.4. CONDITII SI TERMENE PRIVIND LIVRAREA Clauze posibile 1. Conditia de livrare este EXW/CIP/DDU etc. (vezi mai jos), (conform INCOTERMS 2000), la adresa _______. 2. Dupa efectuarea formalitatilor vamale de catre Cumparator, bunurile se vor transporta pe cheltuiala Vânzatorului la adresa de destinatie indicata de Cumparator la data semnarii prezentului contract. 3. Bunurile se vor livra la destinatia indicata la pct. ____ al prezentului contract, în termen de ______ zile de la data achitarii avansului. 4. Livrarea se va efectua cu respectarea conditiilor specificate de art. ______ al prezentului contract. 5. La livrare bunurile /utilajul /marfa va fi însotit(a) de urmatoarele documente în original: - factura comerciala definitiva; - specificatia marfii pentru fiecare colet; - scrisoarea de transport international (CMR); - certificatele de calitate si conformitate. 3.4. TERMS AND CONDITIONS REGARDING DELIVERY Possible Provisions 1. The delivery conditions is EXW/CIP/DDU etc. (see below), (according to INCOTERMS 2000), at the address ________. 2. After the completion of the customs formalities by the Buyer, the goods will be transported on the Seller’s expense at the address of destination indicated by the Buyer on the date the hereby contract is signed. 3. The goods will be delivered at the destination indicated at pct. __________ of the hereby contract, within ____ days from the date of the advance payment/down payment. 4. The delivery will be carried out with the observance of the

Conditii de Livrare

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Clauze posibile

1. Conditia de livrare este EXW/CIP/DDU etc. (vezi mai jos),

(conform INCOTERMS 2000), la adresa _______.

2. Dupa efectuarea formalitatilor vamale de catre Cumparator,

bunurile se vor transporta pe cheltuiala Vnzatorului la adresa de

destinatie indicata de Cumparator la data semnarii prezentului


3. Bunurile se vor livra la destinatia indicata la pct. ____ al

prezentului contract, n termen de ______ zile de la data achitarii


4. Livrarea se va efectua cu respectarea conditiilor specificate de

art. ______ al prezentului contract.

5. La livrare bunurile /utilajul /marfa va fi nsotit(a) de

urmatoarele documente n original:

- factura comerciala definitiva;

- specificatia marfii pentru fiecare colet;

- scrisoarea de transport international (CMR);

- certificatele de calitate si conformitate.


Possible Provisions

1. The delivery conditions is EXW/CIP/DDU etc. (see below),

(according to INCOTERMS 2000), at the address ________.

2. After the completion of the customs formalities by the Buyer,

the goods will be transported on the Sellers expense at the

address of destination indicated by the Buyer on the date the

hereby contract is signed.

3. The goods will be delivered at the destination indicated at pct.

__________ of the hereby contract, within ____ days from the

date of the advance payment/down payment.

4. The delivery will be carried out with the observance of the

specific conditions mentioned by art. _____ of the hereby contract

5. Upon delivery, the goods/machine/merchandise will be

accompanied by the following documents in original:

- final commercial invoice

- specification of the goods for each individual package

- letter of international transport (CMR)

- quality and conformity certificates