Chapter 11 Chapter 11 DSP Algorithm Implementations Implementations 清大電機系林嘉文 清大電機系林嘉文 [email protected] © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2007 Original PowerPoint slides prepared by S. K. Mitra 03-5731152 11-1

Chapter 11Chapter 11 DSP Algorithm Implementationscwlin/courses/dsp/notes/ch11_Mitra_dsp_c.pdfChapter 11Chapter 11 DSP Algorithm Implementations

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  • Chapter 11Chapter 11

    DSP Algorithm ImplementationsImplementations

    [email protected]

    The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2007Original PowerPoint slides prepared by S. K. Mitra

    03-5731152 11-1

  • Matrix Representation of Digital Filter Structures

    ConsiderCo s de

    This structure is described by the set of equationsw1[n] = x[n] w5[n]1[ ] [ ] 5[ ]

    w2[n] = w1[n] w3[n]w3[n] = w2 [n1]

    w4[n] = w3[n] + w2[n]w5[n] = w4 [n1]

    y[n] = w [n] + w [n]

    The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2007Original PowerPoint slides prepared by S. K. Mitra 11-2

    y[n] = w1[n] + w5[n]

  • Matrix Representation of Digital Filter Structures

    This ordered set of equations is said to be noncomputables o de ed set o equat o s s sa d to be o co putab ebecause some variables on the left side are computed before some right-side variables are made available

    For example, computation of w1[n] in the 1st step requires the knowledge of w5[n] which is computed in the 5th step

    Likewise computation of w [n] in the 2nd step requires the Likewise, computation of w2[n] in the 2nd step requires the knowledge of w3[n] that is computed in the 3rd step

    Suppose we reorder the equationspp qw3[n] = w2 [n1]w5[n] = w4 [n1]

    w1[n] = x[n] w5[n]w2[n] = w1[n] w3[n]w [n] = w [n] + w [n]

    The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2007Original PowerPoint slides prepared by S. K. Mitra 11-3

    w4[n] = w3[n] + w2[n]y[n] = w1[n] + w5[n]

  • Matrix RepresentationMatrix Representation This new ordered set of equations is computables e o de ed set o equat o s s co putab e In most practical applications, equations describing a digital

    filter structure can be put into a computable order by inspection

    A simple way to examine the computability of equations describing a digital filter structure is by writing the equationsdescribing a digital filter structure is by writing the equations in a matrix form

    A matrix representation of the first ordered set of equations:p q

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  • Matrix RepresentationMatrix Representation In compact formco pact o

    y[n] = x[n] + F y[n] + G y[n1]where

    y[n] = [w1[n] w2[n] w3[n] w4[n] w5[n] y[n]]T

    x[n] = [x[n] 0 0 0 0 0]T

    If a diagonal element of F is nonzero then computation of If a diagonal element of F is nonzero, then computation of present value of the corresponding variable requires the knowledge of its present value implying presence of a

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    g p p y g pdelay-free loop

  • Matrix RepresentationMatrix Representation Any nonzero entries in the same row above the main y o e o e t es t e sa e o abo e t e a

    diagonal of F imply that the computation of present value of the corresponding variable requires present values of other variables not yet computed, making the set of equations noncomputable

    Hence for computability all elements of F matrix on the Hence, for computability all elements of F matrix on the diagonal and above diagonal must be zeros

    In the F matrix for the first ordered set of equations, q ,diagonal elements are all zeros, indicating absence of delay-free loops

    However, there are nonzero entries above the diagonal in the first and second rows of F indicating that the set of equations are not in proper order for computation

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    equations are not in proper order for computation

  • Matrix RepresentationMatrix Representation The F matrix for the second ordered set of equations is e at o t e seco d o de ed set o equat o s s

    which is seen to satisfy the computability conditiony p y

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  • Precedence GraphPrecedence Graph The precedence graph can be used to test the

    t bilit f di it l filt t t d t d l thcomputability of a digital filter structure and to develop the proper ordering sequence for a set of equations describing a computable structurea computable structure

    It is developed from the signal-flow graph description of the digital filter structure in which independent and g pdependent signal variables are represented by nodes, and the multiplier and delay branches are represented by di t d b hdirected branches

    The directed branch has an attached symbol denoting the branch gain or transmittancebranch gain or transmittance

    For a multiplier branch, the branch gain is the multiplier coefficient value

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    For a delay branch, the branch gain is simply z1

  • Precedence GraphPrecedence Graph The signal-flow graph representation of

    is shown below

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  • Precedence GraphPrecedence Graph A reduced signal-flow graph is then developed by

    i th d l b h d ll b h i t fremoving the delay branches and all branches going out of the input node

    The reduced signal-flow graph of the example digital filter The reduced signal-flow graph of the example digital filter structure is shown below

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  • Precedence GraphPrecedence Graph The nodes in the reduced signal-flow graph are grouped as

    f llfollows: All nodes with only outgoing branches are grouped into one

    set labeled {N }set labeled {N1} Next, the set {N2} is formed containing nodes coming in

    only from one or more nodes in the set {N1} and have y { 1}outgoing branches to the other nodes

    Then, form the set {N3} containing nodes that have b h i i l f d i thbranches coming in only from one or more nodes in the sets {N1} and {N2}, and have outgoing branches to other nodesnodes

    Continue the process until there is a set of nodes {Nf} containing only incoming branches

    The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2007Original PowerPoint slides prepared by S. K. Mitra 11-11

    g y g The rearranged graph is called a precedence graph

  • Precedence GraphPrecedence Graph Since signal variables belonging to {N1} do not depend on

    th t l f th i l i bl th i blthe present values of other signal variables, these variables should be computed first

    Next signal variables belonging to {N } can be computed Next, signal variables belonging to {N2} can be computed since they depend on the present values of signal variables contained in {N1} that have already been computed{ 1} y p

    This is followed by the computation of signal variables in {N3}, {N4}, etc.Fi ll i th l t t th i l i bl i {N } Finally, in the last step the signal variables in {Nf} are computed

    This process of sequential computation ensures the This process of sequential computation ensures the development of a valid computational algorithm

    If there is no final set {Nf} containing only incoming

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    { f} g y gbranches, the digital filter structure is noncomputable

  • Precedence GraphPrecedence Graph

    For the example precedence graph, pertinent groupings of d i blnode variables are:

    {N1} = {w3[n], w5[n]}{N } = {w [n]}{N2} = {w1[n]}{N3} = {w2[n]}

    {N4} = {w4[n], y[n]}

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    { 4} { 4[ ] y[ ]}

  • Precedence GraphPrecedence Graph Precedence graph redrawn according to the above

    i i h b lgroupings is as shown below

    Since the final node set {N } has only incoming branches Since the final node set {N4} has only incoming branches, the structure is computable

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  • Structure VerificationStructure Verification A simple method to verify that the structure developed is

    i d d h t i d b th ib d t f f tiindeed characterized by the prescribed transfer function H(z)

    Consider for simplicity a causal 3rd order IIR transfer Consider for simplicity a causal 3rd order IIR transfer function

    If {h[n]} denotes its impulse response, then

    Note P(z) = H(z)D(z) which is equivalent to Note P(z) = H(z)D(z), which is equivalent to

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  • Structure VerificationStructure Verification Evaluate above convolution sum for 0 n 6:

    h[0]p0 = h[0]p1 = h[1] + h[0]d1p = h[2] + h[1]d + h[0]dp2 = h[2] + h[1]d1 + h[0]d2p3 = h[3] + h[2]d1 + h[1]d2 + h[0]d30 = h[4] + h[3]d1 + h[2]d2 + h[1]d3[ ] [ ] 1 [ ] 2 [ ] 30 = h[5] + h[4]d1 + h[3]d2 + h[2]d30 = h[6] + h[5]d1 + h[4]d2 + h[3]d3

    I t i f t In matrix form we get

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  • Structure VerificationStructure Verification In partitioned form above matrix equation can be written as


    Solving second equation we get

    Substituting above in the first equation we get

    In the case of an N-th order IIR filter, the coefficients of its transfer function can be determined from the first 2N+1

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    transfer function can be determined from the first 2N+1 impulse response samples

  • Structure VerificationStructure Verification Example: Consider the causal transfer function

    Here Hereh[0] = 2, h[1] = 4, h[2] = 5, h[3] = 3, h[4] =13


    Solving the above we get Solving the above we get

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  • Four Classes of Fourier TransformsFour Classes of Fourier TransformsContinuous in Time Discrete in time-Periodic in frequencyContinuous in Time Discrete in time Periodic in frequency

    FT DTFT; T0f(k) F(ejT0)


    t k










    = dejFtf tj


    21)( =



    TjkTj deeFTkf 00

    00 )(2

    )( 0

    = dtetfF tj )()(



    TjkTj ekfeF 00 )()(

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    Fourier transform Discrete time Fourier Transform

  • Four Classes of Fourier TransformsFour Classes of Fourier TransformsContinuous in Time Discrete in time-Periodic in frequency



    q y

    f(t) F(n) F(k) F(n)





    t n0 n



    1 21 N

    0 FSi0 DFT:N


    in fr



    = 0)()(





    1 2













    time = 0



    )( 0

    dtetfnF tjn










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    Fourier series Discrete Fourier Transform

  • Direct Computation of DFTDirect Computation of DFTCC DFT SUBROUTINE

    For a complex-valued sequence of Ni h DFT b d C ISEL = 0 : DFT







    niRR N


    points the DFT may be expressed as

    The direct computation

    DIMENSION XR(N), XI(N), XFR(N), XFI(N)WN = 6.2831853 / FLOAT(N)IF (ISEL.EQ.1) WN = - WNDO 20 K = 1, N

    XFR(K) = 0,XFI(K) 0





    niRI N


    The direct computation requires:

    2N2 evaluations of trigonometric

    XFI(K) = 0,KM1 = K 1DO 20 I = 1, N

    IM1 = I 1ARG = WN * KM1 * IM1

    functions. 4N2 real multiplications. 4N(N 1 ) real additions

    C = COS(ARG)S = SIN(ARG)XFR(K) = XFR(K) + XR(I)*C + XI(I)*SXFI(K) = XFI(K) XR(I)*S + XI(I)*C

    10 CONTINUE 4N(N 1 ) real additions. A number of indexing and

    addressing operations.

    0 CO UIF (ISEL 1) 20, 30, 20

    30 XFR(K) = XFR(K) / FLOAT(N)20 XFI(K) = XFI(K) / FLOAT(N)


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  • Goertzels AlgorithmGoertzel s Algorithm A recursive DFT computation scheme that makes use of

    the identity

    obtained using the periodicity of Using this identity we can write

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  • Goertzels AlgorithmGoertzel s Algorithm Define Note: yk[n] is the direct convolution of the causal sequence

    with a causal sequence

    Ob X[k] [ ]| Observe X[k] = yk[n]|n=N z-transform of yields

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  • Goertzels AlgorithmGoertzel s Algorithm Thus, yk[n] is the output of an initially relaxed LTI digital

    filter Hk[z] with an input xe[n] and, when n = N, yk[n] = X[k] Structural interpretation of the algorithm

    Thus a recursive DFT computation scheme is

    with yk[1] = 0 and xe[N] = 0

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  • Goertzels AlgorithmGoertzel s Algorithm Since a complex multiplication needs 4 real multiplications

    and 2 real additions, computation of each new value of yk[n] requires 4 real multiplications and 4 real additions

    Thus computation of X[k] = yk[N] involves 4N real multiplications and 4N real additionsC t ti f ll N DFT l i 4N2 l Computation of all N DFT samples requires 4N2 real multiplications and 4N2 real additions

    Direct computation of all N samples of {X[k]} requires N2 Direct computation of all N samples of {X[k]} requires N2complex multiplications and N(N-1) complex additions

    Equivalently direct computation of all N samples of {X[k]} Equivalently, direct computation of all N samples of {X[k]} requires 4N2 real multiplications and N(4N-2) real additions

    Thus, Goertzels algorithm requires 2N more real additions

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    Thus, Goertzel s algorithm requires 2N more real additions than the direct DFT computation 11-25

  • Goertzels AlgorithmGoertzel s Algorithm The algorithm can be made computationally more efficient

    by observing that Hk[z] can be rewritten as

    resulting in a second-order realization

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  • Goertzels AlgorithmGoertzel s Algorithm DFT computation equations are now

    Computation of each sample of involves only 2 real multiplications and 4 real additions

    Complex multiplication by needs to be performed only once at n = N

    Thus, computation of one sample of X[k] requires (2N+4) real multiplications and (4N+4) real additions

    Computation of all N DFT samples requires 2N(N+2) real multiplications and 4N(N+1) real additions

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  • Goertzels AlgorithmGoertzel s Algorithm In realizing HNk[z], the multiplier in the feedback path is

    2cos(2(N k)/N) = 2cos(2k/N)which is same as that in the realization of Hk[z]k[ ] Nk[n] = k[n], i.e., the intermediate variables computed to determine X[k] can again be used to determine X[Nk]

    Only difference between the two structures is the feed-forward multiplier which is now that is the complex

    j t fconjugate of Thus, computation of X[k] and X[Nk] require 2(N+4) real

    multiplications and 4(N+2) real additionsmultiplications and 4(N+2) real additions Computation of all N DFT samples require approximately N2

    real multiplications and approximately 2N2 real additions

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    real multiplications and approximately 2N2 real additions11-28

  • Decimation in Time FFT AlgorithmDecimation-in-Time FFT Algorithm Consider a sequence x[n] of length N = 2

    Using a 2-band polyphase decomposition we can express its z-transform as

    X( ) X ( 2) 1X ( 2)X(z) = X0(z2) + z1X1(z2)where

    Evaluating on the unit circle at N equally spaced pointswe arrive at the N-point DFT of x[n]:p [ ]

    where X0[k] and X1[k] are the (N/2)-point DFTs of x0[n] and

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    0[ ] 1[ ] ( ) p 0[ ]x1[n] 11-29

  • Decimation in Time FFT AlgorithmDecimation-in-Time FFT Algorithm That is

    Block diagram interpretation:

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  • Decimation in Time FFT AlgorithmDecimation-in-Time FFT Algorithm Flow-graph representation

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  • Decimation in Time FFT AlgorithmDecimation-in-Time FFT Algorithm Direct computation of the N-point DFT requires N2 complex

    lti li ti d N2 N N2 l dditimultiplications and N2 N N2 complex additions The modified scheme requires the computation of two

    (N/2) point DFTs that are then combined ith N comple(N/2)-point DFTs that are then combined with N complex multiplications and N complex additions resulting in a total of (N2/2) + N complex multiplications and approximatelyof (N /2) N complex multiplications and approximately (N2/2) + N complex additions

    For N 3, (N2/2) + N < N2, ( )

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  • Decimation in Time FFT AlgorithmDecimation-in-Time FFT Algorithm Continuing the process we can express and as a weighted

    bi ti f t (N/4) i t DFTcombination of two (N/4)-point DFTs For example, we can write

    where X00[k] and X01[k] are the (N/4)-point DFTs of the (N/4) l th [ ] [2 ] d [ ] [2 1](N/4)-length sequences x00[n] = x0 [2n] and x01[n] = x0 [2n+1]

    Likewise, we can express

    where X10[k] and X11[k] are the (N/4)-point DFTs of the (N/4)-length sequences x10[n] = x1 [2n] and x11[n] = x1 [2n+1]

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  • Decimation in Time FFT AlgorithmDecimation-in-Time FFT Algorithm Block-diagram representation of the two-stage algorithm

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  • Decimation in Time FFT AlgorithmDecimation-in-Time FFT Algorithm Flow-graph representation

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  • Decimation in Time FFT AlgorithmDecimation-in-Time FFT Algorithm In the flow-graph shown N = 8 Hence, the (N/4)-point DFT here is a 2-point DFT and no

    further decomposition is possible The four 2-point DFTs, Xij[k], i, j = 0,1 can be easily

    computedF l For example

    C di fl h f th 2 i t DFT i h Corresponding flow-graph of the 2-point DFT is shown below obtained using the identity

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  • Decimation in Time FFT AlgorithmDecimation-in-Time FFT Algorithm Complete flow-graph of the 8-point DFT is shown below

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  • Decimation in Time FFT AlgorithmDecimation-in-Time FFT Algorithm The flow-graph consists of 3 stages First stage computes the four 2-point DFTs Second stage computes the two 4-point DFTs Last stage computes the desired 8-point DFT The number of complex multiplications and additions at

    each stage is equal to 8, the size of the DFT Total number of complex multiplications and additions to

    t ll 8 DFT l i l t 8 8 8 24 8 3compute all 8 DFT samples is equal to 8 + 8 + 8 = 24 = 83 In the general case when N = 2, the number of stages for

    computing the N point DFT in the algorithm will be = log Ncomputing the N-point DFT in the algorithm will be = log2N Total number of complex multiplications and additions to

    compute all N DFT samples is N(log N)

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    compute all N DFT samples is N(log2N)11-38

  • Decimation in Time FFT AlgorithmDecimation-in-Time FFT Algorithm Note, and Besides, the coefficients have the symmetry property of

    These properties can be exploited to reduce the computational complexity further

    In the following basic module two output variables are generated by a weighted combination of two input variables

    The basic computational module is called a butterfly t ti

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  • Decimation in Time FFT AlgorithmDecimation-in-Time FFT Algorithm The input-output relations of the basic module are:

    Substituting in the second equation given above we get

    The modified butterfly computation requires only one complex multiplication as indicated belowcomplex multiplication as indicated below

    Use of the above modified butterfly computation module

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    reduces the total number of complex multiplications by 50%11-40

  • Decimation in Time FFT AlgorithmDecimation-in-Time FFT Algorithm New flow-graph using the modified butterfly computational

    d l f N 8module for N = 8

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  • Decimation in Time FFT AlgorithmDecimation-in-Time FFT Algorithm Computational complexity can be reduced further by

    idi lti li ti b davoiding multiplications by , , , and

    The DFT computation algorithm described here also is efficient with regard to memory requirementsN t E h t l th b tt fl t ti t Note: Each stage employs the same butterfly computation to compute r+1[] and r+1[] from r[] and r[]

    At the end of computation at any stage output variables At the end of computation at any stage, output variables r+1[m] can be stored in the same registers previously occupied by the corresponding input variables r[m]occupied by the corresponding input variables r[m]

    This type of memory location sharing is called in-placecomputation resulting in significant savings in overall

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    p g g gmemory requirements


  • Decimation in Time FFT AlgorithmDecimation-in-Time FFT Algorithm In the DFT computation scheme outlined, the DFT samples

    X[k] t th t t i ti l d hil thX[k] appear at the output in a sequential order while the input samples x[n] appear in a different orderTh s a seq entiall ordered inp t [n] m st be reordered Thus, a sequentially ordered input x[n] must be reordered appropriately before the fast algorithm described by this structure can be implementedstructure can be implemented

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  • Decimation in Time FFT AlgorithmDecimation-in-Time FFT Algorithm To understand the input reordering scheme, represent the

    t f i t l [ ] d th i ti llarguments of input samples x[n] and their sequentially ordered new representations 1[m] in binary forms with the relations between the arguments m and n as follows:relations between the arguments m and n as follows:

    Th if (b b b ) t th i d f [ ] th th Thus, if (b2b1b0) represents the index n of x[n], then the sample x[b2b1b0] appears at the location m = b0b1b2 as 1[b0b1b2] before the DFT computation is started1[b0b1b2] before the DFT computation is started

    i.e., the location of 1[m] is in bit-reversed order from that of x[n]of x[n]

    Alternative forms can be obtained by reordering the computations such as input in normal order and output in bit-

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    p p preversed order, and both input and output in normal order


  • Decimation in Time FFT AlgorithmDecimation-in-Time FFT Algorithm The fast algorithm described assumes that the length of x[n]

    i f 2is a power of 2 If it is not, the length can be extended by zero-padding and

    make the length a po er of 2make the length a power of 2 Even after zero-padding, the DFT computation based on the

    fast algorithm may be computationally more efficient than afast algorithm may be computationally more efficient than a direct DFT computation of the original shorter sequence

    The fast DFT computation schemes described are calledThe fast DFT computation schemes described are called decimation-in-time (DIT) fast Fourier transform (FFT)algorithms as input x[n] is first decimated to form a set of subsequences before the DFT is computed

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  • Decimation in Time FFT AlgorithmDecimation-in-Time FFT AlgorithmComplex Complex

    Nmultiplications in Direct Computation


    multiplications in FFT algorithm,


    4 16 4

    For N = 2, this decimation can be performed = log2N times.

    4 16 4

    8 64 12

    16 256 32

    The total number of

    C ( / )16 256 32

    32 1,024 80

    64 4,096 192

    Complex multiplications : (N/2) log2NComplex additions : N log2N

    128 16,384 448

    256 65,535 1,024

    512 262,144 2,304

    1,024 1,048,576 5,120

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  • Decimation in Time FFT AlgorithmDecimation-in-Time FFT Algorithm For example, the relation between x[n] and its even and odd

    t [ ] d [ ] t d b th fi t t f th DITparts, x0[n] and x1[n], generated by the first stage of the DIT algorithm is given by

    Likewise, the relation between x[n] and the sequences x00[n], x01[n], x10[n], and x11[n], generated by the two-stage decomposition of the DIT algorithm is given bydecomposition of the DIT algorithm is given by

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  • Decimation in Time FFT AlgorithmDecimation-in-Time FFT Algorithm The subsequences x00[n], x01[n], x10[n], and x11[n] can be

    t d di tl b f t f 4 d i tigenerated directly by a factor-of-4 decimation process leading to a single-stage decomposition as shown below:

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  • Radix R FFT AlgorithmRadix-R FFT Algorithm Radix-R FFT algorithm - A each stage the decimation is by

    f t f Ra factor of R Depending on N, various combinations of decompositions of

    X[k] can be sed to de elop different t pes of DIT FFTX[k] can be used to develop different types of DIT FFT algorithms

    If the scheme uses a mixture of decimations by different If the scheme uses a mixture of decimations by different factors, it is called a mixed radix FFT algorithm

    For N which is a composite number expressible in the formFor N which is a composite number expressible in the form of a product of integers:

    N = r1 r2 r N r1 r2 r the total number of complex multiplications (additions) in a DIT FFT algorithm based on a -stage decomposition is

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    g g pgiven by


  • Decimation in Frequency FFT AlgorithmDecimation-in-Frequency FFT Algorithm For k even

    For k odd

    We can write


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  • Decimation in Frequency FFT AlgorithmDecimation-in-Frequency FFT Algorithm Thus X[2l] and X[2l+1] are the (N/2)-point DFTs of the

    l th (N/2) [ ] d [ ]length-(N/2) sequences x0[n] and x1[n], The flow-graph of the first-stage of the DFT:

    The output DFT samples appear in a decimated form with The output DFT samples appear in a decimated form with the even-indexed samples appearing as the output of one (N/2)-point DFT and the odd-indexed samples appearing as

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    (N/2) point DFT and the odd indexed samples appearing as the output of the other (N/2)-point DFT 11-51

  • Decimation in Frequency FFT AlgorithmDecimation-in-Frequency FFT Algorithm We next express the even- and odd-indexed samples of

    h f th t (N/2) i t DFT f t (N/4)each one of the two (N/2)-point DFTs as a sum of two (N/4)-point DFTsThe process is contin ed ntil the smallest DFTs are 2 point The process is continued until the smallest DFTs are 2-point DFTs

    The flow graph of the decimation in frequency (DIF) FFT The flow-graph of the decimation-in-frequency (DIF) FFT computation scheme for N = 8

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  • Decimation in Frequency FFT AlgorithmDecimation-in-Frequency FFT Algorithm Computational complexity of the radix-2 DIF FFT algorithm

    i th t f th DIT FFT l ithis same as that of the DIT FFT algorithm Various forms of DIF FFT algorithm can similarly be

    de elopeddeveloped The DIT and DIF FFT algorithms described here are often

    referred to as the Cooley Tukey FFT algorithmsreferred to as the Cooley-Tukey FFT algorithms

    The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2007Original PowerPoint slides prepared by S. K. Mitra 11-53

  • Inverse DFT ComputationInverse DFT Computation An FFT algorithm for computing the DFT samples can also

    b d t l l t ffi i tl th i DFT (IDFT)be used to calculate efficiently the inverse DFT (IDFT) Consider a length-N sequence x[n] with an N-point DFT X[k] Recall

    Multiplying both sides by N and taking the complex conjugate we get

    f f Right-hand side of above is the N-point DFT of a sequence X*[k]

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  • Inverse DFT ComputationInverse DFT Computation The desired IDFT x[n] is then obtained as

    Inverse DFT computation is shown below:

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  • Cooley Tukey FFT AlgorithmsCooley-Tukey FFT Algorithms Consider a length-N sequence x[n] with an N-point DFT X[k]

    h N N Nwhere N = N1N2 Represent the indices n and k as

    Using these index mappings we can write


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  • Cooley Tukey FFT AlgorithmsCooley-Tukey FFT Algorithms Since , , and , we


    where 0 k1 N1 1 and 0 k2 N2 1 The effect of the index mapping is to map the 1-D sequence

    x[n] into a 2-D sequence that can be represented as a 2-D array with n specifying the rows and n specifying thearray with n1 specifying the rows and n2 specifying the columns of the array

    Inner parentheses of the last equation is seen to be the set Inner parentheses of the last equation is seen to be the set of N1-point DFTs of the N2-columns:

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  • Cooley Tukey FFT AlgorithmsCooley-Tukey FFT Algorithms Note: The column DFTs can be done in place Next, these row DFTs are multiplied in place by the twiddle

    factors yielding

    Finally, the outer sum is the set of N2-point DFTs of the y, 2 pcolumns of the array:

    The row DFTs, X[k1+N1k1], can again be computed in place1 1 1 g The input x[n] is entered into an array according to the index


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  • Cooley Tukey FFT AlgorithmsCooley-Tukey FFT Algorithms Likewise, the output DFT samples X[k] need to extracted

    f th di t th i dfrom the array according to the index map:

    Example: Let N = 8. Choose N1 = 2 and N2 = 4, then

    for 0 k1 1 and 0 k2 3for 0 k1 1 and 0 k2 3 2-D array representation of the input is

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  • Cooley Tukey FFT AlgorithmsCooley-Tukey FFT Algorithms The column DFTs are 2-point DFTs given by

    These DFTs require no multiplicationsq p 2-D array of row transforms is

    After multiplying by the twiddle factors array becomes

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  • Cooley Tukey FFT AlgorithmsCooley-Tukey FFT Algorithms Note Finally, the 4-point DFTs of the rows are computed:

    Output 2-D array is given by

    The process illustrated is precisely the first stage of the DIF FFT algorithm

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  • Cooley Tukey FFT AlgorithmsCooley-Tukey FFT Algorithms By choosing N1 = 4 and N2 = 2 , we get the first stage of the

    DIT FFT l ithDIT FFT algorithm Alternate index mappings are given by

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  • Prime Factor AlgorithmsPrime Factor Algorithms Twiddle factors can be eliminated by defining the index

    imappings as

    To eliminate the twiddle factors we need to express To eliminate the twiddle factors we need to express

    N Now

    It follows from above that ifAC N = N2, BD N = N1, AD N = BC N = 0

    The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2007Original PowerPoint slides prepared by S. K. Mitra


  • Prime Factor AlgorithmsPrime Factor Algorithms One set of coefficients that eliminates the twiddle factors is

    i bgiven byA = N2, B = N1, C = N2 N21 N1, D = N1 N1


    Here N 1 denotes the m ltiplicati e in erse of N Here N11 N2 denotes the multiplicative inverse of N1 reduced modulo N2

    If N 1 = then N = 1 or in other words N = If N1 1 N2 = then N1 N2 = 1 or, in other words N1 = N2 + 1 where is any integer

    For example if N1 = 4 and N2 = 3 then 31 4 = 3 andFor example, if N1 4 and N2 3 , then 3 4 3 and 3 3 4 = 1

    Likewise, if N21 N1 = , then N2 = N1 + 1 where is anyLikewise, if N2 N1 , then N2 N1 1 where is any integer

    The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2007Original PowerPoint slides prepared by S. K. Mitra 11-64

  • Prime Factor AlgorithmsPrime Factor Algorithms Now, AC N = N2 (N2 N21 N1) N = N2(N1+1) N =

    N N N ) NN2N1+N2) N = N2 Similarly, BD N = N1 (N1 N11 N2) N = N1(N2+1) N =

    N N +N ) NN1N2+N1) N = N1 Next,

    AD N (N N 1 ) N 0AD N = N2 (N1 N11 N2) N = N N = 0 Likewise,

    BC N (N N 1 ) N 0BC N = N1 (N2 N21 N1) N = N N = 0 Hence,

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  • Prime Factor AlgorithmsPrime Factor Algorithms Thus,


    and 0 k1 N1 1 and 0 k2 N2 1

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  • Prime Factor AlgorithmsPrime Factor Algorithms Example: Let N = 12. Choose N1 = 4 and N2 = 3 Then, A = 3, B = 4, C = 3 31 4 = 9, and D = 4 41 3 = 4 The index mappings are

    2-D array representation of input is

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  • Prime Factor AlgorithmsPrime Factor Algorithms 4-point transforms of the columns lead to

    Final DFT array is

    4-point DFTs require no multiplications, whereas the 3-point DFTs require 4 complex multiplications

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    Thus, the algorithm requires 16 complex multiplications11-68

  • Chirp z Transform AlgorithmChirp z-Transform Algorithm Let x[n] be a length-N sequence with a Fourier transform We consider evaluation of M samples of that are equally

    spaced in angle on the unit circle at frequenciesk = o + k, 0 k M 1

    where the starting frequency o and the frequency i t b h bit ilincrement can be chosen arbitrarily

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  • Chirp z Transform AlgorithmChirp z-Transform Algorithm The problem is thus to evaluate

    or ith W defined asor, with W defined asW = ej

    T l tTo evaluate

    U i th id tit k [ 2 k2 (k )2] it Using the identity nk = [n2 + k2 (kn)2] we can write

    Letting We arrive at

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  • Chirp z Transform AlgorithmChirp z-Transform Algorithm Interchanging k and n we get

    Th s X(ejn) corresponds to the con ol tion of the Thus, X(ejn) corresponds to the convolution of the sequence g[n] with the sequence Wn2/2 followed by multiplication by the sequence Wn2/2 as indicated belowmultiplication by the sequence W as indicated below

    We arrive at

    The sequence can be thought of as a complex exponential sequence with linearly increasing frequency

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    Such signals, in radar systems, are called chirp signals11-71

  • Chirp z Transform AlgorithmChirp z-Transform Algorithm For the evaluation of

    the output of the system depicted earlier need to be computed over a finite interval

    Since g[n] is a length-N sequence, only a finite portion of the infinite length sequence Wn2/2 is used in obtaining the convolution sum over the interval 0 n M 1convolution sum over the interval 0 n M 1

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  • Chirp z Transform AlgorithmChirp z-Transform Algorithm Typical signals

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  • Chirp z Transform AlgorithmChirp z-Transform Algorithm The portion of the sequence Wn2/2 used in obtaining the

    l ti i f th i t l N 1 M 1convolution sum is from the interval N +1 n M 1


    as shown below

    It can be seen that

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  • Chirp z Transform AlgorithmChirp z-Transform Algorithm Hence, the computation of the frequency samples X(ejn)

    b i d t i FIR filt i di t d b lcan be carried out using an FIR filter as indicated below

    where y[n] = X(ejn), 0 n M 1 Advantages

    N = M is not required as in FFT algorithms Neither N nor M do not have to be composite numbers Parameters o and are arbitrary Convolution with h[n] can be implemented using FFT

    The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2007Original PowerPoint slides prepared by S. K. Mitra


  • Chirp z Transform AlgorithmChirp z-Transform Algorithm

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