31 Lunes 09 de Marzo de 2009 Chiapas Hoy

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31Lunes 09 de Marzo de 2009 Chiapas Hoy

30 Lunes 09 de Marzo de 2009Chiapas Hoy

Mtro. Rodolfo Calvo FonsecaPRESIDENTE Y DIRECTOR


Victor Hugo Calvo FonsecaDIRECTOR

Julio César González FonsecaSUB-DIRECTOR



Victoria Felisa Penagos PérezSUPLEMENTOS

Edna Marión Andrade HernándezDISEÑO GRÁFICO



círculosSociales - Cultura - Deportes

pasatiempoD2 Chiapas HoyD2


Momento de hablar, de expresar, de decir. Tienes todas las de ganar. Hoy, mañana y pasado aprovéchalos por favor. Créditos, cobranzas, compras, ventas, negociaciones,

abonos, cuestiones materiales y laborales se marcan a tu favor. Relajado y tranquilo, pide lo que quieres y se te va a dar.


Buenos cambios en tu ambiente laboral y profesional. Debes poner mucha atención en lo personal, familiar,

sentimental. El tiempo que le inviertes a tu vida de amistades o laborales, recuerda que la familia y tu ser interior lo requieren. Hoy es buen día para las cuestiones laborales, pero no te inquietes si un tramite no sale.


Es momento de escuchar nuevas opciones laborales. Vas a tener ofrecimientos que convienen muchísimo a

tu economía y especialmente te darán paz, tranquilidad y armonía, porque puedes ganar bien económicamente pero la inquietud interna nadie te lo va a quitar.


Todo está a tu favor. Después de presiones angustias y chismes, todo está relajado y en calma. Buenas noticias en cuestiones laborales, personales, familiares. Se marcan viajes o planificación en los próximos días. Posibles cambios en la organización de tu casa.


Eres único y maravilloso, no te compares con nadie. Es un buen día para todo lo que tenga que ver con cuestiones laborales. Habla, expresa y comunica. Las compras también se marcan muy positivas y hay regalos y sorpresas.


No te inquietes ni te desesperes mi amor. Lo que te corresponde por derecho de conciencia es tuyo y nadie te

lo va a quitar. Momento de emprender el vuelo y abrir tus brazos y de confiar en el universo y dentro de tu ser porque es momento de lograr, avanzar y de tener.


Fluye en toda la palabra. Tienes una percepción e intuición que te está diciendo todo lo que va a pasar y todo lo que

viene. Va a haber alegría en tu familia y hogar así como novedades en tu ambiente laboral. Si estás estudiando también habrá sorpresas así como inicios, pero debes atender más tu persona porque lo que das es lo que tienes que recibir.


Todo se puede hacer porque todo es cuestión de actitudes. Sabes que todo lo que pasa por tu mente se hace realidad, la recomendación es que visualices todo lo que quieres y

lo decretes porque tienes una capacidad enorme. Hoy es súper mágico porque todo lo que hagas se te va a fructificar.


Más relajado, tranquilo pero debes alejarte de personas o situaciones muy absorbentes o que te alteran fácilmente.

Di lo que tengas que decir pero sin enfadarte.


El día de hoy tu imaginación debe volar, tus sentimientos, di lo que llevas dentro. Es buen momento para que todo

te fluya en armonía no te inquietes ni te quedes enganchado con la situación que estás viviendo en estos momentos. Quítate el antifaz y date cuenta de que tienes más opciones.


La evolución, fuerza interna y autoestima así como tu familia y amistades te están animando para hacer tus sueños realidad. Debes hacer todo lo que sientes y

piensas, escuchar las voces de tus seres amados que te dicen lo que es justo, correcto y adecuado. Hoy hay sorpresas interesantes con tu familia pero en el trabajo te darán una respuesta que te dará paz y tranquilidad.


Estás receptivo, magnético, atractivo y traes mucho carisma, así que aprovecha para todos los planes que tienes. No te coartes ni te limites, no importa lo que digan

las personas. Tu exceso de nobleza te hace vulnerable y a hacer todo lo que dicen los demás. Hoy escucha la voz de tu interior y avanzarás en tus negociaciones laborales.

HORÓSCOPOS Tu preedición astral más eficaz

32 Lunes 09 de Marzo de 2009Chiapas Hoy D4Chiapas HoyD3 Chiapas Hoy

Pamela Vera y Marissa Nevarez

Nancy Chandomi y Erika Vidal Jesus Y Diana Velez

Kristell Padilla y Gissel Farfán Cristina León y Erik Fuentes

Arlette Gallegos y Liz Hidalgo Una linda pareja

Classico & Borakay Texto: Victoria Penagos/Chiapas Hoy

Fotos: Isaac SantiagoYa es jueves, es tiempo de divertirse y que mejor que ir a dos de los me-jores lugares de nuestra ciudad; pueden comenzar por un pre-copeo al Borakay y seguir la fiesta al Classico; lo mejor no te tienes que moverte grandes distancias puesto que están muy cerca. Sal y diviértete, no te arrepentirás.

33Lunes 09 de Marzo de 2009 Chiapas Hoy D4Chiapas HoyD3 Chiapas Hoy

Cristel Ibarra

Sergio Niño y Fernanda Yamasaki

Mari Fer Rubio y Mauricio Cordova

Laura y Armando Mendez Alejandra Ortiz y Luis Álvarez Arturo Gallegos y Chantal Velasco

Ale Ludo y Pamira Garza Ricardo y Rocío Solis y Sinhue Tipacamu

34 Lunes 09 de Marzo de 2009Chiapas Hoy Chiapas Hoy D6Chiapas HoyD5

Cuando el amor esmás que palabras

Círculos/Chiapas HoyLa guapa novia Yadira Estrada y el apuesto caba-

llero Juan José Pérez, decidieron pactar su amor por los estatutos legales. El fin de semana pasado, festejaron en su residencia particular, su boda civil, a la velada asistieron familiares y amigos, quienes en todo momento, les desecaron amor, paz, salud y fe-licidad.

Se sirvió una deliciosa comida y bebidas al gusto para dar gozo al paladar, posteriormente, disfruta-ron de buena música.

La fiesta se prolongó por muchas horas de regoci-jo por la dicha de los recién casados.

Juan Gabriel, la feliz pareja y Brenda Astudillo Lorena Estada, muy feliz por los novios

Juan, los recién casados y Dina González Con los padrinos de brindis

Con los papás de la novia

Con los papás del novio

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Delfina Estrada y la pareja Juan José, Yadira Estrada, linda pareja María de Lourdes Solís estuvo presente

Con la familia Gómez Estrada Jorge Alberto , la linda pareja y Evelin Vargas

Erick Rogelio Estrada y Fernanda asistieron al evento Carlos González, lo novios y Fabiola Gutiérrez

Jair, Eisur, Aldrin y Karem, se divirtieron Israel Antonio, los esposos y Delfina Estrada

36 Lunes 09 de Marzo de 2009Chiapas Hoy Chiapas Hoy D8Chiapas HoyD7

CHIAPAS TODAY NEWS. In the city of Tapachula, the Technological President of the Federation of Re-

gional of Chiapas, To stop Joy Sanchez, accompanied of Marco Polo Ozuna Vega President of the executive committee of the society of students of the technolo-gical institute of Tapachula, recognized the high capacity of management of Sami David.

They indicated that in the 2008 in his character of local legislator it managed before the Congress of the Union an important budget that destiny to the techno-logical ones of all the country, thus also, before the State Congress, promoted an economic support for the three technological ones of Chiapas, with seats in Tuxtla, Comitán and Tapachula.

In Chiapas the people Grijalva who protested, are again because the damages have not paid to them because the government of Calderón does not loosen to the payment and the constructors or are brave to see itself forced to finance with his money or credits some works that they give them in Chiapas.

In agreement with the manual PRI member today it concludes the time that had the precandidates of the PRI to make their respective proselitistas activities with the militants and followers to the interior of that party.

From now on they will have to have well-taken care of to make some proseli-tista act, because now the laws no longer are like before, when the dogs moored themselves with longaniza that is to say, that with a fine was solved the problem, now, if they fall them in some rope run the risk of which they clear the candidacy to them.

The secretary of the transport Jorge Antonio Morales Messner maintained that the things related around the modernization of the transport go very advanced. The instruction is to carry out east project to offer a greater security to the passengers and of course to support in the economy of the carrier.

Under reserve of the Universal one it says that: “The daughters of the missing eperristas go to Geneva, Switzerland to denounce their cases during an encoun-ter between the Committee of Relatives Disappeared “Until finding them” and the Work group Forced Disappearance of people of the UN.The next Saturday anniver-sary of arrprech is celebrated the 26 reason why their directors walk loose reques-

ting cooperation for the great celebration. In the PSD they compile tests to thicken the file that opened in the IFE against

René Bejarano and Andrés Manuel Lopez Obrador. They will add “how the govern-ment of Marcelo Ebrard in the DF is using the governmental apparatus to support his candidates to different positions from popular election”.

Here in Chiapas a group specialized in pursuit and analysis of data does the same with the bottoms, material and human resources, programs, projects and goods of the government used to try to make win at least to the BREAD in 4 of six districts.

Three of each ten deserters of the Army, the Air Force and Navy get up the nar-cotics detective and in which he goes of the government of Felipe Calderón the 27 thousand 381 ex- soldiers add already who fell in the deshonor of the necessity and the pays twenty times of which they pay to them like flat soldiers to risk his lives.

By: Victor Hugo Traslation: Victoria Penagos

More severe sanctions to bad civil employees

City of Mexico. - The Senator by the State of Chiapas, Manuel Velasco Coit requested that the federal authorities impose more severe penalties against tho-se civil employees who incur budgetary subexercises.

Velasco was sorry that in the immense majority of the cases where viola-tions to the budgetary normatividad were proven, simple reprimands in spite of the gravity of this lack only reigned.

This, stressed, leaves to many federal civil employees in its positions even though have shown its incapacity to exert them within the legal frame.

The legislator presented/displayed the last one of the 3 initiatives of reform with which he looks for to eradicate the budgetary subexercises, as well as creating new mechanisms so that the executive authorities and Legislative can work united in the monitoring of the public cost.

When exposing in tribune the benefits of his proposal, the young person chiapaneco assured that with these modifications to Administrative the Federal Law of Responsibility of the Servants Public, a vaccine to the government against the virus of the incompetencia will be put to him.

In addition, it indicated that there will be scheduled inspections to the exer-cise of the budget, harder measures to watch than the bottoms arrive at their destiny, and greater responsibilities for the servants public who have to their position the money of the town.

With these measures we looked for that the social programs do not leave affected by the budgetary guardaditos that usually become in the federal de-pendencies, nor that the infrastructure projects finish in the archivist of some Secretariat, it indicated.

Union weighs recategorización

Cosme Vázquez /ASICh

The Secretary General of the Union of Administrative Workers of the University of Sciences and Arts of Chiapas, Lusteín Go’mez Utrilla, declared that in the next days they will present/display the proposal of the new collective contract of work, where will weigh the recategorización and homologation of personnel. It said that from the two of this month they were managed to seat with the authorities of the university and Monday made specific details in the relative thing to the wage increase, the recategorización and the homologation of workers.It assured that the proposals with the base consensuaron worker, reason why wait for answers from the authorities of the UNICACH. However, it revealed that they will not request more of the authorized thing to national level for the workers of the public uni-versities, of 4,25 of increase in the wage and 1,09 to benefits. It recognized that these increases are few before the loss of the buying value of the wage, but said that they are conscious that they cannot request more because crisis is lived.Nevertheless, the priority to negotiate in the talks with the authorities is the process of recategorización and homologation in favor of the workers.It wrote down that they add around 150 workers who deserve to be recategorizados, some with 25 years and they have not had the benefit. Go’mez Utrilla wrote down that before the economic inflation much people could see improve her situation whereupon him recategorice and homologue, reason why will prop up the fight to obtain those concepts. In as much, it maintained that the doors for those administrative workers are open who at their moment followed Deysi doctor, so that they are affiliated with the union that leads he now.It left in clear that otherwise, the all profits that are had in the next negotiations would not reach with those who are not affiliated with the union. With the exception of wage and the benefits, the relative thing to the recategorización could not occur to those who are not sindicalizados, reason why made the call add itself to the rows of the Union of Administrative Workers of the UNICACh. ASICh .

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NEW THINGS Interesting People

Victoria Penagos/Chiapas TodayLady Kitty Spencer, niece of Princess Diana, a girl of cover. The young person has followed the passages of his mother, the ex- model Victoria Lockwood, which was star of the Tat-ler magazine almost 19 years ago.Of the sea from South Africa to the cover of the popular fashionable magazine British Tat-ler there is a long trip. Pero Kitty Spencer had the genes of its side to disembark in the pres-tigious publication. Their blue eyes steel, its blond hair brilliant and its sweet smile, are of their famous aunt, princess Diana. So he is not stranger who the greater daughter of Conde Spencer, during years the secret better kept from the real clan, has ended up leaving the shades to appear stunning like cover model. Kitty carries out the number of April of the English magazine with an ample interview in which the young speech about the drug addiction of its mother, the ex- model Vic-toria Lockwood; of its familiar inheritance and the death of princess Diana. Kitty was only seven years old when the wreck of Paris ahead took the life of the Princess. His father tried to protect it of that tragedy, but it was impossible due to the commotion that he caused. “So I was yonger and my father did not want to interrupt our innocence “, decla-res. “It knew that something happened, but nothing about which I have found out more greater. I knew my aunt, but she was so small when she passed away, that I do not have too many memories that to emphasize. It was as much time ago, but still the memory”.Kitty declares that to her she enchanted to him to be united to his cousins princes Gui-llermo and Harry two years ago in the Con-cert tribute to the princess Diana who was celebrated in Wembley and in the religious service that was celebrated in its memory. “It was my opportunity to take leave her “. Young person, that was only five years old when her family was transferred to South Africa, returns rare time to the Great Britain, to only visit its father, who returned after his divorce in 1997. But Kitty confesses that she adores to be united to the Princes in the Lon-don social scene when has occasion. She is thinking about returning permanently to Great Britain - she began in January in the University of Cape Town, but she has asked for its transfer from file to the University of Bris-tol board and other faculties in September. “Sometimes I think that it would be amused to live in London. I believe that I must return and prove it”. The mass media rub the hands.

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“escandaliza”en centro nocturno

Lindsay Lohan

La actriz protagonizó una nueva pelea con su novia, la DJ Samantha Ronson, que terminó con el escape de esta últimaLa actriz Lindsay Lohan “escandalizó” en un centro nocturno de Las Vegas anoche al protagonizar una pelea con su novia, la DJ Samantha Ronson. No es la primera vez que ambas mujeres discuten en público, pero en esta ocasión la batalla incluyó el escape de Ronson en su automóvil, informó la página de internet thesun.co.uk. De acuerdo con la información publicada, Ronson se encon-traba amenizando una reunión en el centro nocturno Prive la noche del lunes y Lohan llegó por sorpresa al lugar. “Lindsay decidió que iba a sorprender a Sam en el club y llegó cerca de la 1 de mañana. Sam parecía furiosa y las dos empezaron a discutir en el sitio para la DJ antes de que Lind-say empezara a bailar salvajemente”, detalló un testigo de la escena. Cerca de las tres de la mañana, Ronson salió furiosa del lugar y se fue en su coche. Minutos después y aún con un trago en

la mano, Lohan apareció fuera del club y muy molesta pre-guntó si Samantha se había marchado en su coche. “¿Se fue en mi coche?”, preguntó varias veces una agitada Lindsay quien finalmente se fue en su propio automóvil tras Ronson.