WEB SITE: clacsec.lima.icao.int E-mail: [email protected] TELEFONO: (51-1) 422-6905, 422-9367 FAX: (51-1) 422-8236 COMISSÃO LATINO-AMERICANA DE AVIAÇÃO CIVIL LATIN AMERICAN CIVIL AVIATION COMMISSION COMISIÓN LATINOAMERICANA DE AVIACIÓN CIVIL SECRETARÍA APARTADO 27032 LIMA, PERÚ CLAC/CE/86-NE/11 19/08/14 LXXXVI REUNIÓN DEL COMITÉ EJECUTIVO DE LA CLAC (Brasilia, Brasil, 26 y 27 de agosto de 2014) CONFIDENCIAL Cuestión 11 del Orden del Día : Negociaciones con Otros Organismos Internacionales (Nota de estudio presentada por la Presidencia / Secretaría) Elecciones del Consejo OACI 1. Como se recordará, entre el 24 de setiembre y el 4 de octubre del 2013, se llevó a cabo el 38° periodo de sesiones de la Asamblea de la OACI, en Montreal, Canadá. En dicha Asamblea se discutieron temas de suma importancia para el desarrollo del Transporte Aéreo Internacional. La CLAC se preparó con suficiente antelación para abordar los diferentes puntos del Orden del Día, sobre la base de su “Guía de Orientación”. 2. Uno de los temas de mayor interés de los Estados fue la elección de los miembros del Consejo de la OACI, para tal efecto, la Presidencia y Secretaría con suficiente antelación realizaron negociaciones con otros Organismos Regionales y Estados independientes con el propósito de mantener el statu quo en el número de asientos que mantiene nuestra Región en el citado Consejo. Este trabajo se complementó con la importante labor realizada por los Estados Miembros, Cancillerías, Misiones en Naciones Unidas, el GRULAC y el acercamiento realizado directamente en el transcurso de la propia Asamblea. 3. Las elecciones se llevaron a cabo en dos fechas: la primera, el sábado 28 de setiembre en la que se eligieron los Estados para el Grupo I (los de mayor importancia en el Transporte Aéreo) y del Grupo II (los no incluidos de otra manera que contribuyen en mayor medida al suministro de instalaciones y servicios en para la Navegación Aérea Civil Internacional); y la segunda, el día martes 1 de octubre en la que se eligieron los Estados del Grupo III (no incluidos de otra manera, cuya designación asegura la representación en el Consejo de todas las principales regiones geográficas del Mundo).

Comisión Latinoamericana de Aviación Civil - …clacsec.lima.icao.int/Reuniones/2014/CE86/NE/Rstgd/CE86...CLAC/CE/86-NE/11 19/08/14 4. Completado el proceso eleccionario y como producto

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WEB SITE: clacsec.lima.icao.int E-mail: [email protected]

TELEFONO: (51-1) 422-6905, 422-9367 FAX: (51-1) 422-8236






CLAC/CE/86-NE/11 19/08/14


(Brasilia, Brasil, 26 y 27 de agosto de 2014)

CCOONNFFIIDDEENNCCIIAALL Cuestión 11 del Orden del Día: Negociaciones con Otros Organismos Internacionales

(Nota de estudio presentada por la Presidencia / Secretaría) Elecciones del Consejo OACI 1. Como se recordará, entre el 24 de setiembre y el 4 de octubre del 2013, se llevó a cabo el 38° periodo de sesiones de la Asamblea de la OACI, en Montreal, Canadá. En dicha Asamblea se discutieron temas de suma importancia para el desarrollo del Transporte Aéreo Internacional. La CLAC se preparó con suficiente antelación para abordar los diferentes puntos del Orden del Día, sobre la base de su “Guía de Orientación”.

2. Uno de los temas de mayor interés de los Estados fue la elección de los miembros del Consejo de la OACI, para tal efecto, la Presidencia y Secretaría con suficiente antelación realizaron negociaciones con otros Organismos Regionales y Estados independientes con el propósito de mantener el statu quo en el número de asientos que mantiene nuestra Región en el citado Consejo. Este trabajo se complementó con la importante labor realizada por los Estados Miembros, Cancillerías, Misiones en Naciones Unidas, el GRULAC y el acercamiento realizado directamente en el transcurso de la propia Asamblea. 3. Las elecciones se llevaron a cabo en dos fechas: la primera, el sábado 28 de setiembre en la que se eligieron los Estados para el Grupo I (los de mayor importancia en el Transporte Aéreo) y del Grupo II (los no incluidos de otra manera que contribuyen en mayor medida al suministro de instalaciones y servicios en para la Navegación Aérea Civil Internacional); y la segunda, el día martes 1 de octubre en la que se eligieron los Estados del Grupo III (no incluidos de otra manera, cuya designación asegura la representación en el Consejo de todas las principales regiones geográficas del Mundo).

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4. Completado el proceso eleccionario y como producto del esfuerzo conjunto, los Estados de la CLAC obtuvieron importante número de votos. El Consejo (2014- 2016) quedó constituido de la siguiente manera:

Grupo I: Alemania, Australia, Brasil (160 votos), Canadá, China, Estados Unidos, Francia, Italia, Japón, Reino Unido y Rusia.

Grupo II: Arabia Saudita, Argentina (137 votos), Egipto, España, India, México (143 votos),

Nigeria, Noruega, Portugal, Singapur, Sudáfrica y Venezuela (155 votos).

Grupo III: Bolivia (131 votos), Burkina Faso, Camerún, Chile (140 votos), Emiratos Árabes Unidos, Kenia, Libia, Malasia, Nicaragua (137 votos), Polonia, República de Corea, República Dominicana (156 votos) y Tanzania.

5. Lo señalado demuestra que cumpliendo a tiempo y adecuadamente las estrategias acordadas y demostrado a la Comunidad Aeronáutica Internacional que la CLAC trabaja coherente y armónicamente respetando sus compromisos, es posible mantener la importante representación de Latinoamérica en el Consejo de la OACI, no obstante disponer de un menor número de Estados miembros en comparación con otros Organismos Regionales. 6. Cabe recordar también, que en la anterior reunión del Comité Ejecutivo (Bogotá, Colombia, 02 y 03 de diciembre del 2013), entre otras cosas, se consideró conveniente que Presidencia y Secretaría inicien, lo antes posible, el trabajo de elaboración de la “Plancha de la CLAC” para las elecciones del Consejo de la OACI del próximo periodo (2017-2019) y los acercamientos que deban realizar con otros Organismos Regionales y Estados Independientes.

7. En ese sentido, es necesario que los Estados Miembros que aspiran a formar parte del Consejo de la OACI en el próximo periodo, ya sea de manera independiente o formando parte de algún Acuerdo de Rotación, informen a la Secretaría su intención de incluirse en la “Plancha de la CLAC”, la misma que servirá para iniciar las negociaciones. Se sugiere, que se establezca como fecha limite la próxima Asamblea de la CLAC prevista a realizarse en Guatemala, entre el 18 al 21 de noviembre del presente año.

8. De igual forma, como en anteriores oportunidades, es necesario que el Comité Ejecutivo apruebe la estrategia a seguir, la misma que se detalla a continuación:


a) Informar oficialmente a la Secretaría sobre los Estados Miembros que desean formar parte de la “Plancha de la CLAC” en forma individual o en representación de los Acuerdos de Rotación vigentes.

b) Resolver sobre la “Plancha de la CLAC” ( Comité Ejecutivo)

c) Notificar a los Estados miembros la "Plancha" aprobada, tanto a las Autoridades Aeronáuticas como a sus Cancillerías, a través de las Embajadas afincadas en Lima.

d) Exhortar a los Estados miembros para que apenas reciban la “Plancha” la difundan solicitando

apoyo a través de sus respectivas Misiones Diplomáticas y/o Representantes en Naciones Unidas (ONU).

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e) Iniciar la negociación en bloque con los otros Organismos Regionales (CAFAC, CEAC, CAAC, Grupo de Montreal y Estados Independientes) para el intercambio de votos (Presidencia y Secretaría).

f) Informar en las Reuniones del Comité Ejecutivo sobre el avance de las negociaciones.

g) Intensificar acciones conjuntas cuanto más próxima sea la fecha de las elecciones.

h) Ratificar los apoyos durante la Asamblea de la OACI con los diferentes Organismos

Regionales y Estados Independientes, en coordinación con el GRULAC. Elección del Secretario General /OACI 9. En el 202° Periodo de Sesiones del Consejo de la OACI el Presidente sometió a consideración de los Miembros de dicho Consejo el Proyecto de Comunicación a los Estados sobre el nombramiento del Secretario General. Se espera que la carta se circule el 30 de setiembre de 2014 para recibir candidaturas a más tardar hasta el 15 de enero del 2015 y que el candidato elegido se posesione después del 31 de julio del mismo año. 10. Cabe recordar asimismo, que en anteriores oportunidades se hicieron acercamientos con los otros Organismos Regionales para analizar y apoyar una Candidatura. En esa línea de ideas se alcanzaron “Acuerdos de Caballeros” con la CEAC, CAFAC, ACAC y otros Estados Independientes, tanto para la elección del Presidente del Consejo como del Secretario General. 11. A pesar que todavía no se ha circulado la carta para la elección del Secretario General, ya se observan movimientos políticos para presentar candidatos. En ese sentido, Se informa que el Secretario de la CEAC se comunicó con el Secretario de la CLAC, entre otras cosas, para informar que los directores la Conferencia Europea de Aviación Civil se reunirán la última semana del mes de agosto y tienen previsto analizar este tema entre otros, para establecer una posición común; además, informó que no está previsto que se presente ningún candidato europeo. En esa línea de ideas, el mencionado funcionario solicitó que, aprovechando la próxima Asamblea de la CLAC, se mantenga una reunión de coordinación de las dos Comisiones para discutir también este tema. 12. Por otro lado, hace aproximadamente dos semanas el Secretario mantuvo una conversación telefónica con el coordinador del GRULAC y se observó, a priori, el interés que tiene China de apoyar la postulación de su nacional, la Sra. Fang Liu, actual Directora de Administración de la OACI. También, se escucha que tentativamente existirían otros candidatos, a saber: Sra. Aysha Al Hamili, Representante de Emiratos Árabes Unidos en el Consejo de la OACI, el Director de Aviación Civil de Australia y probablemente la Representante de India en el Consejo de la OACI. 13. El 18 de agosto, la Secretaría recibió una llamada telefónica por parte de la Sra. Fang Liu, quien ratifico que postulará con el apoyo de su país (China) y a día seguido se recibió la comunicación que se adjunta a la presente, mediante la cual la Autoridad Aeronáutica de China, informa que su país ha decidido nominar a la Sra. Fang Liu como candidata al puesto de Secretario General / OACI en las elecciones que se llevarán a cabo en el 204° periodo de sesiones del Consejo, lo que sucederá a principios del 2015 y solicita el apoyo de la CLAC y sus Estados Miembros. 14. En conclusión, ya se han iniciado los movimientos políticos para la elección del Secretario General de la OACI y es necesario que la CLAC, cuando disponga de la documentación

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correspondiente adopte una posición común sobre este tema pues esto servirá como uno de los importantes elementos estratégicos en las próximas elecciones de los miembros del Consejo de la OACI en que nuestra región debería procurar mantener el statu quo Medidas propuestas al Comité Ejecutivo 15. Se invita al Comité Ejecutivo a tomar conocimiento de la información presentada, intercambiar puntos de vista y adoptar las medidas que estime conveniente.

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August 18, 2014

Mr. Marcelo Pacheco dos Guaranys


Latin American Civil Aviation Commission


Mr. Marco Ospina Y.


Latin American Civil Aviation Commission

Dear Sirs,

The Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC) presents its compliments to

the Latin American Civil Aviation Conference (LACAC) and yourselves, and

has the pleasure to refer to Mr. Secretary’s visit to China in May, 2011, during

which the Memorandum of Understanding between CAAC and LACAC was

formally signed. It is believed that the signing of the MoU marks a significant

step forward for the cooperation between our two organizations.

I wish to take this opportunity to advise that the CAAC has decided to

nominate Dr. Fang LIU as the candidate for the post of Secretary General of

the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), at the election to be held

during the 204th ICAO Council in Montreal early next year.

Dr. Fang LIU is currently working as Director of the Administration and

Services Bureau (ADB) of ICAO. Being a member of ICAO’s senior

management team for close to 7 years, Dr. LIU has acquired profound

knowledge and experiences as a senior ICAO civil servant. In her role as ADB

Director, Dr. LIU has led a number of initiatives to facilitate more efficient and

effective operation of the organization. And thanks to her relentless efforts,

ADB’s reform measures are taking positive effect, which support ICAO in the


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implementation of its Strategic Objectives. She has also won recognition for

her outstanding performance and capable leadership as an experienced

policy-maker in international civil aviation. It is hoped that by continuing her

diligent efforts in ICAO’s Secretariat, a more efficient and effective ICAO would

be better poised to pursue the strategic objectives of the organization and to

rise to the challenges of the international civil aviation development.

As one of the founding members of ICAO, China is firmly committed to the

principles and objectives of the Convention on International Civil Aviation, and

is prepared to work more closely with other Contracting States in promoting

safe, secure, orderly, and sustainable development of international civil

aviation. Given the good cooperation between CAAC and LACAC as well as

many Latin American aeronautical authorities, we are therefore seeking

LACAC’s support to our nomination. It would be highly appreciated if LACAC

and its member states could support the candidature of Dr. Fang LIU for the

post of ICAO Secretary General. And it is highly appreciated if you, Mr.

President and Mr. Secretary, could help secure such valuable support.

Please accept, Sirs, the assurances of our highest consideration.

Sincerely yours,

LI, Jiaxiang


Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC)

Enclosure: Dr. Fang LIU’s Curriculum Vitae


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Curriculum Vitae

Fang Liu

Date of birth: 23 February 1962 Nationality: Chinese Marital Status: Married, one son Current Position: Director, Bureau of Administration and Services, International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Languages

• Chinese (Fluent), English (Fluent), and French (working level) Education

• PhD, majoring in private international law, Wuhan University, China, 1999 • LL.M, majoring in air and space law, Leiden University, the Netherlands, 2001 • Master of Law, majoring in International law & environment protection law,Wuhan

University, China, 1987 • Bachelor of Arts, majoring in French Literature and Languages, Nanjing University,

China, 1983 Professional Experience and Major Achievements November 2007 until present Director, Bureau of Administration and Services (D2), International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Main responsibilities:

• Member of ICAO’s Senior Management Group (SMG) to contribute to the development and implementation of overall strategic objectives, work programmes and budget of the Organization, as well as the Organization’s policies and major decisions;


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• Developing and executing the budget and business plan of the Bureau of Administration and Services, and responsible for the work program and activities of the Organization in human resources, information and communication technology(ICT) and web management, language services and publications, Secretariat services for the ICAO Assembly and Council, conference and office services, security, travel and other administrative activities, as well as activities related to the Ancillary Revenue Generation Fund (ARGF), to support the Organization to achieve its Strategic Objectives;

• Serving as Secretary of the Human Resources Committee (HRC) of the Council to direct and coordinate all Secretariat work relating to the HRC and Council; also directing all Secretariat work on administrative matters to other Standing Committees of the Council, Council and Assembly; directing the implementation of decisions of the Council and Resolutions of the Assembly on administrative matters;

• Leading the formulation of and advising on administrative and management rules, policies, practices, processes; leading and implementing organization-wide activities and projects related to administrative procedures and processes improvement; Acting as the representative of the Organization on administrative matters and as chairperson of organization-wide committees dealing with administrative matters;

• Leading, coordinating and executing the annual and triennial Human Resource Action Plan of the Organization;

• Representing ICAO at the High Level Committee on Management of the UN Chief Executives Board for Coordination and other high-level fora in the area of management; Serving as Chairperson of the Security Advisory Group (SAG) and Vice-Chairperson of the Security Management Team (SMT) for all UN Organizations in Canada;

Major Achievements:

• Transformation introduced and implemented in the Bureau resulting in enhanced efficiency, improved governance and effective support to the Organization in implementing its Strategic Objectives Introduced and implemented business and operational planning, results-based

management, performance management and project management in the Bureau Managed to reduce overall headcount from 250 staff in 2008 to approximately 210

staff in 2014 and reduced budget of the Bureau through optimizing resources via reallocation, natural attrition, re-organization and modernization of processes and efficient application of ICT technology

• Simplified, transparent and modernized process of administrative management established to ensure transformation of administrative management in the Organization Completed an overhaul of Staff Regulations, Rules and Personnel Instructions and

established a first ICAO Framework of Ethics and related Procedures Established or updated administrative policies and procedures in HR, ICT, language

services, conference services and building management, as well as for staff and ICAO premises security

Introduced business continuity management in the Organization • More rational and transparent human resources management system established and

performance-based culture enforced in the Organization to ensure ICAO programs and activities are effectively carried out


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Initiated and implemented triennial and annual Organization-wide Human Resources Action Plans, and the ICAO Young Aviation Professional Program on capacity building in cooperation with Member States, industry associations and universities

Reformed recruitment procedures with competency-based interviews, resulting in enhanced diversity of the ICAO workforce

Updated performance management system, implemented a new contractual arrangement for staff and consultants/individual contractors, and established a mobility policy and an annual training plan of the Organization to update technical skills and competencies of staff to meet evolving business requirements

• Information Management framework initiated, enabling the Secretariat to effectively coordinate program and administrative activities and to better serve Member States, the Council and aviation industry for implementation of ICAO SARPs Established information management strategy, governance and action plan, and

various policies and standards Initiated and realized One-ICAO ICT system in infrastructure and resources planning

as well as in web management (Headquarters and 7 Regional Offices) Established a dedicated website for the ICAO Council and updated the public

website and ICAO-NET which improved communication with Member States and the general public

• Knowledge management introduced and organization-wide data warehouse management initiated, enabling the Secretariat to function effectively and to transfer knowledge throughout the Organization Streamlining safety, security and air transport data across the Organization to enforce

knowledge-sharing by retaining and transferring knowledge electronically Established organization-wide electronic documents and records management system

to enhance information sharing and standardization and to modernize administrative processes

• 37th and 38th Sessions of the ICAO Assembly successfully organized with enhanced quality, efficiency and reduced cost in administrative areas Took the lead in implementing and using an e-voting process in the UN system,

resulting in enhanced efficiency in the voting process Achieved significant savings amounting to more than CAD 300 000 in language and

other services through optimization and efficiency gains • Service model reformed to attain most cost-efficient approaches, and organizational

change introduced and implemented towards efficiency and effectiveness Established e-conference registration and management system Implemented Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system in the Organization and

ensured regular updates to enhance efficiency of resource management operations Initiated paperless office and conference environment to modernize administrative

management, achieving CAD 1 million in savings so far Introduced cost-efficient approaches in the service model of ICT, publication sales

and printing, conference and exhibition services, enabling the Organization to achieve net revenues of CAD 5 million as budgeted contributionto the regular budget through ancillary revenue generation activities

Turned a CAD 700 000 deficit of the Ancillary Revenue Generation Fund (ARGF) into a surplus by enhancing efficiency, lowering costs and developing new products,


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to ensure an additional financial contribution to the programme activities of the Organization

• Successfully completed the project of setting up the Regional Sub-office of ICAO APAC office in 6 months on schedule, ensuring that ICAO programmes can be undertaken as planned

• Language services optimized and streamlined, resulting in achieving parity of services in six working languages for the first time in ICAO history andenabling Member States to obtain ICAO’s information on time and to participate effectively in ICAO’s meetings and other activities Achieved efficiency by reducing the percentage of language services from 21.7% in

2007 to 13%in 2014of the triennium budget of the Organization, while maintaining the same output of language services

Multilingualism of ICAO public website introducedthrough enhanced cooperation with Member States

Realized translation of ICAO publications on time, and cleared up majority of backlog from previous years

Established productivity standards for language services (interpretation and translation) for the first time in the Organization

Established aplanning mechanism as well as a quality management system for language services

August1987 until November 2007 Successively held the posts of Legal Counsel, Deputy Director, Director and Deputy Director General in Department of International Affairs and Cooperation, Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC) A senior official in the General Administration of Civil Aviation of China (CAAC) responsible for international affairs and cooperation, international air transport regulation and development; a policy-decision-maker of the Chinese Government in the field of bilateral and multilateral relations related to civil aviation between China and foreign countries as well as international organizations, international air transport regulation, market access toChina’s international air transport market,international civil aviation cooperation with foreign countries and international organizations; a chief negotiator of the Chinese Government (CAAC) for bilateral and multilateral air transport agreements. Major responsibilities and achievements:

• Responsible for policy on bilateral relations and cooperation related to civil aviation between China and foreign countries

Acted as chief negotiator; headed the Chinese delegation to negotiate bilateral air transport agreements with countries around the world, expanding international air transport between China and these countries and regions;

Participated in high-level discussions between China and the USA, EU, Russian Federation, Japan, Brazil, Republic of Korea, Singapore and other countries, strengthening aviation cooperation with these countries


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Initiated the cooperation and development program on capacity building for African countries’ civil aviation

• Developedand executed China’s policy and regulations on international air transport, and participated in formulating China’s aviation regulations

Developed policy and regulations on market access and liberalization, air transportdevelopment, fair competition, consumer rights protection, environment protection, operating permit of Chinese and foreign airlines, grand handling

Led implementation of the strategy and planof international air transport development in China, including establishing China’s international air transport hub program

Formulated the draft standard text of the bilateral air transport agreement of China Participated in the drafting of the first “Civil Aviation Law of the People’s

Republic of China”, and drafted the regulations of the State Council on civil aviation

Provided legal opinions and settlement of Chinese carriers in carriage by air in international air services

• Responsible for policy on multilateral relations and cooperation related to civil aviation between China and intergovernmental or non-governmental regional and international organizations

Core member or speaker of the Chinese delegation at ICAO’s34th, 35th and36thAssembly, 1999 Diplomatic Conference, 5th Worldwide Air Transport Conference, 2001 Aviation Economic Conference, 2002 High-level Ministerial Conference on Aviation Security; provided policy advice to the Chinese Government and coordinated China’s position on all agenda items and preparation of all working papers of China for the Assembliesand other meetings on safety, security, environmental protection and sustainability of air transport

Provided policy advice to the Chinese Government on all communications with ICAO and reviewed responses to ICAO State letters related to SARPs and other materials

Successfully co-organized with ICAO the 44th Asia & Pacific Director Generals of Civil Aviation Conference, and coordinated China’s position on all agenda items and the preparation of all working papers of China for the Conference on matters related to safety, security, environmental protection and sustainability of air transport

Participated in the negotiation and conclusion of amending the Asia & Pacific Basic Air Navigation Plan of ICAO concerning the transfer of the Sanya AOR to FIR after 31 years of negotiation between China and Vietnam under ICAO coordination

Enhanced cooperation between China andICAO, United Nations, International Air Transport Association, Airport Council International, Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), and the World Trade Organization

Initiated cooperation between China and International Aviation Women Association (IAWA) by co-organizing the first IAWA Conference in Asia to promote Chinese and Asian womenin aviation to participate in international aviation activities


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Acted as chief negotiator, headed the Chinese delegation to negotiate the first regional agreement with ASEAN and the EU, expanding international air transport between China and these regions;

Successfully organized the first China-EU Aviation Summit to promote aviation cooperation between China and the EU

• Represented China in international fora on aviation matters Elected asChairwoman of the APEC Aviation Expert Group and Air Services

Sub-group, set up the agenda and chaired bi-annual meetings of the above Group to discuss issues on safety, security and air transport economics in the APEC region to promote development and cooperation

Nominated by the Chinese Government to the ICAO Council Special Group on Legal Aspects of Emission Charges,and dealt with matters on environment protection in the field of international civil aviation

Nominated by the Chinese Government to the ICAO Air Transport Regulation Panel and Mediation of Dispute Resolution, to promote cooperation and sustainable development of civil aviation in the world

• Served as focal point of China’s Central Government on Hong Kong and Macau civil aviation matters

Reviewed Hong Kong and Macau bilateral air transport agreements and authorized their signature with foreign countries on behalf of the Chinese Central Government

Participated in the negotiation between China and the United Kingdom on thelocalization of Hong Kong’s aviation legal system, and developed some aviation-related provisions of the “Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China”, setting up the Hong Kong legal system in the field of civil aviation

Participated in the negotiation between China and Portugal on Macau’s aviation legal system, and developed some aviation-related provisions of the “Basic Law of the Macao Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China”, setting up the Macao legal system in the field of civil aviation

August 1983 until August 1985 Coordinator & interpreter China Central South Institute of Exploration and Design of Hydroelectricity Ministry of Hydroelectricity Major responsibilities and achievements:

• Participated in the negotiation on a joint-venture contract between the above Institute and the France State Electricity Company relating to the design and construction of a big hydroelectric power plant in the Yangtze river in China

• Translated legal documents and other documents of design, construction and environmental protection related to construction of the hydroelectric power plant


Page 15: Comisión Latinoamericana de Aviación Civil - …clacsec.lima.icao.int/Reuniones/2014/CE86/NE/Rstgd/CE86...CLAC/CE/86-NE/11 19/08/14 4. Completado el proceso eleccionario y como producto


Professional Training

• UN Leader Training Program, UN, Turin, July 2011 • Executive Leadership Training, McGill University, Montreal, February 2011 • Project Management Training, certified PRINCE2 project manager, ICAO, Montreal,

December 2010 • Management Training Program, ICAO, Montreal, June 2008, April 2009, September

2010 • Executive Security Training, UNDSS, Montreal, September 2011 • Visiting scholar, United Airlines and US Department of Transport, Chicago, Washington

D.C. May-August 2002 • Visiting scholar, All Nippon Airways and Civil Aviation Bureau of Japan, Tokyo,

March-April 2002 • Internship in the Directorate of Civil Aviation of the Netherlands, KLM airline, Schiphol

Airport, the Netherlands, May-September 2001 Membership in Professional Association

• Director, Association of Private InternationalLaw of China • Director, Association of Air Law of China • Guest Professor, Civil Aviation University of China, Civil Aviation Management

Institute of China Published several essays and articles on international air transport regulation and policy, and international air law in Chinese periodicals, journals and magazines