '" ;7 ’7 ’

V local auinonucs.The children fa lled^ to return

home from adiool yestAday ^ t « - noon. The younB*ter« .are Terry.

Accident V ic tim _ l Lls-Said Critir '

Glen Canyon Dam Strike ContinuesraO EN TK , A ril'^ 'iLw — s e tu tm c n t . of t t e atrlke a t

^an t^O lffl

U U h border, today a p p ^ r f ^ o U

s" 's .S " ,fL r“ s.twSa g o . _____________________

$4,000 Awarded

I awarded a no rth Idaho.coupls »4.- 'in c .a n io u n L io r ,th ^ o - ._ s .

SPOKANE.' Sept. ^Celia Maraholl. 69. who - lured Jn an Aug. 33 traffic acd-i dent th a t kllled-her husbaod andj lUter, was reported In "very critic c a r , condition. at_ v-Hft»pltal here

**ti». M anhall recelved-mulUple fractures of both I w . a fractured oelvU,-brain concussion a n d - ln - M t^ l t^ u r ie s In th T tccldgnt-netf

^ “ 7rom CoUox hospital earlier'thta week. •

KUled In the accident were her eo-year^old husband: he r sister, M fsi'X cutrW arttn rsi; T H uiim p^

eontr*ctor...M crrltt-Chap.- .• ^ o tU •"

rlk s began Ju ly 8 when, a d th a contractors could I

l a ^ ftgrtem ast on pay-'

■‘ -“ to w n c r-P M e rA rit.- - area and w q r ^


wlth~PUliet-wouno*-in . m»-».im w.abdomen, thigh and hand. D octw , p ro b rt for » J 2-eallber billlet in ‘hIsraraom en-unllI 'neflT ly-7-«in.- Dixon waa raported in 'critlcal

Dixon told police the bulleU-were fired by h is ex-wlfe, Ida Mae Dlx- bd. but Acting Police Chief Gus DrrfsU sold InlUftl InvestlgaUo;; ghowed she was home asleep.at the' opposite end pf tov,-n when the ahootlng occurred; ■

Urresti said the Investigation *UIl waa wide open.

Officer* aald the shooting appor- ehtly-took place shortly before 2

a t Dixon's darkened, tree- I tefghfaPi

the exniDU-s mooci wkjici. that, the two men engaged in theU widely-pubUdzid debate on the com paraU ve.m erittof.tha capital­is t and aodallst lyatems. '—Ifr-ap p w * d -th a -S o v la t-Jc * d ttiwas quite favorably impressed with ' - - of the fair’s display Item*.

ranged from kitchen appU- ances 'to 'a 'm odel H T siT’Aluerlcaa paddlewheel satellite.

Exhibition officials were being bombarded“ irtth -telephono-eall* from -S ov ie t. d tlicna_anxloua W (iike last-minute advantage of-the show and the facilities It o ffered ..

o n e urgent appeal came yMter-n dorffom-ft-woman-wto ttlrphnnrd tho-falr-aU -lhe way from Sam ar-IIk&nd Incentral i l a . ------

-Can tiie exhibition beauty par­lor remove freckles?", aha asked.

The query, which had to b e , ^ - i wered negaUvelv, was typical^ ofthe nood of-last-m lnute qUMtWns,

i about all manner of things Amerl-- ' - • • x d t t e

e r thla-.week by Annoiir and com-H _____pany. which agreed to a 15-eent B o i l e r ................S l O f l Hhoorly wage Increase over th e n c x tJ • two years. '•---------------------

luxuriously quiltFd,:"

7 Ia c fc lw ish e d r

and R i°t«rv^re at* theI«h ;b IC j Most cAlIers w ant to xuuW »n in .

U t h r lost chance to see-theand where they can gel a ticket.. , —••I 80 much w a n t fd jo M « ^ e - fair and nowTm going to miss it. | they cry. when Informed the show

I close.1 tomorrow night. ________


..0- iq »«9 tor «f»‘

.ithoul > iccUit't jpft«rlpl!.D, -our n»* c l«i» ODBWEX. Yyi

iTiniirmnn nniinni iiiiniiiiiiiii i n -cnUriU d-not-heor-th*-«botj---------

Dixon ataggertd to the home of MelTtn ' O . a tevenf. a cousinj-who took him to the hospital. Authori-jiei_lhcrft_notlll--*

Police said they had found » gun I b u t would no t say w hether It was

Qcpanuiuik «ivui« wv I the weapon th a t fired the nearbetween B a .m . and noon. f ^ l s h o U .

until the following day.On Sunday*, the circulation

. . . . ......... ij, Qotifletf

§ Tables Played By Bridge Group

Ijo o ja -lflfi-on iounL Jo r. tn^u.._o-1 Kovemmeat U king 4531 acres oI their -KootenaL-county land for'hlshway right-of-way.....................

1 - ^ e aw ard^aojji6dfl,^to J a m « [ c . Aifito'n iand Agqe* A. A t ~


—President Arturo-Frondlii's gor- emmrnt cracked down ha rd on a -cenerals' rebellion- In the Argen­tine army tbday.-lt ordered the o r-

pouibty more—who had opchiy op­posed the dismissal of Gen. Carlo* S. TorMuo Montero-aa commander -f-the-anrty '

Mb P.»r« .Urf»»oi> tlrw tiail . . iMtllfH.

M.jiifli'i t.Billw. cwli«n «f «oki«, or <b«w_ln» r .«L ODKTNTTTrs-

«aiuiflT burialm. Wb»» ----niNEX. TM’ -iinrwJtir Toor BlUt -. n t iht (ootlt r«i Ilk#, bul f,<™ tlnp.. doD't h i« th. lift, fof tiU» ^

- ........

iU <ol« ®" Uil» COAUAHTEEl Ye" n « t ««tcbt .lU.lft-7 « in Of r « r

M w ii w S r iirtuh m e t Wednesday afternoon a t i ........................... v - t bnI the home of Mrs. CharleTBTBey- ' m er with eight tobies played. Tlie play w-as the fourth In' a to\iroa-

M R I S.-North and south . . . .

Mrs. Ii. H . Van Riper H. Miller proctor, f irs t; Mr*. Rich' a rd Cook and Mrs. Joseph aecond. and Mrs. C harles-'... o th and Mrs, H. B. Sm ith, tlil

E ast and west winner* wercj. Chatlea_OHSJ‘nd Mr*. H. C. It. flrst;-M r«.-JlaneyIH urlebaU SJ Mrs. GUbert White. *econd, i Mr*. R. S. Tofflerolre. and ^

third. — ]

II. Bell’, 2l! Veradale, W ash.R iduird' Arehart. 21. Mls.»ula,

Mont, th e olher-ffurvlvor of .the two-ear crash. U reported Improv- log a t Colfax hoirpltal.

"O A L cim A . Indla.-SepL 3-U%- Vlolence arising from communlst- lled pro tests.to the co v em m e n f

Plooso m e e t o l th e T w iri F o t r M o rtu o ry , in u n ifo rm , " to b e csco rr f o r t h e - fu h e ro l -s e rv ic o s -o f ---------


ot i p.m. Friday. Seph 4


B U I L T T O B E M b V E P • C A N B E F I N A N C E D

4 -2 Bedroom Houses, $1)600.00 ond tip =^M=Bedroom=Housepfihishedjnside

Best offe’rover $1,600.00L O C A T E ^ 1 m ile A W s f S u n k o w n -T ro ile r C o u r t M o u n ta i r S l lJ

---------- -— : , . . - . . „ a » i E o e n M l_ L U I-A I I m n e WCM J unu w w ii n u n o i WW..1. -----

^^Mife^!7;roUNrAINHOMt7nDAflpPConi«H t E A L ^ ^ ^ 5 j » o d i n q A V E 4 - 4 3 S 4 J n J A o u n t n i n J A o m » ; : f i o n t ‘

Page 3: Ceunlr Nfwipcptf -TWiJf-PAL-LSi Ith^HQ^TiIURSDAY^SmE^mEIt ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · ttt tn Boise was “of sre»t«r in- aslty” according to records
Page 4: Ceunlr Nfwipcptf -TWiJf-PAL-LSi Ith^HQ^TiIURSDAY^SmE^mEIt ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · ttt tn Boise was “of sre»t«r in- aslty” according to records

¥u C K E R 'S N A T roN -> ^


p rim iflb 'na l ye»r. hU’lBance ror thp prt*id«U»l OomlnaUoQ »UI dlminlsIUn the Uce of the rowing BUeagUi ot AdUlE. 6UtieJuois'«UU-aUffit.caDdld»C7.

■ The i*me obscrvftUon »ppUe* " .aa:thfr:OtbtCr:MB»W^. benawmJV Although the dtu&tlon U jUU

nuid enough to belr»r propJfecy, lha lwIc«-<leIuted.Chle>EO UVTcr •ppek»'to'be i cammmndtDt (tg-

'iire In roar tt4tet which alose 'htve approzJautc)/ 300 Otitttlti

I Ther are New York. F om vlruili, I nUnols and CtlUoml*.I With tuch m (tnt or Mcood>l»]> I iot- •howingi~St«vciuon. m e a l * other . amUUoui but unumouncM -ea ir ia MBd.Uie^roaSAJQaZ.ties

- • • 1 to the kind

J Zn a land o f free specch like ours; It h In* eylti b l T o f ^ r i s ^ a r in o 'p r t a 'a n d 'c o n s o f

-A -th la ff -U io K hruihcbev's vJslt'here w ill ,.'i)c.dcbatcd over and over. . ~

N othing wrong in that. Ufecugaiffn u n ot on ly healthy. I t ’s the.heart and substance

- IMfttOVED 8TATUB OF GOP—■niC_iniprovrt alatu* ot tlu OOP. bued on Preaiilaa SiimbDwa't dbincstlc and torelgn galnt and Vice Pr«<ldeat NU* onTTlJaring uf’thfianie >tageretm*lncei the oppo* altlon (Cnttglsts that,19«0 wUl b« -no walkover (or

N orerthdcss, Jn some o t the com m cnta critrtal o f the vlalt there runs a vein o f

_ w o n y .which Is uncharacteristic 'o f rlals-tak- in * A m erica a i lU best.

On th e one hand, it 's suggeHed the trip “ Wlil^lcvate-K-ijnuhchev's-preaHgerhefP^ilBJ

consolidate h is satellltt-galiu, and lead us-lD to^ iom e-^tlnd-of.a .bear -tra p . , ^ ------' On th e other,' the notion's are heard th at .we m ay stir false hopes of peace, m ay g ive o u r friends a feeling of being' le ft out. o f negotiations vita l to their future, m ay end b y caatlng them all down in dlaappolntment A nd leavjng 'our own position and prestigejsorejy danmgred.— ’— f —: --------— ----------- r

Adm ittedly-these are rislcs we take. In'-the -n atu re -i« f-m in gS f-w e-can n otr -iorcM e-w h al

will em erge' from the Khruahchev-Elsen- : bow er exchange soon to begin.

Hut o th e r m e a a jo t s i^ roq ch l o p ro b ­lem s o f peace have failed, not o n c e . b u t aga in and again'. Many expeits say thatr R ussia and the United States are in m ili­ta r y stalem ate.-6o. evidently, are th e j in d lp lom atl6 .and political stalemate.

UsJied oa (As tlong istable wnomlc'condltlons r .............the Bcpubllcan* might be the race.

Thl* wiU'ecrtalnly b© tnie.-if the Demoerata fall Into a rugged and prolo'nged Btnisjtle over p w n a l-

ACTION OF S ix SOUTHERN STATEft-TlJe Democralf must always keep that bleak protpect Jn mind, especially In view of National Chalnnan Paul M. BuUef* determination lo etufT a stiff .“loy* ally oath" down the South's throat, and hla thfeat to oust delegaUJ who will not swallow luch an insult-'iWf pledge.------------- ....................... ............._a ix 4ouihmL*lalcj.jir leghlaUveJlftt.or by.actiDn of.the official Oemoeratfc organlntion<, have gtren Ihelr^esIdehUsI'ilecldra'the legarrtgnrto dlsregsrd thei»»ular-vole-«l-Uielr-sut«*rU4t4avorjuaa-obJec. ttonable nominee.

These tUtei.are Alabama. Ariuuuas, Mississippi. Loulilana, Oeorgla aifd South C&roUnoa' Jp.vlew of ' xpreoKd reseotment (owanf CAcfrman Bauer's loj-

Uy rcqui

KENNEDY SEEM6 TO BE SLIPPlNG-Dt favoring newspaper polls, which lew senslWe p

position does not seem to be too . _ oTlentm tittlnst-the-most-recent-^evelopments. Here

-to iH e v e l-w a a -h lth J y -r^ ftrd e d r -T h e n j^ te r TrBtevBnson7W:-8ra*torJohn#on,-Texa8.-300i een*- It tended to fa ll In .the dlscaKf, pi^ lcu liurly tor Kennedy. 2M to SOO. All the W icr unpr^esMd

m gth-and ' seU-assertlvencss.\\— .-NoW' i t Is-bclng tried, again because, th e li_*Item atlves_J iavft..aow n -n oth ln g..but dlS'I] couragement.

____ Thc-Prealdent. has long bein assailed for'^ d o m m o t h l n g “ to-brealrthe-blff-Ea3t-W efifc

lo g ] w ; The new leap Into personal d lE lo-

'th in g .”a i .— N one of-us-knowa whether lt.w ill p a y -o ff

a t aU,* o r h u rt us. But w h en -th e stakes AM peace In a world menaced b y nuclcar. war, shouldn ’t we be -wJllJng to undertake som e pretty substantial risks?

- - I?E P U C A T IO N !!J N DOiaBT .. T htcon stttu tlon a l guarantee o f the "rtgh t o f Fretltlon” w as mibjected to a trem endous

m B d “ i>0S5lbl3r:"lllejai7-atrftlii-by-the--lobbyw h ich all the g rw t unions, especially tho

-A F Ii-O IO -an d the Teamsters,' tnobillzed d u r- tng th e battle over a reform measure In th e

^ ^ u s e .^ I t- ica sts .som e -d ou b t o n 'c o u rt decisions

iia w .o^ ^ ycd u 'n ion .aenvltlernniFex-'S»im dittjresTOXtthe^pleftTthat;thcy:f‘a lD in a £ i — t h ie v e r y l a F l th e .i» .t e f fO iy o f J.‘cducatlDn." N ot m a n y ", categoiy . ...................

3L mepaben.Qf congress feel that they ^ e « { : ^ t h i s k ind o f Ihistnictlon'. ’- .. TKamster 'spokwrnen admit that.ithey

Jit onjnorQ.thanJOP-OrjheirJoKicials ~ttU~j^tioitrortng~CTOntry to -“ work

S~Ta>Vci-” -members from their, respective re- ^-gten«.-The-AFL-trcrhaulcc\ in at.least 100 ■_otltheiL_esi^?U y trained'^ob’bylsts jrom

-rartous state'capitals. ' ------------- ----------------Ih view o f~ h o te l , ' restaurant, and ta x i

•prlces^at W ashington, not to .a c o t lo n su ch Item f as "Incidentals,” it is Impossible to s tay here at less than $25 a day. “N or w ou ld th is figure Include m oney spent o n en ter­ta inm ent o f the.leglslators, and there w as

' p len ty o f th a t during the last tw o weeks. T h e jp lobbyists werei here fo r ab ou t 10

days each. Thus, even a conservative cs t l-

course, will b e reported to the. cle “ J iou se o l rcprescntattvesr-

In c ld en t^ ly . it is reported AFL-C IO o f f i -. Mi'llliy iLILll ^ lgB ‘ i*re8»

, Ident T lcu ther are furious at. C aiey“^ d I I “ H o ffa f o r th e ir ham A er-and-tongs strategy.

I t shou ld destroy both the public a n d the Judicial b e lie f that th e y confine tlielr p o lit ­i c a iid legislative e fforts to "education .”

T H E P R E S ID E N rS S A F E lV '___ B oth In 'West Germ any and In B rita in

_ there has- been some ffisefilSreilt, o c e a a o ip l i r ■ " ^ y ishcfwing ‘lU elf in disparaging com m ent,

over the strict security m casurcaJakexL^Y ..th e U. s . secret service to p rotcct President

■■'Eliehhower.' “ t t i s dispray'Soine5“ w lth -p oor -g ra ce -a n d

I -“ "re flee ta -a shallow—undor»tanding '-ot—th e ■facts.

T o begin w ith, three American presidents 'H tn assassinated and attem pts m ade on

■, 'the lives o f a t least tw o others, both in fa ir ly [ii— rec e n t tlm te. H ow m any Brltish-Prim e m ln - I p ^ ^ w e n r k n i l G eim ah ’ cha n ctt lors-w ere -a h ot

A n- alarm ed congrcss long, ago cha rged the' s ecret service w ith, the responsibility o f safeguarding the President, i t i s 'a n Im -

— m ens«ly-d lfflcu lt„taak .-fiinco_hls.public e x - •poaure Is constant and occurs'under w idely

’ • ;'T ary inr^ndlU oiuU hat.caunot^ ftlH A y3 ..bejfTOperly con troU ed .............

. T h ese dedicated m en do their Job m a g - - -n iflcen tly . T h a t’s a ll they' are trying to do

ifdw :'M r.:"E lsen h o^r'-doesn ’t ask -th env to . . 'd o i iT B e h a s ho p ^ l n It ex ccp t to ;fo llow t_ 4 ,:tI ia lr .ln s tn ictJ on 3 and subm it t o th e ir p r o -frr -^ tB ctiw rn e a a u re s . — ■ ^ ............

^ i Hiih nor the G erm an s 'have * -a~ reoord-of-pcrform ancfi''In

I thatilgh t4 > «t-

,nn!nM -Bm .- John-P.- Kmnedv

S h o t s - J

De*f-poJ4le;•n>ere must be % noral o r____

Ihlni _ to ; .the foUowtat. slluaUonbut somehow U.e«*pe* o i . ------

Twin Pill* wanu an_audJlonmn ^ d a group of hard'WorUng. pubUc>spirtte<t people worked Uke the dickens to raise money for Uie project, by bringing In an out­standing show for that purpoee

ralrtng m triw ^ tt_i Ttia Uttle Gommu

only local t

------- -----------------------as.tfw TwinPallS'group got. bat the response was dUfereat. Thoy-eleared Uiree Umet as mocb as the Twtn Palls group.

MfUei at heart} «lves-poofl — one leas-Jonunale

l-How tfaeir hurt Stnngi affect their purse slrlngst

'O UE BULLETIN BOAKO Censor. Snn VaUey ~YcuTe all

turned around, but tbsnks. any- way. ^

PUPS F0& KIDS SEPT.pot Shots: ■ ...........-Wt-iiavft-liire,pupplM, foiitjfc male and one mate, and the mother to give away. ■nie'moUiir'U a Qer- own shepherd-and-a good watch­dog. You can get them at Wayne Perklne' place thtee mUes south and half a mile east of Eden.

_Pfione VAUtj 5-SlU

FAMOUS LAST LINE . . w e walked.foDt.bfiDn (9

gtt^fir enough biuk In the bllU wbere ther* wouldn't be any n«lsc, i BKB a m f V i t j BP tbrtrali cn melorcycle.*

Ur poll a total of UD to gates wU] probably be 14’ necessary for the nomlnaUi

P O V reB ^D E M O ^T S"w 6R K IN O FOR AD~ LAI-^Three of the party's jnost powerful politicians are_undentood to.be working quietly for Stevenson. They are M lional. commitfceniahTnUl Zltfren; California: NftUonM Committeeman Jacob Arvey,

To this’, trto-mlght be added Chairmin'BuUer.Steven»on_alBO has strong support In New,York,

where the'organlaition U'toullng Mayor WSgnerfor — ........ an^.Oov. Edmund O

Brown. ciuiftimla...unc|cr .cowWerftUon for second plsee, eJtter’s success would bar a Kennedy uomlna- Uon. All'three are Catholics,

Other factors faver the two.tlme loser. Both Sena­tor-Humphrey and ■ G<jvenjtir WilUoms, Michigan, are -tda radical and too o -ia bor .. Senator Syming­ton, Mlsnurl. Is too close'to th6 southern focUon. a consideration that wUl also operate against senate Majorlur Leader Johnson; Texas, In Uit NorUi, —With Mutlon.and eoastrvflUam=rtlnUYe..that.ttrr as their watchword—tho Democrats cannot afford to nomlnau .an exUemlst-on any Issue-poUUcal, economic, intemaU0Dat,~r&cl«].

V UcClur* N*«ip*p«r Sjtrdkilt)


of Buail* apparently, missed ft chancc to tiilnk big last week. • . — : ____ . . . .

The display had to”cloie becauw Rusnian vlsiu»rs to-Uio-bookmobUe-had-helped .therosdw lo MOO books, leaving tbe shelves bare. - " -Wtipn-ttiB-news wtts -t lr c i^ d ;- InterestWl-piwtJes In New YorrSiCrstttfltd im'lmprompta carepftlKn to collect more books, Tlioy gaUiered enSugh books lo-.rcpl»co-lhe--mls»lng-volume4_ln_24..hour8,wid. niahed Uiem off lo, Moscow ao the library could

TI)6 tompaJiin was cxeeUent aa .far but It might well have gone fftrther,_The ooUeclori shouW have conUnued .their w rk to be sure there would bo enough U. s . books In'Moscow to keep Uie bookmobile fllled—no nmuer how many volumes were stolen by the IntenKtuolly deprived Soviet

(d. of course, In..ilevery should not be e--------- --------------------Rusal* or elsewhere, by ROod wlU ambassadom from the' United aiate#. sun. it the- BussKins ore so sUrved for Information and opinions about the U. S.

■ - right olf

fopm -of-late«ay-Ahkh,ahQUia worry Russian of-

no bb'blMned'by their official hosU for^ gt r m iTTtr~nnTlliir~wiitTT*T ***~— Hiffrt* less~ornny xirifOTtunate-thefta-wliloh-mlght occur. And surely the m&ln Job of the librarians Is to dis­play books to the Russians, not serve as policemen to apprehend Soviet clUiens.

Th»-United SUtes. In other words, cannot con­done IJ)» theft of property by the Russians or any* body else. On the other hand, It would seem to be tho cleafduty o f this country to keep the shelves stocked to the bookmobile fMf oo the Russians would have plenty of books to steal if they laslste<t-Lewu- ton iTirnme.--------- -----------:----------- :— r:

YELLOWSTONE DIGS OUT -Opentlons In Yellowiume naUonal park are nearly normal with the reopening of me west enUmnce

' — • - closed by-slldea sinceand-tha

Is hailed by the West Yellowstone cwnmimlty.Although thB iwit« Is open-To Mftdlson Junction

and on to OW Palihful. the road north from MadI* son JuncUoc along the Gibbon rlvtr Vemalos closed becaus* of road conditions. -

Visitors are sUll stocking to the oldest, largest and most p^wlar of national porks, buc travel

.. ---------------- sharply witH the openlng-pt: .place In many cbcnmunlllM

Th» tecnblor and ekrly school opcnlnn .erased any hopes of park personnel for brcnklnR the 1057 record travel figure. Yellov,-iiione vbitors up to Aug.' 2* this year totaled UM.C3B, Ji-galn of 5.D per cent' over 1*SS but lws than Uio previous ,>-ear. H>e num­ber has decreued about 50 per cent since the quake. ..Jf»Uooal;P«k-*erTlee .personnel sliould be .con- fratuiaUd for malntilnlhs a ciiltn iilni^hrre while coping with emergent concHUons related lo the eaHhquake. As ezpres- ed by Superintendent Oanl- SOD. "We could have scnred everyone in death and created't'mad'msh out-of the park,by any panic on our part“ Park staff members, evrn Uio« petMoaJ Ures ver» tJlected, **kept the 2l<t. on" so tliat..tho_.vlsltors were both protected and well served. Crews worked uiiusually hard. In Uie west* em T V t-of‘ **oP'^^-*’“ ^^“’ B-order-and-rMds,— -MSntlme.-although-nobody- in -Yello*(

............... -garthQUakP.■ ■ total of 42 hayg bffr

..'to nlse money

H 0 W rT -K I N G S -A P P-E-AR-E^HOiA

pR ai- ER’S ANGLEBTOOKHOLM---------nHM ertmpoKi mainly of Berg*-

pen but locladEf^maEjnEEiBW


nut*................bKve-fore>feoded| tbe:caitttfB;of • rapoc^onclimbers wl---------- -sot t0o scandal-^ously_«»CTer»t«l_In “front page."

T b e . c o d e la, posted la all edl>; torlal t h ( ^ Moetr oi the JourB*UslA r „ a « - rmu.ibciuaiDir^“~ ' ~ -------------------jSta t h d ^ u i i l t f wblcli U U. .called a chib but some Independent souls:prtfer.nDt,to...- rbX tt me. aU over. Heywood Broun., the fat Uabatma^put.me into hi* newspaper guild wbea it

red-u a bloody ------------

and called tha bum.ouL Be. sneaked Into the fine print a pro­viso that whosoever withdrew his deslgoaUon of this private racket orTU*“ *jrhbrcdlecUve-barg»lnlnB agent thereby excluded. himself

where he'was able to install his guild under a eontract.-Jn honest words, once in. you couldhTijult.

d a r l QUlt.

Freedom of the Swedish press Is hedged with penalties for crime about the aame as ours alUsough that ls a poor excuse for failure of

Tfnorters to bug record* logs o f union meeUngs 'beesuse IhesTwroetlmla-'are'enmlnilTwoJ splraoloa wmiiribe ft public service.

I, persooally, would take great joy-la.bus8lng some deliberations of Uie suprcafe court because these fakers are a lot of cons| i^ ~loo, and It would b e ___lee-to_tcn_lhe_publlc. verbaUm. about, their brawls~Tn private;

la n that theie , must be rtticiprot«cUh&pxlvate-lndlmi)al_man

— o f| W W »y ea r.JT poverty-level CalUornla tax;: era on top of bis stlsry of tu.-

„ . a yeat as. chief J«»tlce,; „th.tilggeiit pay be ever has drawn In a wbole c u t a on the puMH pay*

____“unnecessary sufferlng“ -butulUmaUly It mky bring • rafonns and knoek_Dff the prlvUege-wblch aU ,such poUUclans •'■are ToUng themselves. l think mat Is a public service by the press. Although,

'Confidence of the readers may b«-ianed.’ftod maintained,onl ‘ imbrok^ ambiaoa.to-glve co ,, tafona«Uon. ^ g-eod8 ia n . “p tp-

Una of the Swedish press U gen- ertlly gnlte, .“propcr.'’_e»prt«alDg a culture dltfsrsttt-IromewUUav: Divorces are played doutrUKr sui­cides ar» silenced .iltiiough the Tacts insy be told in general terms without names or addresses.

tttted. PubUcatiot^vf notices which break the aanctlty of private life shtmld be avoided unless public Interest demands enlightenment. Headlines should l»_ consistent wlthUie.tcxC' •

2 rajdTiO'TitBt wjui.jujy ot ihnt I but-lt-OTtalnly-would pqfr-*-lot-of our JwbalJan out of biislness. Por ...............■(* »7;ii;nnnr?i“"iTt«rUist matter,rit wouI3Tfinict“"iDj: ZBCHI

not have to sit home

«^u'ked out the door, - l-b et-you -d ld n a -k n ow -su d i

9 “everycltlM'n’ 'Including the press'may see alt public documents, except defense'secrets tad iuetirbirC-ttterr Itln.effect at.pre to t a voluntaryqiil.tm «n lll>iltlTTi«n TO my itur.prise, my Swedish coUeague toIT me thte was very high but then ha-dug-out-Uie general.statlsttcsandlcalmed-dowH'r^------------------

Ptor threa years through W 7 the rate was about one-tenth, whereas a recent dlfl»lch from Washlnj-

" ' LjlacrH>^aUowancei .for legitim ate -klda have templed aome-<emttles,.to goIntoproduetlBBm'a aig-w»y.~ ~ ^ r n e '^ w t d ^ oT iot^ Y r-ertmc

of seme kind. But Uiey have tuid to jump the 'fence there since Stockholm lias had outbreaks of teen*age brutality and wanton conduct by girls at night I7nlqife methods of assault are not adver­tised whereu we whooped up the

caUed.mugging Mid


IDAHO FALLS. Sept. J W - A school enrollmtnt record was set again this ymr at schools In Bon­neville county. The enroHment t6-

.lodsy, with 8.715 In city ..^d.3.490 In couiUy schools, year’s enrollment hit 'BjIOl <Slj-sdi<kU and i.lU fn

Uie couDly.

•’ twtfia

irin'Dtrinihyr Mr.-and.Mrs. Hiomas Call.,

sons are visiting Mr. and ^11— - Vatfh.J he-CalU-hat-y»

from ■ a' three-yearwlth-iht-armrand-are-»nnliiB nt Death Vallty, CoDJ zOuesta-visiting at th(-i Oruwell home last Wrtv Or. and Mrs. Melvin Gniu-tiTl family. Grand Porfai, n. n • 2^1 and Mrs. Eural Bake a«d Preacoltf Arls.:- Mr, and Mrs a t i# OruwDll,-Blj-the.--Callt.. »nd■ nH Mr« 'TVm ...j

Dietricfi Citizens IDICTBICH. Sept. 3 - j j , j,

Mi». Bob-Houslon >nd I, 'RAftteir'Calir.rvlslUd'Hr WML Bolton. ,, ,

Mr. and Mrs. O il le ___Washtucna^ssh-. v lsited ’J

national park Mr«, Clirence Hendry and u 'q

Dlktnch frlendi >'flWeUer, visited Dlbtnch frlendT- il" ..............-ure

JlUttJrelatlvea there.

Mrs.' Delbert Peek and Pocatello, Tlslted tiii parentTfl and Mrs. FVed }IarHMn..and ily.-----------

Vbjll Evans, who has bera e. ployed with the forest strriee d summer at Pierce, has srrlTtd O lo resume teaching in the OIk high school.

August Wtfner i Ana. Calir; left for .Ihelr b t :u r vlslUng Mr. and Mn, Meyerboff and family.

................... - I Mfam ily-L... be has employment.-M r.-ind Mrs-Elmo-Pedt!) L j d»«fhUr, SiuB Bye. Ha, s n i j hero to wortt In 4he harvest w,'.^


, ' I } , ' ' :7.

" ‘i A .‘v. ! - ■ 'H r/'

ftu’tt-of fi(^v^rtiB}ngJaLia:eatiii|r and mainiaining employment.

^ T h c fluctuation o f cniploymcnt is re35c'ed b y iFe confident use o f a d v ^ i i in g .

Our job»-are m ade more sccurc when we keep wBat we produce moving into tlie h a n d f o f consumer*.

- — Advertising is the power whicli.enablcs ljaain^s lo keep onjiirercflsing'employmcntr^

_rt:gwell8ihe.dcmand,for_niorej»nd better good thingi for good living* . , . _ !,


T O O U R P L E N T I F U L W A Y O F L I F Ea n d a d v e r i l s l n g o a n -h e lp -m a k s ^ ^ o u r J Q tm K y e a ra T m o re " p l o n l l f u r i h ^ n e v a r —

Page 5: Ceunlr Nfwipcptf -TWiJf-PAL-LSi Ith^HQ^TiIURSDAY^SmE^mEIt ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · ttt tn Boise was “of sre»t«r in- aslty” according to records

7^^THUBSDAT,‘ S E P T E jrB E R 8 ,T fl5 9 - -

Fall Sale7for- —ti^tBulbala

SlatRdlatBuIil' BOHL. •I**"for the anual bulb

I .— ^ V htn -lhe-B utU -L lan ,-tiub . Tu«4d»y liUhi. lM.ilK^Ttsvi-

.Ttie-iaJe-b »ponsored-l»,-:«he l(K»i club vlUi procecdi stung.tc

A ihr-cTMigt't-. ctin»mftUnn pro-, A tl«“ 'o r -m e i \s M bulb

u le »1U bc.wnounccd.nobert BftnUiead -rtporUd on

iht KORKU for the pancalce U5- per which 111 be’ sponsored by. Uic ,]gtj with proeeedsw be gim L'".

~ iiie Buhl AifleWc^I^Blon to hcl_p • cover the cupew of tcirainK tlir

buil toumatneni a t Lcwlsion. . A~d«ir~f<^Urt'‘l>>iicflke~i>up[ifr

^ 1 1 be Mjnouncea. mid McNenlyT

coich of (he Amerlc»n Lesion J 'h^vbQll teinirreporKd-laiil-thc

• njurnnment held »t .I^wlsioti Rabert Letpcr. msnnser of

Greenswall’A was Introduced to , Uie club u A new member. He wm

— »pin»rca-B7 H»n7'Jenntnp!-*ra " TOTamw >U' piB-br-HtM y-Pap^- p*ji president. - ...........

wmier Zomlk told of his recrni cvlstt CO'a Dona club while vUltlus 'In Socrunento.- pointing out'(he

20 Yeai’s Ago .Poles Glieered J P o F ^ u ie k ^ e fe a tt )t€ F

■nj'one who knew ajiythlnj. '*ni^n fmm q

lombmt, the Oermsns bes»n to #

and me Hclnket bombei* iwoopcd c^wcr and fituer,

•AlicE-Oknpw that lhe-Polf3rpillant-*nd - r.,'.. hon, >ftl ar n* t■I lent tjsck 10 our tccond-flodr «i office aiid'bfgan typlnif * *ior>’ i wlwn I hfnnl nhnpn Morr ilmii

.50 bm Onriiftri 'bomber* roared ['c _lpvrTjUt-Vuvul»-rtrfi a block *

lo rain do;^n. |

_ _ - ...... — ;-;-y - f tirUldTiotTl*»C

•• — — Br-coftipanson-Ti.' tfn-thi warsa*. Sam iliev x ^'acB«mlna_sirtn_im<d_Eimef___ e tu k « ,

chief In Waniftw—I o u r o f '“ ’ ' Poluh «dio-Uccn

rociea our onicc-ap.irinieiiir'IJre ,i, --uu-.u . ... ...i .to am th i t Hitler had trissered l" ‘«f™pUd only by llif iclepli

that woukJ chanse the ""*■ n*"* or nir rAld alarnn.U lic wricojof-the whole world.

Tht ivail bombs •atre'iilmfd »i a / brldte over the nejirbv VUiula, ijut"landed.on Uic.MM. ' ‘

block away. . ...W tJ'fre ihocked, fomeHiiai tit.'-d‘f iic»h

tery. bu: iioi'nurpd.scrt. for iwICI>( nui rvt lV%4Ji----_ o c i ir e e da>-#. a i PolLih and ‘'Ofr-!''>>e.

...........................- ........................ . ,...V .’iiidrivi^iha‘itfit,i.iiief|oorHioo'K. |[alariiu »y4Um.."W#f.>ajv.Cohccrto"!f‘>>' t)pe*ri!cr bcKun to daiicc.

>1 ......... ............... , . ran jf-an d I heard c

nir rAld ftlarnis.itlic wrlcojuf loice of Bob Pnrkerji; Tlic tumble conlutiuii caused byi'^^ AMoriatrd P re u offlco ii

dlarnuk and a iu c i i and ihclCudapfM , HuusiTy., .S ln te •» •BrottinK numbtr ol pe«oni:«ouId rurtly c f i .an outgolrid t.v,I tvfr i-ivi>ig.\yan.nw for ^e had aaked Budaprsli

nintfe-K- extremclyi^ ' Irlrplibm- v» rvcrj-'hour »- - --

I-AURA I'KT^HijON r - ^aufK IeTofM r. anHUJFir

DaWd Pelema, Albion.-U one <if the Marie Valley <•11 memberi winnlns » trip t« ihe national

-4-H-Club -C«nrtii-<n-€hlcar>r

aUle .wJoDtr. In^a frofcn -cont^l. (Sherrod plioio—aiaff <niravln|)

ciceer to Hie frontier, a ll: pointed, to war. -Blackouu-had becs-onfered in Waruw ih«>iel)t

Peterson and .I becan hammor- Ini 'out the first or t flow o. stories as we pot scraps of infer matlon_from the anr office, Uie y, p fmbiLyv ant rnlklwj.M..,- paper friend*. Dayalater'Ve found many of Our-ursont.nieuaRfxudll spiked'In Uie cable and radio of. flcfji, and a ba.\ketful Iri a een*or'j office.

and a larse city club.-

Richfield Reports Faculty Members

—lUCKPIELD, Bept. J —nichfleld high school faculty members have been announced by flupt. William Kyle, who 1s Instructor In Journal-

f ■ • M™. Orln' NeliriflllTonlTmjr'to t««ch Englltfnft the .upper.grtidca.

- and act as librarian. She also will (lerre u.alcebn teacher. Mrs. Lucy N«eB» b the new home economics letehertnd nlao r’JII teach English II and girls physical education.

. David Jaruen. vocatlonaV api« cultural teacher, also will Instruct


4-H Memljer Erom ^A lbioiL Givei) Trip

Page 6: Ceunlr Nfwipcptf -TWiJf-PAL-LSi Ith^HQ^TiIURSDAY^SmE^mEIt ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · ttt tn Boise was “of sre»t«r in- aslty” according to records

-tnreeff-out w be ^ hotx. wbo did It « u not clear. .

Mn. Je«a MuctfeX(r 4C» Of the eltyi MU Wohlngtoo dU- trtclT»W --M ond»y-th4t- her "ODcle Jobn' UnooD bul. died la Aberdeen. BcoUuid, lu t week

-wmini h «r-lU | -«tate - T w KEtt, »lJUn of MU. Nttcarrel- U'l DOlher, kUegedlr K ot cobler gruulrom . Aberdeen Inlormtnff the “helren" ol ber new-found we*l&L

B u l» cbeck in Aberdeen h u lumed ' up only one per»n n«ned LeanoD. » widow wboee.

TiiaBiiKnrisrttTerai y e tm B or ^N6-aMrth«-rere-rtportea-awT-

recenUy where the e#t»te* h*d

,j. Some UUe« dUplByed . . . . j AmerlMn High School To- Uy.“ “The High School in h. New - " “Omnttlt>g for Beller

U.“ “Jfoir to nnwice • CoW Education." "School* lor To-

aorrow'i Oltlxeu.” md othen.. All the »urf member*- ptrtld- •t«d In Uu prepmClon of the uterltU »nd are *nxlou» to lerre ' {,“75

natlonal-ud-fe<ratl6n&l.iiUta,lft^ ^ ftU tTpu ere tvallible to reidcra

Honors-Given To^GrBowman

PetitiopIsFiledwere held » t 1;M p.m. Tuc»-

d|iy at the McOoldrlck funer^

boriS p. 7y»e. J

j petlUon lor probite o( will Wed- £ ^ ■ 7 afternoon In the eiUU of

J . U M. rt U8t«d In the peUtlon

________ ,_jrare-Jewel-H4mllWn« daughUT. Twin Falli; Wall

HetroMheln, a daughter, J

, KimSeilyr* -8 ~ »t« tr U T«lUed-*l-|W.000

||ln me peUUon.. Pyke Mks that UUUera of. admlnUtntlon iu luued H to the Twin PalU Bink and Trust.

Probato Judge J. Dean Moiher ■et » hearing lor 3 pjn. Sept. 33 etn ta u , fltephia and Heap, Tw'- p w la w flRD. reprettnU.Pyke.

SAdnunistratbc Is ■kinPetifion

i » Usb Phillip* Sb««

TUi dally Khednle ot telerWon and radio programi Ea presented, u rierrlce to reader* of the TUpea-Ntwt(be station. Any ertort or ohkoget ihoold b* reported to the ftatloa ItuU and-sot the Tlsia>New«. i

BflOBHONE. -aep tr a Ponewl- - cgLwAlln_Bo_w_^

-JlrlclJ, M n. Osrar Xfr«, WiJ/ord Hubert,

M rtraeorgs-W i^iana3BrH 0W iu aa iu ti. " itii M ij[ij’hyiji----------

^?»-b*nrdlf.Llnn W M jq_J1dtr Hyrum 'M w m i^ H o n o w .

rUon, John 8chenji\ ,Edwin' V. Anderson :BcixrUon.■AcUip pallb -

AnderaoD. Ben BlaeKirTTHorace-Mi

lilB I'm Uol > fitcrct 1:00 Orwicho Hiri 1:10 r«pla’* Cbolci > :» SutlM.cX U» C«ntBfT

... T>o DolUr :30 Rntcb (or TamorN*

Ivtt'or-ployd-lT -K uller-w ho died H Aug. ai at Twin Palja. ‘ ; ^T "H w BuUert requeit that John J Tt Petmon, Twln PaHa. be aj>r I pointed the ipeeltl adminlitratcr r t o continue the operation of the

btatDeee-kDow-aa-tho^PoUirma. n Hein Hated are W. E. Huller and rch a r les Danrln HnUer. both Twin Pf-P*J2»,~*a<l -Carl - U -HuUtr,. JJew".3o»too..Mlch__________ ________

— ProUM-JudjB-J.- Dean Mosher ppolnled Felmon as specui.ad- ilnUtrator. William J. Ungley.

^ _S»ltt-PaU*.lawy£Tunpre«nts.thc SlpetlUonen.............. "

iriBusiness tioUege H as 100 Enrolled

-About 100 studenUregtsUrodlor B f fall at the Twin Palls busU

I >neu college this week: lron~Hlm- I berly. Murtaugh.' Burley. Deelo. ^i -?^raefr''9^nde^

B uhl CasUeford, Shoshone, Oan- Waett, Bellerus and Bailey. . .

1JI.V Tbe sWdMffirtenUOon issem- Ru bly « u held Wednesday and |B~ c t o e s will be dismissed Thursday

• sn d day'at the county-fair,.Labor, day also wUl be observed

' aa a holiday, with the fall term

1 Resolutions by' V F W A s k P o ffi

L 0 6 ANOBLES. Sept. 3 (U PH - , _ Delegitce to the aoih naUonsl conv i : TenUon of the .Veterans of foreign

i ^.Wjmi.batB-M»«d a aeries of reso.: lutlons dealgned to strengthen thb —saUen'a-potlUon-agalnBUtha.coia..

,,, inunlstie bloc.IL)— -Tb«, resolutlonft approted • by

Tolce TOUa. dealt with such railed Iscuei aa the creation of an Indian ocean-fleet and-the xecognlUon o f the exiled Dalai . 1 ^ , T^et. .

____ t of that nation.— DeltgiktM to ths conTesUon. juw 'T -IU fourth day, also approved

A«lllng Irrr the COn- I .tlaued aeparaUon o f the ann«l

forcee. dmstnrcUon of 10 atomlc- eoweted aircraft carrier* and la- oM sed support of inU:«ihmarlne

ihoae c e m e t c r y waa by Elder Qtorge H. Pllmnn.

SSvice Slated to Install Minister

JEROME. Sept. 5-8ervlce« tot Imtalltag. Uie w v .' Tea..,Valcm- bolse. new poator of the Churct of Qod.^wUKU held

-■Ministers".parUclpaUng wlU In- dodo-the-ner:--L.-Ansh*w,-Poca- tello:.Uic Rev. a . Howell, the Rev. Harry Snook, both Eden; IheTieV. 0. Outahell and the Ber. Lee Oor- ncy, both Twin Palls. Tho publicb invited. • - - - ......- -

The Rev. Mr.- Valcmbolse comes toTT) AndenotOnit — " and two daughters.'

-^clcvist e k&g-

[Plnnge of Car. Fatal for Man

KLIX-TV(Cbannei 11>

j-OROWKO. sept. SiBrrOne mai iiTf«ma^deiaTiisrtn6ther:ortt: ~iilly— Injurea— yestcrtny— nein

from 'the home and Its steps :ru(nbled.

As Mrs. Kong4ieTMcked-np- bag. Mrs. Friedman ahouled her warning.

' Bomb Goes Off-rT’S uwent *#.Bowman. , - • -

The slaying touched off ihT ^ ost Inunilve-pollce effort# ‘ lere In years. , . -

“Wefe got lola of work to do, *aliL.a_Dfllicesnok^an. "Thnl whole areaout in«TP»«HiaTe-to be searched-and examined-thor­oughly. • • ■ _ . •

Police could offer'no motive for tho murder and said there

I suipecU as yet.

Senate Unit May JBeanKhrushchev

Richfield Awards Swim Certificates

swimming certlflcatea have been ftwarded 13..beginners and three Intermriiato students. 'Ceraftcaies were received this week by Mrs. Curtis Parke, a leader of Richfield cub Stouta. who Bponaored the swlmniln^iUOnrTtven-ftt-Jerome this sununer.

Billy nees. Tom Crowley. Dale and Unda BaMen. Bnico Carver, Jon Jansen, Kenneth and Marilyn Patterson. Paul and B a r b a r a Thomas, Marilyn Crowther. Agnes Schiller..Tamara Richardson and Ellene Brush passed the beginners requlremenU, ____________

ClaiiiedlyDMthMonday of a heart attack sear Qannelt. ' , *

A meAber of the LDS church, he born-Aprll IB. 18B0, at Marsh

2 yean .old and In later year* he Was asmlated with his lather, i r a l^ oattJo and aheep. He mar­ried Vivian DavU NOV. 17 ,1M9. at party.-8urvlVtograie".3ila-wldaH;zlbrtC

daughters. Mn. Eldon Eoggc, Bphrata,lWash.;-Mn-'VexLSlmpson and Mn. DeWayne Famworth, bbUrCarey; U.nwdchUdren and

rwt-grandchlldren. A • son daughter preceded -him In

death.' - - ' ................................Services will bo held at 3 pjn.

■ at tho gttrey~LD3 church

M Tb* OtitbUr Dv II Swm aiara 'U E»U« of KIlM

their wrecked car which plungec down a 400^root cliff sometlm during Che night.

AatrletBKUI Kewhis Usk


T l« 6petUsioo r&ii aiiTm' i»»-m.ri -

who apparently was driving, wa. killed. A friend. Edward J. Hall 33, Riddles. Ore, waa taken to hotpllal to be treated for.ahock. fractured_prirts, faceratlons *• expwure,

parunent maintenance [jjan, hap

;BUHI..-8epu -J—wnHto- l^cRor OrreU..Biihl,.was_flned » plus COSU Tuesday by Justice o f the Peace C.B.RUdy for failure to dis­play tallllghts. waiter. A. schroe- der,' Buhl, was fined S3 and costs for having faulty equipment on his trailer. Both .eltations were U« gued-UyState-PalrohMa-Webard Bums.

CalheTtne-E.-Ehelp3, Buhl; wasfined t3 ahd costs by Judge Rudy

•Ivlng with an expired ^ v e n Doense. Bnice Miller..,BuhR wufined is aw l coiu iorltoT lnt^o laiiiijtitu rtuUftfig were li»»i5ed^~8t»t*-P*tr-’------- --Oerke.

.. The Canada goose is eaall; Identified^Wlih a wing ' ' about slx'leet, It has a '


.blue denim”

WASHINOTON, Bept 3 liV-ihe nHA ->.r«>-h«avily-agalnet_Bwle.t Kr i^ N ik im XEnahgW v-«d-- drcaslng congress. Biit ther* Is-a alight posalbllUyhe-may talk In­formally with the senate fore.fgn retnlions commlCtee.

when sA . X Will..-.. »M.ui.o...p D.. Ark., chairman, reported he had discussed the subject with the sute department.

No dtcblon has been reached, Pulbrli;M-aald,-but-lndlcatiOns lhat-KhniffhfhyV* yhydule on Tlslt lo-the Vnltod SUtes maybe too ehjwded for i^ e c t ln g tinrcuiiuiiUtce.— -----------------

Williams'checked, saw the cor at the bottom of the cSli and

rifwrn. He fo^ind Alnrlne dead and Hall badly huh. He said the cllM-was so s t«p ana ruggW: U.iook him more than an.hcur..to iget back up.

The-gravel road Is only H feet wide at. the point of the ocddent. The car was headed up the grade toward' nearby Mes Perce, Ida. EaU-bad.becn.workliig.DLa.Nez Perce ranch.

Pentagon Unit’s Policies'Criticized—W ASmN0T0N;-9eptr-a~W-A boa3eT«tbeqmmlttMdiarged.ti>day that the nnthgon's information cntanlzallcm'ls'aetlng like a propa- ganda mlnUtry to an alarming

"CODfu^on has replaced;candor in artas of vital Importance Co the survlvnl'of a democratic society.'

ADJOuiiNMENT Mo v e chowsWASHmOTON, Sept. 3 W -

DemocraUo"’ Leader -I^ndon. B. j fthhaon. Tnaa. wa«;reported get* ting: geneiallZ—lAiorable_respoQM yenentay-toTT-prflpopai-that'^ soate meet Saturday and. Lalm

e said In a'report to ■ ee-ls

h ea d «f^ Rep' John R Moss, D. Calif.

Tho ,4M-psg«,«*>oh_BUo 'clled Iwtanct* of secrecy In other fed- CT*rarportmant» and agendcs. Sul

departcient informaUgn-policles.

'S s P H E J l l i SCENE

iomhtlth% kaddoii»>>A M O TIO N PICTURE


of Youth end Their Pdrenfsl

_________ ARTHUR (AGE 16) t -

" W p i f r

g o i n t t f l g o

a n y w H e r e^ o r d o

anything. I’m

responsible for the

RIO REY------- ^THURS^RI^r3^iE5:wiynr-i5?a««»^r--

«R IO B R A W '.. iN-OOLOR '

I21S55 B!Br“rH«RSrrf*'''IwusritANsm• COLOR


Clara^rShil^^ overtwo ,hundred miles j jmyjaielc


IM PO RTA N T! SEE IT FROM START!” 2 :00 - 4 :10 - 6 :2 0 . ST2b~ IU;J5 '



msm!ONE OF

THE 1001 imiiLi

^ T T T O K S IT A T .-S E ra M B B R 3,1053

Coimly Records — iteinOutlincJ

A ,new countv.indigent,rtcttjrrttem wu outlined by Hum,;; tBud) I*rsen. T»jn Pails eo.‘,,. • c o m m iss io n cnotfmam it'iv. Rotarr clob meeting .Wednevu,

He also noted the county probie- ot loss from thfl' lax itniciur* c' lands for mlllUry use, cunailn;ft»- In gnulng and other putpoivj

in the economy of the vtii,, stales.*

Program chairman wos o il^ - Seamons. Two college siudmir Oaiy Dossett and Gale Memtk wtre.guesta.

e a r r o i l j E ; i ^ o i i n g =

-ClaimedJbjdkatii-CarroU E. Young, 73i died »t h.:,

hojpe. J » Jackson streei. WMro. • day morning a:fler-a brirf Ultun " He had been a resident oi T»a • Palls for the pasUlO yean,

n« was bom-Oct. .3, is« , i, Kansas. He formed at -Oola-Frfom=lBl^^to-JMO;-He-hi^ made his home In Twin Palh lit-, ■ then. He married Stella Momi i: • lBia.-ehe.dlediin-1918.-tn.J8a. hi.: married Maty Rodman. She cim In 19U.

Survlvora Include a wrv Lojj ;C, Young, Twin Palls: a ji*trr, Mti . oladyT Palmer,-Patrmontr-Nrtrr-' f>h4 ffrnnrlrhlltlrrn ?and three grandchildren.

Funeral services will be held n 10:30 ain. Saturday at, the Tt:: Palls mortuary chapel with iht Rev. Walter A. MacArthur oftif.. aUng, Plnat rites will be held t Sunset Memorial pork.'

Bonnie Patterson received Inter* nudlattflWlmmeraiCisrtUtoto.—

registered for swinging -lesons with «7 the Iverage dally attend*

I.for the two>week p^od .'__

TVTERVICEDov Phona RE 3-7111

NIgM Phene RE 3-1037


e Lewis, Commander..—Ajnerlcnrxegton-Posfuo:?'______ PBkNT!) J ICAVifltlCSDErOltp


Junior Hijjh Gymiinsiura■BTnmnr"

THE OB£ATIANOLA, famouill maglcbn; 13-plece all.oifi Band and 3 Chorus lines danc­ing girls. I AeUiltr ttmi •! T«la r*llc. '

rN0\y-SH0WIN6 iHoidem

s tnauui'cuikroiin.i.15e;ui5 • O P I C 1:15 P.M. . • Waturtsr


i m w t s r m m h




iiiJaUsJ iiiityJairProudlyPresents

"H E Y K ID S -F rid ay -9 :3 0

WINZTHIL FREEzBIKEiH UR R Y -^G e f Your Tickei s of





PLUS U T E SHOW— 11:30

1ST RUN FIRST TIME IN. TWIh--------"^-^===^ANE-RUSSEL-t4N=

"The Fuzzy Pink Nightgown”



H d w ~ P la y in g^ 4 RIDES

S Q J u n f e O ^ S

Excting Fun and Frolic for People of All Ages

See Rare and^st|y-AcPresented- on j^m erica 's-L argest:

•' ..Portable Outdoor Stoge ■


Page 7: Ceunlr Nfwipcptf -TWiJf-PAL-LSi Ith^HQ^TiIURSDAY^SmE^mEIt ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · ttt tn Boise was “of sre»t«r in- aslty” according to records

-T H U B S D A Y rS B P T E M B E B S r lS M -™ ------- TIMES-NEWS.'TWIN FALEsnPAHO -,P A G E -£

Motlier Says -She Did Not-


Gty Payrolls Almost Doubled Pebple Want New Roads but-N5l'?ew T axes, W itn ess Says'e otrTnrrrmr^M "CBpir ~i yrrwn 'ri-....* r ri i. - j . - . i .


SAN DfflOO.-C*Uf,-S«pt. ^ (OTD-A a«-ye«-old motluf, who ^ »be and lier husiknd thought , Oifj mljbl M »ell take Bd\nnui([e

inaApt, M on bunfUry end con. .^y^jn«-taithe_dclinauency_o,t_».

Dolom Myer* denlfd.'^ow. grtr. report* *he and conducted » “crime their children.

Un. Mjers w u nm5l«d follow« t Inr t i» *rr«t at her H-yeif-cld -•on. GftO'. w hB tried to »tesl n

•tore. {Ttie youth told police he tnd|

oUier cliniwn 111 UiB "'twght-to tt««I by his mother and' _Uther. Kenneth. 8 9 .» former V*n- "daiberg“ tlr-.force. base,-C«iUM

nird. Gary estimated the lunlly committed about' 600 UielU lo< ally thU year whlchJl6ted them

-- - ♦hi.- Khool accusftUon. »a>'ln£. -Oary has had ttlcky linger* for a'lonc

.-lime BO ve decided to loke ad- 'rantage d n c*

Police lald Mrs. Myers vnlted ouuidB the store Aug. H while Oary- was'Inside alealing. Myera

-•Uo-ls .acctued. o (. accompnnylng the youth on thieving Jaur\ts.

8 Die in 'Plane Crash in Alaska

FAIRBANKS. AlOfikn, 6<Dt, 3 U1. iwln-enirlne plane croAlied,

Tuesday night in a atonn, kl " girl* .on ft masnslne suba...,

kjaWpion tour, their crew chief, and Uie

Dt'ftd are C. W. (Dud)' P r ^ Anchomse, the pilot; C. A. Bailey, Ji..SfgtUe. formerly of Ljijch* burg. Va,. *1to had charRi of the

Shirley Salagor, Han-all; Cathy Clark. Cheyenne, Wyo.; Virginia Lee Ostrander. Seattle, and Alber-

[-U McKellop, Oklahoma.TO# plane -'uiL5“ Bearlnir Me*

jaU i, 3(i0 -tnik y - w utbw*rt7^ { here, on a flight from “I^nnna Then the pilot reported nt 10:12



snid. has run out of Km. And Rep Clarence J. Brown/ H , O.. »ald he lor oue WM inlRlity dlkjpjHJlnlcd In the hoo!* wnys and means com- mltiee.' whfch u-aa irymg.to'Kfi it

“ True, the comttiitirr l;nd'-up ttlih.a. pUm to keep tlir coiicr<<t« pounng.on thoic'jtcw coast-

freeways. ___ia*n fh-iT't «K*it a11

Wny.1 unci nir.iiu Clmlrmnn Wll- Ilur Mllb. O, Aik. nppcnrlng be­fore till- rulr.i I'ominlltee to get the hiRhtt'iiy bill clrarrd to.ttie hou.'e, s.ild rfcrfifuih ilial lhe"hm[rtc for........‘■«iik'n-i7~mair>~njrmnr*

i.uiiiiK IS Jiui vimrhi5 commute m'cil u> devl*e.

let. ThB-hlRhway .thist fucd,.lnlo which 'motorUta'haTe' been- drop. pliiR three eenU per r-iHon of gas

aee laiBrty^btmt-tirco ’brplir:— Some o l the i;u1m ‘ ■tiirtnbfra

arcnicd to think this Was peculiar.

10. He aald Uncle aun's Mmre was Ktimfttfd a t i r billion aaitwl;'' ' .Ul^r,-h*,'4i.lil. llie lallfialcen raorq-rw«?-mitrnqnne-t\'i i.iii tr> callcdTiSe “'poUllcaiymllk'.''

Mi-antlme. he Mld.'conit'nicllon cc5ts,-irkoTvG)lJiIirK elie. Were

Mtn't_pay|ng ihMr fnir . ___meniioned 22 -Jat caU" In'steeli B Rftid ’ Mmelhltig nboiit pr<r«tbc^pUonv".IlV«»ke^of fast lax >iTile-o(f«.

Pof-Mbly Madden hart_i hLi mind, but Drrnrn >r

heard • lot of money ' w.i.Mr<l on ihlngs IJke roudsltlc "rwt '

f^^j.cwting ttl.qoo, nrp, , Jlay J. Xr.-idden. D.. Ind.,-i.ilcl he '

!h[ wiiy up aad“the'i:o\‘iiijiiuli'» Ri... .. . .... fjtlmatfd at 37 bll- lleved Madden wm cenfiued.'fhB,*,

coni:revilonAlelections, heaald. or?' not ihls year; tliry eome. In 1S60.'_^lie aald concre.-j really fouled

iiiiiKs up lail year when liiKnt u»e .ttiriJibouCtlu^d&i^.H.

I. Gordon ll-Schcrcr. II.; O.,11.0,. COUMI.'I a .-ll, P"“ s •f.'*;illleer ^aid »ur8 there had been

»me wwie and some fmud, tins R

Uiat II ordered ip iiHing .'teppcd up, and i.aiil »r-,now have r run ihrouEl»;lhe mmiry.

—lAwyEKs fiG irr—

Bonner County’s PirobTISTSeeret

-8ANDPOINT. 6ept. 3 — The Bonner county unind Jury’ which reported for duty yesterday wa? told, l y District Judge Robert E. McFarland tluiC all proceedings would be secret.

MfKurland-tald anyone-dlsclc*. iRg InrormaUoo would bo'subjectlo.leOTl.Bctlon.________ I______

It 1* the county'B first grand Ju!7 In almost half X century.

The Judg«sold tha Juiy.willliaTe "authority to Investlga^ any crlmw committed In'the coo^ jju . jo-lnvtrtlgaf any motftMMwa.ln oflfce of any public official,",

b^amoa Firm Said Unfair to Labor


I trial examiner ruled yesterday that l a Nampa, Ida„ firm had Inter- Ifered with the employe efforts Ijoln a union.■ -IVlal-Examlncr-Howard-Mytn ■ftcbmmended" PlMtwood Trailer ■company, Nampa, etop certain ■jracllces,■ . Mjers-alio -recommended-Uiat■ the firm rehlre employe Llnve] D.■ m»(I1s. The examiner said MoffU ■ v u fired because of hLi activities ■ca-b«h«lf of-lh*4falt«<lS(Mlworfc* ■ en of America.'

Visits ImoortantRIO DB-JANEIRO. DrMll. Sept. W<—U. N. Secretary. Genenl

>ag Hammat«kJold oald yesterday the coming exebnnre pf visits'be-

Uween President Elsenhower and remler.Nikita-KhmahohBT Is “a lost Important de»elopmenl." •But the vlslUng U. N. official '^ed thb wt>rd of cnmlon nt a

a conference: "I UUnk it Is ly reasonable to limit ourselves •expressions o f warmest hope, icre Is a difference between 'ftrme&t.hopea and their reallia.i

8Err. J. i»n i»m rrparla kr Daraa* • ! RMUmatim,

(•Mlailcal Bsnttr and «a«p«nit.Ini p»rtl«i) ii'«" • Dl.«h.orCoiil, eii.’Kof.

7.J»9 ' S,6» I,MO

'0 1.H0'

CanaU I.UB— -hl*»

ii:""i;"! Prol»fU J.«0 J J »In C46<Hn»_ . SM)

L-lml «> I.OH —1n N 8 Canal S.4Tfl) .'• It MtiBjr::— r n ----- '

>' n.Ii^>u,.ii,r 1.7*1sh»iio^niut a .j« /in* iiiN ’ Atr*-M] Ml>«r la mv

XOU I.IU/* !»• • tu

— .....jr Id cRIiiJrUsBa «na»» RI».r -Walmnutn. fiUUof JdabB

-Radiators—NEW &tn> OSED

- S e r v t c B ' i r s m t r i —

t 'h o n e RE 3 -6 0 8 0

CLYDE'S| = S * O U T O I l SH OP=

J S 9 - in Xr

Page 8: Ceunlr Nfwipcptf -TWiJf-PAL-LSi Ith^HQ^TiIURSDAY^SmE^mEIt ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · ttt tn Boise was “of sre»t«r in- aslty” according to records


— - - O a _________

18 in Danger

r u u t t ! ^ buajel thli ftat, a lop ■ i .f lf .to f buctffeS toureau wW

'ty, .r B. BCitkU. the burcitTi -dtw<tor, »lM told Uie-»^-

.» o tU lerrlcc.coimmttee i( ioou ii though next yeW» budjct *U1

^ b lner thAO IhU jeV t.v-BUAU ’Mld prospwi* now krt

• tt ipendlni thU law >e*r,tow ne»i June 50.’wm be ilB*

lUliutmilUhn-. ihut-the ITI.OM,*OOW>-PretlQenrEl»emi6W«r1ore-

■ 'n Jm u»~ '..-iSQlh HI--------------y flfurt. It WM underilood ipe- OUta Id the budget bureau do* d outUn «1U riae to aome point ■,we«a 7814 bUllon and IB billion

.Jtra, probably cIomtJ o Ihi blj'

"^ev^}fch'*la<r-‘arr‘ « ^ t e d " W• p theJanttary. predlcUoa ol »11.-

IjBuy i

iReport-States^' ‘Boss’ Should

Manage More„ WAflmNOTON, Sept, 3 J -•The tboaa, It ^unu out, U just like the ir w to f iu .I He. too. ducka the hard taaka. ■itarenu choro that really <lona ihe!p-hto-^th-hlM»ort,-and.irlt- JlOT-sway-hIa tim «-*uH a a-bUh 4 old execuUTfr raahlSB...... .

i t tn e fT ptaafari -lewa com » to-

______________ II Bu8lne» ad-

( BalalstraaoD, which naa'put ^ l~ii« ir -i»| e Ie*net eaUed Manafe- _____

TOUit ifild JUj lAt. Tt ■pecioUy to help the man who ■ ovna and manaKtt hli own buel*

-JESSIE KINCHELOE . . . recelred a >1H Twin Falls

Leentn; Itbor eoundl fcboUr>' »blptoL<i)rieUeoneKe;MoMlnn>- ^ llle. Ore. Mlia Klnehtloe U a


IT, F. Youth Gets $100 Scholarship

Jeule KlDcheloe. IS, dAughter o( Mf.-and Mra. Harvle.KlnchelM. Tirli)' filU, waa announced Wed- neaday ai recipient of the tlOO Twin-Palls iocntral labor councU schoUztiilp by John B. Bwlthtr.pT«tldeni or-the council.------------

MUsKlncheloewaaaeleeled Irom n examination (Uen by the labor

Ito theRflatrar McMlnntlUe,- Oi

B-leiaflet beglni wllh_an.ot)t iM rratJon, /

-O i comifi, jDoel exeeuthea.

M k 'W e SmportMt q u ^ n - ^ l W-ther-irotUnf-hax' '* ftbhsgar. tt ttjm.

She U a IMS graduate or T*ln rallB high achool where she v u acUre-in-the-Nfc.........................

- I t ’ fhen tumi to the raytWcaf but aad CMO of Hairey Wlnaton,ft muuI4otiU^------------------- —

-_Ttia J**nrt_doeant_ay irtiat Harrey maoolMturlc^ wt~let‘l{

hnnMU'lCluaDUtlitos lik« paper c l ^ Annray, he lnl^ted~the!

afid xwv after live yean ha floda ba'*: maklhc money andl

.«TerrthlD«.la21ne except (or thls;l Jtach night he hM to tota a brief- c u t A2U o f work b o a t with him., WhyT Whyr. Barrey la “a wtll-quallfied eoDguIU&t,” who leeoa to be a ■qoan ahooter, th(wct> • pit ea the,

-jw aaTiae;------------ -'M m Haaacisc NMAtd

~ B e 'a a n i ia m y apesds too mush ttao on det4Ula aad Dot enough oQ' uaoaglsg, »nd then aoara *-‘ -

-----— -A -b «n fw ; partlenlarty a amaU boainaa, la a ereMHra work. Dont! KoUe-ll u . It'a In Ita way aa crea> tlve u a aong,» painting, a atAtue.

'Itaa mrfc o f art l> flnUhed at aome: -DdDL . But -a a . acUyfi--.btt<lne«:

K>ohiiirtio~auch point of comple* tloa. And tii9 ersatz — jou, the.

I -boatnMnaa—muat forerer keep otfl :_«tfctln* and Imwortaj.hla ,crea.|

1100," aaya tha.apeech.

Equal TimeBiir E & h tt6 “Ike”

._a aent to the W h u T K ^ r a bill nUevlns. radio and

___ Woa'at*tions from any neceJ.' al^ to give poIlUcal candidate! i «Qual time on newajjrogramj.

-LetUUUra action W compJet-l •d when a'oompTomUe worked out by a aenat«>houu conference com., sjlttee w a paaaed by the aenate

-by voIce.TOt*. Hie hou»e passed It yM tsdaju^AL^

TheexBmpted-------- - .boB*/Jd» aeincaata. .new* Inter, vteva auch aa panel abowt..ne«i tfocumentarte* iand . oa*the-^t

* * q BBWB erenta.

. alfo rceeiria-i *lfi9 TheepUa KboUrahIp and SUO KhoUrthlp from Untleld coN I«*a. (8 la If:*n ita »tn g j-^ -j^ .

Ore.. by W; Harold

jng~&- Tender



p ag en m b ' ; ’:

[ Principal Leavinjiy Snnii fQrNew Wliitman Colleffe PnsT"

T ,l. n - E ______ . ------ ^




99-EG Savage .300 Bifi.Gome RtfU Romington 12 90. Pump Shotgun

^ e m in s to n t^eiuxo .22 Kific Rwg«r .22 AiifomdWc PiftHf

-2-S t

3 dox. Duck Decoyi ■^.Colenion Comp Lgnttrna

~ 2~Colemon Coipp Stovai ’C6fcmon"lce CficsV..... ...


S w ifts

Russian Paper,Is CfiticallnMOSCOW.-1

today aoeuiad______ ______ .on-«{-l^Ing to"coor the friendly feellngi of plaln'Amerlana-towatd the-Soviet people and the Soviet Union. . .• The SOTlet goremment jiew n*-

per- aald Nixon' again iued the ' tl language ol the McCnr-

rtacUonarles'Mn hla speech........ the American Legion eon-,

ivestloa In MlnnupoUa two.veekajaga___

The vice prealdent aald'In i^ « ch It. would be "niUr- iwlahfu) thinking that th e 'Mr. {Umubchev' to the States wilt result In any' baalc changu In the 'communist'Uve'orworJd'dojJilnatlon'OT.......adherence'to pollclca designed to' achieve that goal,**

PICNICS mi-EullyCoQketL



L b ^ o ii(lOeOFF)

MARGARINE -Jk com Brand . 3, 89c



JERSEYGtOVES 3 ^ 6 7 <Warm on d


M i r a c l e W h i p

• • • • C T -

4 Knifi m i A l l StiV PDuck Coll W cover 4-Power Scop* ' ' ^

Okay Food Centers,’and Savc-.Oii DruKs.haye-Combincd-lo-givc— « away, absolutely free, all these woi\dcrful prizes o f wanted hunting item8._Thc_draiviijg .will .bc held-on-thc-hugc.parking—

» . y______1___ ^ . ^ ^ _ _ _ . „ H _ S u n d a y , - S c p t m c b c i i - 2 Q. K Q ..p u E ch aae i s n e c e s s a ty — j u s t . a s k a n y -_I__pet!So^Qrjdctailfi-and.youcj:cglfitraUonblank.


1 3 1. FRESH-P!CKEDr~]J'M?? ^i'VjOrf t f W i s m ( i a I ■ ■ ■■

'eaiH;Jies-fo Lfilane Crov’s

Remaius-End, •WIESBADEN.'* Oermshy, Stpl.l 3 HWTlie U5. air force has given'

tea ftearch'for the r«m#ln of .....e crewmen of a World "ghost bbmber.".

'The American filers parathulei Into the Libyan desert from their B2« bomber 16 years ago alter blasting Naples, Italy.

Mrd. Lola Cockrujn »}]j j j . . . I*irr nfy fliiiifi In?.:! ••I

teachm K h ^ at \Uhirmia ^ . Ihin. Cocknun.’ »j!o } ,u b«n

serving ar-prindpal of Momlni, aldeachool. haa lautlit in iht Twin Falls cliy schools for the. past »ygjpgring-harwfmn-grefntntirrichool work for 30 years. Hh« hu------bten approved- for Inclusion In th* •

pf -WhiTi Who" for l_ her wort In elmencarr educatfon

She am ed as t>rtsideDt;elKt'ind~''- as pres^ent of the Idaho Elemen- tary prtnclpirts aijoclaUoo and.«-as « charter mrmtier of (lie local chapter of Alpha Delia Kappa. teachera -honorafy-ac—. M U LMllKllB'Uyj

A-drenm cp[ne_truf.“ in th» ' I phase of elcmenUvry work which — *^>^<g-.‘ »r-jncat.j^t_Tarloua^ ..-..oniFflim r«tn{jj 6n MUcaiioh“ aha haa attended, Mie has observed II growing trend lo put more em- phasis'on caliber and (raining of the elementary teacher.— M an r of-the-m «t- hlgWy-«Ju-— :ated people I have mat- working on educaUonal problems on a na­tional lerel-are in'tlemtnury work” ’

nerd Iha - ...V...-., „ M.s most vii the educational Syjiem thla_b8sU.thjtUflt.Jttl tion rests.-

Mra. .cockrum feels there'are many good and devoted teachers inUreatfd Ja children as Individ- lala and In_thelr work'as some-


I thing more than a me«ru” f hvelll hood.

Mrt, Claude Jones » t t bu tta to a group at a buffet dinner l»jt week honoring Mrs. Cocknim, with Ellen Doas auijUng. A Rfoup met IOC dinner Monday evening at tfta Rice Bowl for a farewell dinner >nd school administrators held- a

4 h r o w ^ g i

:S it» 24" X 45" — s i n 24" X

*•.99 "

E ^ N N IN < ^ i i M E E S l I — PRUKES^

luncncun in ner noniOfllden n . Wednesday twan.. ___

^ _^c-J!iomlng!i(Je_8Cliool_PTA _ J held a tea for Mrs. Cockrum Wed- •'« neaday tftemoon and the-slaff o '

Northwestern Teachers college..She received her BA degree In elementary education at Idaho 1

jState^coUw and her master*! d e -__ I

jat the Idaho sdjool thU summer. 1 hlrii. Cockrum andTier diugfiUr,Ti'ilille. —

: NSW YORK, SepL S WV-HOw do you Ure lo b* JM7

''Bheer luck, boy. Just plata aheec luck." aaya chipper Leo M. Kahn, who etiebrateUila_l(r“ " birthday aanltvnajy today.. Kahn u-aa bom near,.Pllt*-. buigh and worked hla way up to become partner In a woolen firm. H« nude-enough moner to-retlra at.AS. KU wife died aboutwyears igo. - ~ ^ lty r tT to l f-n p -to- tlie-at« - o f 80 and did a lot o f awlm- mlng.“ aays Kahn,- “ Just-walk now, aod read the headlines.'*

Ha has cut himself down to two 'drtnka of scotch and two clgariaday.'

aod*prirat#^U. uns have lined up behind Iowa Attorney General Norman Sitoe for hli aUnd agalnM-MH • • “<,iie,j_Lpor-

T o s t e w e l L . . .?fcked ATTheir PeHetfiorTFoFB^ C a n ^ ^

-----------------j o m a t o _________

A l l F l a v o r s

C a n n e d

Miss Muffif=iffcJloon^

day ^ elBctod to bead a satlon- - iHdewtathBwrtmeatwhlehkeapal

i l l doon open to ftU C h rU t^ l ■ vbatsvec llsetr creodi

H ie Jier, Dr. Wren S. LaIr.-«. . :43ea Moines, became the tilth'

-pm ldeat of-tha two-mUllon-nse~ her International OonvenUon . COiri^lan cburchea (Dlselples ol Obrlst). ' ,^On-tbe closing day of ttielr wsek>i lohr^luraal-aasembly.-tha-StlXMi ebarch represenUUvea sOao Tole*d m plea that Amerlcan»-lnlha Ift-J terest .of^peace>-clve SOflet Pre-1 mler NlUta Elmishehev a hosplt«.:l

. b]e wJc«ae on hi* iJoaln* visit. •"

--------- -VISET in .g a n n e t t " ^ ,,' -HAHarr. Sept. J^Mr. » n d -> ^ »r>i«n«i» MeOwlgia) aad three chU. dren, Baker. Mont, have b w I fueata nt tJM..nm<* hoirie of hti •-* — *- — T. Georg* Mc» I

[and hu banned from newsstands.Stbe received letters of congrat-

Qiaticns It«m;churAlL.f)rnnls^oiu, and cltlsena-yeaterday,- bui.-lhe

Imagatlnft-pubUsheia' attomeyi’ IwertMtaaootdlaL .

. ..T O tr ra finboJZROMS. 8«pt. 9 — Robert X>.|

Hit*, 1«. WM fined #10 Tueaday by' .PoUca Judn Tttd Eberhardt for b*riB* :nr-}itea»a ptate# 00 his

Jolly Barrel Ko'sher Dills

-pBEyVCager-N o . T T a l l C o n s


CAKE MIXESDETERGENT OK Brand Giant pkg. . . . . . 5 '

DOG FOOD Vet's N o. 1 Toil Cons 14 for 1

Foirgfourtd But T o t h * F o i r

n ta n trit* aa Utt.UalC-Be«;. SUN V A I U Y STAGES rtL u i - m i w u v w x -

---------- Me ber.p«*OB.._.

DR, EDDIE R. ALLISON, D.M.D." A n n o u r t c e s l h e i s p e n i n g


of his offices for the - - '^eneralTjractice of Dentistry

With any lO e ^ iin l i

IndustrjJBid-— " T i ' ip P l a i m e d ^

Opinion Written On Home School

"LEWISTON, Sept. 3 W-ldaho coiioty P roaecutfffg -A ttom er Wftyna O.'MacGreror yeitwday Is- aued a five-page opinion concatn* ing ctmpulsory achool attendance

I mwmmenaeq-icnooidUtrlcta Investigate the quality ofi oducaUon administered by persons who leach Ihelr chlldrea, them' aelves.—U-J^doean-l meet-»tat«-*laad-: ards, he aald, the school dlsMct Wonld-bfl-Tirepared-tinffeniir- enta the ehoICB~or upgrading the ■” '*llty. o f education to.a.par.wllh

-tUft.pnrrUUttg.tatqutU tn- B~witniir»-n«onabirBu:TOnittBD" wiuiin »-reasonaoie'oii;

tyce-of-the-T taidenca- o f - i uch children, or providing adeouate wmpeasitjon for board, room and

tn c t The're«,-he-a*u. aaeunu to «M. -


U - JW ( t l .L O A F _ _

FRI. and SAT.


-j BOISE, Sept.‘S'.lfl-tdsho will '• eaHy-lta^bld-/oi^jDdu»try-toto^|)i*^ “ heart of Los Angelea< oest'monlh

"m ylir*. ..:st definite plaaa for the trio

vert outlined to th? Boise Cham- ber of Commerea • dlrKtora - by. _ . Jfulso Shadduck, sU(e seeretary af eotnmerro and development.

■The reason for the trip,- ib« aald, "U that we art tired of Maw our son* and daughters lo othtr (tatea that have more advanlaeeg,* • ^ o fToiJ^'ortip'fo M baslw«tf=f= men u d .fonm m ent ofQctala wlQ — arrlT*atLaaAiigelea 'Oct.a-an^'' 'rwnaftf-through-ocU-lftr— ~ r —^—ProwcHve-lndustrial-developeh------will be Invited, to a luncheon « f ' ' ' producU entirely from Idaho. ‘Ilia governor wiU addrtaa a group of Xtos Angeleo Industrlallsla.- I ^ U ot designated 'Honr ^ I n n la . general managir of tha

repreaentaUn on tht trip.

'EeaJsHeldJor^^“ ScKooITeachCTs

A welcome tea waa held Toeaday :aftamoon-for-teiehen-of^UBfloln::.: achool with Mra.-ftank Mocensa. hnspltallly chalnnan. Mr*. Mack Dodson, Mrs. BUsa Kusstll,' Mrs. . DarrelHSallop.-lCn.-Rlchard-mz''-^

M ler, Mrs. David Lewla, Mr . pierce M «o a a aad-Mr*.-OolBM“ 5« la£ l^ m serving aa hosteasea.B PTAnseinberafponaeradaeotfea * A hour for putnta of first grad^" a (tudenta.. •

T O « 0 FOB DBQCKINO \ ’ -JTOQMB,:6«>t. »-*A atb«r-*rr^

jjjgoll. waa finad m Tueway by

j mgAp n t o nxwa wa» i ‘ adb-------- «



!i fcj-

V, “

Page 9: Ceunlr Nfwipcptf -TWiJf-PAL-LSi Ith^HQ^TiIURSDAY^SmE^mEIt ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · ttt tn Boise was “of sre»t«r in- aslty” according to records

SGBTEN” T IM E S ^ W S , t w in p a l l s , IDAHOT S U E S D A Y , SEPTEMBER 3, 1959

Jiscipiiiie =€redit-for^pholding of Yeto-WAHHINaTON, Sept. S COFD-

r dSjdDllne ol the kind thftt___ »-tt «ecn on c»plU)l Wll w «

Vditwl todtr with iDUCtwtM«nt TBientinwerX-rtcon*-^ mr bvtng ft Tito orcrndden. EepubUcuu Uned up neirly »!•

U « Preildentyettgnliy

u the bouM upheld his veto o l t tl.30e,‘}48,H9-pubUo WQ^.appro* prtAtlOQ bllL .

The rj< to U8 TOte to oreerUe. one-*r•«^the wqulre<J-tw)-«Urd» m&Jorlty, w u » tlunnlni telbuk tor Deaocnitle l e t d e . f who

tbcwtbt they h«d Uie tot«» to win. Only 11

ben who — ...........did M e r a tboueh hlf «eU w u mn*a~airBctir t“*?>»i*‘*U'“luadTTor wTOronriopment ecu In tbelr heme dutrletfc

Dcmocrtt* charged thit the ad- ilnU'tratloa had Mcretlj promised

thit the Prca-

-Q O P -X ^ er C&ariarA: R i u ^ itwji«n», who cnclueered'the EU* aibdwer rictcry. MM be knew ' Ho'aEirpr ----------------------

«p 5S I5 T oT E 5 ^ S S B asc^ jft - t6ed the nnt blU beeauae It eon. uiofd tSlJ10M> lor tn pnjfcto

etcd.&o funds thb year. --lBlertof-fi*o«U*y-»rad-A-Sat«

prejeeU t o U 1» I « 1 « « “ “ ¥BewbudjtC -'--iv . ■

r fcyps

aUy wid eiplrlt- ^ eorp*. We-to dowa vole th*t he law no reuoo «&*;. the ^axlmlnlitntloo’f. new budset ihouldn'l include funds for »t«rtlnf eight new reclamaUoo

BOlfiE. Bept. S cnclnttaoIJhft hurtao or r tea -


I d a h o a n J a G o t o rnliimbian Meetconfereoce here yesterday which they dlseueed the consmjc. tlon procraia for (he current nscaj year.

- pi'tTgw — M— 'Bltfaetr OcOTtt CU*

ter^ld-to^y-h> ~pTiaTmaKWai meetJnj ot the Columbia R l»« Compact cooanlsdoq. 6epl. M and 15 ftt JadCBoa Lake, Wyo.

n ,8 commission u c o c n ^ oi -fcUtes f r o m M onta^

Ortgoa and Wuhlngton.-- Carter aaiiL«i»iiheU<l*ho-«> ftscfltaUvea to the-coounlitioo-*f^-. Chalmuui R. P. p iny, Twin— - TOUng_r- ' •

The world's Ion|e«t f l o a t in r MSst lt*enu.lA3te WasWnfWa* St Seattle. It Is one and etghi-

i U N T K E Q U i p m : ^IS avt-O n Drugs end Okay Food Centeri'eemblncd e r t giv. l i n g cwQv abwtut«ty fr«e all ihata wondarful p r i t t t o f Iw on ted hunting equipm ent. No purchott It ntetM ory to I win. Juit Oik on y la le tp cn on for dotolli and your fr#«

sturdy, box type, biittoS square deaign . . . and BO comfortaMel Lmnirions drapery fabrics — lota ot colors and patterns' to choose from. Ideal for floor me, OT and partira.


1^ © L L A RD O M Y G R A Y

p w s n » (M u is a t . jx h t o t t . u u cku j, siefa..^

n ft^ ie d t Also pn u lo 12 o i »i«e..."ow |tOO (n g. HOO).

• Sovagt RifU.• Sleeping Bag• 8 Bex«t Shotgun

Shells'' - '• ’ Coleman” Cooler ■■

. • t’W ^ In o c u Ia r t• Knire-Ax« Stt• .22 CalibM kugtr

Pirtol '• -B o x ;D u ck D tcoy*

D l U l ^ t-iWE-civF^^gy'TnnTr^Bm:"

U N P E R S l O T I O R f. White Pcfal, Pink Petal, Blue Petal.

- ^ m p I e t ^ W i t h - D i s p e h s e r r

-R e g . 2 .50 - i= 1 ------ n m L A T J JlL M Q R ^ (O pen 9 'til 9. Seven Doyi a W eeK 'for Your anopplng convenleneei K C * C • I

Page 10: Ceunlr Nfwipcptf -TWiJf-PAL-LSi Ith^HQ^TiIURSDAY^SmE^mEIt ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · ttt tn Boise was “of sre»t«r in- aslty” according to records


Page 11: Ceunlr Nfwipcptf -TWiJf-PAL-LSi Ith^HQ^TiIURSDAY^SmE^mEIt ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · ttt tn Boise was “of sre»t«r in- aslty” according to records


I Gooding Mansielecfed—fo t

i Trip to CoastOOODINO, ^ t . 3 -b i i r in i •

C l'm M U n g -o i ‘ the dlrtctar* of the y-Ooodinc chunbev ofVTcmaiy -evenin r vtato^-----------J w u BclNt«d to reprtMDt ihU v c i I i n l^iutrUI promoUod' Ulp jn- i : t « th* Lo« ADBeta. are* which U T by the Id«lio aepartmest

<)| commerce and devBlopment «nd : «U1 be headed bjr Oov. Robert E.

i ' ' SmyUe. i — 6t*nfleW::zrP«*n«leWT>*-ch»lrmwi of the < commerce »nd lndii4lrycoTnnult«t^ rU ie 'loaiJ-ctitm ljerM nd-to-*!*

ftiii~tvmnl'0tlt0rer»* o n of the EMlern Orejon and

I. Tritho Tndu«trlal cOUndl.

Uie meeting «hlch will be Oct. 131 throush 16. HMflQUttrterB for-tht- Tlstto« will beat-the Stallcf-hole J ■ himlnfM olllce wHl be let

i^*^eet*ntrult« Tdttho biulneM .^nd •Indcstrial

, be » p ^ « d by the MlMiniep|rrt= ment of coomfrce and deveJop*

- ment and. wlU be the Ilwt large acale Induairlal promotion of the

- n W M “ wJth* Calif omla-flrms-who i-h a v e -« proipecUvo intertit In n*w ' and branch plant locaUon In Ida-

< Membera of the I'dabb ^depart- — menV-oC-coi

TleffeiTWms PurplFftilAon

_______ ^ t a s i - a s g - - - ^ ' --------- T b p ^ ; f f e c ^ o f t h e . s t e e ) - 5 t r i k e j 5 . o i r e q : d y j ; e ; p o r e n t b g t h i a ;

availability ond Im pendingprice rises. Anticipating this, '' ' wa hnvp purrhasea'o ca>lo ^ o f a pplionces, providinfl o

------^ m p le ta -se le c t jo a A s iz e s o pd -s j^ s^ .^ ^ ot" i o w i m c e s H

ment beUeve thU tour will b« the

onfy” u n ^ of tW eipeduTon Is to promote Idaho ai a atatc that want* to develop and Invlle new Ifldiutry. . ■

I Thia a ll! he done throudh a *«-; ‘ rles of talk* by the gdverhornunch-

-eona, preM-cu»fe ren cM ,-ra ^ -w tele»lslon appearances. and,lndl- yWuaJ of/ice callg. -..... - -

i September’s rt Biggei

If Not Better

hlsti at the iaat official tally, aeems I 8 to h>v«t. climbed even higher

The federal drfnuJ'crossedHhe »X)-blUlon<dollarmark for the first time In tUstoty and li expected to

—gftJhrtf'-bimoD doUara highrr before <lt stopa. • '

U a a CoiU Blgbn are paying the moat

for bank loaoa alnca the early IBSffi. ' ■

------T h ^ ^ - traaaunr-l* payioy jto borrow money—to wpport the

- federal debt In the maimer to iQUcb It'a'sow

are warned tluy'U pa;■US metre.

' . . Dlgbar Balea BzpeetedT ie rl»* In intareat ratea and the

-totala of-Tvloua forma of d«bt U ezpeeted to continue. Baskera are •now waiting for the federal reaerre board to'drop the other ahoe and

■ ThU S~wbal It eoeU member _lMtnI«.toJ»llo®-tO-«f£lLtiiC-lunda — thw can lend businessmen or in-

aUunent'pIan eontumera.The rate la now three and one*

■ fiii "p C T ~ sa ra ia T rw p «t«a -to__ rlM to four' pw cent. The U£.—iroirarrlipaylhr-m m ^

' DOW to borrow—wblcn it muit as the debt rises to new peako.

It all adda up to a record rross , . naUonal product. Thla U tJiejlDUar L~>onmie or. an goods produced and

serrleea p^onned in the tuition.----- LataU-OtnmguraaUtlOSJU-bQ.

llon-ft-7ear are for ihe period be- 'loro the-ateel «trlke. But if they

, aboum dip a bit now, they'are ex* peoted to climb even bigger when Uit itrlka la over.

{y MI *

B U y ^ C E I«T ^ t SEiWS lov/^*rte

S A V H 8 0 - ^ > f c r « V l R ! ^f a m o u s KENMORE AUTO,

osher and“ Diyer—“ArO ne^Lw 'Pricei------ -

Tha F. V, MerriMa ranch, MarUnth, li the owntr ct this p and champion feinale Bhorthera b « f.

The female beef U shewn by Walter -MortlMn. brother of F. V,.Morrl»oD. The Ught-cetwed Shorthorn U dUplaytd in the beef cattle bam; (SUtf photo-tngravlngi

Second of Big Three’s tittle

.DETROIT. Mich,. Sept, 3 l « - at Just ovtr $1,800,' The.tecond of the big three's new VaUieconomy-----------twlay as'- cons at Lorain, O.

Chevrolet Jwu JwenCorralra-at-nearby-WUlow-JUm since'. mId*July. Chrysler's Vail* ant wlU roll off I>etrolt assemblylines'within anoinennonth........^■nio three cars repreient a Jharp

reversal In thinking • by- Detroit

longer, lower, more expensive trend ’ throughout the postwar period.

H je Corvair will be lh» IJret of lha-oeK-onca_lnto'-lhe_miirkct- )lace. making its pubUe-bow about , Oct. 2. The Falcon will go on.aale Oct. B. The Valiant probably will be along about Nov. K.

Vital statistics have been : leased only on the Falcon. These catng yesterday tn a 21-clty dosed clrcult-telecaft for newsmen.

TTtTFalcon is 15 Itet; on# Inch long, against 17H for a 1BS9 Ford; four feet 6H Inchu high against iQttr_lect_elght_ Inches, and five feet 10 In^es wI3e agaIniiC~slx feet four inches. It weighs 3J8S pounds;— campared— with— 3^70 pounds for the llghtut 1M9 model Ford, m

The Corvalr will offer America's first rear-englned models, uitlng a.Qat alx-cyllndftLaluinlnunuowz er-plantntegl5trat!un‘ weight on test U rs In Uichlgan has been 3.- 400 pounds.

The six-cylinder Falcon engine, of cast lron,.ta.raled at.OO horse-

The.Corvalr probably vi '

con,-ls-U3ln»-a cast Iron- .. der engine mounted In front.’ No prices have been announci One report this week said ‘ cheapest sUlpped Oorvalr will



~~G ot iuil building value wi,th~lHb low- 'tloh of exterlfcr colors—blue, bronze, cort^RXIN-^lASTER^'44'^"ayei^ 'irooH7Kfiiyr'wblt«"or roi«rS tfan -“

..r9undi70I^oneforcconomy,St<Kp. Satin colors are double coatings o f SO doKTM roof pitch and convenient baked*on vinyl aluminum that keep loading hatchcB at tho roof pM k their frcah appeaanco for yean and permit full loading wUibiit in lenor-yeara ; V ’handling. the building s toM _ A Stmn-Stccl GRAIN-MASTER

_t support. . t io widMt-Combinc_hc>der»_paaa._prop>m. nnan eed -through yoUr

Wo. IK' S fri'i^ ^dn ik >f=P O dte| jj}I^u r-’doors. Choo«BngIo^'ordoublc-T»iil ch ««p ia n . Mail roupon or contact j

»nd-oo* or t combina-— tis f(

Page 12: Ceunlr Nfwipcptf -TWiJf-PAL-LSi Ith^HQ^TiIURSDAY^SmE^mEIt ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · ttt tn Boise was “of sre»t«r in- aslty” according to records


i k


Hot Dog or Hamburger

BUNS ^ H cFresh-bok'

BREADy m a m s to m L oca l. ; ; each

- ^ v : - - -■■- - :'

Page 13: Ceunlr Nfwipcptf -TWiJf-PAL-LSi Ith^HQ^TiIURSDAY^SmE^mEIt ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · ttt tn Boise was “of sre»t«r in- aslty” according to records



l lB . AND MHS. THOMAS JOEt KHEN (Mann plio(»-fU (t encntvlncl ,

a ___^_______ * ---------- -----------------------

Former Resident iO f Area Marries

-InGoast RitualsSAN FRANCISCO. Sept. 3 - In a

ecent ceremony m St. Brigld's ,5*thoIlc church, MIrtam Ann boneiTlonntrCMUeronl-resident tad dwjjhler or Mr. and Mr*.

- — • San Prancl*

l a i :


dfl sole, Uie brldo wm Riven ■■KTrtguB bi iier iUp-littherr lu e bodice.ot-her bow h.tu led wllh ehortuleeves uid

______. Thi? tklrt of netI He solo featured a lace pwel dovn

- e fronl. Seed pearU hlRhUghted B crown holdlnf ter ahoulder-

I Tea White orchlda and ihoUi mftde up Jicnxraotfer

l l l i e gown va« made- bjr herlinother;— ------------- -----------------i :_ B b e w u attended br Diane UltrB TOaldoj^CTW.-'W d-MfT^nd ^

B tav o t the briOe. »aa Letlle s er - couila of-the bride, bride*-

. . wipiets„ 1 naes and wore Bowns of

._Jc peau d'or.wlth plhk veils held j . place by pink band* or leavea.'- I Lawrence Jonen. brother of the

de.-urved iu be.it man. Robert jch. Jack Krc/t and Andrew

luar» uihered.I A eown.of Dior blue chirroa with

iped n e o k lln o , three*quartep iftta sleeves and full skirt was

!ul»7-Uu.b£]dfi!a moUier. nlUi■Wi«-*cceMPriM.and.R.whU« 1 coru«e.

.th e reception at m oT iod ie^ ' A gray suit with white hat and

nd-buok-'oau-abou, and____wa« woraJjj-thfl_brWfl ror

A_WOddln«_ trjp.tp.Chlgap), After

Marian Martin : Pattern



_____ BTABBINa SLEEVES5=5& «W ni™ ttyl-Tbe-wtde al

tUla ray jumper flare out to___ jatto.—Sew*«aay-ln*«oi-

!s ten with eyelet, ©rsandy. or white I tn«deloUi blouaa. ItmorroWa pnt. I t«m : OlrU' dress.* Printed pattern Mie: ChUd’s

• - • * s,' 10.81*e « Juniper 3H ooe yufl.-

I tare p art Euler, accurate.

-lO -cenw-ror-eanli

B-W«ra. P»ttenj Dept, 332 Weal J— R gti-New- York 11. N. Y .'Print

/ il*n»e. «<dres* with tone.

Monday (hey will be al home to friend* In San Francbco.

The bride attended Son Pran* cIko City colIeRe and San Fran* cUco-CoUcRe for-Women. .Hhe.li employed by the QeorRe S', May eompBny.-The-brldegroom-atUnd- ed Cornell coli^e. Ml. Vemon, Xa., and plans to eo into pre*med studies, JJe served ,Jour year* Inthe cavymedical, corps. ___ __

auuts included Mr. and Mrs. Howard- Carrow, Suhl. maternal srandpvenUi of the bride, and Mr.

daughter, T»-ln Falls.

Rebei<ah Lodge

leta I“ Primrose nebekoh lodge

Mrs. 0 . 0 . McRlll was In charge of the proRram. Group slnRlng was led by Mn. Clarice Wollers with Mra. Oarl RldRCway as pianist. MrsTEd'aulle^'a'hTTOc-McniU each presented a rending. ~DInncr"commiuee wU'Mra.-T7: D. Steam*, Mrs. Raymond Puddy. Jifra,—AnBa-WUsonr Mrs.-• Floyd iraranaH nTH cRin:— = = —

TTio-ilat rtffuJor lodge meeUng of the- fall Unn was-lidd after the dinner wlth-Mn. RobeH Mc- Oracken~^oblo grandr^conductlng*

The charter wa* draped for Mar­garet Conroy, past assembly presi­dent. PartlclpatlnR In the cere­mony were Mrs. WlKord Senedlctand-Mrs-.McCackfin.___________

•Mrs. Mall was selKted.by.jnem* bers to be recommended for lodgi deputy.- Representatives choMS for the October Rebekah assembly In Kel­logg are Mrs. M. H. Christopher- Eon. nr*t: Mrs. Viola Rftine*,’ s6c- 'Ondrand Mn,'Rldgewiiy.-third:—

A- letter waa read. from. M n

Mr*. Clarence Bramctn. W»be- nl*. ArU.. a '^est-'jpoke briefly^

The n u t meeting will- be hel B«Pt. 15.— — — -----------^

Shower Honors ^Gastleford:Miss

a -K a lStoner wu honored af a brf (bower Saturday erenlng at the Oastleford Orange halL

.Miss Sloner was assisted In Inr-glftB-by-Dorls-Foukalr araybenlAnd Karen Moore.

Games were played with prizes going to Shirley West, Mia. Norma Stoner and Mrs. Long.

Hostesses were Mrs. Steve Took- al. Miss Poukal. Mns. Dave Graf- beal. Miss Ora>'beal. Mrs. Melrto Moore'anit Mis* Moore.---------------


Mrs. Reed Jensen-and sons at- reception and shower fox

Mrs. Birth U the former'Paullni Cottle. dftURhUr of Mr. and Mrs Lee Cottle; Jensen sang a sol* — iho-jrogram,_____________ _

rraia-Miss-k---Marfi^^SSaltijake^SSs^^.Wed to Ypst in

ID S Ceremgnywiemnlzed aur.' : o at .Ihe^^Salt Uke CIty-LDS temple united Ui marriage C*rot Arlene Price.■ igh^r of Mr. and Mr*. H. E

eeTAugusW. On . and Marlow B. Yoat, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ar- Uiar H. Yosl, 6prJ»S<Jale. President John B. Hsuke.) ofllCUled.

They were accompanied to the temple by Hie bridegroom's pir> rnl*. Mr. «nd-Mn. Arlen VO»t, Mr. ind Mr*. Kenneth Yost._Mr. and Mrs. Nell PerreU'and'Mrr ah'd Mr*'.

maWhlng laee.mamatloiii _ , .........

:entered.with a whUe orchid,,. Maid o> honor, VI Fenell.'waj

gowtifd-lti-plnk-anq- tthiu-satlttind earned a bouquei of -white camellias. Matron or honor, Mr*.

RoberUon, the bride’s sL ltr, of t)lnk mmfllliiA

wllh her gou'n o( white satin. Rower girl. Kip Price, the bride's sister, wore a frock of blue nyjon

el over blue tnffe^..Lynn Lund. Murray, tJtato, oeef

formed dullea of but man.The bddegroom'a tnolher ehUd

. Rown of green silk print and the bride's mother selected a beige iheath dress.'Both wore corsages of plhk and 'while chr}-sanlhe-' mums.

Attending the Riiul book was Carol Peterson, Murray. In charge of Rlfis was Mrs. Melba Yosl, Murray, assisted by Mn.- Delano Yost, Burley.•Master ofcemnonlerfortheTe-

jeptlon program waa ’Gary Tegari, Unity. Delilah Larson, and. Joan Larson u n g dueU tceompuiitd by Carol Larsen. Kip Price presented ballet dances.

After befog cut in (he traditional manner, the three-tlered wedding

pair, “wair served*-l>r'Mni: Melba Yost and Mrs. Marlene Ycet.

The bride Is a graduate of the Academy of Richmond high school snd-oeonpntotfl-couegersnrma itlended Brigham Young unlver»

compteted an LD3 mission la.the Southern states..He recently'wa* graduated from Henegar't Busl-

ess in' M itu ikg ulty.— 'After a week in Yellowstone

Uonal park and Sun Valley the :oupIe ait at home at 430 Wall

O ut-of-tow n reception guests wer« Mr.-and-Mrs.-H.-E-Priee.-Eip Price, Mrs. Pam Robertson, Mrs, Cheryl Templea and Craig- Tem-

Drlin Yost and 'famliy, Ogden; Mr. andlilra. WUUa.Yost: Idaho PaUs; Ur. and.Mn. Delaso Yoet.

SorarityJChopter Has Coffee HourOmlcron chapter. Beta Sigma

Phi. began iis faU season wlUi a coffee hour Sunday. - Plans for rushing wpre discussed.Kfrt Mu/.-...The swority’s ILnl.rcRUiBr ses­sion will be a model meellng^Wed- nes|lay at'the home of Mra. .DoyleChftttgrton.... . ---------

Committee chairmen were named ,t aa eaecuUvft boord meeting last Week at the home of Mn..Dlck Qlgng.JlT-tK Jiresldcht: Mrs. . president; Mrs. lUchard Oregory, secrelary, and .Mrs. Al Mingo, trtflsurtr.—Chnlrmrn are-Mn. Jorry-llaagt program; Mrs. Bill Burden, ways and-means;.Mra..jan>M.Mflynard, aerrlee; Mrs. Wane»-ffl>»UngW>i social; Mrs. Kenneth Campbell.

................. -YBlJOTTr

OAKLEY. Sept. S — LD8 first 'ord MIA. under direction . of

Howard Mcbitosh. superintendent, held Its opening party Monday evening nt. North Wate^J. ,

Three trucks, driven by Albert Mclntcahr Hownrd-Mclntoeh-and Keith Frnnks, provided transpor- Utlon for the 100- members, at- laodJng.

ship. and. Mr*. Clifford Brody, summer activity.

A stfftk' fry abin w«ii held Im I

MJA Has Party

* * *

Supper Is HeJd,';''.

EDEN. Sept. S -T te Eden Amer­ican War Mothers met at the home pf_?:fr,jvnU,tra.-Qfffn Hiunmand *u-i Saturday evening where the moth- -

entertained .thelr_famljlefl_tq_a

Ml! Cele5rof^61st~^7iiversb7y7

In T.F. RitaalsCAOTLBFORD.~5ept- J - Tbe

Twtn FaUs Pint Baptist church ; » a the lettmg for;the marrltje Sunday afternoon of D eanna Sample, daughter of Mr. and Mr*.

son of Mr. and Mr*. Fred Larios.0*rtlo.-Ner. - -- ■ — ........ -

Art baskets'or mixed gladloU formed the background fo the double ricg rituals at which the Rev. Emeu Hasselblad oltlciatedj

A navy bluo'tult with white ac* eeasoriea and a eorssge of wwte ^ h i d i > u the eholcpof ti>« '■■ ■■■ for her wedding,-T h e m aid-oi~honffr.''Orace Kinyon. was attired in a light green ault with white accessorlu Uld 'a"<BrusrofwTme’ csim;mai.-

Wade Lacey. Carlin. alUnfled the bridegrBom., . '

Mr*. Sample selected a green knitlit «r»h TTPMrlfi- ftfld

Mrs.-Lario«-wore a blue alieer afternoon dress with bUcK sories. Both wore corsajes rosebuds. ,Local Residents | Social Calendar

To Observe Day Of Anniversary

Mr', and Mrs.'A. E. Gray will

Dinner wa* served at Uie lUc.e Bowl after the ceremon^^to 21 members of the bridal .party and guest*.

The new Mrs. Larlos changed to

b r id a l corsage for a trip to veru^ wlth^an^open hows^f^m CalirornU, They , will make their home. In Redding where he is em* ployed as a 41amond driller, for Boyles Construction ^ p a n y .

The-bride Is agraduateof Castle- rord high-school and'sltended Twin Falls Business college. The bridegroom Is a graduate of-UiehlRh school at Carlin.___' H osl^es for a shower ____Ing the bride last-week'at the Castleford Methodist church were

Holtzen. Mrs. Vem West. Shirley West, art*: O«org« SWck and ftfr*. Chariene Bkie.

the wedding and dlfmer were the bride's grandparents, Mr. and Mn. Robert Leaper. and Bill Leaper. - ’•-Bol«emnd-h. ................

one-fourtb mile east of Fivepolnts'east. -----------------------------

■niey were married Sept. 8.1858, at Greenfield. lo. and came to Idaho in 1016 where they have farmed, near PUcr, Kimberly andTwin Falls. _____•They have three daugmers, MS7

O. A. Mcoulre. Seattle. .Wash, Mr*. X. R. Coonu. Twin Falls and Mrs. Uelvln EaiiRger. Tn'ln Fall*; a son, Orval Gray. Inglewood. Calif, and elght grandctUldrenand I tn great-grandchildren.

luesta no presents.

Udlea of the Grand Annj » llie;Republlc will meet al IrSOp, fisturday for a eolfeo hour »t ij, American Leolon...hrt:. .n n ^ business mtVting will be hdtj J;30 p. m. ■

♦ ¥

Family Gathers-DECLO. Sept.-3-A reunion i the descendants of the Inte Boi>: mon and Ellen Judd Hansen held here Monday at the hotn« tf Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Darrtmat All the daughters and'sons of li,coupla-wert-presenl----------------. A dinner, waa served at now u

Uie rest of the time was spent Itlng. ........- . -.

Out*of-<l#lo. relatives Inthj« Mr. and Mr*. Sidney Wray « children, Richland, Wash.; John Worthlln, Las Vegu; u

Mesa. AriT -Hansenn , vU!e. Calif, and J. C. Hansen, 6i Lake City.

and Carol Peterson, all Murray, Utah, and Mr. and Mis-Nell Fer* rell, George Reed, Mr. and -Mr*. Lynn Lund, Katiiy Yost and Car­rol Yost, all Salt Lalce City, . .

Anniversary Is parked by Pair

..tiiimhly U0O_atIi]

~Mr.” ind Kr»r'Hennan~nJud) Rolh observed thdi^silvenreddlng

~ - wllh a recep-.»~j_atJh'eir lume.'Mr. ahd-MrS; Junior RolBTlhelr *otrana-dangh- ter-ln-law, were In charge of ar-^aiijicu.ihio. . * ' '

A four-tlred cake., baked and iecorated_by_».niece. Valla Mae

ff,_Mlddt etur^ l ea. and~~ar- unents of pink Elfe rase* and

Upeni decorated tha lacerangements o pink tapera covered table.

I^reshmenta were served by >iii5*~Hoti*ef'and• OIan» Wdenan;

Junior Roth arranged the gitts. i -Out-of-town guasU.were from' Filer. Buhl. Rupert and Mlddle-

jK n .______________________ ...

Meeting, Dinner Noted at Milner

MILNER. Sept. a - Mrs. J. E Neuman entertained the Pilend- shlp circle last week at her home. itull n il 'ta s aiuweitd 3n women's'suffrage. The- hostess gift w u received by Mr*. Les Rose. Ttie next meeting will be held at the home of M n. Jama Sargent. —MfY^nd-Mrfc^anuim-Watt-en- lerlaln*'l'al“a~dinnerlast week-ln honor orthe llCT.-and Mrs.-Martin Helnlcke SJid "dailjntei, Aiiituii. and G e o r g e Dingle. Lewlsion. Mont. Olhet guesta wera Mr..and Mr*. J. E Neumann.

Care o f Y o u r Children_ _ _

. Letting chlldren_alone_ls all right al the right. Ume. Alone- neas, periods of aellvlty, of- Idle­ness, unlnUrrupted by the Inter­ference of other* 1* essenUal to the mental and physical welfare oI everj-body and that,

school and family. aUowed them they are likely to become confused and fatigued, with unhappy result*.

But, no matter how good a method, how acceptable the p a t -___

in our jociety. They need leader­ship, guidance. dlKlpllne as oc­casion demands. 'Rils tneans..tbat there are times when they are not

..................................er_wlse.roperrlslonr-That-ls-ODly-pWa' common sense.. amaU child pulls- the cat's

tall. His punishment Lt Ukely to be swift and direct and his mother

that. All through life, he will be tempted to pull life's Uil~the that ttmpts-ua all.M -taEIIf

warning' him. by highllghllngTiU e x ^ e n c f* bythfcking-hls-way- wanlnoss we can laitll some degree

iderstaoding of life's way wtUc

worst it affords. When we do that we can leave'hlni alone when he is occupied within safety limits.

There are time.i when authority mus) be enforced, The child who abuses the family pel must be. cheeked aharply. The boy who goes out in Ihe evening without per* mission, without so much as say­ing where he~^ going must bJ stot>ped where he' is, promptly. The girl who helpe herself to her moth­er’s lipstick, the boy who tn'kes his father's neckties, mun be stopped and instmcled to re.ipect otherp^opt»‘ihjpnipfrty-anrt-lhrli‘ -ytfhM

pA«lmi«^point out the chlld'» llm Itatlons of >eharlor and send him back where.be.beloog8.M a.chlld:.

of the family.Letting a child alone k fine as

alblllty for deciding. When he usesi his free time in sport with good'

works wllh his tools,-RaiU, arranRfts his collections. !

s TI)--H5X’ SCO«t^Ttt«Tntll7Tinte5; ...Jrhirrrlena.-iwniu nii spftre; time in- v

„ ......................................siutrttnlBr H Uk. I. fciM kl(h«f/rt r-fS. 'Th4 l’* l/ Ctrrlttl. ,)!•

Page 14: Ceunlr Nfwipcptf -TWiJf-PAL-LSi Ith^HQ^TiIURSDAY^SmE^mEIt ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · ttt tn Boise was “of sre»t«r in- aslty” according to records


FM ANeE- LocalMarket ^hews Lktifr

h - S f o ^ -L a RKET a t * G L A N C e

» ^ , 'r J i ? ~ . 'n ’terntrmu hald

PfeC.'slHkilf ' 1*-»N

iftr., ii.oa-si.oo I (t*4>

Kkcn tild ti>RuUliaBbxra mlfbl .rklM lh« lilMounl

-whtt II (Unn on ktni to nitniWt“ *r foar (>«f « » l l*>. tl<

_ir.dlr» uJn k*ft Ih# cn.rk.tI nuklBf for cMlIonKn mM •ml xrUi* Inl<KLad pnlilfffit *tii1 111* li

' n Aft PtluftAQl lo #Kl^d CClU Muf. U<.lonc..l/*Wr <1iImU. malon, tlm.

UI iB'j oil* ^ /Mlur»d on l>i> don t w tb« BtirkrI atMrM onelktr iba

KUo'Bi liilnoli, Tctii IniinimipMiwlUmo WooMrl,l(*. »li», U. 8. SimI *nd Youniitown. lonf llii o( iHun, IncludliK n

Kt »lrgUl>. «uffir«<] la«n nmnln

, 'gp t iiioil trtrtMn. An ton ••• tnoihtr of iht ■(!['• 1 CiMlir tuxk prirn lneIuH*<Ii« C«rbia< KI. >J» %; Allltd IIS

_JUi Inl«fBillonil S»U lit. ur >'

brT>«^Hr-¥ot»nr«iroff IH': Soeoiif

................ .......— - SHi, off n i;^ n u * ud Nubilll* SOU, off I*i; I ^ U e >n3 W »t«m -BJ5r’-ofr ll| Eibtm I>kdlls W i. oa-XU_______

MCDO|U u. penena n»ctr1e

**" 0<r 3; Mftrun eompuiy i; OwrM-tUlnola oti Oil. *ft m : Ti*a* m i.

Ei(d rtMnxr.tronr-lTW.OOO-thnrf*

[m w t o u stock u c o a x c b . w Yonr. 8«*.» o jp n -L u iiiU .d Ckra UI. MalStlrr. tVA'. csd i j « N . ip u t

- i S ^ V c S t S " ^ ,... AtrllKM - t t -VoT Amtr At- IIH m « i i K.r ?«:»!« 4»< n CranueM llin NW AlrllBM ......

T ' . i v p o - f A n l rT D r r v D v V u l i :

IDAHO rALU mAiid **r'- *

on‘! rtUl' :t!o 3!rS0 ' cK.>!r> X>trifrn, :i;S'CTS;«:- fO<wl fu hrit.Vi 3.0»-:i.M: ronimmlil r»>l. 1b.0»>I>.i>A lllllr ceot. [<.O i;.SO: cu iIk -u »

I, ;s-St.uo; lloliuin

d t^tlrr h -

OCDENOcnrS; (UPI)-Cilt1»

0 urir Min; t»l.««. lOj •

It. u«*h-«•Uu(hl<r

I hrtxllnc

Mwti-tuovir •Iu-luludM.(*«.lati — * (irrl^ (mm nrir 1° lh> ««*k:

ti.oivu.M: tliui

I.IM;' iliuMfr Rirlni lir n W ir : oll>»r e tun not MUbllthxl «” l,7.1«fWrr .prlnrUmU »,OO^Uti

LOfl ANGELKflAWnrT.TSTKrpCi fx m -ra w> »i>M> tg«; aloir. iinilr b— - . - «|II||J>—•MUSi

mi lb. Knieiti‘tlivthur IB.flO:l.n<l»rt h.tf»r« cuU.f. do-iiI 17.091 hich Vlllltr >nd ramnorrltl

<»• lUO-tt.M: utllltr! !3 K iK ^ s s r i . r ; ? „ s " , s - ' s w ‘; s i a v i a . f t ‘ .7.‘„ s»I .w JJJ64I.M. • ----------------------

lion itUbI* aoBti nsmlBtl: tma < hold»rm VS No. I and I aooa 4«MI n.-«lMdr at t.Mi mMlIuin.U Ke.I* Itn.-».M..............7 -----------6bMp Mlabla Mna; thmdIbU.

OMAHA. Rn>U'l »IV-(URDA)-ni>rf).ChOOi hcrreai and illu moallr M I'------«jwa'aI~df'ioH l»-.ri-N«, I . -«M « lb. hjtciiui :oo-»ol>.-ltM;.aa>a.US4ia-JtK.^UfcltOfl.

C*ttlf I.IM; r>l>M lOO; alndr lo w»k'! tiaaan; r<^ ond n.rr •! ■ mnd

- Grains•cmCAoo. s»9t. » ‘ Ui’ ij - M l'pro»M»d br.»» cplln.l.llf ir

•lUiiuta dropprt »»•« ffain prtr»» li»l ba ChltMo bo«rd of tra.l..Ibr floal halt. wbMi «u .■ncl'Uiitd " 'i- '

- 0«ld U Uiaji la;

flgV i of”M lll« f«‘f‘>*»J I" Tb» mi

_^£ec:::Acti.oiiTliere «-tu 4 very llRht otrcrins

of choicp (Ml alrert Rnd Inl helfm on WfdnCidiy'a Tikln PnlU LlvC' Stock CommUalpn company murkel ullli svalluble (yp«* Klllnu in line wtih oUicr marlcf(,v More action u

Icxpccled.on cJiolM.ifld stMr&-«nd hfUer* iifxt week.

A sroup o( Mountain City. Nev.. cuttle »otd MronR to tl.oo lilRher. HfAvy ucisht tna meaium qunllty catti? were slow U> »c'I. Ycarllns Icedfr lifKerj were ftLw *loa'; cows Mid good «nd hlrons. 'i1irrr_uM,B Vnill run 01 iiicep mtHirc ninrket

CABII CiKAINciiicAco.baniH. Ka.J rrf I.Wt, ftomln. Cor-: hl«h.r. No. I

O a i i ! . f ^ o . i »>iri )<Hrai Une>i»n»a<'- Nn. I u i,l„ ! . HHtli.* 1.1M

ft^ M-I.OI

Goodio low choice M«r*. »25J^ 12(!ilQ: cojiimfrr.liil to loff.goojL .■ $23.00>t}S.S0: utility ctccrs, $18.30- \ j r j o ; lea-JiDUtMn tu rn . J21.00' J2325; Kobd ip. cholcc lielferi, $:4.00-KS.75; commerclnl to low good liclfcr . J21.00-J23i0; utllltjP

$l7i0-j21.00; coiiimcrclftl....... inAO-JlO.75; utilityJl5.03-$n.00: 'ciimicra and cutter*. {13.00 •tlS.OO; commercial bulla. »:t.00-J23,W:,.utlllty liullii, JJO.OO. 121X10; tlsht bulb. $lG.0O««l9.OO; hcnvy feeder niecr*. l23i0-»20.«: llRht feeder steer*. I2000-t20.«: conimon Qunllty Rtccrn. <32.iO>)2S; ............... steers. I1Q.00.J23.00;

n ih u - ' CIO.. PfCio..

iM\k1MU 1M-;

u tt _ u i H 1-n^

__________ TTH;----TTTsi-Mar _ I J * ' l . « ' i 1.1«S 1.J6UU>7___ 1115*__IJI _lJ«li.VU4'.4’•tir _ u » i.u'.i i . : « i iiv2

..... .........loB, fob (rack rorUandrallov. auUra i«.M: Barirr Vt. t, 4(<lb.

44.0»i Na. 1, l*ro»d 0

Iralk. l»-d*r ablp>n>n(.‘ it«|[v*t>d «ou(i Kofi wMl« l.tli Sofi-whlU tiatd «»siU. l.»l: Whlu Club l.»l.

Hart llfd Wln:»rl Ofdltii... ...........« r t ^ l ro ., J,

Itaxl nt>ll« Baartli Or lnarr i-i r p t r 'e « r i ;K j -jr t i^ " «n r i .t n vMr-*n‘ • *■floiiV

Anena atpt. x u<7— v>dmi <i

irMn.fTTH.w. Nd.'j.

ikaiiio ;llKhl feeder hoKem.-Ki.OO-JTJXlO; common lie U e ra . S2l.00-t24.00; it«c.ci>lvca^33.00il38j)0;-common cuftllty Mecr calven J20.00-I32.00; heifer calves. J20.00-J30i0; vtal- ers. J20.00-Ul.00, nnd feeder cows, Jf5.00-«l«i0.

rntu for:nrxt Wfclnw- lelude Kensey nnd Me-dny's'Bale Include Kensey

Intlr'o feeder cattle from Rock CrMk,-Mver«i-«U»er-«roup9-frwtt Bock Creek and 43 head of choice yearlinc steers from

FRi»pr7<JT56una*rTniRtnjterom; J3».00.m tmd-S20JK). B14:-Gcoree Irland, $28,85, 714, tuid $28.00. 810;

$27i0. 857: Kni-1 Rntcllff, J38.10, 'I8B,-M»d-|27J5,-814.-im«l-Oet»r(te

J25.80, 851. and. Don Bli $25.60. 7 « -._HU8h Blrroth received *30A5_for f e e d e r lielfcrn'averagtns 6 «

[...1. B/>and OeorBB Irliind, J20J5. 022, and $25.00. C02. all Mountain City, Nev, and .Walter Ehlcra. EJen. 128,10, 68a^J3cot£C_CBncr..Fllcr._|25,BjL 674; Bill ■WtlMiuiT*, Twin FWts, $2530; 620; HiuoW Estes. Wendell. $25.80. C25: Oroco Pclrcy. Juhl, $25,78,475, and Hnnlclns-Mid-jUmls; Twin Falls. J2S.10, »35. -01eBO_am.-Buhl,j£cdYC(LI31J for stcer..LCfllyea—PTcnurtng— 41 pounds.

IChatter-—NEW-YORK—8epU ?Tho stock market Is Involved in a tut(-of>war between caution and,

confldeiwe, says

. Ti notes this situation has been furtlfer complicated by tho strong* ly-mlxed acnllment-exlstlufc to-

.........'•7lflUllI-ElOUU~ftnd"^B-'. ..^toa_Xoaoxjii-otiUu-lnff wrsH awnlyylnj-

n Its merits..The firm says tlghler money, the

iteel deadloclc and-developments on-the-itttemaUonal-«eene-are-ln> fluenclriK Investor psycholoity to ward tho Bide of caution while (he underlying health of the eoonomy, plus the inflatlonjiry provisions wlUch miRht be Included In a steel settlement, «re .drawing this

?eholosv the other way.- M. Loeb, analyst for E. P.

y. Miv.1- the averaBo hai"

FinarHonor Paid BuHl Council'A s h e F A T tM c h e ll l a .-i - » j

LasfHbnotHeia S tu a efitT o t zJnriylisd&itirer

AW ornriKitot.,OrvanlAt and *uIO!st- w u Mrs.

:elllc Cblrom B«hcoii.' ------------Active pallbrnren «(re Robert

OteenAlaif. Robfft Lelehllter. Ar- Uiur.BOckttllz. Don Polity, Fioj'd White and u T, Oclilffsen.

llotionio' p.illbfiircrs Included Leonard Bnerion. Rnlph Tulloch. Uoyd MMOn, Robrrt Crowley, B. L Crowley and A1 Nrlu>n.

Conclusion rllu wen held- at un«t MemonaJ purk,

liivestpckSak: lioslv

ciL_StreetsBUHL. Sept- i-ClOieni

Juesdny nlRht'wlth the Buhl city "cwinaHo.rajuesl a local improve-

lent road oil dlstrlci-be formed 'riia« attending. who live on

*rvriitli. clKliih nnd ninth dtrect ft»lted to have .itreeta-and croi ttrcct^ olt finished wlUi curljUiR and xldrunlks liutalled. ncsldrnl.i on upper 14th street wanted the road JUihhf<f. : '

;ll members explained the-expense and procedure involt fd. Motlnc a petition would lim W b r dniun up for tftCli bluck and miiilll U'tp iim he xlRnaturei. :of ao~iicrccnt-of piBperiy-wrntra ln~th^~TiTTa~beforc-npr~ nrttcm

Any property'owniT iinpnjvRiiCiii. .'.liiniiQ'

roniact Urmnrd Stnrr. city elrrk, the Duhl city hall, to hi

JHqsilON'S-iijpt,.?—-n^-Ura^ ..Rlrii•si~frora” a'Uenaed.-«nr-^if!ge»i---------

tl;e Shoshone

necewary petition drawn iin.

saleyard Monday In the htatorj- of Inntliutlon. marklne the'flrst

ho attended In hope.i of ninnlnR tlie calf whlcli wa.'\ Riven tway. Marilyn SHva received the Holstein heifer whlcli »he will u.ie in 4-H work for next year'* fair.

Frlexen snid finlrA amounted to IM7.7ja,M for the day which. I# V large figure for any tale yarti In the are*. Tlicre were 470 head of catUe. 138 head of sheep and 107 hog* Uken throuRh the ring.

'mp^Bt cowi lirouRlil (27M per hundredwelRht. Rood to choice fat

J25i0, common cow* $18 to tlfi. uUllly cows $15.25 to $17.00, and canners and cuttert SI2.35 to tIS29.

-Young *Uer calves brought up to »30.75. Holstein feeder steer* «en t at J30 to $31.50. and j}olsleln steer ealves J21XH) to J23.75..

. repotl: ibmltted. Council mem'

bers approved hnUng a 2.500 lU' men lump Installed In the alley back of U><»-Bulit-yo'Ul>-cenler

Councilman Dale Chrlitenwn portrtl on tlie Lions club din meeUiit: he attcndcd-At Ihlt me Ing tlir.Lions citib proposed flxjii;!

Ice skallfig Hiik In the old icn- court by the Buhl swImniiiiR

pool, No action on this matter « taken by the council.'

BuJldlnif pennlbi were iMiied .. Robert L. EKRlestonTfor remodel­ling hi* TesWence; Joe Kodesh. lo construct a Rarnge; Robert Bailey,

“ a pBtIo and .room lo hw ce;' Smith's dairy, to Insiall

______electric sign; Curtis Chev­rolet, repairs to garage: Frank E.

• trt1llt7WaymomJell. to build a garaKe. nnd H. B. Schooley, repairs lo reil. ■deniT.---------------L.",'— --------- -

went as'hlRh sa j350, wiUi manythem eligible ’____ ' '

registration pa< pers.

Fat hogs brought a top of $15.80

U SE J - ^ O L O N I A L

. BELLEVUE, Sept. 3 - Funeral senlces were held at 2 pjn. Thur*» doj- lor M ri.Zva Pulirtr. at the Cnmtnnntij' PifjU>teiian~cnuren with the Rev. Frank Ru.ucll of- flclatlnc,

Mrs. Ival Olbbens and Mr.i. nus-

jTrcrc by mi-mlien of Mf.y- flower Ilebektth lodse.,

Piillbearer* were Ward llpfk, Lejter Larsen, Everett O’Donnell. Mlllon Schafer, Clarence McNary and Roy Klti. ,

Concluding rites were conducted by members of Mayflover Rei?tkah M rc wldi .Mrs. Delbert 9lmi, act ' iR as noble grand.

mini rite* were In tlie 3cllevue cem^ierj'.

-lR i.At Laidlaw Park

■At Sho.slione:SHOSHONE, flept, 3-6tudeat • ,

Teglitratlon at Shoshone sch»U has lncreaMd over last yeah' ac­cording to Supt. Ralph Vlller*. ■

Tliere are 383 students In tho elementary grades at Uoeoln I ,jic]iool;D2.in tlio junloc-hlgh, and , IC3 Id the high Khool for a total of 538 student*.

The first live grnden at the Lin­coln school are divided into two rooms wltli a total of 57 studenta' In flrxt grade, 61 in the second, 49 In the Uilfd. 40 in the fourth. 47 In the fifth and 39 In Uie dxlh

In Junior high there_aro 6a -ln - th_e' »wnth_grn'3^anrl_36_in Jhtt.

38 Bopliomores and 36 senlon. superintendent V lllm * ■ l d

there are four new senlon. fivo ' new juniors, four n

or land mangi:cmcnt-in~ci»rtrr atlorr with Laldlnr park llcenieca have completed nine miles of truck trail and fire break, repaired two VMerrnlra and ronsiructed new stock watering re.n the Lfildlaw pwk-unli. reports Harley M. Handy, acting district raiiKc manager. .

Bids have been.-iMlvertlaed to plow and seed 3,000 acre* of range land In the West BIIas unit, and UOO acres In the North Blls.i . . Fences are being removed and re­located'In the North Btlaa and

Bliss , units to conform to better management units, aid in more- uniform utllliation of Ihe forage, protect, ndw aeedlngs and prevent livestock from drltilng| across highway 30 '

_The enrollment of 57 first grad­er* Is the. largeit In the memory - of faculty members.

Tin x iow n .E EESSEN. Oermany, Sept. 3 (UPI)

—About two-mllllon East Oermans have fled lo W «t Germany *lnce 1S50, the Inalltute for'Economlo . Research reported today; - .


KILLINGER fL E C T R IG ^Fbone BE 3-5128


FARMERSFor Fasf Efficient Control

. O f Aphids in Alffllffl..CqU .— GEM 4PRAyiN64ERVICE—

RE 3-3206 -CheclrYour Fields-NOWI-

Jceder_lambfl-wtnt_ftt $l0,0Q..ner hundredweight.

Jim MesswamlOi, Jr.. Jerome, .WBi -auctioneer. Ring men were

«jjd Hlgo ward. Nampa,—3onirlla7tjrownenir»'l«iunpa salesyaid, and hi* bookk'eepv.

clerical work.Local people who have worked at

lhe_aaI«yard_ln_thB_paJi( .were Dorothy flUva.,cIerlt:.C8rl 'Riiey. weigher i-W*rvln-coUr-y>fd .man;. Mrs. Hazel Cole, bookkeeper, and Keith Jackson and Jolm Umitia, receivers at the yard.'

’Thf nvotr and th« mti were introduced before th e 'u le started by e. L. Gome*, s ecret^ ot th*-Wood Hlvtr Livestock cor- IwrnataiTTrWeh: lud'owned the yard before Its (ale to Harris. | j:-Erlesfn:Bt*nsiale* ev?ry_Mon- day ewept on iioUdaye. Labor day Is' the only Monday.holiday~forUie remainder of, the year.

S m a t6 E .S u g g e S £ ;_ Y j e a f ; l H ) n g _ M e e t

WA8HIN0T0N, 8ept, 3 W -O p- po3lnir-Ti-ieatter»hlp-drl»B for-an early adjournment. SenTHuBcH^ Humphrey, RTinnilT^tlW "IMny congresj-ought to “ grow up" and

Sweet Pickledunusual-SatUTday and Labor day «f.».<lnnn In a drlTO-tn yft.COtlgrCM

It of towu uy sept. i!i."My Tlew U that congress ought

to grow up to Sli'rejponalblUtles and recognise that the times de- RiKnd^thit‘ It glay ort"ltio Job throughout the year," H um ph^ said In an laterrtew.

2 Men Are Held On Ifare Charge

■EL PABQ.-Tkl. Sept.-3 (PPIJ— __ „ ___» - f t — _________

fomla were tioder 15,000 bond each

Whole or Holf

^ R K -R O A T M b pBoston Butt PORk

Roast u 35cPORieNECK

Bones 3, 25'

PORic:.45iSmoked PORK

H iSW E fc43- £ h op s1 2 sa =

Page 15: Ceunlr Nfwipcptf -TWiJf-PAL-LSi Ith^HQ^TiIURSDAY^SmE^mEIt ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · ttt tn Boise was “of sre»t«r in- aslty” according to records


Football Returns to Area California Miss. KellyAthletic Scene With Four Two Games-Froij]ftames SlatM on Week-End In Pan-American Games- H ig h «ch oo l 'fo o tb a ll returns to-M aR ic V alley in .th reS ^ orm s-F riday n ifiht and com - p let«fl the firs t week-end schedule w ith n t o p f lig h t ba ttle Saturday in a kind o f sneak prev iew « f full scale action n ext week.' F o r the f ir s t tim e in m a n y years, an e lg h t- a a n gam e w ill bo available f o r appctators v^hilc fo u r C ross State m em bers are gettin gA.___±1.__>____ ___1- — A an— -to a e to e r f o r a jam b oree at Jerom e. A th ird non -league g am e la set f o r Shoshone. S a ^

. . . . . . u rday n l^ h t th e ^ Falls

B u li l E ieldJG fiiieral

i b e 5 i n S 2 S M ^ S 3 u u s « M p * M ^ ? b ? i i e ^ I n Uio Cron BUt« iM fM thlf Tew. MmUoek, who U oolr** JtwJor t»it tUU lh« retomlBf refnUr,qBmrterb«ek. Is deaOlr ob the T-rornugoin«i»rtw--

- k lcU u . Miittock'Ud tbe InSluu win we' U>«tr fln i BoUoh wbea tber bott the T*ltt Fella Brslnt Setnrdey nlftal. (BUft photo- « » f « T b f ) _________ _________• •

Througha^ DietrichD I E T R IC H r^ s p trS ^ A lth o u ffh the D ie trich -B lu o-D ev -

Jlrat gam e F riday n ig h t. D ie­tr ich w ill m eet G r a n d v ie w a t BMsJtessed IIperleace In the beUtndd end *t

'en d potlUons but'wUl'seed help trom seveomen to till In the other

la^thB becklleld a re .q u a rter^ . Lowell Anderson, t liS-pound sen-

lor wltb two letten. said hsllbftcki . 'Blek Aslett. » iw-pound Junior. _ and Sd Dormler. s liA-pound Jun-

*Ior. BOUj Iuttwoq two letters.ProTldlns'expeilcnce t i end

Deo Aslett, 14»- p ^ d

_______s. Boundlnj out the vet-« n n Urt U P«t McClure, a MO-

• poond Jnnlcr guard who hs* won

Stewut DftTls, Bob Rinehart. Au- iMiT^Jones end Udell Mcseiry who p«(»a~ti}s DeTU»io'UieIr~-b«ilTiM* erd tn miny rears.

the loss of % 19M regular who un>

sgrieultunl spra>-s on floh and wUdlUe, the other lor research Into the habits of mignitory gune flab la coastal waters.'

The spray bill, by Hep. Lee Met- cair. D , Mont; would authorise — ftpproprltttlon-of 13^60,000 to «

Ihe liOUie. ■

derwent surgery rccenUy and Is expected to be out for the s e a ^

llCnninrftU. at Dlelriai: Sept;-2<. Dictrtch-nt Btlss: Oct 3. Bllu at Dietrich, and 0cl.':fl.-ZD!ei«flliTat:2ellBvufl-T?5 second and fourth games o( the alate.wllUioLcount-JnJhe_c^^_i ence standings.

O d d s -O n F a v o r i t e T a k e s V i c t o r y i i T H m b l e t d n i a n

DU Quom. HI, Sept. 8 tR»tJn^'i iir f le d ~ b y -shoe.—odds-'on

choice DUler Eanorer 'ecored a -stnUght-heat Tlctoty worth I73.«<n WednMday In the Kmnbletonlan. ma>e»t hamea race in hUtory. ^

TOe bay son of Star^ Pride ^ost______ . j his right front foot atabout the three-<iuarter pole of the second heat but It didnt stop him fn m the final dash in.a:Oi- *-h.

DUler Hanorer, a bargain at IS^OO, withstood the t ir e t th c^ -

dattbt abmit-ths ifmnri ,hr«t-but . X- w u • little afraid.of Tie Silk

•*;r the ■nrst tlme.“• _aaie DlUer..Hftnovtr-ErTla coci-

■‘ m p w ed .too tnutii for J* “ -w»4n4hls S4lh rcaeuiU ol

• biggest race (or S-year* ra.-worth llZSiH-

tho colt In tavomble position until the three-elRlilhs of a mile poet Then Ervin made Kls move.: Tiimlag. Inlfl^tlie .strclch.with

Tlff SUron the drlTC, OlllerBon- over edged over Uie line by a neck.

Jn the second henu Ervin made hU move a little later, brlnglnii DUler to the front about the three- quftnfr_*Eoi_nnd_Icftvlng

rday . „ . . - . _____B riiins. ju s t beginning—to com prehend ^ w orkh igs o f alSfiw. system , w ill. tc5t_the pow erfu l “

CHICAGO, Sept.'SJ/PV-^The unlikcly com binatioh o f a pretty 20«year-old m iss .from California and a w iryTvcw 'firigraria schoolteacher set.thft v ictory pace W ednesday .for the Unittfd States in the Pan-A m crican gnmea. C om peting in an equestrian event usual­ly the domain o f cava lry o ffice rs , Miss Trish G alvin o f Santa Barbara w on the dressage gold medal. T he C a liforn ian beat three crack r id ers from the Chilean arm y. J ohn K el» Icy, 29, o f G roton ;' Conn. who standB ^ -feet, 6 in ches and' weIghB-125," w on thenmrsthon-io—th»-gam«s^ecord . tima.of.2:3::54J-for-tho-2« mile, —^ j^ a r m e. Tt^ compares fov'

the lu t OljTnplcs of 2:25:00.- - - the first Ume an Amerlcun

won the maratbon In Pan- Amertean or olTmDlc comoetiUon since-lWft-when-yohn-J^-HBy« took the prize, at 'the London Olympics.

In-all, Uie United Slates won mr more- gold medals in track

»y Hednttday_thtce—ia —sidmmlae •^wSdiwlth Mlis Oalrln's contrl

builon and vxo In sliootlng brough Uncle Sun's total to 43 gold med­als. 29 silver medals for second and 17 bronze for third.

The neareit rival is the Wes Indies Federation with one gold (our silver and< seven bronze medals.'

The track and field aspect the games concluded Wednesday In the men's evenls tlia Unllei SUUs grabbed a total of IB medals. Fifteen games records


White Sox SwcfJ

Detroit TigersBy Tbe Assoclsted Frtn

The league-leading C h icago W hite Sox dynamitMr,l tro it w ith 11 runs In the f i ft h inning of iht n i c ^ l W ednesday n ight fo r an 11-4 victory after wiiippinwl T igers 7-2 in th e f ir s t gam e o f a twi-night d o u b lth i ii A scream ing crow d o f 43,237 watched the C h ica ^ i

Reds Dampen Pirates’ PennantHopes by Sweeping JJoubleheader

By The Assoflitert PreisThe Cincinnati B eds, w h o hfld swept only one dpubleheader all season,'hung a one-

tw o punch on P ittsbu rgh 's pennant hopes W ednesday n ight as they w on both , ends o f a twi-night tw in bill from the Pim tes, 6-3, and 2-1. E lroy F ace, P ittsburgh ’s un­beaten relief.p itcher, gave up (he hit that provided th e Reds with their m argin o f vic­tory in the opener but he wasn’t charged with the defeat. The blojv w as an eigh th inning .homerun b y W illie>y WJones after V ernon L aw had yielded-singles to Gus Bell and 'Prank Robinson. Johnny

' jmd-Varfa.Pln.ion:s

in'ln the night-cap.Jackie Brandi slammed % solo

homenm.wlth one out In the last of -the nlnlli. giving the San Francisco Qlants a 4-3 • victory over (he Chicago Cubs. A croiM of 16.422 watched the National

home stand.BraJidfs blttsl. hU 12th homer,

off reliever Don Elslon and climaxed an aflerooon In which two other Olanis hit the baU out or'ihTpuymg'neid.—

Big Sam Jones, who i -the-ftlnih -M -t fe ' ~ rlth-two-»

gained credit for his.16th victory

checked In along'w'lth-soisB prozA- Iftliig sophomores.

Caccla said his biggest Jaycee tnuisfera are CalKomlans, Includ- lnR^6lH>«lnd'FeItan^enh«5y^« c-Toot 4-inc3t end frort~C6iTwi» or "■ Mateo, Calif.; guard Tom

a 230-pound transfer from rj Junior college:

“ ■ rad_cent«r . . . . . and tackle

Jtm Weeks 230, San Joee JO.Highly touted tnuufcrs to the

' backfleld aro Eddie Ver-Ran o { Ung Beooh; Don?f>apen>

r\- bet»>of-Baker8fleldrand-*-p(iii“ of quarterbftda-J roM Mesa—Jonlor college. Grand JuncUon, Colo.. Al­ien Hancock -and Jim Schneider.

BOWfa^NGClan-son Construction spilt with

Pacific—Prult, • 3-3: SeuUiworth Prod, defeated Coca-Cola. 3-1: BlectHoPiimp defeated Twin faUs

the-United States.Ray Norton of Oakland. Calif.,

-was Uie Individual star of.tcock. Ht B-on halh th» 1W> nnrt ?rHl nnH anchored the winning 400 meter reiny for a total of three gold medals. —

A surprise occurred In tennis. yQlnnda-Ram!ret-and--Rosa-Reyes of -Meiieo captured-the ~ women's ^oiiTjles-title 'by "deleallng Altltea Olbson-of New York and Knjol Pageros or cocoanut Grove, Flo., B-8, 7-S, 0-1. . ..T3n-bBsetmltrthB:ajnltea-:StHtes clobbered' Costa Rica 28-0 and Venezuela was scarcely less mer­ciful in beating BntU 14-1.

Doniieinricli May Be Sent ToXreenJBay

ifEW YORK, Sept. 3 W -A fter t!aylng_for six seasons_ In the *- ■ f_oCCfetcUn*-;'Chiiirt Con-

Tlie la s t , place Philadelphia Phillies clobbered four Milwaukee hurlen for 18 hiU and an-ll-S

place Braves four games behind the .Notional league leading 43an Francisco Giants.

Robin RoberU went all the way lor-the-Phillies-to-chaik-up-' ' 12th %1ctory'ngalnst-15-<lefe«ita.- govTuFIO nitsTTSTBtirdette-vos charged with the defeat, giving

im a record of 15-14 for the year. Red Schoendlenst, Milwaukee

ttcondibSitmBirrwhprwwatricken with tuberculosis last fall, made his flnt appearance In a game thu year as a pinch hitter in the 8mnlh^He_gol - '

Co-op, 4:0;. Kitnberiy_Roafl_Bia- clalr dMeated NaUonal Guard 3Vi- l>i; Klaos and Klaas defeatedcuiiigan-sott-wiitCTrrTnnsimF

erly, Bremerton's All-America Don Heinrich may be headed fjx5m the New York Giants to the Green B aypucletar

...^ Los Angeles'Dodgers spot­ted et. Ldula.a four-run lead. Uien

I back to score a S-0 victory kept them m games behind •plaee San Francisco, the process the Dodger pitch- '«taff estabashed & malor

___ e sWkeouti record for r sin­gle ecason-by 'extending Its total o-m.-Tfie^old-weord-of-BSfl-was«rbyu\#nM0T3tti0in5iarn=3~

Jim OUllam, Cbarles Neal anS linch hitter Carl Furlllo drove inttn niTM’ iLpIwi for thw D< '

z.ltuniora.wcrc:illcJYedne«^j.tit the Giants' training camp tliat ” ;lnrleh will go on Uie pro fool-

infaaing^lock. arid probably 'fjlihd-wHh-tfte-Pitekera where-for-

mtr Oiont aide Vlncc Lombardi laKlaas and.Klt\as, 834; high handi­cap team game. Klaas and Klaas, 684; high _handlc«p_Uflm_aerlea. Southwonh' Produce, 085; high scratch - team series. Klaas and Klaas, 2,T74.-

Valley League Hostess Cake defeated Tlraes-

News, 3-::-'AsgTow production de­feated 0. C. Anderson's 3-1; Won­der Bread defeated The Fur Shcp.

VAMr n nvgR Vancouver Mountles scored six

jn jhesfventll inning Wed-The reason? The Glants^flnd

themselves with an embamumient or-TlchES in-thr quttrtcrljact-Btotr

Conerly. 34, Is stUl slated to hold down Ihe No, 1 spot os he has for a dozen years. But two nen'comers, George Shaw and Lee Grosscup, have been playing nn Increasing­ly prominent rote In spelling off Conerly at quarter during p re .«a .


ncsday night to defeat t h c T ^ and Beavers 0-5, The victory-kept

Vancouver within one came of the eaim e"leadlng-5air^V e“ C;ty

Bees. •

Glenns Ferry Counts 0n-Under classmen™

GLENNS JE R R Y , Sept. 3 -A n c h o r c d IjJ only liv e son- iors and given impetus b y a num ber o f sharp underclass­men, the Glenns F erry P ilots are given cham pionship nods In flnmi. rnrnflr. nnH fntfi fl, ‘ ‘ilnrhbfu-fifi" tflg..hy.aUJn.ihi»-upcomlng Little S ix conference season. Coach B ob B ellis- ton- welcom ed b a ck -1 4 -le t - termen, which includes the fivis seniors plus s ix juniors and - three—t o p ^ o p h o m a te pro.spect.s. The P ilo ti will

dell:...... ............ ......- 1 W

the team to beat by several coaches In-the- conference, coach Belllston doesn'l.see enough experjenc.e In

ship aspirations.''You need seniors to bear the

brunt of the punishment," Bellls-

Vfc » J-Mir nr >u,-n mrny ". In Terry Helwick, a 173-pound sophomore, the PUots have one of the brightest young backlleld pros- peftsin Mvei»l.year».aeis.count« ed' on for' much 'Of'the offensive punch.. BUt also needed In the offensive machine are Oil Walker, a three- y e a r - ^ l o r h a i n > ^ i r d ^ ^ ^

verslty wos going through tough defensive drills designed to offset the spllt-T attack expected from CamQmlfl-'la-Hifl-CongaraLj)penec Sept. 19.-. “ Well continue' to w rk fense through most ot this early period," said Coach Jim Suther* lBnar^cni-KorBa-3|-|»!nt3“oirus ilMEJE.esoK'ifBnnrBfrKieyrana

backs,-Carl 'm il, 200 pou n ^ and Tony-THpple,'a no-pounder. An

»d quarterback Is anll- Oary. Janousek. a ISO-

pounder. ‘ ' .In-the line are Jim Roice, 15S

pounds; osa Tomlch.-iflo .and Ken Thompsoo, 3lo pounds, all guards; Buzz Farris, 170 pounds and Sherman P«vek, 200 pounds and a sophomore,-at-tacklc;-PaIs young, iss pounds; Jack Rosevear, 173 pounds, and Bon Tliomson. 100 pounds, all ends, and Mom-

cenicr. ----------------------_____-l^ur^uf^r^6tjKBfi^5?el^^lob' 61ms, Rob Walker, Russle McAQ-


Cougars Have Defense^Drills—It-a 'M nnly thn wmnrt day . . football practice here Wednesday

you cannot win when you give up .that much, offense or ; fense."'

hlngtoQ Stato w asreco___e_QOhc_tiattt:3l££enil?e

teams tn tbs nation last year but didn’t find Itself defensively untU after the Cal game. The' Cougars thco-ahut-out-the-opfWilUoa-ln fouf o f ; ..............

lot schedule Includes Sept. 13, Glenns peny at Shoshone. (non- Olenns Ferry; Oct. 3, Glenns Pcr-

Glenns Ferry at Kimberly; Oct. 18. Shoshone at Glenns Ferr?; Oct. 23,-galley-at-Olfnns .Fetry. -and OctrjlrMurtangb^Bt'Olenns'I'tr-

jgtnes OT?r jjlllead to I Cleveland .';#ingle game frortf-Kar,'4, ^ |l - l n - t h e - s ^ W c i m a - J;iljhtiWtUng-Sox-v along submUtlvdv uiiaer inrte-mt iiiiciimr trolfs Paul Foyinck biicrt^

■ fleider Al Smith IHpgcrcati,? Inning explosloa aiiii - i ^ hnmrr. ^~ The nexl' lwa-laUtfil i

ut. . • • •. Then the Sox broke; !oaj J two'singles,' slowed 'do-«|5 Jim LandH — ” - -• 'out- - sU - sUnJght - uiislaT halted -tiuir atUck ssm t reliever .Tom Morgan Aparlclo with nn Inside piici, completed their Korln? i« bases-h>&ded trlpje by Ncb%\

Yogi Berra's two-nw' ,W Inning homer gave the Yankees the cushion tht for a 4-S victory over tlie ■)n Senators.

Berras homerun. his Uii lowed a leadoff single by Tcq bek olf loser Pete Ramca (« and broke a 2>all tie.

T^e Nats then scorcilninth, on Harmon KiaS dimble and a. sinK te.tjl Courtney, before Jim Coii^ winner relief, fanned plnchM Faye Throneberry and cctc hitler Hal Naragon on s d, ending grounder wJlh run on «ccnd. — - - _

'pitehnltfen-hll 4-0 aliutcut as thctl

Retf-eei-thrsano-thtiuilttil perch In the American letnd

The Red Sox had w o n e ^

season series'12-fl before b

the standings.

In relief to pojl his ISlb it and the Clevelanil Iridionia

. en hlU off fire I I Cltv.pllehgrg forn R.3 vlrln-r

Bell look over In the flti nlng from Herb Score, tbi with one out, the^bese*-* and two mns borne for Iht ieuo.-^tnehufofr the rillr.'i tD C m O w O M eT on JtP the third to fly ouu

With the exception of's — Inning homer by. DIek w d the Indians righthander kea«

i j i i r o ig T n T a e a m :— ^

Asks for Team.MONTEEAU^Bept,.

_nup. d .Jiontreal -bus!., has applied for a franchise projected third major ' league.- B y Rlthman, i buildlng—' J

tractor, said be hu been -n f spokesman for a ^ u p that l i i Ing to finance a mslor le s ^ If hero and already has »Urt« cl ping for ft manager.*


7ul season of-the boys to-remaln fit. An In­jury at any key spot could mini

...can't .beaftheselfood values!

Points, 3-1; Jack and Jeans fcated Asgrow Research. 4-0; high Individual gamis, Wayne Rile, 310;

ceeded In.being traded from the champion B.iltlm6re Colts, has caught the eye of GUnt Coach Jim Lee Howell, And rookie' Grosscup



hnnaieap team scries, Hostess Cfiki'nJS5 :'“ hl8h“ icraIcirT««m * series, Tlmes-News, 3.4P3. Bowler '' or-weck;-Waync.IUle,-5e«.—

GRIDDER-KILLED-TRINn>AD,“ Colo.rT5eptr3-tin= An accident on tlie Hrsl day of foatbairpractiee'took the life of Tem'Gentnej,' W,'pi'onils!tT,.Idad Junior collece freshman from Tucson, Aiir. His larynx was shattered when stnick by nnolhcr player's elbow during a condlUon- Ing drill. He died on the field.

able racing quarters at'the Du-<luotn State fair ...........

• ±is_ci»20S,784._Ervlt\. long fru.^tnited In hU at-,irrnpu.................................hts'cr



w of the ii.members'of the National Jockeys Hall of Fame were bom out.sldc the United SlBtes.-Ted-Atklasan and George Woolf were bom In Canada, and John Longden In England.

Mr. Slvirs;-

TRXD EO IO R N==== re=Havin An

^ ^N N IV E R SA R y^

tch F oritl-In-^MondavV-f -Tn News

Page 16: Ceunlr Nfwipcptf -TWiJf-PAL-LSi Ith^HQ^TiIURSDAY^SmE^mEIt ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · ttt tn Boise was “of sre»t«r in- aslty” according to records

e Fi^fl Expected to in Magic Valiev

rnitKl i

can lei,

• c Cfnv ‘n't!!;; I "»5 t,i t'lUf .

frT j^

3fn .^

B(113 t

it t td, In? i« Ncke(

'ICilit wia

Is UH.) byTcci »mca (B

plnch-tja sctR

Amateur Golf TournamentInalcfltlon* ^ Matfic Galley arfmtcur g o l f tournament w ere ai^j

Itjaront'Thursday with 40 entricH, many'.from eastern Idaho, havin? been received.by ■Efr chairman E d F ritz . The toiirnnment com m ittee Is hopeful o f a record

S ch en k N am ed | still Good I5v


■luO pertona in the fie ld , basing its expectations on converting the tournament, which I : , (tn on so^ by the Tim efl-News, from match to meilai play th is year. The number o f■ ------- — ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- early entries indicated the

150 figure may ke reached as the deadline for enterinB' iy 5 p.iiL Friday. However,Shoshone Stresses

Defens^iii Brillsf”!SH OSH ONE,-Septr8^Fundainental3 and' defense havfc

been the main course f o r the Shoshone Indians «s they ■ •' ' out i ng o f the y e a r Under new head


4 lot of hustle and.cnthuai- a«m,'' reporU W allace,, who luyed iw y cM Chln^'^l vt»r in Uvor of tryln* » ytar •» i loU preleuion*!. "We we noi 5kb cBoinh .-W e-h»v.-»^ut-« hiUoUyen we an.UM uld leet » fe wJtli. 17111 me»ni Ihe.yOTni, irwn kJ<U w*U pl»y »nd our Mne- 5a will be iprinUed wlUi Juniors ,{id Mphomores In key ipot*. But we *hould prosrcM_ u Die year tots along.Vffl,'aKr’fs'U

,wJ In Ihe rewnm U»tOiutrlei Dtpcw.'boUj

J^lor end*: Jim Alewnder. — ■*- iftckle; Jim H*ndy, *enlor but; Robert lUUnaker, aenlor hiiniaclc and end; Rod Olatby, lunlor fullback: fWchanl Munia. wnlor fullbyl ; junior

nlnt^ ISUirt llmue fin ElVlflivy

Jie (In re. thi XtM*^lorlhi

of a - , :k U-d

a m IS_«lJehli« tf or tai

lildlnr- l)een-nl that ill leajuel UrtMC

................_ .~ iA v*nrK5phc«\0rt quulertiMk. Kid Jack I Pjlmer % »enIor imnsfer.

rupper, Pred Oyer, Mlek DiU-Ptron, Lei Larson, Steve'

HrtHfV. Rav Mllehell. Dave Tlwrn- M l iu ^ WelUid. Earl Ulbbont.eH r"B am g«rr-K ni-3aw uoii:i

" ---------

(tCQ.Deelo',Coach Wallace citea a lack of

fpeed-M the bifgeat appcrtnt pniblemr-^WB-wt not-»*biff-bail club, but ve cant be claMlfled oa lliUe either. But to be a contender wnee<t-inore »peed,“_ ta *T4pplaB-up.Wallace-aa}»:iWc, liiould .bc tougti Jo.Kore. on. but, »lo»M«-*cor©-ouiwlve».-Low-*oor- Inc ball eamea atiould be common.'

tIndiana figure to com e a long slowly at firs t o f the yenr, but both mentors are look -'- —

ing forward to a satisfactory PinneerT/OopPlayoffsto Open FridayreleaMd a sclieduielor tlieflhaush* nc.isy plajoKi whlcli begin Friday.

RcKVlnc ftnson cliam|ilDn Boloe wlll.openlUie beli ef tlire^rellm' Inary (criei aRalnst I d n l iv f^ m Idolio.l4lb. DllUnss wllpplay Oreal Palli In the Friday night

The.leami awltch lUea fialurday Aiid t>unday with IdUio Falli at DolM and Great Falls at Oltllnga ior the decldUis gnmei of the pre llmlnary aeries.

The final lerles. a best of five plnyoff. will be as rdlKfUa;

II winner In:...» aI tlAl«a.Scpl. at IWUe;

Idaho FolU VI. Bllllngi at Idaho Falls ■

Great FalU Sept. 7>B.

host Ihe'opening tvo gaxnu.

Bger-Hands— First Loss : ToSriisbrong-

OAMDEK. K. J , Sept. 3 1*>—DItk r * riger,- the Brltbh Empire mlddle-

IWghl champion, handed Gene ' *CAee) AmitTOM hla first pro de­

feat wednejdar.nlght by taklnfr ouod - dadilon-at-ConvaoUc

Fullmer Is Directed to_ Fight Webb-TORONTOrBeptr»-tf1^8. Webb waa named No.T'eontender ror~oi#“ miaat«w«|5i-oiir-Wfa- ceaday by the National Boxing as* soclatlon - whlcb-^lao- designated Gene PuUmer ‘’ilgbter of the moRlh;''

M td-for-]knockout o( Carmen Baalllo tn their DBA mlddUwelght UUe light• tt-EwFraneiaeo-laat-Prtday;-------

TheiNBA directed Fullmer to d6rftiia~Kir'croWn“ agalnat ■ Webb within BO day*. ' .

eughr-Iter RobUupn, tUU rec* osnlzed ta champion u New York and MauachuHtU, li the No. 3 contender followed by Baalllo.

Prom Salt Lake Oty, Fullmer'

•nie ■ event, which murks .... dale of the Magic Valley tounia- ment aeosw. will run from Sat-ir'lgy "infTitnf. thrnnpli

‘ ifprneflaround 3 pjn.fBch day ond couhe pro Cliff Whittle aald the course will be open to the. public'.iiboui that time each.gftemoon.■The field will find the munlr.'

Ipal courae tougbened to the max' linuui. report! Whittle. , -tIkci country." long graw.-hBS b^rn left Btowlng.for tJie paat three wcclca. cUtUag down pie width of each falrwBy.-T»«-boxeai.wUi-ba-mored back (o the mailmiTm. in addl-

the city parka and recrea* lepartmeot. under tupervlilon

of Ernert C. Craner, hna placed sand'trap "guarilj" In front of aeveral greena.

■The courae, ii In tremendous toiirnnment aliapc." WliltUe soTd'.

Back to defend hU title la two-■ I Pua V -

Buhl, who.tuned.uR for Uie chore br placing tEcoiid In the Buhl In­vitational two weeks ago.

Also In the-Held will be Lynn Hansen. Twin Falls, who esub. llabrd the course record wItJi a torrid 6» »eore while qualifying

vfhT nr_ .Inhn H rhiir ‘Gooding, and Ed HarT>er. Dr. Wil­lard Pelerwh and Jim Sinclair arc also IHtcd among the local "pos-

ptay, the munlctpAl assoelatlon


up receiving a set of woods. The flnt aix places In all flights will share In the merchandise awards.

Net and gross lO-man ellmlna- tJbn (ierbles will be ccnducKd laic Sunday afternoon. Driving and approaiehinc eonicsti ire set lor Iat« Saturday afternoon.

H as R nKiiisnii

iG X lham pionYORK. Sept. 3 W-Oene

PUUmer is rwoniited as tha^world mlddlenelght ctaamploa by the NaUonal Boxing association as a result of his recent victory over Carmen Baslllo. but he's only the No.Tcontender In the ratings or Ring masaxlne.

hall.The NlgerUn fighter sent Arm-.

strong-to_ the floor-for-the-llwt.

round of Uie fight. He stayed down for a count of (our.

_ ’nteflfth-raoked Armstrong took ittr-flrgt-twa- itnmdsr-<i

“ »ti7E^Mi_ati.ie3,.-ha<l. Ann-; slKnigslaffgered against the ropes te- ihe flfth-TCcnd- three times.—: -R*r«Hr35erHaSI»iriHFT)iny i ^Iclal. seored it six rounds (orl

cohtlDuei to recognise Sugar Ray Robinson u-tltl«holder. but ad-

UU against.' Jensen said the NBA had agreec

_> naming three fighters and -Umlling’ us to on# opponent

______ _______ ______ _ reason­able time '•therejflU be'no altema; tlve but to regard Ray as a re- Hr,v< ehamplon.-.- _ . :

Baslllo Is dropped from t h e 'W i=eft»Hengtr=«pot^t«>-N4r^"aa-' ' result of the tech ‘ ‘ '

Football Coaches’ Crying Towel Hel]f)s Relieve Alumni Pressure

NEW YORK. Sept. 3 IVPI) — There is something humorous, on the surtBce: when the- nation's footb.iIl co.iehM take ititir seats at the wuilitiK wall even _l>r{ore.Ihe

physical ami rmollonal airalii but -couldn't mmi It when u,e fun.% started pickinc on my famUi',"' ’

"Mywlfe and iun dauKhters r.m out ot *iipiTiniirkft-'_»f)ncould shop.ttmiout bdii« liuultcd," he awrrted. "My oldvit daujhtiT <)i^t.oomlni: ta-Um-fl,

"I doubi jcriously.” He iny.i, "If we win bt much Improved over the past two ycarj."

Funny? Vnt nt »1t \-n»-n li In

whone le.inriaaf year topped the big 10 and llie Roie bowj. u tien he snys thh time out tlicy will be "lucky" to ijtln half thrir csmes,

i^'inn'cSadilng. nolhins maticrs a. little a-t the i;amei Klilch were won 1-a-s-t ye.ir. Joe Stydaluir found ihni out In 105:, one year iilicr wlnmnc U»e Nallutml Foot- bill league liile. He d;oppcd tlireo exhibition games acd.tbe.scasoa opener—and was canned.

When they wire.that pre-seoson crying towel It Is known In the trade as preparing the "alumni alibi.- It has a two-fold purpose, it the coach, alter much moanth;. comes up with a winner he Is ac­cepted Bx a genius. If he has a losing season, the fans have been

alumni^wolvci aren't quiteraucous. ______

For football coaching U ____mendously demanding business lo which only a portion of the phys­ical and mental strain results from the action on the field. It li not uncommon for a losing cnach to-

nnnncQ in 'elligy inii for His etitltc tMutly to be hwwidtd anfl Insulted, . Being summarily fired '■ ............. ... tnrmrnl.

....... jDb-:‘ . Aiicr Uiree .»«irshe stepped douu because "vkhlle 1 love fooiball, j love my family

Mr ut nine K;imc4. Fesler rtJiiiied Jh'j.sri.und.i Uiat -|iiy liralth

wcn-t .sui'.d ihe strhlinnn'nino In rvtry There wna miich more lo It ihan

faiiiliy *riIT Ihruush Uie same liumlllaiui: ar* tnrli»-wlurli wpfe »lsUed


■ooiuuii coiichei. on the whole, make more iwps than ball pUyers, One such »a . Wc.i Fc.?lcr,'. who had been »n oui<iundmR athlete at Ohio Ftate and coiched at Connecticut- Wesleyan. Hiirvard, Wnceton and l’itl_bcforc_bclng hanOM the hend to,ichlng reins at his alma mater.

Pesler lasted four jtars. He led the Buckeyes lo the DIk 10 crown ID IBM and on to Rojc bo»l tri­umph. But the- alumni rcnily bounced him agatnji ihe wall n year later when he won "only’’

ate and insulUng BUCkeye backers iionrd thpir home at all hours of le day and night and most ol

•MngUTtsr wns~unprtntnoiir~~^fiL\ weeks later. Feslcrno lancer

3uld tvttluland the magneilc ‘ncllon which football l;cld for

I him nnd M| nrd lo coach «t Mtnnc- SOUL Uui, Ihree years there niade mile difference. Finally he stepped down ••tieeau.'ie of acute nervouj.

:ja and lllneij,".D.ilc Hall; taking over an army iini r:inked third nationally last

jTi‘ r..nnil.ralcd.cvcn.*t«ngcrihlj season, laces his debut with csu- llou. optimism. He expUln.1 that ''clrcumr.iiinees change the re.'ulis of games and campaljnJ," Thai's soldier uik but any fooUiill coach will leli you that he's ilwi)^ under fire—(ind even the Roman Colos­seum hod nothing

tloos of Idalia are Ilkel; t o ^ m ■t least some good ilshlcg.^or. Lhe Ubor day «Mk-«nd,-the

Safety Urged in I Hunting Season. : ^

BOISE. Sept. 3 lUPIl-Wllh th* J Idaho hunUng seawm underway. *---------- --------------------- . IL.L .-^1 r

ElectricsrBlalE Tiinberjacks 9-5 ,Great Falls bent MUioula 9.S Wednesdar night In the last Rame of the season before * crowd of2.8C8-

Great Falls scored five IiIk In the slxUi inning to Ice tlie c

Electrics -scored-flrst - by picking 'ti^''ttfbtruna.ln the first Inning. Brandon Davis singled and rode home on Dorn Carra.v)uers hOtner. -. Missoula picked up two ___ ...the fourth Inning. Three walks filled the bases and WllUe Jones’ double, drove in tvo

lUmi.eonorcf’sald anaUon-wlde i Btntbtical program complled-{iD a i long-term basis sliowed that US p CBnfonnrrrreitnn.a

tummaty of ihe sear.__Dell Is Ilktln-lflJj____■tne“Iiygh“ lnouniam isles, the department said, but sportaraen were reminded tliey will liave to hike Into Uiose areu. Best re- sulls ere expected from the u of files or wobbler?.

JEROME. 8epV ,3-E 4 Behenlt, head basketball and iaotialLcaich st-Buhl-hlrh-school,-was-plectefl .ufcildcnt of the Kourili DUirlct CMclies nssocintion here Wednes­day night.

ticlicnk, who has been at {Juhl for three years, repluMs IViiil Os- tyn. Twin Fiills footbnll mentor.

mil Matthews. Mlnico„f(»,ibjII and basketball mentor, wa-i unani­mously elected vice |irc)KIeni and DeVon. iftndcrson. Muruugh bus. kcitulLcQBCh. L' ihc new .lecrruvry.

Tlic group voted to meet KovL 18 > Mille final details for the b'ask-

etball KWRon. ________ ' ....................... ................. ......tn diimet-action. Al Schults, tne flireiwr oi me wate iisn

irlng-the-sniall-game-s . "Idaho already hashsd tw fatal I

hunting accidents Uils year uid-

In the forest oi pointed out.; H]e cottonuil rabbit, dore, big­horn sheep f hd goat seasons open­ed Tue.iday'and reports reaching the department Indicated that reb-

SF.ATTI.E TAKES m V .■SPOKANE. Sept. J «T-^allIa

backed-up the steady pitching of Mark Freeman Wednesday nl( ‘ with a 13-n t attack and deleai Spokane <1-3.


Frankie Albert summed it up best when he reigned last Deccm-■-------coach of the San FranclsCQ.

IT'-----Albert wttilitood the

Still Tough i^aiiistL.A.• LOS ANGELES. Sept. 3 WpolUVcre.lakta-tQJlnd a jilcl_____for Larry Jackson. Uie ballot boxes]

with slips marked ''Sionewall."JMkson. "just holding, his t .....

against Uie NaUdnal league at' large, cast another spell over the Mcono—pmcr-DoaBfii-TnieKjiir night-by-aioppinguiheai_on.-two. hits as St. Louis took tiie opener of a three«game scries 3-0

“I alvoys seem to have tough iamcuigtiliiil Uie Dodgers," Jaii-1 son said, "but I usually come out' ail right-

If it looked tough to Jackson he seeing things not evident to:

runners 'to; se. The D^gers

sent only 30 men to bat. ..rActually;'.—Jackson- tali dldn't-haie- real-food~itui. first four or five Innings. I VtS' Just lucky.. They hit some b*iU| real hard but they were right at somebody. 1 - think I've pitched xitt8niimcs'fllthougliTcsn“ —

be vllUng to forfeit a U,000 bond posted-WiUi-UU.NBA for the 00* day agreement and- hunt his own

• - ..........................from

I'Hier. tour lor AnBstroni, glvlnB' lAee-the^nt,- •Meoodrrournrina llOth. The Ap had it e-3<3.1 Ptr Arautronjr, of Elliabelh. N. JJ.. U.was hU flnt defeat in -ts mthts. Ilger, SD. noi has a 34- Jl'3 record. In bis tvo previous ■American boiiU. both with Rory ■Calhoun, he lost one and fought

.................0 1 draw.------- . — ooe pre-]ik_______ —

_-y that alaost-costHffer the fight; ffe was 1S3K pounds at the weigh' n. and the agreement bad stipu­lated a Wi.pound limit.. -But-Armatrongrat^flfrniwino iccept.«500 lo go-through with the fight — --------- — ...............

Jensen' considers' Weblr in~im‘

decl&loln from Webb here a year ago.

A’s^ ip Russets In Homer Battle

t. 3 « ) - .T h e a and. tbs Idaho

_______ a homerun battleIn f


festherweight'Ohamploa, Is drop* ped-tg-Nor^-tn-that^diTtston- a« a result-of-hls knockout defeat by champloa. Divej Moore. Rtcaido Qimi»les~of~Argentlna- t«kes over Basseyl former No. 1 spot,* and Harold.Gomes of Prbvldence, R. I , edges up into sccond.place. '

Among the heavywelghte. Pastrano Is dropped from the first 10 by Ring. Alex Miteff, victor over Alonio 'Johnsoi\_l^es cvv

Jackson, now I3-1}, has whipped Uie Dodgers twlce-in-a row-and 12 times la 17 decisions during bis

I— Nof-o .


iH E iA U S ia tr f:have been down i .. , _ . taking a critical series'from, the .OlAQta._

r'l have an Idea* Alston si "that Jackson hml more lo with it than anything else.-

ililllm oii______«J OM-Mi— < 7 3

■••htflften _:!Lo9o7!0 ?oi— 1 s 's ; -• V«rklUiMM ans Cwnacri «•••. 0>.it< {■) i lltm.

CIW __JI>1 #« tM - I » »---------MS»IOO«— 1

'•■•r. IttrtMrt |1(. Slurtltmrnt).. (S). T.lloarU (S) .>.4 - -.......iiti-nj-sBSTimMulFlnt ttn<)Jr»lt__

_ J-rr. siilir (l).>nap (J) ...........r u 'r**"' ’ »«*<"»». 81»1*/ (•

season for the tvo teams and PfcTataio-winrn^o:--------------- --

A 'total of six hom'eruns bunked-out-ta-th*- hi|fh^ i j r'f game. • •—BoO 'SaiiiJite homered-for'the RuAseU in the fourth Inning with a nsao-on-lbey-also-plcked up-two other runs In the frame._Jlm Campbe!LJ»agcd_Jiomtt number 34 in the sixth Inning with the bases empty. .

Roy Scercy clouied two homera for Pocatello. One came'In the accond tentnj snd'on* in the tfiltd.

— re solo-homers.Bennett blasted a three-

tun homer In the third Inning.- Ron UoffB lirted hli Iflth hmr».>

Dallas Club Loses About$85,000:— :

DALU^S, Tex, Sept. 3 IB—The owner of P sIIm ' Amerlooo oasoci- lllon - basefiilI=dUir8iyJT»lf=I6» Ills wason.wiu b« at least u ------

It IJ the second stnlghl or a baseball financial loss for

the we^thy Dallas' cohtraclofrX W. Bateson. He aold'he droppedfroffl-»W.000-t»-«l00,000-la8t-year when Dallu was lo> the Texas league.

Dallas operates without^ m a ^


BlLLINQSttMont., -Sept.- 3 UT-' The Billings Mustangs closed out the regular sesison in the Pioneer league Wednesday night with a 5-4 victory ■ otu—thg-chmnptinr Boise Braves. -• The MustAngs scored three runs m-«5»TlBhtJi=mning=to:wrop‘U;r the vicloty. Including & solo iomer by BlinJIcrosla. The Other 'niW came on a triple by. Jack MooaeJ- ham. Uooneyham Kortd blmself on an error. .—Bruno-Tcrilll-stammed'two hocn-

ta for-Boise; one in the second Dd one in the eighth Inning.

. Billings used five pitchers wbo Doablned to-b&ld.JSots«tO-KTt& hits; —



I o u n .

Page 17: Ceunlr Nfwipcptf -TWiJf-PAL-LSi Ith^HQ^TiIURSDAY^SmE^mEIt ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · ttt tn Boise was “of sre»t«r in- aslty” according to records

Jersey GLOVES 2.49 MmACLE WHIP _ 53c SLICED CHEESE 3 ,1.00- M o d e r ^ ta ll c on s Jumbo

OLIVES-K r o f f s r le t -p u f f - —J oa n -o f-A rc~ N or-2 i< W a n ;

4 1 . 0 0 MgrahmalloWs 2 , 35eJO R K & BEANS 5 . 89(

Page 18: Ceunlr Nfwipcptf -TWiJf-PAL-LSi Ith^HQ^TiIURSDAY^SmE^mEIt ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · ttt tn Boise was “of sre»t«r in- aslty” according to records

“ YesTTTthis'Will'bVlhe lasrb;^ holiday week­end for summer picnics. And as always you ■ can depend on IGA for all your picnic needs. . ' Complete selection in every department, at the lowest prices in town. Shop IGA today!

M orrell's Original C h e f Brand

Fancy Trimmed


l^ -^ D R D C :I Quart.; . H ;21c r!/2”Gairon:.;'4ic

N oilhern___________


Cfqnberiy Sauce~ 6 fe o t~ ^ th cHTcken"'or^

horn. Generous 3 0 0 -s iz e cons.- . . -------------I EACH

Bertie's extra large fryers. Scientifically -.-flavor-fed-to-bring-out--all-their-tender

goodness. U. S. Government Inspected.

_6_X O lli:4?C _


-TQW£LS" 2 ^ s 3 9 c

T U L m A H T .-0 * F -B R E A D - f 23c -Heart's Delight 46 ounce

— N Q n e y ^ S 't r } p J e :p q c l c 7 . . _____ ____ ______________

- 'FrcB Steclware------------1 -----------

Gt787c- i

--F ree^S ew ingK ir.

I - 6t:85c

RINSO IG t83c_

A L r

- Zoo whito^ 8Q count

Royol Garnet Fresh Frozen_____ Pixie_l0-ounce,pkg. w hite..

1»»PBERRIES10 lb s . 2 ;73

_ - M white or yellow, 2 lb. pkgs. -■


. 22. o z . 7 5 c ;

_T h fl-fJ n oJt-in -bcrr ie$ .- F eofiJred_agoIn_at-y

IGA stores becouse-aLpopulflL -dcniflnd_______ POPCORNJolly Dill, quart-size

Page 19: Ceunlr Nfwipcptf -TWiJf-PAL-LSi Ith^HQ^TiIURSDAY^SmE^mEIt ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · ttt tn Boise was “of sre»t«r in- aslty” according to records

*QBrTWBNT$- TIMES-NEWS,:TWIN f a l l s , ifeSHO rauESPAY,-SETOM0i:j,:j,(,.

King HillS M ^miaer^ Minor l^ a gue^ifle^on by Vall^-Spoiaing Goods Spartans , CareyJo:Host 14 Given AwarS^ ATEmersonRite -K IH 0 T m i.6 ep l.S -M ., I..-

B»rnc» *nd d»ughifr h»\e reiu,;i home trom Swi Jo&e. Cilif

.u.tLU iiu l - ! i

I Arkansas Couple : Visits in Hazelton:} HAZEXTON, Sept. 3-M r. and

Vlo Butler. Mammolh flprinit, A ArtL, a n TlilUng rriendt ind rel* [U uTM Aflm JU fr-W/onaef-Teal- H dents. ■II- Mr.- *nd Mr*. Joho - Berennce [I and dftUtbter. Tuoon. Arlz.. are 1 TWtlng hi* p«enu . Mr. and Mrt.

Owen'Bcverince.-Mid family.Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Prentice.

't ld o w t Vernon. Wtelu; Mr. tnd " «• Oeo^gP l^ t lc e , MoMi Lj^e.

[-iliutoii were-xecent-vUUon ot Mr. I and Mrs. Frank SelUrs.I. Mr.'and Mrt. F »d At«n, lineh. \ Wyo, are- TlilUn* Mr. and Mr*. [ WiUanl Wood.

OAKLEV. Sept. S—Mrs. Jama mnk i->ii]rtrrn. PoU«, ttre

Tlsltlog Mr. and Mrs. John A. CUflc. HuBtc-U-TlitUnrVfliiUTW lo ^ t la n d .

Mrs. Emma Harper bas returned from yUIUo s Mrs. Berolca Slamm, Sail Lake Ctty. ShB -

Visit HagermanMr.- and &ln. Ed Myer*. Bui

Jose. OftW, are vUIUbb Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Ambler.. Mr*. JajneaJ^wry dauehter,

I accompanied by Amjr~Dr«6«l. . Burley, visited Orety Loyerr and

iry ai iT/in

Page 20: Ceunlr Nfwipcptf -TWiJf-PAL-LSi Ith^HQ^TiIURSDAY^SmE^mEIt ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · ttt tn Boise was “of sre»t«r in- aslty” according to records

-T - I M E S -N E W 5 ,-T A V I N :T ^ 'v ^ L i;S r lD A -H 0 - P A G E TW ENTY-ON E i

T e a c h e r F e t e

HAZELTON. SfpC. 3-M r. ind ------ - - Mrs, Charles Porter. SptUigrme,-in-Siioshone

Mr. »nd Mrt. Ralph BalieliUiurne<l-homB -« tW -

Giiy Reveiuie JmLrea&iri"; jis , |“15Egmsi aniing- Hiiift, Trn'lvcv :I n \ /n lly\m r A».r\nr< - _ - ___ ” nt'viiilnv -i _ •

» pound. CUcita

___ ^E H O S H preM t;! - r i n ^Dl»M for tmids by memben of the PTA ex- 2uUv» boiM Mondiy dJitmoon.

_**^rr^pUoaTWnn>oTWa-Mon:'* <1 ,T >«S S . B<Pt- 3 X . ^ P°‘ -•luck^upper « r r « l bert^n 7:S0

i e:30 p a ^ U ie Ltaeola Khool

to Mr*. L. M. H»l- m»kei. whg u wrrlng wUh hw Sujbwd .nd Mr. ind Mr*. Howari Mill u DroErom ctailnncn of ttir m m u y t t r . lh e U.eher» *lll be introduced by M ^ Nina Murphv.

w n r b e ' t h e*'oitertftlnment U planntd and


V, c. nc“ - thB-KMiJer» lwin bc honorttf.

Member* of ihe i.-----*111 provide meal dlsI»C4-l

nity is invited to ilic rfcepllon.|| -wbethcf'.lhey. have .<Alldrf;i, InJ

Khool or'noi. ■ IIneporU of Mrs. Hatmaier rndil

Mn.Onfltla and Mrs. Rom rcBard-ll— jnc the—profei'aniB -luid '

chairmtth fo*5,PTA meetlnw forJ the year were approved by the I boird. II

progri\m theme will be ''HiiwT—<jtcatJrby-31alL 'i,w lth_wM ^il

gram lo deal wUh that topic fromii a dUfcrenUtandpoinU Dad's nlRht|| wlil be observed In October wUhi| Elden ■ Guthrie named chairman,|| The district prfsldent will fe£,m- I vlted to meet with the executive I beard prior to thf October meetln* I

’ and then vlsll. the unit .m<et1nc|l thit night, also.

A P ib*^iWied for distribution to tht metnT]| ffbershlD at .one of the first meet- ■

ln«s, Mrs. Halmaker said. {IBoard members voted to have the.k

unit purchase t copy of the Idaho ■ . Parent Teacher maEaxlne for all ■ bosrd members, and to purdiase I the Natlonal-Parent-Teacher mair» I iilDC Ior_the_president, the «tudy|l croup chafrrnnn.--.»nd a copy fo r i

- t o ^ »e K -«h o o W W r w _ ---------- _ j LAll officers.Of ihe unit last year ■

are a.ike<l to send reports of thelrir

__Einilttcant polnu .brong^____________ ______In the. audit o f Turn {•■alli"cuyriur^t.~ili'>- "parks, nolf course, books and records Inclutle an In.lllbrwy. tic. with nil Improvements

Bc<lmond. Ore. with their s c^ n -| ® P ^ ^ « funos and^a decrease ir.;

Richfield School. m ^ c i T j - T t r r i T

law and daughter. Mr. andlMf*. °* '“ ^'®*!.lhe cily flnajices.j/flrivon-P«t,iri.._.«A_^.n.__ :»i:ou» the report by Clydf KoonU.-,,.. v ,,,,,., • • •

summer. Slir Ipft Tliursdny htr pnrcnl.i Jor Los AiiRcifs where Uic-uUl-Ualii-ol-Oir-'CIUldrHr/

n ie hfMihy ftnnncUil pkturc ofjhc.’ipit;il. jpfcinlitinK u> plij-wcal

-'Xarry Cninirine le fl'for 'M c-'i” " .Pherson, Kans. where he will at- . A eomparlion of the operulInK leijjl the McPhason coIIckc, affll-

\ coiiimenilfdjljirrapy.•• itnd Mr> •!..>

Ouuiaiidini: \fi;cifible Uuys (his , wctic includc uiap. and lima

_ _ liy _ Ih e ji iiM U )« ‘)J lr fM _ ,. bfUli‘ .'.-<jillulii._iKilaluci_alL.typei -ExiiccuiiB frlcnUA or ji'laitm^’[ ci'bbimc.^curn, cucumbrrs. rcc-

funds over a pcnod of the pain ....... yeats slious n coiulnulni; In­crease of revenues over expcn«a for the .past three vcarii, Kooiitr


!lic Labor day wctk.-cnil?.11 «1M !«• rnlj r fryini:'tlili'lTr-ham;-turkey- 01

laled with the Brethren church,Mr. and Mrs. R oe, DrShnver,

Portland, visited Mr. and Mrs. t/v-t.. miu mhukh-:Woody. Bernard “ aled that this factor will make ter. Blnckfoot, vtjllrd Mr. and Mrs.l

Mr. and Mrs', Earl Stone and ' ' . ifnmlly accompanied Mr. and Mn.lfow to finance eurrrnl operations, l Nuy„,i i„cas lefl' Ihi ucek foi-'- RalpV Halrd to ahclley '*’*>’ ! Tn tho ■dptallgd-r<»i>.»rt-tT.tt4i— vn w -n ij; i.r.,., .. h>p. visited'the' Riv.'Viid Mrs. Wesleyjthe clly by Koontr. fUrd nr.tctrof

lid .Mr . bouRlAVSlcw •‘•-rd

Johnson, Mrs. W, S, Baird. Scott a >d. ?*J!8le Baird also were vlUU nra;at mcrjohnsDiu.------

Ihe city (real estuie and Improvi ineniil totaled more than two nnd s hall .nllllona o f . dollars.- This ln>

.iwfc-'Cily lioiti v.liere she: viMtlni: rrlatiirs and Irlfiids here. ' went to Ocrmany and » iU troch In | Thrlr mui. Jci i v. i I'muinVd at liuiiie the elriiicnlnry school crade.i. MIm ' to Mart -vtiiwl;

jincas uusht at ShcuJioiie ichoolsl 'the-pastlwo-ycars.—.

-tr~ th f- ? tiopprr nf llly. Ihe speclnl.i ndvcr- Mi|>ermnrket.i afhl iirii;h'

hiKHl troiTrles. All ih u r nfr u «i(lcly fMiured at rcduccd

cr> iliK wrck-encl. |„alf-::7.l.u47

plniit, pcjiiirrs, rguaiti.-iAcci po- taioca.jaill;jin .ind crfrn onions, —atro-nrOartaiinevfU-ai.'-rootcroj« Mich n;i rnlm and.pjrsnlpi. aloii

xrirrsprasiierBoisen:rented an npariiiient from..M... I- a.

ciil crlcry. caulHlottct, broccjli brui.sfl Rproui. .

ApiilM nrc ihc liii: nllr.nitnn at fruit ^ounlrr.'. OUirr ly;)

inre B irllcit nnd ;ri.-ki'l nnd CoiK-ord.Krai'C''

Kftfldl.i nrrilrjl home |from Purdue unlverilij_whrrg h i [

jRCAO-T:MES-KEWB;WAN'r ADS n-ix.iind n

pound. dfi>cndmcj ne-jJa m-to.

York metropolitan arc,i. 'l^lrkOs arc >n Ihf .i;i in 37 rmlA


.Mr. ;mdMr.v C. Cliatflc d an i fiuiillv »vcrc v.cck-end visitor* li Meridiiin wiih Ills'broiher-ln,.lay nnti ftulcr, Mr. and Mrs, Lull Jau

iiinam: pejictii'i,. tccdlr- .........nitthKlnndiv limiN, »sri;am.priccd ornncrs lend inuartl Mmillcr siic.s ^o fur.. a n d -U ie .b iR u t-u iu 'i.a rofiilrly-ex'penaivr,------------- ,------ --

.\tr. nnd Mrs. Sherman Coffmai' I hiive moved lo Coodlntr to makfij their home. Mr. and Mrs. ClarenMj Mason-have rej)ted-the-CoffmaH reslden(


in time for stnt« convention lo bej| L A Y A W A YThere will be two planters fo^'thj ■ grade aChooI with prlies of )l'for|| the Junolr high and t l for the I

—hlcli sLhool-cach-tlmgrThmnm I will be awarded the class with I the most' pnrents attending I PTA meeUng each month.

Mr. and Mrs. Harrell A. T jnenib6ralilp-cliflrmea._u’llL the 8ept 11

^bershlp cards to'■those'’de*lrlng|| them. II

Mrs, Howard Hovey and Mn. I _Hcnt'0Q<LB0ravPld_wm -aaaUt-with I

table decorfttlons-and-eorsaRes for|| the teacher’s recepUon; Mr*. It. 1 -1 Daumann and Mi*. J. DU1«, «rv - r

•and Mrs. Carl Kemer U chairman Itry chairman Is Mrs. Jack M, Mur-1

Iphy; FebruaJT chairman Is Mrs, I Zlmer Peak: March, Mr*. E. I. I Shaw and Ifta. Mike Urrutla. for I

• April

VigiJ— nEYDUnNTSept. S-Don Rob- I -msrSotith-UHnina, Oahf,.- y’ ‘ _hl»il -■ - ■ - •

Ttie Rer. and %tr Louis narro I and family rftiimxl t/'-ihnlf-hnmo |

"IrTHeltna. Montv af^r tlsltlngll her mother, Mra.'Tff. A. Drew. I Emerson. I

Barbara,Mellon has relumed to I hrr home' In Paramount. Ca3If.,[l after vtsltlns her grandpartntJ. I Mr, - and Mr».-Tom -8chodde,-Eni- I erson.

. Vi,sit Auntm cH nzL D , sept, J-aaydeana I

Bro«7i and Marsha Vahlberg left I ' Monday for Emmett and Montour, I after vlslUng their aunt, Mr*. Theo I Bnish., anrt, family^"-- - “ '**■



3 -4 -5




Mrs, 0 . D. Caldwen.Miss Brown received her master I

r science' degree at Washmjton I State.college,. Pultottn. thU-«am-1 mer and wUl head the awlmmlng I

TlepBrtment'at-the-UnirersltrINorth Dakota, Orand Porkt, this I yeiu-. She,was physical «ducsUoa I tfftcher at the, aarkslot»j-WaaJi; I

~litgh school last yean—

i'LiH'le Dew Drop DOLL• Rooted Hair

J L : D r i n k s , J V . e t s , _ _ ^



■ ______ 2?.. SJ,*«pin9_ E y « | __A

• 18" Tolt

I f s . ^

J3jmi3T i m e _____

...Pnwrvt thtlr tart*' >«Mt>io«lnNWEuo- n ooL u Muan Jara.


W e o r i f^ifo-itu baby c lothei


qrNWBcK"Maaoo Jar* wiUtuI cap* alueb^ R«-bm

- »h« rioft you tavtd. |-buyeRl,Ifa!t5loekQp'^|

at your fTow'a today,

L M A S O N J A f t S J

- B U M P K F N r

- A l t Jo ln tia

V fh yl D o l l - - 'r.9 8 -

DOLLiKlbl--O r lg ln o l-D o ll ,

M onniklnI - ---------- --- ------- _ r = J

— PowtwruLB-e nA«H con - tingle battery isiU for thou, undt of flaihitrCcdUtlva-dif-tu iir for extrama cloteups.______ _ pow«r,for4b«rBestpicturei.

2 » POLAROID POrrCAHDeRa— mike paslcirdr out^ryouf Poltreid Land Picturts In a ]lt>y.

POLAROID ORANOI RLTgR--- jw n -w ir ix e m n r i '" i '. matlc af^Kta -^Ib aouds


Now, with the brand new poncAromaft'c films, the 60»sccond Polaroid I ^ d Camera gives you the most beautiful pictures ynn’wTww w n TIniiiunlly ihnrp nnd dear pictures With a

■ wealth'ofdetail. P ictura that last Hke any fine print. •

Page 21: Ceunlr Nfwipcptf -TWiJf-PAL-LSi Ith^HQ^TiIURSDAY^SmE^mEIt ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · ttt tn Boise was “of sre»t«r in- aslty” according to records


Olenn Wllcoi ana iwiuiy.. Dwtln Kolt«n.Di»venport.Ncbr..U vUlUne hli uncle and aunt, Mr. ind M ii. John Bohtaj.- •''<1

MlWren—Com&lian ^daught«r h m returned home tram Tlsiuns' mother daughter, IM . t «¥ereU_FA£tinfr,. and fa m ily ,

and Mr. (mil Mrs. Wllljiim »nd Mr». MlWrcd

tUJt«dMr».A.y--fiW>:.I?ah'»Pnli3, , ■Wednesday. Mr*'. CookTindtrwent , an jor auiicry recenUy. I--M r. ana »tr».Kflrlc#mah#n Bn{l ,d*U8hter-vUli*d hla brother, John , OoTDnhnn. Kownos. Wn4h.. »nd *l4t«rs. Mr«. EUiabeth Barrett and , S ? a S Mettler. Elen.burj.3ZmW:c ............

rSlF-J-l'MiOakley Residents

I ' OAKICT. W t I are vWUnj Mr.’ and Mrs. Onier

^ r t . ’ Robert flJilppen *nd

■oUier rcI#tlWrii6M;Mr. and Mr*. Bay Bedke ba»e

taken their damhUr. Jonae. to 8an Jose. CaVlfn where she will teach a klnilergartta clau.

Mr «n<i Mr«. Vem Roberta <Uu«hter. wkevlew, oreTaaTMnr Carol sue WhlUker. Pall Wver, calif.. Tlslttil Mr. tPil M*'*-

W m W W i n s B l u e "

b E e n c i t a t J B a r i e s

[i-Juan-*i>d-»ll*-Bcron.-Whfn_Twln *• ~-jiA ‘l^tmaatera club No. MB

r ar-TMiTuiCTnib;

jjun*.teach commercUI subjects In the local high Khool. She Will maka her home with Mrs. Mary Pethlck.EUiOshone. ----------------------

roTttl Ann Parker and Carol Pimuworth'h&re rewniea i«Tort= - land lUler TWtlnj the Murdo Oage family. > „ ,'•Jir. ana Mr*. Harry Oase. BoUe, attended funeral aerv lC M for■Ge6nre~Bow»n~««i’^ ‘*'^~‘ *“ ' Murdo Oste family here Tuestoy.

Myma Edward* returned home

ttttenle^'Uie^lftfi^Sl CohvoclUon of Methodbt Youth. Her mother. Mrs. 81d Edwards, who attended as-an-adul t-eounaelor, -vlalted-*

ClUlBQTla.Mich- and a »Uler,'.Mrs. aeorsle T^fortirvennontTiUe

Driers Cautionedl to Wafich —FeF-^^nirMai^nery5=®H8es-:^

BUle Pcllcf Ueul. Clark H.\nfl!ijuircs two aide mlrrot* uhtn thenu»rii» jlrivrrs to lor liravjiuobitnicUonthroualitherear,____TTiriii fquipmeiit" »c;i cnuiioniine;f mirror. He added Uie new l»wilrlvrr* n( the ninchliiPry to chrcklftppUcs.to. aa.vchlclej..lLUjBre-li____i/ifir <fiuiprnent bf/arc fotUicont-.toniB otiitfticcion Cfirough th« r

nt'Ueut. -Handmirror. “

nie-£>Illcw-iUfcO-f»ull»iiMi-t!rlT.| O lhtn-equi,., ........ ........noUcs ol-»clicol buici.suKtttstcd, .fnnntH. clifck _werB _

, lilRliways ihroushoul ihr is.i-e Klrftriinee llchU. brakes, reflcclor*. Lirui, •I!n¥d-remliulfd and «1m «1 arms H«

J * 5 t i ! = ! d = h t r ^LM Al ADVERTISEMENJ2^L™“ X ' , « ^ ^

iMld liKhi* Miould be u.«0., -r.. lie further emphatlirs «alchlni • I.' ri/k. .rfpccd lKn.' , Now ilisi «hool li

111 moat ftteas. .he aaldlonn---------- ■

.l,„lot)srrvpfpccd K..^.____' ' " ■ ' ichooli.'

, Ihp M.-11C J »11 vclUclts to ilnp for tchciol—

llll. c.v tlinL arc toAdlni: or unlor I-

iir i irrt un in i;?x.*Uii±.J’Oi.;umlcruay In most areas, .he a

T::) .,v;..k IV «. fn .•<.! . i / Iotisrrvpfpccd WOTM evtryftlicre. e»*iw r,.~.rnr,..f,w ..f (/...M..,..r.Ipffinlly nronnd ...............ijt.i'.V.',';"'* ' !■" If'' ] „ nddlllon.

ina HiBurjT:'s mny '•proceed caullouilj" whei)

:-lUie bus driver slcoals them for- lunrd.

iSTltK HATKIl nr Tilt; l>TATi; Of I.f-nKSUn »•. AVAST, IlKCf-AS)!)

1 iiriiKiiY uivK Ur tk« d;iInl.t»UU o( lh> ElLlU ..

X.4J.1. JrtaiM.-lfl'Ul-

' __ ," U>e toplo for Tueadaye meet.

P ^ ’uier speaker* were Roy O T ^ - 1 nelL Uoyd Walker and John Bo* 1 oer. Chief critic was John'Mlnwi. ) Oerber led table topics on

H' currcnt events, especially ro- xonlng of Twin Falls business altcs.

l e g a l ad v ertise m en ts

»0R PBOVIND WJI.I.IN TJIE pnoDATK coonr o r jn iB - COUffTV or TWJN TAtiA STATE ^

TWTOEiiATTin oT TittiaTATr o r .*

—h dtr 0<-Aufui‘ . 1«M-

CSTATR or WILEY K. HA.............................•d AJmlnlitnltli to «r«llt0n el

til pMMBt b»ln( jitliu

Bill* oa »• “*r of Aufui«. *»••.

^'■‘ hfcfSVT-I'hF.TIt'/cnoaw

- ')r 0» luMtKf u»pp«»r »"* «om«t

I ' D*nilr CItrk~ TuWljiiTAuf.-r.-awt. *. i». l»n. MOTICK rn' cUmfoMijH tub PROiiATirTOTnrror Twm


DECEAStD . , , k T

•oTSsa'iJrNiwni'iupftBrTiti™ jctu, n. n.wft«i..

5 r --0 D«« ’ »». T-l« V»Ili. ».oumr- 5 ‘ 3^in-i;.w; suti of id.b*..jbi. m .« .tr.a..«U«B Ot u>.

JlUAtWC* W....—

•H TMrfjiA^en o r Tiir. kstats oi*OLt!A A? PBlorDtCBAflM ..NOTICE IS IIUlkBY.OIVIW

■iC-ViilULU™ ■llh I!r ' t t r t i . , . . _ .j.

Sdlir Milten>l Httik PtflMln*. T>la

"•“ “ ■ a , 15« ‘ rrn .onPubUihi Au». :o. :?. w ' "'___ NrAU j VoUm V! STATE o r IDAfio

e/ tATK or MAYHEt. f. flllERMAN. DKCr.ARW

.............. . HfrrMtrrtni >11H>rb«l I. rntrnin. o ntiir, to'nblWl lh»m ■»

■ t lb* odirn et tiraoll * iUneli, Him a TtMil UIJ*. Twin r*il«. Count/.,fli T>ln Ult(. Siui ef trliba. Ihli b*InK ll>< Vlif* Ur tl

-y uiicg TO-g«BO»TO^--------Z PROHATR COURT or TWIN

# s i s i : stl bm V l l» « hr thf IN niK moilATE COURT

^LVIjLltnlBr Df tb»-««UlM «f TAIJJ COtlKTY. STATT i E.-}TAT/.,Qr-LE3T£n T. D1

II' thr MlJiiMiMim bi~1rf cUims u*ta Mhtbll »b«« »iia «>• £ 2 ^ « i . r . , four iBofllh.'•ffflw.jas-r'.Sfi:® •!!!“-

•I Minh.ll lU rrW . aild M*n» EUtfl WoelTiciaa . . . . . -. lu.b»Bd

Aitmlnlilrmor vll'h WillAtiMJ»<! of Ibi Uui« o’ •tU dMrdffil

'■■>.11.bi Au», i0..37. i>»rl,KOTICr TO CIKOITOM

IK niK rnoiiATE court o r twin IDAHO

>r i Imii hr th»II hMlni cUlnit

nslt.nl Twin r.lli lUnI l»t. T-lB rtlU, Countr 0

Twin, of Iilibo. tbii b«lnc thr-r)«tf ftiTtf-fgnnf tranti ftlffir-efiar tatta»«Tsrair>n«r----:— —r.-----_Dit«] Auiuil II. It;).

ASCEl S M. DITTEB Ajmniiitfiim or ta« *


Page 22: Ceunlr Nfwipcptf -TWiJf-PAL-LSi Ith^HQ^TiIURSDAY^SmE^mEIt ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · ttt tn Boise was “of sre»t«r in- aslty” according to records


Page 23: Ceunlr Nfwipcptf -TWiJf-PAL-LSi Ith^HQ^TiIURSDAY^SmE^mEIt ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · ttt tn Boise was “of sre»t«r in- aslty” according to records


[Blaine Notes

Student Roll1 BAILBY.B 1119 nmlls enroUed In eSus A■ I d ^ l^ S t r lc t NO.E iw t iM d»T. P » « J Dempsey.■f^t?~caDcriot«o(leat^<Ute5-43


■csdisnd In

«' were l.W i *tudeau " •'- upolsS <ltr.

■ First ETftde enroUniRic shoved ■ » oupna In tfte Bellevue *chool, 30l i t 33 at m atr w i 39 atl^ te b u m . IB UU 'SKoad grule

cnraUed at BeU«vue, I n 4t Carey. Sl.at Bftllcy arid 21 tt, iKetchum: tliUd-16 at Bellevue,

a ftC Oarey, 36 at Hallcy and 3< It Ketcaum:-fourtl>—» - a t Btlie- iK, Z< 11 C a iij. 91 at Ilalley «nct 1 ftt Ketchum. and nfth-*cTen [ BcUevue. 71 at Carey. 31 at

■^.iw *nd 25 at Ketchum. r j u t h — 31 at -Beir^ - ‘ * ^ 3 i - at-Hitnt»-

___ m; toventa—17 a( Bellevue.<S u Carey, 39 at BaUey and 3S »t

/'lehlh—19 lit Beltffue. i s at COW. 30 at Haiuy Mid 10 Ketchum.r r o U b for the n»t!e K h«

hawed U8 at BeUevue. 203 cy..2W, at .HBlIey_.and -.2CI8_

Cttchim '

____ 1, 31 ae Carey am 45BliUlet': Juniors—10 at Bellevue,. . k l Carey and 94 at Hailey; seniors U13 at Bellevue, 16 at Carey and V at Halky.

^^ B ^ T ueT 13 lif Carey 1 1S8 at Hailey. Blsh...schooL

U from Ketchum and flun -ittnnntHmaUey-ichoolr-

, ey-iilgti-g!hnol fanitty-in. Eudea WUUatn X. Lipscomb, prln-

• jin d _ n »U ia " " “

Zmory' Dietrich, conch . al' cducsUon and nathe-

tiailcs: iSsa. Paul Bract, library Ind Latin; Mrs. Jay ?tnrJes. home- fctklns and English; Mrs. John

LeadingHotelDesigiier Saysr I don't do thlnfs Just to bo »aiJon»l. ■ ' •—■But hc>tela and-reatauranU art not like lactorlea or achooti. They Wa-SliMi-shaa.

' BT HAL BOTLENEW VORK. 8ept.-3 aw-Arehl-

tcct-Uorrtalapblu»^oday4a-Alta'» le«lli5g tieaiener ol reaort ho-•rli. ________

Some ye»ra a«o architect Praat Uoyd-Wflght »oa ‘15-mUlIon- dollar holel In H 'Beach.' Asked «ha lhou£hf-©r-l„ snapped. “ l f » oaan ih ilir ...............

To which Lap!- dus, designer of the hotel, replied,“I'm.(Uttered. An; aothUl la oae-ofi the. g r e a t e s t abodu nature erer perf«Ud.“ — -

»hotUlrUt-ott«a-liav»»-«lun> nlni Impact 00 the public, wxne* ■ I an annoying one on fellow

. "80inft:ineiabnB;ofiniyrproreii sloe say. Tou’re loo comy-youTe pandertBZ to ths publlc.'r he u ia ~Yca 1 am. My critic irthe masses. I design for them.

human rae«. Let’a”;u»l m ^ e themhappy." - ----------------------------------

The hlff quarrel betwrni Lnpl' dus and W« crttlci ts oxer adorn* ment. He thlnka much or modem archllecturo is beoooilng too borennd item. -----------------

'The Sot* of -adonuitent llilt a basic need Jn people, a need

•T Tut I.try lo do Is to create bclMints—which- girg-T^totUg' a «n »* oJ- e*hilar*lle« *nd en)oy ment. Socie archllecta feel we hare reached » .p tiln l_u bcre -K t- Hjpnmica«a-eD0iun"t6'---------(tructure and pure fonn.

- T ^ t may brtrue or c minor- Ity. Hut the majority stl3 get an emotion bang out of -adoniment. nil'll colorsr-T;eanttfal^ttt«nals and hand-wme decor»tions satisfy their, emotlonal-aecd_fcr-adorn* ment,"*

Lapidus. brought here from Bus- «la bcrore, he was • a yrnr old. llUdltd copprrsjiliUiliig, his fn- ihrr's as a boy. Later iie« ie d snd iiudled stage dfslgnlnR.

’ n a way, he designs his hotrlj If they were vast sUrc m U.

4-H Glub Gives Demonstrations

iiL-YBUHfJ, Sept. s-TfiTSaner. on 4-n clut)*met Monday after- 1000 at ihe Iwme of Mary Ana

Uotis given..Miss T h a x to n demonstrated

chocoltiic fud«: C«innlc Mitchell, tuna-JLih salad, and sn em ’ Oofr, banana bread.

Both leader*, Mrs. lij’lock Beater and Un. Btnurd Scott wcro pres­ent, , Mr?,_I)tareE-saTo_iha-E}rU pointers on judKim: m preparotlotia for the M l f.lr” to be held in Hu-pert Lnbor day. - -------- -------

Mia Thuton u u «ulstcd hi sening refreshments by Connie Mitchell.

VISIT NirCE MOTlTAUCn. Auk. 3 -M r. find

Mrs. Johti Dl*!id visited her niece,

CLASSIFIED AI)f4 l f A N T - A I X R A T E S - -CA m ^-O F t h a n k s ■ s i t u a t i o ^ j ^

rno.. .k ulJ U «rort»J, ImarlU•t<lr. N« Bill b* IBAlU loitr.ort IMn oni IntMrMl Iiitnlaii.

IIKADI.INK IM CUi*tri«d onij i -Uendtr'l ui»—> pj».-S«lu>4ir*' -

TunJij. throgf» .t p.m. Uir b<Ur» '

tUUl'LfcTK KlMi .........addraulni. millini,. mini • hMli. Inaunt pSoto ^

gSluU'Ul"!*”/.', .mk,.wnuiitn »or C«l.m»n

--------------------Tr*.!fi UocaTrillfr Salt*, ttl AtUluii Wmi. BE

BOTO.T1U4NO_C*id*u, Uiiu'tiij (tia mm

f f iW r t 'S s T S ? -Kf-^Nrm L. oAvis b c i-u u

----------- ROTO -TILUNQ-kt>a DUd« Wark

n>ri]tni — LtvBi — r>m utmtm Tr«U>r>in®«Bl»d.tli:«» — «(] QbIbct DICK POOLElt lUS im i5 'SALES HELP W A K H D

Page 24: Ceunlr Nfwipcptf -TWiJf-PAL-LSi Ith^HQ^TiIURSDAY^SmE^mEIt ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · ttt tn Boise was “of sre»t«r in- aslty” according to records

owMtsr-T-x*af»BS-trtt»r'U*«..Be. nn(«. fIrnUn. »*« Hh lA.MfWartlL RE ___________‘

BY OWNERl Wf* botn.. I Mroow------ ' Itoor, 1 /lnlil»d WrwB I

tBrat, HBUn


. OH- l-UIlNiailEU. 1 I»™. ------' -W Ulh. 130 aontk. 41t Ird A ' •' -KUim.

, ONK ilEUKOOM homi. furaUM »H Art. Wal. MC.M Mr iwBlh. *

..Jt » «t . Tth. DUI Cmltrlr, u* « A*», Mo. rhBB« HB

«<m »fj At«. Etit. Pbont BE I-mi.1 UU)1(UUU beiu*. ea IIU A>t

EmL Ph«n» nE «fl«r l i» .2 UU1UO0U, «IMB. bartirax) Itoon.

• i-LEDHW'a~S

MODaiN^*lskB~ bot. X MrooiM o« -■•loJlac -------------- ------------, yoDocl^ I- U 5 U . in A dUa AT^' nu W«at. Aialu pr«f«rr»J. Mfl aoatb.~VbUH^KUHOOU,-t«».Ulh«^^sraw. .................... ^Jor.WonMiia»^uU.IOl

>«droo« b»a«. Uu bnl, Uni iou(lr>B.i SODEiuTTB>U« ind : <T) r., IIE - -

> 1 UIIOE UEDI; UEDIIOOM (l«on.llMu^ul («K«d 71(4. Ul ltd

UUllO raom. IH IVUr. rbeai KB ><|

niM*. g t n t ' C«U*ilE MiTi i<r|r»pi«. ^il'f fc I fcU— ------ ,

Uooa't. SS MHlSMALL 3

BUb.4. . Inqolr* aI UEDKOOIt IIOUK lU imbUu ]

Isnl^a Scbool ^ c k L 1 btdma Wuhlnctoa StbMl <l<Ulei lU i> Llcrt Uebtma A«wr. KE »-»ll


mnu C«ll ItE M » l. wtOTiloa

YOU SHOULD SEE Ibl* follr «iout lltUi** w.Bfc*-«V.lo“ kll«b»



«di miir U ni*t kr Ixirlnf' our »»l!»rirln» ‘

t = A - C E T R E A X T Y ^ | PHONE RE 3-5217

2 NEW »-brfi«ria bea>ntnrtiU.nMHDi •onpltUra. 8«« UiiNOW.'

TlOBINSONiFEEDTMAN"^•A(t«r o>ri(t bocrt CALL

rrank >'«Idtni>a Ljraa SUwirt ________G»or»t Wlracbini

—BHICK Tiowr i ttTflwoBi' HI'A flrrpltnto

Phone RE S-0097


U% b«o frwblr mi ■r.ll.A. 8o drl<r* br U l Wilxat • dMU'“M ERV" JONES REALTY

|—RH:M063— -MO-Mftii

ONE ACREnrw born*. I^ri* ctrMnl Ilrlsf >voa>, buia kluhni. tilliltr roeo. t Urt* lo>»lr b«lroonu. -A luU fin- UhMl bu*m*et wlLb /oar roomi tnii ■n«lbir (alt b«tb. Trm. (loairt, Ptur. and TIIE TRICB 15 lUCIlTi,

AGENCYUT Bhmban* Merth - RE t-tllt

Xfnbn KEMm.. -

t<6Q DOWN plui CIo.1

CLOSE TO UNCOLN 6CHOOL1 Tbrwbwlrooa b«»«. »*rT n»»» »BdclMD. rull bMtni«ol.

I bn*. Iil<U (ct


U*mb*r Vulllpl* Llillof

I Bp»tIou»‘ l«Jfoom»"»Bd‘ rin’ Ul*;- mcnt. £ic«1l«at floor rI*B vltb luii

>oom tad kiltb«n. Cm I.M9 fetUlU>L'*_'«'*>r •'■I'b -FM> g»ut-»—M.>cpt»«ur«7Taa.wtt».

.aal*.iliJOO.______« Am* wllb »>b*dr«e<B born*. Dnkit- ■>ru* anil pttla. A nod bur for onl? 116.009. cMxi Urma... . »-U-lrootn tuiUm homo. 1 baltii, 1 flrrpla<«. and dmblo (araia. Dmo nint ti finlihfd (or apanmm or rMrtallofl rv“ *sd <lb bedroom. Local coBtraetar bglll tbit lor bla /amllr and It U auparior Urkk «i>. alml OB. 1( rvu waal lb* baal. aaa


llamltu nr. >-«0T»


REALTY " '■ W fItE

SELbOM '-Do-we-offer-a-nlcer-home

these terms.I-b*drontn brleli.'lii Jo»»Ir Cooi Ss» rU« addlUon. rtallr loadtd «ltb •>. tr»». flr^latt. dlahwubtr. dlipoaal. wall.to<«all «arv«l. larto ptllo. tt>

• .aara*».^, «ii»»n,lm _ iill|llT

Ksm-BEEM LtVZS W i badream brick bon*. Cat rurtKt. bltrb kittb- •n. Urt* llilac n*a aad hatdwood (knra. C o ^ r txadajOTaaall^a«aLT*Ul prk* llt.m.**' ' ’ *

DE THE m ST U |lr* la IbU*il» M.»e. will ukJ'm. ml” rbois* or «h*t lutTt too. bgt would Ilk* n,MO eaab..tb« bataDr*.- tTIJ»

SEVERAL CUAIUIINO tidrr boon, qukt, apaekwt aad air ol dlfsllf. Lew. low prIcM.:=ir-rOU-»**nbarbVw~yrBgf«Hf

. liBpmilx (anilr. brUk bKna. It lur


— OLACRSUmi 8II0P. Lot U s 800-. _ 8hap <oneliiaIr

— Tw o DEOROOU hama, Una. rooma. Carua. oiat Olakal ' '

-G E M -S T A T E REALTY-Offiee Phone RE 3*5330

3. .W.Jlwumaltt. BR Ml.lj.


b«dr«on, «balca iMtlioa.

1 GOOD bulldint lot «n lib Kail KIMBERLY HOME?

4 ll :DI<OOti. rood kKallon. |}.M« CLEAN J-brtroom t t kHooI. « ,« » "

- t DEDnOOH. (all baamuat. CIm*

10. UNIT UOTEL wllb Ubodrocn boma and-(oIlr Kjalpp ea(t.fiaaa.GOOD Kortliiao li) Atrtfc


Tavlor Agency__At Kimberly

Bon;Ta/lpr-jOffW^S«nt_CA H l »


Altractlx T room b<ma. poUU «l> lar. ta rood loeatlon on oiitd road. Moailr I’srtneuf tilt loara loll. Brt tbii sBa b«(ara burinr,

•r Hour* Call RE M««T»lar»IU-

■JlO'Aeri T norUnjJ*; ta » wall. »«a-


- « r M<tl5-AgFWMt=Rgtng80- Twln Palis

• KB-t-im-WnWl

.mai'a.riVfiirol'IatnfJl. raBS .JIW*l. ...........................do»B. Ulaa<a


Obo'dl^^iaiftoV rt*P#tnlar.

<Sblft board all in (r«l room. Can-

»tnrlbinc llt>-to9 ihapa. A baryala at ll».;oo. , IJ.SOO dowa.-----------1(0 ACnrj (or oniT UO.OM. |:.$9# dowD. 1 « arr»« In _«(i »allor, pump

Dave Nicholson_________Brolcat________

.HoBcrmraridiiho — TB l.<73l

■ 300 HEADla

r. ri»B"ir

__________r>MlH RE-t.OTtK*--JtAUIC VALLK* MIlKBr j

I KVltb |Ouu uu•iu>j:i.9Cio


lU Uain Avratia tail bona IlE »-M« J * »•»«.■.aafa-nao<»a-Boa«aJ«».flaat—KFARM IMPLEMENTS-

■:-OArtlcM »

Oi'C.N TIL 1 A.U. Cbolc* blaakr. . . . Oarmii OraXl Lnr. U»b Gttr’a.Ttoebj

IIM;IULMKU.H tonblat .(

I ” blnK lO fMrtuV’ 5*rmln and elcwic. I’hona KA-

*««t of Jararrt. n»»a Will OWKil TAt>>OKK Ca»a ebopp«r. Hi, tmlWnrb*aflr-A*0-*<»i<W»ai-*r*li»-aad bran atUcbDirnlt witb BiMor. Tbasa :9U\C*.IIrford. .OK.,iALB.fr *rarf*_lo_r.r»d_WcI alotll or vbat hata Ua>lltrria T (u a.l( prowlIH «mt btanfand iralD alucbamla.n ;« ,

____ John D**r* potato difonlr n atm.'boU(l.t lait (til.

___ _l «Jflll*tH --4-t07rTj««>B.A----

*KVTuAiii(ia'rondHlan, Krpi alnddni. 15,000, ■3, (i; do. and Bom, Kla-b.rl,. CA

pA OA »-SlH, .



Tta polito bar»t«lar .-iNirrrd for AMrai* (Local Klalda *ad Soil Coa- dlllona. iTba IItr>nUr (hat dtlltan <l«aa poUUxa la tti* bint.

niiLK rch-ATo beds AS Statl' CoBttructiOB



Cbarla* IL Urofrn. Fbott IM.J. .

B U S I N E S S ' ^ ' P R O F E S S r O N a i ; ^


CA.STALOUl'bd. .............rlptnad, C>uariBl*«d ’ tralr ftaTOrfi Model -T" Cardrm. »S nJar._ »

n Ifortnrtlr 8<o' I Cafil.',UU) AND WHITE. potatoM. ----------I aw*«t ram. Caata 10 (or 11.09, AtiTioia'Tnlarr Tniil Btind IMT-Kla.. I barir Road acren tfom Tala furnllur*. 'HAU;"llAViaV p«atlir» I t buibal or

ti'P«r*’buihti!*‘*ri»n*Kray i

»n. Buhl.ilMk. TaUa-J-----

Z bUBd anil : black. 1 Phnn* IlE t-9tCS.

:.M(I.s't)|.OU> Hound pbrtd Lion doo. lUaek and tin nioodhouna ero». Call or wrlta Millard

.Mr.nra, Carar. Idaho, Pbona TAylor!i'UrSi_lUinllPf d/< auvtrma. Uarman ' Sbonh*lt.<V*raanW-»r«.iiUltf'-—"' •olid browB coal. Wormfd. iaimi

Ilalb ' parrnta rrclilarad. I'boo «.1J47,-Shoihoaf. - -

WILL PAY CASn ■ m r acrao Iren, Copprr, bran trnlnam.—mdialot»-*Bd-i»Bli-UI“ b ARRY KbPPEL CO.


M. (iowl InrOma p:

pay mtlnran.prlrc*. jj»* our I* y»*n‘ ]IJ.oV, 'j«-a TV anit’ T —Scnlcr. I'hom IIK I tliV IIIJ iUm..

I’hona 111! T-:)i:0. IllchllalJ.LIVESTOCK & POULTRY

IIL-J-UW.htKcr. Pbona

T-ln Kali.. C.ll IlK 1'.»IUUKNTI.»;(>IIKIINSKY «f HrtWrt Tbrinir, DA 1UOUU S jr.r cld W i.ldlnr aaddla

INKKUaprlntar r «» and btirara. Pboea :tfn llvhrin

KIVK I'lIKKIIIIKU Columbia bu<k>. aU IrIMt for rrslilry, I'Son. UK J.OHI,

______OwvK ml t, d ;»V '

Pb™. n.u


“ E W E 's n o T E M B j


, 'n>aa« aatc .111 b» .!». .««■ —ttaa WIIB 111*' mutir fihlar ' Part of lb* a«aa will iail t -■ftrmooa-with-tb*-b*lan»«-».- Salurday. Tba bucki will a»U ai


COMMISSION GO.iPhone 2M , OnUrio,43al

>li far tha BoTtra I


I CUIIIU foot uprlibl I (onaola Imparlal TV. ir Call RE 1 —'

ra tad roraluir*. ZU MAUTOMATIU wulirr with r. .......... Only »7 dowB. I

.1 fit.f Kn^iDiI tall.-l'htm* RK a>4q.~.. 2

flnl claaa coodliloB. I

“ UsEl)“ S P P IM N C E nOverstocked CTeanmc# RefrlBentlor*. Rahsm..

Washers, Dryen, TV 6eli |

Vi OFF! - GAIN’a

Page 25: Ceunlr Nfwipcptf -TWiJf-PAL-LSi Ith^HQ^TiIURSDAY^SmE^mEIt ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · ttt tn Boise was “of sre»t«r in- aslty” according to records
Page 26: Ceunlr Nfwipcptf -TWiJf-PAL-LSi Ith^HQ^TiIURSDAY^SmE^mEIt ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · ttt tn Boise was “of sre»t«r in- aslty” according to records

w r _ ■ .

I > a g e ; . t w b n t y .e ig h t ' i j TIMES-NEWS, TWIN_FALLS, IDAHO THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER S,

izzBHghteigyaijif Lobordav Weekerid Meofs^yith


G r X t O C S R X J P E A T T J R E S



1 — . ^ — c o n s —

& ^ B I E A N S ^ n C d m p . .4 ~ ^ | D ^ (X )^ n s -5 5 '

S S J ^ E - ^ U S E S — Medium Pitted . . A No. 1 Cans 8 9 C

T O A A A T O S O U i P Cam pbell's . -9 No. I ^ a n s l . O OIHK TUNAW h ite S tq r(3 co ffi3 No. ViCm s m

» H M E A T M o w e lU ^S n o d c ^-n o z;C o n s _ ,,,,,7 ^

T t r r o c -

CAULIFLOWER V . . . ib 19c YELLOW ONIONS . . ib Sc




SANDWICHES pkg 39*OREO CREME - . : ------------------- NABJSCO — — . .

S M ^ D W J C H E S T 3 ^ 9 “^ R f T Z € ia < : K E R S = i f ^ 3 1 ^

FREE with Trading Stamps - - In m y m iF A G F€)O D M AR KETS

MerEi!!’s Food Basket

eaUaNTYnES Market | tignin Kvenue iTiarneiGold Strike Sfomps P a u l i Gold Strike Stomps Twin Foils

Food Fair i b a l l a n t y n e 'S m a r k e tGold Strike Stomps Buhl, Idaho H Gold Strike St.-.mps Rupert

DRIVEW AY M A R K E T I PAUL'S DRIVE IN g C O U R TESY MARSi H Green S to m p s Twin Falls | Strike Stomps J c r o m c g