cg'jfb M s[i0f ;'j]bL / df]xg bFufn sfg'gL ;xof]u M slkn cof{n efiff ;Dkfbg M b]j/fh ;fksf]6f ;+of]hg M ;f]lkmof clwsf/L klxnf] ;+:s/0f M @)&$ k|sfzs M rfON8 g]kfn, uf]kLs[i0f gu/, rfjlxn, sf7df8f}F–)& )!–$*!@$!&, $*@@))@ kf]= a= g+= @!*@( Od]n M [email protected], [email protected] j]e;fO6 M www.childnepal.org ;jf{lwsf/ M rfON8 g]kfn gf]6M– ;+o'Qm /fi6«;+3Lo dfgj clwsf/ pRr cfo'Œfmsf] sfof{no, h]g]ef :jLh/Nof08af6 c+u|]hLdf k|sfzg ePsf] afnclwsf/ ;DaGwL dxf;lGw cGt{ut afnaflnsfsf] ;~rf/ k|lqmof;DaGwL t];|f] P]lR5s cfn]v g]kfnLdf cg'jfb u/L rfON8 g]kfnn] ;]e b lrN8«gsf] ;xof]uaf6 u}/gfkmf d"ns på]Zon] r]tgf / ;fj{hflgs lxtsf nflu k|sflzt

cg'jfb M s[i0f ;'j]bL / df]xg bFufn rfON8 g]kfn, …...cg'jfb M s[i0f ;'j]bL / df]xg bFufn sfg'gL ;xof]u M slkn cof{n efiff ;Dkfbg M b]j/fh ;fksf]6f;+of]hg M ;f]lkmof clwsf/L klxnf]

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Page 1: cg'jfb M s[i0f ;'j]bL / df]xg bFufn rfON8 g]kfn, …...cg'jfb M s[i0f ;'j]bL / df]xg bFufn sfg'gL ;xof]u M slkn cof{n efiff ;Dkfbg M b]j/fh ;fksf]6f;+of]hg M ;f]lkmof clwsf/L klxnf]

cg'jfb M s[i0f ;'j]bL / df]xg bFufnsfg'gL ;xof]u M slkn cof{nefiff ;Dkfbg M b]j/fh ;fksf]6f;+of]hg M ;f]lkmof clwsf/Lklxnf] ;+:s/0f M @)&$

k|sfzs M

rfON8 g]kfn, uf]kLs[i0f gu/, rfjlxn, sf7df8f}F–)& )!–$*!@$!&, $*@@))@ kf]= a= g+= @!*@(

Od]n M [email protected], [email protected]

j]e;fO6 M www.childnepal.org

;jf{lwsf/ M rfON8 g]kfn

gf]6M–;+o'Qm /fi6«;+3Lo dfgj clwsf/ pRr cfo'Œfmsf] sfof{no, h]g]ef

:jLh/Nof08af6 c+u|]hLdf k|sfzg ePsf] afnclwsf/ ;DaGwL dxf;lGwcGt{ut afnaflnsfsf] ;~rf/ k|lqmof;DaGwL t];|f] P]lR5s cfn]v g]kfnLdfcg'jfb u/L rfON8 g]kfnn] ;]e b lrN8«gsf] ;xof]uaf6 u}/gfkmf d"ns

på]Zon] r]tgf / ;fj{hflgs lxtsf nflu k|sflzt

Page 2: cg'jfb M s[i0f ;'j]bL / df]xg bFufn rfON8 g]kfn, …...cg'jfb M s[i0f ;'j]bL / df]xg bFufn sfg'gL ;xof]u M slkn cof{n efiff ;Dkfbg M b]j/fh ;fksf]6f;+of]hg M ;f]lkmof clwsf/L klxnf]

;+o'Qm /fi6«;+3 dxf;ef@ gf]e]Da/ @)!!

^^cf}F a}7st];|f] ;ldltk|:tfj g+= ^$dfgjclwsf/ lgof]u

cNaflgof, cl:6«of, a]lNhod, af]lnleof, -Knf]l/g]:gn :6]6 ckm_af]l:gof xh{uf]legf_ a|flhn, lrnL, sf]:6fl/sf, qmf]Pl;of, ;fOk|;,r]s u0ftGq, 8]gdfs{, :6f]lgof, lkmgNofG8, hd{gL, lu|;, Ujf6]dfnf,xf]G8'/;, x+u]/L, cfo/NofG8, O6fnL, hf]8{g, lnr\6]G;6fOg, nUh]Dau{,dflNbE;, dG6]g]u|f], kfgfdf, k]?, kf]r'{un, ;]g]un, ;le{of, :nf]eflsof,:nf]e]lgof, :k]g, yfONofG8, kmd{/ o'uf]:nfe d];]8f]lgof u0ftGq,l6df]/n]T;], 6sL{, o'qm]g, ;+o'Qm /fHo cd]l/sf / p?Uj]n];+o'Qm /fi6«;+3Lo afnclwsf/ ;DaGwL dxf;lGwsf] ;~rf/k|lqmof;DaGwL t];|f] OR5flwg cfn]vsf] klxnf] d:of}bf tof/kf/]sf] .

dxf;efn],;+o'Qm /fi6«;+3Lo afnclwsf/ ;DaGwL dxf;lGwsf] ;~rf/k|lqmof;DaGwL t];|f] OR5flwg cfn]vnfO{ dfgj clwsf/ kl/ifb\sf]l/hf]n';g !&÷!* -!& h"g @)!!_ n] c+lusf/ u/]sf] :jfut ub}{,!= o; ;+sNk n]vsf] cg';"rLdf tf]lsPcg';f/ afnclwsf/

;DaGwL dxf;lGwcGtu{t afnaflnsfsf] ;~rf/ k|lqmof;DaGwLOR5flwg cfn]vnfO{ c+lusf/ ub{5 .

@= ;g\ @)!@ df x'g] o; cfn]vsf] x:tfIf/ ;df/f]x v'nf ug{;'emfj ub{5 / ;+o'Qm /fi6«;+3sf dxf;lrj / dfgjclwsf/pRr cfo'QmnfO{ cfjZos ;xof]u k|bfg ug{ cg'/f]w ub{5 .

cg';"rL M;+o'Qm /fi6«;+3Lo afnclwsf/ ;DaGwL dxf;lGwsf] ;~rf/k|lqmof;DaGwL t];|f] OR5flwg cfn]v

o; cfn]vsf /fHokIfx¿n],;+o'Qm /fi6«;+3sf] a8fkqsf] l;4fGtcg';f/ ljZjdf :jtGqtf, Gofo/ zflGtsf] cfwf/zLnfsf nflu dfgj ;d'bfosf ;a} ;b:ox¿sf]cGtlg{lxt dof{bf, ;dfg / cljlR5Gg clwsf/x¿nfO{ Wofgdf /fVb},

;+o'Qm /fi6«;+3 afnclwsf/;DaGwL dxf;lGwn] o;sf] clwsf/If]qleqkg]{ ;a} afnaflnsfnfO{ p;sf a'jf–cfdf of sfg'gL cleefjssf]hft, /ª, lnË, efiff, wd{, /fhgLlts jf cGo ljrf/wf/f, /fli6«otf,cflbjf;L jf ;fdflhs pTklQ, cfly{s cj:yf, ckfËtf, hGd jfcGo cj:yfsf cfwf/df s'g} e]befj gul/g] k|Tofe"ltnfO{ :jLsf/u/]sf] ljifonfO{ Wofgdf /fVb},

dfgjclwsf/sf] ljZjJoflk dfGotf, j}oslQms cGt/lge{/tf /cGt;{DaGwsf ;fy} cfwf/e"t :jtGqtfnfO{ k'gM k'li6 ub}{,

afnaflnsfsf clwsf/ / dfgjLo dof{bfsf xsbf/ x'g\ eGg]cj:yfsf ;fy} pgLx¿sf] ljsf;dfg IfdtfnfO{ k'gM k'li6 ub}{,

afnaflnsf] ljz]if / lge{/tfsf] cj:yfn] pgLx¿sf] clwsf/pNn+3g x'Fbf cfjZos pkrf/ k|bfg ug{ ;d:ofx¿ cfpg ;S5g\eGg] ljifonfO{ klxrfg ub{},

o; OR5flwg cfn]vn] afnaflnsfsf] clwsf/ pNn+3g;DaGwLph'/L ug]{ sfddf /fli6«o / If]qLo ;+oGqnfO{ ;xof]uL x'g] /;anLs/0f ug]{ ;Gbe{nfO{ :jLsf/ ub}{,

afnaflnsfsf] clwsf/ pNn+3gsf qmddf cfjZos pkrf/ k|bfgubf{ afnaflnsfsf] ;jf]{Qd lxtnfO{ Wofgdf /fVg] / o:tf pkrf/sfnflu ;a} txdf afn ;+j ]bgzLntfnfO { klxrfg ub} { ,

afnaflnsfsf] clwsf/ pNn+3gsf cj:yfdf b]zleq} k|efjsf/L

! @

Page 3: cg'jfb M s[i0f ;'j]bL / df]xg bFufn rfON8 g]kfn, …...cg'jfb M s[i0f ;'j]bL / df]xg bFufn sfg'gL ;xof]u M slkn cof{n efiff ;Dkfbg M b]j/fh ;fksf]6f;+of]hg M ;f]lkmof clwsf/L klxnf]

pkrf/sf nflu afnaflnsfsf] Ifdtf clej[l4 / pko'Qm /fli6«o;+oGqsf] ljsf; ug{ k|f]T;fxg ub}{,

afnclwsf/sf] k|j4{g / ;+/If0fsf nflu dfgjclwsf/sf /fli6«olgsfox¿ / cGo ;DalGwt ljz]if lgsfox¿n] v]Ng] dxTjk"0f{e"ldsfnfO{ k'gM :d[lt ub}{,

/fli6«o ;+oGqx¿nfO{ ;an kfg{ / afnaflnsf ;DaGwL dxf;lGw,afnaflnsfsf] a]rlavg, a]Zofj[lQ / cZnLn lrq0f;DaGwL OR5flwgcfn]v / ;zq åGådf afnaflnsfsf] k|of]u;DaGwL OR5flwgcfn]vsf] k|efjsf/L sfof{Gjog ug{ o; cfn]vcGtu{tsf lqmofsnfkx¿;~rfng ug{ ;+o'Qm /fi6«;+3Lo afnclwsf/ ;ldltsf] -o;kl5…;ldltÚ elgPsf]_ Ifdtf clej[l4 ug]{ ljifonfO{ Wofgdf /fVb},

lgDgcg';f/ ;xdt 5f}F M

efu !=;fdfGo k|jwfgx?

wf/f ! M /fi6«;+3Lo afnclwsf/ ;ldltsf] ;IfdtfnfO{!= o; OR5flwg cfn]vsf] /fHokIfn] ;ldltsf] ;IfdtfnfO{

:jLsfg{] 5 .@= s'g} klg cWofn]vsf] /fHokIf gePsf] cj:yfdf afnclwsf/

xgg ePdf ;ldltn] o; cfn]vdf pNn]v ePcg';f/;IfdtfnfO{ k|of]u ug]{ 5}g .

#= o; OR5flwg cfn]vsf] /fHokIf gePsf cj:yfdf ;ldltn]s'g} klg ;~rf/ u|x0f ug]{ 5}g .

wf/f @ M ;ldltsf] lqmofsnfkx?nfO{ dfu{lgb{]z ug]{ ;fdfGo l;4fGtx?o; OR5flwg cfn]vdf tf]lsPcg';f/sf lqmofsnfkx¿;DkGg ug{ ;ldltnfO{ afnaflnsfsf] ;jf]{Qd lxtsf]l;4fGtn] dfu{lgb]{z ug]{5 . o;sf ;fy;fy} ;ldltn]afnaflnsfsf] clwsf/ / ljrf/nfO{ pgLx¿sf] pd]/ /kl/kSjtfsf cfwf/df ;Ddfg ug]{5 .

wf/f # M k|lqmof;DaGwL lgodx?!= ;ldltn] o; OR5flwg cfn]vdf tf]lsPcg';f/sf

k|lqmof;DaGwL lgodx¿ ckgfpg] 5 . o;sf nflu ljz]iftMo; cfn]vsf] wf/f @ cg';f/ afn;+j]bgzLn k|lqmofx¿nfO{k|Tofe"t ug]{5 .

@= o; k|lqmof;daGwL lgodcg';f/ afnaflnsfnfO{ pgLx¿sftkm{af6 c¿ s;}n] b'?kof]u u/L u/]sf] ;~rf/nfO{ ;ldltn]/f]syfd ug]{5 / afnaflnsfsf] ;jf]{Qd lxtnfO{ WofgglbOPsf s'g} klg lsl;dsf ;~rf/nfO{ ;ldltn] hfFra'emgug{ ;S5 .

wf/f $ M ;+/If0f;DaGwL k|fjwfgx?!= ;~rf/ ul/;s]kl5sf] cj:yfdf /fHokIfn] o; cfn]vcGtu{t

cfk\mgf] If]qflwsf/leqsf ;a} JolQmx¿nfO{ dfgjclwsf/ pNn+3g, unt Jojxf/ / wDsL÷qf;af6 hf]lug plrtsbdx¿sf] k|Tofe"t ug'{kg]{ / ;ldlt;Fu ;xsfo{ ug'{kg]{5 .

@= ;DalGwt JolQm jf ;d"xsf] cg'dltlagf ;fj{hlgs ¿kdfpgLx¿sf kl/ro v'nf;f ug{ gx'g] .

efu @=;~rf/ k|lqmof

wf/f % M JolQmut ;~rf/!= /fHokIfsf] clwsf/If]qleq /xL s'g} JolQm jf ;d"xn]

lgDglnlvt k|fjwfgcg'¿k clwsf/ xgg eO{ kLl8t x'gk'u]df ;~rf/ ug{ ;Sg]5 Ms= afnclwsf/;DaGwL dxf;lGw,v= afnaflnsfsf] a]rlavg, a]Zofj[lQ / cZnLn

lrq0f;DaGwL OR5flwg cfn]vu= ;zq åGådf afnaflnsfsf] k|of]u;DaGwL OR5flwg

cfn]v@= s'g} JolQm jf ;d"xsf tkm{af6 ;~rf/ ubf{ pgLx¿sf]

# $

Page 4: cg'jfb M s[i0f ;'j]bL / df]xg bFufn rfON8 g]kfn, …...cg'jfb M s[i0f ;'j]bL / df]xg bFufn sfg'gL ;xof]u M slkn cof{n efiff ;Dkfbg M b]j/fh ;fksf]6f;+of]hg M ;f]lkmof clwsf/L klxnf]

cg'dlt lng'kg] { / o;nfO{ ;~rf/stf{n] k'li6 ug{;Sg'kg]{ .

wf/f ^ M cGtl/d k|fjwfg!= ;~rf/ k|fKt ul/;s]kl5sf] cj:yfdf ;ldltn] kLl8t

cyjf kLl8t egL bfaL ul/Psf JolQmdfly x'g;Sg];Defljt Iflt lgoGq0f ug{ cGtl/d k|fjwfgsf nflucfsl:ds u|x0f;lxtsf] cg'/f]w /fHokIfnfO{ k7fpg;Sg]5 .

@= o; wf/fsf] cg'R5]b ! cGtu{t ;ldltn] cfk\mgf] :jtGqclwsf/ k|of]u ug{ ;Sg]5 . ;~rf/sf] u|Xotf jf u'0ffTdstfdfly of] clwsf/ pkof]u x'g] 5}g .

wf/f & Mu|fXotflgDg cj:yfdf ;ldltn] ;~rf/nfO{ cu|fXo dfGg ;Sg]5

!= ;~rf/ a]gfd] ePdf,@= ;~rf/ lnlvt gePdf,#= ;~rf/ lbg] clwsf/sf] b'?kof]u ul/Psf] ;ldltn] 7fg]sf]

cj:yfdf jf cfn]vsf] k|fjwfg;Fu d]n gvfPdf,$= ;ldltn] klxn] g} hfFra'em ul/;s]sf] jf cGt/f{li6«o

cg';Gwfgsf cGo k|lqmofcGtu{t hfFra'emsf qmddf /x]sf]cj:yfdf,

%= b]zdf pknAw ;a} sfg'gL pkrf/x¿sf] k|of]u eOg;s]sf]cj:yfdf t/ sfg'gL pkrf/x¿ lgs} l9nf] / k|efjsf/Lkl/0ffd gx'g] cj:yfdf of] k|fjwfg lgliqmo x'g],

^= ;~rf/ e"m6f] ePdf jf kof{Kt tYosf] cefj ePdf,&= o; cfn]vsf] /fHokIf x'g'k"j{ g} ;~rfl/t ePsf] cj:yfdf,*= b]zleqsf ;a} sfg'gL pkrf/sf] k|of]u u/L Ps jif{leq

;ldltdf gk7fOPdf / u|fx\o x'g] 5}g t/ ;~rf/stf{n]Ps jif{leq ;~rf/ sfo{ c;Dej ePsf] k'li6 ug{ ;s]dfu|fXo x'g]

wf/f * M ;~rf/sf] ;Dk|]if0f!= o; cfn]vcGtu{t cfk"m;dIf k]; x'g cfPsf] ;~rf/

;ldltn] uf]kgLotf sfod /fVb} o; k|n]vsf] /fHokIfsf]hgsf/Ldf Nofpg] 5 .

@= hfgsf/L k|fks /fHokIfn]] ^ dlxgfleq ;f] ljifodf s'g}s'/f jf pkfo /fHokIfn] u/]sf] eP ;f] v'nfO{ ;ldlt;dIflnlvt :ki6Ls/0f JofVof jf ljj/0f;lxt k]; ug{;Sg]5 .

wf/f ( M d}qLk"0f{ lg/f]k0f!= dxf;lGw / o;sf OR5flwg cfn]vx¿sf k|fjwfgx¿nfO{

;Ddfg ub}{ To;sf cfwf/df 36gfsf] d]nldnfksfJoj:yfkg;Dd k'Ugsf nflu ;ldltn] /fHokIfnfO{ ;b\efj;]jf pknAw u/fpg ;Sg]5 .

@= lg/f]k0fsf] ;Demf}tfkl5 ;ldltn] o; k|n]vcGtu{t rn]sf];~rf/ k|lqmofnfO{ cGt ug]{5 .

wf/f !) M ;~rf/sf] u|x0f!= o; cfn]vcGtu{t ;~rf/;DaGwL ;Dk"0f{ lnlvt ljj/0fsf

cfwf/df ;ldltn] l56f]eGbf l56f] ljrf/ ug{ ;Sg]5 .@= o; cfn]vcGtu{t k|fKt ;~rf/sf] hfFra'emsf nflu

;ldltn] aGb;q jf a}7s /fVg ;Sg]5 .#= cGtl/d k|fjwfg cg'/f]w ul/Psf] ;Gbe{df ;ldltn]

;~rf/nfO{ l56f]eGbf l56f] ljrf/ ug{ ;Sg]5 .$= cfly{s, ;fdflhs / ;f+:s[lts clwsf/sf] pNn+3g;DaGwL

;~rf/sf] hfFra'em ubf{ /fHokIfn] dxf;lGwsf] wf/f $cg'¿k sbd rfn]sf] ljZj;gLotfnfO{ ;ldltn] ljrf/ug{ ;Sg]5 . o;sf nflu /fHokIfn] o; dxf;lGwdfcfly{s, ;fdflhs / ;f+:s[lts / clwsf/sf] sfof{Gjogsfnflu ;DefJo gLltut k|fjwfgx¿ ckgfpg ;Sg] s'/fnfO{;ldltn] Wofgdf /fVg]5 .

%= ;~rf/sf] hfFra'em u/]kl5 l9nf] gu/L ;ldltn] o;;DaGwL

% ^

Page 5: cg'jfb M s[i0f ;'j]bL / df]xg bFufn rfON8 g]kfn, …...cg'jfb M s[i0f ;'j]bL / df]xg bFufn sfg'gL ;xof]u M slkn cof{n efiff ;Dkfbg M b]j/fh ;fksf]6f;+of]hg M ;f]lkmof clwsf/L klxnf]

ljrf/ ;'emfjx¿ /fHokIfnfO{ k7fpg ;Sg]5 .

wf/f !! M cg'udg!= ;ldltn] k7fPsf ljrf/ / ;'emfjx¿nfO{ /fHokIfn]

dxTjsf;fy lng'kg]{ / To;cg'¿k ul/Psf lqmofsnfkaf/]lj:t[t lnlvt lqmofsnfkaf/] k|ltlqmof ;ldltnfO{ k7fpg'kg]{5 . /fHokIfn] Tof] k|ltlqmof ^ dlxgf jf To;eGbf rfF8f]k7fpg' kg]{5 .

@= ;ldltsf ] ljrf/ ;'emfjsf ;fy } d ]nldnfksf ]sfof{Gjog;DaGwL yk hfgsf/Lsf nflu ;ldltn] /fHokIfnfO{af]nfpg ;Sg]5 . o;sf nflu ;ldltn] /fHokIfsfk|ltj]bgx¿ dxf;lGwsf] wf/f $$, afnaflnsfsf] a]rlavg,a]Zofj[lQ / cZnLn lrq0f;DaGwL OR5flwg cfn]vsf]wf/f !@ jf ;zq åGådf afnaflnsfsf] k|of]u;DaGwLP]lR5s cfn]vsf] wf/f * nfO{ dWogh/ ug{ ;Sg]5 .

wf/f !@ M cGtb]{zLo ;~rf/!= o; OR5flwg cfn]vsf] s'g} klg /fHokIfn] lgDg

b:tfj]hx¿sf] s'g} a]nf csf]{ /fHokIfn] bfloTjx¿ k"/ful//x]sf] 5}g eGg]af/]df s'g} /fHokIfaf6 ;ldltn] ;~rf/lng] / ljrf/ ug]{ ;ldltsf] ;IfdtfnfO{ dfGotf k|bfgug]{ 3f]if0ff ug{ ;Sg]5 .s= afnclwsf/ dxf;lGwv= afnaflnsfsf] a]rlavg, a]:ofj[lQ / cZnLn

lrq0f;DaGwL OR5flwg cfn]vu= ;zq åGådf afnaflnsfsf] k|of]u;DaGwL OR5flwg

cfn]v@= o:tf] 3f]if0ff gu/]sf] /fHokIf;DaGwL s'g} klg ;~rf/nfO{

;ldltn] :jLsf/ ug]{ 5}g#= o; k|n]vdf Joj:yf ul/Psf bfloTjsf] ;Ddfgsf cfwf/df

ljifosf] d}qLk"0f{ ;dfwfg lgsfNg] Wo]on] cfk\mgf] ;b\efj;]jf-u'8 clkm;];_ pknAw u/fpg]5 .

$= o; wf/fsf] cg'R5]b ! cGtu{tsf] 3f]if0ff /fHokIfx¿n];+o'Qm /fi6«;+3sf dxf;lrj;dIf bflvnf ug]{5g\ /dxf;lrjn] To;sf k|ltx¿ cGo /fHokIfx¿nfO{ k7fpg]5g\ . dxf;lrjnfO{ ;"rgf lbO{ h'g;'s} ;dodf 3f]if0fflkmtf{ ug{ ;lsg]5 . o; wf/fcGtu{t klxn] g} k7fOPsf];~rf/nfO{ ljrf/ ug]{ sfo{nfO{ 3f]if0ff lkmtf{ u/fOg] s'g}c;/ k'¥ofpg] 5}g . 3f]if0ff lkmtf{ lnPsf] hgfp dxf;lrjn]k|fKt u/]kl5 ;DalGwt /fHokIfn] gofF wf]if0ff gu/];Dds'g} klg /fHokIfn] k7fPsf yk ;~rf/nfO{ o; wf/fcGtu{tu|x0f ul/g] 5}g .

efu #=;f]wk'5 k|lqmof

wf/f !# M h3Go / Jojl:yt pNn+3gsf] ;DaGwL ;f]wk'5 k|lqmof!= afnclwsf/ dxf;lGw, afnaflnsfsf] a]rlavg, a]:ofj[lQ

/ cZnLn lrq0f;DaGwL OR5flwg cfn]v / ;zq åGådfafnaflnsfsf] k|of]u;DaGwL OR5flwg cfn]vsf] /fHokIfn]g} h3Go / Jojl:yt pNn+3g u/]sf] e/kbf]{ ;~rf/ k|fKtu/]df ;ldltn] /fHokIfnfO{ ;f] ;~rf/sf] hfFra'emsf nflu;xsfo{ ug{ / l9nf] gu/L ;~rf/cg'¿ksf] cg'udgsfljj/0fx¿ a'emfpg af]nfpg ;Sg]5 .

@= /fHokIfn] a'emfPsf] ljj/0f / e/kbf]{ ;~rf/sf cfwf/df;ldltn] ;f]wk'5sf nflu Ps jf PseGbf a9L ;b:ox¿lgo'Qm ug{ ;Sg]5 . oL ;b:ox¿n] ;f]wk'5 sfo{ ;~rfngug]{5g\ / ;ldltnfO{ k|ltj]bg a'emfpg] 5g\ . cfjZostfcg';f/ pgLx¿n] /fHokIfsf] cg'dltdf To; d'n'ssf]e|d0f klg ug{ ;Sg]5g\ .

#= o:tf ;f]wk'5 uf]Ko ¿kdf ul/g]5 / o;sf ;a} k|lqmofuttxdf /fHokIf;Fu ;xsfo{ ul/g]5 .

$= ;f]wk'5 sfo{ ;DkGg ePnuQ} o;sf pknlAw, cfnf]rgf/ ;'emfjx¿ /fHokIfnfO{ k7fOg]5 .

%= o:tf pknlAw, cfnf]rgf / ;'emfjx¿ dflysf] ljrf/

& *

Page 6: cg'jfb M s[i0f ;'j]bL / df]xg bFufn rfON8 g]kfn, …...cg'jfb M s[i0f ;'j]bL / df]xg bFufn sfg'gL ;xof]u M slkn cof{n efiff ;Dkfbg M b]j/fh ;fksf]6f;+of]hg M ;f]lkmof clwsf/L klxnf]

/fHokIfn] ^ dlxgf jf To;eGbf rfF8f] ;ldltdf a'emfpg'kg]{5 .

^= o; wf/fsf] cg'R5]b @ cg'¿k ul/Psf ;f]wk'5sf k|lqmof;DkGg ePkl5 ;ldltn] o;af/] /fHokIf;Fu k/fdz{ u/L;+lIfKt hfgsf/L o; k|n]vsf] wf/f !^ cg'¿k cfkm\gf]k | ltb ]bgdf ;dfj]z ug] { lg0f {o lng ;Sg]5 .

&= of] P]lR5s k|n]v x:tfIf/ jf cg'df]bg ug]{ ;dodf jfTo;kl5 ;lDdng ug]{ ;dodf x/]s kIf/fi6«n] of] wf/fdfpNn]v ePcg';f/ / kl/R5]b ! df plNnlvt ;a} jf s]xLb:tfj]hsf] clwsf/ k|of]u ug{ g;Sg] u/L ;ldltsf];IftfnfO{ dfGotf glbg] 3f ]if0ff ug{ ;Sg]5 .

*= o; wf/fsf] cg'R5]b & cg';f/ ckjfb ;t{ /fVg s'g} klg/fHokIfn] ;+o'Qm /fi6«;+3sf dxf;lrjnfO{ hgfp lbP/h'g;'s} a ]nf o:tf ] ;t{ lkmtf { lng ;Sg]5 .

wf/f !$ M ;f]wk'5 k|lqmofsf] cg'udg!= o; cfn]vsf] wf/f !# -%_ cg';f/ ^ dlxgfsf] cjlw

6'lËPkl5 ;ldltn] /fHokIfnfO{ o;af/] ckgfOPsf sbdx¿/ wf/f !# cg'¿k ;~rfng ul/Psf] ;f]wk'5sf] hfgsf/Llngsf nflu af]nfpg ;Sg]5 .

@= o; cfn]vsf] wf/f !# cg'¿k ;f]wk'5sf nflu ul/Psfsbdx¿af/] yk hfgsf/L lng ;ldltn] /fHokIfnfO{af]nfpg ;Sg]5 . ;fy} o;af/] ;ldltn] /fHokIfnfO{dxf;lGwsf] wf/f $$, afnaflnsfsf] a]rlavg, a]:ofj[lQ/ cZnLn lrq0f;DaGwL OR5flwg cfn]vsf] wf/f !@ jf;zq åGådf afnaflnsfsf] k|of]u;DaGwL OR5flwg cfn]vsf]wf/f * nfO{ k|ltj]bgdf ;dfj]z ug{ ;'efj lbg;Sg]5 .

efu $clGtd k|fjwfgx?

wf/f !% M cGt/f{li6«o ;xof]u / ;xsfo{!= /fHokIfsf] cg'dltdf ;ldltn] ;~rf/ / ;f]wk'5;DaGwL

k|fljlws ;Nnfx / ;xof]u ug{ ;+o'Qm /fi6«;+3sf ljz]iflgsfox¿nfO{ cfjZos sf]if, sfo{qmd, ljrf/ / ;'emfjx¿pknAw u/fpg ;Sg]5 .

@= /fHokIfsf] cg'dltdf ;ldltn] o; cfn]vcGtu{tsf;~rf/;Fu ;DalGwt eP/ p7]sf ljrf/x¿nfO{ sfo{If]q;Fu;DalGwt lgsfox¿nfO{ Wofgfs[i6 u/fpg ;Sg]5 //fHokIfnfO{ dxf;lGw / o;sf OR5flwg cfn]vx¿sf]k|efjsf/L sfof{Gjog Pj+ k|ult xfl;n ug{sf nflucfjZos ;xof]u ug{ ;Sg]5 .

wf/f !^ M dxf;efdf lbOg] k|ltj]bg;ldltn] cfk\mgf] k|ltj]bgdf dxf;lGwsf] wf/f $$ -%_cg'¿k o; cfn]vsf lqmofsnfkx¿sf] ljj/0f x/]s@ jif{df dxf;efnfO{ a'emfpg] 5 .

wf/f !& M OR5flwg cfn]vsf] ;Dk|]if0f / hfgsf/Lx/]s /fHokIfn] of] OR5flwg cfn]v / o;;Fu ;DalGwt;ldltsf ;'emfjx¿ pko'Qm dfWodaf6 afnaflnsf,joZs, ckfËtf ePsf JolQmx¿ / ;a}df ;Dk|]if0f /hfgsf/L u/fpg] 5 .

wf/f !* M x:tfIf/, cg'df]bg / ;lDdng!= of] OR5flwg cfn]vdf x:tfIf/ ug{ afnclwsf/;DaGwL

dxf;lGw jf o;sf b'O{ OR5flwg cfn]vx¿dWo] s'g}PsnfO{ klxn] g} x:tfIf/, cg'df]bg / ;lDdng ul/;s]sfs'g} klg /fHokIfnfO{ v'nf 5 .

@= of] OR5flwg cfn]vdf cg'df]bg ug{ afnclwsf/;DaGwLdxf;lGw jf o;sf b'O{ OR5flwg cfn]vx¿dWo] s'g} PsnfO{klxn] g} cg'df]bg jf ;lDdng ul/;s]sf s'g} klg

( !)

Page 7: cg'jfb M s[i0f ;'j]bL / df]xg bFufn rfON8 g]kfn, …...cg'jfb M s[i0f ;'j]bL / df]xg bFufn sfg'gL ;xof]u M slkn cof{n efiff ;Dkfbg M b]j/fh ;fksf]6f;+of]hg M ;f]lkmof clwsf/L klxnf]

/fHokIfnfO{ v'nf 5 .#= of] OR5flwg cfn]vdf ;lDdng ug{ afnclwsf/;DaGwL

dxf;lGw jf o;sf b'O{ OR5flwg cfn]vx¿dWo] s'g} PsnfO{klxn] g} cg'df]bg jf ;lDdng ul/;s]sf s'g} klg/fHokIfnfO{ v'nf 5 .

$= ;lDdngsf] b:tfj]h dxf;lrj;Fu bfv]n u/]kl5dfq of];lDdng nfu" x'g]5 .

wf/f !( M nfu" ug]{!= of] OR5flwg cfn]v cg'df]bg / ;lDdng;DaGwL b;f}+

b:tfj]h bflvn ePsf] # dlxgfkl5 nfu" x'g]5 .@= x/]s /fHokIfn] of] OR5flwg cfn]v cg'df]bg jf

;lDdng;DaGwL b;f}+ b:tfj]h bflvn ePsf] ldltkZrft\# dlxgfkl5 nfu" x'g]5 .

wf/f @) M cfn]v nfu" ePkZrft\ x'g] pNn+3g!= of] OR5flwg cfn]v nfu" ePkl5 afnclwsf/ dxf;lGw

/ o;sf klxnf b'O{ OR5flwg cfn]vx¿df Joj:yf ePsfclwsf/x¿ /fHokIfn] pNn+3g u/]df ;ldlt;Fu To;sf];Daf]wg ug]{ ;Ifdtf /xg]5 .

@= of] OR5flwg cfn]v nfu" ePkl5 kIf/fi6« ePsf] b]zn]dxf;lGw / o;sf klxnf b'O{ OR5flwg cfn]vx¿df Joj:yfePsf clwsf/x¿ pNn+3g;DaGwL bfloTj /fHokIf ;Fu;Fu};ldltsf] klg /xg]5 .

wf/f @! M ;+zf]wg!= of] OR5flwg cfn]vsf] s'g} klg /fHokIfn] ;+o'Qm /fi6«;+3sf

dxf;lrj;dIf ;+zf]wg k|:tfj btf{ ug{ ;Sg]5 . dxf;lrjn]tTkZrft\ pQm k|:tfjpk/ ljrf/ u/L dtbfg ug{ ;Dd]ngsfkIfdf /x]÷g/x]sf] lghnfO{ hgfp ug]{ cg'/f]w;lxt ;+zf]wgk|:tfj /fHokIfx¿nfO{ ;~rf/ ug]{5g\ . o:tf] ;~rf/ u/Psf]ldltn] $ dlxgfleq sDtLdf PsltxfO /fHokIfx¿n] ;f]

;Dd]ng af]nfpg'kg]{ dt hfx]/ u/]df dxf;lrjn] /fi6«;+3sf];xof]udf o:tf] ;Dd]ngsf] cfof]hgf ug]{5g\ . ;Dd]ngdfpkl:yt / dtbfg ug]{ /fHokIfx¿sf] b'O{ltxfO ax'dtaf6u|x0f ul/Psf] s'g} klg ;+zf]wg d~h'/Lsf nflu dxf;lrjn];a} /fHokIf;dIf k]; ug]{5g\ .

@= o; wf/fsf] cg'R5]b ! cg';f/ u|x0f ul/Psf] s'g} klg;+zf]wg /fHokIfx¿n] cfkm\gf] ;+j}wflgs k|lqmofcg';f/;+zf]wg o; OR5flwg cfn]vsf b'O{ltxfO /fHokIfx¿n];sf/ ul/Psf] tL;f}F lbgkl5 nfu" x'g]5 . ;+zf]wg nfu"ePkl5 ;f] ;sf/ ug]{ /fHokIfx¿sf] xsdf aGwgsf/Lx'g]5 . o; OR5flwg cfn]vsf Joj:yf / ltgn] ;sf/u/]sf cl3Nnf ;+zf]wg cGo /fHokIfx¿sf xsdf klgaGwgsf/L x'g]5g\ .

wf/f @@ M kl/Tofu!= ;+o'Qm /fi6«;+3sf dxf;lrjnfO{ lnlvt hgfp lbP/

/fHokIfn] of] dxf;lGw kl/Tofu ug{ ;Sg]5 . dxf;lrjn]hgfp kfPsf] ldltn] o:tf] kl/Tofu k|efjsf/L x'g]5 .

@= o; OR5flwg cfn]vsf] kl/Tofu ubf{ cfn]vsf] wf/f %jf !@ cGtu{t a'emfOPsf] ;~rf/ cyjf wf/f !# cGtu{utyflnPsf] ;f]wk'5nfO{ lje]bsf] cfwf/df c;/ gkg]{u/Lkl/Tofu ul/g]5 .

wf/f @# M dxf;lrjn] ug]{ ;+sng / lnlvt hgfp!= ;+o'Qm /fi6«;+3sf dxf;lrj o; cfn]vsf ;+sns x'g]5g\@= dxf;lrjn] ;a} /fi6«x¿nfO{ lgDg ljifodf ;"lrt ug]{5g\

s= o; OR5flwg cfn]vcGtu{tsf] x:tfIf/, cg'df]bg/ ;lDdng

v= of] OR5flwg cfn]v nfu" ePsf] ldlt / wf/f @!cGtu{t ul/Psf ;+zf]wg

u= wf/f @@ cGtu{t ul/Psf kl/Tofu

!! !@

Page 8: cg'jfb M s[i0f ;'j]bL / df]xg bFufn rfON8 g]kfn, …...cg'jfb M s[i0f ;'j]bL / df]xg bFufn sfg'gL ;xof]u M slkn cof{n efiff ;Dkfbg M b]j/fh ;fksf]6f;+of]hg M ;f]lkmof clwsf/L klxnf]


wf/f @$ M efiff!= of] OR5flwg cfn]vsf c/jL, lrlgofF, c+u|]hL, k|m]Gr, /l;og

/ :k]lg; efiffsf kf7 ;dfg ¿kdf cflwsfl/s 5g\ //fi6«;+3Lo dxf;lrjsxfF bflvn /xg]5g\ .

@= dxf;lGwn] o; OR5flwg cfn]vsf k|dfl0ft k|ltx¿ ;a}/fHox¿nfO{ k7fpg] 5g\ .

@= o; wf/fsf] cg'R5]b ! cg';f/ u|x0f ul/Psf] s'g} klg;+zf]wg /fHokIfx¿n] cfkm\gf] ;+j}wflgs k|lqmofcg';f/;+zf]wg o; OR5flwg cfn]vsf b'O{ltxfO /fHokIfx¿n];sf/ ul/Psf] tL;f}F lbgkl5 nfu" x'g]5 . ;+zf]wg nfu"ePkl5 ;f] ;sf/ ug]{ /fHokIfx¿sf] xsdf aGwgsf/Lx'g]5 . o; OR5flwg cfn]vsf Joj:yf / ltgn] ;sf/u/]sf cl3Nnf ;+zf]wg cGo /fHokIfx¿sf xsdf klgaGwgsf/L x'g]5g\ .

wf/f @@ M kl/Tofu!= ;+o'Qm /fi6«;+3sf dxf;lrjnfO{ lnlvt hgfp lbP/

/fHokIfn] of] dxf;lGw kl/Tofu ug{ ;Sg]5 . dxf;lrjn]hgfp kfPsf] ldltn] o:tf] kl/Tofu k|efjsf/L x'g]5 .

@= o; OR5flwg cfn]vsf] kl/Tofu ubf{ k|n]vsf] wf/f % jf!@ cGtu{t a'emfOPsf] ;~rf/ cyjf wf/f !# cGtu{utyflnPsf] ;f]wk'5nfO{ lje]bsf] cfwf/df c;/ gkg]{u/Lkl/Tofu ul/g]5 .

wf/f @# M dxf;lrjn] ug]{ ;+sng / lnlvt hgfp!= ;+o'Qm /fi6«;+3sf dxf;lrj o; cfn]vsf ;+sns x'g]5g\@= dxf;lrjn] ;a} /fi6«x¿nfO{ lgDg ljifodf ;"lrt ug]{5g\

s= o; OR5flwg cfn]vcGtu{tsf] x:tfIf/, cg'df]bg/ ;lDdng

v= of] OR5flwg cfn]v nfu" ePsf] ldlt / wf/f @!cGtu{t ul/Psf ;+zf]wg

u= wf/f @@ cGtu{t ul/Psf kl/Tofu

wf/f @$ M efiff!= of] OR5flwg cfn]vsf c/jL, lrlgofF, c+u|]hL, k|m]Gr, /l;og

/ :k]lg; efiffsf kf7 ;dfg ¿kdf cflwsfl/s 5g\ //fi6«;+3Lo dxf;lrjsxfF bflvn /xg]5g\ .

@= dxf;lGwn] o; OR5flwg cfn]vsf k|dfl0ft k|ltx¿ ;a}/fHox¿nfO{ k7fpg] 5g\ .


Page 9: cg'jfb M s[i0f ;'j]bL / df]xg bFufn rfON8 g]kfn, …...cg'jfb M s[i0f ;'j]bL / df]xg bFufn sfg'gL ;xof]u M slkn cof{n efiff ;Dkfbg M b]j/fh ;fksf]6f;+of]hg M ;f]lkmof clwsf/L klxnf]

Article 22


1. Any State party may denounce the present Protocol at any timeby written notification to the Secretary-General of the UnitedNations. The denunciation shall take effect one year after thedate of receipt of the notification by the Secretary-General.

2. Denunciation shall be without prejudice to the continued applicationof the provisions of the present Protocol to any communicationsubmitted under articles 5 or 12 or any inquiry initiated underarticle 13 before the effective date of denunciation.

Article 23

Depositary and notification by the Secretary-General

1. The Secretary-General of the United Nations shall be the depositaryof the present Protocol.

2. The Secretary-General shall inform all States of:

Signatures, ratifications and accessions under the presentProtocol;

The date of entry into force of the present Protocol and of any amendment thereto under article 21;

Any denunciation under article 22 of the present Protocol.

Article 24


1. The present Protocol, of which the Arabic, Chinese, English,French, Russian and Spanish texts are equally authentic, shall bedeposited in the archives of the United Nations.

2. The Secretary-General of the United Nations shall transmitcertified copies of the present Protocol to all States.


Page 10: cg'jfb M s[i0f ;'j]bL / df]xg bFufn rfON8 g]kfn, …...cg'jfb M s[i0f ;'j]bL / df]xg bFufn sfg'gL ;xof]u M slkn cof{n efiff ;Dkfbg M b]j/fh ;fksf]6f;+of]hg M ;f]lkmof clwsf/L klxnf]

Article 17

Dissemination of and information on the Optional Protocol

Each State party undertakes to make widely known and to disseminatethe present Protocol and to facilitate access to information about theviews and recommendations of the Committee, in particular withregard to matters involving the State party, by appropriate and activemeans and in accessible formats to adults and children alike, includingthose with disabilities.

Article 18

Signature, ratification and accession

1. The present Protocol is open for signature to any State that hassigned, ratified or acceded to the Convention or either of the firsttwo Optional Protocols thereto.

2. The present Protocol is subject to ratification by any State thathas ratified or acceded to the Convention or either of the first twoOptional Protocols thereto. Instruments of ratification shall bedeposited with the Secretary-General of the United Nations.

3. The present Protocol shall be open to accession by any State thathas ratified or acceded to the Convention or either of the first twoOptional Protocols thereto.

4. Accession shall be effected by the deposit of an instrument ofaccession with the Secretary-General.

Article 19

Entry into force

1. The present Protocol shall enter into force three months after thedeposit of the tenth instrument of ratification or accession.

2. For each State ratifying the present Protocol or acceding to it afterthe deposit of the tenth instrument of ratification or instrumentof accession, the present Protocol shall enter into force threemonths after the date of the deposit of its own instrument ofratification or accession.


Article 20

Violations occurring after the entry into force

1. The Committee shall have competence solely in respect ofviolations by the State party of any of the rights set forth in theConvention and/or the first two Optional Protocols thereto occurringafter the entry into force of the present Protocol.

2. If a State becomes a party to the present Protocol after its entryinto force, the obligations of that State vis-à-vis the Committeeshall relate only to violations of the rights set forth in the Conventionand/or the first two Optional Protocols thereto occurring after theentry into force of the present Protocol for the State concerned.

Article 21


1. Any State party may propose an amendment to the present Protocoland submit it to the Secretary-General of the United Nations. TheSecretary-General shall communicate any proposed amendmentsto States parties with a request to be notified whether they favoura meeting of States parties for the purpose of consideringand deciding upon the proposals. In the event that, within fourmonths of the date of such communication, at least one third ofthe States parties favour such a meeting, the Secretary-Generalshall convene the meeting under the auspices of the United Nations.Any amendment adopted by a majority of two thirds of the Statesparties present and voting shall be submitted by the Secretary-General to the General Assembly for approval and, thereafter, toall States parties for acceptance.

2. An amendment adopted and approved in accordance with paragraph1 of the present article shall enter into force on the thirtieth dayafter the number of instruments of acceptance deposited reachestwo thirds of the number of States parties at the date of adoptionof the amendment. Thereafter, the amendment shall enter intoforce for any State party on the thirtieth day following the depositof its own instrument of acceptance. An amendment shall bebinding only on those States parties that have accepted it.


Page 11: cg'jfb M s[i0f ;'j]bL / df]xg bFufn rfON8 g]kfn, …...cg'jfb M s[i0f ;'j]bL / df]xg bFufn sfg'gL ;xof]u M slkn cof{n efiff ;Dkfbg M b]j/fh ;fksf]6f;+of]hg M ;f]lkmof clwsf/L klxnf]


4. After examining the findings of such an inquiry, the Committeeshall transmit without delay these findings to the State partyconcerned, together with any comments and recommendations.

5. The State party concerned shall, as soon as possible and withinsix months of receiving the findings, comments andrecommendations transmitted by the Committee, submit itsobservations to the Committee.

6. After such proceedings have been completed with regard to aninquiry made in accordance with paragraph 2 of the present article,the Committee may, after consultation with the State partyconcerned, decide to include a summary account of the results ofthe proceedings in its report provided for in article 16 of thepresent Protocol.

7. Each State party may, at the time of signature or ratification ofthe present Protocol or accession thereto, declare that it does notrecognize the competence of the Committee provided for in thepresent article in respect of the rights set forth in some or all ofthe instruments listed in paragraph 1.

8. Any State party having made a declaration in accordance withparagraph 7 of the present article may, at any time, withdraw thisdeclaration by notification to the Secretary-General of the UnitedNations.

Article 14

Follow-up to the inquiry procedure

1. The Committee may, if necessary, after the end of the period ofsix months referred to in article 13, paragraph 5, invite the Stateparty concerned to inform it of the measures taken and envisagedin response to an inquiry conducted under article 13 of thepresent Protocol.

2. The Committee may invite the State party to submit furtherinformation about any measures that the State party has taken inresponse to an inquiry conducted under article 13, including asdeemed appropriate by the Committee, in the State party'ssubsequent reports under article 44 of the Convention, article 12


of the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the sale of children,child prostitution and child pornography or article 8 of the OptionalProtocol to the Convention on the involvement of children inarmed conflict, where applicable.

Part IV

Final provisions

Article 15

International assistance and cooperation

1. The Committee may transmit, with the consent of the State partyconcerned, to United Nations specialized agencies, funds andprogrammes and other competent bodies its views orrecommendations concerning communications and inquiries thatindicate a need for technical advice or assistance, together withthe State party's observations and suggestions, if any, on theseviews or recommendations.

2. The Committee may also bring to the attention of such bodies,with the consent of the State party concerned, any matter arisingout of communications considered under the present Protocol thatmay assist them in deciding, each within its field of competence,on the advisability of international measures likely to contributeto assisting States parties in achieving progress in theimplementation of the rights recognized in the Convention and/orthe Optional Protocols thereto.

Article 16

Report to the General Assembly

The Committee shall include in its report submitted every two yearsto the General Assembly in accordance with article 44, paragraph 5,of the Convention a summary of its activities under the presentProtocol.


Page 12: cg'jfb M s[i0f ;'j]bL / df]xg bFufn rfON8 g]kfn, …...cg'jfb M s[i0f ;'j]bL / df]xg bFufn sfg'gL ;xof]u M slkn cof{n efiff ;Dkfbg M b]j/fh ;fksf]6f;+of]hg M ;f]lkmof clwsf/L klxnf]

Article 11


1. The State party shall give due consideration to the views of theCommittee, together with its recommendations, if any, and shallsubmit to the Committee a written response, including informationon any action taken and envisaged in the light of the views andrecommendations of the Committee. The State party shall submitits response as soon as possible and within six months.

2. The Committee may invite the State party to submit furtherinformation about any measures the State party has taken inresponse to its views or recommendations or implementation ofa friendly settlement agreement, if any, including as deemedappropriate by the Committee, in the State party's subsequentreports under article 44 of the Convention, article 12 of theOptional Protocol to the Convention on the sale of children, childprostitution and child pornography or article 8 of the OptionalProtocol to the Convention on the involvement of children inarmed conflict, where applicable.

Article 12

Inter-State communications

1. A State party to the present Protocol may, at any time, declarethat it recognizes the competence of the Committee to receiveand consider communications in which a State party claimsthat another State party is not fulfilling its obligations underany of the following instruments to which the State is a party:

1. The Convention;

2. The Optional Protocol to the Convention on the sale of children,child prostitution and child pornography;

3. The Optional Protocol to the Convention on the involvement ofchildren in armed conflict.

4. The Committee shall not receive communications concerning aState party that has not made such a declaration or communicationsfrom a State party that has not made such a declaration.


5. The Committee shall make available its good offices to the Statesparties concerned with a view to a friendly solution of the matteron the basis of the respect for the obligations set forth in theConvention and the Optional Protocols thereto.

6. A declaration under paragraph 1 of the present article shall bedeposited by the States parties with the Secretary-General of theUnited Nations, who shall transmit copies thereof to the otherStates parties. A declaration may be withdrawn at any time bynotification to the Secretary-General. Such a withdrawal shall notprejudice the consideration of any matter that is the subject of acommunication already transmitted under the present article; nofurther communications by any State party shall be received underthe present article after the notification of withdrawal of thedeclaration has been received by the Secretary-General, unlessthe State party concerned has made a new declaration.

Part III

Inquiry procedure

Article 13

Inquiry procedure for grave or systematic violations

1. If the Committee receives reliable information indicating graveor systematic violations by a State party of rights set forth in theConvention or in the Optional Protocols thereto on the sale ofchildren, child prostitution and child pornography or on theinvolvement of children in armed conflict, the Committee shallinvite the State party to cooperate in the examination of theinformation and, to this end, to submit observations without delaywith regard to the information concerned.

2. Taking into account any observations that may have been submittedby the State party concerned, as well as any other reliableinformation available to it, the Committee may designate one ormore of its members to conduct an inquiry and to report urgentlyto the Committee. Where warranted and with the consent of theState party, the inquiry may include a visit to its territory.

3. Such an inquiry shall be conducted confidentially, and thecooperation of the State party shall be sought at all stages of the


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Article 7


The Committee shall consider a communication inadmissible when:

1. The communication is anonymous;

2. The communication is not in writing;

3. The communication constitutes an abuse of the right of submissionof such communications or is incompatible with the provisionsof the Convention and/or the Optional Protocols thereto;

4. The same matter has already been examined by the Committeeor has been or is being examined under another procedure ofinternational investigation or settlement;

5. All available domestic remedies have not been exhausted. Thisshall not be the rule where the application of the remedies isunreasonably prolonged or unlikely to bring effective relief;

6. The communication is manifestly ill-founded or not sufficientlysubstantiated;

7. The facts that are the subject of the communication occurred priorto the entry into force of the present Protocol for the State partyconcerned, unless those facts continued after that date;

8. The communication is not submitted within one year after theexhaustion of domestic remedies, except in cases where the authorcan demonstrate that it had not been possible to submit thecommunication within that time limit.

Article 8

Transmission of the communication

1. Unless the Committee considers a communication inadmissiblewithout reference to the State party concerned, the Committeeshall bring any communication submitted to it under the presentProtocol confidentially to the attention of the State party concernedas soon as possible.


2. The State party shall submit to the Committee written explanationsor statements clarifying the matter and the remedy, if any, that itmay have provided. The State party shall submit its response assoon as possible and within six months.

Article 9

Friendly settlement

1. The Committee shall make available its good offices to the partiesconcerned with a view to reaching a friendly settlement of thematter on the basis of respect for the obligations set forth in theConvention and/or the Optional Protocols thereto.

2. An agreement on a friendly settlement reached under the auspicesof the Committee closes consideration of the communicationunder the present Protocol.

Article 10

Consideration of communications

1. The Committee shall consider communications received underthe present Protocol as quickly as possible, in the light of alldocumentation submitted to it, provided that this documentationis transmitted to the parties concerned.

2. The Committee shall hold closed meetings when examiningcommunications received under the present Protocol.

3. Where the Committee has requested interim measures, it shallexpedite the consideration of the communication.

4. When examining communications alleging violations of economic,social or cultural rights, the Committee shall consider thereasonableness of the steps taken by the State party in accordancewith article 4 of the Convention. In doing so, the Committee shallbear in mind that the State party may adopt a range of possiblepolicy measures for the implementation of the economic, socialand cultural rights in the Convention.

5. After examining a communication, the Committee shall, without delay, transmit its views on the communication, together with its recommendations, if any, to the parties concerned.


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child, the views of the child being given due weight in accordancewith the age and maturity of the child.

Article 3

Rules of procedure

1. The Committee shall adopt rules of procedure to be followedwhen exercising the functions conferred on it by the presentProtocol. In doing so, it shall have regard, in particular, for article2 of the present Protocol in order to guarantee child-sensitiveprocedures.

2. The Committee shall include in its rules of procedure safeguardsto prevent the manipulation of the child by those acting on hisor her behalf and may decline to examine any communicationthat it considers not to be in the child's best interests.

Article 4

Protection measures

1. A State party shall take all appropriate steps to ensure thatindividuals under its jurisdiction are not subjected to any humanrights violation, ill-treatment or intimidation as a consequenceof communications or cooperation with the Committee pursuantto the present Protocol.

2. The identity of any individual or group of individuals concernedshall not be revealed publicly without their express consent.


Part II

Communications procedure

Article 5

Individual communications

1. Communications may be submitted by or on behalf of an individualor group of individuals, within the jurisdiction of a State party,claiming to be victims of a violation by that State party of any of therights set forth in any of the following instruments to which that Stateis a party:

The Convention;

The Optional Protocol to the Convention on the sale ofchildren, child prostitution and child pornography;

The Optional Protocol to the Convention on the involvementof children in armed conflict.

2. Where a communication is submitted on behalf of an individualor group of individuals, this shall be with their consent unless theauthor can justify acting on their behalf without such consent.

Article 6

Interim measures

1. At any time after the receipt of a communication and before adetermination on the merits has been reached, the Committeemay transmit to the State party concerned for its urgentconsideration a request that the State party take such interimmeasures as may be necessary in exceptional circumstances toavoid possible irreparable damage to the victim or victims of thealleged violations.

2. Where the Committee exercises its discretion under paragraph 1of the present article, this does not imply a determination onadmissibility or on the merits of the communication.


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to enable a child whose rights have been violated to have access toeffective remedies at the domestic level,

Recalling the important role that national human rights institutionsand other relevant specialized institutions, mandated to promote andprotect the rights of the child, can play in this regard,

Considering that, in order to reinforce and complement such nationalmechanisms and to further enhance the implementation of theConvention and, where applicable, the Optional Protocols thereto onthe sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography and onthe involvement of children in armed conflict, it would be appropriateto enable the Committee on the Rights of the Child (hereinafterreferred to as "the Committee") to carry out the functions providedfor in the present Protocol,

Have agreed as follows:

Part IGeneral provisions

Article 1

Competence of the Committee on the Rights of the Child

1. A State party to the present Protocol recognizes the competenceof the Committee as provided for by the present Protocol.

2. The Committee shall not exercise its competence regarding aState party to the present Protocol on matters concerning violationsof rights set forth in an instrument to which that State is not aparty.

3. No communication shall be received by the Committee if itconcerns a State that is not a party to the present Protocol.

Article 2

General principles guiding the functions of the Committee

In fulfilling the functions conferred on it by the present Protocol, theCommittee shall be guided by the principle of the best interests ofthe child. It shall also have regard for the rights and views of the


Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rightsof the Child on a communications procedure

Adopted and opened for signature, ratification and accession byGeneral Assembly resolution A/RES/66/138 of 19 December 2011

enter ed into force on 14 April 2014

The States parties to the present Protocol,

Considering that, in accordance with the principles proclaimed in theCharter of the United Nations, the recognition of the inherent dignityand the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the humanfamily is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world,

Noting that the States parties to the Convention on the Rights of theChild (hereinafter referred to as "the Convention") recognize therights set forth in it to each child within their jurisdiction withoutdiscrimination of any kind, irrespective of the child's or his or herparent's or legal guardian's race, colour, sex, language, religion,political or other opinion, national, ethnic or social origin, property,disability, birth or other status,

Reaffirming the universality, indivisibility, interdependence andinterrelatedness of all human rights and fundamental freedoms,

Reaffirming also the status of the child as a subject of rights and asa human being with dignity and with evolving capacities,

Recognizing that children's special and dependent status may createreal difficulties for them in pursuing remedies for violations of theirrights,

Considering that the present Protocol will reinforce and complementnational and regional mechanisms allowing children to submitcomplaints for violations of their rights,

Recognizing that the best interests of the child should be a primaryconsideration to be respected in pursuing remedies for violations ofthe rights of the child, and that such remedies should take into accountthe need for child-sensitive procedures at all levels,

Encouraging States parties to develop appropriate national mechanisms1

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E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]

Website: www.childnepal.org

All Rights Reserved: Child Nepal

Publications :

Office Adderss: Child Nepal, Gopikrishna Nagar, Chabahil, Kathmandu -07, Nepal +977-1-4812417, +977-1-4822002 GPO 21829 Ktm Nepal

NotePrinted by Child Nepal (CN) with the support of Save the

Children International for-non commercial purpose and forpublic awareness regard The Third Optional Protocol on a

Communications Procedure of The Convention on the Rightsof the Child, with due acknowledgement to the Office of theUnited nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Geneva,


Cited from:https://treaties.un.org/doc/source/signature/2012/CTC_4-11d.pdf