1 p COLEGIO DE BACHILLERES PLANTEL 14 MILPA ALTA “FIDENCIO VILLANUEVA ROJAS” Guía de estudio para presentar el examen de recuperación de: Ingles V Clave 501 Nombre del alumno: ___________________________________________ Matrícula RECOMENDACIONES No olvides entregar la Guía de estudio resuelta al profesor aplicador del examen. Presentarse al examen 10 minutos antes en el salón. Mostrar Credencial Escolar y Comprobante de Inscripción al examen.

COLEGIO DE BACHILLERES PLANTEL 14 MILPA ALTA “FIDENCIO ... · Sustantivos contables e incontables Los sustantivos contables son los que pueden imaginarse en unidades individuales

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Guía de estudio para presentar el examen de recuperación de:

Ingles V

Clave 501

Nombre del alumno:




No olvides entregar la Guía de estudio resuelta al profesor aplicador del examen. Presentarse al examen 10 minutos antes en el salón. Mostrar Credencial Escolar y Comprobante de Inscripción al examen.


El verbo "must" se usa para expresar necesidad y obligación. Se

traduce como deber. Funcionan así:


Sujeto+ must


I +must +go

Yo +debo +ir.


must+ Sujeto


Must you +drive?

¿Debes tú +conducir?


Sujeto+ must+not


He mustn't +swim.

Él no debe +nadar.

Conjugación del verbo must.


I must talk. Yo debo hablar.

You must talk. Tú debes hablar.

He must talk. Él debe hablar.

She must talk. Ella debe hablar.

It must talk. Cosa debe hablar.

We must talk. Nosotros debemos hablar.

You must talk. Vosotros debéis hablar.

They must talk. Ellos deben hablar.


I mustn't talk. Yo no debo hablar.

You mustn't talk.. Tú no debes hablar.

He mustn't talk.. Él no debe hablar.

She mustn't talk.. Ella no debe hablar.

It mustn't talk.. Cosa no debe hablar.

We mustn't talk.. Nosotros no debemos hablar.

You mustn't talk.. Vosotros no debéis hablar.

They mustn't talk.. Ellos no deben hablar.


Must I talk? ¿Debo yo hablar?

Must you talk? ¿Debes tú hablar?

Must he talk? ¿Debe él hablar?

Must she talk? ¿Debe ella hablar?

Must it talk? ¿Debe cosa hablar?

Must we talk? ¿Debemos nosotros hablar?


Must you talk? ¿Debéis vosotros hablar?

Must they talk? ¿Deben ellos


A) Ejercicio 1. Completa las oraciones con must o mustn’t.

1. You ____________ cross the road without looking. It’s dangerous.

2. The exam is next week. I ____________ revise.

3. You ____________ forget your umbrella. It’s going to rain.

4. We ____________ stay here any longer. We must go to the

station right now or we’ll miss our train.

5. You ____________ learn to swim before you go sailing.

6. I ____________ phone John tonight. I have not spoken to him for

a long time.

Uso de ‘have to’ Se usa ‘have to’ para expresar obligación en inglés. Su uso es muy

frequente. Abajo están las reglas y unos consejos para usarlo

correctamente. Despues hay un ejercicio con las respuestas para


SE FORMA: con have to + el verbo infinitivo: ver las diferentes

formas abajo.


I have to

You have to

He/she/it has to

We have to

They have to


I don´t have



You don´t have to

He/she/it doesn´t have to

We don´t have to

They don´t have to


Do you have to?

Does he/she/it have to?

Do we have to?

Do they have to?


I have to work everyday. (tengo que trabajar todos los días)

I don´t have to work everday. ( no tengo que trabajar todos los


Do you have to work everyday? (¿tienes que trabajar todos los



Para decir que algo es necesario.

Tips (Consejos)

Si el sujeto es he/she/it se usa has en vez de have excepto en

preguntas y negativos.


He has to work everyday. (tiene que trabajar todos los días)

negativo : He doesn´t have to work everyday. (no tiene que

trabajar todos los días).

Para preguntas se usa el verbo auxilliar do or does +sujeto +

have to

+ verbo infinitivo


Do you have to work everyday? (¿Tienes que trabajar todos los


Does he have to work everyday?(¿Tiene que trabajar todos los



B) Completa estas frases con la forma correcta de ‘have to’

para expresar obligación.

1. Doctors …………………………………….. (treat people).

2. Teachers…………………………………….(be very patient).

3. A secretary …………………………………..(be organised).

4. Postmen/women……………………………………..(deliver letters).

5. Sportsmen/women……………………..(train very hard).

C) Ahora escribir estas frases en negativo.

1. He has to work in a


2. I have work on


3. They have to study a lot……………………………………………………………….

D) Ahora escribir las frases arriba en forma interrogativo.

1. ………………………………………………………in a bank?

2. …………………………………………………….. on Saturdays?

3. ………………………………………………………a lot?

E) Fill in the blanks with affirmative or negative forms

of must or have to & has to.

1. It's raining outside. Tim ___________ take his umbrella.

2. I can give you my car, so you ___________ buy a new one.

3. They __________ be in a hurry, because they have got more than

enough time.

4. You _______________ stop at the red light.

5. Tomorrow is Sunday. You ___________ get up very early.

6. Mrs. Parks can't see very well. She ___________ wear glasses.

7.You __________ return them. They are too small for you.

8. I am broke, I ___________ borrow some money to buy a car.

9. You ___________ stop smoking. It is very harmful.


10. Mr. Dickson is travelling abroad this summer, so he ________ get his

passport soon.

11. All the students ____________ obey the school rules.

12. It's freezing outside, so we _____________ take a taxi and not walk.

13. Students __________ look at their notes during the test.

14. I have a terrible headache, so I ______________ leave early.

15. Snow has blocked the roads. We ___________ stay here until it's


Dar órdenes en inglés: el imperativo

El modo imperativo se utiliza principalmente para dar órdenes,

aunque podemos encontrar otros usos, como:

- pedir favores: Pásame la sal - Pass me the salt

- dar consejos: Llévate un paragüas - Take an umbrella

- dar instrucciones: Gira a la derecha - Turn right

- advertencias: Lleva cuidado - Be careful

- expresiones del tipo: Que tengas un buen viaje - Have a good trip!




El modo imperativo en inglés se forma omitiendo el sujeto y

poniendo el verbo en infinitivo sin to. Tiene una única forma tanto

para singular como para plural.

Ej: Run - corre (tú), corra (usted), corran (ustedes)

Wait! - espera (tú), espere (usted), esperen (ustedes)

Hurry up - date prisa (tú), dese prisa (usted), dense prisa



Para formar el imperativo en la forma negativa bastará con omitir el

sujeto y poner "don't" + verbo en infinitivo sin to.

Ej: Don't run - No corras, no corra , no corran

Don't move - No te muevas, no se mueva no se muevan

Vocabulario relacionado con alimentos.

Algunas palabras relacionadas con la comida (food) son: baked

potatoes-patatas o papas al horno; cheese-queso; cheeseburger-

hamburguesa de queso;dessert-postre; french fries-papas fritas (de

cocina); lasagne-lasaña; macaroni-macarrones; mashed potatoes-

puré de papas; mayonnaise-mayonesa.

Algunas palabras relacionadas con meats and poultry (carnes y

aves) son: beef-carne de res; beef steak-filete de ternera; brains-

sesos; chicken-pollo; fried chicken-pollo frito; ground meat-carne

molida; ham-jamón¸kidneys-riñones; turkey ham-jamón de pavo.

Algunas palabras relacionadas con las bebidas (beverages) son: can

of coke-lata de coca-cola; champagne-champán; cider-sidra; coffee-

café; pineapple juice-jugo de piña; red wine-vino tinto; tea-té; tomato

juice-jugo de tomate; white wine-vino blanco; wine-vino.

Algunas especias y condimentos (spices and seasonings) son:

basil-albahaca, brine-salmuera; capers-alcaparras; cinnamon-canela;

clove-clavo de olor; cumin-comino; fennel-hinoj; garlic-ajo.


Algunas frutas (fruits) son: apple-manzana; blackberry-mora; cherry-

cereza; strawberries-fresas; coconuts-cocos; fig-higo; grapes-uvas;

lime-lima; peaches-duraznos.

Algunos vegetales (vegetables) son: lettuce-lechuga; asparagus-

espárrago; beans-frijoles;beet-remolacha; bell pepper-pimiento morrón,

broad beans-habas; cabbage-col; cauliflower-coliflor.

Sustantivos contables e incontables

Los sustantivos contables son los que pueden imaginarse en

unidades individuales separadas (one car, two coins, three

machines) y los incontables necesitan de otra palabra para poder

expresar cantidad (a lot of water / mucha agua).

Características de los sustantivos contables:

• Se pueden contar.

• Tienen una forma singular y otra plural.

• Se pueden utilizar números delante de ellos para expresar su

cantidad. Se pueden utilizar artículos indeterminados (a/an)

delante de ellos.

Ejemplos de sustantivos contables:


Forma plural: coins

Es correcto decir 3 coins. También, es correcto decir a Coin


Forma plural: hamburguers

Es correcto decir 5 hamburguers. También, es correcto decir a



Forma plural: pennies

Es correcto decir 30 pennies. También, es correto decir decir a



¿Qué son los sustantivos incontables?

Las palabras como azúcar y dinero son incontables en español,

puesto que no podemos decir “dos azúcares”, “tres dineros”.

En inglés también vas a encontrar palabras que no son contables.

Veamos los siguientes ejemplos:


• No tienen forma plural.

• No se pueden contar.

• No pueden usarse con los artículos indeterminados (a/an) delante

de ellos.

• Siempre usan el verbo en singular.

Algunos ejemplos de sustantivos incontables:

Flour (harina):


Forma plural: se dice flour

No se puede decir flours / no es correcto decir 3 flours / no es

correcto decir a flour.

Milk (leche):

Forma plural: se dice milk

No se puede decir milks / no es correcto decir 5 milks / no es

correcto decir a milk.

"Many" y "few":

Generalmente se emplea "many" (mucho) y "few" (poco), con

sustantivos que se pueden contar:

• Do you have many CDs? = ¿Tienes muchos CDs?

No, I have few CDs. = No, tengo pocos CDs.

• Does he have many brothers? = ¿Tiene él muchos hermanos?

No, he has few brothers. = No, él tiene pocos hermanos.


Se emplea con los sustantivos incontables y también con el

plural de los sustantivos contables, en frases afirmativas.


• I have some milk. (no contable)

• He has some biscuits. (plural)


Se utiliza para sustantivos incontables y con el plural de los

contables, en frases negativas y en preguntas.


• Have we got any sugar? (incontable)

• Are there any chairs? (plural)

F) Escribe countable o uncountable de acuerdo a la letra en negritas.

1. I don't like milk. Uncountable.

2. I prefer tea. ____________

3. She loves chocolate cookies. _____________

4. My mother uses butter to prepare cakes. ___________

5. There are a lot of windows in our classroom. ____________


6. We need some glue to fix this vase. _____________

7. The waiters in this restaurant are very professional. __________

8. My father drinks two big glasses of water every morning. ______

9. The bread my mother prepares is delicious. ______________

10. Drivers must be careful; the road is slippery. __________

Diferencias entre much y many

‘Much’ se utiliza cuando estamos hablando de un sustantivo


Se usa para cosas que puedes contar.

‘Many’ se utiliza cuando estamos hablando de un sustantivo plural.

Se usa para cosas que se pueden contar.

G) Escribe much OR many

1. - How _____ Euros do you have on you?

2. - How _____was the car?

3. - He has to _____ problems.

4. - She is in so _____trouble.

5. - They have been to _______ concerts.

6. - How _____eggs do you need for the cake?

7.-How _______ candles do you need for the cake?

8.-How ________ bedrooms are there in the apartment?

9.-How _______ apartments are there in the building?

10.-How _______ is this bunch of roses?

11.-How _______ water do you need to fill a bucket?

12.-How _______ does it cost?

H) Look at the words and select them into the right category


water – bread – lemons – chocolate – sugar – tea – milk – oranges-

cheese – coffee – eggs –grapes – a bar of chocolate - chicken –

butter – a loaf of bread – peach – a cup of tea – honey

Countable Uncountable






________________________ ________________________
















Cooking verbs



How do you prepare an omelett of potatoe

Ingredients for four people

1 kg of potatoes

1 big onion

8 eggs

Extra virgin olive oil


I) Coloca los verbos segùn corresponda.

peel, dice, put, chop, removing, prepare, add, cook, mixture, turn

______ the onion and the potatoes. _____ the onion into very small

pieces and _____ it in a large pot with a lot of oil._____ the potatoes

into slices in a pot. Fry everything on a medium heat, _________

from the hob from time to time, until the potatoes are fully cooked

and golden brown. __________ two recipients, add the four eggs

and beat. Then _____ half of the chopped potatoes and onions. Coat

a frying pan with a little oil. _______ the egg _______ on a high

setting and then later turn the heat down. _______ the tortilla so

that it is browned on either side and serve hot. (Repeat this process

to make the second omelette).

Expresiones útiles para viajar en inglés

Can I help you? Puedo ayudarlo.

• I'd like to book a trip to Berlin: Me gustaría reservar un viaje a Berlín

• Travel agency: agencia de viajes

• What time is the next train to London?: ¿A qué hora sale el próximo

tren para Londres?

• This flight has been cancelled: Este vuelo ha sido cancelado This

flight has been delayed: Este vuelo se ha retrasado How long does

the journey take?: ¿Cuánto dura el viaje?

• Single ticket: billete de ida


• Return ticket: billete de ida y vuelta

• Fare: precio del billete

• Departures: salidas

• Arrivals: llegadas


• Double room: habitación doble Single room: habitación individual

Hostel: albergue.


Be going to es un tiempo que usamos en inglés para hablar del

futuro y se traduce por "ir a (hacer algo)". Ej: voy a comprar,

vamos a vender, va a invitar....



sujeto + verbo to be (conjugado en presente) + going to + verbo

I am going to buy a car (yo voy a comprar un coche)

She is going to buy a car (ella va a comprar un coche)

They are going to buy a car (ellos van a comprar un coche)

Negativas sujeto + verbo to be en negativo (conjugado en

presente) + going to + verbo

I am not going to buy a car (yo no voy a comprar un coche)

She isn't going to buy a car / She is not going to buy a car (ella no

va a comprar un coche)

They aren't going to buy a car / They are not going to buy a car (ellos

no van a comprar un coche)

Interrogativas verbo to be (conjugado en presente) +

sujeto + going to + verbo

Are you going to buy a car? (¿Vas a comprar un coche?)

Is she going to buy a car? (¿Va a comprar un coche?)

Are they going to buy a car? (¿Van a comprar un coche?)


1. Para expresar decisiones meditadas con anterioridad, planes o

intenciones futuras. Cuando decimos "I am going to do something"

(voy a hacer algo) quiere decir que hemos decidido hacerlo,

nuestra intención es hacerlo.


Tomorrow I'm going to visit my aunt. (mañana voy a visitar a mi tía)

We're going to buy a car next month (nos vamos a comprar un coche

el mes que viene )

2. Cuando vemos que algo va a pasar porque es muy evidente

(predicciones basadas en lo que uno ve)

Look at the sky. It's going to rain (mira el cielo. Va a llover)

(hay nubes negras = lluvia)

It's ten o'clock and you're not ready. You're going to be late. (son

las 10 y no estás lista. Vas a llegar tarde)

J) Escribe las palabras en el orden correcto.

1. (that/she/computer/going/to/isn’t/buy)


2. (he/his/visit/aunt/going/is/to)


3. (tonight/dance/we/to/are/going)


4. (finish/they/are/soon/to/going?)


5. (next/Chile/to/going/to/he/week/travel/is)


k) Reescribe las oraciones en negativo.

1. I´m going to see you tomorrow. ______________________

2. He´s going to visit her next week. _____________________

3. They´re going to eat out tonight. ______________________

4. She´s going to leave for Europe on Monday. ______________

5. It´s going to rain today. ______________________

L) Contesta usando respuestas cortas.

1. Is she going to wait me after the show?__________________

2. Am I going to get up early tomorrow? ___________________

3. Is it going to rain today? ______________________


4. Are you going to study to be a lawyer? __________________

5. Are we going to stay home tonight? ____________________

M) Read and choose the correct answer.

One day Nasreddin went to town to buy new clothes. First he tried on

a pair of trousers. He didn't like the trousers, so he gave them back to

the shopkeeper. Then he tried a robe which had the same price as the

trousers. Nasreddin was pleased with the robe, and he left the shop.

Before he climbed on his donkey to ride home, the shopkeeper and the

shop-assistant ran out.

"You didn't pay for the robe!" said the shopkeeper.

"But I gave you the trousers in exchange for the robe, didn't I?" replied


"Yes, but you didn't pay for the trousers, either!" said the shopkeeper.

"But I didn't buy the trousers," replied Nasreddin. "I am not so stupid

as to pay for something which I never bought."

1. How did Nasreddin get to the shop?

A. on foot

B. by camel

C. by donkey

D. the story doesn't say

2. What did Nasreddin do first in the shop?

A. He tried on some trousers.

B. He tried on a robe.

C. He tried on a hat.

D. He greeted the shopkeeper

3. What did Nasreddin try on next?

A. a robe

B. a pair of trousers

C. a hat

D. a scarf

4. Which item did Nasreddin like best?

A. a robe

B. a pair of trousers

C. a hat

D. a scarf


5.How many people were working in the shop?

A. four

B. three

C. two

D. One

N) Read and choose the correct answer.

Fruit Fly Fix

It is breakfast time. You have been looking forward to eating a nice

ripe banana ever since you woke up. Just when you reach for the

delicious piece of fruit on your counter, you see something that makes

you much less hungry: a swarm of fruit flies!

Fruit flies are tiny insects that are attracted to ripe or rotting fruits and

vegetables. The flies not only eat the fruit, they also lay their eggs

there. A single fruit fly can lay up to 500 eggs on the surface of a piece

of fruit. Within eight days, the fruit flies that hatch from these eggs are

full adults that can then lay their own eggs. As you can see, what might

start out as a small fruit fly problem can become very large very


Although there is a chance fruit flies can carry germs on to your food,

this is not very likely. Fruit flies are annoying, but they probably will

not hurt you. Because they are such a nuisance, however, most people

want to get rid of these pesky bugs as quickly as possible. Some people

use pesticide sprays on the fruit flies. Although this will kill the flies, it

will also spread harmful poison all over your kitchen. Luckily, there is

also a completely safe way for you to get rid of fruit flies in your house.

The first step is for you to remove all fruits or vegetables from your

counter. Store these items in the refrigerator or in sealed containers.

Clean up any spilled juice or bits of food that might be on the floor.

Take out the trash and empty the recycling bin. Wash any dirty dishes

that are in your sink. Doing all of these things will stop new fruit flies

from finding food or places to lay their eggs.

Next, make a trap to catch all of the remaining fruit flies in your house.

First, fill a small bowl with a few tablespoons of vinegar.

Then, put a piece of very ripe or rotting fruit into the vinegar. Cover

the bowl very tightly with a sheet of plastic wrap and poke a few very

small holes in the wrap with a fork. If all goes according to plan, the

flies will enter the trap through the holes but will be unable to fly back


out. This trap will catch all of the remaining fruit flies. You can either

kill these flies or release them outdoors.

Fruit flies can be a pest, but they do not have to make you crazy. With

a little effort, you can get existing flies out of your house and prevent

new ones from taking over your kitchen.

a) In reading this passage, we learn that fruit flies

1. die immediately after they lay their eggs

2. can grow into adults after only 8 days

3. are mostly harmless

1 only

1 and 2 only

2 and 3 only

1, 2, and 3

b) As used in paragraph 3, a nuisance is something that

1. bothers you

2. can be dangerous

3. grows fast

4. is very small

c) According to the passage, why should you not use pesticide spray

to kill fruit flies?

1. most sprays do not actually kill all of the fruit flies

2. buying sprays can get expensive if you need to use a lot of them

3. the sprays take too much time to work

4. it can be dangerous to use them in your kitchen

d) Based on the information in the penultimate (next-to-last)

paragraph, we can understand that the

author thinks that.

1. some people do not mind having fruit flies in their house

2. some people do not like killing insects

3. fruit flies do not like vinegar

4. making a fruit fly trap can be difficult

e) Imagine you had a fruit fly outbreak in your kitchen. What would

you do to handle the situation?

Would you take the advice offered in the passage? Why or why not.