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Submitted to the Board of Examination

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement

For Literature Degree at English Literature Department










نه مهي بيه في ضم ٱلل مه يشاء وما أرسهنا مه رس ىل إل بهسان قىمهۦ

يشاء وه ى ٱنحكيمٱنعزيز ويهدي مه

Artinya : (Kami tidak mengutus seorang rasul pun melainkan dengan bahasa)

memakai bahasa (kaumnya, supaya ia dapat memberi pelajaran

dengan terang kepada mereka) supaya mereka dapat memahami apa

yang disampaikannya. (Maka Allah menyesatkan siapa yang Dia

kehendaki dan memberi petunjuk kepada siapa yang Dia kehendaki.

Dan Dialah Tuhan Yang Maha Kuasa) di dalam kerajaan-Nya (lagi

Maha Bijaksana.) di dalam tindakan-Nya .1(Q.S. Ibrahim:4)

Meaning :And We did not send any messenger except [speaking] in the

language of his people to state clearly for them, and Allah sends astray

[thereby] whom He wills and guides whom He wills. And He is the

Exalted in Might, the Wise.2 (Q.S. Ibrahim:4)

1 http://khalifahcenter.com/q14.4

2 https://quran.com/14



I thanks to Allah SWT who has blessed and strength on me, so I can

accomplish this thesis. Shalawat and salam to Prophet Muhammad SAW who has

brought human‟s life to a better life and to a beautiful world proudly, I dedicate this

thesis to myself and my beloved family. Especially My beloved father Jariman and

my beloved mother Suryati who taught me that even the largest task can be

accomplished if it is done one step at a time. My brother Jaka Setiawan and My sister


For my dearest best friends Siti Hoiruna, Luthfiana Nur Cahya, Kak nisa,

Pina, Deni, and other friends who cannot be said one by one. I would like to say

thanks a lot for your care and suggestion that are given to me as long as my journey

in writing this thesis. And the last for all people who helped me in writing this thesis,

especially for my supervisors Dr. Alfian, M.Ed and Dian Mukhlisa, MA. I would like

to say thank you so much. I love you all as always.

خيرا الل جزاك م


Alhamdulillahirabil „alamin, the writer expresses his highest gratitude to

Allah subhanahuwata‟ala for blessing, love, opportunity, health, and mercy to

complete this thesis. This thesis entitled “Code Mixing Used by Sheryl Sheinafia’s

Followers (Case Study of Anak Jaksel Language Trend)” which is submitted to

fulfill the requirements for bachelor degree (S1) in English Literature, Adab and

Humanities, The State Islamic University Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi. Shalawat

and Salam are upon to our Prophet and last Messenger, Muhammad SAW, who has

brought us from the darkness to lightness and to a better life.

I would like to thank those who have assisted me in writing this thesis. My

sincere gratitude goes to:

1. The Rector of State Islamic University, Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi, Prof.

Dr H. Su‟aidi Asy‟ari, MA, Ph.D. The Deputy of Rector, Dr. H. Hidayat,

M.Pd and Dr. Hj. Fadilla, M.Pd, who allowed me to study in the university.

2. The Dean of Adab and Humanities Faculty, Prof. Dr. Maisah, M.Pd.I. The

Deputy of Dean, Dr. Alfian, M.Ed. Dr. H.M. Fadhil, M.Agand Dr. Raudhoh,


3. The Chairwoman of English Literature Department, Ulfatmi Azlan, M.A. and

the Secretary of English Literature Department, Dian Mukhlisa, M.A

4. My Best Supervisors, Dr. Alfian, M.Ed.and Dian Mukhlisa, M.A who have

given me ideas and provided great inputs to me in finishing this thesis.


Kartini, Diana, 2019 : Code Mixing Used by Sheryl Sheinafia‟s Followers (Case

Study of Anak Jaksel Language Trend) English Literature

Department. Adab and Humanities Faculty. The State

Islamic University Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

Supervisor I : Dr. Alfian, M.Ed

Supervisor II : Dian Mukhlisa, MA

Nowadays, code-mixing is becoming a language phenomenon. As happened

in south Jakarta, there are many code-mixing users. Code-mixing used between

Indonesian and English language. This topic research is about code-mixing that

occurs in the posting of one South Jakarta artist, Sheryl Sheinafia, on her Twitter

account. This research is related to the tweets update that uses Code-Mixing by

Sheryl on her Twitter account and comments column by Sheryl‟s followers from

South Jakarta (Jaksel). The purpose of this study is to illustrate how forms of code-

mixing that happened by Sheryl uploads on her Twitter account and what are the

reasons for using code-mixing in Jaksel, especially Sheryl‟s followers. This

description includes: (1) the forms of code-mixing used by Sheryl on her Twitter

account, (2) the reasons for using Code-Mixing used by Sheryl‟s followers. The

writer uses Forms of code-mixing and reason for using code-mixing theory to support

the writing of this thesis. And also uses descriptive qualitative methods. The

technique of data collection used in this study is observation, interviews, and

documents. The writer divides the forms of code-mixing based on word class theory

that occurs in Sheryl's uploads on her Twitter account. After analyzing the data and

completing the research, the author found the results of the study, among others: the

forms of code-mixing that appeared in Sheryl's Twitter account were nouns,

adjectives, verbs, and phrases. While the reasons for using Code-Mixing used by

Sheryl‟s followers such as: Dominance attitude and Language Attitude.


Kartini, Diana, 2019 : Code Mixing Used by Sheryl Sheinafia‟s Followers

(Case Study of Anak Jaksel Language Trend)

English Literature Department. Adab and Humanities

Faculty. The State Islamic University Sulthan Thaha

Saifuddin Jambi.

Supervisor I : Dr. Alfian, M.Ed

Supervisor II : Dian Mukhlisa, MA

Saat ini, campur kode menjadi fenomena bahasa. Seperti yang terjadi di

Jakarta Selatan, terdapat banyak pengguna campur kode. Campur kode yang

digunakan antara bahassa Indonesia dan bahasa inggris. Topik penelitian ini adalah

tentang campur kode yang terjadi didalam postingan salah satu artis Jakarta Selatan

atau Jaksel yaitu Sheryl Sheinafia di akun twitternya. Penelitian ini berkaitan dengan

unggahan tulisan yang menggunakan Campur kode yang diunggah oleh Sheryl di

akun twitternya dan dikomen oleh pengikut twitternya yang berasal dari Jakarta

Selatan (Jaksel). Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menggambarkan bagaimana

bentuk-bentuk campur kode yang terjadi diunggahan Sheryl di twitternya dan apa

alasan anak Jaksel memakai campur kode terutama pengikut akun twitter Sheryl.

Deskripsi ini meliputi: (1) bentuk-bentuk campur kode yang dipakai oleh Sheryl di

akun twitternya, (2) alasan pemakaian campur kode yang digunakan oleh pengikut

Sheryl. Penulis menggunakan teori bentuk-bentuk campur kode dan alasan

penggunaan campur kode untuk mendukung penulisan skripsi ini. Dan juga penulis

menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan

dalam penelitian ini adalah observasi, wawancara dan dokumen. Penulis membagi

bentuk-bentuk code-mixing berdasarkan teori kelas kata yang terjadi di unggahan

Sheryl di akun twitternya. Setelah menganalisa data dan menyelesaikan penelitian,

penulis menemukan hasil-hasil penelitian diantara lain: nentuk-bentuk campur kode

yang muncul diunggahan Sheryl di akun twitternya adalah kata benda, kata sifat, kata

kerja, dan frasa. Sedangkan alasan pemakaian campur kode yang digunakan oleh

pengikut Sheryl adalah Sikap Dominasi dan Sikap Bahasa.


PAGE OF TITLE .......................................................................................... i

APPROVAL .................................................................................................. ii

LETTER OF RATIFICATION ................................................................... iii

ORIGINAL THESIS STATEMENT .......................................................... iv

MOTTO .......................................................................................................... v

DEDICATION ............................................................................................... vi

ACKNOWLEDGEMNT ............................................................................... vii

ABSTRACT ................................................................................................... viii

ABSTRAK ..................................................................................................... ix

TABLE OF CONTENT ................................................................................. x


A. Background of Problem ....................................................... 1

B. Formulation of the Problem ................................................. 7

C. Limitation of the Problem .................................................... 7

D. Purpose of the Research ...................................................... 7

E. Significance of the Research ................................................ 8


A. Sociolinguistics .................................................................... 9

B. Bilingualism ....................................................................... 11

C. Code Mixing ........................................................................ 12

D. Form of Code Mixing .......................................................... 13

E. Reason of Using Code Mixing ............................................. 17

F. History of Anak Jaksel Language ........................................ 21

G. Review of Related Researches ............................................ 23


A. Design of the Research ........................................................ 27

B. Sources of Data .................................................................... 28

C. Technique of Data Collection .............................................. 29

D. Technique of Data Analysis ................................................. 31


A. The Forms of Code Mixing ................................................. 34

B. Reason using Code Mixing ................................................... 55


A. Conclusion ........................................................................... 59

B. Suggestions .......................................................................... 60






A. Background of The Problem

In daily life, we need communication with other people. We live in a world

of language. Therefore, we need learning the language. Language is seen used to

have an important role in the process of human interaction with each other.

Talking about language will relate to the community. Because other regions have

different languages and the study of public languages is sociolinguistics.

Sociolinguistic is not a study of facts but the study of ideas about how societal

norms are intertwined with our language use.

Like Wardhaugh's opinion that said, “Sociolinguistics is the study of our

everyday life-how language work in our casual conversations and the media we

are exposed to, and presence of societal norms, policies, and law which address

language”3. Language to communicate among people inside it to get a certain

goal, such as when someone asks others to do something and to keep politeness.

People need to master more than one language to communicate and to interact

with others. All of these show that Indonesia is a multilingual or heterogeneous


3Wardhaugh, Ronald. An Introduction to Sociolinguistics Seventh Edition.UK: John Wiley &Sons, Inc.

2015. P.1

Nowadays, the use of code-mixing has become commonplace in social

media like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, WhatsApp, and YouTube. Among

young people the use of language varieties. Sometimes they mix language in a

conversation both directly or indirectly. The use of a good mix of languages from

the local language with English or Indonesian to English is now not a taboo

anymore. Because, English is the international language in the world. All

countries learn English. Mixing language has become a lifestyle for its users.

This is influenced by the development of language that is easily obtained and

learned accompanied by technological development. We can give a sentence in

our picture or photo in a caption on our social media. We often see the user social

media using mix language.

In Indonesia, mixing language between Indonesian and English is a

common thing to do. Like phenomena trend language Anak Jaksel emerging and

popular recently. Whereas, the use of mixed language has long been used by our

society and not only in South Jakarta. It has become part of the culture for

Indonesian to mix English with their language in their daily conversation, even

though they are different in grammar and lexicon. Mixing language or code-

mixing is one of the sociolinguistic phenomena that occur in a bilingual or

multilingual society. Mix language has become a lifestyle in our life.

According to Wardhaugh, Bilingual society results in code-mixing and

code-switching. At least, the phenomenon of bilingualism results in the

occurrence of code-switching and code mixing4. Code mixing occurs when

conversant uses both languages together to extend that they change from one

language to the other in the course of a single utterance.

Sociolinguistics is concerned with investigating the relationship between

language and society with the goal being a better understanding of the structure

of language and how languages function in communication; the equivalent goal

in the sociology of language is trying to discover how social structure can be

better understood through the study of language, e.g., how certain linguistic

features serve to characterize particular social arrangements5.

Every people have different motives for using code-mixing. It can be a

need filling motive, or prestige filling motive6. Need filling motive is a motive

when the speaker cannot find words that have a similar meaning in their

language. Prestige filling motive is the motive that is used when the speaker

appears in their educational status.

Code mixing did not only use indirect speech but also use in social media

networking like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Whatsapp, and YouTube. For

young people, the social media used is more diverse. Facebook is a place to find

friends, Twitter and blogs as a place to share, Line or BBM as a communication

intermediary and YouTube to watch videos.7 From those kinds of social media

4Wardhaugh, Ronald. An Introduction to Sociolinguistics. Great Britain: HrtnollsLtd, Bodmin. 1986.

P.15 5 Wardhaugh, Ronald. An Introduction to Sociolinguistics. Oxford: Basil Blackwell Ltd.1990. P.18 6Hockett, Charles. A Course in Modern Linguistics. New York: The Macmillan Company. 1958. P.23 7 www.mastekno.com/id/sosmed-teraktif-di-indonesia/ Access May16th,2019 at 10.52 am.

above, the writer interested to analyze code mixing in twitter, where the writer

get the data from Sheryl‟s twitter. Because twitter is one of the favorite social

media in Indonesia, many users, get information faster. And more specifically the

reasons of the writer choose twitter is because twitter is easier to get responses to

interviews, where twitter users‟ lives can be seen on their profile and user

information is more accessible.

This research is the study of code-mixing used by Sheryl Sheinafia and her

followers (case study of Anak Jaksel language trend). Cause the data uses the

English and the Indonesian language. The data of this research come from the

tweets update by Sheryl twitter account and comments column on her twitter.

This research focuses on the forms of code-mixing by Sheryl‟s tweet and reasons

for using code-mixing that used by Sheryl‟s followers case Study of Anak

Jaksel language trend. The writer interested to choose public figure as Jaksel

icon. First, Sheryl is intense to using social media account, she often to using

code mixing or switching in her social media account especially twitter and she

came from south Jakarta / Jaksel people and this topic to interesting to analyzing

because it is a recent phenomenon in life and to be the lifestyle for every people.

And then become Gaul language in young people especially social media

Twitter. Besides that, society assumed that every people have various kinds of

reasons in using code mixing language in their social media networking.

The writer found code-mixing in the tweet and comments on her Twitter.

Sheryl and her followers use mix language from Indonesia into English or vice-

versa. To give a little description, the researcher put forward example as follow:

Screenshot 8

Sheryl : Seandainya memposting foto di

/if only post photos on/

Instagram semudah ngetweet

/Instagram is easy as tweeting

Her follower : Ngetweet mah simple tinggal ngetik gak

/tweeting is simple just keep typing do not/

Mesti pusing milih2 foto mana ygmo di

/have to worry about which photos you want to/

upload, this is why I like ngetweet more

/upload, this is why I like tweeting more

From the example above is tweets update from Sheryl‟s twitter and her

comments column. In the data Sheryl use of English code in the sentence that

was tweeted. In Sheryl‟s statement the context “Seandainya memposting foto di

8 Twitter by @callmeyea. Posting at 31 januari 2019

Instagram semudah ngetweet” is about the lack of Instagram which is not as easy

as a tweet on Twitter. The speakers use English in words „memposting‟ and

„ngetweet‟. Word „memposting‟ have meaning „mengunggah‟,

and „ngetweet‟ have meant „mencicit‟ or writing caption, mixed code in the word

is to use the Insertion between Indonesian and English word. In speaker Sheryl‟s

follower also interferes with the mixed code to respond to uploads from Sheryl.

In Sheryl‟s followers statement the context is “Ngetweet mah simple tinggal

ngetik gak mesti posing milih2 foto mana yg mo di upload, this is why I like

ngetweet more” is about approve if posting a tweet in twitter as simple not like

Instagram that must choose photo first. The speakers use English in words

„ngetweet‟, „simple‟, „upload‟ and „ngetweet more‟. Word „simple‟ have meant

„mudah‟ and „upload‟ have meaning „unggah‟ and „ngetweet more have

meaning‟ lebih dari mencicit‟. Mixed code in the word is to use the Indonesian

and English words. The mixed code happened because the speakers are difficult

to determine the right word equivalent due to language limitations.

Based on the example above that in the conversation between Sheryl and

her followers found code-mixing which is one of the things that underlies the

choice of this research. The second reason is because Sheryl as public figures in

Jaksel icon. She is intense to using social media account, she often to using code

mixing or switching in her social media account especially twitter and she came

from south Jakarta / Jaksel people. The last reasons are because no studies have

been found that discuss code-mixing in Anak Jaksel language trend. This is all

the reason I am interested in researching the title “Code Mixing Used by Sheryl

Sheinafia’s Followers (Case Study of Anak Jaksel Language Trend)”

B. Formulation of The Problem

Based on the background of the problem, the writer formulated the problem

as follow:

1. What are the forms of code-mixing used by Sheryl Sheinafia‟s followers on

her twitter account?

2. What are the reasons for using code-mixing that used by Sheryl‟s followers?

C. Limitation of the problem

In this research, the discussion was limited to code-mixing in the

screenshot tweets upload in Sheryl‟s twitter account. The writer wants to analyze

forms of code-mixing and reasons for using code-mixing that happened in Anak

Jaksel language on Sheryl‟s twitter. Then, finding the answer to the problem

based on Bhatia and Ritchie theory. The writer limits this research on the forms

of code-mixing, and the reasons for using code-mixing. The forms of code-

mixing are such as noun, verb, adjective, adverb, conjunction. For the object of

research, the writer takes some tweets update by Sheryl twitter account and

speaker to interview is Sheryl‟s followers especially south Jakarta area.

D. Purpose of the Problem

1. To find out forms code-mixing used by Sheryl Sheinafia on her twitter


J. Tourette Syndrome
J. Tourette Syndrome
J. Tourette Syndrome

2. To find out the reasons for using code-mixing that used by Sheryl‟s followers

E. Significance of the Research

In this research, the writer wants to analyze the specific problem about

code mixing used by Sheryl Sheinafia and her followers on her twitter account

with the case study of Anak Jaksel language trend. All speakers came from south

Jakarta/Jaksel. Then, finding answers to the problem based on Bhatia and Ritchie

theory. The writer limits this research on the form of code-mixing used by Sheryl

Sheinafia on her twitter account, and the reason for using code-mixing by

Sheryl‟s followers.



A. Sociolinguistics

Sociolinguistics is used for the study of the relationship between language

and society. According to Chaer and Agustina Sociolinguistic is “bidang ilmu

antar disiplin yang mempelajari bahasa dalam kaitannya dengan penggunaan

Bahasa itu di Dalam Masyarakat”.9 From the quotation, it can be concluded

sociolinguistic is studying the influence of a culture of the way the language

used. In sociolinguistics, language is used to communication and interaction

between another individual or groups.

Sociolinguistics focuses on language use, that is on what can be said in

particular language, by whom to whom, in whose presence, when and where in

what manner and under what social circumstances. According to Peter Trudgill

defines sociolinguistics as follows: “Sociolinguistics is that part of linguistics

which is concerned with language as a social and cultural phenomenon. It

investigates the field of language and society and has close connections with the

social sciences, especially social psychology, anthropology, human geography

and sociology”10

9Chaer, Abdul& Agustina, Leonie. Sosioliguistik: Perkenalan Awal Edisi Revisi. Jakarta: Rineka

Cipta,2010. P.2 10Trudgill, Peter. Sociolinguistics: An Introduction to language and Society. England: Penguin Book.

2000. P.32

According to Chambers opinion is “Sociolinguistics is the study of the

social uses of language, and the most productive studies in the four decades of

sociolinguistic research have emanated from determining the social evaluation of

language variants”11

. The above definitions by the expert sociolinguistics

indicate that sociolinguistics is known as a branch of study that assumes that

human society is made up of many related patterns and behavior.

Sociolinguistics is from two words, Those are socio and linguistics. Socio

is the same with social dealing with society. Meanwhile linguistic is science

studying language. If we mix it can be concluded be sociolinguistics is sort the

language in the society. According to Fishman in Chaer said:

“Kajian sosiolinguistik lebih bersifat kualitatif. Jadi sosiolinguistik

berhubungan dengan perincian-perincian penggunaan bahasa yang

sebenarnya, seperti deskripsi pola-pola pemakaian Bahasa atau dialek

tertentu yang dilakuakanpenutur ,topic,latarpembiacaraan. Sosiolingistik

memandang Bahasa pertama-tama sebagai system social dan system

komunikasi serta bagian dari masyarakat dan kebudayaan tertentu”.12

In the other word, Fishman stated it can be concluded that sociolinguistic

learn about the language used in particular area or certain dialect. As an object of

sociolinguistics, language is not seen as a language but as a means of interaction

and communication in society. Therefore, the formulation of sociolinguistics

will not be separated from the problem of language relations with activities or

11Chambers, J. Studying Language Variation: An Informal Epistemology. In Chambers et al.2002. p.3 12Chaer, Abdul& Agustina, Leonie. Sosiolinguistik :Perkenalan Awal EdisiRevisi. Jakarta:Pt.Rineka

Cipta.2010. P.5

social aspects. The factor of sociolinguistic is the social background of both the

speaker and addresses like age, sex, social relationship between speakers.

In the use of sociolinguistics gives knowledge how to use language in

certain aspects or social aspects, as formulation by Fishman in Chaer‟s book said

“Who speak, what language, to whom, when and to what end. We can use

sociolinguistics knowledge in communicating and interacting by showing

language, variety of language and language style that must be used when talking

to certain people”. In multilingual countries like Indonesian, there are many

languages in it. Each region has its own language and the official language of

Indonesian is Malay. So, we must adjust the language we use to certain people.

Thus we can recognize and learn different languages at all times.

B. Bilingualism

Bilingualism is the ability of the person who can speak and communicate

with two languages, there are some types of bilingualism. According to Harman

and Stork in Alwasilah:

“There are many types of bilingualism, for example, someone with the

parents of different native language living in their speech community or a

person has learned to master a foreign language through intensive formal

instruction. Bilingual speakers are not necessarily born translators and

interpreters, as the skill of switching between two languages must be

acquired separately and the person who is equally conversant in both

languages and all situations (am bilingual) are very rare".13

13Alwasilah, Sosiologi Bahasa Cetakan 2 ,Bandung:Angkasa, 1986. P.124

From this quotation, there are some types of bilingualism, the first is the

speaker who had different native speaker, it is like Cinta Laura, her father is from

Germany and her mother is from Indonesia, it caused Cinta can speak in two

languages Germany and Indonesia. The second type is the speaker who had

studied a foreign language in formal education, for example, Suryo is an

Indonesian, he is the student in the English literature department, he studied

English during four years, so his English is very excellent. It makes Suryo can be

able to speak in Indonesia and English. It makes Suryo can be able to speak in

Indonesia and English.

C. Code Mixing

According to Richard stated “Code mixing is a mixing of two words or

language, usually without a change of topic”14

. Code mixing is a language

phenomenon that often occurs in multilingual communities. Where language

occurs as in Indonesian.

Talk about code-mixing is usually followed by code-switching. These

two events are common in the community so they are often difficult to

distinguish. The ways of communicating among the people are various due to

the supporting situations. There are two general ways of people to have

communication. They are written and spoken way. The written way uses some

equipment to transcribe the language, word by word into transcription such as

14Richards, Jack, Longman Dictionary of Applied Linguistics. First Published. London: Longman Group

Ltd, 1985, P.88

pen, paper, etc. and spoken one uses speech organ formed sounds and directly


While code-mixing is when the people speaking, they mix one of

language with another language. It is caused by many factors. It is usually

associated with the characteristics of the speaker, such as social background and

level of education.

Code mixing used to appear in an informal situation and it can also occur

because of limited language skills, there is no equivalent expression for that

word, so the speaker s forced to mix the language with the another to make the

listener understand and catch his/her point.

D. Forms of Code Mixing

According to Bhatia and Ritchie from their book said: “We use the

term code-mixing (CM) to refer to the mixing of the various linguistic unit

(morphemes, words, modifiers, phrase, clause, and sentence)”15

. From the

statement above the forms of code-mixing could be words, phrases, clauses or


In this research, the writer focused on code-mixing that happen in the

words phrase, and clause. So the writer used the theory about the forms of code-

mixing based on the form of the word that called a part of speech. Forms of

words or parts of speech are the basic forms in English to build a sentence.

15Bhatia, T.K.,& Ritchie, W.C. Social and Psychological Factors in Language Mixing. In W.C Ritchie

and T.K. Bhatia(eds.), Handbook of Bilingualism. Blackwell Publishing. 2004. P.337

There are eight kinds of parts of speech, those are noun, pronoun, verb,

adjective, adverb, preposition, conjunction and the last is interjection.

1. Form of Word

According to Richard “word was the smallest of the linguistics units that

occurred on its own in speech or writing”16

. The forms of the word are:

a. Noun

Noun is a word which can occur as the subject or object of a verb or the

related (complement) of a preposition. Nouns typically refer to people,

animals, places, things or abstractions17


From this explanation, it has been known if noun is every name of the people,

animal, places, things, action and other things that could be a subject or object

in the sentence.

b. Adjective

Richard stated that Adjective is a word that describes the thing, quality, state,

or action which a noun refers to. Adjective is a word that used to explain the

character of noun or pronoun. The common adjectives that often used in daily

conversation such as good, bad, beautiful, ugly, tall, short, small, old, new,

kinds of color, smart, stupid etc.18

16 Richards, Jack. Longman dictionary of Applied Linguistics. First Published. London: Longman Group

Ltd, 1985,p.311 17Richards, Jack & Schmidt, Richard. Longman dictionary of Applied Linguistics. Fourth Edition.

London: Longman Group Ltd. 2010. P.402 18Richards, Jack & Schmidt, Richard. Longman dictionary of Language Teaching &Applied Linguistics.

Fourth Edition. London: Longman Group Ltd. 2010. P.12

c. Verb

Richard stated that verb was a word which (a) occurs as part of the predicate

of a sentence (b) carries markers of grammatical categories such as tense,

aspect, person, number, and (c) refers to an action or state.19

d. Adverb

Richard stated that adverb is “a word that describes or adds to the meaning of

a verb, an adjective, another adverb, or a sentence and which answered such

as a question as how, where or when. In English, many adverbs have a -ly


e. Preposition

Preposition is a word used with Noun, Pronoun and gerund to link the

grammatically to other words. Preposition may express such meaning as

possession (of), direction (to), place (at), time (before).21

f. Conjunction

Conjunction also connective. Conjunction is a words, phrase, or clause

together, such as but, and, when22


19Richards, Jack& Schmidt, Richard.Longman dictionary of Language Teaching & Applied Linguistics.

Fourth edition. London: Longman Group Ltd.2010. P. 625 20Richards, Jack, & Schmidt, Richard.Longman dictionary of Language Teaching & Applied Linguistics.

First Published. London: Longman Group Ltd, 2010. P.14 21Richards, Jack& Schmidt, Richard.Longman dictionary of Language Teaching & Applied Linguistics.

Fourth edition. London: Longman Group Ltd. 2010. P.452 22Richards, Jack& Schmidt, Richard.Longman dictionary of Language Teaching & Applied Linguistics.

Fourth edition. London: Longman Group Ltd. 2010. P.166

g. Interjection

Interjection is a word such as ugh!, gosh!, wow!, which indicates an

emotional state or attitude such as delight, surprise, shock and

disgust, but which has no referential meaning. Interjection are often

regarded as one of the part of speech.23

2. The Form of Phrase

According to Richard “phrase was a group of the word, which form

a grammatical units, a phrase did not contain a finite verb and did not

have a subject-predicate structure”24


3. The Form of Clause

According to Richard “clause is a group words which form a

grammatical unit and which contain a subject and a finite verb. A Clause

forms a sentence or part of a sentence and often functions as a noun,

adjective or adverb”.25

There are two kinds of clauses. The first is

independent clause and the second dependent clause. Independent clause

is complete sentence and contains the main subject and verb of sentence

(it is also called a main clause). While the dependent clause is not a

complete sentence, it must be connected to an independent clause. A

23Richards, Jack& Schmidt, Richard.Longman dictionary of Language Teaching & Applied Linguistics.

Fourth edition. London: Longman Group Ltd 2010. P.293 24Richards, Jack, & Schmidt, Richard.Longman dictionary of Language Teaching & Applied Linguistics.

First Published. London: Longman Group Ltd, 2010. P.58 25Richards, Jack, & Schmidt, Richard.Longman dictionary of Language Teaching & Applied Linguistics.

First Published. London: Longman Group Ltd, 2010. P.81

clause is different from a phrase. A phrase does not contain a finite verb

and does not have a subject-predicate structure.


1) Ani, What are doing? di panggil dari tadi kok gak nyambung.

2) I just want to tell you something. Karena ini penting banget.

E. Reason for Using Code Mixing

When bilinguals switch or mix two languages, there might be motivation

and reasons for code-switching and code-mixing. For example, some bilinguals

mix two languages when they cannot find proper words or expressions or when

there is no appropriate translation for the language being used. Also, their

interlocutors, situations, messages, attitudes, and emotions generate code-mixing.

According to Grosjean (1982), code-switching can also be used for many

other reasons, such as quoting what someone has said (and thereby emphasizing

one‟s group identity), specifying the addressee (switching to the usual language of

a particular person in a group will show that one is addressing that person),

qualifying that has been said, or talking about past events.

On the basis of a number of factors such as with whom (participants: their

backgrounds and relationships), about what (topic, content), and when and where

a speech act occurs, bilinguals make their language choice. According to Bhatia

and Ritchie states four factors determine language choice and mixing on the part

of bilinguals: (1) participants roles and relationship; (2) situational factors:

discourse topic and language allocation; (3) message-intrinsic considerations, and

(4) language attitudes including social dominance and security.26

1) Participant Roles and Relationship

Bhatia and Ritchie stated that participant roles and relationships play a

crucial role in bilinguals‟ unconscious agreement and disagreement on

language choice. Agreement leads to language-matching, which in turn

reflects the nature of their perceived social relationship.27

That is, whether

bilinguals code-mix or not depends on whom they talk to. As the bilinguals,

interlocutors and their relationship with interlocutors affect their code-mixing

2) Situational Factors

Bhatia and Ritchie stated that some languages are viewed as more suited

to particular participant/social groups, settings or topics than others.28


also postulate that social variables such as class, religion, gender, and age can

influence the pattern of language mixing and switching both qualitatively and

quantitatively. With regard to gender, one of the social variables, Bhatia and

Ritchie (2004) state that in many traditional societies, where gender roles are

clearly demarcated, i.e. men work outside the home and women are engaged

26Bhatia, T.K.,& Ritchie, W.C. Social and Psychological Factors in Language Mixing. In W.C Ritchie

and T.K. Bhatia(eds.), Handbook of Bilingualism. Blackwell Publishing. 2004. P.339 27Bhatia, T.K.,& Ritchie, W.C. Social and Psychological Factors in Language Mixing. In W.C Ritchie

and T.K. Bhatia(eds.), Handbook of Bilingualism. Blackwell Publishing. 2004. P.339 28Bhatia, T.K.,& Ritchie, W.C. Social and Psychological Factors in Language Mixing. In W.C Ritchie

and T.K. Bhatia(eds.), Handbook of Bilingualism. Blackwell Publishing. 2004. P.342

in domestic activities, language mixing and switching in women is

qualitatively different from that in men.29

3) Message-Intrinsic Factors

According to Bhatia and Ritchie, there are some factors which generate

code-mixing such as quotations, reiteration, topic-comment/relative clauses,

hedging, interjections and idioms and deep-rooted cultural wisdom. Direct

quotation or reported speech triggers language mixing/switching among

bilinguals cross-linguistically.

Bhatia and Ritchie stated that reiteration or paraphrasing marks another

function of mixing and topic-comment function makes bilinguals mix


In addition, code-mixing and switching serves an important

function in hedging. That is, when bilinguals do not want to give interlocutors

a clear answer, they usually code mix or switch. The other function of

language mixing and switching is to add an interjection or sentence filler.

4) Language Attitudes, Dominance, and Security

Other factors such as individual and social attitudes, language

dominance, and language security determine the qualitative and quantitative

properties of language mixing.31

As for the attitudes, the frequency of code-

29Bhatia, T.K.,& Ritchie, W.C. Social and Psychological Factors in Language Mixing. In W.C Ritchie

and T.K. Bhatia(eds.), Handbook of Bilingualism. Blackwell Publishing. 2004. P.344 30Bhatia, T.K.,& Ritchie, W.C. Social and Psychological Factors in Language Mixing. In W.C Ritchie

and T.K. Bhatia (eds.), Handbook of Bilingualism. Blackwell Publishing. 2004. P.345 31Bhatia, T.K.,& Ritchie, W.C. Social and Psychological Factors in Language Mixing. In W.C Ritchie

and T.K. Bhatia (eds.), Handbook of Bilingualism. Blackwell Publishing. 2004. P.348

mixing from bilinguals depends on whether a society considers code-mixing

positively or negatively.

Dominance also influenced the occurrence of code-mixing. As Genesee

said, the bilingual children will code-mix between the first language with the

second language, but they will incline use more the first language than the

second language. It caused they do not dominate the linguistic structure of the

second language.

So many people secure their selves by code-mix their language. To

avoid the disunion of people‟s relationship, they usually code-mixing their

language when they are angry and tired in order to interlocutors do not

understand what they mean. Also, bilinguals‟ security has to do with code-

mixing. That is, when bilinguals do not feel secure, they tend to mix

languages more32


Table of Motivation for language mixing

Participants Situational









social class, gender,

age, etc.)



private v/s


world, etc.









contrast, quotation,

paraphrase, message

qualification, deep-

rooted cultural

knowledge, topic-

comment, hedging,

language trigger

32Bhatia, T.K.,& Ritchie, W.C. Social and Psychological Factors in Language Mixing. In W.C Ritchie

and T.K. Bhatia (eds.), Handbook of Bilingualism. Blackwell Publishing. 2004. P.348

F. History of Anak Jaksel Language

In the last few days, mixes language “keminggris” has returned to the

social media scene. According to Bimo Wiwoho, a journalist Indonesia who also

likes history said Keminggris is “gaya berbahasa dengan mencampurkan kata

Bahasa inggris dalam kalimat berbahasa Indonesia. Dua Bahasa dicampur aduk

tanpa susunan kata yang jelas dalam satu kalimat”33

. Regarding this event,

young people in South Jakarta had become a sneer on social media. According

to those who make fun of south Jakarta people often interact with a westernized

style when communication. Young people Anak Jaksel are strongly suspected of

being the main speaker of the language “keminggris” a tendency of mixes

language to be known as code-mixing or code-switching in linguistic studies.

The phenomenon “keminggris” is not new. This symptom has emerged since the

1980s and is increasingly unstable. And the English language is increasingly

accepted as an international language.

There is an assumption that the use of English is more boast for speakers.

Educated officials and peoples feel great and intellect when inserting one or two

English terms, even though the term still has an equivalent in Indonesian.

Although natural “keminggris” is not a phenomenon is not born of space.

Several factors influence it:


yang terlupakan . Access on April 19th, 2019 at 05.12 am

The first is the social factors. Language reflects social group (age, class,

etc) and all changes in them. Young people in South Jakarta for example, are

born from middle to upper-income families and live in a cosmopolitan

environment. This social background opens up access to English language

media, international schools, and overseas tours. Is it possible for a resident

outside of South Jakarta to join with keminggris? Very likely, if numbers of key

factors (for example) are met. How has better access to economic resources and

control the increasing importance of local prijajis since the Dutch era?

Not only in Indonesia, cosmopolitan classes doing master the language

which at the time was regarded as the lingua franca. Before the English

language dominates in the world, French was used every day in the circle of

European aristocracy for Germany, Italy, Russian followed by the expansions of

French imperial territory in the 17 until 18s century.

The second factor is what is called a linguistic expert. Ad Backus as an

entrenchment (individual) and convention (habituation collectively in society)

public figures, including officials, contribute to all of them. In terms of the repair

process, they use English terms repeatedly on various occasions. The more

frequently used, the higher the like hood of a language being stored. In the

cognitive area of the brain and slowly shifting the mother tongue system. The

process is individual. However, when copied by many people, the habitual

process arises.

In this final stage, the terms in English are increasingly used by people,

and even become a lifestyle and are accepted as fitting, insofar as it has the

potential to become a new language style that replaces its own language.

Indonesian words can be used as matching English words slowly and rarely used

a finally ignored34

F. Review of Related Research

Code mixing in daily interaction in young people by social media

especially twitter user is never been researched by other people in advance. But,

the writer found some researches that talked about code-mixing from PDF.

First, the student from English Letter department, State Islamic University

of Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, in 2015. She is Aida Soraya with the title “The

Social Factors of Code-Mixing in Annisa Tour and Travel Agency’s

Ticketing Staffs Utterances”35

. This researcher analyzed about (1) what are the

types of code mixing that occur when Annisa Agency‟s Ticketing Staff use

tourism-specific jargon in their speech? (2) What are the social factors

motivating the code-mixing in Annisa Agency‟s. She uses musyken and Eunhee

kim theories. This study uses qualitative method. The result of Aida research

there are five sentences include in congruent lexicalization type, and two

sentences include insertion type. Whereas, some social factors motivating the

code-mixing in annisa agency‟s there are; four sentence which included in


March 19th, 2019 at 12.12 pm 35 Aida Soraya, “The Social Factors of Code-Mixing in Annisa Tour and Travel Agency‟s Ticketing

Staffs Utterances”, UIN Syarif Hidayahtullah Jakarta. 2015. P.2

participant role factor, two utterances which included in situational factor, one

utterance which included in message-intrinsic factor and two sentences identified

as dominance factor.

Second, the student in School of Teacher and Education in Muhammadiyah

University of Surakarta. This thesis published in 2014. He is Sutrismi with the

title: “The Use of Indonesian English Code-Mixing in Social Media

Networking (Facebook) by Indonesian Youngster”36

The researcher analyze

about (1) the types of code-mixing; (2) the reason of using code-mixing in social

media networking (Facebook) by Indonesian youngster. The researcher uses

suwito‟s theory to analyze about forms of code-mixing and hockett‟s theory to

analyze to reasons of using code-mixing. The researcher uses descriptive

qualitative method. The result of Sutrismi‟s research there are; six types of

linguistics forms of code-mixing consisting of 48 data of word (40 data single

word and 8 data compound words), 1 data of blending, 7 data to hybrid, 2 data of

word reduplication, 14 data of phrases and 4 data of clauses. Whereas to reason

of using code-mixing the researcher just found three reasons there are; need

filling motive, prestige filling motive, and the other reasons.

The last researcher is the research by Marisa Aqila the student of UIN STS

Jambi in 2017. Marisa talked about “Code-Mixing In Daily Conversation by

Female Students of Ma’had Al-Jami’ah in IAIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin”.

36 Dwi Ratnasari Lewi. “Code-Mixing Used by Indonesian Marine Affairs and Fisheries Minister Susi

Pudjiastuti As Seen In Mata Najwa February 11, 2015”. Santana Dharma University of Yogyakarta. 2016. P.9

The Formulation of the problem is (1) what are the forms of code-mixing

appearing in daily conversation, (2) what are the form of word mostly co de

mixing and (3) what the reason for using code-mixing in daily conversation by

female students of Ma‟had Al-Jami‟ah in IAIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin. The

method of the research that Marisa Aqila used in her research is the qualitative

resarch. And she used observation, interview, and documentation. Based on the

research, Marisa Aqila found in the form of code-mixing is between Indonesian,

English and Arabic language. And based on the result of the research, the writer

found forms of code-mixing that often appear in conversation by female students

of Ma‟had Al-Jami‟ah in IAIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin are Noun, Adjective and

verb and the forms of words mostly appear is a noun. And the last, some the

reason students used code-mixing is one of a rule in Ma‟had, environmental

factors and the lack of vocabulary of the conversation by female students of

Ma‟had Al-Jami‟ah in IAIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin.

Most of the preview research talked about the forms of code-mixing and

reasons of using it. The all researcher talked about code mixing. The equation of

my research with previous researchers is that we researched about the forms of

words and reasons for code-mixing. But it is different from another research

before because the writer using different theory and the objects and case studies

that are different from previous. In this research, code-mixing that happened is

between two languages English and Indonesian. The method of the research is

qualitative. And the formulation of the problem is the forms of code-mixing used

by Sheryl Sheinafia on her twitter account and the reasons for using code-mixing

by Sheryl‟s followers?



A. Design of Research

In this thesis, the writer uses descriptive qualitative research that is suitable

for the aim of this research. Qualitative research is descriptive form. The data

collected in the form of words as a descriptive explanation than a number. The

result of the research contains the screenshot tweets update from the data to

illustrate and substantive the presentation. Descriptive research is a research

which aims to describe a phenomenon accurately based on the characteristic of

research, where the data are analyzed through interpreting, not statistical

analysis. According to Denzin and Lincoln define:

“Qualitative research is multi method in focus, involving an interpretive,

naturalistic approach to its subject matter. This means that qualitative

researchers study thing in their natural settings, attempting to make sense

of or interpret phenomena in terms of the meanings people bring to them.

Qualitative research involves the studied use and collection of a variety of

empirical materials-case study, personal experience, introspective, life

story, interview, observational, historical, interactional, and visual texts-

that describe routine and problematic moments and meaning in individuals‟


From the quotation above qualitative research is a method in focus, the

sociolinguistic approach to it is the subject matter. It means that qualitative

researchers study things in their natural settings, attempting to make sense of or

37Denzin and Lincoln in John W. Creswell.Qualitative Inquiry And Research Design. United States of

America: California, 1997. p. 15

interpret phenomena in terms of the meanings people bring to them. Descriptive

Analysis is the transformation of raw data into a form that will make them easy

to understand and interpret; rearranging, ordering, and manipulating data to

generate descriptive information38


It means that qualitative research is analyzing descriptive data such as a

writer or spoken, at the person who is observed in this research, where qualitative

research also analyzing about the data from outside which the data still not


By using this qualitative research, the writer feels easy to analyze the

screenshot tweets update by Sheryl‟s twitter and comments column by her

followers. Based on those statements, it can be concluded that qualitative

research is analyzing descriptive data that is collected is in the form of the

situation of the natural object. Where descriptive data such as a writer or spoken,

by using qualitative research a researcher will have a rice answer about the

question in analyzing the problem about forms of code mixing used by Sheryl in

her twitter account and the reasons for using code-mixing by Sheryl‟s followers.

B. Source of the Data

The source of the data in this research will be taken from the screenshot of

tweets updated by Sheryl‟s twitter. This all post, tweet by Sheryl‟s Twitter and

comments column from Sheryl‟s twitter. The time duration from November 2018

38William G Zikmund. Research Methods seventh edition. South-Western. 2003. P. 2 39Martinis Yamin. MetodologiPenelitian Pendidikan dan SosialKualitatif dan Kuantitatif, Jakarta:

GaungPersada Press. 2009. p. 186

until February 2019. May contain mixed language between English and

Indonesian. And her followers also use mixed language in comments column on

Sheryl‟s Twitter. The writer only searches, record and interviews Sheryl‟s

followers who come from South Jakarta or Jaksel who participate in Sheryl‟s

comments column. The writer uses the screenshot tweets update and comments

column from Sheryl‟s twitter to find out the forms of code-mixing, and reason of

code-mixing from her twitter. So, the forms of the data are screenshot tweet and

comments column by Sheryl‟s twitter.

C. Technique of Data Collection

In other get the information in this research, writer uses library research.

According sugiyono stated “Teknik pengumpulan data merupakan langkah yang

paling strategis dalam penelitian, karena tujuan utama dari penelitian adalah

mendapatkan data. Teknik pengumpulan data dapat dilakukan dengan observasi

(pengamatan), interview (wawancara), kuesioner (angket), dokumentasi dan

gabungan keempatnya”.40

There are some techniques of data collecting likes:

interviews, observations, documents. In this research, the writer uses observation,

interview, and document to get the data from twitter especially twitter account by

Sheryl and comments column. Some steps of the technique of the data collection

will be done by the writer in this research, these are:

40Sugiono, Prof, Dr. Memahami Penelitian Kualitatif. Bandung: CV.Alfabeta. 2016. P.62

a) Observation

The writer observed by being a follower of Sheryl‟s twitter account and

the writer also followed the writer account of Sheryl‟s follower living in the

South Jakarta area. The object of this observation is Sheryl and the followers

of her twitter account who live in south Jakarta. The activities was taken

Sheryl upload/post/update on twitter account and Sheryl‟s followers' response

in south Jakarta.

The steps in observation in collecting data that the writer is doing are as


1) The writer chose uploads from Sheryl who used code-mixing.

2) Checks and sees comments from Sheryl‟s followers on the account in

the Sheryl update or upload.

3) Register the profile accounts of all Sheryl‟s followers who use code-

mixing to reply to Sheryl updates.

4) The last, the writer chose the profile account originating from south


b) Interview

In this section, the writer uses unstructured interview techniques. The

writer only asks an outline of the problem to be asked and the writer conducts

a free and unstructured interview. The writer do the interview via Direct

Message (DM).

The steps in the interview:

1) The writer follows the Sheryl twitter account and Sheryl‟s followers

who live in south Jakarta.

2) The writer starts to chat with the speaker via direct message (DM) on


3) After being responded, the writer asks basic questions such as name,

address, and the reason why he uses CM.

4) After completion, the writer says thank you to the speaker.

c) Document

Documentary data were taken in the form of uploaded screenshots and

columns from Sheryl and her Twitter followers. The steps to document data:

1) Takes a screenshot of the data

2) Save on Computer.

D. Technique of Data Analysis

Data analysis is the process of reducing large amounts of collected data to

make sense of them.41

According to Hanurawan said “Analisis data dalam

penelitian kulitatif adalah mnajement data mentah atau yang belum terstruktur

yang berasal dari data kuesioner kualitatif, wawancara kulaitatif, observasi

41Kawulich, Barbara B. Data Analysis Techniques In Qualitative Research. State University of West

Georgia. 2015. P. 97

kulaitatif, dat sekunder, refleksi tertulis, dan catatan lapangan ke dalam unit-unit

bermakna yang terstruktur menjadi satu kesatuan hasil penelitian”42

From the statement above can be concluded data analysis in qualitative

research means conducting organizations clearly, in detail to be concise

conclusion. This analysis also relates to the analysis of a text derived form data

transcripts and data transcripts derived from raw data obtained from the process

of observation, interview, document and others. The writer had several

techniques from the data analysis, to make this research more specific. In

qualitative research, technical analysis of the data, the writer uses a technique of

data analysis. Miles and Huberman stated three phases of analyzing data in

qualitative research43

, They are:

1. Data Reduction

Data reduction is an activity of summarizing, choosing the subject

matter and focusing on the important thing and looking for the theme and

pattern of problem44

. In this phase, the writer reduces the data that have

been collected, because there are several same descriptions of Code Mixing

used by anak Jaksel on Sheryl‟s and her followers which found out in

collecting data. Therefore, the writer needs to reduce and choose the data

that are important to be analyzed and arranged systematically so it is easy

to observe then.

42Hanurawan, Fattah. Metode Penenlitian Kulaitatif Untuk Ilmu Psikologi. Jakata: Rajawali Pers. 2016.

P. 123 43 Gunawan, Imam. Metode Penelitian Kualitatif Teori dan Praktek. Jakarta:Bumi Angkasa. 2013. P.210 44 Kaelan. Metode Penelitian Kualitatif Interdisipliner. Yogyakarta: Paradigma. 2012. P. 176

2. Data Display

Data display is an activity when the data information is grouped or

classified so that it eases to conclude the research45

. The process of the data

display can be grouped, category, classified and organized based on the

problem of research. In this phase, the writer classifies the data into two

form of code mixing. There are forms of word: noun, verb, and adjective

and phrase.

3. Conclusion/Verifying

Conclusion or verifying is the result of analyzing that answers the

research problem based on data analysis. The conclusion is presented in

description or in the form of sentences. This phase is last phase of research.

The writer concludes the result of analysis and the answer the formulation

of problem in the form of descriptive data.

45 Raco. Metode Penelitian Kualitatif. Jenis, Karakter dn Keunggulannya. Jakarta: PT.Grasindo. 2010.




In this section, the writer counts all data and will explain and analyze the

forms of code-mixing based on the forms of word classes such as noun, verb,

adjective, and phrase. After analyzing the forms of code-mixing, the writer interviews

the speakers of the research to find the why Sheryl‟s followers use code-mixing in a

comments column on Sheryl‟s twitter account.

A. The Forms of Code Mixing

Code mixing appears when the speaker mixed one language into another

language. Mostly, code-mixing appears in the conversation between the foreign

language and national language, or national language and traditional language. In

this case, Sheryl‟s tweets received comments from her followers from south

Jakarta. The writer found the forms of code-mixing uses by the Sheryl in her

twitter account.

1) Forms of word

The writer found three forms of word consisting of 11 data noun words,

4 verbs data, and 2 adjective data which can be seen as follows:

a. Noun

In some of Sheryl‟s uploads on her twitter account, she often uses code-

mixing between the Indonesian language and English. They use code-

mixing by using the noun. The writer showed some words that have the

position as a noun in English and it is combined with the Indonesian

language by Sheryl Sheinafia and her followers. The writer found 11 data

based on situations, they are

Situation 1

On the post-November 29,2018 at 9.36 am, Sheryl told her dream last

night about the look of her mobile phone look screen wallpaper installed

on her phone and when unlocking her face again.

Screenshot 146

Sheryl :mimpi buruk semalem: wallpaper lock screen hp ku,

muka sendiri.

/the last night is a nightmare.: my mobile phone lock

screen wallpaper, my own face/

trus pas di unlock.mukaakulagi.

/and then when I unlocked. my face again/

46 Twitter by@ sherylsheinafia. Posted at November 29th, 2018

Her follower :gue ampe skrg suka bingung sama org yg naroh poto

muka sendiri di lockscreen dan wallpaper hp nya

/I until now like being confused with people who put

their own face photo on the lock screen and wallpaper

their mobile phone.

From the Screenshot between Sheryl and her follower the writer can

find code-mixing between Indonesian and English language. Sheryl‟s

statement is “mimpi buruk semalem wallpaper lockscreen hp Ku, muka

sendiri. trus pas di unlock. muka aku lagi” is about Sheryl having a

nightmare because the wallpaper and lockscreen on her mobile phone are

her own face. Sheryl use English word on her tweet “wallpaper” and

“lockscreen”. Word of “wallpaper” have meaning is design or image as a

background on your computer or mobile phone. Meanwhile “lockscreen”

have meaning is “layar kunci” or a screen on a mobile phone / computer

use a password. In the part of speech, wallpaper and lock screen

included the noun. It can be seen the word wallpaper and lock screen is

the name of the thing. So the kind of code-mixing in this conversation is a


Situation 2

In this topic, Sheryl commented on Taylor‟s sweaty bangs when she

performed and one of Sheryl„s followers give respond if she had a picture

of her. These upload happen on January 4th, 2019 at 23.30 am.

Screenshot 247

Sheryl :Dipertengahan shownya juga aku kasian sm sis

@taylorswift13, kan disini ponian gitu rambutnya.

Terus suka bolong krn keringetan.

/In the middle of her show I feel sorry for sis

@taylorswift13, in the right here her hair is bangs and

likes holes because of sweat/

Her follower :ada pict nya?

/there is a picture?

Sheryl :nonton aja di Netflix ada kok.

/just watch it on Netflix/

From the situation, the writer can find code mixing between

Indonesian and English on tweets Sheryl by her twitter account. Sheryl„s

statement contained code-mixing such as “Dipertengahan shownya juga

aku kasian sm sis @taylorswift13 kan disini ponian gitu rambutnya.

Terus suka bolong krn keringetan” that means Sheryl watched the show

or performed stage from Taylor Swift and Sheryl see Taylor sweat bangs.

47 Twitter by@ sherylsheinafia. Posted at Januari 4th, 2019

The words of show in statement above have meaning “pertunjukan” or a

theatre performance or a television or radio program. Then her followers

commented on Sheryl‟s tweet. The statement is “ada pict nya?” is there

is a picture?. Context from a pict is a picture from Taylor. Word of

“picture” have meaning “gambar atau foto” or that shows a scene,

photography. In the part of speech, the word of picture and show included

of a noun. It can be seen the word picture is the name of the thing. So the

kind of code-mixing in this conversation is a noun.

Situation 3

Sheryl made a tweet if her allergies to squid on her twitter for the first

time after being verified. These upload happen on 29 January 29th, 2019

at 9.28 am.

Screenshot 348


Twitter by@ sherylsheinafia. Posted at Januari 29th, 2019

Sheryl :tweet pertama setelah verified:

/the first tweet after verified/

baru tau semalem kalo aku alergi sama cumi

/I only found out the last night, if I was allergic to


Her follower :abis di verified moga agak lebih sering ngetweetnya,

kan sayang udah verified tp di anggurin.

/after verified hopefully more frequent tweeting, it a

shame that after verified but it ignored/

From the screenshot between Sheryl and her followers, the writer

can find some code-mixing that contained nouns in the conversation

above between Indonesian and English language. Sheryl‟s statement is

“tweet pertama setelah verified” that means the first tweet after verified.

The words of “tweet” have meaning “kicauan” or a post on the social

media site twitter. In the part of speech, tweet included the noun. It can be

seen the word tweet is the name of the thing. So the kind of code-mixing

in this conversation is a noun.

Situation 4

Sheryl tells if the account h been as verified can choose to chat with

anyone who is also verified. And one of Sheryl‟s followers gives

commented if he also wants his account verified too. These uploads

happen on January 29th, 2019 at 9.30 am

Screenshot 449

Sheryl :Ternyata kalo verified, bisa pilih untuk ngobrol

sesama kasta verified. maafin aku, twitter

mention biasa….

/apparently if verified, can choose to chat fellow

verified caste.

forgive me, just regular twitter mention….

Her followers : oh ok cap jd gt ok.gue mau bikin video klarifikasi dulu

deh supaya viral, followers

banyak, AdSense naik, verified deh.

/I want making a clarification video first to be viral,

many followers, up AdSense and verified.

From the screenshot between Sheryl and her followers, the writer can

find some code mixing that contained noun in conversation above

between Indonesian and English language. Such as Sheryl‟s followers

statement “gue mau bikin video klarifikasi dulu dehh supaya

viral, followers banyak, AdSense naik, verified deh” that means he want

to make a video clarification to be viral, many followers, up AdSense and

the last his account are verified. The word of “followers” have meaning

“pengikut”or one who subscribes to a feed especially on social media.


Twitter by@ sherylsheinafia. Posted at Januari 29th, 2019

Meanwhile “AdSense” have meaning “iklan di situs web” or advertising

placement service by Google. In the part of speech followers,

and AdSense included of the noun. It can be seen AdSense is the name of

the thing. Otherwise, followers are the name of the person. So the kind of

code-mixing in this conversation is a noun.

Situation 5

In another upload, Sheryl overflowed her feeling about her picture

becoming a punching bag for many people. These upload happen on

February 22th 2019 at 9.55 am.

Screenshot 550

Sheryl :Lagi jadi punching bag banyak orang. Kamu paham

ga sih rasanya?

/become punching bag many people. Do you


50 Twitter by@ sherylsheinafia. Posted at Februari 22rd, 2019

From this situation, the writer can find code-mixing between

Indonesian and English such as “Lagi Jadi punching bag banyak orang”

that means Sheryl‟s share if her photo or picture used a punching bag to

many people. The words of punching bag have meaning “samsak tinju”

or a stuffed or inflated bag usually suspended for free movement and

punched for exercise or for training in boxing. In the part speech, the

punching bag included the noun. It can be seen the word punching bag is

the name of the thing. So the kind of code-mixing in this conversation is a


Situation 6

On February 24th, 2019 at 19.55 pm. Sheryl vented her annoyed feels

at a restaurant waiter who forgot her order.

Screenshot 651

Sheryl :Ternyata dia lupa...

/apparently, she forgot/

51 Twitter by@ sherylsheinafia. Posted at Februari 24th, 2019

tiba-tiba dating dengan Bahasa ini

/suddenly came with this language/

waiter: nih ya mba, silahkan diminum. udah ya..lanjut

dulu ya.. /waiter: this is sis, please enjoyed the drink.

enough ya.. continue first...OK sip

Her follower :What the hell. Itu Restonya waktu interview karyawan

pake earphone kali ya.

/What the hell. that is the restaurant employed

interview time use earphones at the time.

In this Screenshot, Sheryl and her followers used code-mixing. In

Sheryl‟s followers statement used noun. Such as Sheryl‟s statement “Itu

Restonya waktu interview karyawan pake earphone kali ya” that means

he opinions the restaurant when interview the waiter may be used

earphone. The words of interview have meaning “wawancara” or

meeting at which job applicant were asked question. And “earphone”

have meaning “alat dengar” or a device that converts electrical energy

into sound waves and is worn over or inserted into the ear. In the part of

speech, interview and earphone included of the noun. It can be seen the

word earphone is the name of the thing. So the kind of code-mixing in

this conversation is a noun.

Situation 7

On February 25th

2019 at 3.00 am. Sheryl posted a tweet on her twitter

account about uncomfortable feelings toward the attitude of a waiter in a

restaurant or café who served her order. And from that tweets, one of her

followers responded with ridicule sentence to her.

Screenshot 752

Sheryl :“Takut sama waiter judes, jadi langsung pulang deh”-

Sheryl, 03.00 WIB, Jakarta.

/Scared with curtly waiter, so go home immediately/”-

Sheryl, 03.00 am, Jakarta.

Her follower :Takut tapi tetap stay di tempatnya berjam-jam.

/Scared but stay in place for hours/

Hmm memang ya orang Indonesia kayak pacaran yang

udah tau toxic tapi tetap stay dengan alasan “nyaman”

/hmm indeed Indonesian people, like dating who

already know toxic but still stay with reason


From this Screenshot, Sheryl used code mixing in her statement, the

writer can find code mixing between Indonesian and English such as

“takut sama waiter judes” that means Sheryl scare to a curtly waiter.

The words of Waiter have meaning “pelayan” or person whose job is to

serve customers at their tables in a restaurant. In the part of speech the

52 Twitter by@ sherylsheinafia. Posted at Februari 25th, 2019

word waiter include of noun. It can be seen the word Waiter is the name

of person. So the form of code mixing in this conversation is noun.

b. Verb

Verb is very important to form of sentence. One sentence at least

should be contained of one subject and one verb. In the case, the writer

found 4 data about verb word by Sheryl update on her twitter account, the

writer could find code mixing between Indonesian language and English

as verb form. The words are:

Situation 8

These tweets happen on November 29th

2018 at 9.36 am.

Screenshot 853

53 Twitter by@ sherylsheinafia. Posted at November 29th, 2018

Sheryl :mimpi buruk semalem: wallpaper lockscreen hp ku,

muka sendiri.

/the last night is night mare.: my mobile phone

lockscreen wallpaper, my own face/

trus pas di unlock. muka aku lagi.

/and then when I unlocked. my face again/

Her follower :gue ampe skrg suka bingung sama org yg naroh poto

muka sendiri di lockscreen dan wallpaper hp nya

/I until now like being confused with people who put

their own face photo on lockscreen and wallpaper their

mobile phone

From the screenshot, the writer can find code mixing between

Indonesian and English language. Such as Sheryl‟s statement “trus pas di

unlock. muka aku lagi” that means after she unlock her mobile phone,

apparently her face again. The word of unlock have meaning “membuka

kunci” or to enter a password or number in order to be able to use a

mobile phone. In the part of speech, unlock included of verb. So the kind

of code mixing in this conversation is verb.

Situation 9

These tweets happen on January 29th

2019 at 9.28 am.

Screenshot 9


54Twitter by@ sherylsheinafia. Posted at Januari 29th, 2019

Sheryl :tenyata kasta verified terlalu jaim. ga bisa akutu….

/apparently verified caste, too much. I cannot/

Her follower :jan jaim…plis upload lagi makan ikan asin..

/do not be cool… please upload more eating salted fish/

From the Screenshot above between Sheryl and her followers, the

writer can find some code mixing that contained verb in conversation

above between Indonesian and English language. Such as Sheryl‟s

followers statement “jan jaim…plis upload lagi makan ikan asin” that

means Sheryl‟s followers advised her to not keep the attitude and he

asked that Sheryl upload a video about eating salted fish. The words of

upload have meaning “Unggah” or to copy or move programs or

information to a larger computer system or to the internet. In the part of

speech, upload included of verb. So the kind of code mixing in this

conversation is verb.

Situation 10

These uploads happen on January 29th

2019 at 9.30 am

Screenshot 1055


Twitter by@ sherylsheinafia. Posted at Januari 29th, 2019

Sheryl :Ternyata kalo verified, bisa pilih untuk ngobrol

sesame kasta verified. maafin aku, twitter mention


/apparently if verified, can choose to chat fellow

verified caste. forgive me, just regular twitter


Her followers :oh ok capt jd gt ok.

gue mau bikin video klarifikasi dulu dehh supaya viral,

followers banyak, AdSense naik, verified deh.

/I want making a clarification video first to be viral,

many followers, up AdSense and than verified.

From the conversation between Sheryl and her followers, the writer

can find code mixing that contained verb in conversation above between

Indonesian and English language. Such as Sheryl‟s statement “Ternyata

kalo verified, bisa pilih untuk ngobrol sesame kasta verified. maafin aku,

twitter mention biasa” that means If the account has been verified, we can

choose to chat with fellow accounts that have been verified too. The

words of verified have meaning “verifikasi” or prove that something exist

or is true or to make certain that something is correct. The word of

verified came from of verify. In the part of speech, verified included of

verb. So the kind of code mixing in this conversation is verb.

Situation 11

These uploads happen on February 25th

2019 at 3.00 am.

Screenshot 1156

Sheryl :“Takut sama waiter judes, jadi langsung pulang deh”-

Sheryl, 03.00 WIB, Jakarta.

/Scared with bitchy waiter, so go home immediately/”-

Sheryl, 03.00 am, Jakarta.

Her follower : Takut tapi tetap stay di tempatnya berjam-jam.

/Scared but stay in place for hours/

Hmm memang ya orang Indonesia kayak pacaran yang

udah tau toxic tapi tetap stay denganalasan “nyaman”

/hmm indeed Indonesian people, like dating who

already know toxic but still stay with reason


From this Screenshot above, Sheryl‟s follower used code mixing in his

statement such as “Takut tapi tetap stay di tempatnya berjam-jam” that

means Sheryl‟s followers said Scared but stay in place for hours. The

words of stay have meaning “tinggal” or live in a place temporarily as a


Twitter by@ sherylsheinafia. Posted at Februari 25th, 2019

guest or visitor. In the part of speech the word stay include of verb. So the

form of code mixing in this conversation is verb.

c. Adjective

In fact, there are code mixing by using adjective those uttered by

Sheryl and her followers. In this case, the writer found 2 data using

adjective word in Sheryl‟s twitter account such as:

Situation 12

These upload happen on January 29th

2019 at 9.30 am.

Screenshot 1257

Sheryl :Ternyata kalo verified, bisa pilih untuk ngobrol

sesama kasta verified. maafin aku, twitter mention


/apparently if verified, can choose to chat fellow

verified caste. forgive me, just regular twitter


Her followers :oh ok capt jd gt ok.

gue mau bikin video klarifikasi dulu dehh supaya viral,

followers banyak, AdSense naik, verified deh.


Twitter by@ sherylsheinafia. Posted at Januari 29th, 2019

/I want making a clarification video first to be viral,

many followers, up AdSense and than verified.

From the screenshot above between Sheryl and her followers, the

writer can find code mixing between Indonesian and English language.

Such as Sheryl‟s statement “gue mau bikin video klarifikasi dulu dehh

supaya viral,” that means so that his account is verified, he want to mak a

viral video. According to Oxford dictionary viral have meaning “virus”

in this context word “viral” has meaning of “being popular” especially

on the internet. In the part of speech, viral included of adjective. So the

kind of code mixing in this conversation is adjectives.

Situation 13

These upload happen on February 25th

2019 at 3.00 am.

Screenshot 13


Sheryl :“Takut sama waiter judes, jadi langsung pulang deh”-

Sheryl, 03.00 WIB, Jakarta.

/Scared with bitchy waiter, so go home immediately/”-

Sheryl, 03.00 am, Jakarta.

Her follower :Takut tapi tetap stay di tempatnya berjam-jam.


Twitter by@ sherylsheinafia. Posted at Februari 25th, 2019

/Scared but stay in place for hours/

Hmm memang ya orang Indonesia kayak pacaran yang

udah tau toxic tapi tetap stay dengan alasan “nyaman”

/hmm indeed Indonesian people, like dating who

already know toxic but still stay with reason


From this Screenshot above, Sheryl‟s follower used code mixing in his

statement such as “kayak pacaran yang udah tau toxic tapi tetap stay

dengan alasan nyaman” that means Sheryl follower equate Sheryl‟s

waiting in a resto or café like a relationship. The word of toxic have

meaning “racun” or very unpleasant or unacceptable. In the part of

speech the word toxic include of adjective. So the form of code mixing in

this conversation is adjectives.

2. Form of Phrase

The writer found only 2 phrase data in forms of phrase which can be seen

as follows:

Situation 14

Sheryl tells if the account has been as verified can choose to chat with

anyone who is also verified. And one of Sheryl‟s followers gives

commented if he also wants his account verified too. These uploads

happen on January 29th, 2019 at 9.30 am

Screenshot 1459

Sheryl :Ternyata kalo verified, bisa pilih untuk ngobrol

sesama kasta verified. maafin aku, twitter

mention biasa….

/apparently if verified, can choose to chat fellow

verified caste.

forgive me, just regular twitter mention….

Her followers :oh ok cap jd gt ok.gue mau bikin video klarifikasi dulu

dehh supaya viral, followers

banyak, AdSense naik, verified deh.

/I want making a clarification video first to be viral,

many followers, up AdSense and than verified.

From the screenshot between Sheryl and her followers, the writer can

find some code mixing that contained phrase in conversation above

between Indonesian and English language. Such as Sheryl‟s statement

“maafin aku, twitter mention biasa” that means Sheryl can only use

twitter mention regular. Twitter mention has meaning “menyebutkan

atau menandai”. On twitter, “twitter mention” begins with using “@”.

So, if the tweet is added with the character @username someone or


Twitter by@ sherylsheinafia. Posted at Januari 29th, 2019

something, then the tweet will be stored on the page the user specified. So

the kind of code-mixing in this conversation is a phrase.

Situation 15

These uploads happen on February 24th, 2019 at 19.55 pm.

Screenshot 1560

Sheryl :Ternyata dia lupa...

/apparently, she forgot/

tiba-tiba datang dengan Bahasa ini

/suddenly came with this language/

waiter: nih ya mba, silahkan diminum. udah ya..lanjut

dulu ya.. /waiter: this is sis, please enjoyed the drink.

enough ya.. continue first...OK sip

Her follower :What the hell. Itu Restonya waktu interview karyawan

pake earphone kali ya.

/What the hell. that is the restaurant employed

interview time use earphones at the time.

In this screenshot above, Sheryl and her followers using code-mixing.

In Sheryl‟s follower statement used phrase. The word came from the


Twitter by@ sherylsheinafia. Posted at Februari 24th, 2019

Indonesian language mixed with the English language. Sheryl‟s follower

statement “What the hell. Itu Restonya waktu interview karyawan

pake earphone kali ya.” that means Sheryl‟s follower do not believe that

employees are rude to their customers and she blames those restaurant when

interviewing employees. Phrase What the hell have meaning “apa-apaan ini”

or like I cannot believe anybody can do something that stupid. So the kind of

code-mixing in this conversation is a phrase.

From of the analysis above, it can be concluded that the use of the form of

CM consists 11 data from tweets by Sheryl and her follower used code mixing in the

kind of Noun, 6 data from tweets by Sheryl and her follower used code mixing in the

kind of verb and 2 data from tweets by Sheryl and her follower used code mixing in

the kind of adjective. The writer uses theory from Bhatia and Ritchie about form of

CM based on the form of word / part of speech. Based on this theory a lot of data

using nouns word rather than verb and adjective.

B. Reason of using Code Mixing

The functions of code-mixing that are categorized by some scientist. Those

classification can be supported to notice code mixing occurring. This study

focuses on Bhatia and Richie theory about reason of using code mixing. There are

4 reasons of using code mixing, but the writer only found 3 reasons for using

code-mixing by Sheryl‟s followers. The writer has done interview to some of

resource persons involved of this research to find the reason for using code-

mixing by Sheryl‟s followers which can be seen below:

1. Dominance Attitude

Dominance attitude is how often people mix or switch their language

depends on how much they mastering those language. It means that, the more

they mastering those language the more often they mix or switch their


According to Bagas @muhbagase (he is Sheryl‟s follower from Jaksel)

he said about reason of using code-mixing “supaya lebih simple aja sih

menurutku”. It mean, so it is simple in my opinion. According Sam Wibowo

@samawibowo (he is Sheryl‟s follower from Jaksel) said “untuk

mempermudah pembahasan” it means to facilitate discussion.

As stated by Safriadi @sjafriesastra he said the reason for using code-

mixing because “kadang ada beberapa phrase yang enak diucapin dalam

Bahasa inggris. It means that sometimes there are some phrases that are good

to say in English. This stated that he used code-mixing because he was

influenced by English phrases that were more pleasant to say than Indonesian


According to Diki @dikifthr (he is Sheryl‟s follower from Jaksel) said

“biar gampang dan cepat, karena ada beberapa Bahasa Indonesia yang

kepanjangan jadi kalo dicampur English lebih singkat” it means that so it is

easy and fast because there are several Indonesian language that are too long,

so if mix with English it is shorter. From the statement on Diki above he uses

code-mixing because to shorten the language that will be said or expressed.

From the statement above, bilingual actors in South Jakarta/ Jaksel use

code-mixing with the reason to facilitate ongoing discussions between fellow

bilingual actors. They use this only for social group among fellow south

Jakarta/Jaksel people.

2. Language Attitude

Other factors such as individual and social attitude, language dominance

and linguistic security determine the qualitative and quantitative properties of

language mixing. Based on differences in language attitudes, a person can

unconsciously mix or switch language due to the reflex. Consequently, they

use code-mixing or switching unknowing.

According to Dinar @dinarpenggabean (she is Sheryl‟s follower from

Jaksel) she said, “karena merasa nyaman jadi keterusan. ga sadar tiba-tiba

udah ada selipan Bahasa asing gitu”. In other word, because the feel

comfortable so that continuity. unconscious, suddenly there was a foreign

language insert. According Yea @callmeyea (she is Sheryl‟s follower from

Jaksel) she said “kalo aku pribadi karena lebih mudah, kadang dapat Bahasa

inggris duluan dari Bahasa indonesianya”. It means, if I personally because it

is easier, sometimes get English first than Indonesian language.

From the statement above, it can be concluded that the speaker is unaware

of the choice of words to expressed. They do it unconsciously and reflexively

in it is delivery message.

From the analysis above, it can be concluded that the use of the reason for

using code-mixing consist 6 sample speakers from south Jakarta/Jaksel from Sheryl‟s

followers. The writer uses theory from Bhatia and Ritchie about Reason and

motivation for Language mixing. Based on this theory the speakers have different

reasons, namely language attitude and dominance attitude.



After analyzing the data, the writer continued to the conclusion and

suggestion. The conclusion is drawn based on the statement of the problems while

suggestion is given for the next researcher who are interested in doing same field of

the study.

A. Conclusion

1. After collecting all the data, the writer found 17 Sentence that contain code

mixing. By using Bhatia and Ritchie theory, the writer found that there were

three forms of word that occurred in the sentence from Sheryl upload and

comments column. There are 11 data of noun, 4 data of verb, and 2 data of

adjective. And last 2 data of phrase.

2. In order to answer the second problem, the writer still used Bhatia and Ritchie

theory about the reason for using code mixing. The writer found that there are

only three reasons of four reasons stated by Bhatia and Ritchie theory from

data interview from Sheryl‟s followers. Such as: (a) Dominance attitude and

(b) Language Attitude.

From this research, the writer concluded that the existence of social media in

the present age can influence one‟s language acquisition. This can happen because of

influence of the language used, seen, and heard by someone especially from the artist

or public figure in communicating in daily life. So, it can be followed by everyone.

B. Suggestion

The readers especially for linguistics leaners are hoped to continue the

analysis of code-mixing, not only in social media but also in the other wide

situation in society bilingual, because in the writer opinion, code-mixing is one

of the unique phenomena appeared from people‟s social life.

By referring to this research, it also hoped there will be the leaners who

will analyze further about the code-mixing which occur social media especially

twitter, not only analyze the forms of code-mixing and reason for using code-

mixing, but also analyze the other sides of linguistics.

The last, this research are expected to be useful to sharpen the reader‟s

understanding about code-mixing especially in forms of code-mixing and reasons

for using code-mixing based on Bhatia and Ritchie theory.


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Some screenshot tweets that related to the formulation of the problem in the

Sheryl Sheinafia Twitter account and comments columned by her followers such as:








This below is the conversation between the writer and the speakers from south Jakarta

who is Sheryl‟s followers.


NAME : Dinar @ Dinarpengabean


NAME : Sam A. Wibowo (@samawibowo)


NAME : Sjafrie Sastra (@SafrieSastra)


NAME : Diki Fathurahman (@dikifthr)


NAME : Yea (@callmeyea)


NAME : Bagas (@mubagase)



Nama : Diana Kartini

Tempat, Tanggal Lahir : Jambi, 1 Juni 1996

Status Perkawinan : Single

Jenis Kelamin : Perempuan

Agama : Islam

Alamat : Perumnas Aurduri Indah Blok B.291 RT.15

Kel. Penyengat Rendah, Kec. Telanaipura

Kota Jambi

No.Ponsel : 0831-7113-0951

E-mail : [email protected]


SD NEGERI 120/IV Kota Jambi 2002-2008

SMP NEGERI 19 Kota Jambi 2008-2011

SMK NEGERI 1 Kota Jambi 2011-2014

Universitas Islam Negeri Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin 2014-2019



Pengadilan Tinggi Jambi Januari – Februari 2012

Kejaksaan Negeri Jambi Agustus – Oktober 2013