AO VI XX sine stes ia rob ot 2. m. Inform. Programa que explora automáticamente la red para encontrar información. En neurofisiología, sinestesia (del griego συν-, 'junto', y αἰσθησία, 'sensación') es la asimilación conjunta o interferencia de varios tipos de sensaciones de diferentes sentidos en un mismo acto perceptivo. Un sinestésico puede, por ejemplo, oír colores, ver sonidos, y percibir sensaciones gustativas al tocar un objeto con una textura determinada. No es que lo asocie o tenga la sensación de sentirlo: lo siente realmente. La sinestesia es un efecto común de algunas drogas psicodélicas, como el LSD , la mescalina o los hongos psilocibios. sinestesia robot sinestesia. (De sin- y el gr. αἴσθησις, sensación). 1. f. Biol. Sensación secundaria o asociada que se produce en una parte del cuerpo a consecuencia de un estímulo aplicado en otra parte de él. 2. f. Psicol. Imagen o sensación subjetiva, propia de un sentido, determinada por otra sensación que afecta a un sentido diferente. 3. f. Ret. Tropo que consiste en unir dos imágenes o sensaciones procedentes de diferentes dominios sensoriales. Soledad sonora. Verde chillón. robot. (Del ingl. robot, y este del checo robota, trabajo, prestación personal). 1. m. Máquina o ingenio electrónico programable, capaz de manipular objetos y realizar operaciones antes reservadas solo a las personas.

Conovactoria Proyecto Eng Sin Pres

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Page 1: Conovactoria Proyecto Eng Sin Pres

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!AO VIXX! sine

stesia rob

ot 2. m. Inform. Programa que explora automáticamente la red para encontrar información.

En neurofisiología, sinestesia

(del griego συν-, 'junto', y

αἰσθησία, 'sensación') es la asimilación conjunta o interferencia de varios tipos de sensaciones de diferentes sentidos en un mismo acto perceptivo. Un sinestésico puede, por ejemplo, oír colores, ver sonidos, y percibir

sensaciones gustativas al tocar un objeto con una textura determinada. No es que lo asocie o tenga la sensación de sentirlo: lo siente realmente. La sinestesia es un efecto común de algunas drogas psicodélicas, como el LSD, la mescalina o los hongos psilocibios. !!

!sinestesia robot !!!sinestesia.

(De sin- y el gr.

αἴσθησις, sensación). 1. f. Biol. Sensación secundaria o asociada que se produce en una parte del cuerpo a consecuencia de un

estímulo aplicado en otra parte de él. 2. f. Psicol. Imagen o sensación subjetiva, propia de un sentido, determinada por otra sensación que afecta a un sentido diferente.

3. f. Ret. Tropo que consiste en unir dos imágenes o sensaciones procedentes de diferentes dominios sensoriales. Soledad sonora. Verde chillón.

robot. (Del ingl. robot, y este del checo robota, trabajo,

prestación personal). !1. m. Máquina o ingenio electrónico programable, capaz de manipular objetos y realizar operaciones

antes reservadas solo a las personas.

Page 2: Conovactoria Proyecto Eng Sin Pres


In the same way our perception depends on our neuronal synapse, the circuits are susceptible to be modified to achieve a new personality.

These synthetic brains are bound to a specific task, as all the components in the circuits. Bending these points we alter function of the

machine, making it able to communicate to other machines. This new signals incoming to the boards is processed and interpreted.

Therefore, authorship belongs to them, and human hand becomes a tool.


This is a machine manifesto, the representation of nature.

Machines are nature.


Light, sound, electricity and electromagnetism.

Natural phenomena corresponding to the logical processes of nature.

This impulses can be received and processed by analog devices.

It’s behavior goes from artificial to real. The responses become natural, like waves on the water, geometry or light decomposition.


This project aims to connect and translate those responses to our field of perception.

Light and sound.


Page 3: Conovactoria Proyecto Eng Sin Pres

1. Objetives !//installation//video-art//cyborg//light//sound// This project is a continuation of a working process experiments that begin with sound, and continues to other areas like video, circuit bending, photography and performance. !The objetive is to develop the idea of “creative machines”. Since it’s functioning is bound to physics, the representation of these signals reflects the nature of light, sound and electricity. These principles become the same signal routed through the system, in which every board makes it’s own process and interpretation. As installation, it would be an autonomous system, able to perform light and sound according to the configuration and modules involved. Interactivity it’s also a goal, being possible through sensors. !The production process it’s focused on two concepts, experimentation and DIY (do it yourself). Every piece is hand-made and recycled. The bending points are selected after an individual board research, trying different combinations and outputs. This is where the chance finding these points, and the nature of the device, conforms it’s behavior. !In order to get a photographic support to these signals I’m currently investigating about processes like stenography and blueprints. I’d like to achieve some kind of electrochemical reactions. !Main points:

!• Hand-made electronics (circuit bending) • Physics interaction (sound, light, electricity) • Devices generative possibilities

!!2. Production plan

To implement these systems into an space we have to consider the configuration of the system. It would be projected over a whole room or in a tiny television. It depends on the building process and the ideas that comes up. But basically it’s supposed to separate the human world and the machines. One should feel like entering in a strange but familiar world. !Project working plan takes shape over the time, during craft, experiments and new ideas coming along the process. This is aimed to an idea, but is during the development and testing when new tools and techniques are discovered. And the chosen tools configuration will conform the final system. I usually perform live, and !!

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!This is a basic scheme, where the signals created by a bent console goes to a patchbay, and then routed to the signal between camera and tv. This feedback changes in order to the console signals. !There are over 1125899906842620 possible combinations if we consider the picture on the left. Those are two DSUB-25 bent to 50 different points. If we consider the new combinations when we attach similar devices, the chance of repeat exactly the same system it’s almost impossible. !One of these systems can be made of multiple devices, like toy-synths, broken boards, video/audio/electric signal router and mixer, handmade patchbay, consoles, cameras, etc. !

I think it’s important to point some attention to the way it works, making visible the devices and wiring, since most of my works are built on antique or recycled cases, like old metal boxes. It’s a way to recover antique stuff due to it’s aesthetic value, and mark a contrast with all the technologic meaning of their use. !Methodology: !

• Research, routing physics, system concept • Build and modificate devices, system building • System routing configuration, adaptation to environment





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set-ups and devices

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