Curriculum Vitae di Alessio Moretti (04 gennaio 2021) 1 CURRICULUM VITAE ALESSIO MORETTI

Curriculum Vitae di Alessio Moretti (04 gennaio 2021)

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Curriculum Vitae di Alessio Moretti (04 gennaio 2021)




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Curriculum Vitae di Alessio Moretti (04 gennaio 2021)



Alessio Moretti, dottore di ricerca (PhD, 2009)

residente in : 45 avenue Primerose, 06000 Nice (FRANCIA)

domiciliato in : via G. Pennacchi n.20, 06124, Perugia (ITALIA)

telefono fisso : 075 5736415

cellulare : (+33) 0630562384

indirizi e-mail : [email protected][email protected]

nato lo 04/02/1972 a Perugia (Italia)

nationalità : francese e italiana


Perfettamente: italiano e francese (madrelingua: madre francese)

Molto bene: inglese (dottorato, conferenze, pubblicazioni)

Bene: tedesco, portoghese, spagnolo (lingue di lavoro in filosofia)

Abbastanza bene: russo (iniziazione + biennio di russo all’università di Nizza),

Nozioni: arabo (autodidatta), ebraico e cinese (iniziazione all’università)

Al liceo (classico) ho studiato per 5 anni il greco antico ed il latino

Nel seguito del presente documento saranno sommariamente presentati:

- I miei titoli p.3

- La mia formazione p.4

- Le mie pubblicazioni p.7

- Le mie conferenze, relazioni ed esperienze di insegnamento p.10

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I miei titoli propriamente detti sono:

- “Qualification de thèse” (cioè il diritto di concorrere in concorsi universitari) richiesta

ed ottenuta nel 2012: codici “17” (filosofia generale) e “72” (logica e epistemologia)

- Dottorato di ricerca (cioè PhD) in filosofia e logica (2009, università di Neuchâtel,


- D.E.A. di filosofia (1997, università di Nice – Sophia-Antipolis, Francia)

- Tesi di laurea in filosofia (1995, università di Nizza, Francia)

- Maturità classica (1990, liceo A. Mariotti, Perugia)

(per dettagli su ciascuno di questi 5 titoli, cf. infra)

Per i miei studi ho beneficiato delle seguenti borse di studio:

2008: borsa australiana (grant for travel expenses) per prendere parte al “IV World Congress

on Paraconsistent Logic”, University of Melbourne, Australia

1998: ammissione, con una borsa, al seminario internazionale “Die Deutsche Philosophie seit

50 Jahren” (diretto dal filosofo Manfred Frank – con lezioni offerte dai filosofi K.-O. Apel,

H.-G. Gadamer, J. Habermas, H. Albert, K. Lorenz, D. Henrich, O. Höffe), presso l’

“Internationales Zentrum”, Università di Tübingen (Germania)

1997: “allocation de recherche” (cioè uno stipendio di dottorando-ricercatore di 3 anni – in

filosofia), presso l’Université de Nice - Sophia Antipolis, Nice (Francia)

1995: una “bourse du Conseil Général” (Conseil Général des Alpes-Maritimes, France), cioè

una borsa per studiare filosofia durante un semestre alla Friedrich-Schiller-Universität di Jena


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2005-2009: dottorato di ricerca (PhD) in filosofia e logica,

titolo: “The Geometry of Logical Opposition”

(https://www.academia.edu/11372480/The_Geometry_of_Logical_Opposition - 436 pp.)

(sulla “geometria opposizionale”, o “teoria della n-opposizione”, un nuovo campo della

matematica, aperto da me e da altri nel 2004, all’intersezione della logica e della geometria)

PhD sostenuto il 13 Marzo 2009 all’Università di Neuchâtel, Svizzera

(“Summa cum laude”, cioè il voto massimo)


J.-Y. Béziau (logician), Federal University of Ceara, Brazil

D. Schulthess (philosopher), University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland


D.Luzeaux (mathematician and robotician), Ministry of Defense, Paris, France

P. McNamara (philosopher and logician), University of New Hampshire, USA

H. Smessaert (linguist and logician), University of Leuven, Belgium

1999 (10 mesi): servizio civile (a Ventimiglia, Italia, presso il centro psico-ergo “L’Ancora”,

per il recupero di giovani tossico-dipendenti), svolto come alternativa al servizio militare

1998-2002 (estate): corsi privati all’ESSLLI (European Summer School on Language, Logic

and Information) 1998, 2000, 2001, 2002, dove ho fortificato la mia padronanza dell’inglese

e, soprattutto, ho cominciato a maturare le mie proprie scoperte logico-matematiche (2002)

1998 (estate): Ammesso su dossier (con una generosa borsa di studio) al seminario, per

studenti esteri di filosofia tedesca, di due settimane a Tübingen (Germania) “Die deutsche

Philosophie seit 50 Jahren” (diretto da Manfred Frank) (seminario nel quale intervenivano

come professori I filosofi: J. Habermas, K.-O. Apel, H.G. Gadamer, K. Lorenz, H. Albert,, D.

Henrich, O. Höffe)

Postulai per questo seminario al fine di incontrare il filosofo K.-O. Apel, col quale desideravo

discutere una mia strategia di refutazione, basata sulla “paraconsistenza” e sulla semiotica

peirciana, del suo “Prinzip des zu vermeidenden performativen Selbstwiderspruch” (principio

del dovere evitare ogni “auto-contraddizione performativa”)

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1997-2004: Dottorando (assegnista) di ricerca in filosofia (Université de Nice – Sophia-

Antipolis, France)

(con una borsa di dottorato di 3 anni: “allocation de recherche”)

(Ho poi interrotto questo dottorato, che pure vorrei riprendere e terminare quando avrò un


(il titolo era: “Le “déjà-là” platonicien: ontologies hypothétiques déterministes” – in francese)

(l’argomento: sviluppavo, a livello di ipotesi, una posizione “necessitarista”, basata su di una

teoria paraconsistente dell’azione, che articolavo ali necessitarismi di E. Severino, D. Lewis e

H. Everett)

(il mio “directeur de thèse de doctorat” era Jean-François Mattéi (1941-2014), specialista di

Platone e Heidegger)

L’interruzione ha fatto seguito all’irrompere delle mie proprie scoperte logico-matematiche.

1997: D.E.A. (Diplôme d’Etudes Approfondies) di filosofia all’università di Nice – Sophia-

Antipolis, ottenuto con la “mention très bien” (piazzandomi primo in graduatoria a Nizza),

che mi ha valso l’ottenzione della borsa di dottorato di ricerca.

Il mio lavoro (mémoire de D.E.A.) fu diretto da Jean-François Mattéi e portava su

“Paraconsistance et déicticité” (studiavo il Parmenide di Platone e la Metafisica di Aistotele)

1995-1996 (semestre invernale): un semestre in Germania (con una borsa di studio del

“Consei Général des Alpes Marittimes”) per studiare a Jena (Germania) (da me speso in

particolare presso il prof. Gottfried Gabriel, che faceva lezione sulla Begriffsschrift del

filosofo, matematico e logico G. Frege)

(andai lì principalmente per perfezionare la mia padronanza della lingua tedesca orale e scritta

e per avere accesso agli scritti, allora non tradotti, del filosofo e matematico B. Bolzano)

1995: tesi di laurea (con D. Charles e D. Janicaud), ottenuta con “mention bien”

L’argomento era la pensabilità filosofica del determinismo “fisicalista”

1994 (estate): corso privato di due settimane per studiare la lingua russa orale e scritta (San-

Pietroburgo, Russia)

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A seguito di ciò ho studiato, all’università di Nizza (sino al 1997), il biennio di lingua e

letteratura russa (ho dato tutti gli esami del primo anno, ma mi manca un esame del secondo

anno per avere il titolo)

1992-1993 (estate): corsi privati, durante 9 (nel 1992) e 3 (nel 1993) settimane, per

apprendere le basi della lingua tedesca orale e scritta (al “Bertholt Schwarz Institut”, Friburgo

in Brisgovia, Germania)

1991-1993: su consiglio e col sostegno del mio professore di logica (nella facoltà di filosofia)

ho tentato di iscrivermi, in parallelo alla filosofia, agli studi biennali di matematica e fisica

(“M.P.M.”), ma poi ho rinunciato (non sono riuscito a fare i due studi in contemporanea, cioè

con un carico doppio di lavoro – il provenire dal liceo classico non mi aiutò in ciò)

Cionondimeno, alcune cose lì apprese in matematica nei corsi del biennio, quasi dieci anni

dopo mi hanno aiutato, inaspettatamente, a cominciare a fare scoperte mie proprie logiche e

matematiche (2002)

1990-1997: studi universitari di filosofia all’UNSA (Université de Nice - Sophia Antipolis)

(in parallelo ho studiato, alla medesima università, tre lingue straniere: ebraico, cinese, russo)

1985-1990: studi liceali a Perugia (maturità classica ottenuta nel 1990, al liceo A. Mariotti).

Triste aneddoto: quell’anno fui testimone del fatto che la maturità venne truccata (dal nostro

“membro interno”, un nostro professore): rimasto io (solo) allibito e sotto choc (mi si intimò,

all’unisono, durante le prove, di “non fiatare”) feci parzialmente scena muta, così che invece

del voto “60” a cui ambivo (avevo in genere una media superiore all’ “8”) ottenni il “48”.

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Articoli di geometria delle opposizioni (11)

- « Tri-simplicial Contradiction: the ‘Pascalian 3D Simplex’ for the Oppositional Tri-

Segment », in: Béziau J.-Y. e Vandoulakis I. (eds.), The Esoteric Square of Opposition,

Birkhäuser, Basel, 2021 (in corso di stampa)

- « Arrow-Hexagons », in: Buchsbaum A. and Koslow A. (eds.), The Road to Universal Logic, Vol.

II, Birkhäuser, Basel, 2015

- « Was Lewis Carroll an Amazing Oppositional Geometer? », History and Philosophy of Logic, 35,

IV, 2014

- « McNamara’s “deontic dodecagon for DWE” in the light of oppositional geometry », Intuitio, 6,

2, 2013

- « Why the Logical Hexagon ? », Logica Universalis, 6(1-2), 2012

- « From the "logical square" to the "logical poly-simplexes". A quick survey of what happened in

between », dans : Béziau J.-Y. et Payette G. (dirs.), New perspectives on the square of opposition,

Peter Lang, Bern, 2012.

- « The Critics of Paraconsistency and of Many-Valuedness and the Geometry of Oppositions »,

Logic and Logical Philosophy, Vol. 19, 2010.

- « La complexité formelle de la "contradiction" dans la géométrie des oppositions », dans : Guy B.

(dir.), Ateliers sur la contradiction, Presses des Mines, Paris, 2010.

- « The Geometry of Oppositions and the Opposition of Logic to it », dans : I. Bianchi et U. Savardi

(eds.), The Perception and Cognition of Contraries, McGraw-Hill, Milano, 2009.

- « The Geometry of Standard Deontic Logic », Logica Universalis, 3, 1, 2009.

- « Geometry for Modalities? Yes: Through n-Opposition Theory », dans : Béziau J.-Y., Costa-Leite

A. et Facchini A. (dirs.), Aspects of Universal Logic, N.17 de Travaux de logique, Université de

Neuchâtel, décembre 2004.

Articoli o monografie di logica (2)

- Soyons logiques. Let’s Be Logical, “College Publications”, London, 2017 (curatore assieme a A.

Moktefi e F. Schang)

- « A Non-standard graphical decision procedure and some paraconsistent theorems for the

Vasil'evian logic IL2 », dans : Béziau J.-Y., Carnielli W.A. and Gabbay D. (dirs.), Handbook of

Paraconsistency, King's College, London, 2007.

Articoli di filosofia (6)

- « Oppositional Geometry and the Idea of Structuralist Metaphysics: Everett, D. Lewis and

Severino », in: D.G. Murray and Y. Melo Pereira, PRODEEDINGS METAPHYSICS 2012 – 5TH

WORLD CONFERENCE, Editorial Fundacion Fernando Rielo, Madrid, 2015

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- « La science-fiction comme “désajustement onirisé” et ses enjeux philosophiques actuels », in:

Albrechts F., Blanquet E., Gautero J.-L. and Picholle E. (eds.), Philosophie, science-fiction?,

Editions du Somnium, Villefranche-sur-Mer, 2014

- « Trois approches complémentaires et non incantatoires de la création artistique. Matte Blanco,

Luhmann et Badiou » (an essay of 155 pages), in : Duquaire P.-V. et Moretti A., Electrobolochoc

2005-2006, Zuma, Etroussat, 2006 – livre hors commerce édité à 1000 exemplaires, publié avec le

soutien du « Fonds européen LEADER+ ».

- « Pareto et Matte Blanco: un dépassement de la théorie du choix rationnel? », dans : Benmakhlouf

A. et Lavigne J.-F., Avenir de la raison, devenir des rationalités. Actes du XXIXe Congrès de

l'ASPLF, Vrin, Paris, 2004.

- « Deux spatialisations convergentes: I. Matte Blanco et P. Gärdenfors », dans : M. Sobieszczanski

(dir.), Spatialisations en art et en sciences humaines, Peeters France, 2004.

- « Trois approches de l'irrationnel: Davidson, Matte Blanco et da Costa », Noésis, N.5 tome 2,


Articoli di teoria dell’ideologia (2)

- « La mythopoïèse esthétique et métapolitique de l’Europe dans les fictions de l’actuelle extrême

droite théorique », in: Norci Cagiano L. (ed.), [titolo non ancora comunicato], Edizioni di

Letteratura, 2021 (in procinto di stampa, corrente gennaio 2021)

- « Philosophie tragique ou anti-philosophie? La géométrie oppositionnelle et les structures

élémentaires de l’idéologie », Revista Tragica, v.12, n.3, 2019

Articoli di semiotica (1)

- « Le retour du refoulé: l’hexagone logique qui est derrière le carré sémiotique », in: Chatti S. (ed.),

Le carré et ses extensions: approaches théoriques, pratiques et historiques, Publications de la

faculté des sciences humaines et sociales de Tunis, 2015.

Articoli di critica d’arte (2)

- « Un chef d'oeuvre fait maison: La fiancée de Jérôme bosch de Vincent Mengin-Lecreulx »,

Turbulences vidéo, N.56, juillet 2007.

- « Subjective spatialisation: Ignacio Matte Blanco and Unexpected Rules », dans : Moser F. et

Schwinger P., Unexpected Rules, Revolver, Frankfurt/am M., 2004. Ce livre est le catalogue

d’exposition pour leur installation, en tant qu’artistes représentant la Suisse, à la 26ème


Internationale de São Paulo, Brésil, décembre 2004. J’ai composé mon article en français, tandis

que le catalogue en offre les traductions anglaise et allemande.

Traduzioni di testi filosofici

- Bertinetto, A., « Philosophie de l'imagination - philosophie comme imagination. La Bildlehre de

J.G. Fichte », in: J.-C. Goddard et M. Maesschalck (eds.), Fichte - La philosophie de la maturité

(1804-1814). Réflexivité, phénoménologie et philosophie, Vrin, Paris, 2003.

- Hintikka, J., « Que le "vrai" Wittgenstein se présente donc! », (translated with E. Rigal), in: E.

Rigal (ed.), Wittgenstein - état des lieux, Vrin, Paris, 2008.

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- Nuzzo, E., « Aux confins de l’humain : les « corps démesurés » dans la culture européenne

moderne », in : Gontier, T. (ed.), Animal et animalité dans la philosophie de la Renaissance et de

l’Âge Classique, Peeters, Louvain-la-Neuve, 2005

- Nuzzo, E., « Education et vie civile chez Giordano Bruno », dans : Pinchard B. et Servet P. (eds.),

Education, transmission, rénovation à la Renaissance, Droz, Genève, 2006.

- Piro, F., « Animalité et connaissance animale. Notes sur la doctrine de l’estimative et sur ses

interprétations en Occident », dans : Gontier, T. (ed.), Animal et animalité dans la philosophie de

la Renaissance et de l’Âge Classique, Peeters, Louvain-la-Neuve, 2005

- Ramella, L., L’expérience critique : l’aventure de la raison dans la philosophie française après

Heidegger, Ovadia, Nice, 2011.

- Rossetti, L., « "Rhétorique de l'anti-rhétorique" et "effet de surprise": à l'origine de l'image

négative des Sophistes », in: Noésis, N.2 (1998).

- Severino, E., « Revenir à Parménide » and « Post-scriptum », in : Severino, E., Eternité et

violence, Mimesis France, Paris, 2010.

- Volpi, F., « Le nihilisme comme logique de la décadence: Nietzsche lecteur de Bourget », in :

Mattéi J.-F. (ed.), Nietzsche et le temps des nihilismes, PUF, Paris, 2005.

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Ricercatore, ma non (ancora) insegnante, ho esperienze intermittenti ed eteroclite di

insegnamento (eteroclite per materie insegnate e per pubblico), spesso in ambito universitario,

a volte in contesti imprevedibili (residenze di artista, circoli politici, “università popolari”...)

Regolarmente vengo invitato in congressi per fare corsi (“tutorials”) sulla teoria formale che

sviluppo dal 2002 (la geometria delle opposizioni) oppure per fare conferenze.

Altre esperienze per così dire “non-standard” di insegnamento sono state per es. le seguenti:

- 2018-2020: Auto-formazioni teoriche al “Circolo Island” (Perugia) (in italiano)

- 2016-2017: “Université populaire” a “Nuit Debout Nice” per strada (in francese)

- 2008: Invitato come attore (per “insegnare filosofia in diretta sul palco”) al festival

d’Avignon ufficiale (nello spettacolo, su più giorni, “Chanteur plutôt qu’acteur”)

- 2005-2009: Corsi di filosofia giornalieri per artisti all’Electrobolochoc (residenza di

artisti, durante una settimana, di cui ero co-organizzatore per 5 anni) (in francese)

Ma soprattutto ho un’abbastanza vasta e prolungata esperienza di relatore/conferenziere in

congressi, generalmente internazionali, dove intervengo in inglese e francese (molti interventi

come invitato e moltissimi interventi come partecipante, cf. la parte restante di questo CV)

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of September 2019: invited speaker (but not key-speaker) at the 1-day congress

"L'Europe des écrivains, entre idéal esthétique et idéal politique", organised by the "Società

Universitaria per gli Studi di Lingua e Letteratura Francese (SUSLLF), Fondazione Primoli,

Roma (Italy)

(my talk: "La mythopoïèse esthétique et métapolitique de l'Europe dans les fictions de

l'actuelle extrême droite théorique" - video)


of November 2018: invited speaker by the “Antiexousiastiki Kinisi Thessalonikis”

(Αντιεξουσιαστική Κίνηση Θεσσαλονίκης, Anti-authoritarian Movement of Salonicco)

“Mikropolis”, Salonicco (Greece) (my talk: On the current state of the art of the theoretical



th of November 2018: invited speaker for a tutorial at the “6th World Congress on the

Square of Opposition”, Orthodox Academy of Crete, Kolymbari (Greece) (my 3-lessons

tutorial: “A Crash Course in ‘Oppositional Geometry’”)



of August 2016: invited speaker to “Risque et création”, “Sixièmes Rencontres

d’Art et de Philosophie de Cornillon”, Cornillon, France (organised by Arnaud Villani) (my

talk: Politique et logique du risque créatif”)



of October 2015: invited speaker to the International Workshop on “Opposites in

Perception, Cognition and Language”, University of Verona, Verona (Italy), organised by IU.

Savardi and I. Bianchi (my talk: “Measuring and shaping oppositional complexity”)



of July 2015: invited participant to the International Workshop on “Qualitative

Mathematics for Psychology”, University of Luxemburg, Remich (Luxemburg) (I was due to

make commentaries on the talks of A. Varzi, L. Rudolph, J. Mammen and J. Valsiner)



of March 2014: invited speaker to the International Congress “Paul Ricoeur: De la

Phénoménologie à l’Herméneutique – Lieux et Enjeux de la Pensée”, jointly organised by the

Philosophy Departments of the “Ecole Normale Supérieure de Tunis”, of the “Faculté des

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Lettres et Sciences Humaines de Kairouan” and of the “Institut Supérieur des Sciences

Humaines de Tunis”, Tunis and Kairouan (Tunisia) (my talk: “Le projet Greimas-Ricoeur à

l’école de la géométrie oppositionnelle”)



of November 2013: invited speaker to the International Congress “Le carré et ses

extensions: Aspects théoriques, pratiques et historiques”, University of Tunis (Tunisia),

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (my talk: “Géométrie oppositionnelle et géométrie




of October 2013: invited speaker to the International Workshop “Opposition and

Contrast as Key Structures in Perception and Cognition”, organised by I. Bianchi and U.

Savardi (psychologists), University of Verona (Italy) (my talk: “The neo-gestaltian ‘four basic

qualities of perception’ are nested in a suited oppositional hexagon”)



of June 2013: invited speaker to the Congress “Philosophie, Science-Fiction?”,

University of Nice (France) (my talk: “A l’école de l’oniro-poièse: remarques sur l’art de

Philip K. Dick”)


of December 2012: invited lesson at the “MAMUPHI Workshop”, Ecole Normale

Supérieure” (ENS d’Ulm), EHESS, Paris (France) (title of my lesson: “”La somme et le

produit d’hexagones logiques)

20th November 2012 : invited (by the philosopher Tzuchien Tho) to give a lesson on the

theme : « Y a-t-il une géométrie oppositionnelle ? Relance-t-elle le structuralisme en général

et la sémiotique narrative en particulier ? », at the Centre International d’Etude de la

Philosophie Française Contemporaine (CIEPFC), at the Ecole Normale Supérieure (ENS

d’Ulm), Paris (France)


of September 2012: invited speaker (as a logician) at the trans-disciplinary congress “De

l’autorité”, at the “Collège des humanités” (by the Montpellier circle of the “Uforca” group of

Lacanian psychoanalysts), Montpellier (France) (my talk: “L’autorité de la logique, un vertige

au milieu de vestiges”)

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8th of June 2012 : invited to give a talk at the seminar « La philosophie face à ses autres » of

the PhilMaster of the Ecole Normale Supérieure (ENS d’Ulm), EHESS, Paris (France) (my

title : « Philosophie et mathématiques : la philosophie analytique et la résurrection du

structuralisme »)


of June 2012: invited respondent to Emmanuel Barot's invited speech during the "Form

& Formalism III: Formalisation & Dialectics" Conference at Jan van Eyck Academie, Maastricht


6th of June 2012 ; invited speaker at the “Versus Laboratory” of the “Jan van Eyck

Academie”, in collaboration with the “Circle for Lacanian Ideology Critique” (CLiC),

Maastricht (Netherlands) (my talk: “What oppositional geometry underlies the Lacanian

matheme of sexuation?”)

22 December 2011 : invited speaker to the “LNAT 2 : Logic Diagrams – Their History and

Reality in Language and Cognition” Conference, Center for Research in Syntax, Semantics

and Phonology (CRISSP) (title of my talk: “Thinking by oppositions: exploiting the

geometrical approach”)

19th September 2011: invited (by Victor Gorbatov) to give a lesson on the philosophy of

opposition at the Logico-Philosophical Club of the Philosophy Department of the Higher

School of Economics of Moscou (Russia)

23rd and 24th November 2010: invited to give two lessons on NOT (“N-Opposition

Theory”, i.e. the “geometry of oppositions”), at the IRIT, University of Toulouse, France

(my teaching: “L'opposition, une notion oubliée par les logiciens et les philosophes, mais

redécouverte par une nouvelle branche des mathématiques”)

18-25 April 2010: invited to give a 3-days tutorial on “The Geometry of Logical Opposition”

at the World Congress and School on Universal Logic III (UNILOG 2010) (Lisbon, Portugal)

29-30 October 2009: invited speaker to the Conference “The perception and cognition of

contraries”, University of Macerata, Italy

(my talk: “The Geometry of Oppositions and the Opposition of Logic to It”)

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(talk in Italian, paper published in English)

21-25 July 2008: artistical intervention in the work “Chanteur plutôt qu'acteur” of the Swiss

artists Massimo Furlan, Marielle Pinsard and Claire de Ribaupierre (the official Festival

d'Avignon 2008, July 2008)

1-3 June 2007: Invited speaker at the International Congress on “Square of Opposition” -

Montreux, Switzerland

(title of my conference: “The Crowdy Logical Zoo Inhabited by the Old Square of

Oppositions and the Many Strange Visitors of it”)

9 November 2005: invited speaker at the LHPS (Centre romand en logique, histoire et

philosophie des sciences), Lausanne (Switzerland)

(title of my conference: “Opposition: a concept in between philosophy, logic and geometry”)

8 October 2003: invited speaker at the Neuchâtel (Switzerland) october 2003 International

Workshop on “Universal Logic”

(my talk: “The Geometry of Modalities”)

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of October 2019: Second Memorial Conference, at "Circolo Island", Perugia

(my talk: "Antifascismo teorico: a che punto siamo? Resoconto e discussione delle nostre

ricerche" - video)


of May 2019: my 3rd anti-Fusaro talk, at "Circolo Island", Perugia (Italy)

(my talk: "Terza conferenza su (i.e. contro!) la teoria rosso-bruna del filosofo Diego Fusaro" -



of March 2019: my 2nd anti-Fusaro talk, at XYZ, Nice (France)

(my talk: "Conférence sur (i.e. contre!) la théorie rouge-brune de Diego Fusaro" - video)


of January 2019: my first anti-Fusaro talk, at “Casa dell’associazionismo”, Perugia


(my talk: "Prima conferenza su (i.e. contro!) la teoria rosso-bruna del filosofo Diego Fusaro" -




of November 2018: conference at "Nosotros", Athens (Grece)

(my talk: "Fighting neo-nazifascism at the theoretical level: the situation and the militant

perspectives" - video)


th of November 2018: “6th World Congress on the Square of Opposition”, Orthodox

Academy of Crete, Kolymbari (Greece) (my talk: “The geometrical 4D expression of the

closure of “5-opposition” and its application to set-theoretical order relations and to gender



of October 2018: First “Anti-fascist Memorial” Perugia Conference (remembering the

tragic 1922 “Marcia su Roma, which started from Perugia) at "Circolo Island", Perugia (Italy)

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(my talk: "La complessità delle teorie di estrema destra ed il loro impatto politico crescente" -

video - video bis)


of April 2018: “protest talk” against the meeting of the European far-right parties in Nice

the 1st May 2018, talk organised by the "Atelier armes théoriques pour militer!" of "Nuit

Debout Nice", Nice (France)

(my talk: "L'état des théories d'extrême droite et son lien aux partis et organisations de même

mouvance" - video)




of November 2016: Closing Conference of the Llull Year (Any Llull – Congrés de

Clausura), Aula Lulliana de Barcelona and UAB University of Barcelona (Spin) (my talk:

“L’Art quaternaire de Ramon Llull est-il tributaire de la Qabbalah visuelle juive?”)



of November 2016: De relatione, 7th Congress of the SOFIME, UAB University of

Barcelona (Spain) (my talk: “The Oppositional in Ramon Llull’s Quaternary Art”)



of November 2016: “Structuralism: Roots, Plurality and Contemporary Debates”,

Evora’s 7th Symposium on Philosophy and History of Science and Technologyn University

of Evora (Portugal) (my talk: “Le structuralisme et l’analyse géométrique de la complexité




of September 2016: Meeting of the AJCS (Association des Jeunes Chercheurs en

Sémiotique), “Le structuralisme. Entre héritage et transformations contemporaines”,

Université de Limoges, Limoges, France (my talk: “La géométrie des oppositions: de rendez-

vous manqué à moyen excitant de relance du structuralisme”)




of November 2015: “History and Philosophy of Mathematics and the Associated

Disciplines in the Mediterranean Area”, Marseille-Aix (France) (my talk: “Les diagrammes

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géométriques de Llull: leur signification en mathématiques contemporaines et leur origine




of June 2015: “UNILOG 2015”, Istanbul (Turkey) (my talk: “The oppositional

geometry of Badiou’s political revolutions”)



-31st of August 2014: Ninth International Bi-logic Conference, “Matte Blanco and the

Unconscious Power of Analogy”, Paris (France) (my talk: “Matte Blanco’s bi-logic, Greimas’

dynamic ‘semiotic square’ and the ‘oppositional geometry’ behind both”)



of May 2014: “4th

World Congress on the Square of Opposition”, Vatican-City

(Vatican) (my joint talk with R. Angot-Pellissier: “The Sum and Product of Logical

Hexagons” – my joint talk with F. Sart: “The oppositional geometry of the modal system




of March 2014: Congress “La démocratie, entre passion et raison”, University of

Tunis, Tunis (Tunisia) (my joint talk with S. Chatti: “La démocratie au crible de la théorie des




of February 2014: “5th

World Congress on Paraconsistency”, Kolkata (India) (my

joint talk with R. Angot-Pellissier: “Many-Valuedness, paracompleteness and paraconsistency

in a 3-oppositional quadri-simplex of sheaves”)




of November: “Metaphysics 2012, 5th

World Conference”, Rome (Italy) (my talk:

“Structuralist metaphysics: Severino read through Greimas’ semiotic square and oppositional


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of June 2012: “3rd

World Congress on the Square of Opposition”, American

University of Beirut (AUB), Beirut (Lebanon) (my talk: “A Morphogenetic Map of the

‘Hybrid Hexagons’ of the Oppositional Tetrahexahedron”)


of April 2012: Spring Meeting of the “London Bi-Logic Group” (LBG), London (Great

Britain) (my talk: “The Matteblanquian unconscious and the neo-Gestaltian contrariety





of September 2011: International Conference on Ricoeur Studies: “New

Perspectives on Hermeneutics in the Social Sciences and Practical Philosophy”, Higher

School of Economics, Moscow, Russia (my talk: Ricoeur’s remarks on Greimas reconsidered

through Oppositional Geometry”)



of July 2011: 14th

Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science,

University of Nancy, Nancy (France) (my talk: “The oppositional geometry of set-theoretical




of May 2011: International Logic Workshop “Logic in Question”, Sorbonne, Paris,

France (my talk: “Logic is (also) geometry”)


19th November 2010: Interdisciplinary Workshop “Les sciences cognitives: vers un

dépassement des frontières disciplinaires”, University of Strasbourg (France)

(my talk: “Interdisciplinarité: la géométrie des oppositions et l’émergence du néo-


15-17 September 2010: “Politics of Fear; Fear of Politics”, 5th International Interdisciplinary

Conference of the CAPPE (Center for Applied Philosophy, Politics and Ethics), University of

Brighton, UK

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(my talk: “Stiegler's treatment of the "structural fear” of politics examined with Luhmann’s

and Badiou's action-theoretical eyes")

27-29 August 2010: 7th International Bi-logic Conference, "Thinking about the Unbearable:

Exploring dissociation through Matte Blanco's work", hosted by the London Bi-Logic Group,

London (UK)

(my talk: "Matte Blanco's tools for thinking about the Unbearable: the viewpoint of

contemporary cognitive science and mathematics")

29 June - 02 July 2010: ISSA 2010, 7th Conference of the International Society for the Study

of Argumentation, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands

(my talk: "Argumentation Theory and the Geometry of Opposition")

22-23 June 2010: Two-days Workshop on NOT (the Geometry of Logical Oppositions),

University of Nice (France) (I was organiser of it)

17-20 June 2010: Second World Congress on the Square of Opposition (Corte, France)

(my talk: "A cube extending Piaget's and Gottschalk's formal square")

13-15 May 2010: Congress "Logic in Cognitive Science", Department of Logic, "Nicolaus

Copernicus" University, Toruñ, Poland

(my talk: "The Geometry of Logical Opposition and the possible Neo-Gestaltian Renewal of

Cognitive Science")

1st May 2010: Second Workshop on the thought of Bernard Stiegler (Stiegler's home, France),

organised by the ATP of Nice and by the Electrobolochoc)

(my talk: "La résurrection du structuralisme")

18-25 April 2010: World Congress and School on Universal Logic III (UNILOG 2010)

(Lisbon, Portugal)

(my talk: "The Aristotelian pq-semantics and their p


23 January 2010: One-day Workshop on NOT (the Geometry of Logical Oppositions),

University of Leuven (Belgium)

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(my own talk: "A 'Piaget-Gottschalk' new geometry: dual to the one of NOT?")

20-22 January 2010: VAF Conference 2010, "Epistemology and Philosophy of Mind at The

Crossroads", Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium

(my talk: " 'Analytic cognitivism', 'neo-structuralism' and the theories of mind")


2-5 September 2009: SOPHA 2009, University of Geneva, Switzerland

(my talk: "N-opposition theory and graph theory")

1-10 May 2009: co-organizer (with P.-V. Duquaire) of the artistical-philosophical workshop

Electrobolochoc 2009

(my talk : "Comment j'ai enterré Aristote" [in fact a talk on Plato, Aristotle and "NOT", the

generalised theory of opposition)

19-21 March 2009: ASLC 2009, Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines, Saint-Etienne,


(my talk: "La géométrie des oppositions logiques et la dynamique des oppositions")

14 March 2009: One-day Workshop on NOT (the Geometry of Logical Oppositions),

University of Neuchâtel (Switzerland)

(my own talk: "A series of delta-structures?")

22-23 January 2009: VAF Conference 2009, Recent Trends in Philosophy of Language and

General Analytic Philosophy, Tilburg Center for Logic and Philosophy of Science, Tilburg,


(my talk: "Correcting McNamara's "deontic dodecagon" with n-opposition theory")

19-23 January 2009: Séminaire PhiTeCo (Philosophie, technologie et cognition), at the

Université de Technologie de Compiègne (UTC), Compiègne, France

(my talk: "Evolution des normes et dynamique des oppositions")

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05-07 November 2008: "Logic Now and Then", Center for Research in Syntax, Semantics

and Phonology (CRISSP), Brussels (Belgium)

(joint paper with Fabien Schang : "A Semantics for Assertoric Sentences")

31 October 2008: workshop di Teoria e pratica dell'argomentazione (Università degli studi di

Padova, Padova, Italy)

(my talk: "Nuova retorica e logica naturale")

21-26 August 2008: ECAP6, 6th European Congress of Analytical Philosophy (Cracow,


(my joint talk with Fabien Schang : "Is 'opposition' a binary concept? (1. 'Suszko's thesis' and

the 'logical poly-simplexes')")

(Fabien Schang's joint talk with me : "Is 'opposition' a binary concept? (2. 'Slater's argument'

and the 'logical poly-simplexes')")

03-08 August 2008: artistical-philosophical workshop Electrobolochoc 2008 Barjols

(my talk : "Communication et opposition : l'art comme transfiguration du possible

abandonné" [in fact a talk on N. Luhmann's theory of art])

13-18 July 2008: Conference WCP4, The Fourth World Congress of Paraconsistency

(Ormond College, University of Melbourne, Australia)

(my talk: "New light on the Priest-Slater-Béziau debate on the hidden geometry of


11-13 July 2008: "Analytic versus continental? A rapprochement?", Conference at the

Melbourne School of Continental Philosophy (School of Philosophy, University of

Melbourne, Australia)

(my talk: "Comparing (and merging) Luhmann and Badiou: Some remarks on normal and/or

exceptional agency")

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4-11 May 2008: co-organizer (with P.-V. Duquaire) of the artistical-philosophical workshop

Electrobolochoc 2008

(my talk : "L'impossibilité de la sécrétion (réflexions sur la notion d'ontologie extremale)" [in

fact a talk on E. Severino, D. Lewis and H. Everett])

10-11 April 2008: co-organizer (with A. Liarte) of the "Congress on No-Global" (Nice,


(my talk : "Deux interventions philosophiques sur l'altermondialisme (Badiou et Stiegler)")

12 March 2008: co-organizer (with P.-V. Duquaire) of the Congress "On the Thought of

Bernard Stiegler" (with Stiegler) (Nice, France)

(my talk : "La Vie et ses Organes: métaphore ou modèle? (Simondon-Stiegler confrontés à



08-10 October 2007: talk at the SILFS 2007 Conference (Società Italiana di Logica e

Filosofia delle Scienze), University of Milan, Italy

(my talk: "Two Mistaken Graphs in Deontic Logic")

4 July 2007: International Conference on "Combination of Logics" (CombLog'07) -

Neuchâtel, Switzerland

(my talk: "Combining Modalities within the Theory of n-Opposition")

13-20 May 2007: co-organizer (with P.-V. Duquaire) of the 3rd ELECTROBOLOCHOC

WORKSHOP, Saint Géran de Vaux (France) (an artistic-philosophical workshop in a haunted


3 May 2007: talk on "Thinking the geometry of oppositions"

(at the psychology department of the university of Neuchâtel, Switzerland)

27 March 2007: talk on "The concept of culture from the point of view of Niklas Luhmann's

theory" (at the “Association des Thésards en Philosophie de Nice”, “A.T.P”. Nice)

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20 March 2007: talk on "The concept of culture from the point of view of Niklas Luhmann's

theory" (at "Le club de philosophie", classe de Khâgnes du lycée Massena, Nice)

16 January 2007: one lesson on "Self-contradiction in theory and in practice"

(at the psychology department of the university of Neuchâtel, Switzerland)

9 and 16 January 2007: two lessons on "Thinking and emotions"

(at the psychology department of the university of Neuchâtel, Switzerland)


21-28 May 2006: co-organizer (with P.-V. Duquaire) of the 2nd ELECTROBOLOCHOC

WORKSHOP, Veauce (France) (an artistic-philosophical workshop in a haunted castle!)

12-13 May 2006: organiser of the congress On the philosophical thought of Clément Rosset


(my own talk : "La critique du Romantisme chez Badiou et Rosset" - C. Rosset took part at

the congress)


4-6 November 2005: talk at the 16th Novembertagung on the History of Mathematics, Paris,

École Normale Supérieure, 45 rue d'Ulm.

(my talk: "A non trivial intersection of logic and geometry : n-opposition theory")

5-8 September 2005: talk (paper written jointly with R. Pellissier) at the Logic-Philosophical

Workshop in Bierzglowo Teutonic Castle near Torun (Poland)

(my talk: “A Further Step Into 'n-Opposition Theory': The 'Logical Hyper-Tetraicosahedron',

Its Meaning and Its Uses”)

2-8 May 2005: co-organiser (with P.-V. Duquaire) of the 1st ELECTROBOLOCHOC

WORKSHOP, Veauce (France)

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(an artistic-philosophical workshop in a haunted castle!) (multimedial proceedings published

in French - a 500 pages book + CD and DVD)

28-29 April 2005: talk at the Congress “De la philosophie de la logique à la logique

philosophique: le cas de la bivalence”, LPHS Henri Poincaré, Nancy (France)

(my talk: “Géométries, logiques, bivalence”)

26 March – 3 April 2005: talk at UNILOG 2005, Montreux (Switzerland)

(my talk: “The 'Logical Tetradecahedron' Belongs to a Geometrical n-Dimensional Fractal


21 January 2005: organizer of the Nice 2nd Workshop “On the thought of Alain Badiou”

(my own talk: “Severino's ontology and Badiou's ontology: a double way to Parmenides”)


19 March 2004: organiser of the Nice Workshop “On the thought of Alain Badiou”

(Badiou was present! His talk : “The extreme conditions of philosophy : mathematics and


(my own talk: “Systemic emergence of exceptional action ? Luhmann and Badiou”)

20-21 February 2004: organiser of the Nice Congress on “The philosophical unity/plurality

of logics and mathematics”

(maths and philosophy departments of the UNSA) (Proceedings to be published)

(my own talk: “Geometries and logics: the case of contemporary n-opposition theory”)


9 August 2003: talk at the Oviedo (Spain) 2003 international DLMPS 03 conference

(my talk: “How to extend to n-ary relations a non-standard graphic decision procedure for a

Vasil'evian (monadic) conceptualist logic”)

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29 July 2003: talk at the Toulouse (France) 2003 Third World Congress on Paraconsistency


(my talk: “A graphic decision procedure and some new theorems for the Vasil'evian logic


8 July 2003: talk at the Nice 2003 European Summer School on Bio-Power

(my talk: “Bio-power as related to nihilism: a remarkable theoretical converging of Badiou

with Luhmann”) (in French)


27 August 2002 - September 1: talk at the Nice 2002 International Conference on Reason,

organised by the ASPLF (Association des Sociétés de Philosophie de Langue Française)

(my talk: “Pareto et Matte Blanco: un dépassement de la théorie du choix rationnel?”)

27 April 2002: talk at a Nice 2002 conference on Nihilism

(my talk: “Nihilisme et logique modale: D. Lewis et la logique modale paraconsistante”)



November 1999: talk at a conference on Irrationality, Department of Philosphy,

University of Nice, Nice (France)

(my talk: “Trois approches de l'irrationnel: Davidson, Matte Blanco et da Costa”)