Couch David Deborah 1980 Ghana

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  • 8/12/2019 Couch David Deborah 1980 Ghana






    Box 5722ACCRA GHANA

    Feb 2k 1980

    F o rw a rd in g A g en t:Mr Mra Fred Coucn

    P O Box 108Snithviiie Ind U7U58

    Dear Fr iends in Chr is t sWe have been in Oiana a l i t t le over a week now. Already we have learned many newthings. The Ghanaian people are very friendly and they have made us feel welcome.There is one inconvenience. Our arrival was during the hottest time of the year thusfar On top of that our water has been off since we have been hero. However theLord has amply provided in that area. Sometimes i t makes for a little more workbut we really appreciate the water we do haveOur flight over was without any major difficulties We ware fortunate to spendThurs. night in a small lutch hotel. It is especially for missionaries and is located in an older section of Amsterdam. We were able to walic around the city andeven buy some hot dogs. We arrived safely in Accra the evening of Feb. l5Since then we have gotten our house somewhat in order and become acquainted withthe functions of the college The weather has been hot much like you experiencein Aug but the humidity i s higherwe really like the people here and are beginning to feel comfartable wito them.

    We know we s t i l l have much to leam but they are patient with us Qannainicationhas been no problem. We can understand their English most of the time. They seemto be able to understand us i f we speak slowly Already we have begun to speakslowly an d very dis t inc t ly

    We hope and pray that the Lord will use us in this work please continue to prayfor us May God bless you

    Yours in Chr i s tDave and leb

  • 8/12/2019 Couch David Deborah 1980 Ghana


    MISSION S E R V I C E S ASSOCIATIONF or of f ic e us e only:

    PERSONAL FILE FORM 2 o jw7* ^01-'Dat e R e c d :

    Information from this form will appear in Horizonsand other infor- Thisform isprepared tohelpyougiveaccurate background informa-mation formats published by Mission Services Association. tion about yourself and your mission work.please type or print clearly *Do not abbreviatePlease do no t write on this form anything other than that requested. Attach extra sheets for addit i onal i nformat i on you m a y w a nt to provide.

    This is no t an application form, it is n ot a n official form endorsing y ou a nd your work. It is simply a worksheet designed to help us publicizeyour work that ma y help produce n e w f ri e nd s for you, p r a ye r s a n d financial assistance. If an y questions seem t o o p e rs o na l o r s ee m offensiveto you, please feel free to leave them blank.

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    state Zip ^ _S

  • 8/12/2019 Couch David Deborah 1980 Ghana


    CA^A rc k Of C^riii -S lCc(frb i\J A/ be r S t r e e t 3{FuWCity: S t a t e Zip j jO^ 1

    Please s end le t ters o f recommenda t ion f rom th e e lde rs inyour sponsoring churches which will encourage otherchurchestosupportyourmissionary work. Certainly th ewords of these elders will help to convince othersregarding th e worth iness of your mission work. Pleasehelp MSA to spread your news through HORIZONS bysending these elders letters from your sponsoringchurches as soon as possible. MSA will be happy to helpyo u contact these eiders if you will send th e fulladdresses of t h e c h u rc h e s

    Please sketch a map directing visitors to your location on the mission field.4Fl2fCAGr 4 ^^

    Recommendations by Christian Leaders: List names her e and enclose a copy of each letter.)Name: Numbe r Stree tCity: State ZipN a m e

    City _Place o f Bir thDate o f b ir th

    {Uumbet j SirssO


    (Add date of arrivalif applicable.)



    Numbe r Stree tS t a t e

    nity o

    (Day) (Year)


    State yf/ ?

    and natural izat ion da te(Day) (Year) (Month)




    Where baptized? ^ es^ DateCity PR State ^ ZipOn an extra sheet please descr ibe any details regarding your conversion which you migh t care to mention..MARITAL ST AT US :Married Single Divorced WidowedPlease give th e comple te name of your husband o r th e maiden name of your wifeDate ofmarriage Where married? ^ rCj_ / jC ^0 Month Day YearWho solemnized your wedding? Ua. L,oU.C.h ^4 jiList children by full name giving th e place, birthday, month and yearin the order of your children s birth days. If yourchildren have been adopted please indicate.) In case you are single, please list your brothers and sisters by name inthis space.

    N a m e P l a c e o f bir th Month, Day Y e a r


  • 8/12/2019 Couch David Deborah 1980 Ghana


    Please list places of previous Chris tian service and what service you did as a brief career summary. Giveapproximate dates:

    y Position Service ^ ^ Dates^ ycct h ^ /yyg

    EDUCATION high school and later : ^ m u < Deg re es g ra nt ed and dateName of school Location Number of years

    fpj m^^ FR.^dfq./

  • 8/12/2019 Couch David Deborah 1980 Ghana


    P A R E N T S :

    Father s nam e and his home address: F P IdJ L {First -Living Deceased Number StreetCity J77 / T^ Vi A. ^ ^RtgtP A/1> / Zip Phone ^ e d 2.His occupation >?n Is he aChristian? Yes ^ NoWhat positions of leadership has he held In the local church? ,

    What Christian service does he now do? 's'tcrM o t h e r s full m a i d e n n a m e _

    First - Middle Last name

    ^ Deceased Number Street a(First - Middle - Lest name. II applicable, l ist both Mr. end Mrs. lull names.)Number an d Street CityState Zip PhoneWhere attend church? C--^ ^ f U ^ ^ hNumber Street city State ^ ZipWhat duties are performed by the forwarding agent?Should money be sent to the forwarding agent only?Does the forwarding agent receive a salary? in what form should funds be sent?Please give the full name of the mission: jDoes the mission have official ta x exempt status? Please give details of HOW checks should be written to this mission: 7 eAy

    00 dA-ccAf If funds ar e to be sent directly to the missionary on th e mission field, please explain the details of HOW to do it, so wecan give your explanation to HORIZONS readers and others who may inquire

    -To r h f RG-fAxr-Mission Services Association is depending upon you to keep her informed regarding your missionary activity.

    Thanks so very much; you a re the BEST source for your information we know, so you are a vital partner.If you have additional information that you think will be helpful to the staff of MSA in preparing news stories about

    your ministry, please feel free t o s end it. MSA is depending upon you. Thanks.

  • 8/12/2019 Couch David Deborah 1980 Ghana



    P E R S O N A L FILE FORMFq 2t{[ce use only:2 O t280

    D a t e S e n t

    D a t e R e c d7 1980

    Information from this form will appear in Horizons and othe r information formats publ ished by Mission Services Association.

    This form is prepared to help you give accurate background information about yourself and you r mission work.

    Please type or print clearly *Do not abbreviatePlease do no t write on this form anything other than that requested. Attach extra sheets for additional information you maywant to provide.

    This is no t an application form. It is not a n official form endorsing you an d your work. It is simply a worksheet designed to help us publicizeyour work that may help produce new friends for you, prayers and financial assistance. If any questions seem too personal or seem offensiveto you, please feel free to leave them blank.

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    N a m e in fu ll Spell ou t all names I L Middle Name

    Complete address on field:(Number - Street City Slate - Zip number Country)

    /?(L(L ft. LOFs T (LfiP ho ne n um b er on field: In Case of Emergency call :

    Ask for: (first - Middle - Last name an d address)

    Your complete address while In USA: (Number Street City - State - Zip)

    Your USA phone number: a re a code phone number

    Name and address of LIvlnglInk church or churches:Number Street

    (Full name ol church)City

    (Full name ol church)City:

    S t a t e

    N u m b e r S t r e e tS t a t e

    Names and addresses of other sponsoring churches whose e lder s r ecommend you:N u m b e r S t r e e t

    (Full n a m e o l chu rch )City: S t a t e




  • 8/12/2019 Couch David Deborah 1980 Ghana


    (Full name of church) N u m b e r S t r e e tCity: S t a t e Zi p

    P l e a s e s e n d l et t er s o f r e c o m m e n d a t i o n fro m t h e e l d e r s iny o ur s p o ns o ri n g churches which will e n c ou r a ge o t h erc h u rc h e s t o s u p p o rt y o u rmi s s i o n a ry work. Certainly th ewords of these elders will help to c on vi nc e o th e rsregarding t h e w o rt h in e ss of your mission work. Pleasehelp MSA to spread your news through HORIZONS bysending these elders letters from y ou r s po ns or in gchurches as soon a s possible. MS A will be happy t o h el pyo u contact these elders if you will send th e fulla d d r e s s e s o f t h e c h u r c h e s

    Please sketch a ma p directing visitors to your location on th e mission field

    Recommendations by Christian Leaders: {List n am es h er e a nd enclose a copy of each letter.)N a m e : N u m b e r S t r e e t

    S t a t eity:N a m e

    City _P l a c e o f B ir thD a t e o f b ir th _

    N u m b e r S t r e e tS t a t e

    CityWo n er Street) J I2. f ry Month) Day) Year)

    S t a t e*

  • 8/12/2019 Couch David Deborah 1980 Ghana


    Please list places of p re vi ou s C hri st ia n s er vi ce and what service you did as a brief career summary. Giveapproximate dates:

    P l a c e Pos i t ion

    EDUCATION high schoo l and later :

    Name of school Location

    Serv ice

    Number o f years


    Deg re es g ra nted a nd d ateList honorary degrees


    What influenced you to become a missionary? JU

  • 8/12/2019 Couch David Deborah 1980 Ghana


    P A R E N T S :F a t h e r s n am e a nd h is h o m e a d d r e s sLiving .City

    D e c e a s e d

    S t a t e

    s Last na m e )N u m b e r S t r e e t

    Zip J1 7 2 E I^ _ Phoneis h e a C h r i s t i a n ? Y e sis occupation C

    Whatjpositions of leadership ha s he held in th e local church?r>^--

    W h a t C hristian s e r v i c e d o e s h e n o w d o ?

    M o t h e r s full m a i d e n n a m e{ fi rs t

    N o

    L a st n a m e )

    Living D e c e a s e dCityIs s h e a C h r i s t i a n ? Y e s

    Number Street JxA P ^State Zip 7 ^ ^ Phone

    No He r occupation if e mp lo ye d o uts id e th eh o m e

    What leadership positions or Christian ser vi ce h as she rendered to th e local church?U J

    If so , please list t heir n ames, location, kinship an d details on a s e pa rat e s he et with a brief explanation of theirmissionary activity.

    F O R W A R D I N G A G E N T :N a m e

    Do you have relatives in m iss io n w o rk? Ye s

    0 lO do U ^ irst - Middle Lasf nartte.

    N um b er a n d S tr ee tS t a t e ;=

    N o

    II applicable, list both Mr. an d Mrs. lull na m e s.), City

    7ip V 7 y ^ ^ Phone T /X VW h e r e a t t e n d c h u r c h ? Full n am e ol church)N u m b e r S t r e e t CityWhat duties ar e performed by th e forwarding agent?S houl d money be sent to th e forwarding agent only?Does th e forwarding agent receive a salary?Please give th e full name of th e mission:D oe s t he mission have official ta x exempt status?

    S t a t e Zi p

    In w h a t fo rm s h ou l d f un d s b e s e n t ?

    Please give detai ls of HOW checks should be written to this mission:if f un ds a re to be sent directly to th e missionary on th e mission field, please explain th e details of HO W to do it, so wecan give your e xpla na ti on t o HORIZONS r ea de rs a nd o th er s wh o may inquire

    Mission Services Association is depending upon you to keep he r informed regarding your missionary activity.Thanks so very much; yo u ar e th e BEST source for your information we know, so yo u ar e a vital partner.

    if you have additional information that yo u think will be helpful to th e staff of MSA In preparing news stories aboutyour ministry, please feel free to send it. MSA is d ep en d in g u po n you. Thanks.

  • 8/12/2019 Couch David Deborah 1980 Ghana



    D VID AND DE OR Hc 0 a C H

    F i s i d Addre s s :OHANA CHRISTIAN COLLEGE

    Box 5722ACCRA, GHANA

    May I4, 1980

    F o rw a rd in g A g en t:Mr.Mrs. Fred Ooucii

    P.O. Box 10 8Smithvijj.e Ind. ii7ii58

    Dear Chr is t ian Friends

    Greetings from (Siana. By now the winter is over for you and spring is onceagain bringing you warm weather. It is just the opposite for us. We have beengoing through the hottest part of the year. Sane have said this year has beenone of the hottest for quite a while. Wow we are on the verge of the rainy season. Already we have had a couple of big stoims. They bring with them some cooler weather^ cool in the sense that we wa: pants instead of shorts around thehou s e

    Life has its ups and downs. Right now i t seems to be one of the downs- Thepost office employees have gone on ^t^e That means no mail can go out or ccmein. We really enjoyed receiving mail from our families, friends, and some of o*rsupporters. Now we scanetimes get tfce feeling that we are cut off from the restof the world. Please pray for us that these things don t get us down. We havealso been having some problems with the water and the electricity. Rightneither is working and we don t know when they will be fixed. We are learningfirst hand how to cope with quite a few situations in l ife.

    The college is in its third and final term for this school year. David hasbeen teaching since the beginning of the term. Graduation will be coming up June11|. There is a lo t to be done in the few weeks before then.I We have been visiting a few of the..churches. We also attended the Easter Convention of the Christian Churches Brotherhood. David will be going with someof the students to^aiar.t a cli)^ch_in May. It is a process which covers a periodof several weeks, so the peo^e of the village can be taught. Many know littleor nothing about God as we know Hirft-

    We ask that you also remember the Carl Bridges family and Dorothy Eunson inyour prayers. The Bridges will be returning to CSrana in June, Dorothy will begoing to the States for a much deserved rest also ^ June.Yours in Chr i s t

    Dave and Deb(This letter was sent to us to send out to the churches. Due to the strike theythought they would have to go to the air port and send i t out with someone goingto the States. Anote at the end however indicated that the . ^r^e_^d beenj settled, and they could send mail once again. I m sure they would appreciatehearing from you. Their address is above. Fred W Couch)

  • 8/12/2019 Couch David Deborah 1980 Ghana


    (July- 5v 19i30 WEM:r Couch S e r v e s GhanaDavid , a n d Xlrs , S e h o r a h Couch

    a r r i v e d i n .Gha^.,.Fc^_i^ avidis involved in Bible teachi^iwith Ghana Chris t ian College and ;

    v i s i t i n g t h e c h u r c h e s . Deb s i n v o l v e di n t e a c h i n g BiVle and s h a r i n g i n l a d i e s B i b l e s t u d y l a v l d and t o e .

    itB a r b a r a K a l b s e r v e d Ghana

    November^ 197i t ^ iJovemberviWhen they-xetumed-to- the iltafcas-.J

    due t p _ t h e i r son ^influenced his sister i eb and herhusband to carry on the mission wjjrkTiie f i e l d i s n e a r t h e e q u a t o r andDave and^Deb arxived there at the]hottest season of the year Iheyilove t h e people and a r e a d j u s t i n gw e l l t o new c u l t u r e a n d c l i m a t - e .

    D a v i d C l a r e n c e C o u c h - w a s bo3m June 28, 1957 i n ,KQkDmcL+,; I.C. ana tos , Joyce Couch. ,Bred, iftla- - C h r i s t i a n P r e a c h e r and Joyce i s ass e c r e t a r y a t I nd ia n a U n i ve r s it y . They also serve as forwarding agentsfor David and Deb. David was graduated ^from high school at Predericktcj^, Ohioi n 1975* He had f o u r y e a r s a t Johnson

    ,-;-X Cu Q s i i e q

  • 8/12/2019 Couch David Deborah 1980 Ghana


    i Page - 2 - Couch Serves Ghana - J u l y 3,80 VHH - i

    Bihle Qoilege n e a r Knoxville,.. Tenn-where he was g r a d u a t e d in 1979 U avidh a s s e r v e d a s P r e a c h e r s ince 1977 inI n d i a n a . This c o u p l e i s recomraendedb y th e e l d e r s o f : Sou ths ide C h r i s t i a nChurch, S m i t h v i l l e , I n d . ; The Churcho f Chr is t a t P a l m y r a , P r e d e r i c k t o wn ,O hio; C .urch of Chr is t :Iempfie3d

    Township Ireensburg, Pa. and iiei^sChurch o f Chr i s t i-lcConnelsville-,Ohio.

    tMrs. Deborah D Kalb ouchwas-b o m November 2, 1957 in Z a n e s v i l l e ,

    ^ Ohio to Robert C. and Mrs. Carma P.Kalb. He i s a n e lder and b o t h p a r e n t sa re S u n d a y S c h o o l t e achexs Deb wasg r a d u a t e d from high s c h o o l a t M c C d n h e l l s -v i l l e O h i o i n 1 9 7 5- ^ h e to o h a d f o u r y e a r s a t JB C w h o r e she w a sgradua ted i n 1979 -She marr ied D a v i d .on August 12, 1978 a t McConnellDvijle^Ohio w i t h F r e d W. C o u c h an d D av id K a lb

    o f f i c i a t i n g They have no chi ldrenDeb also a s s i s t s in the l i b ra ry worka t th e Ghana Chr is t ian Col lege

    F u n d s fo r t h i s c o u p l e may be sen tt h r o u g h t h e i r f o r w a r d i n g a g e n t s :A f r i c a n M i s s i o n Kvangelism, Mr. and . oV ?

    >^5i 8on

  • 8/12/2019 Couch David Deborah 1980 Ghana


    jP^age - 5 - Couch Serves Ghana Ju ly 5, 1980 WUl

    r^s -^re4 Couch, P.O. .Box 108. 4Smithville, Ii; 47458 phone 812 __824-9202. The i r f i e l d addres s i s sDavid 0. and Mrs. r-ehorah Couch, iBox 5722, Accra, Ghana, Afr ica

    ii-M The Bnd HM Please r e tu rn pict^^^e to PAas I promised - B i ll


  • 8/12/2019 Couch David Deborah 1980 Ghana


    5 mflo


    DAV IJi AN.Ii,. , DE B-C KAH O U H

    Field Address: Forwarding Agent,:GHANA CKRISTIAK COLLEGE MT.I^s. Fred GoacLBox ^722 ? 0 BoxACCRA GriANA Smitnvi^a,. Ind. k kS^FIRST IMFHBSSICWS OF AN AFRICAN COUNTRY

    As we stepped off the piana we felt lost. Looking around the dimly l i t airpoi*twe saw the other passengers shared our feelings. Our plane unloaded on tlie nmwaysdiere i t stopped. There vere no directicn signs to guide us to the entrance of theterminal. No one seemed to know where the passengers frcan KIH flight ^87 were togo. Finally we made our way ins ide, finding more confusion.Thus we entered a new culture. We went half way around the world in less than^three days. We lef t the U.S. wearing sweaters and coats, we entered Ghana carryingthem. There is no need for such things here. We left our families and friends behind. We entered the country knowing no one, except through letters. Yet, we knewthe Lord brought us this far . He would not l e t us down now.To our advantage we knew two raissioDary families recently back from CSiana. Newwe are experiencing first hand 1 the things they shared with us. Even with alltheir help i t was, and st i l l is, quite an adjustment for us. We now live ^cmgpeople about whom we know relatively little. Tfe live in a countiy struggling fort very surv iva l

    No longer do we think in terms of conveniences and efficiency (whoever came upwith these terms never spent time in Ghana). Instead, we count the number of tripsneeded to obtain even the simplest items. We wonder how many times the governmentoffices will lose our papers in their unique pile systems, that is pile, not^file). How long will the electric stay on this time? If the water comes on tonightwill the pressure be high enough to f i l l our tank? . v +W live a simpler life here. Vftiat one does not have he leains to do without.ances are he will not find i t in the country. If he does, the price will probablybe more -bari he can afford. Store shelves stand empty. Factories cannot get theraw materials needed to produce their goods, ^ftiat they do produce is either smuggled out of the country or sold at kalabule black market) prices. Most peopleearn little more than they need to on. Inflation runs so high no one bothersto calcula te i t No ohq knows what cost of living increases and benefits axe*Why did W come to a place like this? The question has occurred to us more thanonce. Our first impression was one of depressicn. would anyone want to stayhere? The need of the people to know Jesus Christ stands as our only i*eason. Wehope in our gniaii way we will be used by God to help meet that need.

    COLLEGE NEWSWith the beginning of the third term classes on March H, David took up Msing duties. Because al l classes are taught in iglish there was l i t t le problem witncommunication. It may have been a bit harder for the students- They had to adoj^tto his American accent and American English , ^lanaians are taught according tothe British system. It is surprising the number of differences between t^e two

    forms of English. Added to that are the valuations the Ghanaians themselves havemade. Nonetheless, with minor adjustments, all went well. Of course, the s ^dantscan speak to one another in their own languages. It is quite an advantage whensaying something they do not want their American teacher to hear. _ j 1 Graduation was held on Saturday afternoon, June Ik* Four students received t^irthree year diplomas. For the ccaning school year theie will be 19 retuimjiig s n s.The outlook for new students looks good. Please continue to pray for the successof the co l l ege -Deb has not been idle during this time. She ?earned her way around Accra by he p-ing to get seme of the allotted commodaties for the students. She will ^so beteaching one class in the coming school yearj Bible Survey. Together with GlendaBridges she will do a lot of running around on college business. Th^ also haveth e task of keeping house in this scmetimes aggravating economy.

    The long vacation lasts until Sept. 2. It is what Americans think of as summerva-cation, but here i t is the cooler part of the year. Some of the students returahome to their families and work. Others stay in Accra. Th^ and their teachers)have a break from their studies, with the hope that all will be eager to beginst\idies the next term. ^For us the long vacation will give us a chance to finish gettjifg settled intoour house. There is also the continuing woidc of the daurches.^Deb writes lessonsfor the Sunday School of the Abecka church. I t meets in the college classrocm

  • 8/12/2019 Couch David Deborah 1980 Ghana


    building. David wil l contiiiue his woric with the vi l lages . I t i s also a time of pre-paraticQ fo r the coming school year .EXmiEMCES WITH GHORCHSS

    Since coming to CSiana we have had opportunities to v i s i t sane of the churches.The second Sunday following our ar r ival David went with Christian Adjei to thevillage of Jecordua. (Bro, Christian vas then-acting principal of G.C.G.)* Here heexperienced h is f i r s t three hour church service. Fortunately they provided a paddedchair fo r him to s i t on^ in ste ad o f the regular benches. The *white man was veryg ra te fu l f or the i r thoughtfulness.The entire service was in the Ga language, one of the many spoken in Ghana. Eventhough David knew nothing of what was said, the people did. The village people doknow a small amount of English, such as amen o r h al le lu ja h . Of course, we knowless of their language than they do ours.This same Sunday was also the f i r s t time for David to eat C3ianaian food. I t isusual ly e aten w it h the hands. The texture i s similar to bread dough. They r o l l in the i r hands and dip in the stew. One of the things most Ghanaians l ike i shot pepper. On this particular Sunday, the stew was fu l l of i t Needless to say,we both prefer American food to Ghan aiaii.David is now involved with 2 students in trying to s tar t churches in 2 villages.They ai^ near the village of Kpenu (pay-new), idi ich has a church. He goes on Saturday to show filmstrips in the villages. On Sunday morning he teaches in one of thevillages, then usually he goes back to preach at the church in Kpenu. Because ofthe language difference one of the s tudents interprets for David. I t took him a fewtimes of speaking to get used to this way of speaking. A good number of people iis-ually turn out for the filmstidps. I t involves braving a horde of misquitos andstanding, but they enjoy it . . The number on Sunday morning is considerably less, butthere does seem to be sane interest. pray that at least one church will be ther e s u l t o f o u r e ff cx rt sDeb has travelled to Kpenu once also. The people really enjoy having a white woman present. A chief of one of the villages told David he was going to take hiswife. As far as he can tel l , that i s the chief s way of paying a compliment. Let shope so.

    PEEISONAL NOTEOur lives have made an abrupt change in the las t few months. Already we have cometo appreciate th e blessings of living ih America. No longer can we run to the storeto buy a few things, or see a bal l game on TV By now the newness of being herehas worn off. are beginning to feel comfortable here, as comfortable as one can.The Lord has provided us with many new friends who help us with the ways of theirpeople. Both of us have p len ty of work to do. greatly appreciate those of you who have rameonbered us in your prayers, pleasecontinue to do so. Also, please remember Dorothy Eunson as she is now on furlough,and the Carl Bridges family as tfcoy begin the i r second term here.Thank you to those who help us financially. Because of your help we have less toworry about in this ever changing economy. Another thing we greatly appreciate isreceiving mail . Even though i t may take a long tijne, old nesws i s nice to read from

    f r i e n d sWe pray that God wi l l bless a l l of you.

    Xours in Ch r i s tDave an d Deb



    July 16, 1980


    Res BO*


    PAIDSrai thvi l le , Ind .p e rmi t No, 2

  • 8/12/2019 Couch David Deborah 1980 Ghana


    DEC 1 5 9 /D ^



    F i a l d Address :GHANA CHRISTIAN COLLBXiB

    Box 5722ACCRA. GHANA


    Fo rwa rd in g Agei n:Mr.Mrs. Fred Coacn

    P.O. Box i08Saitnvixle, Ind. li7U58

    r t 0 X0 1 A I A

    | r 10 ,Sm t BriD4s in Ctariot;AS jQM prspsre /oursslTss fo r winter we are oo thet h r ^ i o l d of hot weathn*. The ra iny seesoc l&steA ice*

    f s r WBLi. vs have bo ecaipialot however. Bith e coo l e r weethear .

    m hmrm oq adAL^ioc to oia- faetUy. No I t i s not another Couch. J t i s la Bibioo*.1 hAt I s a 3e wenleg iwa7 i ooe . Ba bought a taueh dog in JiUjr and it hee heeoMa n^ghhofhood celebr i ty, ^ e ehaees goata, ehleicaBS and oaaee la a while eoae sbl ld-rwD out of th e 6ci^cnd. Bi h^e ^ e e r s her ke^ ^ ehae:ng off any unwanted Tisltears l a te a t ni^st-. Mere teen csiee has eoae to ths e c l i ^ s to a t t o d olaei

    After seven eoaths of welting d Bweerous t r ipe to gmsAmect cffieerpM have ourtraskj a Beten 1600 piehap. The dsy it arr ived we loaded it with barrels and henledwater t s ttas ecifllege-. BSwee t ha t t ine we have so t npwrleweed a sevase water shcrtage,in t it i s good to know m era prepared fcr one iBmb it emes .

    OB Jaly 2'f, t he wore 25 hept ine a t the vll lagse of Agortoe snd Al^ ts iv l Bandead flee of the studants , msdcai Slwas, had been vls i t iBg than ragolar iy the weeke befo re . S in ce h is graduetloi in jaae , dro* g1 ne has been wcrklag with the church in h isoie vil lage of gpeau sod th e two new churches. Bavid and others v i s i t oeeadoaally,bu t th s wofk i s i s th e hands o f g r o Si aw and those wi th h iA.

    OiTid., Carl ^ dg e s and Christian Adgel took a t r ip into the cent ra l region rec3t-ly , and idiat a t r ip it wee. At ie po int i t took three houn to gc 50 alles They renot t rave l l ing through dense Jungle, although par t of the way was heavily forrestadttie ea jo r prchlae was th s condi t ion of the roada. Ihay reached t he i r des t ina t icn a tthe vl l i age of Kokuea a f t e r a 12 hour drive a fcamer s tudsn t had s ta r ted a church inthe Tillage md waoted thae to Qoa for a caqtalgn. This ct^slsted of f ll ashows sedpreaching. Filashowe are sbown fron a projector run on a ear bat tezy. iti s the el iwest wost of the villag*8 wil l ever ge t to '^Saturday night a t the noviee .

    After the baptises on Saturday t b ^ s tar ted back fcr Accra, not knowing if ttwywould sake it The regies was ezpsriwieizig a gas shortage end they did so t have s e c s ^to get hatm. 3i was available in the d ty of Sunaci. Lcng l ines had foamed a t th s fews tat ioee that ware pimping. They did have a Jsrzy can and were able to get it f i l ledwithout a loisg st l t . ^ey arrived hose in Ihe early evening with gas to spare.l i i l l e the sen are busy the womq sm not id le Both Bsh sad ols ida Bridges spssd alo t of the i r t iae taking ear s of c o l l a r businees. par t of th i s Involves buy ing f ood

    to s e l l to stiuiSDtB in th e echool starsThe govemsMnt hoo l s off ice a l lo t s certa in ecesMdi t iee to pr iva te schools The col lags i s e l i g i b l e fo r an a l l o t a s n t Thisusually ecnsdsts of r i ce sugar , s i l k com, f iah or so^ The supplies have beenvery l iJ i l ted th is year we have been able to ge t an i t se it has been a sna i laift03Bt. It takes about three t r ipe to di f fe ren t iocat loBs to chtain each i t en Bebi s in charge of the s to r e jt i s open e ac h F ri da y afternoon fol lowing e lasees Thise ns hle s th s s tudents to osr tain cosmoditiea that nay net be a va ila ble in the aas^ket . I f they are available, they eaomot be bought a t ths goversment control price.

    Glcada and have s tar ted a ladles feUowship. it la supposed to iseet on Saturdayaft*noccs a t college. They are faced with one problen which is very dif f icul t tocvereoBMi. J t i s a par t of the cul ture of th e country to begin an hour or so aftmr thsappointed s ta r t ing t i e e The ladies usually nanage tc show up kS minutes to an hour

  • 8/12/2019 Couch David Deborah 1980 Ghana


    l a t a . IteQ tbflgr ^ ogm xiM n\aals9en hgwm baac diaeouracing. Vcrklng v l t hiad las raqulTM a spaelAl astom^ ot patianoa.I f you hoTa any old Sucdsy Stdiool n t a r i a l s a aould ba bapjcr to roealra than, vaask ttoat tha r l a u a l aids and taa^taans bo Gooeh, pwd. ac^*

    30U1SSIIK CmiSTIgS OHCBCBP.O. a o i 106a u t h T i i i e izMi. U7U53

    1960Missions ServicesBox 177Kempton md. 4601 9

    i i C S - l F r r CBOAH.U . S . PQSTiiai

    PAH)f t d . t h T l l l a XBd

    p a m i t S o . 2