WE BRING YOUR BUSINESS STRATEGY COMES TRUE PT. RATAMA MITRA KUALITAS Kompleks Niaga Graha Cibinong Blok E1. No. 18 Jl. Raya Jakarta Bogor KM 43. Cibinong – Jawa Barat Ph : +6221-87909838; +6221-70273810 Fax : +6221-87909839 Website : www.ratamakons ultan.com email : [email protected] PT. RATAMA MITRA KUALITAS Kompleks Niaga Graha Cibinong Blok E1. No. 18 Jl. Raya Jakarta Bogor KM 43. Cibinong – Jawa Barat Ph : +6221-87909838; +6221-70273810 Fax : +6221-87909839 Website : www.ratamakons ultan.com email : [email protected] Page 1 of 23

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PT. RATAMA MITRA KUALITASKompleks Niaga Graha Cibinong Blok E1. No. 18

Jl. Raya Jakarta Bogor KM 43. Cibinong – Jawa BaratPh : +6221-87909838; +6221-70273810 Fax : +6221-87909839

Website : www.ratamakons ultan.com email : [email protected]

Our service

PT. RATAMA MITRA KUALITASKompleks Niaga Graha Cibinong Blok E1. No. 18Jl. Raya Jakarta Bogor KM 43. Cibinong – Jawa BaratPh : +6221-87909838; +6221-70273810 Fax : +6221-87909839 Website : www.ratamakons ultan.com email : [email protected] Page 1 of 23

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Our service

PT. RATAMA MITRA KUALITASKompleks Niaga Graha Cibinong Blok E1. No. 18Jl. Raya Jakarta Bogor KM 43. Cibinong – Jawa BaratPh : +6221-87909838; +6221-70273810 Fax : +6221-87909839 Website : www.ratamakons ultan.com email : [email protected] Page 2 of 23

Page 3: Company Profile


Bogor, 10 Mei 2010

Persatuan Perusahaan Air Minum Seluruh IndonesiaGraha PERPAMSIJl. Dewi Sartika 287Jakarta

Up. Bpk. Ir. H. Syiaful D.E.A (Ketua Umum Perpamsi)

Subjek : Perkenalan dan Program Pengembangan PDAM

Assalamuallaikum wr.wb

Sebelumnya kami mengucapkan banyak terima kasih atas kepercayaan Bapak kepada kami dan mudah – mudahan kami dapat menjadi partner PERPAMSI dan juga mitra Bapak didalam memastikan pencapaian visi dan misi PERPAMSI. Kami sangat senang dan bangga dapat mengenal Bapak dan dapat mengirimkan proposal ini untuk mendiskusi hal apa saja yang perlu kita lakukan untuk membuat dan membawa keberhasilan PDAM seluruh Indonesia didalam melaksanakan Pelayanan Prima. Surat beserta company profile ini menunjukan keinginan yang kuat serta kemampuan kami didalam membantu Bapak mencapai Business Strategy PERPAMSI.

ratama management consultant berkomitmen untuk dapat memenuhi dan bahkan melebihi harapan dan keinginan Bapak, kami telah memiliki reputasi didalam menangani berbagai perusahaan besar berskala dunia (world wide company), selain itu kami selalu berinovasi didalam semua aspek serta mempunyai konsultan yang sangat kompeten. Kita percaya bahwa kita dapat membawa faktor ini bersama-sama untuk membantu Bapak di dalam mengembangkan PDAM di seluruh Indonesia. Didalam proposal ini kami sampaikan hal - hal apa saja yang dapat kita kembangkan dan terapkan di PDAM dari sisi manajemen sistem.

ratama management consultant tidak akan pernah hanya membangun management system dan mendapatkan sertifikat saja. Kami akan membangun sistem manajemen yang diperlukan oleh proses bisnis yang terintegrasi dengan sistem manajemen yang ada atau tersertifikasi. Jika Bapak memerlukan informasi lebih lengkap, silahkan hubungi konsultan kami, yaitu Bpk. Hermansyah di +62 – 0813-14898749 atau email [email protected]

Akhirnya kami ucapkan banyak terima kasih atas perhatian, kesempatan dan kepercayaan yang diberikan kepada kami.


Yunita, SEDirektur

I. Latar BelakangPT. RATAMA MITRA KUALITASKompleks Niaga Graha Cibinong Blok E1. No. 18Jl. Raya Jakarta Bogor KM 43. Cibinong – Jawa BaratPh : +6221-87909838; +6221-70273810 Fax : +6221-87909839 Website : www.ratamakons ultan.com email : [email protected] Page 3 of 23

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Semakin meningkatkannya harapan dan tingkat kepuasan pelanggan terhadap PDAM (perusahaan daerah air minum), maka menuntut perusahaan untuk terus berusaha memperbaiki dan meningkatkan kinerja perusahaan. Mulai dari kinerja keuangan, kinerja pelayanan, kinerja proses, kinerja sumber daya manusia serta perlunya suatu sistem yang terintegrasi secara keseluruhan. Dan semua itu memerlukan adanya management strategy, human resources development program dan sampai dengan adanya SOP (standard operating procedure) yang terstandar dan bahkan sampai dengan sertifikasi Sistem Manajemen Mutu.

Kita tidak mengetahui dengan pasti berapa jumlah PDAM yang telah memiliki SOP (standard operating procedure) dan bahkan yang sudah tersertifikasi sistem manajemen mutu nya. Tetapi ini menunjukan bahwa – bagaimana kita bisa mulai menyusun dan melaksanakan Pelayanan Prima, tentulah bermula dari adanya SOP tersebut. Karena semua tahapan proses yang ada dalam organisasi akan termonitor, terukur dan dengan jelas adanya rencana tindakan yang diambil untuk menghidari permasalahan tersebut terjadi kembali dimasa yang akan datang.

Berdasarkan latar belakang peranan besar PERPAMSI yang merupakan wadah perhimpunan perusahaan air minum seluruh Indonesia, terlihat bahwa peranan besar itu adalah :

Pengaturan kegiatan donator, pemerintah dan penanam modal dengan PDAM;  Memberikan solusi terbaik untuk meningkatkan kinerja perusahaan; Penyebarluasan prinsip bisnis profesional dalam pengoperasian PDAM; Memotivasi PDAM untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan,  keahlian dan perencanaan karir 


Berdasarkan peranan besar PERPAMSI, maka sangat penting kiranya kami selaku bisnis consultant untuk dapat memberikan peranannya kepada bangsa dan negara melalui wadah PERPAMSI tersebut.

II. Improvement Plan

Berdasarkan uraian diatas serta latar belakang dan pengalaman RMC (ratama management cosultant), ada beberapa hal yang sebaiknya dapat kita lakukan, kembangkan dan terapkan di seluruh PDAM di Indonesia, antara lain adalah :

1. Penyusunan SOP (standard operating procedure).

Standard Operating Procedure ini sangat diperlukan bagi PDAM didalam pengawal pelaksanaan bisnis proses perusahaan. Dimana harus ada kejelasan didalam melaksanaan semua tahapan proses yang ada pada PDAM. Mulai dari pemasangan baru, proses IPA (intalasi pengolahan air), proses inspection, calibration, preventive maintenance, pencatatan meter dan sampai dengan penangan keluhanan pelanggan. Beberapa manfaat penyusunan SOP berbasis ISO9001:2008.a. Terbentuknya semua sistem dengan pendekatan proses, mis : struktur organisasi akan di review

kembali dengan pendekatan kebutuhan akan proses serta persyaratan ISO9001:2008.

PT. RATAMA MITRA KUALITASKompleks Niaga Graha Cibinong Blok E1. No. 18Jl. Raya Jakarta Bogor KM 43. Cibinong – Jawa BaratPh : +6221-87909838; +6221-70273810 Fax : +6221-87909839 Website : www.ratamakons ultan.com email : [email protected] Page 4 of 23

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b. Dapat terpenuhinya secara optimal standard pelayanan prima kepada pelanggan, hal ini dapat dipastikan dengan adanya tahapan proses yang jelas serta monitoring sistem terhadap tahapan proses tersebut.

c. Meningkatkan awareness semua karyawan terhadap organisasi serta hubungan proses serta bagian atau fungsi yang ada dalam perusahaan.

Dibawah ini adalah PDAM yang sudah kita susun SOP sesuai dengan ISO9001:2008 requirements, termasuk juga fungsi SPI maupun fungsi Finance and Accounting.

Penyerahan Sertifikat ISO9001:2008 di PDAM Kota Balikpapan

Penyerahan sertifikat ISO di PDAM Kota Bogor

2. Penyusunan KPI (key performsance indicator) berbasiskan TBM (total business management).

PT. RATAMA MITRA KUALITASKompleks Niaga Graha Cibinong Blok E1. No. 18Jl. Raya Jakarta Bogor KM 43. Cibinong – Jawa BaratPh : +6221-87909838; +6221-70273810 Fax : +6221-87909839 Website : www.ratamakons ultan.com email : [email protected] Page 5 of 23

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Banyak perusahaan dan termasuk dua PDAM yang sudah kita kembangkan tidak memiliki KPI (key performance indicator) dan juga Activtiy Plan sebagai sarana untuk memastikan tercapai KPI tersebut. Kita temukan adalah RKAP, dimana didalam RKAP kita dapat menemukan anggaran belanja, tetapi tidak dengan pastikan bagaimana rencana kerja itu bisa dicapai dengan baik, termonitor dan di follow up.

KPI yang kita susunan dalam 1 tahun adalah cerminan target PDAM dalam satu tahun berjalan (lihat lampiran) dan kita uraiankan bagaimana mencapai KPI tersebut dari setiap bagian dalam format Activity Plan.

Dibawah ini adalah contoh KPI based objective and target untuk semua bagian yang ada dalam satu PDAM.

Semua target diatas (KPI) didistribusi kepada semua Kabag untuk kemudian dibuatkan Activity Plan. Contoh Activity Plan dapat dilihat dibawah ini.Contoh Activity Plan yang dikembangkan.

PT. RATAMA MITRA KUALITASKompleks Niaga Graha Cibinong Blok E1. No. 18Jl. Raya Jakarta Bogor KM 43. Cibinong – Jawa BaratPh : +6221-87909838; +6221-70273810 Fax : +6221-87909839 Website : www.ratamakons ultan.com email : [email protected] Page 6 of 23

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Activity Plan ini dibuat setiap akhir tahun dengan mempertimbangkan Budget Plan untuk semua bagian. Activity Plan dipresentasikan kepada Direksi dan semua Kabag.

Activity Plan ini direview setiap bulannya dalam Management Meeting, dan setiap 6 bulan akan direview dalam Management Review.

3. Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia.Sumber Daya Manusia sangat diperlukan dalam rangka pemastian pencapaian target perusahaan yang tertulis didalam KPI tahunan atau total sales dalam KPI tahunan. Sumber daya manusia diperlukan program pengembangan dalam rangka membentuk pelayanan prima internal pelanggan, sehingga akan otomatis akan terbentuk juga pelayanan prima pada pelanggan eksternal.

Ada beberapa program yang bisa dilaksanakan oleh RMC selaku business consultant, yaitu :a. Pengembangan standard competency berdasarkan Spencer and Spencer.b. In – house training Leadership.c. In – house training Service Excellence.d. In – house training TPM (total productive maintenance).e. In – house training Problems Analysis and Problmes Solving.f. HRD for non HRD Manager.g. Training and workshop penyusunan KPI (key performsance indicator) berbasiskan pendekatan

TBM (total business management) concept.Gambar. Pelaksnaan in-house training

PT. RATAMA MITRA KUALITASKompleks Niaga Graha Cibinong Blok E1. No. 18Jl. Raya Jakarta Bogor KM 43. Cibinong – Jawa BaratPh : +6221-87909838; +6221-70273810 Fax : +6221-87909839 Website : www.ratamakons ultan.com email : [email protected] Page 7 of 23

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Training Leadership yang dilaksanakan 2 angkatan di PDAM Kota Balikpapan

Training Service Excellence yang dilaksanakan 2 angkatan di PDAM Kota Balikpapan

4. Productivity Improvement.

Banyak perusahaan yang tekah menerapkan SOP berbasiskan ISO9001:2008 serta didukung dengan bagusnya kompetensi seluruh karyawan / sumber daya manusia nya. Maka perlu kiranya dibuatkan suatu program untuk peningkatan berkelanjutan (kaizen). Kaizen ini dapat dilaksanakan dalam bentuk QCC atau GKM, sehingga tidak menutup kemungkinan kita akan melaksanakan QCC tingkat propinsi dan bahkan tingkat nasional PERPAMSI.

Ini perlu dialksanakan dalalam rangka :- Untuk melatih karyawan PDAM seluruh Indonesia mempunyai pola pikir Kaizen.- Meningkatkan awarenss karyawan PDAM akan K3.- Menumbuh kembangkan semangat – semangat kompetisi sesama PDAM se-Indonesia.- Sebagai sarana benchmarking yang cepat dan effective.

Selain QCC diatas yang bisa kita tandingkan tingkat nasional (PERPAMSI) seluruh Indonesia, maka bisa juga kita melaksanakan :- Benchmarking dan workshop atau yang lazim disebut dengan Jisuken. Focusnya adalah – setiap

PDAM harus membuatkan program pengembangan / improvement dan akan dikunjungi oleh semua PDAM di Indonesia. Masing – masing PDAM (perwakilan) akan mempresentasikan improvement yang telah dilakukan.

PT. RATAMA MITRA KUALITASKompleks Niaga Graha Cibinong Blok E1. No. 18Jl. Raya Jakarta Bogor KM 43. Cibinong – Jawa BaratPh : +6221-87909838; +6221-70273810 Fax : +6221-87909839 Website : www.ratamakons ultan.com email : [email protected] Page 8 of 23

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III. Bagaimana Program Ini Bisa dilaksanakan ??

Untuk melaksanakan semua program diatas, dengan ijin Bapak selaku Ketua Umum PERPAMSI, maka kita dapat melaksanakan program tersebut dengan beberapa cara sebagai berikut :

1. Melaksanakan seminar untuk tingkat nasional atau tingkat propinsi / per DPD (dewan pengurus daerah).

2. Melaksananakan workshop yang tempatnya bisa dilaksanakan pada PDAM yang terlibat dalam workshop tersebut.

3. Direct project, artinya kita mengembangkan progam tersebut diatas langsung pada satu PDAM .

PT. RATAMA MITRA KUALITASKompleks Niaga Graha Cibinong Blok E1. No. 18Jl. Raya Jakarta Bogor KM 43. Cibinong – Jawa BaratPh : +6221-87909838; +6221-70273810 Fax : +6221-87909839 Website : www.ratamakons ultan.com email : [email protected] Page 9 of 23

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Company Profile

we bring your business strategy be comes true

Dear Value Customer

ratama management consultant is a management consultant firm with focus on Quality, Strategy, Environment,

Safety and Human Resources.

PT. RATAMA MITRA KUALITASKompleks Niaga Graha Cibinong Blok E1. No. 18Jl. Raya Jakarta Bogor KM 43. Cibinong – Jawa BaratPh : +6221-87909838; +6221-70273810 Fax : +6221-87909839 Website : www.ratamakons ultan.com email : [email protected] Page 10 of 23

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Ever since it’s establish a few years ago, The company has rapidly become one of the market leader in the

above – mentioned areas. Our clients vary from servicing company, manufacturing and mining industry, including public

listed company and multinational company

PT. Ratama Mitra Kualitas was establish on December 2000,Our management consultants have had over 10 years extensive

experience in companies, implementing business and management practices in a variety of industries before they

joined with ratama management consultant.

After more than 4 years working together in ratama management consultant, We have grown even stronger and

wider in knowledge and experience, which enables us to achieve the in – class company character.

The way we make it happen Our perspective, passion and approach will help you lead the

way to becoming the world class company

Our VisionTo be a leader in innovative management service

Our MissionWe are committed to value added

Consultation and training services that bring the significant contribution to our clients’ long term success through innovative,

PT. RATAMA MITRA KUALITASKompleks Niaga Graha Cibinong Blok E1. No. 18Jl. Raya Jakarta Bogor KM 43. Cibinong – Jawa BaratPh : +6221-87909838; +6221-70273810 Fax : +6221-87909839 Website : www.ratamakons ultan.com email : [email protected] Page 11 of 23

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continual improvement and applied the management services that enable them to meet their business objectives.

Our ValuesSupreme Quality for customer satisfaction

Solving Provider

Scope of Service

Consultancy, in-house & public training, special design program, appraisal, maintenance management system, management information system


Quality & ProductivityMany companies are trying to be customer-focused organizations, emphasizing customer satisfaction through quality and productivity improvement. Most of them need help on how to make it happen effectively.

Our experience and good understanding in designing, developing and implementing quality & productivity will solve your problems and discover higher levels of performance.We served many typed of industries, from manufacturing and distribution to service industries.

Our services in Quality and Productivity include :- Total Quality Management- Performance Excellence- ISO 9001 : 2000- ISO / TS 16949- ISO 17025- Service Excellence- QCC- 5S and Visual Control System - Total Productive Maintenance- Quality Function Deployment- Six Sigma- Productivity ImprovementPT. RATAMA MITRA KUALITASKompleks Niaga Graha Cibinong Blok E1. No. 18Jl. Raya Jakarta Bogor KM 43. Cibinong – Jawa BaratPh : +6221-87909838; +6221-70273810 Fax : +6221-87909839 Website : www.ratamakons ultan.com email : [email protected] Page 12 of 23

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 Safety & EnvironmentalPublic concern and regulatory requirements over the industry’s impact on the world’s environment as well as the people’s health and safety are increasing.Consequently, this calls for an urgent and serious step to be taken by organizations.With our experience and full commitment to generate a cleaner and healthier world, ratama Management consultants will guide you to establish safety and environmental management.

Our Services in Safety and Environmental Management include :- Environmental Management System, ISO 14001- Forest Management Certification.- Green Globe- HACCP, SQF 1000, SQF 2000- Occupational Health and Safety Human Resources DevelopmentIn the world where technology is increasingly becoming the key strategy to overcome competition, human resources competence needs to be enhanced rapidly.When we discuss company’s performance, human resources factors will always come forward.ratama Management consultants will help you improve human resources competence by providing effective training and management management consultant. Through customized and innovative solutions, we can address your challenges in human resources to compete in the global market. Our services in Human Resources Development include :- Change Management- Performance Management- Leadership- Team Building- Supervisory Management- Effective CommunicationOur management consultant services are effective for all levels of organizations, from top management to shop floor employees.ratama Management consultants provide comprehensive consultation services to solve business problems, among which are Quality and Productivity, Safety and Environment, Human Resources Development and Business and IT Solutions.ratama Management consultants can help you navigate the rapidly changing business ecosystem and deliver total performance whatever your business is.

In-house Training

Many organizations desire to intensively train and develop a critical mass of individuals from their organizations. They also desire to focus program content and discussions around the core issues their organizations are facing. Bringing our training programs in-house is a great way to customize them for your organization. 

PT. RATAMA MITRA KUALITASKompleks Niaga Graha Cibinong Blok E1. No. 18Jl. Raya Jakarta Bogor KM 43. Cibinong – Jawa BaratPh : +6221-87909838; +6221-70273810 Fax : +6221-87909839 Website : www.ratamakons ultan.com email : [email protected] Page 13 of 23

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ratama has the capacity to customize any program to the unique culture, products or services, and processes of your organization.

Public Trainingratama Management consultants offer seminars and workshop to the general public and to organizations. Our training programs feature hands-on earning in core skills needed to improve quality performance in every organization. The training methods include simulation, group discussion and case study. A comprehensive series of public training programs can be obtained from our office.

Special program based on clients need

ratama management consultant provides Special design Program, this program is designed based on our value added customer. Such as:

MVS (management visual system), how to improve their process performance by using SPC – QCC – FMEA – Control Plan - etc, how to implement TPS concept effectively, Management



 ratama management consultant also provide appraisal on implementation the system, such as process performance, environmental condition, preparation for facing the new customer audit, supplier development program

Maintenance Management SystemThere are many company are success in achieving certification of Quality Management System, but fail in maintain.

ratama management consultant will provide maintenance service in term to ensure your implementation and also how to up date your system based on current business process condition.

PT. RATAMA MITRA KUALITASKompleks Niaga Graha Cibinong Blok E1. No. 18Jl. Raya Jakarta Bogor KM 43. Cibinong – Jawa BaratPh : +6221-87909838; +6221-70273810 Fax : +6221-87909839 Website : www.ratamakons ultan.com email : [email protected] Page 14 of 23

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Business & IT SolutionsBusiness competition is often described as a war, which needs a strong strategy, good management, skilled people and effective weapons to win. ratama Management consultants provide solutions to our client in facing market competition.By understanding our client’s business, ratama Management consultants convert information into insights to uncover hidden opportunities to improve client performance.Continually improving and transforming your business is a key to excel in a world that is changing in the information technology era. ratama Management consultants help you achieve your objectives by creating a bold strategy, solid management system, and innovative management tools.Supported by world-class software providers, ratama Management consultants guide your transformation to higher level of competitiveness.

Training Provide

Strategy and Quality● Interpretation of ISO 9001:2000● ISO 9001:2000 Internal Quality Auditor● Interpretation of ISO 9001 : 2000: 2002 based on ISO9001:2000● 5 S (house keeping management).● Statistical Process Control ● Technique sampling● FMEA (Design and Process)● Calibration technique based on ISO17025● Introduction to Six Sigma● Balance score card to improve your performance● Product realization based on APQP

● Measurement System Analysis● Quality Control Cycle● Cost of Poor Quality● Internal Quality Auditor for ISO9001:2000

Safety and Environment● Introduction and Implementing of ISO14001.● Internal EMS auditor for ISO 14001.● OHSAS 18001 awareness vs SMK3● Environmental Process Assessment● Environmental Management Accounting● Internal auditor for OHSAS 18001

PT. RATAMA MITRA KUALITASKompleks Niaga Graha Cibinong Blok E1. No. 18Jl. Raya Jakarta Bogor KM 43. Cibinong – Jawa BaratPh : +6221-87909838; +6221-70273810 Fax : +6221-87909839 Website : www.ratamakons ultan.com email : [email protected] Page 15 of 23

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Human Resources Development● Supervisory management● Manage SDM based on ISO 9001 : 2000● Effective leadership training● Coaching and counseling training● Interview skills for personnel selection ● Design program training● Assessment and Appraisal system

Our Consultant Approach

Observing is as our first step of approach reflects our philosophy of creating a better management system solution conducted not only by our management consultant but also by solid team of ratama Management consultants.

Listening, as a world leading company. We consider listening to our clients very essential, the result of which will help fuel the exponential material to find the best solutions for our client’s problems.

Analyzing, We proudly present our results by analyzing progress, to ensure that innovation keeps your business one step ahead of your competitors and make light of the year ahead of competition.

Advising, Varieties of our innovation inspired by creativity and experiences, spark our creation of advising the most applicable system for any kind of company.

Implementing, We focus our energy and resources on creating innovative systems implemented to solve unique problems of thousands of individual business.

The Methodology Framework provides: By Training : the way from What to Why By Management consultant : the way from Why to How By Education : the way from What to How

The trainee will take the benefit as follow:1. Attitude/Awareness : Encourage Participate and learner attitude2. Knowledge : Increase Knowledge3. Practice : Practice Knowledge to their own Business4. Skill : Have proper Skills as the Way of Work

PT. RATAMA MITRA KUALITASKompleks Niaga Graha Cibinong Blok E1. No. 18Jl. Raya Jakarta Bogor KM 43. Cibinong – Jawa BaratPh : +6221-87909838; +6221-70273810 Fax : +6221-87909839 Website : www.ratamakons ultan.com email : [email protected] Page 16 of 23

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OurManagement Consultant

Our management consultant team comprises qualified members from various disciplines.This competence helps us in providing solutions ranging from strategic management to establishing a reliable system in the workplace. ratama management consultants maintain a high performance management consultant team to address your specific needs and also they must be pass the examination as Auditor by IRCA (international register for certification auditor).

Our Valued Customer

Customer dengan category : repeat orderNo Companies name Project name Year1 - Program pendampingan pelaksanaan


PT. RATAMA MITRA KUALITASKompleks Niaga Graha Cibinong Blok E1. No. 18Jl. Raya Jakarta Bogor KM 43. Cibinong – Jawa BaratPh : +6221-87909838; +6221-70273810 Fax : +6221-87909839 Website : www.ratamakons ultan.com email : [email protected] Page 17 of 23

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PDAM Kota Balikpapan

- In-house training : Leadersip, SEx (service excellence), TPM (total productive maintenance), CMS (calibration management system).

- Sertifikasi ISO900!:2008



PDAM Kota Bogor

- Sertifikasi Lab – ISO17025:2005- Up grading dan sertifikasi ISO9001:2008- Sertifikasi ISO9001:2000



PT. Mortar Utama

- Sertifikasi ISO9001:2008 (Jakarta & Surabaya)- Cost reduction program- Program pemdampingan (for 2 years)- Sertifikasi ISO9001:2000

201020092007 - 20082007


PT. Namasindo Plas

- Integrated management system (ISO9001, OHSAS dan ISo14001)

- TPM Implementation- Develop standard of competency- In-house training project- Program pemdampingan (for 2 years)- Sertifikasi ISO9001:2000



PT. Mesindo Alloy Wheel Corp

- In-house training project (TPM, MSA, SPC, APQP, FMEA)

- Sertifikasi ISO/TS16949

2006 – 2008


Customer list, dengan repeat order maks. 2 project.

1. PT. Standard Industry Indonesia – MM2100 Bekasi (press part for electronic product) – ISO9001:2008 certification.

2. PT. Global Nikel Multiguna – ISO9001:20083. PT. Sebastian Jaya Metal – Cakung Plant (ISO9001:2008)4. PT. Jaya Nika Pertama – Riau – Pekanbaru (ISO9001:2008)5. PT. Sarana Unggul Pratama – Cakung (competency assessment &management strategy

development).6. PD Jasa Transportasi Pakuan Kota Bogor – Jawa Barat (business plan development,

corporate plan development).7. Geo Link Pte Ltd Singapore – certification ISO9001:20008. PT. Artha Kartika Putra (caps bottle manufacturer) – certification ISO9001:20009. PT. Geo Link Nusantara – certification ISO9001:200010. PT. Standard Industry Indonesia – MM2100 Bekasi (press part for electronic product) –

ISO/TS 16949 certification.11. PT. Golden Metal Indonesia – Bandung (automotive part manufacturing) – implementation

of particularly tools and system for manufacturer.12. PT. Pelangi Prima Teknikraya – MM2100 Bekasi (automotive part manufacturing) – ISO

9001 : 2000.

PT. RATAMA MITRA KUALITASKompleks Niaga Graha Cibinong Blok E1. No. 18Jl. Raya Jakarta Bogor KM 43. Cibinong – Jawa BaratPh : +6221-87909838; +6221-70273810 Fax : +6221-87909839 Website : www.ratamakons ultan.com email : [email protected] Page 18 of 23

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13. PT. Aftech Rand Perkasa – Kws. Industri Jababeka Cikarang (mould maker) – ISO 9001 : 2000.

14. Pabrik Produk Plastic and Painting (PT. Wika Intrade) – Cibinong, Jawa Barat – developing and implementation 5S, Management Visual Control and ISO/TS 16949

15. Pabrik Produk Metal (PT. Wika Intrade) – Jatiwangi, Jawa Barat – Developing, implementation 5S and Management Visual Control.

16. PT. Indoka Jaya – Kws Industri Manis, Bitung (manufacturing of wire) – certification ISO 9001 : 2000

17. PT. Yamatogawa – Cikande Jawa Barat (manufacturer paper core) – certification ISO 9001 : 2000.

18. PT. Abadi Barindo Autotech – MM2100 Bekasi (design – manufacturing seat and interior car) – certification of integrated system ISO / TS 16949, ISO14001:2004.

19. PT. Pertamina UP III Palembang – Training and workshop of calibration.20. PT. Matra Roda Piranti – MM2100 Bekasi (press part for automotive part) – certification

ISO 9001 : 2000.21. PT. Wika – Intrade (manufacturing automotive parts) – Training QS9000 tools untuk

Pabrik Jatiwangi dan Ciluengsih.22. PT. Asahi Best Base Indonesia ( manufacturing of wiring harness) at MM2100 Industrial

Park – certification ISO / TS 16949.23. PT. Wijaya Karya - Metal Division (manufacturing of automotive part) – certification

QS9000.24. PT. Metal Pressindo Utama – Kws. Pulogadung (injection molding & press part) –

certification ISO 9001 : 2000.25. PT. Dasa Windu Agung (manufacturing automotive parts) – certification ISO/TS 16949.26. PT. Megah Buana Pancarona – Kws Jatake (manufacturing tooth brush) – certification ISO

9001 : 2000.

More clients list can be prepared based on management consultant experiences.

Perumahan Bojong Depok Baru IIJl. Sukahati Blok GI – 04 (Siliwangi V) Cibinong – Bogor , West Java - Indonesia

Mobile : 0813-14898749 or 021-70273810 e-mail : [email protected]

PT. RATAMA MITRA KUALITASKompleks Niaga Graha Cibinong Blok E1. No. 18Jl. Raya Jakarta Bogor KM 43. Cibinong – Jawa BaratPh : +6221-87909838; +6221-70273810 Fax : +6221-87909839 Website : www.ratamakons ultan.com email : [email protected] Page 19 of 23



Page 20: Company Profile



Student of Mechanical Engineering at Sriwijaya University, South Sumatera. 1996Student of Government Senior High School No 2 Plaembang, South Sumatera. 1991Student of Government Junior High School No 1 Baturaja, South Sumatera. 1988Student of Government Primary School No 1 Baturaja, South Sumatera. 1985


PT. RATAMA MITRA KUALITAS CurrentlySenior Consultant with responsibility to develop client/company to achieve the certification of quality and environment management system or others specific requirements. Helps company in developing specific task, such as business strategy, productivity or special project. Conduct public training, in-house training and assessment / appraisal.

PT. INGRESS MALINDO VENTURE Oct 2004 ~ July 2005QA, QC, QMS and Engineering Manager.As QA Manager, I have responsibilities and authorities in term to ensure our customer satisfy and also handle the customer complaint- from receiving the data, analysis and discuss / negotiate with customer. As QC Manager – I have to ensure the process run smoothly, from incoming material till delivery to customer, we also create the TPS in all line process in term to minimize the waste. As QMS Manager and QMR, I have responsibilities and authorities in developing QMS ISO/TS 16949 and ISO 14001 (integrated system), handle the internal audit, customer audit and third parties audit. Also develop LAN, control process by using the computer, etc.

PT. ABADI BARINDO AUTOTECH July 2000 – Oct 2004Quality and Environment System Department HeadQuality and Environment System Head, and also as Quality Management Representative, I have authority and responsibility to ensure that the Quality management system at Pulogadung Plant and Cibitung Plant are maintained and its efficiency is continuously improved, and that the system always complies with the requirements of QS – 9000. I also conduct the internal training (in house training) regarding to human resource development and management development program. I am involved in developing the supplier or others company who wants to certify the quality management system. Right now, I am preparing the company to get ISO 14001.

Beside, I have authorities to prepare company policy regarding to management strategy and also review progress of Company Policy regarding to Business Plan (short term, middle term and long term).

PT. INDONESIA EPSON INDUSTRY Dec ’98 – July 2000Quality Assurance Responsible for ISO 9002 and ISO 14001 certification in the company, from planning, design and advise for implementation of ISO 9000 and ISO 14001. Control and monitor the implementation of the systems in accordance with ISO 9002 and ISO 14001 requirements. Conduct some training for all employees in relation to the ISO 9002 and ISO 14001 requirements. Conduct meeting with representative of each department (team) to see the progress, to come up with ideas for possible improvements. Create a link and maintain information in overall company about quality systems improvement. Develop Statistical Process Control into Intranet System and conduct Quality Monthly Meeting based on Quality Monthly Report. Prepare the company for getting ISO 9001:2000.


PT. RATAMA MITRA KUALITASKompleks Niaga Graha Cibinong Blok E1. No. 18Jl. Raya Jakarta Bogor KM 43. Cibinong – Jawa BaratPh : +6221-87909838; +6221-70273810 Fax : +6221-87909839 Website : www.ratamakons ultan.com email : [email protected] Page 20 of 23

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Responsible for achieving the QS 9000 certification. Responsible for all quality system such as planning, design and advise for implementation. Give some service for consultation to management and staff in quality system matter. Monitor and follow up quality system activities and improve a system between departments. Conducted some training and workshop in relation with the requirements of QS 9000 certification and TBM (total business management) specially in Total Productivity Management and Total Cost Management

As a PRODUCTION ENGINEER April 96 ~ August ‘98Project leader for developing new product, from product and process analysis to it’s standardization. Upgrades the parameters process. Develop process and provide system to support manufacturing. Conduct troubleshooting of process shortcoming and drive continuous improvement. Support production department in controlling production process, process control and solve the problems by using concept of quality and tools of continuous improvement. Support maintenance department in solving of production machine problem. Make statistical process control analyze (the software developed by myself) and cost of quality analyze. Support marketing department in solving of customer complain and conduct audit to vendors


Sosialisasi ISO 10005 : 2005, held by LIPI (as instructor) June 20067 Habits for effective people, held by Aida Consultant May 2004Training Need Analysis, held by PQM Consultant April 2004QCC Advisor, held by Prima Daya Training and Consultancy March 2004Effective Interviewing Skill Training, held by Aida Consultant March 2004Workshop of Balanced Scorecard, held by Premisys Consultant June 2003Man Management, hel by Sutiyo consultant (TAM) June 2003Workshop TPM (total productive maintenance) Feb 2003Workshop KYT and Hyarihatto April 2003Lead Auditor ISO 9001 : 2000 April 2003Workshop “how to deploy vision and mission” Oct 2002Workshop Toyota Production System Oct 2002One Day Seminar ISO/TS 16949, held by GM Indoensia Sept 20025 S sebagai sikap kerja April 2002Management Training “Pendidikan Wajib Pimpinan Kerja” March 2002Awareness ISO14001 March 2002Pelatihan Kalibrasi Dimenensi, held by Pusat Standarisasi LIPI Juni 2000Internal Auditing for ISO 9002, held by SPRINT Consultant April 1999PPAP & APQP Life Training, held by PT GMBI and General Physics Co. May 1998

- Production Part Approval Process- Failure Mode and Effect Analysis- SPC, MSA and APQP.

Total Business Management, held by PT Wijaya Karya July 1997Housekeeping Management, held by PT Wijaya Karya July 1997

QS-9000 Quality Training , held by PT GMBI and General Physics Co. June1997- FMEA- QS 9000 Internal Auditing

QS-9000 Quality Training, held by PT GMBI and General Physics Co. April 1997- Documentation and Auditing- Fundamental of SPC with Introduction to MSA

ISO 9000-Series, held by PT Wijaya Karya August 1996

PROJECT MANAGEMENT (consultancy of management system)

1. PDAM Kota Balikpapan – Management Strategy and ISO9001:2008

PT. RATAMA MITRA KUALITASKompleks Niaga Graha Cibinong Blok E1. No. 18Jl. Raya Jakarta Bogor KM 43. Cibinong – Jawa BaratPh : +6221-87909838; +6221-70273810 Fax : +6221-87909839 Website : www.ratamakons ultan.com email : [email protected] Page 21 of 23

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2. PT. Sarana Unggul Pratama – Management Strategy and Assessment of competency.3. PDAM Tirta Pakuan Kota Bogor – certification ISO9001:20004. PT. Namasindo Plas – P2K3 Implementation Project 5. PDAM Tirta Pakuan Kota Bogor – certification ISO9001:2000.6. PT. Namsindo Plas (manufacturing of botlle 5 gallon) – certification ISO9001:2000.7. PT. Artha Kartika Putra (manufacturing of bottle caps) – certification of ISO9001:2000.8. PT. Pelangi Prima Teknikraya (wire for automotive part) – ISO 9001 : 20009. PT. Aftech Rand Perkasa (mould maker) – ISO 9001 : 200010. PT. Meshindo Alloy Wheel Manufacturing (casting) – ISO/TS 1694911. PT. Aristek Highpolymer – certification ISO 9001 : 200012. PT. Cipta Mortar Utama – certification ISO 9001 : 200013. Pabrik Product Metal & Plastic (Wika-Intrade) – Management Visual Control 14. PT. STANDARD INDONESIA INDUSTRY (paper core) – Project implementation of

SPC15. PT. Indoka Jaya (manufacturing of wire) – certification ISO 9001 : 200016. PT. Abadi Barindo Autotech (design – manufacturing seat and interior car) – certification of integrated system ISO/TS & ISO14001.17. PT. Matra Roda Piranti (manufacturing automotive press part) – certification ISO 9001 :

200018. PT. Wika – Intrade (manufacturing automotive parts) – Training QS9000 tools for

“Pabrik Jatiwangi” and Ciluengsi.19. PT. ABA – Abadi Barindo Autotech ( seat and interior car manufacturing) at

Pulogadung Industrial Park. (P) – QS9000.20. Pertamina UP III Palembang – Training and workshop calibration.21. PT. Asahi Best Base Indonesia ( manufacturing of wiring harness) – certification QS900022. PT. Wijaya Karya - Metal Division (manufacturing of automotive part)23. PT. Metal Pressindo Utama (injection molding & press part) – certification QS900024. PT. Dasa Windu Agung (manufacturing automotive parts) – certification QS900025. PT. Megah Buana Pancarona (manufacturing tooth brush) – certification ISO9001:2000

IMPLEMENTATION OF SPECIAL MANAGEMENT PROJECT.1. Pre-qualification of Vendor – PT. INCO. Goals of project was; how to ensure the all local

vendor can meet the INCO requirements. Starting form vendor selection, monitoring and evaluation. There are 210 contractors should be audited.

2. SPC (statistical process control) - PT. Namasindo Plas (manufacturing of bottle 5 gallon), PT. Meshindo Alloy Wheel Corp, PT. WIka-Intrade, ect. Goals of project is how to control process by using statistic tools and also how to calculate the process performance by using index such as Ppk, Cpk.

3. FMEA (failure mode and effect analysis) – PT. Namasindo Plas, Wika-Intrade, AKP, etc.

4. TPM (total productive maintenance) – PT. Namasindo Plas, PT. Meshindo Alloy Wheel Corp. Goals of project is how to identify six big losses and how to achieve the OEE number (about > 85%) and OPE number ( > 80%) by using good improvement practice in all level of organization.

5. MVC (management visual control) – PT. WIKA Intrade (Gunung Putri and Jatiwangi Plant). Goals of project is how to make manufacturing plant bright, this project is also called “meiruka concept”.

PT. RATAMA MITRA KUALITASKompleks Niaga Graha Cibinong Blok E1. No. 18Jl. Raya Jakarta Bogor KM 43. Cibinong – Jawa BaratPh : +6221-87909838; +6221-70273810 Fax : +6221-87909839 Website : www.ratamakons ultan.com email : [email protected] Page 22 of 23

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6. Management Strategy – PT. Cipta Mortar Utama (cement instant), PT. Namasindo Plas, PT. AKP and PT. Sarana Unggul Pratama. Goals of this project is how to ensure that total sales and profit can monitor, measure and interpretation.

7. Maintain of implementation management system – PT. Namasindo Plas (manufacturing of bottle 5 gallon). Goals of this project is ensure the implementation of the QMS (quality management system), I am involved in developing and conducting the internal quality audit, monthly management meeting, surveillance audit, develop yearly company target(business plan).

8. etc

AUDIT EXPERIENCE (on behalf of certification body).1. PT. Perkebunan Nusantara XII (5 garden – Kalirejo, Kalisanen, Glantangan, Zeelandia and

Sungai lembu) – certification ISO9001:20082. Pre – Qualification Local Vendors PT. INCO (there are 200 vendors)3. SMAN 5 Surabaya – Certified ISO9001:2000 - IWA2.4. SMAN 2 Surabaya – Certified ISO9001:2000 - IWA25. SMPN 15 Surabaya – Certified ISO9001:2000 – IWA26. SMPN 19 Surabaya – Certified ISO9001:2000 – IWA27. SMPN 22 Surabaya – Certified ISO9001:2000 – IWA2.8. PT. TOSIMA ABADI – ISO9001:2000 (Spare part automotive).9. PT. BUANA POWER – ISO9001:2000 (ATC PT. PLN)10. PT. GALTON ENGINEERING – ISO9001:2000 (ATC PT. PLN).11. PT. ASIA CHANNEL OTOPARTS – ISO9001:200012. PT. DUTA GRAHA INDAH (contractor of building construction) – OHSAS & ISO900113. PT. PETINDO (blow moulding) – ISO9001:200014. PT. TEAMWOX INDONESIA & TEAM MODULE (technical assistance contractor) –

ISO9001:200015. PT. BERCA INDONESIA (Documents Control System Contractor and Consultant) –

ISO9001:2000.16. PT. Wijaya Karya (Metal Product Division) – ISO/TS 16949.17. etc

COMPUTER * Microsoft office, Visio, CAD, etc.& HOBBIES * Sport, listening the music and read the news and science book. REFERENCE Reference and additional data available upon request.

PT. RATAMA MITRA KUALITASKompleks Niaga Graha Cibinong Blok E1. No. 18Jl. Raya Jakarta Bogor KM 43. Cibinong – Jawa BaratPh : +6221-87909838; +6221-70273810 Fax : +6221-87909839 Website : www.ratamakons ultan.com email : [email protected] Page 23 of 23