chowa dosham

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chowa dosham

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If Chowa(Mars) is placed in 7th or 8th house from Lagnam or Moon, the horscope i s having Chowa Dosham. If Chowa(Mars) is placed at 7th or 8th house from Sukran( Venus), there is Chowa dosham but it is slightly milder than earlier. If Chowa(M ars) is placed at 2nd, 4th, or 12th house from Lagnam, Chandran (Moon) or Sukran (Venus) there is mild Sevvai dosham. For horoscope agreement, the Chowa dosham i n girl's and boy's horoscope should be of matching order. If Chowa is in 7th or 8th house from Lagnam or Chandran in girl's horoscope, then Chowa should also be in 7th or 8th house from Lagnam (Moon) in Boy's horscope for matching. Otherwis e, there will be no agreement. If Chowa is along with Guru (Jupitor) or is seen by Guru(5th or 7th or 9th house from Guru), then the degree of Chowa dosham gets reduced. If Chowa is in its own house or is exhalted or debilitated, the Chowa dosham gets reduced or is not present(according to some). \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\ Porutham > Chevvai Dosham Generally we are afraid when we come to know that there is Chevvai Dosham in the Horoscope, Parents are greatly worried about the delay and trouble this may cau se at the time of marriage, to their son or daughter. We are also scared about w hose life will be lost due to Chevvai Dosham, Husband or Wife. There is absolute ly no need to be afraid at all. Read the following details and your fears will v anish and you will be greatly relieved of the worry and tension. Chevvai Bagawan helps to gain confidence and boldness. He is a sincere and hard worker. His color is RED. He can create problems, difficulties and petty fights between the couple, if the horoscopes are not matched properly. Even though Chev vai is a Papa Graham he does not harm always. He will do good when he is associa ted with good planets or looked at by them. He tends to do more harm when he is with Papa Grahams or when seen by them. The 9 planets are, SUN-MOON-JUPITER-VENUS-MERCURY-MARS-SATURN-RAHU & KETHU. Mars is Chevvai. These Planets do not do good or bad always. Depending upon their po sition, strength and association with others in the Horoscope they will do good or bad for a given period of time. Our destiny and way of life is determined in our horoscopes as per the Date, Time & Place of our Birth. The planets will do t heir Job according to this time table only. Prayers and Pariharams will help us to tide over difficult times. If Chevvai is found in 1 - 2- 4 -7 - 8 & 12th houses from Lagnam -Chandran and S ukran in the Rasi Chart of the horoscope you can take it as Chevvai Dosham. Ther e are many exceptions and rules for Chevvai Dosham. There is a difference of opi nion about Chevvai is in 1st house. Some astrologers consider Chevvai Dosham fro m 2nd house only. CHEVVAI IN 1ST HOUSE (LAGNAM) There is a difference of opinion about Chevvai is in 1st house. Some astrologers consider Chevvai Dosham from 2nd house only. It is better to consider Chevvai D osham from Lagnam also. CHEVVAI IN 2ND HOUSE 1. May affect Health & Happiness of Husband or Wife. 2, Small fights and Confusion in the family may happen from time to time. 3. Can. affect the income and earning capacity of the Bread winner. CHEVVAI IN 4TH HOUSE Chevvai in 4th, house is capable of creating misunderstandings and affect the we llbeing of the couple. CHEVVAI IN 7TH HOUSE Chevvai in 7th, place is sure to affect the Unity, Co-operation, Character, Give & Take Attitude, Conduct and Intimacy of the Couple. The intensity of these pro blems could be strong and serious.CHEVVAI IN 8TH HOUSE 8th, house represents the Longevity of the married life, Lifespan of the Husband or Wife, Comforts of the couple, etc. Chevvai in 8th place is not at all favorable for these aspects. CHEVVAI IN 12TH HOUSE Chevvai in 12th, place will affect the intimacy and comforts of the couple. ILL EFFECTS OF CHEVVAI DOSHAM 1. Chevvai in 2- 4-& 12th,houses may not create severe problems. 25 to 50 % diff iculties may be experienced. It may be possible to bear the sufferings and overcome the effects. 2. But with Chevvai is in 7th & 8th houses the severity of the Chevvai Dosham co uld be 50 to 100%. Sufferings of the concerned couple could be serious and unbearable and it is sur e to happen. 3. The intensity of the sufferings due to Chevvai Dosham again depends upon its position and relationship with other Grahams in the Horoscope. RECOMMENDATION In view of the fact that Chevvai Dosham can lead to several problems as explaine d above it is essential to properly check and match the Horoscopes with Chevvai Dosham with equal or Compatible Chevvai Dosham Horoscopes. Horoscopes without Chevvai Dosham should never be matched with Horoscopes having Chevvai Dosham. There are several rules and exceptions for Chevvai Dosham. Horoscopes must be re jected if only if the Chevvai Dosham is not cancelled even after applying these rules and exceptions. HINTS FOR HOROSCOPE MATCHING There are 3 types of Horoscopes. 1. 3. Horoscopes with NO Chevvai Dosham at all. 2. Horoscopes with Chevvai Dosham 3. Chevvai Dosham is present but it clears by applying the exceptions. Select Horoscopes carefully. If Chevvai Dosham is in Boy's Horoscope Girl's Horo scope must also have such Dosham. Chevvai Dosham must be carefully checked from Lagnam - Chandran & Sukran. Chevvai Dosham index should be lower for the Girl than the Boy, or it can be Equ al for both. If other points in Horoscope Matching are favorable Chevvai Dosham could be 0.5 points more for the Girl