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Fundamentals of Chinese Information WarfareLTCOL (RET)William Hagestad II MSc Security TechnologiesMSc Management of - Zhnggu xnx zhn de jch121st Century Chinese Cyber Warfare


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2Credit where credit is due.Current Cyber News.Peoples Republic of China InformizationUnrestricted Warfarewar without limitsChinese Cyber Threat - Zhnggu xnx zhn de jch3Masters of this domain.Attribution where credit is due.Dr. James Mulvenon, Vice President, Intelligence Division and Director, Center for Intelligence Research and Analysis, Defense Group, Inc.Mark Stokes, Executive Director, Project 2049 InstituteTimothy Thomas, LTC US Army

Current China Cyber NewsChinese Firewall Maker, Hangzhou DPTech Technologies booted from Microsoft Sharing Program 3 MAY 2012, SC MagazineUS & the PRC must work to avoid cyber conflict SECDEF Panetta8 MAY 2012 REUTERSHuawei aims efforts at market leaders Cisco, HP et al.10 MAY 2012, Network ComputingPRC-Philippines Hacking War10 MAY 2012 Council on Foreign Relations Red-DragonRising.comCurrent China Cyber News10 MAY 2012Philippines News Agency (PNA), Philippine government's news wire service defaced by hackers suspected to be from China

Red-DragonRising.com10 MAY 2012Philippines News Agency (PNA), Philippine government's news wire service, was defaced by hackers suspected to be from China

6Nothing is what it appears literally means the middle kingdomThe Peoples Liberation Army () controls everythingCapitalist economically, communism remains the political bedrockKeep your friends close but enemies closer ~ Sun TzuMandarin Chinese an easy language Brilliant CryptographyKinetic military capability not yet fully developedNumerology is important 8th Route ArmyRules of Engagement (ROE)Red-DragonRising.comLets quickly review the ROE again

Nothing is what it appears literally means the middle kingdomThe Peoples Liberation Army () controls everythingCapitalist economically, communism remains the political bedrockKeep your friends close but enemies closer ~ Sun TzuMandarin Chinese is an easy languageKinetic military capability not yet fully developedNumerology is important 8th Route Army


Red-DragonRising.com8Who is China?

Red-DragonRising.com1.The Peoples Liberation Army (PLA) is pursuing the means to seize and occupy the information high ground;

2.The rapid development of a comprehensive C4ISR (Command, Control, Computers, Communications, Information, Surveillance & Reconnaiscance) infrastructure, is a focus of PLA efforts currently underway;

3.PLA is trying to unify disparate information systems to enable coordination between geographically dispersed units in order to attain near total situational awareness of the battlespace while limiting an adversarys ability to do the same;

4.PLA is trying to reach information dominance early and using it to enable and support other PLA operations throughout a conflict;

5.Tactical level employment of computer network attack (CNA) tools used with sufficient precision can achieve dramatic strategic outcomes with the potential to alter a campaign &, conversely, as the PLA deploys more sophisticated information systems growing increasingly reliant upon them for successful military operations, it must also protect itself from the same network vulnerabilities as its high-tech adversaries;

6.PLA is augmenting its developing computer network operations (CNO) capabilities by relying on inputs from Chinas commercial IT industry, academia, and civilian and military research institutions;

7.Huawei, Zhongxing (ZTE), and Datang maintain relationships with the PRC government;

In summary - recent developments in Chinese computer network operations applications & research and development point to a nation fully engaged in leveraging all available resources to create a diverse, technically advanced ability to operate in cyberspace as another means of meeting military and civilian goals for national development.

Computer network operations have assumed a strategic significance for the Chinese leadership that moves beyond solely military applications and is being broadly applied to assist with long term strategy for Chinas national development.Bottom Line Up Front The BLUFRed-DragonRising.comOccupying the Information High Ground: Chinese Capabilities for Computer Network Operations and Cyber Espionage NORTHRUP GRUMMAN March 7, 20121.The Peoples Liberation Army (PLA) is pursuing the means to seize and occupy the information high ground in the modern battlespace to exert control over information and information systems;

2.The rapid development of a comprehensive C4ISR infrastructure, linking platforms, personnel, and operations, is arguably the most transformative of all PLA efforts currently underway;

3.PLA is trying to unify disparate information systems to enable coordination between geographically dispersed units in order to attaining near total situational awareness of the battlespace while limiting an adversarys ability to do the same;

4.PLA is trying to reach information dominance early and using it to enable and support other PLA operations throughout a conflict; during peacetime, computer network exploitation has likely become a cornerstone of PLA and civilian intelligence collection operations supporting national military and civilian strategic goals;

5.PLA leaders understand that tactical level employment of computer network attack (CNA) tools used with sufficient precision can achieve dramatic strategic outcomes with the potential to alter a campaign and, conversely, that as the PLA deploys more sophisticated information systems and grows increasingly reliant upon them for successful military operations, it must also protect itself from the same network vulnerabilities as its high-tech adversaries. This imperative places computer network defense (CND) on an equal footing with its counterparts in the CNO triad;

6.PLA is augmenting its developing computer network operations (CNO) capabilities by relying on inputs from Chinas commercial IT industry, academia, and civilian and military research institutions;

7.Telecommunications hardware notables such as Huawei, Zhongxing (ZTE), and Datang maintain relationships with the PRC government and continue to fuel speculation in the United States and other Western nations about potential network attack or exploitation vectors created by the growing presence of these and other Chinese IT companies in global telecommunications infrastructure markets.

Taken in the aggregate, recent developments in Chinese computer network operations applications and research and development point to a nation fully engaged in leveraging all available resources to create a diverse, technically advanced ability to operate in cyberspace as another means of meeting military and civilian goals for national development.Computer network operations have assumed a strategic significance for the Chinese leadership that moves beyond solely military applications and is being broadly applied to assist with long term strategy for Chinas national development.10Chinese Methodology?Chinese web bots performing reconnaissance, gathering info on web content;PRC bots so intrusive, servers scanned IOT determine servers purpose and functionsMajority of Internet traffic from the Peoples Republic of China, and included both.Hits on servers (short pings on new servers); and,Detailed examination looking for ports or access

Chinese motivation?Fear of foreigners.Self-preservation and,Hegemony ()..A perfect description of the Communist Party of China (CPC)..implied power of the Chinese state subordinates every element of modern Chinese Societyincluding threats by..Falun Gong..Blind Dissidentsdisaffected citizens.Regime Change

Red-DragonRising.comInformation Warfare (IW) To achieve victory we must as far as possible make the enemy blind and deaf by sealing his eyes and ears, and drive his commanders to distraction by creating confusion in their minds. Mao Tse-Tung - Zhnggu rnmn jifngjn

To achieve victory we must as far as possible make the enemy blind and deaf by sealing his eyes and ears, and drive his commanders to distraction by creating confusion in their minds. Mao Tse-Tung

13Official Statement of Chinese IW19 JUL 2010 (PLA daily) ordered by President Hu Jintao to handle cyber threats as China enters the information age, and to strengthen the nation's cyber-infrastructure

General Staff Directorates (GSD) Cyber Warfare Princelings

General Zhang Qinsheng General Chen Bingde General Ma Xiaotian Vice Admiral Sun Jianguo Major General Hou Shu sen

(PLA Daily), July 19, 2010; [Online] Available at: (Jifngjn Bo) is China-based media outlet for thePeople's Liberation Army(PLA) of the People's Republic of China14PLA Cyber TacticiansMajor General Hu Xiaofeng, Deputy Director, National Defense University, Department of Information Warfare and Training CommandProfessor Meng Xiangqing, National Defense University Institute for Strategic Studies, 2009; [Online] Available at: is to achieve a strategic objectiveYou have to meet my political conditions or your government will be toppled, or you promise to meet some of my political - Hi'n fngwn zh Dark

- PLAs Information Assurance Base (zhongguo renmin jiefangjun xinxi baozhang jidi)16planting information minesconducting information reconnaissancechanging network datareleasing information bombsdumping information garbagedisseminating propagandaapplying information deceptionreleasing clone informationorganizing information defenseestablishing network spy stations

Richard A. Clarke and Robert K. Knake, Cyber War. The Next Threat to National Security and What to Do about It, New York, HarperCollins Publishers 2010, pp. 47 64Information Dominance.. Precise attack vectors of Information Dominance Zh xnx qun -

Precise attack vectors of

planting information minesconducting information reconnaissancechanging network datareleasing information bombsdumping information garbagedisseminating propagandaapplying information deceptionreleasing clone informationorganizing information defenseestablishing network spy stations

17Omni directionalitySynchrony Limited objectives Unlimited measures Asymmetry Minimal consumption Multidimensional coordination Adjustment and control of the entire process

Unrestricted Warfare, Qiao Liang and Wang Xiangsui, Beijing: PLA Literature and Arts Publishing House, February 1999 (Simplified Mandarin Chinese version)8 - Pillars of Chinese Warfare ()8 Principles of "beyond-limits combined war in Unrestricted Warfare Unrestricted Warfare Cho xin zhn

Omni directionalitySynchrony Limited objectives Unlimited measures Asymmetry Minimal consumption Multidimensional coordination Adjustment and control of the entire process

18Tell me more about these Chinese - CPCCodified cyber warfare in 2010protect national infrastructure from external cyber threats President Hu Jin taoPresident Hus successor Xi Jin ping .

CPC + PLA x information technology superiority = Chinas worldwide

= Zhnggu gngchndng

Communist Party of China codified cyber warfare in 2010protect national infrastructure from external cyber threats President Hu Jin taoPresident Hus successor Xi Jin ping . CPC + PLA x information technology superiority = Chinas worldwide dominance

20- PLA500 BC Sun-Tzus Art of War basisSun Pings Military Methods1995 - Major General Wang Pufeng founding father of Chinese Information Warfare (IW)1999 - War Without Limits PLAAF Senior Colonels Qiao Liang & Wang Xiangsui2002 - PLA's IW strategy spearheaded by Major General Dai Qingmin

500 BC Sun-Tzus Art of War basisSun Pings Military Methods1995 - Major General Wang Pufeng founding father of Chinese Information Warfare (IW)1999 - War Without Limits PLAAF Senior Colonels Qiao Liang & Wang Xiangsui2002 - PLA's IW strategy spearheaded by Major General Dai Qingmin

21 State Owned EnterprisesChina Telecom owned by the CPC, operated by the PLAHuawei owned by former PLA officer direct links to the PLA however NOT the CPCZTE based in Shenzhen, Guangdong ProvinceChina Petroleum & Chemical CorpSinoChemChina National Petroleum CorpChina National Pharmaceutical Group

Red-DragonRising.comChina Telecom owned by the CPC, operated by the PLAHuawei owned by former PLA officer direct links to the PLA however NOT the CPCZTE based in Shenzhen, Guangdong China Petroleum & Chemical CorpSinoChemChina National Petroleum CorpChina National Pharmaceutical Group

22 - HacktivistsOriginally supported by CPC & PLANow uncontrollable.Golden Shield ProjectReinforce PRCs nationalism via the webTaiwan, the renegade Chinese ProvincePunishing Japan for WWII war crimesCoderas anti-Chinese web rhetoric

Red-DragonRising.com24Chinese Perspective.16 AUG 2011 - Peoples Tribune Magazine() publishes several articlesFour are very troublesome for the U.S. A Sovereign Country Must Have Strong Defense by Min Dahong, director of the Network & Digital Media Research Office @ China Academy of Social Sciences; Americas Pandoras Box Cyber Strategy Confuses the World by Shen Yi - Fudan Universitys Department of International Politics; Cyber Power Shuffles the Cards: How China Can Overtake the Competition by Tang Lan, Institute of Information and Social Development Studies at the China Institute of Contemporary International Relations; and How to Construct Chinas Cyber Defenses by Liu Zengliang, from the PLA National Defense UniversityRed-DragonRising.com Years Chinese Cyber Activity1995 Major General Wang Pufeng describes attacking via Internet1997 Major General Wang Baocuns 10 Features of Chinese InfoWar 1997 War Beyond Limits (Unrestricted Warfare) is written by 2 Senior Chinese ColonelsMay 03, 2001 China warns of massive hack attacks2002 - informatization campaign begins Chinese Communist Party (CCP) General Secretary and Central Military Commission (CMC) Chairman Jiang Zemin, a speech before the 16th Party Congress2003 - Titan Rain US DoD & Government websites targeted2004 Japan targeted by Chinese over disputed Daiyu Islands2007 GhostNet Global CnC network with IP addresses in Peoples Republic of China 2008 Byzantine Hades - targeted cyber operations against the U.S. government using social engineering and malicious attachments and links in e-mail messages. 2008 - MI5 writes to more than 300 senior executives at banks, accountants and legal firms warning them - the Chinese army is using Internet spyware to steal confidential information 2009 - Operation Aurora International Energy Industry targeted2009 Night Dragon Global multinationals attacked via Internet2010 Article - Should we be afraid of Chinese hackers?...Or lost cyber war?2011 -US needs to get better at preventing foreign access to advanced technology GAO watchdogs find holes in high-tech access, licensing rules2011 Chinese military CCTv-7 demonstrates GUI Hacking of University of Alabama2011 Office of the National Counterintelligence Executive (ONCIX) Report indicates both China & Russia target corporate intellectual property2011 Operation Shady RAT FIVE year campaign of economic & intelligence data exfiltration2012 Occupying the Information High Ground: Chinese Capabilities for Computer Network Operations and Cyber Espionage NORTHRUP GRUMMAN March 7, 20122012 Chinese Technology Policy & Cyber Offensive Operations - April2012 China & Philippines engage in mutual cyber attacks over Scarborough Shoals - AprilRed-DragonRising.comConclusionsHegemony drives use information warfare in the cyber realm;Cyber-warfare is state sponsored; yet direct attribution is an illusion.Peoples Liberation Army plans cyber-warfare defensively & offensively;Cultural, economic, historical & linguistic thread drives Chinese cyber-warfare;The CPC, although advocating citizen hacking, can no longer control it;Commercial enterprises worldwide are permeable to Chinese cyber hacking in all its form & methods Nortel Case Study;Chinese written malware, RATs, Botnets are undiscoverable.Mandarin Chinese (complex and simple) is an exceptional form of cryptographynot to mention Classical / Literary Chinese.All commercial IPS are ineffective against Chinese based attacks;Peoples Republic of China cyber-warfare threat is serious & will only become much worse..Diplomatic initiatives with a show of U.S. military force in ASIA PAConly option?Red-DragonRising.comConclusions include the following;\hi-je-m-n, -ge-; he-j-m-n\

The hegemony of the Peoples Republic of China drives the intent to use information warfare in the cyber realm;The use of cyber-warfare is state sponsored;The Peoples Liberation Army has a unit assigned to carry out cyber-warfare, known as the Blue ArmyThere is a significant cultural, economic, historical and linguistic thread throughout the decade plus history of Chinese cyber-warfare;The CPC, although advocating citizen hacking, can no longer control it;Commercial enterprises worldwide are permeable to Chinese cyber hacking in all its form and methods;Similarly, and in particular, the United States Department of Defense cannot defend itself adequately from the various alleged Chinese information warfare threats in the 5th domain of warfare;The composite alleged Peoples Republic of China cyber-warfare threat is serious and will only become much worse..Diplomatic initiatives should be seriously considered in tandem with a show of U.S. military force in ASIA PAC

27Short & Long Term MovesRed-DragonRising.comStrategy/MoveWhoWhat/WhyHowWhenCostBS, CS, IS & GS -Define specific Economic TargetsUS Dept of Commerce International UndersecretaryWhat are most likely targets of economic espionageWork with commercial industry to assist defining possible loss of business if they lost their intellectual property to ChinaImmediately, then quarterlyMinimalBS, CS & GS Educate employees about possibility of data exfiltrationBusiness & Corporate leadership Chief Security OfficersAwareness of persistent threat of economical cyber warDesign educational awareness programs to address identifying, reporting and mitigating foreign information exfiltration threatsImmediately, then monthlyNominalBS, CS & IS Create a universal defense-in-depth policyICW security software & hardware manufacturersProtect critical infrastructure against Chinese Cyber ThreatsDesign a defense-in-depth standard that protects Critical Economic & National InfrastructureImmediately, then ongoingNominal to very expensiveGS Liaise & dialogue w/Chinese GovernmentUS Department of State, Depart ment of Defense, USAIDMutual understanding of the cyber threat define itDevelop official dialogue to define, explain and set conditions for defining the cyber threat mutuallyImmediately, then quarterly and semi-annuallyNominalShort & Long Term Focus on addressing high risks of the Chinese Cyber ThreatBS = Business StrategyCS = Corporate StrategyIS = Innovation StrategyGS = Government Strategy28ReferencesCyber Silhouettes: Shadows Over Information Operations, Timothy Thomas, Foreign Military Studies Office (FSMO), Fort Leavenworth, KansasDecoding the Virtual Dragon, Timothy Thomas, Foreign Military Studies Office (FSMO), Fort Leavenworth, KansasThe Chinese Peoples Liberation Army Signals Intelligence and Cyber Reconnaissance Infrastructure, Mark A. Stokes, Jenny Lin and L.C. Russell Hsiao, Project 2049 Institute

Red-DragonRising.com21st Century Chinese Cyber Warfare

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ISBN:9781849283342rshy shj zhnggu wnglu zhn