Excuse me I got a statement A: Ladies and gentlemen, the bottom line is that this divestiture will result in every shareholder all of you and myself included, getting a substantial premium for our shares. But before we vote, the company bylaws require me to open the floor to shareholders to statements either for or against this buyout. Does anyone wish to make a statement? B: Dismantling this company would be an insult to a great man. A: You scared me. B: It is an unspeakable outrage and it cannot be allowed to happen. C: Excuse me. I got a statement. A: Longfellow Deeds. Unfortunately, since you sold you three hundred million shares… you’ve no right to speak at this meeting. C: Well, unfortunately for you, I bought this one share of Blake Media this morning. You told to me every stockholder has a say for this company. Even the little guy. A: You’ve got two minutes, Deeds. But just remember, I now control 49 % of this company, So you’re gonna have to persuade just about everyone else to start hating money. C: Hello, everybody. I am Deeds. For a little while, I was a big part of this company. I was wicked rich and powerful. And being rich and powerful isn’t a bad thing. It looks like the monopoly guy over there is pretty darn psyched about it. But the problem is what can happen when you decide that you’d do absolutely anything to

Check test 1 氏名

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Excuse me I got a statement

A: Ladies and gentlemen, the bottom line is that this divestiture will result in


shareholder all of you and myself included, getting a substantial premium for


shares. But before we vote, the company bylaws require me to open the floor


shareholders to statements either for or against this buyout. Does anyone wish


make a statement?

B: Dismantling this company would be an insult to a great man.

A: You scared me.

B: It is an unspeakable outrage and it cannot be allowed to happen.

C: Excuse me. I got a statement.

A: Longfellow Deeds. Unfortunately, since you sold you three hundred million


you’ve no right to speak at this meeting.

C: Well, unfortunately for you, I bought this one share of Blake Media this


You told to me every stockholder has a say for this company. Even the little guy.

A: You’ve got two minutes, Deeds. But just remember, I now control 49 % of this


So you’re gonna have to persuade just about everyone else to start hating


C: Hello, everybody. I am Deeds. For a little while, I was a big part of this


I was wicked rich and powerful. And being rich and powerful isn’t a bad thing.

It looks like the monopoly guy over there is pretty darn psyched about it. But


problem is what can happen when you decide that you’d do absolutely anything


become rich and powerful.

D: I don’t know who licked the red off your lollipop today, son. But you’re

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to the wrong choir.

C: All I’m saying is…that when you’re kids, did you dream about becoming a

savvy investor

one day, who would think with his wallet instead of his heart? Come on, I know


didn’t. I wanted to be a fireman. I wanted to be the guy everybody called on


they were in trouble. I wanted to help people… and yeah, I wanted to slide


those wicked awesome pole. But money, that was the last thing I thought


What about you, sir? Did you want to be a fireman?

E: No, I didn’t. Truth be told, I wanted to be a veterinarian.

C: Cool. Why would you want to do that?

E: I wanted to help sick animals.

C: And what do you do now?

E: I own a chain of slaughterhouses.

C: Okay. You kind of went the other way on that one, didn’t you? Okay. In the


Come on. Tell me what you wanted to be.

F: I wanted to be a magician.

C: And what do you do now?

F: I operate a pornographic website.

C: That makes people also happy, I guess. But kind of in a grosser way.

Who else?

G: I wanted to be a senator.

H: I wanted to be a florist.

I: International House Pancake.

J: I wanted to be a man.

C: That explains a lot.

K: I wanted to be Ping-Pong champion.

C: But you are not those things you wanted to be, are you. Everybody made a



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then another compromise and now you’re about to put 50,000 people out of

work to make

a quick buck. Come on. I bet if we ran into the 6th grade versions of ourselves


now, they would kick our asses all over the place put Bubble Yum in our head


even thinking about doing this.

E: He’s right. I would have beat my greedy ass red.

H: I would’ve thrown myself off my merry-go-round.

F: I would’ve tied myself naked to a chair and burned myself with lit cigarettes.

C: Did anyone here dream of becoming a psychiatrist? just kidding, pal.

There’s still hope for the kids inside of all of us. Please, don’t break up my


company. I always wanted to do that.

A: Well, that was very touching, Deeds. It appears this divestiture has been


Unless I’m forgetting something.

X: More importantly I know that I messed up real bad. And I’d be willing to

spend the rest of my life begging you to give me another chance… because I am

so deeply in love with you… and I know it’s definitely that forever kind of love…

Y: You are crazy. You have beautiful ankles.

He company bylaws 会社の内規

You’d do absolutely anything

Where do you got the camera hidden, in the wood?

There it is! Okay.

It’s good to be home. I know that much.

Heroic is nice. Depraved and insane is better. > depravity

Watch it, man.

You’re not feeling too good, little Billy?

Why don’t you just lay back and relax?

Usually, when you get blackout drunk, you don’t dream. So I read.


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A: You know what it’s like to get riled up, don’t you, Johnny Mac?

B: That I do.

A: I’m Deeds, by the way.

Anyway, it’s the best I can do.

I’d knock your heads in.

We’re going to get going.

Walk it off work it off

You had me going there.

I saw your face, you were like ---.

I’m nailed to the ground there.

You kind of snuck up on me there. sneak snuck snuck こそこそ忍び寄る

I am very, very sneaky, sir.

I waited for him to go.

My mother was figure skating and fell through the ice.

We’re drawing up some papers you l need to sign.

Hey, Deeds, read a card already. I got to get back on duty.

That’s the best you could get me?

I’m not putting this guy on the air. Get me something better and get it quick! Or,

it’s your ass.

I’m gonna come over and choke you to death.

I got to go.

No, I’m saving your butts, where you like it or not!

Goldbricking 怠ける

A: Where did you learn to fire that thing? You nearly buried me alive!

B: What are you talking about? I had your exact position on the scanner.

C: Scanner! Gizmos! You guys spend too much time in those garbage cans.

B: What are you yelling at me for?

C: You’ve forgotten what it’s like to be a human. No offense, colonel.


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Keep a close watch. He’s exhibiting textbook post-traumatic stress syndrome.

3 o’clock or thereabouts.

Come on, Johnny. Don’t give up. It may be the hardest thing you’ve ever done but

you can’t quit now! I’d be lost without you. And you, you’ll always wonder about

the life you missed.

I’m not an ape. I’m a washout.

Pulse is erratic, breathing shallow.

Rico, this is so like you. Dropping the ball, and the team’s countin’ on you…

when I’m counting on you. I took a lot for granted, Johnny. I mean, what was

the rush, right? I’d make you say it first,… come to your senses and tell me

what I wanted to hear.

But maybe our time is short, and I shouldn’t be proud. So, I love you, Johnny

Rico, always have, always will. Okay, I said it. Your turn.

With no repercussions 反響・反撃

You’re right. I’m sorry. It’s just that ---.

On my mark. Three, two, one. Fire!

Three minutes of reserve power. Setting down nonessential equipment, radio

included. Track me by locator beacon. Rico out!

Warning. Shut down imminent.

Warning. Power depletion reaching critical.

Better get above the waterline.

I see something. I’m in pursuit.

Don’t mess with me. You don’t wanna mess with me.

A kind and apprehensive friend 物分りのよい

be apprehensive about one’s future 不安である

be apprehensive one’s follies 気づいている

She became apprehensive but showed no fear. 不安になったが


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Apheresis prosthesis aphesis nemesis 天敵・因果応報 genesis 創世・起源

Be eager for the fray affray ケンカ・乱闘・口論

The endless troubles frayed her nerves. すり減らす。擦り切る

Lush farm country

The orders have been cut, Jean. Deal with it.

Given the status of the war, I’d have to disagree.

No, not personal, personnel.

They are working double-time.

Light-speed travel

Inbound.帰航 Outbound.出航

I read minds, not alter them.

Eyes open. Weapons at the ready.

Clock is ticking, guys. Let’s move.

What did we get out of the whole mission? The usual; two hours of sleep and

another mission.

Diz, got a new plan: I’m gonna stay attached to you 24/7.

Speak for yourself. 自説を述べる。

History speaks for itself. 歴史は自らを語る。

Your history speaks for itself. 履歴が全てだ。明らかだ、弁明の余地は無い。

Any impact will cause a catastrophic blast.

“Hurry up.” or “handle with care.”?

She is a terribly volatile person, changing her mood and mind quickly and


Volatile matter 揮発物

Plasma 結晶・原形質・融通


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At least, in theory.

Crystal Chrysalis chrysanthemum pupa

Just in case.

Exhale and squeeze.

A: I’m hopeless. I’m never gonna get the hang of this thing.

A: Yes, you will. You don’t have a choice.

Since when do you play you’re hard to get?

You are hard to blame.

No cheering, Ticker-tape parades, just ----

Get a ticker-tape welcome.

That’s gotta hurt.

I thought I said comm links only, private!

On the other hand, what’s life without a few tiny challenges?

They’ll come, lieutenant. You’ll see.

Relocate the civilians transport

A: Rico, that suit is worth more than you and your freaky pal put together. Get


or the damage is coming outta your pay.

B: Nothing from nothing leaves nothing.

A: What was that?

B: Nothing.

preimium horse’s behind dark horse

Give and take. No pains, no gains. It takes money to take money.

Why am I bothering?

at a premium 額面以上で、珍重されて

a premium pilot 優れた


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I could’ve come here earlier, but I figured you’d want a pretty close-up for the

FedNet nightly news.

Hey, no guts, no glory! ---- No brains.

Open the door. ---- It’s jammed.

The outpost 前哨地点 take point 斥候する

A: We’re hit. Stabilizing thrusts off-line.

B: Heat shields compromised. シールド破損(せり)。

A: Prepare emergency landing.

Radio’s dead and so are we if we don’t move.

A: Sir, if the bugs are well under control, why do those people need to leave?

B: This being your first mission, lieutenant, I would think you had enough to


about without questioning orders.

A: Sir, yes, sir.

C: Lesson number 1: Being a fleet officer isn’t just about piloting a ship. It’s also

knowing to keep your mouth shut.

Major in economics.

Uncover your potential.

Vega [I:] 織女 琴座

Vegas odds.

One for all and all for one, sir!

Status? --- We’re turtles.

Listen, nutcase.

Crackerjack handsome. Clicker jack

It’s like a walnut. We can’t crack the shell.


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A: R-triple-D.

B: That’s code?

A: Really deep doo doo.

Prepare to engage!

Negative. No squads available.

A: Hey, misreads happen. It could’ve been magnetic interference.

B: Could’ve been operator error.

A: Come and get it! (これを)くらえ。

B: Cease fire. Flores, you’re still making the same mistakes you did as a student.


first. Act second!

A: Yes, sir.

A: Maybe I should stay out here with you guys. You know, get some exterior


B: Make sure you get my good side. Why don’t you V

They can smell our blood from a kilometer away. Do you get me?

You can’t negotiate with something that has no soul. Is that clear?

It’s not bad enough he flunked me. Now he’s my commanding officer.

Blew it, man. Should‘ve got that on film. / on tape

roughnecks, apes

They are not life as you know it. that which

He is not the same man as he used to be.

< this year’s class-elected speaker >

On our very first day at Harvard, a very wise professor quoted Aristotle, “The law

is reason free from passion.” Well, no offense to Aristotle. But in my three years

at Harvard, I have come to find that passion is a key ingredient to the study and



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of law and of life. It is with passion, courage of conviction and strong sense of


that we take our next steps into the world…remembering the first impressions

are not always correct. You must always have faith in people… and most

importantly… you must always have faith in yourself. Congratulations, Class of

2004. We did it!

I have a point, I promise. ---- Then make it.

Move to strike that from the record, your honor. It’s a speculation. ---- So striken.

Did you hear a shot fired? ---- No, I was in the shower.

What are you so happy about? You are on trial for murder.

You’re fired. I have new representation.

I had a feeling about Mr.----.

But I was just kidding myself. Turns out I am a joke.

No one’s ever gonna take me seriously.

The hell with Callahan.

He tried to feel me up.

You almost had me fooled. --- You almost fooled me.

carnage 虐殺 ferocity 残虐行為・獰猛

career path

Balancing human intelligence with animal diligence

Do you need any help? --- No. I’m fine.

Silence in my courtroom!

He’s making it up.

The court will come to order.

wait listing 補欠リスト

He got wait-listed.

And I thought that was very classy of you.

I gave her my word, Warner.

He’s on line two for you.

I’d keep it a secret.

Grab me some coffee.

Your secret’s safe with me.

I’d rather go to jail than lose my reputation.


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Lipo-suction lipo fat

Who could understand better than me?

alibi elsewhere alius alias name

alias Yakuoh

under the alias of Yakuoh

ad-lib ad libitum at pleasure

Work it out.

Check it out.

Fill it out.

scream my head off

Okay, well, see you next class.

This is so much better than that!

You do well, today.

I think it gives it a little something extra, don’t you think?

And it’s scented.

To negate mens rea negative

I’m busy with these case studies and hypos.

Are you having fun? / a good time

semen ovary 子房・卵巣 semester ovester

sustenance 食べ物

facial spasm a spasm of coughing spasmodic = spastic 痙 攣 性 の span


The one

Make sure you read the foonaotes.

Socratic method

A: You got into Harvard Law?

B: Oh, like it’s hard?

Class schedule, map, book list

Elle Woods, the future lawyer for the class of 2004

Aren’t we always looking for diversity?

hale and heart 矍鑠たる whole health


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A: Harvard Law School?

B: That’s right.

A: But that’s a top three school.

B: Oh, I have a 4.0.

A: But your major is fashion merchandising.

Harvard won’t be impressed that you aced History of Polka Dots.

What are your back-ups?

B: I don’t need back-ups. I’m going to Harvard.

A: Well, then, you’ll need excellent recommendations from your professors. And a


of an admissions essay.

B: Right.

A: And at least a 175 on your LSATs. * Law School Admission Test

B: I once had to judge a tighty-whity contest for Lambda Kappar Pi. Trust me, I


handle anything.

Sorority 女子学生クラブ fraternity 男子

generic ノーブランドの

Your case is not amenable to the normal rules. あたらない、対象とならない。

amenable to persuasion 快く従う

She is totally adrift. drift 漂流して、途方に暮れて

You are all adrift. 全く見当違いしたいる。

The home was all aflame. 燃えていた

A: Weapon’s gone.

B: Mine too.

C: Same here.

We are not taking any chances. High alert. Weapons at the ready.

Grab your gear and start making like Sherlock. We have a mystery to solve.

Free your trapped memories

He appears to be suffering from a severe case of post-traumatic stress syndrome.

Hang on.

Shock sticks weren’t made for continuous use. They must be shorting out.

High alerted. Rico, on pint.


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Power suits are insulated.

Keep me posted.

On my command. On three.


He needs his eyes examined.

Mission complete.

Wor? War?

overprotective mothers.

Just a scratch, pal. I’ll patch it for you.

The chance we’d all make it home in one piece was seeming less and less likely.

Should’ve known that overblown ego of yours wouldn’t sink.

Back here at 1800 hours.

Cave cove alcove cover

I understand it. It is understood.

Do you understand that? Is that understood?

in the north of here

within ten miles of here

A: Something’s got a crush on you.

B: Not mutual.

I’m empty. 弾がなくなった。

A: What is it like to have a bug living in your brain?

B: It’s full of surprises.


You’re turning into my kind of trooper, Rico. Short on brains, long on guts.

Most geysers erupt at predictable intervals.


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Come on! I’m just getting’ warmed up.

They split in two.

Cut the apple in two.

Einstein fried a fuse.

I am functioning well, and it’s fun.

If you’re not on the team, you’re on your own.

A: Your lack of training is impeding the squad’s progress.

B: Thanks for encouragement.

stamp / stampede / impede / stamping ground 行き付けの場所

A: Your decision is ill-advised, lieutenant. Power supply, and motor reflexes…


and auditory sensors are all far superior to any human.

B: I am not in the habit of having my orders questions by anyone or anything!

Now, fall back and take up the rear, soldier!

Could it wait until tomorrow?

A: How am I gonna pull this off? I know. It’s just, I’m scared.

B: Don’t be. You gotta beleve in yourself.

Beware of imitations.

Beware that you do not anger him.

If you wait, it might just pass you by.

It’s just we can’t sit around here waiting for it to happen. We have to make it


And you know what? Life… life is short.


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We got a man down. ----- Okay. We got a visual.

Cater Locate Vacate.

afterages afterimage aftertaste afteryears

It’s gonna get worse before it gets better.

“In God’s Hand”

Another thing that you have to also understand is that we can argument our own

abilities through the technology that we have.

But technology isn’t everything. We need the speed and strength to handle those

kind of poundings. You need to be as quick and agile to fly and you need to be as

flexible as you can be to reduce injury. As we all know when we surf big waves

you can be held under for more than one wave… you can be held for a two-wave

hold-down. You could even be held under for three waves. We understand the

risk that’s involved. We know exactly what we’re up against… and we know

exactly what our bodies are able to do.

Practice extreme safety… when we’re doing extreme things.

Technology is taking surfing into another dimension… allowing a rider match the

speed of a 50-foot wave… traveling at 35 miles per hour. But the question is, at

what price?

But only the most skilled stand a chance to survive. To ride a wave this big…is to

put yourself in God’s hands.

What’s up? Side pain? ---- Can’t breathe.

Can you see? We’re in trouble!

nigh nigher nighest

near next

On one side is love, on the other, hatred.

On one side is compassion, on the other, terror.


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You have to choose. Good or evil, brutality or humanity…

Kashmir or holocaust… what will stay alive. You have to decide. Only you.

So think hard before you fire that bullet. Think very hard.

There you go.

Magnificent desolation.

A: And this moon mission came along. Do you know what I thought when it first

came up?

B: You beauty?

A: I thought, “Imagine stuffing that up.” Isn’t that odd?

B: What?

A: Well, that I was more scared than excited.

B: I don’t think that’s odd. I feel like that all the time.

How come you changed?

A: My wife said something. She said, “Failure is never so quite frightening as


B: Oh, that’s good advice.

I made a commitment to NASA, and I intend to fulfill it.

You look great in lemon.

I’ll look into it. Stand by.

All right. Let’s get cracking.

T minus 60 seconds and counting. They passed T minus 60.

T minus 55 seconds and counting.

Good luck and Godspeed.

40 seconds away from the Apollo 11 liftoff.

This is why we have to check and double-check.

What about them was wrong?

What’s this about? ***** all about?

It’ll do away with his powers.


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Who are you calling “cute”?

A: None of those stupid monkeys had Professor!

B: Where could he be?

C: Take a good guess.

That jerk, big, fat, dumb jerk! He duped us. He planed it all along. We fell for it.

You’ve doomed us all!

City of New York, I’d like to take this moment … to thank the little people who

helped to make this day a smashing success. Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup, I

couldn’t have done it without you.

Don’t listen. All of you, deafen yourselves to their heartless words.

We did good? You did very good.

We interrupt this program with a news flash.

They are little freaks, aren’t they? With more on this subject is …

I’m offended just looking at him.

Estimated damages in dollars? A whopping 25 millions.

He got held up.

Can you recite the alphabet for us. ABCs

Get right to work.

I need to pick them up from school.

aphesis aphersis prosthesis

We have no one but you.

Is it right to destroy and shatter hearts in the name of skin color

You brand people untouchable and pollute humanity itself.

What’s the news you want to give me?

If Radha is enshrined in his heart, why doesn’t he tell her so?

It’s like the dewdrop on a lotus leaf… not united nor separated.

They have been worshipped together from aeons.

Eon 永劫・久遠 10億年 billion years

aeon 同時に存在する複数世界


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What was that you said about our game?

Now, what is this we hear?

What’s this fear I have?

Have faith. Every saint and seer has said, ”He who has truth and courage in his

heart shall win in the end.” = at the end

It’s just the beginning. We’re learning the ropes.

My name is Elizabeth. ---- Ali… what? My tongue will get into a twist saying it,

Carry on your game.

That’s it, Tom. Hit it hard.

Go see if the water is boiling.

Don’t feel bad.

This should do the trick.

Pass it to me.

Heat the water.

Make me another.

He was so spirited. and spoke the truth.

I am with you. I have faith in you and in your courage. That’s all I came to say.

Have a good day, sweethearts. –s

Today’s temperature will be in the high 70s.

She is being rude. You mind your manners, young lady.

For the sake of family harmony, I am not supposed to tell.

Andrew Android rain man Raymond

Little miss Miss

Humor honor word

Run amok run amuk 自制心を失う;暴れ狂う

Muck worm 糞虫・守銭奴

I would like to pull my own weight 役目を果たす

Blighti bride and gloomy groom

Bright bride and groovy groom


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Things change. Things always change. People move on, as it should be.

I’ll never stop missing them.

I understand why some animals eat their young.

You’ve stopped referring to yourself as “one”

You want to leave. That’s what this is about, isn’t it?

Did he not breast-feed?

My life is nearing its end.

I have exhausted all possibilities save or one final ray of hope.

I saw the inner me.

I’ve had an upgrade.

We’ll keep each other company.

I apologize for telling the truth.

What is exactly that you want? What ----- that?

This Buddhist says to a hot dog vender, ”Make me one with everything.”

Do you want someone to talk to? ---- With.

You are talking about a profound transition from the mechanical to the


You got to say it with feeling

The very thought of you and I forget to do

the simple ordinary things that everyone ought to do.

I’m livin’ in a kind of daydream,

I’m happy as a queen and foolish.

Though it may seem to me you’re everything

the mere idea of you, the longing here for you

You’ll never know how slow the moments go till I’m near you

Do you know what it’s like to be laughed at? Humiliating.

Poke me in the eye. It hurts!


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It’s everything they say it is.

Wish me luck. ---- Good luck.

That’s wonderful, the taste and the texture both.

It’s your stomach growling. = It’s your stomach that growls.

More fast faster

Did play played

A: That will not do. I’ll have to get started.

B: Started with what?

A: The next step.

A: Are you not in some way artificial, at least in part?

B: In part, yes.

A: Then I’m human in part.

A mechanical machine, nothing more (than that).

You’re, for all accounts, immortal.

I couldn’t stand to live without you.

All は代名詞ではあるが、関係代名詞ではない。This is all I can do. 関係詞節内の述語動詞の目的語である関係代名詞(that)が省略されて先行代名詞の all が残



This is all that I can do.

the thing that[which] I can do

that that[which] I can do

what I can do

All that glitters is not gold.



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All is well. That ends well.

All that ends well is well.

All’s well that ends well.

強調構文における場合は、 that は省略しない。

It was he that loved us. = He loved us.

It was him that we loved. = We loved him.


There are many men who can not do it. できない人は多い。

There are more men than can not do it.できない人はもっと多くいる。 more than

Cf. I would rather die a man than live a robot forever. --er than

There are no men but can do it. できない人は一人もいない。

= There are no men who can not do it. 〃

There are as many men as can not do it. できない人は同じくらいいる。

What’s up? What did I say? Where are you going?

What did he used to say? “Carpe diem --- Seize the day.” used

I believe in love. Not just getting it. Giving it. I think that as long as you can love


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somebody whether or not they love you, then it’s worth it.

Just go and fetch him up, please. back down here in here

Get on with your work.

I am going to make a note of that.

They’re sort of tall and they don’t say too much. And they have fucking British


That’s fair! Nobody liked him.

I’m on the telephone. I’m on a call to California.

Give her some air.

Stop sniveling. Anyone would think you were Italian.

I’d be blighted sad I’d be delighted happy

give you up ---- give up on you

She sounds British. Is she affected or is she British?

Life must go on.

Would it be awful to ask you play something to cheer us all up? ---- Of course not.

You’re providing a lot of entertainment for nothing. ---- I am used to it.

rippling chord

Do you think he’ll be as long as he usually is? ---- I think he’s rather wonderful.

Ask him about the salts.

I nicked my chin while shavig. cut

Don’t be a snob, Aunt Constance. ----- Me? I haven’ a snobbish bone in my body.

crock カメ・壷 crockery 土器・陶器 crocket 唐草屋根飾り

We got turned down by them.

Is that clock right?

Hot milk or cold?

Bored to sobs.

Can I trouble you for a light,please? A

He put salt on the table. article

He has been sacked from his bank.

How do you manage to put up with these people?---- Well, you forget I am

earning myliving by impersonating them.

Well, there’s no harm in trying.

I’m making bricks without straw.


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I saw him in his under-drawers ズボン下

There’s nothing more exhausting than that, is there?

Why did you mention that you don’t have a maid? tense

I juust wanted to see you had everything you need,sir. tense

Cos she’s a snobbish cow.すましたブス she looks down on anyone who got to top

with hard work.

He adds to the glamour of the gathering.彩りを添える

Toffy-nosed and useless 役立たずの優男 taffy toffy apple リンゴ飴 taffy お


It’s got style. in style in ashion

Do you good. bad

the gathering ⇔gatherings 集まり rich people the rich

Don’t just stand there. Give me a hand with the canopy.

Everything’s ready, my Lady. my lady= my lady ミレイディ

Is everything all right? Are you okay?

Are we headed in the same direction?

Dale, where are you at?

What will you do with me?

Ha-ha. That’s real fucking funny.

How is it that you know about this girl? How well do you know ----?

I cannot sing without music. (by ear)

What concerns me is that we left ourselves so goddamn exposed. So just out


You can’t assume anything about anybody. That’s the guy who will fuck you

For some reason,

We think he did the stabbings. His package indicates that he is fond of a knife.

He has priors.

You say you had seen the letter in the sideboard drawer prior to the time you

locked it. before

And we think the suspects fled the state. flee


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I’m putting you on the speakerphone.

10-4. --- 10-4 and out.

Let’s do this first.

Dale, are you coming with us? ---- Yeah. I’ll be right there.

Listings? These? --- Those are the ones.

No, I was just wondering. I’m real tired.

They say a wind chime helps a baby sleep.

I’ll be here.

I was coming about the nanny position.

What the fuck are you smiling?

Pooh the bear Alexander the Great=Great Alexander Arthur the King= King


Now, listen to me. You tell me. Who (was it that) set this up?

I’m asking you again. Who (was it that) put you up to this?

Let (yourself) go (off) of the gun.

This is an orgie of evidence ( too lot an orgie of ) an orgie of work.

He is no killer. ( not a = no) sort of = sorta

on way = a way all correct = OK on board = aboard

on side = aside

I gotta sit down. Ig otta figure this out.

What room is he in?

nasturtium 金蓮花 凌霄葉蓮 のうぜん はれん

We’ll talk about this later. I’ll come by your house tomorrow.

In some ways,

a gold-plated ink stick

You’ll rot in hell with a halo, [heilou]

I wish you well.

closed mind open mind

You are in good company. 君だけができないんじゃない。(ほかにもたくさんいる)

Then I’m in good company, sir.

In addition, I require access to your ship’s computer.


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rim brink perimeter ヘリ、縁

the rim of one’s glasses the rim of the volcano

Wild flowers rimmed the little pool. 縁取る

deflected deflection Nothing can deflect me from my duty. 反らす。歪める

This is going to be like putting together a big jigsaw puzzle when you don‘t even

know what the picture is supposed to be.

From the look of the damage, it must have been a high-speed impact.

He is like this most of the time.

Captioning made possible by Paramount Pictures Corporation

at least as long as possible > as soon as possible

Luck to luck crucial crucify cruel 楽 苦

But throughout our difficult struggle, we have been determined to preserve one

choice: How we die. Whether it be here, in an airless bunker or elsewhere, I

don’t know.

But I can assure you of one thing. The spirit of our deaths will shape the soul of a

new generations. A new nation of Jews. All right. ( ask ** of ; rob *** of )

Now? ---- Not yet.

For the boys and girls, who sacrificed their lives for our dignity: A moment,

pleases, of reflection and silence.

The Circumcision キリストの割礼祭 1月1日 decision decide circumcise

Incise incision incisive precise precision

Can a moral man maintain his moral code in an immoral wold?

a hell of a beating

Pain is temporary, pride is forever.

Just for a warm-up.

How’d it go? --- It didn’t.

We have been runner-ups before, but first is first, and second is nowhere.


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Come on, move it!

Prisoner, on the move!

Don’t try to get stopped.

He was making it with my wife, Dr. Fowler. ---- Don’t talk. Keep your mouth shut.

Ruth, you are so unforgiving, so overbearing, so controlling.

Words by priority according to priority

Creditors by priority 優先債権者 priority system 重点主義

A priority case

Could you break a 50, please?

accident manslaughter murder

Why don’t we just sleep on it, and deal with it tomorrow.

The sooner you end it, the better.

She had a skillet in her hand. フライパン

I am boring, aren’t I? --- No. I was just thinking.

About what? --- about you.

I thought I had lost my faith in Christ, in God. My savior, my …friend. But I

hadn’t. I have lost my faith in serving men like you who use God to justify your

material agendas. That is why I now choose to serve God in my own personal


Wherever I go, I’ll keep you in my heart and also in my prayers. God keep you

and bless you.

All the cross-checks and duplications are there though it was quite



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70 CE, something about a perfect glow. Christian Era

The glow of happiness 満ち足りた幸福 the glow of sunset真っ赤な夕焼け

If that is the body of Jesus Christ, I sent Father Lavelle to oblivion, nothingness.

In some way he was a father to me.

Don’t be oblivious of your former mistakes. 忘却する

A former movie star now in oblivion 忘却されて

The bombardment obliterated the village. 抹殺する litter letter

Lo and behold! Mark 25 verse 17

gentile 異邦人 gentility shabby gentility

hostile hostility hospital hospitality

The Talmud is not an absolute instrument. ユダヤ教の律法

The Talmud needs man as much man needs the Talmud.

The jar was kiln-fired so that we can use thermoluminescent dating.

Luminescent creatures 発光生物

Thermoscope 温度測定器


What is next?

--- Well, I have to dust off every single one of these bones. Polyvinyl them and

then we can move them. > polyvinyl chloride

I’m just concerned about knee-jerk reactions.

The ideal solution is to stop rumors and lies at their inception. > beginning

theology anthology archeology

Oxymoron 撞着語法 Make haste slowly. oxy 鋭 moron 鈍 魯迅

A: Dr. Sharon Golban.

B: An Israeli archeologist.

A: It was she who opened the tomb in Jerusalem. Those are the photos of what


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she found.

B: This is a Pontius Pilate. ----- So I’ve been told.

I’m gonna leave this monkey with you for safekeeping

There’s a thing in the desert called shape-shifting, where people can transform

themselves into other creatures, like a fox or a crow. I could see that Carl had

shape-shifted into a jerk.

There are worse things than being in a spiritual wheelchair. Some people are in

a spiritual coma. And if you’re married to one of those people, then your vows

are gonna be tested,…… to the limit. > moratorium

Do ya get what I’m trying to say?

‘Cause I can’t handle you being here anymore. > stand

Who made a vow to protect him in good times an bad?

I read somewhere that the reason most relationships break down is that each

partner is waiting for the other one to fix it. But if you want someone to stand by

you always, you have to be willing to do the same for them, even when they’re

acting like an idiot.

> idiots

Nurture surpasses nature.

The name manifests the essence.

A boy before a temple reads sutras without formal learning.(The environment

has influences.)

Everything in due season.

The conditions of success: luck, perseverance; impassibility 幸運、根気 鈍重

A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, nether can a corrupt tree bring forth

good fruit.[matthew 7]

Upbringing is rather than birth. Birth is much, but breeding is more.

It was more like real hockey the old way. Why’d they change it? ---- I don’t know.


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I wish I were big! ----- Your wish is granted.

So how would you like that? ---- 3 dimes and $100 bill and 87 ones.

Don’t forget, look ‘em in the eyes.

Fill this out in triplicate, 5 dollars filing charge.

Do be careful, madam, the plate is very hot.

Cut her some slack! She’s from out of town, huh?

--- Why don’t keep her on a leash?

the author’s scope 意図

The enterprise, though hazardous, was truly lofty in scope.意図において、堂々とし


911, there’s been an accident!

I kept thinking it felt like a dream come true. (that has; that’s )

Do the best job you can with the time you got.

I had this speech prepared but ----- > I prepared this speech

We hand you over the cops. (= to)

I had it made this morning. > I made it

Jesus is anointed Ma 26

Lent 四旬節 Ash Wednesday Ash on their heads

*** FRY 2 ***

That’s wonderful. How did you do this?

I started from scratch. Trimble and the rest have kept asking the wrong


making the same mistakes. They were too close to the problem to see it clearly.

Scientific myopia. They thought of it in terms of methodology, physics.


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But you have to be able to open your eyes and admire the beauty of process.

* hypermetropia 遠視眼 * absolute temperature * absolute zero

* absolute majority * absolute value * absolute term 絶対名辞

* methodology 方法論

*** Legal Eagles ***

They get the jobs done. A Picasso for a Dearden?

Get it done before it’s time to leave. / before the time to leave.

We’ll be brief. It takes no time.

They always do on impulse.

Brief me on it. / Report me on it./ Tell me on it. (on = about)

It was all I had.

Get out of here before I have you thrown out!

Don’t put it off until it’s time to leave. / until the time to leave./

We can’t plead him guilty at the arraignments. /

Do we eat in or eat out?.

Certified interpreter/ Certificated interpreter

Vulgars always make it go on as blow. As if the time = it’s time )

mid ⇔ dim ---- twist dim into mid.

The truth is the touchstone of this trade.

We’ll back you all the way.

See things in their perspective. / Challenge your own perspective.

Try to get[/keep] the problem in perspective

Think of it this way.

An opinion gets the universe into a fresh perspective.

The desk will tend to be messy. I like it that way. Don’t straighten anything for

me, OK?

***Chances are***

We are gathered together,,,,,

I’m running a little late. (short of time.)

I won’t be long. I will be brief. It takes no time.

You shouldn’t have done. Thank you so much.

The memory of my last life

I got my memory back.


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I got recycled.

It’d be a dream (which has) come true. It’s like a dream coming true.

It’s not that I’m not interested. It’s just that …. /It’s not that I don’t love you.

If anything happened to you, I …….

He is always in my heart. / in the air

***Starship Troopers***

Don’t think about it. Just go on instinct. Try to visualize it.

Don’t forget to write.

Is that how it is!? You are cut off!

Luck didn’t have nothing(anyhing) to do with it.

It’s all settled.

Just say it once. Try it on for size. ----- I love you.

I got a guy killed.

No matter what, we will be good friends.

Never pass a good thing.

It’s all right. Because I got to have you.

Get us clean for warp.

* ** Mercury Rising *** on the bullhorn 拡声器で

egghead word game

pop it open

kick it closed

an open book

anti-static 静電帽子の(ワックス・織物)

autism autisitic

slip it in them

Get a phone on you?

strap him in. 縛り付ける

They got in the way. 邪魔になった。

Hang on to the fence.

Let’s just get this over with. ---- OK.

I’ve got a nice sandwich down there. How’s that sound? Why don’t we go eat


How am I supposed to explain this? / How must I should

We’re going left. ( ------- going home.)


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His life is at stake. / in danger

It’s my ass if you take that. ( I’ll be in trouble if …)

He doesn’t see things like other people do. ( = see them.)

Look at me. Look in my eyes.

Let’s take this off.

How much I owe you?

I didn’t make the rent.

You seem a decent, caring person.

That’s where we’re goin’, Simon.

Chopper on approach, sir.

He’s adjusted very well.

*** 13 Days ***

Dad, will you sign my permission slip for tomorrow?

You got time for pancakes?

This is your report card.

Have you seen these grades?

Why’d you cross all my people off the list?

You don’t have anybody on it who means anything.

I don’t rat on my friend.

That’s it. That’s the one we’re looking for.

Are you trying to go around me?

It’s good groundwork for us in ’64.

He should be here any minute.

complete snow job. 完全な吹聴 / give a person a snow job.(うまい話で信じ込ませ


I’ll bet you had a late night.

Gentlemen, as most of you know,

We do not believe that the missiles are as yet operational.

Washington is in range of these weapons.

Do it fast. / You’re gonna have to keep up your schedule.

If word gets out before we know what we’re gonna do, there’s gonna be


Without the follow-on invasion


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It appears that / It seems to me that / The thing is that ….

Lying bastard! Lied right to my face.

Right. It sure would feel good.

We’ve got a consensus for a blockade.

I’m as conniving as they come.

How will that make us look?

We need to go over what you’re going to say.

What is the meeting about? / a most constructive meeting

I’m going on TV.

And you know they’re going to second-guess you. So what!?

I respect Adlai for having the guts to risk looking like an appeaser.

We do have the evidence and it’s clear and incontrovertible.

We’re just gonna have to take our beatings as we go.

The Chiefs will have us by the balls.

You’re clear and ready to go, sir! Good luck, skipper!

They have nothing in hands. Only falsifications!

May we have the presentation, please!

Glad to know we’re not alone.

OK. I’ll be right there.

They were just stalling for time.

It’s hard to believe.

We’re presuming the pilot is dead.

I don’t think we should be gloating too much. / Don’t gloat. The same

misfortune may happen to you one day. / They must be gloating over my defeat

in the election.

*** The Killing***

And they’re off and running. A breaking on top. B is second.

Yes, sir, coming right up.

Quite a crowd you got. ---- Yeah.

It is A, B and C, neck and neck.

It’s Stopwatch taking the lead.

Then comes A, B, and C. ---- lead by a length and a quarter.

behind by a head. / by a half a head.

A second. B third by a length. C finished fourth.


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I trust it was purely an oversight.

As long as you don’t overlook your obligation to me, ------

Might be arranged, with the proper collateral, of course.

I’m as anxious to pay you off as you are to have me, but I just ain’t got it.

You know, I couldn’t pull a thing like this on you, I couldn’t afford to. ----

I’m glad you said that.

I’m sure you’d see it my way.

I’ll take care of myself. That’s my specialty.

A: Don’t rush off on my account. / B: She’s late for an appointment. / C: That’s


At 7:00 p.m. the same day, Johnny Clay, perhaps the most important thread in the

unfinished fabric furthered its design.

I hope it was something nice.

You, be sure to call me, will you, John?

What’ll it be? / How much I owe you? / How much is it?

The climax to this story? The moral, the punch line?

I mean it! I’m getting fed up! I can’t stand it when the walls start closin’ in.

So far everything had gone off according to plan.

The rest is out in the open.

That’s a promise. No tricks now, OK?

Some of the fellows and me are having a little get-together.

You’d better go along (now Mike) or you’ll be late.

This time is not just ‘talk’.

I won’t be doing any drinking tonight.

Be sure to hold all tickets until the result of the race is declared official. (to


And now we take you back to our regularly scheduled program.

He was supposed to be here at 7:00. He was fifteen minutes behind schedule.

Ten minutes later, he bought the largest suitcase he could find.

Just a bad joke without a punch line.

*** Charlie’s Angels ***

Combine that with voice identification

Any cell phone could be a homing device

That’s where you come in, Angels.


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What’s so funny? I did. I had them all fired.

Make me proud.

Restricted access.

Finger Print ID. retinal scanner(網膜スキャナー)

In order to get through the security, they have to synchronize their entrance.

(= gain access)

A gelatin scanning plate takes exact finger prints.

He likes you. Go back and flirt a little.

Flip your goddamn hair.

Watch it!

Check ‘em all.

Our job’s only half-finished.

GPS = Global Positioning Systems

No one can hide. / It can be mapped.

It’s audio DNA. It makes impossible to disguise a voice or scramble signal.

Which is exactly what Corwin wants. (= Why Corwin wants it.)

Looks like it’s off to the races, Angels.

Scrabble = a kind of words building game

That was kind of a turn-on. (cf. turn-off)

And you get it all figured out.

Any other questions?

Sizzler = a kind of food?

He wasn’t exactly forthcoming when ----. (= willing, cooperative)

It is an anagram. / plum ⇔ lump つづり換え遊び / scrabble freak!

Rearrange it. / A laser accurate to 0.09 millimeters scans the retina.

The main frame is accessible, only monitored airless.

There’s only one way to get through undetected. ---- Be invisible.

The floor is rigged with pressure sensitivity.

Any contact exceeding 25 seconds triggers the alarm.

Sounds impossible. / Sounds like fun.

You ready whip them into shape, Tom?

That makes sense. That’s cool, right?

If we get proof, we’ll give it to you, right away.

At crunch time. At the crunch. 土壇場で。


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It is the same with the heart.

And up-and-coming communications software company.新進の、

The seats haven’t gotten smaller. Your ass has gotten bigger.

Get off of me!

Hold that thought.

I’ll be right in.

I have to go, though.

I want to get one thing straight between us.

His voice identification software was stolen.

You must have dozed off.

Let me see if I can work that out.

I’m just enhancing a reflection from the car window.

We’ll be always staying in touch.

A hammer-head バカ・間抜け

Self-help guru 独立独歩の

Technically, 1 in 60 is fatal. / nine in ten 十中八九

It’s rare delicacy. I had this shrine FedExed from Kyoto.

Let’s see if you can survive a test of intuition and judgement.

Can happiness buy money?

a quality man a quality work

Buddha on lotus

I’m his trusted friend. / You are my loved son.

Do I look OK?


Feel shame at having told a lie.

You need have no shame about it.

He is a shame to us.

What a shame! = That’s a shame! = Oh, such a shame!

It’s a shame that the museum is closed today.


What a shame (of them) that they don’t let him play the piano.


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What a shame of him

Verb --- Noun

Run. Don’t run. Not to run. No running. No run!

Excuse. No excuse. No excuses.

No smoking!

Long time no see.

Good move. Good talk

Water flowers. Walk the dog. Milk him of money.

*** Killer’s kiss ***

And tonight is a big one indeed, with a title bout in the offing for the winner.

in the offing 差し迫った、すぐに控えている

And now, let’s take time out for a friendly word from sponser.

Mr.A, please. Seattle is calling. Just a moment your party’s on the line.

It was nice hearing from you. Thank you for calling.

I had him going. Doesn’t matter now, does it?

Look, if you don’t mind me asking you. What happened?

There you go. That’s better.

I didn’t know you had any feelings.

I’m mad about you. I want you to get out of here.I’ll set you up right.

No chance! No nothing!

Look, you’ll spend the rest of life grubbing. あくせく働いて

What do you take me? A 14-karat sucker?

Get that up. Get that down. Get that lower.

Come on, I gotta get out of here.

I guess he got tired of waiting. We’ll call him when he gets home.

I suggested we each go and get packed and I’d come over when I was through.

Against the wall and lean on your hands! / It would be like that, again.


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*** Heaven’s Gate ***

Three cheers to our dear old country. Hip, hip, hooray!

The big fellas blackball him.反対投票する / lose one’s grip ボケる

have a good grip on the business ~をよく呑みこんでいる・掴んでいる

I’ll put your grip in there for you. grip = grip sack

You don’t have to do that.

Good association 結合・協会 / good associations 連想

What’s it pay? / 25 more experienced men

This is more your country than mine anyway.

You can get shot for insurrection. 反乱罪で / Armor made a knight, crown, a


In the name of the Father, the Son and Holy spirit, Amen.

Halleluja! ( Praise God!) / Amen = So be it. truly; certainly

Oh, God, do I love Paris! / Wait for me at your place.

Pay the tally tally clerk投票計算係 tally man 分割払い商人

tally sheet tally shop

Talisman 護符・お守り / You never waste time, do you?

I’d awfully appreciate it if you’d stop taking steers for pay from these people.

Just like that? / You got style, Jim. I’ll give you that.

There’s a lot of things you can’t understand.

A man don’t take on what he can’t finish.

What makes you think that he she wants to go? / Why do you think that ------?

*** Hero ***

We found the defendant guilty of all charges. / Have you arrived at a verdict?

He has no priors. / He has no convictions. 悔悟・呵責

sleazebag / cheep and worthless

Your honor, request bail be continued pending sentences

Bail for this sleazebag? Judge, lock him in now.

It’s very misleading. I got you bail continued.

Is he violent or something? ( or stuff) Will he flee? What do you mean, it ’s very

misleading? All right, I’m going with you.

Try to get your personal affairs in order in anticipation of incarceration. /

A court-appointed lawyer /

Try to get your boss to write a note about your job performance.


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You need to create the impression of a responsible, decent citizen who happened

to slip up once. 躓く / She don’t like for me to see him.

You gotta resist the urge to be nice to those people. They’re con artists. Take


of a soft heart. A lot of them are financially better off than the rest of us.

I can’t afford no better. / Keep a low profile.

It’s against his religion to stick his neck out.

What kind of message are you giving to the youth?

Fly in the ointment 味噌に糞。玉に疵。ぶちこわし。

Messiah = the promised and expected deliverer = the anointed deliverer = Jesus


Anointing of the Sick灌油式 / 救世主・灌油された者・聖別された者 / laurel

The Lord’s Anointed = Jesus Christ / ointment

Fly on the coach wheel 自惚れ者

You’re just sneering at someone for sticking his neck out.

The delinquent youngsters sneered her attempt to be friendly. 鼻でせせら笑う

I want the bailiff to ----. 廷吏 / Sorry. I got carried away.

I gotta get to the TV station. / I can’t take advantage (of it).

Have it your own way. / a painted life. 偽りの生活

He was down on his luck. / Sorry I took so much time.

an engrossing story / interesting

What are they saying at a moment like this?

I don’t take credit. I’m a cash kind of guy.

You sure we can pull this off? / Pull off the impossible. やり遂げる

What exactly have we got to lose? / They are getting to their feet.

He’ll pull you over. He’ll pull you off.

Put the line on him!

*** FRANTIC ***

I’m spitballing here. 紙つぶてを作っている。 / スピットボール

I can’t get my suitcase open. / Can you make these keys work?

I’ll call on TWA and right away straight it out.

(It’s) Not that I know of. / Please, don’t take offense.

Take make-up off your face / He has an accent.

You’ll have to wait your turn.


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Are you rich? --- No, well, I’m well off.

I had it translated. / You can’t get it back.

A mix-up with the bag.

Once I straighten this out. = As soon as ---- / get this straightened out

I don’t want this to get out of hand. / a lodge of complaint

***Truth or Consequences NM***

You’re going around shootin’ people! / I’m sorry. I’m a little edgy.

This is our chance for something better, isn’t it?

You guys got any change for the meter? / It landed on its edge.

What are the chances of that happens? Two zillion to one.

You’re bona fide skeptic. 正真正銘の = in good faith

Pick it up! Pick up the case!

Get in the back! うしろに乗れ。 Get down!

Watch the way you talk to her!

Let’s take a deep breath. Deflate your balls a little bit and let some of the blood

go back to your brains. / I’ll stand by you through anything.

It wasn’t supposed to be like this.

What say you give us a ride? / Hurry back.

Look where it got you. / What matters is how you look.

I’m on it. You got it. I got it.

*** Mystery Men ***

He was worried sick about you! / You got a family to look after.

That’s all. Nothing more. / I did just have dinner with him.

Are you on the marijuana? / Oh, lookee here.

Junk it! I want it junked! You got that?

Leadership. On the ship

I’ll kill you later.

The wise man knows that he is weakest when he thinks him strong.

You were not to face so great an enemy, not until you have vanquished enemy

within yourselves. / He’s going right up to the, like, confusing.

Your temper is very quick, my fella.

Sounds more like a heat seeking anthrax projection gun to me. 炭疽病

Photo-positive / photo-negative 向光性 嫌光性 phile phobia

If you want to break in, you gotta network.


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Won’t you tell me? Why don’t you tell me?

I’ll like to toast our straight-out victory.

Don’t correct me. Don’t copy me. / That’s what I like about it.

Are you sure he’s in there?

They target moving objects. It could be a cybernetic atom scrambler.

We must have hit a trip wire.

It could be a photon-eviscerator heating up. 光量子/ 内臓を取り除く・骨無しにする


Wait! Hear that? / Quick thinking!

Well, I would not want anyone to get hurt.

play out the game 公平に行動する

play out policies 営利を考えて行動する

play out the market 株に投資する

*** As good as it gets ***

Leg down! / Shoved him down the garbage chute.

Stop nancing around like that. Nancy sissy

Think twice before messing with you.

Three eggs over easy, six strips of bacon with fries, a short stack.

I blanked. I had no clue about it.

We’re all gonna die soon. I will. You will. Good will-hunting.

You got a temperature? Scootch over.

He’s got to fight to breathe. / When things get back on track,

You’ll be at work tomorrow. / on duty

Make the round/ your round / go the round / 配達してまわる。

Not it at all. / Let me sleep on it. I’ll figure it out.

We could live without the wisecracks. / I know I can do better than that.

*** Barry Lyndon ***

You can sleep with the candle lit.

There’s nothing to be afraid of. / proud of/ worried about / talk about

well-timed statement 時宜を得た発言 / badly-off / well-off

You don’t know when you’re well-off. 順調な・楽な・恵まれている

Money, well-timed and properly applied can accomplish anything.

affix the inspection sticker to his windshield. スティッカーをくっつける

affix blame to her 彼女に責任をなすりつける


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Carry on with your work. / Don’t bother me around. Let me get on with my


The heaven, where quarrelsome people will never go

I’ll have him sign. / have him go.

I’ll have his sign. / have his going.

I’ll have his car.

What is your call? --- Heads. / Get ready to fire.

It was in the reign of George Ⅲ that the aforesaid personages lived and

quarreled, good or bad, handsome or ugly, rich or poor. They are all equal now.

***Run-away bride ****

The bride ran away, leaving the groom alone in the room.

Can you wait till later?

Help yourself. / Marvelous doughnuts!

I’m kind of last-minute man.

I don’t write bitter diatribes about woman. 非難

She’s got the next victim all lined up.

Her bridal exploits are taken to ----- 離れ業

We push, we stretch, we go out on a limb. That’s what makes me good. 危険を冒す

No, that’s what makes you unemployed.

Slap my wrist. That’s done. Just call when you feel that I have served my time

and move on. / If you go quietly, I’ll get you severance pay.

In my heart, I feel I’m right about you. / You’re gathered here today, ---

It’s something that I’ve always wanted to do.

The whole thing is great. / You look fine.

You’re reading your newspaper up-side down, that’s gotta be better than fine.

If you could just have a seat,----

Do you, Ike, take Maggie to be your lawfully wedded husband? --- I do.

A lawful wedded husband may an awful one. / I now pronounce you, husband

and wife.

I’m working on it. I think I was on the wrong track. / Like a moth to a flame.

Attraction is misleading. / I’m doing an article.

Confucius say(s), “ Man who leave(s) his wife alone with ex-husband may leave

altogether.” ---- “ Man who leaves his wife alone with ex-husband may leave


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them together again.

/ That only took us 12 years to say.

Try to discover the feel of the sand under your feet.

like the football spiraling through the air / sanctuary saint

library libre / keep eye contact maintain eye contact

You’re gonna do the same thing to the poor schmuck number four that you did to

the previous three. / Chew up men and spit ‘em out and love it.

You got me a watch. くれた / You got me fired. してくれた

In other words, he’s only human. / Check on the crabs, Bob.

Just keep your eye on the ball.

Are you gonna follow me around everywhere I go?

Relax, limber. Visualize. しなやかにする

You’d better limber up before the match.

Pull up a rail. We have to do some talking now. Just give me a little space here.

He’s gonna stand me up! I’m sweaty, nervous.

No sauntering, make time. = go fast.


My husband was teaching school there.

If it recurs, which I doubt, we can always think about having some tests done.

A kind of self-induced trance. = self-induction= auto-hypnosis

催眠状態・失神 自己感応

under hypnosis / He dislocated his shoulder.

* Did he adjust well to school? / He had an injury.

I won’t take long.

He just used too much strength and he injured Danny’s arm.

Nursery school --- kindergarten ----- elementary school

Chocolate it shall be! / I’m coming in close.

I’m going to get ya. You gotta run fast.

laser = light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation 電磁波発生増幅機

maser = microwave amplification by stimulated emission of radiation マイクロ波増


radar = radio detecting and ranging電波探知機


Maybe I got it right here.


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Just last-minute Christmas shopping / The globe spins on its axis.地軸

You want to drive your car off the boat, but it suddenly develop a trouble too

much weight in the axles. 車軸

You can’t do this for a living. You are too lousy at it. ( be doing )

I’ll pay whatever it takes.

It would be against my principles, if I had ant (principles).

The way it works is half now, half later.

The way I went run away with your money.

I’ll see you at the casino at 10:00 for the payoff. 付清尾款

Want to tell me what kind of car, or should I just try them all?

Convertible terms 類義語 convertible husbandry 輪作

Converter convertible (car) husband husband

Husband one’s strength (cultivate; culture)

Hus = house band = bring; have

High-stakes poker

Think it over, Joe, but don’t take too long, or the chance might go away.

What are you, some kind of fanatic?

Maybe so, I don’t feel qualified to decide who.

I bet I don’t know ‘em. / But I don’t know ‘em.

How ’ s it going? / What ’ d they do to you?

Don’t tell me how to make sense of my life!

Things are unfair! / Why are they be easy to beat? ( How can be they ---)

Because sometimes in poker it’s smarter to lose with a winning hand, so you can

win later with a losing one, see. And politicians never can quite believe that,

because they want the power now.

I think you know more than you admit, Mr. Weil.

Someone has to be responsible for changing things.

Jesus, You can’t live ideas. / Most things are alive don’t even have ideas.

It isn’t an idea. It’s a feeling just like being part of something more than yourself

Like a song people sing together. I don’t think this is anything I can explain.

---- You mean not to me. I am not in there singing.

She is beautiful, isn’t it? --- More than that. She’s a hell of a lady!

I lied about a few things.


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a worthy cause Is it worthy enough

h to get me stuck ina Cuban jail?

I got no edge that way. I’m no good with that. ( be lousy at that )

I can be suave, believe me. (≠ crude )

Anywhere they’ll have me ( play/ work)

I’m being a bore. (= turn-off)

Fairness doctrine

Optoelectronics 光電子工学 / micro-optics 微少光学

light emitting diode 発光ダイオード / semiconductor laser

light modulation device 光変調素子 / optical integrated circuit光集積回路

optical computing 光コンピューティング / optial fiber sensor 光ファイバーセンサー

optoelectronic memory光メモリー / optical components光部品

optical thyristor 光サイリスタ / optical isolator光アイソレーター

optical fiber amplifier光ファイバー増幅器

ADSL asymmetric digital subscriber line 上下のスピードが違う

PDF portable document format

*** Powder *****

Hey, cut it out. Cut it out.

Blinding, isn’t it?

There’s all the potential that electricity needs to travel.

About the make up of the human body

Mind if I come in?

He said he believed in after death only because energy can never cease to exist,

that it relays, it transforms, but it doesn’t stop ever.

And he said that if we ever got to the point …… where we could use all our brain

…… that we’d be pure energy and that we wouldn’t even need bodies.

I don’t know what it is you do.

It’s because appalingly clear that our technology has surpassed our humanity. /

[Albert Einstein]


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But now I look at you and I think that someday our humanity might actually

surpass our technology.

*** Excalibur ***

The future has taken root in the present.

It is done.

You strike me with words as hard as steel(=swords).

Hearth and home 囲炉裏と家庭

A man of great caliber 大器量の人

Calibrator 較正装置

a 38 caliber

Thanks be to God.

A decoy decoy duck a shill さくら

claqueur claque 劇場用のさくら

More than I ever did, I need you now.

* *****

Put on shoes and get warm up.

I thought I said 3.

Make it snappy.

* *****

You don’t got to try to make it right. It is what it is. ( You don’t need to try)

He’d have done it to you.

I never thought I’d do that.

* *****

clockwise dexterous


Right dress! 右にならえ!

Right face! 右向け右!

Respectable and well-off

Frightened fried

in flight flying in flying

You’ll be back before you know it.

WE just received word that ----- in customs.

Just a thought.

Ubiquity ubiquitous ubiquitarian


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Handsome 腕前 腕利き お手前 お点前

* ****

You will be my champion. 闘士

A champion for justice

Mandrake マンダラケー/曼荼羅華

Always great to see you

Leaf and flower f ---- f は --- はな

More than I ever did, I need you now.

All seeing eye

It is a mirror image.

Make it snappy.

Don’t be sloppy.

First positions.

Look, we can be friends, OK, but that’s it.

Good to have you back.

Let’s take it from the top.


We’re exactly the same, you just can’t see that.

Lift your spirit and set it free.

Though there’s no one there to guide you, no one to take your hand, (but) with

faith and understanding, you’ll journey from boy to man.

In learning you will teach, in teaching you will learn.

Well,the time is drawing near now,

in the air, / in the water

Quite a grip you’ve got!


You can’t earn your spots just waiting and hoping, Going’ out on a limb for a

cause, the heart must be brave.

And Miracle’s a gift of keeping faith,

Gotta keep the faith,

Don’t be believing,

Looks are deceiving.

Words must be a statement of a reflection of our inner world.



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Control, vision,

Determination there are the three fundamental components of the new

generartion race can deliver.

Speed is a byproduct.

Remember the car is your car, you are the car.

The touch of your finger tips

Correction, make that north on Main.

Nobody wants to get you fired.

Real nice-sounding engine

Real nice-sounding word

*** We just need an information is all.

= We just need an information, that is all.

= -------------------------, which is all.

= That we just need an information is all.

***** Animal House *****

Now what can we say of John Milton’s ‘Paradaise Lost’? I’m sure a lot of you


difficulty understanding exactly what he was trying to say. Certainly we know

that he was trying to describe the struggle between good and evil, right? OK,

the most intriguing character as we all know from our reading, was Satan. Now

was Milton trying to tell us: that being bad was more fun than being good. Okay.

Don’t write this down, but I find Milton probably as boring as you find Milton.

Mrs. Milton was boring too, he, uh, he’s a little bit long-winded. He doesn’t

translate well into our generation, and his jokes are terrible.

Don’t think of it as work. The whole point is just to enjoy yourself.

It’s a piece of shit.

Put a sock on it!

Now get on with it. Now get it over with.

Spell out expel gospel Vernon春夫 Veronica春子

We all got expelled last night.

gold-plated whistle

DIRTY HARRY 5 Jim Carrey



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RIP Prayers at a Funeral REST IN PEACE

There is no man who is master of the breath of life so as to retain it.

And none has mastery over the day of death, for the lord of all shows no


,nor does He fear greatness, because He himself made the great as well as the


And He provides for all alike.

And the dust returns to the earth, as it once was.

And the life breath returns to God, who gaveth.

The Shipping NewsThere are still so many things I don’t know.

But if a piece of knotted string can unleash the wind,

and if a drowned man can waken

then I believe a broken man can heal.


“Deadly Storm Takes House Leaves Excellent View.”

Put her in the center. 1,200 miles in diameter

The handle’s adjustable for easy carrying, good for righters and lefters.

You got it figured out? Get her strapped in.

Match up with something. Scanner imaging has confirmed.

I’ll Saran Wrap myself. Our time for revenge is t hand.

More than I need. More than two hours.

Nada. = Nothing. It referred to you as damaged.

Hoodwink 目隠しする、騙す。 Student drop-off

I didn’t see it coming. That’s how you want it on record.

in the newspapers, sky, water air

fly over the Atlantic All right, --- and you’re off.

We go back live to --- on the lookout

It’s all out in the air. You just have to know how to grab it.

I hope I am a part of your life now. Wherever we are.


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for now I’m needed to make it better. Open me up.

I’ll never be the same. ---- neither will I. You should go.

-----, which is why we re here. Pour it down the sink

Fell down a well Enter on a new phase

The best phase of ones character

Each phase of life brings its own joys,.

Not in phase with his wife out of phase with

Fall into a correction phase Get outta my way

Look out! They’re filled with emotions

Listen to the sounds, and you can feel them. see, taste, appreciate, touch

I have to get going I hate to make you rush off, but

There’s no rush He’s gone nuts!

lousy do-gooder nice-guy business

Get the brunt of the spill, the attack 矢面に立つ、 矛先に立つ

He’ll be better off doing it his way. Water boy

I’m not messing around Reed Christ greed satun devil

Get off of there! Let go off of me!

late bloomer Let the king abdicate

Pull a caper 悪ふざけをする、 盗みをする

The biggest pointer I would give you is -----

I kind of (a) super glued myself to myself. Paint thinner

I’m glued. Easy does it. Good.

Let’s hear it for Petey. You’re just trying to get me drunk.

I put the word out so ---- I got peed on.

Slow down. Take it slow.

I gotta get some practice. Some pointers.

You’re making me wet. Let’s get naked.

No strings attached. Ok? Avert your eyes. Turn around.

Get dressed! Ok, people, notebooks closed. Let’s get this exam rolling.

Oh,shit! Do we got an exam, today?

Hypnosis is not gonna help you. synopsis 総覧 synthesis

I’ll take chances. I don’t care. I’ll come through, I promise.

She’s a notch above the others.

The brain sees what the heart wants it to feel.


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Everything you know about beauty is programmed. I want my friend back!

In the middle of economic meltdown brain freeze

by the outside first-rate It’s a little scary, but in a good way.

sliver かけら Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. Sit yourself down.

Spank the planks 床板 You are so fit. Let’s start over.

Let me make it up to you. alterism = altruism egoism

Youshould get it welded better in the corners.

Things Losers Say

And you’re looking in the eyes of a woman and you’re feeling her heart, you’re

seeing her soul, you’re feeling her spirit. That’s it. That’s it.

You got a pattern of looking at women judging them by the exterior.

At the time I thought it was a joke.

Human language must have some sense of humor.

You’re just fixated on the outside appearance of people.

This is how it’ll work. I’ll show you what to do.

Th sun is just starting to set. It’s not just talking about. Now here’s what you do.

Just relax for a moment.

When re you gonna get it? Whatchamacallhim? What d’ya call him?

Only one can of beer is enough to make me feel light-headed.

I gotta jolt your nervous system. We gotta break that pattern.

a proven entity What the heck you gonna do? The fuck

to make matters worse, Can I get you a drink?

You should have gotten it. You deserved it. --- No, I didn’t.

Is it a deal? meal heal weal Don’t take your eyes off him.

Breathe easy. Take a deep breath. Hold it.

a clean board. knotty

You live right across the hall. I’m going to tag you.

I’ve got you to go.

Aqua water aqua vitae eau de vie water of life

Don’t have your nose in the air

Langue de chat tongue of cat eau de cologne tope holder land owner

At the close of the meeting, scythe 大鎌


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掬う アーメン 南無 オーメン orient 帰依 so be it.




Because there was no bucket, we had to scoop the water up with our hands.

A false start grin a gun

The test today was son of a gun. むつかしかった。

it’s got a lock on it. a little short of looks of = on

a slap in the face

倒置 iversion when did never did

no sooner did no sooner had

Eyes front, chest out, look tall.

bend over Fill (on) out. Touch (on) it. Keep (on) going.

Don’t get your ass shot! I’ll just shove you out (of) the window.

---ing in a sitting in=at 一気に

It was a sayig ---- There is a saying doing すること

financing 貸し付け 融資 finance 資金を供給する

filling 詰め物 with a happy ending 終わり

beginning 始まり mending直し discussing話し合い discussion討論

earn a living = make make a killing make a fortune大成功する

teaching 教え beaking 破り clothing着物 thinking考え writing 書くこと・書き

物 reading読み物・読むこと building建物

breathing息遣い breath breeding育て、育ち bleeding 出血 bloodbleed鼻血

caring 気遣い briefing まとめ

just a little sense of humor Get in shape!

We’re better off without you. ------- doing our way

tagalong 腰巾着 I want it back. I call you back.

The tag and rag 野次馬 tag you. 捕まえる play tag. 鬼ごっこする

Excuses are assholes. Everybody’s got one.

We’ve been kicking others’ ass so long. I figure it’s time we got ours kicked.

Break it up! I feel like I’m making progress. I feel more secure.

Your face has color. You look great. It’s working.

What’s it like working with Gwen?

動態 --ar artery art burglar liar dollar molar


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Serenity tea from the wellness center. I don’t know what’s in it, but it really gets

me calm and focused. I fell into a cactus.

Fill out a report fill out = file

Diet pill sleeping pill kill silly ill thrill skill nil spill

bill Hold on just a sec. Hold it.

Two scrambled eggs. Make mine runny.

Issue a retraction take it back撤回

口 hole look 目 eye see seek keep feel 耳 ear hear heart audio aural

audience acoustics echo

When you get off work of = off of = out of = out

a corny joke 古臭い冗談 Give me back, my dime!

Take your hands off (of) me!

You’re welcome to work here.

be supposed to ordered necessary planning happy

You don’t do the shooting around here. I do that. –ing

If you can’t get it right, go over and over it, until you do get it right.

What has happened, has happened. 既往は咎めず

The living must go (on9 living. I do the thinking. cooking feeling

Before we put on the feedbag, 胃袋

We have some patchwork to do on the tent.

File away the rough bottom of the teeth so that it will not falling off.

(Get the) Bottoms up!

Did you ever think what it would be like to be nice to folks? --- Folks just want to

take! You sure are mixed up! --- No, I’m not!

Get (yourself) lost! Get dressed.

Are you (for) real? --- I’m just trying to be what I want to be.

Non of you look like convicts. looks

We got us a nice car. もらった him you her あげた

Nothing but a yellow bellied ---

A good-hearted boy a gun-armed robber

in jail soccer rugger association football

What’s it take to melt that stony heart of yours? does

hate fate faith face phase phony cowboy fake fraud

Three cheers for Mary. Hip, hip, hurrah! ------


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One rotten apple can spoil the whole barrel.

Look at the blue sky above, smell that fresh air.

So we come to end of my show. Thank you so much for being so kind to me.

The story’s due on Tuesday, and she’s gotta be good.

Everything came easily to him, but at least once in about a month, he was

worried he was a fraud. I work two nights a week.

So thanks foe getting me across the street. across = to cross

You’re in combat in jail in uniform

No good. Huh? Can’t OWI afford a gofer? 雑役係 = go for

Why aren’t you in uniform? Get his name, rank and serial number!

Where’s my coffee? ――― I’ll get you some in a minute.

Let me do the writing, will you? Okay? I’m glad you’re back. How’d it go?

Go get ‘em, Katie! Do you have any aspirin?

Push in on your temples. How can anybody not have aspirin?

An evil-monger fishmonger魚屋 a scandalmonger金棒引き a warmonger戦


I’ll have this done in a minute. --- You don’t have to do that.

No obligation Thank you for putting me up.

I thought you got sent overseas. a sleeping medicine

I’m not fishing. selling

I’m not attractive in the right way, am I? I don’t have the right style for you, do

I? It’ll make me drunk.

Is that what you’re thinking I’m doing?

get spellbinding get spellbound a spellbinder

You’re the best friend I ever had. That’s all there is to it.

That’s what the best friends are for.

They need to be told off. You must tell them off.

This isn’t college. This is grown-up politics and it’s stupid and dangerous.

I’m telling you, but it’s a waste. Take a stand for what’s right.

I know what your concept is. Bad times? ----- Can’t be all bad.

Are you still a nice gentile boy? --- No. I never was. I only looked it to you.

That’s not true! ----- Oh, yes, it is!

I want us to love each other. * us


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Willy-nilly 否応無しに、否でも応でも It may be raining but we have to walk willy-


I guess, I never really thought that there was much point. much importance

Did you see her yet? ---- I’ve got the crib together.

Gram-surf & voca-surf

Side sub + V

Cats & dogs

Boys love cats.

Boys loved cats.

Boys are in love with cats.

Boys are loving cats.

Boys loving cats love dogs too.

Boys loved by cats love dogs too.

Loving cats, boys love dogs too.

Loved by cats, boys love dogs too.

Who love

Who are loved

Get Give and take あげる(やる) もらう(とる)


a walking anachronism Right now you’re just browsing through time.

Come and browse. Damn it! ダメ! I can’t. アカン

It isn’t worth it! Admit to it, you get four.

Federal Penitentiary 連邦刑務所 punish

A penitentiary priest 苦行僧 Come on, break it up!

Get (***) back to the plane! back behind

From snivel runt to pompous ass 鼻水を垂らしたチビ

Every dog has its day. Blockhead! ボケ I must have block it out.

block it out 輪郭を書く。大筋を決める。 block print 木版画

I’m speaking this from experience.

I’m losing my grip.ボケてきている Get a grip on yourself.気をしっかり持つ。

** I think about you going / out with other guys.


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** I have come here from the future…, from 25 years ahead.

Trigon三角形 trigonometry 三角法 trigonometric function 三角関数

** You’re the smartest guy I knew to ask. I knew – for me

She’s getting on. It’s true. But she’s fine.

No wonder you’re so upset.

*** Not if I have to hurry. --- Yes, I would do so . But I would not do so because I

have to hurry.

Feed you, Charge you, and Go get her, tiger.

Who needs phisics when we’ve got chemistry? chemistry / history

Put on some make-out music and turn out the lights. / petting music

The most overrated writer of the century.

I mean, he us the operfect American author, fat, violet, drunk.

Maybe you are confusing his life with his work. --- A writer’s life is his work.

You talk me into it. genital organ genital stimulation

You have to be valedictorian 総代

It’s is widely practiced and commendable. 推奨に値する

You’re a shoo-in. board walk 板敷きの歩道

Cruella de Vil stole all the puppies embalming防腐保存

They have something in common

You’d o hair and make up and answer to the phone.

You’ve got a deal. I’ve got a meal. Wear this for work.

That can’t be! I’ve got all the classic symptoms.

Complications during childbirth I’ve got to admit ------

I haven’t danced in ages.

You’re not that out of touch. / shape

from seeing to feeling I have my clothes on!

Close your eyes. Relax your muscles and take deep breaths.

I’m dressed. I’m impressed. I’m depressed.

Damn it! I keep forgetting things! I’m getting senile.

It’ll live on in your heart forever. That hurts!

Are you crazy? You’ll get stung!

I’m gonna get you (caught). I just got you (caught)! --- You didn’t!

I like the “freak show”.

Resilient animals 弾性のある丈夫な resile 跳ね返る、撥ね返る


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Some friend you are! Switch allegiance from A to B.

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States and to the Republic for which

it stands one nation under God indivisible with likely and justice for all.

Let’s spit on it. --- Okay. See ya tomorrow. --- See ya.

She won’t come out. It’s been a whole day. You have to do something. Don’t

ignore the living (thing), especially your daughter.

He’s survived by his parents. Wanna go tree climbing?

Put his glasses on! Put on his glasses!

Let’s pray in silence.

She can’t be alone in the dark. In the house / at night / at home

We’d love to hear it.

Weeping willow with your tears running down

Why do you always weep and frown?

Is it because he left you one day? Is it because he could not stay?

On your branches he would swing. Do you long for the happiness that day

would bring? He found shelter in your shade.

You thought his laughter would never fade. Weeping willow, stop your tears.

There is something to calm your fears. You think death has ripped you forever


But I know he will be in your heart.

I haven’t got there yet. Who are you calling a moron?

What do you think it’s like?

Put a lid on it. after dark

You’re the one I want. / I love

But I guess deep down I knew we could never win.

upmost = uppermost

We played a game you wouldn’t win.

to the utmost to the utmost of the my power 力の及ぶ限り

She’s having a fit. She’s bouncing all over the place

My eyes get so far out of focus.

Do I look like a lion? feel like / sound like

Hex 魔女・不吉 hexagon六角形 hexapod昆虫

Relax, hon. You’ve been on the go for days now. Let’s go lay down (for) a while.

Don’t (let it) get you down, Bob. Don’t come crying to me.


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I got my new program down. / swallow down

See most people don’t know how they’ll feel one minute to the next.

Spike her (the easy way) out Have you ever tried any?

Are you going our somewhere?

They’ll come around. come by

Put makeup on people apply = put

Blood brothers rub them together

Scab on your arm, You could pick that. Now we’re blood brothers for life.

Cry my eyes out I haven’ been to movies in ages.

It’s a mood ring. It tells my mood. You put me in a bad mood.

My secret hiding place I’m afraid I killed my mother.

My fears and secrets Wait up for me!

What did he say is wrong with you? / do you think

Crock 役立たず Don’t pee on the hydrogen!

for free Don’t let them upset you. choose you

Daft 間抜け deft 器用な

I flipped through a few more pages and I realized ----.

Fat chance. He’ll never get published.

He’s quite a character.

Just in case.

Why not? Of course.

lech lecher

Beat it. Shove off. Get lost.

If shit had value, the poor wouldn’t have asses.

at 11, now, at 100

You can’t just shadowbox in your room. You wouldn’t last 2 minutes when you

step into the ring.


Tropic of Cancer / Crab Tropic of Capricorn / Goat

tropical maritime

You, too.

What’s happened to him? He’s so changed!

After I got off work.


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We’d get there just before closing time, holding each other tight.

Cut it in two

Just relax. Let yourself go. You’re still holding back.

Watch closely.

I looked all over for her. She’s gone.

How can you leave me at a time like this? I need you!

Which of you does the cooking?

It’s not as easy as it may seem. as hard as

It sets off my migraine.

They’re still half-asleep.


They’re photosensitive and they must never be exposed to any light much

stronger than this.

The truth is that we just come by on the off-chance.

someone who knows the ropes

have an allergy to light

like the back of my hand

Open your readers at lesson 6.

Rosary custard cuss curse cursor

Cursts come home to roost. 身から出た錆。自業自得

A macabre story She can’t get away with this.

Get your knees up. You’ll get canned for this.

There are ten minutes left. --- Stick them up yur a---.

Okay, the show’s over. In place, run. One, two, ---.

Eyes front. Roll call. Line up. Stop to think.

On your feet Wipe that smirk off your face, Norma!

Change up. Stretch. Bend. Up.

I thought you might go home. Take the rest of the day.

Dismissal Call it a day.

Come on downstairs. Fresh out. Cheeky bastard.

**** Who was that who called? Our father who art in heaven.

You might wanna brace yourself for what -----.

Cutting-edge cybernetics. I put word out on the informant net.

I’ll let you know as soon as anything turns up.


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You should seek your fortune anywhere in the world. Fortune awaits you


We have no choice to do our best and leave the rest to Providence.

It gives me pimples. Pimp

If I concentrate hard enough, I can move things.

That’s the thing. I don’t know if he is.

I am gonna have to smack it outta you.

Row lease re lease

Andy anyone? I’ve got no clue how to reach him.

Talked him out of it. For some reason, he

Alive, aside, aboard, away, abroad

Steroid business

Un-haze it fast. Sure, the thing is I can’t. You been lifting weights, Max?

I sorta promise someone I -----

This is your penance for scamming Sketchy into selling steroids

How should I know? They are probably holed up somewhere.

Just concentrate on getting better. Up and at ‘em.

He’s so lost.

I’m running some additional scan on him, but I wanted to show you these.

Any situation, he knew what to do.

I appreciate you for doing this, ----

It’s just a brownout. 節電

You’re lucky I don’t turn you into the cops.

You’ll be lucky if I don’t turn you into the cops.

To be a cat-burglar Andy anyone? Anybody want some Andy?

You don’t have it on you? Show it to him already!

See them in action. nanocytes circulating in his bloodstream


翔ける 駆ける k skate on the ice hawk duck crow

skate on(over) thin ice 危ない橋を渡る

fly in the sky skate over pass over look over

supervise oversee overlook

A little pressure will stimulate the occular implant.

send you out on mission


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Logan didn’t deserve that. What the hell was that?

You’ve got it all wrong! play out 使い尽くす

molecular-scale bio-machines designed to repair tissue damages

Got me. ---- I’ve no idea. --- Beats me.

Thought so. It’s coated with a thin layer of liquid crystal, you know, of the stuff

of they use on Hi-def. T.V’s.

I can use my contacts to give him a new identity.

He can get a fresh start somewhere else. Do I know you?

It’s me max. ---- You’re there. Come over. I’ve got a situation. That’s an


We need someone to help. Who do I call? --- Speed dial 6.

Chat chapel a bunch of drunks drunkards

I’m not much of a believer.

Well put a ruh on this in the morning. They’ve got her on display.

Get lost. Go home. That’s it for the night

It’s a shame’ ----- It’s sick is what it is!

Check it out. Something s going on.

Adverb Check it out back off in up

For analysis

I’m sorry about last night. I had a situation here at work.

Put himon. Were gonna get her back. want kick take

Brain drain abc history

Upside own inside out beyond below over under in out On off

A virus genetically targeted to a specific gene sequence

Lay low. Racial self-determination

Take it as an “-----“

This is nice digs. We’ve gotta get her outta there. Cover me.

Why do doctors always have such lousy handwriting?

I’m working on it.

And what do I get? A bunch of scriblings I can’t even more read!

She’s offered to make a sizable donation to the ----.

How the mighty have fallen! He’s a homebody.

He’s prolific. My work is my face. Any forensic evidence?

They took him in the middle of the night, right out of his room.


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Birth certificate, medical files, school records

dig up anything that would be of use to you

We have a video security system in the house

get in touch keep stay / so I did some checking around

Might as well. ---- Had better

Police have dead-ended. / do missing persons

There’s a ccopy of it in here. Who could have done this?

We’re not anyone important.

Don’t be like that! Come on. do the laundry.

In the meantime, I’m gonna see -----

Hold on. Got the hole image completed

*** Consider your lonely ass saved.

*** What’s it matter what he said?

a passageway headed for the door at the end.

What is it? ---- Some kind of badge or ID.

I’m running the image through the enhancement filter.

You need to kick back. Brief sojourn in Rome

Any luck finding my papers? I’ll take that as a “No”.

All right, let’s get started.

Let’s start it.

Let’s get going.

How’d it go? The first session.

I got plans tonight. And the don’t include you. I’ll get killed if I don’t go.

She’ll be pissed anyway.

Don’t worry. He’ll get you in the rematch.

You got that right. said did

DUI walk on crutches

She’ spulling double duty as a nurse, till we get fuly staffed.

Have you managed to get settled in? settle yourself in

A girl of my dreams

Joshua, who we told not to leave my apartment

Call me slow on the uptake

If I had that time back, I would do things so differently.

That year we wasted dancing around each other, afraid of actually admitting how


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we felt.

I guess that’s it.

It just doesn’t feel right. > I

I missed you. You look great. ---- So do you.

911. What is your emergency? Where are you located?

I’m tired of the way thing are as opposed to the way they should be.

The way nature intended it to be.

**** What’s up, ----? You’re losing your touch.

Drinking problem walking problem

Help me crack eggs? What was that? Did you see that?

Emily had them made for me. Rosewood


Up you go. Off you go. There you go. Here you are.

Break a leg! Living proof

Couldn’t be better. Couldn’t be worse.

Maybe it’s an E.Q. thing. Take it a few minutes.

Raunchy Taking a night off, are you?

Grab T-shirt and cassette on your way out. Thanks so much for coming.

Get a grip on reality. ------ Thanks for the tip, bro.

It’s embarrassing. Are you doe making fun of me yet?

You’re not getting it. You’re not hearing me. I’m telling you, first time I

ever saw you. I said to myself, oh, my god, That guy’s got it! That guy is

going all the way. I mean, I mean, my heart stopped. ----- I was just

singing someone else’s lines.

Don’t stick a pen in. Here’s the procedure. I’ll give you a simple 1-2-3

procedure. So it won’t happen again. Pop that down, push this. Pull back

on the lever, free up the jam and you can access ----.

Oh, God. That had to hurt. Must

Testing, testing, one, two, ….

Bollocks Nonsense Hit him in the bollocks.

That wraps it up for tonight.

Drought drout dry out dry up

Tonight tonite through thru All correct OK

Cut-price copy band = cut-rate copy band


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Chronopher 時間報知器 chronicle 年代記 chronological 年代順 chronology 年

表 chronograph = stop atch chronobiology 時間生物学

Chromo色 chrono 時 chromosome You could work on your lip-synch.口合わせ

There’s no green in the embroidery.刺繍

I don’t lip-synch, ass-hole. Satan’s allegiant 僕

Once we’re past that point, it’s smooth sailing.

Elude you for a year You are cynical.

She’s choke on the words, and he’d say in an e-mail.

We’re living on borrowed time. Gotham [gout*m; g***m]]

On the loose Nobody likes a show off,---. You gotta blaze.

Squiggle I never would’ve caught this if you hadn’t painted over my


They do rounds in rotation on with a thirty-second gap.

Sometimes the right things can go so wrong.

The blast knocked her unconscious. She never woke up. She fell into a coma.

I’ll play left-handed. You can blindfold me.

You’ve got me all turned around. Barkeep!

They specialized in cutting edge gene-splicing techniques and stem cell

research, but the mission goes sideways.

My father is busy with his cronies talking business.

Rogue --- than sit in some smoke-filled room talking about genetics

He called in sick. ---- Typical!

Have you been briefed on your target, ---?

Please ring buzzer for entry. From the looks of this place, ---

We didn’t get a signature. Why don’t you ease up on him,---?

Do double shifts Subcontractor

He’s got skills

I want him deployed by the end of the week. back, sent, killed

Play along get along

This vodka[ad] packs a quite wallop. 強烈そのものだ。

The gentler sex sure can pack a wallop when she has a mind to.

What? I have plans tonight. ----Well, cancel, anyway. Both girls quit without

notice. It’s unpaid overtime for the lot of you.

That’s a cheap ploy and I don’t go there.


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I said that she was a unique creature ---- unlike any other.

No, no, no. I never said I loved her.

What are you doing standing around? Back to work! Nothing to see.

Show’s over. Bip!

Your subconscious part will revert to a primal state. = go back

Walk me through the whereabouts of your farmhands at the time of the crime.

Let me go. on paid leave on probation

Sorbet sherbet I go there all the time.

Get it a real kick We’re being robbed.

Four times in a row I got a call.

You should come by the shelter some time.

All the best 達者でね

Got a blind spot right in the middle

Focal plane 焦点面 You go through that, or you’ll get killed.

The Geshtapo has you marked!

We must tally our stories exactly so that they believe us.

We’ve got it made! I’m sorry I fouled things out!

A macabre story! Dance macabre 死の舞踏

Such an aberration 逸脱 aberrant逸脱した

There isn’t always an answer for everything.

It says so in the Bible. At rest > in peace

At the end old my tether limit

If mummy found out, you’re in for it!

Scaredy-cat scaredy-pants coward

You shouldn’t have come here, then. though

Children! I’ve no wishes that I love you. I’ve always loved you.

Corn flower

Can’t a man dance with his wife? --- Not if she left him. > when

No, he can’t.

I’m on the side of Holy Mother Church.

Heretic異教徒 an incorrigible heretic recantation perform your office 処

刑執行する heresy 異教信仰 recant公式に撤回する

There’s monsters on the loose. They make this stuff up.

You can’t win. ---- Really? Not even if I do this? Made ya look.


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I was on assignment. I work for a paper.

The pictures didn’t come out. Then help me out.

Of = toward against for about

Damn it! / Damn right!

These things happen, Pal. Don’t be so hard on yourself. Well, maybe, you

left the lens cap on. / Or, loaded the film in backward. / Maybe I’m just a

loser who can’t do anything right. Can you[=it] wait till


I’ve got a family situation. Very good, sir. I’ll be there.

You’re out of line. – We’re under-staffed, ad under-funded.

We can’t risk diverting any more without raising some eyebrows.

Bottom line, you just keep them off the nightly news.

Damn right you are! Occulting light 明滅灯

Occult 隠蔽する occlude閉じ込める omit 省く occult sciences神秘学

Self Serve Instant Photos It just takes a few minutes.

Are you folks staying? ---- Just passing through.

Act natural. Love true.

Today’s little snafu. 大混乱 Situation normal all fouled[fucked] up

Hate when that happens. It’s right on the tip of your tongue. --- Yep, I know the


Oh, thanks, I appreciate it. No strike plate, fresh coat of paint.

Looks like a new phone jack.

Honor bar prices, they’ll gouge you any way they can. [au] ふっかける、ペテンに


I got a ip from the paper.

He’ll slug around the sewers about an hour, come back tired, empty-handed, and

smelling like a sewer.

Well, let’s go check it out.

That kinda makes things tough. –--- Watch and learn.

I have a feeling that someone’s onto me. the feeling

Oh, God, this is embarrassing. May I just take a look? It might jog my memory.

I hear that’s going around. ---- Look, you wanna cover her shift as well as yours.

It makes me never mind to me. Happy riding.

Maybe I get lucky and nap a shot.


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I can’t even tell you how many times I’ve tried to tell her that.

Bogus leads to dead ends Bingo!

Here we go. Let’s ---. Shall -----?

In the line that went dead.

Diphtheria ジフテリア bubonic plague腺ペスト bubo リンパ腺炎症

Diphthong an segmentable, gliding speech sound. 二重母音 monophthong

I know, Ys, I talked to her, she said, ”You were tracking down some leads on


--- Yes, I have nothing solid yet, but ……

Is he with you?

You’ve gotta help me get him back! ---- I will, but,….

Hurry, please. I think they’re onto me.

Even the policeman that I talked to can’t be trusted.

What are you dong to him? --- That is not of your concern. None of -----

In a future, not far from,

Their horribly deformed faces, distorted voice

For tabloid posterity

In the meantime, folks, everybody drinks on me at Crash.

Well, I’ll get my irst exclsive In on at

Interested in in the air in the house

surprised at on (the) air at night at the station on earth

*** alum stupid enough to let him snap a shot

alum = alumnus & alumna 男子女子卒業生 alumini

Besides, in addition to that,

Except = But, Hey, guys! There you go, Boss.

In a timely and courteous fashion by yours truly

One package? That’s it? all day? Are you kidding me? --- Quality not quantity,


America’s fastest growing company.

#### It’s what all men tell themselves helps them sleep better at night.

I dropped my resume off each month. And they finally called.

I’m ---- in my spare time. ### -----, which is why I was paging you.

I’m sorry. We’re staffed.

That was then, this is now. and move on to bigger and also bigger things.


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---- whattie?

Went home and slept for like four hours. like = about

### I got really tired all of a sudden. I must be coming down with something.

Assemble the team. We’ll rendez-vous in twenty.

The CDC dispatched a team to access the situation.

No one gets by without clearance.

Did you pay your malpractice insurance? Because you know, I prefer cash

settlement to taking your house and your car.

### I’ll take that as a yes. He’s gotta be around here soon.

### What are you doing standing around?

It’s not time yet. My mission is not over yet. There’s still more I have to do.

They haven’t spoken to me in weeks. Not since the coronation. 戴冠式

A coronary artery 冠状動脈 ---- vein

Crown > coronet 花冠、宝冠 coroner 検死官 corona光冠、光輪

Personally, I don’t believe in God. I don’t believe in the devil either. That’s why

I’m never disappointed.

I swear that I will never swear again in my life.

It’s an arrow. And it’s in deep.

It’s all gone! With the holy oil of Clovis Anointed man

There can be no anointment. Go alone. Away aside

Stand by to attack! Long live the king! May the king live long.

Sometimes, our intuitions are our best counselors. How can anyone be absolutely

certain about anything? She claims to be a virgin.

But this much I do believe. You’re only deceiving yourself.

But if you do not heed my warning, then we shall raise such a battle cry as

(there) has not been in France for thousands of years.

Not yet, but will be soon. Breath blow bomb boat 生長

Flow float 微

I didn’t understand what it was he wanted me to do.

Better today than tomorrow. Sooner better than later

It’s what simple people think that matters. Simple people are always ready to

believe any old prophecy. Stop it! Be quiet for once!

Why is life so complicated? Sometimes I really wish I could be someone else.

Take a shortcut home My trusted advisers


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My devoted mother They think precisely the opposite.

You’re a fine judge of character. It’ll take you less than five minutes to expose

her if she’s fake. less than = just

n in 受身と完了(状態)

#### A woman with a sword. Frenchmen are such cowards, they’ve left all the

fight to women. ---- If that’s God’s will, then so be it. = Amen

God, preserve and bless the soul of this, our dearly departed, keep us from fear

and sin, Amen. Dauphin = prince

Hollow thud high-pitched thud Foot tapping ground

下載[ zai 4] 屏棄不用 [bing3] 彩屏 [ping 2] 記載 [zai 3]

brain train drain rain spain crain

The neighbor’s eight horses don’t neigh.

Whimsper whisper parlia You swatted them like flies.

You are invincible! Convincible. 説得させられる、聞く耳を持つ

A convincing explanation 説得力のある説明 convincing evidence否定し得ない証拠

Invincible ignoranceどうしようもない無知 an invincible will 不撓不屈の意志

Vindicate 征服する、弁護する、雪辱する venge revenge

SWAT special weapons and tactics Swat 蝿を叩く、打つ

##### Your music will make sense to no one but yourself.

It’s obvious that you do not have what it takes on top.

Destiny death

I make my own destiny. I must owe my own destiny to myself.

from the start Eat and drink your fill.

Hail to the king! Fail Hey

Applause plause clause cause please

Out of the question in the question

Out of question in question Live free, Die well.

Bird call whistle listen

Make way! / You have seen this in a vision.

Not much room back here. Scoot up,please.

Sweet dreams, bitch!

His bloodwork came back. He’s gonna be fine.

Viral agent ビールス物質 detergent洗剤 chemical agents 化学薬品

Those snakes must have carriers.


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Some kind of pathogens or viral agent he’s never seen before pathogen 病原菌

Bloodsucker 吸血鬼、食い物にする人、高利貸し

----- got on the TV and said,

No, I musta missed it.

Thought so. You should try to be more careful, Max.

Seems to me like you slipped in the shower and banged yourself on the shampoo


Must’ve hurt like the dickens.猛烈に = like the devil,

That’s exactly what happened.

I lost my edge. I have a feeling I will ….

You keep covering up for that reprobate, you’re gonna be outta here, Miss.


a man of strong physique 強健な体格 on your application form

Nothing gets by you, doesn’t it?見過ごす、すり抜ける

Shiftless やる気の無い Shft into a high gear高速ギアに切り替える

Shift of crops 輪作

A man with small shifty eyes ずるそうな眼の男 Shifty

Go a head. Blow it out. Happy Birthday!

### But I figured you should check them out before they faded.

Some of it’s still missing. The promised land

### This is not good! We’ve got company.

Solution to key to

The elite of our warrior breeding line The tip of the spear

So discussion is pointless. Do I need a touch-up?

The plan needs a little touching up.

Touch up a few scratches on the painted wall

Touch up a person’s memory She’s gonna be here like any minute.

You seem pretty sure of yourself.

You pull this off, and ---- can ----. Ah, you scared the hell outta me!

Stay strong in the struggle. Peace, out.

This is not good. That was close!

bookmark: a ribbon or the like placed between the pages to mark a place

I’m on the side of Holy Mother Church.

I have to hang up, we got lucky again, I mean.


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It’s time to make a move. doodlings

Stop doodling on your notebook. I’ve been where you are.

We’re ready when you are. This hasta stop.

Tell him I’m glad he’s okay.

Isn’t here, doesn’t call, thinks only of himself, always hurts the one -----

You owe the man an explanation I live down the street. up ---

The highway veers inland at this point.

### I hope you don’t think I’m being forward.

(I don’t want you to think)

my full-time job You got I.D.ed.

I’ve got sincere eyes.

You’d better lay low until we get those whole mistake identity things sorted out.

Where you at, pal? Josh, you around?

### When you care about someone, you have to do what’s best for them, even if

it hurts.

Get used to it. Get over it.

We’re done. It’s over.

Did you set it off? Let’s do the other two and get outta here before these little

buggers eat us alive. That’s the plan.

Hold your breath. Ready. That was close!

Tomorrow, maybe, I’ll get some time off from work.

Believe trust lust lose

Not leave bereave

What if ----?

Not if I can help it. / If I cannot help it.

Not if I have to hurry. / If I don’t have to hurry.

I got an “A” on my spelling test.

I’m sorry. I’m tearing up here a little bit, how sweet!

The three of you Profond realization about life

What’cha workin’ on? Keep transgenic things under wraps

## Smoke ‘em out and string ‘em up. That’s how.

## Thing is… I kinda told him that I was seeing someone.

I got some flee powder to douse yourself with it before you go back in there, or

else you’ll be right back where you started.


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This seat taken? No one’s looking.

## Sorry, I’m late. Had to stop by Joshua’s.

The cut on your hand

Whatcha doin’? --- I’m just tryin’ to piece a couple things together.

Don’t even think it! You’re under arrest!

Make sure that you don’t bump into things.

I guess so. I live up the street.


You’re right on time. Go on in.

Any dreams? --- No dreams.

His writings have been impounded. His reputation is in jeopady.

Bypass non-ready zone.迂回する、側道をつける

Shunter避ける、回避する、転嫁する cracker-Jack

Don’t shunt the blame onto your teachers.

You didn’t ask me what I thought of this house.

You never did ask me what ---------.

Stencil the whole bookcase. We could cut the stencils; do it ourselves.

Stenmcil paper

Shunt, enter.

Master bathroom. Master suite. Formal dining room. Casual dining room.

The job is yours for the asking.

Asking price. 言い値

That door is hazard! ----No, it couldn’t be safer. It is motion detector, like an

elevator. > It is the safest. Stay warm. Hold still.

It’s got blood on it. You might want to wear it inside out.

Get your tapes. Wasn’t supposed to be like this!

Stroboscope strobo light 断続発光

Wearing tearing swearing Synchronize Hypnotize

Entrust her to you Project of the mind

Prospect prophet proceed process propel

There’s the house. > There he is. M V S > M S V

I fell. I failed. Prove your faith.

Evil breeds evil by contact. You got me all wet.

You have a great gift. Keep it from evil.


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They searched all over, everywhere.

In the cleft of the rock over there. 岩の裂け目に

A cleft in the rock 岩の裂け目

Don’t drug me. Don’t put me under.

Locust blighter cust cuss curse

How about adulation?おべっか、お世辞 adulatory adult お世辞つかいの大人

Adulterate milk with water 混ぜものをする;混ぜて品質を落とす


Excuse accuse because by the cause of 理由、責任、訴訟、申し立て

I can’t lock her up.

ESP extrasensory perception 感官外知覚、超能力 telepathy, clairvoyance千里眼、

透視 clairaudience透聴

Survive the demon : get over the demon > love over the demon > overcome >

get by

But more that that, ……

Relieve you of your assignment, rob free cure get ask

Of out of from 前置詞の後の目的語を強調(中心に置く) 左京区 / 右京区

○ On your left X on my left

I won’t intrude any longer rude

These are bio-feedback electrodes. They pick up any brain frequency.

It’s an aftereffect of hypnosis. It’s probably some post-flashing.

EEG electroencephalogram; electroencephalograph 脳電図;脳波図

That was close! I want you to breathe and relax, okay?

Pushing isn’t exactly what she should be doing right now.

Out of the question!

This motion picture is protected by law.

I’m in pursuit. progress. Proof.

Progressing proving in > in’ Who put you in charge?

She’s sitting smack in the middle of the Seattle.P.D.

They don’t deserve to live.

Keep your hands in the air. In one piece.

Alec : Hey, Thanks for hitting me back.

Max : So I take it you’ve been seeing the news.

Alec : Ah, yeah, that’s not why I’m callin’. I need you to get over here.


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Peroxide Is it painful?

Talk of about on She can call me at my office.

He didn’t wear bifocals. These things don’t belong to his.

Those don’t belong to his. On the sidewalk. Get off the street.

A wife can tell. So what have you got? Do

Let me explain something to you, ***.

This business requires a certain amount of finess. [= fineness]

A fine-spun theory Fines 細粒

Rule or lose Row or low

The traffic was very loud. I couldn’t hear anything.

I’ll see her to the car. I’ll be right back.

Give us a little room. To make it official that I hired you.

In the riverbed No, I’m just a snoop.

Hold it right there. Halt. Count aloud, Mr ----.

May we have a word, Mr. Keating? ---- Certainly.

I made a great many sacrifices for you to get here, Neil. And you will not let me

down. --- No, sir.

What seems to be the problem?

Do you know the expression, “ Let sleeping ogs lie.” ? You’re better off not

knowing. ---- I have to know.

They gave me the same thing as last year. Let’s get on with the meeting.

Sit. To avoid expulsion from this school.

Any and all students At Welton ---- Hell-ton

Assume the position.

Just think when you know something, you have to look at it in another way.

Thoreau said, ”Most men lead lives of quiet desperation.” Don’t be resigned to

that. Break out.

Swim against the stream. You just illustrated the point.

Editor of the school annuals Keep the minutes of the meeting

And she pieced the puzzle together Don’t be resigned to that.

When you read, don’t just consider what the author think, consider what you

think. You must strive to fin your voice.

A little secret for you. And the human race is filled with passion.

We’re talking free-thinkers.


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I never pegged you as a cynic. ~と見当をつける。

Thigh man His senior annual in the library

Excrement / Rip it out. Words and ideas can change the world.

You wil learn to savor words and language. What will your verse be?

And no, at that time I was nt the metal giant, you see before you.

I was the intellectual equivalent of a 98-pound weakling.

I would go to the beach, and people’d throw copies of Byron in my face.

Gather ye rosebuds while ye may. Seize the day.

No. Ding! Thank you for playing anyway.

You’ve walked past many times and peruse some of the faces. But if you listen

real close, you can hear them whisper their legacy to you.

They are due tomorrow. The first 20 questions at the end of chapter one.

Your study of trigonometry requires absolute precision.

Anyone failing to turn in any homework assignment will be penalized one point

off the final grade. 減点する

Don’t you ever dispute me in public. You guys are the same way.

Drop the annual.

You, horrible phalanx of pubescence. [fei] Group 結社、方陣

Pick three laboratory experiments from the project list and report on them every

five weeks.

Travesty, 道化、漫画、滑稽 horror, decadence, excrement

He has a foot in the mouth. Valedictorian, National Merit Scholar

Trig Father, I thought you’d gone.

Fellas, excuse me. Be strong. It’ll pass.

I don’t feel much. It was meant to be.

Let me urge you now not to test me o this point.

Swing away. Now, just to review.

At that point, ----

What are the four pillars? --- Tradition, honor, discipline, excellence

Himself an honors graduate of this school

Your vaporizer Sinus

If he has trouble breathing Stiff 堅物、不器用、死体

A poor stiff 不人気商品

There is no one watching out for us, Merrill, we’re all on our own.


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There was an accident, drunk driving.

Like an optical illusion You had a tone.

Don’t open my pantry. Can’t be worse than here.

Their skin changes colors.

They seem to have trouble with pantry doors.

All those in favor of ---, raise your hands.

You don’t mean it. It’s just for show. ---- It won’t be convincing.

On the count of three, one, two, three! My

I’m insane with anger. Over 6 feet?

They were not detected by radar by either country.

You’re seeing a live feed from our affiliate down here Mexico City.

There’ll be someone there to help them.

There is exactly what the nerds want. *nobody

All just make-believe

The fist sighting was made by an Air Mexico 747,-----,

Entered Mexico City airspace.

Science and Conscience; Not science or conscience

#### I’ve got it figured. I’ve figured it

I was there the day you hit that 507 footer over the left field wall, set a record.

The footage you’re watching was shot yesterday by a 34-year-old cameraman, ----

Found in that country in the last 72 hors On the verge of mass hysteria

I need to clear my conscience

They have men’s high-jumping in the Olympics. on the Olympics

So, he was tall? ----- I-I would say so, yes. Probably.

An out-of town woman stopped by the diner yesterday afternoon and started

yelling and cussing because they didn’t have her favorite cigarettes at the

vending machine.

Your family has been through a lot.

--- and after that, I’ll make some calls.

Testosterone 男性ホルモンの一種 In broad daylight

Yeah, right. Vision is highly overrated. Just feel what the wave is doing. Then

accept its energy and get in synch, then charge with it. You don’t need to see.


Does the Walkman’s battery charge easily? すぐに充電できますか


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Isn’t that the best feeling on earth? I definitely got a feeling on this.

This zen surf master

### Who knows where that comes from? Anybody?

Open the hymnal to page 542. Hymnbook 讃美歌集

Now let me dispel a few rumors, so they don’t fester into facts. A festering

wound化膿した傷 * 膿んで事実になってしまう

Having a candle-lit dinner,

Will this do? --- It’s perfect.

Trust me. It’s for the best.

It’s almost done. One more.

When will we develop a sense of trust?

I’m not much of a critic.

Maybe it takes a while to get the hang of it.

It’s no trouble. There’s some already made.

I’ve done a lot of thinking on the drive.

In the mean time, > Meanwhile

Meanwhile, you’ve got a ot of recovering to do and I consider it an honor when

you’ll do it in my home.

If anything turns up, I’ll call you right back.

I’ve read everything of yours. All eight of them.

Could I ask you a favor?

Get give and take give & take

いやなことは、やる・される get killed get hurt

うれしいことはあげる・もらう・くれる get loved get a car

Get him to love. 彼に愛させてあげる。 to = に

Get him loved.彼を愛してあげる。 Go to school to = に

Him to love to = に

同音異義 の(同音 1 語で相反する2つの意味を持つのと同様の心理作用)

彼の手紙=彼宛の手紙=彼への手紙 a letter to him

彼の書いた手紙 a letter written by him


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I’m absolutely certain. The main reason I’ve never been popular is because of my


--- Well, who doesn’t let a little steam once in a while.

In case of you think of any ideas,

There you go. Up you go. Down you go.

Here you are. Here it is.

I don’t do it right. / good great perfect

You’ve got a point there.

It must get lonely, living out here all by yourself.

Bay dawn,


If you can find lower prices anywhere, my name still ain’t Nathan Arizona.

And then the roof caved in.

For official use only.

It’s true that Hi has had a chekered past. A checkered life 格子縞の、波瀾に富ん


So we figure it kinda evens out. Soon after, she tendered her badge.

Check on it. Check it out. She’ll be upset, but she’ll get over it.

Promise just a day or two. ---- Tonight and tomorrow, tops.

She said her fiance had run off with a student cosmetologist who knew how to

ply her feminine wiles.手管、手口 A brighter future lies ahead.

Government do take a bite, don’t she?

These were the happy days, the salad days as they say.

Try to figure out why you were the way you were. Feel trapped.

Get minstrel cramps. Minstrel shows黒人に扮した白人の踊りと歌のショー

pull the Clamps on a person 締め付ける

She had her jaws clamped together indomitably.

Clam up = Close up like a clam My fiance left me.

I’m outta here. Can’t hack it, huh? That’s too bad.

All this fancy shit don’t mean nothing on the street. on the train.

I’d lik to see you up against th bloods. You know my stand on violence.


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Okay, attention! No liquids until we’re done.

Termite, back in line. I was gonna call you today.

Hand to hand at 10:00 I’ll be there.

It’s no act. It’s for real. In five working days

I told you. In this room, we learn martial arts and art form.

It’s not just kicking and punching.

Bullshit! You’re chicken. If you were good, you’d prove it.

He clamed up with my standing there. Reverse punch!

Kicking with the rear leg.

Make sure that the knee is bent sharp, hitting with the instep.

Fighting stance. Ready position.

Hitting with the rear hand.

Make sure that the fist is tight, thumb is tucked in.

Don’t hold your breath. Exhale on each technique.

Snap it, Horace. Come on, Termite, work it, work it!

Switch your stance Tighten up there, ---.

Concentrate, Butcher. Catch you later.

Say hello to the gang. Left foot forward.

Keep your stomach tucked in tight!

Nothing will stand in my way. Look, I didn’t mean to call him ……

There’s something else loose on the street.

Our most feared enemy / Our most loved friend

The word has it (that) you haven’t eaten for days.

We’re not finished talking.

I have to make sure that you’re okay.

You’re missing the point.

Be on the lookout.

Walk on sunshine.

Live on ----- keep living

That’s deadly to us too.

What happens at sunlight?

Be ready by then.

Before sunrise.

Bri bla or st tr


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In broad daylight

Split in 3 units

The lever is stuck.

Nothing is that positive.

Everything has a breaking point.

Too late, now. You’re better off here, man.

From pinta to Cruz.

Now let’s get moving.

How’s it going?

Keep it going.

Roman numerals. Arabian numerals. Chinese numerals.

It is not the smart thing, but it is the right thing.

Get it in writing.

Don’t take it personal.

He died a broken man.

Those buffons at the museum dragged him down, made a laughing stock of him.

Put it on speakers.

Two for flinching.

This is it. It’s got to be.

He’ll be 10,11, tops.

We don’t get paid overtime.

I must have hurt it when ----

Sometime I got a little carried away.

A missing page

Legend has it that your people possessed a power of source of some kind that

enables -----

We agreed on that, right?

Ten seconds is about right.

He was court appointed.

The owyers aren’t infalliable.

This is just off the top of my head.

Just a quick idea.


Suppodsing they are wrong,


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There was one alleged eyewitness to this killing.

What’s the difference of doing this / What difference does is to do this.

We’ll stay here and talk it out.

I’ll abstain.

Vote by secret written ballot


We got it all figured out.

Half the Germany’s coming up.

I got a little favor to ask *** of you.

About the same

That’s all I got to say. / (do/ ask)

I’ll give you $50 if you do it for me. ---- You got it on you?

Keep it moving. Move it on.

But the greatest gift that anyone receives will be the gift of “hope.”

Christmas that year was spent exchanging humble gifts. But the greatest gift

that anyone received was the gift of “hope.”

The one thing we’re looking for is something we can’t see, far more precious

than silver and more splendid than gold. This is something to treasure, but it’s

something we can’t hold.

Ah, it tears me up to see you this way, man. Why do you torment yourself?

There’s the symbol of your curse. Destroy it, and end these adolescent notions of

love and redemption. Yes! Do it! End your pain forever. Smash it!

Take care of yourself.

Make believe this is the list.

Bear with me for one minute.

I haven’t seen him in six years.

Six years back

Give me a tissue.

a cleaning man

matter of days

Yes, I, too, attended Hellton and have survived.

I think I’ve got it.

You hear me? You heard me.

Don’t lose heart.


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Under pressure

I’m here for you, just as I have been, just as I always will be.

Why is he such a grump? ---- I don’t know. He’s always like that.

It’s a safety device. It turns itself off automatically.

A deaf man d**f

We’ll find a mountain top and some moonbeams to sit under.

It’s up to us to do something. / for us to

This is the greatest celebration (than) ever.

Why do you raise my hopes only to have them dashed.

Dance your tongue

Even at Christmas/ at night/ on Christmas

Presents? Do I get one? What are you gonna get me?

(It’s) You (that) put hope into my heart again.

I refuse to hope for you anymore. I will not be disappointed again.

But keep in mind --- / Don’t forget --- / Remember / Make sure ----

Please, take this rose in exchange for shelter from the bitter cold. --- I don’t need

a rse! You go away! You old wretched hag!

You have been deceived by your own cold heart. A curse upon your house and all

within it. Until you have found one to love you as you are, you shall remain

forever a beast.

How can you be so selfish? --- You cannot possibly understand.

It is a wonderful tradition. One log chosen and everyone in the house touches it

and makes a Christmas wish. And when the log is burned on Christmas morning,

… ------

You made a Christmas wish last year. Is this what you wished for? --- No. But I

will keep wishing. You’re twisting what I said.Don’t fall in love.

Oh, no. What have I done? It’s all my fault. ---- No, my friend. We all share some

blame for daring to hope for it.

I just wanted to make you happy.

Ralph was the greatest. But he was a bore. I mean, he was so perfect there were

times I felt like killing him.

It’s far fetched idea?

Where will all of your friends be then, when you haven’t the money to buy them



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Anything else?

---- Uh, no. No. I guess that’s it. Listen, I, uh, I want to thank you for taking the

time to talk to me. I really appreciate that. Certainly helped straighten things out

in my mind.

Any time, lieutenant.

--- thank you again.

It’s just that up until now, you know, she was very cool and she was very

composed. Suddenly fell apart in front of other people.

--- I don’t see anything strange about that.

No? Convenient, maybe.

You’d be better off giving up.

I hate you as much as you hate me. Maybe more.

Your husband is dead, Mrs Williams. Are you all right? Can we get you a doctor?

I’ll arrange it to have you driven home.

Give me a moment.

Drop completed. Over and quit.

All set. Ready.

Authentic english.

Are you coming?

--- Go ahead. I’m going to take a little walk to clear my head. You know what I

mean. All right.

Are you sure? How can you be that sure? I can’t believe it.

Here was only a 30 minute layover. 途中下車、一時的滞在

I wasn’t expecting you.

Just browsing.

For anything in particular.

Seeing is believing.

Go over it in your mind.

We’d better outline a settlement, he’ll be here soon.

What time do you have,---?

--- crossed the state line.


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He’ll come in drunk probably.

My back was hurt real bad.

Due to your fall.

,resulting in partial paralysis to the left side of his body

You had al least 3 drinks,

I have nothing to lose, Liberty. Haven’t you figured that out yet?

So that’s what this is about.

The way I see it, I die either way. May as well have some fun.

You’re less than nothing.

Why are you doing this?

You probably didn’t have a daughter, Joe. If you did, she’s better off dead.

We have no confirmation yet, but it appears that ---.

Does what I’m saying make any sense to you? -- No.

Do you really think that I would ---!?

You already slipped, ---? So, what’s one more gonna hurt?

There ain’t no one out there.

You’re the only one who knows who you are.

Absolutely secure.

Nothing further, Your Honor.

I guess it’s possible, but unlikely.

You fight the system, you lose. / if

No body in a uniform can think for himself.

I plead not guilty.

Grime ホコリ、汚れ

Will you answer my questions truthfully?

Photochemical smog photobiology photo chemistory

photo photo detector photo therapy

Reporting live for channel 12, this is ----.

May I help you? --- If you will, please.

Storm signals are up.

Hurricane’s on its way.

He was a good soldier from start to finish

You better see to the boat.

Now the roots took hold.


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People see what they expect. It’s the principle of association.

They’re open till mid night especially at a time like this.

Just a little, and then you’ll have it. Now, you get it, boy. Very good.

Come on, You can do better than that.

You believe in democracy? --- Yes, I do.

Let’s take a vote. I’ll stand by it, so will you.

At gun point.

Max : I know you’re sad, but you did the right thing. Remember we talked


how we’re not like other people. And we need to stick together…. Right now


more important than ever.

Joshua: Annie’s not like other people…. And she’s different

Max : She’s not like us either. And when you care about someone you have to

do what’s

best for them, even it hurts.

Joshua: Love sucks….

Max : Joshua, where did you get this?

Joshua: Father gave it to me.

Logan : Hi, there.

Max : The lights were out. I didn’t know you were home.

Logan : ‘Cause if you didn’t, You wouldn’t‘ve come, huh?

Max : I found this around Joshua’s neck. He said Father gave it to him. It’s the


symbol the breeding cult uses. 養殖カルト、繁殖カルト

Logan : So Sandeman is one of White’s cult loonies, huh? 馬鹿げた、狂人

Max :

I gotta pee. ---- Just hold it.


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Idea notion concept

Egrets, I’ve had a few.

***** As you get older, things that happened nearly 30 years ago seem more real

to you than the things that happened today.

Friday night, without exception, was our night to get together and go out on the


**** It’s better than ending up on the street.

It’s been a long day. I didn’t think you’re supposed to drink on duty. ---- Drink?

Oh, no, that’s coffee. I don’t drink.

Peter is mistaken. --- No, he’s a very good lawyer and he prides himself on his


Uh, well, Lieutenant, your cigar, the fragrance, is not, uh, compatible. ---- Oh,

see, that’s a shame. I just lit it.

**** Is this really necessary? ---- Well, in a way, it is, yes. I promise it won’t take


**** Are you headed home?

What is it? --- It’s hatred. It’s the only thing that lasts.

Don’t worry. Nobody’s ever loved me yet.

Nothing in this life ever works right. Nothing ever works.

I want you to hear it good. Come closer.

I don’t think it’s any of your business. --- No, I guess not.

Boy, you got me pegged pretty good, Doctor. I gonna have to watch myself with

you. You figure out people pretty good. ---- Now, you’re trying flattery.

---- No, I’m serious, Doc. You’ve got a gift.


I should charge you for this, but since it’s on a theoretical basis, let’s just call it a

free consultation. All right, like, maybe, a professional man. We’re talking about

a man who commits a crime. Not the garden variety of bar room brawls, but an

elaborate, intellectual project. What do we know about this man? Obviously, he’s

not impulsive. He plans, he calculates, minimizes risks. He’s oriented by his

mind, not by his emotions. And he’s probably well educated too.

**** I wonder who these sunglasses belong to? Maybe somebody left them by


Pull yourself together!


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And since I’ve got a two-week vacation. I said to myself, “Go on down there,

check out the area. Look to see, maybe, you can rent a cabin.

A cop on the beat

And I want him found, Lieutenant, soon. killed, caught

Perfect vision

Get my car ready.

It’s in my commercial phase right now. No bother.

Just free-floating anxiety.

Free-floating = uncommited

I just fell asleep. / Got aboard.

What are you doing at this hor of the night? --- Is it night?

Stuffy staff 気むつかしいスタッフ

Don’t be so stuffy. ---- strait-laced

He’s a very hap-hazard individual.出たとこ勝負の

I’m always trying …. ---- I know, you’re only trying to tie up loose ends. Spend a

little less time on loose ends. Maybe you come up with something important.

Forget it. What are friends for? --- Looks like I owe you a favor.

Some of them counsel their clients by use of tarot cards.

With a craggy, middle-aged man

The media blitz is killing us, sales have dropped 50%.

A blitz of T spot.

Blitz a person with questions / blitz krieg [ri:] / bullet

Wake up, Howard. I’ll make you some coffee.

Mr.Ruddy had a mild heart attack and is not taking calls. In his absence, I’m

making all net work decisions, including one I’ve been wanting to make a long

time: You’re fired. I want you out of this building by noon. I’ll call security and

have you thrown out if you’re still here.

I think you are having a breakdown, require treatment.

---- This is not a psychotic episode.

A man imbued with his own importance しょってる男、 ~にかぶれてる

Is he okay? --- He’s just fainted. I better get him back to my house again tonight.

I’m as mad as hell. I’m not gonna take this[it] any more!

You’re beginning to believe the illusions we’re spinning here. You’re beginning to

think the tube is reality and your own lives are unreal. You do whatever the tube


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tells. You dress like the tube, you eat like the tube, you raise your children like

the tube, you even think like the tube. This is mass madness, you maniacs. In

God’s name, you are the real thing. We, the tubes, are the illusions. So turn off

your television sets. Turn them off right now. Turn them off, leave them off.

Aphesis apheresis 語頭音消失

Well, we gotta work this thing out, okay? There’s gotta be some middle ground

here.---- No, see, that’s where you are wrong. When it comes to friendship,

there’s no middle ground.


This is not right.

---Well, It may not be right, but it worked. This is your preacceptance to the law

school of your choice.

--- I haven’t applied to law school yet.

---Imagine that. It’s all paid for.

I like you the way you are.

I like it the way it is.

Give it all you got right here. Give it and finish.

the supposed best student in the class 目されている

supposedly うわさされて

Americanophile アメリカ好き Americanophobe アメリカ嫌い

A cross section of human feelings --- of American opinion

I don’t know what he was talking about.

Know what my dad said on his death bed?

Iris diaphragm 虹彩

Here’s to second chances. This is -----

Hereby by this thereby > by that

Therefore > for that

Wherefore = for what (reason) > why whereby > by what

I’ll see you at 3 o’clock or thereabout. thereabout > around that (time)

What should we write? = What should it say?

I can better myself. I’ll register my name in a four-year university.

Fresh supplies / he had a melt down.

Class, microcosm of the classroom and university,

A pretty laid-back job / Don’t be laid back.


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During under the influence of alcohol / DUI

Lead, follow or get out of the way

木で鼻を括る 木に竹を接ぐ ジグソーパズル 浮き出し ウオーリーを探せ

I need this message decrypted. / crypton crypto a cryptic remark cryptic


You can fool oters, but you can’t fool yourself.

Libra library librate

You got a broken leg. / You got your leg broken.




an equilateral triangle

equilibrate balance

She regained equilibrium.


Fool / feel

Speed / sneer / spook / snoop

Code talker wind talker

You bos wanna be code

talkers. Show me some

brains. Think!”

Perforated eardrum 鼓膜破損


Speak hear ear

We took a swab of that.

If I blew something off everytime I was hang over, I’d still be in third grade.

It’s not due until Tuesday.

EKG electrocardiograph

千里の道も一歩から。 Cream clogs up your arteries.

They’re past due, the bills.

Be careful with the credit cards. I’m on my break. So let’s make it fast. --- I

could call you later.


raise ripe rise rotripe questiontop queer perfect quitpractice

bring downbreathe diebreed deadborn deathgrow grievebrain grain drain graveb





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If you can make a solid commitment to it,


You could get out of the way or you could get run down. Those are the options.

Brevity is the soul of wit.

We got nothing. What do I got to lose?

Practce makes perfect.

If not, you’ll get rusty.

Scepter accept So be it. Amen.

God be with ye. Good bye.

Maze gaze Not carried, not depressed

Come on, let’s talk abot this alone, all rihgt.

Not of you were the last person on earth

Provoke a reaction / pity / fermentation

Provoke a person to anger

This is it. He gave it to me. He said it was very valuable. --- It doesn’t look it.

Get the leg down.

Down with the leg.

Find out about it. Found it out about.

Capillerary action 毛管作用 capillery attraction 引力 per capita 一人当たり corpse

死体 corpus 身体。死体 総テキスト corpuscle 小体 blood corpuscle 血球 red

corpuscle赤血球 whit corpuscle 白血球

I told you to cut down on the sugar. ---- I can’t help it. I’m just weak, I guess.

Stay in the middle to the end. We’ve got think of something to save the situation.

We can’t go back and can’t go on.

Cardiac shock c ardioscope

Not until the very last second. We can’t break ou of it and can’t break into it.

I can’t breathe!I’ve got to get out. I’m sorry, I’ve got claustrophobia. I was buried

alive in an air raid in England. I thought I’d got over it.

---- Come on. You’ll feel better once we’re under way.


hiper-correction Who do you love? / whom

Hipersonic supersonic Hipersensitive 超高感度の


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That’s an auspicious sign.

Konwledge and sign after the operation, we return by way of the venous system.

Hypothermic 人工体温低下 hypotension低血圧 hypodermic皮下の hypocrise猫を




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